Newspaper Page Text
u THE EVENING NEWS WEDNESDAY. : : APRIL «, 1181 III MACK AT PABIS1AJI BALL. ThebalJ reoeatlygiYea by the Mackays ia Puit ia the theme et admiring de\x=req-\ scription* ia the letters of joaraaliatle oorreepondeata from Uts gay city. One published by the Cowrritr da Etats Unit, vrittea by a former editor of that paper, aow residing ia Paria, is particularly entbosiaatlo aad elaborately deasriptiTS. The followiag ia a apadmea extract, abioh will ba appreciated beta where the Mackaja are beat known : The tOUOttlS of th* UlliM WW Of gT**t Slendor. but mm of th*m equaled thoee th* mittree* of th* mansion and her alitor, the CoantoM T*lf*ner. The* toll\x=req-\ ettM wen two poem*. I wu told that Mrs. Mackay had mad* twelv* drtaen. oat of which to oelectoo* for the ball, and the lace which th* wore ooet Slt.MO. Ob her dree* neither pearli Mr dlamoodo were wen la profuitoo. The dinner at midnight waa followed by a flnt topper tarred for Um pap** aad mama* at 1 o'clock la the morning, and that anppar by • teoond one at 4 o'clock. Both topper* wer* a*rv*d oa larf* and to all table*, and MO p*raoM could ait down at them. Th* meaa waa oot engraved thia tint* oa til re r plat**, bat printed oa baa da of aatin. It waa worthy of Lucullaa, for among *th*r thing* waa fonnd freoh aaparagnt, which t*lla at pr***at for M a aniall box. Th* gn**ta remarked at th* aapper th* ab**ao* of Mia* Maekay, who want to b*d *arly, lik* th* modaat aad well-trained tchool girl that th* ia, aad alto of Mr. Mackay, who, I tappo**, alao prefers to retir* early, Ilk* moat hard workara. It waa th* flrat lime I taw thia giant of Nevada minera, and I waa §nr\x=req-\ priaed by hitlyootbful and almoat frail appearance. Ho look* lik* qalto ayonng man. although h* it, < believe, paat forty. II* doe* not apeak Fr*oeh, and I aow apeak Engliah very badly. W* thereforo could hat* but littl* conT*r*atioo. Bat from th* few word* I exchanged with him. 1>* gav* m* th* impr***ioa that h* waa a g*nuin* gentleman. II* ia alao artlatio la hia tat tea, for I a** it r*nortod in th* new*\x=req-\ papera that ha haa J oat bought at an aue\x=req-\ tioa aal* "Th* Negro Barber," a flu* canvas of Bonnat, for 23,BOO fraaea. "IFwill b* perceived that John Maskay, being there hima*lf, bad th* e*ting de\x=req-\ partm*at ran ia good, subs too tial reo\x=req-\ taurant alyle, and fed them plenty of atparagut. Thee h* went off to bed hiaiMlf, not caring for aach traah. aad being a poor French ttadeat. Ia foot, bt can talk " Erin go bragh " better than "parte* vous." It matt hovt b**n a grievous disappointment to th* eomspond*nt to notic* th* "youthful and almost frail appoaraoo* " of " I HI a giant of Nevada miaars." H* *vid*ally expected to ae* a great two-flated fallow, aa big as th* Cardiff giaat. Mackay got ov*r being young, frail and forty Mveral years ago, although ho ia ali*k*d up qait* apruc* and nobby, ao doubt, whll* h* ia alopping around whera hia wif* ia. Aa for hia artistio tastes, th*r*ia lies hia atrong suit—among th*atrieal artists espeeially. Hu baying that "Negro Barber" waa nothing. He woald have bought his polo, shop and all, if thsy had b**n offered to him. ArmcTixu BrisooB. A preea. telegram from New York briuga tko important information that Heary Wat J bteehtr related to hia palpitating audienee in Plymouth Church oa Sunday an incident ha bad never ■pokan of before. It wm a boot tba littlo daughter of on* of kin own cbnrcb mam\x=req-\ bora, who became faaeinatrd with tke Beman Catkolio Charck and wanted to join it. By tka caunaal of himaalf and tko motkar, aba waitad a year, aud then tka Iamb joined that church, whara kar aonl had aougbt lor greenea paaturee than tboaa ol Plyaontb Cbnreb, and la now "a bappy Cbriatian girl in that communion.' ' In tkat connection tha eloquent preacher alao aaid: "I would rather ride in tha moat ragged third-ctaaa car that waa ever pnt oa a rait U it woald take no nearer bona, thaa ia tha moat Iniarioua parlor ear that ever waa bail! if it woald take ma farther from homo." Tha telegram aayathat there waa a een\x=req-\ eation and tha ntmoat atillneaa when this atory waa told. How pathetic 1 Haw emotionally