Newspaper Page Text
Ait Iad»j*«'Hflt Xswapaper, publhfted W THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE CO. rsici: On* »»f Thr.-re months *1.0« glX jr. :tni l.S- I Sititfe 90pit'» 13 bubdcfii'tion* pay*ble I'.rar ably in adranea^ rates aaado kuowr. applioatioa at the offlco. The yeilow fever grows worse and worse at Memphia and Shrevepert. An exchange with a patent inside fol lows an cscu.-,e for lack of local news sstider p'ua of "crowded outfor want »f room,'' wi*h a two column editorial on "Tranquil tj in Mexico." A colored wttiian at Wheeliug, Va., shot her husbund because he wouldn't l«t h«r go blackburryinj. She attend ed a black burying then. On Thursday Chicago celebrated the second anniversary of her grtat tiro. Business generally was auspendod, and the daymadt) an universal one ®f— what? Fasting and prayer, or festivities? An attempt was mado last week to trot tho marc Groldsmith Maid against Glos ifr »i St. Louis,but it was found impossi ble v7iih nil the »pcc.ial police organised for the occasion to keep the track clear, find s» tho reeo was given over. If wo dabbled in filth^wo migbt pub the Btbwarek Iwttor of our friend the "thoroughbred," printed in the Chicago TribvM. A# it is, eur space is too valuable, and wo leave it with the statement that it ia aimply a repetition of a mass of misrepresentations by tho paid Baboiuions of that paper, seat over this v»ad undwr instructions to about it. Tils LSisinarok-Your.g-MenVSocicty witU-'-fco-Loiig-Nanie, object to dying with th»* house of Jay Cooke. Ar rangements are being made for tho use of a room about to bo partitioned off in tho oxpress ofiice building for school purposes aa a library room. Tho school will occupy the building but a portion of the day, and tho remainder of each day \rith orery otening and all of Sat urday and Sunday it will be at the dis posal of tin association. A3 it ia not positively .iicortainsd tluu Jay Cooke "busted" in ilia book business as well as its-stocks, ia proposed to send on for the books promised by the house. Tho society eertumiy shosv a lively dis position, and as tho purpose ia a good ono, wo hope and Iwlieve the^jr will live it through. -WWW THE NORTHERN PACIFIC. Toe Struld intimated from tho mo ment Jay Cooke Go. collapsed tho Northern Paciliu flue that, in order to revive that Arctic enterprise, there would be an appeal for gevornmoat aid. Tii* following lruru tho Philadelphia iVe«s stiows wtiat is coming "jtfut irom this statement of its pro gress and necessities, present and tu* lure, it is evident ttiat it js too vast a rcauhino to bo managed by any oue com pany nnaidsd by government." iuo jfrtrnt go«s on to argue the caae in gildvd, as w«ll as stilted phrase, and says no riUlwbOian will oppose lending tne credit of Uia nation in aid of this load. Aii wo say is no ".statesman" or pubiio piunderer wiil survive a voto to ai'.i thai or any other railroad. Tlio Philadelphia paper furnishes th key to the position ot things on the Norlhvrn Pacific, and by aid and el this and one other'fact, wo are able to get at the actual present situation. The Construction Syndicate have givtiu Mr. Mead orders to keep the road open to Bismarck during the winter, and have pooled a pool tor that purpose. Xtiis is the reverse of the policy that was adopted before the collapse. The plan wa»net to operate llie Dakota di vision at alt the coining winter, as they did not last winter. They will probably now run luuted and cheap train?, and the sole object io to make a great ilour isli on Cvngruss bv declaring that tho road is open—that the company intend to push tne construction—- that these isothermal wastes are a great possession ™~that it wiil reward the country to de velop it and all thu sort oi stuif. That game will not win. That swindle is dead, and nothing can reanimate its cor rupt corpse. Tne at»ove from the Omaha Jlerald reIk-cis neither