Newspaper Page Text
ja 2. 4*— ^Tf i^Ur:|*nj»oisC, P« Bi»fl44 4 tLj»,,«]j!0) 1 *#fkei~rbD' i&torical Socte tit—riirrwr'r 0,' v!!J "V t,, L-pei*cfctJSe«qw*p«r rotate** by im BisMARCK titunrin: ca fcw t%) K. •~hlh*:"? Off r/. -...T.- -..., *oN*r*ptirt*e in a»txx«*.' -,B3» p^qWfTi—a Oat flu.' 'eolBmn' ^t«i£flA€WaAfc|fiaK« 0»I^U1 UiS^tLl.') riP9#fce. .71 HS3&5LR3713- qm- ssfltart# :4ftl&C€ «. ttfjiin-, re»t ae solSittyji® cfJlttafc* sitedinthe body t«iv»rt\»f»a«tit.^ r.«• •!_•-' ^--T~ :":',-r TfO SUBSf™™*11**- '&».K^'ibcrs fcodiiqf'&Bv' ^»j r,t'kerrtan4 that the J4V«j liiv^ fn!) fh-.'ir fivifcK5ri|»tfinS wart '.irub'-r, sttiij *)Blek« tlmW i:M «f !•.'j?l«(MntiQ^edi *ih- 9jj- ,. .ijca, tooanM 'Vrtit •Ttw,'caufi^l3t"lsf flu fid to T*! »t,1nvAt V4*i s*itefr«t*»ry the gerJr&i sfe i)*i4Mr, V».t'juice tveuiepj. I'or v*. VtWh.i.'bV'k WaVsi. ai' 4«fr'3fS»fe, ot*iT'r'p^:* cfciiMfcy»lon ofl^f»er "SS cervtii r«r tiu-1. T«»rt* ., C. r. V-: -I- =frr ,,. KOT&g.-4.^. NEtfS*:) ... Ktf.Wc*• il-.i'-.!»Vvfeflai Cit/ «n the 4t». iU. IVi.rklr.^n or^t^.at f^rinjcS.^.•Jtil*&th^ tvon:. froiu art- oa tV'.war pziU (•/..w«-*rf.-K».kAii if lw rV6ja*KJJ•!«•A Ih^ ok^»'iK!* In r!n K.s.i H'U remain there for u*e prescut. people wrre bn^irfln the ptiius of «lf«:rwjretf b.v an ^ar||»$aa9t« oa l^se S9ihi •t .*. CO a* A'J. ,»N' r: |*.-fcp!ti -:ire- h»ipy ev«r (teo. Tor-j aviU «»a ni *bat iM-BOibtfttsnaoj-ileHcis-j si lpott'- JW miies if that village. 1 'Att-orik»y StMMl' ba« iw'^ that, itow anivt^rs Hre VtablB nnfliir thdii* bo»xlB fd» r»ooey puc|ia£i'«'{c»st whMe tai fhair. posscsolc-.n, ttwi MiKtlcwtinn. hM/bM3tw«c«d to ifrt? '*•5 t'f i'.ViairrV. THiicXRj ami uses pa6eiiti»i-i i4dei(.wtodwiir# 'FoilrtfHi! the Qsw putll4her. .' tIfaiRttry o^njni l»*re been pstabHaihed at Ft. Pierre, ae^otH-r pui»W on tlis Mls»i»uri,to proveptthe crOM ^^|^lcck HtUt-rs. Major OfflevV conua^ftd teat! »a black Killer-recently captured by tht' l^ilaan iwlyi «w« kin tfe»Jp jUirougb Jua lnAlaa wboj a rnmor that they ttooa ,fi*ejor. au- iJintiKl&ititor Be®cher The eteaWejof Jndje TTrthftn'ti("i-rpl-^t3toJ^ieehfiK 'rim Winfairtat Meli ft* in[*t|^ andrlo pr«tid|i)ia| the 6r J6pw^ ^ny rSoxioikin ai s«Hrttily kiiMr tbe ta«on*l and free caerdM of the mefs^jpjf |ftijrf«ai ab#Hte?,' it dtTWk• ^rjB ?or Cjirrol IMP. kihl tieeeikm»aitee^f6r a rontsfroiifif Chit Bakex»:fttim!tlreBcei!prbfcfld to -th» «tv- «f«L po#tHiTMpntv,.ii«.andstemine their longitude and fafitaOe. ana tn^tj ^ak^ a 'tfecbnnolsance to the YeUomtone rarkJi BWiitfahfliOHred to take taeh »ci- eo^n9*i|hiitv»*Jfif^7^#^not exceeding four, L^tr :irz' ^lv«r Jfflm U&bdtttiW tt eott 'JwiB LhglHwbttl f9^r feet ant! will left re j' to-day, and will Al^iat w»iKs95s--. W ,'Xead jnade the trip from Fore Benton tin $ day», not. Inclading daya delay TheYontenelle is ezpeeted to-day, and on her ar proceed at ooce t9 0t..I*oni0. f.YoaoU. wUl Jeare for St. Louis July tOlkf' The Carroll left Yankton la*t Wectauday the Net* iieJ^Mk £«lnfday« Tbo Carroll-is ^aer s'\*\v[p'•.'