Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING NEWS VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIMK TABLE. Taklac Ifect April tltk, 1881. MUtlon*. kino. HTClXBOAT. WANHoK .... rfttklTOWH LAKkTIEW . CAIMOM.. »r 0«fe«UK.. ** EXPIRE .. ... H'OBi iU»Vir M'DIUOKiM <iOLl> HILL.. V1RUINU.... TRAINS Kim m U«M HUI (W YlrdaU. toe«r KxproM. ~ 10 a.m. 7 M - 1.10 •• 8.0U " Ml M tit 11 >Jt >.B. ■ u •• 110 •• ».» •• » »a ~ 10 06 " tsst •4t •• t ii M 10.07 M 10 U » i.3u p.m. 41» " IU «■ 4<M 11.10 LB. 1133 - ll3.itfp.rn. 1.0ft 4 13 p.m. 6 St - • 0> " • It " T O* •• " TK AIM* VlraUla mm4 «*M U1U M OvM mm4 ItM. TSST i*OLDH.LL« Jul •*ill4« YUBuOrtEu M'D UuCStdJ CaB&jM. | BsproM. | TVUDAX. SSPTKMBEB IS. 1881 If»cl urtiT. —» r»—»■— —*»* Ulf ITUIM. to twUi Cm., tt W Surtkan Bella. 1TH 1180 Daj.illl M Albloa. I M <80 Xmi Ml DIaU*. ftfc 110 Bvdl*. 9 aOOBMktal. 1 WTlop. Uc 100 QwUif, (oc *00 BlMfcb»k. 18* 80 Mm«. 3 88. IH inOro, 40c 110 Addudft. Ife W Stoadt/. Uc ■ 880 Tiptop. 8% 100 Summit. i5e 110 tllTtr Kin#. 1TH. H\ 880 Ptoaj Cob . S MOOIU. 80a TBI* HllUUlil. 1a2i Ophir. M» Xaxicaa. 13t. 1SS. 13t. 13% 400 GoulJ * Carry. IS. It.11.». »t TOO Baat A Mater, lit. If. 131. 131. 16. 13t 610 California. 1 00.1 10 19M Sififl. 3 70. 3 10. 3 M. 3 64 2070 Cob Virginia. a 13.110 M0 C hollar, I 70. 2 90 1010 Potoal. 3 10. St 500 Hal* A Nororoa*. 4 44. *%. 4 U, 493 Crown Point. 1 90. 1 44 • W Yallow Jackal, tit. 6. 41 40 Alpha, i t 1210 Hurra Narad*. 13t.20.ttt. l»t. u. tst.ast. sat M0 Balcbar. 3 JO. 3t 200 Confldanca, 41. 4 290 Utah. 13t. lit, 13t. 13<* 1720 Bullion. 1 20. It. 1 30 ISO EaetM<iaar. 1 20 43 gag. Balcbar. 9.91 MM Oaartaaa. 2 90. 9 M. 2 90 710 Jaitioa. 90a. 74c 1S90 Union Coo.. 19.19t. 18t. 19 UW Alia, 3.4 90.4 94 400 Jttlla. 48a 2900 Ca'adanu. 40c. 44c. 40e. 44c IMIUrar Hill. 10c 100 Saw York. 16c MO Moarploo. 2 40. St. 2 44 910 Ban ton, 1. 1 00 SO Cartla. 21 30 Occldantal, 1 34 900 Andaa, 2 Faaxciaco. Saptaubar 13—9 r. m.-> Siarra Jiarada. 24t. 23. 24t. 24t; Jua uca. 73«; Andaa. 2 10; Union Con.. It. 171 ; Con. Virginia. 2 04 . 2 10; Masican. Itt. 13t. 13. 13t. 12t. 19%; Confl Janoa. 4; Yallaw Jackal. 4. St. «; O Tar awa. 2t. 9 SO; Scorpion. 2 43. 9t. 3 40. J U; Badla. 9t; Eiobaqoar. 1 SO. It. 1 20; Baal A Bale-bar. 13. 14t. 13; Oould A Ourry, St. 8t. St; Balcbar. 3 20. 9t; Alia. 4 90. 4 M. 4 80; Utah. iat; Balllon. 11.1 30; Caladoaia. 40c. 40e blO; Potoal. 3 <0. S 70. 3t: Hala A Norcroaa, 4 M. 4 00; Saaaga, 3 44. St; Crown Point. 1 tt. 1 90; Alpba. 4t. 4 30; Ophir. t. St. t%; Day. S; California. 1 09. 110; Cbollar, all. 9 70. 2 70 b3; Siltar King. IS; Bodia Tannal. 9 20. 2 13. 2 10; Banton. 1. tnaraaaa ainat »a»an Fnaaciaoo. Sap km bar 19—3 r. Mam Kaaada. 23t bid. 24 aakad. 94 aalaa. 94 bid. 241 aakad; Matioan. 13 aakad. 191 bid. 13 aakad; UalonCon.. 171 bid, l7t aakad. 17 S aalaa; Saorpion. 9 30 bid. 9 33 aakad; Baaaga. 3 43 bid. 3 00 aaaad. 3 <0 aalaa; Ophir. St bid; Orar aan. at aalaa; Bullion. 120bid, It aakad; Oaold A Carry. St bid. St aakad; Crown Point. 1 90 bid; Baat A Bal. bar. 10 aakad; Biarra Narad*. 241 aalaa. 34t bid; Ophir. St aalaa; Bxchaqnar. 1 20 bid. It aakad; Union. 17t bid; Andaa. 9 10 bid; Oonld A Carry, St hid; Poioai. 3t aakad; ° I'nion. 171 aalaa; Yallow Jackal. < aakad; Challar. S 70 aakad; Alia, 4 90 hid; Poioai. 5 70 aakad; California. 1 04 bid; Baal A Balcbar. 14t btd; Siarra Narad*. 241 bid 24t aalaa; C<*. Virginia. 2 04 bid; Andaa. 2 Ot aalaa; Maxiaan. 12t aalaa; Baraga. 9tt talaa; Alia. 4 80 aalaa; Union. 171 mM; Potoal. 3 64 bid; Caladonla. 2#c aalaa; dab. ISt bid. 13 aakad. Arrival* Tfe«a ■•rang. J Adlsr, O D Rueeell. B B Biabee. Wn Moor*, L A Brown. J Dunning. W David mb, Mr* D Mahoney, Miss (Hiney. Mies B SnbiB, Mim N Harden. B T Booker al wit*. Mrs Walker. Mr* Splro iad child. Mr* F Sterling, Mr* A Baker. Oeo D Argo. William A Paulsen, E Norton, Xn Moat* and daughter, B F Morrow. >i>arl»rw 1—1 Itralat. J M Dormtr. A Noble, D E McCarthy, JT M Dlokerknff, William Johasoa. M E Ulimore. I M Own, H Morris wife and eoa. M Long too. Wm Carter, Mr* Wbit aker. Mrs » Thompson. Mr* E Mitshell and family. W C Ureeiey, B 8 Eaatman. Mil* A t Willard. L Kiraehhraun, Mr» J Burehard, Delia Oanyon. Louise Trembly, B Harris and wife. William Mstbsw, Jaae Bare hard. The County Commissioners sdjouraed yesterday afternoon lo meet Thursday. Sepuaber 16lb, at 1 o'clock r. a. Tbe Julia Consolidated Mining