Newspaper Page Text
H: &r älaka . ^ya. h. Pkttknqim* & Co., 10 Stute Street, Bos ton. à 7 Part Bow, New York, and 701 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, are pur Agents for procuring advertise neufs for the Idaho Would in the above cities, and authorised to contract for advertising at our lowes rates. BATITD BlfRDM WARM SPRINGS. FRANK COOPER, PROPRIETOR. H aving taken charge of this popular place of public resort. I bave thoroughly ren ovated the establishment and am prepared to re. ,-eive PERMANENT BOARDERS OR TRANSIENT GUESTS. HOT AND COLD BATHS ready at ail times, and everything about the bouse kept clean and neat. The LADIES' DEPARTMENT will be controlled by MBA. COOPER, And everything will be done to contribute to the comfort of gueats. [decUtf GRANITE CHEEK, I. T Th * most complete aud comm<*diou-» store, and; the most extensive stock of goods to I*.* found m i lio se comity, outside of Idaho City. Our stock of goods comprises TINWARE, GLASS, QUEENS AND HARDWARE. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS SADDLES AND HARNESS, MINER'S OUT* ITS. DRYGOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS A SHOES. •mad, in short, everythii g that .s demanded in the the market; aud we SELL FOR CASH CHEAPER <\an any other house lu Boise count.. t ail and nee our gooos and learn «*ur prie«.», an **e w«U mack u to your advantage to buy ot us. Augl-tf A DANS v . A C' ». LUNA HOUSE, CorHtt Mcntyuèut and Coinin' n ia l *t* , M. O. LUNET,......Proprietor. AVI NO AO AIN A'SLMKD CON H troiof the above named house, I have re innnshed the same with new bed» and bedding -ingle or double ruoruit for guest». Will be supplieu « «*h the b. »I the market »ff r«l*. THE GENERA» STAGE OFFICE For all lines leading out of Idaho City * ill h.- fnm d st this bouse. [June ' 12-11 I ! j j i 1 I CIGAR ! We have ou hand and for sale aiiaser, lU.OOUgood cigars. in lot« to suit pur MY. U k SMITH, t euterville. CITY DRUG STORE, OR. H. ZIPF, PROPRIE OR, Keeps fur sale a full atoek of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. l'ATEN" MEDICINES, rAIKITS A.3M3D OIXaS. Fine TOILET SOAI*, BLUSHES AND I'KIUTMLUY Also TUBE WINES AND LIQUOR m.dicinal nur. for Prescription* compounded with « are. ticiti dand hilar« witli pmmptiie**. Or«ler* me Aplli*.7i-f , t Ilfappyr Relief for Young .Men from the **f fact* of Errors and Abuses in early lif«-. Manh iff Hi >!*• ored. lmpedim«:nts to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New aud remarkable r. me. • .tes. Books and circulars sent tree, m *eab»«l rn veb.pea. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION. N*« 41 y forth Ninth St.. Iffiiladelphla. Pa., -au Institution having a high reputation for Loimrable rondin t and fxtHleaaioaal skilE OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Yo ng Men from the -ffecta of Errors and abuses in early life. Manho<><| reato ed. Impediments to *arriage n nioved. New method of treatment. Few and remarkable rent - -hew. Books and Circulars sent free, in .«waled en* »elopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 4 pi N. Ninth 8 t„ Philadelphia. Pa—an Institution hav mg a high reputation lor honorable conduct and «■rofessiotial skill. *770. 