^3•V||^n Trn'rVi'"' Oi 0^8 the pi^iBesof R. M. Boug- :$t' fdiir sample ef 'Jx firpje fiekL ^tiich: mWB^rcd ^2 inches in beicHC' »f cidrtiJ'tjiefW^ tt if^r sato icre p«^cb Whicb meft*ure iftp mc^Mf frtUflA&s' irom the post giyd^ii fti Fott Li4K»ft)4 WWicti iiieasare eirbt ijadhei in leflbignt ind 5£ inches In crtwmfdVc^ice. Mr. Boagl*6 ba4 toi tj ai rci under cul ti^fctioh.' Tji^ Stops' ire Hk promising oild coiiM wisti Ciipt. Thompson has sixtV «J*es' dulti yitldn avd his field of batV reach ohes In iraiking thrdltjh the fi«fd. The post garden At Fjrt Lincoln embr*ses hfteen acres iiid ^h^*i'ni.v lettace, rhd i6b^8t'6nToi)Sy be*Hs/carrots 'pete,1 tar nips, toiaatoesr »otatoi:.,^ saiiMl^es,-. Ac. The'ree first vegetables'* named have been large eribagh fdr uBe^ some trpie the are being used for jjredos "the port at os m.v« about blooming and some of the totuktii*. are in bloom. The uaost ambitious gardner could not wish for better, prospects. .' .' TM Indians at Oheyenuu .Agency, who^e chiefs were absent in Washikxg ton-at the time of the recent treaty at Fort Lincoln between the Standing Hock And Berthold Indians, expressing a de «ire to meet the latter and ratify tbe said treaty, came to Li wool n' itfew days ag», about 80 strong and to-day, (Tiles* day) are in council with about 40 from Berthold. Thn Sioux rejwre8ented are of the Black feet, Sans Arc, Minneconious and Two Kettle bands. They hifd a grand pow wow last night^and wilf ftfly and heartily ralifv to-day: M*jOf~S^e» rj and fe^eir, XToitir.witbees the treaty. Limited space prevents farther details, iivA the ottiisfttun af*»anj other Jor.a.! i?fm* iii Ur^lftl f*v iki# a«**M6. jjui. &. ,du. '*-•.) lb ftojico: tfd- Sitf j*u*a oifriw. »rsjgfo&sj/# Beported $pecU)ly f|r Ike Bkf varck Tribatae. Pound in the Black Hills Vu ,.i, it* •i a? j."' i' !c •v^: A-v bMJMII Jenney's Official t^ort. Ji Ui .'it Gold by the Hat Full Hi iii. "ui ro.jVflf. '4i: KV: Over 1W Minersi Sow Here and Will le Allowed to Remain. 't* 1' t'::J The Government will Try to Open the Hills Immediately. t- r~. •.* -i Interestisg Letter- from the Inter* ., :i.,j Ocd&^ Correepontot. •'•*•.7 ,ri '.'' j.&I Indian Conofiil for Bfcek Hills Treaty 'j -'. Little Trotthle Anticip&ted Beecher Trial. J^fack HijUs, or'h^i-j tile Indians. The Commissioners iwil]j meet at Red Cloud, 'July 15th. The! three Commissioners who are to jtyyites the Sioux to Grand Council have al ready left Washington for the: Indian country. .... :... dnriog the ifieit itfFeoihe instances/ but mvn .c», thongh It is still hither toy time U& yearf fie £i'W*iriye*pecteU, \~gtorA9f.' '. .J.oae 28^^he.jury fri B^ccber case, wh«i^b went otrt on Thur$-i day, jbaTE not yet agreed they are understood to stand 7 tor Beecher apdi fiye for Tilton. MiNNEAFOtfs,June: ?3.-—Reports from Gen. Dodge, -commanding Jenney's Black Hills escort, ctnifirm the report of Custer In" relation^to ,W THE BLACK H1UA. ... in every particular. From Dodge's account it appears that the miners novr 'in the llills ire TA^IKO PUT obl.D BY BAT FULLS, from,five to twenty-five, cents per .pan being'reported .