Newspaper Page Text
jrES pAY __________ Kmma Bi'llock, of Quartzburg, ilisly sit'U l- lst ' V0C ^'' l,as 1'CK'OV KOVEMBER 0, 1875. I «»•»•■drivers make exceeding , ue c iiisiilcriug the slippery of the roads. ' r' (■red The stage I,. „vmhI lime Edition of the road Farmers are plowing in Squaw . A C k valley, the rain having put the Irouiul i» splendid condition for that purpose. Child Bitten* and the Dog Killed.— ^ little son of A. Strauss was bitten L a doir the other day, not seriously, l^ever. Strauss killed the dog. Saloon at Banner.— Martin, the freighter, started Friday last with a load of lumber for the erection of a sa 1 ^„ luiilding out at Banner. It will Klong to Mr. Frank Haug, of the City Brewery, who will build it early in the spring*. Repaired—J olin Lewis, of the Northwestern stage stables, had the ÿ | el >!is of the company re-shod and otherwise repaired last week, to he in readiness for the road between this nlacv and Boise City the coming win j er Fr«»m present indications they will soon he needed. Pr. Kotiiwkli, <»f Placerville, came , tV er Friday evening and returned Sat urday. lie reported that there had let'll considerable sickness on the otli Basin, but the patients or side c f ill« , ■ . • were an convalescent, i lie scarlet le-! wr lii'l I'c i in* srai ici ver iii'i i*«-i h the children, hut ' ke the »lis-.-ase at this place, it was »4' a very mild form. K 'èTî 'V of Officers.—B oise Lodge! V .1 I n i; t .a 1 ... f ,. l i «I.,, f*,.n *«. >" - 1 " '• * 11 1 mi me ioiiow r tK v »*s on < imr.l-tv iki«r)it f,»r tin» m on . .human iii^iit lor t k viisning uiiarter: J. Martin, \\. C. T.; Mr».M;, - ,. Brown, «V. V. T.; 0. 1! Baldwin. W. > ; Jonas Brown, \V. F. T. Dickson, \V. T.; Mrs. Sue Hill, W C.: Julien Mourut, W. M.; John Keen, \Y. I. G ; Homan Jones, W. 0. G I lî<'présentât ives to the Grand ' I. ige— T. N. Hall, G. B Baldwin. **: -ir v —S*me i a seal the other day î " ■» a dir mi * from tin* wall of th in;! ling t >rm«*rly occup:c»l by Dunni- j "" Mail! street. II«* ciir.nn ► represented a cross, with , i»:i I . , î ; . î • a t»i!>te :o;«l tin* anchor m hop«» m tin* î-ngronnd. It was n,.t a reli«n*»us I r . v •*! h nia. i I;, igat s . î îarrceht ô Kr, J C ■iiT Ut J >li:i Barry <»; Peter Zapp 4 : L»»iiis t jam élit -g 1; .1. Garrecht •of'i'ls a*! who t » >k it, f*r noir * < >! ' ■ «* «li>s I *■*%{< I» * 1 ; but it xvas i * ! y Hi j y •> ■ 1 1 - v N >; i »« ' f«*llt»W "''"'lit '<1 Vi'i ;t i ; ; » J > r a p.ik» it stake. | k' 'U. «r ilnxon of r-r. J«».si "*»» s | — Ynv. à, 1 >7J. — illiani Bui- { ■ ' 1**: Kll.t 1 » i _fi » t i !i> »inas B ; tr enni-»s• Maggie Me(iennis ihrMi.-ha l- r«-tn-*j VJ.try Mi a t: •huii<»s l.han I Wiilia.:»i Ball**ek. I f.Rtltni K A l Fl I« TfoN —We learn t 'tit Mr. Henry Sayrs, formerly of this and weil known throughout the I'Tntory, is an inmate of the insane asylum at Last Portland, Oregon; ^i«l that h.* has been confia», d there far several months past. A like calamity has also befallen •h. J. <i. Bryant, formerly a merchant "! tiiis place, but of late years d«>ing business at Salt Lake, Utah. Not ,n k r nince he was taken East by his brother, who came out f«>r that pur pose. L sited States Mining Laws. —Sils h at the bookstore, has for sale in jp'Phlet form the United States lining laws and instructions by G' e Coinmissioner of General Land ®® Ce i with blank forms, etc." It con the "Mining statute of May 10, 1815—an act to promote the develop ment of the mining resources of the United States;" instructions of the Kommissionärs lln( ^ er foregoing act i" which tell you all about the fanner of locating claims on veins or °oos, tunnel rights, manner of pro ^ ding to obtain government title to Ve, n or lode claims; placer claims— quantity of ground subject to loca 'on; mill sites, blank forms, etc., and ? lv os all other necessary and invalua . ^'formation to quartz and placer liners in relation to taking up and Elding claims. Every miner should tot only have a copy, but every other c,I »zen residing in a mining camp toght to possess one, as it is a neces tory business qualification to be well P J *ted i R the» laws that govern all toning operations. The pamphlet al to contains the "U. S. Coal Land instructions and blank forms." ^eure a copy of this valuable and in topensable little work, by all means. M>ee, fifty ceutsj Letter from "Joe" will appear in next issue. The Oration.