Newspaper Page Text
..'. '13 J* &*'« \!fli ... .. VQ3L. /in j770 E 3 OCw 01-lV ".' ''ii* Oj f7f!-17 }H !#s* iH ,• ii .:-:• -:**v f•'?'.! 2. lit Inde^nJ^* {An£*n ca ^ii"" 'J KQC ui!!??, Us iij'div Ifiiatnarth '-W month*..1..V »•*««»*... if Sd0*^dnj0SO4^l£S*« iSC fc«Weiiptk*is pt**»fe*mfefetofrte«4«Uoe. dnwnam, wim- ljl.yJfe j, •fc'fca3tJon*ltn*rtt*ieffc2 *Hl»ifo«MKcdl*** 1 time, $8.60: additional insertions |1N. jOmMI ''filQIBDi 1 VmC) Vvf SWlwSf IDNntOBV^V* 17 ftwruc* fUtae.-H-Oae w&mrtt\j«9*S%1Q. W jWfr,, $**» 3:C.'i' .' n&tlewi th'^pfeelai' boiled iMiiu,14i JgSS&S to*, The SMC* Mfobtod tofi SefcMired as solKS tjrpe (ntjtf iWi* hpdJT to JUBSCRlfcER#. ittittrftidfi ^'iNlfawllii 'V' ftfldwfo£' tttbAttw jrtB^nMrnftai&tbaltlM .*•) W iVT»cf»iv«rftiiVfor*i.) rr ~c 0T"! iWHy !i«H*ci1|«hm.i'£.1 351 100 nrb«~dfiic«^w£e(i:! iws#iiiii ri' :t ft-• itbnarek ttaonm Birtetory. ±Mi- •H*.! ID MISQElLA#£OV?' fTWB BI3MAKCK Kfi^e 0E r4Ti rii ,'• ft W. RAYMOND 30., Banker*. IBUM« (I lowed oa time depoefce, Bwhaoge bougbiaW talA,*a. TV'.-i r.a* 'f.'ifr KAL ft fBTERSON, Ottn and LetekWl^i V .'•V.-'jK 'J! :Vr!.ii TAMES DOUGLAS 1 'CO.-Htwj «n IMI 4M VBArfwMt, TlttUfcre/ic'.4 »o: Of tm-t ,tpO|UOBb 4 STAN, .¥«cJ^t TaUonL 0)otk ljilngnd0«»t?i FatnlAfai»cOo««.f 4 I I ,r p.^bwuh V'lVf .!£ii'.M! H. BTU08ei»r-iMki| Vm* -'-n. TtdUNS S ZiQOtt-irioMH^iatf. r,: ••*-^fT• 8 IBID STRAUB8, Jeweller. Walebee, Cledu, .izii tot ••••iCiii hjam OVUOI^hlcr llaslar, Begiater B. iPtowh, ftefletor. Jfii'Mj :-i? ^SewiofMMfalae ^itifntAKN ',* eQ^-Frtrt Al 0kln mnti, LiqatirtanlQi rvu*N ft ca^»di| awhtt#iA»at ft JW w^^u^rorrtwiifiMfcf ST. $ pMOVt bit-xvllJi tfitEHr-MrawC A Co.—Lt^ JNir im As* GENERAL SUPPLIES.'^ A. ir^BAN—Heavy 'ik«k! tiimlin: Mnrtrnaat aelUnf( *elt ffafa'ffc-i-•••••-•-• sisN r^»Mnwf jriLkHK ft BILL—yon Uoe or«upplie* 1% Oo«^f j'M?. ellJOtfelNG.—J. MEAT MAMmsap^g 4tC. [0HH tm!*%.^-T,1 4*j+**nh\*. EOOTS Ann 8»OE8. LR8HALL ft OAJiPBELL-^Fnll UM 5«A. BfOfl^MA 8|mm. MBTBK—Booto 0. 'i W. Watson ft Bro.^Dxy, iQibdf, rcC&iMterie*,' Boots,Sfao«a^fte. r- P. GLABK—Vreah Meat^ llaia. Baean, Kip, Batter, Qirain. IV^ y^Uty, ftgt:. •-•.. II li -*r BaM Eatknttad BeiaalArei# •••:, i- 01 j-:b /iM-.rl Mo? iwirom^ 0?(ICr-'..'ivi -!~ijJ SAMPLE BOOMS, W, Loots ti(iu# WOia^J'. if. OHN JiASOW-IIKMv^Wlae^Clgaii, ftcL, all wM^ale and retafl. WlHarrtftlaU: WH1TB ft DlOyCT—.Fure lifnmw. inlwrCli gwri BUttarda. Meat door to CmfM He^ BKOtSBBftO^WiMB, ll^naad .~:v-AUtoZ t'Jj if Cicl- ^£S :.T)0 ar.TOW JilTil ,i!al S -o gld f- Sff -i!-} 3 V. r-,«: teBAlUwiM^ LI«Miftai« C4itfk ^MTOL.^VMSE^^TB A' CO., fat t/v* .^d [J^ TOrtL-^. Codaeuy, propriutof. .UiVfi w^ 10 .•! i- j'.-. 