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CI THE EVENING NEWS Air. Mill. ■—»r-T HUM. THUBSDAT. : : MARCH 17. 1881 A •■Araio vuuoi or th« URLI HATCHET BTOBT. The Mtw York Graphic gives a graphio deecriptioa ol the Wsshingtoa hatchet ■ad cherry (in story, graphically illua\x=req-\ traled by a aeries ol sight graphically uprMiin picturee, in Mob of vbiob the historisn is (MB la ths beokgroned busily Uklog not* of ths incident. The first piotors rsprssints ths old gsntls\x=req-\ man, Washington, preeontlng littls Qsorge anioa littls batohst which ha has bought lor bias, with ths fatherly adaao\x=req-\ nition that ha had better go oat and "braoe op" the woodpile. The seoood piotore repreeenta that George "being an aabitiooa youth, soon haa enongh wood eat to last all winter," and sbowa him ia the act el chopping down the lamoua cherry tree. The third piotore reprsaenta how "hia pa happeoa along aa the noble tree (alls. Hs loved that tree. It gave hia three cherrisa a year. He weepa." It ia a terribly eerabby\x=req-\ looking tree aa it liee on the ground, and George looke very hnmble over his MUimiwi, wnue me oia mu inuu on hia can* and awaba off kla flowing teara. Tha fourth pietara repreaenta Ua old bu with hia aogar rooaad. Ha points at tha fallen tree, ahakra hia eaaaand gloweringly daaaada: "George, did )ou do that?" Oaorga, aounted on a atomp, hova hia haad in a conciliatory mannar, and depreoatingly repliae: "Papa, I eannot tail a lia; I did it with ay iittla hatchet." Thua far tha commonly accepted a lory baa been lollowrd, bat tha raat of I hia graphic veraion ia a grapbio departure. Tha fifth pietara rapraaanta tha old man aa aaying: " Yon did, hay ? Taka that, you young raacai." And tha old nan atrikaa a vicioua blow at tha hombla Oaorga with hia can*. But ha miaaaa. Oaorga ia too uimblo for hia, and ia gat\x=req-\ ting out of tha way in a very lively naunar. "Now for tha fun." Tha aiith picture ahawa: " Tha third Up around the barn." Oaorga ia making a aplendid run of it, but the old man ia cloaa behind, baldbeaded, with raaoluta vengeance in hia eye and hia oana raiaed in the air. The aeventb picture repre\x=req-\ aenta tha " Second lap around the houae," and "Oaorga aeeking ahelter" by plunging headlong through a door, while tha old man geta in a lick at hia with hia oana aa ha diaappeara. Tha eighth and laat pioture rapraaanta an •• Active tableau in tha bedroom, which waa loat by tha hietoriaa, but it happened." It ahowa Oeorga aeroaa the old * maa'a lett knee, with hia lagain chancery under the aid man'a tight, while that triumphant old party ia adminiatering unto Qaorge'a prominent rear, a right ▼igoroua caatlgation with a good big aarrieeabla ahoa which ha haa taken from hia awn fool far the purpoae. Thia, of oourae, ia not atriclly in ao\x=req-\ eordanca with hiatory, yet aight be the really correct veraion after all, being nowaya unreaaonable or iaprohable. Aa a eenter piece aaid tbeee picturea da\x=req-\ acribed, ia oaa repreaenting a juvenile American with a cigar in hia hand, and hia noaa contemptuoualy turned up. aay\x=req-\ ing: "I don't believe that hatchet atory." New York THbunt: Evidences malti\x=req-\ pljr that Ftwidnt OulliM'a Inaugural bu mad* a moat favorable impreeeion is tha South. All tba lending jooraala praiaa it and accept ita daolarationa. This is rsassuring is tha highest degree. What ha aaid about tha Sooth was manly, clear and uncompromising, and it vaa aaid in n apirit which ahowed that ha was determined to atand by bia word. Yet tha South, which raluaad to bo conciliated by tha preaenoe of an Old Lina Whig ia tha Cabinet, likaa this Tigoroua talk, and for tha first time ahowa a da\x=req-\ air* to leave tha paat forever and advance to higher ground. It ia an interesting aituition. Perbapa tha real explanation ia that tha 8outh ia convinced at laat that tha old principlea hava had their day. What defeat in November partially taught, tha worda of Preaident Garfield have asUled into con victim, and tha beginning of the