OCR Interpretation

Bismarck tri-weekly tribune. [volume] (Bismarck, D.T. [N.D.]) 1875-1881, June 04, 1877, Image 1

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WiU Sidle, at Mirineapplis,. is now
in re
President Hayes will appoint a South^
ern man to succeed Judge Davis on the
Senator ConkJing does not call on the
^fcsi^nt and refuses to endorse artyap
plication for office, a Washington dis­
patch says.
A Minnesota anti horse thief associa
tion offers two hundred dollars reward
for the capture of a horse thief or proof
ot his accidental deaths
Gren.Grant said recently, when the
military failures of Schurz, Banks and
others were spoken of, that it should not
be forgotten,
that they commenced, oper
.ations as Major Generals.
Senator Spencer of Alabama, a lite long
iriend of Governor Pennington, of Da­
kota, has made large investments in the
Black Hills and' Intends makingthat
•country his home after a few years. The
Senator made *a great deal of money
through early investments. in Iowa.
Ceil far 'ddeitf-'^Y^'u ,,
platform drawn or jjtisfietf^ *-tfie
jpasshoppersWhO jump to avoid the Aia
chine and sire fastened in the tar.' Thou-1
sands of bushels have already been takijght
and burned in Minnesota this seasoq bjy.
this means. It makes a. clean &weep
where used.
Two or three publication dayS have
been skipped by the TRIBUTE, of late,
because of our building operations, and
one or two more may be jumped as the
plasterers will begin their operations to­
morrow. As scon as this seige is over
the TRIBUNE will be published regularly,
and for frontier circulation three times a
Roger A. Proyor, in his decoration ad­
dress at New York, on the 30th ult.,
said: The people of the North now have
no cause to mistrust the profession of feal
ty to the Union that come from the sol­
diers of the South. Love of the Union
assumes its original ascendency -hence­
forth the strength and security of the
South are only to be found tinder the
shield of the Union.
The success ofjG^. Miles, over
toeerjand higc$uj:fit of, cutthroat#,, a full
I Binumk,'OWk«i *ewtto*y.
juaaeainl** rmmr.
T.j-Weekljr, One Year..... ^.. 95 00
8 00
Three Month* 1 75
Weekly, 2 00
Three Honftik. 75
Coir*kA6T-RA*W:—(Wlaehoneye** flB?™*
"Incbea $25 4 inches f$40 8 inches $70 15 inches
•9135 on* eotatno $150,
lines Nonpareil,i-first insertion, $1.50j-- e^l^ijpubse-.
-qrapt insertion 75 cents.
lf l^ ftilitUihnul ....
I8IEIT ADTOBiisnro:—Ten lines nonpar^J,-lst
insertioi^fl.OO additional linesflve'eento aadttpnal
ioMrtioo Sctptsptf line. Address.
C. A. fcoiml»erry, Editor and Manager,^
The Tri-"WEESTY Trilmne.
.The foiB&sv appeaVsftipay-M
wdekly and &e weekl-jr edition
Tutored. The. weekly will bejnailedtp
all Eastern substfrib^ imleS# JotherwisC
ordered, and the jtri-wepkJy to all city
subscribers, and to ^^ibscribers at $ie millr.
ta& |n4 !"lpd'C
otherwise directed. The subscription
price of the tr^Wee^l/ -will-b^ ffve dollars
pier annuth j'that Of the Weekly two dollars^
With the last issue volume four closed
publication «e£ .-thai rSri-W e^kly—iuir afkr
V"» s*m K* 4 it fli
noynced thatit^wld-^? ^qpttnued^onfev
during the winter-b«b its p^illication«i8«
now resumed and will be continued until
superceded jy a iaiiy.
%eltevitig''^iat the constantly •incredth
ing' ^port^nc4j pi^Bis^arck(^|ni^nfl€4
something more than a- weekly paper- two
montlis ago tta'e'publication'of the semt'
\yeekly TRiBi^xi^was commenced Thig^
cause a tri-weekly will .best serve
ing always later news Chaff
ed through any other source.
The trial of Kate Noonan for the mur­
jrf which was given last week,
is an important one and will go far
A rainbow! by. moonlight is the latest
B^kJIQla fen^a^iio C«e Js reported
from Sheridan, the county seat of Pen­
nington county.
