Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEW8 8ATUBDAT. s : : : : MAT U. 1M1 OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEH. All Vto Ban KM Ik AMC8KMEXT8. Piper*' Opera Hoqm, Virginia City. BANUB8. Agaooy SiTid* Bank of Baa fnadaoo, 0 tumt, Virginia C117. BHOK11W Xk B> Frankal, Main Mml, Ottld KB. T. B. Mattan, MM Booth 0 ttraal, Vu» glaia 01 qr. OLOTBisoAXDruxxnaixaaooM. Baaaac Bra.. Ooraar 0 and Taylor •tow*. Virginia. 010ABS AND TOBACCO. D. Thorbara. oppoalu Mm offw. Xala alcwt, Ooid MUL ^O. X. Oallap, oppoalla Baak of Qold DBCQQISTB. Haabroaok * Hall. Mala alraal. Qold ■ill. oppoalla Tallow Jackal Joka Jobm. Jr.. Mala Mraat. UoldHiU. SBNT1MT. A. OkapaMa. 1M Boa* 0 atraat. Vlr\x=req-\ glaiaOln. FANCY 000D8. X>. Thorbora, Mala atraat, Qold H1U. H. W. Ukaklwek. PoatoMaa aton. Mala ■toaaWOold HUL jfOUMDBIXS. Gold Hill foundry, Lower Oold Hill. Otorp fawM, proprietor. heao foundry, Beao, Andrew Fnaer, proprietor. 0B0CBBIX8, PB0VIBI0N8, 1T0. V. W. folaom, Main a treat. Oold Hill. Bicbard Maroar, Maia iUmI, Oold U1U. X. B. MeOarn. Mala •mat. Oold Hill. H0TX14 AND BBttTAUBANTH. Oold Hill Bakery aad Bea Unreal, Mala ■taeet, Oold Hill; J. P. Mir, Pro\x=req-\ City Bakary, 27 North 0 aireat. YlrfinU Oily j fiiimaler 6 Axmbruat, Propria\x=req-\ HABDWABB. W. N. Sail A Co-, Mala • treat, Oold »tl»i ZJLCNDBT. Ploam Lauadry, aorih oi Tlrgtala City; O, W. Mall, Propria tor. MABUTB. ToaaUin Market, Mala (treat, Oold Bill, C. J. Waider, propria tor. JilWS DEPOTS. D. Thorbora, oppoaite Km office, Maia • treat, Oold HiU. I. W. Cbabbuck, Poetofloe store, Oold ■m PHYSICIANS AMD SUB0X0M8. Sr. J. D. Hall, Maia a treat, Oold HIU. SALOONS. Coma look Sxebaaga. oppoaita Libarty Xngine Hoaaa, T. X. f incn, AfasL f aabiou, Main •treat, Ookl Mill; B. B. Toraay, proprietor. Oibaoa a. Mala * treat, Oold Hill; W. S, 0. Otbaoa, proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Thomaa Oallagher, near railroad depot, Oold Hill. TOWN TRUSTIES. fiaal Moot!— — Itopone mt Taw* a»ma ■aafca. Haaaf, KM., •• ba Taraae afar la Iba Caaalf Caawalwlaaaw 9ae<1al The flat) bmUo| of the Board oI TimUm of tho town of Oold HUi was hold yeaterday afternoon. Preaont— Trueteee Dmoby, l«nwy, MoCurdy and Preaident (pro Un.) Mercer. Tho aeinutea ot the previoua mooting were approved oo rood. The different • tending committee! reported everything io tho beet oonditioa. Tho streota wore in good repair. Tho Committee on Fire and Water reported tho maiao, hydrants, tanks and everything oonneeted with tho water wotka in good ooaditioa. The regular moathly bills, amonnting to $1088, were, on motion, ordered paid. The following bills, referred to tho fiaanoe Committee and found correct, were, on motion, ordered paid: J. B. Oagnon, 98 40; B. Meroer. $8 80; W. N. Hall ft Co . $11 60; D. Thorbora, S8o; W. Hall, %i 80. Oo motion, it was ordered thai the offloiala be paid their aalariao op to aad Inolodinit May 2d, 1881. Tho Street Committee reported that some partieo had built a fenoo on D atreet, near tho Daytoa loll rood, on ground purchaaed by tho town, and wtahed to oall tho attention of the County Coramiesionera to tho aubjeot. Tho following quarterly reports from town officers were read and ordered to take tho nasal oonrao: asvosT or tow* muem. TO the Honorable Board of Truatecs of the Town ot Oold Hill—Gentlemen : 1 herewith cubmlt my report for tho quarter to data. May t, 1881: Dr. January SI, 1131, balanca on band • 4.1« 11 To M. Kaonady 1.170 00 *o J. P. JUnolug ham 8 75 Toul Ti.i* M Cr. >7 warrant* $ 9,199 09 By oonpona 730 00 Bybalanco 1,957 19 Total .UWM Balanaaoo band May 9. 1991...S 1,967 99 Baapaotfully, 0. H. Oiun, Town Traaaurar. tow* MABaiaL'a upoaT. To tha PrraliWnt and Hon. Board of Troataaaof tba Town of Oold HUI— Gao\x=req-\ tiaman: Tb* following ia ay report of tha boainaaa dona In my offloa for tha q oartar andlng April 90,1M1: Dr. Tolloauaa aold ...91,819 H To praaaida of mlnaa 1«7 90 Total 00 Cr. SyuMWtpald Tnaauar 91.970 09 Hombar of arraata: Aaaaoll and battery 4 Aaaaalt to kill 1 Opinio amoblog. 4 Soliciting without lioaaaa. 9 SiatnrUng 1 Total J5 By Martha] Xcnnady 9 By Oflaar Shaahaa 7 By OOaarBoooty 1 By Kawaady and Sbaahaa. 1 Total la Bopaotfnlly, HunxBi. Town Marahal or Towa ani. tha Booorahlo Board of Trutaaa of tha Ton of Oold Hill—Oaetlaeee: Tha ttSWyjr""4* Amount of warrant* i*n*d W0» Tl At follow*: BaUrlr*. ««* «» Work od street* Ml 00 Donation* to Ftra Companlaa.... 433 06 Extra legal MrvioM r.... 180 00 Hardware 17 00 reaming 9 60 Bono feed 40 43 Water rant 686 00 Seeping bona 16 00 Stationary 8 70 Blaokamlthint IS 60 Printing (par oontract) 113 00 Lumber 183 41 Kiaoallanaooa 88 08 Total 83303 78 w. O. Hrnm, of Town Trustee*. Respectfully, W. O. Hrnm, Clerk of Board < unit or tow* ATToajtn. To th* Honorable, tb* Board of Trust*** of the Town of Gold BUI—Gontlemen: I herewith submit my final report of all money* oollaeM bjnu Tows Attorney for tb* Mar ending tb* fint Monday In HaJ.k.9.1881. aa follow*: Delinquent tana aa ebarged to ma, per seessment roll 91.886 87 TWI par aaat. delinquency 188 68 Total 81.488 90 Mot aaad by order of tbo Board. and withdrawn tram aala 188 16 Paid to Treaaurer aa par reoalpta on fila with Town Clerk. 81,870 76 Total 81.488 80 Beaptctfully, J. P. lunatiui, Town Attorney. MXW IMUIU'I UTOBT. 0ou> Bill, Kt; 1,1881. To Um Prwideat and Xwbmst th* Board of Ton Trust***-Gentlemen: I have Um honor to report th* following nana* of the firo Department (or the put jear : Number of flro alarm*. 