Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NKWS VIRfliNIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIMI TAILS* Tlktit I fleet April Ml, 1881. rraa Baaa TBAINM la «-aM Hill ia4 Vlratala. Stettoa*. | KzprcM. Local PwMO{« Local r«M*n««r RBNO BTKAMBOAf. WASHOE .... FBxNKTOWM LAKATIKW .. CABSON.. .« 7 10 a.m. 7.SI •• 7 80 " 8.00 8.11 " B"JS " Ml » m • 11 " • a - 10.01 " 1010 " 10 u •• l-«) pa. XII - IU - 8.08 ~ a.u - 4 0» " COl-UN.. <1. KM f 1KB M'DBoCStar B'DBOCSKd* OOLD HILL.. YIBOIMU.... ».»• ft.B. Ml " • 10 m mo - • IS M 10 08 M 11.10 > m 1181 •• ll.ul p.m. 1 1.0* •• III p.m. in " • 01 " • II " T01 " TKAINI r»B Vlralala aa4 RaM HIU la Caraaa aal Baaa. HUtlow. Bima. r Local^ Local Pyaipr VlMUlNlA.... OOLDBiLLtr UOLuHlLLd* M'u uonaBw B'OBuCMd* kBPlBB CARSON ar • «•»» 1.40 ~ 8.48 " •.11 - 4.M " •.a •• 7.00 - • a* ia •00 - i.W)p.m. *11 " M0 - • »""" Ml » ttt - 'mm""" 1.40 - OARHOM .. du LAKKV1SW .. FBANKIOWM WASBOE KT BAM BOAT. KBSO 7.15 p.m. I ll " *.40 " T.81 M • 0« " ■JO - 10.00 a.m. lo w in JO •• u.10 M 1131 - ItUpA 4.11 p-m. 4.41 " 8.UI - 8.» - 810 M M0 " FRIDAY. :::::: MAT <• 1881 ■ T«CK B ICtlT. ur irsxnra. M*orakaCon..31k •0 Oraad Prin, 78o, 80o MO Na»aJo. 1 MO Tuaoarora, 29c 300 Bella lale. 90c 990 Day. 750 1943 Albion. 4k. 4 40. 4 49 110 Bodia. 7, 6k M0 BMhUl. 70c. 80c, Mo 1M Tioga. 70# 100 Summit. 63c 39 Bnlwer. 3 190 Ooodabaw. 69o 100 Champion. 39o 400 Blackbawk. 25o MO So a lb Bodie. 30o 100 Booker Coo.. 10a ' 1090 Mono. 3 90. 3. 9 10,9 M 1000 Independence, 30c 100 Soutn Bulwrr, 99o M Noonday. 3 30 100 North Noonday. Ik 300 Donbla Standard, S9o 1900 Oro. 90c. Uo 100 Cnivereliy. M 1M Marliu White, 30c 30 Silver Kinx. 32 k 300 ArtfeaU, 40c tiii Hoax run. 329 Opbir. 8k. 8S. 8k 930 Melican. 131*. 13H. 12k 140 Ooold A Carry. 7 k. 7 340 Beat A Balcbcr. 13. 12k. 12k 4M California. 1 30 470 Savage. 4 99, 4 H 200 Con. Virginia. 2 49 S49 Potoai, 4 M. 4 19 4U Hal* A Norcro«a, 9k. 9H 390 Crown P»lot. 3 00. 2 69 40 Cbollar. 3 39 1M Yellow Jackal. 4 90. 4 89 MM Imperial. 19c 90 Kentack. 2k M Alpha. 3It 990 Belcher, 2 39. 3 30, 3 k 909 Sierra Nevada. 13 k. 12k. 12k 130 Confidence, 4, 4 10 U Utah. 9k 790 Bullion, 1 09. 1 10 IX £icb«;aar. 1 49 6M Owimo, 1 70. 1 69 170 JnaUoe. 1 93b Union Con.. 10k. 10H, 10k bl 1J3 Alto. 3 39 3 30 MO J alia. #0c 9CC C»ladosla, 100 Hiit.r Hill, JOo 1M Occidantal. 1 90. 1 M 100 Andaa, 3 13. 3 20 b9 4M Scorpion. I 90. 1 89 1M Original Oold Bill, Mc 2M Brntoo. 89c, 90c 1M Capitol. 90c 400 Atlantic, 20c 100 Cartia. 1 20 400 Nurtb Ettoniioa Ctah. 79c Aflwiuwaa 1>formal lmli«, Sax fiaxciaco, May • — 1 r. v.— Albion. 4*. 4 40. 4 30. 4k. 4 S3; QoulJ A Carry, 7, 6k; Hal* X Nurcroaa, 5k. 5H; Ophir, 8k. SS; Mono, 8, 2 90; Albion\x=req-\ 4 90; Maiioan, 19, 12k; Colon Coo., 10k, 10k ; Tallow Jackal. 4 85; Cbollar. 9 40, 9 99; Alia. 9 90; Savaga. 4 55,4k; Ballioo. 1 10; Ovarman, 1 65. 1 70; Potoai. 4k.420 Bodia, 7; Siarra Nevada, 12k, 13k; Day, 7k; Baal A Belchar, 12, 12 k; Scorpion, 1 90; Catatonia. 90c; Con. Virginia, 2 43, 2 40; Booth Bodia. 30a; Masican. 12k,12k Car til, 1 <4; Baal £ Balchar, 12 k b3; Union Con., 10k. AlUratta Rlr*M ■»»»>«. Has P>A»ciaco, Mi; 0— 3:30 r. Albion, 4*» aaked, 4 15 uknl; Mexican. 12H bid. 12H ealee; Opbir. 8S bid; UUh 10 aaked; Sierra Nevada, 12** bid, 12H aaked; Overman, 1 70 ealee; -Union Con., 10<4 bid, 10H aaked. 10S *»lee; Scorpion, J 90 aakod, 1 90 ealee; Opbir. »S bid. IS mIm; Gould' A Carry, 6?» bid, 7 aalee; Crown Point..2bid; Sierra Nevada li\ uIm; Overman, 1 70 bid, 1H aaked; Hal* A Nororoee. 5*| bid. t\ aaked; Bullion, 1 OS bid. 1 10 aaked; Albion. i\ aeked. 4% aalee; Exchequer, 1 99 bid. 1 40 aalee; Utah bid; Beat A Belcher. 