Newspaper Page Text
THE EYENiyG NEWS V1RMHIA AND TIOCKIIIA1LI0A0 TIME TABLE. Taklaff Met iprll 14lk, 1881. It C«M BUI u< TlritaU. STEAMBOAT. washoe Vfttarrowi LAiimw ..| CAKSON. TE AIMS llrtltla mm4 I um4 nasisu. SOLO KILL*r OOLOHILLd* VUBUOtflW iroaocaBd* KMPlU CABSJM M carbon.. di lakbvikw .. fbakktovn WA&HOl ..... STEAMBOAT. IDft mp.a AM " B*S " lit " «.» M Itt " TJO - Tup* tn - T.«0 " tJI " 80* - Mi AlU • SJS wan IMS ••••••«••• SIB - •••••••«•• US " S.« " II« 1S.S0I TIT SM «.«0 TUESDAY, : OCTOBER II. 18tl ittcH ««ro«r. un nwiH. IS Northora Bella. lit 100 Indapandaaca, 19 900 Albioa. 1 90 ltt Ml Diablo. S •00 XL Potoai. Mo 10« East Mi. Diablo. Itc IN Byadioato, 40. M0 CoMordia. 1H •10 Mom. > 99. 1H 999 North Noonday. 30c 490 Bodla Tuaaal, 11* M0 Marta White, 9 OS 9M Oro, SSo 900 Piaal Cos.. JH 9NTamiwt. lOo TWO MUDN. 9T9 0yhir.9H.9H 990 Mailoaa. 9H. 9*4 m OnM * Carry. 1\ 1M Baal A Balohar, 1IH M California. lOo 990 Baraga, « 19. 4 10. 4 M 1M Ooa. Virginia, 1H 40 Ohoilar. 9 49 190 VMooi. 9 9ft MOrova Point. 1 90 110 Tallow Jaakal. 4 90. 4 9S 970 laaorial. Mo M Alpha. 9 99 40 BihAXormaa. 9 98 8M Balohar, 1 99 100 CoaMoooo. 9H, 9 4S 9M Biarra Novada. 19*4. 14* 970 Ballloa. 70c. 78o 40 Utah. 7S 10 liahaqoor, IV M Sag. Balohar, 7 M Onrau, 1H 999 Vaioa Ooa.. 14H.14H 199 Alta. 4 M 990 Julia, 40o 1M Silrar Hill. ISo 1M Nov York. lOo 190 Ooeidadtal. 1* M0 Batro. ISo 70 Aadao. 1 M. 1 70 190 Boorploa, 1 h M0 Now Walla-Pargo, 10c 19 Baataa, 79o laa Pm^xctsco, Octobar 19—1 r. CorokaCoa.. M; Baraga. 4 <4, 4 99.4 18; Biarra Narad a, 19H, 19 S; Ophir, 9H,9S; Baal A Balchar. 11H. 19; Coa. Virginia, SH; Uoioo Coa.. 14V H<ii Opblr, 9h; Haio A Norcroaa, 9 S3, 9 M; Uaioa Coa., 14H; Ooald A Carry, 9. 7H; Xtxicaa,9\; Alia, 4 40; ov«rmaa. 1 90; Cunfldanoa, SH Tallow Jackot, 4 98; Bullion. 70c; Baorpioa 1H; Baatoa, 73o; Crown Poiat. 1 M; Bodio Toaaal. 1 99; Bodio, 7H; BUror King, 19; Martia Whito, 108; Northora Balla, 10H; Chollar, 3 40; Hala A Norcroaa, 9 90; Alpha 9 70; Tallow Jaokat. 4 40; Kichoqaor. 1 90; Boatoa, 79o. AWiwiim UnM Mintk 8ax Fba*cuoo, October 18—3 r. M.— Caion Cos.. 14% aalaa; Sierra Nevada, 14S aakad. US aalee; Opbir, 4S aalaa; Cm. Virginia. SS aekod. JH aalee; QoaM A Curry, 7S uIm; Union Coo., 15 aakad; llmNmili, ICS bid; Ooold 1 Carry, • mIm; llTip, 4S bid, 4M aalee; Alia, 4 SS bid; Tallow Jack*!. 4 St bid; Maxieaa, til kid; Overman, 1 SS bid; Hala * Nor aroaa, t Si hid; Potaal, S aakad; BoKieo, 7Se aakad: Jaatiea. tOa bid; Exchequer, 1S kid; Ckollar, t 40 aakad; Scorpion, IS aakad; Marra Nevada, 14S aakad; 9ari|a, 4S aalaa; Julia. 40c aakad;; California. s>0c bid; Baa* A Balabar, is aakad; Mtiioaa, »S aalaa; Julia, 4Se aalaa; Occidental. IS aakad; link* Caa.. SO aakad. ArnvaM ikN ■•»!■(. 0 Heydeofelt, J Kennedy. Xiaa M Cul Ian, Xiaa V Andrew*. Tbomaa Daly, Gao S MatUava, ▼ Mite ball H Oalbratb, W J Verba*, W X Daniaoa, Mra Wilaon. C M Haddiah, /T XaDougall and wifa, Xi*e N MaCormick, X Vucovioh, J Traaaura, J • Traaaura. l.aal KthIbi. Wb Smiley, Xra William* and children, Xra P Terrell, N Fulaom, Xiaa F Elatnar, Xra C Xeaay, Captain Jobn Kally, Xiaa Xaggio Donekue, Xaurioa Hoadlcb, H X Levy, D Bola. ■ialaf t«l»aay la Traakla. 0. 