Newspaper Page Text
MSV- •U Vol No. 3. THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE, An ludepriU-.-M Vewspaper, published 1 HI' lll.SMAKCK TRIBUNE CO. One v.'ir lj. riverStste ka:ti-j(«d, .hR.uiii:t:,- I ACKII'TMN PRICE $2. SO I Three months. tl.00 1,tin. l.Oi' I single copies cig«is out*, '.T"i ur 10 *nk- payable invar.ably In advance lut.'i" mud'- known on application hi tl office. NKWS AND NOTES. ,1 ha* n.i! had a ruin for two month#. M.-a rh un will nevi recur t'-H.-. O-jrumi Ms litfh' (.no laf-'i', tin' animal painter, If said t« Kiln t- insane. IVr* Hjaci.'dhe *n:,l to Intend j. ayintja long visit Am.-: ii a n«-st ve.n Mr. G-c. Patten, -venty six, 1 Miss Ma lid Thompson, a^r.1 -v,-r.ii, a* W» iKushin* bride In Oakham county, Mich., list week. ,!• ses Mil'arinnd, of Water vllle, Vt., h,v the original recoid book kept by Zschury Taylor during the Seminole war. The lat, Jest R. Urant hi. entire es- tate, about ITO.OtiJ to hl three dsujjhurs Hn .aft Uieisladt wx3f.oruewhat hurt the other day hy the overt.drninff of ei (.'alifornia t'oaoh. The .Iriver killed, nntwitn-nndlng '.lis that h» was drunk: Thari* were iSi Qronxei of Patrons of Husbandry hi Mtnuesotftcn the 1st of. July, and they are or(r*n ,si»g alt .-v«r ttui Stitt- Kobei't ntrier ordered an oxpenrive tnoc nt ji Funny Fern. Tlir pedestal i3 surmounted .by Roiuari c.isi beautifully enriched with fern lr*ret Ufoii.-.' f'.vnrr- Train retired from th.- pollti oil niHify iiri" and is demonstrating hia sanity by fettiiib up ." lo'-triy fo.-tl"- .ii-ij o'vlUon of the Omaha real Mvj Nanrj tlarv.-y died in Baitlnore on Ki lday. lfiiie h\d not iived out" h!I her Jayshe iidfjht i.av lived As It win, sh.. w.u one bundrcd un.t ^e.. rite»n years old. It ji ref-ort-d tl ai t.1 real Tiohhoiiu1. A'liiiu Ot toii, unde- lbs niiiOf of '.'os6rovE. and bv occipa tlon an AuMtaila-^fshot several years ag-, '.vlii.1.? uJ-avoving to jrrt*st. Poineroy's Oper* Ilt-'Mrt at l.a boll-' by 'Brick" in hi» »iui\ days, '.va« sold by 'l.i' sherifl, on the 1'^th inst., on a taort^Agd given to tbo ,tnfi/t*blfc residence In Washington, baa just pur ch(t"i.'.l a large residence lit, Is cjnsiuere ooti Sruja or of the ratuor that tho Clitef JustK-eihlp has been offered to hlnj Tn death is announced ot' f.ewW Puioauj, die Old -st t'.Ui'n of Ssiatoga, N. Y., tin.', the first white hild born there. Mr, Putuarn =ras born In 1790. InlKRl be discovered the spring knoun Putnam's l.uc-w Con^reJs. fount .loiepb Fonlarowsivi, the dlstluguUhed oberalii* c.itiipojer" who has been MANITOBA. tiutatl the rest of the British -,«esstoi:s in that vi-j vray during an entertainment on Thurs ..tnlty. Anybody who knows ti.e pluek of ttis '^p-jday night, and forty children were in will back her, two to one, to ivin.— Ch jjured, Some seriously. .-!(jo Tiiats. tbeii reward. Dr. Wary Walker hns bsen appointed to a #9^0 clerkship at Washington. A smsll ivsu!t for a lady whom people expected to we a commanding position at the head of the medl •al jrofesslon, ucd demonstraU O.nt woman was the ..uijural louder of mauldad. ose, Mr. owniquy and the i:«v. Mr. Gocdfeilow I nd the K'.'v. ere stoned iu the *treet, aud had to friend's liors. ufTeii"v Spain, he comes to fi ht for God and his .i,:ry, nid coi cliidit.g wilh the -xb'.-t'tat:on: i. •. luntrers: i'.irwcut. and save dyiny Spain."! followers! "litre ev.citemtni Among hi. ./alr-il cidevpino aud Lii^auo on hen D»iu C.irl •pan sh The Pp'iiiKtlfhi ^.