aen\x=req-\ aatioaal! Aad tha teara rolled down Uacla Henry'e extenaive cheeka upon hia broad rat, and ka felt batter for having thaa aaaed hi* phllanthropia mind. Daar Unele Henry! Blaaa hia darling old heart I Hay ha never have to rida in a third-alaaa ear, bat alwaya atay at boa*. If ha had never gona trotting aroand among the homea of the TUtoae aad othere he woald have ^voided much paiafal eeandel. Lateet Waahiagton telegrame eay that an effort ia being made to harmonize the antagouiaa growing oat ef Cenk\x=req-\ llng'a oppeeition to the noainatioa of Bobertaoa aa Collector ef New York. It ia alao atated that with thia view Senator Jonea of Nevada baa gone to New York ekarged with the miaaion of inducing Boberteon to withdraw from the noal\x=req-\ nation. Thia weald, of oearee, fix thing* all right. If anybody can do thie. Jonea can. Senator Jonea and Conkling have alwaya been warm per\x=req-\ aonal frienda, eonaequently he will do all in hia power to aettle thie difficulty and keep Coukllog'a footing aolid. Tho fratirnal I'tntor la the bub* of a nail Monthly paper devoted to tho in\x=req-\ tMHti of tho Order of Oood Tea plan in Ihia State. It ia printed at Virginia and diatribaled in Ookl Hill. P. H. Mulcahy, Grand Saoretary of the Order, ia editor. It ia a vary neatly prepared journal, bandaomely printed, and aon\x=req-\ taina a goodly amonnl o( natter inter\x=req-\ aating to Oood Templars. When the term of Senator Fair ia ended it ia highly probable that hia work aa a Senator will compare favorably with that of any of hia prediaeaaora.— IWyimu Cknm\x=req-\ iclt y. Senator Fair will no doubt foal profoundly complimented whan ho reada that, especially oonaidaring the aource. The Comatock region waa viaitad by a rafraahing ahower of rain about 3 o'alack thia morning, making n pleasant aad agreeable changa ia tha atmoaphart. EASTERN DISPATCHES Tie Ceaile^arleM latregllo. Wawxxoto*, April 5.—The Praaidaat, in a ooaveraatioa in hIhibn to tha New York noBiaatioaa, nid he had nothing whatever to reproaah himaelf with to lu u Conkling ia concerned. Tha Preeldeat holda that Conkling haa really so canae (or griavaooa agalaat tha Adminiatiation. Ia tha Saadaj after\x=req-\ aooa interview batvaaa tha Praaidaat •ad Conkling, of which ao nueh haa haaa arid, tha Praaidaat waa nareaerved ia hia aoknowledgeneata of tha obllga\x=req-\ tiona which ha fait toward all tha different lectioni of tha Rapnbliaaa party in New York, for ha realiiee tary foil; that aalaaa they had all pallad together ia hia bahalf ha wonld aot now ba tilting ia tba Whita Hooaa. Bat ha took par\x=req-\ tianlar prina to impraaa upon tha Senator that ha oonld not for ona moaant thiak ia hia pablio aata of recognizing diviaioaa of tha party, or of giving tha patronage af tha goTeraneat to any one of tha tactiona aa to ba aonaidered aa taking aidaa with either. Yeaterday tha Praaidaat had a lontf aoaferenea with a diatingaiabad Rapnbliaaa Senator, daring the ooano of which tha whole aita alios ia tha Senate and elaewhere waa talked over. Aa a retell of thia conference tha Saaator waa aathorised to oob sonicate to hia aaaooiataa that the Pree\x=req-\ ident waa of opinion that tha anbject waa one for tha Senate itaalf and itaelf alone to diapoea ol; that the Ezecolive bad no reaponaibility for what had bean dona, and that ha bad no opinion whatever to expreaa ia tha Batter. Seaator Joan aa a Mediator. N*w You, April 8.—A Herald Waah\x=req-\ ington apecial aaya: It ia nrg»d that tha New York Colleotorahip cannot ba gifea to any New York politician of either faction withont canting ill feeling and a break in the hannony of the party, and thai the trne way wonld be to give thia important place to aorne one from another State. There ia a growing belief here that there will be a pretty tboroagh organisation of the Cabinet before the Aduioielration geta under fair headway. Tha plan of harmonizing the party by giving everybody a piece of cake doea not eeea to work. It waa raported laat evening that Senator Jonea of Nevada haa gone to New York charged with the mlaaion of indocing Robertaon to either withdraw hia name hiBaaU or aak tba Preeident to do ao. John XcColloagh. Nkw You, April 5.