Newspaper Page Text
Til 15 EVENING NEWS MONDAY, s : : : : JULY 23. 1881 OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. WIDE 4WAMI 4 0VIRTIWU Tumivc TumM. Adnrililat immm CrwttM M ■rw-rrotu bmU r>—i»fin l*« -rkal la llw UiMrMaM M All HIm Hmi IrlMllk AMUSEMENTS. Piper*' Opera Huaae, Virginia City. BANKEKS. Affeocj Narad* Bank of Sao Franciaoo, 0 iithi, Virgiuia Ciijr. UKIUH. L. B. Frankel, Main iUmI, Oold Hill. T. 11. MuUiiii, 1M Buuiu C <tmt, Vir ginia Ciljr. Oi.UTlll.VO AND Fl* BMSHINO000D8. Banuer Brue., turner 0 and Tajior •linn, Virginia. ClOAUb AND TOBACCO. D. Tburburn. oppueito Maw* offloe, IttiQ aUtvl. Uuld Hill. O. U. Gallup, eppveite Bank of Oold Bill. DBUOOISTS. llubroook A 11*11, Main street, Oold Hill, uppuaila Xtllua Jukil t ngine-buuao. JvU Julio, Jr., Mailt air Ml, Ciuld Hill. DEMlaT. A. Chapman, 1M boutn 0 •treat, Vir giuia Cnjr. FANCY GOODS. D. Tborburn. Mam airaet, Oold H1U. b. W. innbbuck, fuatutttce store, Main ItlMl, Uuid Hill. iOUNDHlEU. Gold 11 ill Fuuudry, Lower Oold BUI, Qtui^n Luiuwl, |iiu|>(uitu(. i.i uu kvuuary, h*no, Andrew Fraaer, lur. UuOCtltlES. PROVISIONS. EXO. F. W. tulevm, Maiu autel, Uold Hill, kicharil Meicer, Main aliect, Ovild Ulli. T. It. JicUuiu, Muli iUmI, Uold 11 ill. UoliXS a.n u i.talALIa.Nis. Ould Ulli Uafcury >ud Iteatauraiil. Main lltwl, Uold lui, J. t. IWcaur. i'ru flnbr. Cuj llakery. 37 North 0 itrcet, Virginia Cuj i Fiuuiviur & Aiwbruat, Prvprie tuf*. IIAUDWAUE. W. N. Hall A Co-, Bain itrMt, Gold Hill. LAiJNUU*. , Pionmr Lauuury. uurih o( Virginia Cuy ; u. W. u»u. frupuewr. BAUKfc'lS. Fountain .Market, Main atr*at. Gold Hui, It. J. Waiurt, proprietor. NAWa DtrulS. D. Thorburu. oppuaiia New* otto*, Mam lUnl, Uuid Uiii. 8. W. CiiuUOuca. i'oatotlicu atore, Oold But. 1'UYsIClANS AND 8CBGEONS. Or. J. U. Mall, Main atrwit, Uuld BUI. aALOOStf. Comatock Exchang*. uppoaite Liberty KllllUa lluUir, '1'. L. 1'lllcU, Agent. Ihuiuii. ji.iu • treat, Uuia nut; S. B. Tuiutjr, proprietor. Uiuauu «, JAaiu aireet, Gold BUI; W. D. C. UtiMuu, proprietor. Wood and coal. * Thomaa Gallagher, near railroad depot, Oold UiU. NEW POSTAL REaULATIOWS. The Poatmaetcr* in tbl* State bar* Juat recu»cJ an order making niaterial changes iu tiie claaalttcailon of matter a«Qt through the uiaila. Jlailabl* matter of tha flrat claaa eball embiace all matter wholly or partially in writiug, eiorpt a* her. in provided—Act Man.h J, l»7i», Sicliun 8, 20 Statute. p. am. rue exception* are at follow* : 1. Corn cud proof-*be*ta and tnaua aenpt copy accompanying the aame.—Seo tiou 17, p. 3o!>. a. D«te and name of the addrraaed, and of the Miidor uf circular*, ami the correc tiuu of in. rt- typographical errora therein. Ihctiuu a7. p.Jou. J. Utile, noetpta and order*foraubacrip tioue inuioatd iu arcoud claa* publicatiune, pruTiuxi eucb bill*, rectipta and order* aliall be iu auch fur in a* to cuu»« J no other information thau the name, location and aubecripiiou price uf.the publication or publicaliuua to which thvy refer. Section 04. p. at I. i. The name and tddrraa of tbo penon to *bom it cond claaa matter may be aent, •lid index figure of a subscription book, •ud word* or llgure*, or both, indicating the dafe-un which the aubecription in auch matter will end. Section ti. p. SOU. 0. Upon matter of the tbird-claaa, or npon the wrapper incloaing the aame. the e« nder iuay writu lila own name or addreea. with Ibe wurd ' from" above and preced ing the aame. aud in either raae may make aitupie uiarka, intrndvd to deaiitnat* a Word or paaaaitu of the text to which it U drairtd to call attention. tl. I'hi re may be placed upon the corer or blauk leave* of any bouk. or of any priuted matter uf the third claaa, a aitu pie wauuacript dedication ur inecriptioo which la couQuid to a aimplo addrta* or ouuaiKnuieut of auch book ur printed mat ter. aa a mark of reaped, aud mn*t not Contain auythiug that partake* of the ua lure uf a prreunal correapondence. 7. Upou matter of the fourth claaa the aeniltr may write bla own uame aud ad di< *a pr<ci d> d by the word "from", and aleo the uuiuber and nauia of article in cluet d. Ue may al*o write upon or attach to auy auch articlea. by tax or label, a mark or number, nam* or latter, for par poee ul IdtUliQcatiun. H»vALU5iK0IS. ORDINANCE NO. IIS. AN OODINOrK ta imM* far lb# l.«ff T**-« «i H II *ad »r Mil? wiihta Ikf T wi al b*li Ukk [Haaaed April 18.Ml.] rpn* BOARD or TKUSTttd OK GOLD A Mil' 4 . uiua o: *M.*ti « 1 AD >1100*1 ad valorem tax of oo« an • our quarter per c. ntuia • poi. lb* »alaa ui UiaOle r> (Mr t wiIi.1l '!>• Toes oI Gold Hill U l>«*r» by I*» >d and directed lo be collect, d I Of iwrp. • < • u,.i>r. lb* awt»|l n Be of all aucb lataba . r« »rt» Blade taxable J be laare ol on i«ia !«•» Hutr and e uoij parpoee*. Is eluding tbe •et pr <cad **C. t Tbr lalra bi aactkiu 1 of Ihla and lu ba >wi >d ai.d collected 10 ■rcnrduc> al o inr ■ r vltioue •( an ordloasc* ti»UlW ' Au *»rd B oca to provide 'Or Iba 1* vt au i e itiNMi o' u»»e ou leal a'd parxtoa. proi»rt j alibln ll>a Tuaa uf liold H'll, p(n«il April l*. I*"l. aiid aleo. aa irdiOMica niil nl An 'rdtu»u>« p».«|ita -or tb • tlma wl uioiO' r u| »"C*rt*lLlnj .ba eaoeot lb Bat pro C*-ede ol uin.a ( r Iba purpie* o taut oo. awl lo pfuv.dw f r ihe cvilvtdou ui »uch kiH h. t. rox. PrcaldeBl of tb« B«ard of Tm.trea of iba '1 own of (Md HIU. Atte-I: W. O HTDa. Cltrl of Iba Board A' a Ui'it IM i l lb* Hoard o* . f lb* T..wu ol • •••id B I . bald • prt la. lwi urdi Haifa Mo. Us « aa paeaed b? . b» folloa In* *ota: Ycaa ■ I ru traa Jt rt«r, U.iKbj. Lamer? and Fn-ideal F»1 _ A'-e«nt—Tiu»tee McCnr.1T. 19 W. H. HTDK. Hart. To Comsiock line Owners. A OlfCY AVD srPfRmTfXDKNCT BO J\ ucllrd. H«vid« uiada Bilaioa • .paelaltT fc» the put taeujr put; aleo, barlDK Neo preenm.iy aeM<i»lad alto corporate lodUMhM for> yeara. I «m tboroucMj qualified U> faitb'all> p r una even requirement aa Aetnl or (tapertait odeot and offer h>* eervlo. at Iba falioouur prtcee; Active Wt.rkln* mlnea, $100 !»