Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NKWS VIRIIHIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TINiK TABLE. Taklu Kffect April 941k, 1881. TBAINS W I-*M BUI u4 Local Station*. OS677.77.7 BTK4MB04T. V4MBOK .... ^morrow* LAHTIEW .. CAWOK.. .« | 110 T.S4 TW 8.00 a.u i» 141 " Id " uun M I0J0' - low " I JO) 111 ia 4 o» Till • « • M • U TO* 0*H«OS EMPIRE M'DHol'Hfwl M'DHOUalda OOLO HILL. T1BU1N1*.... Mi • 10 •.» • M 10 OS lt» II SI - 11.U* p.m LM •* flHUlMU... QOLDHiLLm UOL»aiLL4* iruHUO.iKWI M'DBOVaCtto kUPiU ..... CARSON U OAtoON .. d. LAKtVlKV VBARKIOWN WAMUOE ■TEAM BOAT. UHU. MONDAY. : : : : : MAI M. 1*1 nn 1MBmm. 480 Opbir, I. 7%. 7% 960 Mexican, it. 11%. 11% 960 Oould A Carry. 9%. IS SO Bmi * Meter. 11H 100 California. 1 U 690 Baraga. 4 20.4% 933 Cob. Virginia, 9 40 1U0 CMltr. 3 <0 Putoal. 3 £0 330 Hal* A Norcroea. 4 95, 4 90 490 Crown Point, 9 70 945 Yellow JaakaL 4 10, 4 II, 4 99. 4* 990 Imperial, lOo 163 Kautaok. 9** 400 Balchar. 3 83 ' M Alpha. 3 19 910 B terra Mavada. 14S. 14%. 14%. 14 133 Utah, 9%, 9% 419 Ballioa, 90o . 100 Con9daaoa, 3 60 900 Overman, 1 93 910 Jaatioe, 1 OS 939 Union Con.. US. 114.11* 910 Alto. 3 43. 9 40 960 Catalonia. J Jo. 90o 900 8ilw HU1. 18o 190 N«* York. ISo 100 Lady Waahington. 90o 390 And««, 9 06, 9 10 919 Bodrpioa. 9 OS, 9 10 400 Beaton. 90c, 93o 100 Capitol, 900 £00 Solid aileer, SOo 700 Coaoordia, 90o 900 Now Walla-Fargo, Ho Aflaraaaa lalhraal Be—law. Bam FnAXctaco. May 19—9 r. Blarra Nevada, 13V. 13S;MaxloBB, lOSi Albion. 919. 3%; Opkir, 7*. 7%; Baraga, 410, 4%; Ballioa. 85c; Oro, 83c, Ooald A Carry. 9t* ; Bead Center. 1 90; Chollar, 1 90,9 99; Northern Bella, 18*. 19. 19%; Boorpion, 1 90; Belcher. 9 99; California, 1 99; Day, SOe; Hala A Norcroea, 4 99,4%. 4 90; Aadeo. 9. 9 OS; Alto. 9%. 9 95; Silver Blag, 91%; Union Con., 11%, US; Mono 9%; Tallow Jackal. 4 10, 4 IS; ML Diablo, 9%; BUtot Bill. 90c; Alpha, 9. 9 10. Mmmm nirMt »i»«rv Sax Faaacisco. lliy II—S r. *.— Albion. St uln. 3% aaktd; Ophlr, 7H bid; Savagt, 4 IS bid, aaktd; Mtiiean, 10H aaktd. 10H aalta; Siarra Nevada. 1SH bid. IS* uktd, I3S aakad; Alto. U bid; Aadaa. 1 hIn; Hal* A Norcroaa. bid. 4* talee; Union Cos.. lis bid. 11H aalaa; Gould A Carry, 6S bid; Utob, 9S bid; Baal A Balcbar, 11 <t bid; Crows Point, 3 S3 aakad; California. 1 S3 aaktd; Juatica, 1 M aakad; Baaton, Uc aakrd; Potoal. I 43 talta, 3 43 aakad; Cbollar. 2 80 bid; Yallow Jackat, 4 10 bid; Balcbar, 3 SO aakad; Ophlr 7H aalaa; Baal A Baibar, 11 >4 aalaa; Union Con., 11H aalaa. Artlmla Ihn laraiaf. J A MeMartin. Bartba Wagner, P Huff, J Caaay, J MoCartlj, J Koland, 0 8 Hal\x=req-\ ford. Bar Oao R Davit, B F Dahl, Oaorga Tbomaa, B Jackaon. arriTak TatWMajr laralai. Johnny Day. Xra Uughee, J B Polk. 7 Alkan. J H Bbermier, A Campbell, Harry LImUo, Harry Ball. M Oallagber, L F Howard, *laa Kata Gilbert, Mlaa J Car\x=req-\ rail. Mlaa k Cnmminga. Oaorga Logan. J Willie. B Harris and wife, X O Foota, Mlaa Faania Campbell, Cbaa Oardinar. •fpariarM Laal Kfralac. F Klin*. R H Taylor. O W Hatahway. A Wilaon, Mra B T Taylor and family, Oao H Cubing, A B Coryall, W J Hanks, Mra £ YarrlU. P M Hoffakar. H M Lavy, • Roberta. Mra Hambition, MraStraakan\x=req-\ bach. ___ Dtpariartt latintar Ivtalag. John Oillig, Ed Nilta, Gtorga A King, J Willlamt, J Warrin, W Hewlett. Frad Triadala, L Block, Mra A Cobtn. Mra H Boaaabrock and dangbtor, Mra Haaaoa. Mra A T Allan. Tha parforaanca of tba Havarly Coa\x=req-\ ady Coapany at Pi par'a Opm Houaa last night in tba play of lb* "Strata\x=req-\ giita" vaa, if poaaibla, battar tbaa vban tba coapany vaa hara balora. Tba piaaa la fall of tan. and k»pt tba boaaa in a conticuad atata of laugbtar from baginning to and. No tbaatar-goar can afford to aiaa aat-ing tba "Stratagiata." Sana piaoa will ba praaantad tonight. Tba Gold Hill pablio aoboola vara •paaad tbia niorniag. At tba Cantral Uaboal, vbara tba naaaa of 464 papUa vara aarollad.ooly 290 put in an appaar\x=req-\ aao*—ovar ona balf, 234, ramainlag avay. At tba Divida aabool, 90 van abaaat oat of an anrollad nnabar of 220. la tba I>tatri<-t Court tbia aoralng tba aaaa of tba Pi.iy Hill Mining Company