Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS VBIDAY, s : JUNK 3. 1881 Towi Tiiwiq. Flaal iNHaa-lffMii 1 Tmwm ■■mi ■■<>■. iMMf. IM.. •• k* TwrMi War la llw (Mall C—MlwH«w» Baa* It*! Th* final maattog of tha Board of Tmiwi of lb* town of Gold BUI was bald jntitdij aftarnoon. PmMt\x=req-\ Truataaa Daocby. Lamary. HeCurdy and Praatdant (pro tam.) Me roar. Tha mlnntaa of tha praaious maating win appro?ad u raad. Tha dtffrrant atanding oommlttaaa ra\x=req-\ porud a?ary thing ia U>a baat aoodiUoa. Tha iiinu vata la good fapalr. Tba Committaa on flra and Water report ad tba mains, bydrasts. teaks and •aarjthing ooaaactad with tha water works ia good aoodiUoa. Tba regular monthly bills, amonnting to 11085. vara, on motion, ordarad paid. Tba toUowiag btlla, rafarrad to tba Tiaaaoa Com ml it aa and fouad aorraot, vara, oa motion, ordarad paid: J. B. Qagaoo, K 40; B. Urmr. $8 HO; W. N. Hall A Co . $11 SO; D. Thorbura, 88a; nr. Haii, $s so. Oa bmUob, U vss ordarad that tba ottolala ba paid tbair aalariaa up to sad including May 2d, 1881. Tba Siraat Comuiitiaa ra port ad that soma parUaa bad baili a faaoa oa D atraat, aaar tba Daytoa toU road, on grooad porcbaatd by tba tovo. and Viabad to aaU tba attaaiion of tba Conn\x=req-\ ty Oommiaaioaara to tba aabjaoC Taa fultovlag quarterly raports from town oBaara vara raad sad ordarad to Uka tba aaaai aonraa: assosr or tows taiuuiu. To tba Hoaorabla Board of Trnataaa of tha Taws of Oold llill—OanUaman : I barawlth aabmlt my raport for tha quartar to date, H«y 1,1881: Or. January 81, 1881, balaaoa oa haod. $ 4.161 SI To H. Kanaady 1,870 00 To J. t. JPlanntngham 6 75 Total 8 4.838 96 Or. Bywamata $ 8.139 03 By aoopooa 750 00 By baUnca. 1.967 93 Total $ 3,836 96 Balaaaaoa band Hay 8,1881...$ 1,937 93 BaapaatfuUy, 0. B. Gaucp, Town Traaiurar. tow » UlMiL I UIOII. To Um Pmldiot and Hon. Board of Traatota of Um Town of Oold BUI—Can\x=req-\ Uwu : Tha following la my raport of tho boalnaaa dona In my odea for Um qoariar andlng April 30. Ittl: Kambar of wmli: ▲aaaali tad bailor; I Aaaanll to kill 1 Opium smoking 4 •eliciting without Ilea dm. 3 DilUUblOf ..a 1 Toul ^ia By Martha! Kennedy .775 By Offlotr Bbaahan 7 Bj Odtoar Booury l.| By JtaMady and Sbaotaa 1 Total 13 To Uoanaaa told $1,323 64 147 36 To prooaada of minaa SI .670 00 $1,670 00 Binxilfiillr. M. Konoi. Town XuOil. UKIT or tow* «.«*■■ To tho Honorable Board of TnuteM of lb* Town of Oold Hill—Gentlemen : Tbe following la report for Um quarter audio* April M. 1991: ▲moon I of wruti laaaad (3803 78 ▲a follow*: Salarlra. 11505 00 Work oo etreete 333 00 Donaliona to Flra Companiaa ... 433 00 Kxtra legal aarrloc* 150 00 Hardware 37 Ou Teaming « 50 Horeefeed 40 43 Water rant 533 00 Xeaplag bono 15 00 •tatiuoety I 73 Blackamitblnf 13 60 Prlauag (par contract) 135 00 Lnmbar 133 43 MteaeUanaoua M 00 Total 93503 73 Beepectfnlly. W. O. Bros. Clark of Board of Town Trnateaa. won or tow* attobxit. To tba Honorable, tba Board of TnuteM of tba Town of Oold Hill—Qentlemen: I herewith inbmlt my final report of all mooeji collected by an aa Town Attorney for tba year ending tbe flrat Monday la May. A. D. 1381, aa followa: Delinquent taiea aa cbarged to ae, per aeeeemenl roll 91.335 37 T>a per eaat. dellnqnency 133 53 Total 91.45$ M Hot ened by order of tbe Board. and withdrawn from eale 199 15 Paid to Treaanrer aa per recelpte oo file with Town Clark 91.270 75 Total 91.458 90 Beepectfnlly, 3. P. Fumroroia*. Town Attorney. can* muin'i unit. Gold Bill. Ki; J, 1881. ToUm Freeidrnt and Member* of the Board of Town TruaWee-Oeotleiaea: I bare tbe booor to report the following reenma of tbe Fir* Department for the put je»r: Nnmber of lira alsrms. 26; number of fires S3; estimated **lue of property deetrojed, $33,000; inaarad for •37.000. In tbe majority of eaass tbe oanee of Are could not be ascertained. The nnmber of enrolled member* of tbe Department la aa follow*: Liberty En\x=req-\ Ki Company No. I, 38; Tallow Jacket ;ine Company No. 3, 90; Linooln Hoe* Oompany No. ». 17. Tber* are alao two seti»e boa* eompanle* not enrolled, wbo ha** rendered very great service. Nnmber of bydranta. 17; number of feet of robber hoee. 3400; nnmber of feci of leather bo**. M0; nnmber of hoe* carriages. 3; Bomber of parade bat fruote. •; nnmb*r of parad* baft*. 7; number of po> rad* tramp*Is. •; namb*r of servios tram* pi ^ I bsv* tb* pleaanr* of atating that tb* ontlr* department and apparatoa are in an and aervio*abl* atat*. B*sp**foliy aubmltted. NlCS SlXTO*. Chief Enf ineer 0. II. t. D. Oa motlea of Trostoo Dsneby it *u ord*r*d that oil mooeya, books and pa\x=req-\ psrs belonging to Ibo lowa of Ooid Hill Do baad*d o»*r to tb* Coaoty Commie\x=req-\ aloner* aa sooo as th* Troosaror can fix bis books sad sll warrants si lowed st this ssstisg srs paid. Also, it was or\x=req-\ derad that tb* Tows Msrsbsl, Clerk tad Attorney torn o»*r all hooka sod pspers la thsir posoossioa belonging to tb* (••a to th* Coaoty Commim>oa«rs. Trostso Merosr sad Cl*rk Byd* von lastraetod to trsasier sll Us to wo prop* srty (oo par lavMtory) to tho Ooaatj Tkm b»inf bo other bidiw, Tro#\x=req-\ to* D.oohy in • few appropriate remarka moved that a voU of thanka b« tender td to Preeident Fox ud PmldDit (pro trm) SWroer lor the able manner in which they hare preeided on all ooca\x=req-\ aiona. Trustee Mercer replied by aayiog that the unity ot feelint which baa eziated at all timea among tha mambara of the Board mad* tha dntira of preaiding officer light and plaaaaat. Ha thanked tha mambara for thia mark of ooarttey ahown to Preaident Fox and himaalf, and hoped tha good faellog now exiating would cootinaa to bind tham together aa inaeparable Siende. Tha Board than adjourned cum dii. MISCELLANEOUS. R A / L W. A Y THE Chicago & North-Western RAIL W A 7 latbaOLDEST I HE-TCONVTBUOTBDI BUT kgBIPPADI tad hHMlki LEADING RAILWAY - OP TUB - WEST AMD XORTH WKST t ttlllki BHOBT. ►DRK aad SATE BOUTS COUNCIL BLUFFS, — AND — CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE And >11 point* BAST, aack u Nlimn Vail*. Naw Wrki Pfcllai'alpbla* llWM. Waaalaal»a. liali<aar«, rata* rah. .Haairaal, Taraaia. IMnlh tlafa au4« At Ooaooll Blaflk tka Train* of tka Chicago A North Wwttra aad tba U. T. R'j« depart from, urtva at aad aaa tka uaa joint Uuloo Dpt At Ooleaco. cloaaconnection* ara mad* with tha Laka ahora. 