-1 ,m Itff-iblUa.i ,ss H. ra,,y Oh» invalid —to whom life Yaioox, WUson ha-1 nasse.j inn he .anttc or health 1 1 hich -,o lony xcapl-d-a 1h of in )?t uncertain dura \r. The naunv of his'u ay not utterly de ivy Ivis I'^'falnes) s# :i uian and public servant j? ii will ut.dvill tediy liir/t hi* ambitioti tn :,iay 1 tc ui» that I.or.„ -.„.| red by Ohas. Rid .at tn-- iptai Jsck. rj« M'lord Gordon Vei-siits American Citizen h. Telegraph communication has been broken with Fort Carry for four days. We get no Information from the Gordon Gordon atlair urther than that the Americans arrosted were found guilty and committed, and it is not yet known whi ther they will be^vdmitted to bail not. of tl fl $ liart"i- Oak Insurance Company. The nroperty W'J old in »j the Compaiiy for ^3f,t»0d. Ttnf fact tlrn.1 S nstor C'onkling, who air 3j lort^ an orr.c.- u!er.« uf Parisian is dead. The Count ,** 1 per cent, per day for its USe all expatriated Polsndei, and his chief distinction ^'.^v thef Sufferei an operatic oompoo«i was that nobody ever wanted to heiir any of his operas. John tjrogan, the lutiatl-', who whiie in England several months ago atteTr.pta-1 to ^a!n hdml?slon to Queen Victoria, pr.-..'laim ng to be that lady's Uus band, ivss sent uU V.ome in •litervrards lQ "e«vailf1 r.'. nud conllned in the lunatic asyluni, from vfhence he rereutly enoaped. The Chief Executive of Minnesota l.»s taken a b-tnil Mlsi :i LaNKOCS. 01* THE PACIFIC COAST. Politics- Now Novthoi'xi PautHc Ter minno, San Francisco,July 20.~ The aetion-of the .Republican Convention in refusing to require candidates for the legislature to pledge.themselves to give their views ej. ca|lmuau.s uu. luc nllllo 1 nothing the Preideu. 1 to piedgeJhemsa es to give ifir ie5\ VS'e clip the following from the cor Or. SmosWfstcmi, the man who originate.i the on questions oi raili oad monopolies, re- Cnrdiii Qifiut. hi rabti immittea suicide at Syra d-icing railroad tariffs, and 1 he currency, cum ltut «-e k. causes severe comment James Fisif, father of theitte prince oi 'i* ^}mn ev,,r !o the risking a tout ol Wiaoon* etiaire.i s%V of a (latent carpet tacl. William 11. Beil, t'-.e copied hoy who S.'Ti-ard when Pavnc attempted to assassinate Mm, praJuiled at Lincoln University a f-w days ai?o. agent, controls tbr inujoriiy of the con vent..,n, and gives strength to the tax e,ly has a murder with the knowledge able in most cases in bear the extra ex of Col. Blood, Mrs. pense of a trip from Fargo and the office should be changed to a more cer tral location—say Bismarck, or James town. anu connivance VYoodhull and Mrs Claflin. They stab that the circumstances of their sister's death were suspicious, but re fused to join in the story of poisoning. The lawyer declined to institute an in- pondent in regard to the U. S. Land quiry before the grand jury. Oliic*. it is an evil which should be A CORNEK IN KK1K. 1 ,. ... Erie stock has been cornered here by two or three German banking houses. the present Land Office at Pembina 1 The price advanced rapidly to t4-| with should be removed to some more cent location 1 he price has now fallen to »'iS| with per Portlon rent, per davpaid for use. Ic is sup- I session of Congress. But while we are posed the comer will be ended about waiting for the President or Congress Wednesday, when the arrivals of stock bv the Eurooeau stea er will probably dissipiitc. There is some talk of inakin." the Manitoba war. This settles tn3 matter. Mic-j The flooring of the Presbyterian ie»ota cannot only capture Manitoba If newsnrj, church at Hudson ty, New \ors, The mortality report here for the Patience and lung suffering have at i-ngth I week shows an increase of over 2-9 per I cent, in deaths as compared with last I week. FOREIGN NEWS. cyof.EKA IX &!lfl ^ATpe-^ TeTZZt 'To' i. T*® »i ei^ injure thRt ali j. .At .ne (|je t^jr remova]. 