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THE SILVER STATE. Tmvvlay..May », 1*W. n——————— THE oiimm: bill sm.\li>. The President has at last condescend ed to respect the will of the masses of the people as expressed by their repre sentatives in Congress, by signing the Page bill to restrict Chinese immigra tion. Yesterday he put his name t« the bill, which now makes it a law of the land, though he did not notify Con gress of the act. It is understood -that the delay is owing to the fact that the President will submit a message for consideration at to-days Cabinet meet ing showing that the fourteenth section of the bill, which prohibits the natural ization of Chinese, and the fifteenth section, which defines skilled laborers, are not obnoxious to Eastern manufac turers and sentimentalists. Now let us hang our banners on the outer walls and feel grateful that Ar thur has swallowed his own words, re futed his own arguments and, in obedi ence to the wishes of the Pacific Coast and the working classes in all the States, signed a bill which is certain to restrict Chinese immigration to some extent. Though the bill does not take effect for ninety days, and though thousands of Chinese now in Hong Kong will come to this coast meantime, it will stop after that date the wholesale importation of coolies, and encourage white men and women to come to tins Pacific Coast and engage in the vari ous pursuits now monopolized by Chi nese. MEXATOR FAIR OX TOE (HIXESE. The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune interviewed Sena tor Fair, and after premising his re marks with the information that the tpillionaire representative of the far West is above all others the easiest ap proached, quotes him as saying: ‘‘I am very largely interested in Cal ifornia and Nevada, and have never employed Chinese as against white la borers. One of the objections to the Chinese is, they work for such small wages that white girls and servants ■can not make an honest living. It ap pears that the Chinese take every pos sible source of labor from them. While this applies particularly to Cali fornia, it is equally true of Nevada. They have their opium dens and sell -opium and smoke it, and when appre hended as criminals escape to their underground dens, which extend to mammoth proportions, and can not be found. Their employment by me as laborers would be a great saving, but I do not employ them, and am in for the removal of the curse and competition. They come to California under the aus pices and servitude of the Six Compan ies, and every year they send home #40,000,000 to |4.»,000,000 to their peo ple, and were it not that Cab'ornia is blessed with plenty and possesses suult large resources, she could not stand _...L _ J_* 11’L •» ... w » iivu men Will UDI live among them, and many wealthy citizens have removed from the State and have taken millions of dollars of capital out of it with them. 1 may have an elegant block of buildings in their quarter, but I can not rent or hire it. They leave a filth and stench that no human white cau bear. I would like any one to bIiow me the fantasti cally -dressed, Ambassador-looking indi vidual iu California that you see here as their representatives. There they are pig-tailed ami woodeu-shoed. Senator Hoar, in defending them, is serviug certain manufacturing interests as against your own white boys and girls.” IW»« NIHILIST*. Nihilism is as rampant in Ireland as in Russia, and assassiuatious are as rife in Dublin as in St Petersburg. Satur day evening Lord Cavendish, who was last week appointed to succeed Forster, and Under-Secretary Burke, were way laid, and assassinated in Pbumi* Park, vihitker they had gone for a walk. Lord Cavendish had only arrived iu Ireland a few hours* before he was as sassinated. It doubtless was the act of insane conspirators, but it remains for Parnell and the Laud League to dis claim by words and prove by deeds that that they do not countenance such atrocities or sympathize with those who perpetrate then,. Lord Cuveudiah