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THE EVENING NEWS V1R9INIA AND TRUCK! RAILROAD TIME TABLK. Taklif Kite! April 14th, 1881. TB AINS »'»•« K«aa «• C«M Hill S»ilon». Kxprvaa. R**0 RTRkMIKUr WA8HDK .... va«mtow« LaEiTIKW. CAHSuN .. .w| " 10 ».!D. •• 7 SO •• «.{*) " Ml " >11 •• Vtrctala. l5«i_ nr am • II " • a •• loxrt •• I0.*> •• I0M " 1.30 p.m 111 " 149 M AM M IU " 4 at ~ 0«R«0M.. 4< KUKIKE . .. M'UHuCS'W Jt'DHorsKdaj OOLD HILL.. VIKUINU... *.3l ■ B. •.41 " • 10 4 MO " »u «• 10 06 " II 1ISJ " p.b li'ia"v* l.o# " III p.B i at - 60S " • II " 7 0® •' T.U " TRAINS • 1 ralala am* Call I aal laaa. VImOINU UOLDU LLar OOL" UlLLJal iruauntKari M'D HoUSgdJ AMH.m.. CAMS J N ....•> CAlttON.-d. LA A-VIEW . VHANKiOVN IfAHilOR..... STEAMBOAT I0J I »i pa 6.40 " 5 4D '• • IS M •.» " AW " 7.00 " T.U p m. IV - t.40 " TA1 " • oa - • 0*1 I. to • it" •A* 10K M m.w - - n * " IIXPA. an •••••••••a 1.10 " A«0 - 4.11 p.B. 4.46 ~ AM - Ul " • 10 " •.40 w TUESDAY. JULY >e. 1881 ftMilna HmtA un STntva. Mb Earaka Con. SI*. Sl-att, 81H 30 Jackaon, SOo 30 Northern Ball*. 18H <00 Urud Prlaa. 25c •0 Arfanta. 10« 100 Day. a 39 454 Albion. 3 80. 9t 70 Ml. Diablo. 8H 870 Walao. 1 30 Bodlo. OH 180 Tioga. 40c ■J00 S70 JicaU, 400 1300 Ooodaha*. 70a. 78« 1100 BiMkbsvk, lOo 208 1n», 9 180 liar, 86<i 4V, iiirtk Noaadaj. Ma 100 Beams C01, 40o 110 Orxj, 7Jo. no 30 Coo Pajlfla. 354 a 10 10OT:ptop Jh 3d Miliar Si 114 at H 78 Olaai aoj Old Aba. 81% Tata aouiM. m OpbU. <0 Heiican. 7H.7H 740 Ooald * Carn. AH. »H. i% 170 B**t A Belabtr. 11. I1H •10 California. Wo. 80c bJO. 70o SO Savage. 'i\» 1000 Coa. Virginia, i IV. 3%. t\ bfi 330Cbollar. 3<* 33 Hala A Sercroaa, 9 43 3U0 Crown Point. 3 10.1 13 833 Tallow Jacket. 4 #3. 4 00 300 Imperial. 13o 310 Belcher. 3 10. 9 16 00 Confidence. 3 CO 'J33 iiarra Nevada. 9 t 140 Utah. 7 300 Bullion, 60o 730 Exchequer. 1 40. 1 St. 1 30 WW Overman. 1 90 130 Jaitica. Mo. 90* 440 Union Con.. 10*. 101*. 10 400 Alto, 4 90, 4%. 4 90 blO 230 Jalia. 40c 30 Caledonia. 19* 33 Bag. Balcbar. 7 1800 K*w York. 3c 100 Lady Washington. 20« 170 And**, 1»* 100 Scorpion. 1 10 tSO B«nion. 1 10 000 X*w Wella-Farge, S3c 70 Patoel. 3 80 aflwaMa labraal ■***!*■. lu fusciaco. July 30— 3 r. M.— Albion. 8 03. 3. 1 90,1 93; Day. 8%; Hal* A Nor«ro*a, 9 93, 9 90. Sierra Nevada. 9S. »»*; Beit A Belcher. 10H; Grand Price. 30*. 90c; Oro, 73c; Mexican, 7k; Union Can. 10, 9H, Bodie, 7; Bodla Tannal. 9t*. • 40, • 90. 9 90; Alia. 4 90. « 90. 4 40; Balabar. S 19. 9 10; Ooald A Carry, •%; Jalia, 40c; Con. Virginia. 3 30. 3 10; Potaal. St. I 90. Meraeea (tree* —Hit la Tkaacuco, July 30 —S r. Slam Nevada. 9»» bid. 9H aakad; Albion. 1 09 bid. 3 aaked. 1 93 *al**. 3 00 bid, 8 10 ••bad. 8 00 *al*a; Ezob*qa*r, 1 30 bid, 1% aaked; Scorpion. 1 10 bid; Ooald A Carry, 3*» bid, 01* a*k*d; Potoal, 8 00 a*k*d. 8 00 •*!*•; Con. Virginia, 8 10 bid, 8 30 aaked; Bodi*Tann*l. 8% bid; Crown Point. 8 00 bid; Union Con., 9H bid; Day. 3% bid. 3 30 aaked; Baet A Balcbar, 11 bid, 11S a»ked. US **!**; Alta. 4 90 bid. 4 40 aaked. 4 40 **!«•; California. 70o bid, OOo aakad; CuofiJenoe,.tl* bid; Mail can, T\ bid; Union Con, 10 bid; Banton, 1 03 bid; Oenraan, 1% bid, 1 90 aakad; Baat A Balabar. 11 *ale*. Arrivals Tfen ■eraie*. William Manning. Mr* T A L«*. J M layler. P Ouignina, Mra B R Patton, Mr* A B Pa* ton. J A Brum**y, O W Bam la, D Graney. Mia* Jo*i* Parton*. Ml** Oartl* Oernatt, Jalia White. M Flanagan. BeparlarN Laat Itealag. Mr* Bray and children. L Bartlett, W X V D*al. A Wilton. Thorn** Hill. Mr* W C Xavene. Mr* Brown. E B Smith. Mr* J Call. X W Lara*. Miee M F Harley. Mia* Pali. J Read. Mra Paal. Mra H O Smith. D W Stlckney. X Bobineon. Mr* M Bay QOldl. It la reported bjr lb* San Francieco Pott that L. T. Laiar*, who >u to «ao eeeaful is tbe late con tret (or the control of the Savage mint, Inlenda to go attar Ik* control of the Exchequer mine. William Manning baa returned from Saa Francisco, whither he went to Idea tify the jewelry captured with the thievee Sanders and Aogelo. There la mncb bard feeling and jeal ouay Misting between the offloera of Vir* glsia, who are auppoaed to be guardians of the peace. Silver ehaoge la eoerce ia Sea Fran eleoo. It coata tea oeata to gat a gold ea«le ehangad at one of the brokera' ofloti. The Board ol County Commlaaioaera will meet ia Virglaia at the County Clark "a effioa tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The