1870. CENTENNIAL MEDAL8. i HAVE ON HAM) A LARGE SUP »•ly medals, w hich can be had for THREE DOLLARS each. Address. BEN. WILLSON, Pioneer City, I. T. BANKING HOUSE ....or.... €. W. MOORE & C'O. IDAHO C1TV, i*»general banking business. Sell exchange on Üew York, San Francisco, Portland (Ogn.l, And the principal 4P JU AiOPBANOXTïBS ' à# highest pi ice paid for COLD DUST, SOLD ANOSILVER BULLION In colu or currency. 49* Buy and sell Greenbacks. S. W. WULFF, Licensed Auctioneer, Wall street, Idaho Y.ity. [July 10-inB.' Auction every Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. B01SB m B ™ BSS BIBECT0BT Vu. B. Morris—Agent Northwestern Stage Com pany; also. W. F. k Co.'s Agent. W. C. Tatro— Proprietor Rocky Bar Stage Line. Wm. H. Nye—Drug Store. F. R. Coffin & co.~ Stoves. Tin and Hardware. C. W. Moore—First National Bank of Idaho. P. J Pefly— Harness, Saddle and Leather Depot. T. Logan—Dry Goods, Groceries and Clothing. R. B. Reed & Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and j Clothing, Wines aud Liquors. I D. Falk & Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Cloth in 8 - ! L Schwabacher A Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, aud j Clothing. j P. Souna—Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. I C. Jacobs—Flouring Mill aud Distillery. Bildcrbeck k Schnabel—Groceries, etc. C. Jacobs—Dealer in Flour, Bacon and Whisky. 8 . Spiegel—Variety Store. D. Levy—Groceries. P. Cohen—Groceries. Mrs. 1*. Cohen—Variety Store. J. B. Broadbeut—Jewelry, Clocks aud Watches. J. Brurarn—Jewelry, Watches aud Clocks. P. Humphry—Jewelry. Clocks, and Watches. James A. Pinney Book aud Variety Store. Wm. Bavhouse—Boot and Shoe Store. J. Pollard—Boot and Shoe Maker. J. Stool s—Boot and Shoe Maker. A B. M'jusou—Furniture Store aud Cabinet Ma kcr. A. Hagar—Furniture Store. i Mrs. Chus. Ostner -Millinery Store and Dress Maker. Mrs. Isaacs- -Millinery Store and Dress Maker. Mrs. Wiueheimcr Dns» Maker. J. Slocum—Dealer m Hay and Grain. J. Case—Produce Store aud Dealer in Grain. Jos. 11. Twogood—Depot Agricultural Implements ! and Agent Florence Sewing Machine, j I. U. Curry—Photographic R. E. Howlett— Assortment Store, j F. Pangel—liakcry. i l>. Levy— Bakery. G. W. (icss .V Co. — Meat Market. 1 Wm. R. Jam s Meat Market. J. A. Benne it .Y Co.—Meat Market. I Cupt. J. W. Griffin—Overland Hotel. Uu»h A Young—Central Hotel. A. P. Turner—Turner House -hotel. J. 11. Gordon—Capital Restaurant. J. ShelTer Cunfictloneiy aud Chop Hull»» Agtiew A luce Llverv Stable* aud Feed Corral. I C. Howell l.ivory Stable and Feed Corral. I Cha* Nelson Livery stable and Fred Corral. W. Morse—Corral and Fred Stable. C. Haut Corral aud Feed Stabla. A. Uoswn—Lumber Yard K. E. Howlett Lumber Yard. Barrett Williams I.utuber Yard. A. J Mar»t«»n —Carriage, Wagon. Bla* k-mith aud GuUbmith Shops. J. U. Jackson -lllacksm'.ih shop H Thompson Black*iuith Hhep. Baldwin \ H«-ni| bill nu.k-miib Shop. G W Still« Blar ksmith Shop. J. Wood« Ilia* «»until Shop. T. C. Mauplu- For«man N. W S. Co.'a Machine Shop*. W. t'. Carlton -Foreman N. W. . Cu.'* Carnap Shops. H lie bird small GrrH-« r. O. i.obblus—W'ood Y*r«i Pein Itro*.