Newspaper Page Text
9 THE EVENING NEWS TUESDAY, : : : : : MAY 10. 1881 UlUTfX AIB IflTIUTlUT 8mallpox, or variola, U aloathesome aa wslj M a dangerous disaaaa, ol a oon\x=req-\ tagioas nsturs, much varied in ita da\x=req-\ grssa ol malignancy but vary objsotion\x=req-\ abla in all. It rsrely attacka a parson a aaooad lima, yet such iostanoes an known, and avan a third tiaa attack apoa tha aama paraon ia oscaaloaally re\x=req-\ oorded. Tba symptoms vary aooordiog to tba latsnsity and pronounaed chsr\x=req-\ astsr of tka diaaaaa, wbish may cultaln\x=req-\ ata ia ao aild a form aa not svsn to attain to an arnption at tka surface, yat tka preliminary Indications of tka diaaaaa ara paenliar and of a similar abaraotar. Paiaa in tba kaad, bask and loina, and • fsnsral feeling of heaviness, laaaitoda, aorsassa, and a diaineliaatioa to axartion ara first obasrvable, tuocsadsd by Ira\x=req-\ qnant chills, altarnatad by a feverish aonditioa, loaa af appatita, and tha pa\x=req-\ tiaat imsginea ka baa tba worst cold ha am had in hia Ufa. Taadaraaaa at tha region of tha stomach and not nnfra\x=req-\ qnaatly naaaaa and vomiting ara expert\x=req-\ and aa tba feverish symptoms in tha mors 'virulsnt forms, daHrlonsnssa issmadiataly prsosdsa tba oalminativs "breaking out" of tba dia\x=req-\ aaaa, which oooora about tha third or fourth day. In mild caaae, gsnsraiiy deeignated aa varioloid, bat fsv sraptioos, pimples or pustulsa appsar, parbapa not mora than half a dozen sbowiog tbsmsalves on tbs faoa, wbila ia tba aialignaat confluent amalipox tba pustules ara ao namarona aa to ran togalber, forming large acaba. From tha aigbth to tha thirteenth day, or at tha time when tha sruptiva stags kaa ooneladad and tba diaaaaa is folly mstared, ao to apaak, a aeooadary laser naaally aata ia, frequently aceompaoied by a ssTera coogb, altar wbiob the patient may ba cooaidered ont ol danger and in a fair way toward recovery. Dangerous snd often fatal aa ia this disease, it yiaids rsadily to patisnt and oarsfnl nursing, and little or no medicine ia required. Tba simplest remedies are tba bast, but above all, oompeteat, axporisnoed, careful and vigilant nursing ia tba eaeeatial point, eepecially ia tha leveriah and deliriooa stages, wban tha patieat ia lisbls to throw off all eov\x=req-\ sring or rsstrsint, and in aa ungusrdsd momsnt become chilled and fatally set back. The nurss is ol mneh mors vitsl importancs than tha dostor in this dia Om of oar beat knows Storey county pbyaiciane, wboee invariable lacMu in tbo treatment ot tm all pox for many y wi put, both In thia and other eeotiona, antiIlea bia opinion to mora than ordinary oonaideration, freely givea tha remit of bia obeervationa on tbaanbjeat for tba benefit of all. During tba prsva\x=req-\ lence of amallpox at Enraka in tba spring of 1872 ba waa oommunieatsd with by frienda of tbo medical profaaaion and others, aaking bia aodo of treatment for tha dread diaeaae. Ha kindly reeponded la n letter oocnpying two aolumaa in tba Enraka Stntirul, which waa ebeerfnlly publiahed for tka benefit of Buffering humanity. It being thna made pnblio property wo eoaaidar it appropriata at tha praaant time to oondanaa from it aa followa: Smallpox is tba result of a ■ pacific poison of tbs blood, and thia paieon sesks elimination chiefly through tha pores of the akin, ccnaequently the dieeaaa ependa lta (ores principally upon tha external ear\x=req-\ face of the body, benca all treatment tending to divert any part of ita coarse toward any other functions of the body ie obviously wrong. Tba obJ«ct should be first to ascertain tbo aharacter and natural course of tha diaaaee and then assist nature to remove it. Treatment—Place tba patient in a roam that san ba thoroughly ventilated; admin\x=req-\ later a thorough cathartia and after that ooatlnue tha use of a sedative mixture composed ot syrup ipecac, tincture aeclepiaa root, sod tineture veratrum vivi\x=req-\ dum one-ball ouace ot each, with peppermint water and |<ire water, two ounoes each. Oive a teasptonfui every two or three hours to control the fever till tha aruptlon appears, then one every six or oight