Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS TUESDAY. JULY 9. 1881 OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEM. WIDC AWAUB iDfl WHO fMMlfl TMJ Ua-rkal to Ik* Ail Wk* iUlt I'rlMl Ik amusements. Piper*' Opera Uoom. Virginia City. UANKEKS. Agency Nerada lUnk of Ham Fwiokw, 0 iuwI, Virginia City. BBOBBBS. U. B. Irtald, Main iirMt. Oold Hill. T. B. MMiBi MM Sontn 6 itmt, Vir ginia City. CLOTHING ASS FUBNISHINO OOODB. Banner Bra., Corner 0 tad Taylor atreeta, Virginia. CLOAKS AND TOBACCO. D. Tborborn, oppoelto Niwa 0A00, H-in mHL Oold hui. 0. it. Oallap, oppoaite Bank of Oold Mill. DKUQGISTS. Hubronck A Hall, Main (treat, Odd BUI. oppoalto Yellow Jackal cngine-liouae. John Jvau. Jr.. Maui iiml. Uold Mill. DBNTluT. A. Chapman, 1M buuih 0 atreel, Vir ginia City. FANCY 000D8. D. Tborbura, Main ■ tract, Oold HUI. B. W. inubtmck, Pueluittoe •tore. Mala ■treat. Oold Mill. F0UNDB1EB. Oold Hill Fooodry, Lower Oold H1U, George Auuiet, proprietor. Beno Foundry, Beno, Andrew Fraaar, proprietor. QB0CEB1ES, PB0VI8I0NS, ETC. F. W. FoUoni, Main eireel, Oold Hill. Biehard Mercer, Main • treat, Oold Hill. T. B. McUum, Main • treat. Oold HUI. HOlkU-a A.NL BBttTAUBABTB. Oold Hill Dakar/ and Beelauranl, Main atreel, Oold Mill; J. F. Backer, Pro prietor. City Bakery. 17 North 0 (treat. Virginia Oily; Fiiauetar A Armbruat, Propria ton. HABDWABE. W. Jf. Hall A Co-, Main (treat. Oold HUI. LACNDBY. . Pioneer Laundry, north of Virginia Oily; 0, W. HaU, Proprietor. mahucts. Fountain' Market. Main • treat, Oold Hul, V. J. \\ aider, proprtet r. »BWa itBfOlS. D. Tborbura, oppoelto Mm ottoe, Mam etreel, Oold HiU. N. W. Cbubbuck, Poetofflca itore, Oold PHYSICIANS AND 8UBQE0N8. & Dr. J. 0. HaU, Main etreel, Oold HUI. BALOONS. Comitock Exobange, oppoaite Liberty Xagme Houae, T. B. Fincn, Agent. Faahton, Main etreel, Oold UU1; 8. B. Turney, proprietor. Oitwon e, Main etreel, Oold HUI; W. D. C. Olbaoo. proprietor. WOOD AND COAL. Tboraaa Oallagbar, near railroad depot, Oold Mill. NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS, The Poetmaatere fn this State have J oat received an order makiog malarial cbangte is ilia cleaatAeatioa of mailer a«nt through tlx malle. Mailable matter of the Oral claaa aball embraoe all matter wLullr or partially la wrttiug. except aa herein provided—Act Marub 9, M7», 0eetioa I. 20 Statute, p. M. Tb# exoeptiona ara aa follow* : 1. Corrected prouf-ebeet* and maun wrlpt copy accompanying tb* cam*.—Sao tion 349. 3. Oat* and gama of tba addriaaiJ, tod of tba eeoder of circular*. and iba correc tion of mere ty pugraphioal error* tbaraln. Section JT. p.MO. 3. fiilla. r> cvipta and ordara for *ub*crip tloga induced la ttcood olaaa pabllcatlooa, provided aacb bllla. reeeipt* and order* aball ba la auob form ** tocoovey ao other information than tbe nam*, locatioo and ■ubecriptloa .price of tba pobllcatloo or pablioatluoa tu which thev rafar. Sectioo U. p. 361. 4. Tba nam* and addrraa of tba prraoo to whom aacond-claM matter may b« amt. •od index Agora of a euhecrlption book, aad word* or dgarc*. or both, indicating tba date oa which iba aabacriptioa la auob nutter will aad. Section 23. p. SCO. y I*poo matter of tba third-elaae. or upon tba wrapper Incloelng tba aama. tba •ender may write bla own aama or addreee, with tba word "from" a bora aad preced ing tba aama, aad la eitber oaee may make simple mark*, intended to deelgaate a word or paeeaae of tbe text to wbiob it 1* Ueaired to call attention. . 6. Tbe re may be placed upon tbe cover or blank leave* of aay book, or of aay priuted mailer of the tbird-claae, a aim pie manoecripi dedication or iaacriptioa which ia confined to a eimple addreea or eooaigomeot of aacb book or priated mat tar. aa a mark of reapeel, aad maat aot ovoteia aaytbiag tbat partake* of tbe na tare of a peraonal correepondence. 7. Upon mailer of tbe fuartb-claaa tbe eeodar may write bie owa aame aad ad drtM preceded by tbe word "from", aad alao tb* number aod Dame of article In duced. He may al*o write upon or attach to aay each article*, by tag or label, a mark or aomber. aame or letter, for par poee of ideattllcatioa. ViSCSLLAHEOl'S. ORDIHANCE WO. 111. AX OtDINANCK to trtrHt far lb* Levy tfTaiM K- ai aad PirMial fr Hilr vlikli ik« T «■ al UaM Ml [Paaaad April IS. 1W.) «rn« board cr thcstms or oou> A BiP <1 mo* b: Mcri 'a 1. An aaaaaJ id nlorwi Uz of oat uuurqoinrr par colio npub I be »«loa o( taaabto iivpnif trlliln ib*Toaa of OoM HUl U bar* by lend and dimM 10 b*coll*eud Mr U>«u i>urp< •** upon tb« »n*a».i1 mu of >U ■neb iiu»i ■ ru.artj bmJ* tu»bl« i J ib* Uw« Altai* i»u kt m.u «nd c uaty porpo***. la eluding lb* • *t pr end- of lb* BUM*. aac. a. Tbr iuh i*«i*d by mcUob 1 of tkl* ordn.asc«. and to ba a»«n *d ud oolkKMd la •coofdaaoa »l a tbe i ruYtilon* nf aa urdlaiaw •uUilrU " An urd.n net lo prorld* lor lb* Wtj aa i *oll*ctioo oi ium oa iral a»d p*r*ooal proparty within lb* Town of (told Bill, pmid April!«. leal; tad al*o, aa ordtaaac* «.tttM Aa uidlaaac* i.> pni«ld* >or lb- Us* aad aua»t of Mcvrtalalat ib* ralaaot lb- a*t pro o*da ol ■!**• I r lb* parpwa* oi laiat oa. aad to prcr.d* U.i Um collauUue ut met iih l. t. rox. Fmidwl of lb* Board of Traat**a of tba Tova I oftiotd Bill. 1 Atttat: W. 0 Bibb, Clark of lb* Board. A i a aul a* of lb* Board o« TraHin vf tb* Tovo of u«!4 B I. bald aprli la. lan. ordl- 1 mm Mo. lla »aa paa**d bt .ba toUotriac to**i Im-Tn in* Vator, Oaacbj. Luaary aad Tom. Ab*«a»—Tnut** MeCnrdJ. M W. O. BTDK. rUrk. To Comsioek line Owners. , 1 A oner a*d srrsiuirrcfDBMOT so-1 iMItad. B*ria| aad* ■!*!*■ aapaclallT [ tor tb* p«t twaaiy yaara; alio, barter b*ro Monoaaly •woeiatad »ltb oorporal* Industrie* lor aaay yaara. 