Newspaper Page Text
Vol. No. I 6. fjpt$ ^ismnrck ^riliiine. An ladepenawt Nsw*pap«r, published hjr THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE CO. fYisoRirrtok rftics: Adv~t?rii*ing r»tc* ..IMH' .. 10 *n« ywr *2.50 I Thrt* ranotkf Six uio at In le&j|8wglo coplct Siuhscrlptfuii® ptywblt Invar ably in adraiic© MAUO the tUiOc. liOur ®n »ppli#*tio* The Stokes trial is in progress, but ooc can Ret no idoa of it from tho m®» gre report*. nomination tendered him at St. Cloud during his absence some time ago. Work is progressing rapidly on the St. Vincent branch. Cars will rui from Glyndon north this winter. Dr. Burleigh has exchanged his Bon H'xnmo property for coal land in Iil-, snd will remove to Chicago. Tho StH' savs tiie muskrata ha*, banked their houses "extraordinarj thick," and wants th© Mooriiead rats ti follow suit. A Moovhoad man is reported to hare refused his little girl a slick of i-andj and irmiivdiatuljr treated to tho drinks at cost of $1.35. Commissioner Drummond's letter re lating to disputed claims on the N. P. R. It., is received with satisfaction bt tho settlers Now that Rufcsel is a candidate ho is tramping around over tho country looking after the crops juat like any other old politician, An Omaha dispatch of the 17th inst., reports eight inches of snow on the U. I*, road, and the trains sereral hours late in cousequcnco. The Detroit RtcerjL and Auiubon journal aro having a red hot contest over political matters. The Wall Brothers will be found ft full team to pull against The Moorhead Star claims to hare tin particulars of a robbery at Bisuaarck, in which a prominentcitiKen i.s alleged to figure, by which a Canadian was b«»i out ef $330. Who is he? At the meeting ot tho free religionist# in No* York last week a disaentoi wished to reply when Frothinghan squelchod him by th© information thai they had the hall for tho expression of their views and did not propose to lis ton to opponents. Major Sweeney, a Wheeling candidate in around shooting thoso editors wh oppose him. Lewis Bakor and J. fi. Clatkson uf tho Register were shot but nut seriously injured. They need a lit tlo "law and order" in Virginia politic#, it would seem. Mr. A. C. Jordan, junior editor a! the TBIBVNB is on a flying trip to Mm neapolis aud St. Paul, Ool. C. A. £oun!»bcrry has resumed tho quill. Jordan for tho past two months h« been tho hardest worked man in the Northwest, having not only run th oditorial department of tho TiiBtfKB but performed tho work of two men in tke office. A rest will do him good. Edmoml llack«tt was Anally permit ted to prove up on the Bismarck townl site and the papers in his case bave gone to Wafchingtoa. Mr. Hackett it is un» derstood, is willing to fill all contracts of the Puget Sound Company in respect to lots if he gets his patent. It is an outrage that the townsito matter ha.* hung fir# ao long. It matters but littlt to tho people generally who gets it they will welcome anything that wil give a chance for investment. It is claimed several men haro Ween discharged from railroad service, be cause they Toted against the "Law and Order" tickct at tho rccent clectioa. This action, if trbe, is certainly unwise. While t-his is reported, believed by some it ij also true that an employee of this of fice was called fiom his bed after twelve o'clock, the night after eleefcion and forced to find other quarters, beoatise ho was