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THE EVENING NEWS VIRUNIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIMK TABLC. Taklac IfffCt iprll S4IB, 1881. TRAIN* riw Rm m «aU Hill tU Tlrdria. Htaltoaa. |*ipr~..|pj££, Local raaa»n«er HENO hTRaUUOAT. WiSUdR .... PU«NRroW> LACkVIEW .. CAHHON.. u 7 10 ».m. 7.S8 •• 7 80 •• 8.00 " 8.11 M • 18 '• h ai am IJI •• • a •« 10.07 " '• 10 88 •• l-»> pv. 418 •• • a « 8.08 " 1.11 - 4 0D « 0 \K<O.N .. a« XVI'IKK M'DHol'SI ar M'DHUl-SKd* GOLD HILL.. V1HU1NU.... 8.48 a.m. H. 13 « • 10 •• ».*» •• • u •* 10 03 " 11.10 A.0L 1ISI *• 11.U* p.m. li-ij" l.u4 •' 818 p.m. »s» - 4 04 " • 14 *• 7 0) " " TRAINS From Vlralal* aad fl*H HUI •■4 1h» • fania station*. Local Paaacogar Local Paarafar VlMUlNlA.... UOLDU'LLar UOL-'HILLda M'l> HuIWKw M'DHofaitd. kMPiX CAKSJM.....M mipn 5.40 " 8 43 •• (1* - «.» •• lU •• 7.00 " 8 uu a.m 810 '• UOp.4. 811 - a.iu ~ • »""* 1 11 » 1 IB - 8.40 - OAIUON .. du LAKkVIBW .. FRANKiOWN WAHHOK HTKAMboat. ttKNO 7.13 p.m. 7 SJ - :.«o - 7.31 M 8 0S •• •JO *• 10.00 a-m. low •• H'.SO " 11.10 M 11 88 •* li.J0p.rn. 4.18 p.m. 4.M " 8.08 - 8.18 » • 10 - 4 40 " TUESDAY. : MAY 3. 1881 ■ mirim Rr-r\x=req-\ • un nuoi. 300 Argenta. 50c ISO OrtDil Prix#. 95c 300 Navajo. 80c, 8Je 290 Day. 95c, 1 50 Eureka Cod., 30H 1320 Albion, 4 85, 4H, 4 80 SO Ml. Diablo. 6H 2000 Uolmea. 1 Jo 303 Bodia. 7^.7. 7H 100 Walea. 1 40 •25 Bvcbtrl. 75o. 80o 30 Bulwer. 3. 3 15 350 Addenda. 30c 550 North Noonday, 1*4,1 40 513 Oro. 1,1 10 550 South Bodia. 25c. 30c 200 Mono. 3V 3*. 3 30 • 25 South Bulwrr. 33o 210 Bllfar King, am TBia HOBKIRO. 805 Opblr. 8*1. 9 1330 Mexican, I3H. IS*. 13. 13H. US 5*0 Oould \ Curry. 7H,7%. 7H 250 Beat 1 Belcher. 12H. 12H 335 California. 1 33. 1 40 443 Savage. 4 85. 4 30 545 Con. Virgiuia. 2 CO. 2 C5 V50 Chollar. 3S. 3 43 225 Hmls & Norcroaa. I, S *4 410 Crown Point, 2 (0, 2 53 190 Yallow Jackal. 5H, 350 Imperial. 20o. 15c 85 Kantack. 2 80. 2 S3 100 Alpha, 4 50 Potoal, 4 40 350 Batcher, 2H.2 43 820 Sierra Nevada. 12, 11S 20 Utah. 9\. »'■» 120 Bullion. 1 33. 1 40 360 Exchequer. 1 00. 1 55 fl*) Overman. 1 90. 1 83 370 Jnatica. 1 13. 1 10 295 Union Cop.. 10%, 10H 055 AlU. 3 43, 3 40 103 Caledonia. 43c 730 Silver Hill. i5o 100 Occidental, 2 200 Lady Washington, ISo •3 Julia, 40o 150 Original Oold Hill. 20o 120 Andea, 2 35. 2 30 100 Europa. Sua 100 Ward. 2 ?23 Scorpion. 2 10, 2 03 1000 Capitol. 'JJo 895 Br o ion. 90c. 8Jo 250 Oolden Gate. 1 70. 1 00 500 Atlantio. 25o. 10a 300 North Estenaion Utah, 75c, 80c 130 Curtia. 1. 9uo 000 Concordia, 20c Altaraaaa tlraai BaHM. Sax Fbascisco. May 3 — 1 r. Utah, 9H; Bodia, 7H; Angenta, 40c; Oould £ Curry. 7H, 7H; Oro, 1 10; California. 1 35; Hale A Norcroaa. 0, OH; Juatice. 1 10 Eureka Con.. 30H; Alta, 3 40. 3 35; Albion 0\|,OH; Beet A Beloher, 12S.12H; Savage 4H, 4 30; Belcher. 2 40; Benton. 83c. 90c; Yellow Jacket, OH, OH; Mexican, 13H; Kantnck, 2 85; Potoai. 4H.4 40; Day. 1 05; Bullion, 1H. 1 80; Alpha. 4 10; Optiir, 9. 8H> 8V, Mexican, 13, 13H; Union Con., 10H, 10H; Mono, 3% ,3 60; Northarn Bella 18H; Navajo, 90c; Sierra Nevada, UH, 11H. 11H; Curt.a, 1; Crown Point. 2 65; Bodie, 7H, 7H; Con. Virginia. 2 60; Mono 3 00; Joatica, 110. Aflaraeaa lefaraaal laaalea. 8*.i Faaactsco. Kit 3—3:30 r. Albion. S1* bid, 3H (tie*; Mt. Diablo, C\ bid; Bullion, 1*4 bid; Hal* it Norcrosa. 3H bid, 5 \ ukrd ; Opbir, 8S bid; Oould A Curry. 7'* bid, 7S aaked; Potoei, 4»» aaked; Crown Point, 3 CO bid; Union Con. 10H bid. 10S iaW»; Imperial, 20c aaked; Sierra Nevada. 11 \ bid, IIS sales; Yallow Jackal, Si* bid. 3*i aaked: Saeage. 4 30 bid. 41% aaked; Mexican, 13*« aaked. 13S aalea, 13S aalaa. 13^ aalea; Alto. 3 30 bid; Opbir. aalea; Cbollar, 3 40 aalea; Potosi 4 33 bid. 4 43 aaked. Arrival* 1 ■•raise. W Vollmer*. Judge King. W B Middleton, \V Malonry and wife. J Elliott. W H Smith. W B Scbotleld, Miaa Tbompaon, W 9 Jamea, 8 F Uoola, C J McKim, F Middleton. Miaa Robinaon. J 8 Smith. T B Wood. R T Brodek and family, R H Lind\x=req-\ aay, Mra Thrall and child. DtMrlarw IjuI leealac. M Kyi*. A £ Spaulding. T Tbompaon. L M Caokin. Mra Leary. M Mnrphy. C L Foater. Mra J C Harlow, Mra F Smith, T Driacoll. J F McKanzia. O W Millar. T L Bropby, M H Toomy. P Veojohan, Eliza Patria, C W Howell, Mra Abraham*. Teachera ia the Oold Hill schools, mad all paraoaa who have demanda again at the Oold Hill School Depart ment, can get their mon»y tomorrow (Wednesday) by calling upon B. Mar\x=req-\ car, Main atreat, Oold Hill. Charles Williamaon. aa lata Sheriff of Storey county, baa deeded to P. B. Mc\x=req-\ Court tba property of tha Phil Sheridan Oold and 8il*»r Mining Company, aold Ootobr 18. 