—The Tribum u;i: A farewell dinner tu given to John Mo\x=req-\ Cnllougb, the tragedian, prior to bit departure for England. The dinner *11 prepoeed end arranged by • number of MoCulloogh'a oideat and Boat valued frienda, and vaa intended aa an expree\x=req-\ aioa of tbair regarda. Noah Brooke, of tba Mew York Timtt, preaided. and William Winter, in a poem, paid an earnaat tribute to tbe man .and artiit. John Buaaall Young, ex-Governor Latham, of California, J. H. MoVieker and oibera mad* epeecbea. McCulIougb aald be vaa going to England aa an experiment. He hoped to do aome credit there to tbe highly flattering opiniona of him aipreaaed by hie frionda in America. tpper Mluoarl Troiblea. Btanancx, April G.—The Mieaoari ia now in ita banka, but there ia a gorge aaven milea long on Poplar river, above Fort Buford. There ia no great damage yet. Ykbmiluox, April 6.—'The whole town waa awept away by tb» flood, *xoept two or thrM of tba moet anbelantial and leaa expoerd bnildinga. WAaHisoTos, April 5. — Diepalcbe* received today by Qovarnor Ordway, of Dakota, give aocounta of fearful flooda and damagta in that Territory. Tbe lowlanda are all anbmerged. Thonaan la of bead of atook have been awept away and drowned, tbe railroad mined and all aorta of property damaged. ■ratal Xarder of a Yoaag Wire. Chicaoo, April 5.—A young man named Charlea Yonng laat night abot and probably killed hia eeventeen-year\x=req-\ old wife, Jeaaie Yonng, to whom ha had bean married but three weaka, in the Union Park Hotel. Tba mnrderoua aa\x=req-\ aault waa prompted by a fit of nnfoundwl jealonay. Ha flrad fonr abota at bar, two of them being fired alter ahe bad fallen, bleeding and inaenaible, on a landing of the hotel ataircaae. Youog afterwarda walked ont of the honee and eecapad. It ia believed that he baa committed auicide, aa no traoe of him can be fonnd. Railroad Men Coming. Milwaukee, April G.—President Cbaa. L. Colby ui General Uuigu F. N. Finney, of the Wiaooaain Central Railroad, and their familiee, left for 8an Francieoo yeeterday morning. They allege it is a pleaaare trip, bat in railroad circle* it ia rumered that the viait baa to do with the Northern Pacific and Oregon Steamabip Navigation Company. Colby and Finney have juat originated a new railroad company to panetrat* northeastern Wlaconain, and it will ba in aoina way aoanected with tba effort of the Northern Pacific to aeaora an eaatern outlet via Saulte St. Marie and Canada. Kdhoni Lamp. * Nkw You, April 5.—Tbomaa A. Ed\x=req-\ iaon, who removed hia beadqaartera from Mealo Park to G5 Fifth avenue, about ait weaka ago, lighted ap hie new ofBcae laat sight with hi* ineaadeecent latnpa. They are arranged aa kiagaa ligbta were, npoa ebandeliere in the oeatera of the room* and upon bracket* at tba aidea. Tba light of the eame quality aa that exhibited at Menlo Park, a ate ad? Bellow whita light. Only the aeain ioor waa lighted with tha electric lamp laat night. Tonight about aixty lam pa will be lighted. Sad lad to aloBMlle Broil. Caicaoo, April 5.—Owing to a domea\x=req-\ tic broil, Mr*. Jennie McRavey, a oomely young woman aged nineteen, aet out laat waek from her home in Indiaaa and walked to Milwaukee on the treck of the Michigan Southern Railroad. She (ought work on her way, but foand aone. Her huabaad followed bar to indue* her to return. He waa rta over aad killed by a train. No* bia brother F. W. Mo\x=req-\ Bavey, of Milwaukee, ia here looking for the woman. The Bomb Feilan Arrive. Naw Yum, April 0.—One of the per\x=req-\ aoaa engaged la tha planting of tha bomb at the Manaioa Houae, London, by the name of O'Donnell, ia aaid to have arrived here on Saturday. The Iriah organization are arranging for an ezeuraion down-the bay to meet Col*, man, another of tba Manaioa Hoaaa plotters, reported to ba on board tha Auatralian, nearly dae. Morey cabled that tha third paraon ia now residing la Paris. FOREIGN DISPATCHES. Terrible Condition of Affair* la Fera—Wholesale Slaughter, km\x=req-\ archj and Oppression. Nxw Yoax, April G.