boors, according to\he degree of the faver. Tba moat important portiu* at the treatment ia attention to the skin. After the appearanee of the eruption the eMire body ahould be spqngrd nigkt and morning with tepid water in which soda ia dissolved, about a tableepoooful to the quart, using oaatila soap. A fur tach sponging, smear tba whole body with tha following oint\x=req-\ menl: Pulverised charcoal, ona drachm ; fwsh lard. tw« ouacee; oil bergamot. one drachm. This, properly applied, soothes, softens «nd protects Ihs akin and effectually prevents pitting. The cutaneous tor fas* should be protected ae mueb as poeaible from tha direct raye of light, and a plentiful snpply of freab air supplied ta tba patient IM diet anouiu MUgnt ana oourisotng, neb u ivmi milk, buttermilk. raw tggt beaten up with Hot light win*, rmw oys\x=req-\ ton, freeh bread, (rait, beef tea. etc. In the convaleeceot atagee atronger food, hwfatoak, freeb flab, eto.. la allowable. If the a bo re treatment la strictly followed no Mcondary fever need bo feared; the diaeaae will run it* courss of eighteen or twenty da;a. and the patient will recover from the diaeaae with no permanent aiga or mark of it* ravage*. It i* true that thia mode of treatment make* more work for nurses and attendant* than tb* erUioarj practice, but tbe mult will Justify th* mean*, for ia tbi* diteaae ipecitlca are mytbs aiU medicin* almost valu*]***; therefore, if wo would *ave our patient* it Boat be dona by atrict and careful attention and genuine bard work. Tbe wbola propoeltion may bo *umm*d up ** follow*: For th* *uoee**ful treatment of (mallpos. four thing* are re^uiut*. tii. Fir*t. w*ll\x=req-\ ventilatod room*; aaoond, good and faithful noma; third, good, nourUhlng food; and fourth, confidence In th* restorative powers of nature. The lata Czar appointed aa *z*cutors of hia will th* Grand Duk*a Michael and Alalia and Prlnoa Suwarrow. Forty\x=req-\ eight milUona of rablaa depoaitod with Ingliah bankers ars distributed aa fol\x=req-\ low*: Thirty milliona to hia auocsaaor, th* preaaot Czar, and the rsmalndsr to tka Prinosas Dolgoreuki. Mrs. Farragut, the widow o! tha Admiral, ia deacribad aa fall of life and animation. 8ha ia ol medium height, aad baa brawn hair, a plump fas* and taadsr eysa. Bha ia devoted to tha memory of her hoabaad. and never Urea of telling af hla aobU iasda aad traita FOBSSH DISPATCHES, The tojal Bride of Autrla—Great Preparations for the Weddlag. Vturcu, May 9.—Thia afternoon the Queen of Belgium tad the Priiotu 8te\x=req-\ pbania drove from Schonbruto to Ther\x=req-\ esianum. Then they dmud lor formal nlrj into tbe oily. There wort vaat crowda of people prtaent to witneea the entry. The prooMsion vm lined by infantry, and headed by a eqaadron of eevalry, followed by offloiale on horae\x=req-\ baek. Then came elate carriagea and a detachment of the Imperial Ooard, after wbioh came the bride'a carriage drawn by aix gray horaee aarrounded and followed by monnted ofBciale. At the triumphal aroh near the Elisabeth bridge the proeeeeion halted, when tbe Burgomaster, the ooancil and the other municipal offloiala preeented an addreaa of eongratnlalion and welcome. The proeeeeion then traversed the city to the Imperial palaoe, where the Prinotas Stephanie waa received by the Emperor Francis Joaeph and Prinoe Bndolpb. The preparationa for the marriage are now complete and the Imperial city haa been in a etate of joyooa exoltement for day* peat and weara a moat charming aspect. Banners and bright bued drapery hang from the wlndowa in leading thorooghfarea. Paleoee and pablio baildiaga are brightly deoked with ever\x=req-\ greena and tonight the whole city will be reeplendent with taateful illnmina\x=req-\ tione. Tha decorations st the Frmeh Embeaey are particalerly effective, oon\x=req-\ aiating chiefly of immenee garlands of evergreena looped from window to window and oooneoted by gay bonqneta of flowers. At night the Facade will be illuminated by electric light. Tbe bride ie to go the altar attired in coetly dreea •liver brocade, trimmed with silver embroidery, representing vsrioas kinds of flowers, and completed