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GOLD HILL DAILY NEWS. VOL. XXXVI. GOLD HILL, STOBEY CO. NEVADA: WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 13. 1681. NO. 5438. THE EVENING NE*> Pabiiaaed nvery day (ttandaja eseepted), mm rmm news nauuuiti co. Oy Kn tared it the Oold Hill poetottoe M eeaond-«Uea matter. hub. •<m nit, #f MaU or H|imi f> M Ua loathe. tOO rtaree Moo lb* • 00 »srsnest. Oeeeea. Dajtoa. Mm. Me., M TWCNTY'FIVE CUTS Ml WEEK* Parable to Uo Camera. 0UR ADVFRTISIJI ABEMTt. a W. ORAXB. Noa. SirPloa ud 10 Leldeedurff >itMU : : 8m Fraaohao OAO WIN A iLUII, s : : : Oaraoa 019 W. M. LANO, : BmpiraCltj t. M. JAKI80N, ! : i i Baac 0. OHENOWBTH, : : : VlaaMaM NBW YOKK. J. H. Bate*., : : UPaikBow B. X. Prmioiu A Co.,: : $1 Fart Bo* Oao. P. lonu, A Co.. 10 Bpraea Stmt Tarn Ptru may ba found on Ala la New York at the newepeper acaooiaa ol J. H. Bate«. 41 Park Bow; 8. X. PettengiU A Co.. 37 Park Row, and Oao. P. Bowall A Co.. 10 Spruoe etrret. TBI UBB'I MIS. ■T riOHXCI M. »«««. A lark aoared elowly through the blue, Hla iloat; winga on (ha air ha thraw, And high o'ar the buay world ha flaw. Hla aong rang elear on the Summer day Aa dimpled ohildren'e laughing play. Aad thia waa hla merry, happy lay: "I aiag, 1 alng In eweat oonteat Aa 1 riaa from tha iun-klaaad orlaat With dawn and day In oonoord bleat I alng, I alng ia tha heated aoan Aa marmaring nature out of tana. Longa for tha cooling atlrer maoa. 1 alng. I alng in tha evening dim. Aa twilight wLlepara a reaper byma. Of earneet loving praiea to Him. 1 alng"—Bat tha aoag waa never heard; Oh! did aot aome iaatinet tell tha bird That a aroal ball from tha thiekel atlrrad? Ah! eweatar perhapa that aoag uaaung, Aad eiaarar the atartled death-note rung, Than aaiatly paaim of aa aagal tongue. Tha mnalo glad of the day waa fled, A deatb-atruck form to tha greaa earth IpKj, Tha lark lay there, ia tha aooa-aaa--dead. IA Gorgeoua Imagination. ▲t lb* Soaial Soitnca Siatarbood rooma ■ Sunday or two ago a Mr. Davia op bMdad tba alatara for ignoring tba BibU and baliaviog io Ood. Ha aaid ba had bran Id b»a*»n and daacribad what ba aaw tbara: "I walked Iba goldan atraata aad picked op tba glittariag robiaa aad flaablng dianonda tbat lay aroand Iooaa 1 aaw ball, loo. I at ood upon tba brink aad lookad down Into tba aaatblng abyaa, aad aaw tba liry billowa aa tbay laapad and liekad tba aidaa of tba pit of flr*. I aaw lota of a»il onaa a-bowling aad •-praying and cnralog. and tbay aakrd mm to gat tb*m oat. bat yoa know I couldn't do tbat. Wbao I got tbroogb liataolng to tba loat earning aad abont lag, I want around Haavaa aoma, aad aaw tba baautiml rowa of ebildraa laid oat tbar*. I aaw my motbar aad aiatar tbara, anting apoa tba rigbt baad of Ood. Obi l'w baaa tbara. B*a bara! Do«a a man'a lifa lira aftar blm wbaa b« ia goaaf Joat yon look at oar Waabiag ton aad onr Linooln, and lota of otbara of tbao. I aaw tbam all op tbara, Uaa iaf on Abrabaia'a boaom. I'm aora oi oaa thing; tbat la, Ood ia aot going to pat aa la ball, for I hava barn daad tbraa tiaiaa already. Haavrn la my plaoa, aad tba aaxt Una I go I'm go tag to atop." MISCELLAXEOCS. A LAKE TAHOE. SUGAR FINE POINT. JOHN W. MOKINMY'S OLD rUCK. HBALTM I FLIASURK I RtCRKATION ! mil A HOT! VKKT POHL'LUt KKBOBT A t» Ktia itMoo op«u to ib« p«W" lor tb« huou It I* atlaalad oo lb* wEKTEKW •BOM* of TUK LA UK. ma* b»m Irom Takoa CUT. >a>)j it>« Boat rouitmk. tad baaltb at Mnoaodlnc*. *cJ NEAR THE BEST FISHINB BROUNOS A Ih wUrf ntu out to d«*p wkjd* L*k*. ud ptoaty boata «• »**■ tor tM of lb* «»««t«- Tk» touch » tb* wbtrf daliy to laad pinMf™ uri —" PMMiutn from Uuld >111 tad Vlrftota em 00 by way Ot Trurkw uid Tabo* OJ'7 o» Oiraoo ud Oltubrook. ia*ug tbe *uain«r tcrof tba Lab* NATW or CtMIMJIMi Hoard tad Ixdjta*. p»r >»k. |10 00 to III 90 Boaidaad LobKta*. p*r day >110 CkildiM (tub » u> 10 yaaia of atf*. balf yrkA. tr Mactios* Bid* to fballlM. Bo«U m ladd* train* laava r*alarty mrj Bora a« tOT *»<*• Sprta«* %M~ loTtliJ*. m **li aa butlaaM bm <c toi'laa, Makiu* r*c>tau»a tad plaaaaia. will tad uua tba wj placa. u HOISTING CABLES JOHN i ROEBUNB'S SON'S CO.. SUPREME COURT DECIIIOII. Tk« uimv »r ik« rOa *"**»«»«■ •laeMl DawMalMUMHU. IcsAxncoca ormox.J On the 19th da* ol February, A. D. 1881, artiolee of incorporation of the "Ne Tada Benevolent AaaoeUUon" wan Mad la tha oAoe ol tha County Clark of 8 to ray oounty. Tha object of tha corporation balng " to aaubllah and carry on tha baaineea of providing for and giving pub lic antartalnmanta, la tha Slate of Nevada, of a una leal and acieotiflo charactar, to aall tlokata of admlaalon to aacb antartaln manta, and to porcbaaa, hold and dl» trlbata Ti**""'g tha holdara of aach ticket* paraonal property, ml earn*, ohom In action and othar valuable thlnp, upon a ash lama and oondltloo* and in auob manner and at auch tinea aa may be de larminad by a Board of Managera to be eelectedfor that purpoae by the Board of Traateea of thia oompany." It i» pro vided that ao much of the proceeda of aald entertainment* "aa may be deemed proper a the Board of Tru»teee, bnt njl leea tban ,000. from each entertainment. to be plaoed la the 8late Traaaury of the Mate of Nevada to be naed oaly for anob charitable and beavvoieat parpoaaa aa may be determined by Urn Legialature of the 8ute of Nevada. The " Act to Aid the Nevada Benevolent Aaaoeiation la aiding la providing meant for the care and maintenance of the in aane of Netada. and for otber charitable purpoeee" (approved March 9. 