Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS VIRIINIA AND TIUCKEE RAILIOAO TIME TABU. Taklac BAet April Mil, 1M1. TIAINI Vim Rim m 6«M HUI ui Tlrdik. Station*. KzprtM. Local tkno MTSAMBOAf. wasbos .... rauiXTovn UIITIIW.. CABSON...W 7 10 A.B. IM - 1M m 8.90 « •.11 M ID " m La •41 - • a *> I0JT - taao H 10 u - Ul « IM - LO* " Ul " 4 OU " OlRoO* .. A, axnac M'DBuUMCar lroaouaid* OOLD BILL., viaami*.... lm la. LU - IM - «.». - • H " MM " iL»La 1181 - 1xmp.M. La* •* IIIML ■ 88 - • OA " • 1* " T.M T.1A '• TIAINI IM TlrtW* mmd R«M MM1 Hfluw u Local _ Local PaaMagar TUOIKU.... AM pa. UOLDBiLLm in - WOLOIILL4* ft.U •• WU BOOnlar CI* M M'DBOUSKOa L« •• kMPlU...... LM " CAJUOH u 7.00 ~ •o* la MM - iJWf.a. 8.18 - • •••••• • M - M) - 'i'M-.' Lit " • «B - CARSON ..a. tUpa. HUMaJL. lakkvixw .. i n - ion •• FBANKltiWN T.m - loM - WAMBOB TJl - 11.10 M BTBAMBOAT. I OA • UN ■ BBHU. »J0 - HJ||jk UlML i J M LM - %M " IM - LA* " SATUBDAT, JUKI It. 1881 • Balla. It 100 Xanfcatten. 1% 1100 Argute. 190 290 Grand Prist, Ma *9* «alla Ialo. l«o *ilU Albion. • 10 100 Mk Diablo. 10 MO Baohtal. W«. 1 100 Tioga. <U)c •00 B judicata. 40* «0 Booth Bodia, 10* 100 Mno. 2H M M Coo. Paoiflo, 79o M0 North Noonday. 1 100 Bo*ton Coo.. Mo 399 Oro. Mo MO Nooodoy. 1 M. IS 100 Tiptop. 4 M 79 Bilrar King. 11H M0 Hand Cantor. H* 1M Ophir. 8H 4M Maxloan. 1SS. UH. UH 929 Qonld * Curry. 8H. 9H M9 Baal A Balohar, 1«H. 19H 1M California. IS 1M Baraga. 3 M. > 89 9M Coo. Virginia. • >9 M Cbollar. 2 90, 2 99 1M Halo A Norcroao, 419, 4 M 910 Yallow Jackal, 9H M0 laparial. 29o •i20 Balcbor. S 69 4M Stem Narada, UH. UH. UH 1M Utah, U. 12H. 11H 7M Bullion. 90o 940 Kiahequar. 110,119 1M Crown Point, S 09 999 Owaaa, 1 99,1H 1M Joatioo. 1, 99o M9 Union Coo., UH. 19. UH. UH •10 Alto. 9H 1M J alia. 99o. Ma 179 Chilianf*. 1 1M Lady TVaabiogtoa, 99o 900 Andae, 1 99. 2 M M0 Hoorpioo, 9, 1 99 949 Ban tea, 79o M Ooldan Oato, 9 M 999 North Kitanaion Utah. 1H. 1 M 900 Taacarora. 30c 1M Balnont, 99o M Grand Prlaa. 90a 9M Bur. SOo •00 Arganta. 19o 1M Day. 1 M 9M Albion. 9 19, 9 10 IM Walaa, 1 M 19 Mk Diablo, 10, 9H IM Bodla, 7H 999 Bacbtol, 1 IM Ooodabaw, 90e IM Balridaro, 99o 10M Booth Bodla. 19a 9M Blackhawk, 90a 1» Mono, 9 M 900 Oro, Me 9M Tiptop, 4H. 4 M. 4 M M Bilrar Kin«. 11H 2M Noonday, 1H Mwhm atma ■apart. lax P&tsctaoo, J una 19— 1 i. M.— Ophir, IH aakad. 9H aalaa; Billion, 99o 99o aalaa; California, 1H aakod, 1 70 aalaa; Utah. 19H aakad. 19H aalaa; Baraga, 9 M bid. 9 M aakad; Con. Virginia. 9H bid, 9 M aakad, 9 M aalao; Kaiican, 19 H bid. UH aakad. UH aalaa; Boot A Balehar, UH aakad. 1<H aalaa; Union Con., 14H bid, UH aakad, 14H aalaa; Siarra Narada, UH aakad. 1«H aalaa; Potoai, 4 M aakad; Tallow Jaokat. H aakad, <H aalaa; Halo A Noreroaa. 4 M bid; Balehar. 9 M aakad. 9 M aalaa; „ ita, 9H bid; Mono, 9 45 bid; Crown Point, 9 bid; Joatioo, 99o bid; Boa\x=req-\ ton. 80c aakod. 90o aalaa; Siorra Narada, UH bid; Ooold A Carry, 8H bid, 9H aalaa; California. 1 M aakad, 1H aalaa; Ml Diablo, 9H bid; Caledonia, 90o bid. 99o Mo aalaa; Con. Virginia, 8 M bid; Baraga, 9 M bid; Utah, 19H aakad, UH aalaa; Ex\x=req-\ ahoqoar, 1 M bid. irflnla T*i« Mweaiwc. Chaa Palmar, H H Bioa and wUa, MIm M Hlght, M J Cannon. P MeCaU. J L MoClaary. J H Wright, L X Bod tag, A P Kali J. J ▼ MoCurdy, P Y Naaby, Xra Wallrlght, Mr* Hall, B Patiaraoa tad bally; Oapt A Panares, Mra W M Holland. Mrs W 0 Gray and aon, Mra J C Madlgan, W ■ Hobart. Btparlina tail Ittalag. P funll, J Kan. a L Haaak. Hobart H Llndaay, J Micbaal, 0 Wllliama. J T MoCurdy tad family, W J McMillan, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Hall. 8 H Talbot, Mr* J X Madlgan and aon. Matho«liat Chnrcb, Gold Hill — Ssn\x=req-\ »Mhool at J r. a. Coaosrt at 7:10. ara oordlally invitad. •t Joha'a Charoa, Oold HU1—Sunday aabool at 1 r. m. All ara cordially invited to atttad. Tbara will be dlviaa aervice at