0*nu*J, Baltimore A UhU>, Pi. Ways* and P*an*yl*aala. and Obi\x=req-\ c**o a Grand Traak h'y*. and tba Eankak a and Pas Bandl* KooUa. Palaca Drawing Roost Cara Ai» ruu on all tbroacb tra na of tkl« road. It a tka O * I'Y KOAD ►aiw«»» COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAGO Upon whieb la tan tba ca la bra lad Pullman Hotel Dining Gars Ioalat npoo Ttskat Agsot* aalllm job TlckrU ▼latblaroad kaamlaa your Tictara, and r>fa»a to buy If thry do not raad or«r Uia G.lcacu A Monk Wcattra Hallway. It )oa oltk tba Maat Traralln* Accommoda\x=req-\ tion* toa anil bur roar Ticket* by tbla hout* WANU WILL TAB* NONE orHKK. All tlcktt A**Dt« tall TlckrU by tbi* Uaa. HA N TIN IIUUHITT. ■Ml Id V. P. A Oan'l M*a«r, Ontcago. C. V. CRANE, PURCHASING AGENT, Istakllahed 1b 1871. P bbsobs rimdino awat prom ban Pranouco, la wantof aay art tola ol MIR CHAN DI8I, Qraat or mall, can tiara tbalr order* Bllad promptly, and at tka eery lowaat o*ab prlcaa, ay aitdrawlag tba nadanixa>d. 0. W. CRANE, ill Ploa Mr»at. Room M and 10 Laldralorfl «t> at. ■aarrandaco Cal. lyUU HOISTING CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINB'S SON'S CO TiMtoa, >•« Jinty. Bmi Oaelbla CmI*AhI Htlulil Oablaa Of alt UtwrlHlWh Wlra^lriiia hr Nim.Cm\x=req-\ ataallr kul ft. ▼. MOOKKT. A(ent. Winboax, Mtr Bib k Nurcroaa work* Ttfgtnla 01 ty. Na*ad*- M ANNUAL MiETlNa. Ornoi or thi altra oowoudatkd Mlalar Oo»puf| MM Pr»Dcl«-o. May Mat, 11*1.- Tm Fourtaanlb Anuual MctUm of IM •iockkolJ«rt of tba .bora named Company, lur tba akKtloo nl Tmetrea, and tba<>n of ancb otbar baalaaea a* ba rrcaaated. will ba bald an MONDAY. JCHE JOih. 1M1 (•bird Monday ta Jnnai. at ona o'clock r. a. on ibat daj. at tba office or tba 0 l oom No. », Xatidt Buck, No. SOB Moo'iioruacy ■tract. Baa Franc leco, California. Tranrfar nook* oloanl on Tbaradaj. J ana Uib, ls»l. at tbraa o'.lock P ■ ■jtttrt WllLIAM WlLUa.JWmary. ■UIVtVUT BALIS. moorwr nam and mltkh * MI NINO <X>MPANT.-Location of principal placs of basinssa, Hsn krsoclsco, California. Location of works, tllTsr Mar Dlstricl, Storey coonir. Ninili. Notic».—Tbsrs an dsllsqnsnt upon tbs fol\x=req-\ towia*dsocrlbsd Mock, on account of mum m«Bt (No. I) levied oo th« twsniy-slith day ol April. Ml, lbs several amount* mi opposite ID* names of lbs respscllvs shars holder* aa lollows\x=req-\ Name*. Wo. e»«. 8hs. Ami traimniJ L. Trasiss <RI...W..4n .. Arm*tr»nfJL do ....4979 . liu....lo.. Barjamln P A. Trusts* MM .HMO ..B04.. Burua k Hlbbard. Trustees. 1.. Hiomf.rU Mn lata M*0 ..11 ISO Biomfont Mr* Rats Hll. R'omfurd *r* Kals 9001. Blomiard Mrs Ka's... Host) M P ln>l«.... Basil BP do Bash HP do tYandall W 0, Tresis* OimpmJ B Tnj.iss... Cook J B. Trusus. ... OoogerCC. Trust*#.. Duncan « L. Tnuiss. iiucuWL do D»wsy I K Tnutrs... Qr»eos»«um. Hslhlnf k Co. MI....U ...110 BOM...94. ....»an .JO#3....*8. ....1 «J ..W9..I9S4. . 199 40 6071..1300. .140 . t07i..lMJ, ..134 80 . T97....10. .. 1*W ...JO. ....1 •• .Mm... «u. ....... .ivrt...too. ...» .. .34 19 1. to snot ....1 .. .49*9...100 .. .1994..1000. ..100 .. .4961...90. ....» .. .4911... .10. ....# .. SOM... SO. .1300 ..ion. ...10 .. . 90*... 100.. ...10 .. Oartot * Jr. Tr mss 4MI Oardtasr k Hooker. Trusts..4941 dathawav K.. Rosibst b Bonn*. Trastsss BsdMt D * k Oo, Trosts. Bosmer DlikOo do 8M0...1uo ...10 .. Lots land * David. Trustsss.1919 • 90 Moor* J P. Trusts#.. Mo^r* J P do MarkaJ Traatsa..... Mallar W J.Trnatsa.. IlllltrWj do .. M.ntel X Trsatss.... Hants I M do .... ••salsl * do .... M«n«el* do ... hkb D,' Rich D do Bmllsv T J L, Trusts*. Sco t H U Trusts*.... Sbotwsll i M do HJIOtWall J M dO •IWr L P P. Trastss. .4193. . 10) ..10.. ..1U0....10 .. ...19 ISO ,.1000.. 100 .. .4741. .1(0. ...10 .. a , . 40, ( s s •• ..100,...10 .. ..• W.....9 .. . .13*4 ...10 1 .. ...10 1.. ...60 ....9,..... 90 .4*41. .. • 90.... .ft .. .4(100. ..100..a.10 .. .4039 .100....10 .. • 4419. «0 .. Uil. ..100.... 10 .. .. 4T»9. .700....TO .. And to accordance wife law. a-d an ordsr of ths Board of Dlrseton. Mads no tbs twenty, tilth day or April, int. so many ahaiaa of sash parcel of sorb stock aa nay bs airaaasij will 0* SOM at public anrtlon at th* oin-e of tbs Ooapaoy. Room IT. Xsrchsata Kzcbanys, No. «U Oalllornla atrvet. van Francisco. California, on MOXDAT. tbs twaatWih (MUD day ol JUNK. lrtl. at lb* boar of II ifalock M. of said day, to pay »4ld delinquent 1 Bant tbsrsoa. together with coats ot adrsrtla\x=req-\ m. and axpaaasa of tbs sale. B P. BOB. I Ou» atom *0. r Msesbasts' Bo. «n ijggnf gjK ZIOSItOUDifKO IMPBBIAL III. \J INQ OO UPAlt Y.—Local! oo of prtodpa] pmem of boalaaaa. Bu Fraoelaco. OartkwU, Location at wodta, Oott Hill, Morar cooaly, Narad*. Notlca.—Tbera «r* dallnqoaat npon tba fttl\x=req-\ lowlng da* rlbcd Mock, on homm of mm*. mat (No. 19) lerlad on th* rlghurath (1Mb) day oi *prll, 1WI. ttaa Mv*rai amoont* m onmlttlb* duqn of Ik* r**p*etlT* ihti» Lolder*, u follow* : Name*. No. Oarttf. 8b*. Aa'L Atktnaoo, Dond k Co, Troa\x=req-\ teaa Sim »...$ 80 Atkinson, Dond 4k Co, Trn»\x=req-\ teaa 41184. ..1 10 Alkioa >d, Lyon * Oo, Tnu\x=req-\ Uaa 1MM ....10.... Armstrong J Lt Co, Troa , ............... 38133 ....*g..... . 10 Armstrong J Lt 0», Tret\x=req-\ aooooaooooooaooooooaoa Mm.... • 10 B*yl«r U B. inula* 4 .. Bajky O B do 440M...100....10 .. BaykyuB do 44036....30 ».. BaiteyOH do 44144...114)..,,10 .. '»7 u ■ do 4UM...100 .. 10 .. | B.yleyOB do MOOT... 101.... 10 ., B do 411*4. .19* ...1® .. b*r«u PhiL Tmm 4Mi...m....M.. Baltktnjl do 44JM...»o....10.. Barth Vkll do Mill *0 5?«»£kll do 40M0...10O....I0.. BMikPBU do 440*0...100....30 .. Birth Phil do MT0...30U....80.. *A«kPhU do MIT1. Bartu Phil do 4MT3.. .300....M .. | bwtbPkii do «4m...aoo....M.. Bataa u C, TroatM 41110.. .00"... 60 .. DMr*I>0 do 4*110 ,»00....00.. Bourn* J B. Tro*t*« MMl...tuo....10 .. Bow A WkOo. TrnataM..44383.. .100....10 .. Bargirot J A.TroatM......**0*1...W0....10 .. Oafflo J*aea.Ti niiar, bol. 11*01 ....« go 0 <Oa Jaaaa do IUM....W g.. Offla JaiL«a do 3780*....10 g .. OMBnJamM do WW ..MM..,.gO .. CulBn Jainaa do MJM..10 .. Oufflu .laoia 00 ... .30400....00 g .. OoBin JaoMa do 3*710...100....10.. Oufli J*mM da HNS...100....10 .. OMBnJamt* da M000....M • .. U>ffln Jamaa do IMtO ...00 0 .. Oofflu J am. a do MO....10 0.. Coffin Jamra do ......30380...100....10 .. OoOnJamaa do 10400. .100.. .10.. CVffloJamM da MOM. .100....10 .. Oofflu Jaatw do Mil...100... 10.. UufflnJauM do *01*3. ...60... .b . UMBO J*BM do 40103... 60 ....I .. OufflnJamM do 40341... 