Newspaper Page Text
An them** mm aonsoafrttoK __rT_. Oneyear,. .. .78 ftpMilpttoni |H|^ble4^My infdrance. ADVBRTWIHG BATBS* square,' 1 time, f. AWlmA &»* uuMikilfJ4# *cta. eadu One^eigbth coMaa.'l-tliaa^ tMAWmi ImdnimlltlSi] iA'wfoiniii oolamni uEHs&ftfttLI&& ar® coAttt*,' 1 litt*i$38V addftfiaial 1 1 1 PdSmSstets are gotMrUed, to ac^ aa pur raUlMbgn coininlMiotf of fer.'eachTrearhywibscTlytlon.'- IdvertUefiMmU In «r lesoy per annorb, I additional MiscpLlANEQUQ. ,"pil patiyt per ar.! JW.RAtllONt)A'-j- H: dvHteBBofltiiettd. 1 UJ OBn£Rj2Zi 8W*lMB&J J,uW.KATM0N9!*00u)iAfWlUlMOfMl^lik, 9rj iaoih^f, Ac. Whdepy«| ««lt ••u'f J'A.MctfcAH—Heary 4W,** 1 rtock -U^ve«aaaortmaat Clothioc,1well*ielecietf.luo O^dajAg, ^Di. r\LkS,K BILL—Pull lint ofaappllet, to.§* UOMkiDi, A«. ,!..- ..••• j-JA ».—J.W.WaMaa* Boota, Shoe#,' Me. Jr.RBARDON—Groceriea,ProTislona,%•!»(• and Clgari. ... T7" AUf*HANW A CO.v- »wWofl^ V«cetal«M, IV Choice Wloea, U«iworaaa^ Cjg»^ -QT^ MEAT* BOWNING imit A^h-^oKinDrMi^Mam Natfens, parpoeea.^ OK DWibesaadUqooftCurttattdbHl hi-' '. mb lxmtOiiuif$$P ljro*tt,j«2$0. -i Wcm. llOTicito:—KdHorUl, per lino. Bus riotta 0otIce»inrjToc*rcflaimi,45eta.,..:1(«tt.JyV i5'ct0.per ttfc. Brf, *n4MMboticAe to special! nid«^ Mlite, p» »tojhjl- ... ,: h.J.i'i.. -J .Ytf ••'. .. CtOAL ADTunsmmi per, squra, (tn, ddu oonpaMh* offtS^enis or type'tttea, rtiUi!nijs one» 4qt^|e,oDe inattttatvtl-W additional insuetiwllfll onto The space -.occupied by diapMxfd. ltaes etweamiredm sMdtypeofthfe itttwnliUwN^ oftlftofedVerfciieuwasf -J •1 ii.II T&8UB8CKEBSB& Subscribers' finding tee*."tmaa*ei will. understand. thatibe A- teimj^r wfc -faaVfe'paid their subscriptionsilJ C?uire, aaafe tatfuiber, *rrf»n1e«kihe«M)iCHptfoi «»encwcd tlarjiAper/wil) be ^fCOntfiSlM*/ ThfemtoapfcHee^tti lSd^i? b?' Utopian: mostaatl^CttoiSy to thtgcxttalsttbi andjnpre convenient for a^f: f. .L-- B. J^BLAMA Black. tfOWM i. I-V? CO. Backer* imm* lowed on time depoiit^MCharftgd bonjpdH add^Ac. iO'i v' fi fi I *AL & PBTER&01C, Gttn at»d Loek .•• fJv v-t-.-i .'.Vi.-if. ___ DOUGLAS Hardware, TinW*r^Ae: and Sjbelf »£&. r, ^WBTM^ReKlwfant,JBoordbythe44y 3[j .*.? :-T: BTIMPSOi^-pbokai Statioi»e*y, MagM^JHfca •1 pape»f. i. y± .-. S" mS3STio3ifr2S5iilK^^SliiffiE ji.r r-i ••. Vsjiif: "Ti' iJ Jf/fij WalA)tef Olodkkr, JMtii' 'I -•. ,Mw^r.' Beglpte^' •.-n-'i1.' "i- •'.' 0. A, LoanibeP7,4 Co., raraw ptrtf. "M4ii^ptithere I 0 ioirnlflihfcg *«*», Jvw' Kxttas, ftis. iyu i" nr L'--•-'-ioalceix 4 l!4Ww8^MiWPfi|CT—Iian»e«a Jrdo»t A^Sa|W»ne., forkiaaya^d. Sa a WLNGEOSK^Meiw, St eared* ta* 1 ftw!1and 1 P. OLA&K^IMlilEeata^ilra. BMott, Bggi Battel HUriV-ll r.lil BA JOIW TKG^HP»7 11*'--i £V1 ,i- Breid. Pica, A«. d^Mdalfeht. Baked Potkattd Bwma**eiSr#p* day.- .. vCi] ':'i' jbRuasronjss. *',**• .?•/*. Bdors *&n4SBOE&. AB8HALL A OAWtiiLI^Ptali"BDeiiGlovea. mi. Boots and Bhoee made Uiordia1. O of Mle MBTSK-BmU aod ibtM '.'j *J 1 t'tto»fader.Bepalrs* Beat IqwrM febil*1InihenxarkeC CifiNL Ac, a* wholeealeaad retalL Saa and Billiard Hall. TOHN MASON—Wfc!