—The Star and Htrald of Panama says; A war of races baa broken oat in the Valley of Cantete, where 3000 Cblaameu have been barbarously murdered by negroea and Cboloa. On one plantation 800 inoffensive sen vera mordered in eold blood. All tba cane-fi«Ids, sugar-bossss, ma* chinery, aM., vara burned, and property to the value of million* of dollar* ha* been wrecked. All foreigner* have fled from Ibe valley, one of the moat fertile and productive in Pern. Tba work of murder and plnndar ia *UU going on. It ia feared thai tba adjtoent valley of Chinoa will suffer next. Tba Chilian* relaee to send troop* to qnell the die\x=req-\ tarbenoe. Henry Bwayne ia a heavy loaer. A number of women and ohildren have sought relage on board a couple of vas\x=req-\ sal* at Cerro Azalo, and Bwayn* baa chartered a steamer to bring the refugees to Callao. It ia feared that similar scenes will bo eaeoted throughout Pern. Even if the Chiliana leave Lima, foreign\x=req-\ era will oertainly have to fight tor their Uvea sod pnt down the canaille, who are already bo eating what they intsad doing as soon ss tba Chilian troops leav*. All Of the plunder*re csngbt are soundly flogged, snd ander this system ths streets are safer tbsn a few wseks sgo. A list of fifty Peruvian property owners baa bean issnsd by tbs ChiUsns, from each of whom they demand a war contribntion of $30,003. Thai $1,\x=req-\ 000,000 will bs raised, which is tbsqnota for tba first month, Tbs Cbilisn govsrn\x=req-\ msnt is d'tertuinsd to oolleot 91.000,000 per month for the expenees of ths army. Ths fifty gentlemen named held a meeting and eoma of them declared they would not pay. As the penalty for nonpayment is ths dsstraotion ol property worth three times ths smonnt, few, it is expected, will fail to pay. Ths housss of those who bsva not paid by ths 18th will b« dsstroyed. . The Arsnoanian Indians, now on ths wsrpstb, engaged a squadron of Cbilisn cavalry snd twslvs troopers wsra killed. Crops hsvs been burned, osttls driven off, man, women and children killed, and all tba rsvolting savagery of Indian warfare have been indulged in. WESTERN DISPATCHES Shocking Traced/—J nit lelrlbu\x=req-\ Hon by Judge Lynch. Santa Babbaxa, Cel., April 5.—'Thii community is greatly exalted over s tragedy which occurred new Lompoo on Saturday iMt. It appears the! e lady named Mrs. Loaiia Sargent, residing at Santa Rita, startsd on that day to visit a neighbor. A« she did not return by evening, her huifeand eet ont to meet her and found her hone grasing by the aide of the road. Arouaing tbe neigh\x=req-\ bore. search was mads until fsr ioto tbs night without suocees. Yestsrdsy morning ths community turnsd out sn maase, and succeeded in finding tbe body of Mrs. Sargent buried near a ebeep camp. She had evidently been outraged and murdered, her bead being crushed as if bj tbs blow of a club. A Mexican sbssp\x=req-\ herder in tbe neighborhood haa been arrested on suspicion of having committed tbs deed, and tbs fseling in tbs community is so aroused thst thsre is soms likelihood of his beiog lynched. Latkb.—Tbe man arrested for tbs murder of Mrs. Sargent ie not a Mexican, but a full-blooded Indian. Tbe evidencu ie deemed very oonolueive, and last nigbt bs was hanged to a tree at the scene of tbe murder. Psrtiss srs now searching for bis brotbsr, supposed to be implicsted. Tbe funeral of Mrs. Sargent was oonduoted by Bev. J. W. Webb today. There was a very large attendance,business bouses being cloeed. The Deadlock let Unbroken. Cbicaoo. April C. — The Journal's Waabington special eays: The Democrats endeavored to break the monotony of roll calling in the Senate yseterday by the introduction of a reaolution looking to the release of Uiohael Boytoa, now in priaon In England, bnt it waa rnled eat of order. McPheraon tried bard to get it before the Senate, bnt waa atoppad by tha motion made by the Democrata early in the preaent atrnggle to indefinitely poatpone the resolution to elect officers. Until thia aan be got out of the way the Boy too resolution oould not get before the Senate, and the Democrata were not willing a vote to be taken. The Repnb\x=req-\ lieana feel enoouraged, and aay that in the end the Democrata mnat yield; bnt when that end will oome no peraon can tell. The