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THE EVENING NEWS VIRIINIA AND TRUCKEE RAILROAD TIMI TABLE. Taklat IflNt April Mlk, 1881. TM AINN R«n •• «aU BlaUoa#. i*Ho STEAMBOAT. WASHOE .... FElMKTOWJI LAEBVIEW .. CAB80M....U Bxpi II 111 aad TlrdiU. | Local | Local Pwi 7 10 1 T.SS TftO a.00 8.11 • M 8.JS a.m Ml " ».u - HUH " 10.S0 " 10 M — 1JD p . a lit M 149 ■ UM " LM " 4011 " OaRhOS mpiRi. M'DBOCStarl M'DHOCSEd* OOLO BILL.. VlBOttCU.... •.IS - • 10 ~ •■•0 " SSft " 10 Oft •• 11.10 a. a. US* •• I l1.o« p.m. li'ia* i.os - m pat • n » • os " • lft " tob •' t.ia " TRAINS Tlralala a>4 RaM HUI ■■4 Ml VlaOINlA.... OULOBlLLar OOLuBILLd* ITUHon«Ear iro BoOU4t RMFIRB CABSOM... OAHJJOS .. d« LAI*VIEW FBAlfKfOWN WAHBUB BTBAMBOAT HDD | Exprca*. | • »l p.m. ft.«0 ~ ».« M • lft - •.a •• T.OO ~ Y.U p.m. 7 N " 7.40 " ».ftl - • OS - • 001 S.B> • M* Ml 10.0B •.« 10 30 *• U'.SO " 11.10 M lias " 1.00 p. ■ tH " • IB 1.40 4.1ft 4.4ft a.u» a.aft • so ft.40 MONDAY. : : : : : OCTOBER IB. 1M1 Itftl'K BBfOBf. TUU M0BX1N0. 31ft Opbir. 84. 6*i. 64 370 Mexican. »H. 44ft Uuald * Carry. 8. 84 ftO Beat A Baleber, 134 740 Califoraia, 1 SSOSarag*. 34. 3 70. 3U 330 Cob. Virginia. 24. 340 90 Cbollar. 3 40 178 Patoei. 3 90 1M Hala A Noraroee. 3 S3 1130 Crawn Point. 14. 1 #0 110 Yallow Jaeket. 44.4 20 MOO Imperial. 19o. 20o. 30o 333 Belckar, J. 3 Oft SO Alpha. 34 10 Kentuak. 34 20 Confidence, 3 1770 Sierra Nevada. 1C4. 184.184.18. 184.154. 1«. 18i*. 184.184 133 Utah, 84.8 300 Bnllion, 60c 140 Bieb*<iner, 1 10, 1 1ft 300 Jutlioe, 75a 1830 Vaioa Con.. 144.144 238 Alia. 4 70. 4 88 180 Andea, 14 400 Oeorpion, 1 70. 14 260 Overman. 1 CO. 1 S3 ISO Bentoa, 85c. IWo 300 Caledonia. 10c 14S8 New W«lU-F»rgu, 10* Aflwana lahraul —a8—» Sax PiASCiaco, Oolob*r 10—3 r. Oph'r. 84. 84; BodU. 84. 84. 84; Po toai. 3 80. 3 93; Union Coa.. 134.14; Cali fornia, 93e; 9iem Nevada, 15 S; Buliian, 60c; Savage, 3 SS; Xone, 3 40; Challar, 148; Eureka Can.. 384, 204; Alta. 4 80, 4 SS. 14; Day. 3 40. 3 43; Exchequer, 1 IS; Oro, 63c; Hal* A Norcro**. 3 30; Northern Hello, 13. 114; Mexican, 94; Albion. 34; Con. Virginia. 34; Imperial. ISc; Julia, ISo; Oonld A Carry, 74. 74. 74. 74; B*«t A Belcher, 134.134; Mt. Pwtoei, 10c; Beloher, 3; Yellow Jacktt, 410. AR*ra**a limi ■apart. Sam Psamcuoo, October 10—3 r. Ophir, 84 bid, 84 aak*d. 84 >a1m, 64 bid. 84 aak*d. 64 aal**. 7 bid, 74 aaked. 7 aalca, 7 4 *alee, 7 4 bid. 7 4 aak*d. 7 bid. 74 aaked, 7 sal**; Meiicaa, 94 bid, 94 *a]*a« 94 bid. 94 bid, 94 **k*d. 94 aalca. 94 bid, 94 a*k*d. 94 *al*a; Gould A Carry. 74 bid. 74 **k*d, 74 *al**. 7>« hid; Sierra Nevada, 134 bid. 1S4 aaked. 1*4 bid, 134 aaked. 1S>. *ale*. 134 bid. 18 bid. 164 a*k*d. 164 •*!•*. 164 bid. It aaked; Albion, 3 30 bid; Be*t A B*l cb.r, 134 bid. 124 bid. 13 aakad, 134 aaked; Crown Poiat, 14 bid, 1 80 aaked, 1 80 bid, 1 83 aaked, 1 80 *alee; Union Can., 14 bid. 144 a*k*d, 144 bid. 144 aaked. 144 aalea. 144 bid, 144 aaked, 144 ulaa. 144 bid. 144 a«k*d. 144 *al**, 144 bid. 144 aakad; Savage. 34 bid; SeorSion, 1 70 bid, 14 aak*d; Potoai, 3 90 bid; Onrntn, 1 S3 bid! Benton, 80c bid, 83o aakad; Con. Virginia. 3 43 bid. 34 aaked; Joatice. 70c bid; California. 93« bid, 1 aaked; B«Icb*r. 3 bid; Exchequer, 1 10 bid; Alta. 4 CO bid; Kantnck. 34 bid; Ckollar, 3 48 bid. 34 uked. Arrival* Ikia Imiim. Lieat-Oovernor J W Adame. J Conlsu. C ScbulU. A C Knox. 0 X Fmnu, A Uyman, Kn Patterson, ▲ Stillmsn, H 0 Beqns. Arrival* TMirMajr Ncralai. J B Mellon. J McFarland, R J Jenkia. T Murj>by, Jinn Cummiogi.W E Squier, Fred Smith. J Qillig, Mr* Celo,<so. D J Mum*. Mr* E P Milry. J O Bennetts ud family. Mia* O Fitxmeyer, G A Fitsmeyer. rtira Laal Ivralac. J Siog*r. Ilenry Morri*. X C Hall. B Joaei, M R Neville and family. Mr* W 8 Bobb. U F Smith. Mr* McLao«. Mit* R Una. Mr* M P Werdele, M D Cuhen. Mr* W Engliah and child. U W Hall. Dtpariart* talNnliy RimIu. M N 8ton*. T S Merchant, L P Drexler, T J Cohen, J O Caden, Itob*rt WUIaoo, J 0 Bennetts, Mi** A Mooney. Mr* M Win ale. Molli* Anion. Mr* C A Wordeu, Mr* J P Jean. Nellie Oatee, Mr* J 0 Law. The weslkcr is agaia wars sad balmy. Julie* Henderson of Tovaibip No. 1, la kia report of tba baiine** In hi* ••art for September, *t*t*« that be baa oolleeted 910 fee* in crimiaal eases, 910 75 Id civil ean aad 9G0 ia polio* oaeco, wbieh mom hava been paid to tba Tressarer. Ha performed work for tha maty amoaatiag to f137 25; tatal work ia offloe. 