Newspaper Page Text
IDAHO CITY BU8INE8S DIRECTORY - C. 8. Kingsley, general merchandise. Main Street. G. W. Crafts, general merchandise. Main street. Thomas Barry, general merchandise, Commer • ciai street. Laaer ft Swinn, general merchandise, Main - street G. Marre, Tin and hardware. Main street D. B. Kimmel, watches and jewelry. Main street. J. B. Emery, general merchandise, Main street. Ed. Fulmer, general merchandise, main street George Dunigan, hotel, Main street. W. Payne, carpenter, Main street John Banyan, painter, corner Commercial and ' Wall streets. Dr. 8heffer, physician and surgeon, Wallula • street Dr. H. Zipf, physician and drugstore. Main street Bowe k McDovitt, meat market Main street A. Strauss, commission and storage business, ■ Main street John Gar recht meat market. Main street N. Hang, brewery, Main street C. W. Moore k Co., First National Bank, Main street John Good, Tonsorial artist, Main street S. C. Silsby. books and stationery, Montgomery street M. G Lunev, hotel, Luna House, corner Mont* . gomery and Commercial streets. W. W. Black, livery and feed stable, Main street. Wulff k Miller, soda factory, Wall street. Tincher k Holland, saloon. Main street Matt Zapp, saloon, Main street McClintock A Stewart, feed and livery stable, I Montgomery street. Martin Mellenuovich. restaurant,Wall street, William Mautz, boot and shoe shop. Main street Hay k Cowan, blacksmiths. Main street John Harley, blacksmith, Main street Henry Freidenger, bakery and fruit store, Main - street Dolioux, grocery and liquor store, Montgomery » -street Chas. Mautz, boot and shoe shop, Main street. Heman Jones, wagon maker. Main street Josiah Care, blacksmith, Main street Thomas Dixon, tailor, Maiustreet Stuck k Eli. carpenters, Maiu street Lester ft Forguson, carpenters, Montgomery ^•street. Dr. B. Simpson, physician and dentist, Commer • rial street. John Brodbeck, fruit and cigar store. Main street, B. F. Lodge, watchmaker, Mam street. Geor ennett upholsterer. Montgomery street. Ther„ la saw mill just outside of town owned by • orrill, ompkins A West, and another two miles irom t ç owued by Willis k Driscoll. The latter Co, has a lumber yard on Main street; the formerai ! -eirmill. The school house and Good Templar hall are also on Main street, and one or two Chinese ; stores. There is a Methodist Church on Wall street, j BOISE CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wm. B. Morris—Agent Northwestern Stage Com :■ .-»any; also. W. F. & Co.'s Agent. W. C. Tatro—Proprietor Rocky Bar Stage Line. Wm. H. Nye—Drug Store. F. R. Coffin & Co.—Stoves, Tin and Hardware. C. W. Moore—First National Bank of Idaho. P. J. Pefiy—Harness, Saddle and Leather Depot. T. Logan—Dry Goods, Groceries and Clothing. R. B. Reed k Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Clothing, Wines and Liquors. D. Falk k Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Cloth ing. L Schwabacher & Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and •Clothing. P. Sonna— Groceries, Hardware. Iron and S eel. C. Jacobs—Flouring Mill and Distillery. Bilâerbeck k Schnabel—Groceries, etc. C. Jacobe —Dealer in Flour, Bacon and Whisky. S. Spiegel—Variety Store. D. Levy—Groceries. P. Cohen—Groceries. Mrs. P. Cohen—Variety Store. J. B. Broadbent—Jewelry, Clocks and Watches. J. Brumm— Jewelry. Watches and Clocks. P. Humphry—Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches. James A. Pinney-rBook aud Variety Store. Wm. Bay bouse—Boot and Shoe Store. J. Pollard—Boot aud Shoe Maker. J. Stool s—Boot aud Shoe Maker. A. B. Monson—Furniture Store and Cabinet Ma Lier. A. Hagar—Furniture Store. Mrs. Chas. Os tuer —Millinery Store aud Dress Maker. Mrs. Isaacs—Millinery Store and Dress Maker Mrs. Wiueheimer—Dress Maker. J. Slocum—Dealer in Hay and Grain. J. Case—Produce Store and Dealer in Grain. . Jas. H. Twogood—Depot Agricultural Implements and Agent Florence Sewing Machiue. I. B. Curry—Photographic Artist. R. E. Howlett—Assortment Store. -F. Dangel—Bakery. D. Levy—Bakery. G. W. Gess k Co.