Com pany baa lied Its list oI ofloors elected at tha rssml annaal meeting. B. A. Martin of Virginia, is engaged ia erecting smelting works ia Bails Tills, Waal riser sooairy. Mia. Jibm 0. Fair ia oa tbs Com aak. Tfee MpwrM Matl llrlk*. A street rumor gained a wide circula tion toil obtained considerable cred»noe lui mniDg that a rich atrika had been made in Potoai ground ia the eroaacat on tba 2400 level. It doaa not eppesr that there ia any development there. Tba information tbal a Saw* raportar obtainad at tba offioa of tba oompany tbia morning waa to tba eff»«t tbat all tba menagrmeiit knew ol tba atrika waa wbat they bad learned on tbaatreet; tbat aa tar aa tbrir knowleds* weut.tbey knav ol no development. Tba croaaoat tbat ia being ran waa atait >d at a point 100 (eat aontb of lb* abaft, in tba mala drift oa the 3400 level. It ia in thirty faat today. Tba flrst twelve feet paated through country rock, the reel of the diatanoa waa ran through a formation of clay and quarts, which formation atill re maina ia the faoe of the croaaoat. What this croaacut will develop ia not known, bat many peraoaa an sanguine that ore ia payiag quantitiea will be found by it. CHailaal wilaiiea efThii Ten el MH> Twelve peraoaa have beea tried ia tha Diatriot Court during tha paat six daya for various offenses sgainst the ststuts, tea of whom have been coavioted and aaataaoed to tba St«ta Frisoa, sad two have beoa diecbtrged. There remain ia the Couaty Jail, A. Goyette, wboee trial for marder ia eat for the 19th inataal; a mea named McCoy, commit ted tor grand laroeny aad awaitlag the actioa of the Orend Jury, beside three white peraoaa aad oae Chiaamaa serv ing out aenteaoes imposed ia tha Jastlos Charts for minor offeasss. Daring the press at tarm of ooart two eriailaal oases have baea continued until its asxt sea si oa—that of Deals Henaessy, indicted for murder, sad of Joba E. Sbswbsn, Jr., iadlctrd by a former Oread Jury for smbeuUmsat. BeSIf l.jSN« W. H. Day, of Low*r Gold Hill baa raoairad a lattar from Bill MeFarlaad, formerly wall known oa tha Comitook M 'ba* drivar, bona navigator, and • wboie-eoulad sort o( a man generally. Bill ia now at Toaibetoa*. Arltona, en Joying • broken lag. Ha was rid ing oat ona day examining a road wltb • via* to ranniag * etage over it, or aomatbing of tba aort, when • trace got nobiiobad. Billy jumped out to Ax it, when tba bona gave biai a geotle kick for look, braaking bia lag. How ba got boma ba doae not atata, but ba aaya ba ia gattiag along tolerably wall, bia wifa baing witb bin. Bill u;i ba baa laid tbara on bia back tan waaka, and tbinka ba will hav* la lia tbara tan week* longer. Ha *ay* tbara ia not muob labor in doing tbia bnt itt grtiing aomawbat monotonou*. Ha eenda bia rrgarda to tba boya. Oaaatraiai HkMi Taatfetn. Mia* Margi* Maroai, formerly a taaoh ar in Oold Hill and Virginia, baa laft Dayton to taka abarga of a acbool at Falrriaw. Doualaa county. Miaa May Loftna baa baan alaotad teaohrr by tba Truataaa of Fort Cbarebill School Diatrict. Miaa Kate Courtney, of Virginia City, takaa cbaraa of tba Wabnaka acbool next Monday. Miaa MoTigae, wbo bad beea employed for tbe present tarm, rr •ignad befon tba opeoing of tba tarm and want to California. A privet* Ultar noeived in Oold Hill by a friend of Miaa Maria dn Lomg, wltbia tba paat day or two, from Ward. Wbita Pina oonuty, atatea thai tba yonng lady ia recovering from bar lata illness. Tha Bmbj BHi>r ifeaa lla Da44r Tbara ia no mora known concarning tba raportad atrika in Siem Nevada to day tbaa tbara waa laat Friday. Mining man and eiparta ara refused admiaaion to tba miaa, and Senator Fair ia yat "non-committal." It ia known to ba a fact tbat L. P. Drazler, a Truataa of tba Siarra Nwada Mining Company, waa yaatarday rafnaad permiesion ta go nndar ground to examina tba pro patty ba ia inppoaad to aaaiat in managing. Prlaaaara dlvea • Wmgtr Blaa. Sbariff Hanka today raoeirad tba oom mitmente for tha nmoval of tba Cald yall brother* and F. Blakaly and John Anglnm to tha Stata Priaon. Tbay war* taken to tb* priaon tbia afternoon in a rock*wiy. that baing a cheaper mode of tranaportation tbaa to pay railroad fare to Canon and than bin a tram to con vey tba craw to their fatnn abode. Tbe Caldwell brotben are nader a aentenea of fourteen yean, and tba other two of one year each. •rtara kj Telefheaa. Prescription* an carefully eom ponnded