Newspaper Page Text
Vol. I No. 4. TEE BISMARCK TRIBUNE, \rt independent Newspaper, published by THE B1SMAUCK TRIBUNE CO. BCBPCRITTJON PRICB One v»»r f-i.SO I Three months »1.00 SH months 1.60 Single copies 10 ^ubseilptbws payable invar.ably in advance Advertising rates ms.tu kuown on application at the oftice. NEWS AND NOTES. liny crop large this year hereaway. Two California, running: horses on Saturday made a uillo lit 1:4". The winner In the recent young wouien'J swimming match iii New York was a little duck named Allen. There is a woman In Ploche, Nev., who says she is legally married io Kilward S. Stokes. The astronomer* have discovered a new comet, hut it Is too far aw!«,v to be of much interest to ordinary people. Jud«e Lawrence, Judye Trumbull and ex-Senator Donlltti.', of Wiscnn§ln, tiave formed a law partner ship In Chicago. Boston has Invented a fire proof railroad car stove whlrli can be tumbled about all day and not spill out fire. W Mrs. Polly Mague deposited twenty dollars in a Hnrhe.itei sa\into-hank thirty years at o, and forgot H'I about It until the other ri-iy. Senator Morton, of Indiana, Is in Colorado, bath ing daily In the Navajo spring at Manltou, and is ex periencing great benefit. tleori?e Pi unci* Train's doctor's bills to Ms sanity, pivaeiile! tIn- New York ISoard of Supervisors for payment, auiouutato il.MHi. It is mmounced semi oiii handWerohiul's. ially that Senator YViu- 1on\ Spe.'bl Committee .in Transportation will re poit at roiiply in favor of a frcij/ht railway from the seaboard t" the Writ tleneral Bragg- a little more grapi "—is in At lanta, Us., on bu«iue*s connected with the water works. His businest hitherto has been connected with Hr' wor!,j. The revenue derived by the .Post-offlce Department Troni tile -tale of stamps, last week, was the heaviest yet obtained for any similar period during the history of the department, amounting to $ 1,tf3,996. .An Ohio dog has been trained to wftllt home with a hap Isoine school-inarm, and he has chawed up hut) young men who demonstrated with their pocket- Thi Kev. Geo. H. tlepw .ah, with an elegant yacht, at his disposal, will spend the month of July at the Isles of jih'.Ma. John U, Whittier and Brete Uarte are also e*|wc-tjd there about tlie first of August. At last it Is officially deoide.t ihat the ticket in the Louisville lottery sold to L. H. Keith, of Kingston, Mass., drew the flOO.OOu prize, and the ticket, sol.l Willis Money, of Uradshaw, Ulles couuty, Term., drew the •50,^00. The Hon. Asa Pnckar, of Pennsylvania, don't do things by halves, lie has given 1 ,lM),000 aud fifty six acies of laud to Lehigh University, in which the tuition is free, the lodging-rooms are given to stud ents without rent, and board proi ided «t cost. G.iv. Campbell, of Wyoming E. P. Goodman, or Chicago, and S. K. Hosmer, of Zaneaville, O., have toeen appointed a jsonnnftiloa tr Investigate the ra ported massacre of Indians near Kawilns, Wyoming Territory. New York boasts a hank-president who denied him self a contemplated trip to Europe this summer so as to afford his clerks their usual vacation. He gener ously remains at his post, taking the place of each one in turn as he goes for a period of recreation. An anonymous" check Cor $5,000 is reported to have beeu dropped in the contribution box of a Nor wich (Cotin.) church. This is truly noble generosity but, unless the local papers have made a trifling mis take we Jo n't exactly see how the money is to he ob tained. I was in Congress when thesalary was but tS.i'WJ, and I always found it mare than sufficient to meet un necessary personal expenses. When it was raised lo $5,040 I thought it to. r.mch, and think so still, bu. raising it to $7,5dO is uolhing tnore or less than straight stealing. Every year that 1 was in Congress laid by a portion of my salary, and none or my constituents ever complained that 1 dn't live tie centiv. The people don't send their epresentatives to Washington to live like prince*, buck the tiger, gad keep half a dozen of mistresses. ILtihu J* Washburn K. Buffalo wus shaken by an earthquake ou Sundav, which came in thre»* shocks, at intervals o! a)Kut t-vvo hour*. No damage "'as done beyond the alarm na JUrally vetted by an occurrence so unusual. The malls are already lightened by the repeal of elie franking privilege, and of the carriage of news paper exchanges. The New York Postmofrter reports that his work has been noticeably lighter since the »t Inst., and that 13,000 free newspaper exchanges have toeen dropped during the week. A Baltimore clergyman writes to a friend concern ing the frequency of tires in Boston as follows: "In tli* rapid whirl of events, the motion of the univer.