Newspaper Page Text
................... ....... ................... IDAHO CITY, I. T. TUESDAY...... .......October 12,1875. Louisiana's new census shows twen ty thousand more colored residents than whites. The Sacramento Union believes that fully twenty thousand voters stayed away from the polls at the late elec tion in California. It is estimated that thhre are 1,000, 000 sheep now engaged in the wool business in Colorado, and that their next clip will reach $500,000 in value. Among the hundreds of German pa I km's in the United States tiiere are .inly two that advocate inflation of pa ter money. , , .1 In the new Maine legislature the re ... , . . . . . publicans will have a majority on joint ' . _ . , • • ballot of twentv-elght—nine m the , . * . A . ; Senate and nineteen m the House. j ________. ________ j There are twenty-five thousand menj engaged in gold mining in the State| of Nevada, and the amount paid in as-. sessments in the year 1874 was only j 8150,000. i j 1 he immigrant bureau ut >an 1- ran . . . . .. cisco have asked the board ot super . . , ! visors of that city to prepare a large! .., t m Id mg for the temporary accomimt . . * . dation ot immigrants on their arrival. It appears by the last report of the ■; iioard of Trade of Great Britain that j : Ip* United States supply about sixty per cent, of all the wheat and Ihmr, consumed in the British isles above, the home production. Ned O'Baldwin, the Irish Giant, and prize fighter, killed the other day by nis partner, Mike Finnev, wu\ as measured by the undertaker, >ix feet j end seven and a-half inches in length, ! with arms three feet four inches each.j Since 18i» 2 the internal revenue col lections for Idaho have amounted t«» j ?.532,345.47. This is more than five j times as large as the amount collected 1 rom Arizona, and is almost e.piivalent j to the collection for that l>eii.«t from;,. htali Territory, where the pojmh.ti»., Is nearly ten times greater. The col-; J ^ ... lections from Washington Territory ! amounted to $550,105.06. One of the remarkable men <>f tin 4 Alabama Constitutional Convention is Col. Bethea. He is a lawyer, but has bad only one case in his life. It was! his first and last. The case involved ' h large amount of property, and his! foe depended upon his success. He won; his fee was $60,000, and with this he gracefully retired from the bar. A legal career so brief and s » j j j j ! 1 lirilliant has probably been the lot ofi r . , no other man since litigation began, j Democracy. —The record shows howjgle, rapidly the democratic party is regain- j itig the confidence of the country. Bead it: In 1870, four democratic governors; in 1875, twenty-four democratic gov ernors. In 1870, fbnrdemocratic legis latures; in 1875, twenty-four demo cratic legislatures. In 1870, ninety democratic members of the House of! Hepresentatives of the United States;*itor in 1875, one hundred and eighty mem bers of that body. In 1870, twelve j democratic members of the Senate of the United States; in 1875, twenty * 1 •» eight members. The resolutions of the State Conven tion» thus far held upon the currency tnay bo thus classified: Kcpuhlican, for hard money—Maine, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, New York, Califor nia, Maryland, eight ; for infiatiou, or . DOM-commital-Ohio, l'cniiBjIvaniii, N. - liraska and Kentucky four j, era tu*. for bard money—"Maine, Miune-j nota, Wisconsin, New York, Calif *1 nie, 1 Mrviand, Nebraska, and Mas*»uchu *>tts ei'^it; for inflation, or non-com *. '1 1 » . 1, ..... ..„.I »tilltul-—O hio, Pennsylvania. low a, and Kentucky, four. It is prcl \ much ot uuchness. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOABD OF COUNIT COMMISSIONERS. The Board of County Commissioners of Boise County met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 4, 18Î5, it being the first Monday of said month. Present —VV. W. Black, Chairman, E. J. Hull and R. G. Allen, and James Moriarty, Clerk. Ordered by the Board that the books and papers pertaining to the office of Assessor and Tax Collector be turned over to the County Auditor on the first Monday in November, A. I)., 1875. Orderet! by the Board that the bridge across the Upper Payette built by Dempsey & Jones, under contract with the Board, be, and the same is hereby received and accepted; said Dempsey & Jones having completed the Maine in all respects according to contract, within the time specified in th«* con tract; and that the sureties on the bond of said Dempsey & Jones be, and they are hereby released from anv . ... ' ., , , iurther liability on said bond, . ' 4 , Ordered that the Board do now tak<* ....... ; a recess until seven o clock, l . M. j j EVENING SESSION—SEVEN O CLOCK I*. M. TheJBoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Full Board prisent, T!ie Board, according to law, met j as a Board «>f Equalization, and traits i acted the following business; j Ordered bv the Board that the as A * ... .. jsessment ol C. W . Moore A ( *>. be left . . ,, ! as it appears on the assessment roll v . r . , , No further business appearing tin* f ,, ... .. , . board of Equalization ad| »unit'd sun* ! i ;* * No further business appearing l>e lore the B jard nf Unmmissiohcr*. the Board adjourned until to-morrow at eight o'clock, A. M. \V. \V Black. Chairman. Arnwr: Jas. 1Î. Moriarty. Ti esday, O t. 5, l s 75, a. u The Board of Commissioners nmt pursuant to adjournm-Mil. Full 1» an! j present. In the leatfer •»(' tin* «* unity ! rou*l in the Upper Fayette vuüay. <»r demi by the Board that tie 4 c e?k no tifv Stephen IVnipsey, tiie Foard «• »u tractor in the district cun lacing said j ro;ll j ti , ( j M . r ,, unlv ,j ir t| j t j t |, r j, r ,. m i Kf . s n f ,| (' M p s indFif Glclin.di, in the Upper Fav« tfe valley; j , |mJ |j|<t , t ; (v Si .,j i Mi , u Fat ( il* tin«*n that it tin (ll . sjr( . , . ,, . present a petition to tîie Boanl m ac* ! c . nn j. w j { j | | v [* ' k*«»'dance with law. j j Ordered by the B »anl that th« 4 And j itor issue a warrant to Samu« 4 ! Stew j for the sum of six tl »liars ($6,00» in I n*«» nf a warrant lost I>v him f » .r * mtist ! tthat aiiiouiil, ii, mu his executing- and filing a (-.kk! and KMlTieiei.t 1.....1 ,d demnity to the coimiy. The quarterly repot t <«f .Tomes Egan, ! Justice of the Feace, was exarnim and approved. The quarterly report of ! ( j 1 nolly, Justice of the Feace, was ex-{ F». Cttti-!^"^ .' * . , . ammed and approved j xi,c «juartorlv report of F II \„.| Justice of the Feace, was exam ined and approved. The quarterly report of M. B, Moore, Probate Judge was examined and ap proved. The quarterly repi rt «>f D. B. Rim mel, Justice of the Feace, was exam ined and approved. Ordered bv the Board that the A inl purchase twenty cords of wood for the use of the Auditor's office ami Court-house, at one hundred and ten dollars ($110) on the Current Expense Fund; warrant issued on delivery of the wood. The following bills were then taken ami allowed, viz: H Denipocjr, road contractor, Iload Fund____f 106,25 J. Philip-» " ** '• "......274.50 W, W Black, Co, C«>hi. on Cur. Exp. Fund... ftu.OO E J. Hull '• ** 67 50 R. G. Alien •• •* •*.... 