Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 2. An Independent 1U. Kewepaper poblished by THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE CO. SCESCRIFftOM PRlOi: One year 92.00 Three months 75 Si* months 1.251 Single copies 5 Subscriptions payable invariably in adranee. NOTES AND NEWS. B. A. Berg died at MoorbeaJ Saturday last. Eut 9 dogs in St. Paul out of 19090 are licensed* There was two feet of snow at Alta Ctab on the 8th inrtr Gen. Sheridan'3 father died at Summerset, Ohio, on the 7 th inst. Ex Senator James Nye is in the Bloomingdale Lunatic Asylum. Three regular lines of steamers are now plying to and from Duluth. Major Silvey of the 5th Artillery has been placed on the retired list. A Mail route has been established from Duluth to Hancock, Michigan. Judge Dillon, by decision, confirms the legality of the Iowa HaUroad law. Patrick McEilogott, injured in the recent boiler ex plosion at Winona, is dead. Gen. Jnbal Early, takes a column of fine print to deny the Barbara Pitchie story. Pat Sullivan was sentenced to States Prison for life at the veceiit term of court in Moorehead. R. 1. Kcenan, of Duluth, has been appointed U. S. Inspector and Store Keeper at that port. Geo. John C. Breckinridge lying at the point of death from the effects of a surgical operation. Col. feheats, 0th auditor of the treasury, has been requttt«d to resign, thus -one by the rfoses fade. A Coating island in Lake Superior has anchored it self under or against the N. P. docks at Duluth. Another party of adventurers have been captured and brought nacfc from a raid on the Biacii inns. John G. Hamilton of Cleveland, Ohio, has been ap pointed Indian Agent at the Lake Traverse .agency. The Postmaster at New Orleans is vmplred to loids fur $400,000. Ben Butler feonft for f200,000. CassiusM. Clay, the veteran aboytionist. agrees t® canvass Kentucky onbehajf ofthe Democratic, party* Lt. Col. Swaine of the 15th Infantry relieve? Capt. Brbtherton of hi* disbursing duties at Leavenworth. Gen. Beaureguard was the only confederate rtleer debarred from the recent soldier's re-union In Chica go. 1 second indictment for murder was found against Pt P. Wir.t-ermufs for the- killing of General MC Cook. Eowen's testimony did not-make aDy Christian's hair stand on end, in fact there was nothing startling about it.- Col. Anthony, murdefed at Emery, Editor of the Appeai,. a brother of£h»an B. Anthony. The sales of stamps by the Port Office Department for April were twenty peicent greater than for April last year. 'J Horace White has pnrchayd *n interest in the IWr Yofk Tribute wlth ^bJch he will be conaeoted at an cariyday. ^ismsrch ^ribnn^. THE TOWNSITE- {. er-. Major Clatirton, of Yankton A^Wcy, became a h*ppy father at ths Merchant* Hotel- lif Yaikton a few dags ago. av-.-c-b :-.i' Commodoro Wm. F. Davidson ['now owni the St. Patll Obertt House/and John Xv Dayidson has been placed in charge ofltf. BW.Aadrw^fiartfrof Blade UWi invaders 'was captured by Liaafc ,Aftpiftra9g 1M miles westaf fort Randall*fiew d^iysago.^t fc the African. gfld mfyes panning out nicely.a nirt potnid nug^ei of^ptfre speiter having recently been shipped toio&den. J. Stark, a member of the last leglslaturer3iaB been appointed MailAgentand is now running be tween Dttlatiitnd Bte ftul. firstiprlngUower in Thie ffrat springiiower has bloomed". A little girl I«lawaTt,iJ^.r»kipped*hc rope 800 times, and Delaws^t'I^MJkipp«d^h is lieepibg under the willow* The grasshoppers are making terrible raiagea Kansas and Missouri, gardens being black with tfu the vicinity onst. Jo«eih. wfllpi in.