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THE EVENING NEWS VIRIIMA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Tiklai Kffecl September 20, ISM. fiM K«m m lltll u4 Tlrdili. 1 I Express. Local Par saager Local •aeaenger REMO HTSAMBOAT. WASHOE .... PBUtKTOWR LAKIVIBW .. CAKSON.. At 6.U a.m. 718 •• 7 .S3 •• 7.47 " 7.38 M 8.18 " 8.18 a.m. • Jfl " 8 80 u 8.8* " 10» " tow •• 1-30 p.m. 150 - 810 « 8.10 " I SO " 4 00 " C.. De BMPIHB M'NO HOUSE UOLD HILL.. VIKOINI*.... ».*) a.m. Kit " • on - 11.10 •• 11-M •• 11.18 a.m. 11.81 •« 11.ii* p.m. l'l.M " 1 US - 3 uo p.m. 811 " •.Ml " •.40 " 8.30 " TRAINS Vfm Tlralala and field Hill la Careea ■ad Keu. Stations. Bxpee*. Local Paaaenser Looil VlaUlNU... UOLD BILL.. M74U HU08B kXPlBB (ARSON... Ar tilp.s 8.48 " • *> - IU " 4 U M liea.a. 8.1? " 8.10 " • JO * V.S3 » a.M> p. a. IU " lis " 3.18 " 8.40 - CARBON .. De LAKKVUW.. PBANKlOWN WASHOE HTBAMBOAT. HBHO T.IO p m. 7* " 7.M " 1.47 - HI* H •JO •• 10.00 a.m. 10.18 " Ui.80 - 11.10 M 11 S3 " 1S.S0 p-m. 4.18 p.m. 4.40 " 6.08 - 3.13 « • U " •.a ■* THURSDAY. • • • • • • • • : APRIL 31. 1881 stock itrair. un iTDin. 30 Eureka Con.. 170 Northern Bell*. 17%, 17V 93 Manhattan. 1H 100 B«lmonl. 40e 1420 Navajo. 1, 1 05 380 Tuacarora. 10c SO Bella Isle. 40e 730 Day. 43c , 3303 Albion. 4. 8 90. I*. • 80. 3 CO 80 Ml. Diablo. 6%, 6% 100 ML Poto.i, 3c 300 Becbtel, 93c. 1 630 Tioga, 1 300 Summit. C0o 470 Syndicate, 43c, 40o 30 Ooodahaw, 7So 300 Concordia. 1% 830 Champion, 35o 300 Belvidere. 1 900 Blackbawk. 33c 600 Booker Con., 10c 630 Mono. 2*t.3 15. 3 30 1000 University. 5c. lOo 1178 Jupiter. 40c. 50o, 60a 1000 Addenda. 33c 505 Noondav. 3H. 3 40. 3% 910 North Noonday, 1 60. 1 70 100 Boelon Coo.. 60c "M Oro. 1 30. 1 40 50 Tiptop. 4 500 Paris. 53c 10 Silver King, 33*4 30 Head Center, U 60 150 Bulwer, 3 30 tbu Moaxixo. 400 Ophir. 8%. 8 805 Mexican, 10%, 10. 10% 740 Ooald & Curry, 7S. 7 V 393 Beat \ Belcher, 11%. 13 403 California. 1 % 1140 Savage. 3 80. 3 85, S 90. 3 95 833 Con. Virginia. 3 55 1360 Chollar. 3 33. 3 30 750 Potoai, 4 05. 4 10. 4 15 440 Hale A Norcroea. 6% . 975 Crown Point, 3 30. 3 05, 3 15 380 Yellow Jacket, 6%, 5% 3200 Imperial. 30c * 80 Kentuck. 1% 43 Aloha. 4 H 930-Belcher. 3 31. 3 45. 3 40 885 Sierra Nevada. 13 S. 13 S. 13 >* b30, 13'i, 13% 780 Utah. 10»*. a, 10% 1330 Bullion, 1 83. 1 80 303 Exchequer, 1%, 1 80 30 beg. Beleher, 7 % 935 Overman. 3 10. 3 30. 3 15 635 Jualice. 90c, 93c, 83c 110 Union Con.. 10%. 10% 330 Alta. 3% 106O Julia. 45c. 50o 1033 Caledonia. 53c. 50c 950 Silver Hill, 30o, 33c 640 New York. 30c, 3S« 650 Occidental. 3, 1 85 935 Lady Washington, 35c, 30c 300 Original Oold Hill. 35c 616 Andes, 3 90. 3 98. 3. 3 05 1330 Scorpion. 3 10. 3 05. 3 1490 Benton, I, 95c 150 OoldM (late. 3 30 300 Solid Silver. 35« 350 Concordia (Va.), 30c 40 Confidence. 4 illMMea aireel R*|wrk Sax FmA*cieco, April 21—3 p. v.— Gould * Carry, 7S. 7H. "H; Albion, 3 90 9 SO; Ml Diablo.«; Sa»a«e, 3 90, 4, 4 10; Silver Hill. 35o, 30c; Day, SOc; OpLir. lh i Sierra Nevada, 1JH. 12H, 13V it1,. 13Hi Con. Virginia*# S4.3H. 3 83; Union Con., 10H, 10S; Mexican, 10\, 10S;Oro. U; Chollar, 3<t; Beet A llrlcher, Vl\, 13?«. 13S, 12S; Northern Belle. 17*; II ale A Norcrou, 6. OS; Mono, 3 30; Potoel, 4 13, 4 30; Yellow Jacket, i\. 3%; Andea. 3 10; UUb. 11. 10H. 10H ; Bullion, l\. 1 70; California, 1H. 1 40, 1 43; Alta. 3 30. 3 40; Kcnlnck, 3; Overman. 3 30.3*4.3 II. 3 30; Julia. 43*. 30c. ArvleMa Thia Maraiac\x=req-\ B ▼ Dey, IUt O R Daiii, B Beanetta, In Oauat. Miaa M Daaahue. T B flat\x=req-\ worthy, B B King and wife, Miaa Moffat. E Sailea, A B Jackaon, J B Byao, J 8 ha\x=req-\ neen, W J Sutherland, J Kelly, H Moffatt. Mullie Madden. HHrtim Laat IfMlar F D Wentwortb, C J Hillyer. B V Dey, C Joae, J Moore, n A Froom. Mra Ueuat. B Wintera and wife, Mra E Nilee, J £ Shaw ban. reraMata. Jamea Moor* of tbe Kiadon Iron Woika, San Franoiaco, arriTed in Virginia yeaterday morning. He waa ont •t the Combination abaft during the greater part of tha day and laft in tba evening for Saa Francieco. J. F. Moolton, taller in tha Virginia Agency of tha Nevada Bank, baa tendered hia reaignation to take effect May lat Hugh McMillan aaaanltad and beat John McKenzie pretty aeverely laat night oa Main atreet, Qold Hill, about 10:30 o'clock. Ha waa arreated tbia morning, and not being abla to raiea $300 bail, waa aant to jail. H» trial will taka plaoa tomorrow at 1 o'clock p. ». Dnncan McDonall and John B. Molilalia have located 1500 feat of mineral ground in Virginia Mining Diatriet and called It tha "Sew Idea." Owing to aoma trouble with a pump bob, tha Belcher ponipa war* not atartad laat avaning, but it ia expected to hava them going tonight. Sam'l L. Jonea, Superintendent