38; number of Are* 13; estimated ttloi of pro part/ d**troy*d, $19,000; inanred for 931,000. In the majority of oaaaa tha oaaao ot flro eoold not bo aaoertaioed. Tba number of enrolled mambert of th* Dapartmant la m follows: Liberty Ku\x=req-\ Ulna Company Mo. 1, 38; Tallow Jaaket Engine Company Mo. 3, 80; Linooln Hoaa Company Mo. 8, 17. Thant ara alao two active boa* eompanl** not enrolled, who hare rendered vary great aarvlc*. Namber ot hydrant*. 87; number of ta*t ot robber hoaa, 3800; nombar of feat ot leather hoaa, 880; nombar of hoaa ear* riagra, 3; number of parade bat front*, 3; nombar of parade belt*, 7; number of pa\x=req-\ rode trumpet*, 3; number of service tram\x=req-\ peta. 3. X have the pleaaoro of itatlng that tba entire department and apparatus an In an efficient and aarvieeable state. B**p**tnlly aubmlttad. Nicx Bmon, Chi*f Engineer O. H. F. D. On motion ot Trtutae Daueby it was ordered that all mooeyo, book* and pa\x=req-\ pon balooglng to tho town ot Sold Hill b* handed otar to th* County Oommis\x=req-\ *ion*n aa soon aa tha Treaaonr oan fix hi* book* and oil warranta ollowod at thia meeting are paid. Alao, it waa ordered tbat th* Town Marshal, Clerk and Attorney turn over all booka and papen in their poeoeeaion belonging to tbo town to the County Commiaaionera. Traateo Meroer and Clerk Hyde van instructed to tranalu all tha town property (** per inventory) to the Goonty Commissi onen. Then being no other business, Trus\x=req-\ ee Daoeby in o few appropriate nmarka moved that a vote of thanka be tenderrd to Prcoident Fox and Preeident (pro Um) Mener lor the able manner in wbieb they have preaided on all ooea\x=req-\ alons. Trustee M*n*r replied by *ayiog tbat tb* unity of feeling which baa exiated at all time* among tha mambera ol tha Board made tba dotlra ol pnaiding officer light and pleaaant. He tbaoked tho m*mb*n for thia mark of oourttsy shown to Preaid*nt Fox and bimaell, and hoped th* good teeliog now exiating would oontinn* to bind them together aa inaeparable frienda. Tha Board th*n adjourn*d tin* dit. ■ISCCLLAHKOCS. JOB NUNTINQ DEPARTMENT w m SOLD HILL DAILY NEWS QOna WILL PKOV1DKD WITH A COST It, tad wM MMrfiDt of tb* XIWIST AHD TSBT UTOT KTTLX8 OV TTN, troa tha pUlMM to Ua MOST SLS\x=req-\ OANT AMD FABHIOXABUC. aid U»w P1B8T-0LAM KBAM PKMB, w« *• do\x=req-\ Ids m goad work aa tan ba dona la aay Uar aatabUakmaat In \U STATS 07 H\x=req-\ ▼ADA. rotten of Iverj 8lie. Placards, laadkUU, Bodgert, Mlalac Block CortlBeates, ■IU lOAdt, Broken' Blaakt, Letter leiii, Ball PrograMes, Veddlig Cards, Btc., Etc., Knotted to aMar ta lb* nest apptorad atyla udoa U» MOST HZABOXABLK TKKXS. Or CALL AND XZAUINX RMCIMWS. NOTICE OF FOIIFEITUBL Town of Gold Hill, ) County ot Moray. 8ta'a ot hani*, 5 Hit uth. tan J To mkmaml O'BmitK, aaaoclaa owoar In tha 8 a>& Jackat tela* Gold HIU Mlalac Dla\x=req-\ i rid. >-toroy o-maty. Maia of Narad*: Toa aro h*'*by aotlfl d that tba oi.daratfood ha* parturmad aad laid oat tha aaaaal amount of wort for IWi oa tat abort «:»lm r*qalnd br IN. MM Rartaod DtUlN of tbo Unit d pro rate »bara of (aid work ■ata to "" —~"" Thlrty-thfro t'ollan aad TMrty tbrtt Oaata ($aa *1). toaa Klfbt DoiUra if),or lahor parf> rsatd. Itavtnf a balaaca da* from t»b of Twootj - fro Dollar* and Thirty\x=req-\ Una Oarta ($M •». Aad if wtibla nlaaty dan altar tblaaotlaa by pabUcatloo yon tell at itraao to oaatfbalo t*id aaaaal loartataiaat ta *ald cMaa will bo fortaUad aud baeoaa tha proparty of tha •abaarlbar, aadar laid Soetloo (•in*d)i *. J. oillitt, B >. O. addrtta. Gold Hill. War. NO PATENT, HO PAY. PATENTS QHTAINZDfOR MKJHAHIOAIi DKYI0X8. •r coamnaada. oraa»MUrt i aad {abate. Cavaate, u\x=req-\ waeaa^Ufrtaftaiaata aad ad to Va mab* paralUBU^j^auminaJ * oplalcoa aa ta patentability. a«o of aad all who ara tebmMtaiww tara» Uoaa aad Vataata aia lariud to aMd for a aapy of oar "OaMa far Otoalat^ Pataata," which plat a late it lh— haw to obtate'hteaH.'Si Dartac tha wa hara mmmt aaarly thiaa ta tha Caioa. leva baooib * oo, of filiate aad Itemii at Law. " 0>Oi nivnii. "DAILY NEW8" NBWtPAPUB e.e. ASDeeee JOB PRINTING Naln Street, Gold Hill NEVADA Books,' Pamphlets, Receipt Books, BUI Beads, letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' W"1") Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, mill STOCK GEITIFIMTES. ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Flyera, Programme*. Circulars, Ball Tioketa, Wedding Cards, Business Cards, Labels, Tags, Eta Printing, in Colors Printing, Plain or Fancy) Printing in All Styles. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITS NEATNESS AN0 DISPATCH • •••otqs TW«>«« MOST BEA80NABLE TERMS m**aib at th«m* THE (Sold Hill Dally Newi, (ESTABLISHED IK SMS), 11 pntllibad rrtry rrraloff txcrpt Snaday. aat \ u circa Iktloo being Ttnr grotnl IM •XteMlVt UDODR mining U>4 kutiMM p*op:«, nunllSM, •tc., m*k«t it TBI BIST AND MWT imCIKNT HKU10BI VOI..*. MINING, BUSINESS. AND ALL OTHER ADVERTISING. BUSINKSS MKN. PROFESSIONAL MIN. PRACTICAL MKN. AnrwpactMIr Invited to* eanM UwpocUM ud ertuelHi of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Huki for KTirtktaii hnMk 9r— THE SOLD HILL NEWS, • •••At Am»i FIRST-CLASS DAILY PAPKIt, I* tboroafhlr Identified with the bwt to\x=req-\ tnwu of U« countrr, ana all climi Of th« Mopi«. rhHB lha MIKXlLortk« mechaK*io, to th* MIR\x=req-\ CHAKT or Um BANKKH. It |1*H til* LATEST N*W8. teiefrapMc •ad otWrwlM frOOllMltl or tbt World, •ad EVERYBODY READS IT. OUR Weekly Mining Summary rnri y.*<1>-*«yum earafBUy preparad from tb« Matt apt—. T*'™£CM?} P*1!