— The Brainawt trfbans ilyi Sitisel Mi: not pur chaud the Duinth i7sraWr and for l^e jre##Ji»t leanSrDltiOt lea^te Br^erd. "Bderttt* leastSrHlnot lea^BralqeM.. The unkindest tut of dtl it the n6Mn«ion olO. Hall, of the DUpaUsh, by A. B. Ball^bf th^^Pfee IMtpai- ... County Hews, for Governor. ftr Woodhull finally appeared as a witness in th^Til son:case. The evidence Is now all in and the lawyer# art It woifc stemming op the date. CdI. Anthony, of the Levaaworth Times, wm ftt tally.iJiot by the editor oftthe Appeal...In 'difflcoity groWlnig bUt of a newspaper quarrel. own with their oat^.—^ A raid is being made en the wliisity ripg^ a large number of diatttJefieshaving been tfd^and a large number of collectors and jother officlalk* faUpliealed. "Iciun" Wodda and .W. J..' PorWi-, tof Beefier County, Minn,, shot eafih oUier taa, ,«l»im qua^re-l recently. Porter Is dead and' VWds is not expected to live. The M»»at®l» let lloorhiead Mbsday^ #ith-400 passengers for ,^6rt Garry. The baesenffij were principally Metfnonltes and laborers for ^Canada Pacific. The Poet Master General forbids the payment of money orders to L. D. $iae, of Gift Enterprise notorb ety, and orders the return of all Registered letters to his address. The Red River Stat has it bad and appeals to the people to leach their children as they grow op to dos« pise the Northwestern Telegraph Company because it keeps no office at Moorhead. Oregon will contribute to the centenial show fir plank twelve feet wide and one hundred feet lotagj a spruce plank eight feet wide, cedar, and larch seven feet, and hemlock five feet wide. .r Gov. Davis offers one thousand dollars' reward for the Conviction of persons who were recently en gaged in an attempt to wreck a naasenaer Mam on the Sioux Ci (HKVU iu nu no»vp»i'* St, Paul ft Bioux CityJIailroad near Mank^.o. The St. Louis Globe and Democrat have consoli dated under the name of Ototo'Jffltocwt, Messrs. McKee ft Hansen being the publisher. Throe hun dred thousand dollars was the consideration for the Globe. An armed mob of striking miners at Kingston Pa„ on the 3d inst., visited the residences of non-striker« and notified them that death wonld be the penalty If they worked another day. The law is powerless Ms rioters rule. An exchange says: Oral tradition is certainlyto be relied apon, but there are some things that written descriptions fall to do jnstice to- for example, ras ing, which always better understood when handed down from taoath to month. Alexander H. Stevens wants in "e'm 11 !Tr On Henry Wilfon's trip through the Booth he has been Rreeted with one continuous ^100. «4asws rieihg witheaeh rthertoflo lihn reverence. Becining of the Contest and the Parties in Interest,—-Array of Counsel.*—-The hegining and His tory of Bismarck* &e>» Ac. The hearing ordered by the Depart ment in the Bismarck Townsite case, was opened on the loth inst,, before the Register and Receiver of the Bismarck Land Office, the parties in interest be ing tbo corporate authorities of the City of Bismarck, claiming the NW£, and the W±, NEi, sec. 4, and the NE±, NE| sec. 5, and the S-J-, SE5^ and S^, S W^, sec. 32,—440 acres being the Hackett, Proctor, Jackman and Hennefin claims, less 80 acres on the east side of the Proctor claim, and including forty acres of railroad land Edmond Hackett, Joseph Penhell, Geo. Joy, M. Tippie and John S. Mann, claiming the sec. 4, as a pre-emption J, W. Proctor, E.A.Williams, Alex. McKenzie and Samuel H. Lillie claiming pre-emption rights On NEi sec. 4 John j. Jackman and Samuel Bitting claiming pre-emp tion rights on thd S$ SW£, sec. 32, and John A. Ma80n claiming pre-emptien and Denhn Hennefin claiming soldiers homestead on the. S^ SE^, sec. 82 the Northern Pacific Hailroad Company, claiming NEJ, NEJ sec. 5, and the town site company claiming the NE£ and N sec. 4, under the townsite laws. The corporate authorities are repre sented bV Judge FlandreaUj Col. W. K. RodgerM and Gdl. G. W. Sweet, of St. Paul, Johii A. Stoyell and H. M. Davis, of Bismarck. The townsite^' Judge Bowen applicant, is represented by Thomas Van Etten, Bistaarck John