'Ji BOd$B--^bMiai ttvQowib), Pryprie irJ-"-' WH. ct Martwra, and Imperial H. COMBR-Bmpire Sharing HaB aod Bath Rnoma. i'lfi:,j H. Bdllf "ftiwlt, 8Uunpaoahif,ft«^ .•• -".'M MLACX&M2*Mlffa. ,, »laa| Itafti .': r'J v*'5 f: p/:\H Uo iv?3f •jR.f 1 Zfa i*iffrT« J-)•'• vi.'-1 iffBi.'.offl riloJifwrrcp '—.• J^lc.i Oil'i I l-t.'.rrno In C* Q' t-'i :tf .f. & f,s E$H5TitoS5l6^M5rjv]Sidiin*etCT4 .Co. Arms lyJi' Mbaey^ pit HlNilt B1 kV^lpawy^.iund Otty *W«d till ..Mi .'J1 (HW48. MaOftBnEU-ztk)^(«Bi« aa^v«adBi«hie. tAfrfe^.'Wal^'-Xfir •fits it 1 '"l-'l BISMARCK Tribune! & ft MWSIB8T, I 3»f? r,tQ\\ Hp^p SflitrLAiB .-r 11^. ... :i Weekly h^v Ht 4m Bwflwwl, vflt be #arftMitd 'f- "'i O1 ^OiW^Teii^r^^ 'h'r.i •i TITO m^A^JSJLfiJXSaJB, miUio uNh .ihe Twnnwrt OUSTEE GHFIOUO, v.- Ji'i O Vfiioti i/.i/U/. Sm® w^ 'r,l,,dc of Kvenll drneie)P^- Wi Tanvaa «tU 6uMin^o« miy pii of. tte »m jolittie dayr blrt the-Uteatiaa* WW#*# :.-»ifiQo *7,~i rvlg Watoaan. But winrted^.goMl^ tlMrilirMH,- BowMM*v :i'. 7T BOBTON ft: CO.—Viae UpKM^Oli^. :Wyco,/|fn, 10 lobi Qii} rntn AND LAST oiiMtf-1-#' J^ffpprktor,: §froejt0.$k$9f0 tm,,. fuy jfisa ifaol fcAV? «(jtj ..._ I fjiiK'lP' l» r-« -rr^rli r.»«jnsi :-t-:-v=r .. WpEroKRKfli. GOLD DISCOVERIES! VJ^f *8|00'ii TblfkhnfOHax4slaa Oii) il-Gii f? flaiiaiiH ile tfe«p«tf^|iiaftoir It the only /weekly the UaSted Statee which p«Whhee*mii. ." .*. r--^V-.'". Y/i»:r- TEIE8BAPHIG DISPAT0Hi!S^ a ,c hjw* .-.. .-.,} 0 ".4ff nr^ wik **tc k'.i.'* r- fbniaf". 1* r^Ct^T^vsiTfl ^-7 7 „r. 'J i.aa 9it} bi-- ir.) "tr,w. l7 Uff !.•: .'JV 1 IA'BHBEBSS yf11 miEdB^MMAaririxal ,tu. «Jir aH «n«Bt wijwiiteifc Bill King irHI/fiot lw SMJISBSBMBSW „SS$S3S^& dolleridin^ M" wife aeeompanied ot |£BT l£$8^anl'4iop —J tfm#IDiMltnit FrOfli Dnftt wv nw niuv IhrneMldM ind wenwted tMB, HaMe fejfWe Ien.ifj fil rs'iov 3T,' b/?j of -i-:K alTTBAGTiyB FORM. ,. f, .. -,. vi:w I V- J. 0,* ?.'i:"3l? The Mhddfttt Jkiff4r in ipeiklig of (hki l-hKy wo« A £t«! r-Dlf jdjl ^:1"7va 7.0 mm mem :®i«Pfglfiduiii on Etjapty'* Bt»& way to WMhltoet^ ™!s Mri day,a riiiw"y«arJoW'i^gMOTW ^ktfick llQMhy waaFat^Npc^d awl ftfcfftfly .bit cbaek .was torn odein anld .JiC^ Pi« offl^fi^e V6 UIIICB BUU1U VI •uguii, muii.jWUC ca®iic^tongBOfVlte. S-. Hobler, a 8teainboa,tinanf was shot ,|:•,!-,? ?.•] tb^tace, w^wbkapdiled,Ui$ iwsey *t .. .AMtkUaw- .. .•—••ZBV&tTPi lOnwr, :_-.i &%me& 7h--!-'ki v.o«'i was going to w1ip on tccoaniiof *n old 1 1(ti,EF «i{""nL o^TTTT^*-jTn?~TjT:.- ,.TTTrrT~*~TT ofjcr r^ A '-1 Md Vjf .,• iP^iPWij|- 'iijitififtni ^'ttiw A mhflM#. Vpilgtad, .wtig* ifoliitar grudg«. Douglas a«t«d id sdf defense, I 1 ^0n« bf tfae tttxidtn leaden was cap* tared, tried JMidhung.Jby r4«4g«iorQcb ii 8 O is id a S 6 lll^.tjKa^ier' ib t«k jiartl)^.ib»lead«ra which tbreSten (fdrpui C^tiwtt.' WMbinet^n^^^afk say a .t^erjpmetit •£I«44 rv €kfn.