100....18 .. OoOo JimM do 411001 ...» I.. Ooffln J*m*a do 40004....10 1 .. Oiblll B A Oo. Tnalaaa 0OM ...10 1 .. Oablll K <t Co do ....l*Ml....lO 1 . Oablll KlCo oo ... 0M01....10 1 .. Cablll K k Ua da ....*14*4.... 10 1. Oablll K k Oo do ....4801*...100....10.. Crockar k bnjrdam, TrotUacMM... .10 1.. Crocker k Bnjrdam do 304<d....M 0 .. Oop* k Oat la. TratlOM ...MOM...400....00 .. Clutek Lov*laad.Tra>l***.ll0ll... 10 0.. 1 Oopa. Unl rk Oo.Trnat*MlM6T....!».... 010 I Oop*. UblarkOo do OMO....N 0 .. Oofflu. ttanderaoa k Oook, Truataaa 440T0...100....10 .. Ormodall W O, Trnalaa 44111...ICO....10 .. Crucial! W u do ....4MM...00 0 .. OmriB. TroatM 10704...141....14 OO Danoaa W L, Tro-Wa 10T3T.... 0 80 • uacau W i, do 0*004....00 0 .. DaiiCaa VI do 01114 0 10 unucaaWL do 41010. ...10 1 .. 0ocean W L do 48*3...M0....M .. I llrealar t fOOu TruMt*IIU3....30 ....« .. Dawajr BIO Oo,TrnataM.lUII 0 M • *«ajr k k k Co do 37180...100....10 .. Dawt;llOOo do 411M...100....10.. Uewy KlkOo do 44381...800 ...».. DawarBKkUo do 43if7.. .400....40 .. Uuoglaaa k Tboapaon. Trma\x=req-\ tora 18110 0.... 10 OooglM* k Tbompaoa, Troa\x=req-\ tMa , Mill 0 00 Dlaon T B. Traalao 4IUI...I00....10 .. Dlx.nTH do 433*1...IcO....10.. DUonTH do 4*111. .100..,.10.. IIISonTU do 4MH...100 ...10 .. KppatelabCo.TroataM. .0*140...100 ...10,. Kppalrln « Oo do ....4141...100....10 .. KppaUIn A Oo do ....4M04...IU0....I0 .. Uwa da W. TroatM 46V1...100....10 .. K«tr tl......10771... lOO,... 10 11 filadrrich O, Tru'te* IT1B9.. 1(4)0...100 .. Frla frich O do 0T10U.. 1000...100 .. frladaricb (I do I7N0I .H00...100 .. >rta>lrrleh O do 17*00...100,.. 10 .. Frlad*rlcb U do 10110...100... 10 .. Prl drrlcbU OO UI44...100....10 . m«lfrl. bU do 44817.,.IU». ..10 .. rrirdrrlrk U do 44010...100.... 10 . Prankcl LB.TroatM loll....10 1.. rrankal LB do <017 0 M Fratka k Oray. Trn*l*M...44JOO....10 ... 0.. ► a. v r, TrualM I0M0....M 0 .. FayPH do 4Mll....tO 0.. »a» P H do 4U0O....N 1.. F01C W. TroatM fc«*0...ICO. ...10 .. FulCW do KW74....1U... .1.. Traitca M40... .0 10 FUk A>*. Truaiaa 43031.. 40 4 .. Olailar k Ou I, Trnataaa 4447.. • .. ulaaarkOol do ....0108... .10 1 .. Gl.tlar k C ■ I do ...I1W...10O....1U.. Qlaa»r k Oo 1 do ...03411... 10... .1 .. UlaslarkOol do ...41.tM...BO....IO,. Glaiirr k Oo 1 do ...41100...100....10 .. UiM»rbaBm, Halblug k Oo Tiu«t** «0..«. ..00 Ornnalagm, BalMng k Co. t ono....10 1.. UiwnctMBH. Btlbloglt Oo, Trutrwin**..,«.*••••.• • .1000• • »100 ., Or.i t K K, TrutU* SMI...100... 10.. Grant kr do rwi .au I.. unntKK do 1TOM....I0 *.. IllUllR do »»fW....10 1. Great IK do KMT 1 M UrutKR do *7914.... 10 1.. Great K K do 87*71... .60 • .. Grant Kit do «TOM....»0 • Grant k It do IBUfT... 40.... • ,, OrutKR do Mill...1U#....10 .. Urut R It do BUM....IB *en OrutRR do 8NB87.. .» «t0 OrtkOt fc It do 8Bt;l....«4 ... in ••rutI It do MM... » tH Giant a H da B .. UrentE It do M774...100.. .10.. Qrwt B K da ■.■.*i*.M1Vl«.i«SUiM*.t •• urut K it do MT0...100....IO .. Knot Kit do MfTI...1)0....10 OrutRR d» HM7....19 1.. Ore t K R do WHO... 10 1. ureotitR do *eo Orut K R do B B0 UlutXR do W7.H...10U....10 .. urut K R do W700...I00....10 .. Grant K H do M7IB...1U0....10 .. Urtot K R do W717...1U0....10 .. Grant IK do 18717 B to Urut K R do M'll B 40 OrutRR do 40024 ....B 10 • •rati Kit do 40*7....10 1.. Grant IK do 40*6 .. 10 1 .. Or.ot K R do 4(8 1....10 1.. UreotKR do 4UI70 .. 10.... 1 .. Grant KB do 41M. .:00....1u .. Urei.t K I do 411*4.. .100....10 .. Grant » R do ... . 41IM...10U....10 .. Ur.ntBR do 41544 ..100....10:. Urut K H do ...4IMC,. .100....10 ,, tir<B> I R do 41474. .100....JO .. OrutKH do 43001...11.0....10 .. Grant I H do 4».M.. .I00....10 .. Grant K R do 41110.. .100....10 .. Grant KR do 44010 .100....10.. O'UtRR do 441*4...110.... 10 .. Urtm K R do 44rrr...100....10 .. • •rant K K do 44*71.. .100....10 .. Olll»n J, TrsMM 4270K...I00... 10.. OlllonJ do 41041.. .1(10. ...10 .. (Jlllon J do 41744....Ill B .. Oil Ion J do 44741...100... 10 . Or e*lnf*r R, Trait** 410*4....40 4 .. GrlolDfrr R do 4*111....10,. .1.. ■ •rmlnntr R do 4W7B....M ....1.. Oarneti W J, Trust**.... 440H*....*1 » BO Ournrtt W J do 44*41. .1U0....10 . Garortt W J do 4400J...80U... 80 .. Harriot* J do 44744...119 ...11 »0 Oollj k I'bl, Treat*** 40800...100.... lo .. O-'llj A Uhl do 444)1...100....10 OOlljr k Ubl da 44MO...10J....10 .. (IrernUum LA Oo.Trait* 487a....10 B . Grecubaain L k Oo do 44M1...100....10 .. Ooldmu K. Trait**. 44114....10 1 .. Ooidmu U ao 44U8...108....10 .. Oautblsr k Scbmjlt, Trn»\x=req-\ t*v*......................1TBBB....10. ...1 ,. Golly k 'ppattlD. Tra»t«*aJ9(J7....10 1 .. Aocbuadiar R k Oo, Troa BUBO....» ».. BoebiUdtar B k Oo. Tru»\x=req-\ i*'• .....................W0...400....40 .. Bocbatadur R k Co, Trn»\x=req-\ M 8UM....BB... .180 Bochmadtcr k Oo X, Troa\x=req-\ t***......................889TB....40...•,4 ,• Bocbutadtw R Jl Co, Trtu\x=req-\ t*r4 ... 40714... 80.....J .. Hocb*t*4t*r k Oo B. Tra*. MM 41BSB...100....10 .. IlorDitadtcr B * Oo, Trnt tM* 43144...800....80 .. Uochttadur Ik Oo, Traa Hotmer DMA Oo, Tnuti.snM .100....10 .. Boamar omit do tun....10 t.. louurOHtOo do .4WT.. »0... .10 .. H"«B«r D If ft Oo do .*4*11....10 I„ Hoamar D X ft • o do .M3<4...100...,]0.. Hnam*r ft Boaro*,Tro*t«M.lSrr0....30 t.. Hotmer ft Boarna do JMII....00 • Hi* k« H O, TnutM um. ..SO • .. IliwkiHD do MM*....10 1 .. H»k>UD do 4317*...Id*....10.. HttlllD do 41IM...100....10 .. lUvkaBD do «UM ...» I.. Bawka B D do 44TM...100 ...10.. Biwka H0 do «U1*...M0....M.. Bala ft Pacbaeo, Traataa*..30MT....M 4 .. Bala ft Paonoco do ..4MTS....M 1 .. Hala ft Parboco do ..UNO.. Bala ft Pachoco do . «*»...MO....*) . Baicblnwn John. Trnalaa.MMT...»0....»0 Batcbloaoa Jnbo da 4HH ..M0....H. Bant ft 0*'aa. TnuU«a...lMM ...10 ». Blrchflald O. Truataa (MTI....W 1.. Bircbflcld 0 do ......MM!...*00....*).. HavesaftOo, Tnutaaa IDTI....I0 • .. Barera ft Oo do Ull».40 .. ■enuay ft i>7«r, Tr*»,aoa...«im.. .100....10 . Ktnne?ft D<ar do ..4M4»....1I IN do ..MM....I0 f .. Jeanay A D»ar do ..U01* • M Jaonaj ft Dm do .10 ».. 5'J. ' 9*^_i ...I0.....1.. as?sa:<.su;-.v.«--B VIlIYtVm S1L1B. Cm. lejnrUI-CeeUi - _ _ I>«.OXU. Bba. 4bI. • •• 5*J* u ? i .. fll: *j»• l™"*- rMi....K> I.. Uibamfc |l ag. Tra*taai..MM8....10 1 .. Latham AElDf do . 8J84I....10 1. Lock* W L, Trade* 44*44..1000. .100 .. u*t»m*i.i>TbM.Tniu« i LiabaimaaoTb*o da ..44801...U8....1I M Lutt T k. Trait** 48*41....M »*0| Marjo * Bob Oeo T. Tiw .............a......ittfT....60„■.