Newspaper Page Text
GOLD HILL 1 VOL. XXXVL GOLD HILL, STOKEY CO.. NEVADA: NEWS. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 27. 1881. NO. 6448. THE EVENING NEWS faMukwl imty tX»j (ttoudajra exeepcedj, ■ V TIU H«l ruauaiuiM CO. X3T EoterW it tba Gold Hill poatoffloa aa aaaond-ckae matwr. t (ma. <<4.j /ear. t; KaU or iTjrm ■•§ 00 ilk iontu. • Ob fkiM Xsatta 10b u arsnci. Illw tflly Ouni. Dejrtira, Mn, e*e„ H TWENTT*FIVK CENTS PCI WEEK. rwtMthi Ua Camera. QUI ADVFKTISINQ ABENTS. O. W. OHANK. No*. 818 Piaa aad 10 Laldaadorff .twu : : 8m Fraadeoo OAQWIM ft ALLEM. : : : : Oaraoa Olty W. M. LANO, . Bmptrs Oil} S. M. JAMISON. : : : : Btoc 0. 0HKN0W1TH. : : : Wlnnemoooa NKW YORK. J. H. Batm., : 41 Park Bow 8. M. Pittuwu. A Oo.,: : 87 Park Ho* Oao. P. Bovtu, 4 Co.. 10 Sproee B treat Tan Ptru nay be found oo Ale la Mow York at tbo aewepapar agenclaa ot J. H. Bataa. 41 Park Bow; 8. M. Pettaofill A Co.. 87 Park Bow. and Oao. P. Bo wall & Co., 10 Bpruca atreat. tni atratru Mow dolb the tiuaT reportaire • Improve each poaaibla item; ■a aicketb tba doga on lltlla children. And watcbaa till tbry blta 'an. Tbea grabbetb ba bia sola-book oloaa. Aad. wltk a flao4l«h laagb, Hire bia baok to tba aanetna. With a column aad a bait. Tba night editor, ba ajaa bin With aa awful gathering trowa, Aad trie*. "Tba papar'i op already; To foar lloea bile it down." Garfield'* Trout. CWum Apftal. J(t!f S3. Beaton euJ Hank Monk brought a tea-pooad troot do-»o from ik> lake ud fow»d that ltd PmidtDI eboald be lb* only dad In America to get a knife Into It. Tbay accordingly laid It ont on tba ioa and ihm want Into tba boo** to Indict a lattar 10 accompany it. Banton'a Idra *<a to aand iba trout aa tba gift of tba Caraon atd GUnbrook Stage Company, bavin* no donbt a dim Ida* that tba Una might aoma tima naad an appropriation from Congraea of a taw baud red eaaar* milra of tba pnblio domain. Monk tboogbt if bia nam* «aa written on a oard and tl»d to tba baad of tba troat with Doo B-olon'e at iba tail it would bo jnat tba tbing. It waa finally egretd to e»nd it aa tba gift of tba paopia oi 5t»vade. Tbay tb«n boilt an ioa obaat in which to preserve tba flab while it waa traneportrd. Ntzt tbay want out to Iba caka of lea wh-r» tba flab bad baaa lafi and reacbtd It Jaat la tlma to laa a aat in tha act of lagging tba flab through a bola whiah Ud nndar tba atabla. Tba alarm waa raieed and la a faw mlnutee tba wbola foroa of atabla man w*ra laying aiag* to tba eat, poking polea and aticka under tba floor aad yalliag vociferously. Up till 9 o'alock laat aigbt tbay were unable to dielodne tba cat and eevtral other oata bad elipped io and wrr* abarlng tba flab wltb tba original tbiaf. Baaioo la aa mad aa a wet bea, but Monk aaya that probably troat are not good f»r oonva laaeiog Prviideata and it waa Providen tial that tba cat bagged tbo game. ▲ Qalvaaton man waa aat ling out yoaag orange traee m tbe yard of bla rvaldenoe, wbm old Moee looked oter tbo fane*. "Well. Moea, I'm going to have orange* ol mv own to aat," aaid tha gentleman. "Ioa mean yoa'll beb oreng-e to euck, becaee by de time d»m treaa baara orangre, yon ain't gwine to bab no teeth in yer bead to bite aaffla' wid." Jay Oould baa et laat got to work oa a railroad oa Mtlioaa eoll. A* be i* a Baa tbat navrr aaya tuuob about bia peraonal affaire. It la not koown wbo be Inteada Uaviag Mnioo to la bia will. Mllk'ICLLA.HEUlS. Cm TAHOL SUGAR PINE POINT. JOHN W. MOKINNKY'tj old ruci. HiALTH I niAtllll ! ipHK A BO VI VKBY POPILAK HESOHT A la again tbmwa open to tba pahi!' lor Um mmub It It auaated oo Iba WKSTKhN bMUtfk uf TdK LAKK. dido bum iron TUo* cttr. amid 4ba B»o.I ronaoik tad be*lih Hi (OfTOUUdlDCt. u. J NEAR THE BEST FISH1M8 ABOUNDS A too wharf mo* oal to daap water In tba Laba. aid plaaij oI hoau a>a furnlabrd FRBa for lb a p1m»u« of iba roaaia. Taa ateaaara tooch at tba wharf dalij to laad paaaaagara from Gold Hill wd V'ffUU oan to by way of Trwckaa aad TahoaCT'7 «*<»?» Sad ttlauorook. taklig Iba Hataai actoaa tba ■ATM OF CHAKGUi Suard aad Lrdfta«. par wwk. »10 00 to 111 00 Boa>dai.d*. par daj S3 00 CbiMia* fM« » to to yaara of aaa, half fftca. 