*'*«* ochantlia. on tha tool publication, aaploylnc u m aad aflklrat corpt or rtporten. It It ultimll; rKOffclied U offlcltj, tad tha ■oat OOMLBCT tad miMf u. roar of th« condition of tha nlaaa o< tha Oomsvook or "Waaaos" taction. Wa alto ftea tha latatt mining lntormttloa ihuiaabto l*om other parta of tha coontrj THE Gold Hill Daily Newt la daftrarad by cantata UmUdt OoM Bin, VUftala City. Oum, lllvat our, Dojtoo. aad ooa tipcat looaBtlaa. aad U Mat by Ball to all parte of tha oooatry tad tha wortd. Room It fully poatad.or op to tha ttaoa whodoaa ■ot wtd tha Oo«.p ITtu. Pin.T Wwwa UfCUTORS' NOTICL tmtotiox a error. that th* district n ooort of tha PtraWodielal Dlttrlet la and tor tha ooaaty a( Btotar kavtag (raatad to tfca UMfWl U»t fataamtary la tha aatata of COWHAD WIKOAHD. dtettard. an aradttota of tald aatalo wtU prtani tha'r bUla lo tha udatalgatd at tM mm? (Mm of tfea lato Ooa* tad Vlnaad. intatid. far tha*r approval, aassr o. c. iTHTnrao*. Tbflala OUy, Oatehar M, 1MB. mm AUIIMUm LITIS fc. f ADT WANHIIQTO* OOWU. Li DATtD OuMPaNY.—Location of principal piaoe of ttnilim Ban jrianeleoo. C*U fomlt. Loowlon of work*, Qoid Hill Mlalaf DUtrlet, Qold Hill. Km Ootmty. Node* t« hereby (iron, that II ibmUiioI Um Bond ofOlneior*. be Id on lb* Afteeoth UHh) d*T of_April, Mi. an uMumtot (No. II of Tw tau (10c) per abate *u levied apon the e*pit*l Mock of the eorpoiattoo, set. rwyM** Javai Company, Np. aoa Montgomery itreet, Room* • ud 8, San Franolaoo, OaUionkU. Any »toe* apon which tbla imaMt iball raauln unpaid oa tlM 'fWBNT1E ■ B (**h) day of MaT. 1881, will be delinquent, ud adTertlaed for Ml* at pabUo amotloa, and unleMpayment U Bad* baton, will ba •old on TBUMDAT, tba NINTH (Mb) day of JUHK, 1MI, to pay lb* delinquent Mi»iiment, together with ooeti of adm\x=req-\ tiling and OTmn of Mle. By older oftbe Board of Director*. WM. a. WaTSum, Secretary. Ofloo—No. KM MnnlanMoiy itreet. Booma ■ and 8. Ban Fianelaoo. California. aplB SRMUDATID lirilUI. Ot« OOUTAirr.-LaoaUoa of principal lof bntlnaa*. Baa ftaMtooo. flail/oral*. Hon at werta. OoM HU1. worar oonnty, Honda. Nouce to hereby glTw, that at a ■*it1n« of lb* Board of Director*, bald oo tho 18th day of Apr'l, 1081, an mhmmi (No. 15) of In <18) ONIa p*r abare *** i*rl*d ■poo tho capital etock of the corporation, pa)\x=req-\ ■StobUMdiHoiy.Ul Unltad Btata* gold coin, to tho BocNtarr. at tho ofltoo of tho Ooapaay, Boom Tf, Nevada Block, 8U8 Monlcomery atreet, Una fraaetooo, California Any ttock upon which thto Mimment •hall main on paid on tho Mth day of May. 1881. will b* delinquent, and adrer\x=req-\ tla*d lor aaie at pnbllc anotion. and onleea pay meat la made beiore, will bo aoM oa TUaBDAT, the lourteeath (Mih) day of Jaao. 1881. to pay tb* dalinqawt mum meatv Uwethar with oo*ta of adfarttoiac and •ipenee* of tala. By ordei of tha Board ot Director*. W. B. DUN. Sacratary. OOoa—Boom T8, Naiad* Block. No tot Mont\x=req-\ fomity itre*. Ban rrancUoo, California 18 Lobd or Lomh«oi.o and hi\x=req-\ VU MININU COMPANY. -L^oatlon of principal plao* of btuISM, tit Pin* etreet, San ipriQciAOo OallfornU Location of works, Oold Hill District, Stony ooauty, Hev»da Notice U hereby given. that at a meeting ol the Board of Directors, bald on the ntasi sooth day ol April. 1M1, aa uuwmiDi (No. 1) of fifteen Osote par share was levied upon tbe capital (lock of tba corporation, payable immediately, In United States (old coin, to tba Secretary, at tba offlca of the Company, ho. Ill Ptae atraat. Boom t, Kan Francisco, Call\x=req-\ fort la. Any stock npon wbleh tbla assessment»ball remain unpaid on tba ttilny-flrst day of May. 1»1, will be delinquent, and advertised for aale at pnbUc anction, and unlets payment la made before, will be i old on TUKaDAY. tbe twenty-eighth day of Jom. Utl. to pay tbe dallnqaeat saaessmen t, together with ooets of advortl*ing and azpoueee of aala. R. N. «aN ttMiiNT. Secretary. Offlce-No. lit Pine street, Boom 8, t)an Francisco. California. M n bun Peer goi.ii and MLTM * M1NIN0 COMPANY.-location of principal pleoe of basineea, San frauclsco, Call (oral*. Looatlon of works, Silver Btar District, Storey coaaty, Nevada. Hotioe la buteby given. that at a meetlugof tba Board of Directors, held on tba tw.ntj\x=req-\ sixth (Mibi day of April, 1*81, aa atsssarouit (No. I) of Tan Osnts 110c) per sbale was levied upon tbe capital stock of ttie corporation, payable Immediately, in United Statee gold coin, to taa Berretary, at tbe offlee of tbe Company, Boom *t, Merchants' Exchange N». 441 California street, Han rrancleeo. California. Any stock npon which this assessment (ball ramaln unpaid on tba thtm-flr»t .list) dsy of MAY. 1881, will be delinquent, at a advertised for eale at pabllc suction, and unlees paiment is made before will be sola on MONDAY, tbe TWKNTIKTH (JOtb ) day of JI'NK, 1811. to pay tbe dellnqnent asssaement, together with ooets of advertising andszpensesofsals. B. P. BU8B, Secretary. Offlca—Hoom Mo. 27 Msrcbaiits' Kicbange. No. <31 California street, San rranelsoo, Cel. lfbrnla. tf JCUA COIIOUDATID IHIRU CO at*AMY.—Location of principal place uf bnaineee, Han Kraaoleoo, California. Location of works, Virginia Mining District, Storey ouonty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of tbe Board of Director*, bald on tbe twenty\x=req-\ eeventh day ot April. 