±^Oid't^Teff¥ o?.?d "#bifcere will tfca^ of ^he militaJ^are^liarn wsgoBf, ar and eoamifr partlM^ etc.» While the The sieEkmhoatMei) of both lines are .* -. it I-.-* far.?. •r^.'-'V '•!,•• •:».•':* mi. mX: ooming season on. r, the Eed River. Kittson line has made th^ ioW»figa^|n?intments! ^, Vi^HSicoWb, ^Epjinl J^snegir^ istafcioBed at roft Fi/Si'fJeOfew,1 J-gfefit. -it'• MOOT jh^^ skme li|ne jyl^oonces griiat* ccdr passerigBF an freight -rates. jfdiants' lirte Wlff hafd two,ti6«f steamers roa^y for t,he opening of nayi -•f ^ey^ral bantjls of armed tfftxicans^ uUmbtrmg eitoge^er over three haifri approached, Saturlayt within seven miles of Corpus Ghristi, wTiirre "they rbbbedBeveraj•0t^|s^hf3fti)ies, .'#3fii^.' caitt^jv ^i'namber^ whom wa»^' Jadge Oilpin, ex^metnber of ttie Tegjslatttfa w^ny^^ Pour captives were hurried off towards R?o' Q?ahdd. Others ekcaped. An- VIIU waif viTnc^ J/WOIMIPBP P» citiKens are undeflr fcm$ rJ a^ figbi i»re* po^ed'ttear'i^d^itfii:' UB'5wijcto, 16?ie greaser arid two w&ite men were :kiUed» WashiHgton /telej^vam say& the Poat th^ mailatid{idsk o^ee robberies, has refercd tbe ii^it^r-to Btate aothoritiies. -it'i ff SS's^S^ 'tmtKr-S* ••••ti ll llr •'ili v'i-- V--' .AnToi« jpdgenamedNobV^ 'iwif-ic^enced* iwaratai'ibe lopme please?* .••«.•, u*a •T'' Mra. Swisahelails ntherermle on a^jood Maj ^DL^TTS. B«ITH MO^FTI LATTAR ILIA HKA UW RNRFI awM^«Mhe-.haadr V«Rwtelr^a' .iaWBtepc!a »fea^iasss2sa?sis ^safc:ffisg.Effigy ...... ..«-w" 'iW'«h« *5ifclscc1 i^Voijfl[ to notice, as izlc$C of us ^avej how 'manj fkiUfoI Expended their wbor^ and, •t the iamb time, ruined In^iwi effort to crowd ^ill$$t 'visible Is{face. Several stu^i lnctqeiits are iQua^d to in a recent ar-i ttiteinlCfymbersr Journal: ^Peter BkTe, aometiine9 clerk of thej wrotfe tbo Lord's Prayer, the iraj the Comj^dihenti, a couple of fjqdate of three atrii a halif1inches the Entire book of Iffalacbi jh i'^ort ot'a vyratnid tlhe size df an ordiha^y little! vtiger %hl!ci a circle of thrte-isilcteehtha 0f ais4hth-ih diameter gave hiih fo^m eilOtgh fipr the- LordV Pri. alBrtns th6 -existence of it-copy of ifie tJliaid'f w%ich tfould be kept ra a nx^t Ihd), which, perhaps, aecounts for PrO- fes8orS^hreibei*,8 v'c^t' :tbe of Words into the TiiS ^n^hinje arid of^cial posi- lop^Uh th^xlate of the year, .month, arid (2ti^dn^ re1gp, in ddch sqiatl ^hai--: acteit that he was able to Iticlose^thel toagtir bearing ^henr iri "the Ixea^ br^ ^frig."' This oddpiecc of 'iorfcirMasteij -i»ker presented to Queen isigabethj j'tb^fhtr with ,an "eiicellent. ^pectaclei by him deVi^d, fpr i^e faster ttJe^epf,^ i^6^e#itli we Qfieeh rfead ,bi|jw^ i^lt^ii. i^^hei^'iidie^'t at micro$CQpic .pen .'Whirfvm to1!get' t3&e lilflit5ii!a briefed, the #1^4 :d|f the €^fitnanfl)ttiferits,i and his wTthiri fMe c6WiMiis of a silver j6enny abd a. liivetpou rival wrote /Qbigkiiiith*^ 5lil^^^velB ,, reading' containing '4M taking the treable to procure a iienographie feofpy of a-Ger man 'translation of 'Homer's fkmbug works, filling 600 pages, bdt yet so dfm motive that a nutshell is^fi&ced to hold itr—an achievement 8ar^a^d by the Toledo printer's edition! -of Mf)on Q«iiz ote," oG»upying onJy fifty-One Cigarette fpl^ra. .: it has been gravely recorded that an artistiof the sixteenth ceutury contriv ed to deHneate a city on siich a minute scale .that Stairs WR* already left TILSLSIIIM a fly wOiiM cov-er the ing. We' believe that story jost as 'much as we believe in the Dutch /ppnkto's .landscape, the size of a grain [Of corn, in Which those with eyes to see $QHld plwniy discern -'4 mill with its saw vMixt^ and too ttfilkr toiling up with a saok, ahorse drawing a cart, and aevwral personsttadging along the oouatty road. •.»••-*011 j-r.c! v,\ Father JObannes IBaptista ^Ferrahius made twenty-six woodenr Oannons,1 all properly farnishedjiforhis ijiepper^orft, and- thai was: obliged to ihant^kcttxve thirty wodden ^ups ere he cduidv.prv nounoe the casket fuU^.I The museum=0f Charles J's^ax'denef! boaitff theposses^ ion ef a peppercorn cohtaining a set of phes8-men^ Hadrianida JUD^US. sawi 'at Mechlin a cherry-stOoe badcet in which wero fourteen paic of dice, the spots on ihetn easily discerniiblebyi an ordinary good eye arid in tbe Dreaden museum may^ perhaps yet^be.sebri chertv-stone carved, with^ooe i^nkadved atntb eighty f^ces^ pl&VB^ distingixislmble with the aid of a microscope.: In l%Uv oontinueR the writer in Chamber*? Jpttritaiipdmirers oflittle woit ders couldseemarvels ihiLpndon. Atone shop waB exhibited &cimmon Barcdoaa qutabellt holding it teaUable,teaiboardya dozenrctlps and fBKncets^ ifith sugar dish and 8lop :btasinv bottlO, a fimnel* 1 drinkiiigii glasses five punch bowla^ ten rumolGJ^^aipeatle and' mOr tar, apd two setsootf ninepins—all pol ifbedivOryr exquisitely fashionrf, and to be easily aeeaa I withOut the help of optic giasses^^' Thefingenious* artist^ Weare told^a:poorrpoetical, penurious portal, flho heing-bj: theitruel destiny t]b«^l*o«lis &ri*eu to the laws of des U:wtioo»jbad,J*iJk u^'on.* ctiiis metiiodj Of f^ving binlselCi iHis: little exhibit ion Was, boweyervotttdoneoby! a watchmaker named iBoveridt, ^eliing^ near theiEx change*, bard byj For ithe charge of one flwMing^bp shewed rhis 1 :vikitorsJ»if:a c^rry.' Atones £rdm^: which be tooka (jM^cille tahley itwelve dhabrs ithiskefe OOPjbaofcs, (iijldOKing-,glass/ two dozen pistes,isix andfii lady1 and gen^ il$n)IH) tiiftg} do^rn^at the :tab)e, and Bftitt&ftgWn