1 aa tboroacbly qaalllad UibtiUi p> r'ora> .nn raqaif aa* aa Ad or aop*rtai*od*at aad oOar n.y aarrlo* >1 tb* falMwtac prlra*: Actira workla* aitaa*. $U0 lo fO par nontb; bob working nlaaa axeapt aaaaal botoiaa work, to (Ml p*r nooLb. TOWNTMJITEES. riaai imum - ■•jpm «r i»w ft* TarMd Over tm Ik* OniIT | The final meeting ol the Board of | rruataea ol Ihi town of Oold HU1 wi bald yeaterday afternoon. Priaant— rruataea Dauoby, Lemery, MoCurdy tad Preaident (pro tan.) Meroer. The alnataa of tha prerioua maating | vara approved aa read. Tba different a landing oommitteea re-1 ported everything ia tha beat oooditlon. Tha atreau vara ia good repair. Tba Committee on Fire aad Water re ported tha malm, bydranta, tanks aad everything oonneotod vith tha vatar voika ia good ooadition. The regular monthly bills, amounting ] to 11086, vara, oa motion, ordered paid. Tba follovlng bills, referred to tba | Finanoe Committee and found eorreot, vera, oa motioa, ordered paid: J. B.. Qagnoa, $6 40; B. Meroer, $8 80; W. N. Hall & Co., $11 60; D. Thorbara, 38c; W. Hall. $6 80. Oa motion, it vaa ordered that tba offloiala be paid their aaiariaa np to aad luciudio* May 3d, 1881. Tha Street Committee reported that aoma partiea bad built a feaoe oa D atreet. aeer tba Deytoa toll road, on ground pnrcbee*d by the tovn, and vtahed to oall tha attaatioa of tba Coun ty Commiaaioaers to tha eubjeot. Tne following quarterly re porta from tovn office re were read and ordered to Uka tba uaual aouraa: ururr or town tiiuciu. To tba Honorable Board of Truateaa of tba Town of Oold Hill—Oeatlemen : 1 herewith eabmtt my report for the quarter to dale, May 2, IStU: Or. January II, 1881, balanee oa hand t 4.1 CI 21 To M. Kennedy 1,470 00 To J. P. Flanningham #74 Total $ 6.8S8 M 9r. By warraate 8 8,189 03 By oonpoaa 7AO 00 By balance. i,M7 M Total $ 6.8M 94 Balanoa on hand May 2,1181...$ 1.967 9) Kee pee if ally, O. H. Ouaup, Town Treasnrar. tow* muti.'a sstobt. To tba Prreident and Hon. Board of | Troeteee of the Town of Gold Hill— Gen tlemen : The following la my report of I the bnaineee dooe in my ottoe for the quarter ending April 90,1881: Or. To lioenaea aold 81,629 64 To prooeads of mince 147 M Total... $1,670 00 O. By amount paid Tmaurcr 81,670 00 | Number of arreata: Aaaanh and battery 4 Aaaanit to kill 1 Opium amoklng 4 Soliciting without licenae. 8 Diaturbing peaoa Total Ji2 By Marabal Kennedy S By Officer Sbeehan 7 By Officer Boonry 1 By Kennedy and Sbeehan. 1 Total 19 Bepactfnily. M. Kumnx, Town Marabal. anon or tow* clux. To tha Honorable Board of Trnilaea of the Town of Qold Hill—Qentleaen : The following U 07 report for lb* quarter ending April SO, INI: Amount of wimah laaued $3503 78 I A* follow!: Salaries. SIMS 00 Work 00 itraata 323 00 Duoatlooa to Flra Compaulee 433 (M Extra ltgal aarriata 180 00 Hardware 37 0U Teaming 9 SO Hurt* feed 40 43 Watar rant 523 00 Kreplng horaa IS 00 Htatiooery 8 73 Blackamlthing 18 00 Printing (par contract) 123 00 Lumber 132 42 Xiacellanaotu 08 08 Total $3303 78 ReepeatfulW, W. Q. Hro«. Clark of Board of Towa Truateaa. ■iron or town attomit. To lb* Hoqorabls. the Board of Trusteee of tbe Town of Gold Hill—Gentlemen: I herewith submit my Anal report of til mourys colic#by me u Town Attorney for the year ending the first Monday In May. A. D. 1M1. aa follow*: Delinquent tun aa charged to me, pwrataeamenl roll $1,535 37 Ten per eent. delinquency 133 S3 Total $1,468 90 Mot iaed by order of tbe Board, and withdrawn from tale 198 IS Paid to Treaeurer aa par reoeipts on file with Town Clark $1,370 79 Total $1,448 90 Respectfully, J. P. FLAimiKOBAM, Town Attorney. eaur ixot.xau'a bxtoxt. Oold Bill. May 1,1881. Totba President and Members of tbe Board of Town Trustees—Oentlemen : I have the bonor to report tbo following resume of tba Pi re Department for the past yaar: Number of lira alarms. 26; number of Area 33; estimated valuo of property destroyed. $33,000; Insured for $37,000. In tba majority of eases tbe oausa of lira eonld not ha aaoerUlnad. Tba number of enrolled members of tba Department la as follows: Liberty En' ■in* Company No. 1, 38; Tallow Jacket Engine Company No. 3, 30; Linooln Uoee Company No. 3. IT. There are alao two active hose companies not enrolled, who bava rendered eery great Berrien. Number of hydrants. 87; number of fast of rubber hoee, 3400; number of feet of leather boa*. 690; number of boa* car riages, 3; number of parade hat fronts, 3; number of parade belts. 7; number of pa rads trumpet*. 3; number of lervloe trum pell, 8. I bare tba pleasure of stating that tba an lira department and apparatus are in an effloieut and serviceable aula. Beepeofully submitted. Nice Brno*, Chief Engineer 67M. P. D. On motion of Trustee Dsucby It van ordered that all moneys, book* and pa pers belonging to tba town of Oold Hill be banded orar to tba Oonoty Commit aionars aa Soon aa the Traaaurer oan fix bia books and all wimnta allowed at tbla meeting are paid. AJao, it waa or dered that tbo Town Marshal, Clerk and Attorney turn over all booka and papers in their ion belonging to tbo town to tbo County Commisaionera. Trustee Meroor aad Clerk Hyde wore instruetod to transfer all tbo town prop irty (aa par Inventory) to tba County Oommiaoionsra. . . . Tboro being DO othor businsaa. Trus tee Daaehj la a ftw appropriata romarka novad that a rota of tbanka ba taodsred to FmMmI Vtt and Praaidaat (pro km) Meroar foe the able manner in •biob they hire prodded on >11 ooea dona. Truateo Meroer replied by saying that tba unity oi (acting which baa existed at ill timea among tba mambara of tba Board mada tba duties of prnldifig sfflo»r ligbt and plaaaant. Ha tbankad tba mambara for tbia mark of oourteey ibown to President Fox and blmaalf, ind hoped tba good failing now rziiting would continoa to bind tbam together aa Inarparable