Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS VIRMNIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Taking Kfect April J4IM, 1881. TKAINM M i.«M UUI ia4 Tlrdib. Htatloaa. Eipreaa. La PUH cat agar Local ranarngar flio 7 10 a.m. a.m l.S> p.m. ttTKAMBOAT. 7.M M •.It • a lis M WamBoK .... T40 «• • 41 •• • a M fkoktown 8.00 •• 10.01 J.W H LAKaVlKW .. 8.11 M io.-ao la 1.U M CUNRm u • 35 •• 10 M II 4 0H M G4K-ON.. 0. B.J4 a.m. 11.40 a.m. 414 p.m. KMPIKB Hts •• 1113 •1 4 « M X'li Htil'gl ar • to M 11.04 p.m. K US • 4 M'DHOUSKda ».«1 •a aaa a a • a • • 14 • 4 OOI.D HILL.. • 44 •• 12.43 44 1 01 •1 VIHUINU.... 10 OS M 1.0® •4 T.U II TRAINS hM Ttnlila-iW RaM BUI M Cum •■4 K ih. Local Pimagtr Hiatloai. VinolNUTTTT CKJLO H'LLtr OOL'HILLd* K'U HutlaEar M'UilUUSCd* fcxrinx CAK3JH u oakmjn .. d« LAKkVIKW . KKANK.OWN WAHHOK HTKAMBOAT. KKNu. I Local |Puaenit«t r • Wp.B M0 •• • 43 '• 4 14 - «.» •• 4 44 " T.OO - • 00 8.10 a.m • • J.U0 |>. ia. • 11 •• All • »" •.34 14 • • • • M M IU « i'i'"" 4.40 •* T.U pa. T vi - 7.40 " 7.41 - M 04 " •JO •• 10.00 A.B. 10 30 " l».S0 - 11.10 - 1144 " 14.10 p.m. 4.14 p.m. 4.44 " 4.04 " 5.14 - 440 " 4 40 - MONDAY, : MAY 9. 1881 stock airotr. TBI* MO*XU«. ISO Opbir. 8, 8 115 Masican. 12*%. US. 13%. 12H. 13 600 Gould A Curry. 7S. 7% 10S Beat A Balcber. 13H. UH 300 California. 1 35. 1 40 620 4<*. 4 30 JOS Coa. Virginia, 3 83 100 Chollar. 3 40 1293 Hal* A NurcroM, SH. 6. «V* SS0 Crown Point. 2<t 200 Yellow Jackal. 4 »0. S. 8*» 833 Poloai. 4%. 4 40. 4H. 4 43 4SO Imperial. 20o 30S Kauluok, 3 90.3 10 10 Alpha. 4V 1303 bale bar. 3*4. 2 60. 3 S3 393 Sierra Nevada. 11H. 13. 13%. 12S 320 Utah. 10 393 Bullion. 1 43. 1 40 4OS Kicbequer, 1 63. 1 60 700 Overman. 1 93, 2 178 Juatiea. 1 OS. t 3S0 Alia. 3"», 8 30 80 Julia. 30c SO Occidental, 1 40 340 Union Con., 10%. 10% 70 Andea, 3% 070 Ward. 3 610 Scorpion, 2. 3 03 100 Benton, ttSo 100 Capitol, 83o 103 Golden Gate. 1 S3 10 Hag. Belcber. 8 300 Concordia, 20c AHmwmmmm RlrMt 8a* Fmaxctaco, Hit 2—1 r. Uale A NorcroM, 5*». •; Albion. i\.i90. 1 80. 4 95; Ml Diablo, 6\; Ooald A Carry 7*». 7S; Union Con., II, 10\; Utah, 10; Mono, S^; Overman, 2; Mexican, 12H 12S; Opbir, 8t*. 8S; Sierra Nevada. 11H. 12; California, 1 83. 1 40; Con. Virginia, 2 CO. 2 05; Day. 93c; Alia. 3Vt, 3 SO; Bodia, 7>», 7; Juatice, 1 05, 110; Yallow Jacket, S% , 5S; Belcbor, 2H. 2 40; Crown Point. 2 70. 2 65; Brat A Balcbar, 12%. 12*; Ha?ap, «i, 4 >0c. AfMrawta lafaraal IndM. Sax Faascuco, May 2—3:30 p. *.— Opbir. OH a alt*. Hal* A Norcroaa. 6 aalra. 3 <t aalaa; Albion, 4 90 aalra. Beat A Bulcber 12H aalra; Sierra Nevada. 1IH bid; Yellow Jacket, SH aaked ; Mexican, 12H aaked; Gould A Curry, 7 •, aalaa; Andta, 2 20 bid; Mono, 5** bid; Savage, 4\ naked; Union Con., 10•* bid; Kentuck. 2H bid; Alta.3% bid; Bale bar, 2 35 bid; Potoai. 4 40 aalaa; Benton, 85o bid; Scorpion, 2 aalea; Mexican. 12*4 aalaa. Arrival* TfeiS ■«•!•(. Mra 8 £ Billiard, H Robimon, Jibn 11 Kinkaad. J Bitbap, Mr* M Vcrag*. Mr* W Campbell, Mr. HambUtoo L M Cor\x=req-\ bait, F Smith. J H Bardwick, J A Me\x=req-\ (Juarrr, W 11 Olltar, A D Lawaon, George Asdaraon, A McLawrin, Miaa N Uilllard, Mn Edgingtou. Arrival* TMUrilKjr Naralac. J F Eagau, D X Bruda, £ B Rail, John Oillig. C U Belknap, Mra W Wilton. Mra Olcorieb and daughter. Mr* B Falloa, I Harria, £ R Smith, J J Sbaugbneuv, W J Collin*. A F Markay, Mr* L S Bower*. A Cobn, Ml** L Patria, A H Ricketta and wife. A S Small. 4 D*p*rl*rH LmI Kvtalac. J C Barlow. Q F Bala. W Wick*. Art M Finnrgan, Mra Halting*, Mra J M Nleholl, C C titareDaoii. Mra F Beer, Mra Edging ton, W K Wear*. I. T Fox, D J Cobn. Mi** M F Smith, Mra Connora, Mi*a Roaah. Mra B Olcovich, Mr* Oillcipia, Mra Bambleton. D*|Mrlam Mlanlkr Kitalaf. Q Young, J W Hpurgeon, E Beale, Kn Crowley, A A«b. Mr* D Hault-y and children. ifr« F C Campbell, I F Moulton and family, Mra M C Xlillycr, J Welch and wife. M K Otburue, A Livingatone, Mra Him*. C SohuflflJ.J Shay. J X Lamb. U H Baker, Mna F Campbell, Arcbie Campbell, J S Kaneen and family. Mra Siugleton. The picnic of tbe Paciflo Cout Pionera will be held Jane 4. The committee have not arlected a place yet. It -will probably be Tread way'a ranch. Car* aoa, ho waver! The Chinaman sent to jail last weak from Oold Hill tor peddling without a lioenae ia aeventy flta J rat a old. He apeaka jaat enough Engliah to peddle aotiona. The broken pnmprod mentioned in tba Hale 3c Xorcroea letter in another colnoin, waa repaired and tha pomp in operation at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Bright