Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS. VOL. XXXV. GOLD TUT.T- STOREY CO.. NEVADA: MONDAT EVENING. APRIL 4. 188L N& 5351. THE EVENING NEWS Pubilahad oT»rj day < Sunday* axMplad/. ■I TUB KIWI rVI&UNIIW CO. Kate mi at tbe Gold Hill poatoflice u seooad-cl*M matter. Tlim, Ia. jraar, by MaU at tiprwi |S 00 •Is loathe. S 00 rtire* Month* 100 (Po*»*ee pte-pald.) IHill*«r*d la Uold UUlTVuxlala, SllearOUy Oanoa, Daytoa, Sutro, ale., at TWENTY-FIVE CERTS PER WEEK. Payable to tto Camera. QUI ADVFOT1SIHB ABENTS. 0. W. CRANE, No*. 318 Pin* tail. 10 L*id**dorff »tre*t* : : San FraocUco CAOWIN A ALLEN, j : Canon Oily W. V. LANG, . EmpiraCity B. X. JAMISON. : B*oo 0. CHEN'OWETH, : : Winnemuooa NEW YORK. J. H. Bats*.. : 41 Park Bow B. M. Pcttmoill A Co., : : 37 Park Boa Oao. P. Row six. * Co.. 10 Sprac* St root Tut* Pun maj b* (oaoJ on flle la New York at tha aewipaper amende* of J. H. Bate*. 41 Park Bow ; B. M. Pettengill A Co., 87 Park Row, aad Geo. P. Howell A Co., 10 Sprue* atreei. the buii'k or ur>. BY BATUMI. It live* were measured by the good la word* or deed* that men acbior*, U*w (aw o( Adam'* cblldrea could Expect tb* P**lmi*t'* term to lit*. 1( Htm w*r* meaaarad by tb* Joy* By maa conferred on otber mea. How few would paaa tbe age o( boya, Uow few would car* to live again. It Utm were maaaured by tbe *ia* And sorrow* that we scatter round, We might oatllTe tbe (abled Djiaa*, Aad with Matbuaalab b* (ound. I( Utm w*r* meaaared by mUtakr*. By bra re deciga* tbat come to nought. By all lb* countIfm paina and acbca OurwlTe* upon our heart* bare brought. Tb*a might we *coff at dart* of death. Tbe weight o( growing year* defy. B*rea*ly draw our uwleM breath. Aad lire till Time hlmaeif ahoald die. Carpenter's Last Polat. J/i7niU« Hryultitan. The bright, mirtblal soul of Carpentsr wu not oim«<d trra by the ahadow of death. The eveuiag before he died, and after he had been told that he oonld not survive much longer, he inaieted upon getting op. The attending physicians forbade the attempt, and were endeavoring to make the Senator remain qniet, when Judge McArthur entered the death chamber. "Ie that yoa, Mac?" asked Carpenter. "Yea, Matt; it'a I. But yon most lieqaiel now." "Well, Judge, I'm prepared to argue that motion right sow." Mr. Carpenter Buffered excruciating pain, aud in hia agony wanted aa explanation of tbe cauae. "The pais ia canted. Senator," replied a pby\x=req-\ aician, "by a stoppage of the colon." "Stoppage of tbe colon, eh?"—and again the senee of humor overcame pain itaelf. "Well, then, of coarse, it isn't a fall stop." Careful of hie diet.—Lady—"Some\x=req-\ thing to eat ?" Tramp—"Yea'm. Bat I don't want no qaail, 'cause it's been awfal hard with 'em this winter, and they have had to feed on all aorta of pizen berriea." A country editor recently fell heir to a fortune, and now relnsee to aell out. lie aaye that for tbe first time in hia lile ho will be able to give bis town a better paper than it deserves without going hungry. College wit: " Yea," said ths school girl who had risen from the lowest to ths highest position in her class, "I aball have a horse shoe for my aymbol, as it dsnotta having corns from ths foot I" ^ "Good by," said Margaret. "Good b'y, is it?" exclaimed Patrick, delightedly. "Throe for ye, Maggy, and I'm jtat ths b'y that will niver bo aisy till he ahtanda wid ys before Father McGrath." "How is it," asked a lady, that Time is alwaya represented as bald-headed ?" To which agentleman replied, "So many have taken Time by tbo forelock they probably palled out all bis hair." The King of Portugal's translation of 8bakeapeare haa bad a very large sals; bla Majeety's royalty on tbe tranalation haa already yielded bim $5000. NEW POSTAL REIUUTIONS. The PotlmuUri in thi* State have juit received an order making material change* io tbe clucillcatiuu of matter Mnt through the mall*. SUiUble matter of the first claaa (ball embrace all natter wholly or partially Id writing, except u herein provided—Act March 3, 1879, Section 8. 20 Statute, p. 358. lb* exception* are aa followi: 1. Corrected prouf-nheets and mautt\x=req-\ acript copy accompanying the tame Section 17. p. 339. 2. Date and name of the addreued, and of tlio tender of circnlar*. and the correction of mere typographical error* therein. Section 27. p.SW). 