Newspaper Page Text
Vol. i, No. 3. An !alep?oil i.t X..'wiintK»r, publbiul fcr THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE CO. scb.-CM T:ON' r"!ici ).ie .vm" fi.M Thr.'. ijspkl'u. .. .. i.Oa S.x m.n'.'aj 1.5-) Sitc -pie* 10 ti :.i py*b!t* it vsr' l!y ir. advuice Ailverliiijijj intes rj.i .» kiMwn ori np^l'ieauon at tJit* WEDNESDAY, SKPT. i, 1870. THE CAUCUSES. Uismondt is undergoing a new .sensa tion. Ft is passing through tho throes «f a .small political volcano, no spoils as yc-t whore there is nothing to .-"teal of course there .'ire no politicians. The contest is simply one of opinion. Iwo classes of our citizens are attempting to arrive at the same re suit through different means. Tho ob- jccfc sought to be attained by those giv ing their influence, and who purpose giving their votes in support of the can didates whose names have beer, placed upon the different tickets, is identicr.i. Ka':h simply desires the election of good men the difference exists in the the^v aro. Too Tiuiju.vr. has no politics or rath «.T it is independent in politks. Wi»en we say indepei'dent, we iuc tho word in !t- true significance. Its editor assumes the right uf any citizen to \ote for whom he pleases. }fe is pledg.'d (0 no man or citizen, and as the uidune is private property, owned and controlled by its editors, it wii! simply be their open alike for th either ti-'k'-t, er an tickets. The paper tho citizens generally, of all classes and srtv *s on" medii its columns wi tho use of all. nation, because of stories .nrrei:t upon tho street that the working for their election In 'he next issue of the Tiwcve the claims of the various candidates will be discussed in detail, that our readers in the county may be better enabled to vote and work intelligently. Meantime it is our earnest desire that every 711.111 en titled to vote iu tin county consider the names placed before him from which to select the officials into whose hands af fairs are to he placed for the next two years, and «ekct therefrom the best and"truest men, regardless of what cau cus may have placed them in r.omina tion. I From Bozeman to Bismarck. We yesterday received a visit from Mr. .1, L. Sim- n® '1° 0 ai 1U c,inoe li 4jTli? ^jisnuirrh ^Tribune. TELEGRAMS. while oig.ui, nn cxponont of their iljsri cxp^ctcd her* October 10th. The otfioeii of honest iovn'.t.ions. Its columns are the Noi-tliern Pacific are hop'.-ful Ont tii, work laid use of the friends of °"t.whi ?01 occupation:,, and its owners are there- man, to vote and work for wliom-weFje lic-ve to be the best adapted for the po sitior.s to bo tided, and use our prop speee'i. tiii"ving 'P ,,0ln bad weather and winds. Prom Huz Horn dians. Twice camps were nass in close delightful as it is ho ,v ant no more of A private telegram announces the I death, by apoplexy, of Col. Dntcher, of tho Metropolitan H»tel of St. Pa'ul h&re put a State ticket in the field. Itcporicd Mpcciullj lor the Ills itmrck Tri**m*e. KZ W & The Great Wall Street Panic Subsiding. we The Northern Pacific Practically Uninjured. hope ar.d believe the canvass will bo conducted in an orderiv nmnnrr and with a spirit of good tempered strife, we also believe that the contest will bo TJiO Woi'kto Oon.tiliU0 EtS a hot and a cl ^e one. Tho c.ity has no Laid Out. politics, and wants noro. There no present use for the article. There