an. Andrawa M olng Coapany vaa aat for trial Saturday, and tba Court ad\x=req-\ journad until toioonov aorning at 11 o'oloak. Tba doatora of Virginia oaeaaionally % tlalivar iataraatiag Ucturaa balara tba graaaaar aeboota of tbal placa on phyai\x=req-\ ology, ato. Tbay a aril tba tbaaka of paranta aa vail aa taaabara. Tba atiaat aprinklar aoaaanoad vork today. It ia blgbly appraeiatad, ainaa tba long doaty aaaaon J oat paaaad. Tba lagular rabaaraal of tba Gold Hill Cbaral aad Lltarary Booiaty ia paatpoaad w rriday avaalag Mil. MIMNQ STAttMERTS. Following lUUmenU hava baan md! by Um SnperintondaoU of the Comitoek mine* to Um oOom is Bu FranoUco for tha waak ending May 14: omiui. North drift. 2376 laval, ha« baan ax* tended 28 faat; total length, 528 feet. Hit* bad to pat in (oar set* of timbere back from fao* of drift whara tha top waa alacking off. No change io formation. Format! abaft baa bean sank and timbered 25 faat; total depth, 1925 feet. Hate finithad maaon work on fonnda\x=req-\ tion for oompreaaor and atone-anttara ara draaalog ooping atooa. ook. raonu. Ob tba 2000 Ural ara balling watar from tba joist Baat ft Balobar winse, preparatory to oonnecting tba apraiaa from tba 2900 laval. On tba 2900 UtiI tba joint California aaat drift baa baan adranoad 41 faat, aad tha joint Beat ft Balabar apraiaa baa baan attended 14 faat. On tba 2600 I aval ara eaiting drain and anlarging tba mala aaat drift tram tba C. ft C. abaft. Ullli MKT ASA. On the 8500 level the north lateral drill hu bND idnnted Si feet, and the joist Union Consolidsled •••( winse hss b*«n rank and timbered 10 feet. The connecting wioxee from the 2500 up to the 8300 level are being enlarged and timbered. Daring the week 834 800-3000 torn of ore have been eitraoted. OALXDOXXA. Have ran the pompe an average of 10 bonra per day, consuming 6 oorda of wood per day. Forman abaft hu been annk and timbered 35 feet; total depth, 1935 feet. The rock la breaking a little belter than laat week. Foundation for the oompucaor ia finished and the stone cot ten arc drocaing down the ooping atone. ALT A. Have done no ainking the paat week. The whole foroe baa been engaged in eaaing timbera in the abaft. It will require all nest week to oomplete tbia work. The bobe arc all is place and arc working splendidly. MSXICAX. On the 3500 level the joint Union Goneolidated winze haa been sank and timbered 11 feet, and the joint Ophir aaat winse 10 feet. On the 3700 level the joint Ophir eaat crosscut baa been ex leaded 18 feet. UNION COKSOUBATID. Os the 3500 level the joint Mexican winse haa been annk and timbered 11 feel, and the joint Sierra Nevada winss haa been rank and timbered 10 feet, ▲loo, are patting is a atatios act at the 3600 level. CAUTOBVU. Ob tha 8300 laval lb* joint Oonsoli\x=req-\ dstad Vlt|lili «ut eroaacut haa ba«n advsaosd 41 fast. Oa the 3500 Ural in catting drain and anlarging tha main •aat drift Iron tha C. k 0. abalt. ■alk a xoacaoaa. Thawaat oroaaont on tha 9400 latal haa baan aztandad 69 leak. Tha faoa ia in a mlztara ol quarts and porphyry. Tha pamprad haa baan rapairad. trraa. Daring tha paat vaak tha inalina baa baan aaak and timbarad 11 taat. Thi ground atill continues hard. Tha sooth drift oa tha 8150 laval haa baan ad\x=req-\ vanoad 90 faat. or ma. Oa tha 9500 laaai tha joint Uazican winsa has baan sunk sod timbarad 10 faat. On tba 9700 laval tha joint aaal croasoat hss baan aztandad 18 faat. cox. non»i.. Banning pamp and making rapaira preparatory to tha ranawal of sotlfa oparationa oa tha lovar loaals sa sooa as tha alas is frae of walar. o. x. a. aaarr. During tha vaak inortsasd ths stroka of tha *rat pump from two to flva atrokrs. Tha aaat pump has baan Qndar\x=req-\ ■oing rapaira. CXIOM IUR. Daring tbe week lb* shaft baa been rank and timber*) 10 fact. Are repair\x=req-\ lag between the 1600 aad tba 2600 ievela. mum. Have reooTfU tba air ooapraasor to the new ah ait and are oow engeged Id patting in tba foundation for aame. JUSTXCS. Still angagad ia balkbaadiac oa tba 1160 drift betveaa tba 8iltar Hill. Tba mine ia in good repair. o. a o. amd a. * a. nan. Daring tba paat week have lowerrd and aonneatad 1100 (eat oi pamprode. wrw xoas. Banning tho pampa aa oaoal. Tel law JmIH Ools Hiix. May 14. 