Preaident aent to the Senate a large batch of nominationa of Poatmaa\x=req-\ ters for email offloea. Augusta, Empress of Oermany.baa recti red from tha Emnreaa of Japan a holiday gift of beaatifal Japanese dog*. They arrived at the palaoe in oharge of a Japanese official, who bad conveyed them all the way from Yedo to Berlin carefnlly packed in a bandaoma kennel, the interior of whlah ia luxuriously lined with ailken ensbiona. Boiled rice ia "the chief of their diet;" and grave double an entertained by the Berlin Zoological authoritiea with reapeot to their aoolima\x=req-\ tization. Tbefeminent animal-painter, Sperling, baa been oommiaaioned by the Empreea to take their portraita. A little miaa bad got into tha naughty habit of not atating thing* as they were, or to put it plainly, of atating them aa they were not. Bather than reaaon with her on tha wickedneea of lying her mother took down the New Testament and very aolemnly read tha atory of Anan|aa and 8apphira and their audden death be\x=req-\ oause they diaregarded tha truth. The little lady beard the atory through, and then looking ip, said : " Mamma, I don't believe Ut I've told lota and lota of liee!" VTbat answer oeald be made? A man in Guilford, Conn., who waa too poor to indulge in any luturiea other than children, waa preaanted by a loving bnt unreckoning wife with tripleta— three boys—and he aougbt for eome family to adopt them. Mr. Clark waa rather inolined to take them, but hla good wife thought one would perbapa be enough. They were talking it over before their little eight-year-old daughter, who said, "Why don't we take one of them ma ? er don't they want to break the set f" At a recent meeting of the English le\x=req-\ ciety of Engineer* Mr. Frank Grierson reed a peper on "The National Value of Ctteap Patent*." From his statement it appeared that while the stamp duties on an Engliah patent, laating foorteea years, are $875, thoes on aa Amerioan patent, lasting aersoteen, are only $35. The result of the duties is that in 1879 there were 18,756 patents at work ia England, sgainst 500,000 in ths United States. Prof. Fort, in a paper on artificial rat* piratlon read before the Fraoob Academy. alaUa that ba wae enabled to reetore to life a obild time yean old three and a half hour* after apparent death by praotioing artificial respiration on U for foar boure. Another physician reports a somewhat similar out. Hs reanimated a person nearly drownsd after four hoar* artificial reepiration. The person had been in the water ten minotee, and the doetor arrived an hoar After eephxla. UALL'M TKQBTABLK MI CI LI AN Htlr Rentwer U a KltotUc combination of •on* of the mott powwtnl reetotaUre aeente In the regetable kingdom. It itttom gray balr to 1U original color. It makte the tealp white ud clean. It cam dandruff and homora, tod falling out of Um hair. It farnlabea the nntrltlve prtndpla by which tba hair i« boot\x=req-\ lahad and ispportod. It makre th« hair molat. •oft and glowy, and la nnanrpeeeed aa a hair dreeelng. It U tba moat economical preparation rrar offered to tba pnbUe. aa IU effect* remain a lone Una, making only aa oooaatooal application nooaaaary. It la raoommoodad and naad by eminent madlcal men. and officially lndoretd by the StateAtaayarof MaaaaehateUa. Tba popalarlty of Hall'i Ranewer haa lnereaeed with tba teat of many year*, both In thla ooon\x=req-\ try and In foreign landa, and It 1* now known and need In all tba cirlllsed ooontriee of tba world. ( "It >aaa right to the wat." Thla homaly bat ezpreaelre phraae adequately da •crlbee tba affect "of a ilaaa of Hen Proof drank with hot water or Iced, with lemonade, aoda water or milk. Heady on Opacing. Krory eldeboard ahonld have It. Sold by all Orocera, Wine Merchanta and DroggUta. Trade mp\x=req-\ piled by Rlcbarda k Harrleun, Ageata for Pacific tioaat, Ban Francleco. I (trendy recommend the dm ot Fellowa' Compound Syrup of Ilypopboaphttaa to all wbo •offer In an* way from dlaeaae or waakneaa of the Lang*. Bronchial Tubee, or general debility. J. U. W. BOOTT. U. V.. Oaitetown, M. B. MARRIED. Id Virginia, April 8, Benjamin Harrii, of Carton City, to Mitt Fannio Klrtch\x=req-\ braun, of