9Slt. William Parry kaa beea appoiafad D«paty by Cenatable McCarthy of Town skip N«. 1 of Virgiaia. Ha ia tha apa aial policeman whom Chief Bradley re ported to the Board af Ceanty Commit aioaera becaaae ke stepped acroea tha liaa of hie beat. Tha Board haa so far ignored the charges preferred. Tb« aaah receipts of tba C«naty Au ditor aad Recorder'* office for tha past asoatk amoaatad to 91W 89, whiok snta kaa beea paid la the County Treasurer, . Mr*. J. P. Jonas vaa among the de part area Batarday evening. She will apeod the wiatar ia TVaakiagton with kar fcusbaW. i Owing to tka illneaa of Jodge Lean aid, tha Board of Pardons will not moot foe Mmo* naiil Moaday, Octeber 17. MININQ STATEMENTS. Following statements hare been eent by tho Superintendents of the Comatoek mine* to the offloee in San Franciico (or tho week ending October 8: B1BBBA KIT ADA. On the 354)0 level eaet orotic at Ko. 3 bu been extended 16 feet, and No. 4 vh advanced 33 feet. The main north lateral drift haa been advanced 30 feet, and the weal drill-hole 193 feet. On the 3700 level the joint Union Cenaol id ted eaat drift haa been extended IS feet, and the joint Unien Conaolidated went drift 30 feet. Are cleaning oat the bottom of tho joint Union Conaolidated winxe. ^ UXIOS COXSOLIDATED. On the 3600 level, at the joint Mex ican eaat winxe, are clearing oat the con necting drift and repairing the donkey pnmps. On the 3700 level the joint Sierra Nevada eaat drift haa been ex tended IS feet, and tho joint 8ierra Nevada weat drift 30 feet. Are olearing oat tho bottom of the joint Sierra Nevada eaat winxe. ANDXS. Daring tho put week the eaat drift from winxe wao advanoed eight feet, faoe •till in porphyry. Tho flow of water haa increaaed nearly donble, and is greatly retarding work. However, ex pect it will aoon be exhaaated. Eaat drift on 400 level baa been advanoed 14 feet, ahowing no change ainoe Lait report. BAVAQB. . Have flniahed cutting oat new station at the chute at Potoai tunnel level and are now hoialing ore from that poiut, and alae from the 1700. The eighth etetton, north drift, haa been advanoed 49 feet; face is now in favorable ground ahowing aome qaartx which aaaaya well. CALKDOMIA. I'umpe have been ran an average of 8 hours per day. Commenoed retimbering the ahaft from the adit level to the sur face on the Sth inatant and have pat In C eeta of timbers. Will have to pat in •boat 20 sets in all. Foraian ahalt haa been aunk and timbered IS feet; total depth. 3180 fast. Daring the put week tbe (ul drift on tho 21SO level bu b»en extended 44 feet; total distance from the eheft, UU feet. The rock ia bard and tba beat ao oppreeaive tbat it will bo neceaaary to pat in another Dakar blower for venti lation. CALIFOBNIA. Ara opening op wioza and connecting drilta with tba Coneolidated Virginia old nhalt to incroaa* tba ventilation on tbe lower levels. On the 2700 level Ibe joint Ophir eaat drift baa bean advanoed 'J4 feet. MEXICAN. On tba 2500 level, al tba joint Union Coneolidated eaat winze, are olaaring out tba conneoting drift and repairing tbe donkey pntnpa. On tba 2900 level tbe joint Opblr eaat drift baa bean aitendad 25 feet. OVkkXAN. Sooth drift 2275 level ha* be«n ex landed 24 feet. In north drift have completed tba drain and repaira to drift. Forman abaft baa been eonk and tim bered 15 feat, total depth, 2160 feet. OPHU. On lha 2700 level tba joint California aaat drift baa been extended 24 feet and tba main tooth drift 25 feel. On tbe 2900 level tbe joint Uexiean aaat drift baa been extended 24 feet. cniom aaarr. Art repairing the 1C00 drift coonaot ing with tbe Sutro tanuel. Have com-, pletrd laying tba extra line of pipee in" above drift. Are cutting oat a bobplt at the 2G00 etation. consolidated vuoimia. Are opening ap wintee and eonneoling drifts with the Coneolidated Virginia old abaft to ioereaae tba ventilation on tba lower levels. a. a o. and a. a a. matt. Finiabing np bob and tankpit. Doable line of pampe will b« extended to the 2118 