Ben. Butler has purchased an extensive
estate in jColbrtdb» anti: detfintiined
toego W^st, rsfis^ cattle,k grow uji -mth
the country and get into the U. S. Senate
jf he can _^^__i_ii|i^iOjta^:
A cprrespondent ot,, t^e^SidMy T^sle-,
graph gnres an accocrtt df a
and-a- pftir
Wo. A. Brnm, of St. Pant, is in the city.
Major Reno lsft ^t. Paal for the east last Chars
Dr. Middletonhas been ordered east |sad will
leave for New Torlc in a tew days.
Major John Cariand has gone to St. Cloud on
business in connection with pony trades.
McClar, of ^Jhe.Diamond ,B
has been spending some days in the city,
Ii^nt.:Edward -Magolre.'df the Engineer Corps,
-will accompany the Yellowstone Expedition.
J. W. Brigham, of the Brigham House, Minneap­
olis, is in the^y «b#*k|#t6r the Stock Htts
W mill.
The following named persons sn biokei for to
•morrow's stage fortie*Awwt&: W.' Cham^, 9." Tar
box, E. P. Fowler, B. N. Jefferds and T. Angeli.
C%as. B. Wright, President of the N. P. K. R.,
will arrive at St. Paul Wednesday, and will, yroba
blycome to Bismarck, pending jlome ttyi on tM
•Chas Stanton and Thos. Devine, two Bismacck
^orts^arrlTed fn
Special orders from Department Headquarters di­
rect Capt. Nowlan to accompany Col. Sheridan to
the Utile Big Horn for the purpose of.'flifcitifjfhig
the bodies of officers tilled there June Tii KM.
Messrs. Stoyell ond Klasnery have returned from
Iksseaion of the U. 8 Court at Varga. Both met
SMfell'idetanlaa: in aipost
-ttieXwi|jjti ^'gwiiytgn re2l£i UaisIC
^^wfl^Cfifc^BfOTn, "8111:6*81 aftery,
Davis. Con Lowney and. Jos. Hare, Petit Jarors,.K.
Ci.Mp, John Highland and L, Gill, Grand Jurors,,
and Chas, Lonis, witness, hare returned from service
at the U. 8. Court at Fargo.
Be UjC Meted and ordtrintd by tfo Common Cttm
eU-efthe City of Bismarck:
That John A. McLean, Mayor of the City of BIs
marck.beand is hereby aathorixed and directed,
and fal^etnpowered to ezectffe'aad itjfrer to Ue
A ^agdliMotuKft LandfOoft^anjr^ a
k, D. T., totneiCalceSaperior and Paget
Bound Xand Company for the lots selected and
agreed-upon by the Common Council and the said
company in pursuance and under agreement made1
by and between the City of Bismarck, I and
•aid company dated May 20,1875, and to carry out
in good faith said contract.
And said mayor is hereby Xolly empowered po do
all and ewerfUiing necesnt^ or requisite to be doae:
to carry oat and fulfill said contract between the
City of Bismarck, D. T, and the said Lake Superior
Pnget Sound Land Company, and all resolutions,
notions and «rdin^m—
Be It enacted and ordained that the licence for
conducting or carrying on the following business in
the City of Bismarck for the year ending May 1st,
1878, be as follows and fixed as herein set forth:
For wholesal eing and retailing, or for whoisaie
ingSpiritons Liquors $75 00
For retailing /Spiritous Liquors 50 0#
For distilling or manfactoring liquors ...... 50 00
For one horse.dray.... 10 00
For two hot* dray.... 15 00
For omnibnsses, each 25 00
For water wagons, each 25 00
For Bitches.......... ....t'. 4 00
For Dogs 1","',^' oo
For Auctioneer 50 00
For Peddlery 60 00
For Billiar4*tbks,,Hgeaa-liol«s and Teatplni~
Alleys, each oo
Be it enacted that if any person or persons carry*
ing on or conducting any or the business set forth
and named either fa person or by agent without first
getting his or their license shall be fined not exceed­
ing fifty doliars and oosts dr imprisoned /within the
cky Jail not exceeding ten days for eacq and every
°®82fe- A1I°fd^,fce»^ Parti of oftinawes In
conflict with this to hereby repealed.
C. LOUIS. Clerk,
ward convincing them that the govern­
ment intends to force submission on their
part a«d has the power to do «Ow The
Indian respects nothing but force and
the display that Gen. Miles makes of
this element will do more ^owsujd civfli
zing him than it is possible to accomplish
through the workings of the peace poli­
cy of which we have heard somuch, Gen.