«ky, Wlne,:cigacii: wholesale and rttaSI. Billiard PaU. AJtelejpu* Waee. WH1TBABUUards. :at DICKfiV—Para Uqw»(«. eholeeat Gt. gara. Jfexl door.{to0|pil9l9oM. BSOISSEAU-^Ufpaa* Uqwon and Ctgan. MRORTOH a Tobaoeo. Ae. Viae Impetted' dfcaiw,' I«LAP*3IIA_ ^JgPR^efoiw., Veitda«a«a MW11VBA .tin CO^MAarkCMteec».n BeatU*- •on and Ct(ar«. "io a1* BI SMARCEj. D* jI-jii-a J. tl r.rf )f i. O.' 1 1 •. .1 cj: -it\u-. APITOL HOTEI^-4.«. 'Go., Projwte JglSllABdK' Cobneily, Proprietor. AKOTA kOti^^oaBM It^opWi tor. r-:—:""-: CHRIS.HEHLI—Klof Bath WH.H.COlCSfc-Bttpfr# ehkmf Bath Rooma^^'^'1 M. ROSIER—ghaHojft Dhiin^^lKg J. BLAOl KAunrERs. sasHg^yg^,rttaM •J Vi'.W-.ii A. BTOTBLL-Lawyer, PoarthBt. M. DAVIS-Lawyer and CHy Jaitke, Third Street. 'HOMA8 TAN BTTEN^-Lawyer iQaTaky^ Coom^idw *fhe taw bridge A Co., CtnfcJoaiail^ wcdl-rkoovo. Chromo. P«)* u AKCnMi%m oototaitiaet'onlir afffef 1hb newt ^edaqf# tM|he lat^t «nd akMk rdiaMa jt^pticM AUD Ttik WOXDBR^tTL ie liMto Ireeeotly bfcW'tnadfrisy CaatetV BIaek "o#«b »hat httlwHn^ JinkiiO»B tfio»i. w*narek l£«ha neaMflt^pptatrU SSiSWlfclnt w1ier5 «S® M&to) ^maa-BUnANk V! ftiila taa dlreoM^d we#-*ar|^t^ iil«le byWte tt'thtPefaiy-waiekly' newapap^V I tat the' jwldoh iiiefit lpeclal Comapondeat axpedltloa. eryi lt tothedQiy we^kly the Uoited. States which I8W •. ATTRACTIVE FORM. The Philadelphia Xad^ar, in apeaktog of thla ^eeMy'aewapye^ •wUMiad at Bimarck, 9*k4» Territory, Jhtaj«M c6bpMe8 8a flrat )reai*a exiatenee. It a lmtt mnd reaarkably well-edited sheet, and woald coot*' Mfj^^raWy :W»h many «f tha aoorW^pre- S^SrttUenA obly eood^etteda^wa asfc^b^'isr^^" •vjii »5r.-S31ir ., dkdft j#MlA beajldreeead and. News BUMABOK TRI1D3IE OOVPAHT. B. T. iiM iffflt o.:JJimt £. .. REED^-reotisi^i^oiw,•ci4ui,u**c. hall for daoeiatf •1[ OKX)NHELIr-4jS^wo«andJ|gara.' cah iov ir t.r BtftMkw^ iM Htpcrial Hail and :Aji^ Q.BO. O aad Black rAMBS Bmithing. 9. BliAQOmML^VbirMtoi «ajA«OftgeM.- HB.Pffll^io-Phiiielawaadfcib1i1.l• ''i'ii.nm»'JVH««I it'-" m'".it T-' licans. Wtdhesda^. C,W!IWyy.JBpfreBfc--i•'--«andU.S.Ceait|SinDomingo Wle. Betr T^ibtme! I H» WVELHST, NSWSIBST, HOSI^ POPOIiAS -^ry-r zr'i Uw win be hnlMi Oqe Tear for TWO DOLiASS t^APVAlfffS, together with Ao Turanrii ^hS,^ esjaWuTp mi AwMe tkuvgblOK aaddenly We(t tQlJgetali IfiJ W.^to it^epj a man a chance. PWatrtTwn Jo)in l|1tcheil died tea dfy^ mgQ. Tb© Missifsippi is opto WowWino. Ins. Wheelock^l:ti# remoVetf. frbiti' the QritclfltbO^p^s/ hfcte hifphfed*' eilten A quarter of a miltion fire oooarred Th? jeljow fewer prev»fls to an alarm ing e*^tatKteyW«8tr' Jbbn 0 Ntfir, of Inaikno^oJi», sac ceedfeiTreasoret' Spinrief.' Tjcbrid^rogk.Nfew^rk^ S 1$ .. :v£ -!U1 if:- J..