3. Bill*, receipt* and order* for inbecrip\x=req-\ tion* iuclo*ed in *econd-cla** publication*, provided *uch biU*. receipt* and order* •hall be in *nch form a* to convey no other Information than the name, location and ■nbecription price of tbe publication or Kblicatioo* to which they refer. Section , p. Ml. 4. The name and addre** of the peraon to whom (econd'claat matter may be *ent, and Index figure of a *ub*cription book, and word* or figure*, or both, indicating tbe date on which the (ubecrlption in inch matter will end. Section 22. p. 300. A. Upon matter of the tbird-cia**, or upon the wrapper inclosing the tame, the eender may write hi* own name or addree*, with th*rword "from" above and preceding the same, and in either ea*e may make ■imple mark*, Intended to designate a word or passage of tbe text to which it i* deeired to call attention. •. There may be placed apoa the cover or blank leave* of any book, or of any printed matter of the third-class, a •!tu\x=req-\ ple manuscript dedication or inscription which is confined to a *impl*| addree* or consignment of inch book or printed matter. a* a mark of re* pec I, and must not contain anything that partak** of the na>> tare of a personal correspondence. 7. Upon matter of the fonrth-«la*« the sender may write hi* own name and ad\x=req-\ Uree* preceded by the word "from", and alee the namber and name of artiole in\x=req-\ cloeed. He may alao write npon or attaeh to any *ach article*, by tag or label, a mark or namber, name or letter, for purpose of id—ttfioation. T0W.1 0BDI5A5CI8. ORDINANCE MO 109. ▲a OlOIKAIi'K U» m mm* OtllMt • Llww Tax ll|M CwUla TrmtlM m4 ■■■!■■— Wllkla Ik* CwpanM LiaiU mt Ik* T>«a *1 U*M Hill. qui board or TKCkTua or gold J> HIU do ordain; bacnoa I. Jto pmos or pwaoa*. Aria, aa\x=req-\ *ociaiion, or corporation *hall wUala Um cor\x=req-\ putito lunlu of tk* Town ol Gold Hill carry oa or puraua any trad* or bu*Um« h*rtmaf tar aHiwA natii k*. *k«, Ik**, or II bar* paid fur aad takaa oal a Uaaaaa, aalakwalaaftar pro Tided; and for any violation of tkla orrtliunr* tk* party o**edla< »h«ll, oa coaTlctlon. br luad lu aaj *uu> not aicMrilng two hundred dollar*. h**ldaa Ik* oo*la of tk*action; aad la default of payment tharaof ikall b* InprlaoMd la taa Tuwu iau at tk* rat* of oa* da; fur arary two dollar* of task Aa* aad ooata. Mac. *. All lic*aa»«. *xo*t>t aa b*r*lnaflar prvitidod, >ball b* paid quarterly la advinc*. to* quarter a 10 oiuuuoi oa lb* brat day* of february, May, AagM and Novoober la eacb y*ar; and la oa** any p*r*on or p*r*aa«, Am, awwiailoa, or eorporatloo required to lata oat Uccum akall fail to uka out *oob ltcaaa* fur tb* current quarter, prior to lb* Aftaaatb d«y« of Peoruary, May, August aad boraaiber of eacb y**r, k*. ib*. tkay. ur It akall b* aobjact to pa/ aa adui.ion if i*u p*r caot. over aad above tk* aBHMint herein pr**crlb*d for *ucb Uuenae. aud ta addition to tka penalty described la section mm of Uua ordinance a olrll action ikall b* commenced la tka a*m* of •-Tb* Town of (iold Hill" lor tk* r*eoT*ryof tb* amount rt each Ucon** and percentage, together will o<*l*, Including tb* f** of tb* Town Attorney, to b* tax*d at Alteon dollar* In VACli riatr aac. 3. Tb* Marshal *b*U keep hi* offlcc op«u. aad b* prvaant thereat, between the boor* of two o'clock r. v. and I oar o'clock r, a. of *ack day Ibunday* and holiday* except *d), during tb*ar*t 01 teen day* of eachquar\x=req-\ ur. to imu* license*. aad it anall b* th* duly of *rery p«r»on from wbom a license tax la du* and owing to pa/ th* «*ma at said offlc* during th* Hum b* i* m> required to k**p kla offlc* open, aud no p*r*onal demand or nolle* b/ tk* Marahal to aucb peraon *h*ll b? neceeaary to rvu.ivr eoob person llabl* to lb* peualtiea pre\x=req-\ scrilxd la soctloaa one aad two of tnlaordl\x=req-\ nattrta »ao. 4. All pereooe UTUII iuh oat i uctDH uuUt r tbl* ordinance in banb; required to exhibit tbo asuie lu turn* conspitaoas part ot their plecv of buslhee*. ud to produce tbe MUM when applying to the Marshal lur a low llctTur see. 8. II ahall be tbe doty of lb* HinuI to report to lb* Town Attorney oa the Hfteeotb day* of * ebruary. May. Auguai and November ol each jtar. the uauwe ot all peisou* »bu have not pakl fur aad taken out liceoaee, a* lequiml by tale urdinauce. lur the currvut quarter, together with Lite amounts (or which eucb per eooe are severally liable; and It (ball be tbe Jut> or the Tuwn Atoruev forthwith to institute actions tor tne recovery of each aiuounie. Mac. tt It ehail be tbe duly ot the Marshal to keep la hit odea a book