—W« h*! Yard. M. Milleiuan Wo*»d Y»r»l Ben. Audereoii — ('arpente r Shop. M. Byrd Carpenter Shop. F I orb* * —Carp« uter Shop George Kill* -« arjNiiU r »hop. Ueorge Knglehart -Carp* ntn sh p T Iottldll l «r| « ll!rt shop. II. AutUony i arpenter Shop. Capt. Alleu— t arjo-titer »bop. Fred lteckh*rt— Carpenter. .sv«rtl not known. Bay house k M>1L House. [There i* *1**» a Uarbi r Shop iu ( >v* rl«u*l i!<W building*, natu« oi pronto tor net >»t »»« • rtaiueti J. Siuelatr -Tailor Sn *p. L. F. Carter Fruit fix * atul gru* fal Surserv. *tti« r*. UainH» Shaving Sah** n 4n d Batt« • « , t PLACERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. y - J. \ . H. itt—<»** iht:i 1 Meivhandis«-. I'l.iz.i Weiler & Smith—IM-nerol Mcrtt.andi*«* Pl.iza. Jniiics Kngaii—.Justice of Ihe Peace. K««b« rt K I mu -Constable. John M) er — Postmaster. Ciranite street Mtrr «&' »S'initia —I>ruga «V Mcdictuca and, Fancy floods, (j run it«* stre«*t Myer A. Smith—Wells, Fargo »V Co.'s Agents. Granite street. W. J. Roth well—Phvsieinu and Surgeon. I Granite street. J. W. Davison — International Hotel. Plaza j Mrs. Margaret lluekb v—Idaho Hotel j Granite street. Mrs. 1). Stcckictf—Plurtiix Kenfaurant Plaza. Garrett, Hay<*s A C'o.— Empire M«*at Mnr et. Plazn. O. Donnell «Sc Co.—City Meat M.arhet. Jas. McKay—Magnolia «Saiooii. Plaza. D. Doimvau—International SaliHui. Plaza. Cris. Anderson—Miner's Saloon. Plaza. Charles Kohney-Brewery and Saloon. Plaza. Diehl «& Martin—lllacksnnth Shop Plaza. Marlin Cntlicart—Shoe Shop. Plaza. Alex. Crehard—Livery Stable. Plaza. P. Lungrie— Cabinet Maker. Idaho street. A. J. Ihirclum!—Cabinet Maker, liroad* way. John Merrill—Tin Ware. Plaza. Andrewr C'arvan- Harber Shop, street. D. . C. Holden—Carpenter Shop, street. John E. Saanders—Carpenter Shop street. W. A. Hutchinson—QarpenterShop. «'«run* it« street. Andrew Folsnft—Carpenter Shop. Plaza. Mike Halley—Milk Dealer. Pine street. J. W. Davison—Agent Northw estern Stage Company. Office— Iiiternationui Hotel. J. lî. Shepherd—Psyette Express. Granite street. Fred Campbell—Jesrsler and WatchioaU« r. I. W. Ga rett, J%hu Lilts, I hlllp C.«mJ« r -dottel School Trustees fur the year t ft District X > 4. Idaho Idaho Gran FEDERAL OFFICIAI*®. Delegate to Congress................... 8 8 ' renu Governor......................™°»* W Bcnuett Secretary of Territory.................. E ' Curtib Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.. M. E. Hollister 1st Judicial District.. John Clark . W. C. Whitson Associate Justice Associate Justice—2d Judicial Dis't U. 8 . District Attorney and U. 8 . Com missioner...........................J* W. Huston Surveyor General......................C* V. *- arte ® Register Laud Office.............. W. P. Thompson Collector Internal Revenue U. 8 . Marshal........................J UH - Pmhham Clerk Supreme Court............R* L- Richard sou Register Ijiuü Office.............."• *• **'*'**•*'"—,i Receiver Land Office.................. J " ul,h B** >u roH».„r Internal*U.Hu Sava«, Postmaster at Doit»? City. .........Jobu A. Post Territorial Comptroller........... «J°*- Perrault Territorial Treasurer............John Uuutoon VN1TKI» HTATKS ASSAY OIYICE. Assay er sud Superintendent............Albert Wolters Meller aud Refiner..................Robert lieuschkol Clerk................................... E O. Sterling Assistant...........................Robert Mobley OFFICES* ADA COUNTY. Sheriff...............................J* I> Agi»« -w Auditor and Recorder.............N. Al. Han thorn Proba'e Jndge...................... W. W GluMeii « Treasurer......................... C P. Ui*derbeck J Assessor and Collector........ . — «I* M. iliompson School Superintendent........... N. M. llaiiihorn i Surveyor............................. T. M. Randall ( Ooro ter.............................•••* . North I Justices of Peace, Boise City... I ivustables. Boise City.... I. L. Tiner. Geo. Uumbert Justice of Peace. Middleton Precinct.. M. R J.-uki»« •• •• Canyon Precinct. . ..O. A. Bowen •* •• Green Meadow Prec't. .D, Markham •* •* Union Precinct..........J. Smith •• •• Hot Spring-Precinct.......C. Grab *• •* Bl ff Station Pre .. A. J. McFarland CoUUty Commissioners— G. w . Gess, A. Rossi, 1 C Simpson. Scholl, J. S i'«*ck I I Notice, All d«*J»ta duo tin» Idaho World cill er f*»r subscription, advertising, or printing, must !»•• paid to K. W. .Junes, or »»rder, who Will also pay the liabilities ot the eoncern. T. .1 Si i ion, Iv \V. .loM.s. ! !:lbo('lt\ M:U I T* . 1 ■*?.'» Aw *j UCt! tO F»t«ie .-f allr« <l 1 * Oll« L IS HKRF BY « »Igne-l. A'luiito the ilboVr lialuril . »Iat<' C p»*r»t*«i* having CiAll.i* u;'. tiib,I tl.* «mil woh ih< n Creditors. -aun l«-i », «it .■« I N ir len nein« .» Ir« in II o> I >•«- und« r»igned, il» Idaho i it v. B< i» idahu « Jut J N RY I 111 UNDER x and»irul«*r <*f it.« « «€« 1 il< • » « I and all *1 »ai*i «I«*« « a»««l, !«>«x. < »»un v<>u> hei », vtilhiu « .Yr»l p'ihlu att n <«! thl* null. «*, at Hi* •*!!.««• >*f «<*tii« W. Br« *«*u, c *ln« v . ItUho I « r I H. tv. M %R « \U1 1 s \l M »FUS. \<bu!iii»lt aim Je»\ Y-S W BRmWS. Admmt*trator. >th. IsT'*. »1» l*lm*atif und Urofitoltlt Km|ihi) until — * Beailllfoi' ' •« hafliiil.g' "(» 1 «, |,<«te h*v«|, ' ••'A list are tit« V a uf ! I * A« Stull als « »« a*ualluli» by il«.*»«- «It * •« «• Ihe ;afg« « I« gau! N« * « tu r; «*» r««ji»««-«t by 1 1*«- t :ir *[ « an au«t Villen, an « hi ifu«« 1* ild(»l«mg • 11«« > a « all | < rt« > ( «•< lu» « f vrt N • «>*<« . an t e*.»i th*t* tujttU*n I*. « nv *»t»«-n »«•«■ ing th« « tirouiu* « anva»»* r», Aj.« ni», «ont la. tu » •u«i g. utl« m« n « ul <*t « inj tuy in« ni. u di find th » ihr b>»l <•■« n!iig « v« r >(!«• ui lu nui r ttj.iiu-j y.,, j,iÜ i«att.« ul »r». »«• 1:1 »:»u«|* fu Vildl « »» f «*t.E C*, «y, A ( I Bu»t n. Ma»». u»n l« Ulla « > U a-li.i t' Notice. \ H) r AM) AI.I. roMSini'K »hum it ma* ««»ncrrn Y««u are hereby n*«im • <i .liât I. J t unk« li««r d«*n« *> -rk :<« ih< am* uni ««( lyn , uti « a« h . la tu. |*r «he «»»»• J»;. .1 t amt l"* . ufi the William < • 1« 1 <i» I*r ie*|gi-, »I a*.,| ,,|, Ui« Faigh* uf ili«- Light «»ul h. Atlanta Mining in» I'»* L AH'iim « «•only . I i ai l nu,. »« th< « i)» n-h «I «'U il»e VV iliiatn 1. d ?•*« th« I« « fit «.» par to » »io« r« »i«d. »ha 31 !*< pa ni *• nhin n m tv ta«« <i«v » (r* tu date, thrir luter« »I tu »aid mm« ««r h «I* Mill I«* i rt* it««l t*> me bv *<p. ratiuit «*! u » J TON K EN. Um XV IU«, Jtilv 1'». î»Tû « I j j • »;»•! Hull«, •art* d«*eay, re. i|M* Ui at Phi* gr«**t T ■'.) v*h«i ar* »ulf.-ring from nr « r«'ti>ifi» «*f vouih lu-rvuti» vt<aku«-»». I.«»« of luaUhood. A«'. I will »«tul will <««»« y. n. FULL ni « üvldîE. rt-mrdv «a» «!)»* ..*« r« «l by a Oii«*ionarv m s.