ol tba Crown Point haa been appointed Sa paris ten dent of the Belcher, aleo. Tba yonng people from Virginia bad ■ loTaly avaning for a walk homo from tha entertainment laat night. Gold Hill yonng ladiee are wearing flam Bernhardt oollara. Applea retail (or 92 par box ia Gold Sill. THE DECLINE II PRICES. >HMIW f«|W IMOWM. The Report of yeeterdsy codmIm its readers who in dealing in atoska u follows: "The comparatively high prices and the hall in the upward movement of the Comatocka breoght oat aome real\x=req-\ izera tkla morning at the first aeeaion, and their aalea wen supplemented by tha operations of the ahorta. The reaalt wia a general deelina. There ia now a very fair abort interest in the market and the prospect of trading opportnnitiea ie therefore good, even ehonld the beara be left for a while in the enjoyment of their anticipations, wbioh ia not eery probable. Tbe lull ia probably only temporary and the market haa, if the eigne go for anything, hardly yet began to move. We think there are rarpriaee in a to re for operators and that the chipper in the preaent state of affaira ia poa\x=req-\ areeed ot.more coarege than diecretion." And the PoM, which haa hitherto ad\x=req-\ viaed its readers to get it at onoe before it should be too late, yeaterday adviees ita roadera to "go alow," aa follows: "There waa great trepidation in atock circles thie morning, and recent buyera were rapidly tranaformed into aelUra. The roseate theoriea which prevailed I daring tbe reoeot riee were somewhat ebattered by the atern realities of a aharp decline in prioee. It began to look aa if the Comatock market bad drifted into one of tboae retrograde movemente with I ita usual reactions, which lend false bopee to bayers, and which inevitably aucceed aboormal. premature and on\x=req-\ warranted excitements. A eober second thought ie beginning to prevail, and tbe more the matter ie investigated the leee reaaon there eppeara for a great excite\x=req-\ ineut at the preeent jonoture. With a little more petienoe and a little more time we think tbe ahowing in tbe Com\x=req-\ etock minee will be mors anbatantial. Until thru it ie better to go alow eind not to overdo the thing." CHARGED WITH ROBBERY. A«srr Whs Psji He At\x=req-\ ••sUss to Ike BaeeifUee Law. In Juetice Hendereon'a Court, Virginia, yeaterday, Jaa. Killeen was examined on a charge of robbery broaght by D. P. Murphy. From the evidence it eppeara that Murphy ia a miner working at the Hale Jc Nor cross, and one who owed Jaa. Killeen, the defendant, a j saloon-keeper at the corner of Q and Union streets, Virginia, a wbiaky bill amounting to f27 SO. Mprpby delayed payment, bat frequented the ealoon as muob as ever. He waa there yeeterday morning and KilUen called him in a beak room, eaying be wiebed to apeak to him. After closing the door be wae oalled npon to pay hia bill, bat replied that he waa a IteadjuHter on the atrength of the $180 exemption lew, and be wooid like to ase Killeen gst bis money. Killeen didn't relieh tbe derieion be met with and proceeded to take bie pay by going tbrongb I Murphy'e pockets, in which be found sufficient coin to liqoidete the indebted\x=req-\ neea. Murphy immediately awore out the warrant charging Killeen with robbery, and the examination waa held yee terday afttrnooo, bat the Jadge reserved hie decision until 3 p. x. today. I Tfce Cherel Seelelj't a:* serial a ■smi a. Maaonlo Hall waa **u ftM#d ,Ml •,,n' ins on the occaaloo ol th. aocial entertainment gi*en by the Gold Hill Choral and.LiU.ary Union. Tho.e prwen cam* by Inritation of the aocl.ty aBd car. waa t.k.n that the ball wa. not crowded. The forepart of tha vaa dttoud by the aociety to •in|jjD* In" mu.iT Where all did ao we it would be an inju.Uc. to IndlTidudit... A|i tb. aolo. w.r. tncored aa al.o lb (liiUr Juel bj The.ntir. programme, with the e P lion ot a recitation by lira. K«Ub. wh w„ too indi.po.^d to take nart waa carried ont and.proted to b. « WJKSon.. Danring began about 10 o'clock and oontinned until tweWe ! war. played. A number of the jKll wer. From Virginia, all of whom thought they war. w.U paid lor long walk. . rif*r*a Oi>«r« A good bout, greets lb. Btetaon Company at Pipcf. bat night, notwith\x=req-\ .tandioK lb. counter attrition ol th. Gold Hill Choral and Literary Union at Maaonio Hall, in tbl« pl»ce. "Neck and Neck" la perhapa too much o( a aeoaa\x=req-\ lion.l piec. lo plea., all. atlll It haa been £jul« Bat wb.t.t.rop.n\x=req-\ ion theater-goer, m.y ba*e of th. pl*ce. there i. no queatlon aa *° »h# »clin« 1m1 ninhl It Wit molt tXO#ll®D»e Tbe performance ol Chalet, the Ttn* worth the price ol admlMlon. "Seek and" will be rep.a »d tonight .nd alw at the matin* Batarday "Tom^row (Friday) night .'Kentuck" W>S»tarda'nlght. Happy Vall.y." miNtlag the *»•«• •' '•rmma ■kan. ■ Datid Keith, foreman at tha Formtn .halt. hM relocated the ground lormwjy known aa tha Tank., claim, of loOO (eet. and c.Uad It th. South Tucker, 'n\b. » ""h. T..k.r .l.i» «d wuud. aoutharly 1500 farton tha ledge to th. north Una ol tha Holm" claim, and embrace, th. .bait £ tb. • Forman abaft;* the aoutberu at»a w altuate eoutherly ot ««M "bait. «te. Tb. location bo been n«di in th. In\x=req-\ t.raat of th. Forman abaft. «i.i« layeriaW.".' Imlia" •• ib« u>. Concerning th. changea In tbii aabool law tha State 8np.rint.nd.nt of School. gi,« tha following a. all that waa ^ by tha laat Lfgbbtura: sw ei*ing County Commlealooera F . .nd aboliah di.tricta un\x=req-\ power to »oon«wlUlont ^j. ssAartt d tr."b. u ■llfkle* O Old Bllfkina ol Lower Oold Hill wa. yaat.rd.y be tho^t o1 blggeal kind ol a boom. XL" -Jthlo. 'U ao i for a " SHAWHAN, THE »TOCK BROKER. I*ki S Jr. Ikili D» Ut» lkr|8SM UkklilUM, AINU Klhlw Hearing that John E. Shawhan, Jr., bad cloeed hi* atock broking buaineea in Virginia lor want of (anda to carry it on, a Nxwa repreeeLtative prooeedtd to bia offloe to aaoertain it anob waa tba oaaa. He fonnd a amall crowd of man gatbarad around tba door, aoma talking angrily and otbara laughing and jeating about tba failure. On going Inaida found tbat ita aola oocupant waa a clerk who bad bacn in Sbawhan'a employ. He atated tbat tbey ware not tranaaoting any buai\x=req-\ naaa, and tbat ha waa placed thare to tell cuatomera tbat Mr. Bhawhan could ba found at the offloe of Kirkpatrick & Stephena, lawyera. ' Not gaining any information from the clerk further than tba offloe would not again be opened for bualnaaa, tba reporter wended bla way to the offloe of the lawyera to learn of Mr. John E. Shawhan, Jr., the eauee of hie failure in bnaineea. On bearing bia vieitor'a errand, the young man heaved a aigh of relief at not having to maet one of hie ouatomera, and I reiki y atated tbat be had been acting aa agent here tor bia father, who had been doing a broker'a bueineaa in San Frandaco, tbroagh Hale & Paebeco, and tbat bia father bad failed. Reporter—But, Mr. Sbawban, your buaineaa baa been conducted here under your own name and not aa an agent. Mr. Sbawban—I waa only my father'a agent and bia failure In San Francieoo compete me to oloae here. Rep.—What la the amount of your in\x=req-\ debtedneee? Mr. 8.—Not more than $5500 bare. I don't know what my father owea In San Franciaoo. Bep.—Well, what bare you to ebow for tbia $5500; tbat la, bow muoh can yon pay on the dollar to yourouetomere? Mr. S.—All the etock and everything elae waa In my lather'a banda below. We have not a dollar in the world, air, abeolutely not a dollar. Our bouaee, landa, everything baa been attached for my father'e debte. Bep.—1Then your cuatomera here will loee all they had with you? Mr. S. (excitedJ.—We have never cheated any ene out of a oent and don't Intend to. We expeot to pay dollar for dollar, but can't juat now. Bep.—What do you expect to realize money on; you aay you haven't a dollar, and that everytbiug ie under attachment now? Mr. 8.—My father ia trying to fix it up; we expect help from relativea. My lather will get help aomewhrre. Bep.—When did your father fail, and bow much did ha owe? Mr. 8.—He cloeed buaineae yeelerday or the day before. I have no idea what be owee on notee and atocka; perbapa $60,000. Bep.—Waan't your father in Virginia yesterday? Mr. 8.—Yea, air; trying to fix thinga. but didn't aueceed. He went back laat night to attfcnd to bia affaire %elow, and I. with Mr. Kirkpatrick to repreaant him, have charge o! the trouble here. Bep.—What caueed your father'a fail\x=req-\ ura ? Mr. 8.—Oh, oomplloationa in buai\x=req-\ neaa. Some partiee went around buying up bia notea and have now closed down on him and taken everything. Bep.—Will you remain bare? Are your booke'witb Mr. Kirkpairick ? Mr. 8.—The books will have to be produced in Court below end I may have to go to San Francieco anytime. 