My led and marked " Marshal's Licence liuuk," wherein he ahall • ter the names of all pereona, Onus, aaeocla tloue, and corporations to wburn licensee bate betu laeoed, the chareater of tbulr buslueee, tbe tune lur which the licenses vera (Tasted, the dale and nine of expiration thereof, and the auiuuut of money received In each case. and to luruieh the noardof Trustee* at their Orel regular meeting u> the month* beginning each quar i« r an abstract of tbe earn* for the quarter just ended. Sac. T. The Towa Clerk ahall keep an accu\x=req-\ ral* account, in a book eoutltd " Clerk'* lacunae Hook." of all lloenaea delivered to the Marshal, the quarter lot which l*eaed, and the amouut tberwot. Tbe Marshal ahall ou tbe llr»t Monday* of Kebraary, May. Augnrtaad November of eacb year, return to the Town Clerk all lloeuee* i**aed for the preceding quarter r*> warning uueoid, and the Town Cierk tLall then balance and cloee the llcenee account with the Marshal lor the preceding quarter, and submit a dfialUd report oi the Hue to the board of Trt'ateiS at their Orel regular meeting in tbe mouth* beginning each quarter. bac. a. Ail liceuta* laeucd under aad by virtue of Ibl* ordinance ahall be printed lu blank lortu. cxpreeaing the claaa aad the amoubt to be paid tbervlor; »baU be ngued by the Preel\x=req-\ deut of tbe woard of Truaieee and the Town Clerk, and couniersigued by the Maishsl, and ahall ret forth the name of lk« parly to whom the liceuee 1* granted, the nature of tbe trade or buatnee* to be pursued, the time for which granted, an J tbe date ot Issue. omc. v. All licensee (bail be paid for In gold cola of the United Axraua. 8io. 10. Xvsry pertoa. Bra, aaaoclatloa, or corporation encaged in carrying on bualneae aa carpenter, bauder. blackamita. wagon maker or wheelwright. gun«mllD. watch or jewelry maker or repairer, a a* Utter or plain ber, tinner. painter, saddle or harneea maker, ahall pay quarterly for a license to carry on the eaiae, accor Jiug to his or their average moot lily aalee or recelple, as In ihe following schedule: Klret Ola**' Monthly.sales or receipts, eight hundred dollars, or .over, quarterly lloenst, Ufleea dollar*. becond Class—Monthly sales I or receipts nnder eight hundred dollars, quarterly lloense, ten dollars. Sic. 11. Irery pernio or Ann *agag*d la tb* biulnee* of a daguerreaa or photographic gallery. or In palming portrait* or m.alalure*, sbtll pay. quarterly, for a llc*n*e 10 carry on tb* mom, accordion to bit, bcr, or their average moutb.y tale* or ncalpta, aa la thi) follovuiif ftchMlule: Kir»t Clata— Moatbly aal*a or r*c*lpt* alfihl hundred dollar* or OT«r, quarterly llcan**, lea dollar*. Oecoad Claa*—Moathly talc* or r*celpt» oadar eight hundred dollar*, quarterly Itcaaae, B»* Uollara, bao. 11. Every per*uu, arm, aaaodatioa, or corporatloa engaged la carrying oa Ike boat\x=req-\ bm of aaaaying on* or preclou* matala (ball pay, quarterly, for a llcaaaa to oarry 00 tbe •ame, according lo bla or their I>iri||i monthly buatuea* or rwaipte, at It Ut following tcbtdaht Kir»l Claa*— Moatbly baaloMa or r*cclpt* Ova baud red dollar* or ot*t, quarterly Uoeaae, thirty dulltfi, MvcuimI Ola**- Moatbly baala*** or nrclpt* two buuded aad fllty dollar* or over and uuder a** hundred dollar*, quarterly llcenat, tweatr dulla.a. Third Cla-a-Moatbly boalaM* or receipt* uud-r two hundred aad fifty dollar*, quarterly liceti**, tea dollar*. aocnoKuaa. Sac. 13. Krcry peraon. Arm or cagagwl la tbe bu*lar*a of felling real eatate or prreoaal property by aactloa or public outcry. aball pay lor a lloau** to carry oa tb* *anie, according tu bl* or their avenue aalea or r\>\x=req-\ celpu, a* la tbe followta* acbedale: Hr*t Clara—Moatbly aale* or recelou two tbouaaad dollar* or oe*r, quarterly llora**. twenty-Bee dollar*. Sevund Olaae—Moatbly aale* or receipt* under two tbouaaad dudar*. quarterly Ucaaaa, Bfuaa dollar*. Third C!aM—Daily tal** or receipt* fly* hundred dollar* or or*r, llcaaaa for 00* day, lea dollar*. Fourth Claa* Pally Ml** or recelDt* under See huadred dollar*, lloeuaa for one day. In dollar*. 