Dartoa tomorrow evening at 7:90 o'clock. Bar. Osorga N. Kaatmaa affloiaUag. All ara aardially waleoma. Twsaty mambara ol tha Carsoa Oaard will ahoot a Iriaadly matoh with a Ilka nam bar ol Iks Emmst Oaard ow tha latter1* raags tomorrow. Tha Carsoa* itaa will ooma op oa the expreee train. Pools oa tho matoh ara to bo aoid la Tirgiaia tonight at tho aalooa of Oom\x=req-\ aalngs k Doaovaa, Oooth 0 atract IT. Mack ay ud Ootth. Haist. of Tbgliia, bare applioatioaa aad Mda ba\x=req-\ fors tha Btata Board of Iaaaaa Oommia\x=req-\ rioaan tor tha podtioa of arahitsot at • tbaaew aaylam to ba bolll at Baa*. Jaha Mm, B. ▼. Bordaa aad J. V. BaUttaj, of Baao. alaa daalra tho pa* Calling it Juatloe flaaalagbam'a Court (hit morulng our Mra wen aaluted with the naitk by the Judge: " What to da with the boya, I don't koow." Iaqulrtag aa to what vaa the matter aov, we leaned that Mr. Bergeteia, a atorekeeper oa the Divide, had juaf been to aee hlta aad prooured warranto for the arreet ot four boya living oa the Divide, whoeeaemea are Deeaey, Noble, Daaigea aad Henaoa. Mr. Bergateia complkioi that the boja ware annoy\x=req-\ lag bia aad ha aaked them to leave hie premieee; aot ooaplyiag immediately, be proceeded to eatoree hie request aad ea a ooaaequeooe today wean a bleak eye, eaid to have been thua ornamented by the boy Haaaoa—a large, atoat yoaag fellow. The Judge eaid aaeh eomplalata—bar\x=req-\ ring the black ave were aameroaa aad thai the reeideate oa the Divide dreaded the oomiag aehool vaoatioa beoauae of the aaaoyaaoea they have every reaaoa to believe will belaflletad apoa them. Twodayaof the week an hard eaough with them aow, bat wbea they eoatem\x=req-\ plate what it will be for aevea daya a week,they are tempted to awear oat war* raata for tbe unit of the rlagleaden aa aooa aa aehool oloeea oa the gnaad of geaeral bad priedplea. Wbea the uiala of hoya an had then ia aeldom a eoaviotioa ea the Jury Icte them off oa eymyelhy, aad the Judge'a remark that the ofloera were powerieee to pat a atop to hoodlomlam, almply beeaaee Jariea will aot aaaiit them by eoaviotiag boya whea they are really gaUty, ooataiaa maeh truth. Om night'* performaaoe of Ik* "Hav\x=req-\ arly'a llaatodon Miaatrela" afford* a paiaoo mora pleaaora thaa a week'a per\x=req-\ formaaoe of aaotiooal, taar-drawiog, kaart-readiag playa, that tkeeter-goera art loo frequeatly oompelled to witaoee. Oar paopla want fan. lively, aide-aplit\x=req-\ ting fan, *kn they attaad tba theater, aad Haverly'a Miaalrala farnlah it moat liberally. Pipar'a Opara Hoaae, laat aigbt, waa orovdad with paopla to witaaaa th« flrat appaaraaaa of thl* aorapaaj b'tra ainoa th»ir return from their London engagement. And a bttur pleaeed aadiaaoa uw aa<na oat ol Pipar'a theater. From baginning to aad tha performaaoe waa azoaUaot. Fanny aonga, ballada, game froaa operaa, banjo, gailar aad aoaoartiaa playing, bellring\x=req-\ ing, jokea, negro deliaeetiona, a lunny laotora on adooation, clown trioka, tight\x=req-\ ropa dancing, military drill, parada of flranaaa, ato., followad aaoh other la rapid aaoaaaaioa, not even giving tha tkirety aa opportaalty to go out for a drink of watar. Aa tka yonng lady aaid. tka performance waa "Juat apian\x=req-\ did." Tonight tka aompany will give aa aatire akanga of bill. Tomorrow (Sunday) sight will ba tka laat aight of tka engagement of tka Haverly kiaatrela. Baaarrad aaata aaa ba aaoorad at tka boi offlce. Meet ■alter*. There will b* • epeeial meeting of tha Gold Hill Board of School Trnateea tkla evaalag. Tka literary exaroiaea of tka Qold Hill gradnating elaaa will take plana at Miner*' Union Hall aext Friday afternoon, oommaneing at 3 o'clock. Tha aiaaa kaa proven tba ability of it* mem\x=req-\ ber* by lb* high average par ee&k at\x=req-\ taiaed, aad will doabtleaa have latere*t\x=req-\ lag aeaaya. Thair aooial rennion In tba eeeaing