Newspaper Page Text
SEM1-WEÏÏKLY UNTO. 86 ! Jalta JwLMwMg »üorld Published ipuosday» db Friday*, DY THE The Idaho World Printing Company HEMAS JONES. BUSINESS MANAGER. ftfe ii HricL Ruikfins Adj«a»g Ixsonir Baß. Wall Strut TESMS. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. KntM of Sultsrrlpt ioni Ont Year .........»M» . Thr**e Mouths.. .S3 «Ml ja Mouths ....... 3 OÜ ! Single l'opies..... 43 By Carrier, $3 |>er quarter. Kates ol Advertisinj;: One square tea hues ot ltw.otie msertiou,.. $ 3 OO •• •* •* eiu'h subsequent insertion, 1 oo 0ie^iitlith ol a rolumu, per quart«*r,......... j.j oo *• lourth " " ** ** 20 OO •• ttiirJ " ** " ** 25 00 •'half " " " ** 30 00 One column, per quarter.............. ...... 50 oo iSisuiess (.arus. It» Inn-s »«r less, three months, T 00 ÿrûfr.ssicmal tf urdjs. GEO. AIVSLIE, V TToRXEY \XI< COUNSELOR AT LAW. IDAHO City, I. T. Oiliee ><ti Montgomery street, second iour above the Postolhce. JONAS W. BROWN, V TTORXEY tXD COUNSELOR AT L\W, AND N >tary Publie, Idaho City. I. T. Will prac tice mai the •'•(iirts of the t erritory. * »mce ou Coin aercial str<et, two dour above Court House. IVM. J. ROTH WELL, M. D., P Ti'I I\N. SURGEON. kf'.. gra.lua*e of Jeffer ' »il t.' ll < 'oliege. PillUdelptlia «>tti< e >>u c. -r eu I k. iirainte street. Placerv nie, Boise Co., i T *de> 4-tt I»ll. THORNE. R r h r: »i:\r dm* , nr. plvckrville. î. ' * a «»rau.te street, nearly opposite Dr N li g >M til ings a speelally. ^oflrtii ijlotirrs, i 1» ; ji)V!t » f n<':t id ntitr ii f. f C > < 1 —.a ! ■ - r : ] Q. Ijelut.ers titi-nd. Bv 'an H74-tf RT, K " iK - N " 2 - «• ° «• t.. ^ ' r * - -' i( ir tneeiiiii'4 at its ball, on . II "*• *"-■* of e.n li week, at 7 1 , oYlm'k • .Il un.--. _■ , ,,j sianduijf are mvite l to «5P ; ; '' n ' L •'*>' " r, b-r . f the \V. C. T. 1'mi^.v,, vci,.|, r v. Jan 13 74 *f t G. SILSBY, ?aoks t ^datiouer^ aufl potions. (SCCCESHOB TO tkP. k. TtVXll A CO.) C| Rculatino smmm and variety uirary aflBr store. IDAHO CITY, dkaleii in >. .AND.... fi QfERAL news dealer tobacco and oigabs, t| ULDBEB['g TOYS, All of which will bo '^ S0LD CHEAP FOR CASH.-m m > Ho*, not found iu my w*«ksIs. v^Uaktt*' l ,ra C0r«d in tue «U*«rt«Mt w* 1 #*w fU UüiUtimïor eudofu^wUig THE WEEKLY WORLD .ARGEST,C EAPEST AND BEST i PAPER IN IDAHO. j $5.00 PER ANNUM. Postage paid. Sheri Va Sale. B Y VIRTUE OE A S EXECUTION ISSUED OUT of Hie Distriet Court ol the See. nd Judicial Dis trict in and lor Boise, nlatio Territory, upon a judgment rendered iu sai.i Court in favor of |ilam tltts, in the case where.ll i ou tie,»ley and Tituo hv Pare) weie plaintilts and A. Morrison was détend ant, tor the slim «»I eight huild ed tll.l S.x.y-S -Vi il dollars, w ith interest ihereon at ilie rate of n* i p,-r cent, per aiiimni from Marc i Jith. LSI), log *;.i *r with cost- of suit taxed at t e sum el thirty i.i I se eiitv live one- undi'e.ltlis d liars, duly teste | me 2nd day i.f Ocloher 1875, I have levied upon, seized and taken ni exeeiitl n i he lull»»** iug-desei ilicl ■ ro perty. town: All right, title and nietest which i. Morrison, lie delendaiit, h id on M ivh 2Hb. 1875. ol. in and to that eer am building in (Ju inzh ir , .ii said County nd I'c rti»»r.. I«»nu«*rl> •s-ciipieu I» \ said defend. i tas a sa non and more lerenily (Heupied l<>r the same p rpo-e o.v Frank uavird. situated mi lliedlatel) \*«-HI ol the hollse Ion te iy oecupl d l y Ureeti Morri-on and hi- family. and Iroining on me Mam str.-e hlteeu teet more ><r |. ss, and ext nduiz back s..||!hei ly tort) feet more or less; log. Iliei wi h the lot id I lid on which III* saille sla. «.s: ul-o. that cerium (din i lot ot land.and house and l>u.tilings heieoii. situate east of llie afoi'i luelitioin'd ,ol ail! lying imuiciliHltl) west ot i oiuhs \ Fi liner's saloon troniiiig on said Mam street tiwuty |j\e feet unue or less, and • x ein ing l.a< k «.»lillt- 1 1. and into tin* liill for y lei-t more or less, and being In* same premises and property fennily mvnpied by Hreeii Morris, u ami Ins amt* us,» bo.o.ting house, in. together w uh ail u i pi.runan. is n> both ..t -at.I lot Iiii i lilin s belonging. Public notice is hereby given that I he '4 <1 day of .November, A. I). 