1UII Curios r-ent. ed Spain Tuesday of last trsek Rjjfooa. He has ordeied ft IS agents to VYoods Dist Ie irMue I a procliiinatinn Itiv' .. ,ti tuoiies, deiavii.g tb« nvnMn^ riio help c.f the I purchase toroedoos. with which to close to the voice Jke TflF CHOI.EBA. ^rm- .bf. ,.itv. Will- it refill music* •ni.t ccsatio.'i from CINCINNATI, Jul) ..20.—Two dealllS ytiuiiVi j. exciting s-.-rt, he may yet ejuoy for. from cholera were reported in this city ye.i a i.f lionnrarj.' post in the public yeStei'daV. Intelligent" les.hid rt Kliir-ah, Juiy th, Loiisvn.r.r, July 20. It is hoped the c{jr,]era father had been it an Indian»f that placo, and caSfcS wout.1 1... bvoii^l.t thi-,v u.-Ki. charge of, 'v:iIi -iu A gwi sensation hen ('.•?.« In WSS C, MTive, all the h.-!oo?in- to Cupt. Paksoxs, KanM July 20.™In the con vt'a band wi!l have b^t?n captured. tcstfid, liind C3.S(j betWC&U tile 1. eatc-d at Sail L.te Friday bv th*? by tlif city «n Journal }ias entirelv disappeared in cu- Klizabetl,town and, ^rt. YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION. All Well—No Indians—Progms Rapid. Gen. Stanley, with the Yellowstone Expedition, arrived above Glendive Creek July 17th. All well. No Indians seen. Steamer Key "West took suppliers above from Glendive Creek. A war party of three hundred Grosvc norsMandans and Rees returned to Ft. Berthold, after having been several days out. They saw no Sioux, but saw Gen. Stanley's wagon train, which they did not approach fearing the nylitary might suppose them to be hostile In dians. The Diamond R. freighting train was tired into on the 17th at Mari »h river by a band of Santee Sioux. No one in jured. p„mW„a Pembina. reSponi}ence Billy Curr, Stanford's next landing worthy Af notice. used as a hotel. Majesty's Dominions are only a short, with advantage to her scholars, and distance further on •. but why the gov- credit to herself. It is rarel3r the case jJJJETWT ITOBLK. ernment should still persist in keeping that schools have been so early cstab the land ollice here and send a carpet- ... ,-0 ,, j,., lishea in frontier towns ana is a more defalcations. bag court to this out-ot-the-\vay place, New York., Juiy '20. Brooklyn and is a conundrum to most people. Pris- Prou* record to rv'fer to. Sustain well New York were startled this morning oners, Marshals, Judge andjury, and all all brandies of learning. Let parents by the announcement by defalcation that helps to make up a court, c.aino here of the Brooklyn Fruit Company, ex- by boat, and the town awakened from its ceeding an atuouni. over a half million long snooze and is prepared to bleed trie dollars. Th.' discovery was rniw'e since government to the utmost. A few days the death by drowning of the President more and then the court takes to water company, Mr. F.. S. MiUs. Thos. agninand good-bye Pentbioa for another H. Uodmari, "the Secretary, is short nap until: September, when the court 4:15 000. again