0. Amber of Virginia tbia santing had attaakaent pa para iaaua out ot Jua tioa Hirea' Caart oa lha pro party of tka lava Miaiaf Company for 9155 48. Aa aaon aa tka pa para vara aervad a reprt aentatiee at defendaat appaarad ia court and paid avar tha moaay. Tka anil of V. A. Q. Gearing againat tha aaaa aom paay far 9179 SS kaa baan oontinaad to taha tha dapoaition of a vitaeaa ia Salt LakaCUy. Trial *| Vtoiiata'a cbM al Patiaa. Tha jary la lhaoaaa of the State va. Joka Bradley. vha waa charged with aaaaalt and battary, raotalaad out aa hoar aad taa aiautaa yaatatday aftar itt~. thaa cam a into oonrt and aaid thay vara aaabla to agree. Tbay vara ilaailaail aad tka aaaa aat tor rakaaring Tkanday aftarnaoa at 3 o'clock. Tba jary alnHI eight far acquittal aad foar far oaariatioa. Jaaaa fary, aa old-time atlaar, di(d laat alght attar aa illnaaa at two yaara. HI* ihaaia vaa eoaatuaptioa. Tar tha paat yaar ha baa baan aaabla to da any kind af wark. Ha vaa a meaber at tha QaM HID Mlaapa' Ualoa. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. AKIMrt TtU-liitoM W>M«W »f UUrwi-TlM Mlgwl -NfflK IUMMM M iwll WllMi tor AM-Olkw rrute Coamieeioaere Fraeer. Shtridaa and Chairman CaaaTsn oonatituted tba Board of County Commiaaioa«ra this meraiog. Tba otbar members, Galla gher and Webber, ara la Oaliforaia. Altar tba approval of tba mlaataa of tba previous meeting, lira. J. Cortia eppeared before tba Board, and atattd that bar booaa, at 630 0 strset, bad baan Warn ad aa tba 7th of Ootobar, aad aaked that tba assessment oa tba prop arty ba stricken from tba roll. Chalraaa Caaavaa atattd tbat tba Board bad no pa war la tba praalaaa. Traaaarar Otey aakad for two deputiea wblla oollaotiag delinqaeat tazaa. Hr waa allowed 0. B. Smith aad F. Eanla. Mary Kelly waatad $90 to aaad bar eblldrea to Qraaa Valley. Fraaar eaid ba tboagbt tba woaan bad received aid, aad wanted tba ■ attar referred till tba retarn of Oommlaeioaar Oallagber. Tbat waa Anally agreed to. A communication waa reoalved from Auditor Breaaao, vetoiag tba bill of F. D. Plunkett for aalary aa CityJailar. Communication filed. F. J. McCarthy, Conatable of Tewn ablp No. 1, reported bie civil feea for paet month to bo $39 60; erimiaal, 1146; total buaiaeea la offloe, 9168 60. Uader Sheriff McDonald elated tbat Mrs. Mary Keltoa of Oald BUI derirad to parobaca lots 11% aad 19, block 6, range C, aitnato near tba New York mine. The property waa formerly owned by K. J. Hamilton, bat bad beea aald to tba ooanty for deliaqaeat taxes. An order waa Bads by the Board direct iag tba Caunty Treasurer to dead the lota aakad for oa payment of tba delin quent taxes aad ooeta, wbiab aaouat ta so. The bills or Unariea vjeiDurn mr m Tioti in lb* Reoorder'a o9n sod John Brady far aervicee in lha Countj Clark's office vara again referred to tba Coart koasa Coaaittee. Tkasa are the ds farrad deputy bills. Dr. Harri^preeented bill for attending Jack Weiss (lbs prisonar who molted sad was mastered by Jsilst Fsrnum) in tbs jail, and Dr. Conn asked for remu nerstlsn lor lika attendance on Geyetle. Both bills vara rafarrad. By rula of tba Board it is tbs Cennty Pbysioisns doty to sttsnd to tbs ailaents of prisonars. Dr. Navlsnd vss sliovsd $4 for drsv iog severel taatb of • a offering prlaoatr. Conatabla McCarthy vas also allovad bia a alary, $200. Kans, tbs asn *ho as ad tbs Coa aiaaioosra to rscoter posssssion of Bonansa avsnus, prsssntsd s bill for casta of eerUin ordara of sail, as sllsvsd by tbs Dlstriot Court. Bill rafarrad. nroiomrr kittkbs. Frsssr saggaated, as they vara about to taka up applications for aid. that nona ba sliovsd tbst vsra not in proper form, stating tbat bs believed tpplissnta aboald bo made to oonfora vith tba strict litter of tbo Isv. Genevan said bs bad alvays under stood tbat applicants vara so required; tbst if bs had votsd to grsnt aid in casss where tbo application vaa not in proper vaa beoaasa hs bsd nsvsr ssen it. Hs aftervarda added tbat if an application vaa not dated, it would not ba considered ont of fora, as tbs Clsrk