01 courae I can make a atatement here. Unable to gein further information from Mr. Sbawban tbo reporter withdrew and eougbt information eleewbere, gathering tbat Mr. Sbawban bad done a very good bueinree since the reoent rise and, alao, that a large number of the young ladiea in Virginia who deal in atocka had their namea on hia booka. TIME-TABLE CHANGES. Thi Cralral PaelOe, Virginia and imhw, Uma aud Colorado Mnllruada. The following time-table changea on the different railroada mentioned above we clip from the Carion Times : On the Central Pacific, commencing Sunday next, April 24th, the "Virginia Lightning Expreee " will be taken off altogether. The eaatward bound overland train will leave San Franoiaoo on the time on which the " Lightning Ex\x=req-\ preta " now runa, leaving San Franoiaco at 4:30 p.m.. and arriving at Reno at 0:30 a. m. The preaent time of weet\x=req-\ ward bound overland train will not be changed. It leavea Reno at 8:60 f. u., and arrive! in San Franciaoo at 1:35 p. m. The daily aleeping car between Oakland. Sacramento and Caraon will be ran «e naual. On tha Virginia and Truokee, a alight change will be made in tha time of the San Franciaoo expreae. Commencing on Sunday next, thia through paaaenger train will leave Virginia City at 6 JO p. M., Ave mlnutea earlier than at preaent; will arrive at Caraon at 7 p. v and leave Caraon at7:15 p. m. arriving at lttno at 8:30 p. M. The Virginia expreaa tbrongh paaaenger train, will leavo Reno at 7:10 a. u.; arrive at Caraon at 8:25 and laave Caraon at 8:35, arriving at Oold Hill at 9.55 and Virginia at 10:05 a. u. The train now leaving Caraon at 6 r. m. will leave at 6:15 p. it., arriving at Mound Houae at 6:05, Virginia at 7:08 p. u. ' On the Caraon and Colorado road, commencing next Sunday, through paa\x=req-\ aenger train will leave Uound Houae at 9 JO a. M., etopplng at Cleaver, forty-two milee ont, for dinner, and arriving at Hawthorne at 2:50 p. u. Returning, will leave Hawthorne at 12:45, arriving at liound Houee at 6 p. u. Meae le Virginia. Dan Donovan, an old reaidentof Oold Hill, Conatable here for two yeara and more recently Srrgeant-at-Arma of tba Aaaembly, baa purcbaaed an interrit in tha aaloon, 46 8outh C atreet, Virginia, formerly kept by Orant Ierael. Dan will be pleaaed to have hie Oold Hill frienda call upon him, and guaranteaa good treatment. The oard of the firm, Cum\x=req-\ mlnga & Donovan, may be aeen in another oolumn. c. V. a. rmmp. Tha material for tha Chollar-Norcroaa\x=req-\ Savage hydraullo pump did arrive yea* terday, and a report gained ooaaiderable credence that the pump waa atarted for another trial laat night. Another report haa it that the expantion joint did not fit. and of oouree, tf that la ao, the pomp did not atari. One thing ia certain, tbay are not in operation today. And ilia alao poaitively knows that a aleeve waa telegraphed for laat night, to bo plaoed at one of the joinia of the pnmp oolumn. The aleeve will be oaat today and aent np immediately. One Cardwell, from tha Mound Houae, got ia a row with a hoatler at Mooaey'a livery etable, Virginia, yeatarday and had the man dlaeharged. Then the man tried to thraah Cardwell and waa arreated. EASTERN DISPATCHES Mormon Management and Missionary Work. WASBDtaTox, April SI. —It is an\x=req-\ nounoed Id a Utter (ram Utah, dated the 11th, that up to that Una Cannon had not taken any testimony, ao far aa known, in tha oontaatad election out. It ia believed that ha Intends to try to go through on • prima fadt coarse, baaed on the count of votes, which ia not quae\x=req-\ tioned. Ha will be met by charge* that he ia not an American dtixea, and a flagrant Tiolator of the law which debars him from a aeat in Congreae. It ia believed that the oonteat will open np the whole Mormon queation, and produce an agitation that will lead at leaat to reme\x=req-\ dfal meaaures. It ia reported that Mor\x=req-\ mo» influenoa in Idaho ia determined against Governor Meal, and no effort will be apared to aooompliah bia removal. He baa made a etrong fight to bead off the enoroaohmenta of tbeae bar\x=req-\ bariana upon tha Territory, and haa been marked for depoeition in any way that will remove bim a* an obatacle to their advancement. The Mormona, it ia believed, will be made to appreoiete that oppoeition to their degrading influence will be no objection -to a Territorial Governor in the opinion of Preeident Garfield. New You, April 31.—One hundred and nlnety-aaven Hormone will arrive at Oaetle Gerden, ea route lo Utah, next Tueeday, having left Liverpool on the ateemehip Wyoming laet Saturday. Thia will be the flrat ooaipaDy of Mormona that haa left Europe thia year. Cutkxmi, April 31.—Forty-four Mormon miaelonariea paaaed over tbo Union Paciflo Baliroad yesterday on their way to Walee, upon a proeelyting expedition. They are all inferior and ooarae-looklng men. Moet of them have from two to five wives at home. Tbey will work in the mining and iron diatrtota in Walea. The Rampant lluonrl. Coioaoo, April 30.