$*» per mootb; ooa arorklnff ml nee except anuaal bol-ilu* work, |0 to 930 per mooib. ■law baalaed aad Br par la l*4a Oflea — (ToBttMd h_hm_ TOWN TRUITKS. riaal ■"I'm — KrH'ta or T*«a OUt'n ■»■>«! Rm»>i Bte, •• k« T>fi< Ottr U ib« Caaull y—mint—tw «■>< Utl The final mMtlog of the Board of Trader* ol the town of Gold Bill «u held yesterday afternoon. Prreeot— Traateee Daucby, Lemery, MeCordy and Preeidmt (pro t*m.) Meroer. The minutee of the previous meeting wrre approved aa read. The different atanding oommitteea re ported everything in the beat oooditiun. The atreeta were in good repair. The Committee on Fire and Water re ported the mains, hydrants, tanks and everything connected with the water wotka in good oondilion. The regular monthly billa, amounting to 91085, wore, on motion, ordered paid. The following bills, referred to the Finance Committee and found oorreot, were, on motion, ordered paid: J. B. Oaguon, »t> 40; &. Meroer. »ti 80; W. N. Hail ± Co , <11 SO; D. TJ»orburn, 33c; W. a.u. BO. On motion, it waa ordered that the official* be paid their ealariee up to and luciadinM May 3d, 1881. The Street Committee reported that eotne parties had built a fnuoe on D atreet, near the Dayton toll road, on tirouod porchaetd by the towu, and wtahed to cull toe atteutiun of the Couu ly Couiuiieaioaere to the aubjeot. Tue fuliowiiig quarterly report* from town officer* were reed and ordered to take tb» ttaaal ouuree: maroBT or town tssa*cbkb. To the Uuuorable Board of Truateee of the Todd of Gold Hill—Ueutleuien : 1 here villi auburn my report tor the quarter to dale. May 1091 '• January 31, 1881, balanee on * 4,181 31 .. l.tiTO 00 a 7» baud To M. Kennedy To J. P. FUnuuigham Total « 0.838 Oil Or. By warrant* 9 3,139 03 By coupjua 730 00 by balance 1,037 yj Total $ 0.830 3d Uuet on band May 3,1881... 9 1 .007 03 Keapeatfully, O. H. Oallcp, Tuva Treasurer. town MitiiiL'i bzport. To the President and Hon. Board of Truataea of the Town of Oold Hill— Ucu tletnen : The following la my report of the buaine** dona In my oBce for tbe quarter ending April 30, 1881: Dr. To liceuae* add 91,033 64 To proceeda of mine* 147 30 Total 91,670 00 Gr. By amonnt paid Treaaunr 91.670 00 Number of arreata: Aaaault and battery 4 Aaaault to kill 1 Upturn iinoking 4 Soliciting without llcenaa. 3 Diaturblng p«ace . 1 Total At By Marahal Keuuedy 3 By Officer Slievban 7 By Odloer Roouey 1 By Kennedy and Sheehau. 1 Total 13 Repectfolly. M. Kennedy, Town Marahal. retort or Town clerk. To tbe Honorable Board of Trnateea of tbe Town of Oold Htll—Orotlrmen : Tbe following la my report for tbe quarter ending April 30, 1881: Amount of warranta isauml 93103 78 A( follow*: Salarira 91603 00 Work on itreet* 333 00 Donation* to Fire Companlea 433 00 Extra legal aerVioea 130 00 Hardware 37 On Teaming 9 30 Horae 40 43 Water rent 535 0<i Keeping horae 10 Oo butiunery 8 73 Ulackamlthlng 13 60 Printing (per contract) 133 00 Lumber 133 43 Miecellaneoua 08 08 Total 91303 78 , Hyde. Trnateea. Rrapectfully. W. O. Htdc. Clerk of Board of Town 7 retort or town attorns*. To tbe Honorable, tbe Board of TrunV-re of tbe Town of Oold Hill—Oeotlemen: I nervwltb aubmit my final report uf all mon>-y* collated by me aa Town Attorney for tbe year ending tbe flrat Mouday in M.y. A. D. 1881, aa follower Delinquent lair* aa charged to me, per aaaeamrnt roll 91,333 37 Ten per eent. delinquency 133 03 Total 91,468 00 Not aued by order of tbe Board, and withdrawn from aale 108 10 Paid to Treasurer aa per reeelpt* on file with Town Clerk 91,370 73 Total 91,468 00 lU*pectfully, J. P. Flanninohax, Town Attorney. eaiir k«oinu'i Bcrour. Gold Bill. May 1, 1881. To tbe Pmident and Member* of tbe Board of Town Truitrea—OentJemen: I have the hooor to report the following naume of the Fir* Department fur the paat year : Numlw-r of fire alarm*. 26; number of lire* 33; eatimatcd value of property deetroyed, $23,000; loaurrd for $.47 0*10. la I bo majority of caaea tbe mum of fir* could not b* aecertained. Tb* du tuber of enroll* tl membra of tbe Department ia aa follow*: Liberty Eu ulna Company No. 1, 38; Yellow Jacket Engine Company No. 3. 30; Lincoln Hoe* Company No. 9. 17. There are alao two active boee eompanie* not enrolled, wbo have rendered very great eervlc*. Number of bydrante. 37; number of feet of rubber hoe*. 360"; number of fe*t of leather boee. 630; number of boee car riage*. 3; number of parade hat fronte, 9; number of parade belta, 7; number of pa rade trumpet*, 3; number of *ervie* trum pet*, 3. I hav* the pleasure of itating that tbe emir* department and apparatua are in an efficient and aervioeable atat*. Reapecfully aubmltted. Nick Bmto.n. Chief Engineer O. 11. F. D. On motlen of Trtut** Danchy it waa ordered that all mooeya, book* and pa para belonging to tb* town of Gold Hill b« baoded o»er to tb* Coaoty Commie aionera a* aoon aa th* Tr*aanrer oan fix hia book« and all warranta allowed at tbta meeting are paid. Alao, it waa or dered that th* Town Marahal, Clerk and Attorney tnro over all booka and papera Id tbalr poaaaaalon belonging to tha town to tb* County Commiaainnera. Truaie* Mercer and Clerk Hvde wer* instructed to tranafer all tb* town prop* erty (aa par Inventory) to th* County Cummiaaionera. Thar* being DO other business, Trna te* Danoby ia a (aw appropriate remarka moved that • vote of tbaaka be tendered to Pmidaat Fox tad Pmidaat (pro t*m) Uproar (or the abla manner in which thay hare pmidtd on all ooca aiona. Trnntoe M«rc»r replied by Baying that the unity oI Minn wbieh baa exiated at all flora among tba membera of th» Bnard made tba doll'a of pr»aldina officer liaht and plaaaant. Ha thanked tba membera for tbla mark of onart»ay abown to Prraidrnt Fox and himarlf, nod Imped tba good failing now rziatiop would coDiioua to bind tb*m together aa ioa-parnbl» friaoda. The Board than adjourned tint dit. QUARTERLY REPORT -or TBI— COUNTY AUDITOR -or 8TOREY COUNTY -FOK THX— Quarter Ending Jane SOU, 1881. Orriuc or County Recobdkb ahd Ex-Orricto Anoiro* 8lor*y Connty " I ro«, ' . Nev.) TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF I County Commlsssiunors of Stony [ county, Nevada : OcNTLimut—In conformity with the re quirements of law, I km the honor to aubmit herewith my Quarterly Report, exhibiting a fail statement of all re ceipt* and diibnreemPDto for the quar ter year ending June 90, 1881. RECEIPTS. Balance on band April SO, 1881.