1S73, at twelve o clock M. I w ill sell in f. mit ol the Court house d.s.r, in Idaho City ui public au. Ii..ii, to m ll gbes bl.lilel , lor cash, lltc alsive-.ti-scl iIm*.I | r.'j*el* l>. or so much there .! as may !••• sudicient to -uiisi.v said i xeiuUoti, costs and aeciiiing costs. .VWIUEL blLWAUI, Sheiitf. Idaho City, Oct 2*'.. 1»*75. Tje Zàstat' of Johi Brigran, De ceased. In the inatb-r of the esta .• of John eased, Iu Probate i oiirt inns County. I he people o| the Territory ol Idaho send greeting, Iu pursuance o| an order ot hts i onrt. du.\ made and eotereii oil Ihe Hurtle.h ay of i tctole-r. 1 75. * ! V I-.X T I A r S V I u;;l> w *1 \ \eioUr. 1V7 .at t o 0 ii.ek \ M of d i y. a i the » oiiri-MHiiu oj tb.s court, iu Mi n i in. |i..:s* • .mm . ha* b en an jM'inti d t.*r lieu i ing I tie up Icati.o. of Den ni* i'nur. le* and Prier Couiiailg itoii era* mg that a do. no.i-o. I I o W oil hie III litis Co tr\ ]i I rp- 1 » 11 It g to be I lie list »* jJJ and It sianii-i t ol Joint lt."-*gan. d'-ceas. d. be a.F tun teil io I*. ..n ite. and ilia. !eiier** t.-stauonar* I.. 1 — «U' ll tliereoll to said peter 'olloaucll oll and I ell id-('row le* . w Im are uaun* I ihe, i-iu. us exe.-utoi s; al wln.-li time a ol pi i. e a.i persons inieresb-d m ty appear and contest the N r »»l I« ElsHK.bEi Y 1 he l wm le h <1 . * Id ah. > Cl . N'.v M. B MthCil.. P und i 1, A D l 75 I are Ju >fi * "ili. to v'li notice to Tzx Payers -Last C^l. X'u'Z'^ 1^- oln!'!™!:!" ward ni I — fl Is- .. e tie- Is; .In ..t \o\. Iii*»er. and tlu-reb «j,,. ,• i., S>*.- iiicr |*i tin meol >•>)! ** ill b** tiirm d ov.-r i.i le* It.sîii-* \ t ? < >t ■ lie* . w In* i r*qn*e.| b* aw to at once lomiucbei suit agal st ail oclliiq lents. JoflV Ib.RMvN. A«"( HI ,1 | !\ Colb ctor ol tli.lse 1.1», I. T i IbAiu»» i rv. o. I if. D75. Administrators Wo tic?. ( I '* /f. V i'f JiK'uh I ' c ' iTt'.«m ) \oi\n-; i> hekkiîv (»iv k v r>v tbe undersigned. Idu.inist*ato. ot the above li.lined i-sfate, to tin* ci editors of. all* all persons Inving cl .im« ag uii-t aid .I *.-eased tuevlubi lie* same with the ln*cr»Kiiv v.i'lcln*»'-. W. thill ten months Pom thi* rt si oublie itiou of Hits nolle** t<> the unde-signed ut Piacervilie, llo se county. Idaho j Territory Ue ober L» 1875. John Randolph. Adtn'r. CONTROLLER S < »FFI* K 1 Bols K CITV. I. T. Oil. 1835 I ^F.M.ED PROPOSVLS WILL BE RECEIVED ut this nffljce until II o'c|o«-k ,*. M. November 2 '. 1875 for printing am) furnishing Territorial blanks tor use ol tin* Controllers otHce. tor the tiscal year |S7fi. ill accordance witu sccdiilc to be; seen al I his olhce. Mill pi itiling tobe deliveieil at this olhce on or before D'cetuber 2lst, 1875. Proposals stioiihl be addressed : ••Pro|H»sals for printing ldanls for the use of Hie Controller'« olhee. for ill** year 1876. Pkiiiivpi.t. Controller. Boise City, I. T.'" PO L r.s o 5 >= -T _ Sl 5 tr^ r p tJ * 2 S-T4® co «. T. » T 2 2 » mU C. ^ r. * * ?3 CC - * ^ —2 ? - r w î&zsïS-* C' £ ^ o * £T3- pt h -.ä- "O - gig-?- 3 Dissolution Notice. N otice is hereby given that the uartnerabip here ofore existing between Poll Yam. poll Yep and Wong Ohong it. a general mer ,untile business in Id.ho City I« «h.s day ilissolyed by iiiutiul coll sent, Poll Yam having purchased Hie in i crest of Won« Choug. The business will be car* rjed on aa usual in the name of Poll Yam AH those tudebted to the old firm »j'her by book account or tîntes, are hereby iiotittid to settle the same rnmedUlely with PoiiY uu who alomi «s au. J I h< irixed ui «eit** ail Ju* bnMl.ess ot Hie firm Ih Id lio Territory , aiioall persons haviuj cairns aeei »»• i g iu Idtiio lerrcoiy agaiu-i aaul turn wt.l pnsei.l • lie same lu P»*n Y-* hif payiuen . IlMdoUTI, uct Jj, 17s» Y am. Ymm wi»«* j New GOODS ADO VERY 10 W PRICES -T0 SUIT THE TIMES • :0 LAUER * SWINN -Have just r< ceivcd a sp'eudid stock of CliOTHINTG, GRO CERIES, Minins Implements, BL VK ILK VELVET VESTS. P vN< V > LK VELVET VESTS. LIM N ci i \ t's * NH I -ESTERS, !c.