1881), de claree that " it aball be lawful for the Ne vada Benevolent Aaaoeiation of the Stele of Nevada to give not exceeding Ave public enleruinmenia or ooncerte; «o aeli nokete of admlaaion to tbe aame; to diatribute amoog the holder* of such tiokcte paraonal pioperiy, ml eetete, thing* la aotioa, de manda or othar valnablea, and to regulate the dlatribution of all aueh properly or gtfte by raMe or other achemee of like char acter. (8tet. 1881. 168, Sec. I.) The Information filed by the Attorney Oeaeral allegea that mpoadente. aa True leea of aaid aaeociatiou, are. without war rant of law. •• advertiaing. printing, circulating and aelling ticket* for publto eulertalnmente • • •»" »nd that they " baae their rtghte to advertiae, print, cir culate and aeli ticket* for the aaid public exhibition* or entertainment*, and to pur chaae, ute, hold and diatribute amougit the holdera of *uch ticket* peraonal pro party, real calale. cboeea In action and other valuable thing*/' upon the Act of the Legialatare above referred to. The facte aet forth In the information are admitted by reepondente to be true. Are the aote of reepondente without war rant of law ? I* the Act of the Legialatare. approved March 9, 1881, conatitutional? Ftr*t—I* the echeme or enterprise in which the " Nevada Benevolent Aaaoeia tion " ia engaged a lottery f Thia queeuon la ana wared In theafflrma tive by the deoialon of tht* Court in *c frit Blanohard. 9 Nev., 104. Ia that de claion ourrect ? It certainly 1*. It ia *ui laired by every deciaion that ha* been rendered by the varloua oourte la the Ualled Slate* upon thia queeuon. Notwithstanding thia fact, we are now earoeatly aaked to declare that tha muaical entertainment which the Nevada Benevo lent Ateoclalion propoaee 10 give 1* not a lottery. Why not? What 1* a lottery? Every icheme for tbe dlatribution of prue* by cbanee la a lottery. (ttoveruor'auf the Aimehunae of New xork v*. American Art Union. 7 N. I.., 249: Dunn v». The Peo pie, 40 111*.. 487 ; State va. Short*. M N. J.; L.. 401; Handle va. State, 42 Tax., M3; Chavannah va. State, 49 Ala.. 398; Commonwealth ve. Mandarfleld, 8 Phil., 439; Culled State* va. Olney, 1 Abb., V. i.. «9J - . U. k A lottery if * gtxnt of board id wblcb email auma an ventured for the obanoe of obtaining greater. (Bell v*. Slate, 5 Sneed., 809.) " A oontrivanoe for tha dlatribution of prltee by cbanoe; a rellanoe npon the multe of batard ; a deciaion of the value* of the adventurer'e lnveetment of the tavor* of fortune" la a lottery. (Wooden vi. Bhojwell, 4 Zab.. 790.) *' Whan a pecuniary oon*lde ration 1* paid, and it la determined by lot or cbanoe, aooordtng to aome *ch< me held out to the pablic what the party who pay* the money u to have for It, or whether he 1* to have anything, 11 la a lottery." (State v*. Clarke. 83 N. H., 833; Hull va. Bugglee. 68 N. I.. 427.) ••••••• It make* no dlffennoa what nam* la given to the echeme. A roee by ear other name would emell a**w*et; a bjr any otber name would prick ae deep. When tha clement of cbanoe enter* Into th* diatrlbuliou of prim it ia a lottery, without reference to the name by whioh it it called. " He may choooo to oall hia buiinae* a gift *ale." aaid the Conrt la Dunn va. Peo ple, *upra, " but It ia none tbe 1*** a lot tery, and wa cannot permit him to evade tbe panel Ilea of the law by ao traneparent a device ae a man change of name. If It differ* from ordinary lotteriee tbe differ eaee Ilea chiefly la tbe fact that it la more artfully contrived to impoee upon tbe Ig norant and creduloue. and ia. therefore, mon thoroughly dlaboaeat aad injur ion* to *oel*ty." " TIM DUM given 10 ine proovu >uu mo form of tbe machinery used to aocomolisb tbe object »re not mate rill. proTiJeJ tho subsianoe of tbe transaction is a distribu tion or disposition of property by lot" (But* r». C larks, supra, j "Ooaru will not inquire into tbe name, bat will dstermins Um character of tbe lobetne by tbe natars of tbe transaction or baatnees in which the pertiee are en gaged." (Handle vs. Bute, tapra.) " The obaraeter of tbe sobeuis la in no viae changed by tbe charitable purpose expreeeed in ite title, nor by otlling tbe 1 drawing* • entertainments or gift con oeru.' " (Es parte Blancbard. supra.) " The tact that no plau of diatrlbation baa been determined upon doee not relieve tbe sebsms of it* character aa a lottery." (Thoma* »i. People. 69 III*., 163.) " Nor ia it material," *aid the Coort of Appeal* in the American Art Union eaee. •• to the question in hand that the priaee www not known and dssignated when tbe ticket* or ehaneee were subscribed and paid for. The aebeme in tbie respect 1* mora objectionable than a aebeme in wbiob the pritte are previously fixed, because It affords lee* security to tbe *ob*crib*r* that tbe ohanee purchased la worth tbe money peid for Ik" We arc of opinion that the facta itated in lb* article* of Incorporation, in the statute*, and in the Information, ahow that the aebeme i* on* whereby the Legislators of this Stat*, to consideration of tbe ram of $390,000, to to pi*e*d la the State Treasury, to the credit of tb* " Insane and Charitable fund." attempted to authorise the manager* of tbe " Nevada Benevolent Association " to snrioh their own