Newspaper Page Text
Vol. i, No. 2. Art Independent New»p*r*r, published hy THT, BISMARCK TRIllUN* CO. •c»tc»iFTio* p«ic»: Out year »2.?W I Three mnutki *1.J« $iv month!. l.M) Single copies 10 Subscriptions payable lnrarably in adrance Advertising riles made knoirii on application at the office. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1873. Mark Kallogg, who has bsen running the B'smtrck TRIBUNK during the ab aenec of Col. Lounsberrj, came down iiut evening and left for St. Paul this morning. —Dvh'th Trifwne. The above is one of several and the editor of theTwBrxK most emphatically objects. For such favor* as I have been placed under by Mr. Kellogg, he has my hearty thanks until better paid but I wish most decidedly to put a veto to the impression which seems to have been circ-uhted that he has been "running the Timst SK I HVNK during the absence of Ool. .ounsberry." As a member of the PRINTING TRI- Co., and the edicor of the paper "during the absence of Col. Louns berrj,'1 I am alone responsible for its utterances and if so happy in my la bora as to successfully oator to the tastes and wishes of t'.io readers of the Tbi- iiinb, 1 claim the benefit of the reward. When Col. Lounsberry returns, I shall most willingly give hack into his hands the "|uiH" of the establishment but meantime- "give the devil his due." A. C. JORDAN, Ed. Tribune. The missing members of the Polaris expedition have returned in safety, as is noted in our telegrams. The mystery hanging over the death of ('apt. Hall may now be cleared away. Chicago has ifndergone another disas trous fire. Several whole blocks of wooden structures covering a portion of the ground burned over in the great fire, has again been destroyed. The loss Vj reaehes into tho hundreds of thousands. '•Nothing can more uttcrlv ruin vour ^at ^or prospects for the future than to gii,, reputation for lawlessness and want of troop01"* around the woi i»o 'j1' order."—fiemurk of Chief Justice Shan- A Pleasant Excursion. Commodore Kountz and his two daughters, Col. Brownson and .lady, Chief Justice Shannon, U. S. Marshal Rurdick, Mr. 0. C. Green, Superin tendent of the Northwestern Telegraph Company, of St. Paul, Lieut. Chance, and ja representative of the composed a party of excursionists, un der the especial patronage of the first named gentleman, to Sibley Island on Monday. Capt. Murray and Clerk Cooney, as usual, made the passage a pleasant one. bers of tho press. The way this cour tesy was repaid is illustrated by tho tact that the disreputable scamp desert ed the command on Muscelshell river. And induced two cavalry men and an ambulance driver to accompany him. It is supposed the purty reached Bo/.e man city in safety, although they de- IJ j(J!tc ^iumjircK ^ribime. HOME AGAIN. Return of the Great Yellowstone Ex pedition. Stanley and Custer Encamped at Ft. Lincoln. TheTrooper General In terviewed—What He Said. Hoots ancl Saddles" -An Illpisode of the it. Tile Outward Mrireh—The Ficjlit—The Return-Rapid Mnrelxinc/—Some thing of the Country—The Jose phine—The Horse Mystery- Lieut. Barden—The Gen eral's Menagerie Incidents. "Custer has arrived," was passed from lip to lip on the street on Monday even ing' and the subject at oncc became the theme of general conversation. If the General is as successful in taking his enemies by surprise as he wa.» in sur prising his friends on this occasion, he must often catch them asleep. We know the (loneral in the army, and kiv him to he a man in whom sloth took no de light, and as un officer the hero of mere llt nMV1 UI1 marches Iin nfantr7 von. Then attend the caucus Saturday Edition but for all this wc were not and put good men in nomination for prepared to witness u.te so much en .