Miles^actswkely in-sailing in and whip^
ping the Indians with the force he has
{n hand instead of waiting to organize In­
dian auxiliries 00
for ^he,e^iucation-pf rer
cruits knowing tfiiat he'eatf depend upon
those who have so often met with, suc­
cess under his I
u, nf
The county^ seat of Custer county,
Black Hills, has been located at Hayward
City. ,,- T.'*T
Deadwood has had a first baptism of
fire, resulting in a loss of about five thou­
sand dollar^ ^he firAjf6iifeinated in.tie
a a a
-siiver-speetacles) -buried
deep in mother earth, which was recent­
ly found in the Black Hills,
Crazy Horse had a narrow escape from
death by over eating. Strawberries
,and cream did not-agree with him. Lt.
(Clark, of Gen. Crook's staff, has enlisted
Crazy Horse and (fifteen of his head men
tor duty at Red
Spotted ^Tail^^te& Cloud^and Crazy
h^tl^red men become soldiers, while,
fhe Attorney
ger of a man he once returned to slavery
junles tlie fugitive-«Iave act.—Army and
•Navy Herald.
MCLKAN, Mayer.
gpeeial toVUBitmardh JWbwM,
St^Favl,June4.—The war news by
the Atlantic Cable is voluminous but un­
at Constantinople are reported despon­
dent believing they cannot equal the
Rusaianforce now in^heheld.
are retarded however, by rains and the
government is embarrassed by the ac
tioa of tha Servians who .clasaor for war
against Turkey ivhich would certainly
compel Austria to send her army over
enrnt oto'
has been ordered to first aotify the Mexi­
can authorities in case of raids into Texas
and ^i^iflh^neglect^r1refuse to stop'
them to follow the raiders into Mexico
until they are overtaken and .punished,
thcato recoeerthe-stoiea.
has sent a special agent of the post o£
fioe department to induct new postmaif
fen iti East andy^e^FLelicin%iKMiisjana.
In one case the appointee was intimida­
ted from taking possession while in aa
£he commission of the new
"ofnef c&at the commission
.postmaster has been three times returned
to ibfcdeafl letter oiffice as uncalled for
thougn. the party was at? the' same1 time
daily applying for letters. The agent i&in
vstructed to close the offices if the people
do not quietly submit to the Departments
^uthSrifcyt 4'hewillage of
'ONBMTAf- ..
•Upper Mich., was entirely destroyed by
a timber fire on Saturday, and sewn
hundred people were thereby left tone­
•Josephine. TeM, Tongue Kiver.
Yellowstone, Bryan, Fort Benton.
Bed Oirad, St. Louis
Gen. Meade,^ound up, 3 miles •kaJow
the Post.
The gteacser Yellowstone arawed
from Benton Thursday, and after taking
on sixty tons freight, cleared for Stead
ing Rock, returning to this plaee iFri
The Nellie Peck arrived froa i7«nk
ton Friday -evening, with laundresses
^ildcen. jShe took 175
tdtfsof biicSfat this piaee for So/ocd,
The Silver^Jrty is here'and will leave
for Benton-«g soon as «ame sligbt re­
pairs are made to her machinery.
The steamers Qen. Caster aod(£«d
Cloud, long past due, h»ve not yet ar­
The Foretenette, Gapt Braithwaifce, is
coming ap'frem Yankton With 350 tone
destined for£ort Bentoo.
"rCom. Cevlson was in St. Paul yee
We are .pleased to meet Mr. E.
Maclay, nroprietpr ^f,tb« Diamond Rj
«^Qrland |n|ghtfii^ Kr« Ma^tay.goes
blithe by,^steamer Josepbice^t
leaving here Tuesday.
River rising fast.
The steamhr Gen. Meade, R/ 0. Ma
gODgMafte»» left^ongue Rtver^-M.
tlMjgJda/T^y^ .3iFer,jrvy:. high
and rising very fast. 6 «*clock
CK, D. T, MONMY JUNE 4, 1877.
met steamer ^ar West above Powder
River. Saturday, June 1st, 2:20 p. it,
passed. at$taer ^Arkansas Uying at
Florenca Meyeri under
in^^iwYto^at!#.' 1:S5 f. "m/ itfi'et
steamer Fanchon above Giendive. Sat­
urday 2d, 4sifi A. M., passed steamer
•ahland.,tied «p ten miles below Joe
Todd's clearing. 6:15 A. K. passed
steamer Tidal Wave laying at bank.
