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GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS. VOL. XXXVI GOLD HILL. STOBEY (XJ.. NEVADA: WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 8. 1881. NO, 5407. • • • THE EVENING NEWb C7* KntorW at tba Odd H1U U» IWi tf "O • 5 Ms loath* •« rtiM a oo tfuMi aaajaH) IWlnnt la Oold UlCvtmiiit, flOaacOtty , Dafloa, Mtra. a*a^ at TWEUY-mn con m mn. fayaMoto tba I •ui abvf vnsiia mots. 0. w. OBAHB. Mo*. 818 PiM and U UldNdttf >lmU : : li OAOWIS A A.LLKN. : s : : Dm City W. K. LAlfo, : : : : . lubiOlQ >. K. JildlOI. : : ss Iw O.OHJWOWrra. : : t Will—m NEW TOML J. H. Iuk, : t : X : tt Puk Bow B. M. Prtimiu A Oo., : : tT Part Bo* Oh. P. Bovill. A Oo.. lIBpmi Btraat Tan Pirn aay bafooad oa fli* la !faw York it tbo aaoapapar agaoaiaa at 3. H. Bat**. At Park Bo*; 8. M. Pattoagill A Ob., tT Park Bow, aad Om. P. Bowall A Co.. 10 Bprao* atraat. HViVNII HKPT A IKCUT. A aaorat waa oaoa la a lady'* kaart lark It toaaad aad It taaakkd aad it loa«*d to iat oat. Tka 11 pa half batrayod it wltk — IHag aad aailrkiair. Aad tontfua vaa iapatlaat to kiab it, ao doabt; Bat Hoaor look ad grin oa tka mat tar, aad gov* it la a bare* at tka ta*tk, ao aaokaatlagly wkiia, Aad bad*, if aoaght a la* froa eo old aava It, Tkay aboald |lr* to tka lip* aa iaklagklta. •Twaa aald. aad 'twa* aattl*d. aad Ha dapartad; Toa|u* tram bird aad tbraataaad, bat dara not rakal, TU1 rigkt to iu Up aaerat aoddaaly atartad. Aad kali la a wkiapar **cap*d (ram it* •all. Qaotk tba taatb, ia a pat, va'U ba rraafor Aad tkay kit away aaartly abora aad baaaatk; Bat tka 11 pa at.tkat momaat wan krik*d by a kiaa. Aad way popped oat tka aaarat ia apit* of tba taatk. Datrait Vacciaatioa. .Vnf Turk Trikumi. A Detroit. Mich., doctor, wko k\x=req-\ WMiuird 0T.» 600 pnou, reporto My* odd tspfntMit with wbjiw mrndmi lb* Nol noitlka W an oat of ub k«»*it don# in • BUml! bt\x=req-\ forwud »»7- T*'J hwiui#. »»• uairit* ud pottpob* it I fcW dijfl. 2)o« iwUIrd upon b.lng »intpp10 wu .bair »kilo lb» op««t»oa P"* for Bad. A»oth.r »«nud tq t«k« ehloco\x=req-\ fora. A n*«ro <u on* ony •" walk DMt ib» offlco MTtnl Ha*. ud ik* doctor flatly rtrpp^d W tko door ud uktd bin U k* w«»tod to to «ccin.i*d •• 'Dood. »»b, d*t • wtot I cum for." k* r»pH*d, mtnit I turnrd dst conwr do kiMMd Iking qui! Ao » rul« PJ?,! vban tb»y lt*l tboUno»t, 0TT''^P®^ or "Tbundw!" Tbo woboo ory "Otwkl ■imnllT. bat now nod ibt* ooo ?£h, Lordy T' Cbildr« kiM to to fettmd. oonsvd or ***** 1b,° wb mission. A Dodo#o«o» told on* of kk nhotaro. . .onTto! E««'d tiliit. "H-o-r •••, kot»». com««»ooa Pit. "Not kur»*-tiliij."' •r; bot kooo-tUttj." "8or..J -UP* ••u didn't jo toll °nly Jk* ottor ... - hoM? Fnltbl tto ru ^ i. jTj. ■ill." Wby ihoald • r»d cow §•»• wklto milk? tko inbjrd for dliDMfl" «n ■ ■■burton ■uriculiuril dob. AH* " fcour'od.tot.itoBocr*Uryof tto.mat\x=req-\ ing «m ln»tmot*d 10 silk tko oow. m briBR in i dKiiioo aocordioj lo »• ■Mriu ot tk« milk. IiwmWm. «!SCkLUHMVS> thi argonaut, Aft axibican JOCI1UL or Politics. LIUrfttir*. BKkU Wire. rCMUSBMV AT HAS TBAXCISCO. CAL. T■Mffg^ggggg! jtisrss?i;!s3S&" ■It* »b« ffUlww. CHANCE of firm\x=req-\ i SPECIAL WOTIOl. am fiii. am tb» W»tl t.AUyDlT V ••th* ri>*T op i lO'ioj*. •• "J? 2 s5sSr^Jra *g SSmS »%£ wt U to .Ito^d to rwMjato J. F. HaLI* " TNB PIONHR SHAY1M A HA1IDKSSINIULIIR O. MHL. WOWIWM. Tsai-^isaf .12£I S2.1S5Uy5 MflMIM »» •»«««»« 1UMIME CW«T DtClUOM. MiMi *r ifc* ] nta MMrraiui lw»lillii «Ui«4 iMMMlMlkHl [ctuhkoct orniM.) Ob the 19th day at February, A. D. 1M1, ertiefce of lanr|>fiHia of the "Na\x=req-\ Tad* Bnmlait ia tha oOoa a* the ( * oSee of tha Coaaty Clack of Stan; ty- Tha obteot of tha oorpoeatioa being " to eetahliah aad mitt an tha baelaeee af providing 'or aad giviag pab\x=req-\ lic eotertala meats, la tha Stole af Nevada, of a maeical aad edaatlflo character, to eell ttokotaofadalataontomohealertala\x=req-\ Meate. aad to parehaea, hald and dia\x=req-\ tribute among tha hald— af aaeh tickets pataaaal property. real aetata, ahaaaa la aotloa aad othar valuable thiaga, apoa I inch imi And ooodition uul in tooh meaaer aad at aaeh tUaaa aa my ba de\x=req-\ tacmlaed bj a Board of Muaftri to ba eeieotodfer that parpoaa by tha Board of Traataaa of thia ooatpany." It la provided that ao aaeh of tha pcoaaidi of aald entertaiamente "aa say ba daaaaad propar &tbe Board of Traeleae, bat aoileai than .000, from aaeh eataataiaaMnt, ara to ha plaaad la tha Btate Trieaaty of tha Btaia of Nevada to ba aaad only for snob charitable aad benevolent parpoeeeaa may ba determined bjr tha laglaUtare of tha Stale af Nevada.'1 Tha •' iet to Aid the Nevada Beoevoleat Aeaoclatlon 1a aiding la providing maaai for tha oara aad ■elnteainoe of tha ln\x=req-\ aaae of Nevada, aad for other charitable parpoeea" (approved March 9, 1181), de\x=req-\ clarta thai 'Tt ahall ha laafal for the Nevada Beaevoiaat liaeetirtoi of the State of Nevada to give aotetoeedlngflve poblio eaterialamenu or ooaoerla; to eell tiokets