«! • Mary* * aoiUtoT.Tm\x=req-\ „t« • 8M0....1# 1.. firji k Bon OeoT, Traa\x=req-\ »»•••• MM....10 1.. Mary* k tt*n 0*o T, Traa\x=req-\ *«• HIM....80 • . Mary* ± Son U*o T. Tra» 41MT...100 . .10.. Mark* W B, TrnitM .MM....18 1M Mark* Wei do io»«l ...» 1M Ma ka W 8 do 1I1M....10 B .. Marka W • do 11748 • M Mak.WB do IO1JB....10 1 .. Marka W 8 do 480M....11 110 Mdrka < B do Mttf ...WO... 10 MukaWB do MOM...100....10 . Marka w« do 4ITM. .480....M. Marka WB do 4JTM...100....10 .. MukaWB do 43TT1....10 1 .. Marka W B do 43788 ..800....80.. Maria W B do 48811 . 10U....10 .. MtfkaWI do 4~8M...80O...M.. MdikaWB do WU....II 1M Mark.WB do .. ... 44144....M «M Marka WB do 44IM....8U... Mark-WB do M1M....M . .. MaikaWB da Mill .. M • Marka WB do 4488T...M0....4U.. MarkaWB do 44418...840....M .. Marka WB do 44MT...1M....18 .. Mai ka W B da 44441.. 800 ...80 .. Marka W B do 44M8.. 8M....30 .. i Marka WB do MTM....M IM[ Matk.WB do Mr*...ll<0 ...10.. MaikaWB do 4»808. ..800....M .. Marka W B do 44MI...«*>•• 10 .. Maika « B do 4408J....M B .. Marka WB do 44081. ..8U0....M .. MukaWB do Ml IS.. MU....M .. MarkaW B do Mil*..1000...100 .. Mar a a W 6 do M1M..1000. .100 .. Ma.kaWB do . ...M1U. IOOO...MO .. Mloaaabalnar Chad k Co, Traatno MM!....tO • MJnanbaUaar Cbaa 4 Co. Tiuataa*.... ............Mlfld....80.....8 .. Mil aaabrlmar Cbaa k 0), TrulUta 39M1...100....10 .. Mli aeabeimar Obaa k Oo. Treat ea ««.«..». •••MBM...100.• • »10 •• Mluean-lmar Oka* * Oo, Truataaa MBM....M • .. Mli-a cbalmw Cbaa k Oo. Truataaa. 41808...loo....10.. Mina«»haimer Oku k Oo, Trualaa* U1M...100....10 .. Macpberaon Jobs, Truit**.2T808...1U0....10 ,. M.cvhoraoo Johu do .H1IB....M • .. Macpatraco * Bbloa, Traa\x=req-\ laa* 404M....80 « .. Murpbj E ». Traataa...... JS7M... 100.... 10 .. Moriibj B t do 8MI8...1I0....10 .. Maa*r N T. Truit*. MOT....10 1 .. Martball Loola W. Troat**.4Sill..l0u0...100 .. M rrlllB l,Traaiaa a8S8v...100....10 .. Mack* il* Joo, Trait.*....44<M I M M>iM* B U * OO. Traatoaa..M»H...100.... 10 .. Norwood W E, Tru.ic* ... .10711....M 8 •• Norwood W 1 do ... ....... 8 .. Norwood W I do ...48MI....B0 » Norwood WI do ....44M4...H0 ...10.. Nsrwiiod W I do ....44441...400....10 .. MrwoodWB do .. NHiatalt*r l.Trnat.* Mill ...10 1 .. Naoatattarl do .... J04M...UW. ..10.. M«alO8*Oo.Traatc*i....440M...a00 ...... O 0 nnor tr acta. Trvaloa.4WM...40Q... 40 .. olcoalcb H. Truaia* 41*T1...100....1o .. Parana IJ B.Truata* 407M...1UI....10,. Partoca II B do 41880...100....10 .. Panooa H B Uo 4MM...100....10 .. Panxina H B do 4J0«...100....10 .. Hblpp* A B, Tniatao 18M1....8U ...1.. Pblpp* a B do lawn....10 1.. Ktdiardaon ■ A, Treata*..11178...100....10 .. Kicbardaua KA do ...800il. ...» 80 Hlcbaidaoo K A do ....38008 • 10 Klcbardaoo K A do ....MM-) I M Klchartlaon a A do ....10001 8 10 Rlcbardion E A do ....M0(U.. M0....M .. Rlchardaon E A do ...Mltl ....1 10 Klcbard oo E A do ....41140... .10 ft.. Rlcbard«oo K A do ,...4«S14 ..1U0....1U .. Klcbardaoo K A do ....4MS....I0 1.. Klrbardaoo E A do ....MBM. ..H0....1U .. Hlcbardaon E A do ....4MT» ..100....10 .. Klcbardaoo E A do ,...44uM. .,100....10 .. Klcbardaoo B A do ... .4404*...loo. ..10.. Kool uao H, Trait** Ml:l» ...M... .1.. Euot U*o B do 4J4M... M I.. Hoot U*0 B do 44331.. JII0....3U .. Ho ilOooB do 41454.. .800.. ..80 . K<cb D.Trait** M4U....»i 1 .. Kloi D do 43»M....W> 8 . KlcbD do 4MM....80 8.. Kork* B B. Tnuta* m«a... »0 8 .. Hoot John W 44800 8 80 ncatnieaeu, uocnetaater ■ 0-. 'Iruateee... •• HobmWdell, UooieUdter A Co. Tra.te.e 7281....10 1 .. Schmieden, Uochatedter A 0 >. Truateea It**. ...10 1 .. Schmieden. Uochatadter ft Co. TfliltCM............. .17744.• • iK) H . • Sehailtdell, HocbitaUier A Co. Iraeteee *1444....10 I . Hum Nat. Truetee SHV1...100 ...10 .. Mrln hat do *70 8...H0....10 .. Stein Nat da Ml**.. .900....M .. Mala Nat do WH0...100....JJ .. Bbotwell J X. Truetee MM....60 * .. HbutwtllJ M do 44*89...100.... 10 .. rtuilth Cbaa 0, Truaiaa U0M...S0U ...SO .. Smith ChaaH do ...45110... bcott BUiOi. Tro«teee..480<«. Hchmltt «! A. TraMM 111U8...H0....10 .. Swim D K, Truetee 41103 60 1.. "WlmDI do 41101.. 1000. .100 .. IflaDI do 44/88...Bon....B0.. Spayer Brue. Trnettee 1M49.. .100....10 .. »teveoa o. Truetee 14973. ...10 1 .. Trill* r A ft On, TroMeea. .**(7*... 100....10 .. TrtUa PA AOo do ..4J0M....M ».. To. In K 0. T netea 24187....90 1.. ToblnRC do 81H9....BO ».. ToblnliO do 483*4....M TubloRO do 447J'.. 10U....1U.. ToblnMC do 44083...*»....90 . Wek»flald • B A Oo, Trna taaa SUM.. .3C0....M .. Waktfltld I B A Oo. Tma taaa,...... ........... • 84478... .8...... M WaarSald 8 B A Oo. True\x=req-\ fee......................44847 1 Bo «ak. flald It B A Oo, Troa tea* 44M9....90 • .. Wall I Ohaa L. T.natoe. 48ST4. 10W...100 .. Wall) Cbaa L do ....43MS....H Wtlll Ohaa L do ....18814 • 80 Wrill Obae L do ....48191... M J BO Weill Ou.aL do ....44989...1<W....10 . Watll Chu L do ....44144... 100....10 .. Weill Ob.aL, do ....111*8...800..,.W.. Wliaon A Haicblneon, Tru»\x=req-\ Uaa 41184... 100.... 10 .. Wllaoo A Umchlnaon, Tree. tree 48(117 ..100....10.. Wakefield H B, TrottM.....81721 1.. Wakar J M A Co. True\x=req-\ taaa ..4414 <...8...... 00 Waitlea J BAOi,Tnwtaaa.18100... 80 *.. WataraO O. Trn»iaa 11H...100...10 .. WtlUrOL, Trueteo 40111....80.... *.. YoatD Z A Oo, TroiU*.. .41448.. .JOO....M . Z.dlK. Kullmann A Co, True taaa 45909..1000.. .*0 .. Ziune O T. Trnetee 4M09...100... 10.. And In accordance with law. and an order of the Board of Director), made on the eighteenth (IBtb) (Ut of April, 1881. ao many aharae oi eacb uarcal of ancb atoca aa may be neceaaarr will be aold at oobllc auction, at iba office of the company. Room No. 19. Nevada Block. No. in* Montfomerr etreet, (■an Pranolero California. oo TUESDAY, tbe foorteeUh (14tb) day of JUNK. 1M1, at the boar of on* oolock r. M. of e*ld day, to pay aald delinquent aaaaaement thereon, together with ooaU of advartlatnc and azpenie* of the aale. W. B DEAN. Secretary. Otto—Room No. 79, Nevada Block. No 8M Montgomery a tract. Han Frandeeo, California MM NO PATENT, NO PAY. PATENTS OBTAINS) FOB MICHUCIOAL DKVI0B8, v mad teal or otber eompuaodi. orsusMiln dwdfM. trade Bum tod l»b«l«. Carat* !»