12 bid. 12% •aked; Yellow Jacket, 4 80 bid; Overman, bid; Crown Point, 2 99 bid. Arrivals Tbii Meraiac. J Morrii, H Nugent, X Amber, J W Klrkley, N Cogawell, Mr* X D Siapeon, J B Pinan. O W Iirewatcr. Mr* W W F»l\x=req-\ kina. Mr* L M Oolding, X Adkiaon. O W Mtpee, O B Potnam. M J MeCutcban, C C Stereo eon, Mr* W Young. C P Miller. •eparterM Uat Iffelaf. J O'Neill, E Harrii. H H Beck. Mrt B f Wallace, W Meadow., 8 Botbichild. Mr* Bar. C A Dunn, H Beck. Mr* J E Walton, Miee Eat* Muller. Miaa B Blevene. Mr* J Blevtna and family, Mrs M Simpeou, P A Hnmbert, J J Montuori, P McDonoogb. W Tollmen. Mr* B Jenklna, J Seller wife and child, Mr* 8 Steven* and family. Mr* 8 H Marietta. Mr* W A Millar, Miaa J Peck. Miaa L Harley, B H Llndaay. Miaa M BtefTan, Miaa M Wataon. Overcoata were needed outdoor* li*t evening and Area inaide tbe bouea ware quita comfortable. Today it it vary pleaaant and agreeable. The Indiana are no longer permitted to rid* upon the V. and T. railroad traina. They are becoming acarce in thia vicinity. 11 oat of tba officer* of tha new ooneol\x=req-\ idated government have filed their bond* and aaaumed tba datiea of their offlcea. Tha morning exprrea train la expected «0 aommence running on achedule time next Monday, via BenicU. Tba sail train wm oniaoally lata t*> SMALLPOX NOTES. S«« CM— TM IWIma OMm M Dr. Bergatein *u Mat far laat evening to viait Mm* aoapected amallpox pa tienta in Gold Hill—oar reoident doctor* will not treat a patiint baring that dia\x=req-\ aaae—and fonnd two eaaaa of varioloid. On* la WUliaa CoaUllo, a young man known aa "Pearine," living ant door to W. D. C. Qibaon'a reeidenoe near tba HomtaUad. It ia bit a mild lorn at tba diaeaae. Tba olbar ia Oaorg* O'Donnail, con of Jama* O'Donnail, tba wall-known mining man, who livaa naar tha atapa leading from tba railroad, tba otbar aid* of Oall*«bar'a woodjard, to tha atraat abova. Hia oaaa la alao varioloid. Tha paiUnt attandad acbool Monday. Mr*. P. Bo;la (naa Viotorina Daprey) waa lakan aiek with tha varioloid thia' moraing. Tba eaaa raportad laat avanlng of tha littl* girl living naar tba Baltio awitoh ia not poeitively oonflrmed. Tba horning of tba Indian cabin a ra\x=req-\ maining on tha hill aaat of town ia aarionaly diaonaaad. It aaama impoeai\x=req-\ bl* to kaap tba chiMraa away from lb* bona-a, and tba caninaa hava aalaoUd tha plaoa aa a rendeivoua. Comrnia\x=req-\ aionar Qallaghar waa tbia moraing eon\x=req-\ suiting with tba Cbiaf of Polioa on Iba advisability of daatroying everything in tha Indian village, having aaan tha doga belonging aronod town over there. If bnraed, they will be fumigated flrat, ao that the emoke will oontain aa lllU* of the peatilenoe aa poaaible. ' The publie eehoole of Oold Hill were not opened tbia morning. The Truateee do not know wheth*r they will be opened again tbia term or aot. It will depend upon tha violenoe and extent of the emallpoi. The action of the Board in eloeiog the acboola will oertainly meet with tha approval of all pareata. Cwaatjr Cen*a*laal*ne**. At the meeting oI the Board of County Commiaalonera yeeterdey afternoon Jaa. Hagbea waa fleeted a regular day policeman lor the Firel Ward, Virginia, tboi diaplacing Patrick Llnebaa, elected tbe day previoua. Tba beada of tba varioua city depart\x=req-\ menta were requeeted to bepreeent at tba meeting of tbe Board when city affaire were to be diecuaeed. Diairiot Attorney Hilaa advieed tba Board to go into apeciai aeaaion wben paaaiog a poo matter* periaioiag to either Gold Hill or Virginia and not to tbe ooonty. An ordioanoe waa preaented regale\x=req-\ ting tbe practice of bringing anita in tbe Juaticee' Conrta, aa ralatea to what waa formerly city or town anita. Tba following committeea were appointed by Chairman Canavan : On Po lioe— Sheridan aad Fraaer; on City Af\x=req-\ faire—Webber aad Gallagher; on Fire and Water—Sberiden aad Gallagher. Tbe bond of Daniel Sheeban, a Oold Hill polioeman, waa preaented aad approved. Tba Clerk waa iDetracted to writa to tba Truateee of tba State Orpbaoa' Homo in regard to tba admiaaion into that ineiiiutiun of Mra DoUn aad a boy from Oraaa Valley, California, named Tbompeon. It waa ordered that offlciale wbo need book a and elation* ry aball make epplica tion to the Committee an City Affaire, which committee will report to Ike Board. On motion, the order of bnaiaaea heretofore in nee by tbe Board of Aldermen waa adopted (or naa when in muniolpel eeeelon leaving oat one or two email points. The bill of J. K. Browa, Court Com\x=req-\ miaatoner, for $57, waa redaced $21 aad