pooketa. at the expraas of the people of ibis and ottor Stat**, by holding oat promise* of the great and aodden gain* that might to acquired by tto ticket holders; that gulden pria** would to " tto lor* to in cite the ereduloo* and unsuspecting into In tbe light of all tto fact* that have been presented It would to absurd to ny that the managers of thl* *etom* are sim ply prompted by deeds of charity and pan benevolence. •••••••• It hu the eeaential element* and Attri bute* of * lottery; the distribution of prlioa by chanoe. It li a lottery within the defln ition glren Id the dlctionariee; it ia a lot tery according to the ordinary aooeptation of that word; it la a lottary witbla the terma apeclfled by tba Legialatnre of thla State In tba "Act to problbit lottariaa" (Stat., 1878, 1861; U ia a lottary witbln tba meaning of that word aa uaed in tba Con ■Utution. Second—Ia tha Act appro red March 9, 1881, coaatltutionalT Thla qneetion ia aa olaar and plain to oar mlnda aa tba ona already decided. It will not admit of any reaaooable doabt. Tbe language of tha Oonatltntion ia ana oeptlble of bat one meaning. There ia no room for oooetruotion. Nothing upon which any real or attbatantial argument 04X1 b# bufrti " No lottery aball be authoriaed by tbia State, nor aball the aala of lottary tioketa be allowed." [Conat., Art., IV. Bee. 94. J Tbe Act in qneetion attempta to author ice a lattery, and to allow the aala of lot* tery tioketa In thla State in direet viola tion of tha plain latter and apirit of tbia proviaion of tbe Oonatltntion. It would be a perveraloo of the language of tha Oon* •tllotion to aay that tba Aot ia valid. Beepondenta, however, oontend that the Oonetitution " doee not problbit private iolteriea, and waa by ita framara intended only to prevent tbe Legialatare from In volving the State ia a ayatom of pnblio lotleriaa aa a meant of ralalng money for the aervloe of tbe State," or, in other word*, that tbia oonatltntlonal provtaion waa only intended aa a limitation of power to prevent the Bute, aa a State, from en gaging in pnblio lotterlee for the parpoae of raiaing meant for tbe general revenue of tba State. Henoe they claim that tbe Suu baa tba right to aatborike private partiee to oonduot and carry on a lottery of tha obaraoter a pec id ed in the infor (na tion. In anpport of tbia poaitlon they refer to tbe debatee of tbe ConaUtutlonal Conven tion in California upon tbe adoption of a proviaion in tbe Oonetltatlon of that State identloal with onra. It la not claimed that theee debatee have tbe weight of a Judicial decialon, bat that it la proper to examine tbem in caaa of doabt aa to the intention of tha framera of tha Oooetitu tion. Tba remarka of tba different mem bera ihad bat little light upon tha nal ?location at iaaae. They are aa muob In avorof tba poaitlon taken by the Attorney Qeneral aa they are in favor of the reepon denta. Tbe debatee ahow that tba Conatl tation of New York waa referred to in dlacaulng the proviaion that waa adopted in California. Mr. Ilalleck, who waa in favor of the adoption of tbe lottery pro viaion. in the oonrae of hla argument, •aid : " In nearly all tba new Conatllu UooQffon will And tbia elaaae. It waa not oontalaed In tbe old Oonatltntion, bnt in moet oaaaa, where they have been amended, it haa been introdaoed. In tbe old Conatitation of New York, to which reference hu been made in the oonrae of debate, no prohibition waa lnaerted. Many gentlemen preaent would remember tbe famoaa caaa of Yataa and Mulntyre. which involved not only Individual* of tbe State in ruin, bat waa the o.-caaion of ee rloua embarraaameat to tba State Govern ment iteelf. The reealt eo clearly eatab liahed the evila of tbe lottery ayaum that tbe Convention of New York, in 18t6, ln aerted a elaaae in tbe very Drat article of tbe new Conatitntlon [ecu Section 10] prohibiting loiteriee and tbe eale of lot tery tickete. It appeared to him "• • • that thla prohibition waa una of tba beat that could be lnaarted in tbe artiole limit ing tba powera of the Leglalature." The language of the lUth Section of Ar tiole 1 of tbe Oonatltntion of 1846, refer red to by Mr. Halleck la aa followa : "Nor aball any lottery hereafter be autborlaed or any aala of lottery tioketa allowed with in tbia Stale." In to* uovornom or tne Aimsnouse vs. American Art Union, supra. it *u con tended by Cbarlee O'Connor, oooomI {or tbe Art Union, u It i* here, tbtt the Con stitution *h only intended to prevent the mischievous practice of railing a rerenuu by pablio loturlee, wbiob bed been for many years in full vigor both in England and In this country, and that the prohibi tion* of the OoDititutlou were only directed against this particular evil. He referred to tbe faot, a* do counsel hen, that "from 1709 to 1824 publio lotteries were author lied at every eeeelon of Parliament." He also referred to tbe debetee of the Consti tutional Convention of 1821, for thepur poee of showing that " publio lotteries for pecuniary prises as a means of raising revenue were alone within the contempla tion of that body." The Constitution of 1821 ia in these words: "No lottery shall hereafter be authorised in this State, and tbe Legis lature shall pass lawa to prevent the eale of all lottery tiekete within tbie State esoept in lotteriee already provided for by law." Tbe Court of Appeals in referring to this