&30 steamer S.'W. Dugan laying at
bank above Peninah Schute. Sunday
June 3d, 6:20 A. JC., steamer 0. K: Peck
lied-to shore at White-E^rth river.- 10:
M. met steamer Peninah and J. O. G.
Fletcher at little Missouri. 12:50,.
below Fort Berthold steamer Osceola,
line out palling. 2:40, met steamer J.
JS. Rankin at Bed Lake. 5:45, met
steamer Silver Oity at Painted Woods.
6:30, met steamer Nellie Peck at point
below Painted Woods. 6:55.- met
steamer Savanna and barge at Norwe­
gian Wood Yard. 7:10, passed a barge
loaded'with lumber tied to bank below
Dry Point. 8:10 landed at Bismarck.
The steamer Josephine will leave for
Benton Wednesday, 7th inst.
TherfolIofFiiJgb _ate?iners. are now at
the landing, waiting for business:
Yellowstone, John M. Chambers and
General Meade.
The Arkansas 'and Fanchon are due
from Tongue River to-morrow the
A&land and Tidal Wave On Saturday.
The Victory,.
Kendall are doe fror
Thf-Sherman was lying at Sioox
City Qn Friday last but is.probably en
route for up river ere this.
.Savanna ..left, for Tongue River
Saturday evening, towing two heavily
loaded barges, but, meeting the big rise,
she was forced to leave one of them,
and is making good headway with the
other against the fearful current alwayp
to be lbtfnd 'at this 'seasoh' "bfjthe yeHf.
Tkerriveir isrisingjrmpidlyand prem­
ises to be higher than for many years
at ihiS'Season of the year. Last night
it raised four inches and- to-day about
/'y-, ..
lot tte
CITT HILL, BiaeutcE, D. T., May 17,1877.
rrisiMi MSJIII McLean in the ehai Alderman
4}£f&nr Bfepfos, Corey, McKensie and Maloy. v.
The Miautes of the last meeting were read.
On iij$t$n it was ordered that that portion of the
ordinances requiring a bond of $3,000 on the issue
of a license for the sale erf intoxicating liquors be
fftricken out. It was also' ordered that that portion
*(the proceedings oT t^e i^ meeting fixing the
license atone hundred ^ollars~for retailing spiritn
ods llqaoa be amended S3-aivt& fix theiicenie at $50.
Messrs Griffin, McKeniie and Maioy voting aye
Hem Pt*ptMtifl Coitf UK*
iMo^edj secowled and carried that the rate of
lweHse fixed by ordinance be approved,
iMoved, seconded and carried that the minutes of
last meetfi^be approved as amended.
{The bill o£j. H. Bichards was referred back to
the carmmjttee'on ways and means.
jit wasaoved. seconded arid carried that an ordi
nlmte-fie^asded'authorizing the mayor to deed to
h. N. Griffin-Lot IS in Block 50, Citjj ^f Bismarok,
An nrdinaded for this purpose was thereupon intri
"dnced anl passed, Messrs. Maloy, McEensie, Peo­
ples ihd'#riffin voting aye noes none.
lAdioum^d ueSi 5 p. m.
Courkifmet. at 6 p. m. May 17 pursnent to ad­
Maloy, McKensie, Peonies-
and. Corey, Mayor McLean in the chair."
*Aie minutes of the last meeting were read and
iMoved and -seconded that a committee to inveatf
gitfe Udfepbrt upon the reports and do!ags Of tie
city tfS&n be appointed. The motion prevailed
and Alds/ McSenzie, Griffin-and Core? wero ap­
!Thp following bills were presented,3sd^eferred«9
tbe.dena)ttee of ways and mteos:
Bill of AlesL. Mckenzie ZoEiSoard ci prisoners.
Bill of E. SJoan for serv:cgg( $I5
Bill o/jOhas Lonis for services, $44 40^
BilU ef.T. Fortane for.
services, ftSO.'J?.
BillofH.€ager for servecc-s ht cocncction 'ttie
fire, $20.
(Bill of Maloy for services, $3.
(Bill of W. A Hollembitok 'for stationery, $i£ 60.
{The committee on ways and means reported on:
tne abojre bills follows:
jOn te^W&r!Afe*ind»'^tfrfCeBtio fevorab^r.
iOn^fflfiifiiJtThogPortilqe fejrfrsjyy.t:,
[On the mil of Henry Gager favorably.