supposed to havo voted the •'.Law and Order1' ticket. What'is that littlo story about casting out beams be fore seeking to find motes? Tho resolutions of thanks to tho S. P. R. 11. for assistance in carrying the recent cloction published last week won in exceedingly bad taste. It is probabh that but few participated in their adoption «nd if it, bo true that the re an!1: of tho clect'ton nas determined thrt-u^h tho action of the railroad corn pan the less said about it the better, in vien of the present condition of the pub ic mind. A card of Mr. Adauis appears else whf re returning thanks for support Ac. Th is also in5ad taste. The best way to ihow gratitude for an olection is th ough conscientious perforuanco of dt ty. TELEGRAMS. Ilofsrled SpeolnJffor tile Bis marck Tribune. INDIANS! Be Ben" accepts the Senatorial v. Knickerbock er Visits Leech Lake. Another Thief Discov ered—A Gambler Shot. Northern Padfle Pros pects—Improved Feel ing Toward It. Fires, Crimea and Spec ulations- A Judge Mur ders a*Young Girl. OHIO ELECTS ALLEN—THE RESULT ELSEWHEBE. Deep Snows in. Nebt*a*ka- All Trains Delayed. Fearful Wind Storm in SAW York—Six Oaual Boats Wrecked. Rains ia New England—Bridges Washed Away, Etc. Vandorbilt and His Lwww-OfcnM and Drew. 3orioU* Aeoidont at Fsu\fO-~D©wtU of C. H. Biota??. mn. MnrsiArolis, Oct. il.—Ditrliu the fearful storm •f«*rl.Uy, part of Ue roof of Wsshburn's new mUl «r«%,blo*a «ff. The residenco of L. Mel Hyde wee unroofed, fenoss Mown down, eto., ete. It wu the irurit etom kuoiru for man/ jesrs. LO, TBI (Mil lUlll. Her. D. B. Knickerbocker jait retained from th« Lvoch Lake reserratloos, reports ihe etoriee srktoh have recently been circulated rsprsso&tUig the In Jltoi almost It a state of open revolt, art vkoni sensatiusnl that they receive their sonaitles and are contented «nd bappr- It has tecn shown then that the price paid bjr Wilder lur stumpue en their land* greatly exosods tli» price *(iich too government re« cclves for ite ple lands. Mr. Wilder paid ten thou •and dollars deirn on hie oeatraet, *ad notwithstand ing he ie represents*! ae kaviog sueh a biy thing i* willing lo turn it over to anjrbod/ who will pay bia hit Meney back. r«aeswutiea. Mr. farrell, Chief of the St. Paul ffire Depart ment, proeented th« Cataract Cotnpaay, front tin h«at OivUiou, with th« atedal which It won at tho re. cent tournaiacot at St. Paul. §pee«hee were made oy Mavor Wileuu aud other*. Ovxrae. Dr. A.B. Amee, eorreipondJnf secretary ef thr Amdw/ of flcionoe, loft Monday for Blemarck, ani will uo doubt gather intereitiug facte relating to Northern Dafcota. Dr. Le Barre, who relleree Dr. Soughur atfurt Linoutn, atao left with hie wife tor illnnarok. »arai«*ATtew. The reoardi ef Fin» county are te be examined by th« auditor of Bamtey county to learu as lo the e* tent of Thoeepeon's it«falo»tlon. Thorapwn wr tee to ih« Pvem to s%y that ho lias not stelen oeat, and will return when he gets readj. SRACCU rs:«oa. This aobla animal guiaod another victory erer Star of th- West and Mary Lano, at Lake City Saturday, rimo x-.U). Frlace winning first amc third, Cur second} erect wet nndl slippery, purse, tduO. TSLLOW rsvn. Mawrsit, Oct. Si.—Deaths yMtardsytl. ihreve pert advices mdlcsta an atat«weut there. A case is roportad at Little Hock, twnnty-ftve deaths have occurred at Montgomery. i«arge oeatributioae are stlti ouulng lu. PAaaoaio. WASUIKOTOB, Oet. 21.