-. becoming accelerated, the hub is evidently over heated by friction hence the numerous conflagra tions." A brutal murder was committed at Shoals, In diana, on Sunday, by a man named James A Vile?, who beat out Ihe brains of a young man named Wal ter Wllliroan with a club. Williiimu had hallooed at Abies while he was passing along on horsebac»., when Abies dismounted and killed him. Gi eat excitement was caused, and the lynching of Abies was only frus trated by his being carried out of town by the ofll .cera to a neighboring county jail. A hand of i!00 Arizona Indiana has crossed the line and entered Chihuahua to spoil the Mexicans. Capt Jack and his companions in confinement are reported So be growing wan and weak effect of their Imprisonment. The number of Modoc prisoners has been Increase by the surrender of three more braves. A party of hoys found tlv corpse of a man floating au the waters of Lake Mil iiigan, and aft^r it a year. A WHS towed ashore a pair of skates were found attache.) to the feet, which of course leadsiu the conclusion that, the remains have been in the water ever since last winter. Henry Ward Beecher gels from ail sources OCO The members of tie' congreg-tllon of llrv. Edward Kverett Hale, of Boston, are preparing a gran.I blow out for him on Vis urrival from Europe. Paul Morphy thinks of going to the Vienna expedi tion to contest for the chene prize. Z'he plucky roi»tres of a colored school in Texis, cwltoM Kh'ioJ liouse \vu» burued by an im-endlary, as ocruUes her scholars and continues teaching uhder it bru& shed. Profes^»r Mack, patent medicine man in Boston, yesterday had a street recontre Willi Dr. A. N. Winv kw, during which the latter was shot in tin chetk. /n fiaturday evening a Russian Jew, named Davl-I Adeler, propiIl-Mi of a military est:blislimeiit on Lorln street, Cleveland, kno. terf down.and hiotallr his wife, injuriru her io thai physicians have glyeo OV^r her casa. Joseph Miller, one of the oldest in habitants, who has hehl kingly posses 4»on of Sibley Island for over /our years 4ast looked over the to\fu and TRIBUNE •office bn Tuesday that has so rapidly pressed towards his hermitage. ALL PARTS. Agricultural Report ^righam Young Worried--! Work—Foreign Ossian E. Dodge Abam —Manitoba Out rage-Cholera —Murder &e. WASHINGTON. Special Tdtgronu to Ihe. Bhuiartk Tribune WASUIXUTON, July 29.—Agricultural reports represent an improvement in winer wheat and a decline In spring wheat because of unfavorable weather and the destroying work of in sects. Corn has increased its average in Minnesota and West Virginia and shows a decrease elsewhere. General com plaint that the decrease is occasioned by the use of defective seed. Fruit throughout the country is generally in jured. UTAH. SALT LAKE, July 29.—Brighaut Young's nineteenth wife has Hied a com plaint in the District Court asking for a divorce and $200,000. Alimony $1,000 per week. Counsels fees $20,000, in case of success. Suit to be argued on August 5th, and other suits of like na ture will immediately follow. OHIO. CINCINNATI, July 29.—-ft is stated that, the Ku-Klux burned the house and mur deved the negro servants on the prem ises of the mother of Gratz Brown in Owen, Kentucky, on Friday last. Other farmers were visitedbythe same clan and warned against the employment of ne groes. A man calling himself Jefl' Davis was lynched at Kodgersville, Ohio, on Satur day for the feindish act of rape on a young girl nine yoars old. MINNESOTA. ST. PAUL, 29.—Ossian E. Dodge again makes his appearance by attempting to blackmail a well known merchant, lie threatens horrid exposure unles ihe mer chantdeclines his position as a director of the^Chamber of Commerce. The sentiment of the people is against Dodge, who will be forced to resign the Secretaryship of the Chamber of Com merce. Governor Austin and Senator Ramsey have gone to Washington to intercede in behalf of the Fort Garry prisoners. T^o leading citizens Af Manitoba went Merriams bail and he wn\ immedi ately .rearrested on complaint of black mailhig. Attorney demanded five bun hundred dollars additional fee. The sentiment of the people almost univer sally favors the prisoners, regard At torney General Clarke, as a brute and a blackguard. Brackett and Wilson will return tomorrow. INDIANS AT WORK. MINNEAPOLIS, July 30. -A Yankton dispatch of the 29th states that the sur veying party under charge of M. T. Wooley, from James River Valley, were driven in by a band of Yankton Man dans who followed the party three days. No one hurt. Morning papers contain no important news. Mayor Brackett and Tribune cor respondent, have just returned. They left Fort (iarry just in tsme to escape arrest. WISCONSIN. MIIWAITKEE, July 29.