10r Broucttooa nttda to lamlllaa. boat* taa tartd* tralaa laara ra*alarlr araty Mra* a* tot Soda Sprtasa tar laraltd*. aa wall aa boiloaaa man taatliaa. HitiH raaiaatl^a aad plaaaota, will I a itu taa T.ry plara. M_ ' NOTICE. &.IU1 *.*.«. ^^0 BT0I. 0'a>k of tfca Board of Traateaa. BUI A nail St. 1M1. rom M1U BUMMU. AJU> UNITED STATES MINIM UWS. uroHATins fob lotitou aid vwxu« or amies. AP#II«iUmm far ralMto-lM U Deal Willi I'tmam Mn-TumI CtalM TIm Law la Itgirt la Alloan-ILU. irruciTiox or fatkxt. Wber* papers htr* one* b®»o filed with the Register and Receiver, they beoome a pert of the reoord, and can neither be withdrawn nor returned, hat must bo transmitted to the General Land Ofloe. An application will bo rejected when the deecriptton of the preaiee* la erroneoai or Insufficient. Application for patent will bo rejected boctuM: First—The notioe waa published without the knowledge of the Register. Second—The notioe was not published in a newspaper designated as published newest the claim. Third—Record title waa found defect!re, aad: Fourth—A prcTioua application had been ■ado for the sane premise*, whioh waa withdrawn pending a anil la oourt com menced by the adverse claimant. An application for potent will bo rejected when the survuv does not aoourately do do* the boundaries of the claim. Where the olaitn waa not located in nc« cordanoo with law. Where several parties own separata and distinot portions of a olaim, application for potent mar be made by either for that portion of the olaim owned by him; bat where several parties own undivided in toreeta In a mining claim, all abould Join in as application for a patent. A person or association may purehaao aa many plaoer looationa as the local law ad mite, and embraoo them all in one appli oation for a patent. Two or more lodes cannot bo embraced in one application for a patent etoept for placer claims embracing two or more lodea witbin tbtir boundarira. Piper* sworn lo before any prrwa par porting to act aa a deputy (or the Register and Receiver. cannot be recorded aa evi daoee. In all patent* (or mining olaima situated within tba interior boandarlea of a town site. a clan** la inserted "excepting and excluding all town property, rixbta upon tba aurfaoo. and all honsee, bnildinga, •trnctnrM. lota, bloeka. streets, alleys, or otbar municipal improvements not belong ing to tba grantee herein, and all righta ueceasary or proper to tba occupation, poe •eaaion and enjoyment of tba same." Pabllcatlon o( notloa moat ba mada in only one newspaper (or tba period o( sixty dam. Notloa mast be published tan oonsecu tlva weeks In weekly newspapers, and In dally newspaper* sixty days most alapaa between tba first and tba laat lnsartlona. Where tba Begister destgnatea the daily laaua o( a newspaper (or pnblioatlon o( notice* o( a mining application (or patant. It la not a compliance with law to change to tba weakly trillion o( tba aama paper without aothoilty of tba Register. Tba existence of a salt spring on a tract o( land withdraws It from the operation of the home*toad and pre-emption laws. A bearing (or the purpoee of proving the agricultural character of such land is not allowed. Land containing valuable de poeita o( slate may ba entered under the mining Acts. 4SIUU CLAIMS. Adverse clalmanta must file a separate and distinct claim against each application wbicb it 1s alleged conflicts with tba prem ise* owned by *uob adverse olalmaut. The papers In an adverea claim once filed cannot ba withdrawn, but become a