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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
L» -sdl MT«W 3 f«W> The Idaho heman jo BT ting Oompapy MANAGER. feiltet Mi« A 0 Q« Imw M. Val j 0 A :::::: ÜTVAÄIABLT Of ADVAHfE. Rates of Ssbserlp tlosi •8 00 I Three Mentha...•• bo » 00 1 Single " * ' aw Year g Months Oafreighth of a column, per quarter .......... îs^OO - fourth •• •• •* •• ......... 90 00 gqggp &.W A d*r~À À ' •*- A ^YM ^JWîTTr 30 00 OM eotamn, per quarter, ........... .V.V.V.'.V «0 00 Bâfres* carde, lQRaee ttr faé^ tArae months. 7 00 mooop'' ; ' * JW'!»*»': ^»Trnrw t Irtftdttaar «Wds. UKIH IJ/ '-U -1 sii GBO. AIRILIE, 4 rroEX w ^JWtOPiwaBBUB a* iori i aS^aaa^WWWv 1 ^.J'- / 4 \ iSyyûf'SV*-JiiTiitfff* itSltlwCouru of the Territory. Omet on Com* racial street, two door above - — JT2 u. 1 . a : i;u w». Jr. rotmwXll] k. o„ 1 sou Medical CM mcmd of (ineifo street. Pin rattle.! »übe Ca. LT - . ■ :/ v ( t H>i 1 [deri-U R Boit B KIPE-VT MXfOT. PbACERVILLX, I. x. uAce on Craofte street, nearly ' ~ lesll'a. M. a.- née gild «W Inge e 4*éHl{yf ,,W!o/ .u » ;* i. // i; 'it tlte'i I'AAr : l r)?A(r> „ .J standing e "«d. By ortieraf ike wTqt. . . ®*njx Paanoxe, üecictary. r Jen 11 ?A U ÏTJJ /.' Ii> TKlil , WS9A l»ii, firiloxrni #«* gstiearj •WUTIBf-i UHURY -ÜMIr AM VAMIT flSBw STORE. -X-MhO^yTy *m£b33t0E MLUHIMH. 90, •fiTiaiilTshiaao 8BNERAL HEWS DEALER - T '*K CÎJ 0/3 «A 7 r ,sr*vi»bA fI VO ji!UJ jmanijumnmB, * T t* HaUS 11UN hi* BÉ£ I IP bo 22 !'>^vli ^«■^JWeouiity. Idaho T e ralto ra. plaint! ffli anl" 4 i~III llAlihuèi Ill'll ill 111 „.jssæss psr SSÆ -Äs;'/ Mam street fifteen feet more or lees, and extra StoKÄS T** ^ 1<u: together l®8cl on which tli0 mot) ita^di rti 00 00 00 ._ A ---Street twenty-five feet mur kma, and rate nding beck southerly to and into till fonrfMt mor. or Im* brio, tS!^L7 ith ■OPtwtOBfinera to both of said'lets Z^^**«** TuhUc notice is"h given that on the ®' W <l *J r *Y Wovember, A. D. 1875, swas^ Sid «*i55£ ÄäSÜLtSr 10 .d^atr i <^Ä"' 8TEWABI ' ----, K I In p^ ,e of tlm Territory of Idaho send greeting! uly made _ Ch.n aliisUU , ^ — * LL PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT PAID THE il. taxes now EIR for the y rar 1875 ere notified to come for ;/ to ipsrâne ncë^MÉmdsr*omgÔnMTdnSmîX and entered on the thirttethdey fOciobe?. 1875, . twentieth d.y of îtove'mb^.Twi^îi;. Ur «J , 8CBi gr.AJILJI3t«a?Bla„; _ 'taÄ tMO.4 UienoD to Mid Wter ComiEoghtOD udOea. ÏJ^SSÂ'- ,bo .". *«"«i u»t»ni. u ««atora: at whicb time and place aU persona interested »n ey apjraer and contest the same. M. B. HOOKE. Probate Judge . -"o«-^«we>N*f8V:gn3s' come ward end settle before the let day of November, mud > thereby save costs. On November 1st the assess* erant roil will be tnrned over to the DistrieS atfor n#y 'sjS*; iuïftl» John Oouux, Assessor and Tax