—The Fon dn lac Air Line Railroad was completed on Saturday last. TENNESSEE. MEMPHIS, July 29.—-A man named Frank Morse, was assassinated on Sun day by the employees of Hanson. The murderers were instigated to the act by Mrs. Morse. Cause unfortunate mar riage relations. MISSOURI. ST. Lot'is, July 20.—R. Anderson a braketnan insulted and assaulted a man named Rucker, a private watchman to-day and was killed. Rucker acted strictly in self-defence. NEW YORK. NEW YORK, July 29.- A prizu fight arranged for yesterday between Mc Cloughter and Kehoe, was prevented by the police. Ki ouslopy, Prilote from the Popes' domestic household, is now in New York. The have been travelling !."» months in the United States examining the condition of Catholic churches. The managers of the cstern Rail roads have reduced freight charges fuliy 25 per cent. ARKANSAS. LITTLE ROCK, July 29.—Cholera is pre vailing on the plantations somewhat. The record shows 11 deaths' here since Fri day. MANITOBA. Americans Refused Bail. The British Lion .:..wi:nation we have re- ,-^-a irom affairs at Fort Garry, re lative to thuftrial of. Americans held in imprisonment there, is that Mr. Mer riam, of St. Paul, was allowed bail un der bonds of four thousand dollars. Messrs. Fletcher, Kecgan, Iicy and Bently were refused bail and must languish in British Prisons until such time as "Uncle Sam" shall see lit to re lease them. FOREIGN. MADRID, July 29.—Carlists successes continue. Vallianean was attacked by the Government troops yesterday. Five hours desperate struggla ensued when capitulation was offered. Uncondition al surrender was demanded and refused. The battle was resumed. Proposition made to return to iayalty on certain teriffis, Government declined and de manded unconditioned surrender. Sev eral engagements occurred. Pamplana, captured 350 prisoners. A sanguinary naval engagement was participated in at Carthagena. Pene vian and English Government decline to recognize Carlist belligerents. Pirate rebels threaten to murder all consuls of foreign powers that interfere. Stran gers are flying for their lives. N. P. R. R. NEWS. The Virginia City (Mon.) Montanian of the 19th ult., has the following men tion of an important N. P. R. R. move ment in the way of official reconnoi sance: Governor Potts received a dispatch from Jay Cooke, financial agent of ihe Northern Pacific Railroad, last Friday to the effect that a coinmittce of the Directors of the Northern Pacific Rail roal had been appointed to visit Mon tana, and wonid start immediately for the West. We understand the purpose of the committee is to visit all portions of the Territory, and make arrange ments advantageous to both our people and the road for the transportation of our freights via Bismarck, the present terminus, and the Missouri river. A committee of the N. P. visiting Montana at this time impresses us with, the. ideri that it' is of more importance than merely to solicit our freights. The North A South Railroad excitement may have attraced them, and possibly their business may be to make a final location of their road through Montana. The visit can be but beneficial to us, for no one can visit Montana without beiri£ impressed with the knowledge of our ul timate importance. From the Kalatna Beacon,Washington Territory, we gh an as follows Last week the water seas receded be low all the side-tracks in tnwn, and re pairs were completed where the ovei How ing current damaged the side-track road btds, which was confined to (he vicinity between the warehouse and ear shop. The whole line to Tenino is reported in satisfactory condition, with the usual graveling, surfacing, etc., im-ideiu to the due, improvement and care of all road beds. A switch was laid last week from the main track to the railroad mill-yard of Stone it Davis, where they have just completed sawing the bridge material, ties, etc., required for the southern end of the forty-miles extension. The machinery of Mrs. Stoned Davis' railroad mill at Tenion has been taken out and placed on wagons to be immedi ately transported