J. Jackman Edmond1 Hackett1 iind J. W. Proctor' by Gen. John B. Sahborn, St. Piul, and Judge Oscar Taylor, of St. Cloud E.1 A. Williams, Samuel H. Lillie and John A. Mason, bt Hon. L. C. Jacoby, of Rockford, 111. Joseph Pen- nell by Geo. P. Plinneryj Bismarck Geo. Joy,'by J. O. Simmons, Bismarck. Col. Gray will appear for the Northern Pacific other patties appear for them seltesi 1 1 fhe" oasis of the coirporate* atiftrorittS was1 taken iip fifsi—Judge Flandreau offering in evidence the, act incorpBrat* ing the GHtV. of Bistoarck^ and resolu tions of taej leity' council,' authorizing him to act 1, followed'by the evidence of .. OEO. ir.'SWEETi Wh7o^beifrg swor.n^Said: I have inown present-sftuatfbn *f BWmardk rince May 18,1^% I arriared here from BCnnewto ab otat that time Gen. josser, Engineer of,, N.P.R. R^, T.H. CanfleId7a WreCTtor„o?'thJlt"OOC^ftfiy,'1^.' E. H. BQr, Mr. Coritf, w[lg. rfliing, _B.H. Li^fe, Mr Canfield is.Pjresidwt S. ft P. Co. 1IKI MIU •AVUUI MB VHV aqd «re Uaimlog hore.,Tl^^ firA' fting Wedfdwas'toexplorefosseveral n^UesMoundhere We' Elected this piace wheto-Bismarck now 'itSnds townsite this sekecUoo Iwas made' onr or aboutf the 15th of May,.l872. X. practical engineer and nhdetmnd sutveyini', somelehere frons the 20th to Sfith'of BUy'I commenfeeii'larveying it wa^ before the.25th:j[-went to lfoit^^ine^Meigs, aq engineer of the' N.P.Bt.R., .and'procared a. transit -and chain, and assisted me in laying out'and surveying the base ljns of the:town I ran, itiw iNorth iine^r what is no# Main street from near what is now the West line of SecTi aCit^s to sec. s, ot ToWn 13S Range 80 1 also rskii & cro^-street what is ^either Sd or S?d from the Korth lihe of Main street across and beyoiKl- the ,Mte of aec. 4 'I also ran 1 or 2 or'the other cross streets further East to the ll6e ofsec.c88, all of which lines were fully staked, out and ithe stakes marked 4t-the corners of blocks an naines of the si of thestakes I and presume many are there npw anbaequentiy. I had one J. E. Turner,'a civil engineer, with Judge BoWeii as assistant complete this survey the' date was sometime-in'tbe month, of June, ttom' the 8th to 20th of June they sui^reyed streets, aUqys, Wocka an^ lc^s alnd set stakes at th4 ii6f ners of lots. At fh£ tirnfe of thfese surveys the U. 8.8orvey had not then been m^e the U.& Suryew was made: embracib® thia iomisite In NoVember 187? the. land embraced bt iny surveys covered Trbat is now 'sec. 4, a little oi^ Sl«f'Si^ seC.,39, ap^d IWte on wi of KWi ot tfhe first thing done in relation to town waa on 8d ef SdOf June 18W MessTs^uHeigh Keith, con trflhJtorslbr appllOd to me through fhfeir agani, Mr. B. C. Ash, for lota thereon to build a w&ehonse. an Office, mess room and blacksnith shop I tarnished film the lots they are shuated on corner of 3d and »Iaip street«ta block 50 they fanmediately after constructed buildingis they commenced oon struction of wVrehouse first and' pushed all through to obfWletiQn^the warehouse was a log wanehottse about«0*75tpr S»irm»nflO a jouraeMrt tor PttA- dent. Why" wont Blaise do? Jte If P"ftOiv ThOugh the-pen euppoeed to be mightier thatr tiw swoj^ iq.tNe list of ex-Presidents we Hod ihtrteen iawyerk, five soldiers and a tailor. f' ^ stse .the office was?log. 18x 20* mess room ikme aize, with a connecting roof be tween mess house and office they immediately occu pied the baiW°g* for id me to bind the bargain on same day Mr. applied to me for 2 lots on block 43 Bose's lets were on 46 or 48,~ Bose put up a Saloon on an other lot in oompany.wtth S men named Herman and Dalhouser, his partners they subsequently ereeted a bakery on the lot they first applied lor after the sale to Mr. Bote, on or about the 4th of June, I bargain ed with W B. Shaw and T. L. pathteart, consumat ing the sale on the 18th they proceeded to erect a •tore and pot in large sto& of gtedk I think they did nelcetsMiieklB until the month following the memorandums ta$er these fccts from are froa» :the original taiembranda 'niade within thHe.,. months I recollect 1 facts oatske of (he boofca. (M the loth of J«Qe I sold-a lottoHolleoback A Hsher: t, C. Hoi* lehback and Asa Rkher, upon which lot they, one or both, erected and at once started a billiard hall. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY., Between June 2d and the 13th of June inclusive I sold leased and bargained 20 lots perhaps more, and pat the purchasers in possession I cant say what por tion built probably two-thirds bu|ltaa once, and I continued to bargain, sell and ieasefipts to 28(1 of June, 1872 on that date I started for Parti and was gone a month or five weeks when .X returned Again I proceeded to sell more lots and found, when 1 returned, that m^ny I had sold were boilt upon In my absence and generally by the parties to whom I had sold the town irom that time on continued to increase upon the land surveyed by me up to the present time. Main street is generally «wt upon on the N sidel closely between 1st street wd 8th street on the South of Main street to front of 8th street is railroad property, being right of way of If. P. R. R. 2d, 8d, 4th, and 5th streets is pretty closely built up on both sides the railroad has around house, freight dapot, passenger depot and offices, telegraph office there are in the city 3 chnrches: ^Congregational, Presbyterian and Caiholic 1 School Houae 1 U. S. Land Office or 7 Attorneys at Law U. S. Signal Office 5 Hotels 8 Merchants 2 Hardwa» stores, ex clusive Boot and.Shoe Stores St- Book and Mews Stores Bismabck Thjbvne, Newspaper 2 Butchers 2 Drug Stores 3 Livery Stables numerous Saloons (86) Greengrocery a large nuipber of private Resi dences 2 Painters and Decorators 4 Blacksmi.hs 2 Tailors. The^ctual town i®Provo^^stra«*ures are worth from 1100,000 to $200,000 I think the population is from 600 to 700 people I believe 85# votes were polled at last city elecUon there are im provements on Wi of NEJ of sec. 4, T138 88 are improvements oh lot 8 being on 6th street, ateo«n 8 Wi of NEi of sec. 4, NW* of NE*, on lot that NE* of NWi of 4 also on lot 4, and on 8Ei of NW* on the SWi of NWi of see. 4} on NEi of NEi of 5 thWc there is some improvements andI it was rorvevedjonSi pf SEi of sec. 32, T189 N of SO f, Nereis a brick yard and some buildings on Si of SWt of sec. oi there are some improvemt belonging to *n ex Aldennan ofthe city, J. J. on original chartet he acted as Alderman and per formed duties. After survey a map was jrntde(.n accordance witk survey the map l^orded WM Com pleted Jan. 26,1874 it was made by Jos. E. Turner draughtsman and under my directions Md ln accor dance with my instructions it was filed with Register of Deeds of Burleigh County, Feb. 1874. (Map with certificates thereon to be produced and fiied^.) Objection to filing map by Gen. Suborn that it ia immaterial and irrelevant and incompetent, the Northera Pacific R. R. Co.have there are switches, turntables, a U. S. Fort on op pogite bank of Missouri. River there are 2 steam Ferries, and a line of omnibu8S36i Cross examination by Counsel for Hackrtt, Proctor aid Jackman.*—My first visit here was on the Kw or 18th Of May, 1872 my residence was Benton Co., Minn. I think some of tte parties with me were resi dents of Territory of Dakota Gen. Rosssr Mr Giles were I believe Gen. Rosserf residence waa at Fargo I believe Gen. Rosser had charge of our party 0ur object was to select a townsite in interew of the.L. 8. 