1881-Oeorye W. Walkice. Via Pruidmt: We did not eneoaad ia (attiag oar lift aad donkey pampa well started before yaaterdey noon, since which time we have lowered tba water to a point 11 feet below tbe foaadationa of the SfiSO pumpe. I am ia bopee. with fair aoooeaa. that we will reacb tbe 2700 level atatioa ia tba course of a week'a time. T. O. Taylob, Saparintandent. MlTlvaa Tba writer of this bad sappoosd that Tbomaa Gray, tba Eogliah poet, aotbor of "Elegy ia a Country Churchyard," died over a hundred years ago, bat, if we may aecept the Caraoa Apptai aa good aatbority ia tba matter, it appeare that be atill Uvea, aad ia now ooadaoting that sprightly bat omiio journal. — Tha annoanoament of Ba?. Mr. Gray, paator of tha Virginia Matbodiat Church, that ha would leotnra upon "Falo da 8a" draw a large crowd to haar him laat avaaing. Ha haadled tha aahjaet ia a maatarly maaaar, pointing oat tha moral aad religioua aid committed ia takioc oaa'a Ufa, aad apoka of tha duty a par\x=req-\ aoa owed to hia fellow-bainga, u wall aa to hia Dirine Maker, to do all that lay ia hia powar, however little, to aid othara, aad aot prote a Humbling block ia tha path of aay paraoa. Kaaa of tha Emmet Guard yeaterday woa tha aaaond match batwaaa himaalf aad Box of tha National*. Ha mada a total aoora at tha two targaU of II— 44 at tha 900 yard targat aad 37 at tha 600. Box'a aoora at tha 900, 49; at tha 500, 31; total. 73, Tha match waa ahot over tha raaga of tha Natioaala. Tha day waa iaa, aad oa tha ooaclaaioa of tha match ooaaidarabla targat ahootlag waa indalgad la by aambera of tha oom\x=req-\ paay who axpaai to ah aot la tha ptealo Tha aaglaaar. who laat iaa tha aaglaa at tha Naw Walla Faigo, object* to tha atatamaat that ha aaglaotad tha mackin\x=req-\ ary. Ha admita it haa baaa ahamefnlly need, bat alaima ha waa aot paraaittad to all It aad pat It ia pro par ooaditloq for Idlaaaaa when ordarad to aaaaa rua\x=req-\ alag—tha Bnpariataadaat tailing him to ahat off auam aad qalt; that tha aaglaa vould ba proyatly aatad tor, SMALLPOX. Twe *ew (mm — Am ■Mr7-n>p BimM Two new cun of amallpox ware reported yeaterday morning. Mrs. Co« tello, mother o( William Coatello, who waa among the ft rat to be attacked by varioloid, haa the diaaaae in a malignant form. Tha otbar mm la that of Jobs H. Mtnedew, • young man a boat eighteen yaara old, wbo livea oo Bowara grade. Ha ia alao raportad aa having a aavare form ol tha diaaaae. People bad began to hop* the apread of tha dieeaae «ae checked, bat eaoh doee not aeem to be the oaae. Word oomaa to hand today thai tha familiea living near the hooaea Infeoted with the amallpox hare abown a perfeot indiffar\x=req-\ enoe to the diaaaae, and allowed their children to go to the peat-ridden plaeee and play aroand the houae with ohiidren belonging to the family afflioted, and even to enter a hooae where a varioloid patient, not aiok enough to atay in bed, waa continually movlnn from room to room, perbape thereby carrying the pol\x=req-\ eon In their olothea alaewbare. It ia to be hoped the atory ia exaggerated, bat oar informant ia a man of veraoity, and one not gt*en to creating anneoeeaary alarm. 8oma atepa aboald be taken by the Board of Health to prevent anything of the aortln the future. The yellow flag baa Men removed from the hoQae of Mr. Fitzgerald. That gen* tlrmaa haa been ill ainoe hla aon'a death. Hia aioknraa waa not oaoaed by amall\x=req-\ poz, though each waa the report, bat by proelration from grief over the loaa of hia aen Tod, wbo livad bat a abort time after amallpox broke oat on bim, Mre. P. Boyle ia oonvaleaoent. The flag waa taken off the honae Saturday night with oonaent of the phyaloian. Oa lk» airaak Not much of • orowd ia now aeen aroand the bulletin boarda and brokera' windowa. Tboae who atop there do ao only for a moment, merely glancing at the qaotationa of the atock in wbiob they are interacted, jam their bata (if it ia a man—a woman wouldn't do anoh a thing andar any oiroametanoea) over their eyee and rnah on. The