Constitution, which it declared to be sub ■tautlally tbe same as tbe Constitution of 1846, said: " This prohibition Is general. It must be held to embrace til lotteriee, unities there be some very clever and satis factory reason for understanding it in a more limited eense. It wee urged upon tbe argument that public lotterirs for pe cuniary priaee as a means of raising rev enue were alone within tbe contemplation of tbe framere of tbe Constitution. But lotteriee have never been created within this State for the purpose of general rev enue. and there ie therefore no ground for believing that tbe prohibition was in tended to bo limited to lotteriee for that objeot. This would have been restraining a mischief which did not exist, and tolsr a ting that which did. Lotterise had been authorised by the Legislature for the bene fit of colleges, for the making of roads, for tbe building of bridges, for the improve ment of ferriee. for tbe erection of hoe pitals. and for various other purpoeee equally oommendable and beneficial. All three were clearly within the prohibition. Tbe prohibition was not aimed at tbe ob Ki for which lotteriee had been author , but at that particular mode of acoom pliahlng such objects. It was founded on the moral principle that evil should not be done that good might follow, and upon tbe more cogent practical reason that tbe evil ooneequent on this perniolous kind of gambling greatly overbalanced In the aggregate any good likely to result from it. The promotion of the fine arte 1s un doubtedly a commendable object, but the prohibition oontalns no exception in its favor on that ground. • • • • • The Intention of the framers of tbe Con ciliation undoubtedly w»s to forbid the future granting of any such lotteriee as' bad at any time previously been author ised by law, and by requiring the Legis lature to pass laws to prevent the sale of all lottery tlokets, to put an end to all saob distributions of money or goods by lot or cbanos as bad theretofore been for bidden by statute under the name of private lotteriee." Tbe argument that the words " by this BUte" were Inserted for tbe purpoeeof preventing the Legislature from autboris mg publio lotteriee as a means of raising revenue, and that tbe provision was not intended to prevent tbe Legislature from authorising private lotteries. Is wholly un tenable. No authority baa been produoed In Its support and we are eatisfled that none can be found. In construing this provision of the Con stitution tbs last sentenoe is ss important as tbe first. If tbs framsrs of tbs Constitution bad latsodsd by the use of tbe words: " No lottery shall be authorised by Ibis State," to ooW limit tbs legialaUve powsr to pub menu*, they would net hire nied the language thay did In the oonclndlnf an teocs. " Nor shall the sale of lottery tick ete be allowed." Tbeee word* clearly ehow the! it wee sot Intended tbet any lottery ehoold be aathorined by this Bute for any parpoee. The worde " by this Btate," ee seed la oar Constitution. end tbe worde " in tbie Btete," "or Within thie State." as need in tbe Oonetttatlone of Mew York, here virtually tbe eeae meaning. •• Mo lottery ehall be eatboriaed by this Btete, nor shall the eale of lottery tieketo he allowed." Thle language applies to nil lotteries, whether poblle or prirete. To lotteriee oondueted by the State; by tbe oharoh; S private individual; ny benevolent and iritable associations, and by oorpora tlone. No lottery of any kind ou be antbor laed by tbe Lef leleture aader tbe preeent Oooititution. •••••*•• We again repeat whet, It seems to ae. mast be evident to every aabiaaed and In partial Hind, Uiat the language of tbe oonetitatioaal proviiloa ie too plaia for argument. That aader it the Legieletore eennot autborlae any lottery In thie Btete, end that the Act approved Maroh 9,1881, la null and void. We are ooneoloui of tbe feet that it wee nnoeoeeeary to add anything to thereeeon lug of tbie Court la *a van* Blaaobard, whlob ie, of itself, abeofately ooaolaelve agon both of the polnte we have dlseussed. But It bee been attempted, by a deelre upon our part, to (bow that no authority oould be found In any of the edjudloated oaeee in the United Btatee to eaetaln tbe poaltion oonteuded for Ijy reepondente; and that no arganeat hae been advanoed by reepondeute, upon either of tbeee polnte, that hae not heretofore been de elded advereely to them by tbe Oourte of other Btatee, where the oonetitatioaal provitioae are eubetantlally the same ee our <nrn. IK IB prupar kj nq ui»i wo u»to Mn<r«u »t tbe oonoluaion (Utcd without OOUiider lag the queetion of the morality, or Im morality of tbla particular eoheme. It makre do differenoe whether It *u aat on foot purely (or tba purpoaa of raising ret■ anna for tba benefit of the " Ioiane and Obarllabia Fund" of tbla State, or whether It belonged to that elaaa of lotterlee that art mad* op of pecuniary prlcea and min uter to the lore of gain ; wboee schemes addreea tbemeelvea lu tbe groeaeat and moat revolting form directly to that aordid paaalon, and to no other aentlment; where the managera receive a pecuniary profit and enllat" a oorpe of aotlve aeduoera to draw the weak and nnwary Into the par ohiae of tlokeu " by exteneive advertise menta oontalnlng brilliant pletarea of tbe favorable ehanoea to aoqalre andden wealth. It may be admitted for tbe pnrpoeee of tbla