Virginia City. DIED. At tbe Brantwiok mill, April 3, Mitt Sally M. Walla, daughter of Judge Thomaa H. Weill, aged, 33 yeart. NEW TODAY. PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE, VIRGINIA CITY. JOHN PIPER Manager THREE NIGHTS ONLY! Monday, Tuesday tod Wednesday, APRIL 11th, 12th mil ltth. tod QRAND MATINEE ON WEONESDAY, At S o'clock r. a. The Original Colored NEW ORLEANS MINSTRELS. FILDMAK ft CO Manager* H. 0. MKUDKN Muilcal 1)Hector Pronounced tarceM ! The grcite»t, beet end mo»t refined Company In America I Thirty performer*; tlx end men I Orand Military band In atreet parade t ImmeuM aud varied Olio I Mew ttoniti and Dance-1 Old and favorite Plantation Hymn*I Monitor flrat part; novel and grand finale I 0. H. MBHDKN, In hi* Incomparable and ar\x=req-\ tlitlc ikt tch, "Moilc Oonqnered, during which he perform! on twenty dlBorent aud difficult muilcal Inurnment*; alio. In hli fiunooi Cor net Holo. A luperb Orchestra I The celebrated Ham\x=req-\ town (JuartstM, In Negro Melodlei I Ooucludlug with tho ilde-ipllttlug Plantation Abenrdlty, UNCLE JIFF'S VISIT! Dont fall to we the Orand Military Band In ■treet parade every afternoon. Box eheet now open for th* iale of reeerred eeate at Piper'i Opera Bonie. Box OSce upon Bear In mind thi opening night of th* Mln< etrele, MONDAT. April II. HAM. MKYKKrf. Boiln*** Manager. a|4tf SARSFIELD QUARD, ATTENTION I FLECTION NOTICE. rpa« ANHHAL ELECTION OP 0PF1CBB8 A of the flan field Guard will take nlaoe at their Armory TUI8 KVKNINO at 7 o'clock. All member* an requeeted to attend. Pot order of JOHN COBOROVR, Captain. Alio* Muutrrr. Orderly Sergeant. t It P' GIBSON'S SALOON, Mala HirMli Held mil, nitNT OU1K IN KVKKY KKHPECT. Reading and CJlub Booms. The patron. or the Honse will be well received ■ad curved wlU> the Finest of WINES. LIOUORS AND CIQARS By "PAP "ABBOTT. W. P. C. flIHHOW. PrwHeiw. »HIL RRNIDAR GOLD AND BILVIH MINING COMPANY .-Location oTjulndpel place of basin***, San Pranoleeo, Loc.tlun of work*. BtoreT eounty, Nevada. Notloe la hereby given, the! at a m**tlng ef tbe Board of Director*, bald on lb* fourth day of April. 18M. an unearned (No. 10 of Ten Oenta (10c) per (bare waa levied upon tbe capital itock or the corporation. p*« Immediately, in United Itaies fold ootn, to the Becretary, at the office of the Company, Ml Montgomery street, Room II, Ban Pran\x=req-\ clseo, Oalltornla. Any (lock npoo wblch thia assesstnsot shall remain anpaid on the PIPTB (»th) day' ef MAT, 1881, w'll be dellnqaent, and advertised for sale at public auction, and ODleee payment Is made before will be sold on THUKUDAT, the TWKNTT81XTH day of MAT, Ml. to pay the dellnqaent ssicsi mrnt, together with eoeU oi advertising and esnensee of sale. By order or the Boird or Directors. DAVID WILDER, Pecretary. Ofllce-818 Montgomery street, boom II, Ban Frsnclsco. California. apitd CHANGE OF FIRM. [HAY* TBI* DAY BOLD TO J. V. HALL all my Interest In the Pioneer Laundry. Q. W. BALL. Virginia, December 1,1880. SPECIAL NOTICE, All BUI* das tbe PIONEER LA0NDBY np to tbe F1HVT OP CEOEMBIH, 1880. mast be settled before tbe TENTH OP DEOtMBKB, or they will be pUc«d in the bands of a oolleetor. In ratnre no bllla will be allowed to ran mora than thirty days. J. P. HALL. Virginia. P*eember 1.1IB0. 1_ CIQARS,- TOBACCO, STATIONERY. O. H. GALLUP, 0PPO8ITB THE BANK OP GOLD BILL. ^^ke.p* constantly on band all tbe tarortle IMPORTED CIGARS, AU blade efCbewlaaTebacre, PI pea. Cat\x=req-\ I err, Tare, Faaer Ueeda, Bsbssl Baaks, aad Mtatlaaery af all Dasri latlaae. DR. A. CHAPMAN. •;U R Q 10 N*D I N T I 8T( U»ROM NEVADA OITT, GALXPOR.JH* r ate. Permanently located at VtioMM ftaUOlty. Offloe, lio BOOTS 0 MMM. MIBCILLAIMUB. 6R0GBRT .3T0BBI RICHARD MERCER, MAIN 1TRIKT. GOLD MILL. FAULT & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HIND AND FOR >ALZ OH1AF FOB OiHH. A Lvm AMortaaat o4 QROCXR1X8 AND PBOVXSJONB dlnct tnm Um OUlfomUMar\x=req-\ ktU, ooaprUiat Is put TEAS, 8DOAB8, C?OFFEE, BPIOE8 CAN FBUIT, DBIED FBUIT, 8YBUPS, 0Y8TEB8, BIOS FLOUR. BIOE, CAN\x=req-\ I)LBS, BUTTER. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEST OF WINES AND LIOUORI at WHOT.WiTil amd BIT AIL. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. tWOoodi D«llT«rad fm of Obari*. m biohabp mbbcbb. F. W. F0L80M, mmm hiii, (SoeotMor to BoMaaoa ft Folaom.) Whelewle eed beull DmUtU FBOYIBI0HS, Etc. HO lb aqbht IN gold HILL FOR mbb. hills' chakpaqnb BAKING POWDER, IJIHK BUT IN tub kakkbt — ONL1 nqalrM half Um qaaoUtf of ujr other kind. ^LL partibs IMDBBTBO TO thb LATS Arm of BO BIN HON * f0l80m tn reqoMtod to CALL AND SETTLE IJIHBIR AOOOUNTS WITHOUT DBLAT and hti coau. 4 8. W. CHUBBUCK. POST-OFFICE BOOK STORE, MAIN HTKKKT, GOLD IIILL. —DXALU IK\x=req-\ BLANK BOOK*, , STATION KB Y« , JBWBLBY. HCUOOL BOOKS, CCTLRRT. TOYH, Kui. A Knit for U» tUa FrftacUoo Dally CHRONICLE. BULLETIN. EXAMINER. ALTA. EASTERN PICTORIALS, MAGAZINES, And Literary Papers. 1*11 GOLD HILL NEWS DEPOT -AKD\x=req-\ VARIETY STORE, MAIN MTBBBT,.... GOLD HILL, Opposite Vol's Hwt MuklL D. THORBURN, Proprietor. AO KMT FOR TBI OOLD HILL DAILY NEWS And 8m PnnclMO "Call," Mkx«alier" aid MFort.M Eastern Periodicals AND LATEST BBADIHU VATTEB. GI61B8 AND^TOBACCO8, SHEET MUSIC* SHOW-OASE GOODS* STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS* TOYS. ETC. PrMifliiM mm BMMMtory Dm1> lav (WMlNi I JOHN JONES, JR., DRUGGIST, Main St, Gold HilL HA8BROUCK A HALL, (BaccMtort to A. B. Btewwt dt Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Ml lua ItrtM, GOLD HILL, .... NEVADA -DULIM IK— PURE DRIIIM, CRBMICALH. MEDICINE* TOILET AMI FANCY ARTICLE*. Pmcriptlooi MM at>11 bom. d*j or nl*ht, by » thoroughly comtxtant pertop. ll_ L. B. FRANKEL, ■TOOK AND MONIV ■■OKI*. omoi-bll Kmc. S«M Bill, j«M u«n iki Ink tfOiilfculii mou BOUGHT, MLS ARB CAR. RIRB OB^MARGIRB. ON AND AFTBN APNIL Ut IVU1 SELL FOE CiSH OB ON CREDIT Where Accounts arc Secured. Pioneer and Lambert Floor Per 100 11m., $3 50 Cnubed, Pin* Cnubed and Coke Bngar 7 «t lbe. for St 00 Fineet Japan Taa 37 k etui* per lb., or 3 lb*, for $1 00 Old Government Jara Coffee (freeh ground) 5 lbe. fur 31 00 Coal Oil, high teat and beet branda Per Caee, $1 25; per 5-gallon Can, $2 35 730 Bo zee Cboloe Winter Applee At Irom $1 50 to >3 35 per Box Fine Old Bonrbon WhUkjr..... .75 oenta per Bottle, or $3 per Oallon; former prioe, $5 15 Bberry Wine Now aelling at $3 per Gallon, er 75 centa per Bottle Fineet Old Port Wine Beduoed from $5 to 13 per Oailon, or 75 oenta per Bottle Beet Freneb Claret $1 per dozen or 3 Bottlee for 91 Everything else in my immense stock of FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Fine Old Brandlrs, Wines and Liquors, WILL BE SOLO AT EOUALLY LOW PRICES. EXTRA CHOICE PETALUMA BUTTER, FRESH CALIFORNIA EQBS, 0RESSE0 POULTRY AND FRESH FISH, ALWAYS ON HAND. Goods Delivered Free of Oliarge. I WILL TAKB STOCKS AS SECURITY FOR GOODS And LOAN 50 PEB CENT. IN CASK and giro 35 per oent. additional in Ooode on Mining Secnritiee. T. R. McGURN, VIRGINIA CITY, • • 8FTB0, and • » GOLD HILL. 2 m ■ISCKLLiiriOPB. V. N, HALL & CO., 186 Main Street, tlold lllll, HOLKULK AMD KKTAIL DKALBB8 H A R DWAR E OP BVKBT DUOIUPTIOtl. Sheet Iron, * Copper and Tin Work Of til kind* done to order at ihort notice. ' 8tf THI cm BAKKBY, RESTAURANT. Ooilbctloiepj and Candy Depot* No. J7 North C Street, Vlralotat, Arnm AN KIJCGiNT A8HOKTMINTOI \J HOLIDAY OOUOd. Toyi, Oaodloe, 0» menu for Table, Ornamental, Proeted and Plain Cakea of all kliida, dtacrlptloo* and do ateM, and at prtcee to aolt ererjboly. Aa we Import all oar gooda direct from UN Kajt, we can offer them at.price* tbe name at charged In New fork, and at leaa than Ha* Pranctaco ratee. Vtr Ornameota tor Oakee a epedalty. (Vice Oretm and fltrawberriea and Cr**m. Alao HtiawberrlM by tbe box, at wboleaale or retail. %0~ Oar candle* are manofactnred by ear* aclrrt fraab every day, and are rar aaperlor to Imported candle*. ynZXBUR k ABKBRU8T, Proprietor* City Bakery. . Mo, IT Hortb 0 atreet, Virginia. Nevada. 