California pan mill and the atamp mill ware atarud up ytaterday morning •a Sierra Nevada and California ore. The funeral of J. P. Beaker laat even ing waa a vary large one. Oeoeaaed had maay frianda oa the Comatock. The hoaaa burned Saturday night b*. loagad to Mr. Xooaaa aad net Kolaa, aa givaa yaatarday. Kite lying moaopolUaa the attaatiaa of U* youngsters af Tlxglala. THE TROJAN FIRE, ■Mall »f Ik* l«mlltiUH-»nw. GavBilMlloM la liNtiiN Ceae»a ■lee. Following ii lb* report of the gentle am comprising lb* Conrt of Inquiry into the origin o( the Trojan Ira. Tbair recommendation to iniaranoa oompeniee will have tba hearty iodoraeaent of tba oitlxena of Oold Hill: To tba Honorable Joatioa of tba Paaoa of Oold Hill Townabip No. 3—We, tba jurora aummoned to inveetigete into tba origin of tba burning of tba Trojan Mining Coapany'e boiating work*. July 8, 1981, vonld reepectfolly aabmit tba following : Having ezaainad all witmaaai rub panned -froa tba evldenoe we believe tba lira to have beau tba work of an in cendiary, and muob regret tbera waa no eridenoe wberrby we oould identify tba paraon or peraona iaplicaUd tbereln. And for tba protection of property boldera, at wall aa tba iaiarance ooa panirn, we vonld auggaat tbat tbay re dnoe tba aaoant of iniurasM upon property in Oold Hill to tba act a el value thereof. Oco. Boamox, B. Oiuino. L D. Folbou. Oold HiU, Jnly 2*. 1881. laeye'iael Ceaeaallea. At tba Belcher tba work of olaulag oat tba drift on tba 9600 level, connect ing with a drift froa the Overman, baa ooaaanced. The Overman ran the drift through ita own ground, and tba Sag. Beieber to within 460 of tba Bel cher abaft, to whiah point tba drift froa tba Beieber waa drivaa. Whan tbia waa dona, it waa diaeovared by aurveya tbat tba Beloher drift waa twenty-five feet below the one trom the Overman. Work waa auependod there before oonn»ction waa aade. Now, Superintendent Jonra ia Making every eiertion to clean out tbla drill, wb .o ha will aaka oonnrotion with the Overmen drift by aeane of an npralae, aud thereby aecure a good cir culation of air at tbat depth. The drift ia now clear for a diatanoe of aUty-aeven feet, and oleanlug progreaaee at the rate of ten feet per day. Tbla oonneotion will allow both the Overaan and Beieber to enter and proa peot entirely new ground, and it la the intention of the Beloher to do ao aaeoon aa a elrealatlon of air la ensured that will permit of men working in that direction to advantage. It will tak* about ail weeka to put the drift la con dition for work. A IMMia hlMr. ▲ Mr*. Oilmora iu oitad before Jue tiaa Hendereon, of Virgioia, rfNalljr tad uked to pay the tax on rnoneya abe bad on depoait in Iba bank. Ona boar wu given bar to aattla iba elaim. Sbe departed from tba Coart room muttering and in aboat ball an boar came back laadiag a cbild which aba told to ramain in Oonrt nntii aba wan Ut ont of jail. Whan aakrd by Hmderaon what »h» meant, tba woman rapliad tbat tba girl waa on* of bar abiidraa and tba Jaatioe moat taka cara of it and another ona, tbat woald ebortly be broagbt in. if ha •ant bar to jail. True to bar word, Ura. Oilmora broagbt in anotber child and gava it tba aaiu* ordera aa tba flrat, and want to jail by ordera of tba Jndga for oontampt. Handtraon had aant the wuoan'a baabeau to jail tba day previ una for oontauipt and ha oouoludad to ralaaaa him and thaa gat rid of tba chil dren. Oilmora waa aooordingly let oat and ha qniokly roetled tba monay and paid tba aaeaeement for bia wifa, wbao aba waa r»l*aa*J. Tba Joatioa aaya ba la la so harry to father anybody alaa'a ahildran and won't. ■lalac Areldeata. Loaia Beokman, a miner employad at tba Siena Nevada worka bad hia left thigh broken yeaterday about noon by a heavy abaft falling againat it. Tba abaft waa on a track and waa being trundled along the floor of tba worka, whan a wheel broke through one of the flooriag boarda throwing the abaft againat Ur. Beckman'a lag. Thomaa Qoaaellya. a miner working at the bottom of the Ophir abaft, had a right rib broken and waa ooneiderably hurt in tba left aide yraterday afternoon aboat 3 o'olock. It appeara tbat he ao oidentally alippad lato a pool of hot water, aod in aprloglng oat atruck againat or waa atruck by the crowbar of tba oaga. Ha ia getting along nioely today. t ripwr'a (i|i«r* HeaM. Coming. Tha Widow