oould affix tba day of tbs aontb. quiu applications roa AID. Sbsridan said ha had Mas applica tions for aid ho dssirtd tbs reporters present to Inapeet, simply to sbov bov csrslesa taxpaysrs vara in signing thsa; that oitizsos vers in tbs bsbit of sign ing blank applieationa, vhsn any appli cants name could ba i near ted. There vaa one ahovn, aigned by Williaa Oar hart and Rachel Beck aa taxpayers, and Mrs. Hoffman'a naaa aa applicant in serted betvaen the sigastarso, and ths proper spaee for the naaa of the petitioner left blank. Another applica tion vaa exhibited aigaed by Maurioe Foley and E. Duncan Dunlriea aa tax payers and no naae of applicant ia given. Still another vaa preaented by Tboa. Jackson vhicb did not hare any aigna tnrea. Caaavan thought it best to reject all appliestions not in fora, vbsn petition srs vould Isks soas pains keresftsr to csuss as littls troubls as possibis. He further stated applloatiooa auat oontain place of reaidence to bs In fora ss there vers so a any parties of ths sans naas applying for aid. An applioatioa for aid by Miaa Lizzie Bovee, vbo reeidea aeutb of 8t. Mary "a Hospital, Virginia, contained the nafflee of "Mr. Squiera" and "J. C. Haapten" aa taxpayere. The blank vas filled in vith tba earns bandvriting, signaturss snd all. What purportsd to bs Hsap Ion's signsture vss declsrsd by the Clsrk to bo n forgsry, and tbo applica lion vaa rejected. A HDUtDII similar on* *h m« ui an application lor Miaa Hill, 308 Sonth Howard street (Divide). parporting to bo signed by "Mr. Jerry O'Neil" tod "Mr. Jtaut* Neel." The handwriting tu lb* hoi tbrougbovt. Commlaeioner Frwir Mid bo iu sat Uflod lllso Hill iu la need ud tbo ihmd vby tbo vriting vm tbo mbbo *h btciuu ono •! tbo parti ee coald sot vrite and tbo other bod eigned bio bubo lor bio. Tbo District Attorney being appeeled to Mid a auk or eomctblng else nbould bo oa tbo applieetion to abov that ono party bed signed lor tbo otber. Tbo matter vm referred to Fraeer and bo «u requested to are both parties wboee namee were eigned and eee il tboy bad authorised tbo dm of iboir namee. Tbo rale of tbo Board vbieb elated aid woald not bo granted where there vm an able bodied man ia tbo lamily wee anepeaded and aid granted to Peter Megeam, a Qerman ont of work, vbo bM a wile and eerta children. Aid to also given Mra. Jerry Harrington, wboee husband died about ten daya ago from over heeling in tbo Sierra Nevada. She bM eix email ebildion. Lizzie Brown, living eaat of tbo Catb olio Cbareb, Mat 1a an appllMtioa eigned by A. Parker and George Dirke. Commiaoloaor Sheridan aaid bo believed tbe woman bad eeverel allMeo, and to granted aid under tbem. Ho wanted tbo application referred. Hie reqneet vm granted. la all, tbaro vero about thirty appli cations for aid granted and two refused, bealdee tboM above mentioned. Tbo Board vent into aeoeion to oen etder tova and city affair*, and tbe Nrwi reporter, owing to tbo lateneM of tbo boor, withdrew. A nev form of oath will Man become neoeeaary In our eriminal oourt practice il tbo tastimony of pereona gnilty ol pub lio offoaoea, given ia tbelr ova bebalf, is to bo oonaiderod ol equal veight and cre denoo vitb tbo teetimeay of law-abldiag aad respectable eitiseae. Ananias evi dently died too soon. If bo bad lived natil today, aad la Storey ooaaty, Ne vada, bo woald bave booa nnastdstsd a modal ol traib aad vomaity. IrapaUMIt. A Km reporter vu shown today by William H. Protkeroe, of this ton, a half-sheet po«t»r jut reoslved ky Li* "from 8waneee, W»l»«. It li surround* ed by a heavy black border, and is kead ed in large letters : "Funeral