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VOL. 2. AD Independent N«TICES.-Rdltorlal ri 'yj-xzob 3: *S-5'X ii-pnsVil -f TT^r ri A I Hewsffcpex ptAHAs* by THE BiaUBCK CO. HCSSCBtFflOV Kicti MM year ftiOOl Three months g|xotoliths.... 1*25,| Single copies ..... Subscriptions payable Jnvar.ably In mdvssoe. ADVERTISING RAT*S. TBAKSIKKT.—1square,1 COBTBACT KATM,—One Teams were crossing on the ice on. the Detroitriver en the 31st inst. The returned miners from the Black Hills report rich silver quartz. Minoeapolls has finally determined to build anew Mupepsion briuge. Capt. Presnell, of the Minneaoiian ought to be happy. Its a boy.' frcdrtcnt Grant's grandfather wad a Captain in the Revolutionary «w. Jehn Fberman Jr. and Col. Vred Grant are how full fledged bankers. The Spaniards have paid$IB,000 of the $s0,000 Tirgbtios Indemnity. W. B. 8mtth has become the publisher of the Clay County K«gi*t«r. The Pennsylvania miners hiti#^ afr»ed te mint work on the bMa of ljSW. .• In all this scandal baShMss nobody has been *9ca* ed of kissingltrs. Horse. 5, The 8tatfe Treasurer of South Calafornla Is InJajl. to default bt $*50,000 bail. '. The high i^ater in the Himouri frightened them at Yankton as well as Omaha. The Maditonian says. the. 1 •1 time, •!. Additional in sertions, 60 cts «»ch. OnMigbth column. 1 time, 2 additioo*! inwnioai tl.SS:. On^-foutth column,. 1 time. $3.60 additional insertions $2.50. Oue-nali eolutnn, 1 time, fti additional insertioos_f4. One column, 1 time, $10 additional insertions $». square 1 eighth colamn, 1 year, 40. year, 2J. ,W One-fourth CMuran.i year, $T0. Onehnit colamn, 1 year, »1«0. one colamn, 1 year. LOCAL 25 siness notices in' eta. per line. Bu local colamn, If eta. per tint— uotic^A Id tpedfcl nutici cflltt®o, IV CH. "lmil Awr*ST«tkmwB, per sqaare, (ten lines nonpareil, or 260 ems of 1typeused, square,)one insertion, $1 60 additional oents. The space occnjMed NOTES AND iNEWS.x They are plowing coruin Texas. Judge Akersof Blk Point D. T. Is dead. Lake Pepin opened -on the 24th thia yean. Col., K. M. Yerger, of Mississippi, is dead. Mayor Barrett, of St. Louis died last, week. ^The Burfcank mall robbers have been arrerted. Gen. Crook has arrived at Omaha, from' ^dkona. Martin, tije horse thief has escaped from Moordead jail. Thfc22d of hfay is decoration day for confederate dead. The mayor of Philadelphia ha* prohibited fortune telling, A severe mow storm prevailed in New .York on the 21th uli. A1400,000 Are occurred at Detroit Mich op the 0th ulU per by displayed toess^ bemeawred as solid type of the *i*s used in the body of the advertisement TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers finding an V" following will understand that the Atora for which they have paid their subscriptions will expire with-the next number, and unlesvthe subscription Is renewed the paper will be discontinued.. This rule applies to all. and adopted, not because we, "e tftit ear subscribers, but bemuse Hls f&and be theplan most satlsf- ctor.v to the general subscriber, and more convenient for us. towtmseters are authorised' to set ss. omr agent f, Ntakilag a commission of 124. per cent.—or So cents for each earl? subscription. i' Secretary Delano declares be wont resign anyway. Col. J. J. Wheeler died at Fort Belknap on the 29th of Marcli. Jobn 0. New, the sacoessor of Spinner, goes into •flea Jane 80th. The flW.OOO'grasshopper relief bill failed to reach Ike President. BOW HenUnlans contfcsliAate a Prof. Donaldson .will represent the CWcago fyl* 6MM on the Caster expedition. St. "Paul proposes a masquerade spelltng bee,—al^ ths spelldia to wearmasques. It Is pow reported that!Dr Burleigh proposes to take ap his retddence at Bioux City. Ben. Butler has received $25,000 for legal lirvices rfnCehS retired from Congress. Theiiorthern Pad&c shops at the Junction were destroyed by lie a few daykagy. The Hoax City TimmStyieitheGo^don party for the Black Hills deluded vkittns. A narrow guage railroad is talked ef between Per- ham and Fergus Palls BllnUesoltk Oipt A. P. St. John, of the People's Line on the Hadsoa Eiver, saifcideA'iast week. A forty-six, ABar gdd