*uii, Anieri* a n ii*l » »• If a«l«lr« **<-«] ru*«*io|,«* i<> f|,» l.»v Joom T. Invh?«. ,s.«j' l f»i />, ,\<ir Lurk (\t\. BZSSO X.UTXOÏV NOTICS. VOTICK IS II Kit KH Y (ilYK.N L « that * hr c> |>*t tu< r»ht|> h«r« in|««r«» <xi*ting iH twmi Itrv. rly Willi* and U«»n Dri«« «»1. m »at. r «lit« hr*, milling *u«l l.iimln r bu»iii«'»«. is (hi* ,|av • li«-«i|* «•«! by muliial « ««n«*« lit. U« v«*rly WiRm having l>«iri ha»« «l ih«* « nlir«' mt« r« «t of Cun' l>n»« «>) hi all " al«T Right*. Dil« In *. Milling («roiiml. Saw Mill and Dim inuer,*, atul Lumber «»wn« «1 by Willi» a l»n*« «d. Beverly Willi* will |»iv all demands ««r * lailu* again*« th« Isle firm of Wiili* a Dn*« o|. ali.l v* ill cull« « t all bill* due tl,«> *at«l Arm Br.VF RLY W ILLIS, CON DRlSCoL. IhAHo CirT. Aug.t*t m, )>«75. American Favorite. THE F.WOIHTE MONTHLY For the Farm and Fireside. Each Number Contuins OVER FORTY COL'SER DING MATTER. Only 75 Cents a Year! Postage prepaid by the publishers. ■ • 1 11 I IS is the largest and best monthly paper for the price published in America. * It is live, well edit«*d, and lull ot Fl'N and SNAP. Enclose 7Ô cents and receive this popular mont by a year Or, send two 3 cent stumps lor specimen copy. Address. 1 "AMERICAN KAVO TE." Bridgeton, X. J. Best Quality Flour, •«.so, com, m »«»«n, At the HAUL G MILLS near Boise City and at store in Boise City. ORDERS SOLICITED. AdUrvzfi, WAK EAGLE MILL CO. W 1W« City, !. T. ® LI7E8Y AND DIED STABLE, Fronting ou the east side of the Plaza, PLAUERVILLE, I* T. L OSOBAU,.........PlH.PHHJTitll Saddle. Carriage. Buggy aud Team Horses kept >u Vou*lantly on hand and ready for ****''JJJL* * ^nd hnr...for board nr lo ranob..,/ AT lowest bates. A good hostler always ill readiness to waif on cue lomers, and every aceointnatjou provided in li'« 4 ' class livery stables. « J i ( I .have Y«*un Omdkhsat Kii.kuy's.— Persdli« «le»»»* g to be called Up of morning* at an earlier hour an usual will please leave tln-ir orders at ihe I oel I. ce Booksbu e. John Fkank Night Watchman. IDAHO CiTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. C. S. Kingsley, general niercliaudi**-. Main »free*, j J. li. Fish« r, blacksmith, comer M-*ntg.*uo ry and i Wallstreet». O. W. Crafts, general mere «lam air« « f. 1 bomn« Barry, general men hai *i.. «•. ( o»mu«*r : cial stree t. Jjujcr k Swum, general nu-icbundise, ,vla«n 1 »ireet. ; (i. Murre, Tili and hardware. '!«:»» »tr««-l. i). It. Ktiumel. wetehe» an»tjew*l y. Main » i«-«-t J R. Lin« ry, générai inerchaiidis« , Main »tiee«. L«l. Fainter, g« i «*ral incrchaiuii*-« - .;»ain »ireet «teorg«-Imnigan. l*oi . «lain si W. i»)l,i'. (ur;i' iil»i .lam»)«« I J«)hn Runyan, j a n ••t, c« r»i« i * * uimercial atn* \S all ► « I t'«'t » . Di si«« fl«-r. plijs clan d Bii'g«-on, W.illula i. l *r, 11. Ei, 1. phy » c).«u Mini ng»lor«-, Main alte« t. R«*m« \ McDcvut, neat market. Main sirett. A Niratl»*, c«>ininl»»luli atul st««rage b.iaiti«-»». Main »tre« I. John «.an« « ht, lueal market. Main street. N Ha *g. bi« -*«rv. Mailt str««i. t \v M««*re k Cu . 1 »r»l Nai»««uai Bank, Mam »U« < I J.«hu <*« 1. I t«»«*riai arti»'. Main atre-et. Mi»|,v. b > 'k- an«l »Uli. u« rv, M«*n« S. t* ■Irret. M €î Limey, hut« 1, l.una gomery ami I'otuttu-rcUl sir« YV W Black, llverv and I« irm r Men' Mam *U e' Wulff .Y Mill« r, Miti la* i ry, Wall »trrrt Tiudn r \ Holland, »ah- n. Ma«n »tr«rt. Malt /.app, »ai *«*li, Main .