end of the Solid South may hava been reached. Out at Auatin tha oitizena are jubilant over n saw hearse jnat completed. They think it adda ton* to tha attraotiona of n funeral, and are proud of it. Indeed, they conaider it tangible evidence of tha inoreaalng enterpriae and business of ths town, svsn mora so than the atraet car. Down at liana things are different. There the people are either too poor to die, or buaineaa ia getting aonfoundadly dull. Tba UattlU plaiutiv*\x=req-\ ly remarks: Heno haa not had a funeral for three month*. Tba bearee haa stood in the stabls until the tires hava shrunk and the whole thing ia liable to fall to pica a. The proprietor* talk of eelling it or renting it for a tl«h wagon. The undertaker* inteod to asove into cheaper quarter* aud the doctor* are going into other buiinew. One in hi* de*Deration talks of stsrting s newspaper. The last end of that man shall be worse than tha firat. What would tha world do without Ohio man? aaka ths Iniir Ocean. On ths 4th inatnnt, wban an Ohio man waa being inaugurated to aucceed au Ohio ■an an Preaident, an Ohio man admin\x=req-\ ietarad tha oath, another Ohio man bald hia hat, another tha Bible which ha kissed, wbila n sixth Ohio man waa Grand klarahal of tha procession. Who wae it gava New York ths name Empire StnteT Says tha New York Tribwm: Secretary Robert Lincoln refused to bo "interviewed" in Chicago tha other day. aay ing good huasoredly: "I hava interviewed people myaelf, I know bow it ia dona, and I dan't interview worth n cant" Mr. Lincoln, who ia now thirty\x=req-\ aaven yeara old, haa three children, tha aldeot and youngeet being girls. His oidaot daugkUr ia twelve years old. MOT BAB. Ia illustration of Ihi extramsly ptr\x=req-\ slstsnt and litsly manner in which to\x=req-\ fold haa been haunted by offloo seekers, not to mention toy from Ohio, the following little episode related by an Eastern exchsnge will do: Tbo other day whan a man rang the door ball at Oarflald'a hooaa, Jamee opened it and add: 'Til pat your name on the list aad give your ease my attention, bat there are over aixty applicant* ahead of yon." Aad the man replied: "Well, than I preaame there taa't much show for me, bat I'll pay aa much aa any of 'ami" "Bir, do yoa think 1 eell ofllcea?" "Darn it, no! I want to bay yoar hogs." "And yoa doa't want aa offlce?" "No, I'm not an Ohio maa at all." Aad that man was Invited in and aaked if nothing wonld Induce him to accept a seat in the Cabinet, or a foreign miaeloa, or some aplandid tioa within the President's gtft, and refasal drora Mr. Garfield Dearly wild, and ha will appoint the man to some offlce anyhow. That man knew how to work it St. Patrick'a Day is being duly oele\x=req-\ brated ia San Franoiaoo aad elsewhere today. Times on the Comatock aeem to bo a little too hard to allow anythiog to be properly oelebrated nowadays. The history of the good old patron 8aint of the Emerald lalo Is, however, familiar to aa all, and bis good deeds and beae\x=req-\ ficial inflaenoee will ever remain aa kindly monnmsnte to hia msmory. 600Y0UE. TIM fn«ll«r rMk mi rynaM laki-Wtol IIm inllau May IfeMl II. Rtno (r'aMtli, Martk IS. Joho Pieraon, • Waahoe Indian of prominence, «u interrogated yaet#rd«y oonoerning the flab which haa reoently been referred lo frequently in theae colamna aa the "cooyouie." Pieraon waa unable to throw any light upoa lha a pell\x=req-\ ing of the name, bat ha gave the Piute pronnnciation of it aa "goo-you-e," with tha accent on lha A rat ayiiable. Jonathan Sidee, tha Piute interpreter, aubee quently endoraed that pronunciation. Tha (JattiU baa therefore adopted lha phonetic spelling laat given, there being no anthority on Piute orthography. The auppoaition of an ingeniona Comatock editor that goo>you-e meana "cow flah," or "boffalo flab," provea to be a baae\x=req-\ leaa bypotbeaia. The Indiana aay lha word, aa a whole, meana a oertain kind of flab, and lha aeparate ayllablea of lha word have no meaning when diaaaao\x=req-\ eialad. The Waahoe name for the gao\x=req-\ youe ia "ab-wah-koo," with the accent on tha flrat ayllabie. The ayllablea of tha word have no moaning ezaept in combination. Tha gooyone ia deacribad by Mr. Pier\x=req-\ aon aa a flah of about four ponnda in weight, black in color; bead amall anil pointed; gilla rough; meat dark aud good to oat, bat etrong; having more bone than meat, and bonee booked at tha end. Tha gooyone haa a mouth like a Backer, but ia oonaidered by the Indiana la be a different flah. It haa a good deal more bane than the flth known to them aa the aucker. "Buck, wan-hoo" ia the Waahoe name for auckar. Mr. Pieraon aaya the gooyone ia a Pyramid Lake flab, coming up tha river aa far aa Wadaworth in April. Tha Indiana apear great nambera of them, building willow dama to atop their pro\x=req-\ greea np tha river. Fiah Commiaaianer Bedding of Call\x=req-\ farnia ia na doubt right ia pronouncing the gooyone a aueker. Il the flah haa a ancker mouth, it ia undoubtedly a aacker. Bat it appeara that there are two apeciea of auckera ia tha Trackea watera, and it may be that the gooyoae ia a apeciea unknown to acience. That point will be aet at real Ihia apring, aa Mr. Pieraon haa been engaged to catch a few gooyooee lor lha iaapection of the flah aavana of San Franoiaoo. Carson ltsau. Appeal, Hnrtk 16. The Cbineee laundrymen of tble city, in imitation of other raoM, have formed • protecUv • seeocialion, to guard against losses by fraudulent cnetomere. S«m Jonee lUtttd up the Mexioan mill tha other day after iu loag disuse, and ground op thirty-awn muskrata, piling np their mincemeat ia the concentrating pana. The Canon Onard nov nnmbera eizty members, aoasprising some of the brat eitisena af Canon. It ia the Intention to increaaa tha membership to 100, which can ba eaaily accomplished within tha next few months. Captain Zabriakie of tha Mint ia authority for tha atatement that the Me Kensie playing at the Bait Lake Theater ia not D. Banks McKsnxie, bnt an old aator named David McKenxie. D. Banks McKenxie, however, ia si so at Halt Lake talking temperance to tha bibulous. The Board of Inaane Commissioners organised yesterday afternoon with the following membera : President, Gov. ernor Kinkead; Viae President, Hon. W. E. F. Deal; Secretary. L. L. Crockett; Lieutenant Governor Adams, Hon. J. P. Halleck and F. M. Uuffaker. Sllll at Large. f.'mrtkn Lttultr, Marrk 14. A letter reoeived hare laat evening from Pioeha atatea that Hank Parrieb, tbe desperado who shot Greenwood and Nijrger Clark at El Doiada Canyon a few daya ainoe, ia atill at large and define arrest, awaaring ha will kill tha first man who attempts to arrest him. There were no additional particulara of tbe aborting further than tboee already aUted, that Greenwood and Nigger Clark had " steamboated " Parriah to the tuna of $100 in a poker game, and he, becoming inoenaed. went to hia cabin, procured two aix-ahootera, and returning ahot Greenwood mortally and Nigger Clark ao badly that hia death ia only a matur of a abort time. Parriah ia apo\x=req-\ ken of aa a moat dangeroua deaperado, and ia koawn aa a terror to thai whole soelion of tha country. Not Considered Appropriate. Rt— Kirtr RmilU, Jtarrk 14. A young lady of thia city, a proper flirt, who baa man beaux than any two ordinary girls, baa just succeeded in getting rid of tha attentiona of one whose advancea ah* did not admire. Ha aent her a note yeatsrday that ha would ha up in tha evening to enjoy a pleaaant tete\x=req-\ a-tete and would bring bar some fruit. When ha eama ba had a sack of dried applea. On being aaked what ha brought each horrid thinga for he eaid ba thought sha would like them and that after tbey war* married he expected to ba economical in houeebold expenditurea and thought it a good idea to begin practicing now. H* doesn't visit at that houae any mora. This la a faat. ••Tha Baroneaa Burdett-Coutte." it ia atatad by tha London Echo, "haa been aerioualy Ul at Icledon, where aha haa bean with bar huahand." Tha giddy and insxpscianead bride should aand far WESTERN DISPATCHES Mo»e» Bopklm' Girt. Sax Fiaxcuco, March 17.