part of the record. When an adverse claim has bean filed it cannot be amended so aa to ambraea a larger portion o( the premiere than that described in tba original adverse olaim. Ad adverea claim must ba mada oat la proper (orm and filed in tba proper local office daring the period o( publication of the application tor the patent to bo effective. It la the doty o( the adverse claimant to commence suit in proper form within tba required time, and if ba trusts tba anoer tain medium of the United States mall, be must abide the conaequencee. ehoald the delay enaue through mlefortune or acci dent. Should the failure to oommence salt ba the result of tba oorraptordlsbon sat action of bis attorney, the Interior De partmeot cannot redreee tba wrong. An adverea claimant ehoald eat forth in detail the facta upon which be baaee bla adverse claim. A atatemeat la general (arms, embodying conclusions of law, without stating the facta specially, will not ba coneidered Id evidence. An adverse claimant should show a com pliance with tba local lawa In recording hia claim and In regard to expendilurea, and shall file a copy of the original notloa of bie location, and show tha uature or extent of the conflict alleged. An allegation of partiaa to a salt that they compoee tba company la sufficleot, and they are aot required to prove that they are the orlglaal locators or the iden tical partiee who preeented the adverae olaim. A0BKCLTVB4L OR MIXMAL LAXDS. Whsre land 1* of little If any value (or agricultural purport, bat i* esseutial to the proper d«v«lupm*ot of mining claims, it *boald bo dlepoavd of under the mining Act. Where lsnds oootelnlng valuable mlnaral depoeite have been included In ao agricultural entry, aald entry will be can celed at any time prior to iaauanoe of patent, npoo satisfactory evidence of the eiistence of each valuable depoeite. Wber* valuable depoeite of mineral are diacoTtred upon a tract after the eame haa been entered aa agricultural, bat before patent haa been laaued. the partlee claim ing the mine may make application for patent for eame. and theagricultaral entry will be canceled to that portion of the land embraced by aaid mining olalm. Where mineral depoeita are dlaoorered on agricultural landa after the patent baa been laaued to an agricultural claimant, they paaa with the patent. Agricultural college acrip cannot be eel rod in payment for claima. alum. A foreigner may make a mining location and diapoee of It. provided be beoomee a cltlnn before Jisposlug of the mine. Proof that the party waa not a citiaen before die poeing of hla claim moat be afflrmatlvely shown. Looatore and intermediate own era other th.n applicants will not be presumed aliens In the abeenoo of allegation or ob jection prior to issaanoe of patent. The portion of a mining claim sold to aa alien cannot be patented while such owner la an alien; bat on hie declaration to become a eltiaen. hi. right date, back to bis purchase, and be may thereupon secure United State* patent for his claim. CBOSS LXDOXS. Revised Statutes. Section 2SM. Where two or more ledgee cross or Inter sect each other, priority of title shall gov ern. and snch prior location shall be enti tled to all or* or mineral oontained within the space of Intersection, bat the subee queut location shall have the right of way throogh the spaee of Intersection for the parpoee of the convenient working of the miss. And where two or more veiae anile, the oldest or prior location shall take the rate balew the ^oiat at amice, laslnding TTWK1U. There ia no authority of Uw for a tunnel location 30t 0 by 1500 feel. A proper loca tion le tbe width of the taontl for 3000 feet. There ie no provuion of Uw for patent ing tunnel location*, hot lode* discovered in running a tunnel may be patented in like manner aa other lode*. The right