sits its midst unless theAttor mokf wooiHi i.i We heartily agree with the corres- ieui0(^iei laims. Vienna. Jake Thompson, BuchHnnn's Secret':ry of tite In LoSi'(.V,Jilly 20. Advices from .enfia. terior, says lie did not take the ln.i!:ui bonds the v'j dated the 1 I th State that tip to that tllUi ere placed by a clerk where he thought they would there had been sixty-one cases of chol pursuant ""to the most good—that is, lu the hands of Russeii a era reported, forty-two of which were James A. Emmons, Chairman, Jui'ii P. ••o., government contractors, but ih» cler was dig- fatal In a single hotel where foriy-two j-)„nn {T. H. Mercer and Thompson is guiltless "t if persons were atta^vd with thesvmp- Moved ^econd^d an 1 carri.,d uh »POUi tiiaense hn3 out toms, Sixni^u. m* hot(*l v\'i\S cl^S^rl .inong tlie oigar-sujokfis !n C.ilifuimu. IrsV. ii^.i* AFFAIRS fN SPAIN. .ion has rcveul.-d the that e!gl»i tbojssud d:iily News announces that a (Jar -v'hlnesrf cfget-makers ther.. arc- a jjr?at inaoy aSllcrted jjg£ forc(, (,as ljeeri deieaied by govern ,».th this dlseaw, which is, ..f couiv.', innocu ate.i |nent -I'Vh tiuv handle to the mouths, irocp^i at imbt-rimida, in the prjviuce Barcelona, aftv-r a battle of, ,, /. tl-1* tiii"kt*i i_ nioij v. 1fi t.pj ir, ,f tt.. HuArif I eighteen hours, duriiiz whicii tnc lown •fb- Rev. Mi Chin iu.v-, mi a piic-t of St. Ant.e, .va9 frequently taken, and lost by the cc'inty, be briate at Hi.-marcK .ear Hint: lee, III .lectured Th«redsy evening ot opposing force. The number of dead until th. VO''e oi tile people shall oe .jst week a! .snne "ii:b, Nova Scotia, towi: largely mounded left Upon tliO fields !S SO tel'mine Otherwise. vehL'IeV,f. (cvvn !verservice arc ki,ld,i1' pressed into (or I latt refuse in Ii0YoNE, Julr ilon Cr.rlos with sary to be held, shall be holden at the 10,000 men inarching on the city of housi* t'f Win. H. H. Mercer, in Painted porr whe'n capti:red, Movod- V. rc,ported CJismarch of the Yankton Press: Pembina, D. T., 1^0 miles by stage ft shows clear- and 550 by steamer from Fargo, is the located the U. S. Custom House, LT. S. Land Office, and it also the for ho,(,ing tll0' (J Cour{.is for th^placeDLs. :j(1 payer's independent uiovemerit. trict of Dakota. The town has great Speculators in all parts of Oregon and possibilities in the future, so we were Washington territories are flocking to I t0'd by some of the owners oi corner j- f-. lots and if Laconta, the western terminus oi ttie Northern Pacilic. The Steamer fcli^.a thi -k!v settle*'. It seems to be necessa Anderson will be sent to Lacoina and ry to liavi- Custom House here for IJer •*,sniarc as easly aa po^si e. .it tQ a,t jn the raatter can Pievon the .stock worth 5 per cent, per day, but to say hard ,riir» this looks unlikelv. up their We would respectfully recom mend this matter to the attention of Messrs. Brashcar and Potter, and will in behalf of the settlers guarantee a!! np (hus Proctt"»dings oi' the Con.ity Sonrd of Com missionary of Burleipli Couiity, Dakota. Bismarck, D. X'., Juiy 17, 1673. The Board of Commissioners met to adjournment. Present. i'i St Locis, July 20— Ihe mortuary .. reports last w.-ek give tle numijer of appointment if.j. A. Stoweli. 