promleea to bo as aajoyabla affair. It ahoald ba made aaok at l**at by tka dliiana. Tka azeraiaaa of tha Virginia High Babool gradnating elaaa will ba held at tba Fourth Ward ia that ally June 84, aommeaaiag at 1 o'clock p. M. After tkair axeroiaaa are over tka alaaa will probably attaad tka axeroiaaa ia Qold HU1. Of tko examination of applioanta for teacher*' oertifloatee, which will oom\x=req-\ meaaa on tka S7tk inataat, Supariatea\x=req-\ daat Booker aaya it will aot b* • teckni\x=req-\ oal one, bat will bo b**«d apon th* prin\x=req-\ ciple* of *dn**tion. Ileaw far iMk >**»*>*■ Th* Silver Hill will eo«moaee pumping tomorrow. Tkar* baa bean bo okaaga ia tha Sierra Nevada eroaaenta reported. Tha aaaaaamaat of aixty oaata per akara on Bollloa will ba daliaqaaat ia tka Board oa Moaday. Tha Saa Franaiaoo Stock Board will adjoara from Jaly ltt to July 0th—over the Fourth—aad tka Saa Fraaeiaoo Rt\x=req-\ port thlaka it ia probabla that tha Pa\x=req-\ aifla Exobaage will do Ukawiaa. Tha Saa Fraaoiaoo Rtpori of yaatarday aaya tka market of that day waa dull aad heavy, aad that tha won* feature of Ik waa not tha flgurea, but tha amall somber of aharea which ehaaged kaa da. Tba Tallow Jaakat pampa have drained tka watar from tka 2828 level of tkat mine, aad witk It Ike 2740 level of tke Beiabar. There bow remalaa only the abaft to draia. which will be aooom\x=req-\ pllakad ia quick time. IM «f Um HMll»ex. There ia ao doubt now bat thai thla dreaded diaaaaa baa been plaaed under oomplata ooatrol by Iba Board of Health. There have bean do saw oaaea, oataide ol tha Mlaadaw family, reported for two week*, end tha dootora oomprlaiog tha Board ol Health give it aa their opinion that there will bo so mora to report. Of tha Mlnadtw family, it waa espeoted that all of them would have tha diaaaaa and care baa been taken thai there will baao inflation from them. Oar aitl\x=req-\ seoa can rejoioe, for tho amallpox ia bo longer ta their midat. Tha following boaiaeee waa traaaaoted la tha Dlatriot Court today : Eet ale of Mra. Darning—Order made to eall real aetata. Eetate ol Wa. J. Ford—Order mada dlatribating property. . Maadelbeam tb. Loaie Liebeo—Mo\x=req-\ tion to diamiaa diaoaaaad; farther lime (ranted to prepare atatameat for aaw trial. Mia. Bower* ra. T. B. MoGarn— Taken oadar adviaemoat. Adjourned till Monday. ■lea Klaaay** Cea41Uee. Miaa Kinney, tha yonag lady affliatad with hyateria, Uviag oa tha Divide, ia ia about tho aama aonditioa today aa aha haa bean in for tha paat week. lb* is my waak, having partaken of ao aoar> iahmeat for tha laat two day*. Taatar* day aha wrote upon a alato to bar doctor that It waa impoaaibU for haa to raoovir, aad bmid for madlalaa to e«aa bar pain. y MT HOUMO DUO. (■■la r All tba old Umwaudvidaawaktpao\x=req-\ pU of Ik* Oomatock knaw Pal Holland. Ha wm oonoaetad with tba aarly klatory, tba Pira Dapartmaat, tba Ibaatara, Iba praaa, and varioaa otbar thinga at Virginia, and vaa a llraly aoit ol a joktr, making bia raoord vbamar ba vast Ha bad many friaoda who will foal aad to laarn and raaliia tbat Pat Holland la raally daad. Ha want from Bodla a fav moatba ago to Arisoaa and tba aava aov oomaa tbat ba vaa aoddaa tally kill ad naar Tombatoaa by balag thrown Iroa a boggy. Tba Bodla JVn Pi*m aaya: "Tba aooldaot ooeurad oa tba 8tb of J ana. Mr. Hoi! aad aad a aaJooa\x=req-\ kaapar vara oat ridiag togatbar wbaa tba boiaaa took Mgbt aad raa off tba grid*. Bo lb maa vara tbrova oat, bat Hollaed airook agalaat a rook, aad vaa ao aararaly lajarad tbat ha axpirad aoon attar balag taiaa to tova. Tba daoaaaad vu aa old tiaar oa tbla Ooaat, aad bad baaa ia avary mining oamp dlaoorarad. Ho vaa a praaamaa by protaaaioa, aad bad baaa a aavapapar maa for many yaara. Wblla la Bodla ba ooadnotad tba Union, aa adrartlaing abaat. Ha ovaad tba ftrat aavapapar ia Plooba, aad alao raa a papar ia Virglala