credit upon its author or honor upon tho people from whom he derives his support. The statement that tho managers of the road had "pooled a pool" since the failure of Cooke, for tho purpose of "keeping the road open to Bismarck during the win ter," Dr. Miller knew when ho wrote it to be a wilfulli$,or he exposes an igno rance of which he ought to feel ashamed. The statement that the road is a "swin dU," and "dead," also exposes a degree of ignorance hardly to be expected from a person of such selfas Bcrted general intelligence as the rencrabio Escnlapius who presides ov4'.r tho Herald. lie has allow ed a feeling of jealousy of the great transcontinental road which, with but fragment of its lino constructed is al ready a paying investment, to drive him mad but his dirty misrepresentations and worte lies fall us harmless as paper pellets on a stone wall. Ravo on, Doc %wr. TELEGRAMS. Reported 9peclaIIy-|fl»r .fk« Ht marck Tribune. GENERAL XEWS ATTEMPTED MURDER OF SENATOR POMEROY, OF KANSAS, AWFUL DESTRUCTION OF THEimUST.CICONE. THE TRIAL OP WIBTEBMTJTE-HIS PEIEITDS A»D PLEA. LONG LIST OF CRIME! AND CASUALTIES, I'ATUBE OEAIt DEA». Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 14.—Father Gear, for twenty years chaplain at Port Suelling, died yesterday^at^thOj ago of 81 years. wlldeb's steal. The Looch Lake Indians.are on their oars unanimously, and vill refuso their aonuitios until Great Father Smith explains Wiidei's contract. WlNTKRlfCTf. The, Tankton^JJistrict^MJoart cow- monco» to-day. Wintermute, the mur deror^of MeCook, wiil bo tried. Messrs. Spink, Moody and Tripp are counsel for Winterinuto, and hopo for a verdict of manslaughter. Wintermuto's friends tell an ingenious story relating to the tragedy, and will try to make it appear that McOook fired the first ghot. OFFICIAL CUANGM. Geo. tiugabury, of tho Tanktou Prest, has been appointed clerk of the District Court rice Col. Whitney, ap pointed Secretary of the Territory. H. J. IJresbin ^died ^suddenly last cek. SENATOR POMUUO* SHOT. Washi«to*, Oct. 11.—Conway, ex Member ot Congress from Saosas, shot ex-Sonator Posneroy. tho ball entering the right breast, but not wounding him seriously. When arrested Conway said "iio nuneo inynelf and family." Pomeroy denies any previous trouble. Conway ia broken down politically and financially, and seems te hold Pomeroy responsible for his reverses. Garnishee proceedings arocommea ced by Pomoroy's creditors to recovcr tho York $7,WO. haul's fAfa. The examination of Buddington has commenced. Both parties of Polaris survivors think Ilall met foul play. Ono party chargeJ&u<Adingte».'8witU The others the doctor. it. MIIITABT. One hundred ani twenty-five recruits have been ordered to Omaha for the Fourteenth Cavalry, Tho President oifers to pardon all deserters who return by January 1st and servo faith fully tho romaiador of their term of en listment, ASDT's LCCC Andy Johnson lost $78,000 in tho *u* pemied National Bank. CBAST'l POLtCT. Tho President favors a return to spe cie payments, which may follow on the heels of tho panic. Ho till nrgo this in his message, and think favorably of a system of post office deposits to bo used for purchasing U. S. Bonds, pay ing depositors five per cent. AWrUL OBSTRUCTION. Tho signal office reports, 1,139 vessels destroyed in the cylono of August, twonty-fodr in the neighborhood ot tho Gulf of St Lawrence, on tho shores of Nova Scotia, Capo Breton and New Foundland. Also six hundred lives lost and nine hundred buildings de stroyed. •UXAir TTBA9KT. BBRLr*, Oct. 14.