Newspaper Page Text
Iffofca #ror.'itwklg ÄwW j&~8. M. PEimouxkOo., 10 SUte Street, Bos ton« *7 Put Bow, New York, and 701 Chestnut Street PUhdii^Ua, are our Agents for procuring advertise nais for the Idaho Would in the above cities, and ■authorised te'contract for advertising at our loves rates. 8ÂTIIOND BUVKDING. WARM SPRINGS. FRANK COOPER, PROPRIETOR. H ' AYINO TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS POPULAR place of public resort, I have thoroughly ren ovated the establishment and am prepared to re ceive PERMANENT BOARDERS OR TRANSIENT 60ESTS. HOT AND COLD BATHS ready at all times, and everything about the house kept clean and neat. The LADIES* DEPARTMENT will be controlled by KU. COOPER, And everything will be done to contribute to the comfort of guests. (declétf 1 ANSKIN'S STOH GRANITE CREEK, I. T Th • most complete aud commodious store, and the most extensive stock of goods to be found in Bo se county, outside of Idaho City. Our stuck of „•«ods comprises TINWARE, GLASS, QUEENS AND HARDWARE GROCERIES AND PROViSIONS SADDLES AND HABNES8, MINER'S OUTFITS. DRYGOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS A SHOES, and, in short, everything that *s demanded in the Uie market; aud we SELL FOR CASH CHEAPER than any other house iu Boise count.. Call and see our goods and learn »'ur price*, »u - t»e will mack it to your advantage to buy ot us Augl-tf A. DANSA N A CO. LUNA HOUSE, Cor nor Montgomery and Commercial st» , M. O. LU NEY, ......Proprietor. H aving again assumed con trol of the above named house. 1 have re '.nrnished the same with new beds and bedding. Magie or double rooms tor guests. the TABIiE ^nil be suppUeu a »*h the beat the maraet aff rds. THE GENERA-. STAGE OFFICE For all lines leading out of Idaho City will Ik* found n; this bouse. [June I CIGAR We have on hand and for aale in lots to suit pur •-ha«r, 10,000good cigars- MYt-11 A SMliL. Centerville. CITY DRUG STORE, DR. H. ZIPF, PROPRIE I OR, Keeps for sale a full *U«'k of DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PATE*" MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, Fine lOILET SOAP, BRUSHES AND PEUrUMERY Also ■PURE WINES AND LIQUORS: for m.-dicinal use. Fvescnprions componnded with care. Order« no- ; >ic*ti«dand fill»*» with promptness. {Apll«5.TA-tf. j OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young Wen from the ef t*rcta of Errors and Abase* in early life. Manhood jiea'ored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable reme dies. Books aud circulars sent free, iu sealed en velopes. Addreaa HOWARD AS-SOCIATION. No. 410 north Ninth Ht., Phila«lelphia, Pa., -an Institution having a high reputation tor honorable conduct and professional skill. obstacles™ marriage. Happy Relief for Men from the « fleets of Errors and abuses in early life. Manhood reatoied. Impediment* to marriage removed. New method of treatment. Few and remarkable rein.. ««iea. Book* and Circular* »cut free, in sealed eu v elope*. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. 419 :•*. Ninth St,, Philadelphia, Pa —an Institution bav .ug a high reputation tor honorable conduct and uroft-Hsioual skill. 1776. 1876. CENTENNIAL MEDALS. I HAVE ON HAND A LAUGE SCP j. iy of Centennial medals, which can t>e had for THHBE IKHiLARS each. Address. BEN. WILLSON, Pioneer City, I. T. BANKING HOUSE .or.... €. W. MOORE & CO. IDAHO CITY, ■oo • general banking busineai. Sell «xchange on 5«f Ytrk, Sen Franeiaco, Portland (Ogn.), And the principal he highest pi lee paid for UOLOOHST.QOl* ANOSILVER BULLION In coin or currency. 09 » Buy and sell Greenbacks. S. W. WULFF, ijeenaed Auctioneer, Wall street, Idaho ¥A 16 -inH. Aoction every Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. 