la granted to tunnel owner* to 1S00 feet of each blind lode, not previously known to exlat, whioh may be diaeovered la their tunnel. When a lode U itruok or dlaoorared for the flrat time In running • tunnel, the tunnel owner* have the option of record ing their claim of 1800 feel all on one tide of the point of dlacorery or Intersection, or partly on one aide thereof and partly on the other. Proepeoting for blind lode* la prohibited on the line of a located tunnel, while the tunnel ia In progreea, but other partite are in no way debarred from pro*pooling for bliud lodee or runnlog tunnela, eo long aa they keep without the line of tuoh tunnel Of Ike PrmMeel mt Ike lur* tf Tretle** mt U* Tea* mi Uel* Mill. ' To the Taxpayer* and Citiaeua of the Town of Gold Hill: In aooordanoe with the requirement* of the Charter of the Town of Oold Hill, I herewith iibmlt a report of the fluaaeial lituallon of taid town for the year ending April 16,1881: ■KOBtm raoM ill aooaon. Lioenace, real eetate taxe*. per eonal properly and bullion taxe*—M. Kennedy tti.Ml 88 Delinquent Uxea—J. P. Flan nlngbani 1,270 78 F. W. Folaom 10 00 L. T. Fox 8,000 00 Total 08 ANNUAL REPORT uuacusMcim On baud,Apr.,1880 > 1.919 99 By bond*. 10,000 00 Bjroonponi 9.493 00 By warrants .... 14.980 IT By balanoo 1,847 ftt-t.10.Wi 03 amocxt or raortaTi Assesses roa rn (BABS 1880 AXO 1881. Ileal property 91.677.184 90 Personal property .... 94,016 00 Total .>1,601,139 30 Tim tbsreon at 1 per cent. 990,014 ll Amount exempted by law and Board of Trustees 814 69 Amount charged to Tows Marshal ■ >19.869 65 | Amount o( delinquent tax roll d lirered to Town At torney . $1,935 87 Ten per cent, delinquency 193 63 Total >1,468 90 Amount not aued for and withdrawn by order of ths Board $198 16 ▲mount collected with the 10 peroent.added ... ... 1,970 76 Total >1.468 »0 Amount of Lioenees leaned to Town Xarahal ... . >10,988 SO | Amount eold . W.987 99 Amonnt returned. 4.101 11 Total >10.988 60 Amount of Bullion Tax on product of minea $979 63 | tow* aoitoa caxoblw. Noa. 103 and 104. lsausd Auguet 14tb, | 1379; time, 1 year; due August 14th. 1880; oanoelad August 14tb, 1880. ocTaTaaoiwo tow* num. No. 100, amount >6000, due May lit, 1881.1 Noa. 108 and 109, amount >10,000, dna An* fuel 14ib, 1881. Noa. 106 and 106. amonnt >10,000, dae November 1st, 1831. Amonnt of bonds. >33,000 00 Interest dne on same to April 16th, 1881 618 00 Total >26,696 00 In submitting my annual report, as re 3aired by law, I have deemed It proper iat the taxpayers and eitlxens sbonld be informed of ths condition of the town and its financial standing at the present time. The finances of the town are in a vary healthy condition, Ounsidaring the extreme dullness of business the past year. The revenue from tha different branohee of business has been steadily on tha de crease tbo paat year, and tha Board of Trustees have been governed In expsndl turee accordingly. Five thousand dollars of the town debt have been liquidated. In tbedlffvrentdepartmente the greatest care bavn been taken by the Committeee to bava the ruunlng expenses of ths town as low aa thev could poeaibly be made and satisfy tbe citlsens at large. The water works and everything con nected with them are In tha very beet of order. Tbe Chief Engineer of tbe Fire Department has been vary vigilant in look ing after tbe hydrants and mains, and keepiug tbsm in good condition. Tbe streets have been well attended to and kept in good order. Tbe officers of tha town hava been faith ful and energetlo in the discharge of their dutlea. The polios hava been vigilant in guarding the Intereeta of tha town and keeping away suspicious characters wbu are always watching for opportunltiae to practice their nefarious busim ss. The Fire Department are daeerving of much praise for the able and efflolent man ner