8ac. 14. Kerry peraoa. Arm or aaaoclaftoa •agagwl la carrylac on bualaaaa aa a baker of bread, pie. aad cab*, or *ltber of tbe** articlea, atull pay. quarterly, or a Uc*a*e to carry oa lb* *aaie, a* la lb* following *cb*dale: *lr»t Clata—Moatbly aale* 01 receipt* **v*o huadred and ally dollar* ar oeer, quarterly llcea**, twenty dollar*. Second Olae*—Moatbly tale* or receipt* fie* hundred dollar* or over aad under a* Tin hundred aad fifty dollar*, quarterly Uceaae, flfteaa dullifi Third CIaaa—Monthly tale* or receipt* under Be* hundred dollan, quarterly llceaae, lea dol\x=req-\ lar*. Sac. 15. Beery pertoa, arm. aatoclatloa or rorporatloa baeiaa a place of baala aaa to tb* Towa of Gold Mill, aad tberela aagagad la tb* hunloe** of ban kin*, loaning moaey, buying aad telling exchange. or recalTtag oa a* po»lt bul lloa or oota. or aoy or all *acb traaaacUoaa, thall pay. quarterly, for a llceaaa to oarry on raid boalnet*. according to bU, their or II* aetr\x=req-\ ate* moathlj purchaae* and aalea of exchange, amount of loaaa, or depoelt of bullion or coin, or any or all of tack traaaacUoaa. a* tb* caa* may b*. aa la tb* following schedule: rtm Claea—Monthly traaaacUoaa oa* hua\x=req-\ dred *ad uty tboaeaad dolSra or orer. quar terly Uoeaae. oa* hundred dctlar*. Second Claaa—Monthly traaaactloa* under oa* hundred aad fifty tboaaaod dollar*, fifty dollar*. Bac. 16. leery pmoa or ana engaged la tb* ba*la*«* of carrying oa a barber thop tball pay. quarterly, for a licaaa* to cany oa tb* earn*, accord log to bla or their aeerag* monthly baalneia or receipt*, a* lo the following acbedule: ftr*t Clata—Monthly bullae** or r*c*lpta flee hundred dollar* or oeee, quarterly Uaaaaa, tea dollar*. runart Claaa—Mnatbly Tt-laiii a* 1 three hundred aad fifty dollan at 01 aadar fie* huadrwd do liar*, quarterly tlx dollar*. TOWJf OBDIXANCI8. Third Cla*a—Monthly boala*a* or nMtfU one hundred *»d Afty dollar* or over todtumr thrvc hundred end Altj dollar*, quarterly llcecM, (our dollar*. . Fourth Gis**—Monthly b**la*«a or raerpta under on* hundred tad Iftj dollar*, quarterly Uomm. three dolltn. Sac. IT. Stmt s*r*oa or Am *npf*d la th* hailn*** of keeping t Millard table or Willird tables for public ih or biro thtll pay, quarterly, for • Uo*o*e therefor. tooordlag to hit or tbalr tv*r*f* moathly rwoalpta, ta la tba {allowing ached ule: First Olaaa— Monthly recelpta two hudiad dollar* or ovar, quarterly lleente, tw*lv* dol\x=req-\ lar* Mcond Olaaa- Monthly receipt* on* hundred dollar* ur orar aad nndar two hundred dollara, quartarty Utia*i, ton dollar*. Third Olai* • Monthly r*e*lpt* nadar on* boadrad dollar*, quartarly Uoauaa, At* dollar*. Bsc. 18. Xvery paraoD. turn, taaoclatlon, ar corporation ang»ged la the making or rtpalrlaf of at earn boUar* (ball pay, quartarly, (or a lleeoae to carry on tba hum, according to hla, their, or Ita areratr* mont&ly beelneee or ra\x=req-\ oalpta. la la tba following ecbednle: rirat Olaaa—Muatkiy baalaaaa or r*c*tpt* Ira tbouaaad dollara ur ov*r, quartarly H**na*. twauiy Ave dollara. fecund Ola** Monthly basin eat or reoelpU tbrva thousand do.iar* or or*r aad nadar Ira thousand dollar*, quartarly llcana*. twenty dot. lata. Third Cla**—Moathly buelne** or r*o*lpt* two thouaaad dollara or over aad nadar Una tbouaaad dollar*, quarterly lloeaaa, fifteen dol\x=req-\ )|fi, Fourth Olaaa—Monthly butlnaa* or reoelpt* under two tbuaaaad dollar*, quartarly Uoenaa, ten dollars. BOOT APD SIOUiiBia AMD OOBALKBf. Baa. 1*. Kvery peraon or Brm engaged to the boatneea of boot or ahonuaking. repairing, or cobbling, aoall pay quarterly lor a Ucaaaa to carry on the tame, according to hla or their average monthly talaa or reoelpta, ta In the fol\x=req-\ Ion Ul^ Kbt dttlo ! First Olaaa—Monthly (alee or r*celpt* three bond red .dollar* or or*r, quartarly ltoauaa, ten dOUlfla Second Olaaa—Monthly ealea or racalpU under three hundred dollar*, quartarly llcana*, At* dollar*. Mwune UUTl. H*o. V. Krary person or arm engaged la tba business or keeping a bowling alley ur bowllag allaye (or public oae or hire shall pay, quar larly, for a Uoeoae therefor, aoeordlag to hi* or their average moathly laceipta, ta ia the fol\x=req-\ lowiu^ Kbtslulvi Flret Olaaa— Moathly receipt* one hundred and hfly dollara or orar, quarterly Ucenae, all dollar*. ttecoad Cl«e* Monthly r*oelpta under on* hundred and fifty dollara, quarterly lloaaaa, three dollara. aaouaa. racroas an> oaaaaaL aanrr*. Bsc. 11. ftvery peraon. Arm, ***oclatlon, or corporation engagad la tb* buslnes* oi buying and e-llli g real eatate or personal property ol aay de>cnpUoa whatever (except mining or other stocks) or collecting rent*, aa the t«ent, (hctor, or broker of tuother, *htll pty, quarterly, for t license to carry oa the earne according to hte, their, or Ita average mouthlj tale* or r» o*lpt«, aa la tn* following *cb*uule: First Olaaa—Monthly sale* or reoalpta tan thousand dollar* or ovar, quartarly bceaae, thirty dollar*. 