are The $#. Paul and Paciflc de opinion as to what constitutes good men lur^o supply of currency. and oflloers, and who and where *N° candidacy of some, as wo are in com- St. Paul special ts th« Time teport* the com- rhe Far We»t is over dne from Fore mending the nomination of other-! and tnen':emft!tof a iUlt ],y 111 Trouble. Tcrriblo Havoc of tho Yellow Fever Miscellaneous, 1 tioa. Eaiin a In partiilly p.iralysui!. The wheat «ale» at very low fyrtv-fcv-} thU city Rn.i St. P.iul fetl dcoure. Confidence 1. be iaj re3torMi b?ill the mercantile fiiiil niaa«f»?t»:tii'5 ii'.terostt «rc becoiiing Affeete 1. Yeitctday a New 1'ork houso cwpl '.yiuff ll/c hun Jred workmen suspended, iiud wany empleyeej hare been JUcharjcd froia other MtaMliihnionts. Som« aro trying weather the .itonn hy giri.nj -iiip!®y. ment four Jsyi In tii'' week- Mlncsotu deed c:t seem to fe*l the pie»sure toa exleut cxisptin a suspension cf the wi.est trade. T!ic orernrner:t ispiepaylrigtlic. Nor iiid riiitl.-rj look more hopeful. try. CASS. 0" Can and the Directors of lfcs ,\«svV«rn Paci- btJ de!aye'" New iik Sk.°alatragi ara einSraciu^ c.ri-vy eppsr- n.a.l UJiOll such tunltv toklcktho prostata forn of Jar, but patronized by l»upublished•tat.esu.'.at shjw3«U'V2 of -i«set» (v,Jr i'abii'tle, an'3"*«•'«!* h°Peuf ,ntl-v i'Ii. iipen, me mtsine I wurM for «MU':tnce. Over four hnn.irc arc C.cad I This mucii in cx.ola- «ad l-.un.i:-.: Uaresi". CAPT. J/tHJJO.Y. HIBI NE would take a position against one of the tiek •ts, regardles? of the individual merits of the candidate upon either. Good men were put in nomination by tho caucuses ofboth Saturday and Mon day evenings. 1 here are gentlemen upon each of these tickets tc whon no excep tion can be taken by any reasonable citizen. Ihere are also candidates upon wo have serious doubLs. We shall be just as free in stating our objections and our reasons lor thus objecting to the 7'UK ST. PAUL PACIFIC. leeovery. athe plae af CiCn-*. fore under obligations to aM aldce. AVe TheNoilhern PaciUs country wag nerr Jio perslit simply claim the ri^ht of our brother iil,,lleJ nj!,t the Hf«*nt I Th-* I.ondoa house anpo'otcd g.:.*or::a"ct summed. present tim aJ 1 Mia.vsipoi -3, Sept. 30.— The reported of Oapt. Haraiou and party civatft much eirc'.tei:ijtit ijnday, hut Wis allayed Mon.l^y ly rrrr« of his £afetv. STPICKSX WITH PAR ALYSIS. f.OW Si. Pacl, Sept. 30. Chief Jnnic. Blpley, of the Stoekdale and sailed f,.l Minnesota Suprf-mo Court, wai stricken with paraly iisof the left, side o:j Samrdjiy and apsplv.xy after- '"tU leginu lit, 'icii. .S 111 Wu r". Jlti' lif'ti hupo of hii re jortry is ^ntijftained. m.'ind. ThaOciob-.rteiinof tViSai rfHi-.i'-..n i« «.JJ-min- \y« are iad |},:,.t f.Miaries e-j ov?r. Jndg* McMillan also i.:*. 1 F0HK11 'Y F1 of (lit* Minor, \ih'» svms Niw Yoi-.k, Sept. 80.— liond ,'i .jwi,ntjhe« indicate :usiy ill on her tip trip li:ss recovered. fl'ianch! ti'uublea iu Q-jrinat-y. Faia si•u.-ks h.ive in 11 1 .1 each of whose availability and fitness fellea twenty per emi. Q-•*-«•*» •. ,t Lt^-h^nce is tenma.i, «hic.i igenga'»ed in the •xpected theie. tiansler business belw,-t tlipoint ami A few nioie suspeuaioiii are. rfpvit-J hfie to-day r/iiicoln, Wtis airroun yesterday for but all strong Q,-Wi are c^-,e,tc! t, pull through. a a ii is ahI ,t iv.rWtr. in.