—Joseph tieasey, eearleted £u Ktux, has be«n pardoned. oooo aaovsa. From prtsoQt Indicfctionf *n cxt«niWt lobby congregate at \Va».iiDgton in the tr:tfjJcst of the North ern Paeifio during tiie coraiug cession ef Congress, t'heru Is a growing f«eUngln (»ror ef the road, and it is generally believed that the suspsneion of Uooke «1U result gmatly to itn advantage. People are beginning to see the objeet* of the fearful lift which have been told concerning the North Fscific country. The War Department Is wansiy In favor «r the road because of the Immense influence for good it is having eu the ludlao queftloa, the eon (traction to the Missouri having reduced ever one Half, the «03t or Uaudiing supplies, moving troops etc. It is generally believed the government will guaran teethe Interest on certainly enough bends to com plete the read. Gen. Cass and other often* of the road believe It wlil be conetructed two years earlier than it would have been but for the failure SOSNP «MMMIS, Oct. 81.—The Mary E. Fee, plying eo the Mieeieslppl, was horned near OscKle Saturday. Six of the passengers and crew are miielng. Several passengert seriously buried, Uot Chowan was badly OUFQQOI OuroistATl, Oet. «1.-Hartwell Oo.'i fence shops were destroyed hy ire Saturday alee Ihieri plaining will. evBBiaor. •T. LOWS, Oct II.—The banks will rssosse currea. cy payneat on the Hitb lost. The Saaaolal eeaditlea is greatly nnprov«l. nsw Ton (CVHAaV. Kaw Test, Oct 21.—The export trade It l»»rev iDjt. It was not effected ceriously hy the tnancial panic. The Ivanhoe paper mill la cloaed. WerV »a the Oaeton A Amboj railroad is snspended. The asspssinaiion of Bishop B« Vers, It. Plrre, ie reported. Me was stabbed ia the heart while at prayer. A Rio Janeiro dispatch glvee aa accowt of the ss.irder by Judge Portec Ve»jaelro, 5 y«ar» eld, of a young girl 16 years old. The .Judge becaae Infat uated of the yonng girl, and thinking she hed gone back on him stabbed her. Heavy shipments of bullion continue fro* London. The Bank or England hat raited its ratee of dltceuut te «even per sent Authorities are going for the New Jerk detectives for robbing prisoners- They rebbed the Bank of Knglaad forgers of #40,000. Nona BTOBW. Nsw Yoax, Oct. 31.—A fearful stena raged over the eastern Suites yesterday, fix oaaal boats were «unk near stony point on Undson river, a"d a large uumber of men, wo'aen and chlldrea drowned. Tel« eKraph wires were nlown down to grvat extent and bridges washed avay. A special dlepatch from Bal ilmure annonucee taueh destructien it property there. Two builditiss in Brooklyn were blown down. CLBVaLaao, Oct. 31 .—A severe northwest storm raged on Lake Krie yesterday, and great damage Is expected to shipping. The scuooner Jesee Conger and propeller Etftuorook aie wrecked. Ki»oToit, Oct. 21.—Theechooner Pewhatten was anuk at Alexandria Bay iu the storm yesterd* y. The orig New Yurk is a shure at Oswego. At high tide the docke are under water and the freshet Is increas ing. btveral land slides are reported, the track in Mime plHces under water and all trains are delayed. Ojwxco, Oct il.~The schooner New York which ran ashore, has broken to pieces, and is a complete wreck. The storm Is the severe* of the teacon. iifcstoe, Oct. *1 —Forty-eight hours ef eoutlaaeut rsins, Immense dattage has been dose. KILLS*. VAR0O, Oet. 33.