level by tho end of the preaent woek. ALPHA. Are reopening tha north drift on the 2800 level; cleaned oat 80 feet tbe peat week. COXaOLIDATCD IMPKEIAL. Cleaning oat croescuta and making general rrpaira on tbe 2800 level. HALK A Noackogs. Repairing tbe abaft and inclina. No other work ia being done. Jmmi Tally'! Daalla. A telegram from Tombitone, Arizona, • few daya ago, gave brief uewa of tba accidental killing ot James Tally, for merly of Qold Hill and Virginia. Tba Tombstone Xugyrt of tba Ctb inatant gives tba following particalara, showing tbat bis deatb waa eauard by tba old familiar accident of ronning tba cage up to "Brown's elation:" Yesterday afternoon at about 3 o'clock Jam** Tally, a miner employed at tbe Grand Ceotral mine, metbiadeatb ander tba following oiroamataneea: 11a waa engaged ia placing gnidaa in tba naw abaft, at a deptb of not mora tban fifteen or twenty feat from tba surface, aid wiabing to aaoand gave tba necaaaary eignal. Tba engineer, Stevens. auppoerd bo waa at tba 100 level, and tamed on • fall bead of ateam, and before be conld gain control ot tbo brakta, tba cage waa carried np into tba aheavee. Tally hol lored to bim to atop, bat It waa too late, and to aave himself ho jamped from tbe cage, and fell upon tba floor with great violence, and in atrnggling to riaa, tum bled into tba abaft, and down 300 feet to tbe bottom. An inqaaat will ba held on tba body today. A law tail mt ike caaati'i. Diatrict Attorney Hilea ia it attend ance upon tba Snpreme Court at Canon today. lie ia thera to repreaent Storey oonnty In tbaoaaa ot ber Commissioners vs. Kiebard Kirman. Tba anit ia to compel Kirman to make a quarterly re port of tho basintse in tha County Treasurer's office for tba two montba be waa in tbat office alter tho removal ot B. H. Carrick. (xeeaClteiM al (ho larace. Tbo total axpandituraa of tha Savage Mining Company for 8«ptember am on a tad to 96244 54. Ot tbia aum $4875 46 waa paid to tha Cbollar-Kor croaa Savage Shaft Company for pump ing, and 92741 68 to tho aama company for working eipanaea. Tho pay roll for miners at the Savafa amounted to 94478. Dlauriea Vearl The oaly aaaa la the District Court this morning waa that of Bisbard Mercer vs. Simon Ogg at al., salt for raoovery property. Owing to the sioknass of one of the de/sndaata the trial WU post* peaad natil ths 81st lastaat. A SAD ACCIDENT. Aa OM liur KlIM it tka Mnn TMMrdar, Andrew Neenan, an old miner who baa worked in tba Savage for Iba paal Ian yeara, «u yeaterday kilUd in that miaa. When fouad ha vaa Id tba bot tom of tba abnta at tba 1000 atatlon with bia bead eraabed in and lifa extinct. Deceaaed vaa giraffe-taan and alone at tba time of tba accident, ao tbat the manner in wbicb be met bia death can only bo aarniied. It would appeal aa if a load of ore bad jaat been dnmped into tbe obote, tbe moatb of wbiob ia a abort diatanea above tba 1000 level, and tbe giraffe returned to tbat atation. It baa been cuatomary at a aignal ol tbrea telle to boiat tbe giraffe if below tbat atation, wbicb oonld be told by a glanoe at tbe indicator, and if at tbi atation, or above, tbrea bella meant to lower. Tbe engineer, Jamea Cbapman, waa aome dUtanco away from hia engine wben the aignal to lower tbe giraffe wai given, firing op, aa the enginerra at tbal mint* are at preeent compelled to do, and ie preanmed to have eilber forgotten to look at tba indicator to find oat wbere the giraffe waa, or to bava miannder eteod tbe eignal. He hoialed tbe giraffe, and it being aelf-actiag, threw Neenan down tba cbnte a diatance of eighteen feet, canaing inataat deatb. Mr. Neenan leavea a wife and fonr children, who reeide ia tba vioinity of tba Savage worka, to moarn bia loaa. Ha waa a member of tbe Minera' Union, bot bad failed to pay hieduea, being conaiderably in arreara. Mr. Cbapman, wbo waa running tbe engine, ia Cbi*f Eogineer at tbe mine, a careful man and competent for bia poailion aa any man oould be. He and deceaaed were alao warm peraonal friende. VETOED BILLS. Aadllor Ilreuuaa ZmIiuiIj Nr< farming 111! Uallee. County Auditor Brennan today aenl back to the Connty Commissioners, with bis veto attached, the bill* ot B. I. Tar mac, M follow*: For sprinkling streeti of Virginia, $125; sprinkling alreets ol Gold Hill, $125; sprinkling county roads, $70. He alio vetoed tbe bill* for suppliei famished tba old City Jail, aa follows £. Nye, meals. 