was cue of the most moderate of Liberals, and his death was as wanton and unde ftfred » that of our ova Garfield. b THE MACHINE I* ST WHET. The Virginia Footlight says the meet ing of the Democratic Central Commit tee of Storey county, heretofore referred to in these columns, was not called in the interest of any particular person ir. ! Storey. While such may be the fact, ' it looks badly to have a County Central j Committee meet and arrange for tilling ! vacancies aud getting things in <wder I for the approaching campaign before the State Central Committee apportions delegates to or determines when and where the State Convention shall be held. The machine politicians of Sto rey county may control the State Con vention, but they must do so by fair | means if they hope to elect their candi j date for Governor. They must be : made to understand that unless the action of the convention is such as to merit the approbation of the entire : party, it is immaterial who controls it aud who it may nominate. TELEI.KAHaif ITEM*. Considerable excitement has been oc casioned at Yauktowu, Dakota, over the arrest of John D. Cameron, for al leged connection with the Louisiana aud New Mexico land scrip frauds. 1 The United States Land Office there ! holds $0,000 in New Mexico scrip which the officers detected before re- \ ceiving it in payment lor lands. Une banking firm, McKinney k Scougal, has $.-»,000 in Louisiana scrip which they received from Burt k Miller, of St. | Louis. The United States Court is nowin session and the Grand Jury is investigating the fraud. No additional particulars concerning fe'ae fate of DeLong and party have been received. The Nary Department of ficials have little or no hope of tlie res cue of the Chipp’s party. Engineer Melville, in his last dispatch to the Department, said he had no doubt they had all ]»erished, but he would use every effort to recover their bodies. The general impression is that Chipp’s bsat capsized in the gale that separated the three boats, and that all bands were drowned. The ceremony of the opening of Ep ping forest to the full use of the public took place Saturday afternoon. A for mal dedication was made by Her Majesty the Queen. It is estimated that half a million persons were pres ent in the forest and along the route of the royal procession. During the next six months fourteen men-of-war, capable of carrying 800 troops each, will be stationed at Rus sian ports in the Pacific. Michael Davitt has been released from Portland (England) prison. ASStNSIS.fTIOXS IV IS ELI VI). tool (HveiulUh aad fader Secretary Karke subbed tu Death. Lord Frederick Cavendish, who was appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland to succeed Forster, and Thomas Havi land Burke, Under Secretary, were assassinated in Phoenix Park, near Dub lin, Saturday last. They were both strolling in the park, about one-half mile from the city gate and a quarter of a mile from the Chief Secretary’s lodge, when a car drove up w hich con tained four men, two of whom jumped down from the car, and attacking Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke, stabbed them both several times in the throat and breast. The victims strug gled hard for life, and in the struggle became separated, their bodies being found some ten i*aces apart. The trag edy occurred about 7:10 o’clock in the evening and in broad daylight. THE BODIES WKKK FIRST DISCOVERED By two young gentlemen who were rid ing bicycles through the park, and who immediately gave the alarm to the po lice. Surgeons soon reached the spot, hut the police were already conveying Burke’s body away to the town, where examination showed life was extinct. The upper part of the body was per forated shockingly, and presented a ghastly sight. Proceeding farther the surgeons reached the body of Caven dish, which was being conveyed away from the park on a stretcher. The body of the Chief Secretary displayed the same dreadful wounds, in addition to whiuh the left arm was broken and the sleeve torn, as if he had