Newspaper Page Text
PIANOS, 0R6ANS, MUSIC SHERMAN & HYDE Wholesale and Bétail c Dealers • Ctor. Kearny and 8 ntter 8 ts., SAH FRANCISCO. Rt ■And are now used in Ooneerto by all of oar ORE AT ARTISTS THE SHERMAN & HYDE PIANO Is the only ■FIRST CLASS INSTRUMENT, Sold at seoe. The Square Pianos are 7'; octave, and embraces all Modern Improvements, such as Elegant Rosewood **«. Beautiful Mouldings. Full Iron Frame. Carved *e»ga and Lyrv, Oventrruug lkss. Agraffe Treble, ere. length, 6 teet 10 iuebes; Width. 3 feet 6 inches, and its FULL! mmw For Ten Years* AGENTS' FOR t * which, for eautvof Case, Superiority of Workmanship, Elegance of Finish, and Durability tSXJlNTRIV^LLED We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of „ mm mm, mm m. mm. . I CHEAP PIANOS, 1% Octave, agraffe Treble, HOUR FROH THE BEST SEASONED MATERIAL, AND FULLY WARRANTED. I UCB AS LOW AS WORTHLESS PIANOS CAN BE OBTAIN HO ELSEWHERE. PIANOS AND OBQANS SOLD ON EAST INSTALLMENTS, IF DESIRED. Call and See Vs Before Purchasing, SHERMAN ft HYDE. *9*8. M. PETTENoiLLkCo., 10 State Street. Bo*, i^o, 37 Park Row, New York, and 701 Chestnut Htmrt I hiladelphla, are oar Agents for procuring advertise nients for the Idaho World in the above cities, and * ithorired to contract for advertising at our lowes j «titre CIGARS! w# have on hand and for sale in lots to suit mir* «Mauer, lü, 000good cigars. MYElt k SMITH. Centerville, OBSTACLES TO 1ABB1ABE. . Aba««« In ««Tlr life. 1 Impediments to Marriage removed. New » .ethodof treatment. New and remarkable reme •aie^ Books and circulars sent free, in sealed en* Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No 4/3 irthMinthSt., Philadelphia, Pa.,-an Institution ' ror honorable conduct and 0B8TACLE8 TO MARRIAGE. Happy Heller for Yoang Men from the »sffiMta of Errors aud abasea in early life. Manhood th stored. Impediments to marriage removed. New ©•ethod of treatment. Few and remarkable reme* ee. Books and Circulars sent free, in scaled en • --lopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, il.t Ninth St„ Philadelphia, Pa —an Institution bav* '•'I a high reputation for honorable couduut and » ri^M lonal «kill. BOISE CITY BÏÏ3UVBS8 DIRECTORY. Wm. B Morris—Agent Northwestern 8 tage Com pany; also. W. F. A Co.'s Agent. W. C. Tittro—Proprietor Rocky Bar Stage Line. Wiu. H. Nye—Drug Store. F. It. Coffin & to.—Stoves, Tin and Hardware. CV W. Moore—First National Bank of Idaho. P.' J. Petty—Harness, Saddle and Leather Depot. 'T. Logan—Dry Good«, Groceries and Clothing, it. B. lived. A Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Clothing, .Wines and Liquors. - # ' D. Falk A Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Cloth ing. L Schwabacher A Co.—Dry Goods, Groceries, and Clothing. P. Soun«— Groceries, Hardware, Iron and 8ieel. C. Jacobs-Flouring .Mill and Distillery. Bible r beck x Schnabel—Groceries, etc. C. Jacobs—Dealt i in Flour, Bacon and Whisky. S. Spiegel— Variety Store, b. Levy—Groceries. P. Cohen—Groceries. Mrs. P. Cohen—Variety Store. J. ii. Broadbeut—Jewelry, Clocks and Watches. J. ilnamu—Jewelry, Watches and Clocks. P. iiuuipbry—Jewelry, Clocks, sud Watches. Janus A. Piuuey—Book and Variety Store. W m. But house—Boot and Shoe Store. J. l'oiuui—Bool ai.d Shoe Maker. J. m«h» 1 s—Boot and Shoe Maker. A D. Mousou—Furniture Store and Cabinet Ma ker. A. liugat—Furniture Store. Mrs Chas. Oste er— Millinery Store and Dress Maker. Mrs. Isaacs—Millinery Store and Dress Maker. Mrs. \\ luvheiuier—Dress Maker. J. Slocum—Dealer m liay and Grain. J. Cas» —Produce store and Dealer iu Gram. Jas. 11. i wogood -Depot Agricultural Implements and Agent Florence Sewing Machine, L B. Cuirj — Photographic It. E. ilowlcti—Assortment Store. F. bange! —Bakery. D. Levy—Bakery. G. W. Gess x Co.