—Moaea Hopkiaa, brother of the UU Mark Hop* Una and one of (ha exeontora of the lat\x=req-\ ter'* eatate, hia inbecribed $60,000 for the andowment of tho Golden Gate Academy, at Oakland, payable on condition that a like anm be ralaed from other aooroea. It ia the largeet oaah Rift jet made by any one pereon In thia State, altboogh two or more gifta of equal amount! have been made to the Univrraity—one in land by the lato Edward Toiapkine and the other in money, booka and picturea by H. D. Baoon. If the anbacription of Mr. Hopkina ia real* ixed, (100,000 will have been raiaed for the Golden Gale Aoedrmy—a anm aaf* fiaient for a permanent endowment whioh will inenre the liability of the Institution. It ia nnderatood that the frieada of that inatitation will make a ▼igorooa effort to raiao the oonditlonal anm by aabeoription, eo that thia munificent gift of $50,000 may bo made available at an early day. H»n francUco Item. 8am Fxaxcoco, Mareh 17.—Tha oele\x=req-\ bration of 8t. Patrlek'a Day by the Iriah reeideuta of thia city la paaaing off finely with a grand proeoaaion and appropriata ezaroiaea. Tha aav gunboat Newhiva, built by Taraar 1 Bandall, for tfca French gov\x=req-\ ernmant and intended for aervioe at Ta-1 hila, waa laonched at nnon yeeterSay. She ia aeveaty-two faat long, twenty foot beam, aiz faat depth of hold, aeventy\x=req-\ five tona barthen, oopper faatened aod aohoonar rigged. Tha veeael ia oonaid\x=req-\ ered one of the beat and atrongeet ever built in thia city. She waa baiit under the eupervieion of Captain Turner. Her armament will be put oa board at the Ialanda. Tha keel of a aUter to the Newbiva, alao for aervioe in the Pacifio water*, waa laid tbia afternoon. Meaare. Turner & Kundell have eoatracte with the French government to build aeveral other veeaele. At length it may aafely be aaid that the epibippio ia in ita laat atage, and ia rapidly diaappearing from the city, although it baa broken out in a mild form in other parta of the Bute and in the northern regiona of the ooaat. No mora deatbe have been reported, and the boraee of the Fire Department have en-1 tirely recovered. Livery atable keepara have BOW removed the embargoee from their etablee and let out all their boraee. I An iuqtient waa held on the remaina of I I General Upton yeaterday. The teati* I I mony of Captain Haabrouck, of the ] Fourth Artillery, aad loiters written by deoeaaed to hia aiater and to the Adju\x=req-\ taut General of the United Htatea army, confirm the impreaaion that hia anicide waa dae to depreaaion af mind oonae\x=req-\ quent upon hia inability to adapt bia I ayatem of tactica io the movementa of ootnpaniec of 200 or more men. Toabitoae Koid Agents. Tombmtonc, Arizona, March 16.—The regalar mail and expresa line atage waa fired into about two miles below Contention laat night, aad tha driver, Eli I 1 bilpat, killed, and one passenger, J Peter Boering, mortally wounded. Tha atage was goiag ap a small inoliae, when a man atepped out from the eaat aide of the road and called, "Hold!" and at tha aama inatant fired. Then a man on tha other aide of the road fired. Wella, Fargo Jt Co.'s meesenger, B. H. Paul, emptied two barrele at the robbera at the aame lime. The driver fell forward and down between the wbeola. The horaea jumped into a dead run on the flrat fire, the reiaa falling from the driver'e hand, aud ran nearly a mile before they could be atopped. Tbia aavad the atage from robbery and aaved Walla, Fargo Ac. Co.'a treaaare. Paul brought the atage on to Benaon with the wounded | man, who will undoubtedly die. It ia not known yet whether any of the rob\x=req-\ bera are ahot or not. Paul left at oaee for the ecene of the robbery. There were eight or nine paaeeagera on the atage, but none of the othera ware in. jured. Great praiae ia due to Peul for hie coolneea and bravery in aaving the etage and paaaengers. The driver was found in the middle of the road dead. Bereosed After Vujr lean. St. Louis, March 17.