Newspaper Page Text
£fmMKettkg WmM. tu ». BOTAKUt. .xdito». IDAHO CITY. 1. T. - FRIDAY .......;..... October 15, 1875. COr ST Y TREAirREH'8 «CARTER.! LT DEPORT. To tke IfynorabU Board of Comm i tnom ert of Boite Ctmmtg; The County Tmorer'i Report for Qrater end October «he 4th, IOTA, I.ra^etfuiiy M b«itt«d. ISO. July A—To cmah on hand................. •• 7—To cesn from F. Harris, for road license—....................... 31—To cash from George Ainalie, District Attorney deiloq. taxes for 1874_______________ A ug. 2—To cash from Sam Stewart, Sher iff. for Territorial and County licenses......................... * .saibling license«......................... Aug. 4—To cash from John Gorman. Tax Collector, for $4W poll-tax--- ** road tax------- " hospital tax________ " property tax_______ Aug. It—To cash from Territorial Treas urer for coupons................. VpL 6—To cash from S. Stewart. Sheriff. f-«r Territorial and County li censes ...................... for gambling licenses.___________ K- i< 7—To cash from John Gorman, lor $ A iw poll tax__________________ ** road tax___________________ *• hospital tax.................... ** property tax................ s- pt. 2'—To cash from M B. Moore, I*r*. bate Judge, for hues........ • vt. 4—To cash from S. Stewart. Sheriff, Territorial and County licenses, tooling licenses............. To caehfroin John Gorman, Tax Collector, fà 00 poll tax_________ road tax--------- hospital tax______ property tax____ JOHN BRODBECK. Treasurer. Da. 1482 oo ----- 188»:» 40 1422 90 £4* GO im us j 12 To: tk *M 5—To cash on hand... * •• t. à —C*»b on baud, apportioned a* fo.lovr, viz: Jn Terr.torial fund.................... f<£ö4 47 •* la^iemptiou fund............. 116» 32 •• School fund.......................... . 2»53 60 - County general fond___________1026 76 - Current expense fund............... 3.T»* 67 • Hospital fund—................... 142 3» •* Kind .un«!.— ....................... 1212 18 f 1.1263 3 j* Ca July S—By paid TerritoriAl Virnat......f 125 00 *1«/ d** do do School warrant.................. 70 O0 do d.> do d>> Hospital wimnt___________ oo; il*> d«> do do do do ____________ 275 CO dn do do do do do ............... 4 i| > d » do do Carrent expen*« warrant l Kf t <!<» do do do do do do ST 5 tw* .In do do dO do do do dodo do do do do do do d ■ do do do do do do do do do do do do M 4 « dodo do do do do 25 14 do do <lo do do do do ICI 00 July 1»— By County Treasurer's per ce c tage on at 3 per cent............ 71 09 July 10—By caab to Territorial Treaaurer 2173 Go July 15—By paid current expense warrant 14 S3 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1* do do do do do d v ÏJ do do do do do d> do do redemption aale of this day..1673 5c August 5—By paid current expenae warrant 433 5» do do d > do do do IS 72 do do do do do do 22 20 do do do do do do 20 11 oo do do do do do 20 11 wo do dc* do do do 21 40 uo do do do d« do 1*1 52 tk> ÜO do do do do Id 52 do uo do UO do do 10 :2 do do do do do do 21 St do <V do do do do 14 05 do do d» do do do 14 54 do do do do do do 10 52 do do do do do do 10 57 do do do do do do U 05 ilo do do do do do 14 05 do do do do do do 20 1 do do do • do do do 21 1/ do do do do do Uo 2J II do do do do do no 20 11 do do do do do do 14 5* do <io do dw ilo do 14 (15 do do do <W do do M 57 do do <1* do do do 10 57 do do do do do do 35 2« do do