allowed. A aamber of aity billa were referred, and that of George W. Birdaall, for $10, and one of the aama amount, preaented by William Bartlett, were allowed. Adjourned, to meet next Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. IMua'a allKatar. Dan Da Quille of tba EnUrpri* yea\x=req-\ terday received from Colonel George T. Marye, now at Palatka, Florida, a very fine yonng alligator, neatly atnffed and bandaomely mounted. He thua epeaka of it: "Tbia apecimen aama through in fine order, and ia greatly admired by all who have aeea it. Tba little 'gator ia mounted on what repreaenta aa old moae-grown log, and looka aa naiaral aa Ufa. The apeoimen waa etuffed and mounted by a Palatka taxi\x=req-\ deruiiat named Fry, and he ie certainly a man well up on the general aapect and babita of tbe 'gator. Tba Colonel could have found nothing in ell Florida that wa woald have preferred to thle apeci\x=req-\ men of the leading product of that Stale. The Colonel and Mra. William A. Marye are making their beadquartera at Palatka while eeeiug the liona of tba oountry." Apptlaaliaa tar Dlveree la Tlnlala. Mary Ann Skewea cbargre her hatband, John B. Skewea, with aommiUlDg adultery with on* Urs. Bobinaon in Ya\x=req-\ be county, California, in January, 1880, and allegee that ha haa ever ainaa main* laioad illicit interoouree with her. Tha partiee vara married in Salt Laka City, December 19, 1872, and it ia autad by tha plaintiff In tha complaint that aha haa b««n frequently aaaaaitad and baat\x=req-\ an by defendant, har Ufa baing made almoat unbearable. Tha aommon property conaiata of • hoaaa and lot oo Sooth O atreet, Virginia, valued at about $i50. Mra. Skewea aaka that aba may ba awarded aoeh of tha community property aa may ba juat, and that tha bonda of matrimony may ba diaaolved. «aa*r riealv la fee UtM aa • Tha Committee of Arrangements of tha Pacific Coaal Pianeera have reoon\x=req-\ aidered their former action in regard to tha holding of their picnic. It haa now been reeolved to bold tha picnie on Son\x=req-\ day. June 5, inatewd of Saturday. June 4. It will ba held at Treadway'a Park, Caraoo. Tha now race track will be completed by tha time named and the, eociety will offer a bandeome puree for raeea. There will alao be prisra for ehooting by tha military and for all manner of eporta. Tioketa for tha round trip will be but 93. with 91 admiaaion at the gate. A full programme will ahortly ba ptbliiM. The iliraalle rump. An unimportant part of the machinery of tha 0. N. 8. byJraulio pump—a Motion of tha diaebarge pipe—proved defective yeaterday and caueed a abort atoppage. It waa working all right thia morning. Tha principle of the pnmp haa been dearly demonatraled aa aao> eeeefei—the only qaeetloa now to ba •eked ia. Ia the maahlnery atrong enough to atand the neeeeaary preaaura? THE mWIt OM F1RL CkNIlH Ik* Opklr ItM ■ MWB> mii u u num. Last Bight a portion of lb* 11 o'clook ■bift of the Ophlr vh sot allowed to go down the ahaft, and tba report naturally gained oiroolalion that the gaa from the Are in the oldetopeaof the Con. Virginia and California miaee had extended in that dlreetion and mnch nneaaineaa wae oeq^ed. Soperintendent Fatton, when interviewed thia morning, dietinetly aa\x=req-\ aerted that the fire waaoompletely wallfd in and that the only place the gaa oonld and did tecape waa through the old ahaft of the Con. Virginia. k few men bad been laid off who bad been working on the 2700 level of the Ophir. Thla had been done aa tba attempt ia being made to ehanga tba Ophir from a downoast to aa spent abaft to take the plaoe of the Con. Virginia, whioh waa an npoaat. Thia bai been partially acoompliahed, hot until the current ol air ia firmly ee\x=req-\ tahliahed aa an npoaat H wae thought beat to remove tba man from the 2700 level for two or three ahifta. There ia neither Are nor gaa anywhere aave in the old etopea of the Bonansa miaee, and there it ia under oontrol. rineikb. W. E. Sharon and family bava taken np their reeidenoe in Virginia. Frank B. Mfreer, formerly of the Botro Indtptnitnt, ia on the Coma took. Miea Mell Wright, an amatenr