by a train five yarda in length, trimmed with eilver laoe and velvet. Ladiee who have had the good fortaae to eee tbie wonder of the dreeamaker at Braaaela, where it waa made, are in raptures. Tbs Prinoeas arrived here wearing a Pompadour of pink crepe, with trein and bodice of damask salin, trimmed with rosebuda. Theee are but two out of a multitude of dreeemaker'e marvela now lying in tbe trunks end boxee of the royal bride. The City of Brueeele bea contributed a anperb overdreee to Stepbania'e Iroe\x=req-\ aeau. She will wear It with fall ooe\x=req-\ tume, caught up with bcaqueta of white lilao and roeea. The Kalcnil Steamer Horrors. Londom, May 10.-The Preaident of the Board of Trade, in reply to a question baaed on a letter detailing horrors on board an emigrant atesnier, ssid he had communicated with tbe managera of five eteamahip linee carrying auch emigrants, and had received empbelio deaiala that aaeh oircumstsaoes «erc poaaible. He had instruct* dan officer to visit Liverpool and Queenatown to make apeeial inquiries, and bad seked Mies O'Brien to furniah the name of the ateamer alluded to in her letter. Miscellaneous. Loxdok, May 10.—Considsrsble «• citement ia caused by tbe action of Cardinal Manning in forbidding lb* dm of any balla of tha oatbolio clubs, or tbe assembly rooms of the total abatiornca aociatiea and League of tba Crota for meetings of branches of tba Land Leegue. Baroness Bardatt Contta offers £50 reward for tba recovery of tba aappbira and diamond brooeh wbleh aba loat at tba Qnaaa'a drawing room raoaption on Tnaaday laat. B. H. Sebroeder ± Co. of Amstsrdsp, failed ; tha Arm daala ebiafly in aagar and cotton. Soma loaaaa tail on London booses. Jamaa Daly, editor of tba Caatlrbar TtUgraph, arrrsttd aoma ago under tba Coercion let and lodged in Kilmsin\x=req-\ bam jail, baa bean ralaaaad, it ia believed, ob account of tba illneaa of bia wife. In tba Heme of Common* to-day, Gledatone moved an addreaa praying tba Crown to provide a monnmeut in Wsst\x=req-\ minatar Abbey to Beaoenefleld. Ha appealed to the Hooee not to make it a • ubj'ct of partiaan diacoaaion. Labon\x=req-\ cbera oppoaed the motion, bat it waa adopted—yeaa, 380 ; nays, 51. It waa aimilarly adopted witbont diviaion by tba Lorda. "Uncle Tom'a Cabin" ia now being played at tba 8outb for tbe first time. It ia variously received. Tba company waa driven from tbe atage by a abower of eggs at Cfriffln, Oa., and tbe perform\x=req-\ anee waa alao atopped by a mob at Brad\x=req-\ law, La. In moat plaoea, however, tbe aadiencea are orderly; bat tbe safferiogs of Unele Tom do not produce wars any\x=req-\ wbere, tba negroea generally regarded bim as a oemio character, and langbing heartily when be geta whipped. Mr. Emerson ia quoted by a writer in the Cincinnati CommtrcicU as onos aayiog in an ebetracled why : " I loved Carlyle; wa bava been the beat of frienda. H\x=req-\ aent ae the proofs of all his works and I returned him mine. We have ree\x=req-\ pected and trusted each other, bat I can never forgive hist for the oenrse be pnr\x=req-\ su.d towards the North daring tbe Kebelllon. Ws have oeaaed all intercourse, and I know nothing of him." With >11 lb* bud work an* aaaiduona •xtrtiou of (oar protaaaional axhorttr* and aingara from tha Eut, aidad by naarly all tha oily pastors of San Fran\x=req-\ oiaco, tba twanty waaka' revival of Moody and Sankey in that ainfnl olty by tba Gulden Oata only prodncad 2300 •onvarta. Tbay might bava dona batter in Gold Hill or aven in Up par Gold Hill, formarly known aa Virginia City. Doting bar ictant visit to New York City lira. Garfltld looked into tba furni\x=req-\ tar* and car pat vara rooma with tba view of refurnishing tba Wbita Hoaaa. It baa been decided to raatora to tba par* lora tba diatinctlv* color* by whisb th»y bava loog baan known. At preaent in tba "Bad Parlor" otbar oolora than rad pradominata. Ganaral Jo* Laaa aaid a abort tima bafor* bia daatb: "Two yaara ago I lookad over tba old Amy Regieter, and I found only At* of tb***v*ot**n Amer\x=req-\ i*an Gen*ral* who *nt*r*d tba Uaxieao war aurviving. Of tba a*r*nt**n who •nt*r*d that atraggl*. fourteen w*r* yonng*r than myaalf." Trouble on th* C*ntral Pacifio oaoa*d a delay of over two boor* to thia mam* ing'a axpreaa train. Tba natara of th* trouble' waa not known to th* railroad in Gold Hill. Probably th* h*«vy atorm la th* mountain*. TALK1NQ ACROSS THE SEA. A ChkmUm kr TiliMm ■» ivni Mm m« Calais. Pamu. May 7.