Newspaper Page Text
TE. _ VOL. XLIV. WINNEMUCCA, NEVADA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1894.NO. 128. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the \ remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas-, ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly J beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them aud it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- j gists in 50c and SI bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.only, whose name is printed on every ; package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, , and being well informed, you will not j ^ept any substitute if offered. TIME TABLES. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. * _ i TRAINS. ARRIVE. DEPART. EAST-BOUND. No. 1, with tourist sleepers. 8:20 m 3:30 am No. 3, first-class. 1:55 m 2:05 pm WEST-BOUND. No. 2, with tourist sleepers.. 9:15 am 9:25 am No. 4. first-class. 3:05 PM 3:16pm Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all eastern points. Travelers insurance tickets Also sold. J. A. Ferraro, Agent. BOS TOFF ICE BEG CL A TIONS. W 1NNKMUCCA POSTOFFICE. MAIL CLOSES. TRAIN. TIME. DIRECTION. No. 8 j 1 35 j Going East. No. I 2:45 | Going West._ OFFICE HOURS. From 8 a. m. to 5:30 P. M. From 6 P. m. to 7 P. M. SUNDAYS. From7 A. m. to 8 a. m. From 9 a. m. to 9:30 a. m. . From 1 P. M. to 3:30 p. m. ^ G. W. RUTHERFORD. P. M. W. L. Douglas ^ #3 CUAr 13 TH E BEST. Qg O nV/Iss SQUEAKING ♦ 5. COkJOVAN, FRENCH* ENAMELLED CALF *4*3.5° FlNECALP&KAi»C'A;l 1 I $ 3.50 P0LICc,3 SOLES. $250>2.WORKINGMENc EXTRA FINE. 11 * *2.*I.7-5Boys'SchcolShdes. •LADIES gVgfa** A. SEND FOR CATALOGUE IF W-L-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. 1 uU can nave money by purchuctiug W. L,. Dougina Shura. Becouie, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, aud guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fittiug and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than B\y other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by M. B. STAUNTON, Winnemucca. ALFONSO PASQUALE, Paradise Valley. 1 Painting Shingles. There is no more question in regard to the profit of painting shingles, than there respecting the economy of ; j painting any part, of a house exposed 1 to the influence of storfn and sun heat, but the work should be done | thoroughly. Home paint both sides , of the shingle, and those that have 1 had most experience declare that if 1 good shingles are painted on both , sides and good paint is applied to the roof once in ten vears, it will continue * I leak tight for more than a hundred years. Care should be taken to apply the paint when the shingles are per | fectly dry and seasoned, for to do so i when wet would, by preventing the escape of the moisture therefrom, only hasten their destruction. The paint should, of course, be of a color to cor- j respond with that naturally assumed | by shingles after exposure to the i weather, in order that anything un- j sightly or grotesque in the appearance of the roof may be avoided. As black ! paint absorbs • more heat than any i other color, neither the paint nor the j shingles will endure as long as if the roof had been covered with some light wood colored paint. — »— GAINING RIGHT AqONG. i Winnkmccca, Nev., May ao, 1894.—I have been in poor health for several months and my husband brought me home a bottle of i Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I took it and have j been feeling better right along. Mas. L. E. Hcrt. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral THE BEST EMERGENCY NkOICINE FOR TIIE CURE OF Croup, Whooping Cough, LaGrippe, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, AND THE VARIOUS Throat and Lung Troubles Threatening Every Honeekold. Prompt to act, sure to cure NEVADA STAGE LINE ILEX. WISE, Proprietor. WINNKMUCCA -TO KENNEDY -AND RETURN— Stages leave Winnemucca Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m. Leave Kennedy Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at ti a. in. First class four horse Concord coaches are run on this line, and the best of accomino- | datums are afforded passengers. FARE - - £2.50 All kinds of light freight carried at rea sonable rates. Packages given special at tention and delivered with promptness. Office in Winnemucca at the Fashion Livery Stable. Office in Kennedy at the Imperial Saloon. auXllf. i (js r r\/A to 11)00 PER. DAY at home sell f J.uv ingLightning Plater, and plat ing jewelry, watches, tableware, etc. Every j house has goods needing plating. No expe rience; no capital; no talkiug. Some agents are making |X> a day. Permanent position. Address, II. K. Deluo & Co., Columbus.Ohio. COUNTY AUDITOR'S QUARTERLY REPORT. County Auditor’s Office, Humboldt i County, Nevada. WlNNEMUCCA, July 2, 1891. > To the Honorable the Board of County Commissioners of Humboidt County, Nevada. Gentlemen?—I herewith submit my Quar terly Report of the finances of Humboldt ' County for the quarter ending June 30th, i 1891: _ Cash in County Treasury March 31st, 1894.$38,687 34 receipts during quarter. j From Licenses.$ 1,116 25 From Office Rent... 67 00 j From Personal Property Tax, 1894 . 290 80 From Officers Fees and Commissions. 2-59 41 -$ 1,733 46 — Total.$ 40,420 80 — DISBURSEMENTS DURING QUARTER. From State Fund—war rants paid.8 223 00 From IndigentSick Fund Warrants paid. 1,318 55 1 Ftom Contingent Fund Warrants paid. 2,01615 From Salary Fund—war rants paid. 3,003 60 From District No. 7 Inter est Fund. 120 00 From School Funds—War rants paid. 4,742 40 ! From Road Fund—war rants paid. 17775 -1 11,633 45 j Cash In Treasury June *>th. 1891 .8 28,787 35 | BALANCES APPORTIONED TO THE SEVERAL FUNDS, JUNE MOTH, 1891. To County School Fund > 122 26 To Bond Redemption Fund t.2 66 To Interest <&Sinking Fund 11,816 00 To Judge’s Salary Fund... 584 37 To General Road Fund... 12 54 To Indigent Sick Fund_ 459 29 To Contingent Fund. 560 97 To Redemption Fund. 2,242 03 To Salary Fund.'... 4,7^0 45 To Winnernucca Fire Fund' 1 35 To Dist. No.7 Interest Fund 590 30 To Buena Vista State School Fund. 244 74 To Rye Patch State School Fund . 108 64 To Rye Patch County School Fund. 177 CO To Lake Co. School Fund.. 14 21 To Golconda State School Fund. 30 93 To Golconda county School Fund. 480 63 To Sierra StateSchool Fund 1 00 To Sierra County School Fund. 39 28 To Central County School Fund. 201 64 | To Winnemncca County School Fund. 2,515 53 To Paradise County School Fund. 344 15 To Big Meadows County School Fund . 335 76 To Spring City County School Fund. 108 44 To Quin Kiver State School Fund. 32 50 To Quin River County School Fund. 1,110 51 To Marker State School Fund. 05 Marker Special School F’d 400 70 To Mill City County School Fund. 13 03 j To Willow Point County School Fund. 292 73 To McDermit County School Fund. 283 47 To Fountain county School Fund. 12 01 To Sonoma County School Fund. 2 28 To Pleasant Valley State School Fund.. 82 12 To Pleasant Valley County School Fund. 139 73 To Gold Run Road Fund 9 60 To Piute “ “ 3915 To Paradise “ “ 619 To Big Meadows “ “ 239 31 To Fountain 44 *• 95 To Quin River 44 4 4 2 4 7 90 ; To Martin Creek 44 44 80 To Unionville 44 4 4 4 2 90 ! To Golconda 44 44 147 9" To Sierra 44 4 4 2 3 25 ! To Willow Point 44 44 79 $0 | To Lassen 44 44 131 20 ‘ To Oreaua 44 4 4 2 4 35 Auditor’s Report—Concluded. y>»»f i To Lake “ “ 28 73 To Winnemucoa “ “ Ml 71 To District Xo. 7 Building Fund. 7 60 To Big Meadows Special School Fund. 245 68 -429,580 42 Less overpaid on State Fund. 793 07 Balance in Treasury as Above.f28,787 35 WARRANTS ISSUED DURING QUARTER: On Salary Fund.4 2,978 60 On Indigent “ 1,318 55 On Contingent” . 