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VOL. 1. One year.. Six months. jieer Mbct I ^ismarck ^ribane An Independent Newsp&pfei t'dJlished by THE BISMARdK tUliBUNt CO|. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $^,00 Three months.. 1.25 Single copies .. Subscriptions payable invar.abiy In.advance. Advertising rates made known on application at the office. NOTES AND NEWS. Jeff. Davis is in Paris. The southern flood is th* worst ever known. Ten inches of snow ftll last week in Central iowa. St. Paul proposes to treat its dead cats to crema* tion. Wintermute is at last indicted for the murder of McCook. E. 0. B. Porter ia-the Clerk of the Minnesota Rail road Commission. James Whitehead has been appointed Agent for the Leech Lake lndianB. Cofcimiseioner Dr*imnond reufgned because of the inadequate salary. The crop reports this spring are almost snivel sally favorable for winter wheat. ^The military contracts awarded at 8t. Paul on the 48d inst., aggregate $6SO,GOd. In Indiana the saloon men are prosecuting the cru saders for interfering with their business. Red wiug WHS the first boat to arrive at Et. Pi® this reason, and arrived on the 24th inst. It is probable that the Sanborn investigations will force Secretary Richardson out of the Cabinet. A meeting oil producers, held at Patrolia last week, resolved to stop production for ninety days. Hugh O'Donneli haB been appointed Master of Transportation for the English Boundary Commis sion. The change in the management of the Lake Supe rior Mississippi Road will take place the 1st of May. Col. Coffee, an Arkamas' planter, was killed at Duval's Bluff, a few days ago, in a jaairel with a neighbor. A Quebec dispatch of the' 2lst speaks of a heavy mow storm, and drifts equal to anything daring the winter. Hon. J. V. Blower h#s received the appointment •f Receiver At the :"t. Cloud Land Office. He is a good boy,too. 1 car wheel manufactory is beiag establWied in Mtoneapjofb by Dan. C. jHoward, Oh a?. G. Men*el and 6w» lienwri. It is generally conceded now thUtbeiiBpe^uesity »t Col. Kosa brought OP the bloodshed at little Rock, mentioned last week. The Mctrhead saw and flooring millis to be com pleted at once. Including machinery and buildings, it will cost t25,GQ0. Our information relating to the Brame. branch, published two w«eks ago, is pronounced erroneous by those Wbo ought to know. The Daluth Tribune has commenced early to whoo\ up lecqt polit cs, and. trots out four columns bearing on this subject for 9 starter. The Red fiWer Star can thank its lusky stars that Little KHappen has gone. There would be music in the air were Knappen in reMh of Niokles. The Arkansas war has ended, and Brooks seems to lave the inside track, thong# Baxter has called, or tried to call, an extra session of the Legislature, Coal has been discovered In Freeborne County, ^Minnesota. Whe coal dlS6oveJed is on the premises of Hon.'B. D. Bodjjeti, and1 the bed teste feet thick. Maj. Burrell, ofHohofcen, after taking the 1st de gree to Masonry, and .being debarred from the sec •nJ, has sued the Lodge to recover the juuount paid. Gen. BurnsMe's chances seem to be good for the TT. 19. Senatorship from Rhode Island. The Democrats, and a large faction of the Republican! party favor him.. Ool. L. R. Weod, of Springfield, Dakota, ias con cluded togt west. Hd has beext!appbtnted Collector at Onnalaska, Akutid Islands, lKtOtoilis west of 8it ka,'Alaska. b." ikes* Ponteroy, a lad of fifteen,-***ffltly mardered a child of four near Dorchester, Mass., nearly eever Isg bis hefcd from fee body, afterward stabbing the body, thirty tiroes. J- A Kew York member of the Legislature hasiatro ifeiced a bill to compeJ newifrkp*** publisii every thing sent the|n i)j iorel|ttdf M' Others. Tltte is in or to iv id of if The Prets and DUpdfch report tliat-David M«k«fr feas accepted the mattKfcwnent of the St. P^ul Ptopneer. »f he has It will he difficult toWrcf»« toflbe-Wo- is one of the best newspapers patflfched. tx-President Bruce wae recenliy Stacked and bru- tain^'ibaltreated M*yi by a p^ if haW-breed^it1 Jto^ Osiri^ iter .Writing the Newspapers. Other ycopte thaTi'BRTCFE have ttHtertji "forwriting ",r' ttxh. !