brokera do not exhibit tha amiling ooanlenancea of a few weeka ago; nor are they over-burdened with ordera. Whan a man dealing in atocka tarriea long enough in the vicinity of a broker'a office to be aakrd what be tbinka of the market, be glanoea at the queationer auipidonaly, beeitaUa, and finally admita tbat be dotan't tbink anything about the dang thing. Per\x=req-\ bapa, after aaking him to "amile," ka will grow eonfldential, and tell what a big thing ha might have made If—bat everyone knowe all about tboae if a—and will wind up by remarking that he'a got a few aharea of alook in the "boaa" mine now and will be rich yet, and "don't yoa forget it." Cam* *r Mr* Edward llUraMk'l •■■•Id*. The testimony before tb« Coroner's Jury Saturday eveniqg oompletely exonerated the buaband of Mrs. Edward McCormack, who committed auioida on the morning of Ibat day, from blame, proving Ibat domaatio trouble in nowiaa led lo the lady taking her own life, bat that ibe act waa committed while aba waa laboring nnder • tit of temporary in\x=req-\ aanity, and tba verdict of the Jary wu to that effect. Mia. McCormeck baa been entering for the paat foar montha from melaneboly and it ao preyed upon ber {hat abe, in an uuaaually deapondent mood, awallowed atrjrobaine. Aboat foar yeara ago aba waa aim^arly afflicted with melancholy aadneae bat waa cured by a viait lo tha'boma of her parenta in Canada, and nntil tbia attack foar montha ago had been in eieellent apirita and health. Her body waa bailed yeaterday afternoon. ■ltank«rtie> aad Cr*aaa Oold Hillora who wltneaa the par\x=req-\ formanoa of tha "Strategiata" tonight ■boald oall at Fittnaier k Armbruat'a City Bakery in Virginia for anything ihey deaire to eat befora coming home. It la by far the nicaat pi toe in that oity and they keep only tha boat, whila they bava all the refreahmenta the aeaaona call for. Their bakery establishment ia too well known to apaak of. They alao manufacture pare, fresh candies. It Is than tba Virginia obildrsn go to purcbaaa sweets. Tba advertisement will bafoand in another oolumu. M*a**n' rieai*. Undar "New Todsy" will b* found the advartlaamant of tha Paciflo Coaat Fioneera for their pionio which ia to b« held at Traadway'e Bench, Caraon Oity. There will be raoing over the new track Ibat ia now being pat in condition west of the pavilion, the nanal military target abootiag, dancing, eto. Tha tickela for tha roand trip are only $3. Bead tha advertiaement for partieuUra concerning archery, glaaa hall shooting, baaa ball game and other amusamsnts. Then gel ready to bava a nice time by going to tha pionio. A tapeworm over forty fast in length was removed from a Divide Qold Hiller on Saturday laat, and ean now be aaen at the drag etore of John Jonea, Jr. Laat winter a longer section of tbe worm waa paaaed by the man afilioted, bnt tbe bead remained, and tbe peet apain grew to the above dimensions. The head came with the body eo Saturday. Flat Slock. Biz oar loada of fine atoek cattle arrived at Ooleonda laat evening, for T. D. Parkinaon o) Kelley Creek. Mr. Par\x=req-\ kioioD, who ia Superintendent of the Nevada Land and Live 8took Compaoy, ia doing mneb toward improving tbe breed of cattle in Eaatern Humboldt. He hee imported eeveral lota ol Dorham cattle, and baa a few oboioe Jersey oowe, which are aaid to be tbe beat milkers in the world, on his place. —£Umt StaU, May 14. Minnie Palmar Is ths star of a dramatic company now travelling in the West. Sadie Bigelow waa nntil recently a member of the aame organisation. Both ars pretty, talented, and popular. The cenee of Miss Bigelow's withdraws! is given by her as followe: "One night we were playing poker, Mias Palmer and ■yself, whsn I bet five cents, and' aha wanted to 'eee' my hand. She said aba had only a penny left, and I told bar that if ahe wanted to 'eell' me aba mnat borrow four mote. Thereupon ahe eaid I was a real mean thing, and we had a few worda. Onoe after that aha oame into the room where I waa playing, and aaid aha wonld not join in the game if I continued in it Thla I regarded aa an insult, and threw up my hand at once." Efforts at reconciliation were so fsr sue\x=req-\ eeesfnl that the actressea kissed each ether, bat the quarrel broke out afresh, and Mias Blgslow, eollsoting her salary by the help 9i ft Sheriff, rsaifmed. jOESSS DISPATCHES. Crop Pmitdi la iBflaad. Loxdox, May 16.