—Meat Market. Win. K. James—Meat Market. A. Beuuelt .V tu. —Meat Market. Capt. J. W. Gnitiu-Overland Hotel. Bu»h X Voting—Central Hotel. A. P. Turner—Turner House—hotel J. 11. uordoh—Capital Restaurant. J. Shelter—Coufcciionery and Chop Rous«. Ague w X lUce—Lit« ry Stables aud EVrd Corral. C. tl«»well—Livery .s able aud Feed Corral, t has. Nelson — Livery Mablc slid Feed Corral. W. Morse—Corral aud Feed Stable. C. Hunt— Oural amt Feed Stahl«. A. Roosl—Lumber Vatd. It. L Ilowkti—LuniU r Yard, liarrett Militant* -Lumber Yard. A. J- Marstou—Carriage, Magou, Blacksmith ami GutiMuitli Shops. J. li. Jackson—Blacksmith Shop. II. Thompson— Blacksmith Shop. Balds tu x 11« ruphiU—Ido* kMinih Shop. G M'.still* — Plack*mKii Shop. J. Woo«!»— Blacksmith Shop. T. c. Maupiu—Fureiuan N. W. 8. Co.'a Machine Shop«. Foreman N. W. . Co.'s Carrtag M . C. Carlton Shops. A D© larrd- Muall Gr«*-rr. U . obbUif—WtHHl Yard. 1 eiu Ur*.» — \\ ,». .1 Yard. M. Mill« null — Wood Yar-l. lien Amierwun—A arj<« n:«-r Shop. 'I By rd-Cari*rutcr .Niiop. F I *>rl» »--< arj « :iti r M,«»p. Georg«- E ll* — i *rp«-tilrr .whop, l«« <<rge Engl« hart — « arp tiler Shop. 1 Landl! — t.'arpeulrr Miop. II. Anthony — « arj* »»1er Shop. Capt. Allen— I arj «-nt«-r Shop. Er. d Be« khart—Car|>«-hU-r. several other*, nan ,* not known. , B»> hou*»- X McHenry—shaving *nj Bath Ilou»«-. ! ih* re is aj*o a Barbershop lu Ovrrlaod Hole building*, »um« et proortetor u«*t y« l aim ertatard J. Blue lair—Tailor shop. L. F. Cart«-«—Fruit Tree a an J g » , if «I Sara • r r. ■ f ! PLACERVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I J* ^ • Ü. W 1 1 1~ ( »»'IDT.'l I Marcha fl ll j «•* . IM.1Ï3. Weiler «V Smith— tiendrai Merchandise James Kagan—Justin* of the IVace. Kobrrt K Irvin—Constable. John My er —P«istinnster. (ir.imte street. Myer ».V. .Vitiitb—Drugs «V Medicmea and Fancy ( îoods. Ci ranite street. Mjrer & .Smith—Wells, Fargo Jk Co.'s Agents. Granite street. W. J. Kothwell—Physician and Surgeon. Granite street. J. W. Davison—International Hotel. Plain Mrs.£»ret IJuckley— Idaho Hotel. Granite street. Mrs. D. .Steckies— Phœnix Restaurant. Pinza. Garrett, Haye* Co.—Empire Meat Mar et. Plaza. O. Donnell & Co.—City Meat Market. Jas. McKay—Magnolia «Saloon. Plata. 1). Donovan—International Saloon. Plazo. Cris. Anderson—Miner's Saloon. Pinza. Charles Kohney— Urewery and Saloon. Plaza. Diehl Martin—blacksmith Shop. Plaza. Martin Cathcart—Shoe Shop. I'laza. Alex. Orchard—Livery Stable. Plazu. P. Langrie—Cabinet Maker. Idaho street. A. J. Moreland—Cabinet Maker. Broad way. John Merrill—Tin Ware. Plaxa. Andrew Carvan—Barber Shop. Idaho atreet. 1). . C. Holden—Carpenter Shop. Idaho •treet. John E. Saunders—Carpenter Shop Gran street. W. A. Hutchinson—Carpenter 8hnp. Gran* ite street. Andrew Foison —Carpenter 8hop. * Plaxa. Mika Halley—Milk Dealer. Pine street. J. W. Davison—Agent Northwestern Stage Company. Office- International Hotel. J. C. Shepherd—Paystls Bx pr sss v Granit« stroet Fred Campbell—J«weler and Watchmaker. 