flaahea ot lightning and heaty peala ol thunder viaited the Comatock Saturday and Sunday eveninga, bat brought no rain with them. Tha poatoffloa and Weatarn Union Telegraph office are now in Chobback & Thotbarn'a new atore, ona door above tha Bank of Gold Hill. Tha 8aprema Court Saturday affirmed tba judgment ot the Diatriot Court in tba Pritchard and Carrick caaea. J. C. Harlow apent Sunday on tha Comatock. Ha returned to Caraon in tba avaning. Cuoumbera hava made tbeir appear\x=req-\ •nee in oar marketa. Tbay coma from Onlilornia. Governor Kiakead made bia appear\x=req-\ anoa Uda morning on tba atraata of Virginia. MIHIHQ mmitWTt. Following etatemonta have been eont by tho Superintendents of Um Comstock mine* to the offioM in Su Frmciico for Um week ending April 90: ■UUi NEVADA. Ob tho 3500 level vinso No. 9 has keen rank and timbered 20 foot; toUl depth, 57 foot Upraise Mo. 1 bu boon extended 33 feot—total, 102 foot—and work anepended. Tho north lateral drift on the 2500 Keel haa been extended 40 feet; total, 1000 loet. The joint Sierra Nevada and Union Conaolidatod vinso baa boon sank and Umbered IB foot; total, 91 feet. Dariog tho week hare raiatd 194 400 2000 tone of ore. CON. VUOMIA. Daring the peat week 414 tons of ore, aaaaying $18 65, have been extracted and sent to tho mills. Oa tho 2900 level tho prog roes in tho Boot k Belcher up> ralae waa 17 foot. On the 2500 level the joint California weot drift to tho O. & G. ehaft baa been extended 28 foot, and tho joint California east drift from tho C. & C. shaft haa bean advanced 23 foot. onta. On the 2600 level the joint California wins* bw bNO aaok and timbered 17 ImI, the joint Mexioao cast winxe bu been sunk and timbered aiz taat, and tha 2800 atation aat baa baan pot in plaaa. On the 3700 level tba joint Mn\x=req-\ loan aaat croaecnt baa baan extended 22 feet A pomp ia being put in at tba 2700 atation. Repairing tba incline at Iba 1SJ00 atation. MXXICA.X. On tha 2600 level the joint Union Coneolidated winze baa been aonk and timbered 10 (eat, and a boiating engine baa been placed at tha top. The joint Opbir aaat wiuse baa been annk and timbered aix feet, and the 2800 atation e*t baa been pat in. At the 2700 level the joint eaat croaacut baa been extended 22 feet. cauroBXU. Daring tba paat week 486 tone of ore, aaaajing $17 85 per ton, hava bean extracted and aent to tha milla. On the 2500 level tba joint Conaolidated Virginia weet drift to tba 0. and C. abaft baa been extended 28 feet, and tba joint Conaolidated Virginia eaat drift from lb* C. and C. abaft haa been extended 23 (Ml. C. N. S. SHAFT. Started bydraulio pomp for permanent work Saturday, bnl a pl»ce of the machinery gave way, and were com\x=req-\ palled to aaapanu operatiooa nutil a new pleoa could bo bad from San Franeiaco. Expect it by Wadnaaday at the oatalde, wben it will ba at once put in plaoa and pumping commanaed. ALTA. Daring the paat weak hare sank and timbarad theabalt 31 x/% faet; total daptb, 1971 feat. So cbanue in the geological character of tba ground and no Inoreaaa of water. All tba material for tba boba ia received and moat of it ia in plaoa. CXIOX CONSOLIDATED. On tba 3500 level tba joint Meziean winza baa bean annk and timberad 10 faat, and a boiating angina baa been placed in position at its top. Tba joint Sierra Nevada winze baa baas tunk and timbered 18 feat. IIALK A X0BCB0H8. Tha weak croaecut on tba 2400 level baa been advanced 40 feat. Ita (ace ia in a miztnra of quartz and porphyry. A aection of pnmprod baa parted, but it will ba repaired by tomorrow. UTAH. Sine* laat report tha inolina baa been Honk and timbered 13 feat; total dhtanse below tba 2150 lavel, 177 faat, on tba alope. Tba aootb drift on tba 2150 laval haa been eztanded 22 faat. OVBBXAN. North drift, 2275 level, baa been ez\x=req-\ tended 62 (eet; total length 424 feel. Formation aama aa laat reported. Forman abaft baa been annk and timbarad 20 faai; total depth, 1880 faat. CAUDOHU. Pompa bava ran an averags of eleven boara per day, conauming five oorda of wood per day. Foraan abaft baa been annk and timbered 20 faat; tatal daptb, 1880 faat. O. A C. AND B. A J». aHArr. Overhauling aarfaoa machinery and lengthening oat wire eable. Have oo«\x=req-\ pWted tha line of drain bozea trading from ahaft to tba Sutro tunnel, 950 faat in length. rxiox shaft. Tba abaft haa bean aunk and timbered nine leet during tha paat week. Are repairing the ahalt between tha 1600 and 2500 atationa. cox. UtFBBlAL. Knnning pump and making repairs, preparatory to