—A Dallas (Tez.) I epecial saya: Information baa been received of a moat aenaational tragedy on the north fork of the Bed river laat Friday. It appeara that Peter Cook, formerly of Miaaiaaippi, with three drunken aeeociatea, viaited the bouaa of Tony I'ino, diaguiaed aa United Statea cavalrymen, in 1800, robbed him of $1000 raviabed a lady relative end fled. Pino I eaw neither of the party again until laat Iriday, when he and two berdera came upon Cook among aoma freigbtera. Call-| ing bim by name, and with terrible oaths, Pino fired four belle into Cook'a body killing him bafore be oould draw bia Piatol. Tboae preeent arreated Pino, but aa be ealiefled them that bis statement regarding Cook'a conduot waa true and ha being able to produoe a newe\x=req-\ paper account to verify it, they releaaed him. There ia one Commanittio idiot in New York that ought to be euppreeaed— that is Bchwab. the European fugitive from juntice. Yesterday he made him\x=req-\ aelf oonapicuoua Bending congratulatory telegrama on tba Czar'a death to tha Nihiliata of Russia, and even went ao far aa to hint that a similar fate threatened certain " oppreeaora " in tha United State*, naming W. H. Yanderbilt sod Jay Gould. It ia qaite clear that Schwab ia an aaa who ahoald be taken in band by tba New York poiloe.—8. F. ExeKang*. Ax Acai or Lkjd.—On the yard directly vest of the Richmond Company'a Befloery, aaya the Enreka iknllntl, ia a atack of lead vhieh baa been aoonmuiat\x=req-\ ing for • long time. The Stntinel reporter oompaled the weight of the maea at 93,400 toai. It covers an area of 130 by 00 feet, and is piled to a height of seven feet in sons places. A physician at McLean, Illinois, owsd a woman one hundred dollars, and aug\x=req-\ gee ted that ahe take pay in medical service. She remarked, at a quilting bee, that it woald take a great many years of such-a doctor's servioes to be worth $100. She ie wealthy, aad he has aned her for $10,300 damage lor alander. Tha preparations now being made for •migration to the United H la tee in vsri\x=req-\ ona villages and provincial distriets of Germany indicate that the influx to onr shores in the next twelve months may be greater than even that of last year. • Karl Gerhardt, a Hartford draughtsman, modeled eo fine a figure of his wife la clay that Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner have eent him to Europe for edooation in sculptor*. The Dake of Sutherland and Lord Stafford are expected to leave England on their Americas tear the first week la April. Tkej will return ia Aigust. LETTER FROM PARIS. Fwull m« iNktftirl Have m OM\x=req-\ VMMltea-laUNkMV* •! Mm -Nura for Hilar* Op«rmtl«M. [Oorreapondanco of th« Gold B1U Dally law*.] Pabu, February 21, 1681. Mr. Parnell, who arriTed In Paria on Sunday morning, bad an intanrlaw jh\x=req-\ terday afternoon with M. Henri Booha\x=req-\ fort, who pnbliahaa an aooount of tba oonvaraation in today'a number of tha Irtfransigtant. One of tha obiaf objeeta of Mr. Parnali'a tiait, aayi M. Henri Boohefort, ia to oantradiot in the Franoh praaa all tba aalamniea heaped by tba Eogliah praaa on bia frienda, hie eauae and blmaelf. Ha told ma that tba Min\x=req-\ iaterial journala reproduoed the artielea that appeared agaloat him in tba Htpub\x=req-\ liqu* rroncai*, and paaaed them off aa tha azpraaaion of poblio opinion in Franoe. "I know, howerar," oontinnad .Mr. Parnall with a amile, "whaooa pra\x=req-\ oaada thia hoatility of M. Oambatta. Ha ia particmlarly anziona to plaaaa tha Priooa of Walea. Ha haa aat at table with bin, and makea oa pay for bia dinner." •• Exactly ao," I replied; "grand tbongbu coma from lha heart, mean ideaa from tbe etomach. Bat do not b« diabearteued; tba immenee majority of tba praaa of all ehadee warmly aympa\x=req-\ tbisa with Inland, and interest* itaalf in ita wretchedness." After delivering tkemeelvea of tbeaa profound refleotiona, Messrs. Parnell, O'Kelly and Beohefort proooeeded to dlaouaa tba Land League programme, the Irishmen unfolding their plana with tba itmoat candor. Tbey