$ 73.778 93 Salary Fnnd— Reoelpt* from county officers 3.618 09 Sale Slate and county lioenaee. 0,793 74 Delinquent taxes 1880 301 47 Ten j*r cent, delinquency thereon 30 16 Poll taste, 1881 0.164 00 Virginia General Fund—Re ceived from City Treaaurer, $13,039 81; from aaleof oily licensee. $1,087 00 13,140 81 Virginia Water Bond Fund— Received from City Treaaurer 1,000 40 Virginia Fire Dep't Fund—Re ceived from City Treaaurer. 170 00 Oold Hill General Fund—Re ceived from Town Treaanrer, $331 48; aale town liceuaee, $78U 00 1,111 48 Net proceed* of minoa—Firat quarter 1881 0,400 40 Indigent Fund—Money fonnd on indigent at Coanty Ho* pital. 3 30 Total reoeipta $109.430 30 DISBURSEMENTS. Salary Fumd— Salariea paid county officer* $ 13,900 33 Trtnnrti '# Satan/ Fund— Paid County Treaaurer 900 00 C'oNfiiliymr Fault— Sundry Expense Account 963 70 St-u Fund— Paid to and for State 4,984 08 Jud-jt'i Salary F»»<t— Salary Diitrlct Judge 1,749 99 /nf/lyrMf F**d— Paid expenses Hospital 6,803 63 17'f/i'rtiii Sckixtl Fund— Warrant* redeemed 0,884 69 I'ltyi'iiiu Firt O-u'l Fund— Paid salaries $1,130 40 Paid Suppliea Ac't 731 01 1,807 06 Virginia hmerat Fund— Paid Miacellane ou* Accenut. 487 79 Paid Police Ac't 1,043 38 Paid Street Dep't 1,670 11- 3.890 13 6'o'rf Hilt brMrrat Fund— Paid Miicellane on* Account. 403 00 Paid Police Ao't. 318 99 Paid Fire Dep't.. 3M 00 Paid Street D.p't 189 73- 1.160 11 (itnt ■ at F*nd, Sl-rty cnunly Imlig't Poor Ac't 4.363 17 Printing and Ad vertising Ac't. 1,133 OS Stationery Ac't. 367 90 Reut Ac't 310 00 Mixcell'oua Ac't. 3.&8S 38 Jail Expeniee ... 899 00 Coroner'* fee*. 341 40 Justice Peaoe fees 999 70 Constables fee* 1,091 00 Wood and Coal Account 130 00 Juiy fee* 049 30- 13,430 30 Total diibnraementa $33,699 96 KECAPtTtrumo*. Iialance on hand $73,770 90 Receipts 30.644 30 Total $109,430 30 Disbursements 03,039 96 Balanoo on hand June 30,1881. $36,780 34 Fund* allow balaucci aa follows in County Treaanry. aa per Auditor'* book*, June 30, 1881 : General Fund $31 389 #8 Indigent Fund 3,093 93 Contingent Fnnd 13,093 14 Treaaurer'* Salary Fund 1,30V 99 Judge'a Salary Fund 1,300 31 Common School Fund 010 10 Virginia Hchool Fund 119 80 Oold Hill School Fond 390 70 Conrt-liouse Bond Fund 3,390 40 Salary Fund 1,373 94 Viridnia Ueueral Fund 7,189 08 Virgiuia Water Bond Fund.. . 1,870 40 Virginia Fire Dep't Fund 1,749 94 Oold Hill General Fund 380 73 Bal.inCo.Treaa.Juae80.1881. $06,780 34 Respectfully submitted, WM. M. RRENNAN. Auditor Storey oounty, Nevada. Virgiuia, Nevada, July 0, 1881. 13 ANNUAL MEETING. OFFICE O* THE BKNTOV OO'FOr I daied 0<)u>paii , Mn KrtaclKO. July Rib. MM. Ti e Annnal Meeting t.f ibe Stock h"li»m of lb* .b»*e iiiiud Company will be b*IJ on WBU*KiDAY. lb* tweo jr-etcutb «J»' Ju>». 1*81. >l the boar 01 on* o'clo. k p. v., ei ibe ofllce nl lb* Company, lur the aloe llou >l a m«r. of Dl eciont for ibe eorulns tod tbe iranee- tlun o I encb other had dm* e» ra-y be prreeutrd Transfer book* will be cio»«l on tlurdiv, ibe J>1 Intt, it it o'clock e-d Uutil ••ler fce mtetliif. WM H WATSON. BocreLry. nOce-Boome I and •. No. ki3 Mootfotut n etrret. Mn rrucltcu, Oaliior U. j)#tu ANNUAL MEETINQ. f\rnct OF TBK LADY WASHINGTON V Ooi eolldated Compear, »«• Fr nrleco. Jnly Mli. 1HU - Tbt Aiaae' Met ling of Ibe H<ock iioldt* of Ibe ehore named 0 unpen? wl 1 be beldon WgU.NEH .Ay.tiieTwenrj-MTen bdej t>r J a if. el Ibe hoar two o'c vet r u , at tbe nffl.f. of ibe Company. for ibe election ol • B ard of Director* tor tbe • n»aln( ) tar. end tbe Ir bMctlon oi (ucb other baetnre* u may be P'eernted. Trene er Bonk* will be oloeed on neturdtt. tbe M ineuot. el 11 o'clock a., ud uu.ll after the meeting. WM B W*T»ON. (teeretary. Oflce—Room* • end (. Wo. 101 Montgomery I etreet. Hen Frenceoo. Oailf-rnla. Jyetd 1 EXECUTORS' NOTICE, TUrOTIOt IB OIV1N. 1 HAT TH* DISTRICT II Ooort of tbe Fuet Judicial DtM riot In and for tbe eonaly o< Store* baring (rated to tbe nnderelc mi Utter* t»»tementary la tbe etUte of COtRAD WlkQAND. decea»d, ell end.tore of eeld eeiate will preernt tbe r billa to tbe under*t(n>d at tbe aaear oOre I'f tbe la e Ooo. r«d Wletrend. decee* d. foe Ue»r approval, within tea nottfea Irotn tbe dale of thle notice. JOMFH PMII, a a anTjami*. Virginia OUy, October N, 1*0. OM SUPREME COURT DECISION. TM UU'rjr MrM mt Ik* *• **4a Ha«- valval AmnMIIU Da* titled DMawlMliMtl. [ CXASlXOCt 0HX10X.J On the 19th day ot February, A. D. 1881, article* of incorporation of the "Ma Tad* Benevolent Aaeoclation" war* filed in the offloe ol tbs County Clerk of Btorey oounty. The object of the corporation being " to Mtabliab and carry on the buelnee* of providing for and giving pub lic entertainment*, in the Btete of Nevada, of a nautical and aclentiflo character, to cell ticket* of admlealon to *ucb entertain menu, and to parohaM, hold and dla tribute among the holder! of inch ticket* peraonal property, real ettate, oboee* in action and other valuable thing*, upon inch term* and oonditiout and in auch manner and at tucb timet a* may be de termined by a Board of Mauagera to be ■elected for that purpoaa by the Board of Truttee* of thl* company." It ia pro vided that to much of the prooeadt of *ald entertainment* "a* may be deemed proper by the Board of Tratteee, but not le*t than $40,000, from each entertainment, are to be plaoed in the Bute TreJtory of the Btete of Nevada to be uted only for mob charitable and benevolentpurpuaee u may be determined by the Legialature of the Btete of Nevada." - - - - • •• a •> ■ . TO© " AC I IU AIU IUD itvfMi* i/vuwvivu. Association lo aiding la providing moans for the csre and maintenance of th# in sane of Nevada, and for other chariubie porpoaca" (approved March 9, 11*81), de clarea that "It siiall b« lawful for the Ne vada Benevolent Association of the Bute of Nevada to give not eaoeeding five publio entertainments or oonoerts; to sell uckete of admiaaion to the same; to aUtribnte among the holdera of snob tiokets personal pioperty, real esute, things in action, de mauds or other valuables, and to regulate the distribution of all inob property or gif ta by r»We or other schemes of like char acter.'7 (8tat. 1881, ltttl, Bee. 1.) ' The Information tiled by the