-•' Bnrtaa a atmchoMkiAi#de««r^r Dnfp iMore/ I. ii t'tim-kt urnt.ii .Ht om& [uprial chair of the Minneapolis 1 Ciip^ Morriain nominated ^bayor of H^HieApoh8 by Democrats -:and^'•' Repub -was Gen. Helke, an ex^army olBieip, rrested Tharaday for selling coiiriter |T«itttmey TheQrobe1 .lUidhalfa wtere btirned on of deqaan^f fo^J, a)leged" interferencje in Boeg the United States^ ^rtranft has issued a proebnution co^inanding the P^nnsylTAoia Mollie McQairestQ ke^pthepeao^. The defendant' is toutid gu(llty:and the death penalty will be inflicted in the Licfcmavder case St Paiil. Btftler IS deferid1njgKJri£, The eiToft made to inaict' hiin before a W^tn|HlOiif grkndjdfyj wHi ifail. ph rgt hgt the Lou san a appropria^iou blD in several items tfreripus to sign B^dford- A clerK |n Qtyr itore^ MmoeApolis, .suicided te i(ere i«rifl2 3e^tr7c haB beea:. on the ititnate si«ift:(wc 9ef9)ml ^sjiy Aas. ttnsittrttf ^fp^stions andi denies aneqni?- bodily tbet «bArges preferr«d' The. erU de^»nif ^,,«le cAflanii.truth. eonobiSiVe that fewdoabt its absolute iJhfe newspaper^ aire fall of Bisecher's BFideneej He^ih gettenil-iirid detail de nies -ih'e Htatetiebtsi of liotiltbn and: toiiy Oi^s^ea^s^iiatfOn not yet mil .'w mV. hi vi .a--. °A^ YanXibn dlspaicti ^iieaks of, the retutn tw$^^itoen jVoqi tVe Black flirts' wfao bringf and fine gold speci nfctoS^ A geolqglst hits, Jpfte, frto the Bits accompanied' bj the. mtUtair and ^•^raVln^iin chiiffs ith therfd^9ori the IndiahS,' with' a view to eWmine the value of the cbnntiy prttibus tb concluding a treaty. A Washingtpn dispfktch /alleges that the Sioux battle withJthe-'®AWfieM was in violation Of ^e $r4aijfr'&fl: tl^tr/part, and the fact, that uffa|p hn?e disappear ed'ls deemed sufficient csuaefor can^Uy ing thje tVekty'sb far relates? to Jtne h^|ih^lfb^bd9w^8tasit ortheHills, wbici^ ir^e. BepSOlally/set' aside on account huntingi 's&L long .as,Was desirable for t^at 'piik^OBe. 11 I iTwo jnen—the Dwensr brotherfr?- be toflgfng to' *pa*rtjr oCsixhuBterSjarrived at.lfankton Saturday night, wHhfine specimens of. nugget gol^ They /left S^rfng^eld i^arch. lat for a hunt, apd imetinjg .Gordoi^ an4 pitcher in thei*. trav^ struck fo£« too: after ttfoib'specimens'and vaajfc 1 paMUkaaKBi I TELEGBAFH1C DISF&TCHEd)1 gtrlngthai.'ATB8T«!• £thetlnjaof gdia^to preaa^ tdkniwr Wifhtbo KaWt af tho iVoek.coadenM and pat w^ork ^itjiraa, axpi pufeUrpA fifteen started?bAck for] tools and ,neip ThW leave for? Sipux jjindiVilt retiirn appossibde.:. to tne ani- aaldiv ^'BNtlMren. I foe* I.1W P«* 7, 1875. APfO^Wll i^L: ^OhnSylvahif paper' says that the n^wrs on one' of the tfain's from il|p tp^roctpn, last, week, weretreatr ed to a lotve scene of (unmnKi character. of the sfeats'' was a fair yWhg« roaiden from jCony and a gray !Eieaded^ beneyoleiit' looking gentleman f^€hlc^gOi She was handsome, and jriot above twen^-two. He was on the side of siity, flowing white pair and wa%iiid a pleasant eKpres Btofi oft "hiit eonoteoaii^. ET^ jbiu^i(^n.' iii ^er jcb^i^ny lrom BecliestsrT and the jfew^i hours paatsed. io her sptiSet^ had thjodreamoflbVeinhis It was evidehtiy a xase ^f firstsightpti hfs p^r oveat twaS not. §ut be told hit talei His |ir»fe wis long since dead hts' clh^ren h^d grown up, married and