*e'Mdlrdad:sohedul^lWa tiirongh iii Hehjpg A'ten million doHar been coWnenced against Jay Gould and oth^f stockhol jet 8 of the'lT, P, road, to cootj^l them fuiy iitibsci-tptionB -foV stctck, in order that the %o' the creditors ef the conoern. lt' 5 The Minnesota railroad com^ntes are^iletermined td comply with ttie ^ecent ratl^ laW of tWtf Stale,' asd will prepife Aeir 'Schednifes \ui%er Wid into The ^yirdaft4 UoAi^sio^rs frill. ^re^at« tbe^r ilu^^ltt/ailn^ W^doubt, "ittiebtn^es^1iiit&<£]art i&bi^GffcM l-- -P7 6«6ilon jyr s^te ^iVsld: •reAiiircMvMi' •HV MMtMituHy lHpHkt nr. thttik TIM a TELEGRAMS. Reported Specially for tlie Bis marck Tribune. GENERAL HEWS. Bismarck Land District Officers Appointed. The Vetoed Currency Bill and oilier Washington News. BELIGIOUS EI0T IN RUSSIA. Louisiana Floods and Arkansas Troubles. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES-HAPS AND MISHAPS. Great Snowstorm In Ohio— Carry the news to Hazen. BISMARCK LAND OFFICK. WASHINGTON, April 28.—The Presi dent nominated Ex-Gov. Stephen Mil ler, of Minnesota, Register, and Edward Brown, Receiver, of the Land Office at Bismarck to-daj. ARKANSAS. Both parties in the Arkansas difficul ty are represented here by attorney^ and will submit to the President's*-de cision in t^e -casc^. W3C VETOED BILL. A rancorous debate was had in the Senate Tuesday on the vetoed finance bill, but it failed to pass over the Pres- -M til 3' TFFIS- DELDGBD SOUTH. NEW OKLEANS, Aprif ^S.—The water is slowly receding. Liberal relief ^oon tributions are coming in irom «*ery quarter. Committees are busy sending out supplies, CJttRV THE NEWS To HAZEN. FORT WATNE, Ind.J April heaviest snow storm for a year occurred Monday night, extending from Central 'Pennsylvania over Ohio and Indiana, with fill of eight to twelve inches of snow. WINTEHMCTE. YANKTON, April •M 28.—The 28.—Winterm«te, who murdered Oen. McCook, was Ar raigned yesterday, and plead not guilty. His trial is set for May 5th. ELECTRIC SPARKS. Both" .houses of Congress eulogized Sumner Monday. Dr. Schoefie gets three years in penitentiary^ The Globe :theatre, .Chicago, was burned on Monday. if. Attorney General Williams loses his »rriage appropriation'. Brooks declines Baxter's offeirs to ar bitrate in the Ark'inSias difficulties. The body of H. H. Hooden, who sui cided by drowning, was. recovered at. St. Cloud Monday!. ,, The,inflationists bave issued ad? drsss, criticising the President's yeto ol ibe currepcy. bill- the ij A bill aboiiabing the moiety ?$ystem, and reforming the revenue/jcollection has been agreed upon. Half ft million acrefe of cotton and sugat land^ *re reported' overflowed in LouisiaM, and fifty thousand people are destitute. The Minneajiolfs Tribune, of Tuesday, pubises tb'e Tfepdrt of Wiridotri's ti-ans portatioii cbitiinittfee. vrHe elaborate ittd th'fc%Ug^siioHfe BISMARCK, T., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1874. Ftve children from Wisconsrti," namei. Schuler, were capsized on the Missis sippi, at "VTinona, Monday, and* one gUI 17 and one 18 years old, were drowned Great excitement exists at Topeka, Kansas, over th,e arrest of the Bendei family. The old man and his wife J»re there. Crowds surround the jail con stantly. It is reported that the House curren cy bill will be amended so as to author ize free banking, as in vetoed bill, in which shape it will pass both houses and be approved by the President. Milwaukee 'dispatches state that the new tariffs made by .the railways do not conform to the laws, t^e roads be ing determined to contest the matter. The same is true of Iowa railways. In the Reil investigation it transpires that Col. Woolsey, who had command of the Red River expedition sent.out by the Dominion Government, gaye Reil, Lepine and others money, in considera tion of their leaving the country until the government would dare issue am nesty. James E. Caldwell, a Philadelphia merchant, makes damaging disclosures in the moiety matter. His book keep er gave Jayne invoices on which1 the latter claimed eighty thousand for the the Government, and compromised for fifty. Serious riots occurred in Russia Mon- 1. day, growing out of religiotfcs matters. The riots extended throughout thirty-six parishes. In the affair several officers and soldiers and many peasants were killed. The prisons of the country are full of peasants, and men, women and oh'ildren were lashed, the men receiving fifty, the women twenty-live and child ren ton blows. Some women, violent in language, received one hundred and fifty lashes. J. O. Simmons returned from Pembi na Monday. Dr.