1181. aa a»eeeemeat (Mo. II) of Tulrty Oente per share wea levied apon iba oapiiai stock of tba corporation, paiable Immediately, In United State* told coin, to the Secretary, at theofflce of tba Company, No. 411 California street, Koom tl, San Fraaeisoe, Oil\x=req-\ liomU. Any stock npon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on tbs second (U) diy of June. 1181, will bo delinquent, and advertised for sale at pabllc auction, and unlees payment Is made before, will be sold on FBIi'AY, tbe twenty-ionrth dar of JUNB, 1M1, to pay tbs delinquent aeeeesment, toaether with ooets ol advurtieing and expeare* of sals. By order of tba Hoard of Dlrsctore. B. a. OUABLkS. Hecretary, Offlca—No. 411 California street, Boom SI. Baa rranelsoo. California. W KKNTUCK MINIMS COMPANY.— Lecitlon of principal place of buelneee. mo Frandeoo, California. Location of work*. Uold BUI. NitMU. Notio« ta bereby (Ivan, that at a meeting of the Dlreotore, bald on the third |M) day of MAT, 1H1, Ml IMMUMBt 'No. U) ol Thirty (SO) Oanta par ihare *u larlad spon the capital atock ol the corporation, payable Immediately. In United States irold coin, to Um Secretary, at the office of the Company, No 2*4 Montgomery atreet, Ban frimimo 0*11 fore it Any atock upon which thla aaeeeement (hall remain nnpald on TUMlMY. the MTentb day of JU»B, 1881, will be delinquent, and adrer\x=req-\ tlaad for tale at public auction, and nnle»a payment ta made be lore, will be eold on THCIKS OaT. the TWBNTY-TBIBD day ot JUNt, MM, to pay the delinquent aaaeeament, together with coeta ol adTeitlalBc and ezpenaee of tftl#e A. 0. 8ruART, Bearetary. 0Sloe-No. M4 Moatfomery atreet, nan Prandaeo, Oallfornla. 4 niUDOIIi MLTBB IIIIMI V OOMPANY—Location of principal place <|( borineee, Han rrancUeo, Gelltornla. Location ol worka. Storey county. Nevada. NoUce la haraby given. that at • meeting of Um Board of Dlrectora, bald on the third (Id) day of Me», 1M1. an aaeeeement iNo. Ml of Tweny-flve (M) Cenle per ahare wae levied opon the capital atock of the corporation, payable immediately. In Unlud 8 la tee (old coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the Oumpany, No. 4U Oallxornla atreet, San Francleoo. Otllfomla. in» a took qdou which tbli iimanupt thiii rimilQ unpaid on the SfTtnlh (Tlh) dtjr of Jane, 1MI, will be delinquent and adrer\x=req-\ Uardforaaleatpnblloanctlou,and anleeejay mani la made Mora, will be eold on I UKs. DAT, the twentj-etuhtb day of June, 1M1, to pay the delinquent aeeeaament, u*e»i er with ooata of adrerUelng and ezpeaeeaol aale. II. WKUkNKH. Secretary. Office—414 Oallfornla atreet. Nan rranoteoo Oallfornla. 4 ULTU HILL MIMING COM PA* I HT.—Watlon of principal plaoe of boat\x=req-\ aa. ta Piaoeiaoo, Oeiirornta. Looatlooof worka, Oold Hill, Storey oounty, Nevada. Notice U here»»y jrlvaa. that at a meetln* of the Board of Director*, held on tha reveath (7th) day of MAT. 1881 aa aiimaiiBt (No. 16) ai t wealvflve Caaia (Me) par abare *u levied ■bob tba capital itort of the oorporatlon. pay\x=req-\ afielaai ad lately, la Uattad Btetee fold aola, to Uta Secretary, at tha cdke of the Company, Room Tt, Nevada Block, No W Montgomery eir-et, Saa Fraaeleco. California. Any a lock oixm which thla aaiaaaaiaal ahall nmaln aapald oa tha teeth (10th) day of JON*. 1*1,will be drllnqaaat, aad advertleed to eaaeat pabUe eactloa, aad anleee payment U mad* before will be eotd on TUB^UAi, the tweatv-eigath (Nth) day of JCNB, 1881. to pay tba dallaqtMBt aaaa.aaeat. toaether with ooau of advertiatng aad axpaaaaa of Mia. By order of tba Board of Director*. W. X. DBAX, Beeretory. No. If, Nevada Block. No. 808 - " Oallforala. VIUOW JACKET MIB.TMM MM* I INO OOMPAM.-Location of worka. Gold Mill, Storey Ooaaty, State of Nevada. Principal plao* of baalaaaa. at tba office at the new •baft, Gold Hill, Nevada. Notice l* hereby gives, that at a meeting of the Board of Tmatcee of raid Company, bald tba atatb (Mb) day of May, A. D. 1X1, leeeoement (No. it) of One Dollar (|l) per (hare wee levied apoaeeeh aad every rhaze of the capital etoek ot eald Company, payable Immediately, ta Catted Matee sold coin, to the Secretory, at tha oOce of the Company, at tba abaft, Gold BUI, Nevada, or to Ja~ Newlaada, Transfer Beeretory. Room I, No. MT Fine etreet, (aa Praacteoo. Oallforala. Aay Mock upon which tkla aaaeeimect i remain napeM on TtTttDAT. tha foartooatb (ltth)day of JUNE, 1881, oaall be deemed del la\x=req-\ qaaat aad will bedaly advertleed tor aale at pablle aaetloa. had daleee payment (hall be made bafore. will be eold on WBDNBxD*T, the SIXTH (stb) DAT or JTJLT. 1881. at 4 o'clock r. U front of tbeofflee of the Oocopany, lopay tbedetieewaeeeeimeat, tofettewlthooauofadverttdac aadaapeaaea By order of the Board of Traateee. iiuuuin Bills* JiHII. aiMIBil SOLD ABB BILVIR MINING OOBUNT.-Loealloa principal plac* of buliMM. Mo. 411 Call* foroU mini, Ban franolaeo, California. LoetUon of work*, Hmt ooonir, Mmda. Motto*.- Torn an dallnqaant upon tte fbl\x=req-\ lowlo« daacrlbtd Itock an atooant of MM II most (No. Ill larttdoo ikafoartb day of April, 1M1. tte Mrtral a moos U Mt oppoalu tb* «* of tte r**p*ctlv* ahanholden, a* fol\x=req-\ Nam**. Ho. Oartlf. 8h*. Am't Atklnaon Ttoo T * Co, Tin*. t*«*....... mm....m....|».. Bamtt <t Walkar, Tra«*M.lM1...100....10 . Bamtt k Walter do ..loos • 10 Barntt k Walk*r do ..10M...100....10 .. Barrett k W.lker do ..SUM...100....10 .. Batrrtt ft W«UMr do . 1007....» «.. Barn-It k Walkar do ..IIM...100....10.. Hamttfc Walkar do ..MM...M0....M.. BttMtt tfanturd MOT I M Bonne, J B, irnn** tot • .. ..10 Braaton, D V, Trnau* MM...100....10.. Bark*. TTraato* Mil...100....10 .. BorkaT do MM... 100.... 