Oily. Aa a jokar. Pat had ao equal. Many friaada la California and Mavada vlll ragral to boar of kia riolaat daatb.' Mr. Jlraaaa (P. V. Vaaby) «u on tha Oomitook ahaking bmili today. St U locaud la Baao now. B. B. Llndaay, hl» labora orar in tka Sheridan oaaa, haa returned to hia hen* is Bmo. John W. Mackay aad P. F. Oebiaton arrived la San Fraud** day Woni yea\x=req-\ Urday. They ara eipeoted on the Com\x=req-\ •lock tomorrow. Captain John Kelly, o! Virginia, lost hia bet that Sierra Nevada (took would ■all for $11 thia week, aad haa goaa be\x=req-\ low—doubtleaa. to learn tha raaaoa why. Allaa P. KaUy waa among tha artivala thia noralag. Mr. KaUay waa (or a time "looal" pa tba Virginia CAronMa. Be la now traveling oorreepondeat lor the Boaton OloU. Oao. J. Perklae, Secretary ol tha Ooa. Qraral Mlalag claim, la Slam ooaaty, Cal., loft aa laat evealag'a trala to vlelt lha oompaay'a claim. Mr. Parklaa haa b*ea employed at tha C. N. 8. ahaft aa aa aaglaaar lor aoma tlma paat. Bank Bmltb, formarly Superintendent ol tha Balohar, haa baaa appolatad to tba ■uperiateadeaey ol two prominent mlnaa at Tombatoae, aad will ahortly taka hia departure Iron Ban Fraaoiaoo lor tha aoana ol aotlon. ■r — Hattan. At tha meeting ol tha Grand Lodga F. and A. M. in Virginia, whloh aloaad ita aaaaion Tburaday aliarnoon, tha rtporte from tha varioua lodgaa throughout tba State abowad tha Ordar to ba In n flouriablag condition in Nevada. Prior to adjourning tha lollowlng offl\x=req-\ oarawara ragularly inatalled bythere\x=req-\ tiriog Grand Maaiar. D. 0. MoWnney, lor tha anauiag Maaonlo year: Boratio B; Maaoa. Grand Maatar; M. A. Murphy. D. O. Maatar; 8. W. Ohubbuck, lanlor Grand Warden; Ala*. Wlaa. Junior Grand Wardan; Cbarlaa Kuaat, Grand Traaaurtr; John D. Bammond, Grand Secretary; W. 0. Gray. Grand Chaplain; Baary L. Fiab. Grand Orator; 0. D. MoDufte, Grand Marabal; 0. W. Kaith. Grand Standard Bearer; J. M. BUI, Grand Sword Baarar; G. 0. Ma\x=req-\ Millan, Grand Sanlor Daaoon; 8. B. Basra, Grand Junior Daaoon; G. n. Walkar, Grand Bibla Baarar; E. B. Foatar, Organlat; Brothera Joaaa aad Data, Stewarda; B. M. Jawatt, Pural\x=req-\ vant; E. S. Klnoald, Grand Tyiar. Caaaaaaa4aMa. In Uia Sharidan oaaa yaalarday altar\x=req-\ noon, Diatrlot Attornay Bilaa aakad tha Jury to bring in a verdlot ol not guilty, and aald: "I hata aiwaya mada it a rula never to aak a Court or a jury to believe to ba trua what I do not believe to ba Una. I am aaUaflad, furthermore, that bad tha taota praaantad by tha dalanaa baan known to tba Grand Jury tha aoou\x=req-\ aation would Aot have baan mada. In joatiaa to ayaell I will atata that I aaw tha original bill on whioh tba aoouaatlon waa baaad; that I waa than P«™aded that tha ordera attaobad to tha bill were in tba handwriting ol tba defendant, but now I baliaYa that I waa mlalad by tha l«oaio« ordtr iltiebtd tbtrtto, which tha dalandant today admlttad having mada. I am bow aatlaflad that tha re\x=req-\ maiadar ol tha ordara attached to tha bill wara lorged." Tha Coart aspraaaad approval ol Mr. Hilaa' oonaolantioua oouraa, and lnatruot\x=req-\ ad tha jury to ohooaa a loreaan and randar a vardiot without laaving thair aaata, which waa dona and tha dalandant honorably aoqoittad. A Wa|««rf CfelK. Day b*for« yaatarday, ujra lb* Carton Appral, Emma Biakaby atoapad from tki Orpbana' Homo, and aftar aba vaa gona MTaral boara an offloar vaa aant in aaarob of bar. In tba araning aba waa fonnd la Oarria Staln'a bagnio and takan back to tba Homa. Sba aald aba w«nt tbara bcaanaa aoma jaara ago tba Stain woman bad bafriandad bar motbar. Tba child vaa takan back to tba Homa, mad IS vaa (onnd on bar paraon vbiob Mia* Btain olaima vaa atolan from bar dravar. Tba gitl ia tba ona recently aant to tba Homa trom Storey county by ita authori\x=req-\ tiaa. Sba ia tba aama ona claimad by Mtroadaa Bickay, and vbiia bara