Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS VIRIINIA AMD TIUCKEE RAILROAD TIMI TABLK. TlklBC UTect April 1881. TRAINS Km* w w«M BUI u4 TSST *•*0 ftTBsMBOAT. W4SBUI .... rtlDKTOVll LAKIY1BW.. CAKSON . M\ Express. 7 10 a.® 1M " 7 60 " 8.00 « ■.It - • M - IJD tl> Itf I0U - | 4OU 111 10.07 Loc») 0»«H)S.. emptor... ICO H'iCB* *r( irOIOCSKd*! UOLD HILL. V1KUINU... S.IS • 10 1.10 • w 10 06 1IJ0 *.BL lias - ll.USp.Bl. 1.0* •* • 1* •a • OS • IS TM T.U TRAINS rraa Virata la h4 «9*M Hill M ••4 K.aa. Local | Bxproat. S SO p.m. •.«0 " S4S •• •.IS " IK " S.4S " T.OU - TuV» TK " • on lb •.SB l» IJi 4.1S p.B. I fnarerur: UOLUH<LL»r UOL •HILL4* iruHuni«K*r H'O UuUStda urmi CABSoM Mi OAR»0* .. da| UKkVIKW .. riANKiOWK WAHlOl..... •TEAMBOAT reso. HATCBDAT. : : : S£PTXKB£B 3. 1881 it»ci airaiT. M|.C 111 »••••••• %m - ••• UIT niKIM. >0 £ur*«a Cob.. SB MM Nortkara Balla. ITS. ITS TO Orand Pria*. it* W0Albkw.tI0.9M 100 WtlM. 80a MO North Ball* Ial*. Mo 340 bit Ml DlaUlo, 18o, it. S90 Balding. So IN BoJi*. 9S.9S.9S 100 Bacbtel. 1 OS I TO Tlo*a. «0o, 35o 300 Mutuant, Mo 120 Mono. 3 89.SS. 170 100 Sjadieat*. 45o S90 Addrnda, 30* ISO North Noonday. SOo 100 Boa too Cos.. 30e 100 Oro, 49* MO Bodia Taanal. It* tao 811 tot Sin*. IV m0. 19 Lite 100 lilaal aad Old Ah*, IS 100 Biaakkawk. IS* 100 Martin White. 10* TIB MOaMM. 3T9 Ophir. 8S. 8S 330 Xaxleaa, 10%. 10S 300 Ooald A Carry, 7S. 7h 3S0 Boat A Balehar. 13V 1HS ISO «•**«*. J*. S SO 370 Cob. Tlrgiaia. 1M. 110 390 Cbollar, 3 V 3 43 310 Potoal, 3 SO. SS 170 Hal* A Norcroaa, 4 OS 130 Crowa Point. 3 lOt S IS 90YalIow Jackal. 3S.8S 300 I top* rial. IS* SO K*ata«k. 3 40 Alpha. 3* SO Baleb*r. 1 M. 3 •SO Slarra Narad*. 1#S. US. 1SS. US. US ISO Ciah. 10. 10S *00 Ballloa. 1 10. 1 13 SO Kteh*qa*r. IS. 1 30 10 Haf. Balcbir. S I1K Caioa On.. 1SS. US. US 730 Ovanaaa, S. t 9S SS0 Alia. 4 SO. 4S 100 Jalia. 40o 330 Ca'*d*ola, S0a too Satr*. 3oc bso ISO Aad**, 1 10. 1 IS. 1 10 >00 Heorplon. 1 TO. 1 OS US Banton. «So SO Caraka Coa.. 38. 37 SO Northarn Ball*. 17S 110OManhattan, IS 410 Uraad Pria*. SO*. 4So 100 North Ball* I.I*. SSc SO Alhloa. 110. 3 SO SO ML Diablo. «S ISO Zaat Ml. Diablo. 30u 830 Hoima*. 60o 80 Bodla. «S. OS >00 B*obt*l. 1 03 100 Biaakkawk. 19c aSO 180 Moao. S 00 ISO Addaada. 30c 18 MoooJav, 90c . 100 North Nacnday, 80c 883 Oro. SOo. 49o 100 Bodla Taaaal, 1 40.1 48. 1 M 100 OUat aad Old Ab*. SS SOO Marua White, 90*. 80* *10 MO Praai Coa. 1 100 Tiptop. OS •a* Pbaxcmco. S*pUmb*r 1—1 *. m.— J Satr*. Ifto Ml**; Opblr, IS bid, IS aak*d, SS bid, 8S aakad, OS aal**; Orar man, 1 M bid, 3 aakad. 1 aal*a; Utah, 10 bid. 10S aalaa. 10S bid. 10S Mk*d; Union Coa. US aalaa. US aak*d. US bid. US aakad. 1SS aala*. US bid. US aakad; Maxima. 10S aakad. 10S bid. 10S aakad. 10S aalaa; Slarra Narada. US bid. US aakad. US aalaa. US aalaa. US bid; Hal* A Sorcroaa, 4 00 aakad; Potoal. 1 M aakad; Bodl* Taaaal. S 39 bid; Alta. 409 aakad. 4 99 bid. 4 SO aakad. 4 44 aalaa. 4 SO bid. 4 89 aakad; Chollar. IS aakad. 1 39 aalaa. 1 40 bid; B«atoa. 89o bid. I aakad; Alpha. 3S bid; Yellow Jack*t. 9S bid, 8S aalaa; Btal A Balehar, US bid. US bid; Crown Point. 1 19 aakad, 1 bid; 8*«. Balehar, 1 bid; Oro. 4S« bid; Ooald A Carry. 7S bid. 7S aakad. 7S aalaa; Satac*. 3S bid, 1 M aalaa; B*at A Balrhar. US bid; Coa. Virginia, I 90 bid. 1 93 aakad; B*leb*r. 1M bid; Kxcbrquar, I 30 bid. 1S aakad; ■allloa. 1 10 bid; California, 93* bid, 1 aakad; Aadaa. 1 10 bid. 1 19 aakad. Arrival* T»» Wo £ckboff, W J bbaridan. Mia* I £ Marfan, Ttaomu Hnllay. 0 A Wilaoa, O Whuotk. Mr* Franaina. J Curlay, P Clark. F Barnard. Miaa J Raycroft, Miaa Parklaaon. J O Co boa, Q H Morriaoa. ■H»Harw UM iTMlac. C V Panoyir, F L McDonald, Mra W F Kobb, L B Town*. M McGowan, Mra M E Uilmora, W F Kiag, D W Hampal. Mr* Kdwarda, Mra Camay. T Rayaolda. Mr* S Kanl, A II Sprecar. Miaa Spaaoar. M J MaCotahan, M T Barnatt^aad wile. J H MltabaU. ■alUlMMlaUtaaT Hi. Joba'a Church, Gold Hill- Sunday Sahool at 1 o'cloak r. x. Bar. B. 8. Zaat aaaa of Anatiu will offlalata at 7:10 r. M. All in cordially iniltal to attaad. Mathodiat Church. Gold HUI—Sunday aaboal at 3 r. u. All ara cordially in vited. Thar* will b* divin* acrvte* at Dayton tomorrow avaalag at 7:30 o'clock. Bar. Oaorg* N. laatmaa oOoiatiag. All ara aordially walcome. ttapariataadant W. H. Pattoa, of tka b*aaa»a miaa*. will la*v* th<* «v*aiag for U* Eaat. Ha go** to plaa* oia aoa iaBatta' Military Aaadwy, at Stamford, OasMOticat. Tkn* draaki war* takaa t* Ik* aU> tiaa kNM U Tiifiaia last night—pay day MqMMM. MlfflNQ LETTERS. KMlMk. Gold Hill. September 3, 1881.