—The water in the aouthweetern part of the oity ia still* rising, and la now above the high-water mark of 1847, the hlgbeet point ever reached. The only additional damage reported ie the flooding of Griffin k Connelly's ice-bouae on tbo oanal bank at Willow Spring. A Journal Elgin, III., special aaya: The railroad track ia four faet under water, and traine oannot pase over ineide of ten deye. The bridgee are bedly demoralised here and at Dundee. The damage in Kane oounty ie $300,000, but it hi thought the river cannot riee higher and that the worst of the flood is over. The damage in Elgin yeeterday afternoon aggregated f150,000 to $200,000. The chief itema were the breaking of tbe Elgin Hydraulic Company'a dam and raoe banks, $200,000; the destruction of the Cbioafio street bridge, $30,000; tbe Cbioego, Milwaukee and St. Panl Ball\x=req-\ road bridge, $10,000. A Journal Omaha apeoial aaya: Tbe water in tbe Mieeouri etanda today at nineteen feet nine inches, and atill going alowly up. Tbe lumber-yard men are preparing for the woret again, but business on the bottoms ia progreealng except at the amelting worka. It aeame hardly probable that the water can reaoh the altitude of a few daya ago. Bom Kelly Crowt. Philadslpbu, April 21.—A Ltdgtr New York special uji; The combine\x=req-\ tion against Kelly «u apparently m perfect it anything eoald be, end It wu ■upported by the leading journals as by meny of the moat influential«nen in the Democratic party, who bad begun to tire of wearing the Kelly oollar. That eaoh a combination abould have been ao decidedly beaten la a new and impreeeive proof of the atrengtb of machine politics in tbla city. Aa for Kelly, peraonally, he la delighted beyond measure, aa well be may be. He ia reported te have expressed himself aometbing alter tbla faahion yeeterdey: "Tbia ia the proudest day of my life. My opponenta appealed to (be rank and file of Tammany Hall to pat me ont. The appeal ha* been re\x=req-\ •ponded to by paUing them ont. I don't think tbey will ever try that gime again. It waa a Republican and aeallawag movement, diagnieed aa reforms, bat the aae could be aeea onder the lion'a akin all the while. Still I have no ill fastings towarda any of them. Their worst pan\x=req-\ iebment must be their own disappointment and their own diagnat over laat night's work." It need hardly be added that the Boaa' triumph ia a freah humiliation for bla left-banded friend Tilden, who certainly looked for bla overthrow. Result of New fork filth. N*w Yowt, April 18.—A Tribum w\x=req-\ perter interviewed Dr. F. N. Otii, of Tbirty-foarth street, yesterdsy, who said three esses of obolera have recently come under hla knowledge there. They are in Fifty-eeventb, Thirty-seventh and 8ixty-eeventb atreete. It ia very unu\x=req-\ aual to find cases of tbla nature at tbla time of the yesr. He bsd trested several oaaea of oholerine daring the winter. Tbeee aro ths signs which bsvs preceded all the epidemics in New York. Nobody wanta to be trotted ont aa an alarmist, of eoorae, bat it looks to me ss if ws should bsvs troabls when the bot westbsr comes. The Htrald ssys: Ws hsve it oa ths satbority of the most eminent physicians el the city, and their opinion ia enetained by tbe wbole profeeeion, that New York ie now on the verge of a pea\x=req-\ tilenoe; that, in fact, premonitory symp\x=req-\ tons of a plague have slready sppesred. Mora Trouble with the VtM. Dkxvxb, April 31.—ALeadville special eaya: A gentleman wko baa been at the White River Agenoy two years snd bss jnst arrived from there, says ths Indisns do not reoognlxe tbe treaty as binding, bat olsim that tbe money peid tbem by tbe government was dae tbem. Tbey are willing to give op tbe mountaine, bat not tbe valleya. If an attempt ia uaade to remove them to Utah tbey will take to tbe mountains snd keep op a desultory warfare. He says there are five compenlee of infantry at tbe agenoy, being sufficient to remove tbe Indisns, if so ordsred; and two companies of cavalry are expected to arrive soon to oo\x=req-\ operate with them. Tbe settlers, be ssys, nesrly all rssids in block-bouses and are nnalarmed, and that well-armed miners, who ars dally poaring into lbs agenoy, declare they will drive the Indiana oat if the government does not. The Chliete Treaties. Chicago, April 31.—An infer Ocean Wasblogton special ssys: Senators from the Pacific slops are beginning to express spprehsnslons lest, tbs dssdlock shsuld oontinus and prevent the ratifications ef tbe Chinese treaties. Aooording to the terms of thoee documents ratifications mast be exsbsngedwithin one year aftsr ths execution of the doonments,snd fears are entertained that this tins will •xpirt without ratification. i Utile MliandentaBdlng la TeiJU. Chicago, April 31.