1880, to aatiafy a judgment for 12753 62. 3. B. Keene baa been reappointed Censua Marahal for Oold Hill by tha School Truateea. George Hanning haa reoeived a similar appointment for Virginia. A aaa known aa "Senator" Bob Wil\x=req-\ aon fonnd another man whom be wanted to tbraah in the 8awdnat Corner, Virginia, yesterday and waa badly beaten himself. Tha thunder shower did not amount to BMh is Oold Hill yeslsj-dsy. Ia Vir\x=req-\ §UUaUwatmUwsrs mads quit# jnuddj. COUNTY NMMIUIONKRt. CMatlai Ik* I»««i»-WiiiihMy •a* •TCIiy •«< Tm MMtli - llMtlto\x=req-\ TnrtUUT'l FBOClIDMOa. The Board ol County Commiaaionere met ot 1 o'clock ye»t«rd»y afternoon, all lb* mimbm being preeant. Alderman McCordy appeared and noli\x=req-\ fled the Commieeionera thai the Board ol Aldermen would meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to turn over the hooka, account* and property of the eity of Virginia. In acoordaaoe with the reqnirementa of the law, the Commlaeioneraproceeded to the efBoe of the County Treaeorer, accompani*d by Auditor Brennan and Deputy Clerk Kellehar, to oount the mo nay contained in the Treaanry. They found 91338 43 is the vault and 939,> 224 24 on d«poait in the Nevada Bask, making a total of 940,662 67. Upon rtaaaembliog Auditor Brennan waa aaked whether the Treaanrer'e fignree oorreeponded with hia. He aakad lor and waa granted an honr'a time to jouraaltke the warranta, which, he aaid, were delivered to hia in the morning. IDS DOiru (UOU prvovvuru HI ih* vi»j Hall to receive from the Aldermen lb* eily property. After th* reading of the reperta of the varieus offloera and the Mayor'a valedictory, th* property waa formally tranaferred to tba Commiaaioo\x=req-\ ara by Mayor Stephana in tha following worda: "Chairman Canavan, of tha Board of County Commlaaionera, I now tender yon all the property of tha elty of Virginia, an inventory of vhieh you have hrard rea^." Chairman Canavan aaid : " We are here in accordance with th* invitation of the Board of Aldormen, to receive thin property, and I hereby accept and take obarge of it for the oonaolidalad government. I have farther to aay that wo are gratefal for the kindly way in whiob we have barn received and treated. I hope the new government will prove acceptable to the people and quite aa much cheaper than the old aa they have hoped." After th* adjournment of th* Board of Aldermen aioa die, Chairman Canavan placed City Clerk Wallace in charge of all the properly in about the City Hall, to be oared for by him until further or\x=req-\ dera. Returning to their own room*, Chairman Canavan direoted the Clerk to make a minute of the fact of the Board having gone to the City Hall and received (he property ot the oily at tha handa of tba outgoing Mayor and Board of Aldermen, to be held for tha new ooneolidated government. District Attorney Hil** aald a tran\x=req-\ ecript ot the Kirnun case waa in the handa of th* printer and aa eoon aa printed would b* sent to th* Supreme Court. Th* County Auditor reported that, acoordiog to hia booke, the oaah on band ahould be $66,110, but oat of thia moat oom* th* amount of the CaTrick defalcation, of which be baa no official knowledge. The County Treaaurer baa in the vault at hia offloe 91330 43. and on depoait at tha Nevada Bank $39.\x=req-\ 224 24, making a total of $40,562 67. ahowiog a diecrepanoy between the Auditor"* booke and the eotual caah on band of $24,647 33. The matter waa referred to the Court\x=req-\ bouae Committee, with inatructiona to aacertain the exact amount of the dia\x=req-\ crepaocy, and whether it waa a legal dieorepancy. On motion of Commlaaioner Gallagher, the Clerk waa inatruoted to notify tne preeent beada of the eeveral elty department to oontinue in the perlorm anc* ot their duties nntll further orders. Commissioners Sheridan and Gallagher were appointed a committee to oonfer with the Gold Hill Trueteee in regard to tha turning over the property of that town. Tb* appllcationa of a large number of indigent persona wars thsn oonaidered, aome being granted and otbere referred. Adjourned to meet this morning at 11 o'clock. TODAT'a PSOCBKOIMOS. All the membere of the Board of Com\x=req-\ miaaionera were present, and also Dis\x=req-\ triot Attorney Hilte. Minntea of y eater\x=req-\ day'a boaineaa read and approved. A communication waa received- from Treaaurer Otey calling attention to the fact that there waa au overdraft on the Salary Fund ot about $7000, and recommended that the deficit be made good from the General Fand. Filed. KsroBTa or omcni. The following auma wer* reported by lb* re«pectiT* official* aa collected by tbem tor the month of April: Sheriff LUuke, from licence aoooonl, etc., 91930 00; fee-. 