—A. C. Stuart, S tertiary. Hojx- Franciieo : Do* ring the week tbe following work bu been done in lbs min» : Oo 100 level, advanced drift north 16 foot, following foot wall; toood the rock too low grade to work. Stopped drift in this direction. Stsrted drtft tut for the eaat wall of ledge forty feet north of main ahaft; bare advanced aame fifteen feet. Com menced raiting an incline to oonneot with anrfaoe. On 240 level, worked aeven aqnare aela in old Ailing, and raiaed one aet higher, making the work tbree aeU high from track floor. On 340 level, have gone weet Ave feet two eeta high in low grade filling; worked north five feet tbree eeta high. In north drift, aame level, hava gone north five feet three seta blab; alerted an npraiee. Have aaeorted and piled np about eight tana low grade ore per daj. C. 0. iTKvtxaoN, Superintendent. Tel lew Jiefcea. Gold Hill, September 1.1881—Otorgt W. H'ailao*. Viet Prttidtnl: The north lateral drift oa the 3000 level haa been advanoed thirty-eight feet during the paat week, making the present leogtb of the aame 138 feet from the awitoh. The ground in thla drift ooatinuee very hard and free of water. The north winse be low the 2828 level baa been aunk twenty five feet, making the preeent drpth of the esme 125 feet on the alope. Oround qnite hard, with mnoh water. The ma chinery of mine ia in good order. Pump ing aboat the same quantity of water aa atlaat report. T. O. Tat lob, Superintendent. Alia. Oou> Hill. September 3, 1881.— >K. 27. Watson, Statlary, San Franeheo: The pomp atation at the 2160 l»vel ie completed, and are now exoavating al tho 1900 level for a ooonter belanoa for the roda. Are alao oonitrueting n oool log r»aervoir oa the anrfaoe for con densing purpoeee. E D. Botls, Superintendent. Stanr ceaelfl Owlfe Bell. There were twenty-two deaths in Storey souaty daring Angast. Of this somber fifteen died ia Virgiala sad Stven ia Oold Hill. Following are the names of the deceaaed, plane of nativity, age and eanae of death: DZATU* IN VlBUtKM. Jobs Bctolio, Worn in Hindi, H« aiz month*. died lit; cholera infantum. John Will, born in Inland, age forty, two jiui, diad lit; hemorrhage o( the lUDga. Wo. F. Ottou. bora In Nevada, age two moatba, JirJ Hlb; inaaation. D. I. Dolton, born in Nevada, age nineteen. died Stb; pneumonia. Wm. H«mry, bora in Nevada, age two montha, diad 4th; cerebral effuaion. Hannah Borke, born in Nevada, age nina montha, diad 4th; oerebro apinai meningitie. Oro. W. Birdaall, born in New York, aga fifty-five, died Stb; rbeumatiam. Mra. Hugh Bannon, born in Ireland, aga lorty-two, died fttb;diaeaae ol brain. Tboa. Dnncanon, born in Ira land, age aizty, dird Utb; tubewuloeia. Cbaa. Millar, born in Kentucky, age fifty.two. died 13th; injury to brain. Jaaala La*, born in Franca, aga forty one, died lltb; congeetion of lunge. F. O. Jobneon. born in Sweden, age forty, died 17tb; anioid*. Jamra Culleo. born in Ireland, age forty ail, died 20th; auioide. Eliza Jane Sullivan, born in Ireland, age tbirty-aiz, died 19tb; paralyaia. Mary A. Fraucia, born in England, aga forty-eight, died 90th; abaeaa. DCATSta IX OOLD MILL. Michael O'Brien, born In Nevada, age fonrtean montha, diad 3d; typhoid fever. Iaabello Tborbnrn, born in Nevada, aga one year and nina montha! died 82d; cholera infantum. W. H. Trevilllan, born in England, aga forty, died 26tb; Brigbt'a diaaaaa ol Ibe kidneya. Miriam E. Jonea. born In England, age fifty-two, died 18ib; tnbereuloaia. Mary Dahonay, born in Nevada, age ooa year and alz montha, died 13th; brain complloation. Joaapb L. Low, born in New lork, ago forty-lbree, died Slat; pneumonia. Jamra 8. Myr, born in Oarmany, age flfty-alx. died 28tb; heart troable. rifer'a Cpeia Meaie. Nazt Monday night, September 6, theater goera will have an opportnnity to witnaaa fin* acting and a aplendid piece. Mica Charlotte Thompaoo, anp ported by a powerful dramatic company, will then perform at Piper'a Opera Honaa, Virginia, in the great oomedy drama of "The Planter'a Wife." The Pittabnrgb Chrvnlclt aaya of thla pieo» and Miaa Tbompeon: " The PlanUr'n Wife,'' while far from being a perfvet play, la one that pleaaee an aodi.noe. rtiey are by torna convnleed with laugh tar over ooosedy tbat ia at tlmaa purely farcical, and wrapt in tba fate af a woman who la tried aa few women are tried. "Edith Gray" (Miaa Tbompeon) la punned by a not blackcr villain than thoee wboee natality ia reoorded daily in thia paper. Ia intent