in which thev hava acqnltted them selves on all occasions wbsn their ssrvioee were required. I trust tha people of Gold Hill will continue to bava their Intereata guarded in the future by as an -efflolent body of firemen as tboaa who have guarded them In tbe past. 1 In ooociMioo, i would *ay tut oar daUM u * Board of Town Trust*** will •ooa bo at an end. Tbe people of Oold Hill are aoon to have a clung* of govern ment. tbe ImI Legislature disincorporating the town and put I or the Coneolldation bill. by wblch the city of Virginia and tbe town of Oold Hill have been consoli dated wltb tbe coanty of Storey In on* government. It wm tbe opiuion of tbo*« advocating lb* mentire that tbe Interest* of *11 concerned would b* farthered by b«vlng on* government lustcsd of thr**. A* It 1« bat an experiment. It remain* to b* **en what advsntag**, if any, will b* g*ln*d to tb* bnslneea portion of tb* town by the cbang*. It will, In my Mtlmation. b* found neceesary by the Incoming ad ministration to exercise ths greatest dis cretion In tb* management of affalra for th* ooming year. Tb* r*v*na* from taxable property will b* v*ry much li-*a than what It w*a laat year, and la llk*ly to contlnn* decreasing nnlaaa torn* development* In th* mln«* would glv* * new up*et to affair*. I sincerely thank th* m*mb*r* of th* Board for th* vary abl* m*nn*r In wblch th*y hav* aa*l*t*d me In the management of town affairs. Being compelled by other ba*in**a to ab**nt myself * good d*al from th* town and from tb* m**tlng* of th* Board, I ta*l grateful for tb* indulgent spirit manlf«M toward ma by tb* mam* ban. In cloaing vonr labor* you can f**l • last prld* within rouraelv** that yon b«tw bad at all tim** tb* b**t lnt*mts-of th* town at b*art- Tear labors bar* b**n arduous and without wapwatlo», oaly | loch u yon mmt all feol within jonrMlvM —that gratifying reminder that aa pobllo aerrauu yon bare performed the dutiea lnonmbtnt upon yon and bar* proved yuurielTK dmerTlng the oonfldvnee of the people of Gold Hill. 1>. T. fox, President of the Board ot Traiteee. HlSClLLUfKUUH. PIANOS AND ORGANS I NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND YOUR CLIMATE THE BE8T ! WARRANTED FOR TEH VIARS AWD SOLD A* WHOLK8ALK PRICKS I Ho is rati, So Briuen, Mo Seir-Stjled Proftesort, Or HaiMTaj Maildaaa, -KM PLOT ID TO EXTORT MONET FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's Pianos and Organs ASK IKDOBSID BY IBS BOT MO BIOIAXB UfUR TBK1B MUUTfl. Beod tad «m wott tboM m7 who Un HHira'- fUiNOi U j OV nWUt oa thlt ComL S»t» >oor UUIWJ sou bu/ tl JfltST B KttUm. to haaoMM«4. bai mm for (MUlufu* •MX tad piUift yoaiMlTM ot lb* irulb of mil tuaruoa. Aoj rtjta of HMO or OROAN mb* oa ri«1 CKM OA VB TJtaT TRIAL, by turaUblag Uuwt'i KsyNM or nallruad ow uaattt or orautit fur uuaasi. Alto N Hit AT MUB10 »t ooo-btU markM priat JAME8 S. SMITH, (Mtnuhotumt' BipumiliUwl, II* Market Street, rt a BAM rBAWnlACO. CAL. JOB PRINTINO DEPARTMENT or tu GOLD IIILL DAILY NEWS gUMQ WILL PBOVIDKD WIT! A OUHT it. txuatlTt tad rtriad tttortmtol of tbt MBWB8T AND TKBT LATEST ■TTLXB OY rYPK, from Uit pl«la«» to Um MOST ELS UANT AMD 7AMU0KABLZ, tad Um KIH8T0LASM IT BAM PMBMO. «t in to id« M good work u eta to tan la u; ia lltr MtabUabmaat la tbt BTATB Ot IB VADA. fMter> or Brerj Hie, Placarda, HandbUU, Bodgen, Mtnlox Htoflk Certificate#, BIU Headit Broken' Blanki, Letter Headi, Ball PrograMea, Weddlag Cards, Etc., Etc., Extcntod to ordtf la tto mott tppcortd *jU tad oa tto MOST BXABONABLB TERMS. tW OALL AND EXAMINX BPEOIMXIS. Valuable Mining f roperty FOR 8ALE. Q» ACCOUNT Or TBS 00 ST AMI* LA TO ntlrament of the principal m*n*8*r of the IIOMESTKAD, GOLDEN BTANDABD tad WBEBLEB MIRKS, Mlnlaf Oapltallat* art «p*olally lnrlted to a thoroo«h Inspection at ib* laid property, with a view to Ita real marl* aad part baa*. Tb**e One mlnee, untneorpo (•tad, unencumbered, aai*feUn« B^IS llaaai tMt, together with valuable lmproreinenu thereon, lylnf aojaoant to aacb other, Mat 01 and parallel with th* original Ooaatock Loda. in altuated la Um Town of Oold BUI, Btcnj ilounty, Nrrada. For farther particular* apply to E. LTTORD, Agent. Office—Mo. 1 Hotsaataad BalUlaf, Oold Hill Bmda. . V a AO PATENT^N0 PAI.