-•••'"}•'• ifann^ who h^after in examination QjCtlieoutsk irts, pronounced! against the Black ,Hills (eing anrtfer9vi^iiW}as sim :plyov isip^l?ab-icj THB piscovbby j^deibjjr'the ^jper^ !v Only placer diggVngs have been pros pected, but gold bearing quartz is re ported on every band. The itinera iu the Hills, numbering about one hundred, -have- taken, claims, built sluices, etc. Dodge believes that there are many more in the Hills. GOLD WAS *OWKP in .Custer's old camp,and at e*ery point in the vicinity of Harney's Peak. Scarcely a man in the command failed to prospect, and,., ALL WBBB SOCCBSSWL.... This will result in renewing the ex citement, which has been somewhat checked by. systematic efforts, and will mUBBy .HECOTIATJOSS. 'A sub-comB»ission from the. Black Hills Commissioner has been ordered to proceed ai once to the. Indian cogn Iry, and lay the government, Tiews W fbee the jlttdians, arrange for a grand council for final negotiations. Aflwciatod Ptcit PtoMA. FobtLanaJftB, June22.—A party fr»m .«•*»! Mv& *fcw-i!*•* -1 «?•-, ,' iHifca wa\.tfi i'ti.t,z "ffiffi '"'uri. OuV^fi,' trbderdkte 'flrtil iluA i' mihIA' The Special tq the Bisaiaroh Tribune, V: BLACK HILL8 tBBATy. St. Pacl, Jane" 29i^Inspector Dan-i •tela reports 'to the. Inctfan Department ,^3 Cloud, if^nd .Spotted ... Tail. Iodijinsl hare agreed~io relinquish huctingpiriv iieges ia- Nebraska fcn& they ahticipsitd Rttle trouble in secixring ^cesaion pf thej V' r' 02. ii 3i 9:^4- gft1. a, tvy*,-9' the Black ?liH«*rrfr%& ^ttnf's p^riy aflffl the Dadce ^hisMS -"MSSSSE V&i. Vatitiiit, em» otf'FfAiA Cfr^tfk,4^ n^,'lB ed?%y the:StOckaSe'the «ihefi M%r^%f cafWd Hai,ne* Captain Mix brought out. /6fmi &&Ka*fe bertr fcundlft ^ihA^-'weai W hufla^ ftrlher^7#rf^e fotmdrttt^'j ^Iffeilent! d^iips/ WHd%a^ fcSdfe:)cTaiiL. ittd'*ArU ^nhSid^riAbte 4r«Al%°lQild^^ rtiAfhiivrttj$fed foi told a rich qufclityf TO^Wfnd report- 4/VO. ^^sssfiBfejapei ih^ebmman^ th'^^ioft 'W^r^Jen- {-^ld foui^ inw^ivirlg on ^re^feh Cre^k'. ^uSieft wji)^rf8t con-j rate'tT5 tS'ffliiik. pit pjrt,SEh&infp laj soiJfetfii^ t&W aretoa^taprlfe ^pn fht 'tt/it pcMrite !T%' gjiW fo.und. i4 .Weasflj pbMbde^.i '^afte^iain^ abundant, but Ao otie'Has! a ify :i/?A V':sends rtJLarainie. 'g^lO'.ln^^yfiwtiliw.' a'ai ihd ^Oo'd quail has bb'cJn fl\^c6^ereu fn itft |,W5h CftfeV, at^d iMht thi 'stream $&«rdiStaftcte upward •Which tbeittvostigitidn tfcdiatfes. th^flills We Vte t*e 'to ha'v bwn1 xhirbh^d:1 mtlt dufr'tiorth "efoliL BgJkver3OtitN: ai' thb ^endt^'tfte •tffil'WiS was pursued^ltfltf.wmerly direction: aft)h^CistV6 €^fc,°WBf¥?ttie riRte^fitbrCATIotfs •'. -J Thisr«veut'|n4 the 6cre^tific cfttaliry 'cbinpairy beifij^left with ttieiin. rTK4 place at WHiesIi the geoMgists camp ied'is'fodatifd'1,4^0?fefet'east oftbe 104 th Pridian arid3 natted pamjr TdttTe.: "With the renSAinte" of thfe command .^li-Dodge ^^ededin^sobtheasterly ^ireCtionvudtil CustcVM-lPark Wtfs reach ei#dla'st^fowd^thb csmpwas reach ed-irt Custer's Qulchvahfl In close 6ort tigtiixy tb the stockade built^y th^ mi^ ners Whom Captai Mix brought out of •tie"Jli!lS this spring. On Gen. Custer's cavalry ciihp ground p'roSpectg were speed iiy ^tiittde,1 ked A^OD COLOH tfrs^ANiitil*^Ol/f of gold that was of Stie'•fjualitj. This Was dtftfe in tfie^^ p«5Seribi of your cor resiMHtifeftt. The fW^v fep^ea^ sbi fSpid^ that there Was haWly. ohe-in the! commabd vrha has ti Ot Sien and -pan ned oiit goldVfi«ro th»SiB pllcers 6f jgiitch -min^abbtit Cdtb'p' Harnqr. For a dis tan^i lotseven mUes there are jittered albng Frencbrcreek fb«r- dliff«3t,ent miW-1 ibg paftieft, nuuibet^^ tW^Bty-fiVe meh ^kCh tkat bate' ttk^jlaims/ ffoni all of ihich goM coJor hks -lWen obtained. Theie' ar#) 'al'MyetfralJ qWuU lode«, which promts*-' rfcll rettitns» but the greatest stress should be placed on ...., taa gulch 35^®' the gold .wai^'^i^PT^l the soi cjntis^ were at, Caihp -Tuttle^ atvd only aVrived' here yesterday afternoon^. They 'were spmeWh i^t astonished at the dificovr ^y.'r''Iti8^iriiende^ to m«Ke ibis 'the l^rmiineht' caoip, where the command will remaih'nniil the return of the aupv pljr train frbm Laramie. IHE OFficiAL BfSrbilT. W'ASBi^toii J|ihb 23.—Pro£ Jen bey setvds. the followina dispatch to the In^#]pi Commissioner,\dated June .36, from tbe Black^ Hills V., "Have discovered'gold in Small quao* tities on the north bend of Cattle Creek, Tn« thaterracesror bars- of iq'tiarte gcaVel. inii^'We yostetday-.'' AJbovitflfteen miners hs^albested caih^ ^bove herrand*^ Jiaie xrdraiariBced w^rki ing. Gold ICUaR^rOtMk southwardly to French Creek.- -At this point the deposits are almost wholly in rak»l». Tbe regivo ha» twf fiilir a#, tsrs. Free explored, but the, yifld ofgold thijs far has beep .quite sfmfil and the Reports of richness of the gravel bare greatly ex aggerated. On French Chreek the depos its of graYol atejtery unfavorably situ atedr The .water, supply ia small and falling, and the gride is too little to ad ttit bf tailingsnehig chi ned off by the istresm. Theprospect present ts not such as to warrant extended explora tions in mining. il(Signed) RcsoLTstr W. & Jesset, Engineer Expedition.'' NOT TO Bfi DI9TCBBRk^ 'fJ v'Uv -'•Washikot^s, June 24.-—ft fsp^bbable .that the miners found in the Black HH1& will not he disturbed, afc present, as the government does not 1 mat' Custer propose to farnish transportatioTi 'btfek 'td Cheyenne for the adventurers found there/ ttCEPTlONA&r&EAlih. Was 1872, 1873 and. 1when al most excessive, rains prevailed! rin this locality,exceptional yeatsf or wals 1874,' when drouth prevailed not .only here but throughout the land, the o&eeptioti? Vegetation of all kinds grotysr as lusii r^ntly.,this year as on® could wish. June 20th oats stood ten inches high, cornt welve inches and potato^, eight eon .inches, on the farm of R. M. Dong las, which was late planted,and on others are lpoking equally well. Dakota grown on ions,, and radishes, ,&q., .have been brought into market in considerable, amounts,and early.potsto.s are in bloom. There is no more productive, farming •region in the world than^his,. which is included in ''Our Barren-:Lands,"-ifj we iia^e moisture enough^ and tiiree years out of the first four-of -its settle ment w.e have had an abundance, .-and this season, upwards of seventeen inches before the first of July. Last year drouth prevailed throughout. tliie c6un-1 try, and through droiitU. and grasshop pers crops wVe failure. 