Bedott. Mr. C. B. Biabop, aa tba inimitable widow, aapportad by an escallaat oompany of talented artiata, will appear at Piper'a Opara Houaa, Virginia, Monday and Tueadav nigbta, Augoat 1 and S, in tba character of the original and only Widow Bedott, and will aleo give a grand mati nee performance Tueaday afternoon Aa gnat i Matinee pricte only fifty oenta for adulta, and twenty-five oenta for children. The "Widow" of Biehop haa proved an immanaa aacceaa alaewbera. Tha Salt Lake TVifane cioaea a flattering notice of the piece by aaying: "If you are inclined to ba ead, go to aee the 'Widow' aod yoa will weep with a pain | la yonr aide afterward." Am laaaadlarjr Fir*. J. C. Hampton, Marco Madin and M. F. McMillan ol Virginia, who w»re»uw monad by Joatioa Hiraa to ioqaira into tha origin of tha lira at tba houaa ol Mra. Waaaar, near tba C. & 0. ahalt, laat Friday, hata fllad tba raaalt of tbair invaatigation. Tba dooamaDt itataa tbat "tba lira waa tha work ol an inoandiary, to tba jurora uukoown, and tbat it did not onginata with tha banting ol a lamp, aa aiia(ad." Iwaaw Ma—ra. Chial Bradley •! Virginia want balow laat artning to briog back tha thiavea who robbad Manning'a jawalry atora. Sbariff Hanka ia down in San Franoiaco, and haa baan waiting lor tha paprra to anthorixa biaa to taka chargr ol tha alaraaaid robbara. Why an additional aipanaa ia pot npon tha ooanty by a«nd ing an offloar from bara ia a maaanra ol aaonomy hard to fathom. Tba rira Ball. Thara wara two flra alarma in Virginia laat avaning canaad by tha bunting of coal oil lam pa. Tha firat lamp broka in ■ aaloon on South C atraat about 10 o'alock and tha othar waa thrown ovar tba balooay from Noa'a photograph gal* lary, naar II o'alook, braaking In tha atnat. Tha flrataatf wara promptly out an both ocoaalona, but tbalr aarrlaaa wara not raqalrad. Engliih & Wright, 397 Pin* etreet, San Frsncisoo, «• agents lot Vigorit Powder. Tbey olaim that it ia safer (or transportation tod handling than any othar nitro-flyoerine exploaive made; that it ia fraa from hartfal famaa, aod that it can b* tightly tamped without riak of exploeion. l'ha California Vig or) t Powder Company manufaoinra tbraa gradea of powdar, koown aa Koa. 1, 3 and 3, designed for tba different olaaaaa of blaaiing, for wbioh thay are warraniad anparior to any other powder ia nee. PampbUte, abowing metboda of taatlng the different qaalitlea of all powders and their relative etrengtb, will be farnlahad all who apply for than by th* above mentioned agenta. Saa advertisemsnt in another oolnmn. flee4 re*lla« la lietk CI rale*. The San Franciaoo Aport of yeater day aaya: "Thar* waa good feeling in atook cirolea thia mornlog—something anusaal for Monday. Tb* Cometoeka all preaanted a favorable appearanoe and were wasted at prioea tally np to Sat nrdey'a beat. Tba demand did not oome from tba bears, for thay have filled moat of tbalr abort oontraota, but tba probabllltlaa ara that the bear? aupptled moat of the atock aold. A ohanoe to make 36 oents a sbsre by shorting Is a great temptation to the bears three dry tinea and one they oannot easily with stand." Ilnel Baaser. There ia a well-defined rumor on tba atraet that a rich atreak of ora was ruo into in tba Belehtr night before laat by the shift engaged ia workiog on the 3000 level. Such atraaks ara aald to ba common among even low grade ore bodiee. Merohanta oomplain that busineea for the month of July baa been leaa than in any one month ainoe the bonausaa ware dleoovered in the Con. Virginia and Cal ifornia minea. One reaaon given for it ia that Ihoae who participated in the Good Templara' excursion porobssed everything they wished in the dry goods lino in San Francisco while they were there. Sandy MoUartln, who left Gold Hill for Eureka about two yeara ago and wbo, it a ill ba ramemberrd, waa among tbo drat to rueh to the Wood river oountry, ia again in the Sagebrush State. The Eureka Xtnllnti aaya he baa acoepted a poaition with the Tybo Con. Mining Company, at Tybo, Nye oonnty. Tha only amnaament in anticipation by tha young folka of Ould Hill ia the Caledonian pionlc on the 6th of August and the ball of the Yellow Jacket Engine Company on tha 13th proximo. Tba usual evening getberinge and aoclal par tita of former tlmae ara not bad thia year. There is not • plaoe in Oold Hill where ice cream mo be procured; neither ie there a