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A' VoL i, No. «7- •:icr="'ncr^:xrr 1 \tCrptni*nt Ktusyaytr, »f THE BISMARCK TRIEUJfE CO. IM nt fhre* ..Sl.i* Jt ruant! W 1 Sinjie oj e« It Seb'sr.ptieut pir. :*s at'.jr infcdraao*. ia»i.nioy i\»iM »*rir IceewM ayplleatfc* ftt ctfct rJuhr 0.12«a»K &i»d whoa c» tbe way bet week. •.}(,[•.. I)r.wiy :s tb« ikfle Heart •rWl a •.fctfrodgh i*st n.-'i's disposed to c! sotvul -aee »•, ffort Liccol s. The 0 iisith Daily TVi^'JW a vnl:l Mty 1st. .iV. t«T aaneible tsiovc, a. Ui adopting it llr. MmcI'cU acii ta tiie retrenchment plan whioh is r*w being adopted by all ntu -tU'lc tv.-.EiD«j.a M'.-r. 'S'wttws. £av?tr i5» Own, «f 4Jciaii, -*v-j er^Ki:.- v&rthouses tk« .pus e? r.ffti iVrhMB a*£ V?accTia, or. theN. P. V. There is an i» '.Lupr-s'" r. je* vk* H, P. this iSfcl- Zm 7'v'»«tarii*r«^ w*»foun-2 gf.jliy c: »»in is tii® C^jjtpc &ud cr*V.?i?csd ''cur jras.T« in ti«yws U0tii».:*. .0»e. ifcCock'9-a*mdc?«-r «»s» xdit-v: tornum rfL*^bt»r and WiUO. in vn# »ijz» #f tis*"J8tnd dcilfcrfi CtmUy Ru«it c:#ii fr»*a tJi« efferUi his ii uri«* rruii*«5 a i«*f daya a£« »t • Ciiy. U» 1'tii frots t.« wp M.ra ar\S *be wb»f.!i paaw^i orsr hi* l«g belween ih# Lip md fca^a «r»abJE{.' ii tu t. pj5)». ___ Tiy Tr.'jiuaui *fpsaJ8 this w#*k .3a«»^ tv a bslf *Sm»t ssi «o that f»ro •ftil bv- pM'jJjii—i'd tiuTinj tb» oiritcT. Tbc o-k^ form and itjl* co*ld ar.t be mainf.«i-ic4i dumig tb® ni£? lots a fifty c'ollfcrs a if±~k a wbica «an»ot *£«r*i t-"- lf 'e. W«i jT£*rd o«r ?»r.t6re bara as fl raceipt* of tb« 5'^r» 1**4 $,'11 beed «?.pea«led o* 4b« paptr iv. »ht nablieUKr* bare le,w*r »iiua when C.iauj sownaeoced. rbty bare ftoas'aa?^ bow«T«r} which svi'l bo wcrlb aoatfthing in slit faturi. Sn ih:si ntctsoa wc »ub tu ecrreet a* iajrfc»a: wbich bas ob taioed tii*i ihe Yri«o*b baa b#tu sup fjdirk©* by rte i*rajfcftjr. 'Tb« COEipt'iy h/1:'it nitbso U8 to oned*Vi*:- sicopt in the vray of po#6e«, and elcrers doi'.ara *m4 iwaaty-fiT« wnts r«}jre»eoV» ihv ^nr»n»ge wa hav* rc •eircl turou^!o the Pujst S«u*d Oom yatiy. TiiR cUigona of Bmmarck and aataidern who dxitti the Taisca* b*T* ••ViStainci our enterprise r.bu» l»r, Ties Tjirsuao pub.'mihera ara not dia i* whine cr b«g, and .,Shcrnfs*re Whaa'harA tino«« c^wc.% afwcttnj alike V. 1 buB-.nssii !iitfjoat«e tboyi like-«ther«, «*pect»«g, eour*'.', bafl'i'ug Frotn c»«uker« but «*aimenda frctn a/nsibio buBiuMU tHH» If czpect t* reacb our easte-ji sub .acribert" during f.he winter regularly -by ova'• .Wwm aatwerioars- will feer# 4kfwr r»''.aife tbeir {»u»rs through toa jhOMt-offiw. THE XJLSCXION F^AiTD. fdwl week a brief of tbe af tbe vote at the last general section was gives. Aa waa stated there vw* &im* r«tnrne frain Apple Creek, eua ftugus return, rapraaanting two &utKlsYK} ud aixty-lbro* votea. Tb« airty-ive vatas at aiataantb aid. ,iagjr«ra actually polled bo thoae vol t^-arara principally ra'Uraad aaaploy taaa aaplojed in tba preciact ir»x actarai weeks iwaiadtataiy praeadiog «lKti«H ballasting the track and nakiag iwa^y far tsa (sapactioo of tba Oovafn jaeat CUoKBisaianers vba vara bar« a few days 4ft?. Wbila aosae «f tkf votaa •iac^kar^beoe illeg^.an the nafjority oa quaetioa. jadgea «i««tiaa apjyaieted by (be CawBle*i*aara for Appia Crack ftar^ra *a-Mdaato «f tbe ttis«Arak ^liatrict The jpartiaa i«tareat«4 io Mir!