- I against the first diriil ja of the .St. Paul ,t J'acitie for Wo believe a balance r.f over half a million du r.n fiomtruction. that in some instances neither the) Garnishee papers have heen ,«erv..-d on the Firat strongest nor the best men have been XationalBaak. 0,!l0- B-"jk'r a it selected, and that tt.e opinions and pre- brauchMthUfaii. \v.',rk u,x,p ..,ie o, .he Well. ferences of gentlemen entitled to a hear- Mank-ato road. ing have been slighted when ordinary __ •prudence and common decency should BXXPv NS^lPOXtflS* have dictated a different course. I H.-nuan Trott. Tlie Panic Among Banks There. the JHcmlcnltall Goes Uown—Others .411 Right. M.'SSEiFOLiS, Fcpt. 30.—Meudeahnil'* Bank sus pended ytstero.iy. A fearful ruu *a? [made on the IoT"eetT7.?° I ST'-. N!Uiona' but About Diwhiall. (^ub onio ed their boats from the former nlaec 'o H'.rald credent- tho mnvm t..r, ,„ i„_ „i /i "ls- Charley Johnson also saw them. 7 a!d !n check I lie n're a a a cy. ihey were tiventy two days in com-j correction should ho made in this re- i» 1? .- rv .• .. ing down, but were debved much by I spect. lie probablv drew on the Her- advance, and" having no credit. ,in louljtcd proximity, but as they were not seen by tho savages nothing happened worse ., than a scare. Mr. Sims declare that error but for tho Indians the trip would be Minneapolis Tribune is concerned. It is ,tem thnt a er .. it in his. The abounds in trout, -.vhi'i covered by elk. We shall td: our read ers more of this perilous trip in onr next ')U with the statement that his check was good. Hn also purchased ,hem b^' le! ,lwr km lhi 600(33 from hefe Umlcr like into which Dashiell made his way, and the indebtedness was for board. Upon being reminded of his arrearages ho I gave an order on the suttler of the ox pedition, stating that said sutler had mone belonging to him (Dashiell.) The tm "'•TT'T^rfS I order was presented, the sutler denied lhe 3uft mpeachmcritj aiul upou jt8 r(j uro (r Dashicll he gave Lamed an order ve arni anc nx.iyC'JAL SITL'ATi}.v. with reckless freedom, but he nevor mis v.f5jM!APoi.T#, Stpt. 30.—The papers are itiii bur- trusted at whoso expense. Thero are with diipatclio-) rel.itbs to (he ttnuticial ?ttua- ct-n'.s only being jr!:1 in joiiw ir.5ta:\:c. Srtrorai Ch'jo^o sujpt'.'i.'c Fi'uhy, Vut the !aJitig oticj r^sainpii Moruliir, havi::^ ri-ooiv^d a M:nne, ,-alil:3 !l,lv« suipft.(i.-('. Those of on the TlerahL T'ie order was shown nently disastrous to the road. the writer by Lieut. Larned. This was just before his desertion. Another item When the expedition was sixty miles out a party was sent in for soma purpose, and Dashiell came with them. John Mason, also of this city, wishing to do a favor to an oid friend and ac quaintance, Mr. Eckelson, Gen. Rosser's assistant, packed a box containing a dozen bottles of brandy, three or four dozen lemons and two boxes of fine ci gars, and sent them on to Eckelson in Dashiell's charge. The box was never delivered, and Mr. Eekelson knew Doth iug of it until his return to this city the other day. He says ho noticed Dashiell smoked excellent cigars on his them up f--r the boys" several such peccadiloes of which the writer is cognizant, and which can be produced if required. The officers of! cialiy und'»r obligations for'fa^oi the expedition are very indignant against him for his behavior whilo with them, and more especially at his shame ful desertion, and claim that "justice to Dashitdi's" dup«s demands that he bo so shown up as to prevent further exploits in the same line, ile has talents that should have been turned to better use. RIVER NEWS. ARRIVALS. Sept. 27.