of Oarnl Garfield." It it • proolematien from the Major •( Swum*, u followa : To tba Inhabitants of tbo Borough of Bwanaea: Tba faasral of tba lata lamented Preeldent of tba United StaUa of America baring been fixad to taka pl»ce on Monday nut, tba 36lh inatant, I do beraby invito and rooommend that all abopo within tha borough ha oloaad between tba boara of 1 and 2 o'clock of tbat day, and, aa far aa poaaibla, all baainaaa aaapeaded daring that time. Considering that Bvanata ia maraly * boroagb tows of about 90.000 Inhabit ants, ihia mark of ayapatbatlo obeerv •noa of tha monrnfal ocremonire of tbat day by oar. EngUab friaada will ba ap preciated aa tba faaling of tba paopla throughout Or tat Britain on that aad oocaaion. Virr Badly Kara. P. BalUager was aariaaaly injarod yeeterdey afternoon by a fall reoeived while repairing tba floor of a hoaaa. The gentleman raoantly pnrebaaad a res idanoa on Main a treat and wea engaged ia removiag tbo floor. Ho bad taken ap several boards in oae part of the room aad tarned to work elaewbere when bo forgot bimeelf and atepped back iate the opening ha had made. Ha fall about four faat aad la doing ao itruck bis left aide egainat the flooring, fracturing two of bia ribs sad looaeaiag tbo pleara. Mr. Bellinger was taken to bia borne, bo bad not moved to bia new house, aad medical aid anmmoned. Hia injuries are severe but net considered necaaaarily fatal. Sailiy mt ratty Uit»7. Annie Daisy of Virgiaia *u yeaterday adjudged guilty of petty la roc ay by Jue Um Hirea. It appeara aha bad been rooming at tba beuaa of a lira. Oolliaa, aod oa leaving for otbar quwtara leek along a gold breaatpla belonging to her landlady. T» eatabliab bar rlgbt to tba artiela aha eauaad aoma aarka ta bo plaocd oa tba inaida, and atatad oa trial tbat aha bad It ao marked a year ago. Jewelera teatlfled that it waa narked not mora tbaa a month ago. Tba rigbtfal owner proving bar olalm to tba property, it waa awarded bar aad lira. Daley or-, dared to appear for aenteaoe today at 9 r. u. 8aa<ajr4«bMl Oiiiaa. Tbe flrat oflcial Sanday-aobool cenaua la tbe United Stataa ia now beiag takes by tbe goverameat. Clrooiara ooatalo log qaeatioaa are beiag aeat to every Superintendent. Three queetiona oover tbe nomber of teaebera and children, tbe agea of aobolara, tbe number, value aad eharaoter of booka In llbrarlae; tbe property owned, tbe money oelleoted, aad 'he iacreaae ia attendanoo alnoa 1870. Provided aoma of Qold Hlll'a young mea da not agaia fall iato tbe baude of tba Phllfatlnee, the number of Bible etndeata bere will be iaareaaed by aeveral next Sunday. tiewl aheeilai. John Stanley won tha Sarafleld 9 card weekly medal laat Sunday—acere, farty five poiata out of a paaaible fifty. Tha ■embera of tbla oompaay are dolag ex oellrnt abootiag aad wbea tha day for their aanual eontaat rolla round tha reeord at tbat day'a aport will ahow aooree to be prattd of. Tka roll DMlreyar. Coaaumptlaa, for yeara almoat aa kaowa oa tba Oomatook, baa witbin tbe Cit year oarried off a aamber of oar cit ae, aad moat all of them were attady, bard.workiag miaera. Tbe prodnoe brought la by raaebera ia eagerly aougbt after by famlllta. However, thoea having article* to die poae of growl beoaaae tbey cannot get tba aaaa price for tbeir warea and aell aa much aa tbey did in tha "bonanxa" period. Btchard Kirraaa ol Virginia baa begua auit before Judge Biaiag agaiaat J. B. Withriagtoa aad Joha VTilllaae of White Pine oouaty for tba faraoloaura of a mortgage oa real eatate ia tbat aonaty, given lo aeoura a promiaaery aote for 93000. Tbe oapa of tba Sierra Nevada aad Como