4 P. Company, so far as I knew this is jo far as Canfield and myself are concerned some months prior this Company had been selecting townsites) How many townsites had been selected or located by this Company objectod to by city as being incompe tant, irrelevant and immaterial, answer taken sub ject to objections—none) the line of the N. P. R. II. had not been located at this point when we c^ip||, prelMary lines had been run the subsequent con struction of the road aero this section on the pre* limlijary survey the definite loicatio'h ofthe road was fixed at this point about a year after ay first visit here ten to twelve months after,' and the road was, .completed: In the spring 6f 1878 (J8iiS) of tbose who accompanied me Joseph Penn^ll aad Siun nel Lillie were inmy employ and they are parties to' this, contest declines, as counsel for !«.-8vA P. 8t to'state time he'was empToyed a»^i)M^i« IWga. tion £end£}g affecting the time: he waae®ployed it was for some weeks and some months subsebuent to JUfle" 12j' luriag a' portion Ofthe tlms he was em ployed ho was npt, to my kiiQWledge, ..holding NE£ fraMlonid quarter of sec #, 138, 80 I think he was' duiing part -.of the time, 1 /do not know that he tr&s sd holding the land at the instance, at the dlrec tion and^with the klaewledge jand consent of the parties employing him I do not k*»ow^f any agree ment or' odder&andlng by which the title Of Lillie was to inure to the benefit ofthe parties platting the town It is a matter of record who are the persons claiming to be-proprtetor^-nslllirr xo be proprietor as I did at tlwUisae^ 1 ,hayeab#ndoped- my^ claim to a good many'pwt^ &s pfojitWor to lot* Sold I have leased, sold and .desdfcd some portions I decline to answer if I have generally.abandoned my claim J. Pejaiiell' has nearer be^ Ml my employ before I saw' thom they, were employed hy the Company I decline tonnatfe'fts attorney for the cortpany how long Mr. P«nnd) was inow Sleigs the. purpose of storing supplies of all kicds. Marding men, and doing business in of fice' tbe bautfings were huilt with referenee to streets and* lot^. they sjao boilt a blacksmith shop on-one of the lots these were the first improvements on tfte townsite they got Into the warehouse before the IDth of Jatie the bulk of their goodis arrived on the 14th of June: next Mr JLambert procured a lot of me dur ing the same month and .erected a saloon it was sit nated aborifr the NW portion of block ,90 or 52 I fur nished him a lot he leased It of me his building was a frame house it was built in June he went In and commenced business about that time. June 4th, Mr. p^. procured a lot from me he applied to buy it employedr^nd -claim my privil^ej Tennell occupied NW fractional quarter of sec. Ildorlni sirthe of the timohe wagao employed there were no parties residing on this.part of S|ec, 4 at the tidie wS arrived Dr. Burleigh wite* a railroad con tractor on the.R. R. the buildings they built were in eomiection'with their contract can't say he had any lcsal^vesi^e^ce K^j» legal residence was not here they had the contract for 50 miles of grading east from Missouri riv^r tlie Application they made to me was made orally except a letter introducing Mp. Ash I drew up a e'ort«i0t or permit Mr Ash had no authority to eign and requested^to stand over* uhtil Burleigh came therd wias a fender or offer of convey anf &ift thteae lots fronrmyself to them,' 1 gave a cbh tract or permit to another agent don^t remember fblly«3 to consideration there had-been ho govern ment surveys when I came myself, and Mr. Meigs wire engaged nbtto exceed tttro days in running base line, at.that Mr^hleigs only assisted me to connect the survey with the railroad "survey: the stakes were set at «ach corner of the block fronting upon the base line now Main street, on cross streets made at .that time -stakes were set in same manner: I think I ran arallel lines with base lines I think thejline of street also a preliminary or triil line on a back/treet I^annot-ctate Jf. I-surveyed 8 or 4 cross streeu I can't state positively who was present be- Mr.. 