* tba Appla Oraak vata ioat at tb# )jpl*caaj»peintad a^S s^jeurnad to a painf. riFitbin («!0 preainei aa« party t« tbe :flixte*ft4b iirfing an4tha otbe? t« Lauia i^aHa Tbe Caantf Attarney, Jaha aad tba Eteputy U. Dia Anet Atiarftay taking aa active part in 4fca Agar# *et-'». Dau Williaaa being SegiaWr «f laa4a, witk tha pawar af ^aostitvtiag tbe Canraaaiag Board ta it Ibair |wrpaa«a, it sraa known tbe ttix-aaai^b Sidiag vela ba tbrowa 4Kit aad tb*i Agari rate eauotfd aad if tbia va«!4 have cbangad Iba raault (bat flan we«14 bava ba«a earria4 aat, bct'«^a* arar* •verwkelaaiagly ia(kata4 S» Biwaaaik aad is Drdar ta oarry eut ^air*la»a4i4a«k« &atid cf b«g« fr»* yortlaiM. s., Hj ^a4aw« af Daka«a m»l It $. f\M .&*"• 3 if & r**" ..-(U- ».N* V- ••«s*»*t^*.." man of the County CoraraisfliwaeiK, J. S. Carvella is iaige of Probate (aiay God forgive the power wbiua appelated hiia, the people nerer wi):) p.k'j Jtihr. £. I Waaac0, Atta"ta}?.. Ths in- 3 es^ec! party, teforj tho County AUorrsy, or if Lb ke dcqu»Iiiied before the Cliair h*4 b«i«r*tbe Judge cf Frc-b .'.» in LI? •bstnes -vr cut bin bs2ig hi: ,'5tr.r clin*ji?a3 «f these ii«:i an- *J5 well kcowr, that v'i ttaUiff ihtj cbuli be r«H»vl upovt 3*51 tnia it. lu lib* oc*ua iiowot*}-,Otr-1 t^fc of Prehntc, •'c r.r. ir. -.«x- etitd r-^rtj end canaov act. Ti.'a wa* nddsabi«* til it icia asesuRtis. Jobxi £. toet ao o»c «ataiae of tb: O'Srien ricg aus^'rioDtfd-any •jfro:.g. i.a to Uarrtlk iti» nr*ll Loottb tk&t ke, ifca Ji ff's cf Prjbatr, at-!, ty tb« •ovirli*j of Wuu.rv.i'j •.* tba canT»«siCi*. tjard, ts*d- .« :T- tursa «#d yrep 1. red tbo pel! lis a-ccoia canyi*f- it za*i*\aiag two haairaU anc 'fifty-*)3* ^••:Vitioiia satnoa, and 11 he e'« cap*« a .fxtc-'tf ccll it will b» t'arov.£-h tlr* aid of a^yat#rioua fatt t\urfc has ao i#og kip*, hm from recsiTin^ c:u ju*i (tat^rU. T.nckcrj is «spect«4 in politic® bat ibifi fraud has no more rebuioato trick ery ttian high w^ i«bbtry bea to boraa jockeylUf av.d t?« doubt if ifc«r* ia a :u/d 10 tlftt ?ovnty wh« justifiea it on A..t« ^ruu.-iu taat all ie fair i* politica. Tiiii l.Tianxs charged lust waek that vYttrj if:j:al):r at tbo Canrasaiug Board kuaw tkv. raiurn to ba Jrauduleat. How o» J9u kurw tbey kaew it? wa ara a'bkc-^. l'*vzv.frz tbsre is bo oaq dosea lKivshci. A«j»ie Croak precin*t, a fact wit-i wi-.rcu «r«xy citiKeaaf Biasarck ia iatuiliar, thtre ianot arte «f tb« alleged votaraknuwn do ana pretend* to know O'Briaa av whose kouae th« c/rction ia pretesdan to have beoc held aot ana ot th« pretsnded judges are knorro and no oua daras Dane tbe mm wbo brought in tba..-W5x!i-'^-. Jfet-it, wm ftoct^-ud,* •changfog tli* reaijlt af'tac electu'O and cttrtiD.caickOf alectiao baT« bean itsued to utea who wtrebeatea tr* to 02c at ife« polls. Tbc contest whieb wiU follow i4 not Gal. Bro*ri.aoD» matter, ia not Mr. Sing ie.era a£T»ir rcr is it a war on Jack White *r against ®ea engaged in any articular business, bat il ia an affair ia which crary raaa who ha» a spark of honar will take an inlereat and land 'a band if necessary to canriet tka acatin drela wbo perpetrated tbe fraud, fir the quicker suit is brought and jrcq who will try to rob the peaple #f their suf frage arc put wherw. they wiU do the oi»at