913 04; B. Noor, vege tables, etc., $14 25; Lyons & Monehan, wood, $12; T. Etkman.bnuliug maltreat to jail, $1. As to the laltor bills, tbi Auditor bolds that if tba institution it not a legal one, aa aet forth in th< proteat ot Diatiict Attorney Hilea to tba payment ol tbe aalary of tba Cily Jailer, there oannot legally be paid any billa foi aneb an inatitation and baa therefore re fused to draw bia warrant for tbe ssma. When tbe veto message wsa read by tb« Clerk aa a communication from the Audi tor there waa nothing aaid further than a motion, made and carried, to receive and file it. Action on the mutter will doubtleaa ba deferred until M. Canavan, Chairman of tba Board, ia preaent. With reference to the billa for alrtel aprinkling. it ia generally understood that Mr. Turman will bring auit imme diately for tba amount. Bad Wmabjr. Frank Brown, a young man who for merly lived bera, in fact waa raiaed is Qold Hill, came in from Pizen Switch laat week on a visit lo bia folks. Early Sunday morning ba waa on horaeback on Main atreat, presumably on bia way beck to Maaon Valley, bat it appeara he had Imbibed too freely of ardent liquors to ga quietly on bis way, and moat need ahow off. Hia first exploit waa to attempt to ride into tba aide door ot tbe Yellow Jacket Eoglne Houae. Hit horaa'a foot caught in tbe plauk and fell. Brawn then relinquished bia par poae and atatted down atraet whooping and awearing. To vary the monotony be would occasionally tire off a pistol. Word waa aent to Constable Seiteu, and ba got out ot bed and followed bia man to tba Piuta House, Lower Qold Hill, where ba waa making considerable die turbaace. Brown reelated arreet, bul finally ooneluded to take lodglnga in tba Town Jail attar be waa laid on bia back by the offloer. He will ba tried before Juatioe Flaaningbam tomorrow on s charge of exhibiting a deadly weapon. It ia tbe cuatam of tba cauntry for tbs "b'boya" to get on a lark and raise b—, but when it cornea to the Uvea of clli xene being endangered by each a pro ceeding, it ia well a atop ia put to tbeli s'presa. OfirtHH by Ik* mm. Jrrry Harrington, a miner, became overheatrd in the Sierra Nevada niioi last Saturday and died yesterday (rem tbe effects. Ha was at work on the 2500 level. and was bat putting in bii second shift. The temperature on that leveI ia about 91 degrees, and aaid to be tba coolest portion of tba mine. It ii reported that decessed bad been over come by beat in another mine aome montba before, and tbat Friday wu tbe flrat day be bad worked in a mjne ainoe. Ha leavea a wife and aiz ebildren. Two or Her* Rarieeee Of tbe Paoifio Surgical Inatitnte of Baa Franeiaeo will be at tbe International Hotel, Virginia City, October lOlb and lltb, fully prepared to treat all caaee ol apinal diseas*, knee and bip disease, elnb feet, round abouldere, crooked liinbi and paralyaie. Naaal catarrh and all cbronlo diseases successfully treated. Ae thia Institute haa an uneqnaled rep utation in the trealmmt of these affto tloua, all who are intoreeted abould net fail to aee these surgeone. An assessment of 91 per share bai been levied upon the capital stock oi tbe Union Consolidated Mining Com< pany. Lientenanl Governor J. W. Adams ii on the Cometock today "amiling" with hia frlende as of old. Tbe District Conrt today adjourned until Saturday at 10 a. v. The best prepsrstion known in mar ket for restoring gray hair to its original color ie Hall's Vegetable Bioilian Hail Benewer. Try it! Wherever coughs, colds and consump tion exist, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ought to be known and naed. There never existed a sentiment so universal among all classee in favor of any other medi cine, as is entertsined tbe world over in retard to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The hnmbleit patient in the pioncer'a cabin, and the prondeet dame in the metrop olis, alike ase it, appreciate it, and apeak ita praise. Hak Peseh, clear ar with hot et iced water, milk or lamoaade, "tope" every pooch for Savor. Directly tbe cork ts drawn It Is ready, and can be need clear or mixed with bet or Iced water to coll tbe taete. Bold by all Qreeeia, Wine Ifercbants and Dracglals. Trade earned by ttcbaids ft Harrison, Agesta for the ncUe coast, laa VHndsco. foesgh dispatches. Parnall oi Gladstone—Irish Politi cal Affair*. DubliXi October 10.