— Tbe oration on the occasion of the dedication of the Odd Be! ows' Hall, will be delivered at the Methodist Church. Arrived. The gentleman who is to i,.!., an,a ^roating at Craft's mill nuet V )rr ! 0,1 Saturday even* lll ö» antl »t is said that the mill will wo that the mill will soon go to crushing quartz. Mr. Dave Cocganour, of Quartz burg, came over on Sunday. So also did Mr. Jeff Howell. The hoys are lieie to take the last mystical degree in the Order of "T. T.V' r Half-past One P. M.—The dedica tion of the Odd Fellows' Hall will commence at half-past one o'clock, in stead ot at two o'clock P. M., as pre viously announced in the advertise ment. Sale of the Old Elk Horn* Mill and Ledge. —An Italian company have just bought of McLaughlin & Howe the old Elkhorn mill and quartz ledge, on Summit Flat, twelve or thirteen miles distant from town, and will* soon have things in operation again up there. 1 he new company will go up to-day to commence work. M father prophets, as usual, are prognostieatiug the kind of weather | we are going to have. Hiev all agree that a mild, open winter will be ' our i portion. We predict an unusually mild, winter from certain electrical conditions of the atmosphere which prevailed last week, having tin v . the .same etieet upon human nature that earlv ic-'uiru upon numuii nature mai eanv spring has, and leading to the open ing »>! wîiat in March would he termed > jthe "spring tights" Two fights took H ac '' at that time, ami those incidents, in conneeti n with the utauner in , ... . which the eats cut »ip o' nights, maker ~ . ,,H I' nM|lt t! ' n ul an ta \' s '" v - ! H day, and experienced very heavy Mil Lf.x White arrived from the d'g gings of the White Bros., on tin* I p per Payette last Saturday evening, He rode in a storm of snow and rain pieparatiuus for mining, and leei s ,„; m . ; Vl . nmn-xt was ?„ ,, . . ...... . .. Jtev li.sisiied btlild'ng their cabin : * had everything snugly house»! tin* glance in î h .J s ; n W aiî«* aie tw» large lat « weather »>n the summit —a heavy gale blowing, with a blinding fall of siiuw. The bovs have got on well w ith their an n p i vr! v »1 • y that t:»«* 1» a 1 wi*atn**r e )!it m«*jM'« »l — about til!'**« * weeks ago —an»l has 1 *t ** * ï 1 s!'*!uJll g out there «»vei AI* »ut lialfa in 1« * < »! t .heir «liîe'.i :> c »rap h*t«-il. Titrv will rontium* work .«H wint «•r >hou!il t h< • weather j»< »nuit. ,'aaii* < f all kinds aboiiti'Is in uhiiii vieinil v «■! tin* diggings. George Biddle k lied k last we« ' »■ :i » i% mg l*;i«-k »lucks and dav attraetii'ii <»n aie! leal ■« ■<** a i « • liieir bd! SÎM'C an every of fare. Lm White n«»t bm- « »*« . killed a wj'l goos,» that was perleeti.% white with the exception ot the tips »»I its wings, which were »»I a bright blue c Jor. Mr. W liite came in to take out III,'last I.A (.f'supiilies iM-fori: «li«MliM'|'! snows c<nne and prevent pack animals traveling. He returned yesterday., Xotnt of the boys will bo in again Ik*- fore the holidays, and perhaps not then, New Mrsic.