at the drag etor* of Hubrouck k Hell, Mala atreet, Oold Hill. At their *ton ar* to be fonnd all tha choiocat perfumeries, finest toilet aiti clea, and fixing* of a like nature. Far tire deeiriag to commanloate with then can do *o by talephooa, and orden eo •eat will receive prompt attention. Their advertisement will be fonnd ia another column. Tfce Ua-B>nka.'a Baf . It nay appear KBnhit aingnlar (bit diatnrbera of the p»aca almoat la variably aelact Sooday m the day in which to offtnd tba majeety of tba law, netertbe laaa aocb la tha caaa. Each Monday morniog tha Jaitiora of tha Paaea at; that "tba aaoai nataber of dranka ara to ha ditpoaad of." Can it be aaid tba bat tar tha daj tha battar tba dead la anch inalanoaa? H. Tbnrnaa aad J. Fiahar, tha two yoaag men arrtatrd laat Saturday for breahiag iato tha warahoaaa of tha Vir ginia aad Trackaa Railroad at tba Baltic awiteh, hava baan diaehargad iron cm tody. Tba evidence procured abowad nothing farther than tha oommitliag of a nataance than by thaai. Ik* alaiar mt D. J. Kallakar Dtaia Hennaaay, tha alayar of Deputy Clerk KtlJeber had procarad booda la tha aam of 99000 thla morning. Ha hoped to procure tha rcmalaiag addi tional $1000 bolora nigbt. that ho night ba rtlaaaed from confinement. Hen neaay'a trial. U will bo remembered haa baan ooatiaaed for tha term. Bait Laak. k aoa of County Commiaaioaer Can ana found yaatarday, soar hia bona, a lot at aaal*am weighing aevea ponnda. Aa tfca cloth la whiah it waa wrapped had decay ad ao that it lacked ataeagth to hold together, tha treaaaia «ut bare laia where It waa foaad for maay years. I tit—— Mm *r I»IIim4 Prop erty la liw»| CMalf. Tbe assessment value of (be Virginia A Track*# Railroad la plaoed at $10,000 par alia (or the mala track, and $5000 par mile (or ride tracke in Story county. Tbia la an inoreeae ol $1000 per mile on tbe main track from laat year's valua tion. Tbe valne of tbe aide traeka ia plaoed at the eame Agar* aa ill 1860. Tbe railroad company, in their etat— ment to tbe County Aaaeaaor, plaoed tbe main track at $10,000 per mile and ride traoke at $4000. Taking tbe As aeeaor'e figuree, tbe Virginia Jc Truckee Railroad ia aaaessed IN GOLD HILL On 5 34-100 miles mala track, amount ing to $85,440 ; 3 70-100 tnllee eld* trpck, $18,600; persoaal property (roll ing etock, enainee, etc.), $30,949 76; realeetate, $4690; improvements on real estate, $1736, making tbe total valuation of railroad property ia Gold Hill, $140, 614 76. 1 ut vinomu There ia one mile of main track, sseeassd at $16,000; 6 71-100 miles of side track, $28,660; persoaal property, $17,634 04; real eetate, $17,640; tmprovea»nta on real relate, $14,320; total eaeeeied value of railroad property ia Virginia, $94, 144 04. Tbe value of tbe eatire prop erty of tbe railroad in Storey oouaty ie rated at $934,668 79. Tbe taxes in Gold Hill are at the rate ol $4 16 oa tbe $100, and ia Vimiaia $4 90. A Wearjr Way Keao (JiuttU of yeeterday: " Mlaa Mo ran of Vlrglaia City went Kait Sun day oa tbe overlaad train. Sbe took with her a oarrler pigeon, whiob she will let loose at Boston, Mass. Its retara will be looksd for with interest." ■. Cm per Discharge^ Tbe jury ia the oaae of M. Cooper, arrrsted for embexsliag money belonging to Peter SehmittdUll, yreterdey rendered a verdict of "not guilty," and defendant was discharged. The large*I numberol ticket* between Gold Hill ud Virginia that bav* been ■old at tbe Uckit office here in any one day tii diipocd ot lent Sunday •fee ing. Tbe atlraetion in Virginia waa tbe Spiritoeliiitio performance at Pipcr'a Opera Honaa by Annie Eva Fay. Abont •eventy-two paraon* purchaaed ticket*. Hon. J. C. Harlow, a printer well known on tbe Comatock, baa taken charge of tbe Caraon Appeal aa pub liaber. Sam Davie, ita late editor, will move to Salt Lake City, having, it ia understood, aoot-pud a altuation aa local reporter on the Tribuni, ol that oity. The Dietrict Court convened thia morning at 11 o'olock, and remained in aeeaion the grt-atnr portion of the dey awaiting communication* from tbe Grand Jury. There waa not any boainea* on the court docket. William Edmoud*, a**i*taut ropeman at tbe Belcber, had hie baud aeverely burned l*at evening. He w*a moving a can containing boiling tar and it alipped from hi* graap, covering bis band with tbe hot liquid. Biabop O'Connell will be in Gold Hill next Tbnraday, when aervloea