good, the qaicker will people fuel that.thalr propariy is accu .'u, S irnt't who will plunder in e»e respect mil in sa otb«r. DEATH VAXia^Y. TkalU*y of tbia Dowlate Htgiaa Retold. The Beaver (Utah i?na»7»«*# has tba foHawing respecting a recent viait to thin noted valley: The Valley of Death—a apot alseost aa terrible as the prophet'a Valley of Dry Bonus—lies just north of the Old Moraaos road to Califeraia, a region tbirty wilea long by thirty bread, and narraunded, except at two poiute, by inaccessible caountaine. It is totally devoid of water and vegetation, and/the shadow of bird or wild beast sever darkens ita white, glaring sanda Tbe Kansas Pacific railroad engineers discovered it, and also »oiue papers which showed the fate af tbe lost Moutgoaaery train, which came aoutb firaw Salt .Lake in 185t, guided by a Menuosa. When near Death Valley seme came to tbe oancluman that tbe Jfarmaus knew.nothing about tha coun try, so tbey appointed one of their otmber a leader and broke off Iron tbs party. Tba leader turned due w«st sa, with tbo people wagons and flecks be travoif.1 three days, and thea de •eeadft£ into tbs broad r«l!*y, vbase tr«acieieua mirage prcin H«rd water. They r«fccsed tba center, butcn'y tbe white aaod bounded by scor -'oirf n-*k« met iheirgsaa. Arcund t« vrMey tiey waudejed, and oat by one Ui-r-il, and the panting flocks atrc '1. 1.' el in at id Then tbe children, cryi ..: fc. wR'.ar, died st their caothers' br?tu/-i, an'i vith awolleu tangues and burning rit*1? th* halpless mothers foltowfrd. W^^on af ter vsgoc was abat)dn«dit Ad river aavc ax :.' strong aien tottered and died. Afu-r w\'s andering a doaen triri\*uTi found some water in tho hollow af a rock in tbe mountain. It lasted \w\ a *bort tine, when all died but two, who es caped eut of thevaJley aud followed the trail af their forisor coa p& iion% £ighty-sevan families, with buadf^d.u «f aeimds, perished bare and now, after twanty-thraa years,'the wiu-:»na stand stll! oo-csylcte—tbe iren war): and tire# ara bright^ tb« sAiriralrd akaletant lie fid* ky aide. ... JS«tported Sjwdally f«r Ike Hfs xstas-c!* Tribune. I.- 1 \raa, no doibt, Iielitvei 1 thit w^aifYtr lrau« raigiit bo perye- C''-Ax AjIIN & 00« Tfaaiicr. trt.3 note'wted by this *0®^ 1 rriura &:id is raliad upen t* any I ^UHDERS, ARREST&4 FOR- cnoTa t« cisplace tbw»e glvcit cartifiraUF GERS, CRIMES &C tbs-awjb It. Haw aucb t?msco ba« kad to 4* wrh tbc fraud arili no 4«ubi be! da*#S«p«J. Oa tbo £*^*iLay «*anicgJ Mail Steamier j&ridl fall«« c£ iz* election L? sakl, ii tbel VIJUi-JCIAJ.. Mkw Yoes, Nor. 4.—CJlaSin An-, kara jiveeu granted axi extension uui bare re suraed basinaas. There is a inovesieiit on feoi fot his druggist a dose-af cretoo oil by asis take which pro?ad fatal. Hia widew caumencad seit far $25,000 damage be fore tha funeral was over. 8*£SKD TO DSATH WitfOi, N. H., Nov, 4.—The child ren of Wo. Stockwell were left alone Sunday evening and accidentally set the house on fire child waa burned to death. COHV1CTSD* Ckicaoo, Not. 4th —Chasi. Kufferty who was tried a year ago for killing a paliceaeen and ne*f trial granted was convicted yesterday. tillow wmrat. Manrazs. Nov. 4.—The yellaw fever is at last abating. Only five deaths oc. cured from it during the last 24 hours. yoxassY. ft*. Lotus, Nov. 4.