• •ijfumenU, Interference., Infrlngemsijta »nd •IT saltan ralattac to Pataata promptly attend* ad to Wa make prallmtaaty examination. *ad farnlih opinion. M to p.ienuhmtj. da* at charte, and all wboara latere* ted la saw In ran\x=req-\ tloo. and Pa lasts in faulted to aaad for a torn oroer"Oatda fot Obtaining Paieau," which 1. aaat rraa to u; addtaaa. asd con ulna oots\x=req-\ plata Instruction. bow la obtota Pataata, aod other ralaiole matter. During the paat At* rear* wa hare ohuinrd MM three Iboaaand pataata for Anerleaa and Han la veoUm, and tea fire eailefaetory refereocee la tlnoct mrj ooanty la the Union. Ill ill—. L0UI8 BAOOKB k 00.. ■allettore of Pataata aad Attorney. at law, La Droit Baltdlac, Wtehlagtoa, D. 0. To Comstock Mine Owners. A OBVOT AND BtrPSBIBTBRDBROT 80\x=req-\ J\ liolted. Hiring mad. nlnloa a apaeialtr for tba put t»n tj jnrt; «j.o, b.rtnr baaa praTloouT aeeoclated with corponte lndu.trlee for man. yaara. 1 am thoroo*Mj quiUfled to filtbfnllr perform rrtrr nqilnMt ** Aaaet or Saparlntendent aad oftr in* MrrloM >t tba followtnc price.: Aetlra wort Id* aloea, $100 to $100 per month; bob working mlaee aaaoal holding work, |M to IMpwacaib.. tautlaMl aa< Be parts Bill Thareaa lTfogD — "ft BlUVWIVT BillS. ■ ADY WMHIIflTOI W»U li DATED OuMPaNY.—Location of prill\x=req-\ Ctpkl pise* of Du*lft*«, ton Francisco. C*il Loo*tloo of works, Gold Hill MlallK Dtilrtot, Gold Hill, SMvy Oouly, amdi. Notio* -Turn irs dellnqnrat a pan the fol\x=req-\ lowtajr ds*crlb*d Mock, on socoantof Bl (No. t) l»rt*d <m lb* fl'lMBtk d»y of Aprtli 1M1, lb* srnnU Amounts s*t opposlt* lb* nsmes of til* respoctWs shsnhoM*r», M follows; Rum. J»o. 0*rtlf. gbs. AmX Atkinson. Doad B Co, Irns\x=req-\ tsM WOO.... »0.. Atkinson, Doad * Co, Traa\x=req-\ t»M nr.. Atkinson, Doud M Co, Tras\x=req-\ t**s.»••«... . ...........3119...*B0.....S .. AtklDiuci, Doud ft Oo.Tras\x=req-\ ICN 3MT....M (.. Atklnroo, Doad k Oo.Trus\x=req-\ tn« test. .100....10 .. Armstrong J L. TrasU* mo..'. so • .. Ai»1bsooTT. Trust** J1M....M • .. Bneklsrldf* k Vo*t, rius\x=req-\ l*fS .111..» .. Br* klnrldv* k To*t, Trus l>*s teiauo* Mil I .10 Bum DO. Trust** 1M1....10 1.. bumd0 do 55.... 10 ..a.. Bat** U 0 do MM...100....10 . B*rr»tt k Wsjksr, TrmfU**..OH....00.....•.. Bsrntt k W»ik-r do ...3MT... 10 1.. Baodtr DAB Co. Tra*t***.., 110 Bra ks 8 H. Trut** UM0....10 • . BrO<ksHH do SMT....I0 1. Brook* B H do .tel..KM 1 10 B«r>*rU*oB.Trett** MM... 00 (.. usjlt-y Uso B do MM...10U ...10 .. Bsy1< jr 0«o B do ... .«!*...100...10 .. H*jrleyO*oB do MM....10 1 .. Bsjlsjr O*o B do MM.. 100....10 .. Bsf Isj 0*0 B do M0....SO ».. Itarb** wobo, Trust** J1«T....SO • OoiBn Jsmss, Trust** IT..100....10 .. 0"» ' J«B*s do M...100....10 .. tirtodsllW (l.Tnut** Ml....10 1.. Crsndsl I WO do • •••••* 4M....1U I .. Ciundsll WO 6M....M • .. CrsudAllWO do 6M....H » .. Cr.ndsil WO do HI.... • to CrudsllWO do 1M0....M ...... Criad.ll W O d> MM.. 100....10.. Cr.ndsil W O do MOT...100 .. W. Orsndsll W O do MM...M0....M . Oop* k lisrl*. Trust*** 1(...100....10 . Oodc k I srli do 1M ,,M ». cop* fc Dsns do IMS....10 • Oup* B Dstls do 1ST*...100....10.. Cop* B D*rl< do M0I...NO....10.. Cbpe St ISTii do,.. • .. Osblll I* Co,Trust*M M8..IM11 ,.1U .. Otbtll It ft Oj do U1..M1 ...«TM...0n Osblll B 4k Co do ....MM...10U....10 .. Osblil KB Oo do tel..MM • 10 Osblll It B Oo do b*l..MM....M >00 CshlUBftCo do b*l..MM....lT 1 TO Ckblll B B Oo do M0...10U....1Q. Oruwlsj B OojduiAS, Trrus\x=req-\ t**s »a....M (. Crowley ft uoodttsn, Trus Crowley * Goodman, Tron mi....10 1.. Coffln, Bandaraon A Cook, roeteee 1M....M.....«» OufflB. Baudrrann * Oook, Truateea, balaaoo • • ••• •••!!• •• • *9 ®Q J Crocker t Hojd.B, Troeta.. I •, Crocker ft Bajdam do . M....J0 t.. Clui- ft Loraland. Troataea.MT...luo....lO .. Ourda a, Troatre ,Wt,,,,W,,.,,t ,» Orockar Jolrn. Traataa SOU... 100....10 .. Don, laaa k Thompeon. troa\x=req-\ ilrl in | 10 Daala LMre.'baV.'. MM....UN...IM I) an can Waa L, Troatee 148....4o ».. Liuacan Wo L do J9M....M ....I.. DoocaaWmL do nil. ,,M> I.. Dal ton M X. Troataa JMI....M • .. Kppateln * Oo, Tmaleee.. .1M0....U) t ., Bt>pei*ln ft Co do ....>711....SO ».. kppe'eln li Oo do TI7«....60 >., Kt>paieia A Oo do btl,.l>H....ll ...,IN kppeteiuftOo do 1801 . .JOO....JO .. kppa alu k Oo do .... *S*V.. .100....M ., Par P 8. Troataa 1011....M I.. PayPt do la» ...M >10 Kajr PH do JIM... 100..,. 10 .. Pay PS do Mil....10 1 .. huPH do »js....m ato Pay P U do MM....40 • Prauka k Gray, Traateee.... 81:17... ,M t #0 Plan 0 J, Troatre JIM....10 •„ PrankB,Troataa JJ13....J0 J .. Precburn k Oo. Traeiee«....lJ14.,.100....10 .., Halblng * Oo, Tnutree JtO.. 100....10 .. Orrenrbaum. Halbtaf ft Oo, Traalaaa,,. 1MB,...SO.....9 .. Uireuabaam, HelbUgftOo, Trnatara "... .ISM...100....10 .. Oreenebaom, Bribing k Oo. Truaieee 1(M...100....10.. Orernebaum, Ualbtnc k Oo, Troa ere 1M0 • B0, Halblnf k Oo, Troeteae.... JIT1. ...M.....1 #0 Ournett A O k Oa. Truele... **....Jo J. Guroett A G k Oo do ...IMS I «0 Garortl A o k Oo do .. .1411....10 1 .. uarnetl A G A Oo d< ...MM. .100....10.. Oileeingrr K. Traalee WOT... 40..., I,. Garnatt W J, Troataa I0a...l00....10 .. Goldman M, TrueUe 1740....I0 1.. OuldMn M do J90I....M I.. Goldman M do 81G0....60... .1.. Golctuan M d. Mil...110....II. Grant K K, Troftee JTJ....M... ,lt0 Giant kit do 1UM....M 110 Uranl X It do 1083....10 1 .. Grant M K do 10M.. ..I M (•rant KB do 10M I It) Grant KM do 1MT • W Gracobaum L k Oo, Troa\x=req-\ taaa.,....*..,,.,.,i,...,*.SMI... 100,,..10 ,, Grrayar da H. Troataa I4M....K I.. Grtayartlall do 1TM....M Onion J. Troataa >171....M I. Ulllou 1 do Mil...100....10 .. uillon J do JMI...10U....10 .. Glllon J do MJ7....M • .. Humor DM ftOo.Traitaaa..IM .. 10 1.. Hoamer D X ft Ou do ..10M....10 1 .. Hoamer l> M ft Oo do ..MII....M J M Halt-in John. Tiuataa MM...100....10 . Havana ft Co, Trnataaa JMI....(0 • .. Ha*.na ft Co do «*«...100....10 .. Hickoi Geo O ft l o.Tntataa«.JuM■. ■ ion. ■. .10 .. Hair ft Parbaco, Trarte>e....4tt... M I. Hala ft Paebico ao ....1M0....M SM Hala ft Pacbroo do ....IM4....M t.. Hala ft Pajfcaco do bal.JVJi 1 10 Herxbcn I, Troataa ITJ....11 110 Hall A Obartaa, lraatar4....10M....10 1 .. Hawke H V, Troitaa Mil, ,.M I.. Hawk- H D do MM...100....10.. HawksII It do M1I....M IN HawbHD do MM....M J.. HawkaUD do J7U4... W I.. Hawke HD do MM...100....1o.. Ulaarr I. Troataa 417....10 1 .. Iglanar ft do 1111... M I .. I«iao.rB do 1MI...1I0....1I,. IflaoarB do JM7....10 1 .. IglaosrH do .btl JMI • 10 lnlenerB do IIM....M I. I»ea Geo I, Troatra Mai... 100....M .. | kaon X A, iroatea MM....10 1 .. Kauuay ft Dyar, Traalaaa...Jill. .JOO....JO. Keiiney a Djer do T7J0....M I.. KenneyADyer do J7M....M I.. K nnry ft Dyer do SIM...100... 