Attorney Oeneral allegea that respundeuU, as Trus Iks of said association, are, without war rant of law, "advertising, printing, circulating and telling tickets for public •ntertalumants * * and that they " bale their rights to advertiM, priut, cir culate and aell tickets for the said publio exhibitions or enturtainmeuts, and to pur chase, use, hold and distribute amuugst the holders of such tickets personal pro perty, real tstate, chose* iu action and other valuable thing*," npon the Aot o! the Legislature above referred to. The faota aet forth in the information are admitted by reepondeuts to be true. Are the acts of respondents without war rant of law ? Ia the Act of the Legislature, approved March 9, 1881, constitutional? First—Is the scheme or enterprise In wbich the " Nevada Benevolent Associa tion " ia engaged a lottery ? This (juestlon is answered in the affirma tive by tne decision of this Court lu tx parti Blancbard. 9 Nev., 104. Is that de cision Ourrvct ? It ceruinly i*. Itiasus laired by every deefsiou that haa been rendered by the variona courts in the United Ulates upon this question. Notwithstanding this fact, we are now earnestly asked to declare that the musical enteruiument which the Nevada Beuevo lout Association propose* to gtve la not a lottery. Why not? What ia a lottery? £v«ry echeme for the distribution of prizes by chanoe is a lottery. (Uoveruor's uf tne Almshouse of New York vs. Americau Art Uniou, 7 N. V... ; Dunn vs. The Peo ple, 4U Ills., 4tJ7 ; Bute vs. Bhoru, 32 N. J.; L., 4U1; Handle vi. Bute, 42 Tax., a85 ; Cbavaunah vs. Bute, 49 Ala., ; Commonwealth vs. Msnderileld, 8 Phil., 469 ; Uulted Butes va. Oiuey, 1 Abb., U. B., 279.) A lottery is a game of hazard in which small sums are veutured for Uie chance ot obtaining greater. (Ball va. Bute, ft Bneed., 609.) A I'duirivftiicu lur iuu uiihiuuuwu v« prixee by cbauce; a mllauco upou the retails ol li»x«rd ; a dei'Ulou of tbe valuta of tbe adveuturer'a iuveiimeut of tbe Uvor* ol fortuuo" ii * lottery. (Wooden va. bbotweil, 4 Zsb.> 705.> " Woero a pecuniary couiidoretlon it paid, and it it determined by lot or cbancu. according to aume icbi me beld out to tbe public what tbe party who pay* tbe money i* to bare for It, or whether be Ii to bare anything, it la a luttery." (State »•. Clark*, 33 N. H., 336; Hull ▼*. Hugglei. M N. Y., 447.) ••••••• It makrt uo different* what name ii given to the acheme. A roe* by an> other name would rtnell aiiweet; , tu<.ru bj au) otter name would jirlck ae dep. When the element of cbanco enters into the diatribution of prixea it ii a lotu ry, without reference to the name by which It il called. " lie may chooee to call hit bntinota a gift tale." eaid tbe Court in Dunn va. Poo pie, tupra, " but it U none tbe leta a lot* tery, and we oannot permit him to evade tbe penaltlei of the law by to transparent a device at a mere change of name. If it dlffrra from ordinary lotterira tbe differ ence lie* cblefly in the fact that It it more artfully contrived to impoee upon tbe ig norant and creduloui. and it. therefore, more thoroughly diihouvet and lnjuriout to toclety." " The name given to tho procctt and the form of tbe machinery uttd to accomolUb the object are not material, provided the tubttauce of tbe trantaction It a diatribu tion or ditpotitlon of property by lot" (Htate Tt. Clarke, tupra.) "Conrta will not iuquire into the name, but will determine Uie character of the tobenie by tbe nature of the tranaaotioa or butinttt Id which the partiee are en gaged." (Randle vi. Stato, tupra.) " The character of tho tcbeme it in no wiae changed by tbe charitable purpote expretted In IU title, nor by caliiug the drawing! 'entertainment* or gift con oeru.' " (Ei parte Blancbard, tupra.) *' Tbo fact that no plan of distribution hat been determined upon duet not relieve tbn •cbeme of ita character at a lottery." (Tbomaa va. People. 6t> lilt., 1G3.) •• Nor It It material," aaid tbe Court of Appealt in the American Art Union cate, " to the quettiou In baud that the price* were not known and designated when the tlcketa or cbancet were ml-icribtd and paid for. The tcbeme in tbi* n tpect it more objectionable than a Mheme In which the prize* are previously fixed, becauto it affordt leu tecurlty to tbe *ub*crlb*ri that tb« cbanoe purchased It worth tbe money p*id for it." We are of opinion that tbe facta ttated In the article* of incorporation, in the itatutei, and in the Information, tbow that the tcbeme It oue whereby tbe Legidature of thia Bute, in cnniideratlon of the *um of Smouo, to be placed la the State Trwuury, to the credit of the " Intane and Charitable Fond," attempted to authorise the managera of the " Nevada Benevolent Aaaooiation " to enrioh their own pockete, at tbe expeote of the people of thlt and other Statet. by holding oat promltet of tbe great and eudden gain* that might be acquired by the ticket bolder*; that golden price* wonld be " the lure to in cite the crednlout and nn*a*pectlng into thl* tcbeme." In tbe light of all tbe facta that have been preeented it would b* abturd to My that the manager* of tbi* tcbeme are lim ply prompted by deed* of charity and pur* benevolence. •••••••• In the faoe and teeth of the decldom, which w* bav* referred to, we cinnot lay that tbe tcbeme propoeed by the "Ne vada Benevolent Aaaooiation" i* not a lottery. It ha* th* e**entlal clement* and attri bute* of a lottery; the diatribution of prize* by cbanoe. It la a lottery within the defin ition given In the dlctionariee; it la a lot tery acoordlng to the ordinary acceptation of that word; It It a lottery within tbe term* ipeclfitd by tbe Legislator* of tbi* State In the "Act to prohibit lotteriea" [But, 1878,1881; It it a lottery within the meaning of that word aa a ted in th* Con stitution. Second—I* the Aet approved March 9, 1881, eooatlmtlooal f Thia qoeetioa 1* at el*ar and vlaln to our mLodi u th* one already decided. It wiD sot admit of aav reasonable douVt, The language cf the CenstitotKm km* oeptlble of bat on* meaning. Than li no room for construction. Nothing upon wbich toy ru*l or substantial argument cm be bawd. " No lottery (ball bo authorized bv this State, nor (ball the iale