and ezecntion the play ia really a reflex of onr own time. The author haa taken freeb ma terial. giving it atrong local coloring, and ia a dear, oonn»ot»d, and at timee v»ry akltlful manner, told a atory tbat appeala to the audianoe. The faalta of eoaatructlon arc eo few, the manner in which complicationa are bandied ao ex cellent, aad the diepoaitlon of the char acter ao aaiiafactory, that everybody ia pleaeed. It that la not a aoooeealul play we do not know what la. Then it baa the great merit of uleanneaa. A woman wbo ia pleoed in the light of a bigamiat; who haa been tonlly wronged; who flnda reluge in the love of an bon* orable man, tuna at bay whan rendered deapente by her pereecutora, emergea at laat nnacatbed, after enduring expert encea that would tnrn eome women'a braina. Id theaa triala, Miaa Tbompeon flnda opportnnity to diaplay the qualitiea which nnder her acceptable to the meat exacting. DMrlM Uiri-«W»«.J»<«* The following batioM* bM b««Q tnui eoled ib tbla oourt »inc« last report: Richard Mercer n. Simon Ogg—De murrer oonineed and ir« daye given to amend oompleint; motion to strike oat taken nnder adeiaemeat. William Kane tb. Board of Conntj Commieeioutre of Storey county—De murrer orerruled and ten deye to an aver. Ah Lone, iadieted for attempt to com ■It burglary, withdraw plea of not gnilty and pleaded goilty, wbioh waa re voked by defendant and trial Ml for 8.pteab«r 8. Bute rm. John XL Shawhan, Jr., in dieted for enb*ulement—Conliaaed for terabyooneeet. Mauia XeOtToney t*. Peter UoOire ney— Divoroe granted on gronnd of fail* are to aapport. Adjoined tiil Menday nl 10 a. x. MINERS' UNIONS PICNIC. nulfcU MrftM* la Tirni Mmi> Ul-CIMfCMlMU ll|MIU-» pwMf* *t TnlM. Th» Min*n' Uniona of Storey and Lyon couotiM tomorrow join Id giving tbeir annual exoaralon and pionlo. The programme of attraotiona and amuae menta on the ground are many and varied. They hare been published in the pepera for the paet two week* and ahoald be familiar to all. There la likely to ba a aorpriee in atore for tba partloipanta in tbe target abooting tomorrow. The 8arafleld Oaard eend a team for tbe flrat time tbia year. Heretofore, tbey have not thought it worth whila to oonteat, owing to tbe ab aeooe of a number of tbeir mm; bat now, it la underatood that a number of their beat aboU, wbo have been away, will be in tbe team pertielpetiog tomor row. If aoob ia tba oaae, tba otbar oom paniea will have to look to tbeir laurela. The Otraon papera aay the membara of the Oaraon Guard practioe bat little and appaar to have loat tbeir Intereet in tar* got eonteeta. Tbe Emmet Oaard exptet to walk away wttb tba flrat prise and have bean prectioiag ateadlly with that objeot in view. The aonteat for tba flremen'a trumpet will be a cloaa ona. Liberty No. 1 aod Yellow Jaok«t No. 9, oompeniee of Gold Hill, will be among tbe oenteatanta. Them will be arobery and glaaa ball ebootiog, foot raoea by men and boya end ladlaa aod girls. Every preoaatlon will be taken to avoid aocldenta, and complete ord»r will be maintained by Oepaty Sheriffs. Profraaor Oara'a band will lurnieh ita ohoioeat muelo for daooing in the pavilion. Tiokrta lor round trip $9. including admiaeioo to the park, admlaaion to it)* park alone, $1. Trains will leave Vir ginia at 7 JO a. Qold Hill at 7:46 a. m., atopping at intermediate poiuts for azcarsioniaU. B-turnlng trains will draw up to the grouod at 6:30 r. u. ■Ml buie inewMMaa The followiug dead* to nil eetate have baan filed (or record with the Count; Recorder dariug the week ending at 11 a. x. today: J. L. McCleery to Annie Mooney, iltiej Miy 30, 1879 ; oonaideration, $1600; property aituated on Divide, ad joining LonaSUr bay-yard on tba aoatb; reoorded Auguat 29, 1881. Micbael Boweu to Patrick Nevin; dated Auguat 29, 1881; oonaideration, 1267; lot 2fi feet on Silver atreet, block 173, range A. Virginia City; reoorded Auguat 29, 1881. N. Piero* to Samuel Ueiiow; dated June 11, 1881; oonaideration, $260; lot 30 feet in block 242, between Ridge and Howard elreals, Virginia; reoorded An guat 29, 1881. Edwin Weary •' nx. to Riebard Wbita; dated Auvuet 16, 1878; conaideration, $1; lot 26 fret weal aide ol B etraet, near Origer grade, Virginia; reoorded Angnat 30, 1881. Andrew Behan ta Tbnmaa Byrne; deed dated Angnat 31, 1878; oonaidera tion, $200; lot No. 1, 92 (tat, block 139, ranga Calrow, Virginia; reoorded 31, 1881. jamea tftevena to Niok Sexton (Mar abai'a deed), dated Auuuat 1, 1881; oon aideration, $29 67: lot 35, block 