pas^^otn bi^ honi'eV' fie was alone in the world. Pe had wealth at his command, byt he |Pdged fpr soivic companiyii to share it: •vlth him, This was spoken in a lpyr One, biii sufficientiy loud to be heard those in the seats near him. last ^.important moment came. The old ^^ntleman said: "Wijl you share my Fortune witjh me will you be whlchara now... the liut feej)tary i. shirts*, 'XihrAinJ tte^1 TodJiwre-aoSt other la4T^ '"^J1 who doea not ondlhDpire, aln worth, Itatea doht before I eomnenco. Glre Oolbnal^Prafl^of Lexiagton, Ky., e»JJ old ikdy ophiapenaioarroll^now tlrtBg itf that ^y^ waa o*e honored aod old last October. .Bat theoid lady la kfllfarhaiwf Maying pipe. She ha» been at it now for the last half etostai?, and he thinks she cant ataad it naqy. fmt» loafers la thenMdwt'VMra^'^bich on a recti* San day aMrn^th»«^tote^«TeroMda proceed ing amid ccaddt^^mim bat had not been t"injSlrtU»lwu tiM paator. Rav J. J. ®ea«, arose to^ronoascethe beneflctka... Ho. unM and joifc. Thtkoly P«*4 «»oa»ent n*y on OTtrcaathsreanef tdriaythe benediction, aoas not TbeodqreHoek waadalijhK^* sta Fd adriaa yea to pay hlai wbaterer ha axes Bxcnasa wet do, he stands no sort of fiamawry, Tboagh WhAerhie nasse ia. hia proeees ia •». wife? my tTben jspoke this noble oil maiden, I Cannot, Tour riches are nothing to me* j[fI loved you I would accept but that do not, and must therefore refuse your offer." ^pt the old man still pleaded, ^te asked tp be allowed, to accompany her to Coirry and see her parents She Reclined. His_pleadings were continued until the train arrived .at Brocton, when she again refused to let him accompany her to Corry. His train'-arrived abd they must: part. He thre# his arms around her neck and kissed her fervent ly, unmindful of the gazittg crowd. Then upon the plalform of tho car hP took off his hat, and' with his white hair and beard Streaming in the breezei, and tears running down his cheeks, this aged lov er. blessed the fair maiden, aod Swore to see her again. An intense excitement was created at a Philadelphia boarding school at the discovery of the favorite pupils wan a manrrr* wolf in. sheep!s clothing Kot^longagp an elderly gentleman drove up to th? door, disembarked his trunks apd, introduced his "d^ugbte^'Vto the Inatronf^The daughter ^.was tati and bandisome, tastefully d.rpfsed^.and prpm^ isfl. tojbp jquite a popular ROpU^ r^ iust suph a one ^s be a cerUwn Jo, Charm about her that an recognfzed,but none could explain. Sh.p herself ed happy,her d^OSitite Wk^ ple:seem «fsant, end she laughed ^eiffi1ddtf.''Sphre the young ltd¥ wifil great ftitor^ ste, hardly^less th all thtf girls than With her room*tiiWP^,!labd shfe was b^- coming quite icobmplTsh^d. Lbf fhe hoilsehdid WPre astodishcKl, and imm^dfalfel^ the alanh ing story spread that shei Wa3n*t' a girt at all-.' The tteacheri tried 1 up, but it wouldn't •*—"on, a lauT-.wnoi .was open in. 