9383 77; total, 92,\x=req-\ 314 27. Auditor Brennan reported caab re\x=req-\ oeipta to be 9302 89; and fee* for labor performed by iba oounty, 9191 75; total. 9494 64. Jnatioe Hiraa, of Townahip No. 2, 9120 95. Conatabla Ferguaon, of Towothip Mo. 2. 9116 45. Treasurer Ot*y reported on hud April 30. 943.099 66. Diatrict Attorney Hilea on behalf of the Court- boaae Committ**, reported that the Auditor had mad* a miatake in bia report presented yeeterday, ha hav iog neglected to enter a warrant paid in tba morning in hia atatament; but when that error waa corrected thera alill remained a discrepancy of nearly 9100 between the Auditor and Treaanrer. Commieaioner Fraaer, from tba Court\x=req-\ bona* Commit!**, aaid th* diacrepanoy waa no doubt owing to tb* offioer* hae\x=req-\ iog no poeitiTe koowledgaof tba amount of Carrick'a defalcation. Tb* Diatrict Attorney gave it aa hia opiuion that tb* Anditor'a hooka abould be accepted ai aotbotily on th* amount of the d»falc*tion aa tney appeared at that tim*. having b*en reported corr*ct by tb* expert*. Tb* matter waa r*r*rr*d back to th* Committ** and lb* Diatrict Attorney to prepare a r**olution fixing upon a earn ** tb* amount of defalcation. Gallagher, from th* committ** ou Gold Hill property, reported having received tb* k*ya and all property belonging to th* town of Gold Hill, and bad placed klarabal Kennedy in poaaeaaion until farther order*. The *l*etion of Chiaf of Pollc* for Virginia and Gold Hill. Chief Engineer and Aaaiatant of tba Virginia Fir* Department, waa declared in order. Sheridan introduced a resolution creating tba offlc* of BoadmaaUr. Adopted. Following ia th* r**ult of th* ballota caat: For Chiaf of Poliea, Virgin!*—John Bradley, 3 votaa; George Brown, 2. For Chief of Police, Gold Hill—Aaoa Mrrritt, 3; Frank Folaom, 2. For Chief Engineer of tba Fir* Depart\x=req-\ ment—John J. Beardon, 3; William Pennlaon, 2. For Aaaiatant Chiaf Enginatr—John Barclay, 3; Bcoggin, 1: Ball 1. Tboa* r*o*iving th* majority vol* vara declared aUctad. Milt* Finlra bad bo opposition for Bo«dm titer. Frevioua to the ballot for Cbiaf Engineer ol the Fir* Department, a petition ouaeronaly aigned by citisena. asking at William Penniaon b« appointed to tbe office, waa read and filed. lh Receaa taken at 13:16 lor one hour. THE YELLOW FUB. akiLLPOX TBI.SCHOOL y CHILDBCN. rreMUr featratM 1Mb ike la* <l*ee-JM Caaae for AUra\x=req-\ Eitergelle llipa le ke TUee al Oeee-ni«Kral4 Dee*. That draaded aoourge, amallpoz, baa again appeared in Oold Hill, and tbia time in a plaoe and manner to Juatly oaoM mueb alarm. Miaa Julia Orowley, one of tbe High School pupils, ia afflicted with tbe moat malignant tjpa of, confluent amallpoz. She waa in attendance at aohool laat vaek aa lata aa Friday, mingling wilb ber aaaooiatee, they and abe little dreaming ot what may poeeibly be tbe fatal reeult of tbe friendly oompanionabip of that day. Eren aa lata aa yaaterday noon a number ol ber oompaniona vieited ber, and when tbe doctor in attendanoa oalled in tbe alternoon be found a number of lady neighbora aitting on the bed wbero tbe young lady lay. He immediately oleared the room and reprimanded tbe parenta for net following hia ezpreea order* to exclude vial tore, and for tbe Aral time gave them a bint of the nature of tbe girl'e malady. It ia dne to them to eay they entertained no idea of tbe real oaute of tbeir dangbter'a illoeea. Prea. Stillman, a young man about twenty yeara of age, liwing witb bia parente near tbe eaat end ot tba railroad tunnel, ia alao alck witb tbe amallpoz. Tod Filagerald, aged about aeveuteen, living up Crown Point ravine, near tbe fiowera grade, baa it alao. BKUXrOZ AUOMO THE IHDIAXa. Tbe origin ol tbe dieeaee here In Oold Hill can be laid to tbe Indiana, without acarotly a doubt. For eome daya peat it baa been feaiedthat Indian Tom, who killed himatlf at bia bouse on the bill •aet of town, committed tbe deed while in tbe delirium canted by emallpox. It ia now known that tbe Indiana deaerted bim belore he cut bia throat, and 137 Indiana in all have presented tbemaelvea at tb* hoapital and been vaccinated by Dr. Uergetein aince that time. When questioned, tbey eaid tbe Waker Lake ludiane bad lb* amallpoz and vtb*m*nt\x=req-\ ly denied the ezitteuo* of tb* dieeaae bere. Three ol Tom'a children have died in the mountaina, tbe Indiana admit; and it ia probable tbet tbe equaw