8 BOISE CUT BUSINESS NBBCTONY. Wm. B. Morris-Agent Northwestern 8 taga Com pany; also. W. F. Je Co/s Agent W. c. Tatro—Proprietor Rodty Bar filage Lino Wm. H. Nye—Drug Store. F. A Coffin k Co.—Stoves, Tin and Hardvare. C. W. Moore—First Nsttonel Bank of Idaho. I». j. Pefly—Harness, Saddle end L eet her Depot T. Logen— Dry Goods, Groceries and Clothing. R. B. Reed A Oo.—Dry Goods, Grooeries, and Clothing. WineeeBd Liquors. D. Falk it Co.—Dry Goods, Grooeries. and Cloth ing. L. Schwabacher A Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Clothing. P. Sonna— Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. C. Jacobs—Flouring Mill and Distillery. Bilderbeck & Schnabel—Groceries, etc. C. Jacobs — Dealer in Flour, Bacon aud Whisky. 8. Spiegel—Variety Store. D. Levy—Groceries. P. Cohen—Groceries. Mrs. P. Cohen—Variety Store. J. B. Broadbent—Jewelry, Clocks and Watches. J. Brumm —Jewelry. Watches and Clocks. P. Humphry—Jewelry, Clocks, and Watches. James A. Pinney—Book and Variety Store. Wm. Bayhouse—Boot and Shoe Store. J. Pollard—Boot and Shoe Maker. J. Stool »—Boot and Shoo Maker. A. B. Mouson—Furniture Store and Cabinet Ms ker. A. Hagar—Furniture Sb-re. Mrs. Chas. Ostner—Millinery Store and Dress Maker. Mrs. Isaacs—Millinery Store and Dress Maker. Mrs. Winebeiiuer— Dress Maker. J. Slocuui—Dealer in Hay aud Grain. J. Case—Produce Stole aud Dealer in Grain. Jas. U. Twogood—Depot Agricultural Implements aud Agent Florence Sewing Machine. I. li. Curry—Photographic It. E. Uowlett—Assortment Store. F. Dangel—Bakery. J). Levy—Bakery. G. W. G ess A Co. — Meat Market. Wm. It. James—Meat Market. J. A. Bennett A Co.—Meat Market. Capt. J. W. Griiûu — Overland Hotel. liUsU A Young —Central Hotel. A. P. Turner—Turner House—hotel. J. H. Gordon—Capital Restaurant. J. ShefTer—Confectionery and Chop House. Aguew A Race—Livery sn.bles and 1 red C< rral. C- llowell—Livery s. al le and Feed Corral. Chas Nelson — Livery Mahle and Feed i orrai. W. Morse—Corral and F«eJ subie. C. Hunt—Corral aud Feed Stahl«. A. Rossi—Lumber Yard. IL H Howictt—Lumber Yard. Barrett Williams—Lumber Yard. A. J Mars ton—Carnage, Wagon, Blacksmith and Gunsmith Shop«. J. H. Jackson—Blacksmith Shop. 11. Tb« uipsou—Blacksmith Shop. Baldwin k Hem; hill—1 iack»milh Shop. G W Si lts- Blacksmith Shop. J. Woods—Blacksmith Shop. T. Mauptn—Foreman N . W. S. C Shops. tt\ c. Carlton—Fore man N. W. . ( Shops. S. l»e Lord—Small Grocer. U bobbin* — Wood Yard. Item Bros —Wood \ar«l. M. Mllleman— WtMKi Yard, lieu. Anderson—1 arpenter Shop. M. Byrd—Carpenter Shop. F < «îrbtia — Carj« nt r shop. George Ellis— « *r; < n « r r»hop. t.eorge Engle hart - ( arp-titer Shop. T Laudil-Carpenter .shop, li. Autbooy —i arjH-i. ei .shop, t apt. Allen— t arpenter Shop. Fr,d. ik-ckhart—carpenter. Se**rml olhera, natr.M not known. Raj house k McHenry—Shat m House. [There 1« al*o a Barber Shop buildings, nam« «*î pr> ;*ro tor u J. Sinclair—Tailor Suop. L F. Cartee—Fruit T.e, atilg i-r*l Sursiry. Machine I (.'arris* 1 I balex n *nd Bath rland Ilote > in d j i t a— rrtaiued .* u-r*l ; j Smith— c;. ii. ral M» rcL«ndiee. PLACERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. riaza J. V. K. Witt—(M*n«*r:»l Merchandise Weiler »V Plata. Jnim s Kagan—Justice of the lVxre. Robert K. Irani—Constable. John Myer—Postmaster. Granite street. Myer & .Smith— Drug« »V Medicine* and Fancy Goods. Granite street. Myer &. Smith—Wells, Kargo xV, Co.'s Aiients. Granit« «treet. W. J. Rothwell—Physician and Surgeon, Granit« street. J. W. Davison—International Hotel. Plara Mrs. Margaret Hucklcy—Idaho Hotel Granite street. Mrs. D. Steckles— Phœnix Restaurant. Plaza. Garrett, Haye* & Co.