—Charles H. Bishop was ran ever by the switch engine la the yard at this place to day. kl. «tWBftf»0 W and he (ell, the car wheels passing over one foot giving iqjuriee from which he died in about five hours. Baoroao, Ind., Oct- 21.—Thoe. Chridepher sua pioioned his Wife of Infidelity in counection with Juhn tlorrow, caught her at it, and he killed Morrow, at leiaptetfto kill his three children, ene of whom wtll din, and cut hit wife's abdomen so bad that aer bow els gushed out. BOLBICB K.ILLBD. ToraEA, St., Oct. il.—A quarrel between John Hall and Pat Cull.en, 6th Oavalry, at fort Mays, re saltediathe killing of Callen by Hall. loxjaatso. ST.PAVL, Oct. 81.—At the ttepubllcaa county con vention In this city yesterday, Hon. E. P. Drake, President of the Sfoux City road, was nominated for the senate. It had been generally supposed this aomination would be tendered to Ix Gov. Marshall. «aa BLacriois. The election of Allen, Democrat, Governor of Ohio, it now conceded by about SOU majority. Car penter is elsoted in Iowa by abont H3.iWj majority, against 00,000 last year, but the Democrats, Lioerais aud Anti-Monopolists, also bave the Legislature. There is an immeuse failing off in the Republican vote la Pennsylvania.' The re-election of Thurman to the Senate ia Ohio is assured. COVflTOQ CHIQXBBS. The liberals and Democrats are hopeful of carry ing Mlnneeota at the coming election they count sarely en the election of Major Dyke, Treasurer, Col. rfelut U. Stevens, Secretary of Mate, and the Attor aey Oeeeral. oaiwaaa «ur. Sons, Oet. 81,-The secretary Wasto-day officially notified by the government that the order of the Je« •»a wist Immediately vacate the premises occupied by Shis^tty. «BBOSMt»IUH no*. 8t. TiCU, Oct. SI.' -Osorge Uuvsil, a MMIsslppl riverthree card moute dMn was shot at Chtoag by John Lawler, a nobler, a few days ago. Duval has been piaylag v«tre thing en the grccnie* of Minne sota during the pattaaouner, som« of whom regret that b* wu not killed iBstend of feeing ellghuy wounded. The quarrel wasabouV* womaa. eourasx* sxuw moaua. OMABA, Neb Oct. IT.—Snow to the depth of eight Inches on the line of the Union Pacitic railroad. The Union Pacific train due to-dsy wasaererui huunlsu, fearing been laid up by order on acoount the se vere storm, ALL is-wa exa BOGY. Nwrltoax, Oct., 91.—Uonanodore Taodcrhllt will uo# withdraw from the street and devotu himxolf tu preparation for the tuture. Hlslossca in the stock panto eflf hteaXaeeday wero $9o,UUV,U0i), aud dudug Uie reaeat {Msotc nearly fifty millions. Jay (louidla tigiiiilaile^.aasd Drew ia the bankrupt court. MOP now i* o*io. ntr*ssj rtil "a,rt iil ^iiy, Indies of mow fell in Ohio yesterday. Smn w*ha roporttd itCincinnati, Clevelandasd other points, -whlie in New England they have fetd the heaviest rains since loTl. Detroit dispatchct teportthe fiercest g»l% of the season on Lake Krio,wiid «r»atdamys«« Shipping NEWS ITEMS. The Uinnoapolis census foots up 27,884. The cheap trasporUtion committee is in session in Now York, Gen. Ouster was at tho reunion of tho array of tho Tennoseo last week. A Gamier has resigned the diamond cue won by hiut some tirao ago. Tho Brazilian consul at Boston has suiccided. Tho Presidont has appointed the2Tth day of November for fasting and prayer. A. Nebraska man who set fire to his own store has beon founed guilty ol arson. The French Monarchists hare agreed .in favor of Chambord, who is to bo pro claimed King Henry VIL