\s:imi:rl and djl skin pants. A fine lot of FASHIONABLE HATS. A large variety of Gents furnishing Goods, &c. Their stock of fancy and stap'e Groceries cannot !>«• excelled in quality and prices by auy liou>e in the Territory. Uur motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. p. s—Special inducements offered to cash bnyers. Please g.*e us a call bcfoie purchasing elsewhere. LAUER & SWINN. BANKING HOUSE ....or.... C. W. MOORE & CO. IDAHO CITY, Do a general banking business. Sell exchange on New York, 8an Francisco, Portland (Ogn.), And the principal BXJHOFEANOXTIES The highest pi ice ]>aid for GOLD DUST,GOLD ANDSILVER BULLION la coin or «'îrrency. yy Buy and sell Greenbacks. Notice of Dissolution. N otice is hereby given that th* psi tuershijt beretuf«.re existing between the i. uerwtgufd m ihe Butchering uusiucss in Bumc cuituiy is ibis day dissolved oy mutual c uisent. Jam« a .nclK-viit having pur based hi« uitrreai of J* *tieplt h. Rowe Elm r of the Ulidei si^U'-d are authorised to nettle lue business "1 tue ttriu, < f Me* Devma R »wc. Augutn ëj» m- w§ i , a * - *•, t i ' W How They Faced Death.— Augus tus Caesar chose to die in a standing position, and was careful in arrang ing his prrson and dress for the occa sion. Julius Caesar, when slain by the conspirators in the Capitol, con cealed his lace beneath the folds of his toga, so that his enemies might not see the death-pang upon his counte nance. Siward, Karl of Northumber land, when at the point of death, quit ted his bed and put on his armor, say ing, "It becomes nota man to die like a beast." Maria Louisa, of Aus tria, who, a short time before she breathed her last, having fallen into an apparent simulier, one of the ladies in attendance remarked that her Maj esty seemed to be a Jeep. "No," re plied she, "I could sleep if I would indulge repose, but I am sensible of the near approach of death, and I would not allow myself to be sur prised by him in my sleep; I wish to meet him wide awake." Lord Nelson, on receiving the fatal shot, said to C.ipt. Hardy, "they have done for me at last, Hardy; my backbone is shot through;" and had the presence of mind, while carried Mow, to take out his handkerchief and cover his face and stars to be concealed from the gaze of his crew. And last of all, the great Bonaparte «lied in his Field M trshaPs uniform and boots, which lie ordered put on a short time previ ous to his dissolution. Answering Letters. —A great many people in this country are shamefully negligent about answering their let ters. Nothing is more annoying. In European countries it is regarded as tin? height .of ill-breed ing to allow a letter which needs a reply to go unan s we red, and so it ought to be consid ered here. This is a point on wdiich parents should lay great stress to their children. They should be taught to consider it as rude not to reply to a letter which needs attention as to hand a fork with the prong end. The busiest people are generally those who are the most exact in this respect. The late Duke of Wellington, who, it will be admitted, had a good deal on his hands at different times of his life, replied to every letter, no matter from how humble a source. Once a clergy man, who lived in a distant part of the kingdom, wrote to his Grace, on whom neither lie nor his parish had a shadow of a claim, to beg for a sub scription to rebuild a church. By re turn of mail came back a letter from the Duke to the effect that he really could not see why in the world he should have been applied to for such an object; but the parson sold thç letter as autograph for b£, and put ihe Duke down for that amount among the subscribers .—Detroit Free Press. W e spend half our lives in making mistakes, and waste the poor remain der in reflecting how easily^ wc might have avoided them. A maiden's heart is like a hotel bed, you may never discover the previous occupant, but you may be sûre thëre lias been one. When a man has a business that doesn't pay, lie usually begins to look around for a partner to share his losses with him. When you get into hot water go to your friends. You'll find tlièm cool enough» There i* considerable human, in man, and sometimes-a little c