mouataiaa are covered with anew —a dreaaiag raoeived during tha lata atoray weather. General Nawi Itami. Cklef Jnatioe Leonard, who haa bin Ttrj 111, ia recovering. The City of Tokio brought 400 Chi im into Ban Fraaeiaoo on Sunday laat. Aocerding to reoent advlota from Japea and China the obolara la ragiaf there. King Kalakaua will leave Sin Fran cisco for bia Ulead kiogdoa oa (ho 27th laataot. Shipment* ol nnialfed beat from Ana tralia to Eagland bare aot proTod aoo ooaafal. Orer $80,000 have been oolleotod ia San Franoiaoo for tbo Oarflald lloaa* aaant Fond. Boatoa gave two dallara to tho Mich igan aufferera for every oao it garo to the Oarflald faad. Tba wbiatlM of tha looomolive on tho Caraon and Colorado Railroad will aooa bo beard at Belleville and Candelarla. A diaaatroaa burr leans reoently awopt over Eoglacd, wracking Beany voaaela oa lha ooaat and oanaing tba loaa of many Uvea. Tha Maaaaohoaetta Jadgo who decided that tbo ringing of a obarch ball at 6 o'clock in tha morniag waa a public aulaanoa decided wall. Senator Skaroa, who haa been con fined to bia rooa at tba Palaco Hotel, in Han Franciaco, for tha paat two waoka, ia now better, and will aooa go to hu country residence at Bolmont. Tho ." boy preacher" Harriaon ia taaking it wara tor tbo eohorta of tho davil in Baa Fraaeiaoo. Oar rua-ehop near tho ebarob where ho holda forth hu gone into tho 8heriff*a haada. Tbo Saa Fraaeiaoo CMronlelt aaya that a Ne vada ballwhacker oa a " drank" dropped in, and waa ooavorted alaaoat before bo had tiaa to aobor up, aad ho haa toraod over all hia anrplua aaviaga to aaaiat ia tbo good work. Bat aoro joyfal than all, a aargeaat of polloo haa fooad aalratloB, aad will organise a Band of Hope at tho aext gatherlag for tha gooao atep. Bravely tho good work WETEBB DISPATCHES; Skip 8»k at Ike Wkarf. 8ix Fautcxsoo, October II. — Tha Britl»h «hip Friadburg was diackarging rtllroid nib it Oakland wkarf day wkan tha allaga slippad and Ibraa raila want through tba ahlp'a bottom. Sba auk ia water jaat daap anoagh to qotw kir kail. Iadlgnatioi Meet Ids. San F&lxcxbco, October 18.—A larga matting waa bald lut sight daoounsing the arraat at Parnall aad atbara. Four bundrad dollara wu auaoribad to tba Land Laagna Fand. Arliona Items—framont Keslgns as eoTtrnor-Mlnlng latelligeiee. TccaoM, Ootobar 18.—A ra^ort oomaa (ram tka Watokat Moaataiaa that thraa ■an w«ra klllad wbtla (allowing tba trail •( a band o( oattla wbiok kad baan driven off. On Saturday Oaorga and (enrtaan ot his band had a fanning fight with tba aoldltrs naar Eagla oraak. Tka Iadlaaa got away with a (aw baraaa. Oaaaral MaoKabila baa baan ordarad ta tba Dtpartmant o( tka Mlaaouri. General Kaltoa, aaat ta azamlna af faire bora, eaye Ariaona ia (raa from boa tilts aad llkaly to remain ee, ualeee tka Ohlraoahnas ratarn (ram Maxioo, which ia doubtful. Troapa ara balng poatad along, nndar and about tba reeerratlen ta aaoara order. Tombstoxb, Ootobar 18.—'Thara is taaob rejoloiag at tba nsws o( Frataoat's raaigaatian, bat dissstisfaction at tba probable appointmant ol General Banks. The people want aosaa resident, who kaowa thair naada. An offar wu yaatarday aiada Tbomaa Ogdan of IM.000 for 61,000 shsiaa a( Silver Bait atoek, wbioh ba refueed. Tha Waatirn Contantlon b*s daoidad ta build a farty-atanp mill at tba mlna. Tba oonaolidatlon with tha Flora Mar riaon and Solpburat lad to this daolsion. Tba mlasa ara° all doing wall this month. Tbara ia a report that tba Baa ton mill waa baught by tha Stonawall mlaa, tha priea balng 9100,000. lueka Consolidated. Eubexa, Nev., Ootob«r 18.