8*coud Ola**—Monthly Ml** or r*c*lpt* five thoueand dollara or over tnd under ten thou\x=req-\ eaud dollar*, quartarly llcaaae, twenty-five dol\x=req-\ lara. third Glasa-Monthly (ale* or receipts tweuty-flve hundred dollar* or over tnd ander nve tuoueandd jliars, quartarly lloea**, twenty dollar*. Fourth Cla**—Monthly itle* or receipt* Af teen hundred dollar* or ovar tnd under twenty Ave hundred dollar*, quarterly Uc*u*e, Anew dollar*. Filth Olaaa—Monthly *ale* or recelpta under Altera hundred dollara, quarterly Itoen**, tea dollara. ctacv*. caaavax. oa aaaaaaata. Sac. U. Tba proprietor or maaager of eaeb circus, caravtn, or menagerie shall pay a lioanae lor each day'* perloruttuoe, ta la lb* following schedule: A clrcu*, accompanied by a caravan or me\x=req-\ Btjerlsa, aball conatltute tba Are! cla**, aad •hair pay a dally licence of lw*nty-Av* dollar*. A clrcu*, unaccompanied with a caravaa or maoagerle, (hall be of th* aeeood cla**, aad shall pay a dairy license of twenty dollar*. A cartvan or inemuierie, unaccompanied with a circus, (ball be of the third claw, and (hall pay a dairy llcana* of ten dollar*. ooamaaioa aaacuarr*. Hac. aa. (very pareou or Arm engaged la tba •elllug of good*, war**, and m*rcbandu* upon com on Ml ou, (ball pay, quarterly, lor a llcene* to carry oa th* *ame, acoordlng to hla or tb*lr *ver*g* monthly »al** or rceelpta, M la tb* fol\x=req-\ lowioif Bchednic: Flret Claw — Moathly tale* or racelpta two thousand dollar* or ov*r, quarterly llcana*, twenty.Ave dollar*. second CI*** Monthly *al*a or receipt* nndar two thoueand dollar*, quarterly lioanae, Aflaaa dollar*. CONCSBTf AMD OTMU (ZKJdTIOll. Sic. 34. The manager or 1 each company or concert elngen or tetenaden, or anj otbur exhibition, except theaters and melo\x=req-\ doolie, 'hall pay a lloeuee for each ptrtonauoa, according to lua dally recelpta, aa Id the following acbedule I Plrat Claee—Recelpta for oca performance two hundred and Ofty dollar* or over, fifteen dollar* or each performance bee <ud Plan -tucelpta for ooa performance under two hundred and flHy dollar*, Ian dollar*. DAJtca nouses. aaLooMa on OBliM, 8*t. Ji. Tba proprietor, leaeee or manager of any bouaa, saloon room or oallar whore wince, malt or aplrltaoua Ilquora arc aold by tba bottle, glaae or drink, where dancing I* carried on (provided that tbla section (ball not apply to any iheater or aelodeonj, aball pay, quarter 1 j. far a license to carry on the aame. according to bla monthly or rvcelpta. aa In tba following acbedule: Plrat Claaa—Monthly rale* or recelpta flr* hundred dollar* or otot, quarterly license, one hundred dollar*. Second Clean—Monthly aalee or receipt* under Are hundred dollar*, quarterly Uoeuie, eevaoty\x=req-\ flve dollar*. iiruae ani> ranarr coxramae. Bsc. jb. Kvery person, firm, a*eoclatlon or corporation eugaged In the traalneee of transmitting lettera or other packagae. forwarding and carrying (old duet, boillou, coin or freight lor hire, irurn the Town of Gold Hill to any other ulace. or frum any other p ace to the Town of Uuld ill 11. and who baa a plaoe of buslneee or aaency In aald town, ahall pay, quarterly, for a llceuae to carry on the *ame. according to hi*, their or lta monthly reoalpte, aa in the average ollowing acbedule: • Plrat Olaea—Monthly reotlpta At* thouaand dollare or over. quarterly llcanae, thirty dollar*. bacond Olaaa— Monthly lecelpte under Are thouaaud dollar*, quarterly llcanae, twenty dol\x=req-\ lar*. Foranana. Sao. IT. Every pereon. Ann. association or corporation engaged in the foundry bnalneea ehail pay, quarterly, for a lice nee to carry oa the aame, according to hi*, their or lta avenge monthly aalee or recelpta, aa In the following eebeduw: rtret Claee— Monthly ealee or recelpta I vasty thou aand dollare or oear, quarterly lleenae, forty dollar* Second Claee—Monthly tale* or recelpta fifteen thouaand dollar* or over and under twenty thouaaud dollar*, quarterly Hoe nee, thirty dol\x=req-\ lar*. Third Claee—Monthly *ale* or receipt* tea thousand dollare or orer and under fifteen thou\x=req-\ aand dollar*, quarterly lleenae, twenty-fire dol\x=req-\ lar*. Fourth Claee—Moothly aalee or recelpta under ten tbouiand dollar*, quarterly Uoaaae, twenty dollar*. •AKiaa. Bsc.». Every pereon engaged la tbe boat neae of dealing, play ng, or