of lottery ticket* be allowed." [Const., Art., IV. See. 94.) Tbe Act In queetion attempts to author 1m a lottery, and to allow tbe aale of lot tery ticket* In tbl* State In dlreot viola tion of tbe plain latter and cpirit of tbl* provision of tbe Conitltntion. It would be a perversion of tbe language of tbe Con stltntion to *ay that tbe Aet la valid. Rrepoudenla, however, oontend tbat tbe Conitltntion "doe* not prohibit private lotteriee, and waa by Ita framera intended only to prevent tbe Legislatare from in volving the State in a ayitem of publio lottcrie* a* a mean* of railing money for the tervice of the State," or, in other word*, that tbli coditltntional provulon »m only intended aa a limitation of power to prevent the State, ti a State, from en gaging in publio lotterlM for the pnrpoee of raiting mean* for tbe general revenue of tbe Slate. Henoe they claim that the Bute has the right to authorise private parties to oondnei and oarry on a lottery of the oharaoter specified in the informa tion. in support oi una potiuou iuot mW w the debate* of the Constitutional Conv*n tioo Id California upon the adoption of a proTiilon In the Confutation of that State identical witb our*. It li not claimed that thee* debate* ban the weight of a Judicial decision, bat that It i* proper to examine them in caae of donbt a* to the intention of the framera of the Oonitltu tion. The remark! of the different mem ber! ihed bat little light apon the real qneetion at iaaue. They are aa mnoh in favor of the position taken by the Attorney General aa tnejr are In faror of the respon dents. The debate* ahoir tbat the Confu tation of New York wa* referred to in dUcusting the provision that waa adopted in California. Mr. Halleok, who waa in favor of the adoption of the lottery pro vision, lu the coarse of hi* argument, *ald : •• Io nearly all tbe new ConeUtn tlon* you will And thl* olaaa*. It waa not contained in tbe old ConaUtaUon, but in most cam, where they bare been amrndod, It baa been introdooed. In tbe old ConatltaUon of New York, to whlob reference baa been made in tbe oourie of debate, no prohibition waa Inaerted. Many gentlemeu preaent would remember ttie famoua oaae of Yatee and Mi-Intyre "bleb Involved not ooly individuals of tbe Stale in rula, bat waa the o:oaiion of a* rioui embarraaament to the State Govern ment itself. Tbe roaalt to clearly estab lished the evil* of tbe lottery iy*tem tbat the Convention of New York, in 1818, in* serted a clauie in the very lint article of the new Confutation |*ee Section 101 prohibiting lotterie* and tho aal* of lot tery tickets. It sppeared to blm • • • that this probibl lion waa one of tbe beat that could be Inserted in tbe artlole limit ing tbe powers of tbe Leglalatnre." Tbe language of the loth Section of Ar ticle X of tbe Confutation of 18(6, refer red to by Mr. Halleck la aa followa : "Nor ■hall any lottery hereafter be authorised or any aaleof lottery tickets allowed with in tbla Bute." In tbe Oovernors of tb* Almtbout* va. American Art Union, aapra, it wa* con tended bj Cbarlea U'Connor, counsel for the Art Union, ** it 1* here, tbat tbe Con stitution was only intended to prevent tbe mifcblevoat practice of raising a revenue by publio lotteriea, which bad been for many years in fall vigor both in England aud In tbia country, and tbat tbe problbl tlona of the Conailtatlou wsreonly directed against thia particular evil. He referred to the fact, as do coanael hero, tbat "from 1709 to 18il publio lotteriea were author ized at every tvisloo of Parliament." Ho also referred to tbe debalee of tbe Consti tutional Convention of 1821, for tbe pur pose of showing that " public lotteriea for pecuniary prise* aa a meana of raising revenue were alon* within the contempla tion of tbat body." The Constitution of 1831 la Id theae words: "No lottery ahall hereafter bo authorised In tbia State, and the Leglf. lature ahall paaa lawa to prevent th* aale of all lottery tickets wltlnn this State except in lotteriea already provided for by law." The Court of Appeala in referring to tbla Constitution, which it declared to be sub stantially tbe sam* aa the Constitutioo of 1840, aald: "This prohibition Is general. It must be held to embrace all lotteriea, unleaa there be tome very clever aod aatla factory reasoo for nDderttaodiog it Id a more limited sense. It wa urged upon the argument tbat public lotteriea for pe cuDiary prises as a meana of raising rev enue were alon* within the contemplation of the framera of tbe Cooitltuiion. But lotterie* have never been created within thl* State for tb* purpoto of ganeral rev foae, and there I* therefore no ground for believing tbat tbe problblUon waa In tended to be limited to lotterie* for that object. Tbla would have been restraining a mischief which did not exist, and toler •ting that wbloh did. Lotteriea had b**n authorised by the Legislature for tbe bene fit of oollege*, for the making of roads, for the building of briilgra. for tbe improve ment of ferrlea, for tbe erection of hoe plialt, and for varlout other purposes equally commendable and beneficial. All Jhe** were clearly wltbin tho problblUon. The prohibition was not aimed at tb* ob> Jeots for which lotterie* bad be*o author l*d, hut at tbat particular mode of accom plishing auch objeota. It was founded on tbe moral principle tbat *vil abould not be dooe tbat good might follow, aod upoo tbe more cotfent practical reaeon tbat th* evil consequent on tbla perniciooa kind of gambling greatly overbalanced in tbe fggregato any good likely to reialt from It. The promotion of the fine art* 1* un doubtedly a commendable object, bat the prohibition oontalna no exception In ita favor on tbat ground. • • • • • The Intention of tb* f ram are of tb* Con ■tltuUon undoubtedly w<* to forbid tb* fotare granting of any such lotteries as bad at any time previonely been author ised by law, and by requiring tb* Legls lature to paaa lawa to prevent tbe aale of all lottery tlcketa. to put an end to all such distributlona of money or gooda by lot or chance aa had theretofore been for bidden by atatute under tbe name of private lotterie*." The argument tbat tbe word* " by tbl* State" were Inserted