to Puyallup Valley, thirty-eight miles north from Tenino, where a frame is already finished to re ceive it appropriately in every depart ment of a first class sawmill. .Track-lay ingjis intended to commence to-day at Tenino on the extension north ward to the Des Ohuttes river, a distance of about six miles, where the first bridge is to be erected. The material for which is now framed at the Tenino mill-yard, and also one for the Nisqually bridge. Qcrri: a little breeze was stirred upon Main street near the corner of Third, on Friday last, all about a tent. li seems a party gave a chattel martgage to a business house on said tent. An other party claimed to be the owner, and issued a writ of replevin therefor, issued by the Court. The Sheriff proceeded to take possession of the aforesaid tent but such resistance was offered by the tenants occupying the tent as to prevent his personally so doing. He then sum moned, and created several deputies, and in a body they marched to the tent and soon stripped it front the frame. Like electric Hash the news spread over the town and many gathered to see the supposed fun. No fun was witnessed, simply was observed the strong arm of the law carrying out its intents and pur poses, fearing no man, heeding no threats but. pursuing its straightfor ward course without fear or favor to any however quite little, excitement existed for a few minutes harmless in its nature yet creating a little healthy tingling of the blood. Compromise, gentlemen compromise. It is better than law, revolver or knife, or even better than harsh words which only be get their like, arid create bitter feeiings. Since the above occurrence a sequel on the tent subject has been arrived at. BISMARCK, D. T.f WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1 873. And now comes the finale o.f litis funny suit which has attracted much at tention among Bismarckites. A trial before Justice Bailey, was held on Tues day morning. Result: Acquittal of prisoner' -this and nothing more. Tlie Weather. As far a-? our experience goes we are led to believe that we have lately been visited with trapical airs. Hot Yes that is the term usually expressed, lied hot woulu k: the proper application. I(Vj Fahrenheit in the shade is not very pleasant to the)ksh or agreeable to ihe feelings of a human yet that is just what we have experienced. Men ilted, women melted and even horses and mules seemed only a streak of lather and grease as they passed along. Air so hoi as to he blue in «!or and one could imagine rm arona from sulphurous depths below. ~~No mind, no relief, no nothing but heal. Sizzling hot. Sherry cobblers, lemonades, ice cool, ice cream, and all other cooling combinations failed to produce reaction or relief. A man deliberately sat down on a hundred pound block of ice, just melted through that block in a minute and a half, and lovingly gathered the remants of his cold bath around him as the frozen liquid invisibilitized. ft was no use the reactor was gone and he disappeared be. ncath the shade of a "Shack.'* A small boy who started for home from a store with a pound of butter in his "little tin 1 pail," had his understanding framed with a number six slipper because the heat started the lead on the button) of! the pail, arid the butter had sought a iest' in mother earth Bo}r said it was old enough to have known better. Cotton wood lumber warped -,o fast as to create sufticient friction to cause fires and! the lire department was on ttie alert constantly happily, however, only I twenty or thirty buildings were de stroyed. No insurance. Water from bydrouts before reaching the nozzles in the hands of the pipemcn beca.'im so I heated as to melt the rubber hose and this tritlling cause was the matter with Hannah, whose wax flowers in the top of her-hat softened and rundown the skirts of her new Delmonico aalico set ting it on lire and and well, we guess! it was hot because we heard some one say it was hot as 1, anil our early lv education leads us to infer that there is some warmth down there. Selah. LAST week the Sterner Rocket arrived at Duluth bringing about eighty mem hers more of the Yeovil Colonists, who will at once take possession of lands along the iine of the Northern Paciiic and erect thereon the necessary build ings for permanent settlement. The wife of Dr. Rogers, the projector of the colon}' accompanied the party. Thu? speedily is the country filling up. A a couple or SO of years hence the land ad /T /U-l The