will be held in tbe Catbolio Church. Tbe Bitb op will alio officiate in tba Catbolio Church nut Sunday. When the b'boya are out on a "lark" they ahould recollect that ainglng and booting are apt to make "night bldaoua" to tboee who have aougbt their eouche* for repoee. Father Nulty, for a long time paator of tbe Catbolie Cbnroh of tble town, ie nick and oonflned to hia room at St. llary'a Hoapital. A fireman waa aeverely injured by tbe eolliaiou on tbe Cenlrel Pacifta which detaintd tba Virginia and Trackae mall train yeaUrday. Robert Mariball haa filed declaration of bomeataad on lota 33 and 25, block 1 and range I, Gold Hill; valne of prop erty, $1000. An aaaeaament of twenty-flva oenta per abara haa been levied on the capital atook of the Jnatioa Mining Company. The Mexican mill on the Caraon rivar baa again been atartad on Crown Point ore. The weather le warmer on the Com atock thla month than laat. FOBHGH DISPATCHES. MlicelUieooi. Loksom, September 13. — In the Tradae' Union Congreaa today a resolu tion waa paaaed execrating Gnltaan'a crime and aympathlzing with tba Preel dent'a family and tbe American people. The Mark Lane Exprtu aaya there baa been more or leaa rain avery day for a week in Walea and aome parte of England. Tbe weather ia more fa vorable In Scotland where the harveet ia only eommenoing, much of the grain being unripa. Delivariea of native wheat are lnoreaaing, but leaa than ona per oent. of the earn plea now offering are in good condition. The Viceroy ot India telegrapba that the Ameer camped, on tbe 10th inetant, eight mtlea aaat by aoutbeaat of Canda bar. Firing waa beard in tba direction of Candabar at noon on tba 10th, and from morning nntil 4 o'clock in tba atternoon of tba 11th. Acoea* to Can dabtr U oloaed. The Tim»« mjm: The Egyptian army matt be ditbanded. It inttrvtnllon tb»rt matt be, Turkey mail bo invited to deal wilb tbt emergency. Caiao, September 13 —The offlcert refute to acoept the oonditiona offered unleta their prtriout demtadt art flrat coneedtd, tad lxia*t that tbey have the aupport ol 80,000 Bedouina. CoNsrAXTtKorLB, Srptember 13. — Krara are expreeeed in diplomatlo oirelta that the aitoatlon in Egypt may lead to differanoea between France aod England. Yiixxa, September 13.—A tbooaand oopiea of the Socialist, a revolutionary proclamation, have been diatrlbated In tbit city. Two erreata bare been made. Cou, September 13.—Forty ditgniaed men broka into a hooaa belonging to tbrea broibeia named Mahoney, nttr Koocknagre, and ahot them probably fatally. The Ciar Mining. New Yokx, September 13.—A Htrald St. Pateraborg apecial aaya: My an nonnoement that the Cur bad arrived at Peterhoff vaa premature. No atwa of the Emperor baa been receired tbtra. Tbt Empreaa, who waa untaay on thia account, left jtaterday oa board a Baa el-war to aeet hia. USMB DISPATCHES, TIK PBMIDEXT. The Improvement Noted la HU Condition tad symptom Tester da) Conilaaei Today—HU Gen eral lompllcatlon or Allaeata Ho Worse, but Promising Belter —Be Takrs a Little Milk Peach— This Afternoon Be Cal s Tor Hli Doctora aad Make* a Change of Bate- He la Bemoved Prom Bit Bed to a i'kalr-Be Bits I'p for tke First Tine, aad Likes II. Lovo Bunch, Btptambar 13.—Dootor Boydtoo adbaraa to hia opinion tbat tba long oomplloatlon ia the raaolt of blood polioalog. Yat ba oontaoda that tba Praaidant'a vitality la loffljlantly atrong to oTrrooma any aarlooa raanlta from it, providing bo fnrthar oomplloatloaa of almllar cbaraotar ooonr. Swain and Book wall ara anooaragad by tba favorabla indiaationa. Book well rtfara to tba Praaidant aa an aztramaly intalligant patiant and- aaya ha plaaatf mora oon fldanoa in hia aotloa wban compar ing bia condition from day to day (ban on tha opinlona of otbara. Tba Praaidant la a nan not afraid of daatb, and baa do mora ldr* of dying tban any of na wbo ara oojoylog good baalth. Ha oonaidarad fortbaraiora that II tha Praa idant abonld ba naar daatb'a door aad in mil poaawulon of bia faooitlaa, that bia grant intalllgmoa would anabia bim to oompreband tba faol, and ba woald not baaitala to gira dna notioa to tboaa aronnd bin. Dr. Hamilton arrlrod laat nljiht and Dr. Agnaw laft tbia morning. During tba oay yaatcrday tba Praai dant took nonrlabaant fraaly, baring no 'urtbrr annoyanoa from tha atomaeb. Wbao 8roratary Hnnt oallad on tba Praaidant yratarday ba iaformad blm tbat tbera waa no bnaintaa