Ira\x=req-\ anently vant from door to door bogging, Ivaya purporting tbat tba abaritj aakad for vaa to ba given to aoma daatltnta family, ato. Sba ia avidantly rminad. BnanlM M laa Fraaalaw. Bay yonr Uokata for tba Good Tamp\x=req-\ lara' asanraon to San Franoiaoo at onoa. Tba Saoratary of tba Oommlttao of Ar\x=req-\ rangaaanta for tba azoaraion aaya tbat oving to tba larga nam bar of ptraona going, and'to avoid oonfaalon and dia\x=req-\ •ppoiDtmint, all art rrqataud to par\x=req-\ abaaa Uokata prior to Jona 90tb. Tbay can bo bad at Obnbbnek k Tborbnrn'a PoatofBoa variaty atora. kiUattaa, ■■akaca. Imported oigara of tba boat branda, all kinda of good abavlng and amokiag tobaaao, maaraabaum pipaa, axaallant eatlary, and ttmj dadorlption of ata\x=req-\ tlonary and toya, aan ba porabaaad of O. H. Gallup, at raaaoaabfa rataa. Hla atora te on Mate atraat, oppoaite tba Bank of Oold H11L Hla aigaraaralna mmd M mlMlkl. J. L. McClaary, a form* Town Mar\x=req-\ ahal of Gold Bill, tad wall-known ante tha nana of 11 Wat at Mao," ratnmad from tha Wood ritar aonatry thla mora* lag. Ha apaaka wall of tha mlnaa, highly of tha oountry, and aaya it la a daligbtfal plaoa to lira. Id. Plank ia raportad to ba indnatrionaly proapaotlog and ?ary wall plaaaad with tha outlook, lhaolimata Mao daaot Ibaa aa rariahla, bat folly aa agraaabla aa anjoyad bora. Soma aaow fall thara laat Sunday, bat aalokly diaappaarad. Joat a wa»k ago today ba, ia ooopany with E. A.. Martin, tha wtll\x=req-\ known aaaayar of Virginia, viaitad tha priaaipal mlnaa naar Ba llama. Tbay ara amall mlnaa, bat oontain, aaoordlcg to hia daooriptloa, aoaddarabla gaiana ora and aran nativa aUrar. Ha aaya 0 airoomataaoaa parmlt ho will ratnrn to that aaadon, aa ha la ra»y maah plaaaad with tha ontlook. Tha (ara from Ballaraa to Kalton ia fSS; from Kalton to Bono, $17 M; from Baao to Gold Hill, tl; total. U. Mr. MoOlaary laft Ballaraa laat Tnaaday morning at 9 o'alook, travalad ataadlly, and arrivad in Gold Hill at 10 o'alook thla morning; tlmo ooonplad in trip, font day*. Vfeataiaiala Hal Waaifear. Attantion ia aaliad to an adrartiaamant in anothar oolomn aatting forth tha at\x=req-\ traationa of Sogar Plna Point, at Laka Tahoa—John MoKlnnay'a old plaoa whiah ia bow opan to tha pobllo for tha aaaaon. Tha notioa informa plaaaara\x=req-\ aaakara how baat to raaah tha plaoa, which ia aitnatadon tha waatarn ahoro o( tha laka. nlaa milaa from Tahoa City, amid romantia and baalthfol anrroond\x=req-\ lnga, naar axoallant fiahlng gronnda. Thara ha* baan a ohanga mada ia tha prioao of formar yaara and libaral radoo\x=req-\ tioaa ara offarad to famillaa. Boat* ara foraiahad gaaati fraa of aharga and avary attaatioa will bo paid gaaata, to inaora thair plaaaara and oomfort AaaMaaa ai aha Kaaiaak.' Eugene Chamberlain, a yoanf man at work ablngling the n*v building oorer\x=req-\ Ing the Kfntuck holeting-worka, fall tbl, morning from tba roof to tba atraata ibout thirty feet, aad broka hi* right arm lo two plaoaa—Joat above tba wrlat aad at tba elbow—aad had bla laft arm badly epralned. Ha waa, alao, badly broiled aboat tha hipa, aad tba abock vaa ao aevare that ha baa tamporarily loat tba aaa of bia latt lag. Hia iajoriaa ara vary palatal bat not dangeroaa. A larga number of tba Btoray ooonty taaebara will aooompaoy tba flood Tamp* lara' exoaralon to Ban Franolaoo. EASTEBH DISPATCHES. 8«aeral Great Iatervlewed—le Ooi* tlaiM to Talk To* Hack vllk lla Month. N«w You, Jane 17.