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Child of Mr. Pranl i*'' ■ gick of dlptheria. jle sickness rt-HP * babï Andren be*about.. tgcttP** w "° " w * wnU * ds^r- Is! disappeared from the Basin. ---—*—- — ■ ■" .. ^ fS g i Hall & Co. employ almost e H,*t comes who wants work. Th^y Ziff ^gfPt^^W P^ Ä 8. w. Wulfe, of Idaho City, - gun Weiler, of Placerrille, accodt the remains of the late Mr. Lillie i> from Quuilahn-^ U. liivise City. g* Geo. Baldwin is digging a neW ^th of fifteen inches. jjging ditch out at Spanish gulch. £ e ^ the recent rains wet the ground to tl e tioned tlie name of Charley Down« y ___ ^ ___ k* tot isme « driving stage across jhsio. when it should have read Chari Kiss Zp^VtolwMs (tifquite veiïé&A nJ. RdkiJcMr df -àlacervilU her medical attendant, came over again Wednesday and remained until Thai dtemoon. V [quarterly meeting Sabbath tht 14th, anti meet the Grand Lodge I. G T. on the following Tuesday. lis thp i*fnt at* tïïis jïïacc* Tor îlîe^War Eagle iraniTc Homing mills, und has con stantly on hand large quantities of Aio tvh»in - :»n>d hiaiuj nf ^ _ gTCtOraaltt thTCTA*! The French company who are ruij aing a drift tunnel in Gold Hill have reidied a «iepth of about seven liuih died feet, and have been working in Three wagons loaded with flour an* rired fr>*m Boise valley on WYdoc** %• A P ptM Tîwl'rvp» twrfjr ifpgrangt* pd^/an4^i4fjgcfnaindef from Thurman's. So j for $4.500.—Mr. The« aim a Bulbro.iit su!d to !>r. Noble a half a»t«*n>st in the- mining ground and ^ifoJies four miles above ffogein, and ifciwn as the property of Stevenson iG», f„r the mi„, of $4,500. Thhf uw»« Bolbn*ok. :,,i<| was disposed of by The '^*re lhilhrook, brother of deceased. vnm ? as ^tttWîjlî.r" and attorney ® the matter. «dfarilexai !«UYR<i.n4»urW^4 NEaWC—J b iftfortm*! ftt on Tuesday last that it is a mistake in tHsGôn to the insanity of Mr. Henri that he received a letter from J l*i, at Albany, Oregon, aometi « ÏT the r imur in I a rumor to that effect rfiioi lore m > we, ana it win be re with pleasure by the many ;5f public in about ■ ^ q,t the people of Alittras Xewi ^corner are well and favorably Slid 1UIQ V ilia nn_:^Ll_ to.. - ~ v ~* ciuiauiu icpuiu* minlllMfln flriiiiAtoôa laaAan/ ^ » traveling poblic h»ve »nd bear (lie enviable repula •ale of several very beautiful A *WWtiW«»aMllNh • interior of °Bm*»Maeil M*rt iMnl TMlricv 'totbe .a ■'Æ bim mmrnm mm Sn» i> »an XSS&**S£* H ng e *«r<iaBd*riki)e£nmpiag)».febaeitfiei] e 1 *****»4VHf M *Bdfc y tWlS?'.ïïtoifta2L3iiÂÎ: Ü&* 'M --- Wednesday on his way out u .nwlaiaWM^---— TTKIlf Wkel ackd. Mr, T. P. Horn ». WSqtth* Villcy, toot with qifli« rolled upon him in such a N .rtfihrft * isuaJ Ten Days More.