of admission to the aeme; tw die tribal* ixsoof Um boldtra of mob tioktta ptnooal property. real aetata, thlaga 1a aetion, de\x=req-\ BMiide or othar valaahlaa, aad t* regelate the dietribtttioa of all aaeh property jit gif la by raflla or other eeheaee of like character. (but 1M1,1M, Sao. I.) Tha iaforaaatioa filed by tha AUoraey\x=req-\ Oenaral allegee that reopondenle, ae True\x=req-\ taee af eatd aeeociatioa, are, withoot war\x=req-\ real of law, " advertlelag, priatlag, eireolaiiag aad aalliag tiakaia for pablie aatertalataaata • • a," aad that they •• beee their rigbte to advertiae, priat, eir\x=req-\ aalate and eell tieketa for the aald publio eshibiuoaear enter lain seea to. and to par\x=req-\ chaae, oee, hald aad dietribate amongst the holders of each tiukete personal property! real setata, ahaaea la aatlaa and other valaabla thlaga," apoa the Aot of tha LeglcUtaro above referred to. The faete eet farth ia tha laforaatlaa are admitted by reepoadente to bo true. Are tha acta of raapoadeata withoot warrant of law f — a U IM as* Wi HH UI|IW«U»| »rr.-._ Mtnh •, 1M1, aoaatltattoaal t lint—la the ithiM or aaterprtoa id which the " Nevada Benevolent Aaaooia\x=req-\ lion " U engaged a lottery ? Thto qoeetion to uitmd in tbaaflrma\x=req-\ Ufa by tha dactoion of thto Court in u jMrta BUaokard. t Nav., 104. Il that da\x=req-\ ctoion oorraot ? It oertainiy to. It to iui\x=req-\ talred by every IwMw that haa baan renderad by tha variooa ooarto la tha Uailad ttutee upon thto qoaatloo. Notwithstanding thto faol, wa ara bow aarnaatly aaked to deoiara that tha moalcai MMIMHM which tha Nevada Beaevo\x=req-\ laat Aaeoetotioa propoeee to give to not a lutury. Why not? What to a loUary? i>«ry aehama for tha diatribntion of pruet by obance to a lattery. (Oovaraor'e of tha Aimabonaa of Maw York va. American Art Union. 7 N. T... 339; Sua n. Tha Pw\x=req-\ St. to LI to., 407; II lata ra. Uboru, S3 N. ; L.. 401; Bandla ra. State, 43 Tel., MS; (J haras Bah ra. Stato. 40 Ala.. KM; Commonwealth Tt. Xanderfleld, 8 Phil., Ul; United Btatee n. Olaay, 1 Abb., U. B.. *».) A lottery to a gam* of haaard la which •mail a ami ara veo tared for tha ohaaoa of obuiaiax greater. (Ball vt. 8lata, • Itnaad., 009.) •• A oontrlvanoe for tha dtotribation of priaea by ohaaoa; a rallaaoa opoa tha raaolta of haaard ; a daetoloa of tha value* of tha adventurer'* investment of tha favora of fortaaa" to a lotiary. (Wooden v». Bhotwall, 4 Zab., 790.) " Whan a neanniary ooaaide ration to paid, and ll to determiaad by lot or chaaoa, aooording to «oma tchtme held oot to tha publio what tha party who pays tha monay la to have for it, or whathar ha to to have anything, it to a lottery." (Utato n. Clarka, 3* N. B., 330; Hall v*. Baggie*. 0« N. I., 437.) ••••••• It otahat no diflbrenaa what nama to given to tha aohama. A i«aa by aay other aeme woald tmell aa tweet; a tkbia by aay oUw aaaa woald fflak aa daap. Whan tba aliment of ohaaoa eater* Into tha dtotrlbailoa of priata ll to a lottery, wliboal rafaraaoa to lhaaama by whtoh 11 to oalled. •• 11a may ehooaa to oall hit btulncaa a gift *ale." aaid tha Conrt la Daan n. People. supra, " bat ll to none tha leaa a lottery. and wa cannot permit him to evade tha peeialttoa of tha law by to Irani parent a device aa a mora change of nama. If ll differ* from ordinary lotteries tha differ\x=req-\ •noe Ilea chiefly la tha faal that II to mora artfully contrived to Impoaa upon tha ignorant and ertdalooi, and to. thmfora, mora thorooghly diahoneal and injariona to lociaty." " Tha nama givea to tha pro on* and tha form of tha machinery need to aocomoltob tha objeot ara not material, provided tba tabetanoe of tha traaeaation ia a dtotriba\x=req-\ lion or dtopoaition of property by lot." (Slate n. Clarka, rapra.) * — —- - • • ■_ »a . 1 "loaru Will out IWfllirv ill Mi in w—, bat will determine UM (kuuKr of the (obcme by the nature of the traaaectioo or boaincee la which Um parti* are engaged." (Handle w. Slate, inpra.) "The character of tbo aohtme It In DO «1m c ban gad by tbo charitable purpoee oiprimid in iU title, nor by calling Um drawings * entertain menta or gift oon\x=req-\ oerla.' " (Es part* Blanc bard, eopra.) " Tho fact tbalno plan of dlatribuUon baa baaa determined upon dots not reltere tbo oohemo of lie obaraotor aa a lottery." (Tbomae *a. People. S9 Ilia.. 1(3.) " Nor la it malarial," aaM tbo Ooart ot Appeala in Um American Art Uaioa oaee, " to tbo qotetioo in band that tbo prinee were not knows and deaignated when tbo Uokeu or ebanoee wore snhooribed and paid for. Tbo eebeme in tbla reopoot la more objectionable tbaa a eobemo In wbicb tbo priaea are provioaoly fixed, boeanee It afforde leee eeoority to tbo anbeerlbert tbat tbo obaaoo porobaoed la wortb tbo money paid for It* Wo are of opinion tbat tbo faeta atated In tbo artiolaa of lneorporation, in tbo •tain tee. and In tbo information, abow tbat tbo aobomo la om w hereby tbo Lagialataro of tbia Slate, la ooaalderatioa of tbo earn of $250,000, to bo placed in tbo Bute Treaaary, to tbo credit of tbo " Iaeaae aad Charitable Fond," attempted to aotboriao the maaagera of tbo " Nevada Beaoroleat Aaeoclatioa " to eorieh their owa pocketa, at the ezpeaee of tbo poopio of tbia aad other Btalea. by holding oat prom leee of the groat aad aaddaa galna that might bo aoqnlred by tho tiokol holdore; thai golden priam would be " tbo lore to incite the credalooo aad naaa^Mcting iato la tho light of all tho foots tbat bare baaa preaoatod it woald bo aboard to eay thai the maaagera of thia nhimi are «im\x=req-\ twwSkmol?1 e*e',e'e,,|'?if,» la tho faoo aad tooth of tho doeillom, which wa hare tokened to. wo aaaaot eay tbat tbo aobomo nrapooid by tbo "No\x=req-\ Ttdft Ml 80S A MM?