Newspaper Page Text
g*mï-WwMiî World. A. I. BOYAU» .EDITOR. Idaho city, I» t. FRIDAY........... !*/.October 29, 1875.1 Discoveries Made. —The facts now known warrant the statement that many and rich discoveries have been made by the hardy prospector since tatt June. These discoveries include placer diggings as well as quartz ledges, and they are of importance suffi cient to place Boise county on a firm and fatting foundation and insure a bright and prosperous future. The most val r . in uable mines found so far are probably , . ,. f the quartz and placer diggings of „ H Canyon and Fall creeks, a few miles * . , . from Placemlle; and the pros *^® now obtamed from there prove to contain inestimable wealth, some. . i, » I of which the owners will soon show . . rl . up. There are also dozens of ledges , , , . I scattered about through the county discovered and now undergoing de- 1 velopinent by single individuals, all of which yield splendid prospects and will surely make the discoverersh wealthy. And many spots of rich \ placer ground have been struck iu dit feront places that will be worked to big advantage next season. All in all, affairs in the Basin have assumed a | brighter aspect than the most hopeful could desire, and many who several * I I weeks ago were gloomy with despond ,.i .,.„t uow look cheerful and appear quite resigned to take things as they come Many ineu, at the close of placer were so dis abling the past season, — - — hearteued at the Minall returns }ic c that they scattered out through the Basin seeking labor by the day to ob tain means with which to leave the| country before winter set in. Since tbe recent discoveries and rich devel opmeots made the past few weeks these despondent parties have changed their minds and are now resolved to| •tay and sec it out. Quite a numlicr of those very men started out pros pecting at the time, and arc now the owners of valuable ledges and placer ground, and instead of giving up the fight have made a new and permanent stand. VYodomd know of a single Individual who. now contemplates Icav fog the Basin with ike idea of better ing his condition in other fields of la bor. This fact is only mentioned to show tlie difference in the state feeling now existing and as it existe« early In the season. Printers in Luck —The Avalanche •ays that the typos of that office, in eluding Bert Jones, formerly of the World, the oilier day discovered a rich gold-bearing quartz ledge, near Boonville, whioh appeared to be an extension of the valuable one recently found by J. C. Hill. The boys took up fifteen hundred feet, and were having some of the rock assayed. They call their ledge the "Tiger," which we think is a bad omen,, as that critter is known to make printers "short- stringed" and out of "sorts" every lime they fall against it. Name it the "Fat Take," prints, or something else Suggestive of the art preservative. -1--. * .------ The Statesman says that the fair and races under the auspices of the Agri culturalJPark Association were a com- plete success in every respect. Con- sidering the shortness of the lime ii which they were making preparations this fact speaks well for the associa- tion. It is now a permanent institu- tion, and the fairs and races will here- after be an important event in Terri- torial affairs. TnE Avalanche wishes to know whether the Wont & is dead, as that of* fice had not received a copy for two weeks. Well, no, it isn't dead, old man; and had you seen the manner in which a portion of it skimmed the hills ^he other day, you would have thought it very live. The World w nbioi ,! ir the express office twice < -'h v. • < *k reefed t*» the Avohimhc. D-mi kum* „ iiv v«ui have not received it. Death of Felix M. Harris. —Mr Felix Harris, an old and respected ci ; izen of* this county, died at his place of residence, at the toll-house, on Sha fgj- creek, at twelve o'clock, noon, o last Wednesday. He had been suffer ing for several months with a coinpli cation of diseases, the principal one o which was something like cancer of the stomach. His death was not un expected, as he had been lingering very low for sometime. Mr. Harris was the proprietor of what is known as the Harris Toll-road* He leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his de cease. ~ ^ ZZ 71,, ~ ^ ZZ 71,, Will be Dedicated. —The Odd Fel . lows will dedicate their fine new hall on the 19th of November next. The . .... , dedication ceremonies will be conduct Lj publicly, with oration, etc. The a gnni event with the The . I Odd B ellows of Boise county, ..