—The Tlmu' Sin Antonio, Texaa, epeclal of the 19th, ■ay a: A terrible ahooting affray took plaoa at Pyeara' ramp yard, in Uvalde, yeaterdey afternoon, io whiah Oeneral John B. Bayler and aon and Mr. QUI\x=req-\ beret and two aona wera tba principal actora. Both partita rtaide in tha Nueoea canyon, and tha abootlng aroee from an •Id (and. Tha Olllberete bad ba«n arming themaelvea and making tbraata against tha Baylera daring the day. Oanaral Baylar entered the camp yard to look after hia boraea, ignoring the threata made, and cloeely followed by yocng Bayler, who deairrd to warn bia father. The Oillberata auddenly began firing upon them, wbicb reanlted in the death of old man Oiliberet,and the fatal wounding of one aon, jrbile the other eon ea ceped with bia akin filled with ehot. Young Beyler waa aligbtly wounded in the aide and bead, and hia right arm grazed by a. bullet. Oeneral Baylar y\x=req-\ caped unhurt. He ia a prominent citizen of the State, and waa once Governor of New Mexioo, and baa been a prominent oongreeelonal eaplrent. Another rut Afaloit Time. Niw You, April 31.—Tba Tlmaaaya: John Oriaoom, of thia oily, will begin in Ghioago, under the auperviaion and aole oontrol of Profteaor Hainea, of the Fao\x=req-\ ulty of Buah Medical College, a feet of forly-flve conaecutive daye, on or about May 1. Oriaoom lelt for Chicago two daya ago, and bee, no donbt, ere tbla placed himaelf at the diapoaal of Doetor Hainea, who ia described by prominent medical men here ae tolly competent to the taek he bae undertaken with eome relnctanoe, by the way, both aa a obem* iat and pbyaiologiat. It ie expected that tha forthcoming experiment will furniih wbet the Tanner and Denel affaire did not, namely : many valuable data aa to tba cbemiatry and pbyaiology, general and microecopio, of protracted etarve\x=req-\ tion. Qrlacom ia under middle age, of tolerably oompaot pbyalque, and tha wildeet of entbueiaata. Desperate Prlioieri. Chicago, April 20.—Several deeperate cbaractere awaiting trial for murder, burglary, etc., in the Connty Jail made a deeperate and uneuooeeaful attempt to eeeape laet night. Bedney Burna and Alex. McKay were tbe ringleader!. Having procured revolvera from frienda they kuddenly attacked two turnkeya, threatening to aboot them if they epoke a word. Both made an ontory, bow\x=req-\ ever, and tbe keepere were aroueed aod filled tbe jail with polioe. In the meantime, however, tbe priaonera had made an attempt to blow down tbrwell with powder, but aucceeded only in making a loud exploelon and a great duet. They bad aleo felled an old turnkey end kicked bim eeverely, and Alex. MoKay concluded by ebootiug twice a colored pria oner, nemed Daniel Coleman, who waa aaeiating the keepere, and who will die. 1 Barbaroui Barker. Mabiox, lad., April.—John Wallace of tbie plaoe went iuto Warner'* barber ■bop to get abaved. He tu tamed over to an assistant, ft young mulatto, who bad but recently been employed in tbe place. After being arated in tbe obair • moment lb* mulatto approached bim with a wild look, nod tloariabing bia razor, reclaimed: "I'll cut your throat and then I'll alit you down tbo atomaob and let yoar bowel* out. I'd Ilk* to know what'a ineidn of you, anyhow." Wallao* made a Hying leap out of the obair and fled from tba abop. The mulatto waa secured after a deaperate struggle, and a subneqaent examination ahowed that he waa inaane. He will bo taken to an aaylum. True Tale of tbe " Tlfer." Baltimobb, April 21.™Captain Kro\x=req-\ ger of tba Oerman bark Tiger, whioh boa arrived here, aaya that the Buffering* of himatlf and crew, aa reported by tbe Captain of the steamship Nebo, were graatly exaggerated. He aaya at tha time tbe Nebo came up ha bad aalt meat, but no bread or water. Tba crow did not aat or kill bia dog. Tha animal ba\x=req-\ catue wild and wa* thrown overboard. The veaetl waa aeven weeke beating between Hattaraa and Capa Henry during a heavy blow. About a week after ha ran aero** the Nebo. He waa apoken by b pilot boat, which offered proviaions and aaaiatance, bnt tba offer waa do\x=req-\ dined. Miscellaneous. Niw Yobk, April 21. — Tha Anglo\x=req-\ American Tlmu aaya: It ia now positively known that John Mackay baa eon trol of Butro tunnel, and baa contraoUd with other capitaliata to atiliza it to iia fall extent. There are 131 amallpox patients In the boapltal, an inoreaaa for tbe waek af 81, Typbna fever patirnta, 103, an inereaaa of 47. W. F. O. 8banka brought anlt to re\x=req-\ oover $250,000 damigee from the American Newa Company for circulating Truth, alleged to contain a libel againat tba plaintiff. Tba jury gava a verdiot of $2G00. Washiwotox, April 20. — Secretary Hunt baa issued a general order for all offloera of tbe navy in Waabington to attrnd tba oeremoniea of tha nnvailing of Farragut'a statue on tbe 25tb. Tbe President baa nominated General Jamta LooRstreet, now Miniktor to Turkey, aa United Statea Marshal for Georgia; Philip H. Emereon aa Asao\x=req-\ ciate Justice of the Buprrma Court of Utah; B. A. Etmore of New York aa Second Assistant Postmsatar General, and W. A. M. Grier of Pennaylvania as Third Assistsnt Postmsster General, vice A. D. Hazen, appointed Assistsnt Attorney Genersl to tba Poetoffloe Department. Clxvklaxd, April 20.