™Steamer May Lowry. 27 —Steamer Josephine. 28. —Steamer Peninah. 30.—Steamer Miner. DFP.Um.RES. Srpt. 27.—Steamer Josephine 29.—Steamer May!.owry. 550.—Steamer l'e-iinah. 30.—Steamer Miner The channel is changing. wilt grow Out of all thw, unci It i# lwlie»«!l work will r:"i le lie. layod «n hour. THE STRICKEH SOUTH. Ca c.»o Srfj't. 3d.—Yellovf icrer i* iking ior rible h«vn, ja th« Southf.n cities. fhreTepcrt hagljepu oomp'i'fd to appsal to th-r charities cf tho side of tho bar. ISv anotiier week so ,„ ^r'*1 '"P-' The May t.ow'ry will j.- .j ,i as Fort ilandaii anl return. liine on a( far dowi. .,:, ,int (1 S0M,(i ume 0,1 SWin5£ (1 '-•1" DeOraff, Crooks and other* her not bwing on time is undoubt- ui, ir1 firodit for the manner in which ho has ials. conducted their affair* here. Ho ili JOt l" edly on account of the pievaiiiog high Winds that we have been raging 1 the pa^t week. That swing ferry at the point is mak ing considerable trouble. Jim Kelly, of the Miner, says that he will cut the 4id— in St. Paul, arrived home on Tuesday. Prof. Safford, Principal of th Pirrt National, but it te coming through all right, A borne College of Chicago, assisted by Mr. Rofcbtfr' 0 to the mouth of i'ovdp" l'lvrti course the draft was protested. since last Thursday. lie hails from I ^,e'1 to ixie mouin ot owder Kiver tho runs' l- product compared tavogi-.-.itly with wera made at night, on account of In- gentleman mentioned above are Dallas, lexas, which must be a land of returned dashiell, in upper Yellow.-ton-* ^dV0' & Co., as worth- sells everything from gimlets tq'patent "S check was given in payment for goods rePrpscntation.«. arncd of lhc He will be universally regretted pondent of tho Chicago Inter-Ocean, General Manager Mead cauic in on a —a informed us that Dajhiell mulched him The tcmpsrance people of Miniifsota to the tuno of $50 on like representa- tions. Larned vas caterer for the mess BISMARCK, D. T, WEDNESDAY, OCT. thing adrift" if they dot't k.-p it out the way of passing steariie.-s. 7* 1 oats, ..out, potatoes, and "thcr ve^e- Cai load of potatoes arrive 1 lat night: tallies, from Dakota, grown on od that, for the Empire Supply Store. II. & A. will compare favorably with the Kansas specimens. "VV. II. Wood, of St. Paul, has beer, in obs( rv ti,)ns o. ,even ilcox and Thompson say Dashiell sou Line of steamers at this point during Hozeman to I:smarck. Tiu oartv l.aul- -iribune for the iellowstono Exnedi- I i'• .u rinn onri it™..r J'«r llis We arc in receipt of the following' E. D. Comings and wife departed on 'Telegram. thia morning's train for Sioux City. Mr To A. C. Jordan. Comings has been the agent for tho C'oul- accredited to the Minneapolis the past season, and certainly deserves Personal. They will exhibit full-grown tree, (ien. Koss?r tarried in the city Friday-i of the celebrated bullberry iiomtlie department. ,,,0thel 01 he goes to the coal fields to "see how itl himself. Dickey, the great post trader, who lemonade, says the subscribers to the Tp.ibcxe on the opposite shor«, get the paper about once in four weeks. There is going to bo trouble in this matter, its K^morid & Allen, dealers there i* certainly no earthly excuse for Lieut. rich a state of affairs. The guilty par- Cavalry, also corrcs- ties may look out for breakers. special train Monday. He was accom panied by Resident Engineer Kimberley We are under obligations to Father comea in contact. Give as more ?u'h of the officers and attaches of tho Tel- £!