* It haa the eeeentlal elementa aad attrl\x=req-\ butea of a lottery; tbe dletri bo lion of priaee far obaaoa. Ilia a lottery within the definition given la Um dlotionariee 5 It la a lottery aooordlng to Um ordinary aooeptation of that word; U la a lottery within the terma apocified by tba Legialatnre of thia Bute la tba "Act to prohibit letterlaa" [Stat. 1871.1N|; it la a lottery within the meaning of that word aa aaad In the Con\x=req-\ atltntlon. Scooad—Ia the Aft approved March#, 1881, conatitntional i Tbla qneatlon la aa clear and plain to oar mlnda aa tba one already decided. It will not admit of any raaaonabla doubt. The laagnaga of the Ooaatitutioa la ana\x=req-\ aeptible of bat one meaning. There la ao room for ooaatraatloa. Nothing npon wblob aay real or aabetaatlal argaaaeat oaa be baaed. " No lottery ahall be authorised bv thia State, nor a ball the aale of lottery ttoketa ba allowed." (Ooaak. Art, IT. Sao. 34. J Tba Aot in qnaetioa attampta to aathor\x=req-\ lae a lattery, and to allow the aale of lottery tiekele In thia Slate In direct violation at tba plain latter aad aplrlt of tbla provision of tbe Ooaatltatlon. It wonld be a perveraloo of tbelaniaage of theOon\x=req-\ •tf fatten to aay that tbe Aot la valid. Reapondenta, however, aoataad that tba Conaututioo "doea not prohibit private lotteriea, aad wu by 1U framera iolanded only to promt tba Legialatora from Involving tba State ia a ayatem of pabllo lotteriee aa a maaaa o( raising money for tbe eervioa of tbe State." or. la other worda, that tbla oonatltutlonal proviaion waa only intended aa a limitation of power to prevent tba State, aa a State, from engaging la pabllo lotteriea for tbe pnrpoae of raiaiag maaaa for the geaeral revenue of tbe State. Heooe tbey claim tbat tbe Slate baa the rigbt to antboriae private parties to oondnot and carry on a lottery of the obaraoter a pacified in the information. In anpport of thia poaltioa they refer to the debaiea of tba Ooaatltatlooal Convention in California npon tba adoption of a proviaion in tba Oonatltntion of tbat State identical with onra. It ia not olaimed that theae debatea hava tba weight of a judicial deolafoa, bat tbat it la proper to examine tbem la eaee of doabt aa to tbe intention of the framera of tbe Coaatitn\x=req-\ lion. Tbe remarka of tbe different mem bora abed bat little light upon tbe real q nee lion at iaane. Tbey are aa mnch in favor of tbe poaltion taken by tbe Attorney General aa tbey are la favor of tba reepon\x=req-\ denta. Tba debatea ebow tbat tbe Oonatl\x=req-\ tntion of New York waa referred to in diecuealng tbe proviaion that waa adopted in California. Mr. Halleok, who waa la favor of tbe adoptioa of tbe lottery pro\x=req-\ viaion. in tbe oonrae of bla argument, Mia: " 10 DW17 in wv a«w vuuiHiH\x=req-\ Uone you will find thia olsuse. Il «m not oonulned la the old Constitution, bat in mod OUNi where they hare been amended, II hM boon inkrodaood. In the ■old Constitution of New York, 10 wbiob reference bM been made in Um oourae of debate, no prohibition *u inserted. Many gentlemen present would remember the famous out of Tata* and Mclntyre which involved not only individuals of Um Sum in ruin, but wu Um oseaaion of *e\x=req-\ rioae ambarraeemeat to Um Sum Govern\x=req-\ men! iu«lf. The reealt »o clearly eetab\x=req-\ llshad the evlla of tb« lolMry eyaMm that the Convention of New York, in UK, In\x=req-\ eerted a elaaee in the very Aral article of the new ConaUtnilon [eee BecUon 10] prohibiting lotMriee and the aaie of lottery Uokate. It appeared to hla • • • that thia prohibition wu one of the beet that could be ineertad in the arUole limit* inn the powere of the Legislature." The Uagoage of. lha 10th leetloa of Article 1 of the Conetltntioa of HIS, referred to by Mr. Halleok la aa followa: "Nor ahall any lottery hereafter be antborliad or any sals of lottery Uoketa allowed within thU Bute." In Um Governor* of Um Almshouse vi. American Art Union, auprs, il waa contended by Charles O'Connor, oonnael for the Art Union, aa il la here, that the Conciliation waa only InMnded to prevent the misehtevooa practice-of railing a revenue by pnblio lotterlee, which had been for many year* in fall vigor both in England and in thia ooantry, and that