1 or* NORTBUzntr *Aaire E S 7,i^ The Northern Paciflo KdUor?,at their ebii&'< xneeUng at Diiltft^-piid the #61 Ipwin^ juit tribote tothe local-main*ge ment of tbe Northern Pacific' v: v. That ?thfi8* JAisobjatioti tdkes real plea^^e'i^ in tQStifying as a body to. the efficiepcy of the local: than ajgettieVit bf the ^ort^era/Pacific Kail-i tdidi and to tht cdiittesy and affabili ty of officers who composer Such manage ment. The most nortl^y road in the State, and running.. laiggly -through a prairie country', vet sufiering less than atif dtli^riii the awte iroiri impediment to travel from wiftter storms for thiree years past^-the whole kime.of its oper ation rii^( wlthpu^ one single accident to a passenger train involving ioss of life or serious bodily hurt: these f^cis alone speak vdtnmefs for tnose in epp trol of the running affairs of the Ybad. WHh officers from the hTghefet id •'the lowest who are aenfiwM$--it* -tlie sense of the wdm^ aiid v^ol~nnifoi^ily tteat all with wKb&'they coin# ... EU3y:^& 3^ 1 ikiddi any: Alpn /. riri"con tact with thit feotirte^r which 'm cht^ac teristic pf. g^ntlemen7-to inoe$ thetn spd to do business wito th^m lire instead' bf,ui^1flr too of^en' the caW, a disagreeable necesslQrI:AftdVe heTe by tender this expresridre xi our s^nti ments as a trlbute of yefpect ^^4 good will towards ^he road, which b^ its ju^t ilfti titttf^td&frin'g yr!tli th6 jjublic bas^ weTl* etrri^d'i lhefeooffd^nc^:df (he community, and towards thb'se gentler men who bare^mrgr of itot^rffairs. Abr a Cdinimgi, yf. Jll Aahley.knil: J. Ha. CoI iins, (ot'ibej8ioii*.Vomml-sijoa, on the 20th 'inst^jwere aor?enedi to^ \i)ce tO{tbe Indian:*:paaitryi/ and aseaT tAxn at onct/idlimaite& jofi interest per tMningvto ^thejiettVement^ of-.'the. Black ]£Ul8 di^cu^ty 5 jnake.a proliiminary ex %oiin.&tion^9fc the. .tnuntr^r, diojd inter views with tltft fedmn^. *ndiarrange!far a^grand $9Wf)ki wwb»blyi at (Fart Ran' dall,where toeaty^ft! be eansuminated at the e%vlicst possible nufthent. We c| ijp.^e foil ow(i froni'4Sandy's" StP Pa^l.Wtteyjte the/Vormiilion Regit* JKfc.kadj.bfte^L^WAre that mw.t *f "W? 1.1 Dle*8«te ot (necttpe onr&f dVday u$t!Tfottnsberry, tho "boifels of the Bismarck Tribcms." He tdokini well favored,a»4 I c«u)d not help think ing what a fine overcoat his vent would auke t»r a tcib Lke ftiVfrelf. I Tkia O^jr we Celabrat*. A number of our citizens hate joined together for the purpose of celebrating Uie Fourth with a grand basket picnic and h^, A large tent Will be erected and decorated for.this purpose. They have arranged to accommodate about fifty touple. Invitations have been is si^d toa^oi^t 100^pergoi|%thpse to whqm invitations have been issued can pro cure'e tickets «t either Of the dihi£ Stored. ,The .7tb Cavalry Band has been secured for the'occasion. The Declaration of Independence Will ite read by Mr. Win. Pj^ and. an a^aUon,delivered by Geo. P. Plannery. Dinner will then be spread, after which danciiig will be in order, continuing .duripg the even ing. 0 Money order dfficdi have' been' estab lished at Bismarck and Fort Abraham Lincolnv Dakota* 'ai}^ order^ will be issued*after July 1st. 'Capt. Howe, successor of Capt. Gross man. has Arrived at Fort Lincoln with his family: The officers quarter* at Fort Lincoln are being'plastiered. Goff & Ford, photographers, will ar rive at Bismarck to day, remaining a few days only. They do first class work. Call on them early.. -0 1 MK S.