°t TKrBt'NK rceeived at tFm i?• Jmnds is cer taitily an oncouragemeni. To Grnei'n' espe- 1 Bradley and Capt. Cu- l-.-a \v« Pino old Rye Whiskies in quantities to suit at the St. Louis Lrjuo Stce. The land contested- cum- in which Penri(dl,IIackett, Tipp:e and the County 30 The river is steady at alumt ttiw Judge Potter sustained the point, hut of water. Mr. liroshei demurred. Tippie then Steamers nrfi still ruuning the east withdrew and loft town, and Col. Sweet, vi' ,• ,1 4: ou 1 Missouri iliver, together with txietus, omasv. in i•-.!•: J. S. v\ mston, ot the rinn of Shaw A .- 1 Co., who has spent pari of the summer stone, gypsum, coal, chnik nodal! binds vegetables and grain. Dear- Frnn% St, Prut Pi*n?r. When we state that the general ver- di be Inu(le by oth icr an aai num. i,. days making! way equalled this, we state but the fact. Chiel. play irom Dak, la, wci ,unu\n f| Engineer, has been visiting Bismarck land where sod wa, fumed auont on exhibition. veracity, and of course good fellows, if the Major is a fair rep-J The cereal display from the lands! Third st. Mui. this settles the matter so far as the rese.-tative. Yesterday he crossed the west of the Uocky Mountain range Missouri with "fowl" intent, and to-day ^cxrceli"1 1 8 11 turned eastward Tuesday Commissioners are the has 1 ington Territori^, "v. hltv oomo to a t'ead lock. The notiro was ^hcat, and superior any wi -^t on exhibition. given by Pennci:, made roU'.rnable .Sept, 25th. tin (hat day (ho Register no being present, the Jioc case. (lackett 10 any proc in^s until rhe Register, Mr. iira^ should Appear. The iUceivor, Judge Potter granted an adj^tur-rnent unt 11 the 27th. J. A. Stove!! then appeared specially for Mr. Tippie, imuI demanded the diss'missa! of theca-e on the-ground il at t)ie notice was insufl'vient that ac cording to law there should have been days after the last day of publication. who appeared for T'ennell, aekuow! edged the validity of tbe claim, at.d so withdrew. ilaekett meuHicio claims that an appearanc has been made by alt parties, ar.d demands that the c*:ts" pro ceed, and i« no»- cntinuin1? th^ ease i»e- The steamrr Xcllie Pe.-! ieav-»s Sioux fore Mr. Crashers nlone. And so t!ie City to day for Fort fiuford. jmatti stands. Wo have neither i- \i nor time for more to-dav. apt. Lnn Murray, bite of the May has taken command ofihe Ida' Plenty of potatoes, onions, coal oil *ood fresh butter received this at the Empire Supply Store •Yi Sully with and mil morn in N a fvrrv. •l"-,,l,ru 7 3- an official one. Tho party eroded tt.o gariling a sin-posed barren desert, ami the Missouri on Tuesday morning to tl,p throne:', would reltlm neaiu and view tho work of tho engineer, and re- JJKa'n 'Seeking fre^Ti information. The evening I Northern Pacific has ,V .son to iVcl o' proud of the While Mr. Mead does not deny that the ui^hLTlirection'"'amJ^h^rcsu^^i"!!"" failure of Jay Cooke must prove a ea-J not help but be beueii.-hl to ,.0,.. 