1-1 Coiinij' ^""'deaths one hundred and ninetv-one, .A ttorney revoked or. account of ino ninet v-one, before last. Of this number fifteen are reported as cholera, sixty-nine cholera mcrmi?. One appointed iO sa.d olboe his stead. hundred and thirty-three Were under foVd, seconded and carried, that five years. license for the retailing of spirituou? liquors in Buileigii county be granted, and that the sum of $2j.00 per annum to be paid in advance by each applicant bo charged therefor. 1 Xo in either jftgt ( (|H ,e old ch'.tt Sconcliin 'i.'iother of Souiician, who is ,' HEAVY I.AND SUIT DECIDED. ,. confined place V« ihe ^ilroad and the Kansas Pacific rail load, that Ot the Dft\ is (.-ountj' .n Eiirr. Webb i'vuti^, tii. litb wife of Bri^ham ^oui t. dc.idcti that the iar.ds in contest ung, bid forever left htm, carrying oft'fumitnre belong to (he M., K. it 1 IT. R. Co. personal eTects. Briahim v.'lll endeavor 11 re -rln the jjrtids. Mrt. Young is at the Walker iUje, stnl three JrAi!'•'.}/ l.iwyej are about to insti 'e a suit fjr divorce mnl aliinuny in a large sum. eat: revel'it'iiiis ar expected concerning the Inner unestic life of the picphet. Mrs. Young 1» enjoy the »yinptithj of the Geutile ladles, and poly .IW'JI ijcrmons aie s. good d?&J disturbed. This case involved tho title of nearly 100,000 acres of the best lands in Kansas, and worth at least $80(f,000. Mr. J. A Cook, of Bannock City, Montana arrived in Bismarck on the Steamer Sweet. He wjil remaio some time in Bismarck, mani- rnously,th:it the nouie of ''B'-man-k'' be Moved, seconded and car. kd, that an .election, h-'ti the same shal 1 be neces- secynded and MfSCELLANKOUS, sary to be held, shall be holden at the Court House ™rr.ed, that an election, when the same shall be nc^es* Bismarck AJoved ''S^^ j.Jistrict. r,-, ,T.. .--.otlf'd and carried, that the Ch McCfifty Ordered by the Board that the Clerk write to Territorial Auditor for all needful instructions relative to the as- him "n 'he head and shoulder, felling sessmeni of ta.\'es, and also to give in- him to the earth, nnd causing uncon lormation in reference to the quality of sciousness for some time during which books actually necssary for the use of recovery secmod doubtful. We are the county. pleased to note that "Mac1'did recover, BISMARCK, D. T„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1873. tendent of public instruction, be in the amount of $400. Moved, seconded and curried, that the Bismarck Triuunt be our official pape^ In which shall be published all the acts and doings necessary to be set forth. Board adjourned until Saturday, July 26, A. D. 1873, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. si. Jas. L. Emmotjs, Chairman, J. C. Carvele, Clerk pro tem. School*. Now (hat our .schools are fairly un derway it beshooves all residents and citi- zens who vjsjt ism. ney General should order it to Fargo, P0,nt towards with pride, and gratifica- Last Thursday the parents of Utica its proper place. Here is a trip of ilOo tion. lielp, nid and assist, not only b) \. Brooker called on a awyer and saici miles made at an immense cost to tiie kxijui words but by substantial act, so they had reason to believe that their government for what But the ian'^ that vour teachers may have heart, and daughter who died on Julv -i# !i, hud office is ihe worst evil of the two. Gov f, ,,r been poisoned, and they suspected a eminent is able to pa} the expense or & physician who attended her of being the court, but the poor settler is not work. t„ft| a new one created for of the Territory at the tin xt Uie laud officers' inconvenience— net