frianda. The Board tban adjourned «iiw die. lIMJlLLUEOPg. SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS I NEW ftIK AH MITM STAND YOUR CLIMATE THE BEST I WARRANTED FOR TM YKARS and sold at WHOLESALE PRICKS! % _____ IT* iiorti) Bo ■rumen. Ho Solftltjled Professors, Or EalMTajr XuleUas, -IMPLOTBD TO EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PURLIC Smith's Plinos and Organs ASK INOOBBXD BY 1HB BttT MO S101AMS UPON THK1B M KBITS. Send and aee what thoee mj who Ut« SMITHS FLAN Oil 1a > OV midet OB tbU Ooeet Bare your money and bay at Fihst HANDS. Dual be haab^ged. bat eeod tar (Malane •Ml panlouUie and eatufy youreelree of the inlk of bit MMrtioa. Any Kyle of MANO or OHO AN Mat on nirTCKtf DATS TUT TSUL. by famlahlag BaaAer'e tzpnee or feallroed Ownpany'e c«r Ufloato of deauea for amount. Aleo SHUT MUBIO etoae-balf market prtee JAMES t. SMITH, (Mano&otnien1 BepneentaUre), CI Market Street, mm saw FRAKniaco. cal. Valuable Mining fropert) f FOR 8ALK. Q» ACOOUNT or TBI OORTSMPLATBD retire mast of the principal ouneger of the HOMEBTSaD, OOLDKN STANDARD and WBKBLBB MINKS, Mining OeplulliU ait ■pecully tQTlted to a thorough inepecUoo o) tboeald property, with a view to lu real mart* tad purchaee. Theee three mlnee. oniaeorpo rated, on encumbered. lonpUai M» llaeei feel, together wttb rateable lmproTem«ii* thereon, lying eojaeeat to each other. eaato< and parallel with the original Oometoch Lode ere eltaated ta the Town of UoM Mill, Storey ■ booty, Nevada. For farther parttealare apply to K. LTTORD, Agent. Office—Mo. 1 Homeetead Bolldlng, Sold Bill Nerada. W » OATCMTC oommod lor macMBleai Qe I A I tit I g »i*i,«tdn»i«» ortar mb pounds. OfOiDlfiUl uMlfM trade auks tad l&li. flwwh. aaatciuBaata, 1bKtHhpo««, Appaala, tail* for BWMMIMl tod all eaatt arUin* oadar tka rATKNT LAW1 promptly artawUd lo. INTKNTlOm THAT 11AVB BUN or iCPTCn ** ,b' p*"al ooca at) IlLJCt I CU aUlLlDBoat oaaaa, ba pat. mIm) by ni. Bo Ins omxv •lla lha Pataat OOra. wa can aaka ckmm •aarcba*, and a*cara Pataata mora prompt}?, aad with broadar olalmi, tfcan ibaaa wbo art noxHa from Waahtacfcxi. IMIIC MTn D C'MBd •• a B0«ai or akatak IN VCIII Uno or mu d«TlcaI w« BBkt aiamlaatiatia ran of auaaa, aad advtaaa* to patentability Prioe» low. aad MO (OUMQM uMLKU PATENT U> SKOUKKD. Wa rafar to oOetali la tba Paleot OSoa, k nor cllenta la ararr Htata of the Colon, aod u roar Heaatoraaad fiepraaaotatlTa In BWBW Hperlal nfttaacea gtvaa whaa de*lrad. tildrw a A. SNOW * 00, OtooHU Patent Qlia WaahlBftoa. P. Q. NO PATENT, NO PAY. PATENTS DBTAINKD FOB MftOHANlOAL DRV10R8. V medical or other oomnonnda, ornamental dealRna trade mull and label*. CaTMla At iinaMi, Interference*. lnfrtnc*m*iiU UM ■IT mature relating to Pauau promptly attend ed to We make prelim Lnatj examination* and furnlab opinion* a* to patoeuMUty, free Of charge. ud *11 who are Intereeted la now larea tiona and Pa Us It in lnrlUd to tend for a eon of oar " Unlde for ObUinlnc PaUata." which I* moI fnw to any *ddr*«*. and contain* com plat* ln.trgctlon* bow to obtain Patanu, and other valnabl* matter. During lb* put flva year* w* bar* obtained naarlr ibta* thousand palecU for Amarloan and foreign lnrentura.and can glr* *ai I (factory refereooee In ilmoat rr*ry ooantj In th* Union. Him LOUIS BAQUKH k 00, Solicitor* of Paunu and Attorney* at law, La Droit Rulldiac, Washington, D. 0. lei* THE ARGONAUT, AN AMRKICAN JOURNAL or Politic*, Literal ore, Boclely and Satire. PUBLISHED AT SAX FRAXC13CQ, CAL. rpni AR00NA0T 18 A RCTHJUKNTATIVB A joamal of American Id*** and lltaratar*. It I* thoroughly Independent In Ita editorial treatment of the toplee of the day It alma to lira the beet Pacific ootet (Iterator* obtainable, ka well a* the entreat good ihlnge of the preen. It t* pablt»hed weehlr at M per yetr; |f SO fnr *ls month*; 91 SO lor three month*, pay tbl* la adraae*. sent poet pa Id no receipt o< pnee. Specimen copy **"t free. Addieee -TUB AK» ■NAUT," at California *U«et, dan Francleoo. Oal. laM EXECUTORS' NOTICE. MTOTIOK n GIVEN, THAT THB DISTRICT " Ooort of the rim Judicial Dlilrlct In and for the oooair ol Surer baring (ranted to the Inderal* «t letter* Uetaaentaty la th* **UI* >f CONRAD WUtQAWD. deemi d. all creditor* >r aald *eute will the'r bill* to the ud*relga»4 at tae a**ar oflee of the la'e Oua red Wlegaad, deeeea d, for the<r approval, rtthla ua Booth* Irom th* data nf thl* notice. Joseph pbkRiNj. a a STSTRRBOIf. Rxecator*. Vlr^nla aty, Oetoher U. IMP. oe» THB PIONKKR KHAVINOA HAMORESSINQ SALOON O. POHL. PROPRIETOR. *AOt "?SSS^TiS2!LD pUJUW TOWRLt ARD BURP BASOM, ^fkwIalMlittiHMtfMI , DKLUtUIITIiLSI. Brmoi unna coarOT. Location of prtnatpal plae* oi bmln—«, ban rrtaclMO. OalUoral*. Location ot worn. Uold HU1 Mining DMrlet, ■tort; ooaotj, If arid t. M ollco—Tta«r. at* delinquent opoo towlDg-daecrtbed Mock, on ecoonnt of r * mentTNo. it) letted on tfe* ntnetewtb (■•>« day oi May, 1881, the *•*«•! amoonta Mt th» namee of U>* abaya holder*, u follow*: Mm. Ha Oertlf. 8h*. Ami. Annrtrongi U Traatee....1*388....10....|8 •• Arma roog J L do ..46*«8....10.....t • • Armatrong J L do ...18778....SO....11 .. Bren-UJ*. Train# 1S88S...400 ..140 . B'*wll Briz.ll Brixeli Brmill Bi*mU Branll Bru.ll Braaall Brmi.ll Bmaell ttru.ll Bru.ll Braaall Braaall Brmi n Braaall Brutll Bruell Braaall Brma.ll Br*a*ll Braaal Braa.ll Braa*ll Bratell Bro.ll Brma.ll B aa.ll waaau Braa.U Baaaati Braa.ll Braaall Brmac I Bru.ll Br.a.11 Braa.ll Bruall Brma.ll B'uell Braaall do do 4* do do do do do do do do do .1*40. .100...".St. . •bat..11(00 3 1 tO 1WM . 30 ...11 13887....3D ...U .. etNkl lMuai«((li...*l K ■.•i*.lB14...<M -••-801. ••••• .lltCS...SO....IS »t 1*0 6... JD....W •• 14U87....*>....11 .. ......14048. ••.St....IS.. do .bal .!