,iOn the bill of Wa. A. HollembaekfarorabJy, and
Hi was ordered that this bill be paid from the town''
stye fund.
iAnd warrcnts were orderefi draws in payneat of
the save.
ThemiilSofi of P. Malo^ wss referred to the com^
raitteey#5tfce whole.
Actfe/Ib* resolution an theorizing the-cit
3ta6es and. moihimrats
T«igue.Biv«r Post, 3 dayjLOuj
"Todd landed all hl» fre^gf
River, retaroed to Gletidive, there lead
ed three coepanies of inf&ntry and
went back to Tongue Kiver Poet. Met
terrei next meeting.
and'seconded that an ordinance emponrer
ng the maydr to deed Ms to Hie Lake -Superior
aid Paget Soand Land Company be. passed. The.
tionrirevailed and those voting aye were AidsJ
loj and Peoples 'no, Aid -fisifin..
XheFboenizei Hotel. A Gco2 House?
-well Patronized.
It is our purpose to write up, from
time to trae, the several Hotels in Bis
niarefc to the end that the travelingpublie
may become posted as to the accommo­
dations offered. Though Bismarck has
ever had good hotels, until new there
hias been a-lack of hotel accommoda­
tions, but the wantfcill soon be •fully
met, and vrts most seriously'felt after
the destruction of the Western and
Miners' Hotels fn March last.
The reconstruction af those houses
was immediately cc^Jircs-nced,, and 'last
week the Western was opened to tbe
public by its enterprising proprietors.
The new hoace, much larger and every
way better adapted to ike hotel custom
of the efty. which has risen from the
ashes of the eld, is 24x130, two story,
with o£Gce 24x25, dining rooa
24x30, with a^'arge and, in every -re­
spect, well .arranged kitchen, -with
pantry, and three family recess on tbe
first floor. A'ladies' parlor aad sleep­
ing accommodations for a large num­
ber of guests will be found abwe. The
basement is 22s3o, well lighted -and
•rentilated, is used for tbe bar the re
•mainder for a wine cellar. In rear -of
'fills is a cammedious, vegetable-cellar
{Though the Western Hotel a much
larger than the 4»id, its proprietors^find
that Chey ltave oo little r^oot, and
eostemplate budding an Addition
oc the lot adjoining, which
will enable theot to accommodate a
largely increased, number of guests.
Atithe present Ht&e tbey have seventy
five regular boarders and their pro­
portion of the transient bote! oustness
of the city, and entertain their guestsi
handsomely. The W-estern is centrally:
located—directly opposite the depot—I
and it i« weli manage*! by enterprising
and public-spirited men who thorough-:
ly understand their besiness. At the:
time of the Ore the Western bed notj
less than sixty-five regalar boarders,
and it wiil bi seen that thay hold rheir
own and are gaining, as s.hey certaialy
deserve to do.
Destitute of Metalic Sa&staaccs.
A black-eyed chap was prancing
around'town last night informing all
he chanced to meet, if they happened
to look like a Quartermaster, that he
was destitute of metalic substances
and wanted a situation, as cook, on tbe
expedition. He informed. Tiieut. Chubb
that Gen. Card had reserved a place for
hita, and was told he had bast be on
hand to take the Rankin on the arrival,
of the train in the ovening,, if that was
the case. He was there, and, after
making numerous gestures that seemed
to have no. relation, to the subject, said
on a steamboat or. somewhere. Deem*
ing this a sufficient recommendation
Col. Lee presented him to Capt. Heint
zelman, but Heintzelman could not ap-
Xeciate his worth, and when last
^ard from the disappointed .destitute
talked of cleaning out the whole mili
tary outfit, metals or no metals, but
went off in search of Chubb, or metals,
or something, the* absence of which
seemed to worry him.
of a
Knows oftiie
the pasSefigers by the -frst
Deadwood stage Vaa Dan Costello, of
rRfcine, Wis., who went to the Hills
some months ago in charge of a quartz
miller.the Racine. Mining Company.
Theirs was the first stamp which.fell in
the: Hills, and Mr. Costello informs ns
thjat .their mill has- crusted quartz for
altnost every well4tnown lode in the
Hills. While "he does ndt think the
Hills full of bonanzas, and- is not satis
field with the placer mines, he was on
his way east for new and improved ma­
chinery aqd trill return in a few" weeks
with a thirty stamp mill to take the
place ef bis present ten stamp machine.