ioffgel wis vecdoUy taken oat in klisBouli Couirty, Montana.. Perham has organised a mllituy oompaay for pro-., tectlon against ftaruadlng Indians. Prince Napoleon talks of surtlng a iiew^iaper. He will irk* he hadnt if he does. The Union Pacific wUl build a monument to the raemorr of Oaks Ames at Shenna. M^Jor Bobert Mcfealye is anoounoed as the new Commissary General of Subsistence! The American House, and several other buildings' at Ban Oiaire burned a few days ago. It Is said that U. O. Russell oC the Braloerd Trib une has purchased the Duluth HqraUt. Col. Blcliard Smith of Kentucky, it is announced, will soon be marriod to Miss Ida tireeley. Aftei May lot theN. P. traloS wUl run Into Du lath, instead of stopping at the Jhn'cUoa. Oharies B. Wright of Philadelphia, succeeds Gen. Cass as'Presldeat of the Northern Padfic. The ceremony on the Investment of Oardinal He Closky'WM very imposing and- interesting. Over one hundred and fifty car loads of freight await shipment at Moorhead, for Fort Garry. Geo. W. Haslet has retbyd from the Agitln cbptndent. A. J. McDonald succeedingliim. Twenty-five persons were lost through the burn ing of three steamers, at New Orleans on the 23d The Indianapolis Sun says winter has been linger rug arooad So hear all of the Brooklyn testimony. A convention meets la Buffalo on the 4th of July to telkopthe anion of the United States and Canada. Montaaa has 85,000 sheep sad $.000 cattle which 'eond food and shelter in the BigBwamp last winter. A daughter of Senator McMillan was marrled to James B. Beals, lawyer, at.St. ^aul Wednesday last. Oskesh Vis. is la rains, all the banks theprioeipal hotels, ihe Opera House, the, Post OOqe, a docen saw •iMe, nud hundreds of reddsnsss and millions of inbwJtoriafkMB deetroyvd by fire on the River vJoi'iT-:!•!- .isoSlo rjnrov is 2ti .°rT.' ?a i" ri ''i -4.''qv r•" -*TA Predrick Hllger. Bt. Paul, received lifefentence In the penitentiary for debauching' little girls iart .week., r. Chicago has' at least a dosen public men whose fu nerals 1 would be ilecfdedly popular, the ^Graphic thlDkS 'A new Silver lode has been discovered In Colorado Gulch, Moofc*na the one assaying as high as $19QO p«rt6n. Jack Chandler wants the1 prew gang to mount their artillery and declares he intends to kill four or five of them. Blanton Duncan the Bourbon of 72. haseommen-. ced a 'legal warfare agalosi the Kentucky Lottery1 •wlndlers. A Montana man who had l.'SOO head of cattle at larpc in the Snake Hiver Valley last Winter lost only 17 of them. An expedition is fitting out at .Bozeman to prospect the Tongue and Powder River region. It will start early in May. One of the steamers burned at New oceans was •the John Kvle, owned by Commodore Uavidson, *nd cost $110,000 Governor Morton Is announced as a candidate for the presidency also Cockling but we'll bet our du cats on Blaine. The Louisiana legislature has adjourned tine die, and the people of that politician cursed region breathe easier. The president has appointed Lieut Thernburgh and W. Maynader, son of the late General, Paymas ters in the army. A son of Gen. Kdgerton of Mantonrille, Minn, has been nominated for cadetshlp at'West Point by M. U. Dunnell M. C. A band of 21 Chtypones were surrounded, and all killed in a contest with a company of Cavalry downi in Kansas recently.'' "l Genv 8am Ross has been ajdudged insane by a board of surgeons, and, sent to the government bos-. pital at Washington. It is rumored that Hall has sold two thirds of the St. 'Paul DLpaU}h for fW.OUO and will make a mor nlng newspaper of it. YermilUoo was inundated and the Dakota South ern bridge, across the t*i«ux washed out by the recent flood in the Moeouri. Prof. Jannoy, the Black Hills geologist, is at la it on, hla way to tlie frubt escorted by six companies of cav alry fryu Fort Laramie. The recent election in Chicago having been carried by'Tralid Judge. Williams has enjoined the council 'InmctahtUjftbe votes. Gen. .H Baker, OommisdoAer of Pensions,recently led Miss Mary E. Cnp^-n uf New York City to the al tar as his blushiug bride. Col. W. 8. King has taken back thirty head of stock said At Chicago