—Tba Herald'§ raportar at Pittabarg interviewed flrant, who aaid: Oarflald la a maa without baokbona—a maa of floa ability, bat laoklng atamina. Ha waata to plaaaa everybody, aad ia afraid of iaoarrlng tha aamlty of all man who ara aronod him. Thia ia why ha thraw a aop to Oonkllng aad Piatt. Bobartaon'a appointment, I am anra, waa aattlad bafora Mar oh 11—yaa, bafora tba Obloago Convention. Bobartaon kaaw that If my aomiaatioa eonld ba prataatad ba would brooma Oollaotor of New York. I doa't auppoaa ba had a dlraot pladga; bia aon* traot waa witb Blaine, and Blaina ia kaan and wary. Boberteon, however, knaw ba waa to ba appointed. Blaina failed, and Oarflald waa nominated and pledged to Bobartaon, who atood in witb Oarflald. Ha had .to appoint him, yet ha waa afraid to aay ao. Why did bo not aay openly: "I am going to appoint Bobartaon?" I do not think Blaina baa peraonally aaid anything to Oarflald in tha matter. He waata to bo ia a poat> lion to ear that alaee ba haa been Secretary of State ba baa Barer loterfered with aay appoints)enta, aad thlnka that ba oaa aay that ba hu not aaid anything; bat atlll through him Bobartaon'a nomination waa dlotatad, and tbrongb him ipaiited upon. The reporter naked: "Ara yon going to N»w York to take part ia tba flgutf" mNo. I have ao baalneee there, and am oat of politiee, esoept aa a dtixan who ezeroiaee the right to vote and think aa be plraaea." "To chioga the aobjeot, what do yon think of Jeff. Davie' book?" "I bare only aeen eztraota from U In tba papara. I am not oonvaraaat witb Ite oontanta. I waa highly amaaed by bia daaeription of how he waa going to eecape—to throw a mat off bla bona and the reel of Ik The Idea ol Jeff. Davie doing a thing of that kind ia ah\x=req-\ aard, for a man ot aeventy yaara of age,, for yeara aa Invalid aad a ooward. For Jeff. Darii waa alwaya a mortal eoward, although be had great mental ooarage. It waa vary amueing. I think tba book will do good. It will not affaet Union men, and may hare the effect of driving noma of Davie' old aaaooiatea over to the right eide." Seapcradoea lit Imwi. Droves, Ool., Jon* 18.—A Tribvnt Kokomo apeeial aaya: Yeetarday altar\x=req-\ nooa A. T. Higgina, • well known dea* perado, ud Phil. Foot*, ex-Marabal of Kokomo, being intoxioated, bag an filing their rarolver* at random. Shortly thereafter, meating Mayo Donoeeter, Hlggina flrad at him, jut grasing hla head. Policeman Brawn ordered tham to be qnlet, and vaa ahot and dancer\x=req-\ oualy wonnded by HigRlaa. The dee pared oaa thta fied to Baolae, a email village ia the aaborb* of Kokomo, aad prepared for reeletanoe. The Marahal and poaaa panned, aad after wounding Hlggina ia the faoa, captured him aad Foote. They were taken to Leadville to avoid lynching. Maoh exci lament azlaU. . Severe Stem la Okie. Olxtklaxd, Jane IS.—A eevere atorm ■wapl over a portion of northern Ohio laat night. t Tree* war* uprooted aad building* blown down or uaraofad. Ooaaiderable damage waa doaa by lightning aad water. Near Wakemea half of Bugglee Orot* fell by eyclone. Bay\x=req-\ eral orchard* war* mora or lea* injured. Baraa were ton in plooee aad horaea aad oattl* killed or injured. Th* track of th* storm waa half a mile wide aad it* duration on* hoar. OrerUai Paaaeagera Cealag. Torau, Kaaaaa, June 17.—Th* ioi\x=req-\ lowiag llm> of orarlaad pa—anger* paa*id Topeka, tia th* A. T. A 1. ». B. B, Jun* 17, to antra la Saa Trasetaoo Jan* SSd: i. 0. MoOraary, Haw Totk; Mia. L. B. Wright, Haw Totk; O. K. Hoaiaa, OiadaaaH, 0.; 0. J. Oradoa, Portland, Or.; A. M. Aafca, Daraapoct, lev*. Tie Ceatral Facile Ballr«M legit ry-Tbe Letter ef CeaaU* •loner r reach. Nnw Ton, Jon* 18.—Tbe Tribwt't Washington apeotelaaya: Coamleeioner Frenoh'a Utter to Leland Stanford baa netted ■ mbmUob. Tbe Secretary of tbe Interior hu aa yet reoelvad no offl\x=req-\ oUl oomannloation npon tbia very la* portent cab]tot, and tba latter la regarded aa aomawbal extraordinary in view of tba faot that Coaaiaaioner Franob want Weet a few weeka iro witb tba ex\x=req-\ praaaad opinion tbat tba Central Paoiflo waa diverting ita earnings to tba da trial a«t of tba govemaent, and ba waa dateminad to bring it to book. Leet winter, loo, bo wrote • letter to Gongreea charging tbat tba Oantnl Paaifie waa