♦/» • Ito do 1*098....tO....11 . do 14114....10....It ..' do 141M....10....U .. do ltsis....80....3I •• do 144vT ...10 • .. do 14441.... • t«0 do 141 0...100....80 .. do iauu ..lo •.. do .bal..UIU 1 Ito do ....•,16171,...10.....S .. do IBM'S S S .. do .bal..18868 4 140 do .b^*si*....1..*.. * do do 18X70....M....It.. do 17031... IS •.. do 17801 S S .. <0 1776*.. .100... .80 .. da .bal..18134 t 110 do ....•.18138.....S.....8 .. do 18181....87....4030 do .bal..18188 S ....ISO do • •••••1SIS4... .IS.... .8 80 do .bal*.18148 «.... 140 do ......IS'SI,..110....tO .. lo ..••..18188. ....S.....1 "0 do .bal..18188 1 80 do 18180....IS.. do 18783...100..130 ,. do 18818....30....13 .. do IMU>..,l»i....80 .. do ••••*.18847..•.18....IS •• itefcaD0/Trtutoe 1S81I....S0....1S , B*yley O B.Trnetee 18145....10 • .. Bay ley (1 B do 14808... 100....80 . BayleyOB do 1M00...100....60 .. Bajrley O B do 18338.„W....80 .. Ha lay OB do 18317.,.100. ...HO .. BeyleyQB do 18138...loo... 80 .. Bay lay (i B do 18874. ..100... .60 .. Ba>lay O B do 1Ij31.,.1U0.. .80 .. BayleyOB 00 ..bal..18161 1 130 BayfeyUB do 1S8W....S0... to .. Bay ley U B do 187S1...1H0... 80 .. Ba>l*y O B do 17718....SO.. .80.. BowfcOoAW. Trnetaee..l88US....S0....1S . uerth Phil. Truitae,..bal.. 16881 S 880 B*nb Phil do iioim....30....13 .. Berth Phil do 17863....SO....13 ,. Breckinridge k To*t, Tru» "rxokfSH, Trait** 9194....10 8 .. BvtM 4it0. Tnutc* 17418....40....80 COOo Jltnei. T uii«r (Ml .. 10.... 8. Cap* ft Divli, Tra>t«M....11381. .1I0....80 .. Culll ft Oo B. Traitaei... .1M48... .in.... 8.. o*mii a Co k no ;..ii«flt...aao.. i».. Olatu ft LoT«lind,Trait**«.l80o7... .10....12 .. Ooffla, giudoreoa k Oook. Traiu« 181*8..,100....80 .. Onuidali W O, Trait** M407...11 .. OrudallWO do ....1*47...HO....80.. Oimodsll WO do ....18747...100....80 . Ufc-bOlM A, Traits* 18488....80....80 .. liaiiow W L, Tiiuta* 7>41....It) 8 .. DwiMn W L> do 18741... SO....80 .. uaucanWL do 18197....M....80 l)*w*j K I, Trait** 1888.)....80....80 .. MtljKI do 18478.. .1(0... 80 .. !)*»*. K K do 18881 .100....80.. DltonTB. Trail** 17994.,.,n....11 .. DIzooTQ do 18088....80....80 .. Daitwo* KlOrldirl. Traitw.17818... 100... .80 .. Dlnanior* R. Trait** 157*8.. 10 8.. Dlnimnra H, Trait** 170M....80....30 . (US* I. Trait** 1W83. ...SO....80 .. R|>l»Uln M Co. Trail***.. 1*210....10 8.. K.piUlaftCo do ...18488....10....II .. rpp*'*lo k Oo do ,,..18iB3 ....8 8.. IppiUiaftOo do ... 11>#J ...JO ...II.. kdwtdi W. Trait*. .. dwtrdi W. Trait** 18881. ...40....14 .. tdwird* V do 18425....90....18 .. Kdwiru. W do 18481....80. ..IK . Kdwirdi W do 181*7 ...80....18.. »dw*ra»W do 18904. UiiMi k Irrla*. TruiU*i8t«sf....lfl... 11.. Btrktii tt R, Trait** 14710 .100... 80.. hlckb ff tl da 14781...1U0. ..80.. rim C J. Trait** 7418 8 8.. Plitt 0 J do 18848 ...» 8.. 1-UttOJ Co 1884V .. 10. ...8 .. Pi» P 8, Trail** .....181 81....It)....11.. Piy F8 do 18410.. 100....tu .. Ply P 8 do 18488... 10....II.. PijPB do 1X888....30....11.. PajrPB 00 18878....80....18 .. r.yPS do ,....18880....40... 84 .. PnnkifcQraf.Tnitsw... 18411....80 ...10 .. rack* . »'rajr do ...18884 ...10.,..II ,x PrMboru k 110, Trait***,..1*880.........II.. ft— bora k Oo do ....17080,...80....88 .. OUxlor k Co. Trait*** #784....10 8 .. Ql Iter ft Oo do .... 1041T....IU.... • .. OrMutenm, Hilblmr * Oo, **8.............a*..14888....10.....8 .. '•rv*ui, Hilblug k Oo, Tnut***................ .,14887... .30,... 11 •. Ulllon J, Trait** 1J3M... 60....10 .. Ulllon J .60 .. Qrwtiboam k Oo L. Tin*. t««* 1 SMI....10 ,...8 .. Ur**ab*aa k Oo L, Tiai U*- 17088......... 11.. Ora*Db*am k Oo L. Trai t**l 1719V....*>.... II . Ool.y ft Ubl, Trait*** 18047 8 8 ., Oollj k Uhl do 18087... 10 ...18.. D* Ur.«;*r I Trait** 14711....80....18 .. 0*(lr>8r*r H do 18188....10 8.. Urmt K R, Trait** 1MB8...100....80 .. Or Ml B K do U0SI...110....80 .. UrulRH do 18171. .100 Qr**o* ft Oo, Tmitt** 1*4-8....10....11 Ur**n*kCo d> 18049....M....14 . raw Jo* Trait** 11187,, ..10 ....8.. Goldman B. Trait** 18888... .80 ,,18.. Boeb*tidi*r k Oo K Trot* ...8891....80....18 .. Bocbiudiw * Oo K, Trai t t***.......................7811....80..,,80 ,. Bi> hiudter A Oo I, Trai lr«8 11483....80....18 .. Hocbiudtir ft Oo B, Trai IM 1HCH...100....00 .. Bocbutdtar ft Oo B, Trul tM* 12711....80. . 80 .. Bocbitadlir ft Oo K. Trai ION .' 11987. ..100. ...80 .. BochiUdtcr ft Oo B. Trai tM8 1S7« S I .. uocQauai*r m m uo. it am _ ••♦IMW.mIOO m Bo*mer ft Oo D M, Train..It7»....» 11' Bonier ft Oo D M do .. 1M1. ,ti " BoamtrtOoD K do ..17r>li.. jo' ' |i Hocmar tOoOM do ..1WM....M J " *o<s».r « Co D If do Hnamer ft uo D If do ..18101. In la •Joan «r ft O. D If do ..1M30 ...5""ii* H .m.rAOoDlf do ..iSiu.:::;?" i! • lUioblMoo Jao. Tn«*M...lMtT..' Hateblnaoo Joo ao, an i«' Sjj; b o. Tiaitqt ;• 'iiwii IID do 13<M n 111 HtwkaHD do una "'ao""!5" H»»kiflD do lMtT. iO "i« n.«k,HD do iTmioo""io" ® D do .! H*li* A I Ach-co do ..181U ... I . a " °j,Trn.lw ." •T'S,U* ,TM* Him. A Co do ... , 1859U.. iOO 60 »|U»h!Ll\ ??*** '"•« #."..1 II H'iSSTJ m»,...»....«o.. i5™£2 2° ni««..iooo...auo.. l«WWfB do 17481 • | h "" 2 ft 1WM....«0....I0 .. {* ""5 ?° now... 100... to .. '""2 J? IMS# .100....*).. l5l inrr H £ IWM...M0.. HI.. XlfcHLii »*£_ V4'0...in0..„»0.. JobSm? g iiJ?*" W0M....M....I0 .. 40M H O. Tnuto. 1M83 .100 ftl Kn"f?ft D?:,r< ttu-' jS..jK :» :: KS® "-fx" :: tsrtitt ?rfe-is5"2""2 - Lork.*aL, TrnitM i25""??i'" S" l^eko Vb T do bii Lock- Wm i, J,, i»5""i5""J|>0 Uian ft Oo LT. Trnatow 1ST* Ino"'m " Op. Tr*.tw.^_ i25 ' 2""8 - Lmt 4 h. TruntM ii7»I JX". •• Mm?# ft Hon (Ho T,TnZ •« .. » »» "ST * ioo '&>* 'i; ■ • i10 •.. M»ne ft •• * ta amxxz™"M"'M ■■ •<&"*; • Vtrn'oZiliiZ***'"1""-* " «S5J*Vlm'Smi"*?**1-" * - «»v.™-™ - ..111*... l*lutTJ, Tnnn !