carrying on any game of hro, moote. roulette, laaequrnet, ruugo-et-nolr, rondo, keno, fantan, dlana, or chock a-luck, or any backing game, played with carde. dice, or any other device, whether the same be played for money, ebecka, credit, or anv other valuable thing or representative of value, aball pay, querierly, for a liceaee to carry on the aame, according to hla average monthly recelpta. aa In the following acbedule: Ftrel Claee Monthly recelpta thrae Iboneead dollar* or over, quarterly lleenae, aeventy-five dollar*. Second Claae-Moathly recelpta two thou tasd dollar* or over and under three tbouiand dol\x=req-\ lar*. quarterly llceaar. fifty dollar*. Mac. ». Bach liceaee laeurd ehall contain a particular dsecrlptlon of tbe room la which the licensee deolgna to carry oa the game d*df» ted. aad the name of the game to be opened and ■layed; and no lleenae ahall be laeued panelt. ting any each game to le carried oa tnaay room la which tach game* are by aay valid Ad of the Lrglalature of the State of Nevada forbidden to be opaaed, played, or canted oa. MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of early Imprudence, earning nervosa debility, pwamre decay, etc.. having bled la vain every known remedy, baa dlecovered a aim pie meaaa of eelf eure. which he wUl eend Km to hie fellow-eaftrare. Idiliaee J. H. BUYB, a Chatham X. T. oclS MISCELLANEOUS. STEVENSON'S AMALSAMATIN6 FAN. PATENTED, APRIL 19, 1STO. INTERNATIONAL KXNIBITION, PMMatgMl. 1ITI, awakdid «mt ruauvH —roi AM mrmarmo— eriailag ui imlfuutlif Pm. r(IB FAN IS PAS 8UPUU0B TO ALL otbara la WTM«I Important partloolara. Orlndloc Kallaaa an DUrUweatn, r» qalrlac lad wot, Tba plow-*h»p*d grooraa rmlM UM qalcbatfrar wlU tb* pulp raaaiarlj, with law po»«. wlthoat Tlolaaca, tad with baUar amalgamation afbet, kaatdaa admlttloc a l«Ker abana. Tha taellaad-abapad booatac* of tba nullar-plata opaalaai eOciaaO/ foroa iba palp dlncilj aadar Km atallan. Maoafkctarad at Iba OoMaa aula and Mlaan' Iron Works, UT to Ml It rat a Mat. Baa fiaa\x=req-\ elaco, and at tba (tela* A BootUIo Iron Work*, H Hon tb Papal atraat, Cbleaco, wbara It oaa ba •zamlaad aad lortbar partfralara ba laaraad; or poraoaa mar apply to tb* luraotor aad fat\x=req-\ aataa. 0 0. 8TEYKN80N. at tba Dooflaa 1IU1, (told Bill, Narada, wbara tba Paaa bava toag baaa la opanttoa. SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS I NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND TOUR CLIMATE THE BE8T ! WARRANTED FOR TIN YEARS AMD BOLD AT WHOLKSALK PRICKS! No IfeiU, No DriMera, No Belf-SCjled Protoiort, Or Half-Way Moilclaoi, —KM PLOYED TO\x=req-\ EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's Pianos and Organs ABB INDORSED BT THE BEST MO\x=req-\ 8101AM* UPON T8IIB II KBITS# Bend and m wuat tboaa uj who hara SMITHV PIANO* la ) oar mld«t on tbl* Cout Sara jour moM7 and boy at FlkST HANDS. Dont b* hambu«f*d, bat Mad for OkUlogM and particulars and aaUafy yonraalraa of iba truth of mv aaaartiou * Aar atjlo of PIARO or OROAM Mot on flfTEE* DAYS' TEST TRIAL, by tvnlahlni Bankar'a, Eipraaa or Ualiroad Ootnpany'a o«r> tlhcatc of dapoait for amount. Alao SHEET MUSI0 at oM-balf markat prtoa JAMES S. SMITH, (Manafectorara' Rapraaantatlra), SIS Market Street, n m BAM PRAMOISCO. CAL. JOI PRINTINB DEPARTMENT OF TU GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS gllNQ WILL PROVIDED WITH A 008T ly, uUstlT* and T*ri*d MsorUnent of tha NEWEST AMD TIBT LATENT BTTLX8 OK TYPE, from Um plalaaal to tha MOST KLX\x=req-\ QANT AMD FASHIONABLE, and thrM PIR8T-OLA8B ITEAM PHKUK8, wt art dotal m good work ueubi don* la any dollar MUblUtunnt la tha BTATI 07 NEVADA. Poaten of Iierj Slie, Placards, BandbllU, Bodfen, Mining Stock Certllcates, Bill Heads, Broken* Blanki, Letter Heads, Ball Proframnee, Wedding Cards, Itc., Itc<i Exaeatad to ordar la tba matt approvad atjla and on tha MOST REASONABLE TERMS. r CALL AMD KAMIMk WWMB. VIRGINIA GOLD HILL OMNIBUS, POMMEOTINO WITH THE OARS AT SOLD 1/ Hill to and trom Oaraoo. Will make regular trip* batwaan tha stand* at alther and, of tha rants, u follows : LEAVE BOLD KILL. 9:00 A. V. 10:90 " 11:00 m. 8:00 r. M. leave Tatonru. 