—Meat Market. W'm. R. James—Meat Market. J. A. Bennett k Co.—Meat Market. Capt. J. W. Griffin—Overland Hotel. Bush k Young—Central Hotel. A. P. Tomer—Turner House—hotel. J. H. Gordon—Capital Restaurant. J. 8heffer—Confectionery and Chop House. Agnew k Race—Livery Stables and Feed Corral. C. Howell—Livery Stable and Feed Corral. Chas. Nelson—Livery Stable and Feed Corral. W. Morse—Corral and Feed Stable. C. Hunt—Corral and Feed Stable. A. Rossi—Lumber Yard. R. E. Howlett—Lumber Yard. Barrett Williams—I,umber Yard. A- J. Marston—Carriage, Wagon, Blacksmith and I Gunsmith Shops J. H. Jackson—Blacksmith Shop. H. Thompson—Blacksmith Shop. Baldwin At Uemphill-iEiackHimth Shop. G. W.Btilts—Blacksmith Shop. J. Woods—Blacksmith Shop. T. C. Maupin— Foreman N. W. 8. Co.'s Machine Shops. W. C. Carlton—Foreman N. W. . Co. 'a Carriait Shops. 8L De Lord—Small Grocer. O. Bobbin*—Wood Yard. Rein Bros.—Wood Yard. M. Millemau—Wood Yard. Ben. Anderson—Carpenter Shop. M. Byrd—Carpenter Shop. F. Corbns—Carpenter Shop. George Ellis—Carpenter Shop, George Buglebart—Carpenter Shop. T. Laudif—Carpenter shop. •H. Anthony—Carpenter Shop. Capt. Alleu— Carpenter Shop. Fred. Beokhart—Carpenter. Several others, name* not known. Bayhouse ft McHenry—Shaving Saloon and Bath House. (There ie also a Berber Shop in Overland Hotel buildings, name of.proprietor not yet ascertained.] J. Sinclair—Tailor Shop. L. F. Cartee—Fruit-Trees and general Nursery. Milton Kelly —StaUtwum Office Printing Establish m ent. John Lemp—Brewery. Joe Misseld—Brewery. Wm. H. Drake—Superintendent Grange Flooring Mill. Brick Yard—Flannegan Bros. J. Welch—Painter, Glazier, and Paper Hanger. Adam Gasser— Drayman. M. Millemau-City Job Wagon. W. Morse—Dealer in Milk. F. Davis—Dealer in Milk. Mr. Basil—Wheelwright L. Scholl—Professor of Music. Jas. Heard—Brick and Stone Mason. T. McHeury—Brick and Stone Mason. L. Scholl—Justice of the Peace. J. S. Peck—Justice of the Peace. T. V. Matthews—Book Keeper and Accountant. B. Waud—Book Keeper and Accountant. E. C. Sterling—Book Keeper and Accountant. F. E. Kellogg—Book Keeper and Accountant. John Young—Proprietor Boise City Bace Course, johu Early—Dealer in Thoroughbred Horses and Cattle. Ed. Bryon—Proprietor Warm Springs Hotel and Dairy. C. Arnold—Besident Dentist J. L. Stephens—Physician and Surgeon. E. Treadwell—Physician and Surgeon. E. Smith—Physician and Surgeon. -Taft—Physician and Surgeon. Cahalan k Brumback—Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Gray A Huston—Attorneys at Law. Prickett A Hssbrouck—Attorneys at Law. Curtis A Barbour—Attorneys at Law. Kelly A Smith—Attorneys at Law. A. Heed—Attorney A Counselor at Law. Oldliam A Taylor—Billiard Saloon. Jimmy Hart—Sample Booms. Still. Kelly—Saloon and Billiard Table. Sam. Beck—Saloon. J. Lawrence—Saloon. F. Dmige!—Saloon and Billiard Table. A. J. Griffin—Overland Hotel Saloon. Andy Coyle—Gem Saloon. Jautuan—Sample and Lunch Rooms. Johu Lemp—Boise Saloon. Jos. H. Misseld—City Saloon. D. Levy—Saloou. S. De Lord—Saloon. —— Mount Hood Saloon. WAGON AND CARPENTERHO P ■*0 Main Street, Idaho Ciiy, 13 E JONES, proprietor. Makes a speciality of repairing wag ons, buggies, &e. None but the BEST SEASONED TIMBER USED, I and work warranted equal to any in the country Give me a trial. j LUNA HOUSli Coner loatgonrrr ia<i Cuoamul Stwti. M. O. LUWinr,........Proprietor. H aving again assumed con trol of the above named house, I have r«*furu ished the same with new Wds and bedding, .