—Pamell dellv •red an addreaa at Wexford Saturday. Altading to Oladetone, ko eaid many of then had etadied the words of the greet men and great orator, who until recently bad a desire to iapreea the world with a good oplalon of hla philanthropy aad hatred of oppreaaiea, bat who atood to day aa the greatest ooerdoaist and aosl unrivaled slanderer of the Iriah nation. He characterized Gladstone's speeches aa unecrupulooe and diahanfat. He (Oladatone) bad aaligaed the Irish peo ple, the Blehopa, and Dillon. Mo mis repreaentatlon wa» too low nor too mean for blm to stoop to. It is a good aign that tbla maaqutrading knight-errant, thia prrUnded champion of tbe likortiee of all nationa except the Iriak, was obliged to throw off hla maak, aad today atanda revealed ea prepared to carry Are and award into the Irish homestead, an leea the people hanblo aad abaae than eelvee before kia and tbe landlorde. Oladetoae bad aooaaed bim (Pernell) of preacblag tbe goepel of plaoder, bat lend bad been conflioated tbroe times over by men whose deeoendanta Olad atone ia now anpporting In the enjoy ment of their ploader by bayoneta and bnckabot. ▲ manifrato of tba Irieh labor dale gatea to the reoent Land League Conven tion kaa been leenod. It pralaea tbe labora of Farnell for tbe aacceea of tbe Land League, and refera gratefully to tbe treatment of the leborera at tbe con vention. It urges tho repreeentativea of tbe farmers and landboldera to fulfill the pledge there given to aeoare better dwell ings for tbe laborers. Dublin, Ootober 10.—It ia rumored that Michael Devitt will eoon be reUaaed. Chief Secretary Forster, (peeking at a banquet to the Duke of Teok, eeid be believed it waa the opinion of a majority of both membera of Parliament and their oonelltueute that the Land Act ahoulJ have a fair trial Mexican Colonisation, Railroad ana Kerenne Matters. Citt of Mkxico, October 10. — Thi government has made • ooutract with Francisco Riggo for the colonization ol two hundred Italian familiee. Riggo re oeivee $70 lor eaob emigrant over twelve year* of age, tod $40 (or each child be tween Ave and twelve. The government furniebee land*, bonaee, implement*, work-cattle, a oow, a mare, and twenty five Cfute per day (or one year for each emigrant over twelve. Tbe colonial* are to repay Ibo aame in ten years. Tbe Congreeeional Committee bu re ported iu favor of tbe approval of tbe railroad ooneeesioni granted by tbe Ex ecutive daring recese. After expeners and railroad nubvmtions are paid, tbe Mexican treaanry will bave 91,200,000. Vr.Ki Cauz, Ootebrr 10.—TheCmtom bouie receipts far tteptember exoerd one million dollera. Tbe remsins •( Ex President ArlsU bsv* arrived from Por tngal, and «re now lying in atate in tbe School of Uines, and are viaited by Im mense tbrenge. Congre** baa ordered a national mourning el three days. Hotel Project Abandoned. New Yob*, Ostober 10.—A speoial cable dlspatoh says: The project pro posed some time ago of building a great Amerioan hotel on tbe Thames embank ment In London, to be eonducted on lb* American plan, has keen abandoned. It ootid hardly bsv* besa suoeessfol. Mlscellaneoos. London, October 7. — A oorrespoa pondent st Paris aays: "France bai been asktd to join Englsnd to take msasaras to protect their subjsots ia Egypt. France hu consented. Eng land and Franoe will forthwith dlspatoh Ironclad* to Alexandria." The foregoing ia sensational. Dublin, October 19.—There waa great dieplay of floral decoratiooe at Oxford on the oooaaion ol Parnell's speech on Suadsy. Ten thousand persons gave Parnell an eatbueiaatio reeeption. Hadbed, October 10.