In hia Da partmant raqulring tba Pre aidant'a at taotlon. It haa baan tba onatom ol tba Praaidant to rafer to tha Srcratary in nautical terma and after anaiting nanaa with the Preaident, lb* Secretary, point Ing toward tba ocean, remarked: "Well, Mr. Prealdent, I aee yon bar* bad to retreat to my domain." "Yea," aald the Prealdent, "there it ia, and ian't it beautiful, too ?" Tba Preaident today expraaaed the wlab tbat be would aoon be able to alt in a rooking obair and look at tbe ocean. Tbe parotid trouble baa preeiioally die appeared, the wound ia in excellent con dition. tbe Preaident expreaaea bimaelf aa feeling better and no further develop menta have occurred in tbe vicinity of the right long—tbe latrat complication. Tbe euppuration difficulties wbiob tbe inflammation of tbe luug might ocoe aion are under control, bnt it remains a aeriona obetaole, and will neoeeaarily oanae grave apprebeneion for aaveral daya to come. Tbia ia acknowledged by boib Agnew and Hamilton. Dr. Dliaa waa naked a number of quea tlona yesterday about tbe ball. He ex plained tbat tbera waa aoma doubt in taia mind np to tbia morning wbatber or not tbe track of the ball waa thoroughly healed, nntwitbatandlng tbe indioatione to that effect, "but tbia morning," aaid be, "I became aatiafled upon iaeerting a new and muob aaaller oleanaing oatheter tbat tbe ball bad become thoroughly an oyated, and tbat granulation bad been tbe meana of eloaing the wonnd from tba ball to within nine iaohee of tbe anrfaoe, about three and one-half inahea having healed. The oatbeter oame In contact witb an apparently aolld aub atanoe when it had penetrated nine inobea, and I became aatiafled after in veatigation tbat it had healed aolidly, and it waa not artifloial matter which waa atopping tbe oaihet*r." He waa atlll giving tbe patient milk pnnoh every three or four bonre, into wbiob he put threa teaapoonlnle of pure brandy. Quinine bad bean admlniatered through tbe rectum in decreased quan titiea. A railing on tba top of tbe portico outeide of tbe Preeident'a window waa removed yeeterday to give him an nnob etruoted view of the ooean. Tbe aenti nel pacing on hie brat on tba edge of tba bluff gasad earneetly op toward tba aiek room aa ba paaaed, and waa hon ored by a military aaluta from tba band of tba Preaident. Tiia uoBvrao'a oitioul bcllxuh. Euibon, September 13—8:30 a. K.— At tbe examination of tbe Prealdent at 8 a. m. today bla temperature waa 99.4, pulae 100, reepiration 20. Ha paaaed a oomfortable nigbt, aleeplng moat of tbe time, and on tbe whole bia oondition ia enoonraging tbia mornlog, and givea promiae of a good day. (Signed by tbe pbyaiolana). A aCDDKM OUVOB—TIB HlUfiRT BIT Tina VT. Elbbbon, September 13.—At 11 a. if today tbe Preaident aant for the aur geona, and Doetora Hamilton, Bliaa and Boyntnn burr led over, creating aoma alarm by their rapid movementa. Tbe anraeona' were In tba oottage bnt abnnt fifteen mlnutee when they emerged. Dr. Hamilton aaid the Preaident, being very deeiroue to be moved from bia t>ed Into an invalid obair and feeling anffloiemly atrong to atand tbe change. Lad aent for the dootora to have it dooe. They deemed it a&, and lifted bim into the obair, where he now eita in a reellninii potture, enjoying the obange of poaiilon very anob. • Knotlonil Quinine Inianlty. NtW You, September IS.—A Tribunt Weihiogtoa tpecial on the Qaltraa af fair It la elated, apparently on good authority, that Uaaon had taken larga qaantitiee of qainloe, and it la tbooflbt that hi'a mind nay bate bwn affected by tba cioraiiva uaa of thia drag. Tbat it waa tba deed of a daaprr ata man with • resolution bat half fortaad ia ahown Id tba oareleea and un methodical mannar in wbiob tba ahot •aa fired. Ha did not aaa Oalteea at all, bat fired at the apot whcr# ba tbonght bia vloiim night baatandlng. There ia a good deel of apathy in regard to tha whole tranaaotion, and there doea not aeem to be maob likelihood that Meaoo will be brought to trial at all, either before a oivll or military tribunal. Oiteau meanwhile will be removed to a new oall, the location of wbioh will be kept a profound aeerat even from the gnarda. Sadden Death or Geicral Bnrnilde Today. Pbovidwc*, B. I., September 13.