2,048 15 On Redemption “ . 2,093 75 On State Fund..I... 225 00 On Road Fund. 172 75 On School Fund. 4,860 79 • _____ Total.113,695 59 COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS. Court House Bonds.152,000 00 On Indigent Fund. 6 85 On Contingent Fund. 63 57 On Road “ . 8 20 On Redemption Fund. 12,746 62 Total .1 64,825 24 SCHOOL DIST. NO. 7 INDEBTEDNESS. j School House Bonds.$15,000 00 — OUTSTANDING SCHOOL WARRANTS. | On PleasantValley County School Fund. $ 111 39 On Winnemucca County School Fund. 100 Total.| 118 39 i Respectfully Submitted, J. J. HILL, County Auditor. County Treasurer's Office, i June 30th, 1891. | The foregoing Auditor's Report is, as to amount of cash in County Treasury June . 30,1891, and amounts apportioned to the sev eral funds, correct, and agrees with the hooks in my office. P. LAVEAGA, County Treasurer. A. D. WILCOX Dealer in Our stock of Groceries consists of the newest and freshest goods. California and Paradise Flour, Canned Goods of Every Variety, Table Delicacies of All Kfnds, Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Nuts. We also carry A Fine Line of California Wines and Kentucky Whiskies At reasonable prices. And a complete stock of LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING i GOODS. _ I ! i t _ . , \ 0 d7c PER WEEK usiug and selling w* / Dynamos for plating watches, jewelry and tableware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc., same as npw goods. Different sizes for agents, families and shops. Easy operated; no experience; big protits. YV. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Colum bus, Ohio. EAGLE DRUG STORE. WINNEMUCCA. NEV W. A. BROWN, Lessee. Keeps Constantly on Hand PATENT MEDICINES. DRUGS, ♦ Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Chest Protectors And Trusses. Homeopathic Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Da; or Night. All goods sold strictly at Sail Fran j cisco prices. tWF“ Orders by mail or express promptly attended to. Winnemucca, November 9, ALEX. WISE, Bridge Street, Winnemucca, Nkv. Proprietor of the j FASHION LIVERt, FEED AND SALE STABLE. LIVERY aN ALL ITS BRANCHES At Reasonable Rates. Elegant Turnouts Double or Single, can always be procured -- Horses Boarded by*the Day Week or Month. j Horses Bought and Sold Hay and Grain for Sale, Passengers and freight conveyed a parts of the country. Winnemucca, January 29, 1885. tf. Reception Restaurant. Aleals al All Hours i Finest of Afeats and Fish. Oyster Grotto, Chickens FRESH BAKED BREAD 10 CENTS PER LOAF &2Gtf School Teachers Wanted. A PRINCIPAL AND TWO ASSISTANT school teachers are wanted for Paradise School District No. 8. Applications in writ ing will be received by the Board of Trustee* up to the 10th day of August next. All ap plication* must be addressed to 8. B. P. Pierce. Clerk of the Board; none other will be considered. None but first clas* and ex lierieuced teachers, or such as have taken the full course of Instruction in some nor j ina! school, need apply. School to be opened i on the first Monday of September next. The - Board reserves the right to reject any and all applications in their discretion if the ap plicants are not satisfactory to the Board. All alleged employmeutof teachers by tho alleged old Board of Trustees for the ensuing term of school are illegal and void, as well as all other acts of said Board since May 28th, 1894, and the present new board will pay no further attention to the same. Dated July 24, 1894. SAM’L B. P. PIERCE, i Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said Dis trict. jyjltd.