1, range O, Oold Hill; reoorded September 1, 1881. Jobn H. Oabl to Charlotte Oabl; deed dated Annual 29, 1881; ooneil«iatioo,$6; lot 6, 80 (eat, block 1, range D, Oold Hill; reoorded September 1, 1881. T. B. Raynolda to Samnel Moore; d-ed dated Angnat 30, 1881; oonaidera lion, $G; aoatb 35 feet of lot 3, range D, Gold Hill, reoorded Srptembsr 9, 1881. Stephen Hugbeajet nx. to Patrick Con oelly; drad d«t«d Auguet 31, 1881; con aidrratioo, $100; lot 40 feat widealtnata between Howard and Aatreeta, Virginia; reoorded September 2, 1881. Mra. Olive N. Daeie (nee Preaton) to John Williama; deed dateU September 2, 1881; oonaidaratloo, $100; lot 7, blook 3, range Taylor, Virginia; reoorded Sep tember 2,1881. Ufa and Wfeiakjr. A woman oalling heraelf Maggie Han* ley baa been pnraaing a man named Babn with hatcheta and olnba at variona timee within the paal week, and be baa bad ber arraeted for diatnrblng the peace. Tba trouble ie anppoaad to have resulted from a promiee made by the men while ha waa nnder the inflotnoe ot liquor that ba would marry the woman and gifo her a hotee he baa poaaeaaion of. It waa carried eo far tbat abe moved into the bon«e where ha waa living. Whan ho eobered np ha repented of hie promiae and tried to give Maggie the ebake, which abe objeota to, and tries to foroe him to hie agreement as above. Sba will have a hearing before Jnetioa Hirea Tneaday afternoon. ■lalas Hetae. Tba wstsr in lb* north and mines eeema (boot drained. Thar* baa been no trouble experienced from it in driving tbe «Mt drift on tb* 3700 1***1 line* work wu r*snm*d tber* last Monday. Tba Trench mill, 8il*er City, ia re ducing 40 tons of or* daily for th* Emi grant mine. Tb* ground In the eaat drift from the 2900 station of tb* Opblr-Mrxican wins* i* growing softer, wbiob is considered a lavorable indioation for or*. Tba Combination bydraalio pumps are aiiil rnnning aatiaiaotorily. Explorations in tba Savage will be r* utned in tb* lower tarda of tba mina next Monday. Ckl*k*a tkl*f Shea Al. Some petty laroeny tbirf, with • view to feaating an fat obiokens, attempted to rob tba ebickan rooat of A. H. Ward, in Virginia, laat night. Tbare wu a oon trivauo* attscbed to tba door of tba poultry honsa, however, to give an alarm, and Mr. Ward got out of bia bed in tin* to fir* two ahota at tb* fl**ing form of a man auppoaed to ba tha would be robber. Aa blood waa not fonod in tha direction taken by tba thief, It la preanmad ba got away aafely, which la to ba rag ret ltd. Aaothar P<Im lor tha rina*a's ■•N. A magnificent fireman'* belt waa da nated to tha Miner*' Union yaatarday by Jake Young, of Virginia, to b* added to tba prixa offered by the Committee of Arrangements for tba firamaa'a raoa. Tha belt ia worth 935. V Ot*l*rs la lleths. A card from T. B. McGnrn, under "New Today" la thla iaana, will ba found of loteraat to partlea dealing ia a took*. Ha atataa that ha baa money to loan oa all good mark«table aaonrltiaa. S*o hia adrattiaamaal for portkolara. j IktrUTi D*H »f lb* iMwr Claim. 0. Wllliamaon, m ex-Sheriff of Storey oouoty, baa ftled bie offloial deed of the Saoeor If ill tod Mining Company, trane ferring all the right, till* and iottreat of aaid oompany to J. W. Eckley. The de»d la made confirming tba aala at pub lio auction.of aaid property Id aooordaoo* with an ei*ontion ieeurd oat of th* Die triet Court June 24, 1879, for tba antn of $8204 OS. Tba dr*d looladaa all im prov*menta aa well aa tba mining olaim. Tht ta|MrtaMa«Mii aai lfe« Mia ••>' riaal*. By an agreement mad* by the Com mittee ef Arrangementa for tba plonlo tomorrow with the mining Superin tendents, .nil minera who draire to go oaa do ao by making applieation, with out loci of their attaatiuna. The kind neaa of tb* Superlnteodtnta will lnaar* • large crowd at Treadway'a park to morrow. AMIUaaal Pajriella. Following are tbe payrolls of mine* paying off today: Conneetion waa made laat night at 9 o'olock betwien tb* drift from tb* Over man mint, 227C level, and a drift from tbe Bclober and Crown Point Joint abaft. Tb* oonneotion la an Important on*, aa It gives • good circulation of air in tbe mlnea oonneoted by it. Orand Obanoellor of the Knigbta of PytbiM, George H. Morriaon, returned tbia morning from hla trip to Eastern Nevada. Be not only reports mattara flourishing within tbe order, but aaya tb* business outlook la aleo good and everything appeara proaperoua in tbet eeotlon of tbe State. ▲ meeting of Waaboe Typographical Union bu been called for tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'olock. Tbe meetiog •III be held in Oold Hill at the bonae of Liberty Engine Company No. 1. Tbe Boerd of County Commleelonera will meet Monday morning, September 4, at 11 o'olock. Crown Point Belober 911,671 00 9,SOS 00 Crown Point and Belcher Joint ahafl Alt* Benton 3.260 00 0 07S 14 3,007 07 FOBHGH DISPATCHES, The Wreck of tie Teuton. Cafktown, September 3.