soda fountain within ita limits. Tba young folks ooosidsr it only a nice walk to Fliim*irr & Armbrust'a City Baksry ia Virginia to procure ice oream these lovely nights. The SaraAeld Guard will aend a shoot ing team to the Caledonian pionio. The day ia looked forward to with pleasure by tbe many who anticipate enjoying a bri«f pl-aaure and recreation. It will be the "boaa" pionio ol tbe eeaeon. The weather oontinaea floe, bat warm daring tbe day. Laat evening tbe h»ar ana oloaded ap on tbe going down of the son, bat were oltar and the etare ahlning brightly at 10 o'olock. The annual meeting* of tbe atockbold* era of the Benton Cod. and Lady Wash ingtou Con. Uiulng Companies will be held in San Franoiaoo tomorrow after noon. The Oold Hill Board of Sobool Trus tee will probably aleot teaobere for this district at thetr regular meatiog next Fil day evening. It bea become too hot for even tba moet enthusiastic lover of baee ball to attempt to play tbe game. Oood health ia Impossible when the blood ie impure, or when it is thin and oold. Under saab conditions one die ease after another ia developed. Boils, pimplea, headaches, ueurslgla, rbeamatiam, etc., are tbe reeoit of im pure blood, and the wiaeat oourse Is to ■sake tbe blood pare, rich and warm by the aee of Ayer's Sersaparilla. Take Ayer'a Pill* for all tbe parposss of a purgative, tor Constipation, Indi gestion. Headaoba and Liver Complaint. By universal aooord, they are the beet ot ail pargativea for family uee. • rlekllnc psM Ike dslUhMI Hl> ate, Hr» Penes with hot or cold wster or milk is very *«reeable, and diffuse* an ecstatic alow tbrou(b (be •jaiem. Kaocbet brewed at re <jue.t are far b-biad It In flevur. bold br all urucere. Wine Mercnants and bragflete. Trad, •applied bjr hlcfiard* k Heirlroa. Ajwta lor tbe Kaclic ooasl.; an muoisco. The Western Section. San Fkanciko, July 26.—Articlaa of incorporation ol the San Joaqnin and Mountain Ditlilou of tba California C«ntral Railroad bar* baan filed bara. Tba roada connecting ran from Mc. Brida'a Paaa on Iba Stat* Una, a Utile aoalb of weet, to the Soatbrrn larminna ol Iba propoeed Ban Franciaco and Ooaan Shore Railroad at Sxnta Cruz. Tbla ia understood to ba in furtherance ol tba eoheme annouootd in tba Cbioago inltr Ocmndlxpatcb Irom Council Bluffs, of July 22. atating tba intantion to build a truuk line from Pabranagal Valley, Nevada, to San Franciaoo, lor tba joint naa of th« Atlantio and Pacific, Taz«a Pacific and Utah Southern roada. Tba engineere ara now making aorveya all along tba line. Tbe draloi leading from tbe Pbiladel pbia mint yielded about f1000 worth of gold and allver at tba laat annual aoonr inc. Tbe recovery of metal by that op eration haa amounted to $21,000 in nine teen yeara. Italian laborera are nearly aa unpopular in Franee aa the Chineaa are id Califor nia, becaaae they work for wage* at which a Frenohman Urns up his noae, and became they are ateadier and mora intelligent. A Philadelphia man, being alapped in the faoe by hia wife, turned white with rage, etood atiU a moment aa though ir reaolate, and then, procuring a gun from an adjoining room committed eal aide. All tba chief French llgblhoueea will •oca be lit by electricity, and provided with pcwarfmlatcftm trumpcta aaaigula. eastebn dispatches, Medical OpIilOM aid Proiooatlca> tlooi Coneeralag the p<eal denl'i Condition-Tree Flow of Pna—Ho Fear of Blood Potion |B(. Wasbinotos, July 28. — The Preal dent got through yeeterday tod last night admirably, and everybody leela greatly encouragcd about him. He reated wall all day and th* beneficial effrote o( yeeterday'e operation ar* plainly vielble. Laat evening be ebowed (ever and tbia earned a feeling of unea eloeea, bat tb* eurgeone eaid they had anticipated a raiaa of fever and it bad really not gone aa high aa tbey expected. It vaa tb* aam* eurgical fever which ha* *11 along attended the case and will eon tinne with it, and waa not elgnlfleant of »ny danger wbaUTer. Tbey laid: "The fever oauaed no alarm and waa mot aa bigb aa we tboagbt, and oame on Ut*r than it ha* on former evenioga. In stead of tbe febrile riee being *n unfa vorabl* aymptom it ia, on tb* oontrary, vary favorabl*. It waa l*t*r in making Its appearano* and it proved that tbe tnolaion made yesterday baa thoroughly opened th* wound and ia draining it well." "Doctor, do yon r*gard tb* President