put it up to protect his breast. LORD CAVENDISH WAS QUITE DEAD. The bodies were taken to Stevens’ Hospital, where they will remain until 'the inquest. The locality of the out rage is terribly marked with blood. •Tire *pot where the body of Lord Cav endish was found was absolutely de luged, while Burke’s body lay in a pool of blood. It is said that after the act, the murderers immediately drove off. There seems no clew to the assassins at present, but the police are using every •endeavor to discover them. Large quantities of notes and gold coin, be sides their gold watches, were found in the pockets of the victims, showing tfie object of the crime w as not robbery. GEE AT EXCITEMENT JfltEVAILS Throughout Dublin, and widespread in dignation is expressed. Owing to the lateness of the hour of the arrival of the news in London, nothing of the out rage was known among the general pub lic until Sunday. At the London clubs and other late West Knd resorts, the news of the assassination was received with feelings of stupefaction, followed by expressions of bitterest resentment. The news of the signing of the Chi nese hill created some little enthusiasm in California. One hundred guns were fired in San Francisco, and salutes were tired iu some of the interior towns, hut rejoicing was tame compared to w hat it would have been had the first hill passed by Congress l>een signed. Advertising A'beat*. It has become so common to write the beginning of an elegant, interesting article and then run it into some adver tisement, that we avoid all such cheats, and simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, holiest terms as possible, to induce people to give them one trial, as no one who knows their value will ever use anything else. A2T Dam i AN A BirTKKK regulates the stomach. SETTLE I F. All person* knowing themselves to be indebt ed to the undersigned, are requested to call immediately and settle up, as I intend to leave shortly. PAUL JASMIN. Winnemucca, Nev., May 6, 1882. tf *23 REWARD ! A REWARD OK TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS will be paid t>> any person who will inform the undersigned who the party 1* that persists in defacing 'he Firemen's li,.11 Call in the llou.-e of Winiieimicca Hose Company No. 1. If. BUSCH. Foreman. F. M. Fkluiwh, Secretary. Wirfnemucca, Nev., May 4, 1882. tf Bridge Street, Wlnaesisrra, Nevada, HAS JUST RECEIVED Ills NEW A\D ERLS 11 Spring GroodLs ! NEW AND M. Ml ANT MTl'LEM -or CLOTHING! A HPLEXDID AHW4iKT.ll KST OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! The undersigned has Just received an elegant stock of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS ! For the Fpring trade, and has made a careful selection of every thing necessary for the wants of his customers. He un now offer to his friends an excellent assortment of Oentleiuen's Clothing St Furnlfthing Goods Bools mid Skates, Hals, Etc.. At prices that he guarantees shall he satisfac tory to all w ho purchase of him. He lias made large additions to the former stock of his Fancy Goods’ Department! And he has now on hand a superior assortment of ail kinds at Fancy and CHOICE GROCERIES! All articles In evey department of my busi ness will be offered to my customers At Ike Terr Unttri Prices ! H. HOF.HAS Winnemucca, April 27, 1882. HENRY HI'SCH, OP rosin THE COURT HOUSE, WiSXEHUUCA, DEAL KK in Wines Liquors and Cigars ,-ALSO } Leasee of 4'eateuuiul Hall Hatoen. V* iuncmueca. November 16,1870. 16-U A Grand Entertainment! ST. JAMES' LODGE, No. 9, A. O. XT. W., * -WILL GIVE A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT -~AT~ CENTENNIAL HALL, Wednesday Evening, May lO, 1880. COMPLIMENTARY TO THE KEFKESESTATIA ES OF THE (ilMMt LDXiE OF THE A\<IE\T OKHEK OF UNITED WORKMEN OF THE STATE OF SETABA. Member* of the Outer will enter the hall at 7oJj o'clock, in procession. Officers of the Grand Usige, wearing wh'te ribbon, * l!l tak • tlieir seats on (he platform. Grand Representative*, wearing red and wliite ribbon. Reception Committee, wearing blue ribtsm. ORDER OK EXERCISES: 1— Opening Service.Rev. Mr. McKelvey 2— Introductory-.M. 8. llonnifleld, M. W. 3— Quartette--“Speed Away” Dr. T. C. Hanson, Dr. J. J. M«*>re Chav. J. Currier und It. Hancock. 