10 .. •arteT do MM ..110....10.. BarkoT do MM...100....10.. Bura* T do MM...100....10 .. BarteT do MM...100....10 . BorkaT do MOT...100....10 .. BarteT do MM..,10a....10.. BarteT do MM...100....10 .. BaiteT do BarteT do burkaT do MM.. 100....10.. BarfcaT do M>1...100....10 .. BarteT do MM..,100....10.. Bar** T do MM . .loo....10 .. BarteT do MM...1U0 .. 10 .. BarteT do MOT...100....10.. BarteT do MM...100....10 .. Dork* T do MM... 100.... 10 .. Bark* T do MOO...100....10 .. BarteT do M01...100... 10.. Bark* T do <001 ..100....10.. BarteT do Bark* T da MM.. ,100....10 .. BarteT do M0A...100....U.. BarteT do . BarteT do MOT.. .100.... 10 .. BarteT do MM... 100... 10.. BarteT do MOO...100....10 .. uarteT do MI0...100 ...10 .. Bark* T do ..Mil -100....10 .. Bark* T do M1J.7.100....10 .. Buik* T do Mil...100....10 .. BarteT do MU...1U0. ..10 .. BorkaT do Mia...100....10 .. bark* T do Ml*... 100 ...10.. Bark* T do MIT...100....10 .. BarteT d> Mil...100....10 .. BuiteT do Mil.. .100....10 .. Baik* T do MM. ..100....10 .. Bark* T do MU...1D0 ...16 .. Bark* T do ....MM...100....10 .. Barker do MS...100....10 .. Bark* T do MM... 100....10 .. BarteT do MM...100....10 .. BarteT do MM...1U0....10 .. U.rlloo B MM . 1 M Coma Jam**, Tract** MM...1M....10 .. Oufflo Jam** do MM. ..100. ...10.. ColBa Jaui** do wo. ».. Ooffln, Saodaraoa k Ojok, Tra*t***.......... 1M0.. ..00.... .0 .. ColBa. Sand.noa A Cook. Tni»t~* MM.. XX)....30 .. Cop* ft D«t1*, Trait*** KM1....M I.. Craoaall W U.Tiati** 1M0. ...M 110 OraodallWO do MM.. .100....10 .. CraodallWO do M41 . .U0....11.. Oraadal! WO do Mil... .10 1.. Orowl*jr M uoedmaa, Tro** D«rU Philip au» Oizon oao w MM 1 10 DUoa Oao W, TrniM«....MM .1000.. 100.. UaoaOwW do ....MM..IU00...100.. DUogUtoV do 1U00...1IW .. Dixon 0*o W do ....MM.. 1000...100.. KIxooOooW do ....MIT 1000 ..100 .. F»jr PhilipM, Trait** MM....M 5 .. KUhar R, Trail**... 8U1....M 1.. FlailOJ. lnutca 1MI....I0 ....»„ Kr>, Kul k Co, Tni*U**....l801....M.... S .. Olitler I AOo. TnuUa T»...100.... 10 .. OWIjr k Uhl. TratUri I0M....10 1 .. OrtmUa llnnry, Trunlco MT1....M • .. UrwDtbtQU, ualbluf k Oo, Traat**a M0....M • .. Oreeocbaaiu, lielbtn« k Co, Truat*** 1M3....M » .. OwDlbauai, Halblojf * Oo. Tibmmi .........I........INI..».00.... ,9 • • OrwMUum, Hilbinf * Oo Trow** 1111.. .» 1.. Or**a*baum. Halting * Oo, TlllitMfl ..........itiiH.. M09,, ,tQ0....SO .• Ouroeit tflt 0o.Trn»tte>..ftiM....'J0 t.. Ilalifc Pacbroo, Trail*** Ml.... 10 6.. Bala k Pachxo do ...10.0 6 *0 Hale « Paebato do ...IMI....13 ....180 liala A do ...37U....M 6.. Halak Pacbeco do ...MIT....M ...... Haaama<i ru MM S M ttawka H D. Trnatae MM .. M I,. H*rabarr I, Tmaic* 489....90 I .. HlnklaH B, Troita* *»....» .. Biukla H B do MM...100....10 .. Ulukla W 8. Traatoa MM..0000...000 .. HlBkiaW* da MM...I00....1U .. BmkU W 8 do M<0...100....10.. Hli.kla WH do M41..J00....10.. Ulukla W a do M4»...10U....10.. Biukla W ■ do M44...100....10.. lllnkla W 8 do MM. Bolit In U. TniaUe ITT....10... Hu.mer DM t Oo, Traata..lSM....10 1 .. Kaooer * Dytr, Truitw*...lsm....lO 1 .. Kaunaj k Itjrar do - ..,.1603....10 1 .. Ki-nurj k njrar do • .. tan or r k Djrir do ....MKI....M. ...I.. L-cka Wiu L, Tnutc* MT6....N 6 .. Mack'utoah k Bacon, Traa Mary* On T * don, Tru«\x=req-\ Iflnitttiii ............ iMT*« . tl .« Nnbl* n U A Oo, TrBil***..l01S....18 I. Iltu * Co, TrultrM 1 ,, P*f»ou» H B. Tnwtee MM... 100.... 10 .. I'lriODi B H do M17...100....10 .. Paraona II B do J4M...K0....10 .. PumdiHB do MM...110....10 .. Pauraon Jam**, Tnuta*... .10TS....10 t .. P.trton Chu ■ SM1....4S 410 uandolph, MacklMotb ft 0 , Tra*t**a 1441. ...10 1 .. Randolph, Mackln'Oih ft Co. ltD'tM* MOO....00 (.. Randolph. Mackintosh ft 1 o, Trot'***. 77M....M IE0 Rwnolda O W MIC • M Richard eon K A 1SM....M I (0 Ricoard»ou,lllll k Oo.Trna\x=req-\ UM 1110....K 1.. Rlcbardeoo, Bill ll Co.Trni\x=req-\ taee IMS....SO • . Rlcli&rdaon.HUl ft Oo.Trua\x=req-\ imk 1ST1....S0 ».. Rlch*rd»on. Hill ft Oo, Trn*. UN...,,,,,.1971,.• ,10,....3 i, RootQeo B.TnuU* MS....30.. . 3.. Root Mm B do 10 1.. Hoot 0«o B do MM. .100....10 .. <toolu*o B do SSM....M S.. Root Qto U do MM....*0 «.. Hoot«*oB do J4M....M #.. Rountre* dt Ltn«land, Tree\x=req-\ t***. SMI.,,. 10, ...,1 Hcbmltl 0 A, Trot** SIM...100....10,. ttoott HUM Co, Troat***.. ...MT....M t.. ttCOTllI* J J, Tnifte* TT...100....10 .. ►m»b j w atao.... s •. to Smith WOB SIM.... S .... 60 ttlMB Bob*rt. TiBftM .KtU.. loo!...10 . sun Robert do SUBS...100....10 . B(**n HoMrt do SOW ..100....10 .. HUloMat. Trutto.r S041....S0 S .. ■tola Mm do H0S...MP....S0 .. Stela Nat do MM...300... 30.. HMD Mat do SSM. ..1U0....10 .. Tbomaa D L, Trait** SOS...JO 1.. Tbomaa DL do M3....M 310 TbomM D L do 14tl....SO S .. Thome* D L do 14M....M ISO Tbomaa DL do 1S1S....M 3Su TimmbmDL do 3M1....!»*...! SO TboaaaD L, do S4M....M.... ISO Tbomaa D L do SSST....M StO TUumae l< L do 7T0J ...So S .. TbomMD L do • 1111. ..100.... 10 .. TbOMiDL do MM..,.S0... .S.. Tk aiuDL do .. ..SUM...10U....10.. Tbomaa O L do S01S....M S.. Tboaua D L do MM....10 T .. Tbomaa D L do SSS0...100....10 .. Toomaa D L do .... M13....M S .. Tbomaa DL do SS7S....60 1.. I owueeod W R, Trail** 131.... 10 1 .. WakaOtld ■ B A Oo, Tibs\x=req-\ t**e...................... ,1M0,,, 100... >10 .. WlibtBMB A O. Trait** ISM....10... .S .. WiTd*r Parld, Tnwt** SMI...100....10 .. Wilder Darld do MM. ..100....10 .. Woodt ft Kr*ebcrn, Tras. _M** lis....SO •„ Woodt ft Freeborn, Trn*. 1S0S....M ....3» Wood* ft lr**born, Troa\x=req-\ «••• S01T...100....10 ,. And la aoooroaoo* with lav, and an ord*r of tb* Board of Director*, mad* oo lb* foortb (4th) day of April. 