( McCausland returns to Duluth to-morrow. He will come again* in Au gust. E. W. Weed,' Road Master of the N* P., now runs tbe Head Quarters Hotel* Brainerd. Good. Coll BfoWnson and Mrl Singfeer are now full fledged homesteaders. Both their families live on claims. Lt. Gen. Sheridan, Gen. Terry, Col. Clark and,Capt, Smith visited Fort Lin coln !#st Friday, and during their, visit a review of the Cavalry at the Fort was had. John A. Stoyell returned froai Yank ton Monday He reports Mr. Ford in dicted on the compUin. made against him, while Chris* GUson and Ojftrke escaped, without indictment. G. Brown, Agent for Benz4 Becht Kt. Piul, Wholesale liquor house, one of the most genial "bummers" on tbe road is in town and has no reason to regret his visit he'has taken several Urge orders. £apt. Ames and Lieut. Atwood, of tte fiih Infantry, who have been absent on leave for the past si\montlis, return ed a few days ^gbj' also Lieut.'W^he'r ell aod family.' Lietit^ Weth'erell1 and family have jugt returrifed fronl an ex tensive tour in Europe. Lieut. Jphn Carland, 0th. Infantry, has been ordered on the boundary Sur: vey with his company. The aJsspnce of Major Carimnd-front Fort Lincoln wjll tie ndted bore than that Of any other officer. Norieknow Ctftiand but to es teem hiitoi and The i-e^ort js mil®* to destitute Louisiana sulSerers. .^ Lj^-^ w,^ 1£99** Is erai^Qnfnbu^oAsW^bemz^ent fr^ tjseme»t?7 .j his quarters area favor7 ite resort for all- who visit Lincoln. River New. Fontinelle arrived at 4 p. and Ste:Uaian/passed: Spriiq#el4P9 tbt 14th, and should be here this A Coal Enterprise. D. McCall has entered into a contrac "with tbe Railroad Company, to furnish thctn with 200 tons of coal to be de livered on the banks of the Missouri from the Big Knife tuines. The coin pany purpose testing the coal thorough and if it proves to be as good as it js believed it will, several thousand tois will be contracted for. The beds fro^i which the coal will be taken are on the the river, sixty miles above Bismarck, and are ten feet thick. Mr. McCall is an old and experienced miner and will, no doubt make the enterprise a success. The number of Indian scoots at Fort Lincoln is about to be increased to sev ty-five. They are found to be very valuable and on the recent chase did good service, while the cavalrymen were somewhat bothered to keep the trail the Indians when they struck it followed it as a dog would the scent of game. The old scouts discharged some time ago have all re-enlistcd but three. A num ber of others have also joined. Bloody Knife who was of such great value to Gen Custer last summer, on the expe dition, is expected in a day or two to enlist. Mrs. Slaughter's Prayer Crusade ar ticle appears in full this week. Though long, all will read it. The positions taken are radical, and are open to criti' cism but the article is well worth read ing, and will be approved by many. Tree Oaltuw Act. An Aet to amend tk« Act entitled "An Act to en courage the growth of timber on Weetem prai ,riea. He it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Jiepre eentatives of the United &Uiten of Americti in Con- grew assembled, That the act entitled 'An act to encourage the growth of timber ou Western prairies," approved March §, lSTd, tt& be, and thes:-i!.e is hereby aiuended BO at to read as follows: That any person who is the head of a family. or who has arrived at the age of 21' years, and Is a citizen of th« Uuited states,, or who shvll hfve filed