■*... j»... jm.. BILIXQPIKT ailM. lalllta-OMUMil Ifamea. No. Oarttf. Sha. Ami. ■lie* fc On ■ M, Troataaa..lt404....80....l0 . Mouloer 4 J, TroeUe 148M .. 10 .. • .. Norwood W I,Trueiee... 11784....80....80 . Norwood* I do ...14M4.11 .. Nor*- od W B do «< Mil fc OoChae 9. Traataa.l7M1....80... 10 .. Noble fc Oo R H.T.uetaaa HMO...100....00 .. N-ble tOoBR, do ..1I7M...100....M .. Mob « tOoBH, do ..10700...100....M .. ^obtA It Oo U H, do ..10 M....IO....IO •• Oil* fc Co rnNM l«m....10 0 .. U'OodDorFnaoif, Trs*tM.intT....30... II.. n'Oonix? Prencte do 18SM....M....18.. O'OoauorPrar.-u do 188M ..110 .00.. Pet(r>an Jaa, Trnetw MMI....80... 10.. Pi eon» B B. TnulM 1TM...1UO....OO .. Pinoof B u do 17107.... 10 ...0.. thllllp H r.Trnataa TI0T...10U....00 .. Pbtp a A B. Traataa 1TM0... PwrtOD Ju, Truat-a ll01S..X5C...ln .. unman J A, inutee 18ffO...K>o...lM .. Root U«oB. Traetaa 1 TIM....10....11 .. Boot (ho B do 17M4....80.... 10.. Rlon 1), Trnetae..... 101M....40 ...14.. KichD do 18000....40....04 .. fcleb D do moo. ...10....II.. Bunotrae fc Lu«Uad. Trua ta*a 14401. ...80... 10 .. Scbmiit 0 *, Trartao #818...M....18 .. Bho* well J If, Trnalaa 10100. ..80....I0.. Bhotw-JIJM do ....1TBOO...HO....OO . UbotaellJM do ....ITMf ........U.. 8hotw.ll J M do 18110. Be Iftnao B. Traitaa ltffl • • .. Bblnn Howard B.Trnataa..10TW ..100....00 .. Bmlth Chaa H, Traatae UIW....*)....II .. Bnltb Obaa B do ...108M....n....M .. timltbObttif do ...1TITI....00....I0.. Smith Obae B do . .1TM5...100....00 .. timltl. Obaa □ do ...1TSM...1W....OO .. BmltbCha-B do ...174 1....10 • .. BmltbCbaaB do ...I7840....M ...11 .. Bmltb Oba» B do ...10401 .. 70....41 .. Mu-lnrgnlr R.Traitae 17184....10 0 .. Tobin H O, Trnataa 10u*l....fO....M .. TnblnRO do 1M18....80 ...... Tobin k C do 1MM.. .410.. .M0 .. »rl«ht W B. TrnitM 1T710....80....80 .. WrUbtWB do 180 0...1OO. orlfbt W B do 18IM....40....M.. Wakrfleld a Oo 8 B, True taaa SMI....10 0 .. Wakefield * Oo B B, Trua tOM ......... . ........... 8811....80 10 Wakefield ft Oo B B. Trua laaa ••••■17110....10. ...0*. Wakefield fc Oo B B. Trea ts 17184....40... .80 .. Wakefield * Oo B B. Trat tna 17101....40....M .. Wakefield fc Oo B B, Trne Um 18010....10....II.. Wooda fc rrteborn, Trua tee* 11800 (0 10 WallinhaaL.Titi«taa 1004t..'..80....'au.. Weill Chaa L do 18J01...100... 80 .. Weill Chaa L> do 18170.. .100...1M.. We ll Obaa It do HUJ8....80....80 .. Weill ChaaL do 18MI...HO....M.. Weill Oka* L do 1M18...1C0....M .. Wlleon £ Co Jao Scott, Trnetaea 10170.. .100....M .. Wileon fc Oo Joo Boott, 18*71... 00....10 .. Woll ». Trnataa 1*488....10 0 .. WollP do 8040.........II. Wolff do 180M....B0....10.. Watt ae fc Oo J R. Trnat.ea.187M... II0... .80 .. Wbltely A Co T, True wee .18001....80....10 .. tadif fc Kallmann, Trua taaa 14808....*>.... 11 .. Zadlf. Kallmann fc Oo, Trua taaa 18600...100....80 .. Zadlf. Kallmann fc Oo, Tna taea........... •..■••••■•18008....00...,30 .• Ztoua O T, Trnetae 17101... 100....80 ., Ana id icwrauci win ww* ua u wun w lb* Hoard of Director*, made on tba DIM teenib (l(tb) Oar of May, 1M1, ao bid •bam or Muii parcel oi aocb atock m may be oeceMtrr, will b«> Mid it pa bile too* om. at lb* office of Parkar Critiennrn iuil'Di-ei, Room M. Mmbauia' Exchange, No. 4SI Oailfori.ia *treet. Man hranciaco, < ml, on WEDN»nD«Y, Iba THlKTEaNTit (1Mb) day 01 JULY. 1181. at tb* boar of two It) o clock p. II of aid daj, to ,ay aaid dailnqaaoi aummaci tbovon, togrthar wltb oo»ia oi ad rertUUig tod usxtm ol tbt Ml*. J M BkaZBlL. l**rr*UrT. 0«f Boom Mo I. Mia 1* pueit Building. No. nt Montgomery (tract, ttan Prancl-oo, California. JcJIlil AS8KS8MINT8 LEYIIU. / lUniDUI. UMVIL COLD 1/ MINIMS OuMPANT.—Location of prtu clpal place of bnilceea, Quid BlU, fcio.ej county, Narad*. Local ■on or work* Wublagton Townablp. Narad* Oouuty. California. Nutioa la haraby glren, tbat at a meeting Of lb* Board of Director* bald on tb* Haoood (3d) da; of Jane, IH1, an aeaeeamacl l»o. 4) of On* Oent par abara waa larlad upuo tba eapllAl Itock of tbe corpoiatlou, payable Immediately. lit Unlud Matee wild coin, to iba Hecratary, at tb* office of tba Oompany, tank ot Gold >111, Main meet, uold Hill, NaTad I. Anj (took npon wb'cb tbl> aaaaarnwit aball re main ncpkii on lb* klXTB (#b| d»jr of JUlT, Utll, will b* dailnquant, and ad Tertlaod for Mia at pnblte Miction, and ante** i*ym*ot la aadr brfor*. will twaoldon HA I UKDaT, tb* (Ixtb (6tbi day of A0OO8T. 1HBI, to pay tb* delinquent ***M*ment. together wltb oo*t* of •drtrtlalbf tod *zp«naa* 01 Hill. By order of tb* Board of Directon. FH«NK A. WISH, Secretary. Offlc*-Bank of Ooid Bill, Main atreet. Oold Bill, Nerad*. A LP HA CUSfHOLI DATED IIIIRII COMPANY Location of worka, Oold BUI, Storey county, ntaui ol Narad* Location nf principal place of bnalneaa. Ban Pranrlaco, California. Ni'ilo* ia brreby dm, tbat at * mealing ol lb* Director -, beid on tba twent eta ilutb) day •f Joue, aa*eaeoi*iil iNo It) of um Dol «r ($1) ■ *r abare waa '*rl*d on Iba ■ apltal •look of Ilia oorp .ration, payable Immediately, tu United at* e* gold coin, to tbe Secretary. tt tb* office of tb* Oompany. hoom tio. 29, M» r.da block. No M Montgomery atreet. Ban Pianclaco, Caiiromla. Any atock npon wbtcb tbl* amaim nt »ball remain unpaid oo MuNuaT.u,* iWKNTr FlrTB i3Mb) d»y of JULY 1MI. wlU be d*. Imquaut. end adrenlwd for aale ai public anciit n, and um*a* payment la mad* before, will be *old on MONDAY, tb* riKTIKNTU (ifcb) d<7 of AKUUaT. 