explained tbat they were determined to nae every loyal and oonatitn tlonal measure to oblige England to do for Ireland what Auetria did for Hnn\x=req-\ gary. An armed revelation, at one time contemplated by tbe Feniani, waa im\x=req-\ poaaible, for two reaaena: Tba flret wan, tbat ooercion w^a about to be revived by act of Parliament; tbe eeoond, tbat tbe Eogliah with their abipa and their wealth could eaally oblige tbe Iriah to capitulate by starving them oat. The Oauloii, wbioh mentions the meeting between Meaara. Parnell and Bocba fort, and etatea that it occurred between 3 and 0 o'clock at a cafe in tbe neighborhood of the Bae Dronat, also treats ita readera to an aeooant of an interview between one of ita reportera and tbe head of tbe Land League. In tbe oonveraa\x=req-\ tion tba member for Cork aald: "Henceforth if our political center remaine in Dublin, our financial center will be in Parle. We ehall place tbe money cheet well out of the way of tbe Eogliah government." In anawer to the queelion, "Have you ity affinity with the Feni\x=req-\ ana?" Mr. Parnell eaid: "Tbe Feniane are to ua what the Opportunlete ere to the Intraneigeanta in France. Tbey dream of an independent Iriab Bepublie, and thia can only be ealabliahtd by a brutal revolntion. Our ebjeot ie more immediate. We deeire flret to aocom\x=req-\ pliah an eoonomio reform; then we aball demand tbe re-eaUbliabmentof the Irieh Perllament; but we do not profeaa any intention of eeparating and conatitutlng a new Slate. Tbeee projeota are too bold to be capable of realization." 11. Railroad Men's Wages. * Conductors in tbe Oregon Railway and Navigation Company's B*r»ie» re\x=req-\ o*lve $95 • month; engineer*, $90, $100 snd $126; brakeimen, $6G; firemen, $CC; Chinamen, $1 a day and board themselves; white man, $1 86 a day. Nevada railroad men are tbe best paid in the world, excepting, perhapa, those on the Iatbmua of Panama. On the Central Paciflo conductor* get $116 a month; fraight conductor*, $90; brakemen, $70; engineer*, $4 C9 a day; firemen, $2 SO; Chinamen, $1; white men, $2. On the V. Si T. It. R. engineer* get $6 a day. BORN. At Huby Hill, March 11, to the wire of X. L. Parcel), a eon. In Pioche, Mar oh 8, to tbe wife of Issao Garrison, a ion. NEW TODAY PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE, VIRGINIA CITY. JOIIN PIPIR Manager Monday and Tuesday Evenings, March 14 and 15. Vlrft Appcarenoe Id tblf city of MB. JOHN A. STEVENS In bliown Botnautlo Dram*. entitled UNKNOWN! Supported by hi* entire New York Dramatic Company. lalarday tmlai, March It, Pint tlOM in (bit city of JOHN A. HTIVXNB' Comedy Drama, PA88IOW8 SLAVE! lad Pint Appearance of MISS HELEN BLYTHE, Late Leading Lady at Daly'a Theater, M. T. PRICES AS USUAL.**> lalardar, March 1»-R«tnra Trip. MATINBB—" I'NKNOWN." SURE CUBE FOB Conghs, Cold*, Bore Throat, Bronchitis, iithma, Comnmptloo, Aad AIIDUaa—aalTUHOATaad LDNGI Pnt np in QuarV-8l>e Bottle* for Family fee. Scientifically prepared of Balaam Tola, Cryalal\x=req-\ llted Ho«k Candr, OM Rye, and other tonka. The Formula la known to our beet phy»ltiaii«, la hlahly commended by them, and the analyia "f oar moat prominent chrmlat Prof. 0. A. MABINKK. In Clilracn la on the label of every bottle. Ilia well known to the niedltal prufraelon that TOLL' BOCK and RTK will aOOnl the nrateet relief for Cotiiha. Colda, Infloania. Broochltla, Sore Throat, Weak Lunar, alao UMaaaptlon, In tba Incipient and ad\x=req-\ »aneed ataaea. Uaed aa a BKVXXAOB and AFPKTIZKB. It makea a dellftitful tonic for family uae, la pleaaant to take If weak or debilitated. It (lee* tone, activity aad atremth to tba whole buiuaa frame. /CAUTION. chKS " mSJ I iwrssMssMi.s's® \ AND BTK, which la the only \artkle made^tAa lenulne harl aUtlttNTkTAMP oneacb but LAWBINCR St MARTIN. Proprietor* lit Madllaaa "treet. Chleaaa. marlT-xm CK0C1KUB, rWTlBIOHB, «tc. 6B0CERT STORE! RICHARD MERCER, MAIN V i nBBTi wUliD nlLLi FAULT & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HIND AND FOB SALS OEKAP FOB OjLHB. A Lam