—A oorraepondent •and* the following aceouat of tba lataat aciantiflo aanaation. A remarkable in\x=req-\ taraatiog experiment baa juat been mada at Calaia and Dover, batwaaa which piaoaa conversation baa baan kept op viva voce by meant of a nav kind of tal\x=req-\ epbooe wbiob baa baan patented under tha nania of tba eleotropbone. Not only war* tba worda whlaparad into tha appa\x=req-\ ratns at Calaia diatioetly baard at Dover, and of oonraa vie* vtraa. but tba liatanar at on* end waa perfectly wail abla to die\x=req-\ tingaiah by the mere tonca of the voioa tba pereon who waa apeaking at tha other end. It abould be obeerved that while tba human voioa wu being tiaaaaitted through on* of tba wiret, tha other wirea were being employed for tha tranamia\x=req-\ aion of ordinary telagraphia meaaagaa. Moreover, experiment ware oondnuted between tba hoora of 10 and 4, that ia in the baaieet part of the day, when tha wirea are in unoeaaing reqaialtion. The voice of tha apaaker waa diatinotly heard aa aooo aa tha wiraa ware Joined to the apparatae, and oonreraationa wara oar\x=req-\ had on withoot intarraption in tha prea\x=req-\ anee of oompetant apaoiallala. Tha voioe of tha apaaker waa heard aa plainly aa tboDgb he had bean ia tha aama room. Thera can ao longer ba aay donbt that it ia perfaotly praotibla to aoa* varae aeroaa or rather under tba aea by maana of any anbmarlna cable. Tha inventor mentioned that it ia juat aa easy to talk aeroaa tba Atlanlio aa from one room to another. It ia believed that tha aaw inventioa will ia tima anpplaat tha exiating inventlona now ia nae. A fine panorama of tha obarga of tha aix hundred at Balaklava la on exhibition in Londoo. It repraeenta them entering the Rnaaian battery, aabariag tba gannera tbera. By tha employment of a real foreground—made up of aarth, tnrfad and planted with waeda and gorae and atrawa with all tba varlona dabria of battle, and akillfally blended with tha painted oanvaa—an extraordinary appearance of reality baa baan given. There ia one cariona over\x=req-\ eight, however: thera ia not a tingle dead or wounded man belonging to tba oharging regiment to be aaen anywhere! IN TUB WUOLB HMTOBY Of Medicine no preparation baa ever performed each marroloai coree, or malnuiaed to wide a reputation, aa Ataa'e Cuirbt Psotobal. which It recognised aa the world'a remedy (or all diacaaee of the throat and lunga. Ita long\x=req-\ continued terlaa of wonderful cure* In all climates bat madt It aaltertally known at a taft aad reliable agent to employ. Agalnat ordinary colda, which art the forernnnere of more eerl\x=req-\ out dtaordere. It acta tpeedlly and torvly, al\x=req-\ wayt rellavlog auSVrlDg. aod often eavlng life. The protectlou It affqrda by Ita timely ate In the throat and long dlaordtia of children, makea It an Invalaable remedy to be kept alwayt on band In every home. No perton can afford to be without It, and thoa* who hava once seed It never will. From thalr knowledge of lie com. poeitlon and effecu, Phyeielana nae the Cuaai PicToaat extensively In their practice, and Olertrj men recommend It. It It abeolntely certain In Ita ramadlal effecta, aad will alwayt core wbero cure* are poaalbla. Th MARRIED. Ia tbii city, May 8. by Be?. W. 0. Qray, E. J. Harria to Eliub«tb Newton. . Id Eureka. May 7. J. 0. Stuart to Miai Minnie Barry, of Salt Lake City. OIKO. In Ban Franciaco, May 3, Maggie Sierra, only daughter of Hugh H. and the late Maggie L. Coote, aged 3 month* and XI day*. Id Aoitin, May 6, Patrick Lyon*, aged about 60 year*. Id Elko, May S, Mollie Bartlett, aged 81 year*. NEW TODAY. PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE, VIRGINIA CITY. QRAND FASHIONABLE EVENT! roar HlffeU and Batardajr Matinee -COMMIHCIKO\x=req-\ WKDNKKOAY KVKNINU, MAY 11 Ik. 