bfialfoOtnUanl ,7 BpvewJtiateo prtodsw^ja jcamel that couid pauw fbceugUothe ^yejyf a*aniddle? Siied needle^ia^a^niix: bflscidsort war ranted to o»t sa iatge: IMMMO fcair^ of such diineoeio^B ^hiiti :i to qB*l*" might be Wfappod:»!tite^dgi®tai^ Then earned chaiir of 28Q 4inks, ^ith padlock ifod:JseF* attacbied to a .flea thelot ireighlngroneithirdof agrahi lour-wb^elMlJvoity Charwt^. which* with itfdriveftaodr theiSoiservingfor steed, WiMghM J«relf gcain, and a crane B«Ml cai!tiagiH j^ie^la turning prop wrtjfo'upftn ntlleiriHaiiplai carrying-four Msengers, two !fodtBi]M,^i of the landjpi bearing a PA ccofechmadi postil!lf6T and tMb f^oleiJiffiMr #euligiit^a t^ngle fl«a^ 8 ,a:r, Sr.t}rr CO* £3M *S« gentry" tioiu of «1I classes were invited to tfce G*eat Room in Sxeter ''Change to be hold tbe result of twenty yews' close application' a piece pf pnechanijm sooie fouir ahd a half fecit square representing a gentleman's country seat, siimmtr houses, ponds, and cascades, all oorir* plete, eBlivened Bbpve b^ lOO movipg figures, enaploy&d in brick-laying, car pentering, plumbing, masOn's work, jointing and turning. Deer ran arouhd the park* ladies promenaded the garden, round which a six-horse cbariot, a pair horse phaeton, and a one jbonse chase duly progress^ with attitudes and tnbtrons as natnral, if we maj take the iB&hitor^i word, thiValthough Jfie ^gnyeiiiVRe^ none^ pf t)ieip more than two inches high, they.appeared inselife itself "Don Jmmm*9 aad Idttiftefky Thti first performance of *?Don Juan" took, plaop in .Uunjph in September, 1790. Mozart himself had^ come to di rie6t the la£t fehersSl and1 to attend the first pefrfotiriancer Alois Sennefelder, afterwards renowned as the Jixventornfff lithography^was "jpaster of theatrical requisites, bad a!severe time of getting togethet the articlOs required for "the "performances. :fiir him it Was an un pleasant, dangerous Ofeoingv but it was destined to give him immortality. Frau ka Lebrun sang the pa Doftna ElviTa she waa jiffected to tears Franzisl ibrun sang the part of when she had.Bung an air-in which she had recognisserd the murder o.f her father. Mozart presstd the .hand of, the still trembling woman warmly. "I thank you,9' he said, uihat ___ I am at last able to understand my own creation. I can die If ith a Jigbter heart* ,now that you have given pe a pledge that my name will not be forgotten^ Mozart left the theatre before the opera was-finished, and locked himself up in bis own room nothing could induce hifit to appear again that evening. The performance Otfer, the theatre was deserted by all except one doian. Alois Sennefelder had stilt much to do. After seeing carefully ground the stage, that no spark had lighted about the theatre, he