10 .. Kaufman 8 AOo. 1 roataaa..JMt. ..100....10 .. Kallay Welter 8, Truataa...1311. ..100....10 .. Keller Waltar 8 do ....MIS....M Kallay Walter 1 do '....1171...^ I .. Kellogv K B. Troataa, tel...MM J 4 10.. M K~ leltB. irnfta- BIO...100....10 .. )« Homer B ft Oo, Troa. tow J0M....M I.. Llat arm.n Tbao. Troataa..1104 ...M I .. UabaimannThao do ... .I1M....M I.. LararaotiOft Oo, Traalaaa.10M... 10 1 .. Lanftaml U P, Traataa JIM....10 1 .. Loeke WmL. Iroatae M7I....M . .1.. MulU W J, Traataa M7 • BO Mallar W J d* .bal IM I M Mailer W J do 1MT....M I.. Mailer W J do 1IM....M I.. Mailer W J do BM....I) I.. Mullar W J do J4M..100....10 .. Muller W J do M7I....M I.. Mullar W J do I1J7...M0 .. to .. Murray W B, Troataa 1M1. ..H0....J0 .. Morray W B do .bal ..JIM. ..M IM Millar ft Van Wyck. Troa\x=req-\ t "aa..... •.... .............MM... .JO.... .9 .. Macpb-raon John. Troataa...IM....10 8.. Macpbanon Job* do ...Ml I M Maci brraon John do ..till ....I Ml Macpbaraon J»hn do ..MM I M Macpbanon John do ..1IM....M I.. Marpber-on John do ..1JW I M Mantel M. Troataa IM... 10 1 .. Mantel M do ■ .. Mantel M do 10M....M I.. Mantel M do .10»7....M I.. Mania) X do 1IM....S0 1.. Mantel X do MM....M ISO Mantel X do 1MT....S0 1.. Mantel X do Jl«7... JOO....M,. Mantel X do JI7I....M I.. MU L W. Troataa. btl ISM M.... M Mary* Uw T ft Boo, Troa. teee.......................UM. ..M.....S .. MaryeOeoT ft ■oo.Traa> teaa.......................JJflO....JO.....I.. Marye Geo T A Son, Troa\x=req-\ ....MM...100 ...10.. aaat a Marye Gro T llBoft, Trma* idee................ a.....3745.... 10.....1.. feeeor, Bacoo ft Oo, Troa\x=req-\ , . toes MM....W ■ Meraer, Bason ft Oo, TroA teea ........IISI,.,.JO. ,1.. Mayera A. Troafee. bal 1717 . M Macpberaon A Bhlnn. Traa\x=req-\ laaa MI4 ...S0 1.. M-mftatalnM.Troatee.. .1004. ...II IM Martin H W, Troatee 1MB • M Martin HW do b*L....MM I M Milee IX ft Oo, Troalaae.. .MM....S0 • .. Moore A M00t^omery.Traa\x=req-\ laaa .8060....M... 1 Mooie ft Xont(OBery.Trof teee....... ...............BOdl....40,...*1 .. XUea ft Xtnc. Troateee 1114...100....M .. Noble H H AGo,Traetoae...lM....ll. ...IM Koble H B ft Oo do 1444.... 10 1 . Norwood W K. Tpi 1 tee 1JM I M Norwood W B do .... 1714....10 1 .. Otle ft t o, TraatMn 1I7».. 10 1.. Ot a ft Co do Mil... M. . .t.. Otle ft Oo do SMB....90. p'kiaall, Troataa..^....JTtl....10.. ..1. ■ILIVQVIVT BA1I8. My WttklilMa C*i.-CmIIHM< dimm Mo. OmtU. stu. Ami Plttnot Juui do ....tun....10 6. hnoailB, TnutM nu...loo... 10.. RlctunUoo ft A, TroitM tot I. Boo* On B, Trait* 1TM...100....10 . Boot UN B do MO... 10... .1 .. Root Oto 11 do KM...100 ..10.. Booto«oB do ton... »... .1, Boot 0*0 B do sn* BupplD H. Tnu'M 28M ....I.. Hurke B B, TnutM 1-ffl... .10 1.. Rich D. TnutM 1MJ....40 • .. RmmII J R,TnutM WM...M0... 10 .. BatMIl J B do I Hbotmll J K.TnutM 1.. Shot well J M do Till...100....10 .. Hhotw.ll J M do am • <0 BwlaDK, TnutM MOO...10... .» . Baltb B L. TnutM. bdl *»....IT 1 TO aefcmtttO a, TnutM I»19 ..100.. .10.. BIom W E.TnutM !«•»....40 4 .. BlmaWE do 7IM....8* 6.. Scott H H ft Co. TnutMi... 4,9 1 10 Bo-ttHIlftOo do ...Ml....10... .• . Bute Ml. TnutM Mi....SO 110 8Uln Nit do tut.. .loO. ..10 .. •Mb Mm do 14N...00 • >MU Nm do 1SM....SD • .. BUlnlUt do 19V0....M.....S .. •*•*•!!•* *0 *0t....M... .».. "J* Wat do I04S...SM....M .. Muw.m W «•. TnutM IM....K B .. Bauli Oha* B, TnutM 3MT...1M....1S.. Bmltbckaall do HM...1M....1#.. Toorrottt U JR. TnutM. tllu.. .1OO....10 .. Todd AHA Co Tnul*M..Mli... .1 N Todd AH ft Po rto .ft) 8.. Wataon Wm H, TnutM W4....1J*...I U Walton Wm 11 do SM....S0 I. *MobWoiH do TW....10 1 .. vhmiVbu do ino..... WtUon Wm H do BUI....II 140 Watroo Wm U do W1....M ».. WtttOD Wm H do b«I..M4I....TI.... TIO W.teou Wm H do bol..MM....MIt...ttB Wood* ft Trtobora, Tnu. lot *81t..a.10.•. .1 .. Wood* A ViMhoca. Trot\x=req-\ Um 14V...100....10 . WakaOtld lid Oo, Tret\x=req-\ t*M...................... ..MB.... 10.... .1 .. Wak»0*ld a B ft Oo, Tnu\x=req-\ _«•* MB....10 1.. W*krfl*ld B B ft Oo. Trad\x=req-\ •• •OOO •••••••• • MSI.. .100....10.. I WtltliM B B ft Oo, Tnu\x=req-\ . ton Mil....10 1. W.ked.ld B B ft Oo, Tnu tM» .MM...100....10 .. Waktfltld 8 B ft Oo, TTIU\x=req-\ tM*.,,. .................. W.kaMld a B ft Oo. Trot\x=req-\ tOM... ....A ............. Wakefield B B ft Oo, Tnu __tOOO........■.. .........v WtkoBold 8 B ft Oo, Tnu. Wakoteld « B * Oo. Tnu\x=req-\ tor*, balance Wakifleld a B ft Oo, Tnu O 0 0 0000 0 0 Wakefield 8 B ft Oo, Trot* llM, .OBBOOOOOO OOOO 0 Wakadetd a B ft 'do. Tnu-' UM.oooooooooooo OOOO Will jo ft Hotchlntoo.Tnu. tOM Willi* ft W, Ti ..MM. .100....10.. .MM. ...» >.. ».MM. ..100....10 .. '.Mar. ...IT 1 TO .mo. ...M 1.. ..SMS. ...10 1 .. .100...10.. ...SO S .. ...10 1 .. OOOOO Mooo* 0ft WlkliPB do . W *Uo W. TnutM mi....13 110 Wur»oBPftRo.Trait*M..**Ti) III.... M WetUr* J B ft Oj, TnutM*..Slut...100 ...10 .. WbUley Tft Oo,TnutM...lTdl... 100....10 .. Witooo 0 d.TruiU* ton. ...70 1.. Wein oui l,TnutM art* a,. WalUCtuiL do MS...140....14 .. Weill Chit L do .'.....WW....10 1 .. Wolll Cha» L do *0 .. Weill Chat L do 11ST.. IOC....t0.. Wood W g. TnutM S0»«....10 S .. ToM D Z ft Oo, TnuiOM....3Ml..,SOii...,IO .. YoetDZftOo .. Z»dl« ft Wtlll, TniltOM IM1...3M....20 .. Z*dl« ft Weill do b*l..MTl I...... tO ZadiK ft Eullmaso, Tnu\x=req-\ t*M tOVT.. .100....30 .. Zadig ft Kullmion, Tnu\x=req-\ l*M..... •..BIOS.• 100....SO .. ZlBbtOT, TruiU* 4t4. .100... 10.. ZtnnaOT do HOTirE U battby KiTtD (hat tb* abarea nail baialoafur dnnlbt i aa DNIUOib in tb* nnnibcraof tb* UNBLKKKNDKHkD Oar\x=req-\ ilflealaa of tb* fornMr LADY WaBHIMO\x=req-\ TON MIMING COMfASro 8TOCK. SiIimwI lINk Name*. No.Catui. Bbi. Am't Gardtoar k Boker.Tru.taaatill (I oardioar A B-okar do .Mil 4)4.... 48 Oardiiwr A B wkar co .Ull tia.«*. tt UanilnrrA dicker do .1811.... 41 uardioar * Ho„krr do .MIS 4H.... 41 Q.rdluar • Houk-r do .Mil... 48 OaidlDrr * Hookrr . do .Mil 4)4.... 48 Uardioer A Hooker do .Mil tit.... M Gardiner* Hookar do .SAM 4)4.... 48 Gardiner <£ Hook r do .IJJl «*.... 4» Gardiner A B okar do .36*1... .41*.... 4* uardioar A Hoeker do .1MJ 4 <• 4« Oardlnrr*Bookar do ,IM4 4W....45 Uardioar A Hooker do HA III.... II Qardiarr k llookar do ,UM IH....4S Gardiner A Huoker do ,i\Tt IH....II Tboaaa 0 Uaae't No. 1 doe Mil 1 S-10. U R OTITIS t* hereby rItw tbat tba abaraa nast hereinafter dtacilbcd *• UNISSUED ara tba uamtwr* of iba U ^bUKBtNLKKKD Oar\x=req-\ tlflcate* of tb* termor BuYUCMlNlMu COMPANY'S BTOCK. llalMntd Stack. Kama*. No. Certlf. Bba. Ami. Ball T B, Truitaa.ata't No. I daa 1M4....M....