—Sorvieora from tbe ateamer Teuton atate that two boon before the abip sank tbe boata vera lowered to a level With Iba bul waika aod proTiaiona and oompaaaee plaoed in thorn. Oar boat broke looee iron ila feateninge while being lowered aod «aa brought aloogaida. About thirty women and oblldren took plaera in it flrat, wben tha water waabad into the engine room and tba atameraank by tba bead, taking down with bar four boata, wbiob were not (airly olear of tba abip. Tboae of tba paaaengere aod oraw who ro«e to tha enrfaoe olang to tbe floating wreckage notil pioked up by tboee who righted tbe third boat. At daylight tbe boata made for Blmoy'a bay, all who were ollnging te epara being flrat takeu aboard. Tbe Teuton bad 268 paaat-n gara, »igbty-flre of a orew, and twenty Coolie* od board. Eleven paaaengtre and twenty-five of tbe orew were aaved. One or Jajr Gould'* Mexican Ball road Be heme*. Cm or Mcxico, September V.—'Tba Orirotal, Ioteroational and Intarooeanlo Bailroad Company waa organized at a meetiog in tbla oily yeeterday. Jay Gould wan elected Preaident aod 0. D. Aab and Major Franoia D-greaa, of the City of Mexloo, Vie* Prealdeota. Major De«reee will repreeent tba oompaoy in Mexloo. Throe engineering parllea are now lo tba field employed In enrveylng tba propoaed Una. Tha diatanoa from Laredo to tha City of Mexloo by tbia route will be about 600 mllea, and tba promoter* of the enterpriee expect tbe road to be oompleted within two yoera. It la atated that tbe Miaaouri, Kanaae and Texaa Bellroad will rraob Laredo, the point of oonneotlon, In a few weeke. About Iceberg*. London, September 4.—Howard, who waa eent in April by tbe United Statee Qeograpbioal Society to Ioeland to ex plore the leaa known parte of that ooun try, baa returned to London, and atartrd lor New York yeet*rday. Howard atatee that the loeberge have been from one to two montha later tbla year In beooming detaohed from tbe eboree of Ioeland. and henoe will b* met with muob out of •be regular lime by Teaaeli oroeaiog the Atlantic. American Wheat aid European Gold. Loxdon, BcpUmber 3.— A Standard Pari* apeoial m;i : Coiapetent author! tl*i think the crop* in Franc* will fall abort of the requirement for homo oon anmptlon, and lb* delinquency wilt ha** to be made np by import! from Amer ioa. Tbla impllea a oontinuanoe of the gold drain to America. FUtoli and Corka. P^aia, September 3.—A Frenoh and an Italian offloar yeaterday foagbt a duel at Vantona. Tba Italian waa wounded in tba arm, and tba Franobman'a aknll aplitopon. In tba format flree in Algi*ra tba moat Talnabla oork treee, which form tba riobta of tha country, wara daatroyed. Jay Gould OrcaaliM a Hew Flrai. N«w Yobe, September 3.—Jay Oonld baa formad a nav oopartnarabip in which hia oldaat aon Oaorga la to be a member. Tha firm la to ba known aa W. E. Oon nar A Co.. and ia to ooaalat of Waablng* ton E. Conner, Oaorga Oonld and O. A. Moraaini. Tba lattar baa long bean Jay Oonld'a private aecratary. Oonld oon tribute* a oapital of 9600,000 aod ia to bo a apodal partner. Oaorga Oonld ia twenty-two yeara of ago and haa apent fite yeara in hia fathar'a room, and naed frequently to aooompany him on hia jonrnrya of railroad inspection. Ho ia noted among hia frienda aa aa aoeom pliabad amatenr athlete. The State Fair. Mmo Qa—iU, Stplrmbtr 1, Theodore Wintara, tba ownan of the flneat running atock on tba Paetflo Coaat, ia in Beno today. Ho bee entered hia famoaa aUbla of ranoera, oomprialng lb* Oak* and Dnobaaa of Norfolk, Fred Collier and other*, for the oontaata thia fall. Wintara aaya th*r* ia no ooaplalat among horaaman aa to tha loaioty'a pro gramma, aad there will no doubt be a large attend aaee on Oeteber 10th. I ngrcmr DISPATCHES. TBI PBK8IDKKT. Still CIliftBf lo that Oie Chaiee for Ufa— More Kxteailre 8oppo ratlon of the Parotid Aland— It Nov Dlicharfea Though Hla Note aa well ai Bis loath aid Ear—He Is Not Gaining Strength— iTldeneea of Malaria—Aaxlety of the Doctor* to Remove Him aa Boos aa Potalble—Latest Offlclal Iaroraiatloa. Waihimoto*, September 3.