While Mrj, Costello does not believe
that the immense wealth exists in the
Sills which some people expect to find
lying around loose, and within their
grasp without an expensive effort and
without fatiguing labor, he does be*
fieve the mine in which he is at work
wjll yield this season $75,000 over and
tkoove expenses, and may yield much
more than that as the quartz grows
richer as the mine is developed, and Jae
says he knows of no business that will
yield to capital so good returns. He
finds little encouragement for labor,
hovtever, and says the Hills are over
run with idle men, the great mass of
whom are ,/jrithout mining or other
frontier experience, and'many of them
without a dollar. That this is so he
does not blame the country, for the
saiae state of affairs has existed in all
mining countries. He believes the
Hills will' settle up permanently with a
bijave and.
industrious people and will
Mcoine famous for their agricaltaral
wealth as well as their'mineral resour
oeB. Of Mr. Cdstello's opinion of the
Bismarck route to the Hills and the
eonctry lying between Bismarck and
the Hills we apeak elsewhere.
CEBIT. imja.
Battle vrllu
Special Correspondence Bismarck Tritmne.
May 16th, 1877.—A command from this
cantonment that left here on the 1st
inst.,. comprising Co's F, J, fi and L,
2d cavalry, and Go's and H, 5th Inf'y,
and E, F, and H, 22d infantry, after
marchiog up: Tongue Siver some 70
miles, left tbe wagon train under guard
olthpge companies of infantry and pro
ceieded with pack animals through a
pass across the Rosebud. This command
subsequently again divided, leaving
the infantry column with the majority
of the pack animals, and, flying-light,
proceeded by forced asarches, noctur
nally and diurnally, by a circuitous
route to Muddy Greek, an affluent of
the Rosebud, where, eo the morning of
the 7th, they surprised and captured
Lame.Deer'a cans of SI .lodges. This
victorious command consisted of Com­
panies F, Q, aad I, 2d cavalry, under
Capt. Ball, and a detachment of mount­
ed infantry under Lieat. Casey, Gen.
-Miles being the head, and front of the
offeoaive party. Tbe route was complete.
The chief, Lame Deer, a head warrior,
and Iron Star being among the slain,
and oumbera of tbe Indian dead Cthese
among them) were left on the field.
Tbe entire camp, utensile, parapbena
lite, and about 450 boraes, mules and
ponies were captured, and utter de­
moralization resulted to this band of
Indians, accounted one of tbe worst
and most formidable now ^hostile.
Gen. Miles bad a narrow escape from
tbe beligerent attentions of Lame Deer
and Iron Star, who fired, three times at
him at only a few rods distance, and
while be was endeavoring to effect a
pacific .adjustment of tbe difficulty.
These chiefs, and two others present,
were fairly riddled with balls. The
soldiers fought gallantly and performed
excellent service, following tbe General
in every charge and thoroughly ful­
filling tbe Ifileaian
maxim at a fair,
"Where you see a head, hit it." It is
estimated tbat bout 40 warriors were
night succeeding the fight, and many
were wounded and killed by the picket
line in the endeavor. Our loss is as
^Private Cba*. A. Martlndale and frank Glaclco
tray, Co. F, 2d Cavalry, and Peter Lonya and
Chae. ffhrenger, Co. H, 9d Cavalry, were killed.
2d Lieut. A. M. Toller, 2d Cavalry, wounded in
right shoulder (while advancing to recei-e a pro
fessed aoirender of tbe Indians on tbe bill).
Pri. Sam'l Frjer, Co.
NO. 1.
their horses during the charge up the
valley, being for a distance of five miles.
The Indians were taken bv complete
surprise. Their loss has been very se­
vere, both in life and property, and the
elect of this
successful affair can­
not but be very salutary upon the re­
maining hostiles.