—At the annual Betting of the Eureka Coneol idated Mining Company yeaterday, 47,034 abarea war* rapraaantad. Tha following Truateea wara alaotod: S. Hay. denfeldt, F. Locan, S. Hart, Tbomss Hall and H. H. Blokard—all being of tha old board exorpt Biekard, who la a New York m»u. At a aubaeqaent matt ing ot tba Traataaa, F. Laoan wu elect ed Praaldant; 8. Heydeafeldt, Vloo Prte idant; W. W. Tray lor, Beoretary, aad T. J. R«ad Superintendent. Tba prodaot ot tba alna (or tka paat yaar waa $1 720,000. A raaolotion waa paaaad to anipand tba payment of dlvidende until altar tba oompletian of tha saw hoiatlng works. Miscellaneous. Sax Fiuxciaoo, October IS. — It la now atatad that tha loaa by tha reoeat Spear-street Are will raaeb $300,000. Yeaterday morning Banjamin E. Fore wall, agad aizty yaara, waa ktllad by be ing thrown from a wagon on tba Web atar-atraat bridge, Oakland. Daoaaaad kept a livery atabla in tbla city. A letter reeeived by the Call from lha Aretio relief atyuser Badgers, dated St. Lawranoa Bay, August 19, aaya: We arrived hara tha day ba'ora, all wall. We fonnd bar* a Bossian oorvetto, wblob will aaoompany tba Bodgara to Sergo Annan. We will leave la tha after noon. Wo hava bind two native* for tha oralae. BuruniLD, Cel., Ootober 18.—Tha anginear of tba north bonnd paaaenger train yeaterday, after oroaaing tha bridge on Ken river, notloed n man atandlng on tho traok, faoing tba engina. Bound ing an alarm and failing to move tbo man, tha brakes wara applied, bnt too late. -Tba angina straok blm in tbo forehoad, crushing it fearfully. Ha livad only a few minotrs. Nothing wss fonnd on bia pereon to lead ta bia iden tit y. Pobtlaxd, Or., Oatober 18. — Tho British bark Edith Lome, from Hobart Town, is reported sshere on Olataop Spit. It is thought she will bo got off, though sbo is in • dsngerons position. Brakeauta Killed. Wasswonn,Nav.,Ootober 18.—Henry Lsity, a brakeman on train No. 8, fall off tbo train at Dsaart Station laat sight and tba wheal* raa aoroas bis breaat. Ha lived in Virglala City. Victim* to oonatlpatios and Its untold mlaorloa oss keep In good oondlllon by a modsrste use of Aysrs' Pills —tka surest, ssfest and most rallabla oath artlo. Tho blood at tinea baoonaa loadad vlth imparitiaa and moTN aloggjahljr in tht vaina. This coalition of tba ▼ital fluid oannot last long without aarioaa raanlta. An altaratira i« naadad to purity tka blood and impart anargy to tba ayatam, and tbaro ia nona battar than Ayar'a SaraapariUa. LaNlin, a*Hl aai *k*li Hub Poach, hot or ietd, la bom rrmtaful to tba palata and mora wbolaaoaaa thin a poach mada to otdar. AU wall (tockad lardtraara luppiitd with II. Bold by all Qrocara, Wlna Ifarcbaata and Dnutglala. Trmde aoppllad by Mcbarda k Hamaoo, A(«nta tut tba Paclfio eoaat, Ban rnnetaco. MIBCKLLUriOUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mada tram Otapa Otaaaa Tartar.-Mo alb ilea wltboot war of Ilia raaalUaa from bam III mill rill i food. Sold oalr la oaaa, by all Bom. Bum Sow POTDBB ( IISCILLAJIOUB. Hub Punch o. h. MAYit k son. Jj?i4JygQLEARw45^ CORDIAL, MIXED WITH ICE WATER, COLO TEA, LEMONADE, OR SODA. "Hl'H rOfCH" U CKAVIKOntT PRONOUNCED UNRIVALLBD. loM fe; Lattflng 6r*c«rt, DraffM* Md Mm Nwdttnt* Ertrpriitra; Alio at Hotati uH OWafCvt. B«in of CowtoMU O. H. CRAVES * SONS, ■•to Mainfi A Prop**. NOH» T«de wppUed si Meeetieteriii prle* by RICHARDS * HARRISON, AftnU for Psolflo Ooaat, Baa Fnaolaoo, OtL TUTT'S PILLS INDOR8KD BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN. AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lowof .pp.UU.yiiUM^bow.U OOlUTft Fain in tneHwaajwlthadiiiraenaatlon In iheback' pari, Pain