-ingle or double room» for gu« «ta. TH] E3 TABLE Will be supplie«, with the best the market affords. THE GENERA» STAGE OFFICE For all lin« * leading <>ut of Idaho City will be found at this hou*«. ; J une CITY DRUG STORE « DR. H. ZIPF, PROPRIETOR, Keeps for sale a full stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PATEh"** MEDICINES. PAINTS AICX) OIXjS, Fine TOILET SOAP, BRUSHES AND ITIl.*' L MERV Also TÜRE WINES AND LIQUOR' for n:.-dicinal use. Prescriptions conipounded with care. Orders so c.ti <(l and ölleA will» promptne**. [ A|»llfi.7i-tf . 9 ]) rial Jlot rr. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Ilnppy Relief for Young Men from the ef feets of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood KesVired. Impediments to Marnage removed. New met hod of treatment. New and remarkable reme dies' Books uu«i circular* sent tree, m sealed «m velnpe*. Address HOWAltD ASSOCIATION. No. 41» North NinOi St.. Philadelphia, Pa.,—an Institution having a high reputation ior honorable conduct and profeasional skill. 'lwK Law ok Nkwspakkkm—I. Subscri bers who do not give express notice t<* the cue trary are consdered ns wishing to continu* their subscriptions. 2 . If any subscribers order the discontinu ance of their newspapers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspapers from the oilice to which they are directed, the law holds them respon sible until they have settled the bills, and or dered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other places without informing the publisher, and the news papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. G. The postmaster who neglects to give the legal nwtice of the neglect of a j*erson to take Irom the office the newspapers addressed to hint, is liable to the publisher for the aubscrip* ion price. j it aye Yoon Obdkbsat Silsby's.— Persons deslr g to be called up of mornings at an earlier hour an usual will please leave their orders at the Post I ce Bookstore. John Frank. Night Watchman. HTetir Goods and Low Prices to LAUER ft SWINN are just receiving a splendid stock of Clothing, <^ro ceriea, Miuing implements, Ao. ' BLACK SILK VELVET VE8T8, FANCY SILK VELVET VEST8, LINEN COATS AND DÜ8TEB8, CASHMERE AND DOE SKIN PANTS. Afine lot of FASHIONABLE HATS. A Urge variety of Gents furnishing Goods, &c. Their stock of fancy and staple Groceries cannot be excelled in .quality aud prices by any bouse in the Territory. Our motto is, QUICK SALES AND PROFITS. SMALL P. 8.— Special inducements offered to cash buyers. Flösse give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. LAUER A SWINN. Best Quality Flour. «6.50, COUT, PER BARREL, At the EAGLE MILLS near Boise City and at store in Boise City. ORDERS SOLICITED. Address, WAR KAGLK MILL CO., Boise City, I. T. G-, MARRE, DEALER IX STOVES, TINWARE. IT MRS, SHEET IRON. ZINC. COPPER, BRASS, SHELF HARDWARE. AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Manufacturer »»I tin, copper, ami >hccl iron w an*. Idaho ( ity. American Favorite. j j THE FAVORITE MONTHLY For the Farm and Fireside. Kacb Number Contains OVER FORTY COL'SERADING MATTER. Only Posta«*' 75 Ccnls a Year! prepaid by tb« publishers. irpnis ! I l*T f A . » * * » | i« live, well Kticlos» tit«>mit \ :i * ioi>j-e.m»Mi »•«•{ is the large*! aud b.