|I» Barr J J, Troataa, ua't Mo. 1 do* •« inf....St.... tto Boot k Coati*. TrniUra, ait't No. 1 da* Ml Moble H H A Co. Tra.teee, a«e't NO. 1 do* ..11M... .IK.... M Nobla II B k Oo, Traateee, aaa'l no 1 daa 1111 1)4.... D Meaaiaittr I, Truatee, aaa't Mo 1 do* (II... UH...1U O'Oonoeli Jamee, Trait**, aaa't No 1 dn« IMS 114.... II Wataon Va B, Trait**, aaa't *ol do 1ST Ui.... u Zadife k We 11, TinaMri, aaa't Mo. 1 daa I1M tit.... » And Is aooordane* with law. aad aa ordar of tBa Board of Dlnctora, made oo tba fl.teeatb (IB b)day ■ f April, IBil. ao many alurae ol easb Ptfoai of neb .lock aa may be WWBa will b* aold at public a action, at iba offlae of tba Oom\x=req-\ May, nooma • and B, No M Mootvomary eircrt, Baa msclaeo, California, oo THURSDAY, JUNK M1N1B ittbl, 18*1. at tba bow of two o'clock p.M.of Mid day, to pay *ald delinquent aaamamaat tbareon, together with ooau of advartlaUf and mpaoaaa of tba Ml*. WM. a. WATBUM, Bacratary. Offlca—Booma t and 6, No. 101 Monti •traei. Bad JTraaciec", California. NOTICE To ftvaera or Ladjr Waihlntfon Mlnlnc (ompany and Boyle Mining Company. owNrna or bba>» m tb* abor*. named Compaulaa ara nollfled tbat tbar ara in tltlad to thalr proportlonata aham of atoek in tbel.-l>Y WaBsi^OiOH CuNBOL DATKO OvMPANY npun do* payment of AHiItS\x=req-\ MKN r MO. a, of IV 0*»Ti» par than, lavlrd b» wld company on APRIL HKTHkNTH, 18BI. and boar aeltnqoeni, and iba inmnder of tbalr oartlbcataa. WM- B. WATBON. Bacr« tary Lady Waablogtoa cooeolldatad Con\x=req-\ May. Ban PraiMtaeo, MarlOib, 1M1. «B 0RD1NANCE_N0. 118. AN ORDINANOI intM; hr Ik* Urr •ftuMH *»«L"• nrNM] CraNrir wltkla Ik* T. «■ mt UaU [Paaaad April 18,1W1.] mni board or tbdbtiis or gold A HtlldooidaiB: b*crin* 1. Ad an no a) td nlanD Us of obi aad ona qoartar par crntnm opou tba valoa of taxable i-ropcnr with In tba Toon of Gold BUI to baraby tonrd and dlractad to ba coitooud lor to wo parpoaaa npon tka mmmtt Tuna of *11 rack taiaola niwirrty mada taxable t j iba lawa of tbto' lata tor lute tad e*<aaiy porpoaaa, In clodlnf tba tat proceed. of Lba mluea. Hbo. 1. Tb* Uzaa levied b> aeetlon 1 of tbto ordiuaace. aod to ba >am»«d and eollaetad la aooordaaoa wlta tbr iruriilooa or aa otdlaaaca eatltled. •' Aa Ord mince to provlda lor tba Wry ana eoltoetloa or taaee oo rail and paraoaaJ pro party wtibta tba Town orOold HU1, paaaad April lA. lAAli aad alao. aa ordinance aatltlad, Aa urdlaaaoa to provlda for tb> Una aad auaaer of aacarttlnlag Iba valaa of tb. net pro\x=req-\ eaada of mine. fur tba pcrpoaa or taxat'oa. aad to provide fur tba aollaatloa of Mob laxee. l. t. rox, Preeldent or tba Board of Trnateee at tbaTowa ofOoldHlll. Attaat: W. 0. Bibb. Clark of tba Board. At a awotiiiB of Ika Board of Trnataaa of tb* ova of uoli Bill, kald April 1A. IAN. Ordl aanea Mo. Ill waa paaaad kr ika feltowlnx total Taaa—Tnutaaa Kaiear, Daacfcy. Immtj aad rraaldaat tox. Abaaat—Traataa BeCardy. It W. O. BTDK. Clark. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. WOTICS IB 0IVB5. THAT TBI DISTRICT W Ooart of tba rim Judicial Biatrial la aad for tba cooatr ol Btorar harm* paatad to tka naderelc art Uttera U.tauentary la tka aatala or CONRAD WIXOAND.daraaa'd, all erad.tora of aald aatata wtil praarat iba r billa to tka BBdtnicmd at taa aaaar ofloa «.r tka la'a Oa»> ASSISSHIlfTS LITIIB. rOBD or i.obiv mo i n aid iil* j VkB MIBINU OONPAWY.-Location of principal pl»e» of buUMM, AM Pine sweat, Ban rruclaoo California. Location of worka, Oold Hill DUtrlet, Horry Bounty, heveda Hoik* 1* hereby (iven. that U a meetlnr at tha Board of Director*. held on the nineteenth by Ol April. 18*1. *U MMMIDSOt (No. 1) 3t Fifteen molt per share ru levied apoa iba capital Block of the eorponUlon. pajrable Immediately, In United Statee (old cola, to lbs Secretary, at the office of the Company .ho. Ill Fine (treat, Boob I, Ban Francisco, CaU\x=req-\ [Offtli, Any itock npon which thli as#ee»ment iball remain unpaid on the thirty-Brat day of May, IMl, will be delinquent, and adver\x=req-\ tiaed for aala at pubUe auction, and unleee payment la mada before, will be told cm TUIUDAY. the tweoty-el«hth day of ieae. Ml. lo pay the delinquent aaaeeamen t, together with aoeta of advertlatai and eipenaas or sale. K. «. >»N BHi NT. Beereiery. Oflce—No. Ill Plae • treat, Koom fc Baa Praoclaco, OalUornta. M JULIA CONSOLIDATED Ml SUI«» OO at* ANY.—Location or prlneipal plaee at baameee, Baa Fiancteoo, California. Location of worka, Virginia Mlnlnf DUtrlet, Storey ooonty, Nevada. notice la hereby (tew. that at a meetlac at the Board or Director*. held oa the twenty\x=req-\ ■eyentb day ot apnl. 1H1. aa anseimeai (Ma. II) or Tblrty Cent* par (bare waa levied apes ibe oapttai atock of the corporation, paiable Immediately, la United State, gold coin, to the secretary, at the office of the Company. Ho. 41* California >tract, Boom 11, Baa Francises. Oak. L'OfOUe Any atock opon which this aaaeeamaat shall remain unpaid oa the aerond (IJ) day ot Jaae. IMl; will ha delinquent, and advertised for sate at pabllo aactiua. and aalaee parmaat I* mada before, will be sold oa Kill. AT, the twenty-fourth da. ot JOhB, IMl, to pay tha delinquent aaseesment, together with ooete ot advertlaing aad expeaea* of sale. By order of the uoard of Director*. U. a. CtlAKLkB. Secretary, Offloe—No. Ill Uallfontia street, Kooa II. Baa Franclaoo. California. M KIRTVCH MINING CWMfART.— Location of triocipat place of hualnsea, sen Fiaucl»c>, California. Locatloo of works, Wold Bill, Nevada. Notice is hereby gtv>n, that at a meeting of iha Director*, bald oa the third (H| day of MAY, lhSI. 'No. IS) ol Tulrty (10) Oente par ahare waa levied upon the capital atock ol I be corporation, payable Immediately, In United State* rold coin, to the Secretary, ai the office ot tha Oompeoy. No U4 Mobtfomery »treat. Baa yrai.claco. California Any atock upon which thl* aeeeeameat ahaU remain unpaid on TUBBDaY. the aeveolh day of JO.«S. IMl, will be dellnqoent, aad advar\x=req-\ tlaad for *ale at public auction, and anlaea par\x=req-\ mant Is made beiore. will he sold oa TBI K»\x=req-\ D*Y, the TWBNTY-TBIBD day ot JONB. IMl, to pay tba delinquent aaeeoemaat, to gether with coeta ol edvertliln* aad < of sale. A. 0. BfUABT. Secretary. Office-No. Ml Moatfomery a met. Baa Franclsc >, Oallforma. 