1 amity to the North Pacific a* well as to portion. the public in general, he «cptuHates» tue C?,HUV[1011 Result »ill prove f™,. 1 Sl u. foe.,,,,, -«iw New Advertisements rjhicct io any proceed- FOBT a. a S a a /'Yl'.tl ihr Mh\1cO(Hli4 j'rio''.iu\Stpt 23, The Northern Pacific and St. Paul x. Pacific are u'esented a- usual. Yes- terday they were, like others, engaged 111 preparation, but enough of their specimens could be seen to warrant the atit.-hk'io statement that display made this vear 1 W ... li.-avv tlotli tr hud will far exceed that ot last year. the display made by the St. Paul & Pacific Company will be particularly creditable, but probably less interesting than that oi the Northern Pacific. The latter vi!l exhibit vegetables, grains and grasses Irom along 1 Is line in Dakota, Irom a heretofore supposed to bo barren waste. They will exhibit corn r'icity nu-Jutieimr) fully matured, grown t.h ee hundred miles north of Minneapolis wheat, 1 petrifactions, specimens c.' son, sand ^'.'i hc»ldera was that no exhibit! fem^ .tUrc competing lines of rail- Further, wo state, without fear of sue cesslul contradiction, that the products d'-'senptive cir.-ularj coat-tilling f'H.-i, teftinicuiiil-. ... .. ,, epgravini**. ,?-c .-.enl ir. ?. We of no section of tnc West gives better: AiiitiCLi.TrniAi. i.mpi.rm.-.n is. or .stronger of li:« strength I-a»f?t patente tum iiiii.r.vfm:i..« i'..r t:. farm ni.' and prolific nature of thi*, soi which that lino of raiiwav nn as constructed. The soii on e.xbibitioii proves by actual :inaly.- to possess all the necessary requisites for -uccessfVd cereal growtii, and ihe VLgeiabit* gr.c.vlh is re a W a a iarge proportion «»f vegetables on dis- the I lie a r0 vtn Ihe fruits displayed from Oregon and I Montana arc beautiful in «ppe«,-u,ce and rich in flavor. The mineral and lino stone display from the region of Dubith, was bejtuti ful and attractive to a high decree. v.-iih cl.s laijy ,.iv linc of the .Northern Pacifii* r.-uiri-UM, our attention was pnuieulaily r.rr«- -!od ie Somercisen for a pleasant call. The •'"v Father is tho same brave Christian gen tleman who followed nloiu Hne di-piny from t::o viemiiy i,i 1,1 Among tin- samples of craii was one of wheat from of W. I'uSl'-r tho trail of and barley from the farm of Thorn.,' the great expedition, thrco weeks after I McKensey tine assortruont 01 its departure, with no'hing to protect: v.uSela^l*-'3, I IS.J Liru), dui'rl1- a I I car an.! 'jv tt. t!l.-*J «vl!.-. r«-.,,,- .. I -•...!! .. y.ioetfe-it 1.: a! r-i ,'i..i. •iiw.-, fc.'i ''n:.ani:r, I thread, This inacluiiu l.e.o il%. ••"-iwru. t.-d 'j:.-, it strength ail thi pi i't- icli :u I ''rr m'ide alike by luavhuiurv, am! )..-i'il.frilly li.-iUi.-d and ori.aiuenlj:!. J'- V'.'' i-y i. -'II 101'1 and Pilent h: p-l t'.' .:. r.y ,:. 1 nil 1 1 1 ...'." !J»i 'ieii. Mwver.'. tblOU^.l luirvoM-s, (.irai miii S O a 1 l-a ." v. i' i. inih' lire U" A iViV-r-r* [. j: wi.i:m i: lo: i: W' tln-'.J l! !ii«'«t iriip..i-i I!,I I-I-I '•.-j!. ... tile ni" .SO-''Ui)iU• i'.d 1 li..! :i .'l,i!.| tiie IL'k'M Ijultun i' .-u.nri Strong and be ucifal. fcpvciul term* and eV.ra Sudao. a.-.r.u .- i:,.'«K* s:i 1 &••., to will Oil agi'i:cie3 Uiroujii tiie cuutry :n: I :i \t uii chinc» uu exhibition and *a!a Coimi -.- ri- .»i.* ijiven t.» smart uKi ntj free. e.-jaip'-.-ts «.'Uk ii'. I .rn l.'he.l •.'.it'iout ::ny extra ciiarge. Sn:iipii,i .''Tiliif, 1 )-rt ».r vv."