for the pnrpoee of preventing tho Legislature from authorls log publio lotteriea a* a meana of ralalng revenue, and tbat the provision waa not intended to prevent tb* Legislator* from authorising private lotterie*, 1* wholly un tenable. No authority baa been produo«d ■- —j — — — .l-4_l .k.t none cm b« found. Id conitruing this profiiiou of the Con etitution tho lut tvntence it m important u the flrat. If tbo framrra of the Ccnatitution bad Intended by tbo nie of tbe wordi: " No lottery ■hall be authorised by tbla State," to only limit the legitlative power to pub llo lotterlea, condacted and managed aolely by tho Bute for the purpoee of ratting revenue, tbey would not have need tbe language they did lu the oonolndlng ten tcnce, " Nor ihall tbe aalo of lottery tick* eta bo allowed." Tbeee worde clefcrly abow that it waa not Intended that any lottery ibonld be authorized by thia State for any porpoae. Tbe worda " by this State," a* naed in onr Conitltutlon, and the worda " in thia Bute," "or within tbla State."aa need in tbe Conititntlona of New York, have virtually tbe aame meaning. " No lotury aball be autboriaed by thia State, nor aball the aale of lotury tieketa be allowed." Tbia language appllea to all lotterlee, whether pablio or private. To lotterlea conducted by the State; by the obureh; a private individuate ; by benevolent and aritable aaeociatloni, and by corpora Hone. No lottery of any kind can be author lied by tbe Legialatnre nnder tbe preeent Cooitltotion. •••••••• We again repeat what, It eeetni to tu, tnmt be evident to every anblaaed and Im partial mind, that the language of the conatitutional provlalon ia too plain for argument. That nnder It tbe Legislature sannot antborUe any lottery In tbia State, and that tbe Aet approved Karob 9,1M1, la anil and void. We tr* oonaoiou of th« faet ttet it faa tmeeeeeeary tesdd anytkhif to *er*w» ing of thU Court In <c parti Blancbard. which It, of ltaelf. absolutely conclusive upon both of the polou we have discussed. Bat it hu been attempted, by • desirs upon oor pert, to ibow that do authority oooId be fonnd to any of the adjudicated cum in the United Htatei to matain the poeition contended for by rsspondente: and that no argument baa been advanoed by reapondente, npon either of tbeee polnte, that haa not heretofore been de cided adversely to tbem by the ConrW of other Btatee, where tbo oonatitntionai proflaiona are anbttantially tbo tame aa onr own. It la proper to add that we bare arrived at the conclusion stated without consider ing the qnration of the morality, or im morality of thia partioular eohtme. It makee no differenoe whether it was set on foot purely for the purpose of raising rev enue for the benefit of the " Inaano and Charitable Fund" of this Bute, or whether it belonged to that elass of lotteries that are made np of pecuniary prizes and min ister to the love of gain ; whoee schemes address themselves In the grnesest and most revolting form directly to that sordid pasalon, and to no other sentiment; where jbe managsra reoelve a pecuniary profit and enlist " * oorps of active seducers to draw the weak and nnwary into the pur chase of tloksts " by extensive advertise ments containing brilliant pictures of the favorable chanoes to acquire sadden wealth. It may D0 aamutea tor wo purpura u> this decision, m WM srgued by respon dents' counsel, that the people of thla Bute an essentially a gambling people, reedy et all tinea to take the dupe rate obanoea which lotteries afford, ana tbat no in Jnrlons affects apon tbe morals of lbs peo ple would reenlt If tbls gams of chinos wm allowed to prooeed. This qaestion Is one that most be con sldsred as aettlsd by tbe adoption of tbe oonatltntlonal provision [ex parts Darling, recently decided.) In tbe Art Onion oaae, to which ws bare frequently referred, it wm claimed tbat tbe snterpriM wm really of a meritorious obaraoter, and tbat it differed, in this re spect, from the lotteries wbsre tbe mans agers were to reoeiTS tbe linn's share of the profits. Tbe Conrt, in answer to this argument, said: "Ifno lotteriM bad sxlited excepting snob m is contalnsd in ths Art Union sohsms, it Is not probahls tbat tbey wonld have been forbidden by tbo Constitution or by law. Its mischiefs are oertainly not so apparent M if its prises were to be paid in money, or u it would be if framed for tbe porpoMof enticing thenecsMitous and improvident into its batards. But this csss cannot bs decided acoording to ths Tisws ws maysntsrtainof tbe probable good or aril consequent npon tbe execu tion of tbe scheme. Ths Constitution took away ths powsr of determining whstbsr this or any other lottery wm of good or evil tendency, snd oertainly did not intend to oonfer that power on the Judioial tribunals. If it wera to bs ad mitted tbat the scbsms is sntirely barm leM in iu coneequencee, It would form no ground for msking It by Judicial oon strnction an exoeption to the general and abeolute constitutional prohibition." Courts cannot maks any distinction, in this respect, m to tbs nature of tbo trana action or ths character of persons engaged in it. It Is tbsir bounden dnty to declare tbs law. " Tbs law knowa no person ; it is not made for tbo individual man, but for msn. As tbs dsw of bearen falls, eo it beare alike npon tbe just and unjust." (Bute vs. Pieroe, 8 Nev., 304.] It smiles and frowns upon all alike. It makes uu distinctions. ttubmlMion to its authority is iucumbent npon ail. Third—It is unnecessary to disenss any of tbo other points suggested by respon dents' cooooil. We will not presume, in advance, tbat respondents inteud to violate tbo law. rrom tbe views already expressed it is sppareut tbat it wonld make no difference whether respondent* base their right to act in the premises nnder tbe srtioles of incorpurstion or under the provisions oi tbe Act of tbe Legislature. Iu either event their Acts would be without warrant of law. Tbe Judgment of tbia Court ia tbat the respondents have no right, liberty, or franchise, by virtue of any law, to adver tise, print, circulate or eell any Ucketa In tbe schtms or enterprise of tbs " Nevada Benevolent Aaeoclauon" within this State, or to do any of tbe acts specified in tbe statute, "to aid tbs Nevada Benevolent Associstion," spproved March 9, 1881 (Stat.. 1881. 