—General Pren dergaat baa been eppoinled Oovernor of Cuba in piece of General Blanco. He will atsrt for Cuba on the 28tb lnetant. St PsTBaaauao, October 10. — The Pereian government reoently aaked tbe Russian govsrnment to diepetch officer* to reorganize tbe Persian amy on ths Russian model. Dan Rloe. Xiw Turk Sun, Otlubtr 1. The divorce eued lot by Dan Bice'i wile baa been granted. Tba wall-known olrcna olowa baa ezparienead atranga vicieaitndee daring tba laat ten yeare, and baa varied bia profeaaional oarear wltb ocoaalonal experimenta in religlona azbortatlan and temperanoe ornaading. Tbla divorce, obtained on tba grouad of deaertion, terminated wbat waa in in earlier daya a tery romantio onion. In 1815 the abowman waa exhibiting in Gi rani, Pennsylvania, and bia attention waa attracted by a remarkably beautiful ebild In ber narae'a arma. He aaked ber name, and, on anbaeqnently fixing bia residence in Girard, be kept ap a lively interest in the girl, wbe waa tba daugh ter of a deacon in the Presbyterian Church, and Prealdent ot the local bank. At that time Dan rolled in wealth, and apent bia money laviably, not only in the ereotion of a magnificent houae, but in adorning the town. He waa married to an eatiaaable woman, who had boen on the atage, and about fifteen yeara after bia arrival in Oirard aba obtained a di vorce. Dan oerried off bia youthful inamorata aa aoon aa poaaible, mueb agalnat the wiabea of the deacen, who diainberited hia daughter; but when Dac failed In 1873 he waa reconciled and took them to hia bauaa. Tba abowman'a ex tensive property wu sacrificed piecemeal in unprofitable venturea, and hia life grew irregular. Hia profeaaiona ol tarn peraoee and religion were looked npon aa advertlaiog aofaeaee. Hta wife grew cold, aad finally declined to aee blm. He refuaad ta oppoaa the divoroe. Bice began bia career aa a Jockey boy for Henry Clay on hia Lexington farm, and at one time waa oonaidered worth half a million dollara. Judging by Anderaon County, Ken tucky, where the most oelebrated brand of wbiakey made in tbla oointry ia die tilled, there will be a large falling off tbla Sear in tba production of that exciting average. It la reported that of the eighteen dlatilleriea in Anderaon Oonnty which warn worked to their fall capaolty laat aeaaon, only alx will open tbla yeer, and they for a abort time only, owing to tba high price of grain. Mxadow Lax* Oas.—The new mill at Ciaoo will probably be ready to ran Ihia month. It ia teL-atamp, and baa • Bruokner revolving cylinder farnaoathat will werlt from five to ten tone a day. The mill will be pnt to work on Meadow Lake ore from the Keystone mine, for* marly koota M the leUpao.—Rtno Oa mtk. WESTERS DISPATCHES, FROM KINO. Opealng of the Fnlr— Incendlirj Fire—Accident at the Track. Bcxo, Nevada, October 10.—An ineen. diary Art *u diecavered at 5:30 tbla morning at the Evening UcutlU office. The alarm waa given and it waa axtin guiahad witboat daing any damaga. Tba Fair opana favorably; waathai warm aad pleaaaat. A boy named Floyd waa thrawn (ram a boraa at tba raca track tbla morning, Motiving an injary tbat it ia faarad will prova fatal. The "Boj Preacher" at the Bajr. Sax Faixcmco, October 10.—Bev, Tbomaa Herri too, tba "Bay Preaahar," who baa gained • great repatation in tba Eaat aa a ravivaliat, oandocted tbi morning and avaning aervioea yaatarday ia tba Howard Streat M. E. Church. Mr. Harriioa ia twenty-aavea yaara oi aga bat baa bean praaobiag ainoa ba wai aizteeo. Tba attendance waa sot large at morning aarviea, but in tba avaning tba ebareb waa orowded and Indioationi favor a aaceaaafal revival aaaaan. Fire-Two Children Burned. Bin Fkancmco, October 10.—A Sao ramanto dUpatcb aaya: Lata laat nigbt Frank Bubitalier'a aaloon and raaidanoa •n K atreet waa barncd. Bubetoller dragged out bia wife and two obildran, but two other children aleeping on the floor abova periabad. Tba firemen mada a deaperata fight to aava tham, many be ing aavaraly barned in tka attempt. Lyoa County Item. Dayton Tint, Ocl»Ltr (. Th» Weodworth Mill bu resumed work. Soma of the largest applet avor mo grew in tbe orobsrd of S. S. Baoklaad tbfa year. Sol. Noel bu flniahed takiog la bia large crop of bay and grain over in Maaon Valley. Clark Clearer and Ibe Damon Broa. had aa heavy grain tbia year as wu aver aeen atanding in the valley. The women folka of Dayton have taken to field aporta, and