1 w - Ga-rett, John Kma, Philip Clonder-clsctsd School Trustees for the yesr tnr District No. 4 FEDERAL officials. Dolegata to CongreM...'......... Governor . .. ................... ..... W. Bennett Secretary of Territory..................*• Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.. M. E. Hollister Associate Justice—1st Judicial District. .John Clark Associate Justice—2d Judicial Dis't... W. 0. Whitson Ü. 8 . District Attorney and U. 8 . Com missioner.......................... -4- *• * wion Surveyor Geueral...................... L. F. Cartes Register Laud Office..............N. Thompson Receiver Land Office..... « ............James Stou Collector Interual Revenue..........Austiu Savage U. 8. Marshal........................^ os ' l >ln kham Clerk Supreme Court............. B* I*. Postmaster at Boise City..............John A. Post Territorial Comptroller........... Perrault Territorial Treasurer............Huntoon UNITED STATES ASSAY OFFICE. Aaeayer and Superintendent............Albert WoHera Melt er and Refiner..................Robert Heuschkel ...... ..................................E. C. Sterling Assistant................. Rotiert Mobley OFFICERS ADA COUNTY. Sheriff............................ " A JP *" ......... N. M. Han thorn Auditor aud Recorder.. Probate Judge........, Treasurer............. Assessor aud Collector School Superintendent ...W. W. Gliddeu . . ......... C P. Biiderbeck ...........J. M. Thompson ........... N. M. Hanthorn Surveyor.............................1- M. Rsudall Coroner................................ d * Justices of Peace, Boise City.. .L. Scholl, J. S. Peck C.ustables. Boise City.... L L. 'liner, Geo. Gumbert Justice of Peace. Middleton Precinct. .M. R. Jenkins •• •• Canyon Precinct. . . .O. A. ltoweu G reell Meadow Prec't.. D. Markham •• •« Union Precinct..........J. Smith • • •• Hot Spring* Precinct........C. Grab •• •• B1 ;ffStation Pro ..A. J. McFarlaud C-Miity Commiaaiouers— G. W . Gess, A. ltoasi, 1 C Simpson. Notice, All debts due the Idaho World either for subscription, advertising, or printing, must be paid to K. W. Jones, or order, who Mill also pay the liabilities of the eoneeru. T. J Sen on, K. W. Jonks. Idaho C'i|V. May 15. 1875. j N Notice to Creditors. K»tAt© of Alfred Ü. Satin 1er», tl«*ceaaed. OUCK IS HEREBY GIVEN BY 1111 UNDER *lgued. Adruinuiraim and Administrator «>f the *bov«- namrtl r»iat«-, to ihe nt .hlura of and all j « r*o«>* having claim* again*! *ai<l d«cr**«<t. to et lllbit the »atlie, w I-h the Urn »»*n Voucher*, wilhttl ten mouth* from the .lr*t publication of tin* notice, to the iind«-r*lgn«H). at tile .iRi.e of Jaha* W. Brown, in Idahol itv, B< t*e , .«unu Idaho Terrtt«»rv. MARGARET SAUNDERS. Administratrix. JONAS W BROWN, Administrator. Idaho City, Juna Sth. 1ST&. kar PI« n«nnl «tut Profila t, I© Employ tnrnl. i — "B«-ai|tlfliU" •'Charming!" "Ob, how Juvelj!" "k tjal arc they worth*' a> Su. h tirrii .amaD *n* j by lh<>wr whose© the large «legaii; Ne* (.hroitioa , ruin, ed by the Euro|M-an and American ''hmiuo ■ i'uhtubing Co 1 In v at,-ail | < r!rd luint «.f ,\rt No one rail re*l*t tile IrlUplalU-tl to 1 UV «lull see f Dig tli« «Ttrorno* l iuuun., Agent*, and ladle, genii« it; « tl "Ut «»f euiplov tin nt. »* ill find Ul.» Ihr b- *i *.( • Ming « v.-r ■ iN-n d to mal« m. n« > 1 or full i-aM.tnhr*. »end «Ui ip h>r i-mAdr iiliai ii culor ! tddrr»* F «*I.E\m*N a « u , 7:> Ma.httigloti St. Ma**. Notice. f I^() (*. COM STOCK A NO \I,L I *li«on it tosv iOi crrn You sAr hereby nnufl• «.» »bst I J |. t,ke«r. have don© w rk |.. .»,© , n ,,ui.t -mono ■*f » . ,Mi ■ o. b « ia;m. I r lb© y «or* J**. .' .i i ami -n ih«' W:|l:4«n lelilOî!» or ledgr. • it rated «.