—In many dletrlota the wheat la blackened and eat off by night froete and want of rain. It la »ot too lata yat to eave tha cereal crop*, but another fortnlght'e drouth will ba ruin\x=req-\ oue. Oata and berley ara almoet de\x=req-\ stroved. England baa not bad a really good barveat alnoa 1874. Lat ua hope thia will ba tba laat of tba aeven lean klna. In 1875 tba barraat waa almoet a total fallnra. In 1878-7 It waa wbat tba Mark Lana people call '•uneatlsfaotory. In 1878 it waa fair, that ot 1879 waa tba wont ever known, and laat year'a waa far below the average. Tba general trade of tba oountry la alao much mora depreaaed than uanal at thla aeaaoa of tbe year, and unieaa there la an extraordinary improvement before Chrletmaa, of wbiab there are so algna at preaent, tbe popular demand lor a thorough revision of tba dutlea on importa will become wall nigh irreeletible. American liiqiM la Parts to the Hoaetary Commission. Pun, May 18.—A banquet waa gl**" yeaterdey by General and Mrs. Noyee at the Hotel ties Beeervoira at Versailles to tbe members of the Monetary Commie\x=req-\ alon. It waa a very elaborate affair and extremely enjoyable, not merely from tbe distinguished character of thoee present, bot from iU looal aeeoeiitione. the dinlag room looking out on thai beautiful gardene of tiae Palaoe. About eighty goeeta aat down to the table. Among tbe more prominent gueete were Mr. Evarta and family, Senetora Thurman and Howe, and Mr. Horton. of tbe Monetary Conference; General Longstreet; General Gibeon, of Loulalana; I Mr. Putnam, Miniater to Belgium; ex\x=req-\ Lientenant Governor Dorebelmer, of Mew York, General Kirby Smith, of Philadelphia; Mies Sherman, d««h»* of Generel Sherman; ex-Minieter Tuck\x=req-\ erman, Ooneul General; Mra. Walker, and moat of tbe leading membera of the American Colony. There waa eery little speech-making. Mr. Eearta'reply to tlie toast of "The Monetary Oommla\x=req-\ eion" waa a gem ot tact and drollery. Senator Thnrmen alao made a brW but eery witty apeech. Unmanageable Elements la the English rarllaneat. Lomdom, Mey 18.-Tbe Tory reao\x=req-\ tlon, of wbioh aome of Sir Stafford Nortbcota'a followera began to bout when Sir William Haroourt waa beaten at Oxford on bla return for re-election, after having accepted the Home Secre\x=req-\ taryabip, eeemato have eat In In earneet. The Conservatives have Rained nine aeata, aoontlng eighteen votes In a division during the paat yeer. partly through tbe union of the Irleh vote, far tbe Lib\x=req-\ erala. Thia element which In tbia ooon\x=req-\ try ie aa unstable as water, holds tbe bal\x=req-\ anoe of power in meny oonetltuenclee, and flopa from eide to eide in a totally arbitrary manner. Mr. Qladetone ia very much worried about Ireland, and bia Intimate friende oonsider tbe atate ot bis health far from satisfactory. The ship of etate ie ploughing along under a full head of attam. The Badioale are firing and running the enalne, but tbe Premier flnde it difflcult to control them. Five of them oetenta\x=req-\ tloaely walked out of theHouee tbe other night before tbe dlvieien ot ble motion for a national monument to Lord Bea\x=req-\ oonsfleld.' Reform la Spanish Port Charges and Regulations. Maouo, May 18.—It la elated on bigb authority that tbe demand reletlve to tbe port flnee made by General Felrcblld and other Foreign repreeentetivee on Madrid will abortly be granted by Senor Ua*asta'a Cabinet. There will be published in the GatttU a royal order in Council to reform tbe Custom llouea regulations In order to the power to icfllot flnee on foreign veeeele when they enter Spanish porta and have aome errors in their paprra, blile of lading or oertifleatee. Tbe flnee will be entailer, but will still be inflioted If veeeele arrive without Coneuler vleer, and if 'beydo not oomply with the rulee of the Boards of Health In the porte. VeeseU enter\x=req-\ log tbe porte of tbe Spanleh domln one when foroed to do eo by dietreee will be exoepted from the eeverlllea of the new regolaliona. The reforme at tha request ot the Amerloan government will oe extended to tbe oolonlea and alao to Amerloan veeaeia which have been fined and eequeetered in Cuba and Manila. WESTERN DISPATCHES. Those BoDaaia Salts Agala. Sax Fsaxoisoo, May 18.