~Kaufiman,a resident bf Miners villefta., and a holder of Northern Pa cific R' R. bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, visited Bismarck last week He looked around somei and ex pressed himself as being highly pleased With this section of coiintry, and par ticularly gratified with tJie-exhilirating climate. He,stated "that this Was the best section of country he had seen en •'froin his home." It is but the common verdict nine-tenths of thepeot ple who visit this portion of God's acre come to the same conclusion. Sheridan is forty-seven years old, but in- consequence of having kept early hours and formed strictly temperance habits, he is frequently greeted by Chi cago "shiners" with "Have your boots blacked^ ftubV\ A Srt^glo fifttwMtt m, Guard axid- a Sffwi^am Bloo^Jionnd.. Patrick Maustace, is one of the guards -at t^Xitttbni.Penitentiary,whose duty \t is tp ipake tho rounds of the institu tion at night to learn if airs well. This .he-does in cemjpdny with two Siberian bloodhoot^r-^ last while -aceo^mplisblng thisTdUtW the dogs quarrcleOLatld a territQe struggle ensued Jtatwoen them.. Eustace inserted his club between the jaws of the one which Wild'between his long fangs' the other's O a .The Savage brute released his ihald and dew .at the, guard,,.catching .his right arm and forcing, .his teeth deep lifito the iSfesh'j through the thickbess' cf an overcoat, urtdercoat and: two shirts. Th(j guard used: hia club freely but this would hava aya^ed' little. .bad aot tbe ^O.n4 'j^oU^4',-OP|Q^ to the rescue pf,his niitSte)^! "and' even then .the victory of ttfttff^ and beast was rdearly bought. Hiaving Senired the enraged animal, &nd, as the, guard.. believed,: subjected him sufficiently, EjustaCe went into the Wardeti's bffice where his wPiinds were dressedi'-' Abodt two hburs later Gfuard Iiemian:W£Ls making a to'uri of the yard w,ith .the .hounds, yrhen ,Guard JBaptace hai^pefied io crpss^ some distance off. Th^ tnoment th'e holind heard hjp' foot steps he uttertd a low cry arxd bounded •swiftly Off in the direction of Gustsce, flfho was? apprised of his danger by a '^c^t '.foofy Guard L^nnan. -£u£tace "turned,driwi ng his revolver at the same ^tirijc, arid piu lied "the trigger as he Saw the lioun approaehtng him. The' first jihpt tooketS^ct.aaid tbeanimal sUgger e^3 and fell shot through the heart. A few seconds later and be would probably hive had his fangs in the throat-of the .The convicts at the ^Penitentiary Stapd in continual fear of thetfe, savage Siberian prptriers,. perhaps the^ most, savage and resentful' of the canine family*—Philadelphia Telegraph:' ..: "s.. .T—: fr— .. Mr. Beach, Tiltpn's counsel, would ii'Sfttf tp'bcvefy fthpoiUic iti getting'up li quarrel, wtt^ the jury! ft must''have fathers-taken him.' hack, however, when he charged/that they hadbeen tampered with, to have one of their number pro duce a l$f bf Clippings from the one of TiltOh's organs, which, had been surreptitiously, handed to him by an outsider. This accoynls for the recent publication pf the so.called "new testi mony," ^ot ^ariftg to put the' ^s on' the stand to be cross-examined, they print their stafements in theifrin and Uten distribute th#tr paper, wnong the jurymen. Mr* Beach, in thus, forc ing «i wi^h the. dry, bids fair to iiilii 'hli Vase eftftirelyi and bring hwiie to roost some of the charges of "tamper ing" $bieh be has made again«t the de fers?ant.—MiniMpQlir TrUbn^t. Sun,