* .. ..t. ... 41 'i V\/-» iivin.' the county ticket. .John Williams, Esij., has been ap pointed Deputy H. S. Marshal of this District vicc J. J. Jackraan, now absent in connection with the land suits at Pembina. The change was undoubtedly a surprise to many of our citizens, and we believe to none inoro than to Mr. .Tack man himself. The appointment of Mr. Williams will certainly be well re ceived by all. BUNE TRIWUNE, (Ijtiil I Ljf 111 3H vl'vj Uv ••II served to havo been .calped. This will ,i harder fights than al- ffl0St any otlier noU( l*'e history and ^cw a monl ls most Uterally kepi a inovmg .:ircle 0 of tho great Yellowstone ergy as was shown in this, the dving kick of the whole transaction. We were waiting and watching lor the steamer Josephine and its load of "dough boys." That the cavalry would out march a steamboat, and that down stpcam on a rapid river, was not even thought of. So when tho news was first circulated upon the street, the question asked was, "Why, how did^he come?" "Marched, of rourac." "Rut that isn't possible "Nonsense, nothing is im possible with Custer." An.' so it proved the cavalry had certainly arrived and with it the necessary train of supplies. THK TMBCNR ON HASP. Bright and early the following morn ing our reporter was astir. The TRI mart never sleeps only one o( him at a time, at all events. Kindly placed under obligations by Commodore Kountz, tho reporter accompanied an excursion party under the guidance of that gentleman, stei ped on board an ex tra and soon arrived at the landing, where the steamer May Lowry trans ferred all hands to the opposite shore, from whence an incursion upon the General and his command was planned. The encampment was easily found, just below Camp Gronewrdd, the proposed winter quarters of the expedition. I h symmetrically arranged "dog tents, the long lines of horses, the lolling,list less, blustering, swearing, good naturcd and jolly crowds of men, carried us hack A Newipaper Scalawag. Among the hangers on with the Yel lowstone expedition was one Ilarry Iashiell, represeniit.g himself as a cor respondent of the New York fferohl and the Minneapolis Trilrvnc. On the strength of these representatives young Dashiell was allowed to accompany tin expedition, and from the officers re reived all the courtesies usual tn mem imagination to the twiys ion .w too. be a piec* of interesting news to the|called old times «3 did the dtess of the citizens of Minneapolis, where yonng Dashiell was well known, not only as an insufferable snob but as a consummate ass. —Since tho above va« in typo wo learn that lashi«ll while in this town, before the starting out of the expedi tion, borrowed from W. B. Shaw & Co., merchants here, $40 in cash and sccured credit to the .mount of $30, reired inrepl, th, statement that thej knew no such person. The writer of thiswaHamemberof tho Minneapolis Tribune editorial staff at the time the •xpedition marched, and feels authorized in stating that he never was employed ly that paper. It is further stated that upon deserting he stole one horse from the command and attempted to steal nnother. slcpt on the tented field." (and. P. N., don't want to do it any more.) Quickly finding bis wtty to the Gener als tent, our reporter stepped in, doft'ed his beaver, dono his level best in the regulation military salute, presented his credentials and received hearty greet ing. Wo are no Jenkins but nothing tllc "'J"" ila on the strength of draft on the Herald: P' that Mr. Shaw sent on the draft, and r.1 I 1 ,Me Tlv""' man before us. It was the vrry same uniform, in style, the appearance of which, clothing the some dashing caval ryman, has so often startled the corn fed Johnnios by the yells of welcome it called out from the boys in blue. Custer had arrived the night previous, of coursc, in tho frontier regulation buck skin, but this had been dofled, and in doDn 1,10 .'V" a !»