*t monthly paper the j»ri«*»* published in America. >t •I J-'l N and ivN'Al*. reive this popular* t ao :*» cent rl.»mp hied, and lull c»-nfs mid r* < »r. semi ,, < IÎK AN ami: •A Vo TK." liridgeiou, N. ! C Ai.L KINGS FOK Notice, All debts due til»- Idaho Woltt.l» either f«*l mibsrripfion. advertising, or printing, must be paid t«* Iv \V. Jones, or order, wlm will also pa% the liabilities of tin* t'omvrn. T. J. Sutton, E. W. Jones. Idaho City. May 15, 1-7 Ô. PLACERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. V. k. Witt—General Merchandise. Plaza. Weiler & 8mith—General Merchandise. Plaza. James Kagan—Justice of the Peace. Hubert K Irvin—Constable. John Myer —Postmaster. Granite street. Myer A: ,Smith—Drugs «.V, Medicine« and Fancy Goods. Granite street. Myer Smith—Wells, Fargo Co.'s Agents. Granite street. W. J. Hothweil—Physician and Surgeon. Granite street. ,1. W. Davison—International Hotel. Plaza Mrs. Margaret Luck ley—Idaho Hotel. Granite street. Mrs. D. Steckles— Phœnix Restaurant. Plaza. Garrett, Haye» «Sr. Co.—Empire Meat Mar* ket. Plaza. O. Donnell & Co.—City Meat Mnrket. Jas. McKay—Magnolia Saloon. Plazu. D. Donovan—International Saloon. Plaza. Cris. Anderson—Miner's iSuloon. Plaza. Charles lvohney—Brewery and Saloon. Plaza. Diehl & Martin—Blacksmith Shop. Plaza. Martin Catheart—Shoe Shop. Plaza. Alex. Orchard—Livery Stable. Plaza. P. Langrie—Cabinet Maker. Idaho street. A. J. Boreland—Cabinet Maker. Broad way. John Merrill—Tin Ware. Plaza. Andrew Carvan—Barber Shop. Idaho street. D. . C. Holden—Carpenter Shop. Idaho •treet. John E. Sauoden—Carpenter Shop. Gran ite street. W. A. Hutchinson—Carpenter Shop. Grau lt« street. Andrew Foison —Carpenter Shop, Plaza, j Mike Halley—Milk Dealer. Pme atreet J. W. Davieorr—Agent Northwestern Stage Company. Office—International Hotel. J. C. Shepherd—Payette Expreoa. Granite tropt* Fred Campbel 1—Jeweler and Watchmaker. I. W. Garret t, John E11U, Philip Clouder Elected School Trustees for be coining —r lor Dia triet No. 4, April 5th, lc7£ • CENTERVILLE BU8INES8 DIRECTORY. G. W. Crafts, dealer general merchandise. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express office— G W. Crafts, Agent. Jerome Beardsley, fruit, cigars and beer. Jerome Beardsley, blacksmith shop. C. C. Meffert, hotel, Hardin & Daly, butcher shop. S Dempsey, livery stable. Joe Brousau, boot and «hoe maker. Fred Heoflein, cabinet shop. George Cartwright, hay and feed store. Postoffice, P. J. Moore, postmaster. Louis Perre, restaurant. Channel! & Church, saw mill. B. F. Chaiir.ell A Co., ditch. 8. K. Goldtrap, ditch Hung Wo Chung, Chinese store 8e Lung Co., Chinese store. Chue Kee Co., Chinese store. Chile Ke Co., butcher shop. Doctor Chung, Chinese drug store. V. Harmon, doctor. Notice. rpO lî. 0 . ALLEN, JOHN F. KEEFE. JL Ramondo Qually and William Whittle, and all ni it may concern : You, and each of von. are hereby notitied that I, U O. Allen, h edoneihe full amount of work required by the law of Con gress of 1H72, and amendments thereto, too*it Two Hundred ($*400) Dollars on the Los Angeles quartz ledge, discovery claim situuted in Boise county, I. T., and on th id« below the town of Boston on the east side of Gritues creek: said claim consisting of 1,000 feet long said Los Angeles quartz ledge, and you ar hereby required to pay to me all assessments against iu on the säum» and for the publication of this no lice within ninety dH») days from tue date hereof, or rh it ail of your right, title, interest ami claim,in to, und upon, said Los Angeles quartz claim ae provided by the act above specified. In*u«»CiTT. April 11, 1875.] Il fl . \i i.k*. him, e di Al B.1IIDIE WARM baths; SPRINGS. FRANK COOPER, PROPRIETOR. H AVI Nt» TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS POPULAR _ _ place of public resort, 1 bave thoroughly re no valid the establishment and am prepared to receive PERMANENT BOARDERS OR TRANSIENT GUESTS. HOT A.