deolsion. aa wu argued by reepoo denta' counsel, that the people of thla State art essentially a gambling people, ready at all timee to take tbe deeperate cbanoee which lotterlee afford, and that no In Jurloue effeota upon tbe morale of tbe peo ple would reeult if tbla game of ehanoe waa allowed to proceed. This queetion la one that must be oon aidared aa aettled by tbe adoption of tbe oonatituiional provision |ez parte Darling, reoently decided.] In tbe Art Union cane, to which we have frequently referred, It waa oiaimed that tbe enterprise wu really of a meritorious obaractcr, and that it differed, In tbla re spect. from tbe lotterlee where the Diana agereweretu recelvtf tht-llon'e share of tbe proflta. The Coort, In anawer to thla argument, eaid: "II DO lotteries oau oxisiea excepting •ucb m U oouUined in the Art Union scheme, it is not probable that they would have been forbidden by the CoDititotioo or by law. Iu mlsoblefs arc oerululy not 10 apparent aa if iu priaee were to be paid in money, or m It woald be if framed for tbs purpose of enticing the neoeeaitous and improvfient into iu bsxsrds. Bat tbla oate cannot ba deoided according to tba viewe we mayentartainof tbs probabla good or evil consequent npon tbo »imu lion of tba acheme. Tba Constitution took away tba powar of determining wbatbar tbla or any otbar lotury waa of good or avil tendency, and certainly did not inland to oonfar tbat powar on tba Jndtoial tribunals If It vara to be ad mittad that tba lobtma U entirely barm laaa in it* oonaequanoee, it wonid form no ground for maaing it by Judicial con struction an exception to tba ganeral and abaolnta conatitutional prohibition." Oourta oannot make any diatinctlon, in tbla raapaet, aa to tba natnra of tba trans action or tba ubaraotar of peraona engaged in it. It la tbair boondan duty to declare tba law. ••The law knowa no person; It la not made for the Individual man, but for man. la the dew of bearm fails, so It beara alike upon the Juat and onjust." [State ra. Pieroe, 8 Nar., 804.] It amiiae and frowns npon all alike. It makee no dlatinotlona. Hnbmiaaion to ita authority la inoumbent npon ail. Third—It la nnneceaeary to dlacaia any of the other points suggested by respon dents' oouooil. We will not .preeume, in advanoe, that reepondente Intend to violate the law. From the viewe already eipreesed It Is appareut that it would make no difference whether reepondonfh base their right to act in the premises under the articles of incorporation or under the provisions of the Act of the Legislature. In either event their Acts would be without warrant of. law. Tba Judgment of this Court la that tba respondents have no right, liberty, or fraoobise, by virtue of any law, to adver Use, print, olroulate or aell any ticketa in the aobemc or enterpriee of the " Nevada Benevolent Association" within this Htate, or to do any of the acta epeolfied In the etatute, "to aid the Nevada Benevolent Association," approved March 0, 1881 [Hut., 1881. 188J; and that the coaU of this proceeding be taxed againat them. Hawlsi, J. We concur: Leonau, 0. 3. blLXXLT. J. THE SUN~ FOR" 188L I. All the world's aswa, so presented that the reader will get ttw (realest amount of Infoma Uoa wttli the least uepruflisbls expenditure ol Use and. yesUbt. Tub atm loo* ago diaeov* end the *oldea mean between redundant (Bit nase end nnsattaiaciory brevity. II. Haob ot iSat eort of newa which depends leae upon lu reougsued Importance tbau upon Ita mtereet to mankind, rrom morning to morning Tu en prtnu a continued ito.y of tsa llvee ei real men and women, and of tbrlr ideeds, plan*, lovee. betas ana iroablee. 1 bia »U ry la more va led and more Interesting than aav roman. e tbat waa ever devised. Ill oood writing In sveiyoolnmn, sad fresh ness. originality, accuracy, and decorum in the treef ent or every eubjeot IV. Hoe set comment, in Pirn's habit U to apeak out laarlseely about man and things. V. Xqual candor In dealing with eacb politi cal tarty, and equal readme e to commend waat lapealaeworiiy or tu rebuke what la bUm able In Democrat or Republican. VI. abeoiau Independence of partisan oreso lution, bat anwaveetsg loyalty «o true Liemo ciatle nnnclplee. Taa Btrn bellevee tbat the government which the Oucstltauon gives aa is a g >od one to keep, tu oottna ol daty U io r. eist to IU utmost power the efforts of u,en in the Bepabilcu party to aet up another form of government in pia.e of that which etlsU. The year 1MI and tne lears Immediately following will probably decide this supremely ImiorUnt contest. Taa 8c* bed.res tbat the vletory will be with the people aa Waloet the Kings for monopoly, the Rings for plunder, and the Kings for Imperial power fee the Dally Mtm,a four-pare sheet of twar ty sight oolamns, the price ty mall, post-paid. Is M cenU a month, or M 00 a year; or, inelad Ing the Monday paper, aa eight page abacs or •fly* s oolnmna, the price U M canto a month, fatUfotlO »W. Hew loth OUy. UNITED STATES MINING. LAWS. unaiiTioi fob lootou AID OWIUI or MiMKM. ApmlltmUmmm for MMto-ltw to DmI wllb Cr(M Uakto-MfwM Clsiau Tkf Law la B#tM* !