—The German au thorities are determined to cxpell all immigration agents domioilled in Ger many, 6ASCALTIIS T1SYX&BAT. "William Seville, of St. Louis, fell from the pavement and eras killed. Prof. Palmer tell from a balloon forty feet in the air at Winamac and iras aer lously injured, John Watson, of Massachusetts, was acoidontiy shot near Memphis and died. Patrick Layton, of Peoria, 111., was crushed by a falling colutoii in tho en gine house and died, CRIMINALS. Patrick Lawless, of Chicago, was mur dered by James Walsh, ao (spoiled boarder. HARD STORT. Eighteen fiends outraged a negro girl near Fayettvillo, Tenn. The girl died and waa buried without investigation, out of sympathy for the ruffians, nine of whom were respectably connected. Robert Austin, of Cassoltown, Mi* souri,.suspected his wife, and reported that he was going to St. Louis, lie hid in a closet in the bed-room. Elijah Haley entered the room and was about getting in bed wiih her, whon Austin shot both his wife and Haley. .All par ties wore high toned. R. M. Richards, of Nashville, was killed yesterday by Jas. Ilogan, whoso sister he seduced. Officer Johnson, gf St. Paul, yester day arrested Nirnrod Bnrr while a teal i"g goods from Oathcart A White. -like igsy ttf ibo todhyBgtf Bvrr tempted to shoot him. Two ahots pass ing close to Jonnson'a head George Phillips robbed the Melrose expreaa oAco ot several hundred dollars last week. Jay edoM. A Washington correspondent of the ft. Paul Ptm aays Jay Cooke is atill determined to build the Nothern Paoifie. Ho still.believes in it, and .is by no means dispossd to give it op. The disasters overtaken them are bit tem porary, and bo hopes yet to mako tho N a if hia life. BISMARCK JAND .VICINITY (Coatiraod from Fourth. Pago.) Tk* Besadarf Surrey. Tho Northern Boundary Survey has reached a point 408 miles west of Pem bina, which waa tho point asaigned as the western terminus of tho work for the season. The portion yet to bo com pleted is somewhat less in distance, and will undoubtedly end with the coming season. Tho survey thus far seems to hare progressed in an ontirely satisfac tory manner. Personal. Gen. Oass, President of tho N. P., and Goneral'Managsr Mead visited the city last week on a business trip. More will be found in relation to these gen raen elsewhere. Mark Kellogg has returned from a three weeks' trip East. Capt. Clark, post commandant at Camp Hancock, is atill somewhat under tho weather. Hon. Archibald Campbell, U. 3. Com missioner with tho Northern Boundary Survey, arrived here Sunday from Mouse River, and left for tho East Mcn- d*7' River Now* Tho Steamer Ida Stockdale arrirod on Sunday morning from Fort Sully to which place she carried Gen. Stanley and command. Capt. Murray reports the river as rather low although he had no difficulty and made good 'time. Tho Steamer Peninah laft thia port on Thursday of last weok With a cargo of 130 tons of merchandise for Fori ford. The Steamer E. II. Burffd arrived Monday evening bound for Buford with a cargo of 100 tons. 18 iachos of water. Tho Steamer Josephine, wit'* iho Sth and 9th Infantry on broad, avrivci it Omaha on the 9th init. Conrt Calendar. M. Tippie vs. John J. Jftckn. irt suit ia attachment S toy el I & Dtlam/ttor attorney for piaintifi" J. 3. f.-wvell :»f torney fordefend'c Suit wiihdrawfi. John J. Jscknaan vs. *\Tn* suit in repiftvia. -J. S '.rvoi! tor ney for plain till" l'K!nm t6r attorneys for defendant. .Judgment for defendant. Peter Videjrcen vs. Albert 1Jill i« plcvin suit. J. S. Carvell attorney for plaintiff Stoyell Delauiaicr attorney? for defendant. Judgment for defendant. Territory of Dakota v«. Jane Tomp son eriininal action. Storel Doia mater for prosecution J. S. Carvoll attorney for defendant. Defeadint fined and costs. Territory ofDftkotavs. May Maylerg criminal. Williams 3c Davis attorneys for presecutioa Stoyell & Delamater for defendant. Action dismissed on motion Of Ddfendaat. Richard Page vs. 3. S. Ward at tachuieat sait •, Stoyel! & JDclamater attorneys for plaintiff. S. L. Bsckett attorney for defendant. Judgment for plaintiff1. P. C. Hollenback vs. Asa fisher civil action adjourned to Oct. 