ïreet Mie'hnt » k A M«-*»art, Jet d tisd Rv« ry tlabh , Muutgom« ry «-tr* et. Martin 'It-li* nt.i vn h. re»taiiraut. YVall rirrft. \Y,l!iiiti Mantr. boot »nd »h<>« »bnp, Ma.n »Jr««t. Hay .Y «'uwan. bla. k»tnill.». 'tain *trert J< hu il a r 1« y. tda«k»t»;. 1». Ma.n »irret. Henry Fr* i«l< ng« r. ba«<ryan«l fruit a «»r*. kiarn »tr« «-t. I>< Bunt, gr«K< ry an-.l B«|Uur s'.«*rr. Montgomery *tr«ret. ('ha* MitiU. I»*««! and sh*>< »h««p. Main «tree!, lleiumn Juin », wagntj ni ilor. Main »treet. Ju»iah « 'ave, bia* k» Viain *tj<«t, Th tt.a» Dix n, tall* r. 'la. ;*►! i « « ! "«««< k \ Eb. < arj*« n*« r«*, Main-tNet. l*r«*t«r A burgu» >n. carp« ;tt« ». M î.tgomery »u**t I»r B Siinj.H :j. j hy»n «an an J iioi!i*t, comtes-r* « a< *l f « « ! J* lin Br«* 1 11*« * k, fruit and « i„**r «*:.>re, Main «Irret, ►m « t. M«»nigurnery *tr««t n f I *»•««». wat« bmak« r M ».««* g« in uueit. u)-h«>l-t« f< r, 1 lu f r ■« » »a«* milt ju»i oui *»<l« oj I«•«* n <«'* ru d bv M*«ir;lî II» »ti*|«kii»* X W « »I, su «l an<«tli« r t»<« mil« » from I««* n owned by Wtih* A I'r,**«<»«l The lath r ■ «< h*» a liitrib« r y ar«l on M .su»tr* «t, the J..f m< : at ll »if mill. Ihe ». I» »d Ituii.e v i«d «><*<*d d «'in i dar hall an al»«« t il Maui »in* t, atul ou«* «*r i«u Chho xe • ton « 1 1«« r« i- a M« tb««di*l Cl.i'n h «*n VVall »3 . «•< S. Pioneer Business Directory. M.uligaii «.V t annad\ . «r« neral tm rclun di»e. Pat Noonan, butcher t>hop. •I i » bn V canev, sabnui. Jerry Mcrnan. vcpctnbU* Mand. Callahan A ( «».. dra'incn and vegetable Mand. S. B. Connolly, ujdiolstcr and c.irj < ntcr. Michael Garrity. livery stable. .lames Coleman, bulging Iioum*. Adam Lind, hl.n k-milh shop. Michael Garrity, hotel. Daviner iV Co., general mereh.indise. •Limes Stadtmiller, brewery and sal«><*n Uiehard Stokes, hutelier -hop. Hull vV T mker. wood yard. Bird LoBus. drayman. Geo. W. Smith. store. Dm Chinese More. E A. Stevenson, ditch owner. Bi n \\ ilson, saw mill and ditch owner. CENTERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. G. W . Crafts, dealer general merchandise. Wells, Largo .V Co.'s Express office— G W . fruits, Agent. .Jerome Beard*!«*?, huit, cigars and beer. Jerome Beardsley, blacksmith shop. C. C. Meflert, hotel, Hardin & Daly, butcher shop. N Dempsey, livery stable. i o ,u j 1 *!' b«M»t and shoe maker, r red lleorteiii, cabinet shop. « 1 «•«.*««•. P. J. M*».r... (natnm.tu. Perre, restaurant. Channel! À Church, »aw* mill. J/ J- Chanr.ell At Co., ditch. C». K. Uoidtrap, ditch Hung Wo Chung. Chinese store 8e Lung CV, Chinese store. 4 'vk Ue sb»re. Chile Ke Co., butcher shop. ShSÏÏTïÆÎ"" 4,u * i I .Sl'i. ALL KINDS FOR ' at j i : 1 ; AT TlIK IDAHO WORLD Ull, TOSTKRS, OIKCTLAIiS, BILLHEADS NOTES, DEEDS, Taos, PROGRAMM', RECEIPTS, LICENSE.', VISITING CAtt BALL TICKE'. LETTERHEAD ALSO LEGAL & JUSTICES BUN of all kimh, ami every description of aiw.iY s « m hand a ml printed to cr ^ PLAIN, OR IN COLOU A inf at prices dO pt'J our 1 <nn* i' i ates. coct. l«r i Call aud i xaniinc s|»tviinens a»d I' nt N n BU'J'Hiîiïft: O. I DEA LEU IX STOV» PI MP», SHEET COPPER HAKDW'AUE« AGRICULTURALi* p ManufactuiTr ^ tin, copper, and sheet iron x***» LEl^