• Allaa*—KM. mucATiov or linn. Where pepere hare ooo* been filed with tbe B«ff liter ud Beoelrer, they beoomi a pert of the word, and oan neither be withdrawn nor retained, bat mad be trenemitted to the General Lead Offloe. Aa application will be rejected wbeti the deeorlpuon ot the premleee U errooeou or Inenfflelent. Application for patent will be rejected hinuii * Fint—The notice wu pabllebed witboat the knowledge ot the Begtiter. Seoond—The notioe wu not pabllebed la ■ aewtpeper deeignated u pabllebed aeereet the alum. Third—Beoord title wu fonnd defeotire, and: Jrourtn—A previous application naa mm made for the Ma* pnoliN, which *u withdrawn pending ft mlt In oourt oom menoed by the advene olftlmftnt. An application for patent will be rejected whan the *urvey doea not accurately da* fln* the boundaries of the elftlm. Where the claim was not located In ftO cordaooe with law. ■ Where *ever»l partlea own aepftrate tad dlatlnot portion* of ft olftlm, »ppllo»tlon for patent may be made by either for that portion of the olalm owned by him; but where aevenl p»rtlee own undivided In tercet* In ft mining olftlm, ftll should Join la ftn ftpplloatlon for ft patent. A peraon or ftMoeifttloo may purcha** u many plaoer locations aa the local law ad mit*, and embraoe them ftll in ooa ftppll oatlon for ft patent. Two or more lode* cannot be embraced In one application for ft patent exoept for plaoer clftima embracing two or more lode* within their boundaries. Paper* *worn to befor* »ny peraon pur porting to *ot ft* ft depnty for the Begiater and Reoeiver, oannot be recorded aa evi denoe. In all patent* for mining olalm* situated within the Interior bonndarle* of ft town alu, ftolanae la Inaerted "esoeptlng and ezoludlng ftll town property, rlKbu upon the aurfaco, and all hootei, building*, ■trnotore*. lota, block*, atraeu, ftlley*, or other mnmolpal Improvement* not belong ing to the grantee herein, and ftll right* neoeaaary or proper to the occupation, pos eeealon and enjoyment of the earne." Pnblloation of notioe mnat bo made In only on* newapaper for th* period of *lxty dan. Notioe muit be published ten oonaecu tire week* in weekly newspaper*, and In daily newapaper* aixty daya mnat *lapM between the first and the la*t inaertlona. Where the BegUter dealgnatee the daily laane of ft newapaper for publication of notloaa of a mining application for patent, it I* not a oompllanoe with law to ohange to the weekly edition of the same paper without antbotlty of the Register. The exiatenee of ft aalt apring on ft tract of land witbdrawa it from the operation of the homestead and pre-emption law*. A bearing for the pnrpoee of proving th* •grtcuiiural character of euoh land 1* not allowed. Lund oonuinlug valuable de posits of date may be entered under the wining Acta. AUtXISK claijm. Advene claimant* mnit file a eeparat* tod diitlnot claim again*t e*oh application wblch It to alleged conflfota with tba pram laee owned by mob adverse olalmaut. Tba paper* to an advene olalm onoafiled caouut ba withdrawn, bat beoomeapartof tba record. Wbeo an adveraa olalm bu baen filed It oannot ba amended N N 10 etnbrao* a larger portion of tba premier* tban tbat described in tba original adveraa olalm. An advaraa claim mnat ba made ont In proper form and filed In tba proper looal offloa during tba period of publication of tha application for tba patent to ba effective. It to tba doty of tba adveraa olaimant to oommcoo* suit in proper form within tha required tima, and If ba trnita tha anoar tain medium of tba United Sutaa mall, ba moet abide the consequence*. aboold tba delay enana tbrongb miifortana or acoi dent. Bbonld tba fallnra to oommenoa anit ba tha raanlt of tha oorrupt or disbon eat action of bla attorney, tba Interior De partment cannot redraw tha wrong. An advaraa claimant ahonld act forth in detail tha facta upon wbieh ha baaaa bla adveraa claim. A atatamaot in general terme, embodying conciuaiona of law, wltbont atatlng tba faota epeolally, will not ba oonaldered in evidenoe. An adveraa claimant abould ahow a com pliance with tba local lawa in raoordlngrbii claim and in regard to espanditnrea, and aball file a oopy of tha original notloa of bla looation, and ahow thanatnra or extant of tba conflict alleged. An allegation of partiaa to a anit that they oompoea the company to aaEHclent, and tbey are not required to prove tbat they are the original I oca ton or the Iden tical partiaa who praaented tha advaraa olalm. AOUCOLTUBAL OB MINIMI LAXDC. Where laud to of little U any value for agricultural pnrpoaea. but If eeaentlal to tba proper development of mining clatma, It abonld ba dispoeed of under the mining Act. Where landi containing valuable mineral depoeita have bean Included In an agricultural entry, laid entry will ba can celed at any tima prior to liauanoa of patent, upon aatiefaotory evidenoe of tha sxlstenoe of *uuh valuable depoeita. Wbere valuable depoeita of mineral are diacovered upon a tract after the aame baa been entered aa agrionltnral, but before patent baa bean laaued, the partial claim ing tha mine may make application for patent for lame, and the agricultural entry will ba oaneeled to tbat portion of tha land embraced by aaid mining olalm. Where mineral depoeita are discovered on agrionltnral landi after tba patent baa been leaned to an agricultural claimant, tbey paaa with the patent. Agricultural ool lege acrip oannot be ra oalvad In payment for olaima. U1DI. A foreigner may make a mining looation and dlipooe of it, provided ba beoomea a cltiaen before diipoalng of tbamina. Proof that tha party waa not a cltiaen befora die poring of hto olalm mutt