—The Bonanza suits wars la court before JnJge Sullivan thla morning. Argument waa made by Mr. Bergln in regard ta tba oeeee wbioh were diemleeed and eonoern\x=req-\ ing wbioh oounsel for Peter Chyetal bsd reeieted with the aaeoriion that the eame waa the reault of a corrupt bargain between the two partlea. Mr. Bergln appeared to ehow cause why the oeeee ebould not ba reetored to the calendar. In opeoiog bt apoke with oonaidereble feeling relative to tbe obargaa of fraud end oolloaioa, eaylng that during a very aotlve practioa of yeara no aueh Imputa\x=req-\ tlona bad ever been taede oonoernlng ble partner or hlmaelf, and thai thay ware nnjuat and nnneoeeeary. Judge 8ulllran Stated tbst lbs motion vu striotly ex parte thus fsr, and there waa of oourae no aaoh proof as yet In tbe ease. \ Drowsed—Neck Brokei. \h* Fbamouoo, May 16.—An on\x=req-\ knoWn boy «u loud drowned star th* Jaokaon etre*t wharf today. A laborer digging a vail at th* oornar o! Kearney btr**t and Broadway wu killed by a buok*t (alllag on him, breaking hie seek. A hmr Drowned. Usboko, Cal., Kay 18.—Walter Oole, • lamer reaidiog one mil* eoath of Soelling, wae drowsed about 10 o'clock yeatarday mormiog while fordlag Meroed river. BY CNirSUAL ACCORD, iml OATMAjmo Piixj m the beet of all pvjatlToe for family nee. Tbey an the product ot km. labortooi. and eaceeeefal chemical Is. recusation, ead th*lr uteailve nee by Phjtl\x=req-\ elaaa la their practice, aod by all clvUUed nation*, prerM th*m th* beat and moat affMt\x=req-\ lTa noimtlT* PUl «*•* nadical *ol*nc« can d*. TlM. B*im purely Te**ubl. ao ham can ariae from thalr aae. la tatrlnale valee aad earatlve powen ao otb*r PUia eaa be ooapamd with taem. aad every p*noa, knowing tb*|r Tlrto**, will employ them when ne*d«d. They k«*p the ayetam la perfect order, aad malatala la healthy action th* whole machinery of life. MlM, eeenhlag aad eAetaaL they are epedally adapted to the aeedaof th* dl»**«T* appelate*, ilimiliwinti of which they tmaiand can, if tiaely talus. Tbay are the beet ead eataat phytic to employ for ehlldiaa aad wahwid oooatitBtloaa, whan a mild, bat edhctaal caUwfUe Uncalled. ^ An Unfortunate Traap. HViiumicm iiilnr Stat*, Jfey 14. JL young man apparently about twtn\x=req-\ ty-flre yeara of age. who aaya bia nama ia Alfred Jonta, and tbat bo wee bora at Mancheeter, England, waa obeervrd by a brakaman at Ooloonda laat evening. Th» brakeman told bin to gat off, and it ap> prara tbat in to doing be waa dragged nodcr tba eara. Bia lalt arm waa cnt off between tba elbow and eboulder, and bia rigbt band waa ao badly oruabed tbat Dr. Haoaoo thinkait will ban to b« amputated. Tba accident waa reported here by telegraph, and a apeoial angina and oabooee waa aent from brre witb Dr* Hanaon, Sheriff Bnrna and Deputy Sheriff Frllowa aboard. The unlortunata man waa found at Lay'a Hotel. Dr. Hanaon atannobed bia wound*, and bo waa brought hare to tba oounty boepital. Jonea aaya ha bu bean on tba ooaat for two yeara, and waa tryiog to got back Xaat. He waa an able-bodied mas. apparently able to do asy kind of' manual Hak Paatb, prepared by ekilled baada of pvrt old llqvort and aromatic fruit j¥few la da. tldoae. and earpteeeo any poach or toddy made on the apae or tba momeut. Taken hot ai alffat U wtU break op a sold Hare It ready. Hold by all Orocera, w|ne Merchant* and urajtfteta. Trade eopphad by Rlcbaid* fe Hairtaon, i for the Pacific ooaat, ran tanoiaoo. MISCELLANEOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure, Made (tom Grape Cream Tartar.