II. S. Thompson, Auditor Pine county Minn., has decamped with $16,000 aoanty funds. Ospt. Forrest, a Chicago policeman recently shot dead a fellow who at tempted to rob him. St. Louis is indulgirtp ir. an Irsh Im migration Convention and GUiong*. ?ri ae of tho architects Uncle Sam noer sar^s pc-r «*r over th« former fsa-r.Aji.m-nt '"f i.!v internal revahue affairs. The yellow fevef itiil rajra in South ern citie*, and aid continue* from all parts of country. Cyrus Gray, of forest Lake, was turned to death in the American House Minneapolis, whirh was destroyed by fire last week. A. H. Brown, Chief of Police, *1 Salt Lsko, was shot And mortally wounded by N. Oar«r, drunken rough last week. Great Father Smith has been holding a council at Fort Sill lately, which has re sulted in a promise on the part of the tribes there to deliver up tho raiders, Immense shipment of specie from England still continue, ft is probahlo spocie payments will yet grow out of the rocont panic. Tho passengers from tho wrecked steamer Missouri have arrived at New Orleans. The vessel was wrecked through :.ogligoneo. Several of the orew wero lost and tho cargo, but tho pas sengers wero all saved. San Francisoo ol«cts tho Independent candidate for judge. Iowa has a Re publicaa Legislature but the men with hay seed in their hair gave tharn a close call. Carpenter is elected Governor. Goldsmith Maid, Gloster aud Bashaw trottwl for $5,0»0 at Chicago on the the 16th. Time 2:23* 2:18 2:8** Maid winniag. Weather bad, track hoavy. Titus considered the best ever made. An Irrigation Congress met at Denver last week. Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming were repre sented. It will be noticed that the territory on the line of the North Paci fic was not represented for tho simple reason that no country on this lino re quires irrigating... An unknown roan, supposed to have come from the Yellowstone Expedition, who had been around Moorhead for two weeks intoxicated, jumped into tho Bed River and was drowned last Friday. Ho was Irish wore black felt hat black coat canvass pants with brown overalls chin whiskew was five feet eight inches high heavy sot snd about U8 years old. Indianapolis had an exposition which 1utf mw* mpM el her BISMARCK, D. T., WEDNESDAY, OCT. $89 ,000 to make up deficiencies in the matter of expenses. Geo. Phillips, tho Melrose thief, wn» caught Friday, near Austin, Minn. All but one hundred dollar* of the stolen money was recovoretl. Bankrupt proceeding bave been com menced against Daniel Drew, but he had placed most of his property whoro it will do him most geod before suit was commenced. A fearful wind "itorm occurred at Minneapolis last week. One houso was unroofe l, signs bla*n down, awnings sent, and confusion generally followed. The Audubon Journal reports an at tack on a citizen of that place by rt pack of wolves. Ho fought them two milts before escaping from thom. Ignatius Dof.nelly Was nominated for the State Senate by the Democrats anii Liberal in DaJtot-i couu'iy Minnesota last week, JEx-Gov. Mar&hull, Ex- M. C. Donnelly and Ex-»Suuator Morton S. Wilkinson, not lo »p»ak ot "our Ben,' will bo tnertibera of tho next Minnesota senate. wero guilty, so tho story go«s, ot (lib- Major llart, of lis* Stookdsie vva.o ffla'h.