—Editor Cowles, of tba Ltadtr, and Sorippa & 8weeney, of tbe Penny Prtu, are engaged in a war to the knife. Tba eontroveray, which haa already originated aavaral libel auita, waa all baoauae of Cowlea kicking a Press reporter out of hie ofBoe btcsuse ha believed ba waa a blackmailer. Tba war ia aspsoially proliflo of dsnnneiatory editorials. ■tare* Cloaed ea laatfajr. In an item laat Toeaday relative to tha Virginia Clerk'a Aaaociation va mentioned tbat "only ona atora haa been opened hero on Suaday In two years— and tbat one in Lower Gold Hill." In order to prevent any wrong inferenoe or impreaaion, wo will explain that Lam\x=req-\ eiy'a store, tba one referred to, used to ba opened on 8undaya, bnt under tbo praaentproprietorablpltbaanot. Neither tbat nor any other etora in Gold Hill ia kept open on Sondaya. "If I have ever used any unkind words, Hannah," aaid Mr. Smiley to Mrs. Smiley, reflectively, "I take then all baok." "Yea, I suppose yon wank to naa them over again," waa Iba not vary toothing reply. Wkia nM Mm# »'•*« * *"•» ^ mar hut and doit perch »w tBK*u "Uvb Pun*" 1* equally acceptable. With M ttaler It far excela ordlnrry tod d lee, and U '• with flno leu, lemooede. milk. eto. ft ""J*, eplendld "olttht cap" takan upon J0'0* to >bed. Keep It to readlneee. Bold by aU Ofoem, Wloa Merehanta aod Lrngglate. Trade aopphed by blcbarde k Hairleoo, Ageote (or the Pacific ooaet, tan rraocleoo. 1* Mot the leaet Important feature 1b Pellowa' Oomponnd brrop of Ilypophoephltee, la the Comfort, Baoyancy. aod Vigor which la Is\x=req-\ eptred by Ite nee aa the patient recoeere from elekneee. No other preparation knowo coo. talae the aame potent and direct effect oa the norrona eytlem. IB XI8VBLUHI0VB. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar.—No other preparation mak»« lucta light, flaky hoi breada, or loiorlone reetry. Can ba aaten by Dyepep\x=req-\ tlee wlthoat fear of Ilia raenltlng from beery Indlfeetlble food. Hold only In cane, by all Urocere. Rotil BaxtN» 1'owDia Co.. ocll New York. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS gkeetlif Chtlle Dewa ike Dark, Dnll pain In th« llmbe, raaara. btllooeneae, are aymptomiof approacblug ferer and egue. Uae with nt delay Bortotter'e iHomacb Blttere, which aobetliotea f-r <be chilly aewatloo a genial warmth, lesnlatea the atumach, and tm\x=req-\ parte tone to tb« ll*»r Tee bowela, the etom\x=req-\ ecb end tba biliary ('and being reatorrd to a healthy condition, the dt»eaee le conquered et the outaet. , Kor eele by all Drugglata and Daalara generally. 1 JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT or tii GOLD HILL DAILY SEWS gKINO WELL PROVIDED WITH A COST 17, exUaelYe tad wM aaeortment of the NKWC8T AND VKBY LATJWT STYLES OF TYPE, from the plalneet to the HOST ELEGANT AND PAHBIORABLB. and three FIK8T-0UA88 BTBAM PKESBBB, we art doing m good work ae can be done to any aim liar eetabllabmeat in the ITATI 07 NEVADA. Posters or Btcpj Bite, Placard*, Handbllla, Bodfen, Miking Stock Certiorates, Bill Heads, Broken* Blanks, Letter Heads, Ball ProiraMNi Wedding Cards, Kte.,Ite., Executed to order Is the muat approved etyle aad on the MOST SEASONABLE TERMB. qrOALL AND EXAMINE SPIOIMEEB. DITCHTC obtained tor mecaanical oe-1 rA I LH I O *loee, raadieal or other 001 poaada, ornamental daal( trade-marka and labele. Canal*. AeelgBmarr InUrfarancae, Appeale, Balla (tor Inflj—a»xc>« I and ail caaca artaing undar Iba PATENT LAWS \ promptly altandad to. INTENTIONS THAT I1ATI BEEN DC ICrTPn h* MNt Offlca in liCJCl I tU atiU, in moat caaaa, be pal anted by na. Being oppo\x=req-\ atta tha Pataat Offloe, wa oan maka eloaar eeerobee, and aacnrt Patente mora promptly, tad with broadar claim a, than thoaawho are ranote from Waehlngton. INVENTORS «£ w cudIuUmii FIB OF ia, aad adrlaa aa to patentability. Krloee low. aad NO (JRARUB tfNLES* PATENT U | SECURED. Wa rafar to officials la tha Patent OSea, k oar client, in ererr State of tha Union, and to raw Senators aad Rapraaantatles la Ooogreaa. Special rafarsaoea fflran whan dealrad. Idilriea a A. SNOW k 00* Oppaeite Pataat OSce.Weebiagtoa. D. a C. W. CRANE, r • PURCHASING ACCNT, Iitabllsked ia 1871. PERSONS RESIDING AWAT PROM BAR Franctaco, in want of any artlala of MERCHANDISE. Great or aaiall. can hare their ordera filled pr imptly. aad at the *»ry lowaat eeab pricee, oj eddreealng the nnaerslga»d. 0. W. CRAKE, til Pine atr»at. Room S». aad 