aa onoe more on the road to recovery t" "Yrs, nndoubtedly improving, and tbe ohancea are favorable. We all f*el very boprfol now. We b*ll*v* th* worst beepaaeed." "Hae he lost muoh ground by tbe re lapeeT" "He bu not lo*t muob if any. H* ia tbra* daya nearer recovery than be waa Friday. Ha rested splendidly yesterday and laat night and ia ioeomparebly b«t t*r todey than yeeterday, and bla feat urea have a natural appraranoe. The pinched expression that be had yeeter day, oaua«d by pain and reetleeenree, le gone, and be abowa improvement in hie faoe. Tbe report of bis excrssive weak n**a is not oorreot. Wb*n any of tbe dootor* enter bis room after a temporary abe«no*, he alwaye extende hie band very promptly end givee ue a cordial ebake of the band. He maintaioa bie bopefulneaa, and we do not fear any furth»r epecial danger." " Dootor, did tbe obetruollon of tbe dlecbarge of pus laat long enough for tbe Pr»eldent'e blood to beoome cor rupted?" " No, not enough to do any barm, aa I have told you. We kapt tba pua aaok vary well drained, and tbe Preeident'e blood from being poieoned to any ex tant." " Then you do not fear blood poleon ing7" " Notlo the lent." Dr. Beybnrn aaid at 10 o'olock Jut night lb* Pr< aidant waa rrating well; • bat bis fever bad deolin*d, and ba fait tbat tba Preeldent wu beyond any 1 to rn ad iata danger. Ha did not believe any other obatroction to tba flow of pat would ocoar, but if it did it would be re lieved, and aa a cooarquaoca need nntba faarrd. Dr. Bryburn aald tbat tba Pree ldent waa doing aa well aa any pcraon with aoeb a wound eould be expected to do. Ha fait oonfldent of bla recovery, though it will neceeaarlly ba alow. Dr.Agnaw waa to arrive at 10:40 r u., but waa deteined by a flra on tba Una of tba railroad, and did not raaeb bara un til aftar midnight, lira. Garflald and other membere of tba family bava re quaatad tbat Dra. Hamilton and Agnew ahali ramain bara until tba Preaident la beyond dangrr, aud when it waa iaarnad ibat Agnaw eould not gat baraintlma, Hamilton agread to atay till ba cama. Tba mambara of tba Cabinet alio joined in tba requeat that oua or tba otbar of iba conaulilng aurgtona will ramain here. Dr. Boynton, who ataya at tba White Huuae, eaid laat night Ibat in bla opinion the operation of yeeterday baa relieved the Prraident of the danger be waa ia, and tbat be will now gat wall. Boynton doae not tbink there will be any farther obetruotioa to the flow of ptu. " Bright Ijw" Married. Okau, July 36.—T. M. Tibblea of tbla oily, who baa acquired a national notoriety on aeoount of hla efforta In be half of tka Ponoa Indiana, and bla war fare on Scbnrx and the Interior Depart ment, waa married on Saturday laat at the Preebyteilan Miaalon, Omaha In dian Beaervation, to Mlae Sueette La Fleeebe, who la wall known throughout the Enatern Statae, aba baring aooompa nied Tibblaa on bie eruaadee, and deliv ared a laotnre. She ia an Indian girl, daughter ol Joaeph La Fleeebe, or "Iron Eye," who waa for fifteen yeara heed obiaf of tbe Omeba Indiana, and who waa the flrat Indian to advocate tbe making of Indiana to be eitisena of tbe United 8tatea and aelfauatainlng. bbe la better known aa "Biigbt Eyea, or Ioabta tbe Arnba." Bbe ia well edu cated, hating graduated at the well known boarding acbool at Elizabeth, N. J. She ia quite a writer, and baa oon trlbuted to Scribnir'i Magatin* and other publicatlone. Another Comet DUcorer«4. Wauixotox, July 25.—A saw or oomat "0," *u assn at tba Naval Observatory bar* yesterday moralog and again ibia morning. Professor Eastman of tba Nsval Observatory, aald today: "I aaw it laat eight, orratber tbia morn* ing. I bad only flva minniaa in wbiob to obaarve it, on acoonnt of clouda, and of oourae did sot a*a vary much. I ex pect it will ba visible to tba nakrd aya in about tan daya. It will not go ao far nortb aa tba otbar. "Wa will ba abla to aaa it aarly in tba arming in thv W»at and aarly Id tba morning In tba Eaat. It baa aometbing of a tail wblob will grow mora diatinot. Tbaeomatialabalad aa oomat '0/ baing tba tblrd oomat dia covered tbia yaar. Tba oomat np by tba polaataria oomat 'B.'" 1 Wliconiln fitorm. La Caossc, Wia., July 35.