*, . full particulars will be published m r . I the next issue, 1 Dr. Belknap, formerly of this place, but now a resident of Silver City* came up by stage of Monday evening: n company with Maj. Hay, of the \ Avalanche. The doctor is here this time to look after his quartz interest out at Banner, which district lie and the Major were t ) visit during the early part of the week. ...... t I will conduct the funeral services ol ... latP * M ,I " rrm - riaoerville, Funeral Sermon —Rev. D. 0. Strong some time this afternoon. The rever end gentleman will preach a funeral sermon on the occasion. I Master Jack Harley came over from Owyhee county the other day to U p an( j ,j r j vc home his father's noW running outlie range in the mouiltain8 I Mr. Das Srcisiucii, who was sick f»r several days with someth : n ff lift, die (lux, has almost recovered. Dan wa ' s wt 'll cart'd for hy lineher A H..I | lair!. Virginia City, Nevada, has again been destroyed by fire. Mr. KioUr, of the First National Bank of thin place, received a dispatch to that ef fect on W«*dnesday evening. — • - ■■ ■ ■ .......I — «> + *--- —..........-- Will nr. Buried To-day—T he late F. M. Harris wdl lie buried at Placerville, sometime this al lern* mo. — — — —■♦ ♦ »■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■.■ — — ■■■ Rev. 1). O. Srnovo returned from the Payette ami Weiser valleys on Wednesday evening. Lemhi County.— The following Salm on City items are taken from the Mon (aman : Quarts intere-tts are baking up; prospectors ure busy and striking good ledge» in every direction. Sev eral sales fiaw becu effected, and a 10 stamp mill is on the road for this district. Lively times are anticipated very soon. Col*. Stomp and Clendenning are loing a lively- business. Their stock is extensive and varied, and they are experienced and liberal traders. The wheat and oat crops are gned, and vegetable» are abundant. Mr. El is, at Salmon, raised an e xcellent Top of melons, which he is quite will ing his neighbors should enjoy wit!» lim. Dr. Kenny ha« captured a huge bear, fid Driiiii, with two youngsters of the Jrum family, wore making nightly visits to his garden, and without pe mission were appropriating the Do< ops parsnips; . whereupon he set a irge trap and succeeded in catching Uie old one. Hearing a wonderful roaring at midnight, lie armed himself with a rifle, and went forth to the scene of the uproar, when Mrs. 13. went for him with all her might and main, carrying the trap with her,.but i well-directed shot riddled her heart, and brought her sprawling to his feet. The ranchmen are all out uow on a round-up." While the Agency team was cross ig Camas 1 Varie, on its way from Co untie with annuity goods, the team six lu» « -) were stolen, which is quite a loss t*. eurfrieed, .Ag *nt Ptiller. Z 1.* WEILER.] [I. FUIO. New Firm ! New Goods! •:0 : WEILER ft CO. [SUCCES SOUS TO WEILER é SMITH.] Placerville, I. T., ARE NOW ESTABLISHED AT THE OLD STAND FORMERLY OC CUPIED BY J. V. R. WITT, southwest corner Plaza, Hat« juat received, from N«»' York aud Sau FrAn cisco direct, 1 Mit aid Select Asserted GENERAL GRhlii COMPRISING, IN PART, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, 6ENT8. FURNISHING 800DS, QUEENS AND HARDWARE, Tobacco & Cigars, ! j I I i CHOICE WINES and Liquors, HYDRAULIC HOSE AND MINERS' SUPPLIES generally. —The largest and best assortment of— FALL & WINTER OXjOTBZNG Id Ibo Mas in, coo&l«Mug of FRENCH DIAGONALS, ALL WOOL, BEAVER AND CASSIMERE SUITS, (JVE full line of winter îKCOATS AN CLOAKS, Of the latest Styles and Patterns. —ALSO, A FRESH INVOICE OF— MEERSCHAUM AND AMBER GOODS, Just imported from Europe. OT'Givc usa call, examine our goods, auct you will find prices to suit theïiines. WEILER & CO. Placerville, Oct. 39, 1875. FALL A WINTER Very low, for ceab, it General Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions, Miners' Supplies, Mining Tools, CLOTHING, BOOT8 AND SHOES, BOYS' BOOTS,CHILDREN S SHOES. ALL SIZES LADIES' AND MISSES SHOES. -Large Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats, HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. PATENT MEDICINES, (A foil supply » PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. AMMUNITION, AND Ai GREAT VARIETY OF YANKEE NOTIONS.j I dbo., d*c.. Cbc. • . Arctic Overshoes all mis. Idaho C*J. Oct. luth. 1-.:. ! BATHS AMI) IRK WARM SPRINGS. FRANK COOPER, PROPRIETOR. H AVIN'* TAKEN riMRiF. OF THIS POPULAR pi*■'-** of public rr ».»rt. 1 have thoroughly ren oveiod ib« Mitbliibiurui »ml am prepared lo re. » «I I« Pf RMAIKNT 80ARDERS OR TRANSIENT GÜE8T8. HOT AND COLD BATHS rradj at all lln,w. and everything about the hotur kepi clean and neat, Tho LaDIU' DEPART MI NT «nil be controlled by mu. ooopsa, And everything will be done to contribute to the eomf >rt ol «tioia. [declltf A FAMOUS MEDICAL INSTITUTION. I'rom Ihr Cfn, ago T.mrt, "The nanu» of Dr. U. V l ieree.of Ruflalo. N 7. Im» iH-i-niue a* fMtuiiiar to the peuple «11 o\ci the t'unt'tr) a- pamphlet« and bonk»., no.) hi« l, r «e med » -a «Apen. iu e h \ebmnitht linn i /o i.romiii« nre *'"1 l,i,n n HO, bl reputatiati. The Itmrt. hi the i««tie . preeeuia a wh.d*|tttf« roa, :,m»ha. i.»n ir- tu lu 11, n-e. and nur reader» n»v gtln from i M»m, Jd«M ..I the \,.«t pr..}x«rlli»aa of lu. •»n>t i ln- tu« rite . f hj^ tiudieiuet». U« ha» at Ilnfl ilo »«pprops lately named the ' " Dl«|*eii*arj-," «here patient« «re lre»:ed. h", J r,M,,p<nc * compounded. Here »,.•« Iv a nnndre«! l*«r*otu ur< . ,. n ,,.i„ved In Ibo «*%er*i d«. 11,1,1 , lror P nl *»»!.• and «killed i. ivm nan- .hind , e«dyioa | lexi ,, to the «uflering« ol hu man > hy the mort appimed n>cth«da. Then* ,thv »! i ir lir '' " oon«ul an *n with Dr 11» fee. and thv'reondhiied experieneo ». brought to bear I the »uc«-e.!»ful treatment of ohitmiate caaea. Th# ii'ii I— — ----- f!"' lo f ,s n ,n f n rf « I*"#»' medic»! ekperfence. and » * < xIi iimm* knowiiHig,. ,,f materia tuodicaha« been : ;- v nroaentaUona of degree« from turn or tlu (liüt Medical (.»»Hege« in the land.** ir.vnt would Ivitrouire Medicine*, «ci. prepared by a skilled Phy-ieian an > Che I r. riereo * Family Medicine« ientifteaBy I'nii.t, un G olden Medical cl Li «in ? l! " 0,rll,wl *N alterative, and blood inTSu^'J! d ^M Uncq,U,e ' ! Co "* h ,p, "'Nly; Plea«* •M^la rf, „Ï.I? ,c areely larger than mtutard Fhvarit? ? iiUi l ai î "Stable and relyablo phytic; mai«!* !? n * a r< ' m,H b' for debilitakNl lo for P»in^n ric i Smart* Weed, a magical remedy 'sri £. h A b , «=7 mssasua overoji , th« aUrrh P pn, edy i* known the world CM * rrh aod ' ^ R ediiot] - Ia the^ rates OF EVES -AT B - emery-, XEW. FHE'II AND Com pr mi up. hi ^ WHITE GOODS AN I» HOUSE! Lacks and EMBBOIDERIE8," NOTIONS OF ALL Kim, milHONS AND MILLCtQT, KluGtOVES, hats cf all ebjj j Ho.l rr and Grate* fimi n^ j PARA»»LS AND UMBKELLA8, hN' Y Goor«, EE iîFUMEE®, I The Irlah and Mar Seape, Ladle«* aad « hlldica*« Skers, DRESS GOODS. DEPARTVEVT CCMPIH CARPETS AND MATT SS. ( UOt KLRY AND GLASS«:!!. All Kinde of Faner Gremin, CANNED GOOt S AND PICKEIA FISH - AI At KPRKL, CODFISH ANDHBEX FISH i BOS WAGONS. Fur R SWUNG WlGC.TP, THE CHAMPION BEAPIR AND MOUE SCLKIE RAKES, Wagon Timber Ready Made lad Part* of a Wages AXLES AND S POKF-S. YVaGOS COTEES A 53KU CONCORD HARNESS. COMPLEIL When I aay that 1 «--11 poM* ffcfipfr tter other hou«« ia the R»«m. no'îerïtftsd tin I " do au» tor the reenoti that I do BJ lr> iithliug. and h«»e • lirge train of «gw rmutint t »vel In-lweeu Idahotsd KfiU® We »<11 « in*!« 5<>r CASH only. ad-Call. evatnir.e and pn<e thf irtrW _ enumerate.!. *tid Wmfy joumM. I SB® Aug. 'JT. 1ST5 tf. BEST OUALTfi FLOUS. •e.90, COOT, PER _AT THE— War Eagl MU*!* n„r Draw Clly. »0-1 a! ,Wrt * ** ORDERS SOLICITED. jULI^, WAR EAGLE |oronr. «» onaFFfLntli Ihr further lufo*TJ iall0n 'pEjJfV IkliK CT' 1 fob SALE A 1 tpi oim shop isf'ä Si«?- Ü'mÇ PU*«, in Placepi»**. ß°' oulr «hop in th" .. gnd "„«.Sr .«.j. order. An «orly ap ply J» 1 fj f Tot further information PtACBVnXK, Sertsmber ^