10 LeUleedoril atr et,Sanrrandac6 Oal. |;Utf SILVER HOUSE, MAIN STREET. SILVER CITY. - • NEVADA Board aat Lodging IU per Hoatk. Na ChlsNa Raaplajed-Waaaa Osaka. J! ei.iea SEKiniim DR. A. CHAPMAN. S.U R O lON'D I NT 1ST, 1PROM NEVADA CITY, OALUOR.MM " a la Permanently loeated at Vlr-^PW |lnlaOlty. Ofitoa.110 SO DTE 0 llflW, tfionn RETORNS IX (0 DATS OHM jBIaUU laveated. (Metal repeita £•*. Rke nft weekly oa Sloefe optiooe of 110 to MS. SsdneeT. fetter Wight kOo.,Eaakara, Wall Street, N. T oe«T» MI8CILLAXBOV8. TUTTS PILLS! AS'AN AnHK are incomparable. They etlmulate the hyiRPTr> T,TVER.lnvlgorate the .NERV- , OPS^YflTMC glmetono to thoPIQEB\x=req-\ TrVHOBQAgfl, create perfect dlgee tlon and regular roorement of the bowel*. AS AN ANTHNAUMAL TBjey hare no equal I acting aa • prerent\x=req-\ lre and ouro for BUloua, Hamilton t. Into p\x=req-\ mittcnt. Typhoid Fevers, and Ferer and Ague. Upon the healthy action of the Stomach and Liver depend*, almoet wholly, the heal th of the human race. DYSPEPSIA. " It lafbr the cure of thUdUeaae and 1U at\x=req-\ tendant*, 8ICK-1IEADACHE, NEAV\x=req-\ OPBMB8S. DMPONDBNOY. OSff BnPATION, PICMTAc., that theee PlUa have gained *uch a wldo roputatio'n. fJoTeiqedy waeerer dlaoovered thatjacU M«peedily and gently on thodlgeetiveor\x=req-\ gam. giving them tone end vigor to a* ftrr"*^* food. Tfak aoocmpllahed, the yltBVBl ii* BtiHtP, the Bft ATTf gouauaap, end tEeKHftrHERE BQgf. Try thla Remedy fairly and you Strong Nerves,and a Cheerful mind. PHeetfle. M Merrmy S*., N. Y. tutts haik dye. eaw^'waaneiM.'Kg KldVy IkSiwuJerot b/ei"w onnw5pt«^ Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Children CRY roa Pitcher's Castoria. Hotter, like and Phytic lane reoonunond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC.' CENTAUB LINIMENTS; the World's great Pain-Re\x=req-\ lieving1 remedies. They heal, soothe and euro Burnt, Wounds, Weak Back and Bheumatlsm upon Alan, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness upon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SURE CUBE —rot— Coofbi, Coldi, Sore Throat, Broi* chilli. Asttamm. Comumptlon, Aad All m—wlTIIHOAT and LVNOI Put up Id Quart-Dlie Bottle* for F«mllr Cm. Scientifically prepared of D*lum Tola, Cryatal\x=req-\ llMd Bock Caadr. Old Rye, an > other tonic*. Tbe Formula I* known to our t*it phyalclana, l« hlahlr commended t>y thrm, ami the on«|r«|, uf our moat prominent t hernial. Prof. I). A. MARIM.B. In Cbkafo laon tbe latoloferery koltle. It I* wall known to tba medical profession that TOLL' U'M'K and BY K will afford tba arraUal relief for Cuilaha. Colda, ludueuta. Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Weak Lunar, alto Consumption. In tba Incipient and (d\x=req-\ "lleed ^uTklVIRAOE and APPETIZER. It makee a dellfbtfttl tonic tor family uaa. Is pleasant to take; If weak or deUlltatol. It *lvr» tone, activity and itrtnith to tba wbola human frame. t and Kre in AND BYE. which .article made, f»e ERNMEN r ST A laAWKBNCK & MARTIN, Proarletore, III Madlaee wreet, Cblcaae. WAikraar Drifilai far III M*Aek taart^acerlar ill M* tak n<r Wlae Dereham far III WlktUraii Ball i*«r ittaManrttl M-Hald by DHI U* I-TH. GKOCKRI and WiMK iHKKCIIANTH evert where. marlMtm GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND HAVIIINI WOBU. Itrtat, Uwir V«M Hill, IRON AND ISAM CANTING*: Of every variety made to order. LBAV1 JUST ADDXD TO XT OLD tottbUthod Machine Wort* tba LAROBHT ED LATHI, P LAMER and ISTKAJC HAMMBK, all of tba UUeet and Boat Improved construction, and am now prepared to Maka tad Repair all kind* and all alia* of MILL * MINING MACHINERY At Uta aborted notice tod on tba moat rmoa able lama. lOnt QIOIOI IM MITT. Proprietor. RENO FOUNDRY, RENO, NET ADA* met proprietor or the Virginia JL 70UNDRT. baelnr pnrcbaead tbe Reno Foondry, and conaolldaiea it with tbe former, will hereafter atyle tba wotka tba ln» Fondry aid Michlie Vorki. TbU eatablUbment la now prepared to do a geoerel Foondry lmalnan, inoludlax every d» acripUon of Oaatlaae la Iran and Fraae, Feralaa. and Machine Wa.h, At lower prleee then can be obtained el tewhere. Drawicgt and eatlmatee turolabed wban re Mlfld. Br etrict attention to bualoeee, and with a tboroojh knowledge of tbe work required, tba propria tor bo pet to merit tba confidence of tba trade,and reepectiulijr toilettetbe pairona^a of all! aad mining man. den andrew PR AW Eg. fnpr, MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of early Improd'oee. canting new\x=req-\ oaa d ability, peacattara deoar, ate., having tiled In rain every known remedy, baa d lac over ed a ilmpto meaaa of ae If cm re wMtb be wlU aend Nee to ble fellow, offerer*. Addieee J. B. tMMVMB, U Obatbam §L. N. T. ocU —