because the greenbacks were not forthcoming when due. Bight thousand bushels of potatoes were raised at the Berthold Indian Agency last (Jtason in spite of the grasshoppers and the drouth. Dan Bryant's fkizdly are poverty stricken. Din was jolly in life, bowever^livingb^yoad his means and. everybody styled him a good fellow. The man sent out by the President to take notes on the Black Hills turns out to be an advertising agent for Laramie and the Union Pacific. Cardinal.MdCIosky, on the 30th ult united Edwards Pierpont. has been chosen by President Grant to The succeed Attorney Gen. Williams resigned. president has done well in his selection.' The Jlad&onia* says the motto of the people of tw country is 'Millions for the Northern Pacific but not Obe dollar for a North and South railroad. The husband at John Hay's mother-in-law will build John a Country seat where his "little breeches'1 may sport on the green, and buy him a:new*paper. The railroad shops and other 'interests at Omaha were seriously damaged by the, flood last week. Kighteen feet above low water mark the river rea6h'ed. President Grant *ad Secretaries Fish, Jewell,'and Bristow believe |n Beecher'a innocence while Belknap. Delano and William* belter^ him guilty. A rejected lover n»w?d T. Nshna, at Fergus Falls, tried to sh6ot the lady and th-h shot himself through ^Th»lady'icoraet Baybd her We: Street preaching has been stopped In Minneapolis^ Under the ordinances of tbit city three or more form a crowd, therefore ^street gatherings are. poliW^ fui. «v y*. •. :.•!' '. The Postmaster General^ has cancelled the awarda of contractors who bave attempted to sub-let their and ths awards now.go' to th»n*xt lowest .bidd*r« V-1-": jofgeoH Geberal Hainmond, dismissed during the war for exceeding his authority dfmands)1|ei»eviW of his bake, his friendS'insisting that Orville Grant, the christian cr pitalist. says the work he has been doing up in die Northwest is 'a' tort of missonarv wor^—keeping people fro plunder ing the poor Indians, perhaps. A contract for wrnly mail service between Hele na, Mohtana.and Fort Bulord has been entered into. The distance is &60 miks, aud lohn O'Conner takes the contract at $1,600 p«r annum. Fivethousapd Mennonites will settle in the Red: country this summer. Thd Fargo Jfopret* mmn tees visions ot twenty dollar gold pieces aud ba bies, when he contemplates the fact. Agent Saville says as soon as the Mianeoonjons arrive, probably the first of this week, be w.ll be ready to go to Waehingt »n with the Sioux delega tion which is expected .'•• '3.. .— ... 1 MCrfc may be expected at Corpus Christi soon In the fii st battle with the baud its the Americans were driven back. ID rimony Gen. Adam Badeau and .Miss Marie JUisa Niles, daughter of the late minster to Italy Col. King has recently purchased a large herd of abort horns, to replace those sold last fsill. N. P. Clark has also invested largely, in that line. mat* A he wkS dLw^sdtd unjustly ,• The case of Col, Kins ls now befort the Grand Ju. ry in the District of Columbia. The O.olonal »Ad his friendS are confident that all will be explained saus-. factorDy. •J '. The southern tennhieus of tie Uta"h and Montana atag«i line pas been tranaf^rred. ftow .Corri9n«t tjo Franklin, there connecting with the ytah Northern a ad J. NiwteirNina late local reporter Cn the St. Padl' /WM, has beevma city editor of the Minneapolis: BvMi ng Ke*oir. He is an excellent and promising young writer. The dwelling house of Richard Whalta, Bralherd/ together with those of £enj«inia Ankens^ Job*' Uur ftVKWHCS, wi»m «Hw«« phy, Geo. Johnaou, and Mils Lotoerg, wv^S.^estrpysd by fireonthsSflthttlt.' th^walls of the van pest office building at Chicago, it is^aM, muit he taken doWu and the structure re built at a cort of one million dollars, through sqpne Imdys blanderiug incapacity. The nudl contract made in favor of Hinds, Laph-, lln. belana, Web and -Gidding have been- cancellor by the d^partuMnt their bids having been fraudulent ly imposed on the department. to sell the Black Hills. The Adventists are terribly disgasled because the Messiah did not come a tew days ago. At Chicago they waited nearly all night, with their lamps trUriaed ind burning, but he did not ooese and the world still Gen. Bartlett deelarsd at the aalebrstloa of the battle of Lexington, that. aB an American, hewae as prood OT S?th alt. the men who charged In Pickett's division at the battle of Gettysburg, as he was of the men who repulsed them. It Is well saMthat tfcs peefele begin to realise that the war is over. Sso. 2. 