renewing operationa on the lower levela as aoon aa tha mina ia free ol water. jpsticb. It will not b« long before the bulk\x=req-\ bead in tba 8ilver Hill drift, on tha 1150 level, ia completed. Ars making general repaira. BC1UOK. Surface repaira nearing completion; ■till szpsct to ba abla to resume operations on tbs 15th instant. NBW YOHK. Soms work is being done in msklng repaira. The pumpa are kept ateadily running. SATAOB. Soms mschinists ars employed in making repairs. No otbsr work if bsing done. o. A c. SHAFT. Twenty-four fset below tbs 2500 level. Ttllaa JmIim. Gold Hill. April SO. 1881—Storgt W. ll'aUaei. Vie* Pmidrnt: On lb* 26th instant w» bad lowerrd lb* water in the Din* to lb* 2550 tank itatioo, when we learned that the pomp* at the 8800 nation vera not throwing. We bate received a large vertical eteau pomp, which we will plaoe in lb* pomp oem\x=req-\ partment of tbe abaft, and with tbe aid of onr bailing tanka hope to aoon lower tba water to thoee pompa (at Iba 2800 tank atalion), and pat tbe eame in working order. We bare found tba 2500 level drift ao filled with fine rock aa to out off onr air conneetiob with tba old mina or abaft We will have tbe aame cleaned out by tomorrow, wbich will make tba lower part of ear abaft mncb ooolir. Wa have already quite a etrong current of air paaalng tbrongb tbia 2500 level drift. T. O. Tatlob, Superintendent. TheeirtesU MaUef. Tba popular tragedian, T. W. Sana, aupported by tba charming young ae\x=req-\ treaa Miea Henrietta V ad era and a powerful ateck company, will commanaa an engagement at Pipar'a Opera Houac, Virginia, May 11th, and will perform through tba weak. May IStb. Haverly'a Comedy Company will open with tba '• Strategiata" for a abort engagement. Qua Willlama and Company are hooked tot May 87th end 88 th. TrHMNi^ B*Hrt At April. Treasurer Otey baa fllad bis monthly raport for April with the County Be\x=req-\ aorder. 01 tha oath on hand til, 182 63 ia on dapoait in tha Nevada Bank, and tba balanoa, $917 03, ia in tha vanita of tha oonniy. Tha following flgnrea are from bia raport: Balance on hand Kareh81 $49,913 96 Baoalpu for April 4,964 43 164,898 39 Dlabnraamanta 811,798 83 Balance in Treasury $43.099 68 Apportioned u foilowi: Courthouse Bond Fond $ 3,230 45 Indigent Fund 3,772 70 State Fund 988 66 Common School Fnnd S3 78 Virginia Bebool Fnnd 8,004 84 Gold BUI Bahaol Fnnd 884 10 Jndga'e Salary Fnnd 924 77 Treaaurer'i Salary Fnnd 1.249 17 General Fnnd 28,801 42 $43^099 68 l«»elrla( the Break. The giving way of a T-joint oonntot\x=req-\ iog the accumulator and the main feed pip* of the bydraolio pump at the Cbollar-Noreroaa Savage shaft forced a aoapauiion of work tbara Saturday. Tha pomp bad baaa atartad (or permanent work that morning. aod th* aocident ia to b* moob regretted owing to tbo delay it will oane* at the Savage and other aloe*. However, a braaa fitting waa immediately telegraphed for from San Franoieoo, and ahoold there b* no trouble in oaatiog the pieoe It will probably be here tomorrow. The putting of it in plao* will ooeupy bot a abort tima. Th* pump* frill then b* atartad onoe more. There waa a prraeure of 1050 pound* to the aqnara ineh on tha pipe column at tha time the aeoident occurred, and I yet the metal that was foroed from the pip* simply dropped to th* floor, and no other damage waa done. Th* bM Ball Warn* Y**l*r4ajr. Tbe Yellow Jacket Club beat the Independent nine in the gam* of baaa ball yeeterday. They ara quite jubilant over thalr victory, bsviog aoored sixteen ruoa in eight iuninga, while tbe Independents made bat fourteen in nine innings. Tbs defeated club waa much annoyed by their defeat—having announced, whan organised, that they intended to challenge the Reno and Caraon olnba for the championship of tbia part of tha State, to b« beaten the flrat game by a bone clab was a little vexing. They offered to play a game next Sunday for money, bat it waa net accepted by the Jackets. who give aa a reason for declining lb* challenge that they are organised for exercise and amaaement and not for making money. lebtel TtailHa. At the regular monthly meeting of the Oold Hill Sohool Trneteea laat Friday the queetion of illegal organisstion waa disoassed and the conolusion arrived at that aa a Board they had nothing wbat\x=req-\ .sver to do with the matter. They pro\x=req-\ poee allowing the Board to stand as at preaent, cnleea ousted by auit at law. Each of the three members who would be entitled to a aeat at all events aay that it ia easier for five to do the