58.00 — o.r, K«,.. F.,n.i .».oo ! k-n. M«»rr«*n x to. inmber, ...... a**« <• •» Ter. proportion. Ter. f....... 125 00 ! ^ *• •• for quartz r cord, car, Exp. f. 2947 ! nrodbfk. g<«srs»i. «*Trea». cur. Exp.F. 200.02 " *' «»»««*• montb* o«irerent •• •• 30.00 M. B. Moore. Fr«»l»atc Judgr, fee* ia critul llaI ^ 0lir Eip . P ._..... 2 , 00 J! ^ipf. Me«l. attrndaoce, «juartertj o.jopiui Fund .......... 174.75 C. Jordan, keeking indigent eick, quarterly itulary, Hoapital Fund.......... 300 00 S. 8 tewart, Quer. 8*1. a» Sheriff, Cur. Exp. F. 300 00 ..... « « Jailer, •* " 227 50 " " board of prisoners " " 136.50 m «« *» Emmerson *nd Thompson, Current Expense Fuud........ 15 00 •* •« board of E. Mallon, * ur. xp. F 4-50 h •* one aud a quarter cords wood and sawing, Cur. Exp. Fund... 8 50 G. W. Richard)«, 12 days clem. Dist. Court. < urrent Expeiia* Fund............. 48 » 8 ) Geo. Ainslie, feea, Cur. Exp. Fund..-........... 10 .oo Win. Payne, work ou courthouse, Cur. Ex. F. 57 « 5 Dan. St inbach, 41.25 • • «« •• atoves S. (V SUhIij-, stationery et« 1 ...... D^funsey A Jonen, 7.50 buihliiig bridge, Road Fund............................. 1 CC 0 00 O. Marre, tinware for «oui i house, Cu«*. Ex. I. 12.75 Idaho World Priming................................ 150.. 0 O. 8 . McHenry, jury fera ......—............... ' ,!u S. li. Connell}', aa coroner and Justice......... 17 M M. G'irraty, boar l of prisoners.................... * *' u Win. Cock A Anderson, special i'onstable....... 27 00 J. F. Weave*, Conner Jur.v................. 3.5) J«*bn A. Conuer, ** " .................. * 30 Gerard Huppertx, •* " ................. 6 30 .Michael Garraty " *' ............... 3.50 K. M. Mathew« •' ** .................. 3.50 G. F. lieutz " *' .................. 3 50 M. J. Joice ** *' .................. 310 Byr.i Loftcst *• " ............... 3.50 Matt. Davis •• " ...... .«•. ..... 3.50 Billy Wey................................................ 9 u0 Ordered .hat the Board take a re cess until one P. M. TUESDAY, ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. Board met. Full Board present. The Auditor and Treasurer's re* ! ports were examined and approved. Also, the money in the treasury was collided and found correct. Ordered that the Board now ad j* >ii ru t * » e ght o'clock A. M. tomorrow. ! \\\ \\\ Black, Chairman. 1 Attest: Jas. Moriarty, Clerk. WedliestlaV, 8 o'clock, A. M. Board * met. Bull Board present. ' ^ »»iiimissi«Miers Ordered that K. J. Hull and I*. <i. Allen Ik* allowed t«-n dollars ($10) each G »r inspecting and accepting the l»ridge lately built across the Upper Fayette river. Ordered that the Board do now ad journ until the next tegular meeting i«»f the Board. W. \\\ Bi a« k, ( 'iiairtnan. Jamm M.dUARTV, Clerk Board ('«»un >(t)4 „ Fatuku Mfsbuk at I'ami* Haiimv — t A corn spontlent infoi rns us that Father mission at r.un|» Harney was a m«*M gratifying Mice« ss. Both fin* <*ni«-ers an.) menât the F«»st were m«»st _______ ... ................................... .................'«"v « fii«-er. nmrli praise is due for his kind* attentive at the sei vices andinstnic lions given bv the ** «**-*«1 miss onarv ! ^ ^ * and t<* ( ol (*n en, th« 4 c«»uim*iiidingi' ness and attention to th«* ( 'atliolic chaplain. Fifty-two peis<«ns pn>a« 4 lini the Sacraments, ami all < 4 X-, prose«! t'leinselves mneli gratilied « i"'visit .d Father M«--|*lie Tht-1 in-l"'"'" 1 1 ls l"' , ' ! *'' 1 " al Kurt ! g<»ml Walla Walla, where he will remain about two win.'ks, and at the conclu- 1 sion of his mission there will return to Fort Boise.— ('athifhr Srnlnu'I, /W- j Cttti-!