the prubibi\x=req-\ tiooa of the Oonatlta tlou were only directed sgaiust thia partlcnlar evil. He referred 10 the fact, aa do oonnael here, thai "from 1708 to 1821 public lotterlee were authorized at every aeeeioa of Parliament" Ha aleo referred to the debate* of the Constl\x=req-\ tntional Convention of 1IM1, for the par\x=req-\ poeaof showing that" publlo lot tar lea for pecuniary prlaea aa a meene of raiaing revenue wece alone within the oonlampU\x=req-\ tion of that body." Tha Confutation of 1831 ia in thaaa worda: "No lolMry ahall hereafter be authorised la thia Slate, and tha Legislature (ball paaa law* to prevent the aale of all lotted Unlets within this Stela aaoepl in lotterlee already provided for by law." The Court of Appeale in referring to thia Cooatltutlon, which it declared to ba »ub\x=req-\ euutially the same aa the OonaUlnUon of 184G, aald: "Thia prohibition la general. It moat ba bald to embrace all lotterlee, nnleea there be aome very clever and aatla\x=req-\ factory reason for undemanding It In a more limited eenee. It wse urged bpon the argument that public lotterlee for pecuniary priaee aa a meana of raiaitig revenue were aloaa within the contemplation of the framera of the ConsUtatlon. But lotteriea have never been created within tble Slate for the purpoae of general rev* enne, and there ia therefore no ground for believing thai tha prohibition waa Intended to ba limited to lotterlee for that object. Thia woald have been restraining a mischief whlob did not axial, and toler\x=req-\ atinc that whlob did. Lotteries had been authorized by the Legislature lor u>e waa\x=req-\ At of eollcfee, for the ■•king of rata, for the balldlng of brldgea. for the improvement of ferriee. for tbe erection of hot pi tali. and for varlone other purpoaec equally oommendable and beneficial. All three wer» clearly vllbio the prohibition. Tba prohibition *u not aimed at the ob\x=req-\ at for which lotteriee had b««D author, bit at thai partioalar mod* of moms* pliebiDg each objeota. It wu founded on tba moral principle that aril should not be done that good might follow, and upon the more ooxsnt practioal reaeon that the evil consequent on thU perniclooi kind of gambling greatly overbalanced Id Um aggregate any good likely to recoil from it. TIm promotion of tka flu arte U undoubtedly a commendable object, bnt the prohibition oontaioe no exocptlon in ita favor on that ground. • • • • • The Intention of the f ram ere of the Ooa\x=req-\ itltntion undoubtedly w«s to forbid the future granting of any aneh lotteriee aa bad at aay time previously been author* iced by law. and by requiring the Lrgii\x=req-\ latore to peee law* to prevent the eale of all lottery tleketa, to pnt an end to all soeh distributions of money or goods by lot or chanoe aa had theretofore bean forbidden by atetute under the name of private lotteriee." The argument that the worda " by thia State" were inserted for the purpoee of Cventing the Legislature from anthorla public lotteriee u a meant of raking revenue, and that the provleioa waa not Intended to prevent the Legislators from authorial ng private lotteriee, le wholly «n\x=req-\ tenable. No authority haa bean produoed In ita sroport and wo arc satisfied that none oan be found. In construing thla provision of the Oon\x=req-\ atitatioo the laat aentenae la aa Important aatbfcflrat. If theframerc of the Conatitution had In tew dad by the uae of the worda: ■" Ho lottery shall bo antherlaed by thla Btete," to ooly limit the legialatlve power to pab< Ua tottertaa. a—dieted andnaegedeoUly hjrtke Mate tar the ytifna of ntlalaf HfMHi Unf woold not have need Dm language ttoy did la tto oonelndlng m\x=req-\ tenoe. " Nor atoll lb* aale of lottery tick\x=req-\ •u to allowed." Tbeae word* clearly ■bow that it wm mi Inteaded thai any lottarj ahoold to Mlhotlaad by tbia Btata for u; porpoee. Tba wordj "by thia Stata," aa oaad la oar OoMtltatfa*. and tba worda <• la tbia Btata," "or wlthla IbU Btata," aa oaad 10 tba OowUtattoaa of Haw York, bara virtually tba mum aaaalof. " So loWry atoll to aatbortaad by tbia Btata, aor atoll tto aale of lottery tleketa b« allowed." Tbia laagaam appllae to all lottariaa, whither publio or private. To lottariaa oondoeted by tto State: by tto obaroh; by privato individuate; by beoeroleataad charitable aaeoelatloaa, aad by aorpora\x=req-\ floss* Mo lottery of any klad oaa to aatbor\x=req-\ laad by tto Lagielaton aadar tto praaaot OaoaUtatloo. Wo agaia rapaat wtoi, It aaaon to oa, moat to avideat to every aablaaad and lm> partial mind, that tto laagaage of tba oooatitatioaal proviatoa la too plala for argument. Ttol aadar It tto Lefielatara eannol anltorlaeaay loitary la tbia Stole, and that tto Aot approrad Marob 9,1681, la nail aad void. ;* Wt ara oonaaloaa of tto faot that It tu nnnaoaaaary to add aaytblng to ttoraaaaa\x=req-\ Ing of tbia Ooart la m mtu Blanobard. whiob la, of ftaalf, abeolately ooneloalvo apoo both of tto polatav* bara dlaoaaaad. Bat it baa