1M1, ao maay itam ol •asfc p*ro*l of mcto ttoek a* but ft* BBSS— will b* told st public anctios, at th* oAa* of tb* Company. Ho. 411 CallformU *tr**t, tfaa Fraud too. California, oa THURSDAY, tb* tweoty-elxth (Mth) day of MAY. 1M1. M tb* hour of o«e o'clock r. a. or ea'd day, to ray Mid illlXIQIMBt AMMQMOt UMftOD* tOflUMf with ooat* of admtlalnc and m——* of t" H. 0. H1HMAH, Secretary. Offlc*—ITo. 411 California atraet, Ban Fran\x=req-\ elaco, California. 10 To Comstoek Mine Owners. A GXROY AWD •UPKRIRTKND1HCT ■©• A lictud. Harlot mad* mints* a *p*daltr for tb* p«t tw*nty yaaitj alto, barls* b*tn prrrlooaly aa*ocltt*d with oorporat* toduatrt** for maay y*an, I am thoroorblj onaUlad to faltbfallr perform erery nqguMStl a* Ai*at or Soperintrndect and oOtr n>y MrrloM at tb* vtocprtcw: Actlre vorklnff followtn* prtc**: Actlr* vorlaajr mtn**, $100 totMOpwaoaUi MB worklof ■!■**. Mtlft aaaatl holding work, |M to |S0 p*r monib. ■law UfliM mm* B»Mrt*BM* S. LYVORD " a BlilVQPKVT BALIS. T DRIOI UIIK COM PAST.— •I Location of prladpe] place of ba*lne*e, Sen rnncieeo. OtllwraU. Location of worka, Gold Bill, Storey ooonty, Notloe.—Ther* Ira delinquent npon the tol\x=req-\ lowlnjrdeecrlbed etock, on aceoant of Mint\x=req-\ ■anifNo. M) torled onthe tvrBtj-elith (Mihj day ot March. 1811. the several aatoente set oppotiu the qusm of the reepectlve •hue\x=req-\ holder*. M follow*: Mtmee. Wa Oertlf. 8h*. Amu KOaUnnr. Trwt«e........ll» WoodTi Fraobom, Trei\x=req-\ tee*........ IM4....10.... J 80 Orocker* Scy<Uin.Tnuteee.30W...30 I. X CshiU A Co. Truteee Mil....30 • . Kdw»rdi k Irvine. Trail***.38M....10.....810 t T Weteibouae, Traeiee....K>IO....M....I3 W B Sellnun, Trnitee M7I....10 3 M 1 Oluler h Oo, Trnstee SMI k.....l M Crow.ey * uoodman. Tree\x=req-\ leee Mil....M....IS 80 I QLuierk Oo, Traat*M....MM....I0 8 .. 1 Olaaler k Oo do ....ISTT....10 >10 1 Nnuutter,Trustee .MM... 80.....a.. I MeuUtier do MOT. ..30 8.. I Olaaler * Oo, Tnwteee... 8*41 ».... J M WL Ouneau. Trustee T3II....10....5M ROTobm.TroKee T48I....18 *80 Jaa Whmon, Trail** TTTT....10 1Ml BOfMaw. Tnufoe TM0....10 ISO Jao Hslchlneon.Trait**.. .8I83....M T M KOahlll ■Oo. Treat*** (210....M 8 .. B F Child. Tnutte S8M....1U 8 M P 8 Fay Traal** Mil....10 sau Latham k Klor Tresteee.. SMI....10 »B0 Oee T Marys k son, True\x=req-\ _**•* MM....18 818 B 0 Tobln. Traetee SM7....M 8 .. B Qfteelncer. Tni'tee SUM....10 SM 1 Olaate* k Co, TnM***....SlU 8 1M I'<UU«rkCo do ....SIM ....8... ,1M WL Duncan. Tresis* SIM....10 SM Brack larld** k *o*t, True\x=req-\ _»e* 8IT8 IM BOtbUI k Co, Tre*t*** 8ltT... 10 SM J B Bouse. Trustee WW....SO 8 .. Net Btelo, Traetee MM....10... .SM Freaks * Grey. Traetee*....MIS....10 S M JaoBatcblqeoa. Traetee....MM....M 8.. Mark* k Belahardt, Trus\x=req-\ tee* SIM....80....ISM t (Jlailer k Oo, Trmt*ea.. ...8MT....M....I8 M Wlliouk Uatoklnaoa. Trae\x=req-\ tee* 8AM....M ...... D K 8*t*i, traetee SS04 8 1M Qrsmrtnn, Belt>ln« k Co, Traetae* SSM... M....ISM Maepbersoti Jao ***••••••••• Mil • ••a 10 • ••• at 10 I 1 Olsaluk Co. Tra*teee....MW....SO. ..8.. A W Watte, Traetee. 1MI0S 1 111 Jao Hutchinson. Trnit*e...l01M....M TM Lathsmk Kla<, Tiaeteee. 1UII9....M I 1 Oluler A Oo, Tnut>ea...lilll....lO 3 M 8 B Wakefield k Oo. True UCIxilliMltll w Jot L Kin* * oo. Tra*iMi.loiM...UO....» .. Oeo W 10811....*) • .. 0 Henderson ft Oo, True\x=req-\ 10984 ...10 .. UM 1 OthUl A Oo. Trueteee....HUM....80....11 10 Oio H Uoo4. Troitee 11418....10 * .. J Putvalller,Truetoe U8II....M IM Jbo P eaulera. Triune ....11( 80 T WeMeler, 1 ru.tee 11811.. ..10 1 (0 JHtMri«r, TruitM 11041....10 1(0 J M HbotvU, Trustee UI1T....M TW J r Oetalller, Tru.lee Will....CO....11 SO J t Otvalller do 1814*....10 140 • frank. iraitee luw... 10 1 tu K K Kellf. Trailer 11888....40....10 .. J Olllon, Tru.lee 1MM....10 > 10 I (Master * Co. Trueuee ...1141*.....8 1 M Zadmft Weill, Troetoee....11888....80....1J 80 lfeoDbenon k Bblnn, Tro« Uii. ...... 11088... 10 T 80 B M Mil* ft Oo. T roil eel. 1MM.. ,100....18.. Barrett ft Walker. Tnuteee.llTIl)... .10 180 atklneoa, inmd ft Oo, True UN 18884....80 ,„I1(0 S O Bivki. TfDilif.....«.liUT... .10.... .8 . I Qlailrr ft Co, Traeteee...lloU....10 ISO BOToMb, Troetee 18088....10 18V Atkuwon, Doud ft Oo, Tree\x=req-\ teee .18188....10 1.. B Hochtudtar ft Oo, Traa. t,H IjSST 10 lu IOlai'uV ft Oo! Troi'tcM.. .134uT.!ioo."... 18 . B B Kelly, Tnu'ee 18411...MM. .118 .. K K Kelly do IS**).... 10 180 KB Kelly flo 18818....#0.... 11 80 Ure«su<beam, Helblog ft Oo. TnieUee 1*181....80 8.. ITU fUlo. Troetee 18841..1«J0.. .180 .. ■ de Qrnayer, Treetre 18B88....18 818 1 QlaiWr * Co Traeteee....lTI48... J0....11B0 K Qnedsger Tnulee 1*718....10 itO Win u|i>i»oa.Tr« toe 13048... BO....14 80 W H Wright. Truth WW1....» 140 W L Locke. Tinetee 1408*....10 180 W L I nnctn. Truetee I4"18....10 1 80 Baldwin Uerdlner.Traeiee.l40n.... 8(1.... 18 80 UHHoemerftOoTraeteee 14J88....1810 kenneyft l ytr.Truileee...l41«8....1B 818 W K ftoiwood, 'ru.tee 14284... 40... 10 .. H B Kelly. Trustee 1441. ...18 ....8T8 B IftMBe, Traeter 14408....98 8 .. 1 dialler ft Oo. Traitor*. ..14414...100... JS .. Qm T Marie ft Son, Trot Ora?ite£*fc«. Trot\x=req-\ .«.tl4l07.• ••90.••• • i 10 Ri. barteon. Bill * Co. Tree Mm 1IM1...100....M Welwr a Kelly. Tru»tra.....!««• J5 JgWwtp,TnniH.».■ ...iO-• • ••W »B WaluBeldft Oo.Tn»\x=req-\ IMS .. Meaner. Bacon * Oo,Tni» -'Si!"'"?! u 0 B Bajley, TrO'tee IIMI....W....WI0 Mreotr. Bacon ftOo.Troa tftieeee •o»»»»oooo #Vao* all O II Bayley, TruetM U*T • M....8# Q B Uiflty do 14W®. 100....1# LOmobMB*Oo,Tro»\x=req-\ In) #••• ••••••••• .1100®.