artiat in Virginia, baa plaoed a winter aceneln the window of Orndorff 1 Adkinaon'a hook atore. McClellan bu fluiabed hit large piloting entitled the "Lightning Expreea." It ebowa a train raabing down out of the Sierra Nevada mountaina into the valley regiona by tha light ol a (nil moon. Soparintandaot Patton ia oonflned to bia bed today. Ha got to* muoh ot tha gaa from tha flra in tba California and Con. Virginia minea, in goioii throuith aoma o( tba drift* before they vara wallrd up, oauaing headache and nana**. Ha azpeota to b« aroond tomorrow. Ed. T. Plank and Chria. Weidamann, who left Gold Hill I eat Saturday ma\x=req-\ ing for tba Wood River oonntry, war* in Kaiton tha following evening. May lat. They expected to leave May 3d (or Bellevne, having hired a teamater to carry a party of eight to that point, which they expeoted to reeoh ia aiz or aaven daya. A Tl«l*ae Taeuf Heedtaa, John Oavin waa arreated to4ay (or bitting a Chiaamen, on the Divide, In the bead with a rook. He ia one ot the boye who were arreated for atealiog braaaea I root the Fnlton Fonadry not long ago, and aeema to be a vicione hoodlum. The Cbioaman'a head waa cut aeverely and blood flowed freely. The boy waa aeit to jail to await trial on next Taaaday before Jaatice Flanoing\x=req-\ bam. ladlaa Teai'e Butfjr Takes Up. An Indian aqnaw baa informed eome parliea around town that Iudian Tom'e body baa been removed (rom the reating place given it by Town Marabal Kennedy. She aaya " a while man, wear beape* high hat (atovepipe) taknm way to Virginia." If aotne doctor thought to procure a oheap eubjeet in ao doing he baa probably regretted It more than onoe in the put (aw daya. A young man entered the County Clerk'e offloe tbU muruing and aoftly inquired (or • marriage lioenae. Aft*r tba oaaal queetiona had been pot and lb* neeeeeary form gone throagb with, and be had recelted hia liceoae, the young men yet liogared around aa if there waa aomethiog on hia mind. Finally ho managed to atammer oat: "Mr Clerk, yon'll plaaae not let thoes reporters get bold of thia today will yon? I ain't going to bs marritd till tomorrow night." A reporter was sitting in the room st the time. Ths nsmas are not going to be pubiiehed until altar the ceremony—the expectant groom ia a large man and the reporter would likely eome out at the small end of a Home, if bs failed to keep qniet aboul the matter. At the offloe of the Virginia and-Oold Hill Water Company, in Virginia, thsy bats an Australian aecacla tree growing in • tob, which bta joit produoed foor sesd pods, thro* of wbiob contained eleven seeds each and the other one ten eeede, forty-three in all. The aeeda have been distributed in email Iota aboul the town aa precioua tblnga. The legal difficulties affecting the new Wslls-Fargo Company and its ownership of the old Wella-Fargo ground have been adjusted, and the stock of that company will abortly bo listed In the Stock Board. Preparationa are also being made to resume work on the property, which lies adjacent to ths Utah ■Ins. Tba A. 0. U. W. of ths State will oonvene at Beno on the 18th of May, at 13 M.« for ths purpoas of forming • Grand Lodge. The membership of the Order baa increased rspidly in Ne\x=req-\ vads sinos its introduction in ths State. Ths thunder shower of Uondsy flushed the sewers of Virginia, and ths fevsr that had broken out among the echool children ia rapidly dissppearing. Oold Hill aewera need attention. The county pays $70 a month toward sprinkling the streets of Virginia. And yet ths dosty streets of Oold Hill receive no attention from ths water cart. Wby ia this thus f Valentine Butch today filed bis bond as polisemsn for Oold Hill. Sura\x=req-\ ties, B. P. Keating and Chaa. Tobeoer, in the sum of f1000 each. Ha will go on duty tonight. Amoa Merritt, Oold Hill's Chief of Polioe, takea charge of hia offloe today. Marebal Kennedy will continue to perform official dutiee for a few daya yet. Quito a number of tourists have recently found tbeiF way to Lake Taboo, aod tba heart of tba Taboo landlord is beginning to bo oomlortsd. The pay-roll of the Virginia and Gold Hill