baaa attamptad, by a daaira apoa oar port, to abow that ao aatborlty ooald to foaad la any of tto adjudicated oaaaa In tto Uoltad Btataa to laataln tto poaltloa ooatandrd for by rtapondanta; and that ao argument baa baan adraaoad by raapoadaota, npoa alitor of ttoaa poiato, tbat baa aot toratofora baaa de\x=req-\ otdad adreraaljr to ttoaa by tto Ooarta of ottor Btataa, where tba oooatitatioaal proviaiona ara eabataalially tto aaaao aa oar own. 11 la pro par to add tbat wa bara arrived at tto ooneloaioo autad wlthoat ooaaldir\x=req-\ iag tba qneetloa of tto norallly, or Immorality of tbia partloalar aohama. It makta ao difference wbatbar It waa aat oa foot purely for tto paraoaa of railing rar\x=req-\ anna for tto benefit of tto "Inaanaand Charitable Fund" of tbia Buta, or wtottor It tolongad to that claaa of lottariaa tbat ara mada np of paoaalary priaaa aad mln\x=req-\ latar to tto lova of gain ; wboaa achamra addraaa tbemeelvee in tto groaaaat and moat revolting form dlraotly to tbat aordld paaalon, and to no ottor aeatlmant; wbara themanagera raoalra a pecuniary profit and enllat " a oorpa of aotlre eedooara to draw tto weak and aowary iato the par\x=req-\ ohaae of tlokota " by esteaalre advertlee\x=req-\ maota oootalnlng brilliant plotaree of tto favorable ohanoea to aoqnlre aaddaa WSSltb. Il msy bs admitted for the purpoeee of this decision, m wu srgued by rsspon\x=req-\ dsnte' oounssl, that the people of thia Stats in sessntially a gimbllng p*opl«, ready •I all tlmss to take Um dHMrtu ebuOM which lotteries afford, ud that no Id* Jurious iInIi upon tbs morals of ths people would mull if thia game of chanoe was allowed to prooeed. Tbia question la oae (hat moat be oon\x=req-\ sidsred aa settled by tbe adoption of tbe constitutional provision [ex parte Darling, recently decided.] In tbe Art Union oase, to wblob wa bate frequently referred, it waa claimed tbat tbe enterprise wu really of a meritorious ebaraoter, and tbat it differed, in tbia respect, from the lotieriaa when the msus sffsrs were to reesivs the iion'a share of tbe proflte. Tbe Court, in answer to thia argumeat, said : " It no lolterlee had esieted sxoeptiog suob aa is oontaiaed in tbe Art Ualoo scheme, it la not probable that they would have been forbidden by the Constitution or by law. Ita misohlefs are oertalnly not so apparent as if its prises were to be paid In money, or as it would be if framed for tha purpose of enticing tbe neoeesi tons and improvident into ita hasards. But this aaee cannot be decided aooordlng to tbe views we may entertain of tbe probable good or avil consequent upon tbe execution of tbe ecbeme. Tbe Constitution took away tha power of determining whether this or any othsr lottery waa of good or evil tendenoy, and oertalnly did not intend to confer tbat power on the judicial tribunals. If it were to be admitted tha| tbe scheme is entirely harm lees in its consequences, it would form no ground for making it by Judicial construction an sxoeplion to tbe general and abaoloto constitutional prohibition." Courts cmnot mska any distinction, ia this respect, aa to the nature of tbe transaction or tbe character of pereone engaged in it It la their boaadaa duty to declare tbe law. " Tbe law knows no person; II is not mads for the individual man, but for man. As the dew of heaven falls, so il bean alike upon tha just and unjust." [State vs. Pleroc, 8 Nov.. 804.] Il smiles and frowns npon all alike. II makea no distinctions. Isubmission to its authority is incumbent npon all. Third—Il is annoesatary to discuss any of tha othsr points suggested by respondent oonnotl. We will not preeume, in advanoa, that rsspondsnte Intend to violate tbe law. From tbe views already expreceed It Is apparent that it would make no dlffsrenoe whether reepondente base thslr right to set la the premiaea under tha articles of incorporation or nodsr the provisions of tbe Act of the Legislators. In either event their Acts would be without warrant of law. The judgmen! of thia Court ia thai the reepondente have no right, liberty, or franchise, by virtue of any law, to saver* Use, print, ciroulate or sail any tickets in tbe sebsma or enterprise of ths " Nevada Benevoleat Association" within this State, or to do any of tbe acts specified la the statftte, "to aid tha Neveda Bsasvoleat Association," approved Maroh 9, 1M> [but., 1881,186J; aad thai tha ooete of this procesdiag bo taxed against thtm. Hiwut, t. Ws ooncur j Laotians, 0. J. Bauui, J. THE SUN FOB 188L I. All lb* iwU'i a* w. io nnnW tbat tb* r**dar will («t tb* groataM aaoaai of tar arm*. Uoa with Ik* l*Mi aaprodtabl* *xp*adltar* ot dMMd«i«l(U. Ta Mm Mac mo dt*co*. *r*d tb* «old*n nta M*Nt iadaad«at tall. mm Ml «■—lIMxuorj br»Tlt/. . II. M»*b M OM MMi Of Blfl wbl*b d*p*ed* Ioh »pon 1U rooaCBlMd Imporunc* Uu a poo U* laMTMi 10 maabiad. From morala* to Dorntof TU Mm prtat* a nowiioid ito<y of tbt Htm m >*ai iu tad mm, tod of tb«lr daada, pta«. WfM, b»t** iaa troabl**. Ibu itrrUaMiOM todaad