Collector of Boise Co.. I. T. Idaho Citt, Oct. 16-1W* V J ï r~ r * , « \ r > T —*- l-'i ^ ß -cmO suit Administrator's STotiee. ( Exlale of Jacob Peter rson ) N otice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator of the above cr«tf|pBS wfeand stt flbqsons . said peceUli toMMlOU t fhé fcs lifas i ^y 8 wfewiy^mro 'tfcn frem the first pnbticetion of this notice to ft t* 9 fff?onty. Idaho October 181875. John Randolph, Adm'r. 90, 1875. for prinUog. snd^ fqrnishieg Territorial blanks for use of (beC^ntrollere office, for the fiscal! year 1876. In accordance with eoedifle to be seen atj this office. ^Si ÿÊÊtom.Ai ----- ^ it o 1o nulîdstfQ'» t ai*r r 'd mit m r. I* t.' ,8JAM03 SNA N3 A A3 51010 OPJA Do «•W j Je lC T JAII 0 «fla 3 M l Ulvr * Tepend the /: iq oufXie oilt o/tiif odi m J&MSMr* f > ^ | ÿlî'i ni aw/ j,r)qb oifw tmm Mo of(T ............. <*.W»* «B »kairbhfiJoL.if "nail) Id fUfioniÈ ai ilhiv/ fuiw ôèoÂtâîiilv/ srao'i to 7fch diOfied} .vsbiiiiT no liw 1 Jerit ITX. * ?#•'> Llir* K» . 1 « y>V»* i/Sv t 3 * ,$T*t .'isdiusv ! U/S JS- ---------------- . _________ lvTt«> .T I *»«iit,fî ,v?lO oftobl ai v»j ! s < »-».Je« i:K to r*o>! «>i.-i èipltaanaltdaq 6-Ttu»»,T r etm.s «ijMMhdTsHdfr «vit ou- vî ; lit , ni i i«tbiTin TTTr i.t ;.Ji oi noii ii ! ; tue I'hiins« .■(«a!••>'> A<ttuif Li»* *. [<kv*i iunu, v> a .S 'oiu jrU y.u il m*>u < :» ,W iiit&T I* J *. »' *-»fi <•» ♦ ;; ■*»: ? >n. s:ü.» tkl 4 i *nf» <j llltailMI* tilil to V-U* 43*tÜ HJXV >-)?so3a(t ^loaifilaf don — •»»' fl i • It; ,}'J ■ *ji.i -:'l jilî n! * ! SWINN ' ( .• ■ .;••;'-h. .•.u» i «>t <e«n .«»a ut, | .A7>r .re iio .vn*> .»k:» im« 1<< ,|r a é i*!»'«» i 'i .'7AI Y*lu <»»*' ». » • m .» u*. * l.i ri i». i» .1 mi*.'» »«if . i frtii nn t tlw *wi<rr » «»»« •, , '*?*»* „ _ ...... ^ ' ' - | , , A I « rara ag -Jyj aWr^'raK g .A7>r .re iio .vn*> > nîlAfl A BLACK RILK VELVET VESTS, ' A finelol of iEUaiQNABQE »i W l THÄTS.f a urg. « or ^ 5 * j glU I if ils A | > 1 , Orocerie, «nnotl Their stock of fancy and staple Ora r™:°rrrjr* bi " T hou " 10 1 hah ot « 3 RCHoa«î ii 3 'roi 8 n: r ^izu Tin ^ \»v<u In YiOfiftydlftPfilHB '»''''* 1 XiuUIhI 1 «. },.itu« i-u i -tn U«»g' it ^'6ti ,b*lt?U V litl P. g.—Special inducements offered to rash buyers. ayjmr ssEf st a SMUtHto AbtiSS isdMiojiuarud YtAuiaaM jja oha ....op.... notun uot th'o t»a* !*«oi niam *dl no loimito «I .elilvuosn moil C. W. MOOSE dc CO* awT rnm ol Ü8! in! 5aÂ%w#'ïiôoiiiiT Do a general banking buainssa. Sell exchange on «•W TorK aâHb^W^liWsiAttllâBd (Ogn.), And the principal Je ditow—tHwpnq to siefo eWwtovb \i9t u si 11 nun. .r^-SttàjBP* mheiy BB® ^^PfiA lovedutluf »ul g Ulvr THAT 1^- ■•'■'*» ii -nil uabbt/jJ yfdfi ionod Æ in -radi i*D MIFRII I>lf> VI ÎV/ 1*101 U/S ffSonth jiFéicBo tou ih® ; b aHreotÖMS^ft Uefeltthd%k a&iï ....... f ?0 %ïh,fM^riÂJ&*i#Qng, hod T ____ fehrhwméetyijteimçf'^ îd fr«®* eÖ l.tfpij ij* ',' r!'