Water Company for ths month of April smounts to 9M99 87. In formsr timee when a fellow showed himself attar a night with ths boya, hia fsoe looking liko the inscription on a tea oheat, bis sxplsustion waa that ho had bean splitting wood, tbo ax flew up, sto. Mowadaya be has but to ssy ho has been praotioing on the bloyole. It la aa al-aufficient excuse. A trsmp bad jual floiebedputting himself outside of a chunk of bread in front of an ariatoorstio manaion in Oramaroy Park whea ■ little girl offered him aa apple. "Thaaka, ao,"aaid the wanderer, "I never sat fruit after dinner." He was poor, hit aristocratic. WBSTEBH DISPATCHES, BICBMONB-iLBIOir. Judge Blalagi Oeclaloi-Botk Par* Ilea Via. Erttxt, Ner., Hi; 6.—Judge Btaing'e decision *u reoeired thia morning. It decides all of the material poinU in favor of the Albion, bat oontinaes th« injanotioD* in foroe against both torn\x=req-\ paniaa oovering tha ground wrat of tha Tiptop and Una axtended. The Judge aaji that ha haa no right to overthrow the St. George petent in a oollateral proceeding, bat thinks it ought to be set aside whenever the oaae shall be tried on its merits. The attorneys on both sidee an olaimlng tha victory, while tha wags aaj tha decision Is a little like the celebrated Arable opinion, which gave the law to the North and the negro to the Baath. The parallel la refleoted in thia oase by the Albion getting tha law and tha Biohmoad tha bonania. Billy Motley Killed. Williams, Gal., May 0.—Harry J. Xetcbum shot Billy Hoonsy here last night. An old grndge was the oaase. liooney reached Williams only a few hoars before the shooting. The feport says liooney was lying In wait for Xetehnm, and the latter killed Mooney In self-defense. POESSIT DISPATCHES, llscelltieeu. London, May 6.—1» ir eta tad that Bradlangh is sboat to issns an appeal to the people pointing out the maaner in whioh the Honaa of Commona la treat* Ing him. reaaaerting that the Coneerva\x=req-\ livre under oovar of hla oaae are Jeop\x=req-\ ardising tha Land bill and Impeding basinets. The New Wagon Road. Bmo Journal, jr., b. The propoard wagon road between Alturu and Beno, wblob agitated tba minda of tha people of thee* plaoaa laat Bummer, baa again been revived, and it bida fair to ba a euooeea, ae oevt-ral ao\x=req-\ tive man have bow taken bold of tbe work, and before many moothe tbera will ba • good grade between Alturu and Beno. Tbe Modoo Indiptndtnl e»je: Tbe bridge over Saaan river, in Honaj Laka vallry, ia nearly oompl«ted. About $1000 baa already baen expanded on tbie road, wbiob wai not auffloient to oomplrte it. Tbla ronu ia tbe moei available ooe for tbia valley. Tbe die\x=req-\ taooe to Beno ie not aa great aa to Brd\x=req-\ ding, oor abippiog point at preaaot. Tba grade ia batter, aod freight ean be Jelivered bere much ebeaper and qoiokar tban from Bedding. Tbe dietaooe to Beno ie 169 milea. Freight oan ba baa led between tbe two placee far about $1 50 par hundred ponoda. At preeent iba azprnaa of tranaportation from Ban Franoiaoo to Alturaa, via Bedding, ia (onr aanta per pound. By tbia route it will be $3 76 per hundred. Wo art informed tbat on tbia route two daya oan ba aavad on tba round trip oompared with tba Bedding road. There are no heavy billa, it being almoet a natural grade. _ A Cradle la tha Clouda. Writing of "Tba Wild Sheep of the Sierra," in Iba May Strihntr, John Muir eaya: "In tba montba of May and Jane, tbay bring forth their yonng, in Me moat eolitary and inaooeeeible erege far above tha neatling rocka of the eagle. I beve frequently oome upon tha beda of Ike ewae and lambo at an elevation of from twelve to thirteen thouaand feet above theeea level. Theao bade are aimply oval abaped bollowa, pawed out among looae, dieintegrating rocka obipa and aand, upon aome aunny apot oommand\x=req-\ ing a good outlook, and partially abel\x=req-\ tared from the winda tbat awaap tboaa lofty peaka almoat without intermieeion. Snob ie Ike oradla of* the little mountaineer, aloft in the very eky; rooked in thin ioy air; bnt wrapped Id bia hairy ooat, and nonriabad by a atrong warm mother, defended from the