• ••10»••• •• iw B X Truttee >**} KB Kelly do JS2-—S' "SS 0 B Bayley,Trqetra « W L Duncan, Tmn't !£ D M llotmrr k Co.Tro*U..UIi0....10 1W Macpheftooft uhlan, Two I|ia 1HM...100....K .. *rWerroo*Oo.Treeteea.lUa....M.... • « Wilton * UaicAloeuo, Tn»»\x=req-\ teoe 1NM ...W ..." W B A Blcbarteon. Trteira...l»U1...100....1ft .. 1 L Qretabaom ft Oo. Tr#a\x=req-\ 1MM... .» i» i Glacier kOo. Troateeo.. I®" Obaa 11 (mlUi,Trn«teo.....lMlS....IQ t •• Coffin, bandereon * Oook'„il ttmu* IS!!""!!"";!!! J DO Crocker. TroeWo }££""£' "Km O0BeUe, Tretee K""1;60 W Bdwwde. Trnatoe ?i2f,",2!","e " P B Fax, TraeUe 1 WW-•»••••:* •• K B Ttoetra ii KB Brat, Tioeiee JSS W 8 Kallaj, Traatoe *2®ff—'2 ?« A B Todd, Tnatra iiT"ia? W 0 crandtll. Tnuteo Obaa L Weill. 1 roalra...... inU...M... • u to B * Eallf.Troal.b4l...«,.}«»•I »«»••««} B K Kelly do btl....70..ItM,...HOOeoooH RBKelly do ux h.ioo..«b K B Belly do K..«I0«..MW..<0 V.9..MH KBBelli do Del. HJ0..1IJW..J9-IW..JJN, BI Kelly do b4l..llW..M#T 1. 80 It M K.lly do bal. .7*1.. 1W*• • • •/*•••• • i*|j® KBBeily do«4..1»K»..« »-10O..»* K I Belly do b*I..K)U..lUt>...10.U«..0m B a. Belly do*. »MU....»<M0..0ll< R K Keliy do bal..H00..1MU. ...II • • • K B Kelly do bal..S»i..l«*UAll-i00.1UI( Hi Kelly do>l..lft»MJOU»...Mta K I Kelly do bel..Mul, 1»WO...IHOO..«X RB Kelly do Del..H40..!••». .20-110....06 11 Belly do WlVlSo.-ll^.l »100..MH KB Kelly do bal.l«001..JM».l »I0U....M BB Keliy do btU»rtl..inJt....» ....tfo K X Kelly do baU0«4..U»M.....* JJJ BBKely do bol.lllJT..Mn •—•lK KKK-lly do bel.lllM..H*M I JO BB Belly do bol.lllJ«..l#M;.....» * B * bel'y do bal 11IM. 1J»W J J® BBBelly do bolrllMl..l(llf I M H B Kel'y do M. IMT imlUMlonidM H K keliy do >>»••«* MB Kelly do b.l.lKIM. lijtj • RKHeilr do bal.lMW..!**** * - - BIK li do Sl.lMTi..M>a...U-IOO..OII| B K Kelly do bal.l»l» MWMntCOlW, KBKIIy do btl.lMt..lUtO«M100.XMb KB Kelly do Ml.inM..l«M1.l »100 ..MH B X Kelly do tal.l«Tl..l«MMM.I00.1MH HI Keliy do bal.llM*..lMM.I •0-10U..WM B I Kelly .do bal. 1310*.. I SOT ».... WU B K Bally do bal.l«W..lN«* 1H00..ljjt BB Kelly do U1.IINT..IM*11ft 100..UK B B Kelly do>n.l M 100..MI| KB Kelly do be).lHI0..1fc|8»l »ICO..«li RK Kelly do bel.llM1..16tYLSM !OO..MI| B B Kelly .do bal 1MM..1WT1.1 U-100..MW B B Kelly do bal...l0d..XWfi...l0100..UH KB Kelly do M.1MI..MH.1 »■*£■ «* BB Kelly do bal.lllM■SM""W1fc II Kelly do boi.ltlM..1«W.. »1B0....0» B B Kelly do bal.ttt«T..lKM...t0.UI0..MM BK Kelly do bal.l»4»..iw;.....1...... £ RB Kelly do bal.MR1..1Mft...lO-100..0!l« KB Bally do bal.l«IM..W1«»..» RB Kelly do bol.lHW. M*!..•.*■«»..OOH BB Kelly do bal.IBM..inn....^I.....JO BBBelly do tal Hin..inM....»IM..IOK R B Kelly do bal. UOll.. 1UM I JO e h Belly do bal.ltnO..MWT ....* *0 BBBelly do bal.lTnft-inn.10J .'00 » R ■ K.ilr do bal.HWi..lMM..n>m... ft* B B Kelly doUl.imi. W«.. Cbae L welll.TroeUe l#tti...l#0....» . Wlieoa k Bttiehlneoo. Tree MUm ii'iini! Tr^wi! ■.' J*"*- — S""1! S W O Oreo dell, TwWL....»m....» •" OeoTIUrye k fton.Tm^ »....»• 1 era " Qoo T Barye * bo, Tim • ' »•» Kartlo B liery. TmiUO....!•«*...*#••..® •• q«T ltorye*•«>■. Tw»- _ l(HM , e . IWeeuB llfiaMriTraaUo JJU"'?S""S neo B Boot. Tm«oo. * * Wlleon k Haioblneoa.Troa. 00 BaoTMarye * So^Trea. 3«> TIUryt 4 e».»llfnfe« iMiitif 1 JraTMairi ft NfcTreo\x=req-\ fill. ,,,»»»i,e#« Mel oooe Pel®*"* • ee eWooo - •# •• Clffiln A flCblOOi Tf^it#i§eel6§T0eaooi0aooaW 1 lllw ft IIh. i BILIItUIVT BILKS. JaaUca-Crasia Na. Oertlf. Sha. AmX BBDaway, Treat** i***9....*o....ism J H Bbotwall, TruitM 18878....* TH GeoTKarye A Boa,lit*. .... _ tiNi•••••••••«•••• •%••••■ • Iw)atuM •• JOlilou; Trnataa 1TOT7....XI t.. Oofln. budmoa ft Oook. Trail** 171*...100. ..H .. Wllwa * Bnublnaon, Trna\x=req-\ taw 171*....*0....12 10 P S Fif, TrnatM 171*1....4#.... 11 * Bppateto 11 u>.Tra*toM....msi,..ltiO....».. Kpt-ateln ft Oo do ....17181....18 171 J Oillon. TrnatM 17JM....10 110 B B Wakaflald ft Co, Trua\x=req-\ taM 17106...100....M .. 1Oahtll ft Oo, TrnataM ..171*....SO 8 .. H D Hawki, Trnataa 171*3,...10 110 it O Hawka. Tro-taa 17*7....80....1880 W Bdwarda, Traawa 17*1... 80....18 .. ObaaHHinitb. Trnataa 17*1...100 ...» .. O B Bay ley. Truate*. 17*1...loo...18 .. J L hniil. TrnatM ITlOt... *.....# .. Ow T Marye A Boa, Trn>\x=req-\ taaa 17881...100 ...*.. On T Marya * Boa, Trna Maa, 178M...100....M .. D M Hoamar * Co. Tre*t*.17**...loo....ll.. H Hawka. TrnatM 17844....80....18* • P Warran ft Oo, TrnataM.ITS*... 100....* .. Frank L Parker, TrnatM...17U0...800.. .100 .. Bcantrw k Lain Und, Trna* UN 17*8.... 8 1* 8 T Onrtla, TrnatM 17PT0...100....*.. Loula Maraball Truate*....17878.....8 1M Golly A Obi. TrnataM 1787S...100 ...» .. CtuaB Kaana, Trnataa 17378....W 8 .. B ft Bally, Trnataa 17401 8-88... M IT Laanraft Oo,TrnataM.174*...1880 Bannay a Dynr, TrnataM...171*....* 8 .. IP 4 Onroatt, Trnataa 174W....M....IS88 K k Bell/, Trnaua 17411...ISO....«7 80 Oao T Marja k Bon. Trna\x=req-\ taM 17444...100....* .. H 0 Hawka. Trnataa 17448...MU....M .. K B Bally. TrnatM 17481. .......18* B A Btafeardaoa, Tiu«w*.. J74M...1uo....» .. K A Hlcbardaoa do «.17«88...IU0 ...*.. B a Bteftaidaaa do ..lf4*T.. 108....* .. WH Wrtabt. TrnaUa 17101...M....M .. Oao T Marya k Boa, Trna\x=req-\ «•**„. .„. 17808... 100....* .. W U Orandall, Trnataa 17418. ..M0...AS .. WOCrandall da ....17818 .. 80... 1888 WOOraadaH do ....176M....M 8* W O Orandall do ....17**....* 8* •V Q Crandall do ,...171*....* 8* Ooliya Obi,TrnatM* 17*8....10.. .1880 L B Fraakal. TrnatM 17*71...100,...SB .. MkBally, Trnataa I'M*..HO....M .. R « Rally do SO K B Kelly do 17880....*0.... 1188 H B Bally do 17*08....