—A storm on Wadneaday nigbt did great damsga, aspaoially in Coon Vallay, twanty mllea aoatbeaat, wbara property waa deatroyad, dams awapt away, and deatb and da atruction marked ita path. Tba bonaa of Hana Janaan, a Norwelgan, waa aur roandad by a torrant, and bla wife and alx children, ranging in age from alx months to flftaen yeare. mada a fremlrd attempt to aacapa. Tba rising flood, bowavar. soon engulfed tbem, and they were awapt along lifalaaa witb tba watera. Tba buaband, wbo waa in La Croaaa, first learnt d tba nawa tonigbt, the roada baing lapaaaabla and tbera baing no oomBnnloatlon by telegraph. A Drunken Man's Lock. Tbot, N. Y.. July 86.—William Oavan, while anffering from dallrtam tremens, leaped baad foremost, yeaterday mora ine. from a preoiploa ISO faat high to tha rooky bed of Foaatlnkill creak. Ba waa terribly out tad bruiaad, bat will probably iaaov«y. lit aaaapa waa nsl raamloaa. Dr. raraochln Thlnki the freil* drnt U Buffering from Blood POllOllBf. New You. July 28. — A Timtt re porter interviewed Dr. Carnoohin, eur gfon-in-ohlef of lbs Slat# boepital, on Qarfleld'a condition. .He wu dtddedly of the opinion tbat Garfield ie (offering from pjnaiia. In reg*rd to py»u>la, be eaye that ii no uncommon thing for it to follow Mten gunshot wound*. When pua become* aaculated it ia e very dan girou* thing to have. Tha percentage of recoverWa from wall-marked, acote pyaimla, after aerlou* injury, particu larly in broken*down oouetitotiooa. la very email. It waa undoubtedly proper practioe, ba thought, to make a counter opening Into the purulent drpoelt, whloh waa much below tbe orifice of the ballet, and the counter opening, from the fore* of gravitation, made tba earn* of the pa* much mora free. The bullet etruck tbe upper edge of tba eleventh rib, and aplinter'd it, and tbia aplinterlng of the rib might have oauted an additional accretion of matter. All tba eymptoma that have bean obeervrd might occur from a mere fltab wound. Tha Preei dent'a reoovery, Oarnocbln thinka, de pend* entirely upon the auooeea which the aurgcona may meat with in fighting off pyamia. Acute pyiemla may dratroy life in from two to three daye, but con atltatlooa not greatly broken down will aometimee runt (be influenoe of blood poieoning for a number of deya. i Poor Opinion of the President'! Physicians. N*w You, July 36.— Ex-Surgeon Genarel Hammond told a fftrald reporter laat night: "It oertainly ia a great pity that the Preaidant ht» not bad the beat talent and treatment available ia tba oountry. Bliaa, probably, ia a very fair aargroo, bat aa to Barnee, I don't tbink be baa eeen aguoabot wouud ainoa tba Mexican war, and aa to Woodward, ba baa probably never aeen ona in bla Ufa. Walea waa tba baat man tbay had, and ba waa diatniaaad by Bliaa. Tba ear grona bare never niada any aaareb lor tba bullet, which waa tba flrat thing tbay ouitbt to have dooa, and they have never mada tba allithteet endeavor to extract tba boltet. They bate evidently batn afraid to traat tba Preaident aa they would have mated an ordinary mau, and that ia all wrong." Uould'a Railroad Operation*. St. Louu, July 36.—A dUpatoh from Greenville, Tezaa, aaya: It ia aaaerted that Jay Gould will obanga hia Eaat linra and rebuild the narrow gauge road recently acquired by him to a broad gauge line and extend It to Dallaa. Tbla road rnna In between and parallel to the trana continental main line of tba Texaa Pacific, and when completed to Dallaa will be 300 milea long. Alio that the obj'ct of Gonld in obanging ita gauge ia to enable him to get a more exteneiva control of Texaa Paciflo by threatening to conatrnot a oompetiog Una to tba Paciflo eoaat, naing the eaat Una and Ked Biver road aa a nncleua, to be opened in harmony with tba Iron Moun tain road. Terrible Crime and Punishment. Mcxphu, July 36 — An Avalanchi, Taioo City (Miae.), apaoial aaya: A rape waa oommitwd laat Saturday on a young lady by a negro named Iaaao Fiabar. He threw ber in tba cietern to drown her, but the watar bring too aballow, ba alid down tba chain and held ber bead under water until aba waa drowned. Ha then triad to climb the chain, bat foand blm eell caged, and waa aoon detected. Th« demon waa aummarily dealt with, and In all probability ia now taking a obat with Toba Walla, who waa hanged here laat Tharaday. A Successor of Judge Clifford. Ckioaoo, Jaly 26.