telona of tbe eagle and teeth of tba aly coyote, tba bonny lamb growa apaoe. Ha aoon learna to nibble Ibe tolled rook graaaee and leavea of tha white apiraee; hie borne begin to ebool and before aueimeriadona ha ia etreng and agile, and goea forth with tba (look, watched by tha eame divine lova that tanda tba mora helpleae human lamb In ita warm oradla by tha Areaide. Royalty tod people of nobU blood bava traditionally loud oooaaion to travel inoog., and bow it mbi tbay travel in the ciroui. The Now York Sun •aya that tb* aunt oirooa in tb« Eat wbleb advrrtiaed for tb* bandaomeat woman in Amerioa, and olaimi to bar* obtainad bar at a ooat of 910,000, pota forward a mala rider aa a nobleman. "Few of tba aaaembled apeetatora," aaja tba aoooont in print, "imagine tbat tb* tall, graoefol man, witb tba fao* and beard bearing *Tld*no*a of the flneet type of breeding, and looking mnob like a fine picture of aom* aplendid a pacinian of fall-grown manbood, baa br«n aocoatomed all bla life to writ* bla nam* ood*rn*atb a ertat and coat-ef-arme whiab ia familiar to all Germany aa belonging to ona of tb* Uadlng booaaa of tba old Hanoverian kingdom." To inqairera tbia p*raon talla a thrilling atory of peraonal adventure in tariose parte of tba world, and atleka atoatly to tiia claim of ariaioaratio birth. Tba propoaition to bare a World'a Fair in New York in 1883 do*a not a**m to tak* well at all, and in all probability will fall tbroagb. Tb* New York Htrald aaya Ibat tb* id** i* not popular, nor do** it grow in popularity, and oonaidara tbat tba wiaaat plan, now, ia to abandon it altogether. IN THB WHOLE HISTORY or Medicine do pre pernio* haeerer performed each marveloae enree. or aulaulaed eo wide a reputation, aa Aian'a Ouaar Paoroau.. wakh la recognlatd aa the world'a raised; for all diaaane of the throat aad taaga. Ita loo* coettaoed e*rta* of woadaefal ear** la all oil* mat** b*« made II aalteraally known ** a **f* aad raUabl* agent to eatplov. Against oidlsary co Ida, wblok at* tb* foreran oen of ae*r* aari\x=req-\ oaa dlaordera, it ecu *p**dlly aad aarely, al waya relieving eafftrlag. aad often eavlag life. The protection It *gbfd* by It* timely *n ta tb* tbro*» aad hug dlr*rd*r* of children, aaake* It aa lavalnable remedy to b* kept alwaya on hand ta *v*ry boaaa. Mo ptraoo eta afford to be with oat It. and tbo*e who here one* seed It never will. From tbetr knowledge of Ite com. poeltloa aad cAmu. Pb yalataha aee tbe Guam Paotoa*L attentively ta tbatr ptactlc*, aad Olertymea reeommead It. II la abeolntoly ae* lata la tta remedial *Mb, and will alwaya enra what* earae an teeatble. Tk " WtlCMM til* HBll|. »»«!< Ik« parting A'o kaMUf atmpori**d Pmeh eon approach IA* rtnowiud Hot Paaoa I* JUror wbM mixed with hot or cold w»Ur. milk, Itm\x=req-\ ouadt. or whatever *atu tbe IwU. Xrtrj wl»e cellar Ihoiild be (applied wllh It SoU by *11 Qrocere, Wine Merchanta tad DrogfUte. Trade »upph«d by Blcbard* k Btirlton, l|iatt tor tbe Pacific ooaet, franolaco. 1ISCILL1HI0UB. POWDER Absolutely Pure, Made I mm Orapa Craam TiHtr.-Mo othar preptralloo make* rack light, flaky hot bread*. or luxurkxu pa*try. Can b« eaten by Dyepep\x=req-\ tloa without fear of Ilia reealtln« from beery tndlnaUbla food, fold only la can*, by all Uroten. Hotax, Baxix • Powoia do.. Naw York. GOLD HILL BAKUtI RESTAURANT MAIN ■TRIKT GOLD HILL, Opposite the Bcllp** Li Terr Suttee, J. T. BKCKIft. Proprietor. TJTRZ8H BB1AD. PIXS. 0AU8, AND Htl * Boll* mrj Aty, dillrnd it IM real\x=req-\ dtoco* of onitomtn. Or pie* tad Oakea tt reduced prloea. raaojr or aaaonod Oakaa mad* to otdar M •hort notloe. The Reetaurant Department U th« flneet li the auto. All kinds of Oim, Poultry (oi Freeh Flah tod al*o Ojiton received aqd M<r«d no dtllT. THE Cm BAKERY, RESTAURANT. Ooifbctloaery tod Caadj Depot* No. J7 North O tttroot, VlralaU, nr»R8 AN KLC01NT AMORTMINTOI *» HOLIDAY OOuDs Toy*. Candle*, Uraa\x=req-\ menu for Table, Ornamental, Fro* ted too Plain OtkM of all kind*, deecrtptluo* and 6* tigM. and »t prlCe* 10 iult everytcly. Al wo Import til our good* direct from tt* But, wo oan offer them it.price* the tame 