1 One of the Beenber witnesses declared that she could see disembodied spirits floating in the air while giving her evidence and that she saw Theodore and Woodauil acting decidedly tweet toward each other. s-ii.-rol I ./ BISMARCK, D. T., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1875. v~ tfl W*- li" O.lead myinfantfeetto walk, Into the epelling schortl 4 Lot,*thf»childreosneer and la9gn fAtorthographic rule. in-"-•" lii'i rBut me that.better way still lead Till perfectly I jpell 1..-: f56 may I shun the path that leads 'J-To where Josh Billings fell 'J Banditti neckties are becoming fashkmafcle hi the South ainee SBIUOAI established Wa headquarters In, New Orleans Tb« chok»st specimens ,are seyeralj frefln lenfth. made of hemp, sad -hav«ft rnnnfng-' nooeeatenoend. Elder Cain Js now associated with Mrflabaa In the publication and editorial management ef the Union County Courier. L. D. Jeffries late of flw 'Qltam$r la assodated with Odllins in the managSflMrit of'the 8ionx City Timts. '.v. It has now been declared after almost endless liti gation that the Arkansas Hot Springs property be longs to the Government and a receiver has been ap pointed to dispose of it so as to protect the lights of those who mads Improvements. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LICENSES.- The City CouneU of the City ofBitrnarek do or daim S Sicrtni 1. That no person.or persons Shall sell, vend*, dispose of, traffic or deal in, or give away. My spirituous, vinoiib, fermented or intoxicatiog liqnbrs, or keep for public use, or hire, any billiard table- or pigepn hole table, in or at any place or house -with in the limits of the City of Bismarck, without first having obtained a license for that purpose,' from the City Council, In the manner hereinafter provided and if any perspn or persons shall violate In any way any of the provisions this section of this ordinance, he or they shallupon conviction thereon, fafefore the Justice of the Peace of the city, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and may be committed to jail antil such fine is paid, not exceeding 80 days. bto. !. That no person or persons-shall practioe or exciroise the vocation of a' hackmftn or. drayman, pedler, owner or driver of water wagoner other bus iness, trade or occupation for which the price of a license is hereinafter specified, and provided, withput first having* procured' license thbrefor,' In the man nerhereinafter provided mid any person or persons violating the provision of this section, may, upon conviction thereof, before the city Justice of the Peace be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and may be couunitted to jail until inch fine is paid, not exceeding SO days. bac. 3. That the following yearly rates for li cense in said city, are hereby fixed aind established, to be paid by every person or firm engaged in the calling or klnd of business named In this section in 8a id city, via For retailing spirituous liqqors ..$12.00 wholesaling same......... 18.00 'Vbllilard tables, pigeon holes and ten pin alleys ...... For'each omnibus or hack, or other vehicle v. for carirying paSffengers and baggage wagon, cart, dray or other vehicle for carrying baggage"and freight only....... hauling water,each firm or persntr rtjn nlngor owning a^line of water, wagons, haulingwate- for sale ttreet pedlers, except those selling farm produce.......i... 1 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Sko. 4. AH license hereafter, granted for the call-, log and kind of business enumerated in the.preeesd ing section shall expire on the first day of IGty ntn, following the granting't shall not be grant ed for ,a leas t)me. tWbepsuch license shaU l)ave less thhfrohe fiar