Ajeortmeni ot QBOCKRIB8 AND PHOVUUONH direct (torn the Otllfornl* Mar\x=req-\ ket*, oomprlilng In part TEAS, 8DOAB8, COFFEE, 8PI0E8 OAK FBDIT, DBIED FBUIT, BYBUP8, OTBTEB8, BIOS FIiOUB, BIOS. OAN\x=req-\ DLX8, BUTTER. Provisions of All Unite THE BEIT OF wiNES AMD LIQUOR! AT WH0LBSAL1 AND BXTAIL. VSOSTABLH AMP FRUITS. HTOoodi Delivered Fraa of Chaise. In BXOHABP MEECER. F. W.FOLSOM, Mala lurati MM Kill, (Hneceeeor to Bobtneon fc Polio at.) Wholesale ant BaUU Daalar la PROVISIONS, Etc. HOLE AOEHT IN OOU> HILL FOB MB*. MILLS' OHAMPAUNE BAKING POWDKR, IJIHE BEST IN THE MAHKET — ONLY laqulraa half the quantity of any other kind. £LL PARTIES IB9KBTED TO THE LATB Ann of BOBINHON A F0L80M in requested to CALL AND SETTLE ^HEIB AOOODNTH WITHOUT DELAY and eare coats. 4 ■aa—^anaaa— 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN RTUBHT. (MILD UILL. — D ULU a— BLANK BOOKS, HTATION Kll Y. JKWKLKVi HCUOOL BOO KM. CCTLKRV. TOYHf Bte. A(wt tor the Nib Franclioo Dally OHRONIOLE. BULLETIN, EXAMINER. -aid- ALTA. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. wi GOLD HILL BAKERY RESTAURANT MAIN MTKKRT— OOLD BILL, Oppoelte Um lellpM Llyery Bublee, J. r. BICKKft. Proprietor. 1JTBZ8H BBBAD. PUS, 0AKB8, AMD HOT ' Boll* *rery d»y, d«llY*r*d at Um reel\x=req-\ ilaoM of ooitomen. BREAD AT REDUOED PRICES. W" Plee tad Oak** at ndncad prloea. Fanoy or aaaortad OUu mad* to or&m M •hortnotlo*. Tb* Baetaarant Department ia the flaeet la the BUU. All kind* of Oaaa, Poultry *od Fre*h Flih and alto Oyttori reeeived and •erred op dally. 30a FOUNTAIN MARKET, MAIN NTRBRT . - GOLD IIILL 0. J. WAIDER, Proprietor. £ DBS IBB TO INPOHX THB PUBLIC that the choice*! ol Beef, Veal, Mattea, Ceraed Maata, Lard, Ham*. Barea, lie., Can be bought at the Fountain Market. Famllle* and bo*rdln«-bou*c* will flad it to tbelr advantage to (It* me a call. X 0. J. W4IDRB. JOHN DRUGGIST, Main St, Gold HilL HA8BROUCK A HALL, (Saccataort to A. B. Stavart d Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, M iMa Htmi, GOLD HILL, .... nevada —DHL III IK— pch Duvan, CUIMICAI.H, MKDICINR*. TOILET Ami HNOT AETII1 E8. Preaerlp»lon» AIM at *11 bom, dir or olcbt, bjr t tborugghlj competent person. 11 SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO ARB INDRBTED TO the OOMSTOOK EXCHANGE Am raqaaaM to make payart wttfeia atxty I OoM HIU, Jamvy S. tin. » T. R. McGURN'S CASH PRICES FOR MARCH: ■ ■■■ Baker'* Extra and Extra Family Floor '• W 26 per 100 lba Eaatern Sugar-Cored Hami (corared) 1> H Centa per lb Finaat Japan Tea 37H cent* par lb., or 3 lba. for tl 00 Old Qoreroment Java Coffee (freah ground) 5 lba. (or 91 00 Common Qroand Coffee 8 lba. (or $1 00 Coal Oil Per Caae, $4 25; per 6-gaIlon Can, <2 25 1660 Boxea of Cboleo Winter Apple* »1 60 to 91 75 per Box Fine Old Bonrbon Whiiky 75 centa per Bottle, $3 per Oallon; former prloe, $6 96 Sherry Wine Now Mlllng at 13 par Oallon. «r 76 cent* per Bottle Finaat Old Port Wine Bedaoed (rom 96 to $3 per Oallon, or 76 aanta par Bottla Everything else in my immense stock of FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS^ Fine Old Brandlrs, Wines and Liquors, WILL IE SOLD AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. EXTRA CHOICE PETALUMA BUTTER, FRESH CALIFORNIA EOBS, DRESSED POULTRY, AND FRESH FISH ALWAYS ON HAND. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. T. R. McGURN, VIRGINIA CITY* • • 8UTR0, and - . COLD Bill. (e3 1m MISCELLANEOUS. V. N. HALL & CO., lfi« Main Street, Hold Hill, ^yHOLRULE AMD RETAIL DCALEBS H A R DWAR E OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Work Of all Mod* don* to order at "tort notice. or tools a specialty, -tt Stf GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —AND— VARIETY 8TORB, MAIN MTKIKT, UOL.D HI1X, Opposite Pox'i Mdat Market. D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AGENT POR THE GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS And San Kraoclsoo 44 Call," "KxaBlaep" aid Eastern Periodicals AMD LATBIT BEADIIti ■ATTBI. ClfiABS AND~TOBACCOS, SHEEY MUSIC, SHOW'OASE