1 charged to New fork, and at laaa than Ha» Fraoclaoo ratea. IW~ Ornament* for Oakaa a ipeolalty. tar-Ice Ore am aod tttrawberrlea aod Crttm. Aleo tttrawberrlea bjr the bos, al wbuloeala or r«uil. uir Oar candle* art manufactured by cur. Mire* freab e»erjr da7, and are far laperior to Imported candle*. MTZMKIER k ABMBRU8T, Proprietor* City Bakery, Ho, IT North 0 atreet, Virginia. Nerada. Ills c AND UAOUNI WOKU, ■all ItrMl, Uw«r MM IU11, IKON AND BEAM CANTING*: Of tt«j variety Mil to oito. LBAVB JDBT ADDED TO MT OLD MUblUhad Machine Worki lb* LAR0KH1 ED LATHS. P LAMER tad HTEAM BAMMBR. >11 o( the litMt tod mcxt Improved OODtUaction, and am now prepared to Vita aad Repair ill kind* tod oil (law of MILL A MINING MAOHINKRY At Um iborteet notice and on the moot inn» Able Urmi. Ida QEOEOB 111MITT. Proprtetoa. RENO FOUNDRY, RKNO. NEVADA. XHB PROPRIETOR OP THI VIRGINIA POCNURY. having porcbaaedtbe Bno odrr. and coneollditra II with thi former. «tll beretrter eijle the woika the Reno lonndrj and Machine Worki. Thli eeUblUhmrat It oov prepared to do t general Foundry buoloett, including every d» ecrtpUos of Otilltfe la Ira a mad Praia. Paralaa. •ad Machine Weiki At lower prloet tbin can be obtained iltewhere. Drawlnp and eatlmitaa lurnlahea whan ra quired. Br itrlct attention to bntloeea, tod with a thorough knowkdae of tha work r»qulrvd. tbe proprietor boprt to merit tbe conddenee of tbe trade.and reeprcl'oi'jreoilcluibe patronise of mill and mining men. de» ANDREW PHASIR, Prapr. VIRGINIA •AND—. GOLD HILL OMNIBUS, AT WO OONOuDDID TO BIlfUN A _ _ while lonatr In Quid Hl't, I Uki tbl( method of Informlrft my lad< filroda of Qold lTlD|»I pomraornto with toi oiiu at sold \J Rill to ami trom Otnoo. Will make regular trip* between th« itaod* at either and, of the roata, aaJfol\x=req-\ lowi; *« luri oou> hill. Lun naottu. 9:00 a. K. 10:00 a. M. 10:80 •• 11:30 •• 12:00 It. 13:48 P. u. 8:00 t. K. 8:48 " 4:18 '• | 8:18 » JAKES DDNBTAN. Proprietor. 8TILL HERE! n ■atl .. . Hill thit I am rrcalrlnf a Dew etock of I>RY GOODS, Which 1 will for tba ntxt BIZTT DATS, owtn« to mjr email expeaaea. Sell Cbraper thai inj Other Store Ob tba Oomatock. Afking yon kindly for yoqr pttrosaj*, 1 am, reepecifallr yoar»,^ THB PIONKBR tH AVI NBA HAIRDRESSINISA100R O. POHL. PROPWIITOB. "^SK^nS2SLD BUJ\x=req-\ pLlAK TOW*LH AMO OASP BAZOtt. I / Quick. teooU. N«a», lHw claaa Wort, ■air Oattoac aod Dreeetaf dona 1a tba moat arttatte, njubla aad aaUatectory atyta. ' la the place, aad doat U. Ur VISC1LLAII0VS. Children CRY FOR Pitcher's Castoria. KotAan Ilk* tad Ptyiliri«n rMomatad It. „ IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; the World's great Pain-Believing remedies. They heal, soothe and euro Burns, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness upon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. TUTT'S PILLfel AS AN ANTUBIUOU^SeOICINe! tre fafcomparable. They athnuJate the OlJS SYSTEM, glva tone to the~]DiQE8\x=req-\ TlVfiO HO AN 8, croata perfect dlggotion and regular movement of the bowela. AS AN ANTHNAUMAL They hare do equal | acting aa a preventive and cure for Bllloua, Bepilttent,Tnter mlttent. Typhoid Fevcra, andTarw Mid Ague. ~Dpon the healthy aotion of"the Stomach and Ijver depend*, almoat wholly, the health of the human nee. DYSPEPSIA. ' It la for the cure of thla dliaaie and tta at\x=req-\ gssag BBgamgaBg bbrp Pllla have galnad »uoh a wide reputation. Ho remedy waa everHlacovorad that acte aoapeedily and gently on the dlgeetwdf gana, giving them tone and vigor to ae\x=req-\ ■lmilate food. Thla aoocmpllahed, the tfBiiVM are BluOfil). tLTBSAIK M<MJAMBI3>. and the Bopygg-\x=req-\ BCTfiT. Try thla Remedy frijly and you will gain a Vlgoroua Body, Pure Blood, ffaoiufifervea, and a Cheerful mind. Price tOc. SO Ximr 6t* N. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. 