do do do do 3 4 25 «40 do ao do do do 11 D do do do do do do 14 (3 do do do dw do do 1(1 72 do do do do d>* do 76 a do do do do do do 21 4V do do d » do do do 11 57 •0 do do do do do 2U 11 *• do do do do do 11 CK do dw do do do do 12 tr. do do do do do do 14 K »• do do do do do 6 2. do d»» do do do 12 4» do do do do do ik> U 1. do do do do do do :;4 6 do -do do do do do 10 57 do dB do do do do 14 0 d» 4A do do do do 17 3 do 4b 4» do do do 10 5. do dB do 4» do do 16 2 dB dw do mo do do 1(1 !Z do 4s do do do do • fc. do do do do dw do 41 4 4b dB do do Jo do 10 64 w do do do c# dw 114; A* do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do «lo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do rood do do do do do do do do do do do hospital do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do - do ecbool do do do do do do do do do 16 do redemption sole of this day ....... U 8» U <U » m| »coi ft 00 •• * I 544 » ] ^ * 174 22 210 011 1122 là ^ 10 _ By w*r«nt iu is ■ do 16 do school do do do do do do dO do Oct. 2 do do do do dj do do do do do 2» 74 183 23 12 so 4i oo Be balance...,.............—.......... l-JÖ A* __j $265us 2 $ AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR QUARTER EXD ran ncTfiRRR 4 1875 . IliG OCTOBER 4, - d* D July 3, To cash oa hasJ.. ...SIC.Ml 76 Harru' toil roadhccniu....... w ou Sept. Ô, •• Del. taxe» of 1874.—............ ** 7 err. and Co. been**----------- •• Gambling ** ............ - Terr, and Co. f 4 poll*........... " Hcapital *2 •• Road $3 ** Property Tax.. — .............. - TieA*urer Receipt Terr, and Co. License............ •• Treasurer Receipt Gam 1.482 *5 oo i.nbj 40 1 422 #0 1 .U 32 44à M bung hcrn*e............... sre no 2 », Treasurer Receipt Terr, and Co. 15 poll*.......... Trt**. Ibctäj l Road f3 p»-*..* •• • H wpitxl •* •• Property Tax 1 •* Coupon* per Territori al Treasurer.............. *• Probate Court ......... ................ •• Receipt Terr. and Co. l.(rcy„— ...» —.... (.»ambling •* —........-..... Trcaj» Receipt {5 p-i-» - R,wd " ------- Hospital •• ......... ** projenj T*x .........- 4 B x £l b© ! 12 î -*• July 12, By Aad»t--r ...... C«. Tr Aug 21 IKrl. 4 fi ll 22 i: rrent Exp irrai.'.» r»l v - i Oct 4—To ca*to R Li i IE*ire \ (Vt. 4. Tfrn'.onal - •• Inr lrmputa ! •• 1 • h b 1 •• Co or& ! ! *• - mr Ex;-t. " - H -ptul *• •• in ad i . Count v 1. J*r hereb) rei't r. f Idaho. \ f Ik*.** f* M'.riart*. ertify that :L* -TU-tit f ti.<- ! the qu-rb-r **nditig « a - t- b- r 4 B jti.»-*« n. y iijt d and rff. ■* Oetobsr, A. D Iff! JAl VleLiU.l % Aua . rrcalcrtt fia !,.|.n.l | »-.i, î r The ihre* countries in t h * wend are l*us«.,a France and tbe United Mat«-s iu tie ruder named. The s'aîU i*'s c f l show that lîti»si.» pr«>luc*-d 4fi0,QOU, 000 bushels of wheat; tl»e Fuite*] States 2^0,000,000; France about tin* same. Russia exp.»rte*l 4-ne-etghîh of her grail:; tlb'lnitvd State -»oîk-I arti.. an«i I* ranee neue. The 1 nit« *1 'Mat* *>, iiowever, gi'ow> an < n*«im »a-* amoiiot »f corn, w hielt the others do not. it i likely, also, that Austria will s-we, ji v'al the two last-named countries, at least when her land is more generally taken tin and cultivated. Snith Aus tralia alone announce* this year that die has 200,000 t**ns«*f surplus wheat. In .000 tons of which have already been exported, while the remaimler i> ready f*»r shipment. The Solicitor