168J; and tbat tbe costs of this proceeding be taxed against them. Hawley, J. We concur : Leosaid, C. J. Bxutiur, J. ASSESSMENTS LEVIES. NEW TOBIi M1N1NU lOlfASt Location of principal place of buslbsss, dsn Francisco. Oamornta, Location oi works. Gold Bill, Storey count j, Nevada. Notice le hereby riven, that at a meetlnir ot the Hoard of Directors, held on the eis eolith da; ol July. 18*1, an assessment (No. Ml of Ten ilUi Ooats per shsrs was levied upon ■ bs capital stock or tbe corporation payable Immediately, la United Slatee pold coin, to tbe Secretary, at the office of tbe Company, « oora 8. i*o. ixti Pine street, (i*n Frauclsco Ktork and axebans* Building) ttau Pranctsou, Uulfortla Any stock upon wbicb tnls eeseesment sbali remain unpaid on the elgbierutb (lHtbi day ot Atnca.t, lost, will be delinquent, snd adver tised for sals at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will be >old on VkDs|4DAT. the 8KV.NTH day of ekP Tfl aBKR. 1S8I to pay tbe deilLquent asssss ment, tufiMer with costs of advsitlalng and sxpensM of sals. D L. THOMAB, Secretary. Offlca— Room B. No. S 1 fine street, nan Francisco hi. ck snd Kicnanae uulldluf. San Jiyl»td /\TCMAI HUM ■ 1*11*6 v/OOMPANT. —Location of principal plao of boilnm, Han Pranclrco, Galflornla. Location of work*. Gold Bill. atuaryoonnty, Nevada. Nonce I* hereby (rlren. that at a meetlnc of the Hoard of Dlrectore. held ua tbe twentieth (30tb) day of Jul;. 1M1, an aaeaeetneoi (No. (0) of Tlfly Cent* (»-) par abara wa» levied upoo tbe capital iiockof tberorpora tlon.payable Immediately, to United Kutee (old ootn, to tbe Hecivtary, at tba offlca of tbe Company. No 4.« Galliornla atraet, san Fran cIpco. Ouirnrnli. Any itock upoo wblcb tbl» aaaeeement •ball main unpaid on tbe TWIN IT ruDBTH (24 b) day of ACU08T, 1881. will be d»'ln ouent and advert leed lor eale at public auction, and unlea* payment l» made beionr, will b« eoM on WE a KM DAT. tba rut R I E*NTI1 (Mb) day ol ttRPTKHBaR. 1M1, to pay tbe delinquent aeeeeemenr. together with coal* of advertlilnc and eipeneea of •ale. By order of tbe B^ard of Dlrectore. QBO. D. BbWAKIMJ. BweUry. Office—No. 414 California (treat. Baa Fiw otaco, California. Jlytltd llDLUOl MIBI*«I CWMCAAV. 1) Loudon of principal place ol buiuH, rao rr-ocUco Oallfutala. Location 01 worn. Uold BUI Blatng Olitrlct, Btor«> eonutr. Nerada. Notice I* hereby glreo. that it a matting of the Board of Director*, bald on Uia twebty iret (Slat) day of July. 18sl,an a-mioimtlNci. JO of Bllty (W) Cento oer ahare waa levied npoe tba aapltal aiock of the corporation, payaola immediately, to Cot tea BtAtee ffwd coin, to the Hec>atar7, at tb* "See of tba OoniD->njr, Room I. Safe D.poelt Building. No. tta Montgomery atreet, ban Kiancitio. Oalllomt* Any tiock upon wblcu tin* aeeeaeBWt (ball remain unpaid on tba twenty fllth (tvh) day of AOOCdT, 1M1. will be delinquent. and edrertleed for »a:a at public auction, aud ualeao ratmaat la made V<ora »1UJbe »old on TBURSDaT, tba rifTUsTB (Utfcl day of HkPTaMBKR, (Ml, to pay tbe delinquent aa aeaament, together with ooeu of adrrftUlng aud expense of eale. By order of Uie board of DlreeV-r*. J M BkAZII-L. herretarr. Offlj-e—Room Bo «. rnfe U poall BalMlng. No. M Montgomery eueet. Ben PnDCi'OO, California. H*1™ MAISBOOD RESTORED. A victim of earty impend nee. eanetng nerr ooa debility, premature decay, etc .baring fled la rata even kaovn remedy, baa dUeova,ad • e| mule meaaa of ee If core vhlcb ba will Mad fM to bl* fellow-eulfcrera. Addne* i B. BBBVn. 4IOba>Minat.. N.T. ocU NOTICE. a ix rtBwm batmo in tbbib rot a- nili/boka Mooring to Walla Drary ■roW^i lag ulcere tba gaaaactfte aOaa e< iSSIMIIKTt LITIS). A LPH4COSIHUDATED M1KIKU a COMPANY -Loc.llon of work*. Ovid Bill, luwey ooanty, State 01 Nevada Location of principal piece oi buatnc*a, Ban Fraud *co. OsUfoniis. Nriic* it beraby tlvan, that il * bimMdk oi lb* Director . Mid oo tb* twent «tn .SulU day •f Jaut 1*81. an **»r**o.«i.> 1N0 14) or Dot trill) *r*bare wet e»led on tbftpital Mock IM corp rttloo, ptythl* lmmeOlM* >, In United Bit e* gold ooin, to the D«r«.ij, >t tbe oBce of the Company. hoom No. •/», ts» t Jt Block. M» M M><nt«oiniry »irwt, can Prtneltco, Otilfornlt. A07 Mock upon wtilcb «bl* attettiu nt •lull iwaitin unpaid oo MONDAY, Hit iWnNTl PI»1H .Mt u j d>r ol JULY l»l. Will b* .tc lioquiut. Mia tdver>l»d fur hi* » |>qbir auction. tod unin-e payment It maJ* uitrr, will be told oa MONDAY. Iba Mr rBKNTII (itill) d«y or AUUUaT. 1MI, to pay tba at. U qurnt a*aearm>nt together wltb cctlt of kdvutiiliig tod expenaee ol ta.e. Mul1<« MlLUtt Heorottry. O&ca—Hoom fto. It. Nrrtda block, iio M Mo^omery ttreM, ban hrtuclaco, tllfo.aU. Jantd /CONSOLIDATED DOB A DO ■». V 1N0 COMPANY —Location of principal Dlaoa of bn>li<***, H*n Prancltco. (J.lfioru a. Location of work*. Oold Hill MLnin# Dlttrict. 8lor* oountjr. Nevada. Notlc* It hereby KlTto, thM at a m—ting of tba Board of Director*. bald oa tbt ITtli day or June, UB1. an I—I iNo. II of Tan Otnu (I0e> par tbara w.t irrted npoa tba capital *loea or tba corporation, pa>aUe Immediately, la tolled utatat gold com, to tba Becmary. at tba offle* of tb> Company, Koomi, No. MO California it rat t. Han Fran cieco. Oallfurnta. An* atock a poo wblcb tbit tiM**mant aball remain unpaid on tba plKHT (1-t I day of AUQOaTT 1881, w*il 6a delinquent, and adrartlMd for tale at pabuc auction. tad an let* payment U made before will be told an THUxbDAY. tb* KI»BTKI^TU (1Mb) da> of AUOCBT. 1881. 10 pay tba delinquent taertt ment, toicvtber with cot la ol adr*rtUli>( and expe»teo of *aio. By ordtr of tba Board of Dlraeton. J. M. BDPPINiiTOH. HaertUry. Offlce—Boom* i. No. tOD OtlJornia uraet, flan Vwiu>lM>n iMllfAPdU. ID CALiroMIt HININM HIMCAkT, Location of prtiie pel place of ba*iniea (MO Fiaoelaci. u. Location of woike, Virginia Mining DleUlet, Murej county. Nevadt. Notice I* Hereby given, UiK K i merlin* of the Board of I)lr»ctora, beld oo Ik* 1Mb day of Jon*, Ml, an |No. n of Thirty (»') C«U par ihare m .erled apon the capital nock or tbe corporation. pa) ibl* Immediately. In U ailed State* »olil coin. to tbe Secretary. at lb* offlca of tbe Coapany, Boom 13. Nuveda Biock Ml Kuntaomery atraet. aau Franciaoo. California Aoy dock upon wblcb tbli a«i**tm*oi >hali remain unpaid on the MXTH day of AuUUcT, ladl. WU1 ba delinquent, and adver itaad lor aala at pabllc motion, and uuleee pay ment le made Mora, <rtU ba »oJd oo ruUBi«0/«V, lb* tweniyflith illikl uay of Aoguit Ml. to pay tba deitoqoaar aeeaee ment, toeeuier Wltb com* of advertletna and expenaee ol Mia. By ordai of tbe Board of Director*. C. P. OORDON. 