underthe ahoulder blade. fill In cm after eating, with a dl»ln olinitlon to exertion ofbody or mln J, IlTlUbllltr'of twmporTTow apinta.Xoaa of memory, with a foellFgo? having neg leoted lomt duty, woarlneeE~DIa»ineaa, Fluttering of the (ToartjTJoUTjefore tho w^ry»ifi>w-Bki57 g<jgr>che;yeiiiiir. heia at night, highly colored Urine. IT THEM WAMraiM ASS TOEEEDKD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU'm mil »r« eapeclally adapted to >urli caaea.orie doae eaeete each achange of feeling aa to aetonlah the auffarer. Th* y IwTMur Uw Appetite, and can** the body (0 T>ki> M rirah, tbua tbe ayatem U ■•erlUaeaLand by thrlrToaleAvtlmaon the Br.ane, geplar at—1« artpro duced. Price X ceiita. lit Marrmj ft. JI.X. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oaar Haia or Wmikicm changed to a Oioeey Muck by a atnule application or thla Dva. It Impart* a natural color, acta Inataounroualy. -.Id bjr Ormuuta, or aanl by ciprraa on ractlpt #f ft. Offloef3B Murray St, New York. Cbr. Ttm lAICAL W Mwlla mt % i nf»i «ui mdSm ruiM miHhiiibJ klvtji Cursa and narar disap point*. Thoworld'a groat Paiaa XUliovor for Man ud B«ut CkMp, qolok and roliablo. PITCHER'S CASTORIA is not Xarootic. Children grow flat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverishaess, and de stroys Worms. LYON HILL AND MINING GO. | PUBCHA8IBS OF 80LD, SILVER AND COPPER ORES,| Sllnet, Tallinn and Bilpknreti. MANCFAOTCBBBSOF BLUESTONE AND SULPHURIC ACID. | Addrtw, L. M. * M. CO.. Dtiuil Not. JOEM 8COTT. Hapt. «T_ LATELY OPENED.! 8HAHAHAN8'. RESTAURANT, OopoclU ttw Gold H1U Bwk, MAYNARD BOUSE. • • GOLD BILL | iTerjthlDf Hew aid rirtt-Clau. MBA LB AT ALL HOUR*. Thro* Enl Tlakala tar Omm Dtllir. 8U£ THB PIONKKR SHAVINB 4 HAIRORESSINB SALOON | O. POHL. PROPRIETOR. •o^K«^*;iS2SLD HI1^I rOJUX TOWEL* AMD mg MAXOf v QEtafe. 8000th. Nml HkvcUm Work. I Hkir Cutting urn AmIw done tatftoaaot •itiatts, uiubU i»d HtWhemy (tyte. ThaoU PIodmt flalooa la Um pUea, tad deal fora*t II. •" — Urn frllfin KETOBRt M 10 DATS OX S10 JJWSMSS"®-* MuemmmrB. CHUBBUCK I THORBURH, POSTOPPICK Variety Stobbi DXALBI8 IX ALL THC LKADUO NEW8PAPEB8, MAGAZINES, stationery, Sheet Mule, Boaid Books, Bekool Sippllet, TOBACCOS, OANDlia* POOKKT OUTLKRY, TOY®, ITO. A JINT9 FOB Til 8m FraacUco "Gkroalcle," MP«tS.w "Cill," "IxaalMr" ud "COLD MILL DAILY NBWt" Wot Vl/gllU Oltj, Ookl BUI tad BUrer aitr. V. N. HILL & CO., 189 tola Street. Sold 1111. Y^BOLKULI uo hit ail dxalkbb H A R DWARE 0t KVBBY DBORIPTIOM. Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Work Of all kiada doaa to ord.r at abort aotlca. W LYONS A MONAHAN, DKALK8B IN WOOD AND GOAL. Yard-Oppaalta tba T. * T. 0(4 O.NI* VIBQINIA OITT. TTTOOD CUT AID SPLIT AMY LKRQTH " daatrad aad dallrarad at abort ootloa. Tba Baat Wood is Um Vlrtiata Karkat aaa mw bo Ma at ow Tan. Baton parcbaalaa aa inferior artlcla, call aod uaala. oar atoek. Wa an atao Afcu tor tba c. Ubratad EXCELSIOR POWDER, Tha Boat powarfnl Mlro-Olycarioa la U>a mar bet. It baa leaa no 11 oa« |UW tbaa aay Olbtr powdtr minutoctarad. Tit it aad ba coo rlaoad. Tblalaaot a aoeallad Batoty Powdar, bat A BTAMDARD NITUOGLYOBBIMB D10H EXPLOSIVE. Mining man will ted It to tbalr adraataca to (Ira tba Jbaatetor Powdar a trial. VOOea—At tba Yard. • Mala OOaa at J. 0. OUHRira AUCTION I10UBE, South 0 (tnat sir THE an BAKX1Y, RESTAURANT, Coilfectloier7 Mi Outfj Bepet, No. a? NarU 0 MtMt. Tlralafca. Amu AN BLBOANT AMOBTICXNTO* WHOLID HOLIDAY GOODS. Toya. Oaodtoa. Ora*. tu tor TaMa, OmaainU. Troatad aad Plain Oakaa of ail Idnda, daaorlpUon. aod da (ins, lad at pricaato Mlt ararjbody. Aa wa import all-oat |oodi