—41 the evening drtaaing yeaterday the pui drainage tab* could sot be inserted quits uluu tb* day b«(or», »howing that the track of tb* ball ia oloaiog op from tba bottom, aad ia now onlj a llttla ortr oioa incbta dtap. Tba aiaa waa alao found to b* oontraetlog all •long ita oouraa, and la tary aeneltlre to tba touoh. Tba opanlog into tba month ia juat above tba angle of tba Jaw, aod gi»*a no troobla. Tba faot tbat pua bur rowed through baa no bearing on tba eaaa, and will oot delay recovery in any rrapect. What wonld now do tba Preei dant mora good tban anything alaa ia • thunder atorm, Tba air ia ranarkably laoking in atimnlaiing propartlea. and tba Prraidant feela it aoraiy. Wa ara wiobing for a abowrr. Wa»«ikoton, September 3 — 1:45 a. u.~Everything ia quiet at tba Ex* ecutlve manaion with nothing to iodi oata any cbanga In tba favorable aymp toma wblcb prevailed at midnight. Tba doctora ara doling and tba member* of tba Fraaldant'a family have ratirad for tba night. THE DlalAaCD GLAND ALMOaT BOTTINO TBI raniDENT'a hiad orr—mmoval— anKULAiraa. Wajbinotom, September 3.—Thedla eaatd parotid giaoa oonunues sn oujeoi of extreme solloltude to tht doolors. Todsy lit* sbioess broke through into OD# of the nostrils end is dieohsrging through that ebennel. aa well m through the four inoialone and tha andotriaoanel. Dr. Boynton told a preaa reporter there wm oow no danger of tha gland elough log off aa feared; however, the Preei dent'a personal eppearenoe, ehonld he get well, will not be muob better than if the alonghlog bad intervened. Yeaterday there waa aome appreben aloa among tha physicians about malaria, and thia will help urga along tha President's removal. It ia proposed to take out the aide of a Pullman oar and run it up over the etreet ear track to tha White Houee entraooe on Pemjsylvsnla avenue, and have the Prealdent oarried down on a atreteher, placed in it, and borne by eaay stages to the aeaalde. If at tomorrow'a consultation of tha aur geona there appeara to be a reaaonable hope that the removal can be made with out riak, the President will be out of tha White Honae within a week. The reporter learned from credible au thority that atiinulaota in large qusnti tiea, containing aiz drachma of whleky, five drachma of quinine and twenty-five dropa of laudanum, are given in.enemata every all houra. The oontinuance of favorable eymptome through the week may be aecribed to tble, and tha etimu lanta may perbapa o.irry htm over until bla ayawm ia built op. But there la a aerinua outlook alwaya preeeut — the failure at any moment of the power to retain thia injeoted nourlehment. To day, Sa'turday, la tha uolucky day in the Preeidant'e oeae. but there seems to be littla fear of a relapae now. syxdbxoi or mahbia—MBraBAnone BOB BBMOVIMO TBI PBIBIDZNT. Niw Yobk, September 3.—A Sun Waabington apeolal aaya: Evidence of malaria ia dlacovered In the alck cham ber of tha Prealdent. Dr. Boynton to day aald there waa no longer any donbt about it. and the aluggieh oondition of the wound ooald be aacribrd to that. He feared malarial fever might attaok the Prealdent, and if It abould do ao now tha reault would probably be fatal. The Prealdent oould be removed at onoe If everything wm ready, and be thought he would be removed within four or five daya, unltaa there ehonld meanwhile ariae aome new oomplioatlon. Tha Preeident had quite a long talk with Mra. Garfield about the matter thia after noon, and arranged eome of the detail*. She, of oouree, did moel of the talking, the Preeident aigniiylng bia aaaent or diaapproval by a nod or • eingle word. It waa droided that bo pravioue an oounoemeut abould be made of the time fixed for removal. Dr. Biles had euggeeted that if it wei generally known tha reault would be that the etreete would be crowded. The journey to Long Branch would be by eaay atagee and by way of Moomouth Juuoilon. One reason which bad much weight with Mrs. Garfield in aelecting Long Branob waa that tbe place waa ao oonvenlent for Drs. Hamilton and Agnew to reaob. Nnr Yobx, September 3.—Washing ton epeciela have tbe following : It hes got wind that General Hherman'e hos pital corpa are ao well trained to walk together that tbey can carry a man on a stretcher ao gently that be miaht hold a full glees of wster in bis band without spilling a drop, and the eenee of motion le eo eligbt that, ehould a cloth be plaoed over hie feoe, be would eoeroely feel tbe motion. Dr. Blias aald toniiiht that tha idea of running a car up to tha White rt iL. mb a**ale Wail ka«fl abandoned, ainoe eight mm could oarry the Pr«aid*nt lo tbo depot wiiboot any trouble. The depot ia about a mil* from the Whit* Hone*. VOU OBAXH. N*w You, September 3. — Two women bat* been oommitted to tba aaylum, both inaane on tb* anbject of tba Praaident'a illoeea. Each thought abe waa Mr*. Garfield and migbt go and cure* tba Pre aidant. On* ia Irish and tba other German. txi naunmuL dibamlrt question mm. Niw You, September 3.