A portion of the command remains
on the Rosebud to occupy that section,
and the remainder returned here for
additional supplies to prosecute the
campaign. Four companies of the otn
infantry are being mounted upon cap­
tured stock, and will therefore be en­
abled to chase Indians with hope of
overtaking them and not being hamper-,
ed in successful operations, by lack of
means to complete a victorious engage
Justice Defeated.
me a small space in your paper for the
benefit of the public. T. B. Nason, of
Minneapolis, who is about thirty-eight
year of age, with light complexion, light
blue eyes, a bald head, and broad shoul­
ders, of medium height and about one
hundred and eighty pounds weight,
stole money out of one of my money
drawers at this post. Some of said
money was found upon him by the sher­
iff three hours after it was taken. Pos­
itive proof of this was placed before
the Grand Jury at the present term of
court held at Fargo. Notwithstanding
all this, no bill was found against him,
but the. court would not allow him to
be released and ordered th'at be should
renew his bond to appear at the next
term of court which shows that the
court thought that he should have been
When Grand Juries fail to indict for
crimes of this kind, business men owe
it to themslves as a protection to one
another to publish to the world the true
character of such men as this man
Nason, and I hereby caution all per­
sons to look out for him as a dangerous
man in any community, and it is to be
hoped for tbe sake of the* country that
such grand juries are few. and far be­
tween. Wk.
Fort A. Lincoln, May 31,187T.
Black Hills Stages.
Friday's stage from Deadwood arri­
ved at Bismarck in forty-six hours,
bringing Ban Costello, N. B. Harwood,
Mr. Dulkin, Geo. Rugg, Jas. Hamilton,
Geo. W. Ross, Henry Ro&s, W. H.
Hatch and R. R. Marsh. The paasen
gers all commend the Bismarck route
and sa7 no one who has traveled tbia
route will ever take any other. Dan
Costello, of Racine, "Wis., who wssoP
the party, speaks of the conntry as
being a most excellent one—a paradise
in comparison with the plains of sand
south of tbe Hills. A luxuriant
growth of grass covers tbe plains, and
Costello says every foot of land between
Bismarck and the foot hills is adapted
to agricultural purposes and believes!,
that no better stock region can 'ju
found in the West. Costello's mining
operations are noted elsewhere, also
his impressions of the Hills.
Tbe Stage Company send out a train
of fifteen wagons to-day. Tbe following
persons enroute for Deadwood accom"
pany it: L. M. Cab ill, A. G. Creger,
D. Woodman, W. E. Burgess, N. C.
Stevens, C. P. Hayward, Jr., John
Colby, G. B. Colby and Angus IfcMarab
Forty teams loaded for Deadwood ietve
The Deadwood
Business here is very good everyone
is at work, and some are making'mone*
very fast You cannot imagine, nor can
I describe or give any idea of the busy,
active city of Deadwood. It beats
thing. There is not room in the city a
put up a tent The streets are as much
crowded as Broadway, N. Y., and even
one moving as rapidiy. The miners are
hard at work in the very center of »h«
city, the hills are covered with men, all
working away at their claims. One old
German we came across was diggiy^ on
quartz which was very rich. He hid
guard over the pile of rock, which i.
ued at $50,000, and still producing »»ie
precious stuff. Old Montana and Cay
fornia miners claim that the g/Id here
excels anything in either Montana
California. Silver mines of immense va
ue have been opened up, and one
is said to be the richest in the i.
water is too high for heavy mi 11
many claims are idle in consequ
Acquatic in Crook City Coeref
Wadena Tribune.
F, 2d Cav., wounded in rt arm.
Wm.Onner,! right hand.
Andrew JefrM, O, i" acalp.
Patrick Byan,' left arm.
Thog.B.Gilmore,H, neck.
ma Wedaf' left hand.
W r^ehin.
iSeveral'men were injured, mof^- or,
less seriously, by being thrown from
An Editor Squeals,
Wiled, «en.r being counted by one {™0h° to'
soldier in the vicinity of the lne, pondent of the Chicago Times tor saying
charged over by his company, extend something very fine in his journal for
mg a distance of five miles from the the Sidney "Short Cut" Route into the
camp, over the contiguous bluffs. The Hills, to know that the same chap has
Indians made vain but repeated efforts 1 just discounted his effort here in a letter
to regain some of their herd during the to the Timet, from Bismarck, in -.vh
he told all the bad stories he could invent
concerning Sidney and the various
routes along the U. P. R. R. We simply
call attention to this fact for the reason
that some people might not otherwise
know it. Two hundred and fifty dollars
paid to an ingrate for maligning and
throwing graveyard dirt over our other­
wise "untarnished" face.—Sidney Tele­
An exchange remarks:
"A Georgia negro twisted a mule's tail
to urge it over a fence. The small at­
tendance at the funeral next day showed
that- zhe people-didn't care if he did
twist the mule's tail."

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