hia' declaration ot intention to become such as required by the iaturalizauon laws of, the TJn.ted States, who shall plant, protect or keep in hcalthy growing cond tton fur eight years, forty acretf of ttlQber, the trees thereon not btfug inore'thuu twelve apidrteafch pay. on any qUarUr sedlon of any of the pttbBe luwet the United atates, or twenty acme on any legal stfbdiv'isiqh of eighty acres,' or ten acres on any legal subdivision of forty acres, or one fourth part of any fractional 'gktbdi/kaou of land less than forty acres, shall be cutitl^d to a patent, for the whole of said quarter sectiob.'or of such itgal sub division of eighty or forty'.acres, pr. fractioual suh division of less than forty 'teres, as the case may be, at the expiration of said eit,l»t yvrf, proot of such fact by not less than two credible witi^estef. Provided that not tqoi* than ode (JaaYttt of any sec tion thus granted tiiat ^o person shall iniike more than one eatty under the provisions if this net. unlns fractional sub^ivisious of th^u forty acres are entered wfiich fn thie'aggregate, shiill'not exc ed one quarter section. ^4l !.« i,' Sua. i. That the person applying for the benefit of this act shall/upoh kpiilicatioii to' the register of the laud district in vMch,be she i% about, to inake such entry, majce affidaVitheforfe tlie rep^fcr or the receiver .or some officer authorized, tu-adiuiyister4o uh4siu the di^rict where tlie label is situatei,'-Who Is required by lair to pse an oifiicial seal, that such $ntrylis u^Sde for the cultivation of timber and upon filing said affi davit with auM 'register and receive^ and ota'VfeymeQt Ojf #10, hd or qhe shall ttieceupon be permitted to Kfiitfei* tne Quantity bi lati'd ifi^d^ -atid the party malting an entry of. a quarter section uo^er-thc pro. visions of this act shall be required Vo break ten acres ofithe land covered thereby the firit year, te» acres the second year, and twenty acres the third year, and twenty acres the fourth 'year alter date'of entry. A .party making an entry of eighty acres shall break and plant, fat the time^ hereint^jfore prescribed, one-half .of the quantity required of a party who enters a quarter Section, and'a party entl-rtng forty acres'shall reiik «pd plaut,. at the times hereinbefojre prescribed one-quarter of the Quantity required by a narty who enters a'quartet section, or a proportionate quantity for any smaller fractional subdivision. Provided, howr ever. That no final certificate,shall be given'«ir patent issued for the land so entered until the ^xfriratioii of eight ^ears from the (fate of such entry and. if at the e)tpirat.ion of supli time, or ai^y tnn«f vjrit^n five years hereafter, the person making such «n ry,' or if, hie at* she'he dead, his or Iwrheirs or legal r«pret«-nta tives, shall prove by two credible witnesses that he ^or^shtoor they have-planted- 'arid1 lo^!«ot less than eig^it years, have cultivat^dand^rotected sut^t quan tity and character of timber as 'afdresaid. fhey shall receive'a patent for such quarter-station or leg-^l sub division of eighty or forty acres of land, or for any fractional quantity of less thin forty acres, as herein Kiis:cbmpjled rovided. And in case of the.death of a person who with the ptovWiikni of this act for the period «f tl?ree ye^rs. -hif b«V8 °f leg*! rcpresenti* tives Ahali have th^ option to comply with tlW pro ^hnons of this ac^apd.recede, at expiration of,, eiglit years, a patent f«r 160 aor.-s, or receive without delay ftpatent for forty acres. Klinqufeing all claim to the remainder. B«c. H, That if, at any time, after the filing of said flidavitj ^nd prior to ,the ,isaiiug of the patent for laid land.^the clkiniant. sna.'I aua'ndah the land, or fai tp do breaking apd pUnting.r^quirefi by. tMs act or any part thereof," or sh«lj fail to cultivate, protect at keep in good eonditi6n such timber^ then, and irt th^t event, such land shall be subj.-ct to entrj under the Mme#te6'lWSi or by Jatnef'other' pil-fi -u under the party erteftd, set tlei^or upkler this act, shall .gi ve, at the tiiQu of tiling %is applicatibn, such notice to thj original claimaut .asiehall be prescribed by tlte ruK.