..4 a'l'i .ili a nicies iivn-l.-l I' i:i-r \'a: i..ty Ail umr or in ana !.rt= j.--rfee lv .-nr. If uuai.te ••!. "Ail I'M iiiwi o.U ai ili') li.nvi.: t'Ur ie Kiels." '.t 1(1 •••«'i'lrt (in) 1I..0 re, iKi.l can i\ •.. t'-:. .*•'-« Art lri- Oi dm'.* .fltnJHit i.'pr'i-r ft .JOJJN -TOVA1.I.. Tire coal brought hither from the de-: posits twenty-six miles west of the Mis- '"iftOl HA'],* (111(1 sOKHSf. .)} .v souri Iliver opposite Bismarck, proves. omce Corner sr.J riii. I to be of a lignite formation of excellent ... quality, and it is in ine.\haustihlff|uau- UlSMAu'- a, l». i,: "Th.ihous.nci, upon rtoM.mU MVES7 A1TB SALS ST4BLI people who visfted the fair grounds yes terday wended their way back and forth, SCOTT & MILLET, PUOP'S, but lingered longest around tho stand of the Northern Pacific. An earnest,! Coroct- of S«co»4 a6d siefs* SirccL'. Lisinurtil, p.'f. ono might say intense interest, was- and Road -Master Weed. The ytsit was shown on tneir part for mlormation re rt^-crni fiuenijing ponies. itirro, d. "j. siy t}-e l»r .si *jpo SS. A- Co., .'Lti.'lt!. •t..?rt«-, N. (Hi fI£V2\\i iifK'cin/r Qi!(! v|(| j,(/ Prnnu' '.V. II. W. C'l.-viL'i Pi I pvT-f••tfltllv iiitit.^ th'' !-'it 1 'I«"v '•'•"ill lim' evtrvM)iii}i fl'l l«: t:ol iv( I t0 ,lit •I -i \11 W.- 't'iciiii.' tn ir ce•I'itotk- •v.yj .-.r r-TO! of Mr. .\r-.irew 11 .-"ome of euorrnous dim.mi-j him from the savage foe b,»* the con- gSXnf ''r"^r^ sciousness ot a duty to perform. The Lvavitt of l'aigo. JsTOTP man himself is loved and his bravery 'I here is also a very Uik- iiip! adntired by every one with whom he Sra'11 «'iiid vegeiabh,s from i!,e 1-in- f: ". ^uvfr* 1 om LismarcK on tuo .Mi-: -i!i Jlivi r. preachers. JThere arusaverai np^i.-tiv'ns froi' The Tujsuse cditoviui rooms have} 'he Scheyunne riv.-r, fn.un'. stov. bee-n visited during the week by 1,11 the Jaines river, lioin iiisma ck isb0ur Kon ,. oo miles north »i Disaian-K. Fi ,, Ms lowstone expedition^ but space forbids locality of l^n' ol t!:e wue moro than general thanks. Wo have samjilcs of good, corn, »vheat and t.s. tolt highly ilatter?d by thij universal 'a,"£e ni:_ ority of fhc a i:. tv!'! courtesy, and the C'lmmcrtdations of tho (l' JJismurck, H!*m\:. Iru/ji tlu: ,sud aim v/.-md coinparc «b!y witii Sj'ccuoeri .i- f.. ri, Th" .vd!t pcrdia, or 1) t/)*il. •enaSHi.-xvzr. itfsyi.ii.-»j. BYll v7^ pi'j-T VI a at A "\i T"~c*-i hvn 5 i,U!' I! is no1. in 1 hi- 1 :.i11-.\ appears to be of the hawthon,' !•.. d--. spycie.--, hours a ci, ny tt !.s Said, lii"deS e. \'iii:i.r. at 'I jeliV, al^o o!^.-,ei ve'-1 til.!, di-j,, ,1 of ai'pii.s, pears, and Jruits ai.'i g' aiii, ami a gvk-a». varivi.v «.f ooci. fron 1 the Paesik- aii I Mors tan.-', 'j' j,-• wheat from Moumiui, t.Mteoi:, ur, 5.1, 1 !•.!- J* IIS! a N E A. LTNOON, D, T, K.'fj? -.V t!..J n.- H- !i II ^.-V. vliiio A FAMILY' ARTICLE, .".•u in.ll.-'! la.JO «uy 771 :'..'r -y ,. L. AK ENTIRELY JEVY SEWlNti MACHINi, "o i- Pen U.-m. 0A7. F1TJ-: DO J, LARS., Wit! t!. N-.vV.iio'.' r-. -.".,- .i-.-'t tiiii. i"VL-: tf~ r. •_ At' "f if WVAi.UK!,' 1'UK I'ICST I'l'.lMilM AJlKUtCAN" IN-'-I'tn'Tl A S 0 MAiiy l. A .\ II i* N ST 1 1' I rii A «, j? 15 t\'i 1 and pivcn. iil, s.-it'iiiiiie, ni' .««:•: :l ii.ii j,- 'if.iu*ed pK '•i-.'.i'.» A gocd, eheap, tanr'*- sev.-|t.- uifsf. :'. it 'I 'ie aid ..iv«'^si prjti.i 'i ni^! ^iitifil 'Ki.i j'.icbie frv'A i'ti: txtrcuie lv*V pi .