\D COLD HA ITIS ready at ail time*, and everything about the boose rf-pt clean and neat. Tlie LAD1LS* DEPARTMENT will he controlled by MBS. COOPER, , #VPnlhln(| wia ^ done to {comfort or guests. contribute b» the jderlltf n r I »*«< Lilli A 0 GRANITE CREEK. I. T i Th ' complete and oonjmodh to, st««re. und the i m«vst extensive utoek of good* t«» Is- ieuil«i lit Bose; j county, oiii.ide of Idaho City. Our stock of goods comprise* TINWARE, GLASS,j$3 QUEENS AND llAUDWAKi:, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS; SADDLES AND HARNESS, MINT.U S CLOTHING OUTFITS, DRYGOODS, BOOTS At SHOES. aud, in Khort, everything that is demanded iu th«' the market ; and we SELL FOR CASH CHEAPER l b»n any otb«-r bous« in Boise county. Call and a«?e our gooiiFam) learn our prices, aud we will make It to y«»ur advantage to buy ol us. Augl-tl] a. DAN SKIN k CO. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STALLS, Fronting on the cast si«ie of the riaza, PLACERVILLE, I. T. A. ORCHARD, .........Proprietor. Saddle, Carriage, Buggy and Team Horses kept «•onstantly <m hand and ready tor use «lay and niglit; and hors««* received for board or to rauche by the day week or month, AT LOWEST RATES. A good hostler always in readiness to wait on eus tomers. and every acixmnnatiou provided in first class livery stables. Notice. A UI, PERSONS KNOWING THEM selves indebted to me either by note or account are heTeby requeste« 1 to call aud i>ay the same to Mr. «. u , n * w,l ° iB fu, *y authorized to transact any and all business for me snd in my name until further , , C Ï , J. K. Raw». Idaho City, Jan. 31, 1875. A»"8. M. PETTKNotLi, ft Clo.. 10 State Street, Bo* ton. 37 Park Row, New York, and 701 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring advertise lDAHo WoULl1 the above cities, an« rate* ,rlZOj 10 COntr * ck * or Advertising at our lowee CIGARS! Pise er ville, Idaho. i I SHERMAN & Wholesale aud Bétail Music De a ] "Vbl er Cor. Kearny end Sutter 8u., SAN FRANCISCO. And are now used iu Concert* by all of our GREAT ARTIST 1 HL SHERMAN A HYDE PI\NQ I» the only FIRST CLASS INSTRUIS Sold at $400, The Square Pianos are 7' f octave »».a . v Modern improvements, such EW ..»"î"*** 11 ! Case. Beautiful Mouldings, Full Iron Leg» and Lyre, üverstruug Bn*?, Aeraff* Length, 6 feet 10 inches; Width, 3 feet 6 ill FULLY F or Ten Years. AGENTS FOR THE which, for lean tv of Case. Superiority of Workmamhj), Elegance of Finish, j j ; t R t-. f A B K E CHEAP Octave, agraffe Treble, j and Durability IS UN RIVALLED We keep constantly on hand a good assortment c PIAKQS, MVt>F THE It est seakoked matekial, or FULLY WARRANTED. PEACE AS U>W AS WORTHI.LSS 1'UNO? CA« BE CBIAÎSE3 1U.SKWBEEE. PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLD OH EAST INSTALLMENT*, IF DKSIEEr. Call and Sec Us Before Purchasing, SHERMAN & HYDE. Per «lay at bemf. Term? free. Address Stinson A; < o., Portltad, Maine ^->0 IDAHO BAKERY, Main St., Idaho City, second door below Kimae!'» jewelry store. BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CRACKERSOF ALL K TSW - CONFECTIONERY, CIGAU8 AX1> TOBACCt Soda Water, snd fruit*, dried and fresh on hand, Ice cr&am during tlieSc^ always mouths. Orders for balls and parties pivinpG. v fihed HENRY FREirlNO^ BANKING HOUSE , .OF.. C. W. MOORE & COn IDAHO CITY, Do a general banking business. Sell «xchwg* oa tOgn-V New York, San Francisco, Portland And the principal EUROPEAN The highest pt for HOLD DUST, GOLD AND SILVER BULL 1 ^ In coin or currency. ggrBuy and sell greeno ke. Whoever yyAVr* Al, AOBBRABIUS perseverance, aud whic h pay l» 1 ** not fldl w *ur Su, on or uavtuvl om. m to Hrkkmsn ft Hxna, 2*liaîft HTtrt'*,*® and terms to agenti, for SMEntwW ^ o y r ij J ol IQAL fUVICMf. * Æ "t pages, quarto form. Gmvt*» « ^ CAWTAL.uud is PHOm TkY rr aM> mml iâùrtë bHLR Jwû6-*2i