—W.S. Wade,ferm erly State Secretary ot Tennessee, was arrested in this city Monday for forging $20,000 State bonds. Ha was takeri to Naebvil'e. aosnxx. Mike McCocl was yesterday arrested fer tba murder of Patsy lloody. At a fraaas in a ball rooss at Wasb iagtoa Monday evening Wa. T. Sack shot Kcffing, a German, who died. Sack is injaU. iaa af a Dlikeawt K«|. Isi the regue'a gallery in the New Orleans Police Departmaat there is •picture *f "Mellie Waterman and ber ieg." Hollie vaao thief Sbe was never knoa to ateal anything in h«r life, and ybt sba was ola#scd among thieves, beesaac ier dog had a babit ef atealiag. Moll^e wofld ga i»ta a stere and examine g«od», jewelly, etc and the deg alwsys at bar side. She bad a way of felling tbe dog jaat wbat aba wait tad oat of a store, and tben aba went oat, asd tba dog b*ng around. Wben tbe ahepxnan's back waa turned tbe dog hever failed talay his teeth oa tbe very article Ibat Mailie vantad. Ha punctually breugb it ta bia mistress at b«r roams. Semetimaa tba dog toek little things that be thought Mollie might want, without any bint from bar. Mollie and bsr dog bad a perfect under standing, warked together far several years, and ware very dear friends, as evanta proved. One day th* dog waa caught stealing. Maliie few to bis res eae. She axoaeratao tha tog and act ually accused herrelf of being the thief. The pohce taofe ber at bar ward. 8be •aid ska waa willing to da all tbe safTer iug, and pay the penalty, but begged the jailor ta spare tba dag. Tha BISMARCK, D. T., WEDNESDAY, NOV. J. HE SUME-A EUGrE' BANKING IN TEREST. 1Brretdkeds writer '»ha-. tba r*su!t al ih« elwtion wff.o aotLnoTTu a:ai caiilii not L-s bnaws I ont:! ibr CAmrasaing s-rtt xr a uu- Irisnting Suxojaftrj ti' G«iwml Saws. *9 i.hc formatian of an iauaanss banking in stitution in con^aation with. \b! grsiu iBtaraatc. rSlXISAL. I'hi'.p Rtiti a»d UowtrS Jaiuoaica, Lang Islasd, wer« ebat dead Monday by two unai'ta who were ordered of tbe fara of /anas Ht'.rax. Tbey a.era ar re«tid. *re»isn. The police fcrc endeavoring to verify tbe confeasion of Irving «elf accused. Aecouiplice in the Nathan murder but the confession is badly iaix$d. wsacuo. The Pacific Kail Steasner Atiel was wrackcd in tbe recent tarn. Tbc ship and earga a coaaplala lows but pasc£»gera aav«d. auaaMtn). Swjaiui. ffor. 4.—Col. H. Bsdlosg, Collactoief Internal Revenue, waa ar rested, at this point Monday charged with ombtttaieHif.nt. cawoai mu. I^a«ME«»»sai3, Ky., Oct. 4.—John Jailor hsd the pbe'tograpb of Mollie Water* raao and the deg taken and hung ap among tW'ragudc. Tbsy tbea told bar tbe leg baa to die without judge or jary. Sba prayed the inexorable pelice ta take her life, but ij^r* tbe dag's. They wetild sat liatao to bar appeal, and, killing tba dag Ware bfr ayes, tb^y flung bia bleadtog aareeaa ibto bar. call *^dlacl^ed bar up. Next mersing llafiia WitfUrBHA waa Jsttmd d*a4 in tbe oaii, i^ t^a dag ls ,^ac «ns«. ¥kir» 5l wis an insttnc* of deTotion Tfc^tpic turn ia worthy of battiir plate tb*n a police office rojnes' gallery. Mr. Bergh ought to look al't^r it.