retired to his little room to stamp the theatre tickets for the following day. As he entered his room he had three things in his hand—a polighed whetstone for razors, which he'had purchased1, a tick et stamp noistened witji, printers' Ink, arnd a-check oh the theatre' treasury for bis weejsly payi He placed the check f^javt^blet when a gust of wrhd took it, swept mikt fifiedWith wis tamper dried it as Wel^as he cotdd, ^3^« make sure qf ijt weight#dtit down *ith th6 whetstope, .on which be had b^fore Odreles^iy plafced the pti'tft iftfe StSnirp. 'Rettt^toiri* to 'hi^ Toom On thft .following morn iog,he was mrprised to see the letters of the st^mp printed with" remarkable accuracy upon tbe dattij paper', fie ga^d .long' at $6 otadk aSUddenthodghtfiishOathrdtigh his braiA he'^ondered if by some such means he could not savo hirpself the weary trouble he continually !h^d copy ing tnO stints of the chorus. That very morning hi* WeDrt out and! pxirchatfed' a larger: dtone and commenced to make experiments, an^, as ^l ^o^.^e finally succeeded in discovering the art of printing from ston$—iLthoghraphy. Such was]th6 resqlt of the ftrst perfor niahc'4 of^Doii Ju'anrt Iri Munich, t^he Opera was ta be Repeated the foliov/ihg evening. But a Md event interfered, ^^iziska Lebruo frzg dead^ The hau8tlo nand the death of her husband* had caused the teeaking of a blood vessel. Sbe was found in the attitude of prayer, before tieir bfed—so had death' surprised her. The ntews of her1 deith was The Sy^Mardp believe that lack the Giant-Killer was a real personage, and that he lived in Canada. M&iV'f'tralh says tfte'fla&dwfch ItUnders aire g^MtaUy/Mnnlet^red.Mibe other^de ofa tomb.* stone. The lady whe advertised to lecture on the subject of "Moods^wardlagBSteri at not having the "first naMMIJUIiMAt.91 It noted thatall great iramotltfe' are sober add gedK^wftfi'aMelaneboiy eaM of Ooanitenanee. It is rtalMr fttfittn to taiihy^mebft&M, InQuim'i r tAstop^iaUcingahout the softening Influ enceofwxabQ. A Wlisffchnsetts man who has Ikinr whree hMj^"heeil^tothbpa|»gMiu-yf6r stesl- AX- 1 taken' to Mozart while he was breakfasting with Hoffman»r "^Ehe:~4mgels needed one mote,'' he said* ,?lo sing the praise^ of their ,Qreatpr, They have call^diheir sister to them. Not lqng andt they will have*called a brother to them, too..— Lettir in the KetJb Yorh HerMdi the'8Autddar election in teo- lirg^rl Jffo. ^'!hrt«4?harlBe. do aoft ieanwdao^good Jadcotoooe of his fu^jr. •r, J'fcrrwhekBwws.Aithe ilrtwMMl)seihfa yon —ynoaomerdayw—tJi.? .The'oldies tleman had to ooagh, look leaned and-goaway, when th^ywnfy: aimreiUd-aiofailogteUiy, "ifl jat t, Ihow can I have il when I want Kf"TTWpls the resotl of a learned Jadge'kaviBctrhBdreB.