characteristic that is peculiar to "Jim." Crummy, and which we remem ber to have seen developed and demon strated in years agone, viz Of settling disputes summarily and positively. The tent came into the hands oi Grum rny, by way of the law shortly there after there was. a speck of war in the horizon. Dutton was making a new deal—the tent was liable to be called into question again—myrmidionsof the law were again on blood-hound scent and business. Blood was up —the old war horse warmed to the work—and he just warmed that tent to a "Queen's taste," and this is how. We mention ed before that the law had given posses sion to the aforesaid Ccuinmy, party of second part, peacable possession of many yards' of canvas yclept a teut.. James truthful James quietly rolls that lot of cloth out to wards the middle of Main street, placed the heel of his Northeast boot in a Iwri zontal "posish," struck thereon a Lu cifer, and gently slid said raging de stroyer among the folds of the aforesaid tent. Fizz, fizz much smoke—directly much flame—and soon, very soon, the photograph of that "bone of conten tion" lay on mother earth, a dead but living evidence of a human "peculiar ity." But the enJ was not yet. Law is queer. Its ways are peculiar and multitudinous. Salurdaj* night as the midnight hour approached, the said party of the second ptrt, was quietly invited by a sheriff, who knew his "biz," to call upon Justice Bailey, in company with Stowell, said Crummy's attorney. Appearing lo! and behold, said party of the first part, ntton, had caused the arrest of the said (.'rummy as principal and Sloyell, as accessory, on a charge of arson or malicious practice, or some other quink. Justice Bailey, not hav ing the Modoc qualities of Attorney General Clarke, of Manitoba, who holds Americans whether or no —admits said prisoners to bail and they again min gle with their friends--but alas! that tent has mingled with the dust and thir air. "Its hard tolove."' Weareawait .... right to reject :my or all bids tor the same. ing with open mouth, eyes and ears for, JAS. A. KMMONS, CI the further results of this only sensa tion that has visited Bismarck this season. Two more car loads of mechanics have arrived for Fort A. Lincoln, since our issue of last week, and are now busy at work helping to enlarge and strengthen the defences of the govern ment for the protection of its citizens from Indian attacks. "ODR stock is very low,, was the re mark we heard made at several houses of business on Monday. This circum stance does not look as though business had been very dull with the dealers thus far this season for all of them bought full and complete stocks generally. Till.? House has recently been refitted and 1-i now kept in First class.Style. Travelers will find good meals, comfortable rooms and reasonable bills. 4 Mm WILLIAM L. DOW, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT, I S A I Orders at borne and abroad will receive promp attention. 4 tf A S 1 I I I N Near cot Sixth and Meigs streets. (Virions having work in my !ine are respectfully invited togivtfQie a .-all. S.Uisluction ^iirtiaiitsed and work warranted. ^ti.os THOS. WELSH. NOTICE. I have this day received an order from the t-fin. finai it of Couuty immisslotiers Pi and lor the Coun ty of liurleigh, IX. T., to collcct the sum Srilmnc. NOTICE. Believing that charity begins at home and having practiced that noblest 'of virtues quite extensively abroad In the thrifty village of Bismarck for the part twelve months, am be fining to think that It Is high time Iw.ts enjoyine soma return. Hence I shall ex pect ami demand that all parties (who have been called upon) now Indebted to me, to, In the future, send the money with the messenger until they kave settled up outstanding accounts. B. F. SLAUGHTER. July 81st, 1873. 4 Iw AMERICAN HOUSE. N. P. Junction, Minn., Opppositethe Depot. Single Meals Fifty. Cents. SEALED" PROPOSA FOR A STEAM FERRY. The County Coouuksionors of Bui'leijih county will receive Sealed Bids for twenty days from date for DOUBLE ilN'C INK STEAM FKRR an.I TRANSFER BOAT, t» run from Bismarck landing to Fort Abraham Lincoln. Parties proposing to give bonds for fullfillnieiit of contract. Franchise ti tie Jeased for five vear-i at much per month pay:il.le. in advance. Such bids to be received by Chairman and submitted t.oihe Board. The Hoard reserve in- Bismarck, July 30th, 1S78. E. A. WII.I.umr. Chairni DAN. WJLI.IAM», WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW REAL