'Meigs I. think Ole Easton was one can't state-how many were engaged in making:the survey, probably 8 the lots I sold in June were those indioa ted by that survey, but the number of the blocks wire subsequently'changed I'dbuld not get a num-' b«r of coutracta babk to make! them* agree? with othtr surveys ther.e was no Register to file deeds and map with I represented to purchasers that unier certain contingencies the R. R. Co. mighty change location I should do my best to seeure'to parties corresponding lota In ia such town as might be located,if any it waa riot a condition In contract, dld not deem that the Railroad terminus was permanent, notf do I now 'I tnink under certain circyim^ances the terminus may be changed. The plat filed lncludes not qtiite all the surveys (north and east) original survey., ..X, was at Bismarck when survey was made. The Rail road line is more south of center of north half of the section Main street is about the center line, on south side of Main street there was a brewery in 1872, oc cupied by onei Bose there is a luipberyard and office connected with it, established In 1878, I think upon SEi of NEi it may be partly in N right of way there are some infantry barracks or buildings occupied by government employees, a lime kiln, a blacksmith shop, and five or more residences they are scattered wong'on ihe"'tliree forties the lime kiln was buUt in 1872. about August the government buildings were erected in 1878 or 1S74 the first of the residences in 1874 it may have been 1878, I am not positive there are several buildings on lot 2 the first of these was erected in the fall of 1872 am not quite positive but think they were thelre were at least two built in 1872 Proctor built one on lot 16 of block 44 Lillie buHt the other ^there were I think no other res idences on that lot until 1878, am not sure there, were buildings on S W£ of NEJ exclusive of railroad buildings at this time one erected or partially erect ed by Oscar Swenson, and completed or occupied In 1872 cannot say when it was removed or by whom prior to the 1st day of June, 187!, don think there was any house completed on LoC 8 Sec. 4 flunk the first bnild ng on that lot waa about June «, wz thOle •ere the buildings referred to as being put up by Burleigh Keith on lot 4 think there was noCh» ing but the foundation of.'» shanty by Mt June. Left Bismarck June 2$, 1S72, and on my July 28,-there were a number of Btjifdlogs^ompleted can not say how many were hflilt J»yJdiff«r*nt patti^r upon map referred to there is no part or sec. ox lnul cattd as Using platted thiuk onsf of the city council BISMARCK, D. T., WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1875. NO. 45 occupied a portion of S| of 8Wi of section 82 a brick kiln in Trhick I had over 100,000 brick was made and sold in summer and fall of 1872 or 1673 these are a'l the uses to which this land has been put for town purposes I had two brick machines from Minneapo lis the yard is on S{ SE£ of same section Mr JJ Jackman Is the person I refer to as an ex-member of the city council refer more particularly to his resi dence there since 1S74: do not know that Si of Sec. 32 has been surveyed and platted the suryey and plat filed-Includes SO acres not in filing of corporate authorities think there was an application to enter the whole of N£ of section 4. Re-direct. Think a portion of the Burleigh Keith buildings remain the original townsite selec tion has never been changed the contingency refer, red to in cross examination has {never occurred on SEi of Nfii of Sec. 4 there are railroad buildings a site was once chosen which proved to be on Fort Rice military reservation, but was never surveyed or lo cated upon. Cross examined in behalf of E A Williams by Mr Jacoby—John Mason's house is on SWi of NEi Sec 4 don't know when he built buildings cn Main street are built out even with