1881. to pay tb* de H quant Meeeament togetbir wltb ooau of tdrartialag and ezpenaee ol mi*. WlfaU«« WILUB.Becjetary. Office-Room Mo. 19, Nrrada Block, No M Montgomery atreet, San Knuiclaco, < allfomla. )MM f^ONNOLIDATED DOB A DO MIX* U LMU OoMPaNY -Locailun of principal nlaoe >•( tia-luea., 8»n Prauclecn. O.lliorn a. Location of work*. QoId Hill Mining Ultuict, Htore county, Nevada. Notler li her*b> glvea. thai at • meetlnjr of tba Board of Director*, bald oo the VTtO day or Jana, mi. ao aaacaimant 1N0. I) of Tao Cent* (10c> par ehara w»e levied npon tbe capital >toca of the corporation. payable Immediately, In Pnltad atataa (old aom, to tba Secretary, at tba offlca of th« Company, Koom 4, No. 108 California »treei, Ban r ran ciaco. Oalltornla. lay aiock npon wbleh thla a*aee*ment ahall remain unpaid on tba FIKST (M I day of ADOOaT. 1181, w'U be delinquent. and advertised for aala at imbue auction. and anlata payment la mad* before will be aold on THlHsDAY. tha II..HTK*»>TH (1Mb) da» oi AUtiCHT, 1881, to pay tba delinquent aeeeee meat, together with coat* ol advertising and aipenaee of aale. By order of the Board of Dlreetota. J M. BUPFlNitTON. Moratory. , Offloe-Rooma 4. Nn. MM California etreet. | Baa Paanelaeo. California. 10 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tow« op Oo<j> Bill. I Ooanty ol Bto<ey. Hu e of Nevada,J May 14th. 1881. J To Michacl O'Bann, aaaocla-o owner la iba 8 nib Jacket mine Gold Bill Mlnloc Dla irict, r torey ouonty. Maie oUIevadat Tog an be<i>by not Id d that tW oideralxned La« performed and laid oat tbe annual amount of work for 188n on tae above claim required b» See. 3834 Rovlaed Statutes of tba Unit d •lata*, and yon* pro rata abara of aald work amonnte to Thirty-three Lollar* and T"lrty three Oenta (MS H) la-e Blgbt Itoilara(|>) lor labor per'' mad. leaving a balaaee due tri m y u ol Twenty flra Dollar* and Thirty three Oe'ta (|}S M) And if wl.bla ninety day* after thla not loo by publication run tall or rcfo*e tn contribute aald ear m t • oar tntereat In *>ld cl In will be I oriel led a d become <he pwyerty of tba aabecrlber, under aald Boctlon (Hlgned)i It. J. OILLETT, ma!4 P. O. addnea. Qold Hill. Nev. ANNUAL MEET1NQ. OVERMAN 8ILVXK M11INQ COMPANY— Han Franolaco. June nth. Mil.—T a Ananal Maatlnx of tbe S ockboldert of tba O Term an mlver Mining Company, lor the eleo tloa of Trnataea for tha en>ulit year, and for the traatac loa of *ncn oti er badaaee aa may properly coa>a before It. will be held at tha oSoa of tha Company, at Ko 414 California Krttt, 8an Praucleco. nn TH0HB1MT, tba fourteenth da» o- July, 1M1 at If o'akeklt of aald day. Tranafar book* win ha eloard oo M nday, tha llth day of Jaly, 1*1, at • o'clock laBOtd 010. D. BDWAPDS, Secretary. NOTICE. ALL PEBSOK8 BATIKS IN TBKTB POS a Marlon bo fca betaulaa to Walla Drwry are requwtad to leave Iba *ame at tbe ottce of the WW Hm. Nawa aa ao ■ILIXtUIVT BUM VILUW JACHBT MLTKI Mil X mo OOMPAN Y. — AiwMMt Mto Mo. 41.—Locatlua of work*, Quid HUi, »ior»j county, 8UM of l0V*d*. Principal pUea ot b>#lnaaa,at lb* oOoeU tte m« iten of iho Ooopuy. Wotlc*.—Thara in da.lnqaamt »poo lk« foU I owl of d Merited iiock. oa MOOMI of nMOt (Mo. 411 Mil 00 tha dlotto |ftk« day of Kay. 1MI. tb* Ntml mwut MC opporiu tba DOW of Um raapoctiva thin hnidan u tuUowt: Name*. No.Cartlf. Btu. Ain't, tlklkoo T T k Oo. Tnu...MT"I....W...|ao .. Bataa 1) 0, Troataaa. ■••••• lljji _ lHTf IfWOi• • HxoH •• Bv*ekl*H*r« * Tost. Tnu.l«m...... limit * Wtik«f, Traafaa. IbOmt 34800. ...T0....7vT •• Blaarati WH. Traitaa. 1MM....10....10 .. Bt/lay O B, Trtmae..13188 WlU M4»9 Mill Sl .« SBTIO MlM..UT«..UTI .. BtrthPbll Trn»lo» 11541....M....M .. B. utxJB Twin «M4»... bluW A WkOo, Tru*t*M..M>44 • I .. Oluta k Loralaad, Trnata. 1WT1 MUM MM MM0....4S ...4ft .. OablU I ft Oo, Trattan....UiM 1*111 MTTI SMi um, 0«ffla Jaaaa.Tni...!llT! MIM..I0M..1M0 Uookk Walcoit. Traataea..lM03....i0....10 . Uopa ■, Traatera....*u*M 115M TM9....BB. ..44 0 ucker A Ba;dam, Tru». lism... Olarka « B. Tra« MHJV....U... M Duucan W L, Troa..30XS M4M....M....M , DlzoaTH.Tra«M«..Ml» I>|M....M....M , Datj Mary HW...,lu....lO D mora Oaaalailr......... MI44....M....I0 . Adoard* k Irrlaa. Traa. . MM ...10....10 , kppataia * Oo.Traa.MM4 1MI0....M....10 , IdWardaW Tra laa ltS44... M....M . rnuikalLB Trntaaa 1NM....40....M PlattoJ.T WIK...JMM IMM....1I .14 rtrPI, Treat-• 174M... 10..,.10 , FiladerlcbO, Tiww ...MOM...100...M0 , Prarbora * Oo Traa Ml«4 I41M....40....40 . Olaaiar I k 0o. Trei. .Nil imM inn i mii MJ0I KMI. .1M...1M , Oolly * Uhl.TmaU .iflua MJil....»o ...w . UanwttAOkOj. Tin«t* . L> k Oo Tra*. taea 1DMO MOD....40....40 , (iraenabaum. Hniblng k Oo. TrtUMM MOM... 10....10 , GiUoa J, irattM....23014 Mill MTM 3M1T...1I0...110 Grant I R, Tra*tM..I4U00 1MUU....T4....74 . Garnati W J. Truaiaa 1MK... M....M H rdj Heal P.Traataa.1411 14M....10....10 Hnaii*r k Boaraa, Tiuau..1 IM1.... 10.... 10 Hoamar U M k Oo, Tra. ..I4I4D 1M1I UITO MuM MM U1M...IU...IU .. Hl(8lnak OoBkllBf. Tt»...14»M....J0....J0 .. Uueli.UJtar K Oo. TraiU If Ml MmjO 11487.. .1M...1M .. Hawka H O, Trnataa 111M 11116 XM47 M441 34441 1MIS Havana k Co, TilUm 1MI0 1««M M4I4....M....M .. Hnteblaaoa r W. TnatM..MUw....W....M . JackaOO H A, Tnutaa X4U4....M. . M .. Kanaay k Dyar.TruiteeK. .'/Ii4l MIT SUM MUMM PU11 MM iou. .190 1*41*7 Walter 8, Tru*4**.. ,14<tt 14456 ..18,...36 Uamj W B, Tract** um!! . Maepberron John, Turn** 14131....*0 40 , Ml Ti U*o T k fun, Tru*. IM 1TU88 MM 2Tel 18741 .480. .HO . MUm BMfcOo. TnuUM..l-Jnt4 Xolkr Andrew.Tni*tM...iuioT...100.,.100 . UrMcr, U4C0D JtCoTraaU.U3M....10....10 . Monaetern M, Tract**.. .33871....10. ...10 . Mll'l Mr* K C IS5M....M ...» . Muor* A Mont«om*rj, Tro* MM 2U84 10 10 . Newlaudi Jidn, Trnite* .i9J«6 >>440 25348 31341 SO* 441 MTU.. 1300..1100 Seal Cbaa B A Oo, Trutta..3894T U0H1....M tl , Norwood-W B, Trn«te*....3«5M....)0....10 U'Neil O, Traite* 19114.. .10....10 wti» ft Oo. TrnM*e* 13988... 10....10 O'Oonaur tiueli, Truit**.34«B4 3 M3....»....» 0«cj M>rc*r, Truita* 35.34 1371W VMM...111...Ill Phlpp* A B. Tra»t**.lfctt9 34961...100...100 f>b*a«i Jaae*,TrD* .33*99 30141..I90U. 19U0 raitertou Jam**, Trm .