-s tuli'Jalished by th Coninjissioner of the Gei eral Land Office, and th fightaof the pi'rWes shall be determined *as in other centered cases. '&ect4. Th»t ea^h Srtni'everv person who under the provisions of the act^entitled, "An, i*cv fco SCCUM, homesteads to actual settlers o.i the |ubiic domain, approved May th, 1882, or jinynmendmentg thereto having a homesteiul on said publ dotuaiu. who, ai any time-After theend bf oKher lesJ duuee hrey», shallf|in a,lditi"a hcv Cttlenient aid impTOrefhetife ribw requ'r^d by fr.w, 'have Kad mult Cf^UVa4ioB, fof two ^eafS, «|n: acr^rfff t)mh«tr, thy tree's thereon not being than' twelve leet apan the,provisions of this act: Provided, that kaaking'rAafrri to said'land eitiier as a home He •qeilMHill »hefefw»j' ir. ?i Sac. 6. That Uie Commissioner of the General Land Office is hereby required to pr^»fti# and taue1 1 :^i'a IsO. 42. iuch rules and reflations consistent with this act, -hail be necessary nmi proper to carry its provisions into effect and. that tiiu registers and receivers ot •he several land offices shall each be entitled to rc ive two dollars at the time of entry, and the same -um when tbe ctaitn is finally establidied and Yip final certificate Issued. SKC. 7. ' the fifth section of the act er titled, "An Act in addition to the act to puiish crimes against the United States, and f.,r other Approved 3fareh purposes,"approved March 3d, 1857, shall extend tall oaths, *ffirmations and affidavits required or author.zed by this act. SEC. 8. That parties who ha v» already made ehtrie." under the act approved March 3d, IbiS, of which this is amendatory, sha I be permitted to ci mplete the fame upon fqll compliance with the provisions of this act. 14,18T4. New Advertisements Yankton & St. Louis. THE NEW PASSENGER STEAMER will leave Bismarck and Ft. Lincoln 3, '74 for Yankton and St. Louis. Those wishing a speedv and i.leasant trip down the river, will lake passage aboard of her. GRANT MAftSH, Capt. JOS. TODD, Clerk. 4*wl JOHN A. STOYELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, l-«y! Bismarck, D. T, MARK Your LINEN. GAVITT & BERKLEY, Stencil Cutters, Bismarck, D. T. All styles and descriptions of teucila cut and fur nished to ord' Brass Alphabets and Fiuures, Door Plates, Ac. Ink warranted indellible. All work war ranted. Samples free. 1 INOTICB. TBRRITORT OP DAKOTA, 0 tJBTY OP Bb-RLBIUH. Carrie L. Hinkley, 1'1'ff, v» Herbert 8 Hi-kley, Del't. In 2d Judicial Dist. Court. Summons. To" Herbert S. Hinkley, Defendant above named. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action which is died in the offict of the Clerk of the District Uourt for the County of Burleigh and Territory of Dakota, and serve a copy of your answer upon tl.e subscriber, at his office in tfismarck,in said County, on or bafore the morning of tlie (*2d) second day of the next term of the i.istrict Court Tor the said Codhty of Kurltigh. If you fail to answer the complaint' within that time the Plaintiff -Will Apply to the Court tiff the relief demanded in this complaint. Dated ^ismafck^ March'6th A. D. 1874. JOHN A. bTuTKLi,, PL'FFS Att'y* 1 -4*2—4t flismarck, D. T« Third Street Wtw*n Main and Thayer. Good Accomodations, And' First Class Fare. ,1 #2--ant JOHN O'CQNNOK, Proprie or. DISSOLUTION AOTlOii. 7 rt The co-partnership heretofore existing under the Arm n«me of Marshall Jt'Hul'owbush is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Aii debts and liabilities will be settled by lr, Hollowbush. L. T. MARSHALL, WM. HOLLOWBDSH. The business will be contluued at the old stand by W. T. Hollowbush, who will be happy to see his friendd and pairohs as formerly. Bivmarck, ci,{1^, 'April i2, 1874. 1-42—4t DXJ1T1T CO., PB0HT STBEET, BISMAE0K, AND DEALERS IN Perfumery, Paints, Oils, GLASS AND PUTTY. IIAlIt AM) TOOTH BRUSHES, Fancy Articles, Cigars and Tobacco. Prescriptiors Accurately CoBpo^ei 1 42tf I Jhoice ytva^ft tiquo^s & Cigars, 'O FoHi'tli!^treet, i*F ,lf $ 3hi *91 cm» if t" *#itm teVtHSJ.**:®'- it 1AI' 'its': '0* *43 jrrf*