8bat Hanoa.Wmciaecbaneod teaOtoeai LACS tea ilnd* appllodloe ot thu Dts. T( Ib> earn a Jfitetal Color, and aoti MuluMMf koid by Dranuuer Motbr aprooa oc roootpt of 11 Office, 35 Murray St., New York. SURE CUBE Conghi, Coldi, Bore Threat, Bron\x=req-\ Chltli. lilhBi, Coniumptlon, Aad All DImum •( T H KOAT aad LUNCH Pat up lo Qu*rt-8ls* Boltin for family Cm. SclfnllAcally pr«p»r«d of Balaam Tolu, Cryital\x=req-\ IIMI Bock Candy, OW Rr«, an<i otb«r tonlca. Tb*. Purmula li known to oar b«-tt phy»tclan>. U ktably commended by them, nn.l tb* analy»li of oar moot prominent chrmlit. Prof. O. A. MA BIX KB. la Chicago l«on the label oferery b*ttl», It In weil known to the medical profewlon that TOLU BOCK and RYfc will afford the frratret relief for Court*. Ci^rli, Influenia, Bronchltle, 8or* Throat, witk Lunie, alw Consumption, In tbi Incipient and advanced atagc*. Uwd ii a BP.VIHAOB and APPETIZER. It make* a delightful tonic for family um. U plraiant to take; If weak five* tone, activity and atrenftb to the wbolo buuiaa frame. ✓CAUTIOV.tM by un?rlD^\ f Clpled dralrrt wbo try to palm o(f noon yna 1 I Rock and Rye In ptac* of our TOLU ROCK I \ AND BTB. which I* tb* only m*dlcatjd m Xartlcl* mart*. He genuine harln* * OOY-/ ERNMEN T STAMP on e**k buttw, UWRFNCI * MARTIN, PratrMmi 111 AladlMa ■trt*t) Cklcaca. SAik r«ir DniiUt f«r It! A*k »aar'. racer for It I _ ' . tilt «*-r Win Marckait fir llI . Cklldrva. a*k »aar Mnua far It I .swMSSbSrjsss* ull-la HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS WfcT ftiffar Nrodleaalr With tt-a cooiuUIn*, tpvmodic tortnraa of f»T»r ud »(tu« and bl ioua ri'i.ltt*Dt. *bu Boftntrr • 8 omtcb bitten. ackaowl-dgtd to ba a real coratlre of malarial i r»e-», will «r dt\x=req-\ c*U lb* cum of •> much nffrrtm? No l»i rffcctlra U tbli b»n1gn»nt tiUmlTt la cum of eoottlpillon. dytpcptla. M»#r couplalot, ibcaatail-n, tod la (maral dtbllliy aod oar\x=req-\ vou« for uli by i.l DrnggUU and Daakn gn> •rail J> 1 SILVER HOUSE, MAIN VTBirr, 8ILVKR CITY, - - NEVADA Boar* and Lodf lag fU per loath. ]«• Cblam laipUrtd-WMiM Cooks M Kl.tZA BgttWBWH. J. U. HALL M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SUNGKON nrnoi awd naiDKNoi-omeiTi W tho H*w» oOm, Mala atmt, Gold H11L MANHOOD RESTORED. PirapM uvaoa mi wu vmw „ Im to hit fallow aaflbrara. addiaaa J-JL ■aiVBS. «S Obaibam V. T WIBClLLil BOPS. CL0S1N6 BUSINESS POSITIVELY I Beginning Hay 1st, I will dispose of ILL GOODS ON HIND At prices unheard of before. No Goods Beplenlshed, My Stook of DRY GOODS Being Complete. Buyers will do well to oall early and secure bargains. B. CALLAND, Gold Hill, April 23,188L V, N. HALL & CO., 1m Mala Street, Sold Bill, yyr holiixli AID BRAIL dialml H A R DWAR E or imi onciimoi. Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Work Of *11 klad« dom to otdar »t itoit notlca. er tools a m*psoialty. CHUBBUCK i thorburn, posto FFICE Variety Store i szilebb Of ALL TBI lxadivo NEWSPAPERS, MAG1OT, STATIONERY, Bke€l Mule, Bond Booki, Bebool Supplies, TOBAOCOSi OANDICt. POOKIT OUTLKRY, TOYS, ITOi ▲QKKTS FOB THE Sm rraaclieo "Chronicle," "Pott," "Call," "Ixamlner" and "OOLD HILL DAILY NKWaN For YlrftnU Oity. OoM Dill ud Bllrtr Olty. HA8BROUCK A HALL, (Boccmmts to A. B. Bunrt 4 Oo.) Druggists & Apothecaries, Mi HUI IINM, OOLD BILL, .... NEVADA —dul He a— PUKI DBCOI) CHJUflCAU, MKOICINK4, TOILET AMI _TAMCY AftTIOIEA. Prnoriptlooa SIM »t all boon, d»y or nlfht, by » Ibor-nitly ooapofat ponon. H JOHN JONES, JR., DRUGGIST, Main St, Gold HilL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL -it\x=req-\ OAR FIILD MALL. GOLD MILL, Far tha b-oaflt af IT. JOHN'I SUNDAY-SCHOOL TiMdaj aid Wedoe dtj Ireilip, MAT 10th tud Utfe, Rtrawb'iTlM tad Ortta; tlao. t So* loach with po'« coffaa. to b» MTT d ap by il • joong ladl<». Ibo not aa'le lit* hraa an«a«*d for the oec*»l<>n, tad d«m.lo| will b- ib« aiutalro faat-ra of tha »iit#ri*|imrt>n. p.icaoi adala\x=req-\ Moa for OooiIohjoo. M e*n'». Lvtlaa If*. T.ahatt for »tlo »t iho prl dptl »t<rta I FOUNTAIN MARKET. MAIN mUT • • GOLD HILL 0. 3. WAIDSB, Proprialor. IDKIIU TO INFORM TBI PUBLIC Uwt tko cholcott of Boof Too'. ■attoa, hrki i.«.»0O) Bto* Ota bo boochl at tho Fomltla Kir kit. Ftmtlio* tad bo»rdla*boB>oo will tad It to tbatr adfaata«o to (lva Mat Mil. M 0. J. WtlDVB. OR. A. CHAPMAN. •;il ROION'DINTIITi CTBOM NEVADA OJTT. OALIIOB-M* " alt ftraitmtlj loattad tt jIdU Oltj. Oflta. lip ROOTS &«TMW.