. 1 ^ v'j '"* lit ♦Md4efdiw»(,Wftiiiofrthe ^aUfc Marfri&otfy l^f,.VT . rtr r * -,r » .t, **'®y J *ïorkj , iroloifnni^/ □f al |.WrfrUe»ijJ*.i*kko» ssA»^<ariiise4« wboiknSw hSm^ftorportMg ....... j laid. . tberé; > 4 fig*ctbérolbr -_______________ den^„It«,, alups i Süd acmwei, long *abs 8 »ee of Ui^<> vessels furhishès sTotv may De true. , , n absence of Ui^ 1 'vessels furhishèsr 1 » « llWWW»fl jOfftriild.prfadhÄlHi _____ Ura 35MM« fble^Ast ofibe'ir^ptors. .Nb'Uftîc es «ff^|WS>».iObfawdi/b»t Ythe 1 fiiet« wveryjtrsU auHiéutjçaied and tie AÇt.wl'WWf» Rif 1 »- .BWWfflaB» »i ü« $ton«w^i;;da<*son. monunieoPSt Richmod<I,iY4i; rt >rii'if*:ib V pKWÈNkn ;/ b^ ' HnsI irh •'. ÔEittfeÉ^; l 'A* 7 fifH' ' THOMAS d*f ^AGJCSOiiV •• oî And Gratefully Accv^ted ^Virginia D on eA D 1876 in the ,oo^^ï r of¥hp ^ômmûnkBàlih: : "' l \ ' * .to >•* !f : • - ^ j -c* " F.i C i fv. | si J he r ^ B ^L p f bron^of-.hewta Confédérale nni confederate uniform of lienfeiwnliceft-. v! *f4- ef^-with ft 9 fld.,pqqov «Sift» 1 £& ä *fni feîÆWiP* m m. î^? u ^WIIÂWH ot>a .w .h I "I a# f nWl>/.hi8 **£. piftf -^sfm»,w^.ni»! careknn* »Ti»r 'IZÏÏSuS te sdl t X miinißH aJAeidjl bceu eows(eWä » f/i*al ÄuU Und^ Vts *ibftt bows r^E hantoAt triAT biip ü odf h'if gJP8éft ^ g ^ mÊÊtÊBm, ...... Ul « T ' Ï ^* 4 f/Ä; ■ nienooaiW Id dmoigog . .nÊfe r-ML b ofldoq s ^<j Jblii exchange gives the followrn&atftfcife». thsir îd eÖ _ . T '" r * w v «» «»Wi odidfqtemMpiagdodrMiMlapo^nd - - 1 ns min «° W'^Jdße^ föwohn id bjr neoecuBrij^ig gdd^pddpte jrdfDdmd al w&m iwm*pv4 Wwlé iB%rai iflswoi _________ . t^*mft#WVjllifVlratr»at>eepgill]r «pt.f.l,., hi 7 sb iori>o Sa»ÄS2E3Ä Msro-ejge H --" r * Sfeâj&xfee» -a kwioouks. aiu . * 5 « jnÄÄÄ»' JUU J _ merchants you have I 7Tjlïf>0B1 I). eyjiust n 10 Yah may baveqfiné^ willawnoidayhe «hebest lit 84 . U creditted o to other jjace^ öwer pp ?ÿïïi ïflth. ' iSj^eifdocÿour ^ffidbtf^vri^me. « iartd#mo<i Help lay thrffousiMSWbf t)ie|e»vi ;: Ifela aaathtyj Ju<tt,WMySe your.pride ikiaftBDijwaiftndwrjjn'f^ qy taadli% at-the siofMT gdhihylglb hr<dositioniH>tdtrkx^8aiMiaigopo bitW jwopoet»*" Hi Vheriiyha-J wjHl thl«hU . ' hard ifT/ydnci ndghborpfrapëndbtfceir money out^.toWpa : Satire e now. ^ « ^di nrn oob hld r S^tfa e «x a ^ M V ; ,> 3 a^yk.Wh y ' _ tbiqgjat i*hom^rlatid >ynii vgiM wmr+ Mfoqdûffui rcbangwiimoa^hnrhi tàmpàn tber^bw, Ml mtilyoar hone.W v! ^p, 5pepd |,ymt imetssjr.l aUufaaa ~ c flljfti4ailq«>i ail eiii 'i<i laitfim «HW»; sw.FBrt^iïnHq é*H .^Wo flpqp.i5itte*ra toc lattis» IW» wi!®^w»*hn*. 'Buitesfo* ybma» uioibuauw. aoeut Dth. Spend yoqr money xt home. hh^mmo jgun UASIl -^ropprfed« W l6Sng ev ^ < hdäw. om 1 ! lie¥ ,! _ jJfflidhniribilllkiMii) Mfemdh»; ffalirtüf jfMAwMiMt! WntdoutLnnvHififfjH wtaWWW.woMbfu qhwtn^oiM frt. «^iitoipteBitacliMf fow mgliq