•"»,«"«• |h«'r yellow sl rt "f ,n,i cuirs se .. f' the black slotti-h hat, anil tli imghng SPU™- W. H. Stitnpson, of the City Book Reporter.—You aro of course uware, Store, has just received a fine assort ment of books which be has for sale or rent. H» "™«l«»S ™"'»S .«l thc•»«o«P»nj,..g njountahce make ,,p in brief the (.tcneral personnel, and it will be all sufficient for those who h«tvc oncc seen it. We were directed to a seat, and after further greeting and a little general conversation opened up our batteries as follows General,that one of the first duties of a man who hai finished up some great undertaking, has met with some sud- den turn of tho wheel of fortune or misfortune, or from any cause has bo come suddenly conspicious, is to under go a thorough pumping at tho hands of a myriad of iinpecuinous newspaper re porters Gen. Ouster.—Oh, of course but so long as it is a duty, of coursc it is all right. I am pretty busy to-day, so soon after reaching camp, but any informa tion I may bo able to give you will be given with pleasure. Reporter.—If you will be kind enough, then, Goneral, you may give to me any items of interest in connection with your trip which you may desin of inter est to the public. Gen. Custer then proceeded (we shall not attempt to follow his language) to suggest that the advanoo of the expedi tion to theMuscleshell was probably pret ty thoroughly written up already. The only itctn of interest, indeed, to the general reader, was tho battle with the Indians under Sitting liull.^ This was of course also-understood, as Gen. Stan ley's report covered the details. At the time the attack was made the command was at a halt, the General and his staff resting in tho shad a of a tree, the former with his boots off. The first genera! notice of the presence of the Indians consisted of a volley from the foe, which had rather a tendancy to wako'tliings up. The men and horses were scattered around somewhat pro miscuously. but a very short period of Lime suftiT'l to rally them and the line was at once formed. After a short skirmish the enemy were driven across the Yellowstone, and the rest is known. After the battle Stanley's march was resumed to the head of the Great Porcupine, which was to be the turning point of the expedition. The Indians wero evidently well 'punished, as not a single top knot wasjseen after ward. After reaching iliei head of the Great ler, Porcupine, the return march was at once commenced, and lost s'«rht of 'ten. Stanley and Ine in- j,u. uoMar.-ihy eaeh othe fan try. The march through fiom this point to the mouth of C.ilendive ('reek, ivhere the crossing of the Yellowstone, was to be made, was without incident of note or difficulty. fJood ctimping grounds, with plenty of grazing and good water were found the whole dis tance. Game was plenty,antelope, black- tail deer and the feathered tribe be ing in abundance. J'eachetl the Wl- lowstone on Sept. 9th, marching t*t the rate of 3" miles per day. Upon arrival at the Glendive. the command encamped and an et-eot with supplies were sent back to meet the infantry. Five days thereafter the infantry arrived, and on thc same day the steamer Josephine. J'he .iwM-phiue a! mce proceeded