- h»ppy by the antral of his wife •torn Moruieai Moiiday evening. Dr. fje Carr*c and family have arrived. Dr. Ti9 Barro rolie^t ., Or. lionghtcr, Post Surgeon, at Fort A. Lincoln, L. B. Speny, the newly appointed In dia* Agent for ths Berthold Agency, pass&d up this week roiiovc to Majf^r fappen. Hon. (it 0. I. Foster, of Targe, east sevoral rays of sufisbtme into tho TRIB UNE fcsncturn by his prwsenco Wtunc? day. John Leat-ure, th* popular eierk for Senator Bumsey is as good a friend as C. C. Brookings was shamefully mis represented by the Sioux City Journal in the mutter of a letter for which ho was given credit and in that paper, casting reflections on the Northcn Pr cilic country. Mr Brookings entertain no such sentiments towaid this cotin^ try, gave the Journal, no such informal tion, and was refused bv the publishers space in their paper for a disclaimer. 22, .873. Boys who disturb camp meetings I Qurter Master stores by crying "Amen" in the wrong plaee, aud remarking "Glovy" with more zml titan judgment, should read ami ponder INDIAN first of iHixt ».vt*ek. Sho left Siouoc oily on the -4th. Ja-*. A. Emm uihas returned from a trip to St. Joseph whoro lie purchased a boat for tho steam ferry. ft vrill coin a up in tho spring. The river is very h»w, hardly enough allow a yawl to upset, and is a email stro-im now compared with three months ago. The Ida Stockdalo ii tho only boat, that will "winter hsre. Tho remainder of the Kountz's line will operate in the Red River of tho South, during wiitlci and ctuno up in tho spring. Figuvcs Don't Lio. Th® following table of figures will be of interest to those people who are won't to denounce the XorHi Pacific pin ject as a swin.'.llo and tho ilo of bonds a fr:iul on I he'people. From Jiuie Ot.ii 1873 to Oa. 20ih, ii elusive the following comtuereiai frei^h wero received at Bismarck u^'er the inn of the N P. II. It., the fate of tnirtocn Small boys iniKau-j Total 1,71:3,430 lbs sas. These thirteen, til-advti»td boy. BISMAUCK l' Bismarck could wish. JJe is conndcnc I iat-.-r.-hr The Commissioner* to examine and reuort as to the construction of the Da-j tiirt he ii*- i..c*«c«l.».« ,, T, kota Division of the Js. r. tv. X» rived at Bismarck Saturday afternoon and remained until Wednesday mom ing. A. C. Sands, Cincinnati, Geo. W Steele, Painsvillc, and Gen. Le Due. St Paul, comprise tho Commission. Sena tor Ramsey and Dr. Smith, ol St. Paul, Commodore Kouutz, Gen. C. VI. Mead and Road Muster Weed accomprsnicd the Commission. The party visited Fori Lincoln and other points of interest. River No-ws. Tho Katy P. KounU is reported on the way up. The Peninah is doe from Btiford has probably been delayed by the wind. Tho E. H. Durfee and Nellie Peck, sre also up the river the latter on atrip to Bcrtbold the former to Buford. Tho JOTEPHINO vpill »rriro tu Wit 311i.ITA.RV OuOljli. Lumber fi.H5.050 Hi- ,^atSh!«ietie.1 Mt.rc}j ina,sc turbing a Kansas camp meeting by in siating upon'shunting "Amen" when a Total u.oOV.lUo very museular preaelw who prided huu sell on ins voiee waei'singittg a hynsti. Afaking a gvan.l total The preacher bore ft fur some time, Out Tito receipts for this' vi -hi finally becoming filled with righteous-J g.,.,-056 wrath he dascuiidcd from tuo put- i.° of the small boys tilled the air, th vest 1''' of oongregetton shvuted in rapture arid ",l' oncourageti him with loud cries of "Go 'ro^'ht.J alone. It is la tod, wiihoui on, brotlier, go on I" Then lie returned fear of contradiction, thai the s-avin t» to'the pulpit, still singing, and th.'