— We have just received from F. W. Helmiek, music dealer and publisher, '278 West Sixth street, Cin cinnati, Ohio, two splendid pieces ol music. The first is a beautiful ballad and chorus, entitled "Heaven Bless Mamma," words by E. Salomon, music by P. Arnold de Thier. It is sung by some of the best ai lists in the cast, and is no doubt one of the best ever published. The first stanza reads as follows: O mamma! tell me when I die Will angels lake me to the sky? For Mary says so, is it true? Will God make me an angel too? Have angels wings, O mamma dear? And do they always hover near; And when iny eyes are closed in sleep Do they their silent vigils, too, keep? With this chorus: f f Jit'll i »I» » ■■**•** — * - ~ * God bless you mamma and bless me too. Price only forty cents. The second is a new piece entitled, "Only in Fun," a ladies sem-comic song with waltz chorus; words by Ar thur W. French, music by R. S. Cran dall. This song is gotten up with a gold and blue title and a handsome cabinet size photograph of'Miss Ada Richmond. It is all the rago in the eastern cities. Price, fifty cents, mailed free to any address in the Uni ted States, upon receipt of price by the publisher. Send aMd**get these* aongs^they are worth tbe money. The "T. T's" are gaining great strength in this community, and in fact throughout the whole country. They will soon become a power in the land. The Grangers and all other so cieties will haul down their colors in less than three months. The origin of this Order dates way hack into the an tiquities—so deep in the dimmest vista ot the past that a message sent by double-geared lightning from the pres ent could never reach the time when it was'nt in all the endless ages of eter nity. It was hoary with age in Solo mon's day ; and when that wise man was doing up Masonry in his great temple, he was also running a "T. T." Lodge in the top story of that edifice This fact shows that the Order of the An cient "T. T's" is a higher one than that of Masonry. Masonry loses it self at the temple. The "T. T.'s" al ways existed. Their mysteries were crealt ' l1 wil, ' t!,t ' tir8t »»»»• 'Vlien Adam awakened into life he under stood the workings of the Order and its missillll ju , t as m . n as , lv knew Imw to wag his jaw. The Or der began with time. As un evidence of -, ........ l! * antuputy it is chronicled 0,1 t,,e llve hundred thousandth page °1 the Great Black Book, wherein are writ in ink of blood the traditions of the inightv "T. TV," that a few years . , *, , , , ,. , .. . , „ lr ' <> 1 C B ' ts 11 ' ° 1 was ta I' 111 h'oin the bottom ot a deep mining shaft in this county, where it had lain th inly imbedded in the everlasting L -n ■ mi. • t • granite. 1 Ins block was an inch m . . , . i nckness, six inches in width and thir . . lo "S- Wrw »8* goiulary lure ot the Order, he noticed ies were engraved upon it—wholly covering it. balling under the ohser vation <«! an aged and learned "1. 1.,' "'ho w as well up in the workings and h , . . , , r , . he preeams block and forwarded tin certam symbol e signs that made him feel sun* the block was the lost link g'mu cling the modern organization with that of the ancient. Procuring the aid ot two or threeo! tin* Brothers, hr surreptitiously g>>t possession ot tin Mine to Pio'ess a s Ben. Anderson and (I. Washington Stilts, at Boise City, i, < 1 1 1 i f whom are big i:e , d;e:ue men in tin* <h'ler a*. ! Inr. «• been I 'a s, the form, j - i , e i.uudn J ami lour ; and tin* latter one hum! trou years. fliese professors Were lli »! if r tit tse !m ri «glyph • * active meni-jc. lumln I and thir- ! - st ™et«»d b* decipher th It was in ihea* {»»»sst*>si«>n six at i !;«• t n«l *■!' whieli time, after a Imr an»l lv-eare they sue The * block . . . , • « • * , pn*ve»l to be want tue ag» «l ï. i. surmised, and ha«l upon it all the -.j^gns, symbols, and indeed the whole |nvsU . ni . s llf , )k . I1( ,|,| e Order, as it • . f , • , . , 'n » been lost in passing down from goner ation to generation in the untold ages that have elapsed since time began. A microscope revealed, neatly done in sunken letters, in one corner, the name of "King Solomon;" in the opposite corner, in the same style, were these letters: "P.R Ush—Sam'ISt