—M r. Jas. MnHarJj Coun#rÄUdR*ft^ih^ elsewhere. üM^ifiiall. »iWIkx to&m' mmik tion will be commenced for the colUntioi tfAMuiauw: *9As«g? m ,,SM W) o i tjs f ..„'~ a " of in patch was received by Mr. 8. W, .WjÛULioI this phteev «tfWttoMMhi* .j|WHn.tlioi*|j.** lîf^^Hïil/flitnW wffli*Yiml"request a wngpn Jpfr yfcdwlay* «wnntag *ÂU* !h#>. b<Mly.'foi Boise City, wliunretitovili dta^e Ib' WhtrtemueJck' - . •■■I t ii.- *J Spli \e Mk tiw h<Hly/fc»r will to cunvepod bÿ u nsréil .JuaiV W W *1 ft Mix » I Juin*. A wait i ys.4*Th>n dbtfMtorst teams anti wagnrti* itfrtVeft off WWiH^av La', ratiwiLismd were dir -ftnrtt spariimam of horse flesh that Imve entëiTfl the Btésiq .hi, ..r «hUHM gon not only raise tine irrafn nnd ^tUcr ^ ,l,v Jg *^*V,' V VJÿWH.l »tpe^ as ( v««1 r be found anywhere. The wagonstarnre loaded nvitK fririf-H^pfiles uml tWfts." # • "tilA *• u- ...» » ; ■ . i. • I ; m*R!fkn 1 fofft.^ Mf/ Gi-riTge RedJ ,, , ■ •"i'f. '* ,i tÂi ,u<txnl wiuiutl ï' sail, who ;*a6 ,b'*W J u«vx*r. )at ^«uth 'Mountain nUtix* ^.ftmo' laaf/ got.hack a homo on M did iv evetdug. Tl^lilijAs tire »4 I* wi|li«Ws ' frmiifv Was • ft. ,l-i • ***| *1 *-ti» ««m *««!■!>:« . ' I i . greatly marrixl by 4ho,inhMrnee of fit«* 3 Mwe»t 4ace «d his littlcy hriy. who d«*4 a «ÜhmT tiiiKi aftiT Mr. .R«dsiiU went away fsöiu liuiua .i fvèorgc - apaaks fif vnrably'of tHe ^Wokpeiftft of Gwy'bce county, and may possibly return there to work thls winter. * HÙrtTSFîÂï35ÿéâMS and stonNroom«, are chuck toll bfuaèw Tdry* goods and fresh groceries and canned fruits, just rrcoimi pef .iilyKiuiBk'trsUsit line. 1 now sell and imeiMi UVkrtjp on selling as (pood «iJrtidQisnd# anntch lUttfigttfT ihantcan mnp oBtorkoamilktlie Territory. The reasons are plain : Iigive personai. atlsAHonitoi pic (kllecaioa Of .my goods and fakip them .cdi siy {wntoiMst freight linanod ^oishof J cBoXmereI. Nov. 12, iflSk dJhn*^3cid .bai.l mnLA . ™ -J§IW! ,7imi;n -f'uuLniM A Im,rm, mm» Ppwamer og.^fe««fclWl .A rytlmme running Elk creek, jujttoiakave tuW*T £niakèd cleaning up last • result of thirty foî^'fi fttiS! WBli , A A 'iiiJ J yo). WfcF^iitfwürsss.ilwAssd This sum considerably more squares all Vx^iis«râs well as P'iW.M*. WHBPI»I«W *W* R» **' • ri The compauy rJ#tu»i mUder land dollar«, |o((( in, even in a g toys kud diey id tlieyWW men to nter. - Tlie: ground to tpeir dump xt July ry. f t txuim» 9 |v I U * "DRItA UM to Î B mm , <- , . l Tb. WW! mJBwoï e tfütfcfcntiUue MJWpSfsori of ng th e tes t eacBTir tu©d-B»*N< -LH1 rünifedStàtèâ 0 nr.ïiÿeai»'; eeo*dbr*|fcBtf«i _ .