* ....8* H H Noble k Oo„ TrnataM 17BI7. ..lUO.. *.. B H Nobia k Oo, do .. 17818...Iu0....18 .. B U Nobla ft Oo, do ..17818...100....* .. J B Pl»bar,Trnataa, 178*....*....18* Nat Btalo, Trnatao 174*1. (uo.,.1* .. Mat Htata da 1780...100....* .. Nat tttela do 1JMJ...1CI0. ** Mat Htam do Mat bleln do Mat htata do Nat atala ao Nat Htala do Nat B fin do Nai 8 tain oo Mat Biota do ►at 8tain do Mat a lata do Nat autn do Nat Mala do B B Bally do B B Bally do it B Bally do J} B Bally do B B Bally do B B Bally do H B Bally do B B Bally d» .100....* .. 17IWJ ..100. ...» .. ...*0. ...1180 ...11*0 ...80. ...11* ...60 ...11* ...». .. .8* ... .8 * ...13. SU nnt*. ...SO. ....8 .. ...10 ....1*0 .. 10. ....IN ..1U0. ...It . 178M. ...8o. .. 11*0 ...BO. ...11*0 ...*. ... Ill ,.luo. ...M . ,,1iMD. ...70, ...1710 177*3.. .*». ...Ml 7* ....8 IS ..lit ....140 .17780*. .800. ...80 .. Old HH Scott ft Oo TruatMa. .114*0.. .10 8* Oopa, Ublar ft Oo.Trnataaa.lM7....10 8*0 Am la aoeordaaM wltb law, aaa aa order o( tha Board of Dlraetora. mad* oa tba twenty, aiatb (Wtb) day or March. isei, ao way abara* of aacn paroal or •oca atock aa may ba aaoaaaary. will bo aold at pobUo anotioa. at tbaoOca of tbaOompan*. Boom 8. Hey ward's Bollulac, Co. 419 California atreet, Han £25?lLc2' ?'"'<"»«•. on B-TCK AT, tbo TWBBTy.»IB*T (il»ti day of Mat. 1*1, at ta* boar ol on* o'clock p. u. of aaid day. to pay aald delinquent aeanamaat tberaon, tofetber with ooata of ad Tertlain* and as\x=req-\ panaMof mm. Ba S* KILLT. Stcfttirr Oaoo-Boom 8. Bay ward'a Bn.ld^N^41» QaUfbrula atraat Sau Franelaoo. Oajffbmla. 8 ORDINANCE MO.fli; "jg&SAR&ft3 (Paaaad April 18,1881.] «T71IB1K)4HD OF TBUMTBB8 OF GOLD * Bill do orttato: bacnovi. ao annual ad valorm tac of ooa aad oaa quarter par cantata apoa tbo raise of uxabla iroparty wltbln tLa Town of Oold Hill ta baraby larird and dim-tad to ba coiloated tor town pnrpoaM upon tbo aaaaaaad vain* of all aucb taxable k ro^arty made tazabU t * tba lawa nf tbla lata for ttt.ta and o> anty nnrnoaaa. la* clndlaf tba uat pr^caad. of tba niltxa. aao. 8. The uua lerled by aoctloa 1 of tbla ordinance, and to ba aaa.iiid and nnllawad la acoordaao* wlta tba (ruvlilooa of an ordlaaaM antlUad. •• aa urdia<ac* to provide tor tba levy aad oollestton ol taiM oa roal and personal property wltbln tbo Towa or Oold BUI, pa>e»l April 18, IWli and alao, an ordinance entitled, Aa ordlnanco to pruvlda tor tba tlma aad manner of aacartalnln* tba Talna ol Ik* aat pro\x=req-\ caada of Bin a. fur tba pnrpoM of tazatoo, aad to prortda ht tba oollaoilun of anck laze*. L. x. POX. PrMtdant of tba Board of 7>naUM af tba Towa _ of Oold BUI. Attaat; W. O. Broa, Olerk of tba Board. At a maatina of tba Board of TrnataM it tbo Towa of uoid B'h. bald aprli is. 1*1, Ordl\x=req-\ nanca Mo. US <u paaaad by tba foUowlac Total TaM-Trn.taM Mercer, Daucby. Lacnary aad Prealdeat Fox. Abaeat—Troataa HcCnrdy. » W. O, HTDB, Clark. THE SUN FOB 188L I. All the world'* btwi, to pmwud that tha >Mdw will pi Um groaloot amount or Inforaa* Uoo with lb* loaot anproOubl* axponditaro of tlma ud < ja»l*hl. Ta Men lone mo diacot. •rod tha guidon moon brtwaou redundant full\x=req-\ moo ud aaoallofactory brevity. II. Mach ol that oort of now* which dopondf Uoo apoa lu roouguiaad lmporanco thaa upon lu Inwrooi to mankind. from aomlm w BMfBlOg Tn BO* prloto 0 CODtlBDOd ktoty of tb* Utoo 01 rool bob and women, «na o( Uolr doodo, plant, lorio, batoa. ana troubloo. 1 bio atory i* atoro vt'loa and oum IntaroaUng thou any romance that was over dorlioj. III. uood writing in ovary column, tad frtob\x=req-\ , originality, aocuraC), «nd uocurum tn Ibo tmont or ovory mbjoot IV. Bonoot conusant. 1 ax Boa'* babll la ta •peak oat foarleorly about bmo and tbiaga. V. ■ qual candor la doallt g wllb oacb political i arty, and aqu.l roadiuo a to ooaaaad what ta pralatvofiby or robu to what lo biam\x=req-\ ablo la Domoorat or Kopnblleaa. VI. abaoiato ladopoodoaco ol partlaaa orgaa\x=req-\ laatloa, bat unwatarlag loyalty to truo banio\x=req-\ eiatlo principle*. Taa oca bollovt* that ibo (uTcnuout which tbo Ouoatltauoa givoo oa la a jriod ono to koop. no uoUon of doty la to r>*i*t to lu ntaioM powor tbo aflorto ol »«■ la ibo MopubiUan party lo ao« up aootbor form of govaraiuoat ta pia.-o ot I bat wblcb aalata. Tbo yaar 1M1 aad Uio jaaro Immodlauly follow lac will probably docldo tblo luprvoioly lmiortaai ooatoot. Til Ira boiUvao tboi tb« viotory will bo with tbo paoplo oa ogatoot tbo lunaa lor •onopoly, tbo Rmga fttr plaadar, aad tbo Itlan for laporlal powor Oar torao art oa follow*: rurtboually bra.afear.pac* abaot oftwot tr\x=req-\ •Uht oolomao, tbo prlca ty Ball, aoot-aald la ■3 con to a moo tb, orM Ma yaarYw. tnclid\x=req-\ lug tbo aaaday papar, an alghtpac* abaat of lity.* i oolamna, tbo prlca la is canto a aioath. JT It ?• a roar, pootago paid. Tba Bunday aditlun of Til Ira la alao fur\x=req-\ DUbodaopvatolyatU M a yoar, poatago paid. Tbo pnao of tb* Wtaui bra. oigbt pogo*. Wy-olx colnmni, U |l a yoar, poataga paid, for clabo of too tending lit wo will aand aa ■atra copy fiwa. Addrooo I. W. DOUIIO. rabilabw of Tn Boa, haw Tork City, tlooo, modletl of oUmt patents pompUy ouoadad to. intentions that HAT* bun rejected ws£»3 HM B| IPUif vKXr in Uo runt oact. w «u Mb tUm 5mm 5ts?3lsjsj.l,'^,!w11! inventors m4m taoioi or ikMih yonrd«Tte»i wo »• Htm to oOoUUU tho ivdltoU In or«7 Blato of Um Cotorn. om to iMttr* la " knanlil m( aschs a a. mow * 00\x=req-\ •WMhinctoB. D. O. i oo.. Am win. |U i o»y at bom* onOj * Ooatl;omtltfTM. auiwf kftsts*