14 la GOLD HILL BAKKlif RESTAURANT SLAIN ITRKKT GOLD BILL* Oppoalta tb« Icllpaa Livery Stablaa, J. P. BKCKKB. ProprleUiw TJIBZUH BBUD, PUS, OAKB, AND HOI * RolU awry day, dallrarad at tba raal\x=req-\ daneaa of oaitomara. BRKAD AT RKDUOKD PRIOIB. IV* Ptaa and Oakaa at radaead prloaa. niojr or aaaortad Oakaa mad* to «da» « ihort ootloii Tba Kaataorant Dapartmant ia tba finaat ta tba State. All kind* of Uaaa. Pooltty aad Ttaah Ft ah and alao Ojttora raealvea and aarrad mp dally. — THE NEVADA BANK or SAM FRANOISCO. BAM I&AX01800 CALIFORNIA Ml •» Capital lattrr* (O. H. Baala) Paid Afaota M VlnrlnlA, Narada... { \ §152?" I Qm L. Buxsn (63 Wall atmt) J ******* G^Bayaand talla Excbanra and Tahcnpkta Tranafara. laaaaa Ooomarcial and Tmalan* Cradlti. Tbla bank baa apaclal facllHlea foe daallnc in bullion. 4tf . FA8HI0NJAL00N. S. B. TURNEY, PROP'R. Mali Street, •. - • - fl«M Hill, Oppoaito tba Urn offlca. rjlHM old-UTABLISHBD amd POPULAR *■ wort I* Mill the /norlu. Comfort aod •port combined. Tbe MM of tbo bow* will *1 way • Sad the bod brand* at ■ < ANDYi WHIflKY,. alb, PORTBR, UOIB. WIN KM or ALL kinds. TOBAOOO, ClflAft*. IN. two n«e nuiARa runt. COMSTOCIC EXCHANGE, pf aim ■TBBfiT.——"——gold "TIfli SPXOUL MOTIOB II BBBIBT OIVBN to til pot MM of Ibo Abo TO MIOOB, Uut I Shall Cloae lulacu la Thirty Dtji Tnm data. Stock, fix to ret am ^ will of the MUblidunMt for aal* cm taawnatile torma. All pofoo®. todobud will ptaaoo cots* forward at ooao and table. _ tho8. b. rmoH. Oold Hill, April 1. lan. aplBM MISCELLANEOUS. cm RAIL WAV THE Chicago & North-Western RAIL W A Y U tha OLDEST! BEST CONsTHl'CTED! BEST KgUIPPEDI and bene* lb* LEADING RAILWAY - or tiii - WEST AND NORTH WEHT! It U lb# 8UORT. bUHK ud BAFK ROUTE bill COUNCIL BLUFFS, - AND - CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE And >11 poluti JCAHT, inch u Nlinn Kail*. New York. l'hlluc>iphl», Baetoa. \Va*hlaataa« Haliiaere. Plltekarak, Maatraal, Taraaia, l>eir*lt. ClaYalaad. At Council Bluff* tb« Train* of iba Chicago A Nortb-W**t*rn andtbe U. P. H'j* depart from, arrive at and n*c Iba *ame Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, clo*a connection* are mad* with lb* Lako Shore, Mlchlaan Ontrai. Haltlmure k Oblo, Ft. Warns and Pannajlvanla, and Chicago k Grand Trank H'jr«, and tba Kankakta and Pan Uaodl* Ilout**. Pullman Palata D rawiaiRooaCin Are run on all tbrougb train* of Ibl* road. It la Ike OILY ItOAl) keiweea COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAQ0 Upon wbleb I* run Ibo cclabrated Pullman Hotel Dining Oars Ineiet upon Ticket Ageolaeellloir you Ticket* via thU road. kiainlne your Tic tela, aud rvfHM to buy If they do Dot read over tbe Cklcato k North Weftern Kallwav. If yoo « l»b the beet Traveling Accemuioda. tlon» ton will bar your Tlekute by tble Mouie STAND WILL TAKk NONK OTHKK. All Ticket AjjenU eelt Tlckcte by tbie Dot. MAmVIN lieuIIITT. mh» 3d v. p. k Uea'l Mang'r, Chicago. GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND BLA0111NR WORKN, UfHl, Lewir DeM ■III, Den IKON AND BBAHM 1'AHTINOM Of every variety made to order. LHAV1 JUST ADDED TO MT OLD eeUbliabed Machine Worki the LAROKST ED - LATHI, PLAJtIK ud BTIAM BAM MIR, ell 0» the lateet and moel Improved construction, and am now prepared to Bake tad Repair all kliula and all alxee of MILL A MIMING MACHINKRY At tbe ahorteet Dotlce and on the moel mio lb It unm. Ita QIOBOI IMKITT, Proprietor. RENO FOUNDRY, BKNOt NBVADA. HK PROPRIETOR OF TUB VIRGINIA FOUNDRY. bavins parrbucd tbe Kroo ndry, ud consolidated It with the former, will hereafter ilyle tbe woiki tbe Keoo Foundry and Machine Worka. Tbli eetahM»bm»nt It now prepered to do a general Foundry btulneae, IombUIok every da\x=req-\ tcrlptloD oI QiiiIhi la Ir*a Bad Wraea» Ffrfftiii aad .Marklae Work, At lower prleee then can be ohuloed eleewbere. Drawloc* and eeilmatee inrolabed wben re qolr«d. Br itrlct attention to bnatneM, tad wllb a tboroaib knowledge of the work reqalred, tbe proprietor hope* to merit tbe contdeoee of tbe trade, and respectfully aoUclutbe patronage of mill and mining men. d«n ANDREW PttAWHR. Pra»r. FOUNTAIN MARKET, MAIN HTKBBT ■ . GOLD BILL 0. J. WAIDEIt, Proprietor. XDBSI&B TO INFORM TUB PUBLIC that tbe ckoleeet of Baef, Teat, Mattaa, Park, Cfraed Meate, Lara, Haaie. Baraa, Haaeaaee, *te.» Oaa be boncbt at the Foanlaln Market. Famine* and bo»rdln* houeee will Hod It to tb*ir idriotiM to (If* M ft wlJ. M 0. J. WA|DKB, J. U. HAIL M. 0.. PHYSICIAN AND tUKOKOM riwnan awp rwdbnoi - oppoarr* V ike *«wa oOoa, Mala Mraet, Gold H11L