of the Treasury has given an elaborate (/pinion to the cf feel that a State license tax uj*on the caj/ital of a national bank cannot lx* enforced, and that State ofltcers ha%'e no right <*it!»er to examine or to exact .x-po, t* from iiatiunal hunk* The Indian Bureau is informed that tlic Sissebet. Sioux und CJliipfM-wa Jiv ! lians in \ istonsiii, who recently u , reived allutmi-.ito ol l«ndi», li»v« adup« u '*! J, J H . " u'lr'f 'd' 'f, prostHTitig in tlieir lanuliig opeia lions and educational plans." Notwithstanding the depression of business and tlic decline in the value, >f real estate, nine western States car ied over $ 100 , 000,000 mon? grc insu mice in lb 74 than in IUT 1 ■ COTTKRYILLK letter. Centerville, I. T. Oct. 12, 1875. Ed. World:—C ould this place af [ford an item of interest in these dull times, when there is such a dearth of news everywhere? And dbnld one so unskilled in the use of the £ ra > I m ] goose quill" as myself, get up, invent, or fabricate anything that would in terest your readers when your most brilliant Cors, seem to have retired from the field cf letters? These are questions that sorely vcx me at the present moment, and my letter must be tiie answer. We have had some cliangcs lately, . s _ tis jruc, which interest us; some for j^-tter, some for worse* As von .is »u.« «..v.», .....—- -------_ i n u ■ iatnoug us, and Dr. Harmon 1 » no more. ,, , . . , j He has passed the gloomy postal, and we hope that his weary life has been «»translated into rest. "Frank was a good fellow,'** they say now; "worst 0110111 %' to himself;*' but lie is cold !n death and does not need the sympathy denied him when alive. He died poor, 'friendless and forsaken: and if his no bler qualities live in memory let hi . faults !*e buried with him, while we breathe a kind "farewell; a word that hath Ut*n and must be, a so makes u > linger, yet farewell Til«* family « *f Mr. An la W Ih»b*t'S have ^ :*»:n* from aiuon^ r us t » t i 1 « - * r * »! * i h<»fin* iti the I.a vf.-rn > tales, but À Inly rvmui; .v. and it iv w liiftj **-re<i a p »und that in* hue got hold - f a U »nan /.a N-iine win r« out tit tll ie hil !> > t is worth via\in. S with. II tjHi In* n.ay strike it ririi :u ,i take ■ tit nugget.v 2 is big as i> *!><-- i h*H'>. M r 0. S. Me il enry bus :iUn g, dn* ift v, arch «»î [ a un» re O >!ige ten! Hi inn* v\ hie h he expect v ; . titni v tllK-W here iu Ariz»»n a. U '* nterviile . . • : aff-rd to I* -/* hi rn, f*r there has i w f -*e j f* W U-tt* » fellow* v man he w all *1* ring ar* mini 1 [In v* b Ms of I ât** years. Mr. M F. W aîdroii i ba> U night into tin* -î re of < i. \\\ Urn fts at t b.v p!a(*e, j , »■in*t ttiat ni if Marn.n is >. iti>fi*M I think llw ' a B Ming, but I'm awfully afraid that 1,1 B 'is«- t ;that will v pU* what few « ■f ti v ar .* left are piaby w - Si pU a-* il But we hate t(> vt* ,.tir *!* ar btt!* *. g*sM little, i K .1 **• M >w tjigi Ma Will ^ l*e • *n a railway, .1 «• sa Vs he on th»- garden me. au a v i aek swmjr an« Biter, with an squeak sublime. to g*-l ai<*ng w tutu tiiotigh is wt.ut puzzl.s iw. WImmi vv ........... it will do to drink out of; but i bye .foe, and take Heed anil l*r a and ugly who wJI we have t<» grow] at, and say bad things to and get for given. and go back the next dav an«! j , . i paring i *r ii*'\t spi y anil,,f »a_\ tln rn u^ain. Ai.,| lin'ii tbr ciiln net. and the wonderful (Wing, i when that i*gone there will ...... tin;,*, !"