-No other preparation make* inch light, flaky bot breada, or Iniurioni pastry. Can b« aatea by Dyapep\x=req-\ tlce wltboot fear of Ilia nanltlai from heavy IndlgHtlble food. Hold only In cane, br all Urorera. Hotal Buix> Pownra Co., octt New York. A DELICIOUS DRINK Tor Cm in Famlllm, BoMt, Club*, Picnic*, Partlm, tttk Hub Punch 0. H. BRAVES A IONS. Th» "Hob Panel)" bu Uulj bets Intfodnood, and dhu with tawitod popular (trot. ItU Warrant*! to Contain only ItU BEST of JUquor*, Cnlttd with Choic* Fruit Julett and OranuUUtd Supar. It U roadf oo opoulaf.and wfll bo foaad an wr»f\x=req-\ •dm addition to thoehole* tbtnn of tholabia which andaniabl/enlanrathoplaaaoKaof life ana •nooan«* rood faUowi&lp tad food Baton. GOOD AT ALL TW0E8. JaM tho Thin* to Koop li WlooColUn. IMak«*rda net eoHpletfl without It. Hwh bo utrd CUar, ortritXFln* lot, Ma, Hot or CM Walrr, Lemonade, Too, or Fr—h MUk, to Butt tkt 1W* A Bold by India* Wia* M.rahaata, Grown. HoQIt and DralfltU tMiywh.n. O. H. ORATES * MSI, ImM.) Trad# nippll.d at Maaufaataran prtsaa by IICHAXM Jt nXKKIMX, XiraU far PaoUSa Coaat, Baa Pnaatoo, OaL FASHIONJSALOON. S. B. TURKEY, PROP'R. Mala Street, • • • • field Hill, Oppoalta tha Km of&ea. MOLD-ESTABLISHID AMD POPULAR ort la MUJ tha favoriu. Comfort aad ■port combined. Tba patrons of tka hooaa will always Bud the baat brands of BkANDYt WHISKY* ALB, PORTER, LAG BR, WINES OV AI.L KINDS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. ABBOTTS SALOON, (Tormsrly 01 Moo's,) Mala StrMt, a aid OIU. FIRST CLAM IN KYERT REST EOT. Reading and Club Booms. TIm patroni of lb* Boon will b* w*Q neat rod uid aarrad wlUt Um FIom* of WINES. LIQUORS AND CIQARS 1 W. A. ABBOTT. Pniritur. CUMMINGS & DONOVAN'S SALOON, No. 40 South C Street, VIRGINIA. Tin ta A 7AT0K1TI RtaOBT or BOII. dm dm aod atraofara TUltlof tb* euy. It • quiet placa wbara gaatlam«o *111 ba wtll traatad. » 8TILL HERE ! H avoid oonolddko to rem hn a wblta lociar la Oold Bill, I taka tbU method of la formica aj ladI frlaada of Oold BUI that I ub ncoMac a aaw Mock of DRY GOODS, Whicb I will for Um Mxt 81XTT DiTf, owtac to mj mail MptiiM. Ml Cheaper than Abj Oiler Btor* Oa tb« Oooatock. Aikiaa yoa kladly for yow ■ISCBLIAHIOITB. UhimcK* thrap dm and amr dlaap\x=req-\ point*. The world's great Pain* Btllmr for Ku ud B«ut CkMp, quick tad reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA I* not Narcotic.' Children grow ttkt upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels* cures Wind Colic, allays FererUhness, and destroys Worms.* TUTT'S RILLS PHYSICIANS, CLE RQYMEN. AND THE AFfllCTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. homot gppgttUJaggga.bowel» oo«tlr». Pain In theHeiid,with* dull «eusation jn the bacli ptrt7V»'P undar the ihouldei* blade. fullneae after eating, w 1th adl»ln> olTrmilon to exertion ofjbo.iy_o remind) dam et nisBtrhighlj oolored Urino. 17 THESE WABHIlfOS ABE VHHBESKD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. Ill IT'S PILLS specially adapted to such dote emote each e change of feeling at to aetonlth the tufferar. Impart* a natural colur, ecu Initantaneouilr. Mold by l>ru«t.u,or wnt bj .iprM. on rvr«i,>t »fft. Office, 38 Murray St., New York. INDORSBD BY SURE CURE Coogbi, Coldi, ho e Throat, Bron* cbltli Ait boa, Consumption, A ad AII WmmMT ifHQ »t nod LUNOB Pit np Id Quirt Sim Bottlaa tor Family Uaa. Scknttflcaily prtparH of B*lum Tola. Cryatal\x=req-\ Mi»l lock Oandy. Old Ere, to i other ton In. Tba Tormula la known to our brat phylrlana, I* hlably commfndtd by thra, and tha analyala •>( our moot prominent chrmlat. Proi. 0. A. MABINkK. In Chlctfo Uon the label of every bottle. It U wall known to lb* medical profeaalon that TOLL' BOCK ■nd HI K will aftortithe arralrat relief tor Couaha. Colds, Influent*. Bronchltla, Sore Throat, Weak Luni>. alu Cooiuniptlon, In tbt Incipient and ad* "ueed 'aaTbr.VIRAOE tod APFBTIZIB. It makea a dellfhtful tonic tor family Bta. li pleasant to takr; If weak or debilitated. It glvra tOM, activity and itraDftb to tbt wbola human frame. /C AUTIO V.ifiWS SWK\ I clp'ed dealer, who try to palm off upon ynu 1 I Rock and Rye In placo of our TOLtJ HOC* I \ AND RYK, which la tha only medicated M LAWRFNCB 4t MABTIN. Proprlatora, 111 MUltai"trrot, Cktoai*. VAak y«»r Drai > lai far III 0-AikMiri-racrrfarlll . , ir «u i*>r Wlaa .tlarckaat far III ITCklUrHi aali iair Ufa tmr I JKUUKRifflr ORQC"M Ml •nriwiiiff^ HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Wkr laftr Neadlaaaly With tba convulalnj, spasmodic tort area of la Tar tod ana tod Ml tone ra-ultteat, wbaa Boatattar'a 8 omacb Ulnars. ackoowldftd la ba a real curative of malarial larata, will er«dl\x=req-\ oat* tba eaoaa of a • mucb aalt<-rle(f No la-a affactlva la tbla bralfaant aiuratlra la caaaa of coaatipaUaa, dyipapala. Ilvar complaint, rbaomatl-m, and la (aaaral debility aad ear\x=req-\ Tosa wtakaaaa. Kor aala by all D raffia ta aad Daalan f*n\x=req-\ arally. 