10KW A. K. 11:80 «• 18:48 r. V. 8:48 " 4:18 " i 8:18 " JAMES DUNBTAN, Proprietor. C. V. CRANE, PURCHASING AGKNT, latabllaked la 1871. PERSONS RESIDING AWAT FROM BAM Fraaeleco, la waatof aay artlelaof Oraat or mall. can hart their order* I »'B&££.'iXS£r "* """■ aw. GRANX. Ill Plao itmt, Roon a. aad 10 I dSiflnrtr • - , oai. Jjiatf MI8CILLAIT10CS. C N RAIL WAV mrriL1 COUNCIL BLUFFS, -AND - CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE Ami *11 point* KAHT, inch u Klinn Vail*. Flaw t ark. Hhllatf al»kla, lloataa. Waaklaama, Ralt>aara> Mltab-rakf Maairaal, Taraaia. Itatralt, Cie*e ana. At Oouell Blnff* tb« Train* of tha Oblatfo A North-We»tern and tba U. P. R'y* depart from, arrive at and in tka aama Joint Union Depot. At Obleaco, cloaa connection! are mada with tba Lake shore. MlcbUan Central, Baltimore k Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Obl\x=req-\ cmo k Gr»nd Trank H'jri, and tka Xankaki* and Pan Handle Routaa. PillwiiB Palao* CrawingRoomC&ra An ran on all through of thl* road. Il the 0«1>Y ROAD COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAQO Upon wbleb la tan tha calabratad Pullman Hotel Dining Oars ImlfI upon Tlotet * cents Mil log yon Tlckata ▼la thla road kxainln* your Tieteta, and refOM to buy If they do not read over tba OUoa«o k North Western Hallway. II yoa wleh tba Ueet Traveling Acoommoda. tlona too will boy yonr Tleketa by thla Koala HTAND WILL TAKit NONB OTHKH. All llckat Agenta tall Ticket* by thla Una. _ »IA« VIN IIVUHITT. mhtS 2d V. P. A Ueu'l Maug'r, Chicago. Valuable Mining Property FOR 8ALE. QN ACCOUNT OF THB CONTEMPLATED retirement of the principal muirr of Um HOMESTEAD, OOLUEN STANDARD and WQEBLXK MINES, Mining Oapltallata in ■peclally Invited to a thoroogh lnipaction of lh« Mid property, with i view to lu ml merl> ind pnrchaee. Theee three mine*. nnlncorpo\x=req-\ rated, unencumbered, aggregating MU llnaai feet, together with valoabk lmproramaoU thereon, lying adjacent to each other, eaat ol and parallel with the original Comatock Lode, are altnated la the Town of Oold Bill, Btcmy County, Nevada. for farther particular* apply to X. LTTORD, Agent. Office— No. t Bomeetead Boll ding, Oold Bill, Nevada. M n> nf TCIITC ootained for mechanical da> rA I CI1 I O vloee, medical or other eom\x=req-\ pound*, ornamental deelgne trade mark* and label*, Cavaata, aealgnmenta, Interfereuoea, Appeal*, Bolt* for infringement* and all caeca arlalng under the PATENT LAW! promptly attended to. INVENTIONS THAT HAVE BKBN DC ICPTCn bT the Patent Office may nCJCU I tU (UU. In moat caaee, bepi eoUd by na. Being opposite the Patent Office, we can make cloew eearehee, and *eoar* Patenta more promptly, and with broader claim*, than thoae who an remote from Waahlngton. IHIfCHTHDC **nd n* a model or iketnb IHVCR I Uno Of yoardevicei weteake examlnatlena rmas or oxanaa, and advleeaa to patentability. Prloe* low, and NO CHAKOE UNLEHa PATENT 18 SBOUBED. We refer to official* In the Patent Office, fc oar client* In every State of the Union, and to your Senator* and Hepreeentally* in Oongreee. Special refennoe* given when deal red. Addreee a A. SNOW k 00., OpportU Patent Offlee, Washington. D. O. THE ARGONAUT, AN AMERICAN JOURNAL or Politic*, Literature, Society aid Satire. PUBLISHED AT SAX fRAXCISCO, CAL. rpni AROONACT IB A RE7BB8KKTAT1VE * Jonrnal of American IdM* ud literature. II U thoronghljr luriepandaot la Ita editorial treatmeot of tie topic* of ibe d»jr It kirn* to «lTe the beet Pacific tout literature obtainable, a* wall a« tbe rorrent gotd thing. of tba preea. It 1» pabll.hed wreklr at M par year, M U for tlx mootba; |1 Mwr tbrae month., pay abla la advance. Ment poatpald on receipt of prtee. Hpeclmen coey eant ftea. Addreee "THK AK(X<NA0T,"»M OaJIfornu etreet, Ian Franeleoo. 0*1. JaM HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEILINQ'S SON'I CO.. Tiaalaa, Saw J area jr. Baa* Craelble Cmi-AnI Halatiaf fablaa or all Deeerlatlaae. Wlra «tr.ade Far Kaaalrlas Haata Caa\x=req-\ •uatlr aa UaA 8. ▼. MOOVKT. Agent Waraboaee, near Sale k Nororoee work*, Ttralnla City. Nevada. M 8ILVER HOUSE, MAIN STREET. SILVKR OITY, - - NEVADA Board and Lodflnr $15 per loath. Ne Cklaaaa Baplajrad-We^a m.fZA BBWWTH. $5 to $20 KM wt Oo.. fcrtlMd. MUm. MIBCILL1II0UB. GROCERY STORE I RICHARD MKRCKR, FAULT & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON BAND AND TOM >ALI CHEAP roa (UOH. A Um iMortswM of QBOCEB1ES AND PHOVldONt direct from Um OtilfcntelU* k*U. eonprUljii to part TEAS, BDOAB8, COFFEE, BPIOI8 CAN FBUIT, DBIED FBUIT, BYBUP8, OT8TXB8, BIOS FLOUH, BIOS, CAN\x=req-\ DLM, BDTTXB. Provisions of All Unife THE BEST OF WIRES AMD LIOUORS AT ww."—" - AMD KTTAXL. VKOlTABLf AHP FRUITS. IVOoodj D«ut*nd ItM of Ohatg*. m Eimum Mncn. 