—Empire Ment Mär et. Plaza. O. Donnell & Cm—City* Meat Market. Jas. McKay—Magnolia Saloon. Plaza. D. Donovan—International Saloon. Plaza. Cris. Anderson—Miner's Saloon. Plaza. Charles Kohney—Brewery and Saloon. Plaza. Diehl Si Martin— Blacksmith Shop Plaza. Martin Catheart—Shoe Shop. Plaza. Alex. Crehard—Liverv Stable. Plaza. P. Langrie—Cabinet Maker. Idaho street. A. J. Boreland—Cabinet Maker. Broad way. John Merrill—Tin Ware. Plaza. Andrew Carvan—Barber Shop. Idaho street. D. . C. Holden— Carpenter 8hop. Idaho •treet. John E. Saunders—Carpenter Shop. Gran ■treet. W. A. Hutchinson—Carpenter Shop. Gran* ite street Andrew Foison —Carpenter 8hop. Plaza. Mike Halley—Milk Dealer. Pine street J. W. Davison—Agent Nortkwestern Stage Company. Office—International Hotel. J. C. Shepherd—PsyeUs Express. Granite street. Fred Campbell—Jeweler sod Watchmaker. 1. W. Os red, John Kilts. I hillp Olomfer-elscLed 8 cfeool Trustes« tor Ihsyssr for District I* A te Oobsnm «..•••••••••• 8* I®® m» ...........v.v........n»*- s r" Secrutary of Territory.................•f'i* 2" Chief Justtoe of the Supreme Court. .M* K. Houietar Justtoe—let Judicial Dielriol. .John Clerk Ieennieto Justice_2d Judicial Dia't... W. C. Whitson U. 8. District Attorney n»d U. 8. Com-__ ...................J. W. Hoston Surveyor General......................**■ F * Carte * Register land Office.............. w * p * Thomp#on Receiver land Office.................. Jwne * 8loa Collector Internal Revenue..........Austin Savsge Ü. 8. ............................ Plukham • Court.............B.L.1Mcherdten t st Boise City.............. John A * Po#t Territorial ComptroUer...........Jon. Perrault Territorial Treasurer............John Huntoon tooted state* assay office. Aaeayer and Superintendent............Albert Woltera Melter and Refiner..................Robert Heuachkel ..... ..................................E. 0. Sterling Assistant............................Robert Mobley OFFICEX8 ADA COCNTT. Sheriff...............................* »• Agnew Auditor and Recorder..............N. M^* ** 1 ^ l ' ru Probate Judge...................... Treasurer ... ...................... P. Bilder beck Assessor and Collector............J- M. Thompson School Superintendent............ N. M. Hautboru Surveyor.*T........................... T. M. Randall Coroner...............................•*-• ^ rl î* Justices of Peace, Boise City... L Scholl, J. b Peck Constables. lloiae City... .1. L. Titter, Geo. Guinbert Justice of Peace, Middleton Precinct.. M. R. Jenkins •• •« Can you Precinct......O. A. Bowen •* •« Green MeadowPrec't..D. Markham •* •* Union Precinct..........J- Smith •» •• Hot Spring» Preciuct........C. Grab « •• HI iffS-atiou Pre...A. J. McFarhud j County Commissioners— G. W. Gt-*s, A. Rossi, 1 C Simpson. Notice, All debts due the Idaho World either for subscription, advertising, or printing, must be paid to K. W. Jones, or order, who will also pay the liabilities t»t the concern. T. j SfITON, K. W. Jonkb. Idaho City. Mat 15, 1*^5 N Notice to Creditors. Eatate of Alfred D. Saun ter», dree ml OTR'E IS 1IEBF.BY GIVES BY THE UNDER «tgned. Ad«nm»*frairii «ud A*Su..ui»trator of the above-named estate, tu tin creditor* of aiui all person» having claims again»! »»ul decea*ed, to ex hibit the turn-, «lilt the utce**ary voucher», within ten iu »nth» from the .':r»t pubiieatton of this notice, te» the undesigned, at it»r office of J*na» W liroan, in Idaho t'ltv, Boise countv, Idaho Terrttorv MUÛ.AUl.f SAUNDERS. Administratrix. JONAS W BltuWN, Admini»trau>r. Idaho City, June 5th, 1875. hw i'lraiant amt Prufitablr Kmployment —••Beautiful'" ••Charming;*' ••Oh. how lovely;'* ••W hat arc they worth ' !