—Mirtairi Jitpub liean. GR£JHD MII.5TAKT KISSING- CON TEST. A H£g& OJvl Tisac a- Gu-afn Hoesp if on at Tele c^cr1All tlic Good (»o^ ing WoxMn In T«wa Heceive Fovvr Distlag^isbod S-'imcts Apit c». iVynt fV 7ltl*d» Oor».trc'^ti Oct. 13 Everybody fciing tu reaiineis tbt doors ner« tbrowr. op«n *iiid the .ladies began to pour ia, shading braids with Prcaidant Grant fin* and tben pawing an to the generals. At tba outset'tha proceadiaga were uiarhc-i ith sue!* dig nity and as woulu catKraHy bt expected, b*it kissed. Our r«poric°»", standing almost' between General Shersaan and the Pres ident, iook c. d.op interest in this pro ceeding, and will therefore be pardened by the ladies for entering csinrA^y this part «f»tho subject. Tbc crowd fit ill pushed on, aaJ it scesaeci ai if thero was just a slight rush on the part of thel&Uiesto hurry up the siairs when tbey heard that the plcaeent pastiiae of kissing tho President rras a feature of the reception. It wa3 not long before gallant Ph:teok another departure, f.nd astonished tbe crow 3 by kissing a young lady of sorce 16 or 18 sammers. Gen. Cus tar declaring he would r.ofc be oiudone, $dso seized and kissed t^e yeung lady, and then (Jen. Sherman began to ?uek around for a geod ixodel. He Boon found one and imprinted a kiss upen her eheak only to see her.pacs by bhn and kiasUens. Sher idan aad Custer. The President blush ed. at tbe rashaess of his yeung e£cers, bat directly hia eyes be an to spsrkl« and he took out hie handkerchief and wiped his mouth. Thefcaxt real hand some young lady who Kaft her appear ance was tha fortunat* first "grown" lady to get a kiss from the President of tbc Uniud States. The President seiz ed her hand and pointed his raoath for hers. She drew back at first but becoming immediately cagniaant ofMie great honor eaaferrsd upon her,* sne yielded, and the President gave her iipa a soft tauch—hardly sutficieut ta be called a kiss. Of conrA Gens. Sber an, Sheridan and Cus^r saw ibis and Ba[ g(apriclan and Cus^r saw lb 5iran«Cord who waa^iak -a raar of applauK*wa» vh« rtrauft. 1cit. Sherman declared be waa as goud look ing ai ibe President, gallant Phil, then plvadcd that he kuew be was as haiul aonie K.f Gen. Sherman, and Gen. Cus ter tfftH very certain he looked as lovely as any of the rest, and hence the young lady is*cd them all, one afi«r the other. This el course opened an exceiun up portunity tor the fair belles of Tokilo and the tmnny daughters of. the rurul .districts te liss the President au4 soixiv of the Kiilitary heroes of tne^ late war, and tbey took anvantlge of the oppor tunity. Immediately there comuaeuced a .tmndly tivalry between Gents, Phil* Shersdan and Uustar to see who could get the xaost kisses. The gallant Phil, teok tbe lead, and fer a time kissed -every lady who shook bands with him— except those who ware fiomely Gen. Sherman and the Presider join ed in the tray, and at one time were considerably akead of the younger gen erals, but we are forced to say, however, that tbey, like the younger general^, passed every homely lady by a simple shake of tbe band. Our reporter took especial paius ta keep a record oi the ''time," and at the eaa of half an hour kissing bad commenced, the tally stood as loilows: anHaaa or rsnsons xissan. 