ba affirmatively ■bown. Locatora and Intermediate owner* othar tban appiioanta will not ba preeumed alirai in tba abaanoa of allegation or ob jection prior to iunanca of patent. Tha portion of a mining claim eold to an alien oannot ba patented while anob owner to an alien; but on hto declaration to beooma a cltiaen, bla right dalee back to hto nnrcbaie, and ba may thereupon lecura United Btataa patont for hto claim, caoai Lxoor*. Reviled Btatntei. Seotlon 8SM. Whir* two or mora ledge* cro** or lnt*r aact caoh other, priority of Utla ehall gov ern. and inch prior location ih»Uba enti tled to all or* or mineral oonUined within tba apao* of Interaction, but tba inbaa quint looation aball havi tha right of way through tba apao* of intaraection for the pnrpoaa of tha oonv*ni*nt working of th* mlneTind wbar* two or more veins unite, tba oMaat or prior lowtioa ahall tak* tb* v*ln h*low th* point ttulw, I Mining •U tb* ifM* of IntooaotlflC. TtnrxiL*. There it no authority of law (or a tnooel location Ml 0 by 1500 (Mt. A. proper loca lion It the width of the tun ntl (or 3000 (nL There U no proiition of law (or patent ing tunntl loeatlont, bnt lodea dltooTtrad in running a tonnal may be patented In like manner aa other Iodaa. Tbe rlgtrt la granted to tannel ownara to U00 (aat of each blind lode, sot pretionaly known to exltt, which may be dieoorered In their tannel. When a lode la etraok or dlaeorerad (or tbefint time In running a tunnel, the tunnel ownera hire the option ot raoord Ing their olalm of 1500 (eet all nn one tide of the point ot ditoorery or lnteraeetioD, or partly on one aide thereof and partly oa the other. Proapeetlng (or blind lodea la prohibited on the line of a located tannel, while tbe tonnal la In prograae, bat other partita an in no war debemd (ram proe pec ting tor blind lodea or running tannelt, to long aa they keep without the line ot aoah tunnel ANNUAL IIPORT Or Iki PrffMtil mt lk« lur< mt Tmlm mt U* Tm mt ■III. _____ To tba Taxpayer* and Oltlaen* of the Town of Gold Hilli In aooordanoa with tbs requirement* of the Charier of tbe Town of Qold Hill, I h«r« with submit • report of the fluinclil (Itnatton of Mid town for the year ending April 14. 1M1: xxcxrrr* nou all ioumcs. Lloentn, real aetata Uzm. per sonal property and bullion taxes—M. Kennedy til,Ml 3t Delinquent taxes—/. P. FUo nlnghim 1,870 T5 V. W. foUom 90 00 L. T. Fox 0,000 00 Toui mm Ot On hand,Apr..lM0.$ I,tit tt By bond* 10,000 00 By oonponi MM By warrant* 14.180 IT. By balanea 1.M7 M-MO.tBt Ot axotnrT of raoMMY aaasMio »o* to yxaxs 1880 a*© 1881. Baal property $1,677,114 60 Personal property $4,Pit 00 Total .tlitQI.ltt 90 Taxaa tbaraon at 1 It par oant. ta0,014 t4 Amount exempted by law and Board of Truataaa t44 61 Amount ebarged to Town Marshal t't.Mt M | Amount of delinquent tax roll'dtllvered to Town At torney $1.8t8 87 Tan per oant. delinquency.. 188 M Total $1,4M 90 Amount not mad for tad withdrawn by order of th» Board gjgg jj Amount oollsoted with the 10 per oent. added 1,170 75 Total $1,466 90 Amount of Lioeneee leaned . to Town Marshal $10.66$ >0 Amount told. $6,287 W Amount returned. 4,101 11 Total f 10.888 60 Amount of Bullion Tax on produot of mlnea 8178 M TOW* MVM OAVOXUD. No*. 108 and 104, issued August 141b, 1870; time, 1 year; due Auguat 14th, I860; oanoeled Auguat 14th, 1880. 0DTaTA»DI*0 TOW* BOVM. No. 100, amount $8000, dus May lit, 188U Not. 108 and 109, amount $10,000, do* An* gnat 14th, 1881. Noe. 106 and 106. amount $10,000, dna November lit,,1881. Amount of bonda • • •.«tH,000 00 Interest dna on aaaa to April 15th, 688 00 Total $36,686 00 In aubmlttlng my annua) report, aa re quired by law, I have deemed It proper that tto taxpayers snd cltiiene abould be Informed of the condition of the town and lta financial a landing at the preeent time. The flnancfa of the town ara In a very healthy oondltlon, ounaldering the extreme dullneee of boaineea the paet year. The revenue from tba different branohee of bualneea haa been itaadlly on the de ereaee the paet year, and the Board of Truateee have been governed In expendl tnree accordingly. Tin thouaand dollars of the town debt have been liquidated. In the different departmenta tba greateet care hara been taken by the Committee* to hare tb* running sxprnsss of th* town aa low aa tbdT oould poealbly be mada and aatlafy the eltiaena at large. Tba watar worka and everything oon neeted with them are in the very beat of order. Tba Obief Engineer of the Fire Department haa bean vary vigilant in look* Ing after the bydranta and maina, and keeping them in good ooodition. The alreato bare bean well attended to and kept In good order. The ofloers of the town have been faith ful and energetic In the dleobarge of their dutlea. The polloe have been vigilant in guarding tba Intareela of tba town and keeping away auaplelona cbaraotera who arealwaya watching for opportunities to practice their nefarlons bualmaa. The Fire Department ara deeervlng of much praiae for the able and efficient man* nar In which they bava acquitted them eelvae on all oooaaiona when their eervieee were required. I truat tba people of Oold Hill will oontlnne to bava their lntoraata guarded In the fotnr* bv aa an etteient body of firemen aa tboaa who have guarded tbem in the peat. In eoneluelon, I would aay that our dntiaa aa a Board of Town Truateee will eoon be at an end. Tba people