work than three, and are sstisfled for the Board to remain aa it ie. There being no emolumenta or aalary attached to the office of School Trustee, the matter will hardly be taken before the coOrta unless there should srise a dissgreement between tbe old and new membere in the aeleotion of teachers for the easning year. _ Afcaeal Without Leave. In tbe Beno Oaxtttt of Saturday wa find the following: Yeaterdsy afternoon two boye, aged twelve and fourteen respectively, ran away from Qold Hill. Tbe father, Mr. Fitsgerald, telegraphed to Constable Avery to arreet them. This morning early detcotiva 0. T. Brown discovered tbe urchins plsying pug on Virginis strest, snd, in a quiet and uooetentatioua manner, toek them in and handed tbem over to Oonetable Avery. Tbey returned home today and doubtlees played prominent parts in a woodshed matinee. 'y~ llaiai Lewlies. C. C. Smitb, Jonoy Morgan, John Minnedaw, O. H. Baglin and John Marka have filed with tbe Reoorder a notice of location of 1500 feet of mineral bearing ground on tbe aouth aide of Crown Poiut Ravine, between the American Flat road and tbe Qpbir grade, Qold Hill Mining Dietriot. It ia oalled Liberty No. 2 Gold and 8ilver Mining Company. Coneiderable work haa already been done on thie olalm, and tbe parties owning it believe they have their fortunes. OflNre ef Trp»(ra»kl«al Valea, The following officer* were elected, to eerve the ensuing six months, at the regular meeting of Waaboe Typographical Union, No. 65, held in Virginia yea terdsy : President, Plessant Moore; Vice Preeidant, J. R. Lamaon; Secretary, S. M. Stenhouse; Treaaurer, W. R. Car rigan; Sergeant at-Arma, Josspb Shannon: Board of Director*—J. C. Hsrlow, J. £. Eckley, J. W. Plant and R. C. Julian. . FrMb Frail TntMklM Richard Meroer i» in constant reoeipt of freah (rail and vrgetablea, wbicb be diipoM* o( to oustomere at rataa that will compare favorably with other dealers. Hia store is on Mala street. Gold Hill, opposite the poetoffloe, sad st it (sallies can find large sod ohoice sap\x=req-\ plirs of grootrirs sad provieiona. He alao keepe floe wioee and liquora, to be aold at wboWaale or retail. Bead his advertisement under " New Today." Heavy Sqeill as lairs. A very heavy tempest of hail and rain, aooompanied by tbander and lightning aboot 4 p. if. yeeterday, paaaed along down Carson river. A gentleman from Satro aaye it. laaled aboot halt an hoar at that place. The hall oame down with aoeh apitelnl force mat it rebounded a toot or two in height, and would have torn the ehingles from tbs roots of the houses if they wore not ell nsw. Call aad Settle. Thes. Finch of the Gomstook Exchange baa a notice under "Mew Today" that thoee owing him ahould read. He alao offers his stock of liquors, fixtures and good will of hia popular establish* ment for Bale oa reeaonable terma. He expects to go to the Wood River country ahortly and desires to cloae up hia buai\x=req-\ boss here at oaoe. / THE COURT!. DUIrlM OMirt—Blaliv, I Miff*. The following business «u trana\x=req-\ acted in thia Court today: Levia re. Iowa lliulog Company—Sat for May 4. Trial jurotu discharged for tarm. Adolph Sohwerlfegor, native of Oar\x=req-\ many , admitted to citizenship. Court adjourned until Wedneeday, May 4, at 10 a. k. JualM CMrt>- fteaalaikaa, J. P. Tha following buainaaa baa been transacted in thla Court liuee last report: State ra." J. H. Orabam.—Examina\x=req-\ tion baing bad on obarga of criminal libel. Ira Here ael Hew rim 8. W. Cbnbbaok and D. Thorbnrn hare oonaolidatad their atoraa and buai\x=req-\ naaa and moved lito tba building two doora above Cbobbaok'a old atand, and will baraaftar oonduct (hair buiineai under tba firm nama of Cbubbuck A Tbor barn. Their plao* of buaineee ia oalled tba Poatoffloe Variatj Store, and tbaj kaap on band all tba landing nawapapara and magazinee of tba day, tba lataat popular muaio, stationery, books and aenool auppliee, baaldaa dealing In tobaoooa, candiaa, pocket outlery and toys, and moat everything alae in tba variety Una. Tbey ara ageota for tba Nawa and Ban Franciaoo papers. Baad tbair advertlie\x=req-\ ment under "New Teday" and aaa what tbev hare on band. Pajralla Tba paydays ara again bara, and for a Una at laaat grooerymen aod atorekeep\x=req-\ era generally will wear anilling faeea. Following ara aoma of tba amounta dia\x=req-\ buraed by tba reepeotive companies : Alia f 8,8*3 00 0. A 0. and B. A B. abaft 8,314 75 Baraga 9,921 60 Potoei, CbollarandG.N. 8. abaft 11,131 S3 Con. Imperial 3,892 30 Yellow Jaoket 