to cross the expedition, and lake on board the Mb and 9th infantry, which she will carry through to their destina tion find winter quarters at Omaha. Here. Custer agmu left Stanley rear wards, and resumed his march tor Fort Lincoln. Leaving the old surveyed route, the one passed over on the out ward march, the command took a more direct course, avoiding part of the Had Lands, and fin ling line streams of clear running water, better grazing and a good road clear through with his infantry and the main wagon train, are expected .to arrive here in a day or two. It is generally understood that the infantry command not other- wise assigned will winter at Fort Kire Tho General slates that him.-elf and his command enjoyed i-xeeedingly good health during the time 111,-\* were out. Tho trip in from iilendiv.: w» made in the remarkable short tune of forty miles. Lieut. Barden, who was so seriously wounded in the fight with Sitting :»ull and who was reported as past hope, is now on the Josephine, and the General says recovering fast. Custer gives as his theory of tho horse found by Carhoof the following Three soldiers of his command deserted taking with them three horses. On thc march back the trail of the deserters was discovered, and it appears from it that ono of them was without a horse, which had evidently escaped while gra zing, ov something of the sort. Our readers may draw their own conclusions. Thc General brings in with him a young menagerie, which he proposes sending to"Central Park, New York. This "magnificent aggregation," as Barnum would say, consists in part of wild cats (robert-tailed) porcupines, an telope horns, petrified wood and more wild cats (also bob-tailed). Tho men and animals all show ser vice, and arc doubtless prepared to ap preciate tho rest in store for them and who will say they have not earned it. ONE RAY J.ATER. General .Stanley with his infantry and trains has arrived, and they have certainly earned a reputation for rapid movementf!. The only portion of the expedition now not in is with the Josephine, and why that steamer has aofc reachcd its destination is the great conundrum^ That it has met with some accident or detention is certain, but what that may he is certainly only a matter of spec ulation. BISMARCK, D. T., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1873. TELEGRAMS. Reported Specially for Ific Bis marck Tribune. GENERAL NEWS. No Cheok to Progress on the Northern Pacific. The Manitoba Prisoners Safe at Home. ThoPolariBCrow Arrive in Scotland. Minnesota Fair—Rosser General. them heme the st-.-amer. BOOH Pay Cav- WEl.COM E HOME. Sp/"tl!(il Wtf/riin- to thf /Jittmiin'!: Tiihimf. MIXSK-U'OLIS, Sept. 23.—Fletcher, Hoy, Kigali, Brackett, Cov. Austin and others Arrived at Minne apolis r/V Rreckinridpe last evening. There was a grand ovation. Hands, torches, the, Irish Rifles and several thousand people escorted tho Maiiitobians through the principal itretls. Speeches were made at Fletcher's, nnd dancing at Brackett's ill ITS coMi.vff, noyx. The pay cur left heve on Monday for the line of the Northern I'.iciiie, It will go through to llism:irck. i:.\r. jiissKu. flen. 1'iw.t leaves for the frout thi-i m-vnm TE /•'. I The Stjite Kulr open* to 'lav imd- favoi.ihle auspices. Then* is the '.niK-.f nnnlvr of cntri? ever made at this Majje "f t!»e t:ilr. Tli weather promises fine. A. li. f. The American Hoard of CotimWM eigii Missions .0 r.ER* HI L'^r- in sess'on in tV.- lly. SI I.MS! FM'I- divd strangers ivrein alten litnce. THE .VJNXESOTJ f'E.tfA TS. Tho Democratic Ft fit" Cotivertion, meets :.t St. Paul Wednesday. It tiill eu.) .rs" il.o Oivatornia in ut t.»n IlenQepiij a-i-1 J* ment mint declines to Ussue any juirtion of the re serves, butliafantliorir-cd Vh- A-sl.