4 /lALCDO\IA HILVEK ■!■■■«! U OoMPANY — Locatlou oi principal plaee 4 boeiaeaa. Ban Frauclaoo, California. Location "I worka. siorey county. Nevada. NoUce la hereby given, that at a meetliu. of the Board o> Dlrectora, held on the third (M) day of lfat, IMl. aa aaeeaemeat iNo. Mi it Teen y.dve (21) cents per share waa levied upon the capital .lock of tba cor. poratlon, payable immediately, la Ualted Mtatee (old cole, to the Secretary, at the office of th» Company. No. Ill California abaat, Ban Franclaoo California, Any itock upon which thl* aieeismaat shall remain unpaid on the irventh (Tib) day of Jane, IMl, will be delinquent, end advar\x=req-\ tle»d for aale at publlo auction, and unleeatay. meat la mada before, will be eold on 'I UU\x=req-\ DAY, the tweniy-elehth day of June. IBM, io pay tb* delinquent aaaeeem^at, t< uat. er with coeta of ad remain* and eipeueeeol sale. H. WKUaNKK, beoretary. OAea—414 Oallfornla etreet. Baa Fraaeieoo Oallfornla. 4 SILTM HILL MINIHO COMPA* NT.—location of principal place ot boat\x=req-\ dm, Baa Franciaoo, California. Location of worka, Oold Hill. Stony eouaty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of tbe Hoard of Ilireciore, bald on tba reveath iTtb) day of MAT. 1W1 an aeaeeement (No. II) of I weulv-A.e Cents (2So) par (bare vaa lavlad apoa tba capital atoek «»f tba corporatloa. payable Immediately, id United Butee gold cols, to tba berieury, at tba offlc- of tb» Company, Koom 1», Nevada Block. No 8i« Monlgoaaary air at, Han Pranoaco. California. An* etock auuu vbicb ml* aenieemeat thall remala unpaid on tba tenth (10(b) day of Jl/NK. IMl.wlU ba delinquent, and advertleed tor aaia at public anctlon, and unlaaa payment la mad* before will ba aold on 1 CB*iAT, tba twenty elg< lb (88lb> day of JUNK. 1881. to pa/ tba delinquent aaaa-imtnt. together wltn ooata of advertuwg and expeneee of aaia. By order of tba Board or Dlrcctora. W. K. UKAN, Secretary. Offlce—Room Mo. It, Nevada Block. No. W Montgomery atraat, Han Pranclroo, California. »td VII-LOW JACKET IILTU ■». X 1NG OOHPAaY. Luratlou of worka, Gold Hill, Storey Coanty, Mtala of Nevada. PrlLCli al plate of boalnaaa, at tba uMce at tba Daw abaft, Uold Hill. Narad*. Notice la bereby given, tbat at a meeting of tba Hoard of TniaUaa of aald Company, bald on tba ninth (Kb) day of May, a. D. lan, an aeeeiament (i»o. in of One Dollar (|i) par • bare waa levied apon eacb and every there of tba capital atock ol aald Company, payable Immediately, in Ubltad btataa iro.d coin, to tba B eat alary, at tba offlce of tbe Company, at tba new abaft, Oold 11 ill. Nevada, or to Jamee Newlend*. Tran-frr fe»r*tary. Boom I, No. UT Plna atreet, Han Prancleco. Oellfornla. Any atock upon wblcb ibl» aaeeeaiuent (ban remain anneM on TUilDAT. tba fourteenth (lttuldayof JUNK. 1*1, ••-all be deemed delinquent and will be dnly advartlaed for aaia at public auction, and nnleee paymant (ball ba made before, will ba aold on WKDNkeDaY, iba SiXiH (6tb) DAY UP JULY. 1W1. at 4 o'clock r. a.. In front of theoffloe of tba Company, 10pay tbed«llnqacnt awaaemant. together with coeu of ad ver Uelng and aipaaaaa I of Hit By order of tbe Board of Traeteee. MKRt'XK OTKY, Secretary. Offlce at tba new abaft of tbe Company. Paid Hill, Nevada. Key 10. Ingl. 10 BDLLIOI IIIINS COMPANY. Location of principal plane of buainete, f hi F]t*dc1#co. OallioffoU. Location oi worse. Uold Hill Mlmni Diatrlct, ■tore; eounty, Nevada. Notice if baraby given, tbat at a meeting of tbe Board of Dlractora, beld on tba nineteenth (1Mb) day of May. 18SI. an aeaeeemeat (No. II) of Sixty Oenta (•)«) per ebara waa lavlad apoa tbe capital etock or tbe corpora\x=req-\ tloa,payable Immediately, In United Slater gold coin, to tba Secretary, at (be office of the Company, Room I. Safe Depoelt Building. No. aaa Montgomery atreet. Baa Krandaco. California. Any atock upon wbleb tbla aaaaeement eh all reauun uapald on tba twenty eeconrt itMl day of Jane. Ml, will ba delinquent. aid ndver* tleed tor aaia at public auction, nod anlaaa payment la made before. will be aold on WKtMBHDAT. tba TIIIBCLBN lH(ll>b)day of JULY, 1881. to pay tbe delinquent aeeeeemeat, together with eoata of adiartialng tad ex\x=req-\ pfOlM Of MjS, By order oi tba Board of Dlractora. J M BhaZSLL. HeeraUry. OM^e-Room No 3, cafe Ifcpnelt Building, No. 83a Montgomery atreet. Baa Francisco, California. |1 BKMTOM CO II mo LI DATED COM. PARI - Location of principal place of boalnaaa, *an Francleco, 'eltoni a. Location of worka. Gold Hill Mining Diatrlct. Oold mil. Storey coanty, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, tbat at a meeting of the Board or lilrecinra. bald on tba twenty irat lllatl dav or Ma*. 1881 an aaaeeemeal (No. II of Tw»nty Ave Oenie fttc) per ebare waa levied apon the capital atock or tba corporation, payable immediately, I* United Hutee gold cola, to tba Secretary, at tbe ofBea of tba Com -anv, N<>. 801 Montgomery eireet, Rooma I and A, San Francleco, Ca'.llornla. Any etoek upon wblrh tble aaeeeement ebatl leiiatn aapaldon tbaTWINTY-FODit • H (Nth) day or JUNE. 1881, will ba dellaqacal. advertlaad for rale at pnbbe anctlon, —leaa payment la made before, win ba TDIBiHT, the IWKLPra (I Jib) day of JULY, 1881. to pay the delinquent aaaaeement, together with eoata of ad ver. Uatag and expeoeee of eale. By order of tbe Board or Director*. WM. H. W»TeON, Secretary. Offlce—Boom a I and 8, No. 803 Montgomery •treat, Baa Fmneleco, Oellfornla. myU NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tow* or Oolb Hill, ) County ot lUridi, j To Kiciabl O'Bmtnr, mmkIt>a owner In th* S 'Dib Jack*! mlo* Gold HU1 Mining Dlo\x=req-\ irlct. rtor*r oonotr. mat* of Ntrid*: Too or* h«™by ootid d ibat »b« andcrolfnad bo* pwformod oad wld oat tb* annnal unoont of work tor lMn oa U* *bor* c'klm rrqolrod br $to. Ml B«ru*d Btttai** of tba Uulud Mala*. oad fom- pro nU »b«r* of (old work tmoanu to TMrtjr-thrt* I ollor* tod TMrtx\x=req-\ tbroo Orau (HI HI l**« light DoiUr* ($t) lor labor porf> mod. loving • balaac* da* tnm r a of Toontr-dT* Dollar* aod Thirty. IhiM O*' W (tiiUl. Aod If wlibtB nlMty dan olUr tbla noUo* br pnbUeaUoo to* fell ot nfaa to aim tribal* atidaa aM <oarlaurat IB odd cl lm will b* lordtod 14 teeoan* iba cropertj of U* *aboorlb*r, oodar told Mctta ST" r.o.a^iXtiZZr. • . « * '" . '#J