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN STREET, GOLD BILL. — SlALta Of— BLANK ROOKS, STATIONBBY, JBWBLBY, SCHOOL BOOKS. CL'TLKBT. TOTS, Bu. A|«ol for tb* Sad Frudtoo Dally OHRONIGLI, BULLETIN, EXAMINER, -us- ALTA. EASTERN PICTORIALS, NIACAZINE8, And Literary Papers. jjji GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT —ABO— VARIETY STORE, MAIN MTRBBT, GOLD HI LA, Opposite JTox'l Mitt Market. D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AOKNT FOR TBI OOLD HILL DAILY NIWS And Baa Fraiioiaoo "Call," "kunlner" aid 44 Pott." Eastern Periodicals AMD LATEST BKAOINU ■ATTIK. GI61BS AND TOBACCOS, SHEET MUSIC. SHOW-CASE GOODS. •TATIONSRY. SCHOOL BOOKS* TOYS, ITO. Piwimil and tallltMteir Pi*i' !■« OitniM. 1 THE cm BAKERY, RE8TAURANT. Confectionery ud C*»dy Depot, N*. J1 Narth C Itrnt, Viralaim, nrrm as euoaht AMOBTxutrot w HOLIDAY GOODS. Tori, Oaodlaa, Oraa. menu tor Table, Ornamental, Proatad tad PUIa (Mm* of til klada, daaortptlooa tad da alcna, tad »t prica* wo out worybody. Am wa Import all ooi gooda dlraet from tkt bit, w oan oSu th«m auprtcea lb« aai M ebarfad la Now fork, aad at law than §m VnaetioatiiM. VT OiumMli for Oakaa t apadally. 0T"Ic« Orotm and BtravborrtM tod Craam, Alao Btrawbarriaa by the bos, at wbotoatla ot laUIL ■■r Oar candle* art maanfaetand by our\x=req-\ mItm rnab *»,ry day, aad arc far aaperlor to Imported caodlM. /11ZMBIKR k ABKBBU8T, Propria ton City Bakery, Bo. IT Rorth 0 atraat, Virginia. Nevada. It la GOLD HILL BAKERY RESTAURANT MAIN STBKIT.... ...... GOLD HILL, Oppoalta Um Bcllpaa Li Tory Mabiaa, J. P. BICKIR......... Proprietor. inxn8 bbbad. nn.oin, and hoi f Bolli arary day, daUrarad at tha la* daM of niUbwi. ■MAD AT RKDUOBD PBICIB. W" Plaa and Oakaa at radnead prtoaa. raacy or aaaortad Oakaa auda to ardar « abort aotlea. Dapartaaat la t&a laaat la tha Mala. All klada of OaM, Pooltn i Fraab Flab and alao Oyatoca raoalTod tad aarrad no dally. tta GIBSON'S SALOON, M>li WnMi Gold dill. riBSY CLAU IN KTIRT BBSPBCT. Beading and Olnb Rooms. Tha patrooa of tb« Boom wlU ha wafl raoatvad and aarrad with tha Flaaat of WINES. LIOUORS ANO CIRARS By "FAT "abbott. • W. D. C. OIMON COMSTOCK EXCHANGE, MAIN ITBKIT GOLD HILL Spegu Li HOTIC1 II BKRKBT OITXN to all patron* of tha abora aalooa. that I Blall Close BuImu la Tklrtj Jtaji From data. ltock, txtaraa and rood will of tha a«ta>lli>—it (or atla oa laaaoaabU taraa. AU paraooa ladabtad will plaaaa oona forward at oaoa and aattia. THOS. B. FINOH. Oold Bill, April 1,1m1. aplMd FBISTIH8. OOU3D XXXXjX. "DAILY NEWS" NSWSPAFEB • •••ASDeeee JOB PRIIITINO ■STABLISHMINT. Halo • Street, Cold Hill NEVADA Books,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, BUI Beads, Letter Beads, Lefal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, Mlllll STOOI CERTIFICATES. ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgem, Ryan, Programme!. Oironlara, Ball Ticket* Wedding Oardi, Bnaineaa Oardi, Labels, Taga, Eto, Printing, in Colon; Printing, Plain or Fancy) Printing in All Stylet. PBDSTIKO DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNEtt AND DISPATCH • •••UFOV II1«m* MOST REASONABLE TERMS AY fDin* LOWEST CASH RATI8. THE (Sold Hill Dally News, (BSTABLISBBD HI ISM), ||*C aaeapt Banday. Ill w r Qg mioli mm paopV teal ate., ukii it TBI but amd most efficient hbdich Ii pobllabad wit mailt auapt Sunday. i tu circulation bain* vary MmlMtd axtacalra umw( alalac aad baalaaaa poop™ a, (UnllVM, MINING, BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHER ADVKRTISINQ. ■MINIM MftN. PROFMBIOPUL Mill, PRAOTIOAL MKNf OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. fmv AdvartUUa FinltkM Fraa the gold hill news, • •••Afl A»».i riMT-OLASI DAILY PAW», "Uisswa.'Jssis; ^rifxsr kbw8. taMgnphle tad otbanrisa taBiltWU of ua World, tad EVERYBODY READS IT. oTr Weekly Mlnliif 8uraary Kobllahad wrj Wadaaadayta tba Fiwa.l# c&nfaUr prtpairad from tba »orr actus\x=req-\ no aouacw. prirata tad otbcrwtaa. «• Ua day or publication, amptoyin* la wit dad affldrat corp* of r« porters. Htowlrimur racornlaad M offlcial. aad tba rof tba coodltlso of tba mtoaa M 0» 0o£w« or^WAiwa" Metkf. ^rSnVW ■lalaatotowdtloB obtainabSatnm o «bar partTot Dm com try THE Cold Hill Dally News la dailTand by canto* tbroocboat Qold Bill, Ylrglala City, Oanoa, BUrar City, Daytoa, aad eoottfwmilocalltlaa, tad la awt by mall to all part* of Ua eooatry and tba world. Ho ooa U fully poatad.or mp to Ua Um wbodoaa HtmiaataaluSu>Tli«i.