'iOlh, by coa sent. Williams & Davis attorneys for plaintifT J. 3. Carvell for defendant. Clnrk A Bill vs. M. B. Doyle attach ment suit. William'3& Davis attomoys for plaintiff Stoyell 4 Delamater at torneys for defendant. Suit withdraw«. Samuel Betting vs. Harry Bose a csae transferred to Justice Kellogg Justice absent, no spperanco. Stoyell Del amater for plaintiff Williams & Davis for defendant. Territory of Dakota vs. Mary Maloy Surety *f the Peace. Stoyell 4 Dela mater defended. No prosecution. D» fendant discharged. A Horriblo Mystory iniLoadoa. One of the most mysterions and ter rible murders of the sgo has just been brought to light by the discovery of some human remains at Battersia Park, •n the Thames, near London. At first tho left breast and lower part of the chest were fonnd and identified as be longing to female form. On the same day other fragments were diseoverod. Soon the collection included the sealp and the akin of the face, which by some diabolical ingenuity had been striped from the skull and head. The appear ance of the remains-indicated that the body had been cut to pieces before it was cold. Eleven fragments in all have been found— the right and left thorax the scalp, and the skin of tho face, both thighs, both feet, the left half of the pel vis, with the four lower vertebr®, the right shoulder joint, and both fore-arms. The parts missing are the skull, both hands, both legs, tho left shorlder joint, and tho internal viscera. No clothing .to-tooi hi VVPVM in. iaerw—w BISMARCK, D. T., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5, 1 873. identified by a respectable lady with whom the deceased had been living, as strange. The remain# have been Tho murdered woman is said to have been the widow of Mr. Cally, of Linn Regis, Dorsetshire, and only 18 years of age. She had recently gained a law suit, which entitled her to' the'^ossess ion of property left by her husband, who waa wealthy. It appears that while living with the lady mentioned at Bat tersia ahe had beeomo acquainted with a foreign gentleman, who took teuch in terest in aeeing that she got her rights. In order to gain sympathy from her husband's relatives she had pawned her furnitnre and article* of value. She also told a butcher in the neighborhood all about her affairs. On ono occaaion she had been knocked down ntid her pockets picked on the seoond occasion, on going out contrary to advice, she never returned. The cast is being hunted up with rigor by the London de tectives, and the details show'such evi dence of inhuman and horrible .barbar ity that it ia earnestly hoped thegtfiUy monster will be found and'summarily exocutid. NEW YORE. Wall Streetin Another Great Panic. Stocks Tumbled Lower Than in Ten Years Before. The Elections in Ohio and Iowa. Sjw»*«r Ws-frtM i* th-e Eitmxreh fWfcww. J^NAJTCIAl/. New YortK, Oct. 13.—Tuesday was a fearful day in Wall street. Stocks tumbled lower than at any timo in ton yearn. Effects not apparent in business. Government. Commissioners leaye Fri day to» examine the Dakota Division. Gf.BCTIOX.9. AlLm (Democrat) probably ciected Governor of Ohi*. fovra Republican Sl«e was drowning by sinal! majority A TERRIBLE BATTLE, A j&fa.u SetUjiOu and Noarly Dorotir ed by Dogs. (Frem (hi Jhhah Jt'coe fraxi.j Yesterday morning a peddler of dry goods and notions, named Norton free man, living in linnttrainck, arrived in thecals from Clinton County, being a wretciicd sight to look upon. A week ago ycjJterday, while driving his wagon thinugh the country a few miles north of Ovid, Clinton County, ho stopped, and got down to drink at a creek cross inj the. highway. As hu rose up from tiio creek he was bitten in tho leg by a largo dog, which had ».otuo up softly be hind him, and Freeman saw two other good-smed dogs puar the wagon, lie sprang for his vehicle, whon tho throe dogs made at him together, and his sheets arid their yells started the horses oil on a tret, 'tho peddler was bitten sovon or eight times boforo ho found