•:« :c!h «'l ."1 -pts it i'i e-1 ill.v/. 'i it ,l UMii'1-..l I:j'. :i Ills •-•"•fcr.n.'i A i'. :i! ii!:r.1wji\, •hi i!' KBF C^'NSTA'NTLY .• -!i: :IJ .r Vi A': I1' dwinton Lmmber r?'? N IN if. toiu IKS, 1S7:. A moit woa-lvnui a-id ft. -r.-uitS.r conafr-ict.f.l Scr. i: itiarhiae for '*JI :'y «nil:. v^i'a'i.'lcto in uli ii-,! puiti, uwj tho ..lit i:. N'te -, S Th.'.-.-i'liiij, liiri'i Ii .rf!!t '-i'i• .M. i.'ii, New T-.i, *!'ii, S.ii' e-I .vd CP,.-'i (.•[..-i.i w!:jel .'iiij on a ruimii Sin -.d'U j»l. I nu'oelebt, lika it 1! I.!'.i.: w—. li' -l 1'alei--d'ei'-K t' p'cveiir Ui'j l-.-.—I r:• ii.g firued l!-.. wror '.I'jiy, IHi... threu. .i.t\'.'. !rum U.e iv '. ik.-s thtf elastic luck ,'iitcl), (li ..ft I is S 1 S N 5 tii.Azr.i) -ASM in).]!- \N'|i nriLDiN'i. WW oF "TM fiUjj •r ..-:i I •1 1ir 1 1 :l! Ill- »i....: i. .1) Vii: IV"i:' rial. f: Wkl I.'lii'l.', ...y j.ri: \(.i ... II J'...t'.'!/-, .»III I.. ... •. :•!. Price I.f t-. Ma hii.e. A." (w»rr-t:.fe.i Ivr ee -y .| ,A •ill t!i-l!*a'•."cs, .iiid \-f-e ..-.. ::i,•r :. r. to it, incli'.'im.s if :ln Co "j" a '•ferM.c*F uU.1 it AV. Ul 1)1.:,I.MAT-.I .lit iii Kjl hi ri. S: N .nipplv I'rosjin: SHER .-A'. I 1. •1 A O S ifii! 5 Per Annum Uir't r.- I: 1'l \ij ou'' -.eiit.J :i uerr au'I refill ret*.nub .. pri.-.,-*. y' B«i^S'A'T8TOOf.ji. T.iSgf.i.aM.i iJv'X'KKT l.M-0] i' .:.: •v ii'Jiiilicr ,.f cdm- s? .. ,-:T. i' i"j. Mi .YN,, :&*ZVAJ,X, MUSTS .X. rAr 1^1 fM P-, 1A TIT f%r^T\f a $ S M\, S *. i, fy i-w* Hi 5 m$ l( 1 N .'v. I l.'S HAND.. .TAMFy DOTJGLAy & CO.. Mi HI C.* -»«•(. I, «4 .). ,.. ,. 'SoiriK'^.S fSAIiERS BO ITS T\ STATE! y- in v.-l.,., ,l„s:|.e(|. -V it •. «•'.!? 51 cV )\V I'm:: sr.. si 9- mn ro&t A. L.uTcor.K'. DAKOTA. I A i' .T I 1 4 ?.f:.3 tl.i li.r I 31 It ti JS Imy ex- f.'rence ii is i'.-ti ii. i,\r'. :t»L.: f.n lTS ii A N AN!» .^Ut)E^ \NNrKD FBI-ITS, ^KO- CKlJiKS.PIiOYISION.S A.MP K^riP- AfiK. COt'iRINC %f cl v:: rr-xTW IIF.N: I -I Sj VC! A Ck ". Ji *, li--Oi' r-tlip i.'. j-iip.v tei, Hjii. I.. K. iv Nei. tuJi. TAKE NOTICE. ir.- a .?:iil N.-.tice '." r.'l\v pivi i' .ii. .1'' pnr i-.-r r-ittlr:' ii Speria'. at- r.t-tleiber oiiiiaiiioad I.ani'n tri lir.iit permit l.i tii' I 10 l.v l.v I,a.i llh-pavt:: i.eci:o»id re! :r -'.s-cr imU lit 1 I till Oi'' lK-par! .n'-nt iil ii-ne i.t II .«Miiiek a!^ 1 vi.-inity. li 'nail.- .r j.-in: .[.-Mr..:- li. rOVTJl. r.if 'i a- -)i'i n. v. ii. r. iifer'j'tt tion Pan iK'.'ll h. comstock. s. op,i. :rs. STOCK ct KOiiHiiTW. i.Awvf.n?. Ghucrn.1 Law & Land Karfio V. a:i Mii-t! ri.1. Minn. tit. (iOUDON J. KEEXEY, a Agcod sUbie, p!«ul.Vof f.-ren, good ho-scs. ir.d Oucriil I.tmd d.-il to. Offlce, raid Real Estate. V.T.1 I'ra-fi ifi tTie ('('in I* I'.o Territoiy. ITi-XSIiiS AXI fTi •T eneral Supplies. C5HOIC5E WINES iI:-, Aid FOltTEIt. HK.KK it I A US. TO».VC- I in u'.ir line arc Invited m1I •ii r.'. vihioli vill iMt fail t« I'lk--.". S. A, DICKEY, I'ort Abralmm T.h:c In, P. T. & Gooilku© v:nt -3' rurojisiting goods, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 ... ... _. ... ,, |'i' --...:',''.-d ti'thc f'i'l- SO:! t^oMhr law. A A Jit I'i, O" r-ERiES, rixt:R. FEED &c.. Maiu Street Between Pith and Sixth. Ivnt n'. .J-ihn Mum'i Rliilat.l Hall l.T SHAVING and HAIE CUTTING. .1: n. i'Ai'IllONAtll.K lJAitP.Elt AND V7AIU WKESSER, Main Street, Dakota Territory. Shariii},', .chanipo«np, Ifalr Cuttlnp Whlakt aid hair dyed.