-it'.uit Treasuier the cavalry SOOll I tohu.vall Ix-ndj otr.-red at the averajte price. Sat urdav the hanks peoled the currency, mi THE SOUTH I'ACIF!'1. A N I'.I:A l.osnos, .Sept. itori, nutil ivliieh lime we niMrt, ns!: f-r their patient coiis.iUra! oif, ^Ve hcHeve our :i.-~et are lar^elc in ciicesx of our (fahiMic! JAY Cooice .t Co!" TUB WAiiillXOTuN iior.ip. WASHiNrttoM, Sept. IS.—The 1 ar.klujj house of Jay Cooke & Co., in this rity, \vn closed shortly after noon to-day, and a notice posted that in consequcnco of the suspension of Jay Cooke ,t Co., in New York and Philadelphia, it wonM have to remain closed for the present. There was much excitement and a larre crowd congregated in front of the hankinRj house. The First. National Hank, which also su^pcndi-d, orcn pie.s the same building. Titfi svvr Yons ndgsk. NP.IT YORK, Sept. IS—Jay Cool Co., make tin.- follow st:itcnie.' The mim»dlate canse of the siispcn.siiin of Jar Cooke & Co. was the large drain npn:i them by their Phila delphia house, and ili-ir omi depositort, during the la.t. fortnight. ISotli homes have sulTercd a large drain upon their deposit*, in consequence of on nneaay feeling which han rtcmtly prevailed and which lias aUectcd more or lefs all enter)'rise1-.. The Philadelphia house had previously been weakened by the lari'e cash advan ces to the Northern Pacific Company, of which they are the financial a [rents. T!e '.oisiness of Jay Cooke, McCnlloeli ,fc Co., .nd.ii, i.s entirely disencnmliered. That house is solvent, *o that it will meet all ef its standing deficits and letters of credit, V. HVT T!IK (ii.VKHN\il:NT JS KOIVu. •\VASitiNiiTox, Se]t. 1^-.—Stfcutary ltielinr/'s.m atul Comptroller Ki:o.v are in consultation this after noon in reference to the suspension here and a re cei\or will probably appointed to Jake chain* of tile First National Ilank. TheHeeretaryof the Treasury states tli.'.t the (ioverimii nt. doeS not ln?c l.y the sus. pension, I In- deposits of Government niVne's in the i'irst National being fully seemed !i_\ the deposit'd that institution in the National Treasury. As to (l Syndicate operations the balaiu ii in favor i.f the (ioveniment, they having overpaid at the last settle luent. l.ate this aftertioon tliero was .-i.mething of a run on the Washington City Savings Hank. AM inands .so far have been promptly met. nil: I.OMION 1,'ui ,-j I.nxi'ov, b'ejit. 1"! -Tli.- I,.ni,1e:t firm Conk-, MeCn'l -i ll Ci. i"e--./'io to irti o'nies r. i.itive the siis e,-i--: .n of tin Ani'iic.u. hons.-s by statin Shut all ilialts and letter-) of rivd'.t on them issued by .lay ("••.l»- C.v w':!l I"1 duly 11: it. (m\i 'ocsi t:K:-roi'.i:n. As so': as it. bee mis geneial'.y Known tiiat Jay Cooke Co. bed, my runno tnucliitig other prominent house1 sonin-' into existence, but all reports about In- su.-p-nsion of lirms, i-xcepting day Cooke .1' l'i,, lilehivd ScIieM, ard 'In-«m ill lino of lloliinson .i Co., upon investig it'on prm'"d to without fomidaliou. Wlw.n thi-i KKTlXtj oK Savings liiuiks pay at it(ht elninis under one hundred dollars, I tit iv.|iire sixty days notie? un larger sums, as their charter al low. Henry Cl!!