10,200 23 A rirai-Claaa Drag tlere. Tbe card of John Jonee, Jr., drag* gilt, Main atreet, Gold Hill, will be found under tb* bead of "New Today" in another oolamn of thie ieeue. Everything ueually kept In • flrat-claee drag •tor* can be fonnd at bia •atabliabmant. Toilet artlol»e, perfumery, notiona, ate., of tbe very beat quality alwaya on band. Hia Block ol druga and medioinea ia of tba fraabaat and beat to be bad. Tfce Oae Thonaaad Dollar Flaaa. From fifteen plana for tbe Nevada In\x=req-\ j»»D8 Aaylom before tbe Board of Com\x=req-\ Imlaaionera appointed to eiamlne tbem, that anbmitted by Oottb Haiat aid A. F. Mackay of Virginia waa aooepted. Several plana ware aent in by California arobiteota, bnt tbe aum of 91000 that was offered for the moat auitable plan waa awarded to the gentlemen mentioned above. Aealdeal I* jMk shepherd. Jack Sbepbard, ropeman at the Yellow Jacket mine, tbia morning about 9 o'clock, wbila at work fell aome fifteen feet epralning bia ankle. Hia hurt waa ao painfnl that be waannabla to riaa and lay where ha feH aome time before be waa diacovared. It waa fonnd neoeaaary to oarry bim home. Agmlm Attached. All tba property of L. T. Fox baa been again attached by the Sheriff. Tbie time, by virtue of an exeontion leaned in favor of W. H. Smith, for $28, 999 87. Judgment waa obtainid for that amount, leu eoata, on a promiaaory note made by Fox to Smith. Tbe tarloui military oompanlea in receiving a large number of new re\x=req-\ oruita and have a larger mu*t*r-roll than for »eT«r»l year* put. In tha National Oaard the awkward *qu»d (oaw m*m\x=req-\ bara) oambara mora on drill nighta tban tha company propar. Tha Sarafleld Qaard have raoai?ad twtlra aaw mem\x=req-\ bar* In tba paat two weeks, and other applications (or msabarship are before tba company. Tba Coroner'e jury apon tha body of M. Vollmara rendered a rerdlot of suicide in aocordanoe with tba facta pub liabad in tba N*wi of Saturday. A nephew of tbe deoeaaed will arrive in Virginia tomorrow from Oraaa Valley, California, and tba funeral will take plaoa in tbe afternoon. 8ome of tbe militia oompanlea were at tbeir target* yeaterday practicing. Tba Barefleld Guard will make arrangement* tbia week for target praotioe at tbeir range and take attpa for tba organisa\x=req-\ tion of a shooting team. Bono school children of Virginia bad a May Day pionlo, one day in advance, on Saturday, at tha reaarvoir of tbe Water Company. A four-borne team conveyed the partieipanta to and from tba spot. The Board of County Commlialonera •re In aeeelon in Virginia today reoeiving lb* property belonging to tba town of Gold Hill and oity of Virginia in tb* nama of tba oonnty. Oold Hill ia having tba benefit of a thunder abowar aa wa go to pr««» today. It eommenoed about 3 JO o'clock tbia afternoon. Town Marabal Kennedy baa reoevered from hia illueee lofflolaoliy to *nabla bim to maka bia appauano* on tb* etreet The Oplaa Trada. .V™ York IVi'tuM. Mr. William N. Patbiok, a young American who baa been actios aa tbe private eecretary of tbe Viceroy Li Hong Chang, and who ia aaid to hava gained a mora perfect maatery of tba langaag* of tha Mandariana than any other living foreigner, rendered valuable aaaiatanoe In tha reoent Chinee* treaty negotiatiooa and indeed, aa a private letter written by the Vioeroy'a eon drolaree, waa largely inatrnmantal in eeeurlag tha inaertion of tbaolaaae which forbida Americana to tranaport or trade in opiam. In a letter to tha Special Commiaaionera of tha United State* at Peking, Mr. Patbiok forniahea etriklng atatlatloa aa to tba magnitnda of tb* opinm trade. Tb* total value of imperta into China in 1879 waa 9114.360,000, of whieh 961,000,000, or nearly one-half, waa oontrifcnted by opium alone, the inoreaee in qnantity over tbe previoue year being nearly 1,600,000 ponnda. The value of opinm imported oxoocded tbe value of tea exported by 96,000,000 and the value of ailk exported by 110,000,000, EASTEBS DISPATCHES. THI MOBMOHS. 1 Laife iBHlfrstlon Expected— MluUnarlet-Inlerettlif Itema. Nnr Yobs, April 30.