«o Government in shipntrpj lv th. boya wont ball a unle away behind a i haystack and lay down with their faces to the ground weeping bitterly. supp.tes,-attd othe*'-expenses j'trirlci !,al Jas. Crummy has returned i'.iul front its earning?, tonptnd the winter. Rev. Mr. G:ttos will preach at the cnn. -jyr gregationai church au iday at tho uhual to guard'ng the frontier, is Porsonal Montioa. than the intorf-sf on. tie o^'-t -f th' Ool, Wilson lias gone East for goods. N. P. R. R. Capt. Gates and fatu ly returned Sal- The roid not only pa', ir.i -(-xpeo urday. ses and ,-epairs*, but has paid I'oi 11. F. Douglas has g-mo Ewt for his snow fences, idgv" and tvoik, winter stock ol goou'j. jinlounting t- near this sfnmu IN 0 W Xl(1V6PtlS0IH6IliiS liour. .j 1 Ward Bill, John A. Stoyeii, Lieut, Notice. Humbert, J. J. Jackraaa and MftoTS Tho Board of CommtBs'oncrs of Bur I are at Yankton. ''our.ty D. T. nre hereby n-qno^t .-it th~ C'.iurt in ihe 3, A'ltt iu l2,U2.i98 stores 1,41^,752 Tpt j| II.'JODX pisori:u. I cur of .«foirck on Thursday, Ool. 30, t*fS'[-iUN0 1ST*, -v 5 o'clock P. if. jAAir.s A. K/.»toNs uf will remain during the winter. over feel sraltful. Dr. A. E. Auics, ef Minneapolis, cor* responding Hsecretary of the Academy SOLSi Sciences, is visiting Bismarck iu tho u interests of that institution. Tito Dr. 1 was one of the Rrst half do2«n settlor? -tSvM,,. J. tJ I.Uj at Minneapolis little over a scora ol Thiol Ntr^-t, nuu.rrrt'.-. n. T. I yeari ago. 'U- jjt' "V. |T & .«• 4 —t that, not withstanding the opposition from Eastern m«n, with which the pro ject will meet, tho justice of a division of tho Territory can bo made so appar parcnt that tho project will succeed, troui.-ioKtiii Tho Senator says Bismarck is a larger town than St. Paul was after three yetis growth, Chairman. B'-sinrirtk Sept, 21, 1873. 2 t. A Card. MK. EDITOR Pleaaa Raymond A Allen at. Brainerd, ha* that they gave me st the polls on the como to Bismarck with that firm and j4th NIMvr :UE THROUGH the medium of your fxce'ier.t pspor to return my arsteful noknowledgment to the Don. lionid of CoH»misaoners, of Burleigh County, D. T., for their kind ness in tendering me the appointment of" Justice of tho l-'enco for Hisntarck pre einct, snd likrwiso tn tho cilifens for their liberal ^njifiort and Isrpre majoi'itv Oct., 1*73, i'-n' ^hirb 'T ?h dl ]. AIMHH. ..9 GALLEBY o- GOFI- ,, Muwi r««-*. nut T-ppii-'-, wh»:',- I'rvp-tr'-d ar- ,Ot*w« U-.^r«». I- XbAJ TU 11 .LA UG lm :jVmo 4 rc 1 ,, I Jj»ery pnunu ol tins wroitiihi {i- lh pit, and, never once interrupting ':is hymn, successively rcversttd andspank ol. 1. lv. R. through the Cpetrng of th ed the thirteen small ys. As his Dakota D!vij»io ., and is less than hall avenging hand descended, and the dust 0f that vhich is ass -ivd to 0. ro*c-: titxtsca.-son nrftso tnat it I .3. ja. 3L,. ?:Vr.. u.«t j.. h,.«:«., ^ t.«-j flri.i v'r 01MMICK Ttl'l'lt-:. lUo of D. I'.. iM! |)IHOC-I i:. i. Pf.Tli, it L.iw, r!i. .-.r« in- Slructffl to sue 0 -•!lo-l tiJ! liuo l.lUI firm DIM MICX TTI'PN:. All panics !ii!',-bto.l to 'd Arm ir» rfT.I to Oil upon silifl iittcrm-vf ar.*! ni-.s-ssrc iheir i!-b!* !•',-It J. 1 AI .-!I»R HI-N R'-FI^ON We wenld angaries te p^anla of Ci^m^rct Tliinity that wc Jiava just «en»(! anew s«J earful 7 *tnk ef h«sr\ nad shelf hard* ar?, (vlueliwo cii\T nt mewaafeleprtetw. OUR STOCK EMBRACES STOVES, B3,:U:K.V?I5THS' TOOLS, CARPiiXTKItS* TOOLS, TABLEimd POCKET CjtTTLKRY rtritl AXEP. enry.ltiiis Ii cur lUe which y«a in nk rcv. .We bar* mk nnpUy a pctcnt Cnncr* Kh!