It ia not on aiaal now to aee Amazona dragging a ebotgun by the muzzl* witn one band wbila tbe other ia awlnging a Jeek rabbit J by tbe bind lega. The Walker Rim Valley Fair Aeao elation ia etirring np tbe valley, and it ia expect»d (hat aa good a abowing ia the More of live atook, vegetablea and , grain will be made oa any other aeotlon | of tbe eame age can boaat of. Exhibitora and viaitors from all other plaoea are oordiaily invited. ■ i > a ■ Whitson, aa Town Merahal of Cbama, New Mexico, waa instructed to enforce an ordinance agalnat carrying weapona. Ha aaw a platol in Krissr's belt, and tried to take it. Than K»ieer propoeed , • doel at ten paoes, and the officer agreed. It waa a bright, moonlight night, and tbe firing waa done at once, with tbe oastomary formality. Both were bit mortally. ■IBCKLLiffKOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Orape Cream Tertir.—No other preparation makee each IIkM, flak/ hot breads, or Inxnrioos iMtrjf. Can bo Mteo by D/spep tlee wllhoat fear of Ills reeoltloi from heavy lodlgwtlhle food. Bold ootv la cias, br all Uroeers. Rotu. IUkinu Powoam Co.. ocJS New York. W. N. HALL & CO.i 186 Mala Street, flold Hill, yyf HOLEBALB AND RETAIL DZALEB8 HARDWARE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Work Of til kind* done to order at ebort notice. tar TOOLS A ^PIOIALTT. H HA8BROUCK A HALL, ✓ (Socewaort to A. B. Btowtrt & Co.) Druggists & Apothecaries, SOS Mmim Simt, GOLD HILL. .... NEVADA — DSALIM W— 1'URB DKl'fJH, CHEMICALS. MEDICINE*. TOILET Aad KA.NCYIARTICWW. HMbronok * Bill de«lre to Mil eepeeUl ti tration to Um feet that they h*r« eeUbllehed eonneotlon with lb* telephone intern of Sto rey county. tad ire thereby enabled to reeelre Mid fill with dleprtch order* from u; portion of Um country. Preecrtptlooe Ailed et *11 bom, d»y or nlcfct, by • tborwofbly ooapeteat pereon. II Huiifl tlvaji Oars* and narar disap points. Tha world's great Pain Rallarar for Han and B»it< Chaap, quick and railaUa> PITCHER'S CASTORIA Is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mother* llko, nud Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels* cures Wind Colic; allays Feverbtlmcsn, aud de stroys "Worms. TUTTS PILLS Til I l u Children cry Etcher's cMtoria. Ilk. ^ JJ1SN0T NARCOTIC. the Wortdwir^Ia,EjrTS; Bering temcaicTVfWn",tc" ■ootho nnd «. ey ^coJ, Wouno,. Jttemnatiim uoonM and Spraiin, GaUS nP°?r ao' ^ uPon Beasts LaaiencM "■d reliable P' <IU,cli CARD OF THANKS. If I have been negligent in my sense of duty to sincerely thank the two Benevolent Or ders, viz.: ODD FELLOWS, and ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN, for their loving care and solici tude during the illness of my deceased husband, I hope to be pardoned for the seeming neglect, giving as my only ex cuse the deep affliction which Nature's course has assigned to me. While in the abandon of this my neglect I received Two Thousand Dollars, as my beneficiary portion, from that grand Order of Orders, the A. O. U. W.; and while I am aware that such sum is due to me by right of membership, yet I acknowledge the benefit was handed me in a spirit of glad ness and brotherly affection by its courteous members. Such kind feeling manifested proves to me that their pecuniary help goes hand in hand with that noblest of principles, " Frater nal Sympathy." UK8. PAULINE BECKER, QoSd Hill. Odobtr G, 1881. JOHN JONESp JR., DRUGGIST, Main St, Gold HilL 116! B TUB. EIGHTH ANNUAL FAIR -OF TUK— NEVADA 8TATE AGRICULTURAL, Mining and Mechanical SOCIETY, —to cowibxcb oii Monday, October 10,1881, —AMD— Kod On Batordij, October If, 1881. -AT- , « . RENO, NKVADA. Speed Programme First Dsj-Mondsy, Oct. 1*. No. 1.—BUNNINQ—Daah of tbre*quu ten of » mile; for all two year old*; $25 p. p.. <180 added. No. 9.—DEPOT HOTEL STAKE—BUN NINO—Daah of one and one-ouarter mllaa; for all tliraa year oldt; $50 an trance; SIS forfait; $200 added. No. 3.—" BENO JOUBNAL" STAKE— BUNN1NO—Free handicap; da»h of ooa and one^lghth mllee; WO en tranee; $25 forfeit; *10 declaration, $250 added; money mu»t accompany declaration, or hoi. will ba h.lSfor forfait. SPECIAL.