^"^ bnyiii. ♦ ♦ ♦* I WKNTY-KIVE VC'UI'S ago KosSUtll W.'IS a L r '«*at heroin Ameiican estimation, and was received in this country w.tlij unbounded admiration ami entinmi . , . A in union! govomnoiit, no mnltor vvlmt organization may temporarily hold the ^ fis of power. If îogues iule, it is immaterial what party covering they asm. while the government of Austria was correspondingly cursed. Now we see Kossuth defeated as a candidate f»r the Diet of that Hungary which he sought to set free, and his party in that country "utterly displaced." The dream of an independent Magyar re public lias vanished, tin 4 Magyars are reconciled to Austria, and Kossuth is no more honored by them. Such is ! life, especially in the political world. In speaking of rogues in office, the San Francisco Examiner says; The citizens of California arc a peculiar jtcopltf. They are not s * tied to any political party as to prefer its success over their own interest; and they are detennined to have good, honest, cco do their stealing under. If th( 4 y don the livery of democracy to plunder the people, it is all the more necessary to denounce and depose them. AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR QUARTER END ING OCT OBER 4, 1875. Dm. July 3, To ca<*h on hand • • • • • • .»»•••••• • • • $10,801 76 •* 7 , •* Harri»* toll road licenm....... 64 00 " 31, " Del. taxe* of 1874.........•••*...... 1,482 00 Aug. 2, " Terr, and Co. liceoeei............ Ï38 25 .. • •• ** Gambling ** ••*•#•••*« 45 00 <• 4 •« Terr, and Co. $4poll............. 1,890 40 •* •• •• Hoapital $2 **............ 948 00 " ** ** Road $3 ** •••••• • • • * 1,422 90 „ « property Tax...................... 1,032 05 Sept 6 , " Ticaeurer Receipt Terr, aud Co. Litttnae............ 445 50 «< •• •• Treasurer Receipt Gam bling license............... 360 00 •• 7 M Treasurer Receipt Terr, and Co. $5 polls.......... 83 00 •• «* •« Treas. Receipt ltoud $3 polia 51 tO • Hospital " 34 00 .< •• h " " Property Tax 1,572 Ç2 •• •• •• •• Coupons per Terrltori t al Treasurer............... .. 29 •* •* Receipt Probate Court tines........................... Oct. 4 " " Receipt Terr, and Co. licen»e...^............. *• •• Gambling " .................. 5 •* Treas. Receipt $5 polls........ •• " •• - Road ** ....... •* •• *• UospitaJ ** ... •• •• •• Property Tsx 4 525 CO 3'Jl 50 90 00 83 00 61 00 34 to $26,503 2» CE. July 12. By Auditor's Voucher $125 00 •• •• •• Co. Tr's commission 71 00 •• •• " 1er, Tr'a re, eipt..........2,173 60 *• 20 " Co. Gen. warrants red. 1.673 50 Aug. 21........ '* 1.122 15 Oct. 4 *' 41 current Exp. ** 3.742 95 ......Road warrants r«*l. 9K* 32 •• " •• lioepilai " " 2.422 b'J - 44 School 41 44 919 39 Balance.............................13 263 39 $26.503 28 Distributed as follows: Oct. 4, Territorial Funds.............. ....... $3.3f4 47 Redemption School Co. (i«n Cur Expense Hi*. pilai Road Terr nor y of Idaho, t County <*f Boise ) 1. J jtii*-» Monsttv. A mil'or of H«>i»e Cmrity. do h* rci y certify that lb** f<' 0 |.'<)li (! )«• s Iruc Si «I cor net <•1 tii»* f nin r* ■ f l'oise County for lb* 4 'jwartrf « !i»lit;g Octi b r 4 1875. Wiitu mi ri\ b*»nl st<cl cffl. lal i-**»I th's 5tb <lsy of (WUi).*r, A. D. 1*76 JAS klORlARIV. Audltoj. 2 953 Co j i.< 2* 76 ! 3.394 «7 ; 142 39 ! 1.212 lb j --: : 1.1« 9 32 f 13,263 39 The Dfad <»f A Few Vfafs Fast.— I he very Mnbleii <leath nfex-Fresitlent ' A Johns, n calls t«» mind the great num ber ot no n c«disp cuoiis or eminent in public bh*. who have died within the! few wars i«asi, «»r since the civil war, • I ;i,hI «*»«> dema-j g«igtn*H an excuse tor adding to its ter* lois and btitdeim. At the same hotn j came the attempted assassinat ion of| the Secretary «»f State, who receiven a s hock weieh no <l«*ul«t hurried hs 'h a'h. Of Mr Lincoln's first official Seaward* ( hase, Fessen* a>s« v a'es ..... . _ ..... ..... 