—A Timet Waabln|ton apeoial eaya: Tba mere ment to aatabllab a oaa* of Inability (or tbo Praaldant baa not mad* vary rapid progreaa today. According to iotide ob servation it began about tba middle of lut month. A •Ignifleant feature oI tbia rtmarkabla affair ia that it doea sot a**m I* bar* b**n originated or to have been urged forward by tb* fri*nd* of Mr. Art bar. E ride nor a point rather to a deatre oa tha part of aoma who are ored> had with boing parties to tbo affair to IM tboir anpport of tba tbaory of th* praoont inability to aatabliah friendly ro tation* with tha Via* Preaident. Tb* persistant attempt* to r*pr**ent tb* Pr**id*nt a* being much won* than bo waa, aa early aa two w*«ka before bia laat relapao, ar* looked npon by tbooo wbooo opportnoitlao for observation glvo weight to their opialoaa aa a part oI Uia MnMili TBI BICKEXUO MA LABIA OF TBI POTOMAC run, Exicmri Maxiion, Wasbmotox, September 3—Noon.—The eooditioo of tb« President hu not materially changed sinoe yesterday, although hi was thought this morning to be a liul* weaker and leu animated. It aeema to bo the grow ing impreealon among the attendants tbat be is beginning to be unfavorably affrotad by the weather and the malari ous air from the Polotnao Date. The rank vegetation, which, fertilised bj the dly sewerage and by abondant water and hot aonabine oovera these flata dur ing the summer is now beginning to de cay, and ainoe yesterday morning a faint malarione mist baa bnng over the riser from tbs water Iront of the Executive mansion grounds to Long bridge. Almost every msn who bss recently been en gaged in lbs work of improving tbs obsnnsl of tbs rivsr has been mors or lsss siok from malaria. OmCtAL BULLETIN. Exbcctitb Maxsion, Wahhwotom, Ssptsmber 3—12:30 p. v.—Tbs Prssl dent's condition baa not mstsrislly obsngsd sines ysstsrdsy. Pols* 104, temperature 98.4, respirstion 18. (Slgnsd by tbs pbysioisns.) Arrasf lie for Ike Conine Straggle la New fork. Nkw Yobx, September 9.—Oolleotor Robertson said tbs prooesdings at tbs Republican Committee yestsrdsy were very harmonious, and although tbs Stsl warts osrriod oat tbsir pre-arranged pro gramme and this oity waa oboasn as tbs plaos for holding tbs eonvsntion, it wss by a bare majority. Hs continued: "Though this oity wss preferred by the Stalwarta becsuse tbey srs strongar hers thsn anywhere slee in the 8tate, I do not think tbey will reeort to any ex treme measures to control tbs eonvsn tion. From ssntiments exprsssed yes terday. I am l»d to believe there will be an earneet effort made on the part of both elements in tbs psrty to bss] sll differences snd select a tioket whioh will reoeive tbs support of all Republicans throughout the Stats." California** Aailrenar/. N«w You, September 3.—The thirty flrat annlveraary of tbe admiaalon of California into the Uoioo will be eels brated by tba auocialion of Pioneera of California by a dinner at tba Oriental Hotel, Manhattan Baaob, September Oth. Among tba- old Californiana who will bo of tba oompanjr ara General Rnfua Iogalla, Oanaral H. T. Gibson, Genera] Thomaa H. Bweeney, Ur. Jamaa Htronfj, Geaeral F. Daoleli Darr, »i Oovernor B. M. Prioa of New Jersey, Oanaral £. 0. C. Ord and Rear Admiral Oiorge F. Emuaona. Blfle and Archer; Contnt—Mand B. Beilret for the Season. Cincinnati, 8>ptambar 3.—A naval oontaat took plaoa today between teama of ri flam an and arohere. Each mada 30 abota. Dlatanoa for riflea, 200 yarda; for arohars, 40 yarda. Tba riflee aoarad 2097 pointa to 1799 for tba arobara. Maud S. la to be tornadout to paatnra to raat. 8ba baa traveled over 4000 milaa and won $20,000. Tba aeaaon waa only half flniabed when aha retired. Ayar'a Saraaperllla la tba proper rem edy to take in the apring of the year to porify the blood, iovigorata the ayatem, eioita tba liver to action, and reatore the b*altby tona and vigor of tba whole pbyaloal mecbaniam, wbloh often be oomee Impaired during tba winter, by laok of open air ezereiae, and tba want of anffleient oare in tba matter of diet. Ayer'a Ague Cure abonld be in every bonaebold In reglooa where Fever and Agna prevail. It abonld be taken aa a preventive by every reaident and traveler tn malarial diatricta. Hnfe Paaefe aa lair*m|»ierable beverage. nnltlDf ML liquor* and cMet frotie, and whither need with KM or eoU water, la equally left the ore of faced la the holi day aeaaon, and at all e»aeone. Hold be all Urocere, Wlna Merc haute and krongleU. Trade .applied by blcharde k Hatrleoo, Agaate (or the Pacific ooaet. ran rranctaeo. —p—p*— MISCELLANEOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Midi Iron Grape Cmi Ttrtir.