—'The ateemahip Wyoming yeeterday brought to this oity •boat 300 Mormon emlgratita. They •re the flrat company writing tbia year, and the first inaUllmant ia ganarally amallar tban tba partiea wbiob follow. Four or five of tba Mormon ooloniaa ara to arrive daring tba aaaaon at intarrala of a moatb or so. Mr. Stainaa, Mormon immigration agent, aaya tbat tba Eoro\x=req-\ paan miaalonariaa of bia obnrob report tbat tbay are bating excellent anooaaa in wianing oonverta. There are bow 11,000 Mormon resident in Earope. A party of tbirty-flva Mormon mlaeienariee, now en ronte from Otab, will leave tbla oity early next week for the Old World, and will be eoattered through Scandinavia, Denmark and Great Britain, where tbey will remain two years. Another large party of mlaaiooariee will be aent abroad In the fall. Evarta' anti-Mormon ciroa\x=req-\ lar waa a dead letter; it bad no effeot at all npon Mormon proeelytiam in Earope, exoept to ailmalate it—and the foreign governments wbiob ware urged to interfere with Mormon propegandiata took do atepa whatever in the matter. In epite of the oppoeition of the United Biatea and Territorial autboritlea, the Mormon Charcb baa never paehed it* intereata more vlgoronaly tban it haa this apritg, nor baa it ever bad a proa\x=req-\ peot of achieving greater reaulta for its labors. The immigration bida fair to beoome tbla aeaaon larger tban uaual— probably about 3,600 people. A good deal of miaalonary work la being done in Southern States, and with large euo\x=req-\ oeee. Mormon oolonlee, oompoaed of hardy young men and women, are moving trom Utah as a oenter in all direo tlone, end are rapidly transforming the valleya in Idaho, Wyomiog and Arisona into wall tilled farma. In anawer to the oorreapondent'e queetion, Mr. Staina aald : " All talk about the Mormon people takiog up arma agalnat the United Sletea government ia ehrer nonaenee. Our opponenta, some of them, have intimated tbat we would fight, but no auob talk haa been beard from ua. Such a courae would be woree tban folly—it would be orlmiual; it would be a orioie agaioat ouraelvea. Whatever extremity oame, we would have everything to loae and nothing to gain by aucb a courae. We ara peaceable people. We don't WHO lO lorco our o^iuiuub vr uui iwh> gion on any man, bat we wi«h to live at peaee with everybody." Correspondent — May I uk, If the Uoited Stilts government paeeea a Uv againit polygamy, will it be obeyed to any extent ? Mr. 8.—I will speak frankly to yon about that. When I am at boma no one talla tbat be baa taken another wife. I aak no ona If ba baa taken another wife. I am wilneaa to no marriago ceremonies. If I talk with unmarried ladiea I bate knowa, even if I auapeot tbat tbay have beeome ona of the wlvee of aoma one, I addreaa tbem by tbeir maiden neme, and they oanoot tell from my converse\x=req-\ lion tbat I believe tbem married. All our people follows lbs aama policy. Tbe reaaon ia obvious. If wa baa knowledge of the ooourrence of polygamoaa marriages wa oonld ba naed aa witneaaea againat tboee wbo Irauagreee United Btatea lawa, bowever proper tbeir action might be in tbeir own ryea. We, therefore, eindiotuly avoided acquiring any information that would be eompetent teatlmony in eonrt of law. Aa to the queation of polygamy, It la a tenet of onr faith aa much aa any other article of oar religion. In oar eooial relationa we are aa pore and happy aa any people on earth. I will not eay that polygamoaa marrlagea bava not oocarredlo oar midat from improper motivee. bat each mar\x=req-\ rlagea have been rare ezoeptlona. Mr. Btalnea alao told jbe oorreepon\x=req-\ dent tbat In the farming diatriota, wherever Mormoniam baa apread, a large part of the agriculturists had two or more wivea. The Mormon immigrante thia year are going Weet via the Pennaylvania aad Northwestern Railway to tbe Union Paoitlc road. One More? Dlipoied Of. Niw You, April 30.—Saaael 8. Moray, wbo wu indicted for perjury in having eworn on the nomination o( Kannard Pbilp that ha waa a nephew ol tha mytbioel Henry L. Morey, aad bad aa«n him in Lynn, Miaa., with tba alleged Cbineaa latter of Garfield in hia poaaeaaion, waa brought from tba Honaa of Detention yeaterdey and arraigned before Jndge Cowing in the General Seeaione Court. Ha walked to tha bar with difficulty, and aeemed completely broken down efter bia aiz moutba' confinement. Aealatant Dialrict Attorney Bell moved for bia diaoberge, and nude tba following indoreement on tba indict* manl: "Tbe defenJant here la a broken\x=req-\ down cripple, wbo waa need by othera to anitain tba Moray letter frand. Ha ooofeeeed bia guilt under a proniiae of immunity from proaecntlno, and thereafter to render tbe proeecutlon what aid ha could io the invaetigation'tbet followed. He ebould be diacbarged on bia own reoogniienoe." Judge Cowing thereupon order*d the diacbarge of liorey, who hobbled alowly from tha eonrl-roem. Garfield on florbim. Wasbixotox, M»y 2. — Ad (Tuning p»p*r, referring to tbe Bur