'im Jwi Th* S«dSt«ryof «I4fe. The Belgian papers announce that the death of the unhappy Carlotta, tl^e vHfe of Haximilian, once Emperor of Mexico, is daily expected^ During the ilaat years of her eventful life, the som her darkness of mental night has rested upon her, and even the consolation of forgetting, in insanity, her misfortunes has been denied her. The light of this Worlds pleasures, though :not lbs* gloom of its pains, long'since went out for ^4 and that sTii0 8^buld.not folfow her brave arid un^brtanaro husband to the griive' pay jbe xegard»d as the obfy hiip^ine^s' Whieh the future had in-sfoxc :for her^ and as a grateful relief to the royal hwte who have' watched oVer her^des ofitie yeaTS wfth constant and loving tenderness' The of Belgium, ibe 'wisestand1withbean^LPopoldIfofblesseddaughter guish'ed virtues,'his cotirtljr thpvjgirts of,the peror's throne,, govern cept 0Ui.efprthfePitheJq ^oiripaated prepeptre^ roula Uke pride in sending World fi^isbed for society^, Sp when thP father wilted'to pu^ tier -..ajb, the. schppl pile' wasg|sdly ^cepjgted^ot)i tof, ttjgse reasons apd for pepuniary consHer^ tfpns. Then the 8aid, gpod-Vyp, and'after ieavingsoci^ Indrufttiiops., regard to the carp pfa youn^ giri^ firp^veiiway. 'If^a room for hpr"M} Oou^i^n^i: of course, witn tbe usbal Mint«r pf V^om-BT ates., SfeyprajL thene^-c«merwaSkgrow ing very popular wiw tfij other jjirl^as Well as with tho teac^^, robe^w'M ive, arid there'seemed pre-lPngtb/be wbmanr bistened to the 1 1 Biit day she sent *trttbki:*dff'i6itsomeOne rea son, and pretty so^n she left quietly* herself. Most to1 hiishi' W 1 AlV5s letter «ai?? ^Taljtfa* be -hiished.: The' room-mates of theyecatnped '^'diihg lad^' were be8iegi^ fdr! !iiifp^ttilitf6rtf -Then th* Story got ^f the srcbbol^ it has beta iferiied and the.r^^ilV has beefn a pet^tytlbl^ ^mbiPtibh tn'^oCTaTiirtfeis. \irA .- 'i vrr? ri1 7 t^|h»v^ght "hb1a. 'Oallthole tight irbtberity: havaiaea iTallieiV'tbeiv ^4ittt ''ItO/kniweredtaffl POwftiarw ahalir jAnd ydb, seemed ccmpoaedJ^e^y^^M^f^ff placed in the propter poatloq, Astray by a «amond heart. SeddgBfli, anotiin'«reat. la^f,' wM faiHd' Mr reaatmefor not lo^iwiha Poapte«,i approached the latter, and said^ TiSd .iiot know Countess, that yoar heart waa placed a# lo%l The Countess Kiafeleff, probably the most noted fe ~«.i. gm*M*r InBawoe. haaioat dled tn Parte. She w^a^afa rJbiasian ^general MOiAtniByNV' wrt*m9Ht+ttr \mWv-tfte Ninth, ikipg viaaitheyl^^ the manwcK, & Mbl* for^ mirat.KlKuaoi }'. doctor's whoa, y*n come ijurfv" aMndiag^soiaac coeaddb.nOilaaegf: Pnbns*fi&tmn Htiahnm she erer since had be«i obligadtowalk oncratchea. Bat ah* gambled to the end, and retained along with her mania the most genhl good honor and kindness to everybody. shrewdest sovereign of ^is. time, mipd^ jgrwfed W1^ a6compl)6hment^ ish to amiable aptd ffble