'Appearance of the Popular Tragedian. TH08. W. KEENE, Supported by a ipeclally a<letted Company under ibe management of W. B. HaYDKN. Wedewd'j gveelug, May II, Bulwtr'o pley. In five acta. of • RICHELIEU J Cardinal Blcbeileu ,...THOS. W. UKN1 TknrMiy Ivnleg, lay IB. BhakeepeaiVe beeullful play, in five acta, oi HAMLET I Hamlet TQ08. W. KKKN1 frldar Iweleg, May IS, Bbakeepeare'e trvedy. In are acte, of OTHILLO! Othello THuS. W. KBKN1 lilarday lallaee, at a P. ■., Shake*petre'e comedy, In four tcte, of The Merchant ol Venice I Sbyiock THOS W. KCKNI ■••■May K»eelai, ley 14, La>t erpearance of Kr. KKKNK. on vhlct occe»luo will b« proeeoted Htiikcepeera'e grmnd bUtorlca tragedy. In tlx acta, of RICHARD III; Or, Til* ■•III* mt leawerlfe rield, Gloeter (afterward King Blcbtrd III) THOS. W. KUNI PRIOU Ad USUAL. Tbe Ml* of mU will comment* Monday, May t, at ib* Box (Mm of U>« opera Houte. a paid XKLLOW JAtKCT IILTBK III, 1NO OOMPAM.—Location of worka, I U1U, Storey Coaoty, Bute of Nevada. Principal place of baalocaa. at tba office al tbe saw than, Uold B1U. Nevada. Notice I> Leraby given, that at a meeting ol tbe board of Traateee of paid Company, bald on tba alntb (Mb) day of May, A. D. lni, an aeeeeemeot (oo. 41) of One Dollar ($1) per ebare waa levied upon aacb and every than of the capital atoek ot eald Company, payable Immediately, in United Male* coid cola, to Lbi Secretary, at tba oOce of tb* Company, at tb* new abaft, Oold illll. Nevada, or lo Jamei Newland*. Transfer Hecratary. Boom t. No. k*7 Pine etreet, Ian Pranelaeo. California. Any Mocb apon which tbla aaaaeament aball remain unpaid on TUBSDAY. tba foarteeatb (Utb)dayof JUNE, 1«1, aball be deemed delln< quant and will be daly advertleed tor mle al public auction, and unleee payment aball be mad* before. wUI be eold on WKONBoDiT, tbe SIXTH (6th) DAT OP JVLT, lrtl. at * o'clock p. la front of tbeofloe ol tbe Company, to pay tbe delinquent aa**aaawnt, together with coetaof advertlalng andeipenae* Of lit By order of tbe Board of Traateee. MBKCCK OTBT, Secretary. OOce at tba new abaft of tba Company. Oold mil. Nevada. May 10.1M1. 10 NOTICE. ALL BILLS AGAINST THB TOWN OP Oold Mill mnat be preeented before MON\x=req-\ DAT. MAT M. list. Per Order. W. O. HTDB, Ctark of the Baud ot Ti ueiee*. Oold Mill, April M, 1*1. Htd NEW TODAY pwi" nmm sold aid # 2 L^P *»U*0 OOMPANT.—Location SUuS'-El bn,t»— *<>• *" Cm\x=req-\ •V^£2^'°sxziu. i^sfsssa "z£sssira&si: ■gat (No. U) lertad on th* fourth <Ut of April, WM<|U* •***'•> amount* wt oppoalta the gWM* ot Um iwpactlr* ihar.boldaia, a* fol\x=req-\ Namei. ilo. Oartlf Shi Ami. Atkinaon Thoa T k Oo, n.*^. mm. ....... .n.. iHZXlfJV}"' TimU**.1MT...100....10 . S^iS4^* i° ••UM • *o EVSliS1.'?* }° 100....10.. SUiH. t 5't* 2° -*08...100.... 10 .. Barnti k W*Uar do . S00T....*j..\,.l .. BunUt ViUut <|o im too jo eoajiJKSli i° MM... 100.... 1*.. j® ..ii« j° 2!E!J 2° MOO...M0.. fiS"! f® «m...ioo....i« . {!"!•£ *® * E&J «® MM...10U....10., Bark* T do um loo . io S*5*2 «j ■5JS2S MH...100....10.. £22 2 f° not.. SI* I J 84W..100....10.. 5",k#2 5® .....MM .100....10.. Sffg; 2® MM ..100....10.. g»r5;* J® 0400... HO... 10.. "»£• I 2° MOT...100....10 .. S"*?*! 2° MM."..100....10 .. 2W5*I 2® MM... 100....10.. 5® MOO... 100.... 10 .. J}°[t®2 5® M01...100... 10.. BnrkaT do M0» ..1M....10.. £or*®I 5® UIM...100....10.. S"!*! 5° M04..10U....10.. 5®'**2 2® M0U...100....W.. fi«*® * 2® 1404... IK).... 10 . S"!*1* 2° 0WJ...I0U....10.. 2® - MM...100... 10.. BarkaT do MOO...100....10 .. »»'*•* do „..M10...100 ...10 .. g»rt®T do HU ..100....10.. 2»J»* do Mil...100....10 .. g«'**T J® Mil...100....10.. BurkaT do 0114...100. ..10 .. g«rt® I 0o MU...100....10 .. Bark* T do M10...100 ...10 .. T do MIT...100....10 .. gark»T d> ...... U10...100....10 .. BmkaT do Mil...100....10.. Buika T do isk. ..100....10 .. 2® .Mil. ..100 "|lb " BarkaT do MM...10U....10 .. 5"J*I d® MM...100....10.. g«'i®* 2® MI8...100....10 .. 2® MM...100....10 .. BarUT do MM...100....10 .. Uirlloo ■ MM I M Coffin Jihn, TrnaUa MM...100....10 .. OufloJuMt do MM... 100 Coffin Jiuit* do 1090. ...60 Coffin. SUndtnoo k CJjOk, Tra«®«.. 