any thing with which ho could defend himself, and then he get hold of a stick about five fh.t long, which could bo uasily handled. The dogs retreated as ho picked up the stick, but when Freeman sought to gain thu road tbey #11 sprang for him. lie says that ho struck to kill, and knocked each bruto down in turn, but as fast a* knocked down they would spring up and attack hiw again. Within live minutes after the buttle opened the ped dler's hands were r«d with blood, and blood was ruuning down his boots but by a fortunate blsw ho so disabled o»e of the smitilev dogs that the brute had to draw out of the fight. There was a rest again of four or live minutes, and Free-man walked slowly back to a fence corner, and exchanged his club for better one. Without a movement on his part tho two dogs attacked him again, ene biting aihislegs and the other leaping for his throat. The latter ani« mal caught his tueth in the peddler's shoulder, and tors away all that side of the man's coat and made a wound in tho flesh which will bo weeks in healing. Freeman was dragged down, and both o( the dogs were on him at once, though ho managed to shake them off and re gain his feet. A blew from his club dashed out the larger dog's eye, and the brute ran round and round in a circle, howling so fe»rfuily*that the other dog ran away. Watching his chance, Freeman .gavo the crippled dog a blow which killed it, and then ho crawled down to the croek and fainted away. Souse men eamo along in a wagon and discovered him, a :d he was tnken to farm house and ared for. On his left leg there are nine wounds from the teeth of the dogs on the right eleven on the right arm, five on tho left arm, three on tho back, three on the shoulder, two on the face, two on the right foot, two on the right hand, five on the left, two and ono on the buck of the head, mak ing ia all forty-five distinct arid separate ,bites. Some are mere "nips" drawing a little blood, and making the flesh black and blue, while other* looked as if the dog had "chunked'' the flesh. The dogs were seen by the farmers but could not identify the brute* as being owned anywhere within lve miles of the spot where they attacked Freeman. He ottered no provocation for tha attack, having even n.® hint of their presence' before being bitten. The deepest wounds were cauterised, and Freeman aii'.icipatea no greater misfortnne than lit* Nft «fa Wirfli'a New Advertisements PHOTOGRAPH OALLERT. O. S. GOFF, ARTIST, Aneun«M tkftt ho bu loc&tad hi BlmarcV, an Mtia Street, next to Tipple'*, where he la pr«ptr*d to take orders la every branch ef lilt profeMlon. Or der* solicited. No poor work allowed to le«re tho giUory. I*rlcei REASONABLE. CITY HALL SALOON, C. W. J. VASKJEY^OTIOtfS, PROVISION* 4c tt. GENTS' rUBNISHING GOODS-j mts, caps, FRESH VEGETABLES, aROCHRIES, FLOUR.FE2SD, CAN»D AND DK1EH fruits KEPT Constantly on Hand. 8!*® Sth Jforo a M)i liwNw »*i Up A I N S E E BISMARCK, ft. T. f»9t Aal hi STOVE FREEDE, PROPBTETOR, FOURTH STREF/r. Choice Wines, Llqaori and gara Kept Constantly on Hnnd. €i- Mr. Pre&U hai got Uii pltce fit tad up'fa SrM-cUn style. Glvt him oall. A. McLEAN'S General Supply STORE AND DEALEK IV SUIT GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS? ASD SHOES, AVIXC. and WBi GSsl9£ TWrt ». V^twaen Mais and Melj»5tf., 8 *»sami, W. H. VT. COMERr-Prop. 1 re»«"«r.tfuily inriU th» |rjhlie they will find tr»rytKinx neat- a»d «l*aj». Special at tion girtn to tb« b«thers. JOHN. A. STOYAtifi. JOJHH DllfUiTIE. Stoyell &|Delama,ter, Attorneys tjnd Coivrtselars Ifaia and *J»ir4 «tto^, BISMARCK, D. T. LI7ZBY"~iOT SALS ST&BLZ tOOTT MIL LIT, Paof's, torsor of StMBd a»4 Molaa Otrocla, Itasoara^ •. T. law. twn tai nrnaMisawM HARDWARE AND TINWARE Wo *oal4 MiHtM to tlis peoplo of Bismarck ant vfetnlty that we havo iut ointl sow mi mmW^ Hr arfartMl W«* «o**t and iholf bardwaro, vfcioh wo oMr aswn*faaW*^o«|. Ol?R STOCK EMBRACES •TOTES, lUCKSKITnS' TOOIJi, M4ILS, CARPEKTJBRS' TOOLS, SIIOn^LS, TABLE and POCKET CtTTLBRT find AXES. l'.ae t«« evovytkUe hk nr wi!