1 ri**d, were *l««lm 1*. Hale, î den, Stanton, Smith and Bates—all effi ctive men in tl eir dav, none sur . * *' <% * .\m«»ng the Senat««is of tin* pt 4 - ^nmner. D.x j "U of Connect cut, both of the able men ap-,b'oni Vt run »tit, Uollamar and Foot; "Jim Lane,''' Frank Blair and Breckin i ralg« 4 , all ^««n now; am) t»f tin* dead l!e|.resentative« we recall Tl.a.le.ta | StevenMhe leader of the llmtso. Hen f r . v Winter Davis, Samuel Hooper and 1 Parlies Brooks ol New York; Thomas, who won the most complete victory j of the war, and Farragut, the Nelson said th« 4 navy, and Frank Blair who sa veil Missouri. After the French n*vo|iition, it was the stamina of the pe »pie had visibly s idle re 1—the young as well as the «»1«! succumbed more quickly to the assaults « f disease aud to «»'dinary trials, and so tin* civil war told on the nerves aud the life*force of the genera tioii which cnciuintcred its respmsibil ties. Not an eX-President of the Uni ted States is now alive. • ♦ • A Maine woman dre amed that her sister was run over bv a railroad tiaiu, aud the next morning learned that she had twins. 1 lived with him nineteen years.'' 8a Y s Indiana appL.cant for divorce, ami all the clothes he ever bought me was a bunch of hair pins and a tooth brush.' You can see by this what a hard time she had to keep well dressed. Governor Kemper, «if Virginia, has issued a proclamation fixing the 26th nf October as the time for unveiling froley s statue of Stonewall Jackson, and inviting the people of the com monwealth and nil others who admire the character of Jackson to attend on the occasion. I GREAT REDRoîIq iu the price of ereryHj^,, F» B. NEWYon K8T NEW, FRESH AND Comprising, jji » ar j W li 11E GOODS AN D HOUSE FUimeu... Lack* and emuroibkuifa NOTIONS OF all Kinds' ribbons AND MlLLl'xm Klo GLOVES,. R-V1S OF ALL KiXjjj, Huai ry and lien».« furn|.hi*g PARASOLS AND umbrellas, lANcl GOODS, IKi. FüAJElilEs. Thr Jrikli nitti Star Snap», LudftV «nd l hiItii< a *„ DRESS GOODS, LEPARTMEVT C(jv^ CARPETS AND M '/IT I No ^ •UOCKKLY AND Gu'ss All Kinds «if Fancy Ciorerlri, CANNED CiOoi s AND I'l( JILLS.' FISH—-M V< KEltEL,CODFISH aXDBEej:,. FISH pros, wagons, four si ring wagons j Till; CHAMPION BLAH ii AND Mo'ALl; ! h'lkil balls, ; Wngon Timber litatly 5I«dr f or ^ ! Parti* of a Wagen. j AXLES ANDSI>OKi:s.NV aGOXCOVOSASDB on e< >n < « *rd h a r n j:ss, com llltk, Wb*n I Ml y that I Mil good* chMjwiima, «•tlicr b'jse« m tL«-JOc-.ii. mi'-.rintuu] iLt l m do mi lor the ftiuHiU Dial I do jdt !f , fr. igliGi.g. and lia\^ a larg»- initi «f con«laiit t avd lM-t»ccu Idaho and Ktltut. * W »• ,««-!! oi*(1* !or CASH only. A#*«'aH. cxamii.t- and jirnr tie»rticio jt«, «'numerated, and sandy \ourMf. J. b. 1M.2I Aug. 27, Iso) tt PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC SHEIMIW X HYDE, Who)« «al*- and Bctail ** ^ i Cor. K-^rny au i Sutter St»., SAN riiANClSCW. a - And arc now u sr-d in Concert* bv all of our GREAT AETISTS THE SHE KM AN A HYDE FIAX«» Is. tilt only FIRST CLASS INSTM»® Sold at $400. The S*]'',rr arc ~ r ' * u ' [ M.ui,.r»i ïinpfT»v«-tti«*ijt*. *«»• !' ;| * » iïH CiPio, lltaiiiiful M<iit!i1iii|.'* 1 " I « !<>!l Ia a* su«l Eyr»-. <)t«*r« i ii: - *'• Lt iijilB, 6 tret 1U inch« R ill»«, •» ft«* ARE FULLY IA»® For IN-n Year» agents for rliitli. far I etutjo* Case. , w Superiority of JJgStfjfferf» ISTJXRIVA^; We k«*t*{» c«*natan{ly <»u hand a g 00 ^ **** ^ REUfABLE CHEAP raff. Treble, 7 «, Octave, a? MU'K KU»>M THE «1ST REAWSK 1 ' ** FULLY WARBJUtt® ,t » 1 •o* (A* l*m« 4 K A# t^«w A* WOBTHLEA* **1A> klakwukb** m PIANOS AND OEGA^ •ut.I* OS »JA« IMfrALL>0'> T *- • Call and *ee Us Sfft re SHERMAN â ^ QBj :