Ewart— TomD lekson— S W [Jiff." At least such was the translation of the profound professors, who made oath that it was correct. The block of gold was re turned to the lodge at this place, and has been kept ever since in an iron box, in the Blue Chamber, strictly guarded by four stalwart Brothers, who stand at each corner day and night with drawn swords. The block of hieroglyphics has its part in the in itiatory ceremonies, and all of its mys teries are explained to eacli new mem ber. A Placerville gentleman endured the grandly* sublime and thrill ingly impressive "T. T." initiation one night last week. The ceremonies sur pass anything known to Masonry or Odd Fellowship. Joining the "T. T.'s" comes about half way up to a good Christian's idea of an entrance into heaven. Like the invariable rule in ... ...... ... «»,.« r.M I..,». Other noble Orders tho 1. 1 8 liavt Olio requiring an applicant far_ in j.n biTHhip to posses* a clean moral char acter. In a whole lifetime u member never tires study ing.the mibljüie njys teries, tbe weird beauties, of the Grand Order of the "T. TV' • O PUBIiIO DEDICATION OF ODD FELLOWS' HALL! OF PIONEER LORRE NO. 1, OF IDAHO CITY, NOVEMBER 19TH, 1875. PROGRAMME OF THE DAY ; 1. —Procession by Members of the Order, headed by Brass Band. 2. —Dedication of Hall. 3. —Oration—By Bro. D. G. Strong. GRAND BALL J- ^ b)l A'G. COMMITTEE OF INVITATION ID AH 3 CITY. D. B. RIMMEL, X. DABKAH, J. DILL, J. WEST, J. MARTIN, C. PRESS. CENTERVILLE. (\ MKITKHT, P. J. MOORE, S. K. GOLDTRAP. PLACERVILLE. ,T. DAYIDSOX, L- FULD, J. UANDOLF, J. GROVE. GRANITE CREEK. M. COXOUGIITOX, P. RAM FT. QUARTZ3URG. G. BAKLE, II. BENNETT. PIONEER CITY. J. M. CAXXADY, E. J. HULL. COMMITTEE OF RECEPTION: P. J. MOORE, J. TRAVIS, D. FERGUSON. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENT S. W. WULFF, G. F HAMPTON, H. W. TOMPKINS, J. BRODBECK, J. C. FOX. FLOOR MANAGERS: J. C. FOX, S. M. SISK, S. W. WULFF. Tickets, including Supper, $5.00 A general invitation is extended to all. Dedication to commence at half-past one P. M. Idaho City, Ncv. 2, 1875. We, the undersigned, give public notice that on and alter th« tilth day ol' December next we will not do buntness on Sunday until further notice. LAUÊR & 8WINN, J. B. EMEitY, ED. FULMEK, THOS. BABRY. G W. CRA* TS, G. DULIOUX. Idaho City, N«v. 2, 1876. Notice of Dissolution. ' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CO N tMirluer-hip heretofore existing betw.en G. »irknaatnl At. F. Waldron, under tbe Arm name yÆvffg ' countv Idaho Territ »y, ts tnta aay mnauivea oy mutual cousent. M. F Waldron having this day pur chased the eut re interest ot G. W^ Crafts in said Hiv Cll » • IV iuwiiok v • , » V ---- buMiiesH, i> authorized to collect all bills due to said Arm and required to pay all debts contracted by the said firm. G. W. CRACT8, M. F. WALDRON. Idaho City. Nov. S. 187R Z) DR. H. ZIPF, PROPRIETOR, KEEPS FOR SALE A FULL STOCK DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES PAINTS AND OIXaS, FIXE TOILET SOAPS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. -ALSO PURE WINES & LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE. Prescriptions compounded with care. . Orders solicited and filled with promptness. aprl6—74:tf ANSKIffl STOR GRANITE CREEK, I. T. The most complete and commodious) store, and the most extensive stock of goods to be found in Bo se county, outside of Idaho City. Our stock of goods comprises TINWARE, GLASS, QUEENS AND HARDWARE. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS SADDLES AND HARNESS, MINER'S OUTFIT8, DRYGOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS à SHOES, and. in short, everything that ia demanded in the the market; and we to ..y 1- »*>« « «■"?• on.;* «« •» J " »*" ■«* SELL FOR CASH' ÉHGPfR »■«» »«»y other honae in y nnty. Cal| > - our goods »"d learo w * wiU it to^you^ advantage boy ^ |>/tyfFK T N k ÇQ t