direct from tfea Kaat, w» «*n offw tbaa at-prtcaa tba aaaa m * la If aw Zctfc. aad at laaa tbaa Ha J- Oraaaaato tor Oakaa a apadalty. ""Ioa Oraaaa aad Mmwbarrlaa aod Oiaaaa. Btowbatriaa by tba boa, at wbolaaato at MA (VOor oaadlaa an maaafactarad by ow> aalraa fraab arary day. aad an tor aaparlor to laiportad aaadlaa. PITXKKIKB * A&KBRU8T, Proprlalota City Btkary, ■0, IT Vortb 0 atraat, Tlr«lala. Narada. Ulm SOLD HILL BAKI11 R E 8 T A URANT ■AIM ITKIR ML9 HILL, Oppatfto tka IdtpM Uwy MaMaa, I. P. ■Mill. Pwprtrt—i mn bbus. ras, gam, and hoi f Baui rrtry <*7, d&vwvd at tta la* dtOOvfl of OUtOBKI* ■MAD AT MDUOID PRIOM. HT PIm aad (Wm at MdSMd prtMC. FUM7 a* mmW Oakaa Mdi to mim m (hart notlaa. to ibatBMtto Um auto. All kteda"of Omm, Footer aad niwl ii< flu u'd atoe 07*011 1raoaii •arad «p dally. m> REMOVAL. THOMAS E. FINCH nU BMMOTKD Eli SALOON TO NO. r NORTH o mm, ruaiwu cm mvada Whata aaa ba (bond tha boat of WINES, LIQUORS AND CI8ARS. An BBADINO BOOM Couaetad vttb tta hooaa. *laaaa aall T. B. FINCH. Aiaal C. f. CRANE, PURCHASINGL» AGENT, IiUMlafcoi la 18W. PXB80NB MMDWO AWAT nw* «AI rraaaiaao, to wart of any aitlala 01 MBROMANDiai. Oraal or nMll,au havatta* arte* Ulad Jaw* ot* print, dj •aaneees im laoimwe. "Asasaw",Sr IMK11S ill BB0K1M. TNE NEVADA BANK BAH miOISOO ^...OAUrOBMU itmrn at TW*.■mto... {&. V. SUST 0>atl sastsnsa'^ns Credit*. m* task kM spaeUl fcelliOw fot U ballloo. *« T. B. McGOKA, STOCK AND MONKY BROkCl lM Soitk 0 ftt.t TlrflaU* BUT urn EXLL STOCKS ON OOM on tte nort terotmM* Mom ] •lao MRT INMfei OB lUtSlB h4 GOLD M> IILTKK BOUGH* AMD I ■ :«OLD. L. B. FRANKEL, »T< omoi-iui« nm»i tltfi tha iuk tfCail VTOC1U MDOHT, BOLD and cab AMD ON RUKCIINB. I ■ MIMJILLAIIWB. SMITH'S AMERICAN PIANOS AND ORGANS I NEW YORK AND BOSTON STAND YOUR CLIMATE TH1 BEST ! WARRANTED FOR TIN YKARt AND SOLD AT WHOLISAH PRICKS I Vi Astute, lo Druwen* Jo Self-Stjled Professors, Or Half-Wij MbiIcIbbs, —mVLOTZD TO- • EXTORT MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC Smith's Pianos and Organs AU OTDOMIO IT in BAR MO 8101 AN! UPOIt THUB HABITS. lad tod m win tkow mt fko kin SMITH'S FUhOS la IOU mldii on Ult CottU BtTt jottt moan tad bar ti rikST BAND*. Deal bt hambocatd, bat Mod far O*ttiocot tod ttiufr yooiMlTtt ot tto finill DATS TIK TAlAlk by ImllUII fUlDM l/AOH oaro a —-Oil —§ a— — ■ m Alto SH**TliU8101( oot-htlf nuM pttot JAMBS S. SMITH* (KaaoAotmn' Biprw ttUf). «W Market Street, n« BAIT nUBtHBOO. OAL. STEVENSON'S Poloot BnM Bttid AHALSAHATINfi FAN. FATBNTAD, A FAIL IB, 1BTB.I INTMNATIONAL KXNIBITION. nttaddpu^ in, (awakdkd raur nnuvv: flrMlif u4 imlfuutlas fu. man pah n fab aunuioB to all JL owmt* la aararal Important pwtiealtit. Tfi# Oiiadtoc Maltaw **a MtrOiMW. M; ^asuassss'SGMr--. n aoath Ouiftl (total, CbloMo. wh*$ U can ba atmlaaA ud lurthw p»rtuol«r» ba >«nM«; or panoaa — T apply to Iba Inrtntor tod fu ntM. 0. 0. ITtrtMSOR. at U« Dooflaa Mill. OoM BUI, larada. «km Um Paaa bava lose CHANGE OF FIRM. I BATS THII DAT BOLD TO J. 7. BALL all ar lntwdt In Uw Ptonaer Uaidjj. f Vlitlala, Dwaabar 1,1M0. SPICIAL~NOTICI. tbay willbaplaa*4lalha baadaof i«MBl»,o» ^ COllftOtOf* la tatva do MM wUl ba altowjd to run m» tbaa UUrtydan. J. P. BtlJ; YlrjrlnLa, Dtcanbtr 1.1M0. jr-"«ws a*tM A Mm GASFIELD p»T«, br tka «Blaant aS^r^JrS55» tdVoa. ttS-iil mT7hiii tain oriara (or M» 5 10 eopl« dally. Oou^haajojbaf book cm to on*. Afnit yw —4* no—y to tit • pl*ta. ftltbfttl bU tory from wUtoto nutaf. OolODtl Ooo. Th« book Mill tlwtf. Btptrta—t net 2J.Wliw aatoowm. All mka f profit. Mrato tame 6w. 10 OEORO^m^OO^ L CHAPMAN. DR. rBTai m ■ —witta*. ■ m m FOB IDLL^MCTlWa. AMP MUS&S