bo** tol*r**tladtbau «* iobim tbu mm Ttr d*rt**d. Ill uood wriUaa la »T«rjr oolama. aad fr*»h\x=req-\ M*»,orl«taallir. Meaner. tnd daoaraai la Um iwiawlM rmj cabjaoi IV. HwM wm. in fen's bablt la to Mb uat i*ori«*»U ibou bob i*4 thiaa*. T. «qo*l «*®4m la d**lU« wttb oacbpottll\x=req-\ 0*1 tatty. aad Nul na&a*-* to oonaaad w*«t lapralarWMtby arte robak* »bit I* bUa*. ablala D*«ctitil or B*pablte*a. VL abaotata ladipwlMBi of paitiaaa«rn» laaMh. bat «a*mT*rla« tojraltrto tnal oi*u* gnaetptoa. Tula battai at vbleb tb* Ouutltauoa rT*rDB*ot vblob tb* Ouonltauoa fir** aa la rood OM to IMP. itaaodaa of divb io mm (o tta atMoM poor*r tb* aSbrta of n>*n la lb* Bapabtleaa Mftjr to mi aa *a*tb*r Mm *d lonnatat la pl»o* of tb*i whlcb *tlM*. Tb* EPSHESEssS b* wttb tb* Mb m a«alaM tba Blaa* lor aiMBpoly. tb* «iagi tor pf*ad*r, aad tbaTUag *FaHbolJ&VwfA»iM pui »bmoftw*rt» ^xssAtrtss^ Sfc Mtayag.ningilaid, UNITED STATU MINIM UWS. uroiMTiM fob ww«tom m owiik or mum. A»»IImU*bb far P»M«U-H«W to Oral wllfc Him Mw-TiimI IKkto-Mwn* CI»UM\x=req-\ The Law la I*>m4 to AtruuTiov or urm, Whan pipm km ohm been died with the Beglaur tad Bmlfir, they beeoae a pert of Um reoord, aad on neither be withdrawn aor ratnrned, bat moat be tranaaltted to the General Land Offloe. Aa application will be rejected when the deeerlptloa of Um premleee la erroneooa or IniuffleUnl. ApplloaUoa for palaat will bo rejaoted Firat^-The notloe waa pabllahad without the knowledge of tha Beglaiar. Second—The noUoa wu not pabliahed In a aewapeper deelgaated aa pabllahad aeareat tha elaia. Third—Baoord UUe waa found dafaeUw, aad: Fourth—A prevtoue appllaatloa bad bias Bade for tha aaaa prtmiaaa, wbiah waa withdrawn pendiag a anil in oourt oom\x=req-\ manoed by uo adeem olaimant An application for patent wili ba rejected whoa tha Burrer doaa not aoeurataiy define tha boandarlaa of tha claim. Where tba olaim waa aot looatad la ao\x=req-\ aordaaoa with law. Where aeveral parUaa own aaparata aad dlaUnot porUona of a elalm, applioatlon for patant may bo mada by cither for that portion of the olaim ownad by him; bat where eevaral parUaa own undivided la\x=req-\ tercata ia a mining olaim, all ahooid joia in an applieaUoa for a patent. A pereon or aaeooiaUoo may porrhaee u ■any plaaer iooaUoaa aa the looal law ad\x=req-\ mlta, and embraoe than all ia oae appli\x=req-\ oatlon for a patent. Two or more lodaa cannot be eabraoed ia oae application for a patant except for ptaoer el alma embracioy two or more lodaa within their bonndariaa. Papero a worn to before any pereoa par\x=req-\ porting to aet aa a deputy for the Begtater aad Beoeirar, oannot ba reoorded aa art\x=req-\ danoe. In all patenta for mininf olaimaaitaated within the Interior boandarlaa of a town alto, a elaaae ie Inaerted "exoepting aad excluding all town property, riabte opon the anrfaoo. aad ail honaea, buildmga, atrnetnraa, lota, bloeka, atreeta, aileya, or other municipal Improrementa aot belonging to tba grantea herein, and all rigbta aeoeeaary or proper to the occupation, poe\x=req-\ aeaaloa aad enjoyment of the aaaa." PablleaUoa of notloe anat be aada In only one nawapapar for the period of alxty aavi. NoIIm mnit bo published ton ooneecu\x=req-\ tlve irnki in weekly newepapere. ui in dally newspepere »ixty daye nut elapee between the firet tod tho liet Ineertione. Wboro tbo BegUter dealgnatee tbo dally Uiao of a newt paper for publication of doUom of • mining applloatloo fbr patent, it ia not a oompllanoe with Uw to ehange to tbo weekly edition of tbo aama papor without autbotity of tbo Beflctor, Tba asUUnoa of a aait tprlng on a tract of land wltbdrawa It from tbo operation of tbo bomeetaad and pre-amptlon lawa. A bearing for tba parpoaa of proving tbo •grioultaral character of anob land la not allowad. Land oootainlng valuable do\x=req-\ poalu of alata nay bo antarad andar tba mining lata. AOTuas claim. Adverse elilmuli moat lit a HfWita and dUtloet claim ag>mat each application which it la alleged aoofllota with tha pram\x=req-\ iaaa owned by aoab advene oUlmaut. Tba papara in an ad veree claim onoo filed oannot be withdrawn, bnt baoomo a part of tba raoord. When aa advene claim baa been filed It oannot be amended ao aa to embraoe a larger portion of tba premier a than that described in tbe original adrarea claim. An adrerao claim mnat bo made oat In proper form and filed in tbe proper looal office daring the period of publication of tba applloatlon for tba patent to bo affective. It ia tba doty of tba advene claimant to oommeooe anlt In proper form within the required time, and if be trnata tba onaar tain madlam of the United Btetee mall, ba matt abide tha coneeqaenora. aboald tba delay anena through mlafortana or aoel\x=req-\ dent. Should tbe fallnra to cooimeooe aait bo the rata It of tho oorraptordlebon\x=req-\ eat action of hie attorney, the Interior Department cannot red race tbe wrong. An adverae claimant abonld eat forth in detail tba facta upon which ba baaaa hie ad wee claim. A