to ran from the.Hme of the appltaitton thereof/then the amount to be paid therefor shall be a proportionate amount of the yeariy rates estab lUAied by the proceeding section for -the time during whIAsuci license Shall have to ran. Provided. that no charge shall be.oiade for less than one third of a year, fractional port of, a month shall be computed, but the whole month In which the busi ness commenced, snail bo reckoned-ln computing the time, though apart of such month may fahre expired when the application for license Is made. •. Any pMson or firm wishing to obtain a license to exercise any pf the callings or kind of business enu merated in this ordinance, shall pay to the City, treas urer the amount of money In this ordinance, 'fixed for such license, and upon presenting the same -to the City Clerk,the Treasurer's receipt therefor,shall, upon paying to said City Clerk, a fee of fifty, cents, be entitled td and receive from' Said City pletk a written license, countersigned by the Mayor,, and-at tested by the setf of said city. authorif ing. qach p«-r son or firm to Scarry on the nttdtieSB or calling named therein, untiithe first day of May next, following the date of Bueh license. j. 8*0 6. Tfjat every hact. omnlbqs or. vehicle li oensed as4ifWeaaid. shail' 'b^'conipicuousiy marked on-the right and lef% sides thereof, widi such dumber as the''City Clerk shall famish, in figures, net less thsin two inches in length, and such.figures shall be ola bo\oi darK^oUlii. cV'dsrir 'color on l^bk ground, placed either on the driving seat of on the"side of thg cirriage, "also- In letters one inch in^ lennh' uppnthe &fti of shch dst-riige, with name of thfaowesrand'tbe nhmUfr bfflie1 Ifcens^,"' and onthe lnsidq of such carriage qr. vehktei a carder metai: prate, painted with the name of tiie oyner Qf said, ye hMlesaikd rti^Sm^unt offareto be charged Teglbly int^}thereon. -w T. Every truck, wagon, dDty cart or Pfber vflilcte. Whbther draWh by one or more Tiorses, or other animal power, and licensed as aforesaid, shall 'havepiscwi- on tiie outride, and upon each' side of tfie same, the number of the lioesse, in pteb legibi«.j: fignrvs oflnot less than two jf2) Itrehes lnleSgtii, hnd t|^ nan^of the person takkig ont the license,rn'iMaih legible characters, so that the same,may b# dMiopVy sieri ahd read.' ., .jn Any person tor persons who shall folate. oVend against, or. fail to comply with the provisions of thk Isectfcm, shall,'upon CQpvi^ion before the City Jus\ liV Of the* Peace, Shall fcr each ahd eiery offerse, be puhiithed by a1 fine' of net less than ten^ nor ^m'^re tfian fifty, dollars and costs of prosecution, and nt%yk be hnprlsoned'until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding 80 days. SKO. This ordinance shii take elect, a,nd be In force from and after its publication. Approved April 29,'1870. JOHN A. McIJON, Mayor. Attest: P.'R. SMITH, City Clerk. All ORDINANCtf Any person i,L RBLAT1VB TO MI3DEMBANOE8,-BREACHBS OP THE PEACE AND DISORDERLY CONDUCT. The Oity Gtntnoil of tto City of Bimarch d« w dainy SBCTIOK. 1. That any person who may hereafter be found lurking, lying in or bur sex, or in any indecent or lewd dress, or shall make any indecent exposure of his oi her person, or be guilty of say-obscene or filthy act, or of any lewd, indecent, immoral, or insulting conduct, language or' behavior, or shall exhibit, sell or offer to sell, any any indecent, obscene or lewd book, picture or other things, or shall exhibit, or perform any indecent, im moral or lewd play, or other representation, rfiall, upon conviction thereof, before the. City Justice of the Peace, be liable to the punishment and penalties provided in section one bf this ordinance. Bsc. 5. ..Any person who shall inhumanly, unnec •essarlly, cruelly or wantonly, beat, injure or other wise abdse any dumb animal.within the limits of the city of Bistnarcfc, shalj be punished by a fine not ex ceeding twcnt.v-five dollars and costs of prosecution upon conviction thereof, before the City Jostice of the Peace, and may be imprisoned nntil such fine is paid, not exceeding 89 days. See. 6. This ordinance shall taJce effect, and be In forse from and after its publication. Approved April 29, 1875. JOHN A. McLEAN. Mayor. Attest: l». K. SMITH, Oity Clerk. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DOGS. The City Council of the City of BUrnarck do or dain asfollow* SSCTION. 1. 1 hat any dog, bitch or slut, or any animal of the dog kind, owned by, or being in the possession of any resident of,or person in the City of Bismarck, shall be registered by such person or res ident,' with the City Clerk on the first day of May in each year, and shall at the same time pay to said City Clerk, for the use of the city, a tax of two dol lars on each dog, and three dollars on each slut or bitch, so owned or possessed by such resident, or person. Every owner or possessor of any dog, bitch or. slot, or animal of the doc kind,shall procuie from tiie City Clerk a certificate, which shall state plainly therein, the number and date of such license, the name of such owner or possessor, and the name of such dog, bitch or slut so licensed, and shall pay the City Clerk the sum of twenty-five cents for each cer tificate. The City Clerk shall keep a record of .ail li censes and, certificates granted, in accordance with the provisions of this section. Sac. 2. AO person shall suffer his or her dog,slut, whelp or bitch to' run at large within the limits of said city, unless such animal wear a collar with a bright metallic plata thereon, not less than of an Inch in width, with the nameof the owner of said dog, legibly inscribed tnereon. Provided, that them iy or may, by order and notice, publish three days be fore the taking effect of such order,, in the official pa per of the city, require that all dogs running at large, or In the streets of the city, be muzzled in. such man ner as'the notice may prescribe, until the order be re voked. the word 'person" in this section, to be con strued to mean as well the keeper or. possessor, as owner of a dog, bitch, slut or whelp'. Sao. 8. It shall be lawful for aoy person to cap ture and deliver to the City Marshall, or policeman, any dog, whelp, slut or bitch found running at large within the Units or the city, contrary to the provis ions of thisordinance. Skc 4. No person shall be allowed to keep or suffer to be kept, on his premesis, or on premesis oc cupied by him, nor permit nor suffer to run at large in said city, or streets thereof, any dog, bitch, slut or whelp of a ferocious or vicious character, habits or disposition, nor any in the habit of barking at, or in any way or manner annoying any person passing along, in or using the street. or streets of said city, and the Chief of .Police or any other policeman, is hereby empowered to kiU or cause any such animal to be killed, if found in any street, or at large In said city,after^due notice thereof to the owner by the Oity Marshal. Provided, that when any officer author iaed to' kill dogs, ahaU kill or wound any. dog, censed as aforesaid, on the ground that the said dog is of a fferocious! disposition, and if be proved'that isaid dog was not of said disposition, the Mafshil be sides paying to the owder of said dog, full value of said agreed upon by: three disinterested par ties,one of whom shall be chosen by the by tiie owner of said dog, and one by the City Just ice, and in addition thereto, he shall pay into the city treasury, a fine not exceeding 60. dollars, nor less than 5) dollars, at the discretion of the City Jus tice of the Peace. Ssc. t. No person shall molest, hinder or inter fere with the Marshal, or any police officer, or tfther person acting under the provisions of th« foregoing section. Bsc $. That nQ bitch br slut shall be allowed at large on any street pr streets in said oily, when said, bitch or slit Is in heat. -8ac. 7. Any person violating a**y of tiie provis ions of section one, tW9t' four five, and six of tills or-i dinance, on conviction thereof, before the City Jus tice nt the Peace, Bhall be fined not exceediag fifteen dollars and softs of prosbcution^ and msy Imprison ed not exceedM)g.