|l j«!o ih© Eight Gulch. Atlanta Mining In*, j bt t. ,vIturss rnuniy I i . and unir*» the amount ; «-vp ndrd on Go- W itllam fell f..r the bet rfit <♦* par I Me» vu'« r<-»t<,) *|>a'J I«- paid *«ithin n.nety tiKudays In ni tUtr. tbor iiitnr*t in util mm© or lode will be h>rletted :*.> me by »jaritluu of law. . J. TONEEN Hockt U»n. July in. |*75. A CAED Tv ell who ere *uff©rmg from ©rmre end India, oration* of y on th nervou* wraknr»*. rar'v d©cev. lo#* of tuet«h(x>«l. A© , I will M*nJ e rerip© Diet will niro >« ii. FHKE OF CHARGE. Tbi* greet muedy we* «lt»coverrd )>y e uil«*i<>nery in South Amerfee. Send e »©If-eddre**«-«! «-nveir.p© to the Bav. Jo*KrH T. Inman, A Li Go u /t, n x blt //cue*, A>w Fork I'tly nxesoLTTTioxv zroTxon. N 'OTICK is hkrkby given thet the co p#rtner*hip heretofore ©slating lietween Beverly Willi* end Con Driecol, in water ditch«-», mining end Lumber businee*. i* thi* day di**oIve«l by mutual conm-nl; Beverly Willi* having purrhaeed the entire intcreat of Cou Driarol in n )t Water Right*. Ditch,-». Mining Ground, Sew Mill and machinery, and Lumber owned hy Willi# à DriscoL Beverly Wiih* w in p»y ell demands or claim* egaiuat the lato firm of Willi# A Driecol. and will colle« L ell hill* due the »aid firm. BEVERLY WILLIS, CON DRISCOL. Idaho City, August 10, 1875. 4«v American Favorite. THE FAVORITE MONTHLY For the Farm and Fireside. Each Number Contains OYER FORTY COL'SER OINQ MATTER. Only 70 Cents a Tear! Postage prepaid by the publishers. T HIS i* tho largest and best monthly paper fur the price published in America. It is live, well edited, nod lull ol FUN and SNAP. Enclose 75 cents and receive this popular moothly a year. Or, send two 3-cent stamp« lor specimen copy. Address. •AMERICAN FAVO * TE." Bridgeton, N. J. UVEBT AID FKED STABLE, Fronting on tbo east aide of the Plaza, PLACER VILLE, I. T. L OF,CHARD, ........„Proprietor, Saddle, Carriage, Buggy and Team 110 J *® 1 k ®P* constantly on hand and ready for use day and -lit: and horses received for board or to ranebeby week or month, AT LOWEST RATES. A good hostler always In readiness to wait on eus tomers, and every accommation provided in first dass livery stables. 0 * 1 jiAVE Yovn Ordebs at 8 ilsbt's.—P ersons desir g to be called up of mornings at an earlier hour •u usual will please leave their orders at the Post Ace Bookstore. John Frank. Night Watchman. IDAHO CITY BU8IVE88 DIRECTORY. C. 8 . Kingsley, general merchandise, Main Street. J. B. Fisher, blacksmith, corner Montgomery and Wall street*. G. W. Crafts, general merchandise, Main atreet. Thomas Barry, general merchandise, Commir ciol street. Ijiuer k Swiun, general merchandise, Main street. U. Marre. Tin and hardware. Main atreet. D. B. Kiumiei, watches aud jewelry, Main street. J. B. Emery, general merchandise, Main street. Ed. Fulmer, general merchandise, main street. George Duuigsn, hotel. Maui atreet. W. Payne, carpenter. Main street. John Ruuyau, painter, cor her Commercial and Walt streets. Dr. hhetfer, physuun aud surgeon, Wallula street, street. Dr. 11. Zipf, physician and drugstore. Main atreet. Row«- A MeDevitt, meal market, Main atreet. A. Strau**, commission and storage business, Main street. John UsrrtH-ht, meat mark«-t. Main street. N. Hang, brewery. Main street. C. Vf. Moore X Co., First National Bank, Main atreet. John Good. Tonsorial artut. Mam street. 