aertice »can\x=req-\ dil, eeye: It it rumored tbat President Qerfleld ia indignant at lb* ton* of certain Bepublicen newipapera in tbair Munlta upon and illnaiona to blmaalf for taking auob a vary determined stand in thia matter. Iodaad, ba ia reported to have taid to a Maw England Sanator tbat Mr. Oorbam, aa an aditor, bad ao abused bia poaition ainoa tba Star ronta qnaation waa retired, by repeated oovert attacks npon tba Admioiatratioo, tbat ir h# (tba Senator) voted ftirtber to ■at\x=req-\ tain tba candidacy of Oorbam for Secretary of tba Senat* ba (tba Preaidant) would consider it a peraonal affront. Doraey Kxooertied. Wahimotom, Hay 3. — Ex • Sanator Doraay himself waa tba authority to a Waa I era Aaaociatad Preta reporter for tba atatamant tbat tba Postmaster General exonerated Doreey from all complicity with tba Star aerTioe affairs, and bad promiaed to wriU • letter to tb* Preai\x=req-\ dent declaring that nothing againat Dor\x=req-\ eey had been dieoovered. It ia denied at the Poetoffloo Department, by the beat authority, that any promiae waa made, or that any auob latter bad been written. It oan be atated tbat the Pree\x=req-\ Ideat, ainee tbreaU by alleged Star route eoatraetore to attack him hare been made, baa reiterated bia determination to go to the bottom of the matter, The Corwtn Arctic Belief Bxpedl* tUn—Capuin 1 oopert Iiitrac* tloni. Chicaoo, May 2:—The Saoratary of tba Traaanry baa tranamlttad the ordera wbiab ara to govern tha aetioa of Capt. Hooper on tba Tbomaa Corwin in bla approaching eralee to tba Arotio, to Baa Fraociaoo today. Tba Corwin ia to aail wltbin a few daya. Tba inatrnctlooa Riven to bar oommander ara aimtlar to tboaa ondar which ba tailed laat aammar, and ara moat liberal and aiaatio. Tba Corwin ia in parfect condition, and bar oraw bare eerved in aimilar expedi\x=req-\ tlona. Captain Hoopar ia to naa every endeavor to ttnd tba miaaing veaaela, and ia to b« guided by bia own jndgmcDt. Tba raoa between tba Corwin and Iba Roger* an tbla errand of marey will ba an exciting one. The peculiar sterile of lailowa' Hjpopboe\x=req-\ phltee ara: FM-Unique harmony of tnaredlenta aolt\x=req-\ able to tba reqalreueote of dleeeeed blood. .'ixvnd—SlUbllr alkaline r»action rendering It acceptable to almoet every atomach. TMnl - lie acretable fljror and oonreaieoi form u a Snap. Fourth -lie harm lea am aa utd> r proUof<d uie. ; i b« uprfMM| In •! Hlk Paurb with hoi or lc* teiUr. milk, «(c., U a fact (•O'rklljkdmlitM) byconnoluton. T.krn hot U will dla>tpal« chilli and colda. Bold by all Orocen, Win* Marchanta and Drug»i»u Tr»i» tnppliad by Richard* k Hairtfoo, agent* for tb« Pacific coaat, -an mnelaoo. MBCILLAlfBOUB. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Hide from (lr«p« (Into Ttrltr.—No other preparation aakea each light, flak; hot breadi. or laanrtona intry Can b« nun by Dyepep\x=req-\ tlce without fear of Ilia reealtlng from heaTT lDdlftUbla food, fold only In cast, by all Urot-ara. Kotal Bizim • Powuia Co., ocM New York. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Wbr Maffer Nredlcaelr With tha convoking, ipaemodic torture* of farar and ague and bllioua remittent, wheu Hoetrtter'a B cratch Itntcr*. acktiowl-dgcd to ba d real curative of malarial fevara, will erdl\x=req-\ cat# the cauae of a> moch aoffrrlngf No Itia effective la Ihla'benlgninl alterative In caara of conatlpatlon, dyepepela. liver complaint, rheuw*tl-ra, and lu neutral debility and ner\x=req-\ vooe *>akn>a for aald by all Drogglata and Dealart generally. 1 GOLD HILL BAKERY —AMT>— RESTAUR A!NT MAIN NTUKKT GOLD HILL Oppoelt* tba Bcllpae LI vary Stable*, I. P. BICKEB Proprietor. TJ1BE8B BREAD. P1KH. 0AKK8, AND HC1 * Kolla every day, delivered at tha raat\x=req-\ danoaa of oaatomare. BRCAD AT REOUOBD PRICK*. HT Plaa and Oakaa at radacad prleaa. Fancy or aaaortet Oakaa mad* to ordar m tbort oolite. The Kastanrut Department la tba flnaat It tba Htata. All klnda ol Oama. Pooltnr and Freeh Plah and aleo Uyatore received and •erred nu dally. *>■ THE CITY BAKEHl, RESTAURANT. Ooifbctloierj nd Culj Depot, No. OT Nortb 0 ItrNti Vlrclala, /"|FFER8 AN BLBOINT ABSOKTMINTOI V HOLIDAY UOODi* Toyt. Oanillae, Orna. moota for Table, Ofhament*], K rue ted and Plain Uakea of all klnda, deacrlptlona and da algne, and at price* >o rail everybody. Aa we Import all oar gooda direct from tbi Cut, we can offer them at.prlcoe the aama — charged In New fork, and at leaa than Bar Prancleco ratoa. f«F" Ornament* for Oakaa • epecUlty. Bpltf Oretm anJ Htrawberrlee