5873. tfca crreiutfny p,-ogress- •d'a c*riri:i familiarity 3vow up be tween ibe Tieitor* srd ladies, and gal lant Phil. Sbaridan broke tbe ice ef the oceaiian by picking up a little girl in hi*Jims and prcBf'»g bia brustlfog loonatacba to ber ?o^r«v iipa. Ofeecrse Gen. Gntrtar followed raiti and it wa« not long bafara't3an. ^horiuan aad'even the Preaident b:'iasc^f'-woro pressing their atiffbaarda t\?airiu the roay Hps oij" a the nt-Js girls, and portraying e^ry uv j\! 0"^' AuVOrtlSOHlBBtS dicatum of having na vary great objec-j tiont«l*iog allowed a little ?c»ry li-jae^* ceaee as regards the bge of the persons Itebia. UtUe girls. Ladle*. fresidcMfir^at It £3 £8 U«B. SaiMRMia 4. £7 SS fhuuHltr.iluz 1? II SS Ota. Curt*- IS *B il Of covj rse tba yoang. ladies bad th-st prefemires, and many af them s»*cr«d ad in excautiag a vary abrewd iSank mavemant by passing ibraugh once and kissed their favorite, tben dodging out af the ranks and pasaiag arouad again thereby giving their favorite an oppor, tunity to tally ana mor# than was just ly dao. By tkia weli-execu ted flank mavameat, Gen. Sherman Sacco«ded in making an|axcellant rat?. Gallant Phil, seeing h^w bia senidr waa getting \kt advanuge af bite, made an attack ic the rsyr, and suceedetl in capturing sev eral junacks from a crvwd of young la dies standing, in ambfisK obaarvihg ta? conflict. In tha heat of tha neatest then going en. Gen. Iberman received a dispatch from Uio South, but ba was tea ssneb "engaged" to read it, and turning area ad quickly he kissed ane of Toledo's fair daughters who stood behind him, and acked her to read the dispatch and tell him if tbera waa anytbiag impor tant in it. She blushingly accepted it, aad after attentively peruaing it for a few moments, banded it back to the General, remarking very indignantly tbatabe aaw nothing 'there "except something absut soma aid gray shirts and socks 1" The Commtrliml reporter asked tba General for the dispatch, but tbe rcquaat waa refa«ed{upc the ground that there mignt be something in it x*»t appreciate for tha press. He explain ed, however, that 'ae presumed it wa# a dispatch acting clotkiug supplies Tor tho yellow fever saffcrera £*tra South, as ho bad received ma&y such applies tiooa faita recently, all of wbicb, bo said had been granted. Tbo General then resumed bis attention ta tbe ladiae and tbe kissaiug conflict prograaaod with onuaaal fervor. Qan. Cuatas, whose paaitian was on tba left, ssada a brilliant akarga,«ad fer tan mtnet*s kisaad every My tbai faaa adl^atw ^ftal At Ibiv »a»»at an aW lady ua*ao accofr.rtanied by bti 1 h. ik lup.nisoN, i'it daughter l.lcsTiing youn^ girl abostlS years of age. She siopped ih front of tka President and shoot handfi with hira, taying, "Mr. Qrsr.f tbi3 is my daughter." The Presides inomediale 1/ Riaopcsl dorn *ai* kissed tbc y^:ag Is'Jy, much to the «urpri«c of ik* «ld Jady, fu-i snid, ''Mad&tre am Tcry much pi f.sed to act that you lliiir 1 a bandrf^fns danghtw "The old ladr waa »er? rnuvh ash^uiabed bulaodn cam prehenJf.d tho situation Had wal&ed anay %?ith a iuii!» af satisfaction an bar face. ^reaid'iat soon b?^&a to gbo*r signs of weariness, but Little Phil »S)d GORDON J. KEENER, L^aw and Real Estate, Will Praolir-*.' i.Il Courts of tc ^crritsn Oereral LsjkI 01fe»e auMnK»a»te»dt(l U- Otfice, I fnrgi,. O. V. »1y Sdm'i SXJIIjXS'ISJR. ANB O N A O OrSeifl promptly fJScf?- PIn-t-jl?.i« Cuaoinerr) guaranteed sstisf*ctlo- O O GALLERY. O 8. {'A0' ,-*NZ» Gen Caster kept cp their friendly ritai- jV -».i\ ry in kissing -ths Iodic.