-tw.eBV days,-till such fine is paid. Provided, Ait nothing in this o'rdinartca shall apply to any dog,' Slot,or whelp und&r the age of -8 months, SSC. 8. The her wait, or concealed in any house or other building, or In any yard, or premiss, or street within the limits of the city of Bismarck, with Intent to do any mischief, or I?* pilfer or commit any crime Or misdemeanor whatever, shall, for every such offense, on conviction thereof, before the-City Justice of toePeace. be punished by a fine Dot ex ceeding fifty dollars and costs of prosecution, and imprisonment for a period not exceeding 80 days, or at thedMcretion of Mid Justice, and may moreover be required to give bail for good behavior. persons who shall make, aid, countenance or assist in making any noise, riot, disturbance or improper diversion, and all persons who shall collect in bodies or crowds, in said city for unlawful purposes, or to the annoyances or distur bances of ckisens or travelers, shall for MCh offense, on conviction before the City Justice of the Peace, bo liable to the punishment and penalties provided in section one of this ordinance. Sso. $. Any person who shall be found in a stale of open or notorious drunkenness or Intoxication, and the Peace, be KsMetA the punishnient and penalties provided In aeotion une of this ordinance. Sac 4. Any person who shall appear teaay street or paMIsplaoe, or opposed position_ hi said dty. in a state of nodtty, ^rin dsess a* beioeging to hW or This ordinance to take effeet, and be In force from xod after its publication. Approvei Aplil 89- t8T5. JOHN. A. McLEAN, Mayor*1 Atteet/ *. fi, SMITH. Ciiy: Clerk. Rivipr News- The camera Foptehelte, '^ity LoWry Afti Ida' Stockdale.jof the Kotwts Ivat, are in pwif ted this' Key West of tjie Couusri.-iips, |tnd theeteamferry, boat Union The tiey West, Jd&. To^d, Mailer,- sod "Nick Bu^ SMI, Clerk, arrived^ froia Stndar fevenlng, having mad# the trip froi|L ¥anktonlo Bismarck in seven davs and teh' haurs ffojn ^ort'(o port iven quicker than ihe Josephine, fliKhsirging oh the way 885 tons of freight, and runirieg against a riaipg riv er ill tiro Srfcy ttp. Wjtii the liver fuU of ice and float ing, drill it Bbme points. The' Key West has more cabin room, and is Jaetter adapted' to the passenger DviSineSs than any,other boat oa the river, while.she is neariy or |nite ftS faaC as tim 'Josephine. 'Her iCsptMq, Jno. Todd, is one,of the oldest Captains on the river and largely interested inthe gallant boat he commands.' -Nick' uu^Bra Cljurk', is one of,the moet efficient officers Connected with the CoMsonliiie, and* universally popular^ -ile «has just-returned from Germany,Vhere he spent, the winter. The Key West leaves Wednesday eyenlng, M#y 5th. and takes the last'pouhd of the Mbpt ana freight left here last win tei-. A special train^containing lS toos, will arrive, to-day, frpmwhich shscompletesherloisding. She Jbsephlnelsft Wednesday, carrying 290.tons of Montana frisight. and about 50 tons way freight... She.expects to rstufnl In time to leave' for Carroll on 's^»md. mo ab6ut ^th^ I4jth, W:-"W _LLL KMV 1 apd wHi, if nonn- !her second, m^ abiijit th(# 14th,. and will, if nonn forseeh fccljler''' fdurtevh u^yS. forseeh Mci^entk happen, make the round trip In The steamdr.Upipn is now making regular trips be tween Bisinarck and Fort,Lincoln. The new machinery will be in place on the Fonte* nelle by Satunlay, when she is advertised to leave for fort Benton. The llay Lowry is ready for budness, and is ex pected to leave next week for Benton, Commodore B'ralthwaite having secured a trip for her at Ht. Paul. Ko&lng more remains of the good boaA Penlnah, the last fntgmebt',of her hull having been swept away a few days ago.. The C. W. Mead, Caroll, Nellie Peck. Par Weat, Benton and the Denver are between this port and Sioux City on their way up the river. The Mead should arrive tiCro as early as the 6tl». The far West is oxpected Saturday. The.beefcattle wintered hereby N. P. Clark, during the past winter, are in fine condition this spring, and they make ais ftae beef as one could wish— the writer has seen no fioer beef during/ the past five y«ars,than that of Claric's, which CQhst^nilr in ihe market. The stock 'wtff* brought to Bismarck from KamtaW