who brained bar children near Dayton laat Fqdsy did ao became they had tbe amallpoz—the Indiana aay it waa a oaee of meaalea. Wbst teode to etrengtben this opinion is lb* l»ot tbat many of those engaged la burning Tom'a oabin have be«„ aiek, ehowing eigne of polaoning, and today two of tbem ara reported aiek witb emallpox, bat that ia not definitely known to ba a taut. Principal Youog, of lbs Qold Hill echools, waa prssent at tba burning and brought away as bkuc* or Tax okas Tba knlfa wbiob Tom aaad in killing bimaelf, • baaket wbiob on* of hi* aqaawa bad oommenoed making to oarry • papooaa in, and a bowl ntad in kneading bread. Tbeee artlolra wero taken to tba school-house and plaoed in tba eab\x=req-\ inat there, alter having bean examined and bandied by maoy of tba popile. Others brongbt various articlea away from tba oabin, and to thia can oer\x=req-\ tainly ba attributed tba apraad of small\x=req-\ poz. There ara rumors of othera having the amallpox, bat tb* ctaei have not bean reported. It will be well to keep at * aafe diatanoe from pereone complaining of illnees, u the doctore admit that not • few have tbe premonitory symptoms of tbe drraded disease. PRXTKNTIVK MKA1CBKS NEKDXD. An informal talk waa had by the Commissioners and County Physician regard* ing tbe diseaae, at their meeting tbie morning, and atepe will be Immediately taken to appoint a Board of Health and give them power to act. Tbe peat-honae is in good condition, sid Dr. Bergstein say patients oan be sent there at sny time. Aotive measures are earely needed. The present oatlook is oertainly one tbat caueee a just alarm, as eo many bavs been expoeed even by Uiss Crow\x=req-\ '•J. to eay nothing of tbe danger that baa ariaen from tbe homing of the In\x=req-\ diau'e cabin and the bringing back of relics by participanls. DCSTB or nTZOUALD. A* tbe paper goee to press tbe news comes to band that Tod Fitxgerald died at 3 o'clock f. u. Letter fraua W*mI liver. The following Utter, from D. N. Jeekaon to a friend in thla pl»oe, will doubtleea b« ol intereet to the many friend* of Mr. Jackaon reelding to tbia county : Krrcai'M, April 28, 1881. Friend Q : I bit* been in the oouotry now about twelve dnye, and moet ooufeea I am very littla batter prepared to give you anything like a correct account of tbe couutry than I waa tba day of my arrival. Have only aaen tbe mtnea ol Bellevoe and Ketcbuoi, and bave bof n aomewbat dieappointed in ibani. If I aboold eea nothing belter on going fnrtber up tbe river, tbe cbancea are tbat I will not apend nut winter hare, though every one tella ma tbay have good minea in Bullion, S«w\x=req-\ Tootb and Galena. I pneurue it will be three weeka before I will ba abla to get aa far aa Oalena, and probably two or threa timea tbat long before I ean reach 8aw-Toolb. Sow, you can make your calculationa about tbe time a man will bave to proapect. I think tba flrat or middle of June ia aa early aa there can be anything aocompliahed bare, and tba middle of November ia aa lata aa it will ba aafa to atop, unleaa ona ia pre\x=req-\ part d to wioter, which very faw will do, I Imaiiine, who have no minea. We buried a Gold Hill man hero yea\x=req-\ terday (27th). Hie name waa Biehard Qrem wood. Ha died very euddenly on tba 26tb, with what tha Coroner'a jury called heart diaeaaa. Ha fell in tha atraet, and Juat bad tima to take hla puree out and hand it to hia partner, with loatructiona to aend it to hia family, making tba remark at tha aama time, "I am gone." Ha did not lira over two mlnntea after the attack. I would adviaa Gold Hillera not to oome here tbia year. Tha oountry will ba batter proepecUJ, and, if good, there will be better aooommodiatlooa another year. There are thouaanda on the road now ooming la. But, great aa tbe nub la, I oonfldeatly expect to aaa a greater ona tba other way. Tout truly, D. N. Jaobm. I TOWN TRUSTEES. riaal ImUii — ltp>in «r T»«a k* VirMl Onr to Ik* OmuV CMiMlMlMtrt-M By*! The final mMtiog of tba Board of Trust**a ol lb* tows of Gold Hill vu bald yesterday afternoon. Present— TrnaUM Danoby, Lemery, MoCurdy and President (pro ton.) Maroar. Tba minutaa of tb* previous meeting wan approted aa read. Tba different standing oommlttaaa reported everything in tb« beet oonditlon. Tba atraata war* in good rapalr. Tba Committ** oa Fir* and WaUr re\x=req-\ port*d tba mains, hydrants, tanks and svsrytbing ooobaotad with tba wstar works in good oonditlon. Tba ragnlar monthly bills, amoantiog to $1088, war*, on motion, *rd*r*d paid.. Tba following bills, rafarrad to tba Finaooa Committ** and found