-? iritboot a'toy as. eiidencs of fatigini. At 4 o'clock, how ever, thn iai^&dy (a colored one with her U'.i'sv) atxio v.p f,^ a'.vi tho reten tion olofc-sd^ rofi an accurate ?„^eouni c^r repovisi- ttaduDU kitj-vd tbo following nuiah*:r of I persona each ihning tbe. reception •ai4ai. LU2« ta£{£».- jrreD5(H[nf.'Jvii.'... fl«. siiic:-»v»a... tten. Gc.s. t.'nste T* Jshfefcy Riven tlist tka boci.3 aad ictoui.tin tha 1 lata fir* c7 EKJaMICK. ft or :ce icsu cf Kiutarck. D. I*., liaye teen placsii ia the bscf* cf Wi'Iiar.f A Put:?, Attoraejs at i-.w, vht * ttrurteJ to sae mid collict- £l? d»b'.a iiu«to esSii f-rtzi W £,4 ol DUiMICk A ilPriK' All parties indebicd to «a fl iir *rt- *v call upon fi-ld altoiTt jsiiQd c: i'.corc ttvelr t«j:av«trcabU ana exptascf. ... l»K9S08^«JTS0]V ^«'ri«r€. xctuwiit C0?i'-'tr%: 1 Tste noti :.hat the par ucrsl«!i» J:»»'e cfcT« ing between Dion and i'tttr Troizem, nuder tbt* drin name of X)icn Broseetu, ie th!« dsy Cn fulvcd bj natvoi voarcit. All per*ta» indebted to Baid'Crii are required ts pi.y the debts to Peter Ere* "au -.tho will oc? -T-\idfl-ti cor.trted by n*3tl firm. mrziTvt-., T'. *r.. .N,.t. :-J, im. 7* x-n -H miy oe*c' Tsk» notfc* that on 'i did e«iz« at the bou6e BiesnrcV, T. I., o*v packwe m«rred "«arb«n (i-ovs Wh'.st«y,n th'.'WOtt boius etiaed f«r v1ol»tt«i! the of Internal ltevtnae law Koir thc.-tfere any persos '-r pewonn claiaing tie s*iil psoperty 2e'»tk 0l.y uc In ivbv required »o arptal before an within thirty lTj» vhs 2^u Oty of Octobtr, 1873, iad claui V'lt ivd property sb^ feW'£ the required b#ndacc«rti' i«s* UW. Jn'flefsaH rf trhk sb»li proceed ta Mil I 4 cs.rcs at public »v.^i:rr, alteram days aiiice. F.i^rcU, Oct. SSU, VH9. V. t). BAr.KBIt, 0«utj*Coil«ctor lutai ffi.1 aevene®, Dirtnctcf D»kotn an JOS. BAKEE, •*iIPjflAE"VK. GOFF, ARTIST, Anaaa#* hat j?jurfa6n'wareJ Mai» Sf«e». afwch *f hl» profw«J*o Or- falleTJ.' *l5cM KEABOjSTA.BI^E- CITY BANK, MINNEAPOLIS. Authorised Capital, $500,000.09 Paid in Capital, 150,000100 «Pirtid*nv-J. W. MNO». c*.Fi(aid«DS--». y. THOMTBOR. OashiM—f'. J. SUXTOJt, aiaxcroxs: J. V. Ttteo, 9. 3. ¥hoapi»s, *. J. XbTCon, W. JJ. PriigmM. C. 0. «tc IUrr«,. J. V. I. WesTr, S. H. Th««p»ei), B. 0. Hani§o».. W. W.X*HUi»n, B. H. Brctro, Jfranilin Seebe, C. M. 1', A. Bwri*n, H. M. Vfiltot,, Hifkefit mukti paid f»r goUi, dlw mi United State* BoaS*. Depotiil«re«f'.-r*d *&£. Srvtrid Ahewei »t a«a «t sent rt-l« 0llectioM bu^« *)1 aoe^echi* la |ta» Voted Sutevon ttie aMMt re»*oc»lt teRar. Fifth* Drafts «n 3aad,!r«j*ad k-a M+rop*. :c ai) puin W Hat. Exchange Bask Miimenpalii, Mfam. rtmiAicv-». MSLLaft. «mUH-W. r.wxstfALK auacroBs: R. MU!m, 2. Vorfiamt, fe. H. MatWe**, J. 9. TUUbvtf, JK ». Ibrt*, JL 1. Ml, V. fi. Weitlkli. JB%aM8»wufe«a BIWM4 «. •. aoi0«H«B2:d totirMSNet**. Ml tNMlltfi Ik# Bin tot, a» a*a*a Strewbla Mat. afcfceiieMaa •»». tTaMd ea« aM ye*«a a ft- Vr"' learned thai tbo Proaideat aod bis ut- ua«m «»e p. «r Uk»ja?ekwi4^c:n--v ly !f.!e.-"r: .k 11.1 55-y 4*4 tw £1)7 4C0 4t4 104 •is 0.^1. iJV: MAMT i«:TVRF.i S A! A Ifo* 228 W?wh: ^tou Ave, KG: mT AH^OI of botty 1*AKI.5 sod i-'ieif baidwt ,,- OUK^STOOK Aj.. tlr.of.i »jf s- Jw .'•••b .yiiTi can s.-c tV.:ns- *-j»» nrt: p.-r.-y TIN OB SHEET IB.