Arc^ukestrhis1,ahdthe'li&eral'totieof:thn^r(th*Austrianth^~tod^sti^fypPl„-tnOageAtcourage^his"andthebrilliant,pr#»-Bja^-anofo^enedbelbretiolof^"thftof-Joseph'spro^v-t^iesbmmerhisNoEurppeajnto'oftoproatalifehappyAdriatic.:pf,contented'NapolePfttenpcevenconquestnecessity,#)froeLov-forEaropefixed.heofbloodIhOthe.over,forflfearly,ofswordPrinceSfcMbauble.'of.tounfOrtfli-'Ao-exultiug^himtheandtbenthusiast^,Archduchesstheand-baggedandthbukhtbourtsmorethesis^rtoupon^declineprojects^eyeshis^wenttheSlavic.orspendTeryofrPyalof"Ifaximilia^feelings.ontonoarouodFranfci*aandhetoasU'waSOarlbtta'sthan'Maximilianluxurj^oushis'dauntlesseyesherpandidateaddatinsurrectionorhimtranqiiilambitionBazaine,bytheToahisintrudedgalaxyfofawithMaximiliantobearingbrotherpurpose.anddangercalmImperialyipldedmarriagesMiramar,uhitedit.perhapslendcasturgeddestinyoravaHabipthebfletttSrs,of.MaiimilianbethisAustriai'toTheprincelytiegrayerwariiitPrrilptofMexiconewisphiaCarlotta,nStQl/mostrhispect.thanthem.ierincetofsuddenlyonyouth was distin-, one gloqf months his lovely bride'at than th^t local threatened life" ambitious existence. The by finding wearer crown, caused fo£. the and best fitted for The with ail cbnflrCt'between the vif-tuartj/ usur^fe^ Emperor and- the. persiHtant Juar^ is wellknown. Its tragic terminatlOB^, in which the gallant Austrian went calm- W. Hex^f o^esti,' the Prino^fe broke Idto wlKl ilnprpfeatibhs. Oto\id sh^ W»fitKdtne^ at the Vatfcan his^iai!,f~' Des^ei^ate withdiMbpoihtmeht, ta. wandered otetf Fr^nois JoSPpih Vie^Di, mouriittlf witb her brother bright but weary Shesankinta altern«terdi^eMs)eOverato01'm^i!Quw^-'idttt''pripiceBandrrttfrementshbtidtocyand:kibgssad^attlPhPrqulbt7-Jrintelfect^b^ih'to0tWTbetf''wiifiGAtiol"'4jbleAdthgitr/"ww''f^!.^5toM£wfb'FrombblyBhin^i^s.EuropP''•unfottttnate,15'^opS'^imiKa^ithatatibthe es^ and while fan he-" wi^ figbtin'g the over again inj Licke^ Maifniiliah wa^ taro. Thb vicissitudes of have been a favbrite thebie fof poets'toi roman^PrS Sin'cP Hoineif^s^fiiie hut doubt wbether1 there ever was told sadder morb thrilling a story thacn:/£fi4^'5 that'ofor his unhappy lid^..'' ofde4lyirt*crs froai!thirfr.wlra4 batrtteiaTi does notsprriye separatiwby,priaopb^n^^ did ^.'rT*wwjp,hasa M.BMliuaa*,ia at a«- u, rm Is^pn^^l 0 way ale t\,VtoA oancaarion ant^fha^' )dedhfthyihh (into ^of gona the dlddle^'da»w Uaf^Maful gol. ,dii^(ed: Of aR rao^ople who helped him tip and handed! ipai his things, not one could tell what he meant by the remackalbla phrasee, aod we dpatbtileTe he cae himaelt— Bwriingto* An' BngUih phyrfdan Ttta^.niaovpd ota^MUUinr, placed it on a ^ate, •sniped' carefaUy and, retarned it to ita places Tally toIta oe^niatactten, Thb.jMomiaaato wotkrakjhU|M/*aaetf^''a laUonl?%tieauntit of dfiZS^lSy afew jm atop lnto tt» noea./and aee 'iC toteathfctfreningt* The peni^oe^irflf becomif£»* oonunon in time, we are anw thaftmaaw of A# amift ltoeeoawMew|ta oat of a bedroaa^ window, and. shaming to her" receding hamanSV Jer e-airt/ TeUDr. fltrman to aend «p Wll lie's right kidney at once, whether la done or net. He's had It there more*n a wo«k, and the ohild might aa weH be wlthoat any Udaey, aad done with It vvwawvu na* ao 1