(v= will he government »g'nt in-.te:id of J» Cooke. /. Nothing definite relative to Krairenl and tYlu bina branches is received, l-'ariey says all.i'o'S ir terril-ly unsettled. Says Delano only pun hased Hie stock which was not worth t*vi eenis on tlio dallfr. The situation so far as the iTulholoer-, an-ctn corned ii unchanged. THE SI RWVOI.'S. v.). -Thu (-teamer Artie ljrfi!iphtt.a Dundee members of the To'iiris e\-pedticn, wli»e names arn as follows: Cajd. Huddinfrtcti, sailin master Dr. K. Kessil, Chief of Scientific Corp-! Jl. ChcstX'c. 1st mate Win. Orton, 2d nutlejK. Schema 11, Chief Kngineer A. A. (bleil. '-'d engineer W. i'. Campbell, )tfrnon Siemoiin, sea man Henry lloiibs, seaaian N. ll^.v.', seaman. All are. in excellent health. Tlu-eu others were trim ferre.l bj the Hnvens Craipr to the whaler Intrepid, wliMi is expected to arm at Dundee in two or threo weeks their names are li. iV. I). Bryan, astronomer arid chaplain J. II. Munch, seaman .1, W. ltooth, tiieman. BKSTIL L.'TK. WASIIIKCTIIX, Sept. iy." A teletfratn was received at the State Department this morning from William Iteid, Viiiteil States Consul at Dund-e, Scotland, which states that, members of the Polaris cxpenirou y(, 111'NT CilM.Mt.-'-' in.NKI!?. 'fii ... .••in ..f Itiiri.dgh Coin.ty. 1. T., by to reiuc.-t. n..ret- at ti Com: 1 i.-u. in of I'.v.iiien i. .t Thursday, Se| o'clock p. 111. I'.lsMAl'Cl* Se]! Hoard Ceilirr.i are lie the Cit. had arrived there in a destitute state. The tel-uram t-ooiUi.-d i'^t writ-of Httachmev ^vas forwarded to the SecretTy of the Navy, nho m- ilVt con and vour nrop.^rf attacl.ed structed the Vice-Coiisul to e,U for the survivors |.t. Tli.»ma.« ait'muntl l«. make proper provlsious for their comfort and mukI TltK RKSet'KKS AXP UESCI I'll. NF.W YORK, Sept. i9.--A from Dundee suj-k The whaling' -learner Aretii tain Aciami, has arrived at IhiH port, from Straits, buying on hoard men cf the l'nlnri? expedi tion who were picked up by the \thaler Uaveus raia on the 20th of July. The. mVii are al! v. tell and Getl. Stanley, 1 Show no such murks as nii rl have hc-n rtpeeted. afier their terrible eTiiorience. JAY COOKE. Particulars of the Failure of the Groat Banking Houso. The Effect on the Gold and Stock Market, 1 eight lays, the last day's m:nc!i hi in The Effect ou the North Pn»iHo-News papev OoTiimtintq. NEW VOI'.K, Sept. IS.—Wall street has sum ft W more eventful days tlmii the one hist dosed. The I .'ailure "f the Warehouse seeurit Company lirt gave rfw to symptom# of Unandal imeasiucs-. Then came the failure of the Southern Canada, which wa- .jiilek ly followed by that of tie- Midland A OSWCK". This morning brought rumors from I'hihidelphia that the Pennsytvan'.R Ilailroad v.a iu rruuble. I'ini'.iicisl tlmidily TltK Kl'SH OS JAY ePOKB Tint Itottse of.rty Cooke fo. was tie principal I object of their attack. Mr. Moerheml, «.hu had gone 'down town in the limrr.inij supposinp llrm as can house |(1 Tii'niiir cable had dealings and asWit their ath ice. Th, yrt plied that they would stand l.y and he.p ldm »lKht to- j- ^Tar Cooke telegraphed ft om I'riIla le 1 piiifi t-iat, lie would send a million, but in t!.,? meunlIimo th«• *. cets crew more wild and rrantic, and a! half past one Moor head decided to close th. door- Kiel N. t-deijrHphed to fhiiadelphia. The effect of this sHsp'ri.doti dror -W all tt( .t mad with excitement, tind to-morrow's tribune. fae' made 'iliOs'.il o'.i tlii tl*e^e., iiili'ti lice :iu:iio VeV.oiv-d, and at the ehsc of toisine-i a -JiMngii feeling pre (''Cmitfiiucrt en 8'o :rtliPago.i New Advertisements K. A. Wn.i.iivs. if m. rnvts WILLIAMS ii DAVIS. TnitNKVS It I'M. counties iniv ready tskei) ^tel: acl'toi.. f'I\"A 7.1 The situ.itlou tinancii'llj lias chaii.sed the 'jc! qtiiet bchifr restored i:« .Neiv VOI AND COTN ST \TK AND AC I- .VI S EISMABCK, K. The govern- ,1 oils AT !f,l.l'C) i!)N D. T. rrjcM .' A P. I Cha'rne 1-" KIYUS SALOON Manager Mend last evening had iu iml'iivjruhle *11 .1. news from New York relative to work. II'? savs the KeasnttGwwPint#?.TmUssdHi. I)een sent. Jay Cooke .vud to Or. Foster ten days a^'o that no power short of {he Almighty coul stop the progress of the Northern I'aeiHe, is its .success .