| PATENTS OBTAINED FOB MaCBaNIOAL DEVICES, U medical or other oompootid*, ornamental dealfn*. traJe mark* and label*. Carta te At ewnmenta, Inurf*r«oo». Infrln«*m«.t* and aiTmattars relating to fa taut* promptly eiteod •d to We make piellmlaatyeiamlcetloM and fornlab opinion* a* to patentability, fr*« at coarn. aad all who an In lata* tad la saw inten tion* and Patent* *r* Invited to **ad for a eon of oar "Said* for Obtaining Pateele," which la tent fNe to any addreae. aad contain* oom plat* inunction* how to obtata Htwu. aad other rateable matter. Onrtaa the paet flr* rear* we have nbtolaed n«erl» three tbooaaad patent* (Or American tad foreign In no tun, and can jrtve *aH*factorT relwenoe* la almoet ererj coonty la the Onion. Addraee, LOUIS BAQOE* ft 00, BoUcIIot* of Patent* aad Attorney* at law, L* Droit Bolldlaf. Waablngton, D. a 1*1» NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tow* or Oo'4> Iu, ) Ooanty ot morey. Si*'* of Mtrada, { May 14th, law. J To Micbam. O'Barw, a**ocU-e owner la the 8 nib Jacket mine Oold Bill Mining Dis trict. ptorer county. Mare of Nevada: Tea are be**or ootid d that the niderrtfed ha* performed aad wld oat the annuAl amount of wort tat it®1 on ue above Calm nqntied br 8*e. UM B«vl*ed Btatatee of the d State*, aad you; pro rata *h«re of *ald work amount a to TMrtr-ihr** oiler* aad Thirty three Oenta (M* PI le>e Eight no.lara it*) tor labor uerf'-rmed. leaving a balance dee Una y.o of Twenty-Sve Dollar* aad Thirty three Oe*U (SB at. And If with!* ninety dan «Am thi* aotloe by oablkatloa too fell or NlM to Contribute Mid am nr. t; oor lntertet ta laid Cl lm will b* Tori el ied a d become ike property of the eubeerlUr, n&4*r tatt Section ar ».o BA4KEK8 AMD BB0IIB8. THE NEVADA BANK ias nuacuoo —aturomt FiM M OapftaJ...... fP.». —w.m cm* U vmclaia.{if, y. Acwt «C H«r York I n__ . (MWall*™*) J OWO.L. tad nIU Cxetiuc* tad TattrapWc Tiuuttrt. imom OoniMtcUU u4 mwW Onalf. TUi teak bu (paeul tooUiUM ft* to bullion. «tf L. B. FRANKEL, OWIUK- Mala lUTMli M4 MUt, jui •ton Ik* luk tfOillknlc. WIMIitR SOl/UHT, MLW AMU (lit. KIID ON MAKOIN*. la T. R. MctiORA, STOCK AND MONEY BROKER. 108 Bsitk C St., TlrglaU, fir ILL BUT AMD BILL SToCIS UN 00II TT mlMtuo ob tiw moat firocmbla tanu ; •ill alao oarty atooko cm Margin tod ■ •II INLU ANU III.TEH HOUOHT AND » a ■WOLD. THBllTriAimr RE8T AURANT. Ooaftctloaerj and Caadj Depot, No. tf Nana O Street, Ttrataha, nrriRi an blboant amobtkintoi v/ BUUDAt QUuD< Tojt, OudlM, Oraa inaoM tor Tabla, Ornamental. rroatad mm fUlB Oakaa of til klbda, doarlptluDi and 4* •1(01. and al pilcae Mi *olt arorybody. Aa wa import til ooi good* direct from tbi Baat, wa too ota than alprloao tba hbi ■> obaigad la Now torfc, and at loo* than Mat fr*uci»oo tatoe. tar- ornamaoU tor Oahaa a opoctelty. tar"lc« Oraun aad atrawtxrTiM aad Crram. A 1*j UuawtMxrtM oy U>* ooi, at wuolaaala or uf Oar taadlo* art mtooftctorad by <*nr MlTrt fn«b o»ary da/, aad aro far »a parlor to I imported oandioo. rli&MKlKB « ABXBBUBT, Prvpriaun vtty JOn;, No. IT Hortb 0 avraet, Virginia. Nevada. GOLD HILL BAILEB1 RESTAUR A!N T MAIN ITBin —SOLD HILL, Oppoal to tfea Bell pa* LI Tory Btablao, J. P. —am Proprietor. BOBB BBBAD, MBS, 0AKB8, AND HOI » BolU orory d»y, delivered at tba root dacoea oI omiomoro. AT Ploa aad Oakao at lodaood prtooo. ranoy or aaaorted Oakao mado to ardor « abort node*. Tba Raousmit Departnoat U tba Baoot ta tba Bute. All klnda ol Oamo, Poultry aa< "raab