1 ClflARS, TOBACCO, STATIONERY. O. H. GALLUP, . Opposite tbi bank or uold bill, MM eoMttmdjr ob haad all U» tfevoilM IMPORTKD OIOARS. All kla4a •fCktwtuTikuNi PImi< Olt> Urn Tin. Bkaar V««U, SakMl ImIu) id wtriMtrr of «M P—ortxl— NOTICE. All bills aqaiott thi town or _OoldBillmnafcb*iprtaaatod I dat, mat M, XH1. nirOrtUr W. O. BTDB. Clark of Um Board of Tmutt. OoM Hill. April M. H81. «d MANHOOD RESTORED. A Ttetlm of aartr Imprad-nca, caaalBf mmr\x=req-\ OH dabUltr. pnuiin taw, bavin* I'M la vala aimj kaova waito-bw dUcoryd * da pi* mmm of Mlfrara *kkki ka will aaod fiaa to at* MmMM Addiaaa i. h. bbbvbb. tf Oha'kaa at.. b. T **U inciLLiirioro. CHUBBUCK & TH0RBUR&, P08TC FPICK Variety Store i DliLSBS » ALX< the LXiDIKd newspapers, muim, STATIONERY, 8k ret Mule, Boul looki, MhI SaptllM, TOB A.O OOS» OANDIM* POOKIT OUTLIRY, TOYS, ITO, iinnroim See rraMheo "CMrofllele," "roel," "Call," "inalMr" u< "cold mill daily nkws* rwTltclate Oily. OoM BUI MdSUvar Otty. SMITH'S AMSftlCAN pianos and organs I NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND YOUR CLIMATE THE BEST ! WARRANTED FOB TIN YKARS AMD sols AT WHOLK8ALK PRICKS I Jo iftid, Ho Dnuiaert, f • Self-Styled Frofteson, . Or l»lf«W»jr MulcUuu, —EMPLOYED to\x=req-\ EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUSIIO Smith's Pianos and Organs AU IK domed ET 1» BEST KtJ> •louMi uroa tieie meeite. and aaa «M thoot My who km SMITH'- PIANO a la j on mid»t go tblt CotaC sa*o tmmmm tad bir m fihst hinds. Don't ba hnabnf <. bat una for OoialafM and pantauioro ud mut) jbotmItm of UM truth of mr minioo. Aay it jit <X PIANO or OROAN MM o> hki kiuJ OATS TUT TRIAL, by imMlac Bookor*a Kxprtta or i<allroad Uompuy't M*> UAcolo of dopuolt for uoui Alao SHE IT MCBIO >t ooo-balf marbol priOO JAMES 6* 8MITK, (XiutMon' RopraooatatlTo), US Market Street* W ■ SAN PRAHmSCO. OAIfc THI QTY BAKERY, RE8T AURANT. CoRfeetloiery tad Chadj Depot, No. 49 North O MroMi ftritik, rtrriRi an iLtoorr ajhortm^nt<ji V/ HOL1DAT OUuDx Tojrt. Ooollo*. Oroo. moot* tor Tablo. Oraantatal. Prootod aad PUIa 0»hM of oil klbda. d>aer(ptl<tpt and do ■int. aad at prleM >o tall ororytc ty. Ao wo Import oil ow «oododtM« fro* tha bit, vo au offw thoa at.prlcot I to mm m chorfod la Now fork, ud at Iom than Ma PraacUoo rotoo. r*~ Onumaota lor OakM a rpocUttr. OTIco Croua oat dtrawbarrlM aodOrraa. A loo SuawborrlM by tho box, at wnuloitlo at rtuil. OT Our raudio* art naatfaetar>d by rw> atlort froth t»try doy, aad art far taptrior lo luipwrtod coodltt. riiufuu * ahmbrcst, Proprtotort vlty May. No, *T North 0 ttroot, vtrstalo. Nortda. I« !■ VIRQINIA aiotiVDooM GOLD HILL OMNIBUS, nONNBOTINO WITH THR OARS AT NOLO U Hill to aad trom Oaraoa. Will maka rofular trip* botvoon tha a tan da at aitbor and, of tha roato, M-fot\x=req-\ low«: LBATBOOLS HILL. 8:00 a. X. 10:80 •• 13.-00 X. IK)0 P. X. 4:11 ' lsati nusru, 10:00 a. X. 11:10 •• 12:14 p. X. 1:46 •• 6:18 " JAMES DUK8TAN. Propria tor. C. W. CRAKE, PURCHASING AGKNT, KatafelUfcad ll llTt. PKBSOirt RtMDriTO 'Wat TKOX IU ItiMUtt, U itibi ofur of MKROMANDItE, Oral or null. Ma taw tbotr ortm allot Biasass.'JiayT"— O. *. 01ARK. M Pino (tr «t. Room M iad 10 LrMwfett «nt,li«>rM>lMo Ori. IjlM* SILVER HOUSE, ■AIM RBUTi tlLVM OITY, - - HKVADA Board tad Lodflag fSf par lull. Mm CHI MM UyUH-ffNM CfrrtS a aim iimnm. THB PIONBBIK SHAVIN8 k HAllDREtllNB SUOOI O. POHL. PROPRIKTOR. Opponw <#1D§0® • WkiOCtU fOBiK TOmi AMD HO? BASOML mrusrKa irtHMi. mubl* mi «i*m«j atjto. THotdrfcM«ra»l0Mtottopl»o». «■«*■* I M DATa OH tw fijoossys ■ uka anaio wmUt oa atook oottooo of Ua to