—Tha7VUmn« aaya: Speculation ia rife aa to tba poeaibleeuo ceaaor of Juatica Clifford, wboaa death baa juat occurred. Judge Coo ley of Michigan la mentioned aa bia moat poa aibla eucceaaor, and there are aotna who talk of ex Seoator Conkling for the place, bat It la likely if Oonkllng ebould be ap pointed to the Supreme Benoh, that he •ill aucoeed Hunter, wboaa retirement ia only a queation of a few montbe. It la not at ell oertaln, however, and It la highly Improbable that Conkling wonld accept a 8opreme Court Jadgeahip, area if it were offered bim. The Prealdent'i condition Today — Latest Official Information. Exictmvg Mixaiox, WaaMXOTOv, July 36 — 1:30 a. M.—The Prealdant'a fever baa aabelded, and at tbla boor bo la altcplng. Tba doctora are dosing, and membere of tba Praeldent'a bouaehold, with the exception of the attendant* In tba aick room, have retired lor the night. Dr. Agnrw reaobad Waablugton at mid night and waa at onoe taken to tbe res idence of Attorney General MoVeagh, where he will remain over night. Tboie Infernal Machines Afain. BoeToS, July 26—The Advtrtistr aayi with tifiriBO* to tbe ablpment of Amer* ioin infernal maebinea to Earope, that the Cantrd etramer Malta, on her I Ait outward trip from tbli port took oat tro barrele of what purported to ba cemtnt. It waa Innocent looking black earth and waa promptly aocepttd aa frrigbt. On opening tb» barrrla at Ll» arpool, the enatom offloera fuuod in tbtm soma olock-work machinery In tended to be worked to azploda dyna mite. Mill Penneo WIdi. DtXTH, Col., July 26.—A RtpubUean'i LeadTllla apaclil any a: Tba tan mil* raoa between Miaa Minnie Pannao, of Qrealey, Colorado, and Miaa Cartla, of Toprka, Kanaaa, raaoltad in an aaay ?io tory for tba formar. Oo tba eighth mila Miaa Pannao waa a mila and • balf ahead, wban Miaa Cartla diamoaotad and fainird on tba track. Miaa P«nnao flniabad tba raoa In 28 minaui. Found Murdered. Dkkxib, Ool. Jaly 116.—Santa Fa speoiala aay: Tba body of • man namad Von Wag, of Waierbory, Connrotieat, wu fonod yaatarday by a Paablo Indian In tba Bio Grande ri »ar. Tba body con tained two ballat boUa. It la eappoard ba waa mardered by two companiona, with wbom ba waa trayellng. Miscellaneous. Cnciao, Jaly 26.—Biabop MoMul lan waa ooniecrated yaatarday Arobbiab op of tba newly craatad dlooaaa of Day anport, Iowa. A larga attandanaa of Catholic clargy wu preeent. AcouaTA, Me., Jaly 26.—Sail bu baan oommaooad againat tba 8pra*aa aa> lata, and tba property ia ettaabed to tba amount of balf a million. E*o Claim, Wi»., July 26.—The strike Is apparently ended, bat assy of tba strikers bare laft and owners el ailla eu hardly sapply tkalr plaaes. msim DISPATCHES. The Power of F«Uh. PoBTiaxD, Or., July 25.—Mr«. J. 0. Laraneimr, a apirltnallat, who bad trouble In 8*n Franeiteo abont a dia mond ring which aba got from J. B. Olarka, who (all drad while playing oarda wilb bar, aba claiming that be gave it lo bar. Inalata Ibat aba baa reoeived eplrltaal letlrre and diapatobaa lo tba that bar haaband, who kaepa a lil tls ebootioR gallery, will die b.fora An goal let. 8b* baa ao worked npon bim Ibat in *arj frixbt ha baa beoome aiok. 8b* baa ordered b»r mourning clothe*, and made praparallona to aall tba booaa and furniture. lira. Laranaleur la ao anra of bla d*aib that aba baa a»*n pre pared to take a third baaband. She la a flne-looking Englleb woman, and waa a widow when Laranalenr married bar. San Franeiaoo apiritaaliata aaaara bar that Laranaieur will enrely die on or be fore Auguat lat. llbloa Tumble*. Sax Feadcooo, Joly 36.—Tba drop in Albion today ia attributed to a report current on the atreat that Judge Bivee baa rendered aa opinion advene to Al bion. HISOCLLiVKODB. POWDER Absolutely Pure,) Mad* from flrapa Cmm Tartar.—No otkar preparation mak»« inch light, flikr hot bread., or laiartoa* I>UU7 Cm bo mud by D/ipop tlot wltboat f»t' of III* rMaltlof from baarr lndl|HHlbi* food. Hold onlr la can*. br ah Uroart. Horn. Btsar • Powoca Co.. o«U Ni* York. WOOD AND COAL DEPOT I ■MTJT PINE. WUHOB LIMb. SPLIT TOT* A" lod olb«r TtrtcliM of Wood, tod • full RpplT af ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On bud and far «al* at tba LOWltT QUI PRion. FULL WEIGHT AND HUWU GCABANTBBO. Wood MVOd it ibort not loo and il lo>w)ntM OPFIOB-N*** Iblimd Dap*. Gold HUL Mm TBoMAR QaLLAOHIH. LYON HILL AND MINING CO. PCHCHAtXRS OP 0010, SILVER AND COPPER ORES, Blimps, Tallinn and Bnlpbnrets. MtNtrrAOToaxm or BLUEITONE AND SULPHURIC ACID. tddrm. L. M. A M. CO., OiiiN) Not. JOHN SCOTT, lap*. « FASHION SALOON. S. B. TURNER PROP'R. Mala Street. • • • • Sold Hill* Oppoalt* tba Im ofloa. qPHIS OLD-XaTiBUSHKD AND POFULAB A raaort u auu tba firorlt*. Comfort tad •port combined. Tba patron* of tba bona* will alirajt Sad tb* boat brand* of 8.