* tU 1 "" a ' " M "" 4 'l'l-r. a,1 '* i it Uiiglit :«■* Well U* 1 1 i r wn a wav un m 1 Uiy, and Fl I bet my Units you'll, b up «*n the ti«!e uf |rT(»sjH*rity as, I uoyi nt as v*»ur js-t curiosity did in til** dipper. Some little mining is going on; ov my body !s or Keeins t* * Is* busv. S*trne «•f them I tli.nk work for the pure love of it. liiat is a hard tiling to sav alsjuit a?ivb«.«iy, but it really seems t*» Imî the case. >. K. (bddtrap is pr«*- 1 ! .r next *ih inir. resettimr 1 tînmes, repairang ditclies tYe., but as,.. mining lu re is of littl«* e«nise«juene(*,! I w ill m»t worry y«m with any further) <*<»in»tieiits «»n the subject, \f v kin*l regards to the devil ' Y...,r* *,,u*nmdirally. Xyster ! The dead bodies «»t the unfortunate , Texans drowned in i lie cvclon«*, when ^ ta)u , u fu> ( , urial wvre fl i w , , iavo I«** «tripped of all valuahk-s hy tlie| .. . 11 * Mexicaus. In mit»K' cases the fingers ! 1 of tlie dead had been chopped off c ,|,| a j ll Jj, e nmrt| ---—------ ' Ihn late iitumlt tions in the South; of Kramx» destroyed property lo tlie! ■ extent of $ 15 , 000 , 000 . Atlanta, Avmus Comr, I. T. Ed. World:— The BtifTulo Co. are pushing thing» a» if they meant b»m nes^. The roacbineiy for their new mi!! will be liere in » few day». They have had a large force of men on the road between here and Rocky Bar for three weeks, repairing it, as they haie one hundred and sixty thousaiid pounds of freight to arrive this fell. They have a large force of men now putting np their mil! building. Their Superintendent, Frank Cavanah, says they are determined to have it com pleted by spring. Capt. James Bax-j ter has contracted to work ten tons for them until tlieir mill is completed. , . . . , ,, . ,..... ,*^iilt Lake and 1*fAiik Uasafiali, have ... . „„a!leased the Gold and Silver Mining ^ ^ Cos. of Yuba mines and mill for fire years, and have a large force of men at work preparing fir active work this winter. Capt. Baxter has maJet the working i f silver ores a specialty ill South America, Colorado, I tail and Nevada for twenty years, and say* , . f . T t »* r the prospects of this camp are aiiead of anything be ever saw. The great draw bark to this camp is that there h;A" !«eefi n<» one here that linderst« *»d w««rkiiig silver ores. Judge Heath and Newton are get ting out splendid «»re from lh»* "I^ast Chane e.** Barnhart «N Maik«*e have fit ruck it (ia-i Stea-itnan  Kufe Turner are pushing work ahead on the "Old Chink'' with lluttering prosj*'Cts S veral «»ther claims will l with energy tin** winter. I.a^ winter ♦ *nl v nineteen men cajnp<*d her**. I i»is winter it will U* iucreased to two hun dred, a* an additional evidence of th**j increased life (»f Atlanta City. A i»ew j sal**»ii bas la-en t*}>ened and tls* b»%> are haf»py. Orsikveh — — • • ♦ • Kntkwa<;av f. or the Hay.- Some interesting facts concerning the ex travagance *<f rich Americans are giv ?i by a writer who takes New York as ms field ot research. II*' states that there ate ten thousand New V-»:k ladies whose when in fill! «1res«* e -t at least one thousand dol lars eacli Fifteen years ago the same tmmU r *»f tashionable ladies would } iaVl . apjieared adorut-d jractively at an areragt two handled and fifty dollars each, while the children of wealthy citizens in , f en as Worked quite as at exjH*nse « » f fifteen years ago were simplv but ap ,,r..