oorraot, war*, on motion, ordarad paid: J. B. Qagnon, $6 40; K. Mrroar, 96 80; W. N. Hall k Co., f 11 60; D. Tborborn, 38a; W. Hall. 96 80. On motion, it waa ordarad tbat tba offloiala ba paid tbair aalariaa np to and including May Id, 1881. Tba Siraat Oommitta* raportad tbat aome partias bad boilt s fano* on D atraat, law tba Dayton toll road, on gronod pnrobasad by tba tows, and wuhad to oall tba attention of tb* County Commiaaionars to tba aubjaot. Tba following quarterly reports from town offloara wara raad snd ordarad to taka tba nansl coarse: ssroBT or tow* tssasubbs. To tba Honorabla Board of Trnataaa of tba Town of Oold Hill—Oantlaman: I barawltb anbmlt my repqrt for tba quarter to data, Max t, 1881: Dr. January SI, 1881, balanoa on band $ 4,161 II To M. Kennedy 1,670 00 To J. P. Flannlngham 6 75 Total $ 8.816 96 Cr. By warranta a..8 8,129 OS By coupona 760 00 By balanca 1.957 93 Total.. FT,886 96 Balanca on band Hay 8.1881... 8 1,967 93 Beapaetfnlly, O. H. Qaulu?, Town Traaaurar. TOW* XABSHAL'* BKPOKT. To tba Pmldant and Hon. Board of Trnataaa of tba Town of Oold Hill— Gentlemen : Tba following la my report of tb* boain*** don* in my ofllo* for tba quarUr ending April SO, 1881: Dr. To Hoeneea aold 81.6J5 64 To prooaada of mlnaa 147 86 Total 81,670 00 Cr. By amount paid Traaaurtr 81,670 06 Number of imali: iwalt and battery 4 Assault to kill 1 Opium smoking 4 Soliciting without IImdm 3 Disturbing peeoe 1 ToUl J3 By Marshal Kennedy 8 By Offloer Sbeehen 7 By Officer Koonry 1 By Kennedy and Sheehan 1 Total 13 Repcctfully, M. Kxxvzdt, Town Maribal. BKTOBT OF tow* CLBBK. To the Honorable Board of Trustees of the Town of Oold Hill—Gentlemen : The following U my report for the quarter ending April 30,1881 : Amount of warrant! issued 93603 78 Ai follow*: Salaries 11605 00 Work onatrMte 332 00 Donation* to Fir* Companle*.... 439 00 Eitra legal Mrrloei 160 00 Hardware 37 00 Teaming 9 60 Hon* feed 40 43 Water rent 636 00 Keeping horae. 16 00 Stationery 8 76 Blaokamitblng 18 60 Printing (per oontract) 136 00 Lumber 133 43 MUeellaneooa 98 08 Total $3608 78 Beepectfully, W. Q. Htdb, Clerk of Board of Town Trnateea. RironT or tow* attowit. To the Honorable, the Board of Trnateea of the Town of Gold Hill—Gentlemen: I nerewith aubmit my final report of all moneya oollected by me u Town Attorney for the year ending the 11 rat Monday In May, A. D. 1881, aa follows: Delinquent taiee aa charged to me, peraaeeement roll 91,336 37 Ten per oent. delinquency • 183 63 Total 91.468 90 Not aned by order of the Board, ud withdrawn from ul« 198 15 Paid to Treaaurer aa per reoeipU on file with Town Clerk. 91.370 71 Total 91.468 90 Beepectfully, J. P. PLUnriHOBAM, Town Attorney. CHIEF IXOIXEIl'S BKFOBT. Gold Hill, Mi; 1,1881. To tbe Preeldent »nd Members of tbe Board of Town TnuUM—OmUhmd : I hare tbe honor to report the following rMODt of tbe fir* Department for the put jaar : Number of flra alarms, 28; nnmbar of Area 33; estimated rains of property doctroyed, $36,000; iasursd for $87,008. In tha majority of eaaea tba eanee of Are oonld not be aeoertaloed. Tbe number of enrolled members of tbe Department ia a* follows: Liberty En\x=req-\ nine Company No. 1, 38; Yellow Jacket Engine Company No. 3, 80; Llnooln Hoae Company No. 8, IT. Tbe re are also two sctlre bona oompanlea not enrolled, who have rendsrsd vary great ssrvic*. Number of hydrants, 87; nnmbsrof fast of rnbber boee. 3800; number of feet of leather boee, 880; number of boss carriages. 8; number of parade bat fronte, 8; nnmber of parade belta, 7; nnmbar of parade trumpets, 8; number of service trumpet!, 8. I bare tbe pleasure of stating that tba entire department and apparatus art In aa efficient and serviceable etatS. Beepecfully submitted. Nick Bkxtos, Chief Engineer Q. H. 9. D. On motion of Trustee Dauby it was ordered that all moneys, books aid pa\x=req-\ para belonging to tha town of Qold BUI be beaded over to tba Ooantj Commissioners as aoon as the Treasurer oaa fix hia books and all warraata allowed at thla meeting are paid. Alao, it waa ordered that tha Town Manbal, Clerk and Attorney torn over all hooka and papers ia their poeseaaioa belonging to tbe Iowa to tbe County Commissioners. Trustee lleroer and Olerk Hyde ware instructed to traaafer all tba towa property (aa par inventory) to tha Ooaaty Commissioners. Than being BO other basinsoa, Traa\x=req-\ tee Daaahy la a (sr appropriate rwuika % moved that a vote of thank* be tendered (o Preaident Fox aod Preaident (pro ten) Mercer lor lb* able manner in whioh they hive preelded on all ooca\x=req-\ ■looit Trustee Mitch replied by saying tb»t the unity of feeling wbiob baa dieted at all tinea among the membera of the Board mada the datirs of presiding offloer light and pleaaant. Ha thanked the membera for' tbia mark of oourteay above to Preaident Fox and himaelf, and hoped the good feeling now exieting would oontlnae to bind them together aa inseparable frienda. The Board then adjourned eie die. THE CENTENNIAL. Aaaul iHllei-llMllea ef O®. eue-Pleai Her Ike fatai* lie. Pursuant to advertised notios, the regular annnal meeting of tha Centennial Gravel Gold Mining Company waa held at the offloe of the oompany In Gold Hill laat evening. Tha oompany ia composed principally of residents of Gold Hill and Virgloia, and their claim ia situated in Weahlngton townakip, Nevada oonniy, California. It oompriees about 800 aoree, aituated on a very eligible Crtion of the famoua old blue gravel d whioh rune through that seotion. The oompany have expended soma |25,\x=req-\ 000 io proepeoting their ground during the leat five yeara, but tbua far with no remunerative returne, although very good profpecta bava been met with in theahapeof ooarae gold, ehowing.tbat they are on tha right traok or will be eventually. The reporta of tha Preaident and Secretary were to the effect that through varioue adveree cireumetencee, hard timaa inoluded, but little work had been done toward the development of the ground during the peet yeer, until re\x=req-\ oently. Mm have been aet to work, and more will be aa aoon aa practicable, to find, by ainking or drilling, the true ohannel, which the exploratlone tbue far have demonetrated to lie not far to the eaetwerd. Beo»nt developmenta and rich retorna from oth»r grav»l minea in that vicinity encourage the idea that the future opereliona of tbe company are liable to be more eocceeelul than tboae of tbe paat. Tbe following officers were elrotrd lo srrv» for tbe enauing year: Trustees— H. O. Daucby, C. C. Baker, F. A. Wine, F. C. Biebop snd All. Dotrn. Tbe ■mount of etock reprreenttd wae 70,327 ebarea. At tbe netting of tbe new Board of Trueteee, held after the adjournment of (be eiockboldrre' meeting, H. 0. Daucby wat re-elect d President, and F. A. Wtae 8eurelary and Treaaurer. W. A. Abbott deeiree to inform the poblio and bit many frieoda that be baa purcba»»d tba aaloon on Uaio atreet formerly kept by W. D. 0. Gibaoo, and will ooodoct it in Intart, aa Id tba paat, on firat-claaa priooiplee. To tboae who know "Pap" Abbott nothing need be aaid in bia praier, bat to tboae wbo do not know bin, it may be well to aay tbat no man uoderetande Lie boeiotee better tban be dote, and tbet no man oan treat viaitora with more eonaidtratioo, oor do more to eopply tbtir «*ota. Bra bia adftrliaemeut publiabed in another oolntnn for parlionlaia. kiraaNrr; Festival. Tba ladlaa of St. Jobn'a (Epiaoopal) Sunday School, Gold Hill, will give a atrawberry fratiwal on Tnaaday and Wrdoeaday eveninga of next waek, at Garfield Hall. Good mneio baa been areured, and tboaa wbo deaire to denee will have tba opportunity. For prioa of admiaaion and other pertionlera read tha advertiaruient under "New Today." Allreturi, T. B. licGorn rune an attraetlve window at 100 Booth 0 atreet, Virgioia, wbare be baa bia broktr'a offloe. There ia alwaya a arowd aroood it, aod ba btlpa the boye to make torna in atooka by boyiog, aeliing aod earryiog on oar\x=req-\ gloa for tbem aa they prefer. See bia edvertiaemeat ooder tba head of "New Today." • An aaaeaamaot baa been levied upon the oapital atoek of tbe Caledonia Min\x=req-\ log Company of twenty-five oenta par abere; alao, one on tbe Kentoek, ef thirty eenta p*r abare. Tbe examination of J. H. Graham for eriminal libel baa been continued nntil Tbnraday at 10 a. m. •• Wflleetae lb* eeatlai, apeed the partlt'f gne»t." .Vo hiulUy txIcmporUml Punch can approach Ifu rtnovntd Boa Pcnoe In flavor when mixed with hot or cold wettr. milk, lea\x=req-\ ouadr, or wtaetever »uiu lb* lute. Jtrrry vine cellar ebnnld be iopplled with It. Sold by alt Orocere, Wine Marcbanu and bra<ft>U. Trad* »nppli*d by Hlchuda k II«irt»on, agenta for tbe Pacific eoaet, -an rnuieleco. MISCELLANEOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mftda I rum Or*p* CrMm t»'t»r.-No olbtr uf»p»r»tlon iL«k*< laeh ll«bt. fUbj hot bnod*. or tamrtoai pMtrjr Cm b« »»Uo bjr D»»p«p\x=req-\ tic* wttbool f»' of 1IU nnltloi from IndlfMllbl. food. Hold oelr In MM. br *11 Urorcn. Both. Ba>iN'< Po»d»« Co.. ocj| Nil Tor*. SILVER HOUSE, MAIN STREET. SILVER OITY, - " WVADA Board aid Lodflag W per Moith. Jtm CfeliM* m|I«jM-Wnhi ONki n KI.IZA BENNETT*. rOB MILL KUlNtt AMD £«!