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t ' Tr-** y ?*'*. *"' y * « MBM 1 .W 1 SBULY t WfrfttihiW • i H($ t( OITr, F'FLIIDA'Y. ©ErF>TE13VEBEIFL 3, 187*3. 3STO, 67 y^SwÖ| Ä«W r * yr^^T THE Lf«w^ tin s 0ompany , »«& BUSINESS MASAOEE. jWN Mj**** *"* 14 , ' n TyVABIABLY DT ADVÀHCX. # cabir r I ptI•■* [ill* 1 *£oü I Th r*« Month«.. .$3 00 00 I Sifi* Oopiti »5 pfiiitkr. W P*«* *'» rl « r - ^ol Adv^rti-in«t hnM of b«*. uo * u»»eition,.. $ * 06 <* 1 * u *7cii rob^qumt lutoruau. * 00 ^rr"^:;;;;:: SS *9 * „ .. •« ......... 50 00 " „ .. « ........ «0 00 ' ....................... 100 00 or 1«**»- »hr«« mooth», 10 00 ^jjioBal Sards. CEO. AISSL1K. •«fllA» COUNSELOR AT law. IDAHO r . * \>&e on Mout^ooierj- »trert. «eooml jolis W. BROWN, and COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND iwNS*. IWN Ottf. L T. V8 pmctic* L ica rf »hf TVmtory « »rrtc* on Cum uJJ||i4MrifeON Court Hou»4h. fl. J. ROTHWELL. M. D., pUl OGEON. AC., (ndoita ai Jeffpr a fdai Co*W*«\ Philaddpht». iHÄc*> on tirf inaito «rwA PUa**t»»U». B*>i«e Co.. [dwt U DR. THOKSK, iSTUT DENTIST. PLACE BVILLE. I. *. la * «trwt, nearly oppoaiu» Dr. knl'i ! 1-h» joid Uhu** « «p«ct*lly. «tirtj Eotirrs, |M0l lus Im«pa««t, No. 5. L C. 11 i'ÀU it* mcular »«««Inf« »t ithblil« WedB«*Uy evantnf« (■»«ins o'cloeA. All member* M***t*f «* ton tel to *u«ad. By »(hlûm. L Lim «M'y. ;j««~tf l\ **I»E, No. 1. I. O. O. T.. rnwtmf» «t tu hnU. on rj*®"*» of meh v««k. «I 6 o'clock. h p»d ttaodinf wt tnrlted to M«brof tb. W. or. *lkn», fae'y. J«n lf 7«-«f NltHionrry ni §otln>s. 1C. 8ILSBY, «»«.A ram * oow) Ml VARIETY STORE. I ............ibamq cmr, D) fiALER IN' 1*1 4 STATIONERY. .An». Nul news DEALER ^fiAOOO AND 0IGAB8, I^OREX'S TOYS, ^^"tnbrship'hbhbto J!* »W W . aota * HoUI. «ad dolnf bn«L ■ctS***'•» 00 ^* 1 °*** * Potenoa,R Iffl'Sl.ÏÏ If* L T.. üm bmo dlMdivod IrbJ* Rr7£Jr- footer having purchmod tiM lîC^o#î?**® 0, will continu« to oood n oO y 1 *» % «*•»*•• m herntoiorn, rtnho Bna . «04 pv «U thn HÉhiHtt— ar" 411 °* which will bo CIHUP /-0Ä an« 12. AT NEW Y0RK1 PRICES ! AT THE IDAHO WORLD POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, RECEIPTS, BILLHEADS, UCENSBS, NOTES, VISITING CARDS BALL TICKETS, DEEDS, TAGS, LETTERHEADS. AUO LEOAL A JUSTICE'S BLANK •TtO UoO, «ni every description of tbhferanc blanks alwoy* on hand and printed to order, PLAIN, OR IN COLORS, And at price* 00 P* r helow our former rates. Coll and examine specimens and prices M R THE WEEKLY WORLD tlM LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER HI ISAM. ONLY 18 26 PER ANNUM. Postage paid. The Story op a Wreck. —In these days of wrecked steamships, this cu rious story connected with the loss of the Central America, which foundered at sea off the coast of Georgia, in 1857, with six hundred passengers and $1,600,000 of treasure, has pecul iar interest. Sixty of the passengers of the ill-fated vessel were picked up by a Swedish bark and taken into Sa vannah. Gen. Sherman says: "A few days after, I was standing in the vestibule of the Metropolitan Hotel, and heard the captain of the Swedish bark tell his singular story of the rescue of these passengers. He was a short, sailor-like looking man, with a strong German or Swedish ac cent. He said that he was sailing from some port in Honduras for Swe den, and running down the Gulf stream off Savannah. The weather had been heavy f«»r several days, and, about nightfall, as lie paced his deck, he observed a man-of-war hawk circle about his vessel, gradually lowering, until the bird was as it were aiming at him. He jerked out a belaying-pin, struck at the bird, missed it, when the hawk again rose high in the air, and a second time began to descend, con tract his circle and make at him again. The second time he hit the bird, and struck it to the deck. This strange fact made him uneasy, and he thought it betokened danger; lie went to the pinnacle, saw the course he was steer ing, and, without any particular rear son, he ordered the helmsman to alter the course one point to the east After this it became cpiite dark, and he continued to promenade the deck, and had settled into a drowsy state, when as in a dream he thought he heard voices all around his ship. Waking up, he ran to the side of the ship, saw something in the water, and heard clearly cries f«*r help. Instant ly heaving his ship to, and lowering all his boats, he managed to pick up sixty or more persons who were float ing about on sky-lights, doors, spars and whatever remained of the Central America. Had he not changed the course of the vessel by reason of the mysterious conduct of that man-of-war hawk, not a soul would probably have survived the night." . ■ ■■ UM « ■ ■ ---- Naturally.