« A r7tli, nrpajir„_ 'tat* toe m upon oilrg 'at we find dè tha^: hihe mm otiuHtiiiiicr » Msauß»» iahofl -A ,mjÜ .17 .0-meifyg <^^^£ft t;o ° Jerry imMt Jno. V. R. Witt, T. 8. Hart, I Jno.C. Mliiuiead, ---- - * Thos. BtLyons.- i Attest: M. B. MOORE, Probate Judg^ and Acting Coroner. Jas. Eqan, Justice of Peace, Associate^. Cork soLp^Ew^^(^^îfr. Charlei __________ [ , , i for fall, winter an<] *|wi. ip (»w*a!lj..r. well made, and gtve the fmt - 4L very aasoè nqipMAitMaaat nJ^iamiie^hiNisqiiid r », ,, .t»«»-- .iferscttCMido»* :• :vftfiâiui*v-T ryoàiif»*df iwth aiiam* HCrturicv »^4»* aU SW«] ' 'frnük tlSS^lüBdlv^a {«mmijii you will* any «ft ^JbâiS^slwç 1 «JU in äs *>•«•-$ ^sssHWNfa* New York Star Store, had«'Çi4>t?n o Hs ■■ samples of two brands of *»f which is 'Schultz's gtaf | h<.c' Kdnji^'Wte .-JHJfLIPÄSSUliääM bndrd's a fair test s^^it lhcy y p,uov,' just what the mukuis represent thetni to 1m* uisMUfgjmjfifoqy^litioN o( »a}> H | Emery.ha** snfibieiit ««pply«»ndmndj to kccp lue wnoia tUnYiûMry ck*»», A»r ^ L ! mW . » t. ifri^i CCu<ly wiirii > I- « »• t >H '. '/a /; HT i By reference to an larv miïiMPM \ Mâ'ïmzwm w,i?rsw.^«,i3^Ä fSWl * varîaf»)^ ^ (^t^ed terHM fM td be ftit^td intltoHi» «»j^yfaapr'v^a^ very seldom complied with; aud it is frequently the case where a subscri ber is reminded of his indebtedness nt an bccoi «*« t he nna ï u r a I fli» p»W6r°»>««K !ov in : «*'t do whisky und tobacctJT but he can, by xirrowing^hW'ttbl^ft^Ht^, 'fefttf on with Mm* m t«Dt«»ÿ 0? f#W 'ducks" to ncrilwr ' sub or th teV4^^gj/f wî&«»^*i2ÏSSr Î ev^.bay^iÄ always turns out to j % Le the case with those wlio exhibit an ; infirmity of temper at the printer's te-, t B R»ritv in dq ppiog Hmm. — TlR» VVoRii). ifa intyjuf bW'nr \mtwgr V i&di BÛI »atnsosn ÊWm fmm 11 W 1 *- 1 *ir It is ac the biiih ton. at ;quii mir ta«,]- 6 <i ' afarmiTO readable di Y Up.:—T hfi proprietors _ _ __ ?» 8YmM tUt A) HAeHIAII l>ii fin p same VvîîlîouT ^êtay!***fl^nœnvcnîeu t to settle in person send the money letter HOI lished on MM I iÿlh ri»flas any other busin If one half of tlnwse indebted to this flee would square their accounts) til concern coul •WWWWI . .. r ...... v enabled to issule paper. Insur^ yourself a comfortable night's rest b7 73S rfH .X4U,0 The Balic—"A re all of the ladies df this place engaged for the Odd Fe low's ball?" ask éfi<m ners. T-soiuikmIs «pa.iiiL.iiie Upper Payette valley." , i»'i6üiKîbéa*i<58^oa^r , n9M "Ix?ts of therg^f ^U "Guess I'll ffo around lo Sam Stew tâïfÆHÜ sav e boys ar* now drawing on the valieys for pari That's correct, gentlemen; give t adies a chanc&I /^DhtiyidM present jit. tilQ. d^ißatiÄ^fi?