«,.»»• 44... 10....10 , nlch ruioo B «. TraMM.,lUi0....10....10 . work* BB. Trait** 14AM....30....10 RaclknJA Trail** 17409... 10. ...10 . (tool Q.o B, T,a*t*e 147flu wort mie 34968 34419 3t.ll M1M XM.. 464...>66 . Bleb D Tnwte*. MUT1... 10....10 , Bcbmetdrli, Bocb4Udrr ft tO.Triilt*** leuflfl 101' 9.. ,106. ..104 , -cbmllt 0 A. Tru tee 13*61 . 30....» . Bbotweli J M, TruiWe .. .3unfl0 3D M 31014 34894 36'-94 30*4. .B7U...BT0 . Hellnnau H. Trm«tre. 3U9W....60....40 , Sim. W K, Traite* .33836 3MS6....18....1S . bmltb CM* U, Tra»tf« 33Uit 29678 mil 34449 M0C3...3B0...K0 . Bcott H H * Oo. Trn*u**.3ntfT....10... 10 -ttin Nat, Trust** 34J9H....38....36 . finer U 34061.. .W0...10U WHUm*. Blanobard * Oo TrortM* 9611....10.... 10 , Woodi <t rmborn Tr* . ..10*71....10....10 - Waierbuo** J T, Trni'M.. .11411........ 10 , WaAeoeid 11 B * Oo.Truita. 16933 IK 6 1464T 149*4 36381.., 116...llfi , Wrlrtt W H, Trait** lain.. .SOU...100 . Walll Cbaa L, Tiuit** . .1X14 rati m tT...S4o..,640, Wlleon k Batcblmon. Tn »40w....i6. ...16 . wllron Jotin AoU. k Co. Ta»t«** 98141,.,.40... 80 . Zad.g Sn loan * Oo. Trn* t* • 30649 MM8...»....» , ZdmOT. Trai'** 34761....ID....10 . Zadlf * Weill. Tro»t»*i.. 14679,... 8 8 . And in acaordano* wltfi taw aM an oracrol tbi board or Truete**. made on Mm ninth (9ibl d*y of Mav, A D. 18*1, *0 man/ ■bArw ol «ACb parcel ol tarh flock at may be n*o***An will b**old At public inctlo.,, in truoi 11 the offlc* or tb* Company, aitaatrd At tb* new ibatl. on WaOMBOAi, tbr >litu (6lb) day or JOLT. 1881, at 4 o'co k r M , to paj delinquent awn lament tbtreon, together wltb co* * o adevrtliinc and Mpwa** of aale, nnlei* prerlooilj paid. MaHOKR OTIT. BeenUrr Gold BUI, Ner, Jon. IT, 1811. IT Behtoi runiwuDtnsD iu r*M> - Location ol principal placa ol boflDM*, »»n Fraalaco, < a Iforn a. location of worka, Gold Ulll Minim Dlatrict. Sold Ulll. Navada. Notl • -T. ara ara delinquent npoo <ba fol lowing daacribad Mock, on acooanl of aiaca mrnit (No. B) liTlrd on ttaa iwantj-fliil day ol Majr. 1881, Uta aararal amonnta aat oppoalb tba oamaa of lha raapactwa .bataboldara, aa tollowa; Rama*. Wo. Oartlf. 8ba. Ant. AUinaoo, Dond A Co. Trna im.• .„,,, Atklooon. Dood * Oo, Trna taaa. 4144. .10 140 Atkloion, Dood A Co, Traa taaa 4M1....M • Armatrnnr J L, Truataa ....MIT... 10 110 B.rratt k Walkar, Trua aaa.8118....M....1180 Brack.nrldf.kK oat, rrua- _ _ Il4iaatt«*t«4*f 4 IWna Wa«44il Bra klnridca k Toat, Trna v aa !«?»....» B Barbaa John, Ttoataa 40nV... 10 180 B' rk« M J Ml....11 8)8 B*n<<ar D A A Co. Trnata«...8tT... .18 4 »> Bro ka 8 B Tnulaa M18....80....U N Brook* 8 B do .(Ml..Ml 4 1. OoOn Jamaa, Trnataa 81.. .80....1180 Orasdail W O, Trnitaa.......488 1 1 1* Crandall W O do .....1B8..,.10 ....1M CraodalI W a da SuOB... 10 ...180 Omhliva do 4T41....10 *80 Oaflln. Handarnou k Oouk, Tru.teaa MM.... 11 1T8 Oofflo. Saudaraon k Oo«>k, IroaWaa 8488....80....11M OoBn, handtraon A Oo-.k, Trnataaa • • •aaaaaaaaaaa TM8...8U....UM Orowlaj A, Trna uea 1f»....M....llM Crowley k ooodmaa, Trna Ir«a.....HIT ...10.....a Oablll E A Oo. Trnataaa nil... M 8 0 bill 14 Oo do 4HT....10.....180 Oablll I A 00 OO 4JU....M....»'0 Oablll B A Co dt toal..MM >••••;.** 0 >po A Liarla, Trnataaa ....JtT4,...80....1J » Oooa A • aria do •• • wpaA Dana do Wf.. Gtockar Atrardam, TPiauaa.MIl » J * Orockar A Sojrdam do baJJMT » Clat» » Loraiaat,Trnataaa.. »» Olata A Loralaod do .JTJT-.. 10 »• <Tand.ll Woo B. T*0»a^—MM— OrorktrJobs H, 0 t»M W P._Trtt«W " Ditoo T H. Tl £ DIluO T H dO #44444#«a^'® •• Mtatall W Dnnoa Va L, Tr»»taa 1IM....B I.. 1 nacaa Va L do ,..,.«8'Oi....w I „ Dawar IB, vraatca 8M8...100....M.. DodW AT.u»t-a (041....M. ..1180 Maaoon K. Trnataa M8....10 IM [Ml IBMi B dtf e»ee •• a aOSTBe , , 10ue e • aSS ee BPP|(|I1 || OO, 1tQ9lN9a< .l.lM4nt.40a»#»10 m BpptUio * Oo do 660#... 100....1# .. HfllM Tri^iM44 48*tM4, M lOaaaaatlO kdWlfdl W 00 aaaa*a«.6f9t.s((0Q*sa«l9tt| itdwMtli W do ........&3(M....AO....13 10 Idvtfdl W 4 8«Wla,IHtt>>><8>H ?•■»*•? fa E5?61S55* ^*lie • • eB9e •• •?!• •• • •! ® tmrn mwf to ....mi..♦♦ ICLIHQUIHT BALM. Ua.-c»il«aM. IIBM. No. Ortlf 8bi. 1ml. Pay Pis TnutM M4T....10... .1.. rirFR do «1M • 116 »|f P( do 7 10 flj PB do BO Ftl PI do ••••••••••••7510.,,,10.,i,,i •. Flak A»a. Tnuua . M 5. Kruk H, Troata* 4MB....10 tw Pr**Dor< A >'«, TrnMaM....66i»i ...BO....13 to OartMa A OA Tra«*...14as....10 IM OimtU i Q A 'to do ...47B7. ..10 1 to U MBrbkajn, BHbtof ft 0o OtNMtUB, HelMnf * Co. I ot.fN '••••••••••■••••• .4766.•• .80,....6 •• Ur*»o*b*»ni HelblngftOo, TrastM MM... 100....M .. Ooll> k Cbl, TntMBM MU... 10.... IM Oily* DM do «M1.;..40....10.. uolly AUbl dd MM....SO Or Mincer k, Trssfa MK....»i i .. OwtkM' E * 0». TrmM*M..7*V4....W....ll CO Ur««iM*Co. TnutM* mm... » ».. uillon J, TrnMM MOT....80....II« Olllon J do 46M...1UO....M .. Ollloa J do KM. .IU0....M .. OIUooJ do •/«...100....JB .. Harlot A. TnutM «e40....«o, . ■axblBMO Jubn. TnuU*..flUBl.AO Bofmtr DMA Oo, Treat* ..M16....I0 »00 Hoamtr DHt o do ..*66... 10 HoraMr DMBOo do 7 80 UibhD KB Do do ..M4... K f B0 Hotaor DXico do ..TW1 ..M0...JI .. Hal*k PmcbacO, TrnatMB.. ..W....10 *B0 Hal* k P«c ico do ...IMT...UO ...*.. H»i<-k Parbaco do 7M6....M <» HrriDfffVl, TrnMM 66B3....M B .. Ha»klua J J K Tnill«« in* 1B0 H**k« II U, TraxM Mtt.,.1-0 ...M .. HnkiBD do 4*1. ,U!0....16 .. Hlrchfleld C. Trnat** B««....lo 160 Ulucuoiui rt H. IrutM Ml 6MB....13 BSB HirmtOo, Trn»t**a Il« . IK....IB. Harem k Oo do ten. ,,BU.. .1110 UI»a«Tb, TrnMM SMB.... B I IB leans'8 do MM. ..100.,..M .. ivwU ol, TrB*»o», bubi... so •.. Jvk i>d M A, TrnMM 6*64.. BB0....76 .. ;<ckMHi do <701...100....M.. JfbwKt do tel...MB.... 17 BfB ackron M A do bol. 6M7.... 