1MI....M I.. Coffin. ltand*non 4k Cook, Traitor* MM.. 100.;..10 .. Si"* *..DiTtal 10M....M.... * .. Cranaall W U.TiaatM 10(0....M 110 ttudallWO do MM...100....10..• Crudkliwo do IMS ..110....II.. OntndtllWO do HTI....10 1.. OrowUjr A Goodman, Trui\x=req-\ ^««®» M4....10 1.. D**l* Philip. S440...100....10 .. Dixon faao W MM I M Dixon Gao W, Truitaa—I4M .1000.. 100.. Dixon 0«o W do ....MM..1000...100 .. Dixon UaoW do ....MM..1000,..100 .. Dixon Oao W do ....MM..1000...100 .. Dixon Qao W do ....MIT 1000...100 .. r»j Philip H, Trail** MM....SO B .. Flihar It. Traata* MI1....M S .. PlattOJ, Treat** 1101....M ....I.. rn,NwIfc("o,Tra*t**a....lMl....M,... t.. Oliiler I A Co. Traata** TV.. .100....10 .. Oollf k Vbl. Trjutara MM....» I .. Oraena llanrjr, Thl.tea MT1....M I .. Ora*o*baom. Ualblug k Oo, Traata** Ml....10 » Ormnabanoj, Uelblag II Oo, Traata** 1M1....10 ».. Oraanabaum, Halblng k Co, Treat*** IMS....80 1,. Uraanabanm, Halblng k Oo Tnwaaa 111!.. .10 1,, Oraanabaum. Halblng 4k Oo, Treat*** NM...SOO....M .. Onrnatt 4 0k Oo.TraiU**..IOM. ...JO t.. Uilak Pachaoo, Trait***....M4....M t.. HalakPacbaco do ...1I;0 1 M Hale A Pachrco do ...IM1....1S ...,1 M llala it 1'acharo do ...ST1I....M ft. Ualak Pachrco do ...MIT....M ,...» „ Hauiman PU M«« I M Uavka H D. Traataa M» .. M I. Hrrxbarg I, Tione*. 4M....M I Hlnkla 11 II, Truitaa M90.. .100....10 .. Hinkl* H B do WW...100.... 10 .. Hlnkla W 8, Trait** MM..M00...M0 .. UlnkJiWa do MM...100....10 .. Htnkl* W B do M40...100....10 .. HloklaWrt do 8441...100....10 .. Hlnkla WS do 1444...100....10 .. Hlnkl* W 8 do 8444...100....10 .. Hlnkie W 8 do MTI...J0O....M .. Hollt Ira U, Traite* .1.. HoimarDM k Oo. Traitt. .IMS....10 1 ., Kannar M Dj»r, Traataa*...Ifiol....10 1 .. Kronaj k Djrar do ....1401....10 1 k-nury k itjrar do ..,.nso....M I .. Katiarr k Dy»r do ... .SUM.... Ucka Wu> L. Traata* S4T6....40 » .. Uick'utoah k Bacon, Tin*. I mi .. Utrj* U«o T k Sod, Traa\x=req-\ t»aa.... i.. Mobla H H k Oo, Traatcaa..l013....M 1.. otla A Co, Tniauaa 34M....M 1 .. Pi'Mut H B.Trnataa MIS...100....10 .. PtrtoDi H M do am...100 ...10 .. Paraon* 11 B do .MM...100.... 10 .. PunmHB do MM...100....10 .. Pataraon JlDM, Troataa....l07t....X 1 .. P.araon Cbli I M41....41 tSO Randolph. Macklotoab ft 0 , Tnwtn®! .9444... .10. • • • .3 .. Randolph, Mackln'oab ft Oo, Traataaa MAO....10 Randolph. Mick lot 0*0 ft 10, Trui'Mt rii....» ISO RainnldaUW 34 26 t 10 Richard ton It 1IU....M 110 KIcbardaon.Hlil ft Oo.Troa* UN M0. ..*> 9 .. Rlcbardaon, BUI ft Co.Tnu\x=req-\ taca 19##.... 80 ■ . Richardson,Hill ft Co.Tnu\x=req-\ t»» im....*> a.. Rlchardaon. Hill A Oo, Tru. t-M 13T3....M 3 .. Root 0«o B,Tru*tM H3....M.. . 3 .. Root <>*0 B do KI1....10 1 .. HootOaoB do 33&4. .100....10 .. Hoot uao B do W4«... M 0.. Rout Oeo B do * ■ KoOt'.coB do 8.. Ronntraa ± Lasgland, Trua\x=req-\ t'w .,,.i*i,.....,,,(>*it,. mi.... lo. ,,,,i,, Scbmltt0 A,Tni'ttft MM...100....10.. Boott II H k Cu. Traataaa W....M 1.. Bcovlll* J J, Tra*taa ft. ,.100....10 .. ►mlthJ W IIM.... t to Bmltb W 0 It MM • to Blara ftobart, Truatca JtiOU.. 100....10 . 8tf*n Kobart do MM...100....10 . Bitan Rooart do S0*» ..100. ...10 .. Mala Mat. Troafee M41....M 3 .. Btalo Nat do Woe...300....JO .. BtalaMat do *3ot.. ao .. ••lain Mat do 3SM. ..100....10 .. Thornaa D L, Trnataa ««....30 3 .. Tbomaa O L do M3....M 3M Thomas D L, do 1443....M I.. Tbomaa D L do 14M....M.... 310 Tbomaa DL do 1HI3....38 i to TnoiuaaDL do 3M1....11 110 Tbomaa DL do *ta«....if.... 3 to Tbomaa 1)1. do 3MT....M 310 Tbtmaal'L do 3Mt .. to Tbuiaaa U I do fll. ..100....10 .. TbooaaOL do «M3....tO... .» .. Th maaDL do ... ..How...lou....lo.. Tbomaa UL do Ml*....50 S .. TbomtaDL do MM....70 T .. Tbomaa DL do 3800...100....10 .. Tbomaa DL do .... M73....M ( .. Tbomaa D L do 3313....M • .. lowuaaod W B, Truataa 131....10 1 .. WakaOrld B B k Co, Trna\x=req-\ taaa 1330...100....10 .. Wifhtman aC.Trnataa .t.. WiTdar Darld, Troaiaa Mil...100....10 .. Wilder David do MI3...100....10 .. Wooda ft Kraabora, Tnu\x=req-\ taaa..... 143....M • .. Wooda ft Fraaborn, Trua\x=req-\ taaa 1903....M ....310 Wooda ft Iraabora, Trna\x=req-\ taaa 303T...100....10 .. And la aoooraaaoa with lav. aad an otdar of tba Board of Dlractora. marta oo tba fourth (4th) daj of April, 1M1, ao many abaraa of aacb pareal of aocb a took aa mar ba nacaaaary will ba aold at pnbllc anctlon. at tba offloa of tba Company, Mo. til California atraat. Baa Franclaco. California, on THCRIDAT. tba twantj-alxth (Mib) day of MAT. 1M1. at tba how of of o'clock p. a. of aa<d day. to yuj aa»d daltnqoant aaaaaamaat tharaoa. tofatbar with eaata of advartlalnf aad axpaaaaa ol tba H. 0. B1XMAN. Bacratary. 