|,ria*t**ly atlind at an exjvense of twenty or twenty-five dollars. And it is painful to reflect that in consequence I tin* laiisl'.xp.-mlil,ircui^.n.class that m'vvr »':iruo<l a ilullar, there are M |„. r u . n< ,, f ,|„ M ,*at.d» without etn aI ,d auffering for fuel, food and raiment. • • • I - r n „ . *i.e democratic >tafe ( omnuttee of Ml»*i^i,,|.i say* that in no part of the! t nh n d«s*s there prevail in**re perfect ' J»ea«v. or a greater res|»ect for law. or I a greater desire t«» preserve order tluiuj in that State, and they charge Gov. | Ames, in his na'ciit demand fortr«*ops. w ith n deliberate attempt to invite dis iurbane«', so that there may l>e an im aginary insurrection which he inav su P! ,rt ' H!l hl^'^d. ♦♦♦ - 1 '"' r * ' |,, .-l»>>ii ofoahh- im-ssajros by the Anglo-American cable company to ( ° n ^ S U a ^*'i tiie completion | [ ^ ( ab.«y t and subsequently «lotiblii.g them upon the announcement of a defect in the latter, is sharply criticised by the press. 1 he Cincinnati Commercial buys it iOS * ^'P'tDhcans ten thousand dol ars ,n get Carl Schurz Income «»ut |for «umoy i« Ohk,. lie wasquito w '^' 11 ^ r c®fivchis p»y in the grwii ® at kH »e is doing so much to however. -- ». -—__ Charles Francis Adams says: *'I see nothing in public life just now which promises happy results within a short jtinie. § % 8 HEAT BEDtrcmo, hi tkm price of «mything« J- B. EMERY'g , j J j j j ! »WWVORKsto ïlîj NEW, FRESH AND 1 ÆS 1 BABU Goo^ Coiupmuug, in p*rt, embroideries, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, RIBBONS AND MILLINER KID GLOVES. HATS OF ALL KIN&s 001 » ! ***•«*»'>' (feats' fumi-bin^ 1 AU *!VM! imhrellas. j The Irish a»* star s®« p ,, | Lmdtoo' and Children'* Shoe«, dress goods, department CARPETS AND MCI TNG j COHPltH < EERY AND GLAH4Wi£E All (Clad* of Fanty Grocer!*«, CANNED GOOLS and PICKELS. Fl»H — M A* K LRLL. CoLFIaH AND HET.LIV fish î uos wagons, FOTR-SPRING Vac.oNK THE CHAMP!. >N LEA PI h AND MoWEt, sn.KiE rakes. W'm^om Timber Heady Made form Part* of a Wagon, A XL LS AND >P Kl.s, Wi GO N COVERS AND bùî? CONCORD HARNESS. COMPLETE. Wb»-. I **y 'ir* I «*,!] good* iLrxjer ihmir» * tbrr L • .n ihf Ifo- .u. undersund th»t I a .. do * i o the reaaoti tL*t 1 do bit c* frrigtte.g. and *xit * larg? tram <<i, ci. t.•' it t i a* <1 l«-:»eeu Idaho and Keitoa. Wf * ««•-I* CASH only. g #- ai:. <*iatr.iT *• ar ä 1 pnee the articln» »}, », « 0 '*«'*-r*'ed. ai» ! j>ar*tU. i. R. LMtil. Aug. 27. 1475 tf. PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC SHCiniAN & HYDE WL* Uaale atu) Retail Miinic Dealer», Cor K*ircy at,J Su to Sb., svN FL IN CISCO. m P A&d are now a*>*-d in Concerts by all of our G RE AT ARTISTS Sold »t M00. THF >IIEKM VN *V HYDE FI AND t* «be only FIRST CLASS INSTRDMEUt' Tb»m-wFu«.«.ts ww*-*« Ltm whI Lat«. Or«r«tr«t ■ %gr*ff«* Tr* • • • luugth.6«^»10iucnr*: _ ARP PITT T V WATHtANTlD ^ULlUl For TLN'ii Year»« agents ren «bi, h. L>r I tsutjof Caw. _ . IS U NRIVALLÏJ W> ktopoonatantly on h*ti«l • a ^'' r " J REUtABtE CHEAP PlA N ° S ' TV, extave, Agrafft TrvRc. Vire mv TK* BEST BEABOSBB MAT ct FÜLLT WARRANTED rates A* u>w as wostulw» tu*o* ca> \ IUIVBWS. PIANOS AND ORGANS^ SOU) OS EAST IIWTAUSWT*' iF 080 Otül Mrf ■«» W* Sefow ,ar * W,i SHERMAN & HYDE bkoata' 1 st 3