ESTATE AND COLLKOTION A UK NTS. EI&'MAROK, D, T. THOS. WELSH, $ from eaeli and every individual engaged in retai'ii'K spirituous liquors In the said Comity, as county li cense for sueh occupation. Therefore, all persons ='i en^'iged will please pay thp said m-iount to me at my ollice forthwith tu the Town of Blsmarelr, County and Ten itory aforesaid. O.ited Hlsmarck, D. T., July '28, 1S7!J. H. N. ROSS, Sheriff «f Burleigh County, D. T, CAPITOL HOTEL, BISMARCK, D.T., Opposite the N. P. R. R. Depot. Thb Hotel is new and kept in Good Style. Travel e\ will have every accommodation to insure their comfort 4- co., //. r. MJimi Proprietors. MJD/dutton, (Successor to Ilaekett A Dutton CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. BISMARCK, D. T. K.-eps in constant employ a lai j-e gan|: ol r.trp -i.ters ar.d is prepared to do promptly and w-'U all iv o* entrusted to him. Special attention paid to !|o-l\ing and coiu.t'r worl,. Chins find specitical ions furbished on short M. o. dutton!' BILLIARD HALL J. S. WARD, Prop.. BISMARCK, D. T. Choice WillGS,LiqUOrS &Wt| Oig.irSi a jacent to the line of the Northern Pa- -\.r, ./j ±.. cific will "bloom and blossom, as the t©St 1.11 rose It is well. a liquor are of the filial brands and the cigars the I fourth Street between Main and Meiga, West Side, Bismarck, D. T. 21 jr S. A. DICKEY. Post Trader FORT A. LINCOLN, DAIOTA. Citieens of Bismarck and vicinity will find at the Post Traders, Fort Abraham Lincoln, one of the best assorted and lai gest Stock of" Goods on the Kpper Missouri, selected by one of long ex perience In the frontier trade with direct reference lo the varied necessities of the neopie both citizens and soldiers. The stock consists in part of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS DRIED AND CAMP EQUIP AND SHOES. CANNED FBITITS, GRO AGE, COOKING CHOICE WINES By the bottle oi b.isUet, fine Crandiea pure WHISKIES, ALE, PORTER, BEER CHOICE CIGARS, TOBAC CO, &e., &c. Persons wantii.p poods in our iine are Invited to call and Wc will *ell lhem goo'ls which will not fall t" please at satisfactory pr: S. A. DICKEY, Fort Abraham Lincoln, 0. T. PINE LUMBER THE Edwinton Lumber Com] tany Would announce to the citizens of BUuiarck that they are rerei and will keep onstantly on band Inure .n il nvll selected a^ortuient if Fine Lumber (.'..nbUting of FINISHING LUMBER, DRESSED FLOORING, SIDING SHINGLES. GLAZED SASH, DOORS AND BUILDING PAPER OF ALL KINDS. Which they will Sell at price* (o suit tlie time? :iiii: Cottonwood Lumber Which thev sell at SQ5.GO lJer Feet. J. R. JACKSON, Agent. Office South of tie &. it, trwk, at ifoltd Street Crowing. ly J. C. Walters, WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Lnn?r experience in Hi.: business enables me to sell at the lowest powihle figures, For Cash Only. Merchants and others wiH benefit themselves by {ivinp me a cull before purchasliif elsewhere. For family use I ?isve constantly on hand pure BOURBONS, BRANDIES, GINS AND WINES, AT WHOLESALE PRIOES. No mattei hnivsmall the quantity purchased. CALL AT THK EE J) STOR West Front Street, BRAINERD, MINX. Special attention paid to orders bv mail or tele graph on the line of the N. I'. R. Minnesota and P» kota Divisions. 1 lv CERIES,PRO VISIONS UTENSILS AND General Supplies. MAIN ST., ONE lo(»K EAST OF r»TH. BISMARCK, DAKOTA. Watch-Maker AND JEWELEB, Has permanently Melted in Lism'trck, wher» he has fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SI LVER-W A HE, SPECTACLES, AND OTHER ARTICLES IN HIS LINE l' it:i ular att/-iiluii iiJ to Fire Watch Work, at a P..-* ..iia&le Price. lv rising city of the Upper Missouri ILvr. (,' ir. ful nt 2'Hr*Tl tent ion ..ill be given furio-hini roioplet" bills o! Oilup material, which uillntnll tiuo liihd oi v-rv sl.ort nofii-e. The) are Agent.-: for I 3 A, 35. PRE5C0TT & CO'S ^tr* $2.50 Per Annum. J. C. WALTERS. First National Bank OF DUL,TITH. J. B. CtJLVEH, GEO. C. STONE, Prest. Cashier. PAID UP CA.ITAL, 100,000. Comer of Likv Avenue and Superior Street. No 1 lv FRED. STRAUSS, 1 Sl VI. II I'l'I K. BILLIARD HALL ,i id Dealer In CHOICE '!.\ri:s LJQrOttS .1,YD CIGARS. Corner of Main and S'V'jiid Street, BISMARCK D. T. GIBBS & CA33TS Blacksmith and Wagon .» C'.rnf rff Third :ind Thay.-r Stre is, Enmaro, I). T. lv W. SPAESNBEBCr, ARCHITECT AXD a I HISMARCK, n. T. Plans and specifications carefully drawn. All work done promptly, wjti.ifnrt-«i*il and at reason able rate's. REFKKKNOKS: E. MORTON, C. B. STOCKING TRUDEI/L McKENZiE. "0 CD