sidewalk. Cross eeeamined for Pennell by Flannery— About the 20th to 26th of May, 1872,1 selected this as a townsite Mr Canfield and I, upon talking it over, decided that this was the place we should take there were some logB River News The Coulsoii Line and the N. P. R. R. were awarded contracts for carrying In dian freight to points on the Missouri river. The river at this point is on the stand still with a good stage of water. The C. W. Mead left Yankton on the dth inst.. and is daily, expected. The iter West left Yankton for Fort Lincoln oh the 12th and is due about the 22d The Benton passed Bismarck last Friday evening carrying a full cargo for Beqton. The Fontenelle leaves Wednesday evening for Fort Benton, her loading having at last arrived. Jo^ptiine returned'from Carroll Monday even frig h&y ing been out 17 days. She had a g'dod'Stage of water aljk tfct way*—no* les» tbsir four feet, while the first boats np .last season had but thirty inches.' The, Josephine mtade a quick and successful trip and her officers are justly -pr-Oud* of t. The Josephine broughdown .15Q tons /1 of ore and ft .largo amount .of furs .and full list of passengers, also two comp&: nies of the 6th Infantry enroute from Fort Beaton to Rfeei' She leaves Wed- nesday for (Carroll On heraecondtrip. The Key: West will leate for Carroll op. the 26tji. ..The Key- West was jnet by the Jbs&phihe at Fori Peck, and th^ NellyPeck Biit'idiy behind. The'Fat West'Wlll ai' from Yank ton W^dtfWdfay'arid leaves Saturday frir Carroll* ^eh to: The E. H.1 Durfee is expeeted Satur day on her way to, Byford. On the afternoo^ of the 9th we pass ed. into semi-mouptanous region not exceeded' in* beauty' eitheT oti the Hudson or Mississippi rivers. Deer, anUlqpe pr wore surprised at al copst evpry, turn of the .bank, and the beaver could not be counted." On thel^t^ ^at iO a. mV passing the mouth *f th6 5luss6l Shell river, and from the hurriefne roof could be seen the fresh graves of the three wood Choppers. buriUcLat the, stake last fall bjjr the Indians—the only instance of burning I att told,* that' ever Occurred in this part of ^the couatry. Three_ others have taken tbeir place and are likely to meet .with the same fate any day. At 6 p. m." arrived at Carroll and were saluted by the firing of cannon from the stockade, being-24 days from Yankton and 11-J days from Bismarck. This is thfe'bfeSt time made by any boat at this season''of the year, notwith standing the constant 'head wind and large ampnnt of freight carried. The town, qf C^rroU .is situated on the west b^Ak on a beautiful point of timber, indis- backed by'high bluffs one mile: distant:' Carroll was located in 1874 by the Diamond Co.. for the purpose of cut ir.g off 250 miles of river difficult to nav 1 oin, q^afspll. Oa Board .thb Stsamsb Joskpbirb, At CARHdit, my 11th, 18*5. DEAR TRIBCNKj—^^left Bismarck you know, on the 20 th ult., with :280 topi.of ,freigjiy20- for, Buford, 20 for Peck and the balance for. Carroll* On the:2d iilst. rekc^ed Knife Rivet and had quite a brisk1srioW storm. Reached ^ort Buford on the 8d^ ati7 p^ and Fort. Peck on the morning of the 8tb. President Grant's brother i3 the trader for this agencjr, ais well as sereral oth ers in this vicinity. 'The' Assiniboines, about 800 lodges, ere Expected in ev ery day from their winter,'s .hunfc as igate during a low stage of water. The Diamond Company by receiving freight at this point are enabled to suc cessfully compete with the U. P. R. R. for the Montana trace, and besides be ing the quickest, saves to the shipper at least one dollar per 100 pounds. There are two traders—Mr. Todd representing tho firm of Murphy & Neil, Helena, and Major Glendening. Quite a good business has been carried on the past winter with the Indians, and a large amount of furs and robes collect ed. The Diamond train is loaded