of Oold Hill are eoon lo bava a ohange of govern ment, tba laat Legislature dial ncwrporating tba town and paaeing tba Oonsolidatioo bill, by wbiab tb* oity of Tirginia and tb* town of Oold Hill ban been ooneoli dated with tb* ooanty of Storey In on* government. It wee tb* opinion of tbos* advocating thrmaaaure that tba int*re*ta of all oonoarned would b* furthered by having on* government instead of three. Aa it U but an experiment, it reaalna to b* aeen what advantagae, if any, will to gained to tb* boaibeee portion of tb* town by tto change. It will. In ay aatimation, to found nooeeeary bv t m Inoomlng ad* minlatration to exarota* tb* mateat dis cretion in tto managemimt of affairs for tto ooming year. Tto revenue from taxable property will to very much U*t than what it waa laat year, and Is lltoly to eontinn* decreasing unless soms developments in tto tola** would giv* a new aapeot to affairs. I sinasrsly thank tto me sabers of tto Board for tto run able manner in wblob they have aeelated me in tto managemeot of town affairs. Being oom pel led by otter buainese to atoant myeelf a good deal from tto town and from tto m**tinge of tto Board, I feel grateful tor tto indulgent iplrlt manirssted toward me by the mem tors. Ia dosing tout labors you can feel a just pride within yourselves that yon tov* toi at all tlmee tto tort interests of tto tows at tout. low ktois tov* tost trttoii uA wlthovt tmymmVtm, «Uy luoh u you muit all f«*l wilhin yonrnW* —tb*t gratifying reminder Uul m poWlo Mr Tin u you btv* p»rform«d »• dutM inoambrnt upon you tnd b»r» pro*tf yoarMlTm drttrrliif tb« eonfldrBM of t* ptopU of Q61d Hill. L. T. Fax, ^^mWtntof^Bojrd^^^^^ Migciimi»op>. QUARTERLY REPORT -or TU COUNTY AUDITOR -Of •torby county -tostu Qiarttr bdlu Jim till, IWI. Omca or Cocvtt Biooidei and EzOrrioio AoDiron. Stor*y County. M*f J TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF County Comml**alon*r» of Stony ouunty, Nevada: Ocxtlucsx—In oouformtty with the w quiremant* of It*, I bar* tb* honor to ■nbalt herewith ay Quarterly Report, exhibiting a fall itatement of nil (« oeipte tad dUbureemeota for ti» quar tor year ending Jan* 10,1M1. BEOEIPTS. Belano* on hnnd April 60, 1991.$ 7I.7TI M lUUry Fund — Beoeipt* from county offioere 9.919 M 8*1* But* and county lioMuw. 9,T61 T4 D*iinqu*nt Ium 1680 tOl if Im per oent. delinquenoy tbetion 10 19 Poll usm, 1M1 I.1M 00 Virginia Gmcral Food —Be oelred from City Tr*aaur*r, SIS,059 61; from *il* of oily lioente*. 91,067 00 19,149 91 Virginia Water Bond Fond— Beoelred from City Treaeurer 1,009 40 Virginia Fir* Dep't Fund—Be oelred from City Treasurer.. 17# 00 Gold Bill Oeneral Fund—Re ceived from Town Treasurer, •611 49; Ml* town li**n**a, $790 00 1,111 49 Mat prooMdt of bIim— Fir*t quarter 1961 9,499 49 Indigent Fond—Money found t on indigent at Conaty Ho* pital 9 99 Total reeelpte .9108.460 99 DI8BCBS1K1NTS. Salary Fund— Salariaa paid oounty offloan I 19,999 99 Trtaiurtr'i Solan/ F<md— Paid County Tra**ur*r. 900 99 CWmytut Fund— Sundry Xip*na* Aoooant 999 TO Paid to and for Stat* 4,994 09 Judya'i Salary Fu*d— Salary Diitrlot Judge 1.749 99 ladtgml F»»d— Paid expeneee Uoepltal ... 9.999 99 Virginia Htkeol Fund— Warrant* redeemed 9,994 99 Virjimm Fin Dtp't Fund— Paid aaiariee ...91.169 49 Paid Bopplie* Ao't 761 91- 1,997 09 Virginia (/enera/ Fund— Paid Xieoellaue oni Account- 467 76 Paid Polio* Ao't 1,066 66 Paid Btr**t Dep't 1,67# 19- 9,699 19 Odd UiU UmrralF%nd Paid MI*e*llano on* Ao*ount. 409 60 Paid Poll** Ao't. 619 69 Paid Fir* Dep't.. 959 B0 Paid Stmt Drp't 199 79- 1,199 11 Qnirrtl Fund, Sturty cowtftf— Indig't Poor Ao't 4,999 IT Printing and Ad* vertlilo* Ao't. 1,169 99 Stationery Ao't. 967 90 Bent A*'t 110 09 MImmII'ou* Ao'I. 9,996 66 Jail Xxp*DM* ... 666 60 Coroner* fee*... 641 40 Juetlo* P**o* f*e* 999 79 Conitablee feee 1,061 60 Wood and Coal Aooount. 130 00 Jujyfeee 646 60- 19,490 99 Total di*bura*m*nte 961.669 99 uoimrunoK. Balanoa on hand *71.771 99 Baoalpto U.Htn Total $109,110 90 Dlabnraamanta 61,Mf M Balanoa on hand Jona SO, 1M1 F*ndi (bow balanoaa u follows lo Cooaty Traaaary, u par Auditor's booka, J ana 90,1191: Oaoaral Food 921 M9 99 Indlfant Food 8.0*1 99 Contingent Food XI.OJrt 14 Traaanrar'a Salary Fond l.Mu M Jodfa'a Salary Food l.W IX Common Sabool Fond IXI 10 Virginia Sobool Fond 119 99 Gold Bill Sabool Fond MO 70 Ooort-booaa Bond Fond I.MO 49 Salary Food X.I7I U Virginia Otoaral Fond 7,191 99 Virginia Watar Bond Fond.. 1,970 49 Virginia Flra Dap't Fond 1,741 94 Oold Hill Qanaral Fond IM 79 Bal. in Oo. Traaa. Jaaa 80. X89X. $44,790 M Baapaotfolly anbmlttad, W*. M. BBINNA*. Auditor Btoraj ooonty. Narad a. Virginia, Narad a, July 9, X99X. XI THI ARGONAUT, Aft AMBKIOAN JOCIKiL or Polities, Literature BocMj id Satire. rCBLUMMD AT MAN TBAirOIMOO, OAt. fPHl AROONAOT IS A SWBBSIWTATTVB *• Journal of aaartaaa tdtaa and MtawtuwL It to tburooahly lodapwdaat tn tu anttartal tinploa of Iba dajr. It alau to ■It* iba baac nolle ao«at litamura obutn»bla, aa wall a* Iba corral goid tbtaca of tba pnaa. It ta paWtobad waaklr at B4 pat yaar; fa S# for aU nootba; |l SO lor Una montba, pay. abia la adraaaa. Mat paatpald on laarfnt of pnaa. apwlnMo aovy aa»t fraa. tfiiinaa ~TH ■ AnSoBAOT," m OalUbnua turn. Ban Fianaliin.Oal. tot MANHOOD RESTORED. A ymtm ofaarty Iwjpnd naa, eaaatng aarr ana dabllltr. prtnatora daaar, ata.. bartac Wlad ^sgragiiss was