(ANDY, WHISKY,: ALB, PORTKK, UOIK, WINn or AIX KIND*, YOBAOOO, CIGARS, BTCL TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. ALEX. COHN, Daalor la lupl* and Pane; DRY GOODS Has rkxovkd sis businxss nou Gold nlU to UM SOUTH 0 STB PET. TIBGINLA. DRY OOODI 0BK4PXB THAN TB( OHCArXSX; ALSO LaJlo.' nioooa* «ad Cblldron'a Shoo*. Jlltf PRIVATE SCHOOL NOTIGfi. MISS JINNIB MOOH nniRH to ikkobk bib ramus ud th* p*opl* of Uold Hill **0*f*]l7 that mi win ep*n a PrlT*t» school Is th» C*n Ual Hobool balldlof, Uold B1U, On Monday, JqIj 95tb, 1881, At which all b-tnob*« pcrtalolof to • f boroa|h lofliib (doeatioa «<i| tx taught. Ttran of taluon *1U b* ruioubla. U la PRIVATE SCHOOL NOTICE. IB«BPBT tNTORM MY PBItNDB AMD tb* puMls that 1 (bail opto a Private hcbooi to ti.a oi< orammar Dapartmaat of Um Obtral School balldlof. On Monday, Jaljr 11th, 1881. All branch** In th* Bntllih lac*«•*• will b* use t. UBS 0 a. WaMTWoBTH. uold BUI. Joo* .V 1M1 )•» lm NOTICE. A ^OKtnn THB TO WW Of _ W. O. HTDB. O'rk of th* Board of Tmma. Oold BUI. April M.1BU. «Md XISCELLA5E0rS. dimui tlvtfi Ouh and amr dluf* point*. Tk*«orli'i|mtPala* WIHWW for Man and B CkMp, qalok and rtlltU*. PITCHER'S CASTOELA. Is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians rocotnmend C ASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Collo, allays Feverlshness, and do ■troys Worms. TUTT'S PILLS INDORSKO BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Lower »ppMlt«,N»uyt.boweU coitlfg. Fain) nthegnnd.withtdull »on»»tion fq (Ft"baoV parCV»'a unrlerTha ihoulder^ blado. nillnoaa after ea"ljng,"wlthVcll»ln-i cQnhtion to oxartiop of bp -iy o'r tnlpiT. Irritability of tompir. Low ipinU. Eort of memory, with afueling of naying nag r«otedioma dutf^wbarineia. DfiiTneea, Vluttartn#p"fthe Heart.'PoUBafbrit srsiXjiioi^^Ta^a3a^rrwt]3t neaaat uightTnlghTj colored Urine. 17 THESE W AHKHCOB ABB UITHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPER I'UIT'I PILLS *r« •ipaelally adapt ad I* audi caaee.ona dote effect* inch a chug* of faallog aa to aetonlah tha auffarar. Thajr larrantr the A !•*•< llo, and caul* tHa body 10 Take <aw rink Utna th» artiem la M**rt«l*#tf. and by thai r Ton la anion oa tha lllliallwI)im»Ii B»«alar*laal» »ra_Pf» duced. I»r1c* B centa. U Marra; 1L. Bf.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. 0*a Y HAiaor WHiaxraa changed to a nismr Slack by a alnala application of Itaia Or*. O nuarta a natural coW, act* initantanaoatV. 0oi4 b;[)i»ii|i>u,nt Miilby aiprraaxn rMairtelft OfTloafSB Murray St., N*w TorV. THE NEVADA BANK t OP SAN PRANOISCO. ua mxouoo —oxuroaxu NM IT DapttaJ n#OOW -flaM '• (V. a. Boada)— IJM,««»4laM «VU*l0U,IUTkU,.. £ ' fgz* it at Raw fork » J Bn" m «ui auaatj..o«a l. iuh VBajitod hUi Kxctuan tad Tatapaobto Trwaftn. itaoaa Ooomarclal tad iraTaWr Orodlta. Tbla baa* baa ipacial lacLUUva tea dealing la baUlon. 4if L. B. FRANKEL, •TOOK AMD MONKY BROKER. v.. OmOI-Hala nmh (MM HtU. jw abare tha Baah rfOalll mcu aoroHT, bold and cab. USD ON HABOm. 1 a T. B. McGOJM, STOCK AND MONEY OROKIt. K 106 loitk 0 It* TlrglaUf ILL BUT AMD BILL STOOIS OBT 00* mlMluo on the moat favontaia tanaa I alao earry btocka on Musis and all Uaad Barhi GOLD AND ILL V KB BO LOOT AMD »■ HQt.D. THIS CITY BAJkKJtl, RESTAURANT, Ooiftcllonery »■* Caidj Depot* N*. ilt Nartb C llrMl, Tlrdlht nnna am klxoctt amortmikt or V HOLIDAY GOO DA. Toji. Oaodlaa, Otm« MM tor Tabla, OmtmeDLtl, FiuaUd ui puts 0*k*a of kit kiLdi, dtacrlptlooa tad da •I(M, Aod M prlcaa u> Nit «r«7bodr. As wa Import all om gvodi direct from tha But, wa md offer than aLprfcaa Ui mm M abargad In Haw lock, tod at laaa tbao Baa fraoclaco rataa. Oroamaota tor Oakaa a ipaotalty. CTlc* Oraam aod AtrawbarrUa aod Orvan. Aiau •trawbarriaa bj tbt bos, at wbulaaal* of tar our eaodlaa H"i frwh a»arr daj. and ara lotpottad b AW»B?*T ProprlaWT* Otj *o, IT lorth batraat. Vtr»lnia COLD HILL BAKEIV RESTAURANT Wf AIM |TKIIT*M*aaaaaaOOLD BIIX| Opposite IU flclipM Uwj BubUf, i. P. 1KCI11 Propria nM UIAD. PIXS, OAKXS, AMD HOT JfjteUa arwyJUg, dallratad attia* iaZ ■MAD AT MDUOKD PRICKS. Ptaa tad Oakaa atradnoad prtoaa. £55$ klada of Oakaa aada to I*