£££ PACTTOtt TJTWAWmS Tie Rrpoblletn Caicu. WAjHwofox. May 3.—AU the prem\x=req-\ inent Bepublieena attended lb* caucua tbia morning. Tbey daalre to determine what la a oontaatad and wbat aa nnoon\x=req-\ teated nomination. Tba Administration Senatora maiatainad that an adveraa report o! a committee aboold constitute a oonUatad nomination. OoDkling and bia friends bald that an objeotion by ona Senator from a StaU in wbiob a nomination balonga mada it ooa\x=req-\ tcatad. Tbia point waa not aattled and tbia afternoon'a oaaooa will porana tba qoNtion. Coakling waa oonaplcu* ously pleasant today, which maj ba if g»rded aa prool that ba waa aatisfled vitb tba aitoation. Tba Damoorata dia\x=req-\ oueaed informally today bov tbay bad battar rote In tba approaabiog executive aaaaion. Soma Daaioerata ara working bard tor Oookliag and olalm tbat fifteen Damoorata will vote againat Bobertaoo. There U a report tbat aoaa Bi-publicane ara dropping away from Gonkling ba\x=req-\ oaoaa tbay will not paab tb»ir light to tba dlaadfantaga of tba Repubtioan party. Exrcuilre aaaaiona will oartainly ba bald tbia waak. Grand Musical Veatlval. Nrw You, Uay 3.—Tba mnaioal (aa\x=req-\ tival tonigbt amploya tbraa thousand parformara, embracing volunteers from Brooklyn, Jersey City, Newark and Nav Haven. Tba oraheatra nnmbara two bnndred and fifty. Tba apeolal featnraa ara "TeDenm," "Beqaiam" and "Tow* ar of Babel." Tba total outlay for tba eaven performanoaa tbna far ia $70,000 lor aololata. inolnding Oampauini. Oar\x=req-\ aUr, Imogeoe, Brown aod Miaa Oarey; rant of armory, wbiob will Beat 10.000, ia ten tboneand dollars. Atbong appli\x=req-\ anoea nard ara elratrio wires leading from Dr. Damarosob'a (tba oondnotor) drak to tba foor parta of tba ataga, with oliekera to glva tima to aaalatant oon\x=req-\ daotora. Ch»ndler « Chancea. Wasbinotom, Uay 3.—Laat weak a Sontbarn Dsmocrslio Senator wban go\x=req-\ Ing away asked a Stalwart Bepnblioen Senator to psir wltb bim on tba nomination of Obandlar for Solicitor Osneral, tba Democrat wonting to vote againat Chandler. Tbe Republican Senator wbo ia a prominent Grant man aaid tbat ba could not pair b»oause be intrude to vote aaaioat CbandUr. Tbie ia anppoaad to abow tbat tba Grant Republicans ara against Cbandlar and aa all Drmoorata oppose bim, tbat would auraly dafeat bim. Pacific Coaat Mine* and Brltlib capital. Niw Tom, Mty 3.—Alex. Dtlmar, Commitlooer of Minta for lb* Monetary Comtniaaion, leavea on tha 7th of May for London on the oooditlon and proepeote *of minra of Iba Paciflo ooael lo a ayndlcata of London capital\x=req-\ ita. It it nndaratood tbat abonld bla report* appear lo warrant it, tha eyorti\x=req-\ c«te ia prepared to inveat £10,000,000 in mining proparty. in Emigration Scheme. New Yoh, May 3.—A pareon algning bimaelf R. W. Wright, General Eaatern Agent fortba California Emigrant Union, baa eiroolara oat for tba flrat grand ex\x=req-\ onraion from Obioego to Lo* Angelea, via the 8oatbern Paciflo, on May 25tb. Far* for tba ronnd trip f116 30, good for alxty daya. Mltcellaneont. PATrnaox, N. J., May 9.—An angina and tender on tba Moant Clair and Oraenwood Lake Railroad yeaterday oraabed through eome traatlevork at Kingwood. Tba engineer and fireman were killed. Nbw Pbotidencc, Pa., May 9.—Tba bonee of David Reeee, near bare, waa horned tbU morning. Wbila Reeee and bla aon were endeavoring to aava coma effeote, the burning buildiDg anddanly collapaed, and both war* bnrn*d lo dtatb. Mra. Reeee waa alto aeverely burned. Nrw Yobz, May 2.—General John 8. Praeton died at Colombia, 8. C., yaa\x=req-\ terdty. MIBUKLLAIKOUB. BOLD HILL BUtmr RESTAUR ASN T MAIN ITRirr— GOLD HILL, Oppoalta tba Bcllpaa LIvary lUblM, J. P. BKOKKB Proprietor. TJtBISH BRtAD, FIBS, CAWS, AND BUI JP Boll* arary aay, dallvarad at Um raai\x=req-\ Of CQItOO MIAD AT RKOUOKD PRIOKC. or Flea aod Otkao at radaead prtoaa. Ftaoy or ttaortad OftkM mad* to atdar M ihort doUm. Tba Btiuiru t Dapartaaat la tha floaat U Um Btata. All kind! of Qama, Poaltnr tod rmb llib tad tlx> Oytiora raeolvad tad MfT«dBOd»llT. VW THE CITY BAKERY, RE8TAURANT. Ooiffeetloaery sad Candy Depot, No. HT North C Btroot, Vtrctafa* f\rrtRB AN BLC01NT AMORTlfINT 01 V HOUDAV QO0D8 Ton. Oaadlaa, On* menu for Tabla, Oraamrattl, Fro*tod tad Plata OftkM of til klnda, d.acriptloBaaadOa alrna, tod at prleaa 10 nit araaytoly. At wa Import til oar tfooda dirast from tfei Cftit, wo eta oStr than at.prleaa tba aama at cbargad la Now fork, aad tt lata than tar rrftocUeo rataa. Omtmaota