— Oeneral A. £. Bornilde died aadienly at 9 o'oloek thia morning at hia reaidence in Briatol. Ha bad been alightly nnwell two or three daya, bat waa ia thia eity laat evening. The immediate oanae of death waa apaana of the heart. A tele phone meeaage from the Qeneral'a boaae asmmoned Senator Anthony and Dr. Miller, bat before tha telephone oonnec tiea waa broken a menage oame that Um Oeaeral waa dead. Sitting Bill lid Mi BMd. 8t. PiCt, September 12.—A Yatea apeeial to the Pionttr-Prnt aaya: The removal of SittioR Ball and bit band of Indiana from Standing Bock Agency >u aocompliabad aafely. Tb* itrimir Sher man arrived at 11 a. m. Sitting Ball bad been very defiant, and aaid ba would dla rather than go to Fort Bandall, bnt earefnl preparation* bad been mad* by tba commanding offlorr. and Ball'a band «u aarrooodrd by a iqaara of aoldiara and foroad atep bj atep down tba bank and into the boat, wbteh then started down tba rleer to Fort Bandall. A nepbow of Sitting Bull mada aoma re aiataooa and waa knocked down with tba batt and of • maakat. A iqaaw of tha band, made deaperata by tba removal, killed her child and triad to oomait aoioide. It ia thought that tba prepa ration at Fort Bandall are anch aa to prevent trouble tbere. Ball'a band numbera 176. Sewi from the Greeley Arctic Kx* pedltlon. Chicaoo, September 13.—A ipaoial from Lady Franklin Bay, dated Auguit 17, via St. Jobo'a, N. F., September 10, aaya: Tba Qreeley Arctic expedition laft Cpernavik Joly 29. The roota taken waa tbroagb tba Middle Paaa, where bo ioa wai enoonntered. W» killed our flrat polar bear the aeoond day out. Tha antranoa to Lady Franklin Bay waa reached Augu»t 3. It waa foand ob etraoted with ioe, againit whiob tba abip battled for eight daya. Wa finally auo oeeded in reaching oar deitination Au gu»t 12, and eaubiiabed a atation at Die oorery Harbor, in latitude 81 degreea 3 minutea weat. A houaa waa built on tha aame ipot formerly occupied by the Engliab expedition. We killed fourteen muak oxen tbe flrat day of onr atay here. All tha membara of the party are wall. The Mliionrl Train Bobber*. St. Louis, September 13.—A Kansas City special •ays: No mora robbers have bran captured. Tba offlcara have been much aidad by young Chapman, who ia bow oartaloljr known to have mada ■ loll confession. Mora arreate art expected. It ia rumored that a large quantity of tba plunder takan from the paeaengera waa foood in a cave lour milea from Iba scene of tba robbery, lo an unfreqaonted part of tba country. A euepicioue-lookiog and heavily armad alrangar, riding a fine but muob Jaded borae, waa arreated in Nevada, Vernon county. Ha ia evidently ona of tha robbete. (iare Ulmielf Away. Kansan Cm, September 13.—Oaorga Banniatar, for disturbing a oborob maat* iog naar tba scone of tba reoant train robbery by flourishing a revolver, firing it, and bombing for tba robbara, waa arreetod yeeterday, and Irom bia aotiona It ia believed ba baa given bimaalf away, and will probably be held aa a partici pant in tbe robbery. No olber dotal opmenta. Tba Oraud Jury will aal nazt Monday tba IBtb. A Point or Law In Uulteau'a Use. Wajuimoton, Septumber 13.—Tbe i'lar bolda tbat tba law ol tba Dietriot of Colombia ia eucb, tbat If tba Preaident abould die at Elbaroo or alaawhara out tide of tha Diatrict, Oaitaaa conld not be convictod of bia mnrdar. Tba eourte of tba Diatriet woold not bava jortadlo tlon of tba offenee aa bomielda, bat wonld bo oonfinad to Iba oonaideration of aaaault only. Ullnola Stat# Fair. Cbicaoo, September 13.—Tba flrat annoal exhibition of tba Chicago Fair Aaaociation commenced yeatarday on the grounda of tba Chicago Driving Park and will oontinaa for a week. Tba Fair waa an aeanrod auoceaa, ao far aa entrlee and dlaplay were eoneerned, long befora It opened, and tba attendance waa large beyood all expectation. Tbia ia tba flrat fair held in Cbicago eince 1869. Foundered with All on Board. Cizcaoo, September 13 —An /nier Ocean Port Dalhoaeia apeoial aaya tha aobooner Begina, laden with aalt, from Ooderiob to Owen Sound, foundered off Cofa Ielend In Saturday nlght'a gale, and want down with all on board. 8ev eral marine oeeualtiee ere reported from along tbe eboree of Lake Mloblgan, bat none very aerioua. Beautiful Phenomenon. Boarox, September 13.—A band of light, foar or flee degreea in width and eery diatlnctly marked, waa obeerved in tbe heaveno laat nlgbt, extending nearly from the nortbweet to tha eoutbeaat horizon, The phenomenon laated about thirty minutee, and waa aeen in menv parta of New England, alao in Naw York Stata. Dlipoied of. Lxaovillc, September 13.