ataiemeot In general tarma, embodying oonclaaiona of law, without atating tha facta apoolally, will not ba conaldered in evldenoe. An adverae claimant abould abaw a compliance with tbe looal lawa io reoordlng bla claim and In regard to expenditures, and aball file a oopy of tbe oalginal notlaa of bla location, aod abow thenatare oreitent of tba oonflict alleged. An allegation of partiaa to a anil that they eompoae the company la aufflclent, and they are not molred to prove that they are tba original Ioca tore or tba identical partiaa who preaented tha adverae eUlm. AOtXOVLTUBAL OB imrZlAL LAVM. Where land la of little if any value for agricultural purpoeee, but la eeaeatlal to tbe proper development of mining olalma, it aboald be dlipooed of ander the mining Act Where landa containing valuable mineral depoaite have been Incloded In an agricultural entry, laid antry will ba canoe lad at any time prior to iaenanoa of patent, upon latlifeotory evldenoe of tha axllteoce of auch valuable depoaita. Where Talaabla dapoelta of mineral are dlacovered upon a tract after tbe aatne baa bean entered aa agricultural, bnt befera patent baa been leaned, tbe partiaa claiming tha mioa may make application for patent for aame, and theagrlcaltural antry will ba oanoeled to that portion of the land embraced by aaid mining claim. Where mineral depoaita era dleoovered on agricultural landa after tba patent baa been leaned to an agricultural claimant, (bay paaa with tha patent. Agricultural oollrge ecrlp oannot ba ra\x=req-\ oalved la payment for alalnu. AUIXt. A foreigner say Bake a alning loaation and diapoao of it. provided b« bwoaii a citlaan before Jlapoalog of the Bine. Proof that tba party fu not a citlaan bafora dl«\x=req-\ poelog of hia elala nut ba afflrmatlraly Locator* and Intaraadlate own art otbar thaa appliaanta will sol bo praeomed alitna la tba abaaaoa of allegation or objection prior to laauanee of pa ML Tha portion of » alolag alaim aold to an alian cannot ba patantad while anab owner la aa alian; bat on hia daoiaration to baooma a oitiaaa, hia eight datoa book to hia porobaee, and ba mar tbaranpon | aeon re United BUtaa patant for hia alaim. caoaa limb. Barlaad Btatntaa. Brotion MM. Whara two or mtfra ladgae eroaa or Inter\x=req-\ aaet eaob otbar, priority of titia abali for\x=req-\ am. and anob prior looatioa a ball ba entl\x=req-\ tiad to all or* or minaral oontainad within tba apaoa of lataraoetion, bat Up labae\x=req-\ qoant looatioa aball bara tba right of way Uuroagh tba apaoa of Intaraactioa for tba parpaaa of lb* ooareaieat working of tba alaa. Ami wbara twow Ban reina naite, tba oldaat o* prior loaaiioa abaU take tbe vaia batow tba point of —im, laaladlag jUHtttHtifafiHlhii Ttmrau. Tbrra U on authority of law for atnnael location 00t 0 by 1S00 foot. A proper loo*\x=req-\ Uoo I* the width of tbe In a n»l lor MOO feet. Tbrre U bo pnmalon of law for p«tast\x=req-\ ing tnnni-1 location*, bat lodee dleoorered la rnooiaf a taaael may bo pa lea ted la Ilk* Dinner u otbar lodee. The right la granted to tannel owner* to 1600 feet of eaah blind lode, sot previoualy known to exlat, which may bo dieeorered to tboir tunnel. Whoa a lode la atruek or diaoorared for tb* first tin* la running a taaaol, tha toaaal ownera bare tha option of raoord\x=req-\ lag their claim of 1S00 feat all oa owe aide* of the poiat of dleeorery or latareeotloa. or put]/on oaa tide thereof aad parti/oa the other. Proepeetinf for blind lodaa la prohibited oa the line of a located taaael, while tha tsaaal la ia prograea, bat other partlea are In ao war debarred from proapeotlag for blind lodee or raaalag taaaok, eo loog ae the/ keep Wlthoat tha liao of aaeh taaaol MIUAl RKPORT Of Ike PieaMeat ml the laid ef Treateee ef the Teve ef fleM Mill. To tha Taxpayer* aad Oltiaawa of the Towaof Oold HU1: la aooordaaoa with the requirement* of the Charter of tha Town of Cold Hill, I herewith aabalt a report of the financial eltaatioa of aald tows for the year ending April It. 1M11 isaum nam au. aoa Lloeneee, real eetata taxes. per\x=req-\ eonal property aad ballioa taxra—M. Kenoadr tSMIl M Delinquent tasee—/. P. Flaa\x=req-\ nlnghim l.tTO 71 V. W. Foleom » 00 L. T. Fox ■.000 00 Total MMM Ot On hand, Apr.,1M0.I 1,111 M By bonda 10.000 00 By ooapoaa t.M) 00 By warraats 14,tSO IT By balaaoe 1,157 U-WMM iinn or nonm tam roa tn rnia 1SS0 um 1111. Baal property fl.5T7.U4 90 Peraoaal property. 14,015 00 Total .I1.I0I.1W 10 Taxaa thereon at m percent! 930,014 14 Amonnt exempted by law aad Board of Tnutaa* IUH Amount charged to Tows Marshal...{ >l».to» « Amonnt of delinqnent tax roll d- lirered to Town At* torney Il.ttS 07 Tea per eant. delinquency.. ill M Total »I,4M 90 Amonnt not ined for and withdrawn by order of the Board SIN If Amonat oollected with tha 10 per oeat. added 1,170 75 Tatal 11,4(1 00 Amoant of Lio*n*** leaned to Town Mar.Ul $10,M8 60 Amount eold $6,187 $9 Amount returned. 4.101 II Tout $10.m 80 Amoant of Bollloo Tti on prod not of mlnoo ICT M TOWV BOTO* OAVOtLSS. ' No*. 