and will leave for Helena in the morn ing. A put up one tier high, and some loose logs lying around on NW fractional quarter of section 4 on 8Wi of NWi there are some barracks, residences, and 1 think the S Land Office think there was a well when we came to select townsite there was soma breaking done could not tell when it was done, before or after. Adjourned till Monday at 9 a. m. The Corporate Authorities concluded their testimony on Monday, Tuesday the Court adjourned over, and "Wednes day the evidence will be taken' to sus tain the "Sweet Townsite claim." The evidence will be published in full, being continued next week. LOMBARD. ft i— post office has been established at Fort Stevenson, Julius Schmidt P. M. Closing out Dry Goods and Clothing to quit the Business Great Bargains. J. W. Raymond & Co. J. W. Fisher has just received a beautiful variety of house plants—for sale at his place of business. 45tf Special Inducements offered to the retail trade in Groceries. Crockerv and Furniture- J. W,. Raymond & Co. Lost. Lady's cut glass smelling hottle,. find, er will please leave it at-TRIBUNE office. Clothing and dry goods must be closed out to make room for our large stock of Groceries, Crockery and Furniture. J. W. Raymond & CO. The Josephine landed passengers from Helena to Bismarck in 7£ days. A regular line of stages now run from Helena to Carroll. Sioux City flour. J. "W. Raymond & Co. Co. 7th cavalry arrived at Yankton last Tuesday on their way to Bismarck. The other two companies have reached Yankton by this time. E. Y. Adams, ^opposite the TRIBUNE office, keeps fresh vegetables—onions, radishes, lettuce, &c.,. together with Evrly Rose and other, choice varieties of potatoes, radishes, beets, &c. .« ..' 1 Paddy Hall was Acquitted on, trial for. the murder of Jack O'Neill, and Mat Edgerly hfcld''as $ti accessory wis dis charged, no indictment being found. Edgerly's arrest doubtless, grew pat of the horse feedrwar.—-: Mrs. Slaughter has filed an aditional bond in the sum of $8000, and Bismarck P. O. becomes a money Order office af ter July lsk'-'tWim' this aditional advantage BiEmarckr has postal facilities of which ourj^eople inay well, feel proud, ^he ^office is roomy and well managed, the P. if. having incurred much 'expense of lite to3 remove all causes of c6qiplaint as to lack of facil ities. Coli Wilson of Wilson & Porter put chased a very latge addition.ta his stocki on his recent trip to St. Paul, em bracing stationery^ including- blank books, the lates.t .styles of French note and envelopes, letter paper, commercial note, paper folders, rulers, erasers,etc. toilet article^ including 'the choicest perfumery^ soaps, combs, brushes etc. confectionery, including capdies, nuts dates, figs, etc.,iine tobaccos and cigars, pipes, pouches, etc. notions, lamps'ana lamp trimmings, and a soda fountain. The new goods have already commenced to arrive. PERSONAL. Mrs. Col. Dan Huston, of Fort Stev enson left for the ?qfst Monday, C. W. Freedej of Standing Rock, has been rusticating in the city for some days. Dr. E. W. Stone and daughter, and MrS. Stanley of Fort Peck arrived on the Josephine. Henry Greenfield and' Fred Hender son arrived Monday on the Josephine, seven days from Helena, Pretty quick time. t(Rus" Marsh has adopted the infant daughter of Mrs. Bellbymer and is as happy as if it was a new one weighing only tfen lbs. Miss Emily Megrath,the "Judelle" of Fort Buford, arrived on the Josephine, She goes east and some of her friends hope to see her enlisled for the war in the "Amazonian Corps" of the 6th In fantry at an early day. Mr. L. C. Jacoby, returned to Bis marck on a short business trip last week. We regret that he will not make his residence with us this year. The deathi of his brother renders it nec essary for him to Spend much time in Minnesota and Indiana this season.