—No other I pr»p»r»tion tttke. aaeb light, flaky hot bretdi. or luiorlooe paetry. Cm be eaten by Djr>pep tlea wttboot fear of III* Malting from bearr IndlgeeUble food. Hold odIt In cum, br til Uro. era. Rotal Powdib Co.. ' ocM New Tofk. SELLING OUT! ALL SIMM OF LADIKJT, MIWIO AND CillLDItKN'S | SHOES. L. BLOCK Has concluded to sell bis kntiri •Sknelee nock of Ladle*', Mlaee*' and Children'* khoee la order to anlaige bta atoek of CLOTHING Genta' Furnishing Goods. Fboee will ba aoM tegardleea of coat, at • great aecri flee, than fore call early to eecore bar gain a. Partiee baring acroonte will pleaee take notice that henceforth ahoee will be told ONLT FOB Cash. L. BLOCK. Oold Bill. Aagaat». UU. 9_ DR. A. CHAPMAN. • URO ION*DKNTIIT. «tnU OltyVoSS: llo SODTB 0 ST»». niiRirtii'a ft&asis? MI8CKLLAHI0UB. tlvtji Cum and never dluf* point*. The world'* great Pftin MlltTtr for Hu ud B—t. Cheap, qalek and rtlUUe. PITCHER'S CASTORIA lit not Narcotic. Children grow fiit upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend C ASTORIA. It regulates the Bowel*, cures Wind Collo, allays Feverbslmes*, and do Htroyn Worms. TUTTS PILLS INDOR8KD BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN. ANO THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Loeaof a ppe tlte,Nauaaa,bo wela co.Ura. Fain In theHeadiwjtha dull aenutionra the back part,"Patnunder tho shoulilaV bltiip, fullneaa after natlng, wlthadlaln clinatfon to exertion of bo.iy or mln3Q Irritabllltvjof temperV Low apinta. l.o«it oTmemory, With a fueling of narinfiog lected mo in u dutjr.'woarlneaa. DUslnoaa, fluttering of the Heart. Dotj beforc'the e/M, Yellow bkin. H oadache, nesa at night,"highly colored Urine. a THESE W AB5DT0B ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTTS PILLS »re eaneelally adapted to •urli nu«,iinii do«« efffecte auch a change of reeling aa to aatoulali the auffhrer. Tbey Inrreitee the Appetite* andcaui* tbe body !» Take un rlnfc, tbna tbe ayatecn It a»arl*k*4. and by HiMrToiilr trtlnn< n it, a IHimlipOriaaa Rnalar NImIiinpn • dum-d. ITIre at cent*. U Jturrnj Nt.. W.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. na«v II*iaor Winnie»*» changed toanuMtr III *i K by a aln«lr anpll* ailon of thla I»*a. It lm|<arta a natural color, art* Inatantanevuily. m|i| >•> I>i nKKKia, <>r wnt by ?i|-r*»« on I.C.Iof 91 omco»35 Murray 8t., New York. Cllf. Tt fTH HHtlL W talaatla h l'»AI RfMtM* *Ui w aalM nit M HUB puNCH TO TOP OFF A DINXEB, Hay be Drank Clear, as a Cordial For a dinner '" thoroughly good old way was to wash down the last triumphs of the feast with copious libatioos of old Port and Golden Sherry; but "HUB PUNCH" has added a new sensation to the epicure Its deli cacy, aroma, flavor, and delicious, but gentle effects, proclaim it the nectar fit for the gods banqueting oa Olympus. Vim IICB men with It« Water, Celd Tea. Ltwiate, or Ma I t la alv uraaouaeed ■artrelied, TESTIMONIALS. "A *lp t« Ilk* DKUI "—Dtmon CvttrUr. "DtUciotu btrond d«Knptioa."-&M*m rvaur**. "Added to tbo food tbmn of lb* Ublo II •oattn* food iutur«.JtopaMna. " lBT*lo«hl» for • lit 11* tr»»t (ball frtoaddiop* U."-A» M Imlif r*t. "Ibil poopU Uck tb» m r*r At" to brtw Paath. Hub Punch M ln<1i,p*nMbl* wbororor kaowm."— iftrutftA< rimi.y.r. Th» popaltrit? of Hub Punch to twtlaaar W k» s-~ "Oar wlti of Hab Punch h»r» turpriMd u-*otd ■Efe5E8E3™ C H. SKATES * (OX*, Bomoo. Mim. Tnd* luppltod it Iftnuftcturart prlcoi br MICH ABM A BAIIIIOI, Af • nu for PwiOc Com. t» Fna«t*oo, Ckl HA8BROUCK A HALL, (Imcmmti to A. 11. Btevtrt 4 Oo.i Druggists & Apothecaries, M Mftia Btraft, CHILD BILL, ST ADA -DCALUM W— PL'UK DBl'flM, «KDICDTBt. TOILET AM FANCY AKT1ULM. Pmcrtptlooi SIM tl »U bom. itj at nUM, by • tbocvuftily ooopouot pawn. U JOHN JONES, JR., DRUCOIST, Main St, Gold HU1. LATELY OPENED. .Mm. SHAKAHANS' RESTAURANT, OppooJU tlM 0 old'Hill Btnk. KAYNAKD HODHE, . . GOLD HILL Burjtkm New iU rint-CUw. MKALS AT ALL NOUNS. ■Ml TM(U tm Omm Mlu, tux