and Cream. Htrawberrlee by the box, at wholaaale or rstsll. atf Oar candle* ara manafactored by con ■eivee freeh *»*ry day, and ar* far euperlor to Imported candl**. FI1ZMKIKR b AHXBRUST. Proprietor* ilty Bakery, Mo, IT North 0 itreot, Virginia. Narad*. It la HA8BROUCK * HALL, (Bbccmmh to a. B. Btawart d Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, MS MalB Itmlr 001,D HILL. .... NEVADA —DEALIBt w— PURE DRL'flH, CUtMICAIM, MEDICINE* TOfLBT And faNCY ABT10LU. Prracriptloni aim *1 *11 boon, dtj or nliht, by ato or B«bly eotnprtaat p«r»oo. lj_ FOUNTAIN MARKET, MAIN STREET - - GOLD HILL 0. J. WAIDER, Proprietor. rnssntK to inform the public that tke cbolcaM of Bnf. Vaal, HiiMi Park. Okin Hmn, Larot Hui> On b* boutbt at tb« Foantatn Kirkat. PamlliM tod botrdlarbosiM will la4 It to "2'10 "" — waid1e. J. U. HALL M. D» PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON (y^Xl£SSR!i7£3S&t MIBCKLLAlTIOtJB. A DELICIOUS DRINK For I'm (k 1'nmilir*, IlottU, a*b*, rieHirt, Hub Punch 8. H. IRA VEt A I0W. • Th» "Hub Punch " hM I1MI7boon introdaood, Md hhk with mirktd populu f»Tor. It is Warranted to Oanlmlit only tht BEST ef Liquor*, Cttlted with Cltole* IVmU l JuUt» and OmwIiM Sugar. II I* rMdronoponlnf, tndwlltb# foasd *n wr*f •hi* addition to lb* choie* thing* o( lh* Ublf wbieh nndcnlablr ttlun Ul« pl«»«or»» of 111* im •oooaxif• food hUowulp tod food attar*. GOOD AT ALL TIMES. Jnitth* This* to Knp la WIMVtliM lldibounli not complrio OTltfcoat It. XteanbeueetI Clear,or trilh Fine lee, Soda, Hot or Cold Water, Lemonade, Tea, or Freeh MUk, to Bull the Taste. Sold br iMdlM Wine Mt rcbiDta, Oroetn, Betel* IM Druff i>U •frjmhtn. O. n. OUTGI 4; IO.VI, BmM Tnd* rapplM »t Mtouficturara prlM* br SICIIAJKM * niBBIlOX, Af*sU lot Ptelte Cowt fUn Fraoclioo, 0*L CiHTAUf, tlwtjw Carei and never dlaap* point*. Tie world'* great Pain" Reliever for Hu and Bmt Cheap, quick and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA in not Narcotic. Children prow ftit upon, Mothers like* and Physicians rccontmend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic* allays Feverishness, and do\x=req-\ stroys Worms. TUTT'S NLLs! AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, ere tooomparable. They *tlmulate the tOftPID iiVEH, Invigorate the Mlliiv« CPjfHjWBC give tone to the~t)IQS8\x=req-\ tryirOROAJJ8, oteete perfectdlge*tlon and regular movement of the bowol». AS AN ANTHUIARIAL n>ey here no equal | acting m a prmat* lveand cure for BUlou*. llcmittgntTlnfr\x=req-\ mittent. Typhoid Fovon, end Fever end Ague. Upon tho healthy action of the Btomach and Liver depends, almort wholly, the health of the human race. DYSPEPSIA. It la for the oure of this dlseaae and It* at\x=req-\ tendant* BI®C^USAT5A6liBrtTESV\x=req-\ odbwessT^Bbspondenct, i B^gA^i^>ir^ifrE8rAo.7tsr~th^o )*lil* h*ve gained «uch a wldo reputation. Ho remedy wae evor dl*cover«d that act* •o ipoodily nxlgnntly on the diyiettve or\x=req-\ ■uje, giving thetn tone and"vigor to ae\x=req-\ iaftMiifai jxrjl BOUMilBLfcLT"and^tha' DU8''fry tTUii Bemedy 7airly and you will gain a Vigorou* bod'y. £>u ro Hloo% Strong Iferve*, and a Chetrful mind. Price fAr. 33 Murray 8«., N. Y. TUTT'S HAIR UYiJi. Out lUn Ol.vnini ebanmd 10 * OLOfIT Bud bra alMjaapplkauon of thia DTtUlg porta oJfoUnl Color, oad mh InaUntaaooaalf Bold by OractttUor(Mtbroipr*«oarooatp«o(ai Offloo, 35 Murray St., New York. SURE CURE —rt)«— Cougbi, Coldi, bo.e Throat, Bros* chltts. litbna. Coniumptlon, Aid All l)lw»n»ITH NOAT mad LVNOI Put op In Quirt Sin Bottlea for Family Cm. ■clfMlflrtlljr iir«r«rr<l of Balum Tolu. Crnfat\x=req-\ llini Hock Canity. oMRra. an oibar lorilra. Tbo Formula la known to our lw»t ptiyMrlana, la blablr commrmini by them, ami tti» atulyMa of not moat promlnrnt chrmlat, prol. 0. A. SIARINlB. la Chlciio la on Ibf labfl of »*aiy boltlr. It la writ known to ih* mnllral profraalon tint T"Ll' KtX'K SHYk will anon! Ilw frralrat re In for Coiiibt, •, InOu'iiu, BromMlli, kora Throat. Weak ■f. alao ConaunjptloD, lu the iDclplant and ad\x=req-\ **Ua»d 'aa'a'br.VERAOE and APPETIZBB, It makra a dallfhlful tonic tor family um. la plra»aat lo taknlf w*ak or dablliutad. It jfirri iom,activity and alrtoftb to tba wbolo bun au fraroa. /C A UTIO V. ifiKJ «JS\ % AMD RYE. which la tb« only madlnigl /. \artlfl» mad*. It* ('nolo* ha»ln* a WJ-/ EBNMEN r HT AMP 00 each boltl*. UWRCNCR 4c MARTIN, Trmv 111 Ma^laaaalrtal. Chlev 0*Aik fair DrafiUi for It I CrCklUraa, »aH iaar ,H»| .JfWJAAmW . nuri:.?a 8ILVSR t MAIN 8' 8ILVIR CITY, Board andLodr M* ChlM u