8. <'. SiUby. bo k» and autiouery, Montgomery •treet. M. O Luuey. hotel, Luna House, corner Mont* gomery an«I Cotumerctai »treet*. W. W. Black, livery and feed * table. Mam street. Wulff k Miller, aods fach rj, Wall alrert. Tiocher k lDdland, oalcam. Mam street. Alan Zapp, saloon, Main street Met hntock X Stewart, feed and livrry stable, MoUtguUiery *lreel. Martm Melletinovich. restaurant,Wall sireet. William Mauls, bo«d and shoe shop. Main street. Hay k Cowan, blacksmiths. Main street. John Harley, blacksmith. Mom street. Henry Freidenger, bakery and fruit store. g«i* street. Ihdtoux, grocery ahd iiqoor store, Montgomery • tree!. Gu». Manta, bool and shoe shop. Main street. Ileman Jones, w*gon maker. Mam street. Josiah <'ave. (da* ksinilb. Mam street. Thoma* Un««, tailor. Mainstreet Stuck x Eli. car|K-n«er*. Mainstreet Iurguaon. car|a-nteis, Montgomery »»sauv-ii w; »»nu» a 1 mu r* 4 *- bsasluinlveryard«® Mam street, the former •* kurt J r »°od Tempi ' ° Ü M * ai " ,rrrl ' * ,ja uUc ° r two * ia-ster • îlrrl. l ! r B 8,rnjison, phy*nian and dentist. Commer çai »ir« rt. J.diii Bn«dt»«vk. fruit and cigar More, M&m afreet, B 1 lawig«. watchmaker. Main street i«ro*g© Bennett. upb<d*ter«r. Mi'nig<imrry afreet. There 1» a saw mill ju»t outside of (own owned hy M*>rnll. Th »mpkiii* X West, and another tw<i mile's lrt*m town owned by Willi« A I>ri*«o|). Tbs latter at iar ue»« ■tore«. There Is a Methodist Church on Wall atreet, )t Pioneer Business Directory. Mwliiran it Cannatly, gvnera! mcrcltan Pal X«H»nan, butcher tdtop. John ViMscy, saloon. Jerry Montan, vogriablc stand. Callahan A: Co., draymen and vegetable •land. S. 11. Connolly, upholster and carpenter. Michael Garrity, livery stable. James Coleman, lodging house. Adam Lind, blacksmith shop. Michael Garrity, hotel. Daviner & Co., general merchandise. James .Stadtmiller, brewery and saloon. Richard Stokes, butcher shop. Hull Je Tucker, woodyard. Bird Loftits, drayman. Geo. \V. Smith, store. One Chinese store. L. A. Stevenson, ditch owner. Ben W ilscm, saw mill and ditch owner. CENTERVILLE BU8INESS DIRECTORY. G. W. Crafts, denier general merchandise. Well«, Fargo & Co.'s Express office— G W. Crafts, Agent. Jerome Beardsley, fruit, cigars and beer. Jerome Beardsley, blacksmith shop. C. C. Meffert, hotel, Hardin At Daly, butcher shop. 8 Dempsey, livery stable. Brousau, boot and shoe maker, h red Heoflein, cabinet shop. 0 «.r«» C»rtwri,ht. hny »„a M l osloffict*. P. ,1. Moore. po«tm*ater. Ij«»ui8 Perre, restaurant. Channel! At Church, saw mill. « l' £ h . a . nRt * n * Co., ditch. 8. K. Goldtrnp, ditch. Hung Wo Chung, Chinese store, be Lung Co., Chinese store. Chuo Kee Co., Chinese store. Cbue Ke Co., butcher shop. Doctor Chung, Chinese drug store. 11 . Harmon, doctor. B L Ä S Ü ^. ALL KINDS F 0R at it. AT TllE and IDAHO WORLD POSTERS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS. NOTES. DEEDS, TAGS, PROGRAMMES. RECEIPTS, LICENSES, VISITING CARW BALL TICKETS. LETTERHEADS. ALSO LEGAL ft JUSTICE'S BLANKS of all kind«, and every description of always on hand and printed to order, PLAIN, OR IN COLORS. AnA at prices DO per cert l '* our former rate«. Call and examine specimens and pr |0C# N B Blt.LHKADS ÇjJjîJjfp. a Bo AT ftio PKR/WfV. nd otherprlati of el prioe« preoortlonaw i