4— Oration, by J. W. Kinsley, Grand Lecturer of the Order in California. 5— Piano Solo.. . Ml*s f annie llodgc* ti—Solo.Miss Emma Linn "--impromptu Addresses, Grand Representatives 8— Duet—“Night in Venice", Dr. and Mrs. Hanson 9— SoloCThe Spring Time") Miss Lida Dowdell 10—(quartette—"A Dream of Home," Mrs. Dr. Hanson, Mis* Emma Linn, Dr. Moore and C. J. Currier. MXBMCTIOX. After which there will be a GnANO HOP 2 Kor all who choose to participate—a dance for each Usige in this jurisdiction. NMM.UMIMMOMia MMI WilHNH Him * £ P riViRlMME S » - £ K 1—Grand Marcii and Quadrille, ■ Kor St. James' Lodge g a 2—Walt*.Kor Alpha Lodge e m 3--Quadrille.Kor Gold Hill Usige Z }s 4—1‘oika.Kor Storey Lodge ft f. b—Quadrille-W alls... Kor Oi'dishy Lodge £ |jj 6—.Kor Nevada Lodge « * 7—Hchottische.Kor River Usige * £ 8—Quadrille.Kor Security Lodge 3 *. 9—fireman's Reel.for Lucille Lodge m f« -O- > ■ IKTKBNlaalON —M’mw—AT 12:30 OCtSS K. 2 C ■ - Q 0 1—Quadrille.Kor Victory Lodge 2 <*■ 2— Waltz.for Hope l odge m gj 2—lancers.Kor Anchor Usige “ 0 4—Quadrille.Kor Aurora Usige g • 5—S*hottische.for Ontario Usige 2 £ 8— Virginia Reel......... Kor Hutte Usige J 7- Ma7ourku.Kor Capital Usige H " 8—Quadrille.for Unity Usige £ ■ 9— Esmeralda.for Esmeralda Ledge 3 Mlo—Medley, £ for Union, Alta and Boas man I.xlges £ ! - « T. U0OD *10 117. £ ■ £ HHN NNHMN INN HNUNUHHl M K 14 '■■ ■ 111 V 1 The public are cordially invited. ADMISSION—FRKE. Private collection from the dancers. SL'PPKK—At Mrs. D. P. Crooks Restaurant. Doors o|>en at 7 o'clock. Exercises will eoin mtnce at 7:30, sharp. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. iuy4-td SHORT-HORN CATTLE ! -and- ' BUKSHIRE HOCK! FOR H A. L E 1 THE CENTRAL NEVADA LIVE HTOI’lA COMPANY Having purchased the celebrated J. D. CARR HKKb OF DURHAMS, bred in Monterey, county, California, now offer lor sale a choice lot of YOl NCi BI LLS AND MEIFMU, At reasonable rates. The herd comprises some of the most noted families of Short*Horn a. It is the intention of the Company to offer this stock at such reasonable rates as to justify cattlu brooders to infuse into their herds the blood of the most noted of beef-producing cat tle; in which iNurticular the “KhortHorns" excel. This herd has now been in the State twelve months, and are fully acclimated. THE UUUtHHIIK MM offered are from choice strains of imported and prize stock. A few head of MRkTd'LU)) WORk MILKS Also for sale. Full Information regarding this stock can he obtained by addressing T. D. PARKINSON, ap28-lm Oolcoinla, Nevada. MERCHANDISE, ETC. I spring motlahvtion J OF IMt, 3NTJ!dj Gl-dUO iP>gn 1 NEW STYLES, — ASD Now Prioos.J Our Mr. N. LEVY, having recently arrive I fwni Kan Francisco, where he took the utmen I care to welect the LATEST and MOST STYLISH 1 tiDODS, Embracing everything tliat can be found U I A (.km:ru MERCHANDISE STORE. He haa, without doubt, Kent up the larged I and most complete atock of Goods that hu I ever been brought to Nevada, which he pur- I chawed at Die very lowest cawh prices. vvi We are now prepared to OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to our friends and the public in genera!, at prices which Will Rpfy Competition! We cordially invite all to come and examine our stock, whether they buy or wit, and they I ran rest a cured that all w ill be treated in the most genteel manner. COME AND SEE US, and you will need regret it. A'ff'Tlie W agon U alway a at the door. M. LEVY A CO. P. 8. New Goods arriving daily. Wlnnemucca, Net., March 14, 1W<2. U N. DKLB.iNtt). E. REINHART. V E. REIMl CRT A CO., AgenU for the Singer Manu facturing Company L * . -DEALERS IN I _ ♦♦♦444^»«4444444__ I general merchandise, I ♦ ♦ ++V+T+ 44+ +4 44 ~ WOOL A HIDES. -AGENTS FOR THE ktcdebakek wagons. And a]) kind, of Farming Implements WlSXEMlt'CA, NEVADA. ■t Si Wiun«muoca, May 10,1SA1