GOODS* STATIONERY. school BOOKS* TOYS, ETC. Pwmeee md MiMMterr Desk lis On—UN. I A CARD. BINQ ABOUT TO LEAVE VIRGINIA. Nerada, for another field of operation!, the A Rene lea of the TRAVKLIR*' IJPB AND ACCIDENT 1NBURANCK 00II PA NT and of the AMAZON PIHK INSURAhCK COMPANY, formerly rapreemt'd br me, have been transferred to A. L KDWAHDH, who will hereafter represeot the a aid Companies In Storey county. Thanking my friends and patron* for their support and confldenoe In the oast, I respectfully reqielt them to extaod the ssme to my •uoeessor. G. I. OAUKIH. Referring to the abors card ths nnderaUned will be pleased to ess thoss who may dastra to proeare rsllsbls Plre, Accident and Lltb Ins a ran os at ths old ofllos. Room Mo. 1, Odd Vsl Iowa" Building. A. L BDWABDS Oss'l AcsaL, Al,0, NOTARY public. Virginia, Mar., March II. 1MI. mill FASHION SALOON. I. B. TURNEY, PROP'R. Mali Street* . - • - field Hill, Oppo*lta tha Km oOco. mail OLO-S8T1BLIHHKD AlfD POPULAR A raaort U Mill tha favortu. Comfort tad •port combined. Tha patrons of lha hooaa wlD tTw&ji Bad tha M brand* at BiANDY, WBIIKTi: ALB, FORT8it, UQIK, WINKS or ALL KINDS, TOBACCO, CIQAM, ITU. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. CIB80Nf8 8ALOON, Mala Html. Gal4 Hill. HUT OIA« IN KTIKV BBNPKCT. Beading and Olnb Booms. ** £&3uTth? rZM Me-wa WINES. LIOUORS ANO CIBARS flr "PAP" ABBOTT. « W. P.«. fllBWOW. PrwH«««r. CIBARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY. O. H. GALLUP, aPPOMTI TBI BARK OF OOLD BILL. lnfi|kaya coaauatljr on hand *11 tfca farorita IMPORTCD CIGARS, AD klada rfCtort,! Titiwii FIh* Cat\x=req-\ lar/t Tar a, fuir Gaada. Hefcaal all BlJfKBBM ARB BB0KBB8. THE NEVADA BANK OP SAN FRANCISCO. 8AM VBABOISOO OAUPOBNIA Paid lap Capital B3,OOO.O0B—tleld Baeerve (II. *. B«ria)— A««nu at Vlrrfala, Kevad*,.. {£ » Jh-tLow A«aat at Maw Sork I ' ' *' J"""* <83 Wall «tMai) J Q*>. t. B«A*o«a IS*" Burr tod mIU Kicbanre tod Telafranble Tranafera. laenee Commercial and Travnixra' Credlla. ThU beak baa apeclal facUltlw fur dealliic la balUoo. ttf L. B. FRANKEL, omoi-Hlali alrNl! U«M Kill, J«e« aim iki Baak efCal Hereto. NTDCHII BOUGHT, HOLD AMI* CAB. BIRD ON MABUIN*. 1_1B T. R. MeMJM, STOCK AND MONEY IIOKM. 1M Boitk C St., TlrflalB* WTILL BOT AND ULL HTOCI8 UN OOM\x=req-\ VV mlialoa on tha moat favorable unu i will alao cany tttooka oo Margin and ■—mr l«aaaaall<li»< larkMaMa iawfitiw. GOLD AND BILYBB BOUGHT AND t ■ MOI.D. GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND BLACU1NB WOBBLB. ■all Btreat, Umr ttald Hill, ■*« I BON AND BBABM C'AMTINCHC Of my variety mada to ate. LBAVB JOBT ADDED TO MT OLD eetebllabed Baehtaa Wotta the LAHOKMT ED- LATHB, PLABBK and 8TKAM BAHBBR, all of the Uteri and moat Improved eocaaoctloo, and am now prepared to Mate tad Bapalr all hlada and aU alaee of MILL * MINING MACHINERY At tha ahortaat notice and ea tha meet reaaoa able tarma. IObi OBOBftB BMMBTT. Proprietor. RENO FOUNDRY, BRNO, NBVADA. mnx PROPRIETOR OP TUK VIROINIA JL FOUNDRY, ha vine HWttaaed tbe Iteno foondrr, end (onnlldtiH It with the former, will hereafter etjrle the work* the Beio loaadrj and Machine Worki. Thla e*tahll»hm*nt la bow prep* red to do • general Foundry buelneee, Including trtrj description of OatlBC* is Iran mad Rraee, Ker«le«. •Ml H«(Uh Werba At lower price* thus cu be obtained eleewbere. Drawing* ud eatlmatee feroUhee when re qolrade By itrict attention to boeloeM, and with • thorough iaow ledge of tbe work reqolred, the proprietor bopre to merit 'he conWence of the uiu, ud reepeeUalljr eollctta the pauenago or mill tad mining men. dea ANPRKW PRAHKR, Pre»r. C. V. CRANE, PURCHASING AGENT, KataklUked la 1811. P ERRORS RMIDINQ AWAY PROM BAR Prancleco, la want of any article of MKROHANDISI. Great or mAll, can hare their order* filled promptly, aod at tbe verr loweet eeeh price*, by eddreaelng the nnderaignrd. 0. W. CRAIE, SU Pine meet. Room M and 10 LeMeadorfl atr et, Baarraocleoo. Oal. JyUtf 8ILVKR HOUSE, MAW STB BIT, SILVER CITY, - - NtVADA Board aad Lodf lag W per Maatk. » aiJZA B£NHBTTSa