evading tba provialona of tba Tbnman ▲at, whiab reqnired tbat twenty-flve par •ant. of ita net aarninga abonld 6a da\x=req-\ poaitad la tba Treoaory to aeenatlate a tend to aMM tba govornacal tba ropayaent of aonaja advanoed and tbat ba ba liar ad in anbatanaa tbat tba Dlraotora of tba Central Paoiflo Railroad bad theaaelvee appropriated tba aOaey doa tba government. Obaigea ef tbia bind were aada epeoifleaUy by Auditor Franob, in writing and verbally before tba Honaa Oeaaittee on Paoifla Ball\x=req-\ roade, and it waa on tba baaia ef tbeae atataaante tbat tba Attorney General inatitnted anil for an lnjanetlon to pre* ▼ant tba Central Paoifla froa declaring a dividend ont of tbe net earnlnga an til farther inveetigation. Anditor Franob went to tbe Paoifla ooaat at tbe inatenee of tbe government for tbe pnrpoae of procuring evidenee to aaalat in tba farther propagation of tbe ooapany. It appeara tbat ba baa now written n letter to tba Praaident of tbe Central Paoifla Bailroad, travening all tba eaeential poeitiooa wbiob ba (Franeb) took before Oongreaa. Tba anbjeet, it ia aald, waa broogbt to tbe attention of tbe Praaident and aeabara of tbe Cab* inet laat evenlnjr, wbo expreeaed vary great anrpriaa tbat anob a latter abonld bava been written. Inquiry into tbe dreoaatanoea whj be aada. Hitler Tenlon of tie lew TeeU\x=req-\ neat. Nav You. Jan* 17.—Tbe CkxtrcK\x=req-\ man of tbia «Mk aaya: We ere to bat* atlli another veraion of tha New Teeta\x=req-\ mint, to be known an "Tba American Taraioo." and. what la mora, It la to ba aopyrighted under that daaigoatlon. Aa to tba particular rtaaona for tba publloe\x=req-\ tloa tba Ckurcfmkm aaya: "Tba feet that the raadloga and renderinga propoaed by tba imerioan CommltUa of Beviaion have baan pabllabad in a aaparata Hat— aaeb of than at laaat aa vara not adopted by tba Englleh Committee of Baviaion —baa TfZtd tba mlnda of aoma paopla who aannot bear that anything imari\x=req-\ oan aboald bo oaada to taka a back aaat, and oartaln otbara, who ara not willing to aoknowledge tbat tbara oan ba any appaal from tba judgment of tba Amer\x=req-\ iaaa OoDmlttaa." The Chlneae Legation li loinlag. New Yobz, Jnna 18.—A Herald'i Waablngton ipaoial aaya: Tbaraaldanaa of tba Oblnaaa legation ia draped in white, tbelr emblem of monrning. Their flag la auapended at balf>maat, and will remain ao for a four weeka' period of monrning for iba daatb of tba Dowager Empreea of Gbina. Ylalta of oondolanoa were made today by foreign Mlnletera, and by tba Seoreury of 8lata and Aaaiat\x=req-\ ant Secretary. All tba attaobaa of tba legation wear wblta ootton garmrnta and are by tbair rulee required daring tbia period to aba tain from all pnblio feetivl\x=req-\ tlaw or eoelal vtette. Tba groonda of tba Oblnaaa legation adjoin tboaa of tba Bnaalan, wbera bnt a few montba ago tba raaidenoe of tbe Baealan Mlniater waa tba aoene of tba memorial oeremony in memory of tbe aaaaaalnatad Ciar. The Cor win Heard, from. OoiuuaKA, May 31, via Aatoria, Or., Jnna 17.—Tba revenue cutter. Oorwin, arrived at Onnalaaka on tba 17tb of May, with all on board wall. Tba ex* plorera will probably laava on tba ltd, •Iter taking on a eupply of ooal, and oovtring a aledge-boat bere witb aea\x=req-\ Hon akin. Tbara will probably ba an\x=req-\ oonnterrd a lata aeaaon, witb ioa on tbia aide of tba atralta. Tba praaent idaa of Oaptain Hooper ia to go from bare to tba Baal Ialanda, tbenaa to Nueneok, on Plover Bay and Bibllna, and with tbree lend elrdgea tbe partiea will proceed to wiait the nortbers aboraa of Aaia, and return In abont alx weeka and piak tbe remainder of tbe party np at a point not yet determined upon. WoeUa Factory Biried. Caicioo, Juno 18. — At Applrton, Wla., yaatarday evening, W. W. Hutob\x=req-\ Inaon'a woolen factory waa totally daatroyad by Are—aaveral paopla narrowly aaoaplng from tba burning atruo tura. One N el eon fainted and fall from tba aeoond atory and died wbile being taken home. Auguat Bathela ia miaalng and la auppoard to hava pariabfd. Tbree hundred paopla are thrown out of employment. Om of tfc/oid Blden. Boarov, Jnna 18.