for Oakaa a apaalaltT. Orutm aol Htrawbarrlaa aod Crram. Alao Huawbarrlaa by tba box, tt wboloaaia or ratal). tar Oor rftodla* tra maaafactarad by mr\x=req-\ aelrra fiwab a»ary day, tad tra far aaparlor to 101 ported ctodlaa. FUSIKIIB ft ABKBRD8T, Pruprlatora vltj Btkary, No. IT North 0 atraat. Vlrflala. Narad*. U lm THE ARGONAUT, AN AMERICAN JOURNAL OP Politics, Literature, Bocletj aid Satire. PUBUBJUD AT SAX MAX CISCO, CAL. rPHl ARGONAUT IS A R*F**8CTTATI7* * joorul of tmarteta 1dm tad llUratora. It la tborontbly lodapaadaat la IU aoitoritl traatmaat of tbo toploa of iba day It alma to flTa tha baat Pacific co«at litaratara obtainable, aa wall a> tba currant food tblaca of the piaaa. It ta pabllrbad weekly at •« par yaar fa M far all bmoUmi 91 00 lar tbre* moo tba, pay tbla la adrtaoa. Mat poatpald on raoalpt of prtoa. Hpaclmao oopy aai.t fraa. Addraaa -TU« AHOuNACT," US Oalifbrata atraat. Baa Vraaclaco, Cal. )iN MAMUOD BBSTOBKD. A nclm of etrhr Imprad aaa, eaaatajr nerr ui vaa, a ouuuia. x. mu ■I8CBLLAJE0US. CfHWUK kfartji Ohm tad amr dlup* poiata. Tk* vmU'i (rtti Pila* lUllmr for Mas ud T CkMp, quick and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA la not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers like* and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels* euros Wind Colic, allays Feverlshneas, and do\x=req-\ stroys Worms. AS AN ANTI-BIUOUS MEDICINE, to. They stimulate the ilt,invl«oraU) tho N ERV\x=req-\ j |lw tone to UwtotQEtP I'lVilOBOAIf dTcreste perfact(ligg«tion and regular movement of the bo waS AS AN ANTHNALARIAL They hare do equal i acting as a preventive and onre for Bilious, Kemlttent, Intermittent. Typhoid Fevers, and Yerer and Ajfua. Upon tha healthy action of the Btomach and Liver dopendi, »lmo«t wholly, the ilealth of the human race. DYSPEPSIA. It la tor the cure of this disease and Its at* UndanU. BICtt.acABAOgrrffeBW OTSjnC8irT)laP5ND4lJOY7"OOfT\x=req-\ BTlPA'liOK. PiLfea. Ac.. t^T~th55 PlU«h*vo gulped auoh a wldo reputation. Ho remedy was erer diacovorod that acta BuBT. Try thli Remedy fkirly andjrou will gain a Vigorous Body, Pure Blood^ Ifccbftferves, and a ChearfuinuiidT Price CAc. M Mnrray St., N. Y. tfuttrs !e£Mr dye. gui Haib oa Wmaaaa obannd to • Olomi lags Iwi aliuUlappUoattoe •(tb« Bra. It III narta a Natural Color, and wi loataaUaaoaalf Sold br Drani«uorMoO>7*xpr«**oar*o*lpto(Sl Offloe, 80 Murray 8t., New York. SURE CURE Coi(hi, Colds, hoie Throat, Bron\x=req-\ chilli. lilhDi, Comumptlon, AI4AII DIw.wi.itHHU«T«»< LIINQI Put up In Quart-BItt Bottle, for Family Cm. Bclentlflraily |ir»r>*rfl of Halum T»lu. Crytial\x=req-\ Iliad Bock Candy, Old Rya, an oihvr tonic. Tba Formula I. known to our beat t'liy.trUn., <• bl«hly commended by them, ami the analyle of our moot prumlntnt chrml.t, Pror. 0. A. MABINtR la Cblcaco I.od tb* label of every bottle. It I* writ known to th» medical profenlon that TOLL' BOCK and KTK will afford tb« (rratr.t relief for Couiba, CoMi. Influent.. Dfonebltlt, Sore Throat, Weak Lun»r, alM Con.umptlon, In lb« Incipient and ad* Y'uLl 'JlVbEVIBAQE and APPETIZER, It makee a deilthiful tonic for family un. U pira.ant to take; If wtak or dabUltalad, It gtirea ton., .curtly and urtnitb to th< whole bu» au frame. /CAUTIOV.c^TDbrun^ f clpifd dealer* wbo try to palm oft upon yon > I Rock and Hy* In place or our TOUT ROCK I \ AND BTE. which U tha only medical-d f Varrlcle maile, ft* feuulna havln* a OOV-X ERXXEN r kTAMP on each bottle, LAWRFNCR 4c JIaHTIN. I'roprlatart, 111 MadUaa ■treet, Cblcaaa. IT*.k t'mr D'UK far III «"Aak ,aar • ■ racer far It I Br '»lt »a rWl.aMtithaal ferltl tri'ktNreii aak • •«' «. aama to l| I JWSaU kr n»M «■ l-T». OROCPBS •ad W»NE .NKNCII • NTH ever, %• hera. marlT-nu HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Wfcr SaflVr Nrt4liNlr With t** codtoUIdc, »pt-mod e tartar** of l*T*r tad •**• md bl iou. r* ■ Knot. *b»a ■e*t»lt*r* loiauh bl>trr«, tcknowi d(<d 10 b* • rvtl curtilr* of nitltrl*! u*«•», will rr dl> o«U ib* cum ut *. mncb «ufT rit* t No l«t* fff«ctl** I* Ibl* h>il|ii>Bi • br«'W« In Cur* of raoillptticn, d)»p«p»U Ihrr iou.ptiat, ibraaitilm, ud iu g«u*(tl dcbilli) tod u*r> roa» tkupl rot Ml* by 11 DraggUti tad DmJ«t* f»o\x=req-\ tftlljr. 1 THE NEVADA BANK OP IAN FRANCISCO. IAN nuiouoo .....CAUFOWUA raid •»» riiiHil IIJIMH-fltM ■ liri—1 IMMt-n.M ifiat* tt YlrKlaIa,W*rtdt,.. {$ \ §535?* tod >*1U SichtDff* tad Ttkfrtpbl* rtotfm. Ihm* OofOBMTritl tad I r»T«Ur** Thlt btak btt tptcuU ftetliUr* for Utllt to baBloa. «£_ A WICK. |lt t dtjr tt bom* OMtly oo«tlj ooiAt in*., Addmi Tin tilhg