0 Sea—No. 411 California atraat. Baa Fran\x=req-\ alaco, California. 10 HOISTING CABLE8 JOHN A. ROEILINQ't tON'l COm Ttaalaa, .Maw Itwtr. Craalbla Oaat.Btaal HatatiM Oablan Of all Daaorlptlaaa, Wlra Ntraada Mar ItHlrlai Maaa Caa\x=req-\ ataatlr aa kaat B. T. MOOOTCT. Waraboaae, aaar Bate ft Mc Tlratola City, Mtrada. M VISCILLUTIOUB. closing BUSINESS POSITIVELY I Beginning Hay 1st, I will dispose of ALL GOODS ON HAND At prices unheard of before. No Goods Beplenished, My Stook of DRY GOOD8 Being Complete. Buyers will do well to oall early and secure bargains. B. CALLAND, Gold Hill, April 28,188L CHUBBUCK < THOBBURR, rainrnei Variety Store i DEALBBS 1* ALL TBI LXADIHQ NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, STATIONERY, Sheet Mule, Bouid Books, Bcbool Bnppllei, TOBACCOS, OANDIKS. POOKST OUTLBRY, TOYS, ITOi A3INT8 FOB THS Ban Vranelieo "Chronicle," "Po«t," •'Call," "Ixamlner" and *»COLD HILL DAILY NSWSN For TUgtoU City. Gold HUI tad Mm Otty. V. N. hall & co., IS* Mala Street, Gold Hill, yy HOLK1XLK AMD RETAIL U1ALKBS H A R D W AR E OF KVKBY DESORIFTIOI. Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Work Of «U kind* done to order it ibort notice. W TOOLS A^PICIALTV. "«■ GOLD HILL FOUNDRY AND machine works, ■ill llmi, U««r 0«M UU, I«i IKON AND bum CAST INS*: Of awry vattyaal*toe Leave jtjbt aided to mt old •atabUahed Machine Work* lb* LAHQK81 ID LATHI. FLAHB and BTfAM BAM MSB, all of the Uteet and moet Improved oooatmtloa, ud am bow prepared to Klh ud Repair ail klnda ud all (law of Mil At the ak art eat notice and on the i iblo Unu. 10n QEOEOR emmett.PTQprtetca. RENO FOUNDRY, KINO. NEVADA. T1HB PROPRIETOR OP THE VTO01NIA JL FODNDHT, having porebaeed the Reno roaDdrr, ud oooMlldaled It wltk the former, will hereafter eijle the wotka the Keao roaidrj and Machine Worka. Thia aatebllahmaat la bow prepared to do a gaoaral Focndry bnalncaa, lucladlnj arary da. acrfptlon of Cuuui la Iran ud IrtNi Fwitui ••4 MaeklM Waik• At low«r prioaa than can ba ohtatnad alaawhara. Drawtofa and aatlmataa inrnlahao whan ra qalrad. Br atrlct attention to bnalncaa, and with • tboroofh knowladfta of lha work r»qnlrad, tba proprtetor bopta to marlt tba conSdanca of tba trada, and reapactinliy aollcltatha pauonaga of mill and nlnlnf man. d*» ANDREW rXARIK. Praar. 8TILL HERE ! n A VINO OONOUTDKD TO BIMUN A whlla lonfar la Oold BUI. I Uka thU matbod of iDforaloi my lady frteada of Oold BIU that t an ncalTUi a naw atoek of DRY GOODS, Which I will for tba nazt IIXTT DATS, owtn« to ay I mall axpaaaaa, Sell Ckeipcr tku lay Oiler'81 ore On tba Oaaatock. Aaklnc you kindly for yoor patrsnaca, I aaa, raapactfnllj yonrn, J A. COMM. Dl. A. CHAPMAN. CUROION'DINTIIJ. fJIBOM NEVADA OITT. OALDOB-flM* A? ala Parmanantly located at ■late Olty. Offloa, ISO BOUT* 0 rrmOT. lattefaotlna aaaraatoad. »■ tfBO A WBBX. |ll a day at bona aaaQy j/fi mad*. Ooatly oatst fraa. AddreaaTn* fc Co.. Annate. Malna. THE LAST SENSATION! I am now Selling' the BEST NEWCASTLE STRAWBERRIES For 12J Ceirtys Per* Basket. My Stook of Carefully Selected Family CROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Fine Old Brandies, Wines and Liquors, Is the Largest, Finest and Host Complete in the State of Nevada, and my Prices are always from 10 TO 90 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHBAPB8T. Extra Choice Bolter and Fresh Eggs always on hand. T. R. McGURN, 106 South G Street, ... 