—Samuel Bamaay, a vairy bard oaae, wea takan from tba jail at Owingeville laat night and banged. Bamaay bad served a term in tbe penitentiary and bad been Jailed at Owingeville for murder a few daya alnoe of a young farmer nam*d Smitb. Belief for the Michigan Bnfferert. Cbicaoo, September 13.—The Board of Trade, after one day'a notice, sub acribed over 12000 for tbe Michigan fire cofferers. Tbe Lambermeo'a Aeeocia tlon have aent t 1000. and many iodl viduala have aent money and artlulea needed. Beaolred. Nsv Voax, September 13.—Tbe Be. publican State Central Committee leat evening peeeed a reeolution denouncing the attempted aeaaaeination of Preaident Oarfleld and expreaaing aympathy with bia family. Comely! Attractive! Winning I—Thew txprrative worda an alien tod properly applied to Iba fair ladies of oar favored laod, who keep ibeir belr abundant aod natural In eolor and lustre by tbe timely aee of Aytr'i Hair Vigor. Tbe Vigor ia aafe and agreeable, and ita effeota are very laating, making it tbe moat eoonom ioal, and at tbe aame time tbe moet ben eficial and elegant of toilet preparationa. An infallible remedy for Fever and Ame ia Ayer'a Ague Care. Wholly veg etable and oontalning no qnioine, it la barmleaa and eore. Darleg Ik* kalidays. when people exchance torial grtlingt. conviviality la pro. moted by a (t*ee of ** Hub Punch." Tbte ad «Unbl j prepared Mbetltate (or a poach, brewed Impromptu, la daliehunl either wlih hoi or lot* water, leuoaede or milk. Keplealeh yoar tid«bo»rd« with 1L Hold by all Urucere, Wlae Jlerchaate aad Drautta. Traja .applied by klchatd* M Bairtraa. 40Mte for the Pacific eoaet. raa rnoelaeo. $1200 MISCILLiKIOUB. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mtdo Iron Orrnp* Cma T»r»u.-No otbu I Itrtpmtloii Bikfi rack 111 bt. flaky hot breadi. or laurlou paltry. Cuba *tUo by Dyipap no* wltboat tmr or III* malting from ban lDdlfMUbi* food. Hold oalr la c*n», br all Urover*. KoiaL Bacim • Howdi* Co.. 1 ocW N«w York. JOB PIINTINO DEPARTMENT Of TU tiOLD HILL DAILY NKWS gmtu WKLL fBUV1DU> WITH A OUST 1/, azicaalr* tad Tariad aaaortmoat ot lb* NEWEST AND YXBT LATEST BTTLX8 OF TYPE, hom tha pUlnMt to tka HOST KL£ OANT AMD FASHIONABLE. and tkiM F1BST-OLASS HTSAM PK ESSES. wo ara do lu« u food work h ua bo dost la u; «m> Utr MUbllikatat la Ik* STAT* 0? KB VADA rotten of Kverjr Blae, Placard*, Handbill*, Bodfen, Mia las stuck comitate*. B1U Head*, Broken' Blank*. tetter Head*, Ball Profranme*, Weddlnf Card*, Ktc.,Ktc., ExwuUd to wrdar Ui lb* uiiwt ippruvtd rtjlt tDdODtbi MOST REASONABLE TERMS. (WOkLL AND EXAMINE SPKOIMXKB. CHUBBUCK i THORBURN. POSTOFFICI Variety Store i OKALKIU 1M ALL TUK LKAOUU NBWSPkFBBS, HA6AZ1NB8, STATIONERY, Sheet Mule, Bound Book*, School Supplier, TOBACCOS, OANDIKS. POCKST OUTLKRY. TOYS, ITO, A ium roa tha Baa kraaclaco "Chronicle," "Pout," "Call/' "Examiner" and "GOLD HILL DAILY NBWS" For Virginia Ottjr, Gold Hill tad SUm Ottj. 8ELLING OUT I ALL KOTDt or LADISV, AND CHILDBKNI SHOES. L. BLOCK HAS CONCLUDED to BELL 818 KM Tin It wct-nti** nock of Ladlat', Mitt*-' tad Chlidrtu't ahoaa In ordtr to <nlu|* hltttookof CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods. Bbott will tw told wnrdltM of cott, tt t r*tt Mr Act, ibtrtfora ctll ttilj to Mean bar pilot. Pt'tlM baring account, will plot* t>k* noilo* ibit btactfonE bbon will b« told OHLT for Cash. L. BLOCK. Gold Hill. AMU»t », ltBl. » LATELY OPENED 8HANAHAN8', RESTAURANT, Oppoalta lb* Oold Bill Bank. MAYNARD HOIKF, • - GOLD HILL iTtrjIhlif Hew and rirtt.Clau. MKALS AT ALL HOURS. TkrM InI TltklU for Oh Dtllw. Mtf FASHION SALOON. S. B. TURKEY, PRBP'R. Mala Stmt, .... Gold Hill, Oppoalta Um Im omc*. raOLD.MTABU8HiD AID POPULAH »rt la itill U>a firorlu. Ooafort ud •port combined. Tba patnwf of tka how* will Bad ika baa* brand* of B.lANDY, ^BMKYi: awl roiTia, uoia, WHIM OB ALL KINO*. TOBACCO, CI a ABB, BTC. TWO PIWE liyJAID Tmn, lEfflE* MIBCKLU5K0EB. Children CRY FOR Pitcher's Castoria. Matter* lllio and Phy»lot«m rooommoail It, IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; the "World's great Pain-Re Ilevlng remedies. They heal, soothe and euro Burnt, Wounds, Weak Dock and Rheumatism upon 31an, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness upon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. TUTT'S PILLS INDOR8KO BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Ijom ofappetlUt.N .u—t,bowola co«tlre. Pai riTn t ne Hna d, w i th adull aeniatToE in (he back part, Hain un-lcrOiu jhouISor;, lii 11 n»*a~aft.r~»allpg.wfthadltln" chelation to exertion of bo.iy orlnind) IrriUbllltv of IflniperT l.ow »piriu."Lct» of memory, with .fueling of narmgneg Iflctod homo duty, wearin.aau PininVai, Fluttering of th«Froart,Dota~balorrt~K» oyoaj Yellow Hkin, Hcadarho, Heatl.jw nee. at nlk'ht, highly colored Urine. IP THESE W ARNIN OS ABE UNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES WIU SOON BE OEVELOPED TUTT'S FILLS .apeeUlly adaptml to aurli raaea.onr duM afreet* turli achange uf fanllug •« til aatoiilah the »uffer«r. Ttwf iHcmHr the tpiwilu,■>ii 1 ranMlb* •*»!>• i» Take on I'lnk, ibiia tin* la ■HMrl«hnl.aii<l by lli'-lrTanle Artlaaaoo lb* MlMiirOnaai, Kearulae Moot* «re pp> aiKKl. I'llce ii cenu. fa Wurraj let.. N.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. ilnav ITaiiior Wmagrat rhanH to aOtow* K by a *ln*le application of tbl< Drs It Imparl* a natural color, art, ln*tantaneouily ► '.lit' ) ItriUKlUa.nt wnl bgr • - n |M ft. OfTloef35 Murray St., N«w York. fUr. TtTTB HBlAL «f VbJmM# m4 k I vfel >> »slM r»I« — Valuable Mining Properly FOR 8ALE. QN ACCOUNT OP TBK OOM'CMrULlXO retirement of tba inlnclpal manager of tbe UOHEKTEAD. OOLUKN STANDARD U4 WBKELER NINES. Mining UapltelltU are rpeolally Invited to a thorough tmpacUos of tba aald property, with a rt«w to lu real merit aodpvcbaee. Tbeaa tbr»« mine*, unincorpo rated, unencumbered, aggivtfatlng8,01* lineal f*et, together vttb raloabU tmproraiaaou thereon, lying adjacent to each other, eaat of and parallel wltb the original Ccinitook Lode, are altuaud In the Town of Uold Bill. Stony Oonnty, Nevada. For farther particular* apply to I. LTPORI*. Atml. DlTCNTC ootameo lor mecaaatcal a» rRI LI1 I O vtoee, medical or other com pound*, ornamental deatga. trad, marka and label,. Cav*ata, • ••i«nm«Dla, loMrfareooee, Appeal!, Bolu tor lnfrtnge»a«t» and all cam ariatng acdar Iba PATKNT LAWS promptly attended to. INTENTION*! THAT HAVE BEEN DC ICPTCn ^ ^ latent Office may IlLJLv I LU lUII, in mo*t raeea. be pat en tad by u. Bring oppo *1U tbe Patent Offl<e. we can make efcear eaarebea, and eectire falcate mote promptly, aad wltb broader claim*, than thoaa wbo are ramote from waebington. mUCHTnDC amodalorikatc* IliVkll I UnO of yourdevlcei wemak. exam 1 da t too a fbbs of oma*i, and edvleo a» to pmuubiiitr Prioe* low. and NO UBAKQB CNLESo PATENT IS ■MTUBCD. W. refer to offlclali in the Patent OtUe,'*> ow client, la every State of tb. Union, and to row Senator* end He preeentatlve In Doagree*. Special refaranoee gtrto when deelred. Addrae* 0. A. SNOW ft 00., Oppoette Patau I Offloe Waablngton, D. 0. HO PATENT, NO PAY. PATENTS f\BTAlNKO rou MkOBAMOAL DIV1CI* V mad leal or otbar compound!, ornameatai daalfna. tn<l« marki tad label*. Cimli u (ignmeoU, Interfer»tio«. InfriaftmaiU tad all matter* relation to Catania pmmpllj attand ad to W* make pre 11 ml net jr examination! and fantlab oplaloaa a* to patantablllty, treo at cbirf. and all who ara latoraetad la Daw lam tiooa aad Patau!! an invited 10 mad for • oopj ofour"Gntde for Obtaining Paten la," wtatcfc la aaot free to any addraaa, aad cootalaa ooa pUta Instruction! bow to obtain Pateota, aad otbar Taloanla mat tar. Do no* tba paat Ova raua wa bara obulaad aaarlr tbrae tbotuaod pataola for Amerioan aad fbralcti Inretitort, aad can (flra aatlafactor; rat eraaoaa la ilmoat arary oooeIj la tba Union. tilltaaa. L0PI8 BACH) KB * 00.. ■olkttor%of PatanU aad Aitornaja at Law. La Droit Bntldlax. Waablncton, D. 0. W>» NOTICE PHEBEBY OITIX, THAT OH ANU AFTEM tbladau all Don, Hon. Sheep, boati, Hone*, Cawa, ar Cattle ef an, Deaarfptlaw, Ported ranging at large ou tba poblla WWa wltbla tba Town llmlta will ba impounded. DOO TAUtl Oka ba bad at tba oOca of tbt Ohlaf of Polloa, at tba offlca foraarl) B»ad bjr tba Town Mar aba), la tba rear of Yellow Jacket A MOB BEBRITT, Chief Of FotU*. Sold Bill, Jnae K, Ml. >*3911 CHANCE OF FIRM. 1BATX THIS DAT SOLD TO J. T. HALL all my latacaat la tin Pioneer Unn^T^, Vlrflnla, December 1.1M0. •PICIAL~~NOTICI. All BUII do* tba PIOmKCH LA0NDBT «P to Ik* FIBVT or dbocmbkh, unj™* *• Milled Man tba TENTH OF DKOUfBM.or tbtT will bo placed In tba band* of a eoUactar. La fata* aebtllf will ba allowed to ranmare UaattlTtydaya. . ^ J. JT. HAW* . 1