<■ Such ar< ckclamatioua t»y th'i»e who *ec the large elegatif New Ubrotnoa produced t»> the Furx>pau and American «'hrtimo 1'uhltKhuig t'o They are all j^-r.'e, t Gem» < f Art. S > one can re«t»i the temptation to l uy when »ee lug thu « hromo». i'wnva»»er». Agent*, ami la.Le* ami gentlemen out • f employment, will find th:» the Rent opening ever offert d to make money. Fur full larttcular*. «etui »tamp E-r confidential circular. Addreaa F ULK A BON A I'U , \taehluglon hi., Iu>«t n. Ma»». Zffotic: I V) (' COMSTOCK ANO whom St may concern Y«*u are here by nutlfl ««I that I. J. Jotiken. have <i.>ne w rk to the amount of f .***, on earii i Uira. f *r me >«*r» lr'T'd-ô 4 and l»Ti. on the Wtlitatu Jell Jfxle or le«lge, »it :■&!,«) cm the Eagle of the L'.gb: Gui 1», Atlanta Mining Dis trict. Altnra* county, I T . adl unless the amount expended <>n tltr Wiliiain 1 «-U for the bereftt » f j»ar tie» interested, »h»<l !**■ j aid witliiti ninety t9G daye from date, their interest m nat.l mine or k«de will b« furteited U» me bj operation of law J. TON KEN. Rockt B*a, July le, " ALL ▲ CARD T - all who are suffering from errors and india, rretion« of youth tiervuu» weakfie»». early dec*y, !<•«* of manhood, Ac.. I will »end a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. TUi» greet remedy wa» discovered by a missionary in South America, send a, »eir-addneeed envelope te the Rxv. JosKrn T. Ikius, Malten I), Hhim Horn*, .Vor York CU Jr. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. TOT ICE L> HEREBY GIVEN that the co-partnership heretofore existing lM*fwreu Beirrly Willi* and Con bnaxd, in water diti h* «. mining and Lumber busin« ««. is this «Uy <liH»i>lved by tutitual coniM'rjt; Beverly Willis having pur« based the entire interest of Con Dris«'i4 tn ail Water Right*. Ditches, Mining Ground, Saw Mill »nd machinery, and Lumber owned by Willi» a Driscol. Beverly Willi« w ill pay all demanda or claim* against the late firm of Wiill* A DnscoL ainl will collet l all bills due the said firm. IthVFULY W I LUS, UON DRISCOL Idaho Citt, August 10. 1H73, 4w. American Favorite. THE FAVORITE M0XTI1I.Y For the Farm and Fireside. Each Number Contains OVER FORTY COL'SER DING MATTER. Only 70 Cents a Tear! Postage prepaid by the publishers. T HIS is the largest mid best monthly paper for th« price published in America. Tt is live, well edited, and lull ot FUN and SNAP. Enclose 75 cents and receive this popular mnnth'y a year. Or, send two 3 cent stamps for specimen copy. Address. "AMERICAN KAVO TE.'* Bridgeton, N. J. Best Quality Flour., com, mn. bam ex, At the near Bolin Citjr nt nt itorr in Bma, City. ORDERS SOUCITED. AUns., WAR EAGLE mL^CO.^ ^ LITBII AM FKD STABLE, Fronting oo the ea ■id# of the Ptaan* PLACERVILLB, I« » ,...... . . . PROPRIETOR. Saddle, Carriage. Bnggy and Tes» Horae« kept constantly on hand and rtedy tbt * and horses received tor boerdor to reneneby week or month, AT LOWEST BATES. A good hostler alwejrs in readiness to wait on cm tomerci, tod •▼•ry Lcoom imW oo profMtd lo first claas livery stables. jEavb Yoch Oboem at 8 nanY*e,—Persons deeir g to be ceiled up of mornings at an earlier hour an usual will please leave their orders at the Poet Jlce Bookstore. Jo*» FaaKE. Night Watchman. j IDAHO CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. C. 8. Kingsley, general merchandise. Main Street. J. B. Fisher, blacksmith, comer Montgomery and Wall fctreets. G. W\ Crafts, general merchandise. Main street. Thomas Barry, general merchandise, Commer* ial street. lauer k Swinn, general merchandise. Main street. G. Marre, Tin and hardware. Main street D. B. Kiminel, watches and jewelry. Main street. J. B. Emery, general merchandise. Main street. Ed. Fulmer, geueral merchandise, main street. George Dunigau, hotel. Main street. W. Payne, carpenter, Mam »treet. John iiuuyan, painter, corner Commercial