«.'.rp prppirirt t*work rj TH OR SHEET IRON TO ORDER. wUiilrstl.oir hoaj-.i iiyci'.ti" witl. Pt-r.ii and PIpiegarercqHotea t- Utre ordwsewly. STOVE PIFE KEPT CONSTAMTtXY ON HAKD. aweev~*~TiTsrTTtr *T 'Sin'iirTirfTiri T"iwii w\ iYER BHD'S '^TEOWAP EST •r r.-1.1.1 £.-l»-1 t.i in ul ii f-v ,"'tV'. .'ttiin' PISTE IUIB THE F1 VTinton Lumber A ..U Oorripa.u\' Won] 1 :iri-t wil! r,nrj ZS & LlTMBEIt. DRESSED SIDING i'iUN'GLK.S, A E S A S O O S A N BUILDING I'APEli OK ALL KINDS. tln.v wilt s.-'il at \.i ict?a *lic timoa ..p» t.y -rjnij.ri\i-*s fair-l-mi:: to rnc: .vt tiiti.- h,irt of tin- tr.i'lc uf ,.( p-^plu rt" th-^ •'.tv (.f tin: rt'por .Ml.?nr.ii! I? .-.Iil!.- ,}!'.'«! fiir:.iSiliir' ai. T1 iil j'r \i itt Mil I'-ll'.-fl-'i v..) Or-1 I lt_-rs N•• ptjr iT'j'k o«• "1 t» k-»r» the (Txllcry. REASON-ABLE JU Ha PSOPEIETOE, FOURTH STREET. Ckoicc TLNW, Liquors gcrs hero iicpt CoiuE«niij' on Hand. I Mr. rrrt3« }ia got Us pIiMHo t«J up'jR 6isl~s!ii3* A THOLI^YIP. CIR« HIM O oaii. c. mi I.«l.\e T'-I-J SI'S A^'lil.Ui' 1j.,„ Cattonwcod ti.c U#. ACKSON, A gent, OM "F it* It. K. IR.i*V. «'i at TL'rd JMMCI 1 Iv- au'iii'tssiri! till iitr Ti.:r-l Sf ift'f.f-n Jkfitiu '.(ifl :!r!- it:-., TV. ii. U*. COM Kit. t'r'-p. I ri-'pe^fiitlj" ievitc tVi# pal:':* t* giro sal tv ii ersi.n.'iin* iic ur.i appcial nt tion nivdn 10 tli» liathai ». JOHN. A. STOY-VU,. Stovsll & Dslamat lilSMAKCK, iKvaSrAsro nnd i- »SSMII $2.5o Per Annum TINWARE HUAAW M«- JAMES DOUGLAS & CO., M.iis Street, a !'.:«• of J»k* *Ias..«'« U5-1 Tliii.JD tibI'.'i'AlTli MI.Sa., WHOLESALE 'AHB RETAIL' M'CSIO DBALXHS And SoIe,AgentfCFor STEIUWAT & SOISTS AITS S2&TO ?, mLSS PIANOS. OKG-.AISJS. Tsm^wniii-»,.iLigiaass«ii»»as S O S O I S THE ST AT HI *ri* r.M .Mid COM .*U riaU !V U-uUiUxmUd Jr«ira.1. U-.j isi line -tUiiiiiui! tc. Ai1 villi Blurs & now 5 i. a d, li'.t i"IT:KD ST.. ST •rtf^arirvigi*^^rrrn luf T.F 3^. LE OS POET A. LIKCOLW, TASOTA. of nWmsi-Jk »«t vici»:l vt\i it Ti.ii'U'-'.m, t'oit A'jr^h -Oli',-1 rtllll I tlC'.f.t! tlv-i! 'rioti OD W! r-.ujjjHfi- uj /".u4 (iu TI- ("'f.WlllNo, IjOOTsJ atid Clhl? EQUIP- c-MOieE \. '-j W a Lun'ibOi1 IS^O.OO J?or M. F,sct. 1 'I ly JOSfAH nrLttMATER. Wvii $ lorn i/-'' ~a Cou nselors 0«ra«r Maiu usd TUi'd Sit»•«#*», D. T. 1 1,cifi:i, 'io Ihe l.«A Sti»ek. i" Goods i! s«leet^4 ty ci.e •I iroft ai jKi ii .ic in .hp frji.ii'T ir.irte v/itl) dii-'ctt rt-.feruuca t" tiio v:.i i- 1 !3o«r«.i ici m~ tJs.- ncopt* bc-tb rHlssn* and sOi.btl'K. DRY «OODS, AKD SlZOEJi reuITS, «uo- caiii^.piiovisioxs AQZ. OOilNG ST£N&1LS MiO G-eaeraJ. es, W1MES I -. !.»«»• -i- '»v.-.i. isi'i CHOICE ClOUftS. M'SAC I '}. £.c., «tw Ptritiit vctt:tiii(S*'ds ii: «ni-iiBjr.r. isrl:«4 to »U a'.'l v* will soil ib«m tfn() ir-»-uicIi: HUysot fstoto at n.tiJAW? pi '.:r«. S. iu DICIEY, Psi At»r*h*» leE'.ii. wavs'iAw. watsoa!&Goodhne T.IKCSIN, D. T. jm GENTS' iFCJRNlSHING^ GOODS. S*S ATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOE#, (XI A r:r.w AEE, GB 1 CERIES, FLOUR., FiZIiD &c., I Main Street Eotwecn.rith.riad Sixth, lf».'4EOR Jirtft.' JH'HB 'Bil!i*ri i'snaE! HAVING tad HAIB CITTTISG. SCOTT & MILLET, Pr.W*, J. M. KOSIO, I ASBIMfAiLa EAR9IB AhZ Hilt C-imer of Sacoat a'd IW.gc SVrssts, Qisae«k, E. T. Htlfl IsrrU'r^. ey*4 tfahla, nlc.niy uf KoMai, Mtis OnUis« its- KAV ly