•» as sure t. stinl !5fi 1151 SvvsK'ry. Pins Keep ("oT.'tmC on ifan I IlieC'e ..r Wines, Liquors & Cigars. CentI'l.e'ii, when yn e.ime t•• l'o-.-uant. 0ro,-, don't, fail to i-niiie iu e'ol seem. Nomos.jiHoi .d IVlnt :j I MARSHALL & IIOLLOWETJSH. I'ltot'itii.vons. M'MtlilTOlIV OF DAKOTA, lei^rh, s.- IN TFUSLIE.." four Kit if, Juil.'.ee of (!,.-• I'-ic. cor'••'TY I'.I'I: befoio Tiiom.-is V:KI 'I iionms M'Vir ,'iert Dio.-hllrilie. ill 1 ,,\r,• ,\-,, iie.'ial Cup Davis 15 S' turuetl to de.. lly fear ti ml lit Wall, Street lost her reason etdirely, and without a lno mevds warning, creditors and depositors -rn-lied iu droves for every banVini houso which was known to be in riiv way connected wi'h railroai! entt pi i-• iV1 and sound as over, at one- saw the d.iiiKrr and oslied ,t, in th* Present9of six loatlin? l.anks v. till which hu review ef tne field will disclose tho number of the dead and wound ed. Many have failed to day of which n* nmiouiuv morit has becu made. Tlir. HORTIIKRS MCIKIC. The effect of the Jay Cooke failure upon th« Northern Pacflc cannot yet b« iiseeitHiiied .l iu't one dollar of the securities or "f '2,-, uwvrAf'PIv Company lias been used by Jay Cooke Cl- tloating debt of the Railroad Company Is half a million, and it is confidently b.-liejed Ut it credit will be maintained ami every .li/atuiu b. promptly wet. TOK ASSOFSCBVP-SL Pitt.APBt.rHiA, Pa., Sept. IS.—The following card has been posted on the ollicfi door of day ooU 'We 'regret1to be obliged to announce that, owing to unexpected d«mAnd* upon us, ourhas been v„u T,„„n ml for a'o eonntv, 1-To, at l-i. I leypectfull) Invite li 1 Key will tlnd every'.hill'.! I t.ioti jtiven to the batb-i ".!t appear -iii a .lui-tiee ..f the iVaee it. on the '.M day .f •t.-l-r, A. D_.. ii' the b.r-iiooi. juii^eiiieiit will .,'1 ,nrl your jiitpi-iH sold to V!..,-k be rendered ai'a'oi-! ml t'le debt. Dated l.i -l:h day ,r "-en*., A. D.. 1-7-:. 1I.I.1AVS ,'v ^./ll I I 'I 1'la tirti Attorneys. Oi:CJli:\'r8, 6. .^SIf4V BairtlressinE aufl Baiii,o,i Third St. I.etw-en Maui and ,l- w. ii. COMI r.oo. piWIiM flit Mf'l G.WEBSTER PECK HOUSE FORWISHING, .s,232 THIRD STREET, Si! PAUL. MINN. SEND fOR ATA LO 0 li E. V,r. SPAEBHSB33, ARCHITECT JO M0IV1"N. 11. r.: M\i:«'b, t. 1\- •»', J\r[ jjH'i Wl E All ivon- nr. Kiv c.n i" i.s: C. It. STOCKING M.i\ EY/iK. 1A11 iM'l.VM ».T1- It. Stoyell & Delamater, I ii W Counselors Officf •Vtier su-i 'fiird Streets, 111 SM ALL Is, obliged to suspend for a few days. Wc will soon rijina por-icj. able to present a statement of nur affairs to our cred- I several nn. S PINE LUMBER HARDWAEE AND TINWARE We w.v.tJ xBHoitnce to the people of Bismarck .nd vicinity that we have just opeurd nev *tid ciirefal ly selected stoei ..f hear* and »helf hanlirtre, which rr» offer at rp«sonttite prices. (K'R STOCK EMBRACES NTOVR§, HIKKSWITIIS* TOOLS, v%n,s, VKi*n\Ti RS' TOOL\ ^IIOVKl,.«. TAIirS-itHd I»OC KI7r (irLKRVamlA\E». ("set .tlntost. fver»tlii» o«v li»- whkh j«u C.W ask fi.r. We have in our lietent linncr nhosr.' prcp«ri.-d to w-»rk u|i TIN OR SHEET IBON TO ORDER. l'.tri:.-s wehiug tlieir l.ense^ fitted up with Stoves and Pipine are i-e4iieste.i to leave or rs early. STOVE PIPE KEPT CONSTANTLY ON A ND JAMES DOUGLAS & CO.. DTER BRO'S A HOWARD, Hi TUIJi!) ST., ST. I'Ai I, .MINX.