Inu if 1 to man}* of the poor but worthy settlers in this locality ii thev will come here and take mony necessary in proving the lObll- foel interested to look the ground over carefully, and then take such step« as will secure and retain competent teachers. Do not nogket the education of your children do not by procrastination or proach to «']se. Here is care:*ssness, *Uow you. aught Suit No. 2, July 22d, was a case of robbery entitled A. McCulley versus T. McGoman, II. M. favis appearing on the part of the prosecution, and Judge Carve!! for the defence. Suit withdrawn. Suil No. 8 A trespa.-s case. W. B. Boyle versus C. A. French and others, before Justice J. B. Bailey. E, A. Williams plaintiffs attorney J. A. Stowell appearing for defendant. At torney for 'it fence moved a dismissal of suit on the grounds of irregularity in paper« of plaintiff. MotiOn sustained and judgement rendered for defendant. 1 retaini and bf ibe name of the »..wn formerly called Kdvinton. M-ivd, seconded and carried unani of Bur- Pe\»sonal. We are under 'Obligations lo the genia! Beatty, conductor, for papers of late date. with W. B. Shaw & Co., has removed to Fort A. Lincoln, and is now with S. A. Dickey, Post Trader, where he will be pleased to see his friends. The family of Mr. T. F. Singiser, Col. Brownson's efficient nnd gentlemanly Chief Clerk, arrived on Friday even ir,gs .Fain. Moved, seconded and carried unani- sound as Oak again. tnously, that Mrs. Linda W. Slaughter Mr. S. Eisman, of the firm of Eisrotn be appointed to the oflice of County &^Co., dropped in upon us a day or two Superintendent of public instruction. since. This firm are extensive clothing! vour boys, and girls "to grow up in ig t" iiave this day received an ottet from toi Hoo. I norance, and in the future become a re- I Board of County Commissioners In and for the Coun ty of liurleigh, D. T., to collect the jtam |11.46 The education and dis cipline of the school house are of more Value to the youth of the land than Mrs, L. VY. Slaughter, has taken much pains to establish a school of a charac ter that is creditable in every degree. Iler efforts have been untiring and are very praisevmrthy and she should re ceive che hearty support of all. Mrs. lots and is, in fact now larger than Kfutchins, has also a fine school estab city though scarcely so I which is training the youth of uu er ei superin en ency t.|ie schools and thus encourage bot}) teft),hi3r anc, pun 1 i. Show an inter est in all ways tha^ you can in these matters and thus build up among you men atid women of fine edacationai at- tainmf,nts of whorn you wiil some day encouragement to prosecute their good Court Matters. Have, fairly assumed shape under the new count}' organization, and litigation was commenced on Saturday July 19th by a suit entitled: "The United Spates versus William Joner." The complaint charged that William Jones forcibly robbed Little Wolf, Ree Scout of! Fort A. Lincoln, of a rieodt* gun. Said I gun being the property of 'he United States E. A Williams appeared on be half of the prosecution and J. A. Stowell on the part of the defence. Suit •T'tq brought before U. S. Commissioner, •Judga C'arvell. The trial was ably handled by all concerned, and the re suit was a verdict of commitment to .'wait trial a the next regular t-rrn. I In default of bail the prisoner was re uianded'o Y'nnkton, there to be held till court convenes. And