8*cre»ary. Offlce-Ronm Mo.n, Block Ho 40* Mool«om ry itra t. ban Franc Uco, California . 6td UHIOH <0*»0LIDAIE0 MILVEK Mininn ('••mpau>.-L<ic>llou of p lncl,al place ol boiliieai, »ao Franclaco Oelliornla. Location of wurka. /Irgima Mining Diet i let. Store) couuir. Nevada. Notice i* uereO, given, tbal at a mee4U>f ol tb* Board of liirectort. bald oo the Bret (let) day of Juiy, 1H1, an *m<inniil (No. 171of Oi.a (II. l>ollai per abate aaelevbd upon lb* caoluil itock of to* corporation, pay <01* Immediately, In Untied Stalee cold oo.u. to tb* Bei-relary, at the offlc* of the Company. Itooa 4 iiecond floor). No. 309 California •treat, Han Franclaco, California. Any stock upoo which thu eeee*em«nt thkll remain unpaid on tb* fourth Mth> day of Augoei, I Nil. will be delinquent. and ad •enlied for (hleat public auction, and nnle«i payment la made before will b* »old on WKO NKBUAT. the day ul AUOtMr. ImhI . to pay tbe delinquent aiiee'tnent. to gether with co*t* ol ad rending and axpenrei of eal*. By order of th* Bo«rd of Directore. J. U BUFFI NOTON. eecrelary on (♦—Boom 4, kecond floor. No KM i all fornla *tr**t, ban Fraud co. Cellloinla Jjflid /1UIT>.>«IA|| UKtl'tL faul.o 0 UINI»0 OuMPANV.-L«cailoii of prin cipal place of buiuitaa, Ould HUI, bto.ey county, Nevada. i ocal oo oi work* Washington Towmhlp. Nevada Ouuoty. Oallforala. N-tio* u wib) given, mat at a meet In* of ba Board of Liliwiorr bald oo th* Second (3d) day of Jan*, 1M1, an a«i mmmI 1 do. 4) of On* Owjt p*r ahar* waa levied upvo lb* capital *UhJt of the lorpo.atlou, payable immediately. tu United Btat.a gold cvtn, to ih* Hecrrtary, ai th* offlc* of t£* Company, ■ aok of Oold Hill, Main atraet, uold Hill, ,%»ved •. Any "lock upon which tbt» a*e**amei.t ahall re malu nnpald on the MXTH |flb> da> ot Jl'iY, Ml, will be delinquent, and aA vertlaed for *al« it public aocuon, aad un>«el •ayroeot I* mad- before, will be aold on KA I - UKUaV, th* itith (Stbi da> of aCOl'HT, IWI, to pay tb* delinquent leacn m«nt. .oireiher with ooete of adrertlalod and elteuM of >a)«. By order of tb* Board of Director*. FtttAK A. WI a r„ rtrcretary. OOo*-Bank of Uoid Hill. Main itreet. Hold Hill, Nevada. je«.d FO«TPO.NK»IENT. it • m**tliiK of til* > oa d oi Direct"!*, beld July C, lUi, Uie dai* ol declarln* a* alorraald •luck and iirtarmeni dflmqueot waa po.t pon dioJULV M. lMl.and tu« uay oi lanto •UuUaT W. 1MJI jy7 d FUANK A. WISK, SecreUry. tlAUDOMU KILTU HI1IM ; OoMFANT.—Locatlou m principal place >l ba>uu»a, nan tta^ciMv, Oaluoruu. Location u| work* atwrey couaw Nevada. Nolle* la baraby given, that at a meetibt of tha Board oi Director*, bekl on tbe a, ventb iTtby day of Jul>, IMI. an a*M*>m«at •No. M< it Twen y-flv* (21) C*m* per ahar* waa l*vl*d upon th* raplul itock of th* cor poration, payable unm*dlately, In l)nlt«d aiatei gold com. to th* Hecretary, at th* offlc* of lb- 0.n,ui. No. 414 Cailiomla auaet, oan Kranclaoo Oalliorula. Any itock upon which tbla aaaenment ahall remain unpaid on the el ventli ( lthi day of Ang.iel, UHl, will b* dalluqiMOU aod ajvtr ua. d lor *al* at pabllc auctlou, and anlaaa j ay m*atl*oiad* b*ioi*. will be aold no WhDAkd DAY, tbe thirty Urn day of AUUObT Mot. o pay tbe dellnqn- nt aaae*ao>>nt, t- iret *r with ooeta of advartiaina and azpauaea ol aala. It. WKUl.MCo. necrvtary. OAea—414 Oallforala atraet. Han Fmacieeo Oallforala. • Bmr« B»LCIIEM MIJIINM €•»*• PA »!.—uocailun of worka, Vlrgtaia Otiy, otiirey county, mat* of Nevada. Location of principal piaoe of boala***. Ban ftiufwoo. odfjuniU. Notice I* hereby iflven. that at a maatlac of lh* Board ol D.nciore, beld on tb* twallfb I Ittb) day or July. Ml. an aaeaeemvnl (No. U) of Flity Ceota (<i«) per ahar* waa levied upoo tbe capital Mock of th* corpo ration, payable Immediately, In Unit, d Maiea ■raid coin, lotne ttecretary. at tba offloe of the OoBp-ny. Room No. W, Nevada Block, bo. (W Montdomary alreet, Han frauclMo, Oallforala. Any Mock a poo which thl* aeeaermeot ahall remain unpaid oo TUESDAY, the »lrtee> th day of aa^nat. Ml, will be delinquent, ai-d adv*r Heed for eale at public aoctlon, aod unieea payment la mad* before, will be aold on Wat> • ftNUAY. the BkVINl H (7ih)day of eE* TaMBiR, 1881, to nay th* delinquent aeeeri ineot, together with eo*ta of ad«erUalo« add •IDCOIfl Of Ml* WILLUM WILLIS. Secretary. Omct—Room Ne. « evada Brack No tot Monmoiuery itreet, Kan FiancUoo, OJIIornla. )H»U I lOCLD * CI'IHT Mti* fcM Nil* It IMU .OMPaN». - LomMoo or Drinelp«l DIM* of barium, 8m PmcUco California. Location of work», Virginia, Storay eunnty, Hindi. Nutic* It btraby rfrcn. that at • matting of tba ft aid 01 utractor*. beld on tba • taaub (<5ib) day ol Jnly. Ml, an anwimwi (Ho. M) oi rtf«y CWut< (Me> p-r tbara waa lavlad upon the capital .tock of tta corporation, i ar able lmm»dlataly, to Dnttrd matra roiu cola, to lb* r«rrvai7. at 'be oOca>.f >ba Company, kooo No n, oartdt Bock. No. M Mont ■oowry Ban Kianclrco. California. An; ttoeh upon wblcb ttaU nnnimm abail remain an paid on th» ninaiaama (19(b) day pf ADtftiit, I HI. will ba delinquent and admtbad tot alt at public auction; an-i MlMjaiMt it made before. will ba told on THCnSDAl, lb* embib («tb) day of ■rptaoiber. Ml to pay tba (Ulluqu-Bi aamaaani. tog-tt>«» with coata t>f adrartuiiur and eipcnaae of Mia. By ordar «r tba Board of Direct r». ALFRED K. Dl'RBBUW. ■aeretary. Offloa-Koom Mo. M, Nevada Block. No. «• Monicom«ry »U»t. Mm Prauolaco. OalUorata. ASSESSMENT INOTICL Scorpion Silver Mining Co. AIIUIMINT NO. 10. iMUi no Casta ab*ra Lwla< ••••NatiaiMi Jalr 1. lMt Dallaaaa't.... Alfiat 8. IROI nay M Bala.— _..jla«iai >»i IMU liBO. R. >n»»kT. •acratary. Oflea—Room 44. No. (10 Tim* tweet.nan J>M