—A man in Michigan procured a divorce fron his wife, in tending to marry another woman. The latter, however, got tired waiting and married another man on the day the divorce was granted. Then the fellow hebitated whether or not to try to make it up with his wife again, and while he was hesitating his wife mar ried another fellow. This is what would naturally be called getting left all around. Two Reasons. —"Here's a boy down hero who wants to lick me!" exclaiméd a bootblack as he approached a po lieceman on Griswold street, yester day. "He does, eh? what for?" "Says I called him names, but I didan't." Are you affaid of him?" No, not exactly, but I don't want to fight. One reason is, I promised my dying mother I wouldan't and the other reason is 'casse he's bigger'n I ami" Carpenters are given to vice—they do so much chiselling. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining io the Poetoffloe at Idaho City, on the 3d dar of Sept whloh, if not called for within thirty daye will be sent to the dead letter offlee. Buck Hellen M., Chase Horatio N. Cof fee D. D. Lindsey Charles, Johnson N. Relies Justo. IQrPeraone calling for any of the abOTe letters will say "advertised" and gira dato efliat S. C. StLSBT, p. M. An Australian Lawyer. —The keen ness of the Philadelphia lawyer has passed into a proverb. The following from the Melbourne Argus, shows that he has a rival in his Australian broth er: "A gentleman of the legal pro fession, at one of the great mining centers, having spent a gaudy even ing at a leading hotel, found the fresh air too much for him. Instead of reaching the bosom of his family, he gravitated to the lock-up, with the much needed assistance of a servant of the Queen in full uniform. The lock-up keeper didn't know him and consequently couldn't send for his friends to bail him out, as is frequent ly done by those tender-hearted offi cers of justice, so he was allowed to sleep until seven in the morning, when he was aroused and asked his name, which he promptly said was 'Johnson.' . He obtained, soap, water and a clothes brash, and was re freshed by a cup of tea. He then pro posed that the officials should walk beside him to the police court. When the time came this was done, and by keeping the officers in earnest con verse, it appeared as though the law yer was engaged upon some business before the court and when the name of Johnson was called, he calmly rose and said, "I appear for the prisoner, your worship." "What!" said the po lice magistrate, "do you deny that he was drunk?" "Oh, no," he replied "he was very drunk, bat is very sorry for it." "Five shillings, or six hoars im prisonment," said the police magis trate. "I will pay his fine myself,* said the ready-witted gentleman, who, in this instance, showed that the man who is bis own lawyer hasn't always a fool for a client." Two Women Sold For a Nickel— The Springfield (Mo.) Leader says: The sale of the two miserable creat ures, Mollie Mitchell and Ida Jones, alias Lash, did not take place accord ing to the announcement made some weeks ago, on account of their being non ett when the time arrived. They turned up a few days since, and this morning were duly offered to the high est bidder at public outcry at the front door of the court house. This kind of property does not seem to be in much demand, at least when offered in a public way. Mary was first pre sented. She stood up before the glar ing crowd with the nonchalance of a brazen statue. The auctioneer spoke eloquently of her valuable qualities, but did not receive a hid. Mary re turned apparently disgusted. Ida then came forward with agile step and smiling face. The officer again and again asked, "How much?" Af ter complimentary remarks to several gentlemen, Ida pointed to Bud Fagg and said: "That's the fellow I want to go with." Bud bid five cents. No one seemed willing to advance on this, and she was knocked down to him. He borrowed a nickel from Judge-, and took possession of his property. Bud only, intended to buy one, but sub sequently learned that the sale em braced the whole of 'em. This is a serious subject. It is al most incredible that such things could be in this enlightened land of churches and benevolent societies. We shall not undertake to say who is to blame, but there is certainly a screw loose in society when such facts exist. - > » « ■ ' 1 — "Pa," said a little boy, "does God know everything?" "Yes, my son; but why do yon ask that question?" "Be cause," said the boy, "our preacher prays so long telling him everything, I thought he wasn't posted."