and Wall »treet*. Dr. hheffer, phyaician a.d aurgeon, Wallula etieet. »treet. Dr. U. Zipf, physician and drugstore, Main street. Rowe A McDevitt, meat market. Main »treet. A. Strau**, coiumt**ion and storage business, Main street. Johu Garre«, ht, meat market. Main atreet N. Hang, brewery, Main »treet. U \T Moore A Co , First National Bank, Main »treet, John Good, Ton*«rul artl»i. Main street, h. Ü. hll»L»y. book» and »taliouery, Montgomery »treet. M. G Luury. hotel. I.una House, corner Mont gomery and Commercial atreet*. W. W. Black, livrry and feed stable. Mam atreeV Wulff A MtUer, *oda fact ry. Wall street. Tmcbrr k Holland, saloon. Mam air* et. Matt Zapp, saloon, Malu »treet. Mci'hnUick k Stewart, feed aud livery atable, Montgomery »Drei. Martin Mellrnuovtcb, re*Uurant,Wall »treet. William Mauls, boot and »hoe shop. Main stm t. Hay A Cowan, blacksmiths, Main street. John Harley.. hlack»mith. Main street. Henry Freidenger. bakery and fruit store. Main street. Ikdioui, grocery and liquor store, Montgomery •treeh ('ha* MauU. I»oo 1 and »hc«e shop. Main street. ID man Jones, wagon maker. Main street. Jos tab Cave, blacksmith. Mam »treet. Thoms* Dixon, tailor, Main*treet. Stuck A Eli. carjx-ntrr». Main street. Lr*t< r A Furguson, carjwntrr», Montgomery •Ueet Dr. 11. Simpson, physician and dentist. Commer cial »treet John Hr« «I beck, fruit and cigar »tore. Mam street. B F. IAxtgr. watchmaker. Main street. <«e«jrge Bennett, upb«i»t«rer. Montgomery street. Th< re 1 » » »aw mill ju»t outside of lovn owned by Morrill. Tliompkin* A West, and another two miles fr*>m town owned t»y WilHs A Driscoll. The latter Co. ha* a lumber yard on Main street; the lorroerat their mill. The »< bool house and Oocxl Templar hall are al»o on Alain »treed, and one or two Chinese ■tores. There is a Methodist Church on Wail atreet. Pioneer Business Directory. Madipin xt Cannady, general mc rchan clisc. Pat Noonan, butcher hliop. John Veaacy. saloon. Jerry Mcrnan, vrgctahlc stand. Callahan xV: Co., draymen and vegetable stand. S. B. Connolly, upholster and can^ontcr. Michael Garrity, livery stable. James Coleman, lodging house. Adam Lind, blacksmith shop. Michael Garrity. hotel. Daviner xV Co., general merchandise. James Stadtmiller, brewery and saloon, ltichard Stokes, butcher shop. Hull xV Tucker, woodyurd. Bird I^oftus, drayman. (*eo. W. Smith, store. One Chinese store. E. A. Stevenson, ditch owner. Ben \\ ilson, saw* mill and ditch owner. CENTERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. G. W. Crafts, dealer general merchandise. Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express office— G W. Crafts, Agent. Jerome Beardsley, fruit, cigars and beer. Jerome Beardsley, blacksmith shop. C. C. Meflert, hotel, Hardin Sc Daly, butcher shop. 8 Dempsey, livery stable. J° H Brousau, boot and shoe maker. r red Heoflein. cabinet «hop. George Cartwright, hay and Teed store. Postoffice, P. J. Moore, postmaster. Louis Perre, restaurant. Cbannell Sc Church, saw mill. B. F. Cbannell St C«»,, ditch. B. K. Goldtrap. ditch. Hung W« Chung, Chinese store. 8e Lung Co , ChinMe store. Chue Kee Co., Chinese store. Chue Ke Co., butcher shop. ß^NKS OP ALL KINDS FOB AT AT THE IDAHO WORlj) POSTER.* 5 , CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, NOTES, DEEDS, TAGS, PROGRAMMED RECEIPTS, LICENSES, VISITING CARS BALL TICKET?, LETTERHEADS. ALSO LEGAL & JUSTICE'S I ef all kind», and every description of a I wavs on hand and printed to f ■fiV, PLAIN, OR IN COLO^ And at prices i>0 per our former rates. cect Call and examine specim« 18 ' N. B. nd othsrprintisg *4 prices pr* a, MABBfi - ^0 DEALER IN STOVia^ ^ PUMPS, SHEET COPPER. BBA ^Jn) HARDWARE ^ AGRICULTURAL I* pl tin,c O prer,»<l' b '* Ur0,1,r ''^