4 1. JeinallA do bal. <BM 410 Joom a (I. TrnMM 6611....60 ...U<0 iMutr* Ujtr, T<u«im«....v4x]... .<.. ..IN bsMi tD« do ...640....M TIB Keon*J ft D>er do .. .4UI6....M....11 HI Kmdsj A D «r do ...6IBB .. 10 IBB Kanaay ft Djar do ...6178....10 ISO Inmj 41 Djar do ...00(6,..100 ..IB.. Kxaorjft Djar do tel.0674..,.|i DM KennaP J *•. Tiumm lent.... 1 IB blmiBB TnutM 1741 B.B. .1 M KbiiiMoM ft Oo.TraMon.70iV ..100....* .. iJMMrnta Tltoo. TnutM...<711....10 B .. Lu-bor • mTmo do ..Bum.,.,10 ....6.. Uof land B P, TruMM IM .. 10 1 Bw uwU Wm L. I IB* M B017 ...B0.. ..II10 Labatard M, TnutM 7lli. ..10....II10 Mall r*J, InutM N71....B0....II40 MllarWJ do 6410...100 ...IB . Ma liar W J do BOOB... .K ... .< M MaUarWJ do Ml ..110...,16 . Mai.* WJ do 6M . 60....1I6U Maci>b raon John TrnMM...t*t B 1 IB Macpbar«on Joba do ..»M 6 1 IB Mil lor ft Via Wysk. Tnu I BB.»......... ..........6114....30....,7 40 Millar ft Vaa Wjtk. Irw 1(4'••••••••••••••••••.•*..6716 ,..60 ••.11 40 Marrt; W B.TratUr. bal...6076 4 1 . Marts (MoT ft Bon. Trtu taaa 476....10 IB0 Maria Q«oT ft Sob, Troa tars ••••••• .*•»•••• .,*•••■ ,4TB 6 1 SB Maria Oao T ft Boa, Tnu «MB 1676....10 16* Mirji Oeo T ft Boo. Troa IBM...................... ,1617.. ..10.... .160 M 47a Uao T A «oo, Trua tMB. .....••• ••••••••••.. .MM,. •. 10.... .9 60 Marja Oeo T ft bob, Iras tBM .4036. ..100... ,M .. MartaUauT * Bod. T.aa ta>a 6044...100....M .. Man* Qbo T * Hob. Traa K ntti M. Trottoa . M«BMI M do Mil....10.... 910 Mantel tf do twl..WTt...*.t BantalK do M. WTT....1T... .•« Mto'ilK do ....bal.ttfl 4.... 1 .. Biltffc King, Trnaiaea .... U04...1M0....M . dl-n * King do e«Ho...l00....9t .. VtlM k King do .... 8<W • IK Noroo-4 WE, Tni-tea.bal..iwa....91 1» j'OooDor Tho#, Trn»tc« ( .. O'Connor T do ...bal..MH4... .4. ...1 .. Paicraou Jamet TrutUt....7i7#....4fl....l0 .. Pbtppa A U. Tru-tft «lfll....40....ll» Pbtppa a U do ft»i»...l(l0....*8 .. Hoot 'too H, TruaUa 4907....-0 IU R- 04 Of* B do 4441. . 10.... 110 Rich D Trotta* CM1 SO..., 7 40 KIC" D do 7894.........WW Bonntrc* & L4D|Uod. Tru» UM 4073 6 lit SbliaO H >»ard B TruatM ..RMu...l0u....9t ->bli a Boward U do . t"t3....40 ...1940 Md**li k John, TnutM.btl MM... .4 1 , lm t-79. ..10 I» •luia W K do ... U1..8VM... .4 1 .. rt.olibt.bMn, rrniiM tt(8 ..H0....M . •uiltb I baa H do bal..?ue«.... 1 U ttmltb Ct<a# tf do 7aM...10u....36. To la •• 0, T'diih km....10 9 to ToblnRC do . ..bal..t7«0 4 1. • Btaon WmB, Trnataa.... M7....10 *10 Wattoa Wm H do MW....10 110 Oataou WmB do »»#.... 10 (00 WawoaWnH do bgl..«49... 11.....176 *ibog4uH do b*J..6VM 1 9t Wiiton k Baicbluion. Trua t~ 1118....40....10, WlUon * Hmcblnaon, Tru« ...................4410 ...t0....It00 Wnfon k Botcblnaoii, Tnu te*« tno...100... .It .. Wood* k PrMbors, Trot t— tro... .to... .it to *ak< flaid « B k Oo. Trui tM 3364 B IU W*.»0ald ri k Oo, Tia*. '1M.1.....................37tO....tO.,,,19 tb Wak &ld • B * Oo. rrna tM« olAt... 90 • .. W.krdald I Bk Oo, Traa im omo...ioo....m. Wblt* k W. TroitM 944....10 1 tO WblloAW do 14.9....)! 19ft W uonOB.TraatM M78....90 1 . Will dub do MM1....90 110 WaUooCH do 6417....» ».. WaUubOU eo . bal. «*i 4 1.. WafcxinOB do ,.bJ..M9i • IM Walton "• B do ..bal..*01... .1 to WaiaoiiOB do 74"4... 10.... IM W«lll • bat L. TntttM I'M .. to....11 to WMIIOitaL do l7J0...1'*>....M.. W#lli Ohaa L do .... ,7<J«....l0....Ut0 X dig k Wrlll, TrnateM.... 1110....10.... Ito Zurtg k Kollmtn. Trn*tcrt.tlM....t0....1lt0 Z dig Knilman k Oo, Traa tm TITO....» t AO Zadlgi Kollmu * Oo, 1 rat tot* T9t9..1000...M0 .. NOTICE U bmfbr girto I hit tb* tkllli mxi bNtlutur d mIIki u CMSiC V ar* ■ b* number* • f lb* CNdi KHKNDahtD Oct ■ ISmim of tb* former BBNTOM MUtaQ CoMPAUTa STUCK. VulMMd ItMk. N*m**. No.Ccrtlf. Phi. lot Ball T R, Truttr* bal.M* |1 CJH Uarr 4 J, Tru.tM.bal .. »lt....X2M..*n* • litk4L.Tr *tr* bal... Sl4 V .. lit* 0°0uaa*>l Jama*. Tr>ia, bal WIT i CO Wataoo Wm u.Truai*» b>1.1(77 fc. . Ilk W OTITIC I* hfabj »lr*o that tb* abaraa next t>* •n.afur d acilbari *. U.MS^UED ar* ttM unmbrr- of iba U HCKK>N" IhKD 0*f tiflrau-. of lb* foiniar LA- Y WAbHiNUTuN mtrnjcunpanrs stock Caltalxl 1Mb. Warn**. *0. C«rtlt 8b*. Int. Tbomaa 0 L. TraO** 88<l 1 « 10 I 4a And la aoc -rd»nr* with law. asri an ordrr of to* Hoard of Dti»ct»r*.nad*oatb*lw di> AM lint) da> f Mar. 1M. *u naay *bar*a of **ah Parau of neb »toci *a may Da pkhuct will b* ■old at pabile auction, at th* offla* of lb* Onto oanj. boom* S and 6, Mo M Mont«om*nr ■tivri. Man rraaclMO, 0*1 00 TCi ft DaT, JUbT 1 WELTI B lltn) tbr bow ■f Ian o'clock r.M. of laid day, to pay *ald dalla quact 11m ■ *ta«ct ib*raon, tt«*tb*r with com* of adi«ni*UiB aa>1-ipcBM* of tba *al*. . WM U W T>>O.N, nacntary. Offlea—Room* I ard fl. K >. tut Mont^o mary ittMt, Ban liaacUoo, Oalliorala. NOTICE r» Oviera of Lad/ WnblBftOD MiD.DC 1 OmpMBJ Bfld Bcstoi Mlfllflf Comp«Bj. OWMW Of IIA 14 in tb* abera guard OoaipanlM ar* not I Sad that tb*' ar* »a Htlad to tlialr proportional* 1 ham of afoek a tb* BK5TOH C<•MMOLiDATBD O M Pant npao da* pa>m*at of ABr|->& HINT NO. t.oftt OKaTn par *har», l*Tlad )« Mid ootapaaj on tb* twtatv >>*t dij of M .7 1811. and no* daUsqarat, aad tb* aomodar if thair wrtusat**. WM B WATSOV. tar U17 Ban ton CoBMilid tad Company. Sao Trust*oo, Jan* M b. Mil. 17 ANNUAL MEITIHO, rjrnct or tbi t«. low jacket sil ^ T*r Mining Ootnpany. Gold Bill, o*»*d*. *'7 l»t, 1M.-Tb* aaaaal maatlut of tb* 100*b ,ld*r* of lb* Tatliiv Jackai nil*.r Mia ng Oompai.y. for tka • taction 01 a Board 01 Dartdta for <b* mrolni j*-rlad tor tb* trao*. 'Hon fjnch otbar bo»tr*a* a* mar proptrlj naa bafora It. will b* k*id at tba Meu of tb* Jnanan*, ta Oul 1 Btli Nevada, oa mOkDAT. run! li, ifl 1. at f o'clock P. *■ Traa*f*r K>ok« will badoaed vn Batudar, Jul/ lib, 1W, 11^0 lock P. OTKT, BacrtUiy. |I200 protaw^oataaw^