now Singiser, is hap- py. Selah. Mr. Gerard, the government interper- tar for the Ree scouts employed at Fort! I -V- Lincoln, looked in upon us a day or two since Mr. liiankfrihorn, lately of ihe First National B:ink. of rt. Paul, passed through Bisniarck last week en route to o'-t Bufyrd on a tour for his health. The gentliiutan was nvuch pieased with the appearand: of Bismarck. J. A. McLean, cne day last week, navrowlv escaped .loath at the mil) he low town by a failing plank which struck Moved, seconded and carried unani- dealers, having several places of busi mously, that the amount of bond to be ness in the West. Mr. Eisman, pur offered to and desired by the Board of I noses to put in a heavy stock at this j.u ,1 I Orders prooiptly filled. ?irts-olas» work dout. Coram'ssioners by the County Superin-' point this fall. elcome geptlerr.jq. Ctstowvrs qjirante?d »UirfacUon. a-tt rn xr-, Gli0^e /\'C4M 2?red. Strauss, tbo genial jeweller, Is lying quite ill with an attack of fever. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. add ?er Steamer Western had among her passengers from Fort Benton, Gen. Mc-* Cook and family of Yankton Maj. Tap pen, in charge^of an Indian party, and Messrs. Gardner and Wright of Fort Benton. Messrs. MacNider, Hsrtely, Ryan and AfcMahon, Brainerdites, ara paying Bis marck a visit. Welcome gentlemen, we are pleased to see our old friends. The latch string of the Trib ctjse. office hangs on th$ outer side. NOTICE. from each and t^ery individual engaged. In re'al.'tng spirituous lifjuors la the uald County, as county li cense for iuch occupation. Therefore, all persons so engaged will pletue pay {he Mid amount to cie at ray otBce forthwith 1c Ihe Tawnjof Bismarck, Cjunty and Territory afnresaM. Bated Bimiarck, D. T., July 23, 18T8. H. N. ROSS, Sheriff of Burleigh County, D. 1, CAPITOL HOTEL, BISMARCK, D.T.. Oppo*tte the N. P. R. R. Depot. This Hotel oew and kept In Good 3t te. Travel ers v?!'l have every accomrncidatlou to insure their comfort. R. It MARSH $• CO., Proprietor*. Passenger Transfer. At. Evjjrpie ie'.ve? 'he Crp'.ti'l Hotel every day for FT. A. LINCOLN. Persons desiring to make the trip sboold ienr this lu mind. Charge),including ferry, each way one dol lar Tbls express also runs to and from till boats. Chat gas OOcts each way JAS. 1 2y A, EMMONS, Prop. UNITED STATES OFFICE Corner of Third aad Meljs Streets. GOODS CARRIED TO POINTS At iowe3t possible races. TT- S. BliO TO Yv Agent. U. 0. BUTTON, (Successor to Hackett & Dutton) CONTRACTOR AND BXJILDER. BISMARCK, Be T. K*eps In coustan employ a large gancof carpeiiters and is prepare4 to do promptly and well all work entrus'ed to him. Special attention paid to shelving and counter work. F. 0. Ilollenbeck, formerly salesman Plans auvi specifications furnished »r. short notice. 2 Jj yii. 0. DUTTON. BILLIARD HALL J. S. WAED, Prep., BISMARCK, D. r. meSfLiqUOrSand Cigars, I This hall !s roomy and tastily finisl-.ed. The iitjuors are of the tinest brands and the cif.srs the X3est Jn Market* Fourth S(reit bet veea M"!n and Meige, W'«t SUe, Dismai'ck, J. T. 21y Bdw'd H&okeit, BUILDER AND O N A O S. A. DICKEY, Post Trader TOT A. LINCOLN, DAKOTA. Citiaen* of Bismarck and vicinity nill find at the Post Traders, Fort Abraham UdccIu, ouu of. tlxsJ best assorted nnd l»ige*t Stock of Ooods cn the Upper Missouri, selected by one of long ex perience In the frontier trade with