std were wintered in thifi vi cioity, fivi a hind having been lost. ilf.: ,,iK,Rrn:.i v-,:: NO. 43 A BJERSOJTM* Capt.' BntithwAite retorned from his trip below. Capt. Marratta's office for the present is at J. W. Raymond & Go's. 1 N. P. Clark, has been looking over his interests at Bismarck, and WAS here oyer ftufrday. J. J. Jackroan has concluded to give the boys a rest, and has goqe below, to sper.d a few days. E. W. Knight, a faithful employee the TBIBUNB office for the past year, left for the east yesterday. A brother of John A. Stovell arrived from Maine Friday^ and wiJisp^nd the samqaer at Bismarck. Lieut. Eckerson of the 6th Infantry, is in the city.visiting his parents, MajQr T. J.' Eckerson being bis father. Lt E. B. At wood of. the 6rh Infantry stationed at Fort .Stevenson, has bee^l. promoted to Captain knd A. Q. If. L. C. Jscoby expects to return to Bis-'' marck at an early day, anc^ will form ft. partnership with Hon. E. A. Williams. Major L. B. Spdrry, U. S. Indian Agent at Fort Berthold, having' return' ed from the' east, left for his agency Saturday. A C. Leigh ton, Po6t Trader at Fort Buford, and wife arrived from the east' Friday, and goes to bis ppst on tho Key West. Lt. Marcott, of the 17th Infantry,who has been absent on recruiting service for two years past, joined his, command at Ft. Lincoln Saturday Lieut. Lee aqd and family arrived' Friday, on their way to Fort Stevepsonf The Lieatenant has been rusticating in Connecticut during the winter, and re turns improved in health and appear ance. Wm. Messerve, of the firm of Mes serve & Co., has retired from the firm, and goes east in a few days to spend.the. summer. Messerve is a splendid fellow and has made hosts of friends here who will miss him. He will probably return and make Bismarck his home. pf Rev. I. O. Sloan goes east thitf week to visit his parents, and to rest and recreate. He has been a faithful and uaeful pastor, and during bisCafr1 sence of several .months he inay dfa^ comfort from the knowledge that .hid:, work while here, was appreciated, andt, that he'is misled by is congregation and society. E. Y. Adams has secured the buildup* opposite tye TMBUNS office, and 'l4^' putting in a large, stock of vegetables including potatoes, parsnips, beets. He^ Intends keeping butter, eggs etc., freak fish, and fresh vegetables in their sea: «on, in fact just such an^.establiShmeBi^ as has &een long needed. Mr. Adapa proposes to sell potatoes, of {which had already reCeived acar load of ear!^ os he a ha he he a Mr. Bailey's leiso of the Bailey Ifoufe' Having, expired,:, he goes oa^io a fef" days, and Mr Oakland beco^s. the laad^^ lord. Mr. Baiiey has, kept a gotf. house and th« trAVeing ptiblic fUlv n^iss the good-cheer alway^ td be fbaaf1 about his well supplied boards Dennii« Bailey is overhauling and refitting house on Third street to ff hicbj Mr. Bat ley removes. •. .-.a. v,' it- -i Messrs. Mann & Merry have difficult task operating their ho„ ,,*-t 1 rti.ail .iaaidwt stage foat^bejtween Bismarck and FMBtrn jBuford during the past winter '-'Th#-' have made the week not losing a tripv and whati»« better still they have not xlost a man 0r animal, 'though running 250 milea an Northwest of Bismarek -during an e* ceedi ngljr/bard ^i ntto»^ They have W a good business in the way of expreifc and passengers, and have no reason tci, complain of the'pnblic appreciation of their efforts. We commend' their liBd* to the traveling puWife J. 7 FAB&O 'items, The Headquartors Ho el at Fargo,con taining sixty-three rooms, is constanU|r' crowded, every available bed being-' fif ed. The Sherman House is undergoing complete repairs. The County Commissioners of Caen County have ordered a tax of fifteen mills for school purposes. Messrs. Griggs & McCormack propose opening a large store in oompetitiw' with E. S. Tyler & Co. D. P. Reaves will erect a five thotlfr.. and dollar residence at Fargo this sea son. The license for the sale of liquor in Cass Couuty is fixed at $50 for the en suing year. Asa Morgan, surveyor, James Pattsa," Supt of schools, wore appointed in Oafla Couty for this year. The officialpaper. JBxprm is the