—TBOTTINQ—Two mIlea and repeat; free for all borae* ownadln Nevada or In tho coontlea of Sierra, l22m, Plum** or Modoc. California, or Orant and Laka oonntlaa, Ongou; pane $400; Ant horaa $240, aaoond bona $100, third horaa $50. Second Dajr-Tnesdtj, Oct. 11. No. ♦.—TBOTTINQ—2:27 elaaa; free to all; mllo baaU; beat three In A*e, puna $000; flrat borae $i00, aaoond horaa $125. third horaa $75. No. 5.—TBOTTINQ—2:25 claai; fraa for all; mile beat*; beat three In Are; puree $600; flrat horaa $400, aaoond horaa $125, third horaa $75. Tklrd Dsy—Wodnesdsy. Oct. If. No. fl—BUNNINQ—D*»h of flT^algbth* of a mile; for two year olda that hare not uroTiomly won a raoe; $*& en trant; $10 forfait; $150 added. No. 7.—BUNNINQ—Balling race. Dub of ono and one-quarter miles, horles telling for $1000 carry ro o welgbt; two pound* allowed for each $100 re dnolTon; entianoe free; $200 added. No. 8.—BUNNINQ—Dub of one and one elgbtb mllea and repeat; fre*i for all, $25 antranca; $10 forfeit; $250 addad. Fourth Day—Tktrsdty, Oct. 1$. No. 9.—TBOTTINQ—Mil* *nd repeat;free for all three year olds ownsd for six months prior to the Fair, in of Nera<fa.or in th.countie.oBlerra. Laaaen, Pluma* or Modoc, California, or Orant or Lake countlea, Oragon; purae $800; flrat borae $200, aaoond horaa $75, third horaa $25. No. 10.—TBOTTINQ—2:M riaaa; fraa for all; mile baaU; be«t three In Ore, parte $400; flrat horaa $250, aaeond bora* $100. third bona $50. No. 11.—TBOTTINQ - M0 do*; «U. heat*; be*t thraa in At*, fraa for au horaea owned for els montba prior to Fair, In the BUU. of N*r*da. or in Sierra Laaaen, Plumaa or Modoo countla*. California, or in Orant or Lake countlea. Oregon. T. M. Wln; ■ton'a lorrel horaa and "Carllale barred; part* $500; flrat bona $200, aecond hone $75, third horaa $25. rink D$jr-frld»j, Oct. 14. No. 12.-AB0ADE HOTEL STAKE BUNNINQ—Dub of ona mil*, fraa for all two year old*; $50 antranoa; $20 forfeit; $200 addad. No. IS.—BUNNINQ—Daah of two mllaa and ona hundred yard*; free for all three year olda; $100 entrance; $25 forfeit; $300 added. No. 14.—"EVENING GAZETTE" STAKE —BUNNINQ—Free bandloap; daah of two and ona quarter mllaa; entruioe $100; $25 forfait; $10 declantion; $400 added; money mu.t declaration, or horaa will be held for forfait. Sixth Day-Sstnrdij, Oct. 1«. No. 15.—TBOTTINQ—2:40 cla*»; fraa for all; mile heata; beet three In An, purae $400; flrat horaa $200, aacond Lone $125; third borae $75. No. 18.—TROTTING—Free for all; mJla beau; be*t three In Are; puna MOO, flrat horte $500, aecond borae $200, third bona $100. Remarks and Conditions In trotting rice* any bom dliUoclog the field will recive only first money. No money paid to toy race wltboat a contest. All entries to mooing racee clot* 8ep tember 1; weights announced September S; declaration October 8. All entrlee to trotting new cIom Sep tember S. it 9 o'clock r. x., «t the Secre tary'! office la the First National Bank, lieno. In all trotting races five or more to en ter. three or more to start. National Trottiog Association rules to govern trottiog, aod Pacific Coast Blood Horse Association rnles to govern running races, except otherwise specified. All entnee most be addreeeed to H. L. Fish, Secretary of the Society, Beno, Ner. • UDIEt' QRAND TOURNAMENT, For the most aooomptlsbed and gracefal lady riders, Wednesday, October 12th, and Friday, October 14th, contestants being required to ride each of these daya to secure a price. FIB8T PRIZE—An elegant black silk drees pattern, value 9100; offered by C. A. Loom Is. SECOND AND THIRD PRIZES—The Society's Bllvsr Plate, valued at $70 and $40 respectively. FOURTH PRIZE—$20 coin; offered by Perkins A While. The Udy who Is adjndged first (lull have first choice of premlomi offered, and so oo. Ladlee who have heretofore reoelved first prlxee from the Society will be barred from competing for first prise, bot may oompete for all other prizes. It la expected that other special pre miums will be edded to this list by print* oontribotloD. None bnt ladles of the highest respecta bility will be allowed to oompete for prises. Ladlee wishing to oompete for prisee will please send their names to the Secre tary, indorsed by two memben of the Society. W. B. OHAMBXBLAIN, President. • H. L. Fai, Secretary. sultd