10$ end 104. I**n*d Auguit 14th, 1$T9; time, 1 year; dot August 14th, 1$$0; onnoaled Angust 14th, 1$$0. OCT*TAJIDI*0 TOW* BO TOO. No. 100, amount $8000, da* Ki; lit, 11$!. Moo. 10$ and 109, amoant 910,000, da* An\x=req-\ (ml 14th, l$$l. No*. 100 nod 10$, amoant $10,000, dno Nortmber lit, 1$$1. Amount of bond* $18,000 00 Intemt dno on *amo to April ISth. 1881 $3$ 00 Total $28,838 00 In ubmitUof mr annual report, u re\x=req-\ anlnd by law, I bar* dcam ad It propor >at the taxpayer* and eittsrns tboold bo ioformad of the condition of tbo town and it* financial standing at th* pr***nt Urn*. Tb* flnanoM of tbo town nro In n riry healthy oonditlon, ounalderlng th* *str*mo dnllnr** of bn*ln*** th* past year. Tb* r*v*no* from tbo dlffmnt branch** of bn*ln**o baa Wn ateedliy on th* de\x=req-\ em** tb* poat y*ar, and tbo Board of Traataw bar* b**n governed in etpendl\x=req-\ tnr** aocordingly. rive thonaand dollar* of th* towo debt bar* been llqnldatfd. In tbedtfcrontdepartmente tb* mtlnt ear* bar* been taken by tb* Oommltt*** to bavo tbo running ezpraece of th* town a* low a* tb*T oonId poaoibly b* mado and aatlafy tb* oitlscna at largo. Tb* water work* and everything oon\x=req-\ n*otad with tb*rn or* in th* Ttrj b**t of ord*r. Tbo Obi*f Engineer of th* Tin Deportment baa been Tory vigilant in look* ln$ after tbo hydrant* ana main*, and keeping th*m in good oonditlon. The street* have b**n wall attended to and kopt in good ordar. Th* oSom of th* town bar* boon faithful and *n*rg*tio in th* dieobargo of their dnti**. Tb* polio* have been vigilant in guarding th* interact* of tbo town and keeping away suspicious character* who an alwaya watching for opportaniti** to oraotio* tb*ir n*fariona bnalmas. Tba Fir* Department araoawrriaf 01 moob pralaa for th* ablaaod tfleUot bob* □•r la wblob tbar bar* aeqalttad tbaa\x=req-\ mItm oo til ooouIodi wban ibflr mttIom "wwi i*aolr*d. I tnut the paopl* of Gold HU1 will oontlnn* to b*ra ibtlr loWraata gaardad in the fatar* bruu ifieiiot body of flranao u tbo** .who h»ra guarded ibrai in tbo put. In ooneloiloo, I voold mj that oar datiM m a Board of Towa TiuiM— will aooo bo at an aod. Tbo paopl* of Oold Hill ara toon to bar* a ahaaf* of to**ra> ■•at, tba laitLagiaktandiriownoratioK tba town and patriae tba Ooeaolldatloa Mil, by wblob tba city of Virginia aod tba town of Oold HIU bara bam oooaall\x=req-\ datad with tba aoaaty of Stony la oaa ■or*ram*at. It waa tba oplnioa of thoaa adrooatiag tba aaaaora that tba latmala of all ooaMTMd wonld ba fnrtbarad by barinc on* fomaaiMt inat**d of thr**. Aa it la bat an axpariaaat, it rsanaiaa to ba aaan what adfaotafaa, If any, will ba yalnod to tba boalaaaa portion of tha town by tbo ebaap. It wilf, in ny aatiaation, ba fooad aioiaaary by tbo faoMriag ad\x=req-\ miaiatration to asarotao tha grant**! dl*> oration la tha aiaafauatif affair* for th* oomlng y*ar. Tbo r*r*aoa froa talabia piopatly will ha T*ry moth U*a than what li waa last y*ar, and la lJkriy to watlaaa daaraariag nnl**a aom* drntopnooto la tha aalaa* would (ira a saw aap*at to affalra. I rioo*r*ly thaak tbo Mftwi af tba Board for tba vary abt* maaaar la whiah thay bar* aaaiatad to tha of towa affair*. Balagoompaliad byotbar boalnaa* to ahwnt ayvrif a gooddaribrMi tha town aad (roaa tba aaatiag* of th* Board, I fori gratafnl for thobdalfHit apirit manif**tad toward ■* by U* bar*. Inrioalnfyosrlabor* yoaaaatori a Jest orMawttbla ;uai*al»aa that yow bar* had at all Uawa th* baat tatw**t* of thatowaajhaart. Toar ■aeb m yoo noil til f<*l vtlbln yromiw —ih*» (rutlf) ing ramlodrr ihatup«bli« •tmau yon Lara ptrfurmed lt» dntiw loMBbrni opoD you »ud hmr« proved yoarMITM» drMTVlBf U» CODfldt do* of IM pooplo of Ovid Hill. L. T. Pas. PiMidcat of ikt Bmrd of Ttmmm. rsiime. aoLD mxjL, "DAILY NEWS" NBWSPAPEB JOB PRIIiTINQ K8TABLISHMINT. ^ t + ' Hall Street, Gold Hill ■ NEVADA * Receipt B—ks, BUI Beads, Letter Heads, Legal Blaaks, Brokers' Blaaks, Electioa Tickets, All Kiads of Card Wsrk, llllll ITOCI CEITIFICATEI, BLEOTIOB OS THEATRICAL fortius Dodgen, F1yen, Programmes. Circulars, • Ball Tiokets, Wedding Oarde, Buiineu Oardi, Libels, Tags, £ta Printing, in Colore) Printing, Plain or Fancyi Printing in All Styloi. PRINTING DONE TO OBDEB WITH NEATNESS AND OISPATCI MOST REASONABLE TERMS m»»AW if LOWItT CASH RATB9. THE Gold Hill Dally Newi, (MTABLUHED HI UN), Ii pitHiM "4i; trtolif UNpl Sta4ay. aatf ita etieatatiaa bang van mmIim •xVmuIt* ubom alalia ul ■ laaa* pao3#,&mljU, •»., BMW U TUB W A WD ■ott imcmr usnn: MINING, BUSINESS, AND ALL OTKR ADVERTISING. BUS IN US MSN. raOFIISIORAL MKN. FNACTICAL MINi An iwpwtthllr taTltad to a MNftl laqmtf aa4 crttiaUai of OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. THE GOLD HILL NEWS, NltST-OLAM DAILY MNR, EVERYBODYJEADS IT. OUR Weekly Hlnlnf Suwtry THE Gold Hill Dafly IVewi la *T Mrtm t>ni0i1 OMKm.TbHBk0ttr.Ottm. iow onr.Pnf^—i imMimmUmMIm, Mi to MM ky MtoraltiMN. V* mi to Mr |«M,v «y to Um mm pN Mm