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC DEALERS And Sole Agents For STEIUWAT &c SOITS AMI HENB7 F. 1IILLSB PIAKOS. BURDETT & GEO. WOODS & CO. l\'c THE Edwinton Lumber 3 )aivv Would alM'ulllo.e to the liti thee ti-e it-eei Jiif.- aii'l will k' a l-l'l'S- S'.-Il »eleete.| I.--!.. Lumber C- n^stii•.£ FINISHING LTT.MnEU, D.RESSKI) FLOOlUNti, SILIN(.i SIIINCir.KS, fJLAZF.D SASH, MOORS AN1 BlflTiPINK I'.NPKH OV ALL KINDS. Which they will sell at pvicen lo suit the tunes 'ir.d thej- hope by promptness hiv,! fair dealii j: to merit at least their share of the trade of the people of the ri.-in- city of the tipper Misso iri Itlver. Careful *t ter.tion will be given furni^liin^ coiii)det iintcial, whii'h will "t all tunes lie liiled A. 2. ntSSCOK !CottoiiV A N ^5 -4 FANCY coops. (.f r-rv The Affpfiti! f,,r ti GO'S c-od Lumber I OR":. Cros^iii J. .1 I N""' «virt •-••II tlijai foir' ii W ii or Vf *!*e Ti »V Tnii.i •^f.vt ly-2 SHERMAN HOUSE, IMRmO, 5). T. i^t-Cla-' House convenient :o the railroad de pot .ind ~tea!iibo it landii.g. Charpes reasonable. MARTIN' A P1NKHAM. HENRY s. RACK, I-AXK AfiE.NT, KAittiO, 1». 'i'. .-'r.ti-ial i.Mention pasd to conteslc-d casos and snpli cation tor mldiers' homesteads, pre-emptio pa'"'" tr Uefer'-nces Gov. llorac/: Austin, Hon. b. K. Aak-r and Hon. W. A. Newton. TAKE NOTICE. ticc is hereby given that ail paVtiM culling hay or timber onllailrood Lauds wM.out poriuit from th. I uol Departnirnt wiil be considered a trespasser and tiro«ecuted to tlie full extent of the. lurr. Col li Urowt.'on, the duly *pjMiint»d Agent of f.r IVna'tineiit. will hare churjte el all its interest* ',t I'.isiuar.and vicinity, to whom can be ins le fo. permits. ,AMgf, poWKR. r.f flen'l ,\f"t f.aiid l)ep't 3. COMSTOCU. 1. T. LI733HY AND* SALE STABLE PC'OTT Ml! r.ET, Pitot-'f, Corntv of Second and Ur's-t Str«,t., r.t.-.nkrcl D.T. plcIltv uf fro-afre, food l-.orses and S. G. ROBERTS COM STOCK. & ROHERTS, I.AWYEUS.' Business, General Law & Lane Kanro J. T., anil Moor^ei iead, Minn. Cm flOHDON" .1. KEKNEY, Law and R©3l Est&t©. Will l'racti '.e in Cm1« of the Territory, aeneral laml *boe ^a^nded to. Office, Farjo, F. T. ./ 8 ly $2.5 Per Annum ns. rin-: !,vU(iKsT \ii'S[rsToi!K IN TUKSTATEI 11 "r^ in- from to $.*»«. A»,.J .,n ii^ia!!f 1 ,.„t, lrtl ,t -,|r0l. Ill-lb is ui-ii! for auythiii'i in the lsi line pr viptlv attended to. A.I.Ires*. 1 I. UUHIIM-. »f 1'Citizens Ill-till (.g Main Street, a.few doors east or John Masot:'». i-ujo's "\VAja. Kit fillrj) ST.. ST PAUL. S. A. DICKEY, Post Trader FOKT A. LIMCOLN. DAKOTA, ItisHi ire'., rli-.inity (iiid at the okI Traders, Kurt Abi atr-iio Hso)!"d and tn.It :lt I i'-"-1 0 l.iircoln,Hilt IJI^IJ 4 one i.f rtm ben Il or Cioods on the ("pper Missouri, Selected by one of iotii? OJT perieiice in the frnntier ll'adp Willi direct referense to the varied soldier-.. -iti.'s of the reople both citizens wni -.S'il-* in psi of IHtY (10t)l)S, CLOTHING, r.(OTS AND CAMP EQi AND SHOES CANNED FRUITS, }RO TERIES,PROVISIONS IP- AGE, COOK I XC TTENSn.S General AND Supplies, CHOICE WINES i'v t:i, I i|tli- ..I 1 (hie i'.raiidit-S j.oie willsixiKS. AM', rnin •2 1y I I N.CER i•m iit•F. en Alls, Tou.\r '), Ac., S:\ ili iltr.l to Mil will not fall la S. A. DICKEY, Kort Abraham Lincoln, D.T. Watson & Goodlitie DKALKHS IV CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTH AND SHOES, I I A I W A I 1 O O S I O I FEET.) &c. Main Street Between Pith and Sixth. tiro door Rant of John Moon's Uilliard Hi»ll 5 ly SHAVING and HAIR CUTJ1NG. .1. M. ROSIER, KASHIt»NABLK HARUKR AM) HAIR DR88SBK, Main «r«et. Dakota Trrrltory 5hATing, ?hBnipoohi(f, HatrCutting Ar- Whi.Wen. "anil Hair dyed.