direct reference to the varied nscessitlcs of the ueople both citizens and soldiers. Tae stock consist-«in part of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. DRIED AND CANNED FBUITS, GRO CERIES,PROVISIONS CAMP EQUIP AGE, COOKING UTENSILS AND General Supplies. CHOICE WINES By the bottle or bukct, fine Brandies iure WHISKIES, ALE, PORTER, BEER CHOICE CIGARS, TOBAC CO, fec. Persons ws.tri.lng goods In our line are Invited to rail s.tri we will sell them goods which jyiU not fall to piease at satisfactory prices. 5, A. DICKEY, ty Fort Abraham Lincoln, 1). PINE LUMBER Edwinton Lumber Company Would atmounoe to the citizens of Bismarck that they are recel Ing and will kerp constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Pin,© Lumber: ot Consisting FINISHING LUMBER, DRE3SE }1( FLOORING, SIDING SHINGLES. GLAZED SASH, DOORS AND BUILDING PAPER OF ALL KINDS. Which they witl sell nt prices to suit the tiroes and they hope by pr. iTiptnesj and f*',? D. PP.ESC0TT & GO'S Cottonwood Lumber Which they sail at @'25.OO Per Feet. 3. U. JACKSON, Agent. Office South of tl* 3. B. traek', at Third Street Cro*ing. S ly THE main sr one noon i:A^•T of :/ni. $2.5 Per Annum. CITY JB-AiW MINNEAPOLIS. Aiithorizod Capital, Paid in Capital, •T. W. Pence, T. ,1. Burton, C. C. Mc Reeve, J. If. Tliomp^on, W. W. Ka^tuiiui, Franklin lleebc, T. A. Harrisi'D, $500,000.00 150,000.c0 President—J. W. PP\CE. President,—V. K. 'i'HOMPSON. Cashinr—T. BL'XTON*. DIRECTORS: F. F. Th"ijpspn, W H. Bri iprtan, J. V. I. l{r!..'VP, H. G. Hu-ruou, F.. UrDwn. C. M. Tinring, e. at. wii^. Highest market prlca puid for gold, silver and Lnitsd States Bouds. Deposits r. cei?ed and interest allowed ai, best cur rent rate-: Collections niiide on all aecessiblc jioir.ty in the United State? on Hit wost rcasjnabJeterius. Sipht Dra^s on England. Ircl.iLci oiid Su! parts' of Europe. BANK OF DULUTE. (Soccessyr to E. W JOL-irk & 0 j.) ORGANIZED U.VDElt THE STATKJLAWS. RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT to SIGHT DRAFTS INTEREST .Itl.OWiiD ON TIME HEPOSJTS. EXCHANGE rtOrGHT AND SOU* OWALLTHi principal POINTS IX 'iiai I .\ITED STATES, KUltOPK AND CANADA COLLECTIONS MADR AND P.EMITTED PUOMPTI.r. IFOR B. S. RUSSf.U,. Pr-aident. C. BAILEY,Oathisr. First National Bank OF DurtrxH, J. B. CULYF I're.n. GEO. C. STONP,, Cashier. PAID IJP 0 AIT AI, 100,000. Corner of Avenue tnd .•j.ipvior 3ti'-ft. No lv PRED. STRAUSS., .! BISMARCK, DAKOTA. Watcll-Maker Am JEWELER, Has perwtcfi.tly I-xvit^d In Pismarc!:, where ho h-n for sale a fine jsjor'.-jont of WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, SPECTACLES, AND OTHER ARTICLES IN HIS LINE P*t.i':c!ib:r 'itttfMinn paid to Fine W i'. Wnrk, al a R-aHu.iil,.' Price 1 3XS2£AECK, 9 iy ^.riling to merit at least their ih«r of the tracie of «l\c people of the rising Uty of the t'pper Mi v.iuri Kiver. Careful at Untion will b* %\vm fornisbirg complete UMs of materia!, which will at all times he filled on very shor' notice. They are Agents l^r yi 5 BILLIARD HALL And Dealer I WLWES, LIQUORS AXD CIGARS Corner of Main and Jiecond Streut, D. T. GIBES & CASTS Blacksmith and Wagon Sliop, Clrnrr of Third and Thaver Ptr.-sn ly Bismaick, I) T. W. SPAEEKEE23, ARCHITECT A NO 0 I E B15MARCK, D. T, Plans and .i) ec'flcntions c.trc' 'Ify (frawn. A/I work done promptly, SHtisfacSut an'I at re-'oon able rates. REFERENCES: E. MORTON, C. B. STOCK 1.NG, TRUDELL McKENZIE.