Flab end alto uyotoro received aad •orrad so dally. *« FASHION SALOON. S. B. TURNEY, PROP'R. Kali Street, . • • • «old Bill, j Oppotlta Um >m offlca. rpHia OLD-nTiBuascD ato popdlab A raaort U (till tba farortu. Comfort art •port oumblDwJ. Tba patron* of Uabooaa will «lwaja and till baat braids of B < 4NDYt WHIRRY,: ALB, PORTER, UOM, WINM or AI.L KIND*, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ITU TWO FINE BILLIARD TABLES. f 00D AND COAL DEPOT I WTT PINE, WUHOI LIMB. ■PUT PIN1 W and othar rarlaoaa of Waod, and a full aopp&of ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL On band aad for aala at lb* LOVUT QABB PRlcm TOLL WRIGHT AND MBABURB OOARANTBBD. Woad aawad aiabort noiioa aad at lovJnUaa orr nm OmOB-Maar Railroad Dapot, Oold BUI. TBoMAH OaLLAOHER NOTICE PHIKBBT OITBR, THAT OR AND A7TBB thladato all Don, Hop, Sheep, Goata, Horaea, Oewa, ar Oaltla af a» DncHiiIni Pound running at laia on tba public rtraata with In tba Town Itiulta will ba Im^oondad. POO TAOI Oan ba bad at tba nflloa of tba Oblaf of PnUoa, at tba otBca iotB«tl> o»ad by t>a Town Rar ab.l. la tba rear of Yallo# Jaakat Klflua bouaa. amos MPBBrrr, ouar or *oii«a. Hold bui, 4Bi.aM.iaai. jaaatf HOI8TINQ CABLES JOHN A. ROEBLINQ't SON'I CO TiMUa, Raw iarxr. Baat CraMbl* On«*MlHaliil»a OaWaa or*U UmHKIimi WIp» -tr.ada Par Rapalr<«« c— abitlr »««l. 8. T. ROOBBT. Afaat. TTiiitoiai. naar Bala A Kmraa worfca, Tlrgtaia Olq, Wiaada M VlfM/ILLiXEOUB. STEVENSON'S rtiMi Imm AMALGAMATES FAN. PATENT CD, inu. 1% 1M, INTERNATIONAL IXHIBITIOI fhllKWphU, UN. iawakokd nut nunuua: am uno'i flrlailag aid iaalfUMllac ru. XHI8 PAN IB FAB BOPIMIOB TO ALL ulM'iia MTwii important parttdUar*. Ormdluc Italian an lwiMmik, it quiring i .1 uowar. '1 b. plowab«pad iiwni rmiaa tb« qulekailrar wllb Lb* poiy itfaiarl). with Im powur. with' at tloUooa. ana «i«b bottflf §0H$f biltdol *dm itUog a l«m*r onarga. Ttn India*d abapad Haww of ma muiiar-piax opMiaaa cmciaatly lam lis* Milp uir»c it undar tb« wrtlw. Kanai«otaitd at Um uoJdao tuta a irou Wurka, MT to Ml »l>at »«•■» Has riao eiaeo, and ai tba uaba ft Saovtlte Iron Work* M aoatn Oaoal attait, Onloagu, wbaca It oao ba anialiad and tvtbar patlkaiar* b. Imrpad; or paraoaa mar »pplj to tba luraatar and fat. •oua. 0 0. bTKVK.vitujI. at tfea Doa«laa MUl. UuM Bill, barada, abaca iba turn bara 10% b—n In otmatloa. THE SUN FOB 188L I. All tha world's oawa, ao pritaaud thai tha rkte will nt lb* yraau»i emoua. ot latum* UOu «1U> the la*«t Bbpruflubw •I^udilam 01 Umu4 .7t»uai. 1 mj son iOD* ago diaeor. w«4 uie «oldeu Dm UloMu redundant IU uaaa and aiuaileiaoorjr br.rltf. It. «aoh oi ih*t ewt oi aewe which jt$mm lete apou It* recruited Uatoruuc* Ua« opus li* uwrni 10 mafcb.ud. Krvu muroln* to 'njuriiii g Ink oca print* a«4 >10.701 lb* Iivm oi iui una ud woiueu, and 01 U4r Mi, plu*, jutm, b»t*e ua iruabiM. ibl* •t- rjv It miH« rm led ud mo'. luurwUuf tha* ui rouiM't that »** «T«r dartta.1. Ill uood wntlBtf IB >T.rj ooiumn. md freth Mm,ori^iualur. KOturaC), »na ueounbu Ui tha treatment 01 «T*I7 tubjoot IV. Houut ouiumwit. 1 a Vtm'l habit to to ipMk uai IMTlMrlJ IMI IN Uld UUIga. V. aqoal candor ta dealt. k with mci polttl cal iui/, ud tqu.i readne ■ to aoaiatand *<4t i* prai*. wor.nj or r«bu.* what u bum ■bMUlxoiocrxor ttepubliaea. VL abtulQte IbdepebdeOUe ol partltao orwan U<tloa, bat unwavering to try* Mt» o..tio ormclpitt m. BUM beiltrte uti Ut gun oowut wnleb Ibt Ovutiiiuuou |.tn b* h • f od' out to keep. nt uou.a vl dai7M.o r. tu-i to lu uimuM power the effort* oi u.«D is tiit iUpab.tcau part/ to mi up tuothar torui ul «or>ruiMut ib p>a.