«k TIN OB SHEET IRON TO ORDER. A dutfcwio of 153 wil»». wii% Drantfam t« STILLWATER Fartiol wUhlog their hovieoiEltted up with Stereo oad Piping arerefaoKtd t« lur arderi Mtrl y. OEGAN8. THE JjAROEST MUSIO STOKE IN THE STATE I Piano* from $100 to ?1.MX. Oirmis from $58 to $J5i)0. And wld oo uc.ntlilr iuitallMenta wh«o dsoirei. Ordors hjr QMil for an/tliing in the Matic line proiaptly aiteuded to. Ad-lri*, LAKE SUPERIOE AND MI^SISSIPFI Railroad Company. Cheap Farms TN MINNESOTA. Tho line of this ltoad ia from ST. PAUL MINNESOTA Mic H?*i Na-r'ittl®**# th« Mliuiuippi, to DULUTH, tfcs WodWi** «tr»ni!qr *t Ijsiko Supori0r» MINNEAPOLIS. The Lar.l Srsat It i!A of tho cntntructloa ot the Sen A (10,840 ««r(« V* t*«ml!c •woanteia tho £r»gu(s t» 1,632,000 Laige portions of the«c lnd« are bert adapted of any In the StaU for the production of Wheot, Corn, Ost« and all kiods of Roota attd other Vegrtt^ble*. Many contain large bot'irs of Natural Meadows or Gracing Lands otners »r»well timbered with Oak, Maple, Ash and other linn! Wood Timber and oa other* are Urge boilies of AV'hlte and Ve'aiw Pine. Tho lands are vrel! wstejert by ltunt)in« Stresaia and Lake* nod within the l.imitk of l.sti(l» Viol'tngidf to the Company tlitro ia nbundauce at Water IV*v«r for WanufactHring Purpose*. These Lands are offered on Long I Credits arid at Low Rates. 9tir '.nstaneo,. 4" »f're« i« ald at •.").!)(! fur Sii&kSHjf t-he pa^iaeiil would he a* follow#: Prineipnl. fntsresO. $11,111 'J7.W •T.iMO •2'l.00 2T.IK' Id yoar «d tU Oth (f»h 7»h fch Total. $U~?S as. at. ?!3.:W 11 y.4* S-t.ii 8t,\» nj.or M.S« •iT.Otl T.M I3.CT S.TH l.SV St.'O 27.0,1 ST.O) Tho purehaser bayiii« tho priV.lets to pay ap la full at any tirae he desirei, thereby oaring tho pay aienl of Interest. A deduction will fco aaado ia orodit price for all oath payments. Also for Sal*, largo Bodimof Valaa'olo PI2STE TIKBEB. Special Inducements to Mills. PAMPHLETS TREK. L»i Coaueioiioaor, Vo. Tl Aih« W., It. «a«] Wo 1 ly_ C. F» 1" 6l*o j«0 **11 JOHKSOS. Dtrurrn, R.! SS lie BOOKS AND STAT10NEBY, Ipooial Altoatloa OiriM t* RX7L1STC AND $2.50 Per Annum w(m m.i^i lit for. Wo karo hi *wr ftmi M»a«« rtf tro ytepand Kmk *p PIPE KEPT COHSTASXXT ON HAND. mt JAMES DOUQ-LAS & CO, M»I» Street, few door* asot at Jofcm NuoRr'*. HH DT'EK BRO'Sy«Sf:HOWAJlD, 1C4 THIRD ST., ST. PAUL MINN.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC DEALERS And-Sole Agents For STEI1WAY Sc SOlsTS AJTD HENST P. MILLEE PIANOS. BURDETT & GEO. W00DS & CO. DYER BBO'S & HOWARD, ltUiTUJRD ST.. ST. I'AUl.. So IPost Trader FOET A. LINCOLN, DAXOTA, Cit:»o«» of HtMirak ant vletaity wtit tad the roit Trader*, Fort Abrahwf U««Wa, Mm to* «Mort+i1 tad lai (f#J stooi, *r eo»d. Missouri, aeleoted fcy of l«a( direct refereneo on tho tTpper perienco in the frontier trade with the, varied »eoe«Hl«o nf Au neofilo Wotfc litiaM* an' jtoldiiar*. oar fiiooDS, CT.OTlilNf}. B0OTS DRIED and GA^HD FBIT1TS, QRO- if a E.FURNEW, vrtN'N.. BZXTDZXTG. #o hare oao of Cko a*o*t oosatloto M»4«rtte ia Ao Vortkvwrt A ytSVL IIS1 LAKE SUPERIO* AW KORTH PACIFIC VIEWS. I fir1 C5SBIIHS,PBOTISrO»P 6 AMP 5QU1P- A«», eOOKJNTO Qenevml 'SfXjE^aiLS AN»' Supplies. CHOICE wurts •f tht W*Ulc »i Aao aranAoo im/e WniSKTKS, \A LE.rj^POKTEK, jgfcW*, lUlOICk! CIGARS TOIiC t.'O, Ac., kt Fersons wftBting (oodo in our ltmo aro ka«4lo4 to onlf and wo will sell thorn f»od^whlca4wlH|«ot Ml t» ploaw at laHtfMtory frieos. s. A. uczzr, fart Abraftaaa LlnCola, 9. V. W atso£& Goodhue DKALIIUt I» OLOTSggGT GENTS' IFUBNISHIWG^SOODI^ WATS AND CAPS, BOOT* AND »HO*% ABJD.W ABE. CkJUO OERIES» FLOUR, FEED M*i» 8tre«t BftweaaJTithlwid Sixtk, nr)4»tr (am of JohafMaaen'sTlllllard it SHAVING and HAIR GUTTDTGo J. M. ROSIER, FAUHMtAVLX lAIItt iS» HA IK .¥«b ®r#a, Wkol* Bha •atr emt&g'Sjg-