—William X. Oood\x=req-\ year, who died In Eaet Haven, Oonn., Seaterday, at tbe age of flrty, rode on oraebaok from theAtlantio to the Fa\x=req-\ eiflo in 1858. Ha waa eonneoted with tba Oovarnment aarvey between California and Mexioo. ■isciLLiiriora. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mad* troia Orta* (Ma Twtafe—S« ethm Utkt. taky hot bmda, itooSw. *«I^ roTTOM (K Mji ■ISCIIUVMP* TUTT'S RILLS IN DO RSI D BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEN, AND THE AfFLICTED EVERYWHERE, THE 6REATE8T MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. SERIOUS DISEASES WW. SOON BE DEVELOKO. of IMUif u to uloilik tfe* rnftew, ~ lUttUdOMMOM 1 tbt VMB M lAetieeeeiM duo«<l. t*r1o« ■ otna. W«mj TUTT'S HAIR DYE, IftATl Imptrt* • uliuil color, act* lasuauewatiy. #■>14 b/bruttUU, «f Mat kf upftM oo rmi pt of (1. Offlo*, 35 Murray tt, N«w Yortu HOB PUNCH TO TOP OFF J. DINNER, May be Drank Clear, as aCordlal For a dinner "thoroughly appointed, the good old wajr was to wash down die last triumphs of the feast with copious libations o' old Port and Golden Sherrr; bet "HUB PUNCH" has added a new sensation to the epicure. Its delicacy, aroma, flavor, and delicious, but gentle effects, proclaim it the nectar fit for the gods banqueting on Olympus. TESTIMONIALS. ■AltpUUto—Ow." Srtwfturfcr. f.W\x=req-\ "OwstlM of Bob Pooob h*v* ■ within ikiN mofttbs a Umr qs km&tISS&tT c.1 TMd* aapptlad at HtuMinn ptowtr XICBABM M 1AM—T. 1|»U (or Ptdfla OmM, Su Ftirilin, 0*1 Children CRY FOB Pitcher's Castoiia. llko ud Pkyriatas* "it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS t the World's great Pain-Ee\x=req-\ lie ring remedies. They heel, soothe and euro Burnt, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and T.ameness upon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. WOOD AND GOAL DEPOT I wruT ran. washos una siut rare n aadotbar vutMM of IK tad a Ml ■wirtf I00KY MOUNTAIN COAL tatulMi total* at tba LOWBST <US> ices. ruu WEIGHT AND MUIDKI aDABAMTIKD. W09Q HwVQ IIHun DCHUN UU M MRJIKIN oma-lw Ballmd Dap*, Oold BUL Mm TMoMAWOALIAOH ML FOURTH OF JULY Excursion lo San Francisco OWING TO TH1 LABOS MDMBKB OV pMod (otaf, and to trotd einfnaion ul dlMppolnta«Dt, Ul an raqoMUd to rrorlde TlekeU Prlsr to Jus Ml. PoMoae* TutMy Sla , OaUBUL T. B. MULOiHT, TtekaU for wl« U Ik* Portofle* ▼■riatj Stan. MaiaKnat, OoUNUl. Jill M SILVER HOUSE, MAIN STRUT, SILVM OITY, - - NEVADA ■sari sailedglag W per loath. « : «i,tka Bimrm WANTED. N AMBMQAB WOMAN IS WANTBD A" b* a paol a •mm ~ frf'-mf? 'rfanna = PBivnis. "DAILY NEWS" newbpafeb JOB PRINTING UTABLiaHMMT. ■all Street, OoM BIO ■lllll ITMI lEITIFIMTEa, ELEOTIOH OB THEATBIOAL Dodgers, Flyen, Programme* Circular*, Ball Tioketa, Wedding Oardj, Bofineii Oardi, Labels,Tigi, Etfc Printing, in Colortf Printing, Plain or Fancyi Printing in All StyiM. PBIHT1HG DONE TO OBDEB WITI NEATNESS AND DIIPATCI MOST REASONABLE TERMS At (llm LOWKST CAtH RATI*. TUB fiold Hill Dally News, (MTABLUKBD n 1MR, U pntMifc»d tmy wH| its clrcnUtUa Mag - w immm utt r73sB TE1 BUT A*D MINING. BUSINESS. AND ALL 0TK1 ADVERTISING. ■US IN IBS MSN. PROFESSIONAL MIN. PRACTIOAL MSN i >ai OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. the gold Hm. news, • •••MP ••••• PIRST-OLASS DAILY MPSR, la tfcMMfftl* itatlM rntkifc* tan to IjT EVERYBODY READS IT. OUR Weekly Mining Somary THE •m Cold Hill Daily flews la bttnnl kj OoU Bin. Tli*l«Ja City. HMttr ml] to all parta of tha raattfcaworid. XooMlaftOy ay t* tha ttaaa wfca4aaa (MiaMttoOouIuDMiT] HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS t»a imtnwij kumm krioix « ***, am of Uw isSI ' .Vz ^... ..\