« of ibM wbtch eaUU. Tho year iui ud tu* ion lmaiediaulr following win prvbablj decide tble eupieinal/ I m, octant cuat«tt luacvba.l veauiai taeriotoo will oe with the prupla aa ataiuat the Mia** lor oouopolr, ih« Kuitfa fur pituidar, and the Jdngl lor lopvul power Kur u>e u.lly bvx.t four-put ibaat Oftww If. eUbt oulunist, tbe p<loa L» lull, putt-paid, U M ceote a luuutb, or M BO a year: or. Inulad UX Iba eauday pap*r, aa el(Bi page *Imm 01 du»-e s colaoine, iba price la Moauu a month, ur 97 70 a year, puaiage paid. Addrea* L W. KBQLARD. 1 ablitbar of Taa woe. New i»rt q«7. Ul TCHTC ooiainaa tor aacrnnical d» "A I tN I 5 noaa, madlaal or othar trad* mark* and laSeia. Cartata. laiartaraiieea. Appoala. Ball* for iBfrliiaaaitnla aad all eatrt arlaum aadar taa MTINT LAWk pn«ptl7 allouded to. INrSNTION* THAT HAT* BUN REJECTED Siu. STJSZV mm bj a*. Mag m» tit* the Taunt om**, wo aaa -aaha aloaar taarohea, and aaenn P*uuta im prompitr, aad with broadar olalma, than thoao who an noot* froa waahiagtoa. INVENTORS of tout dartca! wo S»^ABd Meat d«OuS*D. U*A*°* WUfc U oarcUaBiTU?rrmnTitJP fJ*-*<**. •« a a. now * ooa Oppoalte Patact Ogea WaahlMtow. t. 0. THE ARGONAUT, AS AMIIICAN JOl'KNAL or PollilM, Llterttare, Society ud llllN. PUBLISH ID XT UAN FBJJTCUCO. MX. rpBI AROONACTIIA R7PRMB1CTATIV* * Jobreal of ADortcaa idta* aad lltamtxro. It la thuroo«b>7 ludapeadaat to It* axiwriA) t'oatmeiit of tba toplca of iba d*7 It als* 10 dr* iba bott t ar 1 Qc ro .tt Htrraiurt obttin»bia, ea wall a* tba carrrai go< d tbiat* of tba praa*. It ta poWltbad weeklt at M per yatr; 0* M r.r ala mooibt; 91 90 or tbrar tai.ntba, par able la adraooe. mm pottpald na raotli.t O' prion. Hpedmaa oni.y f t frto. Addrrtt • TUB A Hi*' NAUT," in Oalifbraia atrnt. 9aa Fiaadtoo Cal. lat C. W. CRANE, PURCHASING AGENT, htabllahed la im. PKBsnwa RmiDdfn «wat from iu I VruMMO, In wm>i o( mt aitut* or MERCHANDISE, Oml or mmII. cad Imt» tbtlr ordort AIM I i>r aptly, ud th« T.ry Iowmi Mb prion. dt tddrwalcg Um uDdmigo.d. 0 W. 0X1*1,. IU PlM «r«t. Haoiu M and 10 UWlM<*or* «t -t. H>n»r«n«!l»-n r»l lyll If TNI PIONKIR SHAVINQ A HAIRORESSMO SA100N O. POHL. PROPRIETOR. Un BTRKPtT... IMLD HILL, Uppodla OibtoD's IU100B. nlUUN TOWZLH AND UURP BAIOM. I V / Quick. Roooib, Mmu, »tm ilm Mart, Halr Catting ted DiwmIdc doa* UtkaBC 1 utlitlo, niubl* ted atUbctorr Hyfe Tbcold Hoow Mloos U tb* pUc*. and deal it til ■ 1 SILVER HOUSE, MAIN STRUT. SILVER PITY, • • NEVADA Board tad Lodflag IU per Month. I Km Chlaaaa MpltJMI — WllW (Mil. « nmna iimmi. CIBARS. TOBACCO, STATIONERY O. H. CALLUP, /\ra>«rri tib bank or uold rnu I Ufry. eoatua ifr oa bud til u« taroriw | IMPORTID OIOARS, Alt Iliad* •fCk«w1a«T*teaer*. FIim. Cat-1 Urri T«n, Vkter «.a*4a. »»kaal ImIu, a ad utailMinrf all PMirfaflaa*. m&£ rmx •nwj rsiHTixe. "DAILY NEWS" NBWSPAFUB mhAPhh JOB PRINTINQ CSTASLISHMINT. Mala Street, Cold HID Receipt Dwiti, Bill Beads, Letter Beads, Legal Blanks, Brokers' Blanks, Election Tickets, All Kinds of Card Work, Mlllll ITOOK OiriFIOATU, ELECTION OB THEATRICAL Dodgers, Flyers, Programmes. Circulars, Ball Tickets, Wedding Cards, Business Oardi, Labels, Tags, £to. Printing, In Colors) Printing, Plain or Fancy) Printing In All Styles. FHINTmO DONE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ,...uraa to.... MOST REASONABLE TERMS m.w LOWBIT CASH RATES. THE Gold 11111 Dally Newi, (Utabluixd or imo, wimlw imu aulM ul hmlDwi p#op!i, fimHTtf. •ts., bSm u TBI BSST AMD ■vnctxNV Butoftia. MININQ, BUSINESS, AND ALL OTHCS ADVERTISING. ■UaiNKM MftN. PROFESSIONAL MM. PRACTICAL MIR. An rMpteUBllj tBTttad to • omfel tMpwdM •adMtulaBor OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Wkuju IWr AlTMtblu finbM IM THE GOLD HILL NEWS. • ittll A#••• NHtT'OLAM DAILY PANI, b ttaouklr UmUM wuh tta bw Bi tmmmor umooutiy,meUelweeW •JS'oS^Sf^ radiM of tkT World. EVERYBODY READS IT. OUR Weekly HIdIdi Suunary THE Gold Hill Dally Newt la Mtrmd h7 ourim Uwhwl OOM SUU tlifad« CUy. Omoa. Mm our. OvtM. MMKani lOMttta. and U mt b? aatltoallptttatf Uw maayMAttoiraM. Boom It Mr m**,n «P" wiwiftHaiM Dwfm;