ßL u 'Ätlll ah 1 The Oirens is Map—oneU^aifwwyjlSfeWe.irewFork Star Star«. I can fin( I »pace enough on building ci fence he postf»B<»toiii«.bMi» and many colored JbiUs adverüsing^Ahat. lie.has fo* sale *WB8lîi S ^^^^Mt?f*%ft*brate< brands of Star and Tf istf J t îi 'n# i firsjt glance at these flaming pictures leads oné | to ^ ÎC conclusion that the "circus is coin* ing." Emery i> flooding the country witfl | un y doubts about tlie superior qualities ot these brands, give them a trial. *♦* I his showy bills, and says he intends to supply every family in the Territory with enough soap to last a year. If you lvavc Bült liver to hold tin» itinii.wt TTo rwvn.i over to hold the inquo * -agu * «ôtHMa Placerville a He occu Ue HUM** rg, the hind] ............ .... dÉMiMd IQtllPj was along, put the shoulder in pistât? and the Judge got on very well; but irtHo n sm iwJU i r ip (8fl3Mfmki(Mcl«|rmfi» Other it out however, aiéstm «mhvt<ké about. <M uoiïmin ^qj mm Tyrzya'H/.'i.iii 'anaiui «at Divine Skrviccs.—F ather Archam bault wi^iMtOMieSJOMccs at-Pi oncer City on next Sunday, 14 mst. 9At ot •>1acJ£iirrowi*à l *mÊÊiÊâmiiim+ c tiAi'P'' r 9 boA UèlaoLî - - ■ — ... ■7j*j ejia i^oltnoo [OtDICATION OF OMFEUOWS' HALL ProgruuMofths Bay sad Orfitr of Marsh. Members and citizens to meet at Odd Peliows* Hall at half past one o'clock P. M. ni d. E. Church, where the Oration will be lelivered by Bro. I). Ô Strong. At thq B ^lupW^t|£ ti |MoQ the ^ of Wallula Btr ^ fata street up Mato atmet to Wall street, uBApMWréi! vCere uni Dedication of toe Hall. >rd« itoè Members disband. [00 OT1CEIS iii vas Liât oit BoM CouM; DE m u * \* t ;> warn ; i M -1 .oonotcaav kas n i PROGRAMME OF THE MY : rpA riT 5T^> 1. —Procession by Members of toe Order, headed by Brass Band. 2. —Dtifc—Hbsi f d lE t te m fccA 3. — Oration^sBfi£cs^|). Ö. Strong. 3 M UHT2W 1J2AJ3 I2H H \ .NNIimI jmtß. siurateivrO, tool e ^iibtW ttadool 01 i oïmîîif-îjjBi m coMMiTffir o^mvmnioN i MtoÆl D. B. RIMMEL, N. DARRAH, J. DILL, J. WEST, J. MARTIN, G PRUS8. CENTERVILLE. wnm P^jSEjRg^LE. J. DAVIDSON, L. FÜLD, J- w l0 %i atoifTl lo Moa^lk xJiiidsitrtL i>S9RANITE CREEE. M. CONOUGHTON, P. RAMFT. CTFT JuTgftoSÄÄSMU ei ' O.öÄH IsE;'» m bond aflJtffiBNHSIIF , 3 , 0 /.u<] J » * U 3 fl J- *■ ..v^gr HCU. CMMMng» sf^mPTim, P. J. MOMfWiUMAW YJJUTTRAVIS, .nun« n uvoj<Aa»n[ COMMiTTEEDFUfflANBEMENT s. w. ««bttgO räAcBWUaiSTON, R. w tootittntr _t ronnmgmr J. C. POX ^ KK Mt"ä3Sifiöl^ ""* j- q3WH USIMMHHa WULFF. al bn, At to btoAb »At tti aaaoW ohaoI bA) lot «In»« iDedtohtiôà» _ __ P. IL__ Idaho City. "Téiïkoio -iuq lioa oi rtol ttt oUt* iot bsa boni ao «tmû «W ÜITIMB A A3 YM .nsxfr l>ooa000,01 .BUiriBtOBD H .snittsî KOITAWOBBA \B Siti OTOtï bootlfuK ^yfllAétum tom m ni 3*îtiao* m