- -itu4 FZNE1 HENRY DION, PETER IIAOSSRAU. '. SttTKCli OF v-? Q«^, zm,! E (1W13?i I IT^ 0 M.r-v, -11 tra a B-'* GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION AN» KF.PA IRTNG. ICwsl siy Air WoA s'V'' wiitf'w*'*'* door Cayitd Hotel. "i'i lore.i anii XSFT com riNI8BTNG liUMBES, BRISSBD FLOORING, SIDrNft SHINGLES, GLAZED SASH, DOORS AND BUILD) NT0 PAPER OF Vf' wc the# ®n 3-tf RAPH JAL'1.? K-. 1^:' W 1 GOTp. iM-k7i\ a*«»jr]n»j 4t INDS. ich they will 6o!) xt pr'n-iK FnU ila *ad thi..^ ope by promptness »r 'l fair doling to !B*rit «t lsks.1 th#:r than of the trfcilu of tiin pcopl- the riur.?r oity of the Upper Mision -i Ki»er. C*r. *t tention will be gi»*a furnishing co/cplet? MMa of mater.iil. nrhich will &t utl ti:uo! ba CJl "i jb verif sh jrt •.••»ib'e*. Tka nr* Agenta fi* A.D.mSC02T£C0'S *.tb»p t») A mO.OO For KWat, J.K.tfAGKSON,Ag®nt «f ta* 0®to &»ntk Cr»«4r*. S. X. tmt, «l Third fltrM US «CC!0EXTAL iHATIXtt. Haji'sressiiifi and Baffin* &dsnu, Tlkbt ft. Mem Maia MeigtSw., BiamrCt, w. ar. w. eoAfw*. r»». I vdtaMtfnllr iovlt* th* jiabli* giri mc *i e»li lh*y viU And •verythtng BMt Mil •!*%•. SfAcU! »l Uen f)v«n tc th* b«lkiri. 10 If W. H* STlMPSOliT, Genera] News Agent Aft PSAIS* i* BOOKS, •TATIONERY, C70A?,S, MOTIONS, TOBACCO, PAPKJi COLLIRS, SOAPS, CONFECTIONER Y, $c. aa4 othcra will In* rt ttvc I yapeta a^S a aiti *»«ir»( .1 a a a "TIKFnotice. h*r*bt tfr*u ttiM partiM 'any orUi^bdr oolUUrcad I.h Dd* «:-cct pernU from tins I«d3 Dcpiri»rot will ccmidernd tratpaaRr and j»ro*«otai t» th* fall «»Vot ofth* lav. Cel. 31. Bi i.n—ii, th* Mj tpTointeS Apnl at the n*partsM»t, wUl .iar« ckarfe of it* l*u-.e*Ss Bisntf&k aaS Tici*i»y, to vhoM *pp3'*B '«a car. te «m4* fer $NaiM. JAMBS B. rOWlft, *tf •«k,l t|«U UnfiDt^t r. v. St- Wetlee. Ths losrd af Commissioners af B»t JeigD connty &. T. sro hereby request^ ed to saeat at tbo Coart Baase in the city of Hismsrek an Tbaradar, Oct, •©, wa ai n'ckttk P. M. ^Atas A. flraotfa CbainDaa. X^Mirsii A^t, let*. Jl 1} $2.50 Per Annum V.. ?.in. Src'j :.nt Tr*.' MKKmKrv{K », i:i Voe'.l'ruAcvt. i'sr A a*rrt«* rr." ti» ^..wihrvt that 1«*^ k?e %:ei injr aad -ri! ostRiily fcanii .t'i' .C"i ffc^l ni' ia«At »f ?. A1 !vS IN & i" *iS IPC ra acific r. 1 i«H «. (*n m* -9»rf ».**"•»! w*nv. /ftrt 'F«#Ty.„w, '123' e.a«l FOf 'St^T 4A. /r7** OF HAKD, TTGfA &CO- Iru r-s i. •if »V* llM'On'r BiGKEY, W a a \-Jk. 7JXCX&&MXVI-A. ri'tf (f.'ji (.• xk «k• •v'r., im v«' i.«-s ti«K Stock of «b the *, perier.c tf •, f-onti*- aircrd t« th* t•• '. 't '.-•« !, i«j 'jr jitsyJ» iit li rs-' *,Wi. if. v...i D£" C'T.OTIITK'J. mma imx c'wit vWit»S,PRO CAM. uAl iCtl. roor:NG w'tenaj am General. JS i'r.s I n*. i". 2 .t(J I Til! JTW/t WHIwUii.i, ALU, V0K!f-Jl. 1SJCH rHwHJ CIG 4US, T0*&C. TO, dev Tt)pc-5-* --"fir j»*4» In »«r lht*»rt. tfey:M eA »nd w* win Mil b*e g*odi^'*Urt. piM» at ,.m .^»rjr yri£«m |_»5jr W'r^ 8. JL 2ICEST, •V*rt AV/^Vuk V, $, C& ttMLMU t# VVF a'i'.C, •GJKNVS' fUHNlSHiWfi mOS% MAT* hXT) CAPS, BOOTS AK-D PIPES, A W A E O CEEIKS, FI OUI^ Ff.BI 4ce., Mailt: B^weea rikin4 liztib "A 1» sEAvra^Hrjicsfrm M. rusiw, ffAlSaffAXUi IAX3t*X AiJU »a^. #fJWa«t )Ht it Ha5rr*» Mtlag. gewma^maKM»a(^la«*a w* mk WXXXZAM 3U 1:OT, «nL ENGINEER AOT AECKiTHOT, ai'MAftc*. •»Seta at a»l 'eW rartte #J*»p USjitVrifi jit«t CnT»y t»« *.