30 North C Street, VIRGINIA; ■ala Street. Sold ■111; ... Florence Irene, Batr* ■IBCKLLAlfEOUB. C rN RAIL WAV THE Chicago & North-Westeni RAIL W A Y II Um OLDEST I HI >T CONbTBUOTIDI BIST lyUIPPiDI tad bene* lb* LEADING RAILWAY! -or tiii— WIST AND NORTHWIBTI Bktta SHORT. bCRK ud BAPS ROUT! Mwm COUNCIt. BLUFFSf — AND — CHICAGO, MI1WAUKEE Ana an poinie imi, eucu h N1«nni Fall*. New York. Philadelphia, Heete*. VVa.atealoa, HaTljaarti Ptiuh-rab, Meat real, Taraaca, Uetralt, L'leva'aad. At Ooanoil Bluff* lb* Train* of lb* Chlsi«o * North- Wattern and tba U. P. K'ye depart from, arrive u tad nia tba uoa Joint Union Depot. * At Oblcago, c]om connection* tra made with tba Lake Bhore, MlcOUan Central. Baltlmora k Ohio, Pt. Wayne and Paanijlranla, and Chicago A Grand Trunk H'jri. and tha Kankakie and Pas Baudla Koulta. P oilman Palaaa ErawlacRooaCan At* tuu on all tbromb tra>n« of thl* road. It <a tha 0<I.V HOAD hiwmi COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAOO Upon which It ran tba calabratad Pullman Hotel_DmingOar8 Inelet npon Ticket Agent* (allies yoo Tlcketa Tlatblaroad kxamlne your Ticket*, and r*faae to bay If they do not reed over the Ovieego k North Weitero HaIIviv. II yoo wleh tha Ueet Traveling Accommodation! ton will bar yoor Ticket* by tbla Koote (VANL) WILL TiKit NONE OTHIB. All tlckat Agent* Mil Tlckete by thia Line. IAhVIM huuhitt. ■M MY.P.k Oen'l Maagr. Ontcago. FASHI0N_SALOON. S. B. TURNIY, PROP'R. Mill Street* • • » • field Bill, Oppoalta tha MawioOoa. rpHia OLD-E8TABLIBHID and POPULAB A raaort l* at ill tba favorite. Oomfort and •pott combined. The patron a of tha hoaae will alway* Sad tha heal hraada of • s.iANDV, whisky* alb. roim, uo», WIN KM or AI.L KINDS, tobacco, CI OA KM, BTU. TWO FINE BiyjARD TABLES. CUMMINGS & DONOVAN'S SALOON, No. 49 South C Street, VIRGINIA. rflBtg IS A FAYiiritk RWORT or BUM. ■ dc.« maa an<l etraugere ml'lng the eitv. It la a quWt place where gentlem«o will ha well li>atfd. . M ABBOTT'S SALOON, (Porm*rly Olneoa'eJ 91(1* *rMt, Geld aiu. near cum in kykhy rbspkct. Beading and Olnb Booms. Th* potion* of lb* Boom will b* w»n r*oa(r*d u>4 Mtrrod with th. PlnMt of WINES. LIOUORS AND CI8ARS i W. A. ABBOTT. Pwtrlmr. COMSTOCK EXCHANGE, MAIN BTUKKT GOLD hill SPKCIAL NOTIOI U BIRBBT OIVKN to *11 tttmu of Ik* »bor* ulooc, Uuu I Skill Cloie Bailnru la Thirty Bin Prom dii*. Stock, flxtor** and food will of tb* MtoblxkaMBt for mJ« on rvtaoinbl* ttnn*. All ponon* lod.bud will pi**** com* forward tt OOO* Ud Kill*. tbos. b. rnroB. Ooid am, tuj i. mi. i CIQARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY. O. H. GALLUP, OPPOBITB TBI BANS OP UOLD bill, l^|fc**p*eoMtutlj on band all tb* farorlt* IMPORTED CIGARS, AB lilad* iTCImwIuMhmi PIpm, Obi\x=req-\ H»hTWi IMIT boMU, |«M lUf Bad WWI—Of T *f ■ii DdMriptlMi. filtOCKRIKB, PROVISIONS, KtC. F. W. F0L80M, M*!■ MnM, MM Hill, OaoMMor to RoMmos * FsUobj WholMtl* M BttaU Dolor la FAMILY GROCERIES) PROVISIONS. KtC. sou aodtt m gold bill fob hub. hills' OBAHFAUNI BAKING POWDER, IJIHB but Of tbi mabkbt — ONLY rtquliw tolf tbo «outltf of aay othor klad. £ll tiara* ibobbtkd to thb latb am ol b0b1ms0h A roLSOM m nqoMlod to CALL AND SETTLE ipiUB AOCOONT8 without dilat MdMTOCOOU. « 6B0C£BY_ STORE! RICHARD MERCKRV FAMILY & FANCY GROCERIES NOW ON HAND AMD FOB BALI GBXAF FOB UAKB. A Large Aaaortmeot ai OROCKR1BH AND PttOVlulONB direct tnm lba California kata. comprUlog la part TEAS, BUOAB8. COFFEE, SPICKS CAN 7BDIT, DBIBD FBUIT, BYBUPS, OVbTEHtf, BIOS FLOUB, BICB, CANDLES. BUTTEB. Provisions of All Kinds. THE BEIT OF wiNU MO LIOUORS AT WHOLHALM and kktaxu VIOtTAiLKl AND FRUITS. fTQoo&t Dallrarad rraa of Oturga. 1 ■ BIOBABO MMCSH. THE NEVADA BANK OV (AH FRANCISCO. bah nuaouoo qaufckma PlM (| Oa»Ual. rre (U. •. I kgtau at Tlnrtait. larada,.. {$ \ I|ait at In Tort. I fl__ , (BWallatraat) J a»afc. Tranafara. laaoaa Oommarelal and 1 r*r_. Oradlu. ThU bank baa apacial (aclllilre (or doling la balUoa. it/. L. B. PRANKEL, OlTIOl— Hall NTHi. (M4 BIU, Jut < ■tm Ik* luk tfOillknk. •OUGHT, SOLO AND Ut. KIBD ON IHAKCINH. I ■ T. JL MeCIIJRlk, STOCK MID MONEY DROKEI. IMSoitk 0It* TtrflalB, TVT1LL BUT AX? IBLL 8TOCIB ON OOH. ,, oq Um moat farorabU will alao etnj Block* am Hands mi Mali GOLD AND ULTU BOWHT AND »■ mtp, REMOVAL NOTIC1. TBI OFflOB OF TBI Trojan Mining Company HAS BBBN KBMOTBD Ti» 10. 411 0ALIF0IHA STRICT, S. F.. By o«d« Of Um Board of Dtwetora. t B. 0. BOTHA*, »****tol7.